id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195893 National Council of Catholic Women (U.S.). Youth Institute (2nd, : Washington, D.C.,) 1936. Youth leadership and Catholic action. Proceedings, Second annual Youth Institute, National Council of Catholic Women, Washington, D.C. 1936 .txt text/plain 40118 1725 61 The Insti- tute is planned for the presentation and demonstration of a possible program to develop leadership among those who may direct youth activities and members of youth groups seeking to develop their local programs, whether as members of national organizations, so- dalities, girls’ clubs, or other groups. Leaders of youth groups can fill a very great need in many a young girl’s life—for both home and school sometimes fail her in understanding and helpfulness in her marital hopes and interests. cache/_005195893.txt txt/_005195893.txt