• 0 The.-Q..-t cf W\C\.AJ_;~' 0 0 1-Yts"3D\ c:tH·o..~ h .c..e.s-- , A DJ Ob;L '1 .....------ ~ aking (lltar . - Laces INDEX My Letter to You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Nazareth Cupboard .... .. ..... . ....... . .......... 5 The Way to Cut and Fold Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G S~mple Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stole Collars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sick-call Towels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Narrow Laces .. . .............. . ........... . . . ...... 10 Tatting Designs ................. . ...... ... ........ . 12 Crocheted Cinctures ........... . ..... . ...... . . .. ... . . 14 Cross and Heart Lace . . .. ........ . ...... . . . ...... .. . 15 Irish Crochet Surplice . . .... .... . .. ........ . ..... . .. . . 16 I. H. S. Lace ........ .. ........ ... ... ... ............ 18 Pineapple Lace . . ...... . ..... .... ... . .... . ... .... ... 19 Seven Wheel Cross .. . .. .. .. ..... .. ........ . . . ... . ... 20 Wheels of Time Lace . ... .. . . .. ....... . .... . . . .. . . . .. 21 Diamond Shaped Frontal ...... .... .... .. ..... ... ..... 22 Diamond Points in Altar Cloth ........... . ...... .. .. . 23 Altar Cloth with Medallions . ..... ...... .. .. .. ... . . . .. 24 Lacet Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . .. ........ 26 Cut Work Altar Cloth ........... .. .......... ... ... . .. 27 Grape Design .... . ...... .. ... .. ....... . .. . .. .. ...... 29 Mission Box Ready for Shipment ............... . ...... 31 Weaving for the Master .... .. . . .. ..... .... . . .. ... . .. . 32 .............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0. 0. 0 ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • 0. 0 0 0 •• 0 • • •• 0 • •• 0. 0. 0 . 0 •••• •• ••••••• . ·. ·o·.· .o·o·O· o··.·.·.·.·.·.·o•o ooooo ooooooo oo•o· .·o·o· o·o·o ·.·o ·o·.·.·.o·o·o·o·o ·· .·.·.·.·l FOREWORD THE NAZAiRETH MISSION CIRCLE is modelled along the lines of the ORDER OF SAINT VERONICA, a Society established by Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, Indiana, and with their gracious permission and helpful co-operation. The single donation of a gift for the Altar of God constitutes one a member of THE NAZARETH MIS- SION CIRCLE. Members share in the fruits of the Altars where their gifts are in use. Send all donations to ST. MARY'S MISSION HOUSE Care of THE NAZARETH MISSION CIRCLE, TECHNY, ILLINOIS Order from us, at 25c each, THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LINENS, THE ART OF MAKING AIJTAR LACES . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 •••• 0 • ••• • ••• •• •• • 0 ••• 0 •••••••••• 0 •• 0 . 0 •• ••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• • • • • • 0 ••••••••••••••••• 0 0 ••••••••••••••• • ••••• • • • • • • 0 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • 0 ••• 0 •••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• 0 0 0. 0. 0 • • • 0 •••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• 0 0 0 0 • • 0 '.·.·.·.· .·.·.·.·.·.·o·.o·o·····o·o·o·o···o·o·o·o···o··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· Four THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~(~~~~~ ~T~T~~T<"l>T~T.V.T..,..T~T«looT~~T~T~T~T~Tt:<>:.T<'>;.Tt:<>:.Tt:<>:.Tt:<>:.TcTcTcT<'">Tt:<>:.T~T""'T~Tr:w:.T« DEAR LADY FRIENDS OF THE MISSION: .• Techny, Illinois, Summer of 1923. It is a real pleasure to answer your inquiries about the work of the NAZARETH MISSION CIRCLE. This unique organization of volunteers was started in the office of Saint Mary's Mission House, to assist needy Missions in securing Altar linens, this fabric having advanced beyond the means of many poor parishes. The whole idea emanated from the wonderful work of the ORDER OF SAINT VERONICA, which was established in 1920, under the patronage of Monsignor N oil, editor of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, Huntington, Indiana. The thought of donating a piece of linen, or the price of it, to commemorate faithful attendance of our Holy Mother upon the requirements of our dear Redeemer, appealed to our generous Catholics, both men and women, and to supply the demand for simple, practical in structions, a beautiful booklet, entitled, "THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LINENS" (price 25c) was published. This became an instant success and thousands of copies have been sold. The directors of the ORDER OF SAINT VERONICA, (OUR SUN- DAY VISITOR), have now granted their grac:ous permission that we should fol- low in their footsteps. The NAZARETH MISSION CIRCLE will carry out the same line of service, only devoting its efforts exclusively to the needs of the Mis- sions of our Society. Then friends, who were skillful crocheters, requested that a companion book- let on "THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LAICES" be published, that they, too, might use their talents in decorating the Altars where dwells the Prisoner of Love. There- fore, this goes out with dainty, original designs suitable for the adornment of sanctuary linens, yet always conforming to the prescribed rules of the Church. The books of instruction, published in our name, except for obvious necessary changes, are identical with those issued by the ORDER OF SAINT VERONICA. You have asked: "What are the greatest needs of the Missions?" Well, dear friends, owing to the greater cost of the · larger pieces, we never receive enough Altar cloths, and the same is true of amices. The next need of the poor chapel ls to have all offerings WELL MADE, BUT PLAIN. Fine laces and elaborate handi- work in a poor chapel are out of place, and may become, a burden to the missionary priest. Yes, we do love to tuck in one good set, for holy days, but we know the plain, serviceable set is what the priest welcomes most. How I wish you could peep over my shoulder to see some of the grateful letters that come from the priests, or some of the intere:sting letters from our members telling of the blessings procured through this charity. Many of our readers buy a few yards of linen which they shrink and cut according to the ohtline on page six. A few friends are invited to a porch party or an evening sewing, a pleasant diver- sion for busy women, and it is busy people who accomplish the worth-while things; they exchange household ideas over their stitches and soon there are nice linens for the pastor if the local church is in need and a bit to send to the NAZARETH MIS- SION CIRCLE, for only .when we share with God's poor is our gift perfect. /' There are many dever ways to pay for the linen thus used. One hostess may charge a' .. q4arter · for the light refreshments she serves; another bakes a "guess cake" and"the 5c guesses as to what unusual thing she has baked in it cause much merriment. Throwing penn:es into a receptacle for a prize is heaps o' fun, for you know how a woman throws; grab bags, parcel post, etc., will create mirth and ac- complish much good. In case you organized a sewing circle, be sure to start it with prayer and in- vite as your "Silent Guest" the Housekeeper of Nazareth, . whose hands made the clothing worn by the Child Jesus. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Five .~~~~~~~~~;?f~~~~~~~ Worldly amusements are always changing because they soon bore the devotees of society; stitching linens and crocheting laces for our Blessed Savior have a joy unknown to the selfish heart, and this increases with every article made for Him. Heavenly treasures never go out of date, nor do th~:oy become food for moth . I'm tucking in a picture to show you our NAZARETH CUPBOARD where your linens will remain until sent on their errand of love. May the holy Mother of God keep her cupboard well supplied so that no appeal of some poor little chapel, far- away, will go unanswered because the shelves are empty. Remember, the offer of but one piece of needlework for this blessed cause constitutes you a member of the NAZARETH MISSION CIRCLE. With all good wishes for your success in this holy work, and trusting to receive a bit of your handiwork to pass on to some poor Mission on our waiting list, I am, Very sincerely yours, BRUNO HAGSPIEL. P. S .-Explanation of abbreviations and other directions: Ch chain; d s double stitch ; k knit; I loop ; m mesh; p picot; r ring; s stitch; sts stitches; sh shell; sl st slip stitch; s c single crochet; sp space; tr treble . The number of thread to be used has not been given, because a large article will require coarse thread to be effective; a smaller piece of linen should have a daintier trimming. Ordinary spool cotton and sewing tread may be u sed for the laces, as this does not have to be linen. A reading glass, with a straight strip of paper pasted across one-half of the lower side, will assist in reading directions a11d following rows. THE NAZARATH CUPBOARD. Every detal of cutt:ng, sewing, marking, and laundering of Altar linens is fully described in "THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LINENS." Six THE AP,T OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~+~+~+~+~+~~1~+~~~+~+~~+~~~~~~+~~+~~~+~+~~ + + + D . ' I _____ j ______ _ + + + --- -------- ---------- -..4 - THE WAY TO CUT AND TO FOLD ALTAR LINENS. Two and one-half yards of linen 36 inches wide will cut: 4 fingertowels . . ....... .. ...... 14x9 3 purificators .. . ..... . ........ 18x12 2 corporals ................. . .. 18x18 5 pall covers .. .. ........ . . . ... 14x7 1 amice ... . .... . ....... 36x remainder THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Seven ~t~t~~~t~~t~t~t~t~t~t~~~t~t~t~~t~~t~t~~~+~~t~t~t~t~t~t~ SIMPLE EDGES. Any dainty, little edge is suitable for the ends of fingertowels, and for the four sides of corporals, sick-call towels, and palls. Eight THE .(l_RT OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STOLE COLLARS. This shows how bits of linen and simple edges, or pieces of lace may be utilized. Single edged collars are for vestment and benediction stoles; double edged collars are used when Baptism and when Extreme Unction are being administered. A good size • 3x18 inches. - ., THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Nine ~~~~t~~~~+.~~t~~t~~~~~~~~t~t~. SICK CALL TOWELS. Never waste linen for any small, sheer p.eces shouid be mr.de into s ick call towels. These may be hemstitched or have a fine edge sewed or crocheted on. An average size is 3x5 inches, but it may vary somewhat ac,cording to your remnant. Ten THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES A ROUND EDGE. Ch 10; 3 tr; ch 4; join to first st of ch; 12 tr in this sp; 3 tr in first sp; ch 2; 3 tr in same sp; ch 7 and tr 3 into ch of 2; ch 3; tr 3 between third and fourth treble you made first; ch 4; sl st between 6th and 7th treble made first; ch 3 and turn; 3 tr on ch; ch 3 for picot; tr 3; ch 3 for picot; tr 3; ch 3 for picot; tr 3; tr 3 in next sp; 1 ch; 3 tr into top space; ch 1; 3 tr. Repeat until long enough. FILET CROSS. Ch 29; tr into 8th st from hook; 8 open sps. 2nd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 4 open sps; 1 filled; 3 open sps. 3rd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 2 open sps; 4 filled; 2 open. 4th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 4 open; 1 filled; 3 open. 5th ROW: Ch. 5 and turn; 8 open sps; sl st 2 meshes. 6th ROW: 6 open. 7th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 6 open. 8th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 6 open. This gives one scallop and one-half of the space between. Repeat. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Eleven ~.P~+~~+~+~~~+~+~1~t~.~~+~+~~+~~~+~+~+~~~~~+~+~+~+~+~m~t~ PICOT POINT EDGE. Ch 5; join; ch 5; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 5; turn; 1 d s; ch 2: 1 d s; ch 2 ; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 7; turn; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 5; turn; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; ch 2 ; 1 d s; ch 2; 1 d s; 5 d s in ch of 7; ch 2; 5 d s; sl st to first row; turn; ch 5; sl st in ch of 2; 3 p; ch 5; sl st to last row; ch 2; repeat. SIMPLE SCALLOP. Make chain desired length. 1st ROW : tr in 8th st from hook; ch 2; miss 2; tr in next st; ch 2; miss 2; tr in next st; repeat to end of ch; 2nd ROW: ch 3; d tr in 3rd sp. Throw thread over hook. Work off 2 sts, and 2 sts, and 2 sts, leaving· 2 on hook; 1 d tr; work off 2 sts and 2 sts, leaving ' sts on hook; draw these 3 sts off at one time. Ch 3; make 3 more clusters of d trs in same space with 3 ch between. Repeat to end of lace. Sl st; ch 3; d on 3rd tr, taking 5 sps for a scallop. 3rd ROW: 2 d; 1 p; 2 din 3 ch; 2 d; 3 p; 2 din each sp between clusters; 2 d; 1 p; 2 d in last ch. Repeat. Twelve THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES TATTINJ: FOR ALTAR LINENS. Tatting is especially suited for palls and corporals. Avoid having too many picots or rings edg[ng the design, as these go awry in ironing. A chainstitch edge crocheted on tatting will give firmness and ease in sewing to the linen. In a narrow design, 26 inches should go around a 6-inch square pall; 72 inches should trim a corporal; 10 inches a fin':!·er towel. In the lace edgings, allow a bit more, as lace looks better with a little fuJ1 ness. FOUR LEAF CLOVER TATTING. Make r of 2 d s; 6 p separated by 2 d s; 2 d s; close; r; 2 d s; joih to last p of r; 2 d s: 5 p separated by 2 d s; 2 d s; close; repeat above to form a four-leafed clover. Tie and break thread. Repeat and join as pictured. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Thirteen ~+~~~t~t~f~t~~t~t~t~-t®~~+~~~~~+~~~+~~+~~~ ~-r~~~+~~+~~~+~~~+~~~ STAR OF BETHLEHEM TATTING. Make r 4 d s; p; 4 d s; close; ch 4 d s;r; 6 d s; join to long p; 6 d s; close; make 3 p separated by 2 d s; 4 d s; r 6 d s; long3 more r in long p; ch 4 d s; 3 p separated p; 6 d s; close; ch 3d s; p; 2 d s; join to pby 2 d s; 4 d s; p; 4 d s; join top of ch; of r 2 d s; 3 p separated by 2 d s; 3 d s; close. THREE LEAF CLOVER TATTING. Make separate r; 2 d s; p; 3 d s; p; 3 d s; p; 3 d s; p; 1 d s; close; fasten tightly and break thread. R 7 d s; p; 3 d s; p; 7 d s; close. Ch 4 d s; p; 2 d s; p; 12 d s; join to separate r; 6 d s; p; 6 d s; r; 3 d s; 6 p separated b~ 3 d s; 3 d s; close. R; 3 d s; join to last p of r; 3 d s; join to p of large r; 3 d s; p; 3 d s; p; 3 d s; p; 3 d s; close. R; 3 d s; join to last p of r; 3 d s; 4 p separated by 3 d s; 3 d s ; close. Ch 9 d s; now make 2 more 3 leafed clover rings. Ch 6 d s; join to p of ch; 6 d s; join to separate r; 12 g s; p; 2 d s; p; 4 d s; r; 7 d s; join to next last p of second r of clover leaf; 2 d s; p; 7 d s; close. FourtePP THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~~~t~~t~t~~t~~t~l~~~t~~t~t~t~t~t~t~~~~t~~~~t~t~+~~ CROCHETED CINCTURES. Cincture: Double Thread, white, No. 3; crochet hook No. 3 or 4. Chain 5; make double crochet · in first stitch of chain mak- ing circle catch the inside threads of chain. This throws the spiral ridge around the out- side. Continue this, for the entire cord is made of single chain, row after row, until cord is 4:14 yards long. The only difficulty is in learning which inner stitch to lift. When we remember that the cord is heavy and double we soon learn to go down a bit to catch the next inner stitch. Tassel for Cincture. No. 15 for the cap. No. 3 for the fringe. Chain 10, join; 1st row, 13 trebles; 2nd row, 15 trebles; 3rd row, 4th row, 5th row; 2 trebles between each preceding treble, 1 stitch between. 6, 7, 8, 9 and lOth rows, 3 trebles in groups, 1 stitch between. 11th row, 4 trebles, 1 stitch between. Into these last trebles the cord is knotted to form the fringe about 24 ends in each. Cutting cardboard 6 or 7 inches long and wrapping 12 times and cutting one end is an ea-sy ·:way to make the fringe. Slip fin- ished cap over end of rope and sew on with needle. Various styles of tassels may be used at your pleasure. It is not necessary to follow this particular one. ~ut be sure to have the cap fairly short and the fringe long for graceful effect. In case you prefer to use a single thread for the cincture, start with seven stitches. From four to six balls are required, accord- ing to the kind used, the tightness of the stitch,-which is better than a loose one,- and the style of the tassel. Number One cincture is knitted through a spool with four pins like children make reins. Use silkene No. 3 and when 14 inch has been made insert cable cord No. 70. Tie ends of cable to prevent fraying. Numbers Two and Three are made ac- cording to first directions. Number Five is the same stitch but reversed by a left- handed knitter, and these contain no cable. Number Four is the same stitch with single thread, seven stitches around, and has a cable in it. A long narrow bag will help keep the finished work spotless. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Fifteen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~+~~~~~+~~+~~~~~~+~~ CROSS AND HEART. Ch 72, making 24 meshes; ch 3; 4 trebles in 1 sp; 7 open sp; 3 filled sp; 13 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 12 open sp; 5 filled sp; 6 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 8 and turn; 5 trebles; 6 open sp; 3 filled sp; 2 open sp; 3 filled sp; 12 open sp; ch 5; turn; 5 open sp; 2 filled sp; 3 open sp; 3 filled sp; 2 open sp; 4 filled sp; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 8 and turn; 4 tr; 5 open sp; 3 filled sp; 2 open sp; 4 filled sp; 4 open sp; 2 filled sp; 5 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 5 open sp; 3 filled sp; 5 open sp; 4 filled sp; 2 open sp; 4 filled sp; 4 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 8 and turn; 4 tr; 4 open 11p; 4 filled sp; 2 open sp; 16 filled sp; 2 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 2 open. sp; 16 filled sp; 2 open sp; 4 filled sp; 4 open sp; 1 filJcd sp; 3 ch; 1 filled sp; 4 open sp; 4 filled sp; 2 open sp; 4 filled sp; 5 open sp; 2 filled sp; 5 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 5 open sp; 2 filled sp; 4 open sp; 4 filled sp; 2 open sp; 4 filled sp; 4 open sp; ch 3 and turn; 4 tr; 6 open sp; 3 filled sp; 2 open sp; 2 filled sp; 12 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 13 open sp; 6 filled sp; 6 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 3 and turn; 4 tr; 7 open sp; 3 filled sp; 13 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 22 open sp; 1 filled .sp. Repeat. This design may be successfully alternated with other patterns. · Sixteen THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~t~~~t~~f~t~&~t~~~~~~~~t~~~~~ Smaller Rose and Medallion: Make 6 petals inste:1d of 7 petals. 1st ROW; ch 9; 1 p; ch 9; p; ch 3 sl st into 3rd tr of outer petal; ch 9; p; ch 9; p; ch 3; sl st into 9th tr of petal. Repeat on other 5 petals. 2nd ROW: Ch 9; p; ch 9; p; ch 3; sl st between ps; ch 6 and sl st between ps; turn work, "' and 8 ds; ch 3; turn; 8 trs in 8 ds; fasten between same p as ch of 6 is fastened. Re- peat until 16 spaces are made, that is, 4 fans with 3 spaces between each fan. 3rd ROW: Make 24 sps with 2 ps to each sp. 4th ROW: Make fan, or fallen · petal in cor- ner; 5 open spaces with 2 picots to each space. Repeat around row. 5th ROW: open sp with 2 ps to each sp all around. Fasten thread and break. Join this square medal- lion to five-sided figure, and where a space occurs in the joining, cover with a small rose, making three different sizes of roses. To make Rose: Ch 7 and join in ring. 1st ROW: Ch 6 and tr; ch 3 and tr until 6 open sps are made; ch 2 and join into 3rd st of 1st tr. Make 8 trs in each of the 7 loops for the inner petals. 2nd ROW: Ch 6 and sl st under petal between petals. Re- peat until 7 loops are made; make 10 trs in each petal. 3rd ROW: Ch 6 and sl st under petal between petals; repeat until 7 loops are made; make 12 trs in outer petals. IRISH CRI Irish Crochet makes exquisite Directions for making these garm as general instructions could not size, will give. Many of the lace 1 suit the taste and skill of the cro THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Seventeen ~~~+~~~~~+~~~+~+~~~+~~'+~+~+~~+~+~~+~+~ :HET LACE. ~imming for fine surplices and albs. ts are not contained in this booklet, ssure results ·that patterns, correct .igns, as shown here, or combined to lter, may be used to trim surplices. Irish Crochet: 1st ROW: Ch 9; and catch back into 6th st to form p; ch 9; 1 p; ch 3; sl st on 5 tr of petal; ch 9; 1 p; ch 9; 1 p; ch 3; sl st on 9th tr of same petal. Repeat this all around the rose. 2nd ROW: Ch 9; 1 p; ch 9; 1 p; ch 3; sl st between ps; ch 9; 1 p; ch 9; 1 p; ch 3; sl st between ps; ch 6; sl st between ps; turn your work; make 8 d in the 6 ch; ch 3; turn work; 8 trs on the 8 ds; ch 3; fasten between the same p as 6 ch is fastened. Repeat all around and when finished, you will have 5 fans. 3rrl ROW: Ch 9; p; ch 9; p; ch 3; sl st into ends and middle of fan, and fasten be- tween ps around row. 4th ROW: ch 9; p; ch 9; p; ch 3; sl st between ps; repeat around row. 5th ROW: Make 5 fans as in 2nd row. 6th ROW: Repeat like 5th row. This makes a 5-sided figure. Wlhen the lace is all joined, finish edge of work with 8 ch all nround, and buttonhole 10 with picot in center. Eighteen THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~:?r~t~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~ I. H. S. ALTAR CLOTH LACE. Ch 54; make 16 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 5 and turn; 2 filled sp; 16 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 1 open sp; 4 filled sp; 3 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 5 and turn; ch 12; tr 7 times; 4 open sp; 1 filled sp; 3 open sp; 1 filled sp; 2 open sp; 1 filled sp ; 6 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 5 open sp; 2 filled sp; 3 open sp; 1 filled sp; 2 open sp; 2 filled sp; 3 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 12; 7 tr; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; 3 open sp; 5 filled sp; 6 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 6 open sp; 1 filled sp; 5 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 12; 7 tr; 22 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 7 open; 1 filled sp; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 6 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 12; tr 7 times; 6 open sp; 2 filled sp; 2 open sp; 8 filled sp; 6 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; 8 open sp; 1 filled sp; 2 open sp; 1 filled sp; 6 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 3; tr 7 ; 7 open sp; 2 filled sp; 8 open sp; 1 filled sp; 6 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 3 open sp; 1 filled sp; 3 open sp; 1 filled sp; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; 8 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 3 and turn; tr 7; 7 open sp; 13 filled sp; 2 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 3 open sp; 1 filled sp; 9 open sp; 1 filled sp; 6 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 3 and turn; 7 tr; 22 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 4 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 3; 7 tr; 3 open sp; 11 filled sp; 4 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 2 open sp; 2 filled sp; 7 tr; ch 3; 7 tr; 16 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 16 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 3; 7 tr; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 7 open sp; ch 5 and turn; 7 open sp; 1 filled sp; 1 open sp; 1 filled sp; 7 open sp; ch 3; 7 tr; 8 open sp; 1 filled sp; 7 open sp; re- peat until required length is made. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Nineteen ~~+~+*~~~+~+~~~m~~~+~~~~~~ PINEAPPLE LACE. BORDER: Ch. 16 sts; make 3 trs in 4th st from hook; 1st ROW: ch. 1; 3 trs in same stitch making shell; ch 9; 3 trs , 1 ch and 3 trs in last st; turn; 2nd ROW: ch 3; sh in sh; ch 9; sh in sh; tr in last st of ch; 3rd ROW: sh in sh; ch 9; sh in sh; turn. 4th ROW: ch 3; sh in sh; ch 7; link 4 chains together with loose d; turn; ch 3; 6 trs on next 6 sts; turn; ch 3 for first tr; 6 trs in 6 trs; tum; d in each of the 7 trs: turn; ch 3 for first tr; 6 trs in next 6 sts completes block. Sh in sh; tr on 3rd of ch; turn. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th ROWS are like 1st, 2nd and 3rd ROWS. 9th ROW is like 4th ROW. lOth and 11th ROWS are like 1st and 2nd ROWS. PINEAPPLE: Ch. 3; sh in first loop; ch 9; sh in 3rd loop; ch 9; sh in last loop; ch 3; d in first lower sh at beginning; turn for next row. 8 ds in 3 ch; shin sh; ch 3; 12 d trs in center sh; ch 3; sh in sh; ch 3; sh in sh; ch 3; a d s between first and second d tr, making loop; repeat 9 times , m .. king 10 loops. Ch. 3; sh in sh; ch 3; a d s in top of sh of lower row; turn. 8 d sts in 3 sh; sh in sh; ch 3; d s in first loop: ch 3; a d s in 2nd loop; repeat 8 times; ch 3; sh in sh; turn. Ch. 3; sh in sh. Repeat body of pineapple like last two rows, but de1~rease one loop each time, until only one loop remains. Ch. 3; sh in sh; ch :J; a d s )n top of lower sh; 8 d in 3 sh; join with sl st to opposite scallop on pineapple. Make 8 d on 3 ch to top of pineapple which com- pletes the first design. Sh. in sh: ch 9; sh in sh; tr in upper st of · ch. Twenty THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~t~t~~~t~t~tt~~-l©~t~t~t~~t~t~t~t~i®~~t~~~~~~~" "S~VEN" OF THE CROSS LACE. Ch 43 sts; turn. 1st ROW: Make sh in 6th st from hook (1 tr; 2 ch, 1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr) all in 6th st; miss 5 sts; sh in next st; repeat until 7 shs have been made. Ch 2 trs in same st of last sh; turn. 2nd ROW: ch 5 trs on first tr of sh; ch 2; make 7 shs in 7 shs; tr in top of ch at beginning; turn. 3rd ROW: Ch 4; 7 sh in 7 shs; ch 2 trs on last tr of sh; ch 2 tr on tr; ch 2 trs in 5 ch; turn. 4th ROW: Like 2nd row, in- creasing space in scallop. 5th ROW: Ch 4; 2 sh in next 2 shs; ch 7; sl st in 4th st from hook for r; ch 3; fasten in last tr with sl st; turn. Make 5 trs in small r. Take hook out of work, insert in 3rd sh of 4th r; draw loop through; make 6 more trs in r; turn. 4 shs in next 4 shs; ch 2; tr on last tr of sh; 3 more open sps; ch 2; tr in 5 ch; turn. 6th ROW: Ch 5; tr on tr; 4 open sps; ch 2; tr on 1st of sh; 4 shs in 4 shs; fasten with d between wheel and tr 11 trs in r; d in 1st tr; 2 shs in 2 shs; tr in 4 ch; turn. 7th ROW: Ch 4; 1 sh in 1 sh; ch 7; sl st in 4th st from hook; ch 3; sl st in top of tr; turn; 5 trs in r; fasten in lower sh as before; 6 trs in r; turn; ch 7 sl st in 4th st from hook; ch 3; sl st in tr; turn; 5 trs in r; fasten in center of wheel below; 6 trs in r; turn; make ·3 more half wheels; sh in sh; ch 2; tr in tr of sh; 5 open sps; ch 2; tr in 5 ch; turn. 8th ROW: Ch 5; tr in tr; 6 open sps; ch 2; tr on tr; sh in sh; d between wheel and tr 11 trs in r. Continue until wheels are finished. Sh in sh; tr in 4 ch; turn. 9th and lOth ROWS like 5th and 6th rows. 11th and 12th ROWS like 4th and 5th rows. 13th ROW: Ch 4; 7 shs in 7 shs; d in first sp in scallop; sh made of 2 trs, 1 ch, 2 trs in next sp; d in next sp; make sh in every other sp except when at point where 3 trs, 1 ch, 3 trs, give fulness to turn. Make 5 shs on other side of scallop; · din last sp; turn. 14th ROW: Ch 1; 3 trs, 1 ch, 3 trs in sh; ch 1; 1 d in d; ch 1; sh in sh all around. Make 4 trs, 1 ch, 4 trs in sh . at corner; 7 shs in 7 shs; tr in 4 ch. This completes the scallop. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Twenty-one ~~+~~+~~~~t~~m~~~~+~~~~~+~+~+~+~+~+~~-r~~+~ WHEELS OF TIME ALTAR LACE. WHEELS: Ch 8; join; treble 3 times; ch 5; treble 3 times; ch 5; treble 3 times; ch 5; treble 3 times; ch 5; treble 3 times; ch 5; treble 3 times; ch 5; sl st; ch 4; treble 3 times in each sp, making 18 trebles with 3 ch between each treble. Repeat for 2nd wheel sl st three last tr toget~er to join. JOINER: Ch 8; join; treble 2; 2 ch sl st ch 2 tr 2; repeat to join to 4 wheels. BORDER: Treble meshes to make line straight in first row; 2nd row; 3 trebles, 6 times; 2 open sp; repeat; 3rd row; 1 open sp; 2 filled sp; repeat until end. EDGE: Treble 3 times in 7 meshes; 1 open sp; repeat all around; ch 4; treble two at a time; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; treble to same sp; ch 4; repeat until border is finished. Twenty-two THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~~t~~~t~~~t~t~t~~t~~t~t~~~~~t~t~~~ DIAMOND SHAPED FRONTAL. 1st ROW: Ch 78 which will give 28 meshes; ch 5 and turn. 2nd ROW: 1 open sp; 1 filled sp; 2 open s p; 1 filled sp; 27 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 8 and turn. 3rd ROW: 2 filled sp; 8 open sp; 1 filled sp; 14 open sp; 2 filled sp; 2 open sp; ch 5 and turn. 4th ROW: 1 open sp ; 1 filled sp; ch 3; sl st; ch 3; 1 filled sp; 12 open sp; 3 filled sp; 8 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 8; "turn. 5th ROW: 1 open sp; 2 filled sp; 8 open sp; 5 filled sp; 11 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 4; 1 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 5 and turn. 6th ROW: 2 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; 10 open s p; 8 filled sp; 8 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 8 and turn. 7th ROW: 1 open sp; 2 filled sp; 10 open sp; 7 filled sp; 10 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 3; 1 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 5 and turn. 8th ROW: 1 filled sp; ch 4; 1 filled sp; 10 open sp; 11 tr; ch 10 and catch back to 5th row; 10 tr on to this ch; ch 10 and catch back to 4th row; tr back on this ch; ch 10 and catch back to 5th row; tr back on this ch; 11 tr; 10 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 8 and turn. 9th ROW: 1 open sp; 2 filled sp; 8 open sp; 3 filled sp; 1 open sp; 3 filled sp; 1 open sp; 3 filled sp; 1 open sp; 3 filled sp; 9 open sp; 2 filled sp; 2 open sp; ch 5 and turn. lOth ROW: 1 filled sp; ch 3; sl st; ch 3 1 filled sp; 6 open sp; 7 filled sp; ch 4; s l; st; ch 4; 7 filled sp; 8 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 8 and turn. 11th ROW: 1 open sp; 2 filled sp; 8 open sp; 7 filled sp; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; 7 filled sp; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 4; 1 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 5 and turn. 12th ROW!: 2 open sp; 2 filled sp; 5 open sp; 7 filled sp; ch 4 sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; 7 filled sp; 8 open sp; 2 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 8 and turn. 13th ROW: 1 open sp; 2 filled sp; 8 open sp; 7 filled sp; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; 7 filled sp; 5 open sp; 1 filled sp; ch 4; 1 filled sp; 1 open sp; ch 5 and turn. 14th ROW: 2 open sp; 2 filled sp; 6 open sp; 7 filled sp; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; 7 filled sp; 7 open sp; 2 filled sp; ch 8 anl turn. This gives one-half of the point. EDGE: Ch 4; treble, two at a time; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; ch 4; sl st; treble to same sp; ch 4 continue around the points. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Twenty-three ~+~+~+~~~~+~+~+~~~+~+~+~~~+~~+~~+~+~+~+~~~~~+~st~~~+~t~~+~~ DIAMOND POINTS IN ALTAR CLOTH. This Altar cloth was hemstitched at a hemstitching shop . Sl st twice in each space of hem stitching, doing this button-holing around the entire cloth, or front and sides as you desire. Make first mesh by a ch of 5; throw thread and catch in 3rd st of button- holing; take 2 sts off, and 2 sts off. Repeat meshes from lower point to inner corner. Make 1 mesh on opposite side. Turn, make 2 open meshes on meshes of first side; 1 filled mesh; 3 open meshes; ch 5 and turn; 2 open sps; 1 fill ed sp; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open; tr into buttonholing to finish mesh. Tr for next mesh; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open. Ch 5 and turn. 2 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open; tr to finish mesh; tr for next mesh; 3 open sps; 1 filled; 3 open; ch 5 and turn; 7 open sps which finishes meshes of crocheted point, and repeat this on each point. Make picot edge with sl st and ch of 3 sts. Twenty-four THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~~~+~~+~~~+~~~~~+~~~+~+~~* ~~~~+~+~+~+~~+~ ALTAR CLOTH WITH MEDALLIONS. This design was laid off after the medal- lions were crocheted to insure perfect fitting into the linen whether the design was knit- ted loosely or firmly. Ch 12 and fasten, making ring; sl st into ring 29 times. 1st ROW: Ch 3; throw thread and tr 2 for beginning of solid point; ch 2; tr 2; ch 2; tr 2; repeat until 7 shs are made around ring. 2nd ROW: Ch 3; 4 trs on 2 trs; ch 3; tr 2; ch 2; tr 2; repeat these 7 shs on 7 shs. 3rd ROW: Ch 3; 6 trs on 4 trs; ch 4; tr 2; ch 2; tr 2; ch 4; repeat 7 shs on 7 shs. 4th ROW: Ch 3; 8 trs on 6 trs; ch 5; tr 2; ch 2; tr 2; ch 5; repeat 7 shs on 7 shs. 5th ROW: Ch 3; 10 trs on 8 trs; ch 6; tr into middle of sh; ch 6; d c and catch loose chains between shs of 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows, and bind loosely together. Re- peat on all shell s. 6th ROW: 12 trs on 10 trs; 8 trs in each space around shell s. 7th ROW: Ch 3; 14 trs on 12 trs; ch 8; 2 trs; 2 ch; 2 trs; fa"stening sh between 8th and 9th tr of former row. 8th ROW: Ch 3; 16 trs on 14 trs; ch 9; tr 2; ch 2; tr 2; repeat around shs. 9th ROW: Ch 3; 18 trs on 16 trs; ch 10; tr 2; ch 2; tr 2; repeat around shs. lOth ROW: Ch 3; 20 trs on 18 trs; ch 13; catch back into lOth st for picot; d c into center of sh; ch 5 and catch back into 3rd for p; d c into sh; ch 5 and catch back into 3rd st for p; d c into sh; ch 5 and catch back into 3rd for p; ch 5; d c and catch loose chains between shs of 7th, 8th and 9th rows. Repeat to make finishing edge around medallion. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Twenty-five ~~~t~f~t~t~t~t~~t~f~~t~t~~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~~t~~t~t~~t~+~~~~t~ LACET CROSS. Make ch of 35 sts. Turn. 1st ROW: - A d in lOth st from hook; ch 3; miss 3; 4 trs -in · next 4 sts; ch 2; miss 2; 1 tr in next st; ch 2; miss 2; 4 trs in next 4 sts; ch 3; miss 2; a· d in r.ext; ch 3; miss 2; 2 trs in next 2 sts; ch 2; miss 2; a tr in last; turn. 2nd ROW: ch 5; 2 trs in 2 trs; ch 5; tr in next tr; 12 trs in next 12 sts; ch 5; a tr in 3rd st of loop at end of row; ch 6; a tr in 8th st of same loop; turn. 3rd ROW: Ch 1; 12 d under 6 ch; turn; 12 d in 12 d; turn; 3 d in 3 d; ch 5 for picot; ad in same st; repeat this twice; 3 d in 3 d; ch 3; a d in center of 5th ch; ch 3; a tr in tr; (this is called a lacet); make 3 more lacets; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5th ch. 4th ROW: Ch G; 2 trs on 2 trs; make 4 sps; ch 5; tr between first and second p; ch 6; tr between second and third p; turn. 5th ROW: Make scallop as in third row; 5 lacets; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 6th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 5 sps; ch 5; tr between first and second p; ch 6; tr between second and third p; turn. 7th ROW : Make scallop; 3 lacets; 7 trs on next 7 sts; 2 lacets; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5 ch. 8th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 2 sps; 7 trs on 7 trs; 2 sps; ch 5; tr between first and second p; ch 6; tr between second and third p; turn. 9th ROW: Scallop; 1 lacet; 31 trs on next 31 sts; 1 lacet; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5 ch; turn. lOth ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 1 sp; 31 trs on 31 trs; ch 5; tr on first d of scallop; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 11th ROW: Scallop; when scallop is finished make d in 3rd of 9 · ch; ch 3; tr on tr; 3 lacet; 7 tr on 7 tr; 2 lacet; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 12th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 1 sp; 7 trs on 7 trs; 3 sps; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 13th ROW: Make scallop as in 11th row. Fasten with d in 5 ch; ch 3; tr on tr; 5 lacet; 2 trs ori 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 14th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 5 sps; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 15th ROW: Scal- lop; fasten with d in 3rd of 5 ch; tr on tr; 1 lacet; 13 trs on next 13 sts; 1 lacet; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr on 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 16th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 1 sp; 4 trs on 4 trs; ch 2; miss 2; tr in next st; ch 2; miss 2; 4 trs in next 4 trs; ch 5; tr in next tr; ch 9; turn. 17th ROW: ad in 3rd of 5 ch; ch 3; 4 tr on 4 trs; ch 2; tr on tr; ch 2; 4 trs on 4 trs; 1 lacet; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr on 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 18th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 1 sp; 13 trs on next 13 sts; ch 5; a tr in 3rd of 9 ch; ch 6; a tr in 8th st of 9 ch; fasten with a d in first p of pre- ceding scallop; turn. 19th ROW: Scallop; 4 lacet; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 20th ROW: Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 4 sps; ch 5; tr between first and second p; ch 6; tr between 2nd and 3rd p; turn. 21st ROW: Scallop; 5 Jacet; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr on 3rd of 5 ch; turn. 22nd ROW: Ch 5; . 2 trs on 2 trs; 5 sp; ch 5; tr between first and second p; ch 6; tr between second and third p; turn. 23rd ROW: Scallop; 6 lacet; tr on first of 2 trs; turn. 24th ROW: Ch 8; tr on tr; 5 sps; ch 5; tr between first and second p; ch 6; tr between second and third p; turn. 25th ROW: Scallop; 6 lacet; tr on tt-'; turn. 26th ROW: Ch 8; tr on tr; 4 sps; Twenty-six THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~t~~t~"t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~~t~~t~t~t~t~~~~~~t~~t~t~t~t~~ ch 5; tr on corner of scallop; ch 6; tr be- tween first and second p; turn. 27th ROW: Scallop; fasten scallop with d in 3rd .of 5 ch; ch 3; tr on tr; 4 lacet; turn. 28th ROW: Ch 8; tr on tr; 3 sp; tr on tr; ch 6; tr be- tween first and second p; turn. 29th ROW: Scallop as before; 3 lacet; turn. 30th ROW: Ch 8; 2 sps; tr on tr; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 31st ROW: Scallop; 2 lacet; turn. 32nd ROW: Ch 8; tr on tr; ch 5; tr on tr; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 33rd ROW: Scallop; 1 lacet; turn. 34th ROW: Ch 8; tr on tr; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 35th ROW: Make scallop as usual. Fasten in 3rd of 8 ch; 3 singles along next 3 sts; turn. 36th ROW: Ch 6; tr between first and · second p of scallop just made; turn. 37th ROW: Make the scallop; ch 3; a d in same st as last single was made in; ch 6; miss 2; a d in next; ch 3; tr on tr; 2 lacet; tr on tr; ch 3; d in 3rd of 5 ch; ch 3; sl st in 3rd of 8 ch; sl st in 2 more of ch; turn. 38th ROW: Ch 5; tr on tr; 3 sps ; tr in 3rd of 6 ch; ch 5; a tr between first and second p; turn. 39th ROW: Scallop; 5 lacet; tr on tr; ch 3; d in middle of sp; ch 3; sl st in 3rd of 8 ch; sl st in next 2 sts; turn. 40th ROW: 6 sps; tr on corner of scallop; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. 41st ROW: Scallop; fasten with din 3rd of 5 ch; ch 3; tr on tr; 5 lacet; tr on tr; ch 3; d in center of lower sp; ch 3; fasten with sl st in 3rd of 5 ch; sl st over next 2 sts; turn. 42nd ROW : Ch 5; 2 trs on 2 trs; 6 sps; tr on tr; ch 6; tr between first and second p; turn. .. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Twenty-seven ~~~~+~~~~~~~~+~~+~~+~~~+~~~~~+~~+~+~~+~+~+~+~+~+~ ., . .... ~· /, .. ~·-~ .·. a . ~ . + , \. , .!?.! . ~ ,, ~,_i-11. q . • .,. ': CUT WORK AND SCALLOPED ALTAR CLOTH. When making a fancy design on an Altar cloth, it is a good plan to finish front and back hems and to hem only one END. After the pattern has been finished, it is easier to hem the remaining end to suit the pattern, than to change the pattern to suit the hem, for an inch or so in the length of the cloth will not matter. If the design requires a six-inch hem, draw out a thread six inches from selvage along entire front of cloth to guide in lay- ing the hem perfectly straight. This fabric with missing thread will be cut off when scallop or point is ready to be worked, for this will be the edge of the hem. Sew three hems; wash, and iron while the linen is very damp to give a little stiffness. Run a light line with pencil (heavy marks are too hard to wash out) midway through the length of hems, that is, 3 inches from the edge of the front hem. Ditto hemmed end. Take a 2-inch square ot heavy card- board, mark off 14 inch around it. Pla.:e the design in the hemmed corner first and 'Twenty-eight THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~+~~~+~+~~~~~~~~~~~~ work from there. Put the cardboard "guide" diamond-wise on the line and draw four lines, between the 14 inch holding portions of the cloth, for the buttonholes. Put a dot at the hem end of the guide to space off the center of the scallop when you are ready for this, and a dot on the line to mark where the next set of button- holes is to go. · When all buttonhole lines have been sketched, a gentle curve drawn from end to end will insure evenness in turning raw edges in between fabric. A ten-cent pro- tractor will give this curve and assist in laying off the scallops. Cut on buttonhole line, jabbing in center for safety, a tiny nick in widest part will insure flatness; with needle turn front and back edges in between cloth and crease flat. Measure thread so that one needleful will finish one buttonhole-22 inches will do at first, but as linen thread is desirable in this work, it should not be wasted- make a small knot on the end of thread nearest the spool, before threading needle, as this twist direction of the thread sews without snarling. Start buttonhole in cor- ner nearest center of design and this will give flatness by throwing final finishing to the four outside corners. Fasten raw angle securely with several buttonhole stitches. Sew from right to left, as the stitches do not lace up well the other direction; pass the thread in front of, and under, the needle and draw thread up loosely, allowing central loops to be slightly larger than end loops. In the center, the stitches should catch the raw edges to retain them in place. Put same number of stitches on each side; fasten this angle; turn work and lift stitches opposite each other, from right to left until all are loosely laced together; wrap thread around forefinger and pull gently until the network is even and the corners lie flat; fasten. Finish one button- hole, before cutting the next, lest the fabric stretch. A little practice in outlining and making this cut-work is suggested before starting on the linen goods. To get scallop, draw a line 214 inches from the edge of hem. By placing the pro- tractor's arrow on this line and using the lower dot, made earlier in the outlining, the scallop can be drawn. Put a row of machine stitching on pencil line of scallops to prevent fraying; cut material away; buttonhole in each stitch of machine around all the scallops. Wrap thread around needle 4 times and crochet off 2 sts at a time to make trs; 2 sts be- tween each tr. Between scallops, mak!l 3 long trs by wrapping thread around needle 6 times and taking off 2 sts at a time . The final edge is made with 2 buttonholes; p; 2 buttonholes. Repeat. THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Twenty-nine ~+~+~~+~~+~+~+~~+~~+~+~~~+~+~+~~~~i~+~~~~+~~~~~+~ GRAPE DESIGN. No. 60 thread. To start with tendril point; ch 95. 1st ROW: Tr in 8th st from hook; 14 open spaces (afterward called open or filled according to design); 1 filled; 12 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 2nd ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 10 open; 3 filled; 15 open. 3rd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 15 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 3 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 4th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 2 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 15 open. 5th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 15 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 2 filled; 1 open; 2 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 6th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 7 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 4 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 16 open. 7th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 16 open; 1 ·filled; 4 open; 4 filled; 9 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 8th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 9 open; 2 filled; 7 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 2 filled; 10 open. 9th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 9 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 2 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 10 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; lOth ROW: Ch 3 and filll; 1 open; 1 filled; 9 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 9 open. 11th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 10 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 8 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 12th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 8 open; 3 filled; 6 open; 5 filled; 11 open. 13th ROW.: Ch 5 and turn; 13 open; 1 filled; 17 open: 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 14th ROW: Thirty THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES ~~~~+~~~~+~+~~~~+~~~~~ Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 15 open; 1 filled; 14 open. 15th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 9 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 14 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 16th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 8 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 3 filled; 8 open. 17th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 8 open; 2 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 5 filled; 6 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 18th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 7 open; 5 filled; 1 open; 5 filled; 10 open. 19th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 10 open; 4 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 11 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 20th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 9 open; 3 filled; 1 open; 2 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 7 open. 21st ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 6 open; 5 filled; 6 open; 5 filled; 2 open; 5 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 22nd ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 4 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 6 open. 23rd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 7 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 5 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 3 filled; 1 open; 1 filled 5 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 24th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 7 open; 3 filled; 1 open; 2 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 4 filled; 12 open. 25th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 9 open; 3 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 3 open; 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12 open. 45th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 12 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 3 filled; 2 open; 2 filled; 10 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled . 46th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 13 open; 3 filled; 14 open. 47th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 15 open; 1 filled; 13 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 48th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 28 open. 49th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 27 open ; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled . 50th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 28 open. 51st ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 29 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 52nd ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 20 open; 1 filled; 9 open. 53rd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 10 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 2 filled; 18 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 54th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 12 open; 2 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 10 open. 55th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 8 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 16 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 56th ROW: Ch 7 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 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THE ART OF MAKING ALTAR LACES Thirty-one ~~~t~~~~~~t~~t~~t~t~~~t~t~+~~~t~-t©~t~t~t~t~t~~-t© 58th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 12 open; 1 filled; 14 open; 2 filled ; 4 open. 59th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 1 open; 3 filled; 2· open; 1 filled; 15 open; 1 filled; 10 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 60th ROW : Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 10 op.en; 2 filled; 1 open; 2 filled; 9 open; 1 filled; 6 open; 1 filled. 61st ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 7 open; 2 filled; 2 open; 2 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 11 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 62nd ROW: Ch 3 and. turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 14 open; 2 filled; 2 open; 2 filled; 9 open; 1 filled. 63rd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 10 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 13 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 64th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 11 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 11 open. 65th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 5 open; 1 filled; 6 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 2 filled; 8 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 66th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 6 open; 1 filled; 7 open; 1 filled; 4 open; 1 filled; 1 open;1 filled; 4 open; 67th ROW : Ch 5 and turn; 7 open; 4 filled; 8 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 68th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 18 open. 69th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 13 open; 2 filled; 2 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 70th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 2 filled; 2 open ; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 10 open. 71st ROW : Ch 5 and turn; 9 open; 1 filled; Linens folded a ccording t o directions will fit the boxes . 1 open; 2 filled; 8 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 72nd ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 8 open; 2 filled; 10 open. 73rd ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 11 open; 1 filled ; 7 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 74th ROW : Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 7 open; 1 filled; 10 open. 75th ROW : Ch 5 an1 t urn: 9 open; J fille c1 ; 7 open; 1 filled; J open; 1 filled. 76th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 6 open; 1 filled; 9 open; 77th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 15 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled . 78th ROW: Ch 3 and turn ; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 14 open . 79th ROW: Ch 5 and turn; 13 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 80th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 11 open; 1 filled . 81st ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 9 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 82nd ROW: . Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 7 open ; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 83rd ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 5 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 84th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 3 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 85th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled. 86th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled; 1 open; 1 filled; 1 open ; 1 filled. 87th ROW: Ch 3 and turn; 1 filled ; 1 open; 1 filled. 88th or final point of bor- der: Ch 3 and turn; fill 1; ch 3, fasten and break thread. Begin at highest point of corner scallop. Boxes measure 13 inches long 10 inches wide 3 inches high A NAZARETH BOX READY FOR SHIPMENT. Do not roll Altar Cloths. WEAVING FOR THE MASTER In childhood's dewy morning hour, Thy gift was a white strand Of Life to weave upon Time's loom with faithful steadfast hand A bit of work, my happy play Some trivial woe, a holiday, Old fairy tales, a prayer to say. What wondrous things I planned. Noontide, as I review my work, the fabric in the frame (My shuttle holds both joy and care) no longer looks the same. My warp has not been placed with skill, The woof not bending to Thy will, What should be fair is often ill, And only I to blame. Dear Master, ere the twilight falls, give me grace to atone. My handicraft is poor becau 10 e too late Thy love I've known. So, let me fashion laces fair To grace Thy holy altar where Love cradles Thee a Prisoner there I weave for Thee a lone. -Troella V. Mills. - i, ... ·I'. 745301-001 745301-002 745301-003 745301-004 745301-005 745301-006 745301-007 745301-008 745301-009 745301-010 745301-011 745301-012 745301-013 745301-014 745301-015 745301-016 745301-017 745301-018 745301-019 745301-020 745301-021 745301-022 745301-023 745301-024 745301-025 745301-026 745301-027 745301-028 745301-029 745301-030 745301-031 745301-032 745301-033 745301-034 745301-035 745301-036