id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195826 Catholic Church. Pope (1939-1958 : Pius XII). St. Benedict : encyclical letter of Pope Pius XII on St. Benedict of Nursia 1947 .txt text/plain 6291 207 61 4 discipline was weakened with worldliness and was not up to the task of resisting and overcoming the allurements of corruption, Benedict proved the perennial youth of the Church by his out- standing sanctity and work ; he restored morality by his teaching and example; he protected the sanctuary of religious life with safer and holier laws. Wherever these unarmed bands composed of heralds of the Christian religion, of workmen, of farmers and teachers of sciences human and divine passed by, there forests and untilled lands yielded to the plough; centres of craftsmen and fine arts sprung up ; from an uncouth and wild life men con- formed to civil society and culture. cache/_005195826.txt txt/_005195826.txt