id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196933 United States Catholic Conference. A national inventory of parish catechetical programs 1978 .txt text/plain 17325 816 60 Meetings Between Parishes (N =787) Never 23% 40% 25% Once a Week 2% 1% 6% Every 2 Weeks 1% 1% 5% Once a Month 10% 6% 21% Every 2 Months 16% 8% 19% Once a Semester 24% 18% 14% Once a Year 24% 26% 10% 100% 100% 100% 21 Questions Raised by the Data On Undergraduate & Gradute Degree Persons Workshops; Contact with Peers The College Degree Since 32% of the DREs who are lay persons do not have a college degree, certain questions might be raised as to: • whether diocesan offices and parishes have identified these persons as a separate entity; • whether a more in-depth profile should be constructed to find out how non-degree persons become DREs and how well they function by comparison with those with degrees; • whether the needs of non-degree DREs differ from those with degrees. % of families every three years. cache/_005196933.txt txt/_005196933.txt