id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005459458 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Commission on Marriage and the Home. If I marry a Roman Catholic, 1945 .txt text/plain 5031 259 74 No more can v/e tolerate the idea that it is the duty of the Roman Catholic mem- ber to do everything possible through his home to proselyte while a Christian of an- other church must avoid even expressing his deepest religious convictions as if they were some kind of poison that would de- stroy his children. If I marry a Roman Catholic, by the Commission on Marriage and the Home of the Federal Council of th % 9^ 9 Tyicwuf CL diomarL Qcdthoik, hy The Commission on Marriage and the Home of The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America 1947 297 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 10, N. Y. Copyrighted 1945 by Leland Foster Wood PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Sixth printing, October, IQ47 List Price 5 cents Quantity Rates 10-99 copies, 15% discount 100 or more, 20% discount 270 IF I MARRY A ROMAN CATHOLIC There is nothing to keep young people of other churches from falling in love with Roman Catholics. cache/_005459458.txt txt/_005459458.txt