id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005457126 Klyber, Arthur B. To be or not to be a Jew. 1942 .txt text/plain 9090 347 71 Now if this be true it would seem that Jewish men and women should guard carefully against being led by the nose (not a pun) rather than by the head. It is these men who might tell you that because the sun is red in the morning we may have a cloudy or stormy day; and who in other matters too will reason from cause to effect and from effect to cause all the day long like their normal fellowmen; but when they are asked who made the world and us, their brain sud- denly becomes atrophied: “To dodge the Actual nobody so smart” “To shun the obvious their native art” “Their ostrich mind ... all mixtures can contain; “Save what is Actual, Evident and Plain” Do you ever ask God for Understanding, as King David did? • — Page 6 — ‘DEITY'DUCKERS’ cache/_005457126.txt txt/_005457126.txt