id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005197326 Jacobs, William J. The new Mass : your questions answered 1965 .txt text/plain 7931 382 76 The pur- pose is twofold, so that the Mass may give the greatest pos- sible glory to God, which is its main intention, and, secondly, that the People of God, the members of the Mystical Body of Christ, may receive the most from the Mass. We all know that the Mass is the central act of Christian life, the thing through which we have the greatest opportunity to give to God. In general, though, we are talking about praying that God’s will be done in all things and that all men will come to know Christ, to love Christ, and to live in Christ; Then there are our more direct intentions for our spiritual and material well being, for our families, friends, benefactors, the people we work with, missionaries, any- one who may have special need of our prayers . . . cache/_005197326.txt txt/_005197326.txt