id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005457249 Herbst, Winfrid. Did Mary appear? 1953 .txt text/plain 6785 286 67 What is to be said about that? Canon 1399 of Church law, in its enumer- ation of books forbidden by law, says that by the law itself are forbidden (5) books and pamphlets which give an account of new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies, or miracles, or which introduce new devotions (even if it is claimed that the devotions are private), unless the pre- cepts of the Canons regarding their publi- cation have been observed. We may add that for the publication of books in which are narrated the deeds, miracles, revelations, and other extraordi- nary gifts of Servants of God, in addition to the permission of the legitimate eccle- siastical superior, it is required by a Con- stitution of Pope Urban VIII and by pre- scriptions of the Holy Office that a twofold protestation be inserted, something like the following : “In complete conformity with the decrees of Urban VIII we hereby declare that everything said in this book regarding the miraculous and such like manifesta- tions is submitted without reserve to the judgment of Holy Church. cache/_005457249.txt txt/_005457249.txt