id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195703 Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI). Poenitemini : apostolic constitution on fast and abstinence,February 17, 1966. 1966 .txt text/plain 4794 273 71 In order that all the faithful, however, may be united in a common celebration of penitence, the Apostolic See intends to establish certain penitential days and seasons®^ chosen among those which in the course of the liturgical year are closer to the paschal mystery of Christ®^ or might be required by the special needs of the ecclesial community. ”®^ 8 Nevertheless, in the New Testament and in the history of the Church—although the duty of doing penance is motivated above all by participation in the sufferings of Christ—the neces- sity of an asceticism which chastises the body and brings it into subjection is affirmed with special insistence by the example of Christ Himself.®^ Against the real and ever recurring danger of formalism and Pharisaism the Divine Master in the New Covenant openly con- demned—and so have the Apostles, Fathers and supreme pontiffs —any form of penitence which is purely external. cache/_005195703.txt txt/_005195703.txt