id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195664 Pius XI, Pope, 1857-1939. On reparation due to the Sacred Heart : encyclical letter of ... 1964 .txt text/plain 6349 196 61 Venerable Brothers, in that blessed sign and in the devotion which flows from it, the very substance of our 2 holy religion, as well as the rules to guide us toward a more perfect form of life, since the Sacred Heart is the road which will most surely lead us to know intimately Jesus Christ and will cause our hearts to love more tenderly and to imitate Him more generously than we have heretofore done? For not only are they partakers in the mysteries of this priesthood and in the duty of offering sacrifices 6 and satisfaction to God, who have been appointed by Jesus Christ the High Priest as the ministers of such sacrifices, to offer God “a clean oblation in every place from the rising of the sun even to the going down,” but also those Christians called, and rightly so, by the Prince of the Apostles, “a chosen generation, a kingly priest- hood,” who are to offer “sacrifices for sin” ^9 not only for them- selves but for all mankind, and this is much the same way as every priest and “high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in the things that appertain to God.” 13. cache/_005195664.txt txt/_005195664.txt