id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195857 M'Gill, John, 1809-1872. The true church : indicated to the inquirer : A brief tract for circulation 1862 .txt text/plain 27241 973 63 And even the present Catholic Church, with its unanimous faith on this point of the un- erring authority of the Church, present* to the world mord; than one hundred and eighty millions of Christians, who .give the same in- terpretation to these texts of scripture, against those who claim the privilege to think more highly of their private understanding THE TRUE CHURCH.38 and wisdom, thau of the combined learning and wisdom of all na- tions and ages. The present Catholic Church is the only Christian society which claims now, as she has always claimed, this supreme unerring au- thority, and, therefore, she must be the Church of the fathers, the Church of primitive Christians, the Church which Christ founded on the rock Peter, the Church cache/_005195857.txt txt/_005195857.txt