id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195702 Pius XII, Pope, 1876-1958. Pius XII and peace, 1939-1943 : excerpts from selected messages. 1943 .txt text/plain 25840 601 45 Flow efficacious and suited to the need has been the help afforded by the syndicates and associations in favor of the agricultural and middle class, to relieve their wants, defend them from injustice, and in this way, by soothing passion, to save social peace from disorder! It is, on the other hand, the indisputable competence of the Church, on that side of the social order where it meets and enters into contact with the moral order, to decide whether the bases of a given social system are in accord with the unchangeable order which God, Our Creator and Re- deemer, has shown us through the natural law and revelation, that two-fold manifestation to which Leo XIII appeals in his Pius XII and Peace 25 Encyclical, and with reason: For the dictates of the natural law and the truths of revelation spring forth in a different manner like two streams of water that do not flow against one another but together from the same Divine Source, And the Church, guardian of the supernatural, Christian order in which nature and grace converge, must form the consciences even of those who are called upon to find solutions for the problems and the duties imposed by social life. cache/_005195702.txt txt/_005195702.txt