id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195582 M'Auley, James. A letter to William Thomson, quarrier, Whifflet, in answer to accusations made by him in his prize essay against the Catholic clergy and Catholicity 1849 .txt text/plain 2512 90 58 so that there was three-and-a-half times as much education in Catholic France as there was in Protestant Eng- land; and even the Italians far surpass England in genius, talent, and the powers of the mind, for their population is not equal to ours and their number of men of mind considerably exceeds that of ours. Gibbon declared that one single Monastery of Benedictine Monks gave to the world more works of learning than both the Universities of England; and Lord Hutchison, during the debate on the Catholic Relief Bill, in the House of Lords, 10th May, 1809, said—“ Catholicity, which has this night been the subject of so much abuse, has been the belief of the most extensive and enlightened nations of Europe, and of the most illustrious charac- ters that ever did honour to the name of man.” cache/_005195582.txt txt/_005195582.txt