id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005197321 Withey, Helen. It's a woman's world : three ways to family happiness. 1951 .txt text/plain 10741 523 72 There will be times, due to the stresses and strains of family life, when one is curt and impatient, and when circumstances demand skip- ping the rules of Emily Post. But when the children finally get to the table and get some food into them and begin to relax; when the events of the day are brought up and admired or regretted, but at least placed in their proper niche; when the give and take of family life is indulged in and a little humor dares to raise its head, then a feeling of well-being comes over me and, though I still do not feel like a priestess, I do feel that this is a symbol of the table of the Lord—my home, my family meal, scorched carrots and all. 14 Love Your Neighbor The hardest thing for the mother to get across to her children, I think, is love of neighbor, especially when that neighbor is a bossy big sister or a tormenting younger brother. cache/_005197321.txt txt/_005197321.txt