id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196824 Bandas, Rudolph G. (Rudolph George), 1896- Biblical questions : a manual for high school and college students and for young people's and adult discussion groups 1946 .txt text/plain 26182 1348 75 The followers of Christ were trained to dis- cern the invisible things of God through the visible things of nature. The events of the Old Testament, says St. Au- gustine, converge upon Christ as upon their central point: “And, in truth, for no other reason were all the things that we read in the Holy Scriptures written before our Lord’s coming than to announce His coming and to prefigure the Church to be, that is to say, the people of God throughout the nations, which Church is His body, in which are included and numbered all the just who lived in this world even before His coming and who believed that He would come as we believe that He has come. cache/_005196824.txt txt/_005196824.txt