id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195774 John XXIII, Pope, 1881-1963. Sacrae laudis; apostolic letter on offering the daily reading of the breviary for the Ecumenical Council. 1962 .txt text/plain 2937 90 55 ‘In this way there will be given to the world an admirable spectacle of truth, of unity and of charity; and those people who' are separated from this Apostolic See will derive from this spectacle a tender invitation to seek and achieve that unity which Christ implored with ardent prayer.” In Perfect Union with the Supreme Pontiff We have spoken to you with a heart that is pleased to seek you every day wherever you may be, spread throughout the world. This is why, as eariy as Monday, September 12, 1960, the hturgical day dedicated to the Most Blessed Name of Maiy, at the time of Our happy and exceptional country visit at Roc- cantica (summer horne) of the students of the Roman Semi- 3 naiy—so dear among the memories of Our priestly beginnings —We welcome the inspiration of giving to those beloved young men a task of universal prayer. cache/_005195774.txt txt/_005195774.txt