id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195539	Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI).	In fructibus : motu proprio establishing a pontifical commission to implement the Decree on communication media, Mar. 7, 1964	1964		.txt	text/plain	1050	28	41	In fructibus : motu proprio establishing a pontifical commission to implement the Decree on communic )r H Motu Proprio of Pope Paul VI establishing a pontifical commission to implement the Decree on Communication Media. l How much importance we attach to these instruments for the Catholic cause can be easily gathered from the words we pronounced on that solemn occasion: “The other fruit, not of small value, that the council has produced is the decree on mass media, an indication of the capacity of the Church to unite the interior and the exterior life, con- templation and action, prayer and the active apostolate.	cache/_005195539.txt	txt/_005195539.txt