f o r r i q a n CJôrtes X . _ C Ä A D M 0 6 0 9 C O M P A N I O N A T E M A R R I A G E helps to break down bigotry wherever it exists, and to spread a fuller knowledge of the sav- ing truth. Send for a sample copy of A M E R I C A . A postcard will bring it Yearly Price: $4.00 Domestic $4.50 Canada, $5.00 Foreign THE AMERICA PRESS 461 Eighth Avenue New York, N. Y. Imprimi Potest: Nihil Obstat: Imprimatur: March 28, 1931. EDWARD C. PHILLIPS, S.J., Provincial Maryland-New York. ARTHUR J . SCANLAN, S . T . D . , Censor Librorum. •FI PATRICK CARDINAL HAYES, Archbishop of New York. Copyright, 1 9 3 1 , by T H E AMERICA P R E S S Deackfrftad Companionate Marriage THE subject of this pamphlet is Companionate Mar-riage, and the social menace it constitutes to well- ordered social welfare. The recent noisome publicity given to Companionate Marriage makes it imperative that the public mind be enlightened on its true nature, and the subtle dangers it entails for individual and public well-being. PAPAL ENCYCLICAL To show you these dangers, I shall first quote for you the words of the Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, in his recent encyclical "On Christian Marriage," then the severe con- demnation of Bishop Manning of New York, and finally, Mr. Gilbert Chesterton's comment on companionate mar- riage and its allied aberrations. Here are the Holy Father's words: Some men go so far as to concoct new species of unions, suited, as they say, to the present temper of men and the times, which various new forms of matrimony they presume to label "temporary," "experimental," and "companionate." These offer all the indulgence of matrimony and its rights without, however, the indissoluble bond, and without offspring, unless later the parties alter their combination into a matrimony in the full sense of the law. Indeed, there are some who desire and insist that these practices be legitimatized by the law, or, at least, excused by their general acceptance among the people. They do not seem to suspect that these proposals partake of nothing of the modern "culture" in which they glory so much, but are simply hateful abominations which beyond all question reduce our truly cultured nations to the bar- barous standards of savage peoples. Thus the Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, condemns in the strongest language the so-called Companionate Marriage idea. A N EPISCOPALIAN B I S H O P Bishop Manning, of the Episcopal Church, New York, condemns it in the following very strong terms: Address delivered over WNAC, Boston, February 29, 1931. 1 2 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE The former Judge Lindsey's teachings as published in his books are contrary to the plain principles of Christian morality. "Com- panionate marriage," so-called is only a name for legalized free love. According to Judge Lindsey's proposal, a young man and a young woman are to live toether and their union is to continue if they prefer, the coming of children is to be prevented with the help of contraceptives, and if they have no children their union is to be discontinued at any time that they may so desire, or may wish to form some fresh alliance. If that is not free love what is it? Would any man among us consider it a debatable question whether his own daughter should enter into such a union as that, and if not, how can it be a debatable question whether the daughters of others should enter into such unions? As to the former Judge's latest book, I can only say here, speak- ing as a bishop of the church, that it is in my judgment one of the most filthy, insidious and cleverly written pieces of propaganda ever published in behalf of lewdness, promiscuity, adultery and unrestrained sexual gratification, and I believe that this would be the verdict upon it o-f any clean-minded person. This is a terrible but well-merited indictment of com- panionate marriage indeed. A SOCIAL M E N A C E Mr. Chesterton, when asked about companionate mar- riage, made the typical comment: " I prefer the institutions of civilization to the barbarous practices of savagery." It seems pretty well agreed then by serious, earnest- minded men that companionate marriage with its contra- ceptive practices and its divorce by mutual consent and collusion, far from being a step in social advance, is, in reality, a social menace of the first magnitude. Indeed, the more one knows of the principles, practices and results of this so-called reform of marriage, the more one rejoices that the leaders of world-thought have warned the nation against the moral, social and spiritual evils in- herent in the vicious idea. CONTRACEPTION I N H E R E N T L Y E V I L Contraceptive practices are inherently evil and vicious. The Pope himself stated this in unmistakable language. He says: 3 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE N o reason, however grave, may be put forward by which any- thing intrinsically against nature may become conformable to nature and morally good. Those, therefore, who practice contraception sin against nature and Commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious. As Will Rogers said the day after the Pope uttered those words: "You may not agree with him, but you can't fail to know what he means." MEDICAL O P I N I O N Leading gynecologists the world over agree with the Pope and oppose contraceptive practices on medical grounds. Eminent doctors assert: Contraceptive practices cause cancer. Contraceptive practices cause fibroids. Contraceptive practices cause sterility. Contraceptive practices cause neuroses. Contraceptive practices cause nervous disorders. Contraceptive practices cause neurasthenia. Contraceptive practices spread through society the seeds of disintegration and disorder. Dr. Howard Kelly, professor of gynecology at Johns Hopkins University, and an international authority, asserts that "contraceptive practice entails an infinite degradation of womanhood." Surely here is evidence enough that companionate mar- riage with its inclusion of contraceptive practices is con- trary to sound public policy and a real menace to genuine public welfare. MASSACHUSETTS L A W Under Massachusetts law the teaching of contraceptive methods and the sale of the hideous articles is a felony. Commenting on sections 20 and 21, article 272 of the gen- eral laws, Chief Justice Rugg of the Supreme Court uses these noble words: These statutes are designed to promote the public morals, and in a broad sense the public health and safety. Their plain purpose is to protect purity, to preserve chastity, to encourage continence and 4 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE self restraint, to defend the sanctity of the home, and thus to engen- der in the State and nation a virile and virtuous race of men and women. Those are heartening words from our Chief Justice, and clearly show that the law of the Commonwealth sees in companionate marriage and the practices it seeks to intro- duce a supreme peril to the State and nation. AMERICA'S B I R T H R A T E It will give some people a distinct shock to learn that America's birth rate is almost as low as that of France right now, but that is the disturbing fact. Our birth rate has dropped in 20 years from 29 per 1000 population to 19 per 1000. France's birth rate is 18 per 1000. We need another Roosevelt to awaken the nation to the peril of race suicide. The destructive work of teaching birth control has been going on for twenty years. The net result is a national peril of extinction not unlike that of France. A JUDGE SPEAKS The social menace of companionate marriage, birth con- trol and contraceptive practices is further evident by the now clearly established fact that childless homes lead to divorce. Supreme Court Justice Lewis of Brooklyn, N . Y., puts the matter very concisely: It is my conclusion that childless homes are responsible for the almost complete absence of real home life. N o t long ago a home meant something. It was the location of our birth. It was the place where we entertained our friends and where we held all our family functions. Today we are born in hospitals, we entertain in our clubs, we eat in restaurants, we entertain our visiting friends in cabarets, we are married in the churches or hotels, and we are buried from funeral parlors. I cannot help but reach the conclusion that if our women had children there would be more happiness and fewer divorces. Pres- ence of children attracts the husband to his home, and keeps the mothers from the gossiping neighbors and bridge parties. Absence of children promotes discord. Their presence makes for harmony. I know of scores of cases where the husband remains home merely for the sake of his love for the children. If such men 5 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE did not have children, they would leave their wives and either get or give a divorce. Such words from such an experienced source point a valuable moral for the wilfully childless. HARM TO OUR YOUTH But perhaps the most serious menace to the community is to be found in the spread of these contraceptive ideas among the youth of the land, among the young men and young women as yet unmarried. I hope that many, many parents are listening to this broadcast. You fathers and mothers of precious sons and still more precious daughters, as you love your darling children, and what father or mother does not, awake to this most insidious danger that is closer to your home than possibly you imagine. Public enemies are introducing these hideous articles even among high- school children. I have known case after case of it. In God's Name, safeguard your own children! Surely here is cause for public indignation! Surely here is occasion for action on the part of the public authorities, when even the children are imperiled! Few people are aware of the extent to which the evil is being spread in all our communities as a commercial proposition. Not long since a druggist called on me with a most amazing story. A high pressure salesman from a national drug company came into his drug store and told of the things he should do to increase the sale of contra- ceptives. A high-powered campaign is being launched with pamphlets, counter displays and advertisements to spread through the country these nauseating, disgusting and hideous contraceptives. "My own company," said the high-pressure salesman, "is spending between $50,000 and $75,000 "in pushing contraceptives out among the people." They are commercializing animalism, and, parents of America, your sons and daughters are to be the victims of the scheme. The commercializing drug companies are con- centrating and specializing on the young men and young women, and your sons and daughters, take it on the word of a priest, are in great danger from the plan. I know of 6 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE eight women's colleges into which they sent saleswomen disguised as nurses to spread the detestable practices. Dia- bolical is a mild word to describe the activities of these com- mercializers of vice. SEEDS OF DISINTEGRATION The fathers and mothers of America should be aroused to moral indignation against these commercialized corrupt- ers of our youth. There are things against which our indig- nation as Christians should blaze forth hot and fierce and clear, and such are the teachings of those who advocate companionate marriage, birth control and contraceptive practices. We have laws designed to promote morals, to protect purity and to preserve chastity, but destroyers are abroad in the land to lower public morals, to impair purity, and defile chastity. Our laws seek to encourage continence and self-restraint, as Chief Justice Rugg says, to defend the sanctity of the home, and thus to engender in the State and nation a virile and virtuous race of men and women. But the public enemies who are teaching contraceptive prac- tices to married and unmarried, to old and young, are work- ing to discourage continence, to increase self-indulgence, to destroy the sanctity of the home. Whether they know it or not, they are spreading the seeds of disintegration and dis- order through the State and nation. In the face of this very present peril, it is the duty of all truly patriotic Americans, irrespective of race or creed, not to debate or parley with teaching such as this, but to combat it with our whole strength and to brand it as the foul and wicked thing that it is. # D I S R U P T I O N OF F A M I L Y All sociologists are frankly worried at the disorganiza- tion, degradation and disintegration appearing in present- day family life. No one has pictured conditions with more accurate insight or more striking detail than our great Pon- tiff, Pope Pius XI, in his recent world-document on mar- riage. He says: 7 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE N o w , alas, not secretly nor under cover, but openly, with all sense of shame put aside, now by word, again by writings, by theat- rical productions of every kind, by romantic fiction, by amorous and frivolous novels, in short, by all the inventions of modern science, the sanctity of marriage is trampled upon and derided. These thoughts are instilled into men of every class, rich and ' poor, workers and masters, lettered and unlettered, married and single, the godly and the godless, old and young, but for these last, as easier prey, the worst snares are laid. Here is a picture from the highest possible authoritative source of present-day family disorganization, disintegration and decay. Companionate-marriage ideas and contracep- tive selfishness have had much to do with bringing about this distressing situation. ENCYCLICAL ON MARRIAGE What wonder, then, that Christ's Vicar upon earth, the Supreme Shepherd and Teacher, considered it his duty to raise his voice to keep the flock committed to his care from poisoned pastures, and as far as in him lay, to preserve it from harm. The Pope's marriage message should be in every home in the land, Catholic and non-Catholic alike.* No document of modern times faces the corrupt and cor- rupting conditions of the present day with more unclouded vision, keener analysis, and surer remedy than this world message of the Pope. What a relief to turn from the nauseating teachings and details of companionate marriage and contraceptive prac- tices to the pure and wholesome views here set forth by the Supreme Father of Christendom. Non-Catholics as well as Catholics have hailed the document as the most timely call to action against the insidious forces of corrup- tion who are seeking to paganize our standards of life to the infinite harm of home and country alike. One cannot read this inspiring call to the forces of decency the world over without agreeing with the senti- ment, quoted by Mr. Arthur Brisbane, that "the Catholic Church, to whom God has intrusted the defense of the in- tegrity and the purity of morals, stands erect in the midst of the moral ruins which surround her." "This document may be obtained from the America Press, five cents per copy. 8 COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE T H E WORLD H E E D S Signs are not wanting that the clarion call of the Holy Father for decency and honor are already being heard. In the German parliament recently a bill was introduced to lower the standards of marriage. It was defeated by a decisive vote as if in answer to the Pope's plea. In our own country advocates of easier divorce have been routed on several fronts, in Arizona, in Wyoming, in New Mexico. The Gillett bill introduced into Congress to flood the United States mails with contraceptive information and articles met with determined opposition in Washington, not the least of which, I am happy to record, was from our own Massachusetts delegation in Congress. All the signs indi- cate that this bill will not even be reported to Congress. The New Birth Control Bill, introduced into our own State legislature by some misguided doctors, but backed by the Birth Control League of Massachusetts, has been re- jected by the unanimous vote of the IS members of the Public Health Committee. Both the House and the Senate unanimously concurred in the adverse report on the Birth Control Bill. BATTLE L I N E S D R A W N The battle lines are drawn. I have no doubt where you stand. Surely you are with the protest of decency against the plea for animality. If you believe in Massachusetts' law as interpreted by Chief Justice Rugg: "that these stat- utes are designed to promote the public morals, and in a broad sense the public health and safety"; if you concur with the Chief Justice "that their plain purpose is to protect purity, to preserve chastity, to encourage continence and self-restraint," stand up and be counted. Every man and woman in America, every father and mother in our homes, every son and daughter in the land, has a vital interest in defending the sanctity of the home, and thus to engender in the State and nation a virile and virtuous race of men and women. God grant it! God grant it! When you want an ENCYCLICAL LOOK I N T H E C A T H O L I C M I N D Note how many Papal Documents were published lately February 8 1930 On Promoting the Wider Use of Spiritual Exercises, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. February 22, 1930 Christian Education of Youth, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. March 8, 1930 Review of the Jubilee Year, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. September 8, 1930 Augustine, of Hippo, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. January 22, 1931 On Christian Marriage, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. February 8, 1931 The Peace of Christ, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. March 8, 1931 Unto All Creation, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. (Radio Address) April 8, 1931 On the Condition of the Working Classes, His Holi- ness Pope Leo XIII. How would you like to have some one watch the Catholic papers, magazines and periodicals the world over and pick out from them worthwhile articles for you to read every two weeks? This is what is done for you in the CATHOLIC MIND. Price 5 Cents Each Yearly Subscription: $1.00, Domestic; $1.25, Foreign T H E A M E R I C A P R E S S 4 6 ! E I G H T H A V E N U E N E W Y O R K , N . Y . 0n (zjfyTarriage Birth Control is Wrong!—I. W . Cox, S.J.—5c. The Shackles of Wedlock—W. I. Lonergan, S.J.—5c. Eugenics: Problems of Sex—W. I. Lonergan, S.J.—10c. The Church and the Sex Problem—R. H . Tier- ney, S.J., and M. J. Riordan—10c. The Catholic Doctrine of Matrimony—F. J. Connell, C.SS.R., S.T.D.—10c. The New Morality and the National Life—J. I. Corrigan, S.J.—5c. "The Heart of a Holy Woman"—T. Brosna- han, S.J.—10c. Courtship and Marriage—25c. Modern Morality-Wreckers—5c. The Tangle of Marriage—A. Power, S.J.—5c. The Wedding Ring—J. Husslein, S.J.—5c. Broken Homes—F. P. LeBuffe, S.J.—5c. Race-Suicide and Birth-Control—Revs. Dowl- ing, Blakely and Ryan—10c. Helps to Self-Knowledge—5c. Complete set—one of each of the above. . . $1.00 Ten or more sets 95c. each Postage on Each Set—10 Cents Extra T H E A M E R I C A P R E S S 4 6 1 EIGHTH AVENUE N E W YORK, N . Y .