id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195877 Catholic Church. Tyranny in Mexico; a statement issued by the archbishops and bishops of the American hierarchy at their annual meeting in Washington, D.C., November 14-15, 1934. 1934 .txt text/plain 1777 67 61 It is no interposition of our in- fluence either as bishops or as citizens to reach those who possess political power anywhere on earth, and least of all in our own country, to the end that they should intervene with armed force in the internal af- fairs of Mexico for the protection of the Church/ “We wish for Mexico prosperity in its national life, in its economic and social life. Calling upon the faithful for a special crusade of prayer for the ending of persecu- tion of the Church in Mexico, the bishops as Ameri- can citizens requested their fellow citizens to urge that representatives of the United States be guided by true American principles with respect to Mexico — principles that recognize liberty of conscience, of religious worship, of education, of the press, of as- sembly and petition. cache/_005195877.txt txt/_005195877.txt