id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005459566 Rumble, Leslie. Eucharist quizzes : to a street preacher 1943 .txt text/plain 14405 818 75 The Council of Lateran in 1215 condemned the Luth- eran doctrine of consubstantiation, that the substance of bread and the Body of Christ exist together; the Zwinglian idea of a memorial supper; and the Calvin- istic doctrine of a virtual or dynamic presence, where- by the efficacy of Christ’s Body and Blood is com- municated from Heaven to those who are predestined to be saved. 24. What seems to be wine is not wine, but Christ’s Blood.” St. Basil (331-379) prays in these words of his lit- urgy, “Make this bread into the Precious Body of our Lord and God and Redeemer Jesus Christ, and this chalice into the Blood of Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, which was shed for the life of the world.” 23. cache/_005459566.txt txt/_005459566.txt