id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196812 nan Rite of commissioning special ministers of Holy Communion : provisional text. 1978 .txt text/plain 2149 155 76 Rite of commissioning special ministers of Holy Communion : provisional text SS? ^ ,NES pa1,c*G° lU-U* 013 Rite of Comnrvissiorvirvg Special ITVirvisters of Holy Comirwirviorv RITE OF COMMISSIONING SPECIAL MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Provisional Text 1978 Publications Office UNITED STATES EATHOLIE EONFERENEE 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.E. 20005 Washington, D.C. K RENE H. GRACIDA September 12, 1978 Bishop of Pensacola-Talahassee Chairman, Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy Rite of Commissioning Special Ministers of Holy Communion. cache/_005196812.txt txt/_005196812.txt