id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195858 Sibthorp, Richard Waldo, 1792-1879. The true path for the true churchman wandering in the mazes of Protestantism : exemplified in two letters in answer to the enquiry : Why have you become a Catholic? 1843 .txt text/plain 31088 1007 59 You will easily perceive, my dear friend, that I might go very much farther into the particulars of the close agreement of the Catholic Church with its Old Testament type ; but I content myself with giving you some of the leading ideas, as they came before myself, and suggesting to you outlines, very imperfect indeed, yet, I trust, sufficient for you to fill up in your own reflections, from your own knowledge of Scripture and eccle- siastical history. But besides the pressing duty of reply- ing to many earnest and candid enquirers, and the still more urgent one, of not permitting any of these, so far as in me lies, to conclude their ques- tions unanswerable, and their objections to the step I have taken incapa- ble of a reply ; the conviction that there is a selfishness in the love of pri- vacy which must be withstood, whenever the interests of the Saviour’s Kingdom and the unity of the Church may be promoted by the opposite conduct, determine me to sacrifice my own feelings to what better judges than myself deem the call of duty, and to commit to print some of my rea- sons in answer to the question, “ Why have you become a Catholic ?” cache/_005195858.txt txt/_005195858.txt