id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005457244 Gray, Ronald D. This is your mass 1954 .txt text/plain 6547 270 74 It is not correct to bow 3-^our head at this moment; look at Our Lord hidden under the veils of bread and wine and say each time the words of St. Thomas: “My Lord and my God.’^ (Now adore God truly present on our altar). — 14 — Abel, Abraham, Melchisedech Almost immediately after the changing of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Our Lord has taken place, the priest asks Almighty God to regard our gifts at the altar in the same favorable light in which He regarded the sacrifice of Abel, of the Patriach Abraham and also of His high priest Melchisedech; the sacrifice of Abel, child of Adam, who was killed by his jealous brother, Cain —reminding us of Christ Who was also killed by his brothers; the sacrifice of Abraham who ordered his son, Isaac, to carry wood to a mountain top so that Abraham could fulfill God’s command that he sacrifice his son—reminding us of God the Father Who allowed His Son to carry the wood of the cross to the top of a hill called Calvar)^; the sacrifice of Melchisedech, one of the first to offer bread and wine to God—in each Mass today Christ, through his priest, offers bread and wine to His heavenly Father. * HOLY, Lord God of Hosts.” cache/_005457244.txt txt/_005457244.txt