id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196873 Hamer, Je ro me, abp., 1916- To preach the Gospel, the first duty of the bishop : reflections on the episcopal magisterium, November 12, 1978 ; Theology and the human sciences, theology and contemplation, November 13, 1978 1979 .txt text/plain 10219 453 58 The instruction of the Sacred Congregation of Rites Eucharisticum mys- terium (25.5.67) takes up this conciliar text again, explaining it a little: “In the eucharistic celebration, presided over by the bishop surrounded by his presbyterium and his ministers, in the midst of the active participation of the whole People of God, is the principal manifestation of the Church, hier- archically constituted (42). 5 It will always be to the advantage of bishops to re-read the Directorum de pastorali ministerio episcoporum, published by the Congregation of Bishops, in 1973. “The Holy people of God, the dogmatic Constitution on the Church teaches, shares also in Christ’s prophetic office. cache/_005196873.txt txt/_005196873.txt