id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005459481	Seidel, Clarence A., C.SS. R.	The story of Perpetual Help : based upon the authentic work 'Mater de Perpetuo Succursu' of the Rev. Clement M. Henze, C. SS. R.	1936		.txt	text/plain	20893	863	70	Michael Marchi and Ernest Bres- ciani had been sent out as legates by their Congregation to treat with the Augustinian Fathers of St. Mary’s concerning the restoration of the miraculous picture of Perpetual Help to its ancient throne on the Esquiline. Sister Pictures There are many pictures dispersed throughout the worldwhich at first sight appear to be Perpetual Help pictures.	cache/_005459481.txt	txt/_005459481.txt