Relations between employers and employed : pastoral letter of his Eminence William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston Penny Leaflet No. 10 & 11*) Relations between Employers and Employed Pastoral Letter of His Eminence William Cardinal O’Connell, Archbishop of Boston Foreword. In this Pastoral Letter, addressed to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Boston, His Eminence, the Cardinal Archbishop, has laid down Catholic principles on a subject which is not only of vital interest, but also of the utmost importance. The rareness of such pronouncements bearing a char- acter so official, the soundness of the opinions expressed, the close ad- herence to the teachings of Pope Leo XIII, as well as the exceptional position occupied and authority enjoyed by the Cardinal have prompted the publication of this leaflet, and have encouraged the hope that it might be even more widely spread than other tracts of the Central Bu- reau. It would hardly be saying too much to assert that this is the most momentous official pronouncement on labor problems uttered by an Ameri- can prelate since the declaration of Cardinal Gibbons on the Knights of Labor. To the Reverend Clergy and People of the Diocese, Health and Benediction: The time of Advent set apart by the Church to prepare the minds of men for the coming of the Prince of Peace seems an appropriate one, ven- erable brethren of the clergy and laity, to open my pastoral heart to you on a subject vitally connected with your domestic, civil and spiritual peace. The social problem of the relations between employers and employed appears to be the one most fraught with danger to our peaceful living. It has been many times in the past the source of widespread discord and dis- order, and'may in the future prove a danger to the public peace unless some remedy can be found to better our social conditions. The hostile attitude of one set of men against another is always prejudicial to the permanence of peaceful relations; but when two classes are arrayed in antagonism and distrust, each against the other, the one with the resources of wealth and power behind it, the other with the force of numbers to make its influence felt, society is menaced by impending outbreaks, and the peace of families, the tranquillity of the State and the norrqal calm engendered by religion are imperilled. — 2 — How to Avoid Social Dangers. To find a way out of these social dangers, to reconcile conflicting in- terests, to lay down a basis of differences between employers and workers is a call to an apostolate of the highest service, which every lover of his faith and of his country should heed, and to which every Christian and every patriot may well consecrate his best endeavors. Justice and charity, two of the noblest Christian virtues, hold a fore- most place in any genuine crusade for social betterment, and make the cause a holy one that appeals even more strongly to the churchman than to the statesman. More Than an Economic Problem. The proper consideration of the problem depends much on the way 'in which we approach it. The initial mistake that is made in trying to find a solution is in viewing the question as a merely economic one. The lives and happiness of millions of human beings are involved in the issue; and this gives it a moral aspect which cannot be ignored. It is much more than an economic problem. From the moment that the well-being of the indi- viduals and families is concerned in any question at issue, it is lifted out of the domain of mere economics. Bald political economy with its inflexible law of supply and demand can- no longer cope with it. The reciprocal rights and duties inhering in the personality and position of those who are making claims and of those who are resisting them, enter in and create at once a moral issue. In the long run, dollars and cents are powerless before a just human right and must give way in every community ruled by principles of justice. Issue of Human Rights. The question of human rights that is involved in the issue between capi- tal and labor goes deeper down than any legal enactment concerning them. In fact, much of the confusion of thought surrounding the problem springs from a faulty conception of the fundamental sources of human society. There is a tendency to-day to exalt unduly the State, and to regard it as the creator of all the rights and privileges which we enjoy, and to look to it for the solution of all our problems. Such a position is philosophically and historically false. The family is by nature and inf fact anterior to the State. There are certain inherent individual and family rights that spring from nature itself and from the fundamental relations established by the Creator in the universe which antedate the constitution of States or the enactments of civil law. The authority of the parent over his child, his right to provide for his family, the choice of the kind of education his children shall receive—all these fundamental rights are rooted in the very nature of family life. Province of the State. So also the rights of conscience are inherent in the individual. They were not created by the State. They are anterior to it by nature and in fact. But if the State is not the creator of them, the State should be the conserver and respecter of them. For it was precisely to safeguard thpse primary rights of the individuals and of the family that States were formed. To the fact that man is by nature a social being made so by his Creator and to the natural need of individuals and families of protecting their primary and natural rights, which alone and isolated they had not the strength to defend against unjust aggression, States owe their origin and formation. It is the province of the State in consonance with its origin to protect these fundamental, individual and family rights, not to invade them. Deeckftfi'' OeackSfled / V$ji| 4J 3 — A Living Wage. Now the right of a man to provide for his family is a natural one. In the exercise of this right he may sell his labor for what he considers just compensation, or may refuse his labor for what he deems an inadequate return. The measure which he must use in determining his decision is that imposed by nature itself. He must support his family; and the living wage which he has . a right to demand according to the teaching of Leo XIII, of blessed memory, is one which will maintain his family in decent and frugal comfort. The man who accepts less through necessity or fear of harder conditions is the victim of force and injustice. This general form of wage does not exclude the special claims of labor, skilled and unskilled, which according to the degree of toil or danger incurred, has a right^to greater compensation. It simply means that the lowest measure of com- pensation must be the decent maintenance of a man in his home. Safety of the State. This principle is based on sound political economy and the highest political wisdom. The safety of the State depends upon the integrity of its homes. To build up contented homes should be the aim of enlightened legislation as well as the scope of every movement for social betterment. The source of the nation’s strength lies in the stable and welfccfrdered home, and without it, national greatness swiftly hastens to decay. The homeless man, free from the restraints of domestic life, may easily become a menace, and to diminish such a danger becomes the duty of comprehensive, patriotic statesmanship. Right to Form Unions. The maintenance of a home, then, is the standard of the minimum wage dictated by the law of nature, and prompted by the highest public policy. It is the clear right of the wage earner, and to protect this right he may make use of all legitimate means. He may combine with others to enforce it and form a union with his fellow workers to exert the adequate moral power to maintain it or to better his condition within the limits of justice. To deny him this right is a tyranny and an injustice. He has no other way to safeguard his interests. The rich and the powerful have many ways which they do not hesitate to employ to protect their investments; the workingman has only the support of peaceful combination. V Peaceful Agitation. Moreover, workmen’s associations may peacefully agitate and seek to mould public opinion in their favor to bring about a redress of real griev- ances. A campaign of this kind must, however, be legitimately conducted, free from violations of justice and of charity and of the public peace. Finally, the worker in the last resort has the right to refuse to work, that is to strike, and to induce by peaceful and lawful methods, others. to strike with him when this extreme measure becomes necessary to mitigate un- endurable conditions or to wrest from an unreasonable employer just com- pensation for his labor after all other measures have failed. All this is the teaching of the illustrious Pontiff, Leo XIII, in his now famous encyclical “On the Condition of the Workingmen.” It has its root in the law of nature which dictates that a man has a natural right to a wage which will maintain his home in frugal and reasonable comfort. All the other conclusions which we have laid down are but corollaries flowing from this fundamental principle, on the ground that any one who possesses a natural right may .make use of all legitimate means to protect it and to safeguard it from violation. 4 — These are the objective principles which may serve as guiding ones in contests between workers and employers, and if loyally accepted by both sides, would undoubtedly mitigate the bitterness that often arises in labor disputes. — Right of Employers. The principles governing the conduct of employers are well known and are generally accepted as the only safe ones which may be followed. They may be summed up as follows: Capital has a right to a just share of the profits, but only to a just share. Employers should treat those who work under them with humanity and justice. They should be solicitous for the healthful conditions of the places where workmen daily toil. They should use all reasonable means to promote the material and moral well-being of their employees. They should be kindly, humane and just in all their relations with them. We are well aware that some of these principles find no place in a political and commercial economy which has become wholly pagan. We are convinced, however, that the social problem of the relations between employers and workers can never be settled on any other than a Christian basis. The attitude of each towards the other must radically change round to a Christian one, else we shall have the spectacle of two opposing forces facing each other in a hostile spirit, each stubbornly insisting on its pound of flesh, with no thought of the Christian brotherhood which ought to bind them together. Neglect of Christian Principles. The present deplorable situation in the world of labor has been brought about by a neglect of Christian principles, and by the attempt to put this question on a material basis only. On the other hand, riches and power bring danger in their train unless moral rectitude and moral standards are accepted as guiding sign posts along the way of life. Money gives power and it may be sought after too anxiously without due regard to the princi- ples of justice. Saint Paul has declared in the sixth chapter of his first epistle geit, bon ber ®irdje etngefebt, um bie ©eelen ber SDtenfdjen auf ba§ Sommen be§ griebenfiirften borgubereiten, fdjeint mir, ebrtoiir* bige 23riiber im ®Ieru§ unb ber Saientoelt, eine f^affenbe Beit, Sbrten mein ^irtenberg gu eroffnen iiber einen ©egenftanb, ber auf’3 engfte berfniipft ift mit Sbrem bauSlicfjen, biirgerltdEjen unb feelifdjen grieben. Sent fogialen problem ber gegenfeitigen 23erbaltniffe glbifdjen SIrbeitge* bern unb Strbeitnebmern fdjetnen bie grofeten ©efabren fur unfer frteblidfjeS Bufammenleben inne gu mobnen. Oft unb oft ift e§ in ber 23ergangem beit eine Urfadje auSgebebnten UnfriebenS unb toeitberbreiteter ©torung ber dufjerfidjen ©rbnung getoefen, unb in gufunft mag e§ eine ©efabr fiir ben offentlidjen grieben bilben, teenn nidjt ein SKittel gefunben toirb gur 23erbefferung itnferer fogialen 23erbdltniffe. ©djon bie feinbfelige ^altung einer 503enfd)engrut>t>e gegeniiber einer anberen ift ber ©rbaltung bon frieblidjen 23egiebungen auf _ bie Sauer immer fdjab- IioftoIat allerbocbfteri 9tange§, ein 9iuf, bem jeber, ber feinen ©lauben unb fein 2anb liebt, folgen follte, unb gu beffen 2tuBfiibrung jeber thrift unb jeber patriot feine beften ®rafte leiben follte. ©erecbtigfeit unb iRddjftenliebe, gtoei ber fjerrlic£)ften dEjriftlicfjen Su- — 9 genben, nebmen ben erften Slang ein in irgenb einent JSreuggug fiir inafjre ©ogialreform unb beiligen bie ©acbe in foldjem SOlafee, bafj fie ben @'eift= lidjen nocb mebr anforicbt ate ben ©taatemamt. SHeljr ate ein mirtbfdjaftltdje# problem. 93ei ber ridjtigen Seurtfieilung ber grage bangt biel ab bon ber Strt unb SBeife, in ber mit an fie berantreten. Ser allererfte getter, ber bei SofungSberfudjen gernadd mirb, ifi ber, bafj man bie grage ate eine rein mirtbfdjaftlidje Betraditet. Seben unb ©IM bon SHillionen bon SJlenfcben finb mit biefem problem auf’§ engfie berfniibft; baburdj erBjalt e§ eine mo<= ralifdje 23ebeutung, bie nid)t ignoriert merben barf. ©§ ift meit mebr ate ein ofonomifd)e§ ^Problem. SSon bem StugenBIid ab, in bent ba§ SBobler- geEfen bon ©ingelnen unb gamilien in ein gur Sofung borliegenbeS problem bermidelt ift, totrb biefe§ atte bem Oebiete ber SBoIfSmirtbfcbaft f)erau§ge= fdjalt. Sie blofje ®oIf§mitibfd)aft mit intern unbeugfamen ©efefe bon 9tn= gebot unb Sladifrage !ann e§ bann nidjt longer bemaltigen. ©ie gegenfei* tigen Stedfte unb ^flidjten, bie ber fPerfonliifyfeit berer eigen finb, melcbe gorbetungen ftellen, mie aud) fener, meldfe ibnen miberftreben, treten bai in ba§ problem ein unb geben ibm eine moralifdje ©eite. 2luf bie Sauer ift ba§ ©elb mad)tIo§ gegeniiber ben Siedjien ber SJlenfcben unb in ©ernein* mefen, meldfe nad) ©runbfaben ber ©eredftigfeit geleitet merben, mufj e§ unterliegen. SRenf^medjte. ©ie grage ber SKenfcfjenredite, bie in bem Jdarnbf gmifdjen Safrital unb Sfrbeit in SBetradd fomnten, treibt ibre SBitrgel tiefer ate irgenb ein fie betreffenbe§ ©efeb. 3fa, bie Sermirrung, bie in ben SCttfdfauungen iiber biefe gragen f)errfc£)t, ift bielfadj auf eine mangelbafte Stuffaffung be§ Ur* fprung§ ber menfcblidjen ©efellfdjaft gurudgufiibren. $euigutage betrfdd bie Sleigmtg nor, ben ©taat in ungebiif)rlid)er SBetfe gu erbeben unb ate ben ©d)6f>fer alter Stecbte unb ipribilegien, bie mir geniefjen, gu betracbten, unb bon ibm bie Sofung all unfrer ©djmterigfeiten gu ermarten. ©ine foldbe ©tellung ift, mag man fie nun im Sicbie ber iPbilofopbie ober ber ©efdjidfte betradjten, unriibtig. ©ie gamilie ift ibrer Statur nad) unb tbatfadflidb alter ate ber ©taat. ©§ giebt gemiffe innemobnenbe Stedfte be§ ©ingelnen mie ber gamilie, meldfe au§ ber Slaiur entfpringjen unb atte ben grunblegenben 93egtebungen, bie ber ©djopfer in ba§ SBeltalt gepflangt, unb melcbe alter finb ate bie ©iaatengriinbung unb bie Sfnorb* nungen ber biirgerlidjen ©efefee. ©ie etterlidje Sfutoritat, baS Stedjt be§ SSaterB fiir fein ®btb gu forgen, bie SBabI ber 3Irt ber ©tgiebttng, bie bie ®inber geniefeen follen — all biefe funbamcntalen Stedjte baben ibre SBurgel in ber Slatur be§ gamitienifebette. Sa§ ©ebiet ber ©taateantoritiit. Unb fo finb audj bie ©emiffen§red)te bem ©ingelnen eingegeben. ©ie finb nidji bom ©taate gefdfaffen morben. ©ie finb bon Slatur atte unb in 28ir!Iid)feit alter ate ber ©taat. SBenngleid) nun ber ©taat fie nid)t ge* fdbaffen, mufj er fie bodf ad)ten unb bemabren. Senn gerabe um biefe ptu — 10 — • maren Stedjie bed cingeinen unb ber gamilie gu idiit^en tourben ©taaten geBilbet; ©taaten finb gegriinbet toorben and StMficBt auf bie ®Batfat eine ©efatjr loerben fiir bie ©efellfdfaft; eine fotdfe ©efaBr gu mitbern loirb bann bie fPflidft einer umfaffenben, batertanbdtieBenben ©taatdbotitif. ' ®ad Stedjt, 3tr6eiterBereinigtmgen gu grunbett. ®ie ErBattung bed tpeimd, atfo, ift bie bom StaturreoBi biftierte Storm bed SStinbeftloBned ; biefe Storm loirb and) gleidjgeitig Bon ber BodElften ©taatdtoiffenfdBaft borgefdfrieBen. @d ift bad ein ungtoeifelBafted Stedft bed StrBeiterd, unb um biefed Stedfi gu fclgiitjen barf er alle gefeBmaffigen SOtitiet anloenben. @r mag fid) mit anberen berBiinben, um biefed 9ted)t gu fidEjertt, unb mag eine SSereinigung mit feinen SStitarBeitern eingeBen, ttm bie no* — 11 — tfjige tnoralifcbe Sftadji gu erlangen, bem 9>ied)te fftadfbrud 311 berleibett, ober um feitie Sage gu Berbeffern, innerbalb geredjter Orertgert. £sbnt bie§ S^edEjt aBgitfprejben, ift eine SBjrannei unb UngerecEjtxgfeit. ^fjrrt ftef)t feirt attberer SBeg fret, feme ^ntereffen gu fdjiiben. 3>ie SFletdEiett unb SWacbtigen b<*Bei> niele Sftittel, bie fie gum ©djub ibrer ®afutalanlagen nicbtangutnenben gam bern; ber StrBeiter but nur ba§ SKittel frieblitber ©rganifation. , fjfrieblidjie Agitation. 3ubem biirfen 9IrE>ettergetx)erEfcEiaf±ert audf in frieblidfer SBeife agitieren unb Berfudjen, bie offentlidje SWeinung gu ibren ©unften gu Beeinfluffen, um eine SIBftellung BeredEjtigter 23efd)tnerben berBeigufiibren. (Sine berartige ®amf>agne mitfe aBer in gefe^ItcEjer SBeife gefitbri tnerben, tnuf; frei fein bon SSerlebungen ber ©eredjtigfeit unb ber 9'tadjftenIieBe unb be§ offentlidjeit f$?rieben§. ©dbliefflidf bat ber StrBeiter, al§ Ie|te§ Sftittel, aucb ba§ 9ted)i, bie StrBeit niebergulegen, mit anberen SBorten, in ben ©ireit gu treien, uttb burdb frieblidbe unb gefeblidfe SWittel anbere gu Betnegen, mit ibm gu ftreifen, tnenn biefe ertreme Sftafjnabme notbtnenbig tnitb, um unertragncbe 33ebing« ungen gu milbern ober um bon einem unberniinftigen SlrBeitgeBer einen ge* redjten StrBeitSIobn gu ergtoingen, nadjbetn alle anberen Sftiitel berfagt baBen. , ®a§ alleS ift bie Sebre be§ erlaudjten 5f5af?fte§ Seo XIII., bie in feiner fe^t Beriibtnten ©ngtjHifa „UeBer bie StrBeiterfrage" entballen ift. ©ie ift in bem D'iaturredjt Begriinbet, tneld)e§ lebrt, baft ein SOtann ein natiirlid)e§ fttedjt Bat auf einen Sofm, ber fein $eitn in fntgater unb berniinftiger $8ebag= licbfeit erbalten fantt. Stile anberen ©djtuftfolgernngen, bie loir niebergelegt baBen, finb nur golgerungen au§ biefem funbamentalen tpringif), baff einer alle gefeblidjen SKittel anloenben barf, um ein Siaturredit gu fdjutjen unb e§ bor 23eeintrad]tigung gu Betnabren. ®a§ finb bie oBjeftibett ©runbfafee, bie al§ Seitfterne bienen mbgett, tnenn gtnifdfen StrBeitern unb StrBeitgeBern ©d)inierigfeiien Befteben. SBiir* ben fie in getniffenBafier SBeife auf Beiben ©eiten Befolgt, bann tniirben fie gtneifeIfo§ bie SJerBitierung milbern, bie oft au§ StrBeiterftreitigfeiten ent= ftebt. £«§ fRedjt ber SlrBeitgeBer. 5Die ©runbfabe, tnelcBe mafjgeBenb finb fur bie $anblung§tneife ber Sir* BeitgeBer, finb tnobl Befannt unb tnerben allge.mein al§ bie eingig fidjeren angefeben, bie Befolgt tnerben Eonnen. ©ie Eonnen in folgenber SBeife gufam* mengefajjt tnerben: ©a§ Capital bat ein Stnred)t auf einen geredjten Xfyexl be§ ©etninneS, aBer nur auf einen geredjten 5tbeil. SlrBeitgeBer follen ibre Stngeftellten mit SWenfdjlidjEeit unb ©eredjtig* leit Bebanbeln. ©ie follen Beforgt fein fur bie gefttubbeitlidfe 3uftanbe in ben Staurn* lidjEeiten unb Orten, tno StrBeiter tcigtid) arBeiten. ©ie follen alle Bon ber SSernunft geBotenen SSiittel antnenben gur £$ror* berung ber materiellen unb moralifcben Sage ibrer Stngeftellten. ©ie follen giitig, menfdilidj, geredjt fein in ibren 33egiebungen gu ibnen. 12 — 2Bir toiffen toobl, baft in eirter bon ftolitifdben unb fomntergiellen ©in* fliiffen biftierten 3Birtbfd)afi§Iebre, bte gang betbnifdj getoorben, maitdje bte= fer pingifnen feinen Pats finben. 28tr finb jebod) iibergeugt, baff ba§ fo- giale problem ber SSer^altrtiffe gtoifdjen Pbeitgebern unb Slrbeitern nidj-t anber§ al§ auf einer djriftlidjen ©runblage geloft toerben fann. ®ie $al* tung ber ©inert ben Sfnberen gegeniiber muff nad) unb nacf) griinblicb gean- bert toerben, bi§ fie cbriftlid) getoorben; fonft toerben loir ba§ ©djaufoiel gtoeier gegnerifcber 9P?a bungSftiicf ftcE) au§maf)Ien fonnte, ba ftanb ibm audb fein §inberni§ entge* gen, and) in alien ©ingen bon moralifdjer SBebeithtng, feinen eigenert SBeg gu manbeln. ©er unmittelbare igang be§ @eifte§ be§ ^nbibibuali§mu§ ift ein ©treben auf ©elbftgenufj unb ©elbftfudbt. ©off er biefe griicbte niefit immer geitigt, allein baber, bafj er nitfjt bi§ gu feinem logifeben ©nbe burdbgefiibrt mirb. . ©§ beftebt bie Rotbmenbigfeit ber RMfebr gu ben alien fatbolifdben Sbealen. ®ie SRenfdben miiffen lernen, jeber Unternebmung ber Religion unb Racbftenliebe unb gegenfeitiger Ipiilfeleiftung im 3SerbaItni§ gu ibren SRitteln beigufteben. Reidje Sente follten baran benfen, bob fie eineS ©age§ bie ©timme be§ Iperrn be§ SBeltallS berneljmen merben, ber ba fagt: „@ieb Recbenfd)aft bon beiner Rermaltung." ©er cbriftlicfje ©eift. ©iejenigen, bie ©ott mit tteberflufj gefegnet, miiffen in bodfbergiger SBeife ibre SfSflicfjten ber ©efellfdbaft unb ben armeren Rtiigliebern ber menfdblicben gamilie gegeniiber anerfennen. ©er dbriftlidbe ©eift tnufj tn ber ©eele entfadEjt merben unb biefer mirb au§ fidb berau§ bie eble unb grofj= miitbige ©efinnung berborrufen, an ^onflifte mit rubigem ©inn unb @Ieidb« mutb berangutreten unb bereitmillig pberen ®emeggriinben ein _©br gu lei* ben unb nidbt bem SBunfcbe allein, einen ©ieg babongutragen iiber bilflofe unb oft mutbentbrannte SRenfdben, bie leiber align oft guten ©runb baben, gu glauben, bafj bie Reicben jeglidifen ©intt fiir 3BobImoIIen berloren bft6en unb nur an fidb felbft benten. — 14 — ©ebunben burd) bo§ dbriftlidje ©efeij. STnbererfeitB firtb STrbeiter ebenfo burd) ba§ dbriftlidje ©efeft gebunben inie iftre Strbeitgeber. Siefe Sbatfadje fdEieirtt mancbmal au§ bem Stuge bet* loren gu luerben unb bie Seute geben ibren niebrigett Srieben nadb. Set ©eift be§ 9ieibe§ Bring! Ungufriebenbeit betbor, unb bie ^altung be§ 2trbei* ier§ gegenitber feinem Strbeitgeber mirb undjriftlidj unb beibnifdj. @B be - ftebt aud) eine S'ceigung, Slrbeit al§ eine uneriraglidje Soft angufeben, bie man fo fdjnell al§ moglidj unb mit mbglidbft geringet Stnftrengung bon fid) abmiilgen tmife. Sie§ ifi ba§ ©egentbeil bet djrifilidjen Sebre. ©er SBeife im 93utf)e ©fflefiafte§, bet alle Steuben be§ SebenS gefoftet batie, muftte notbgebrungen eingefteben: %d) babe gefunben, baft e§ fiir ben SHenfdjen nidjtB Beffere§ giebt, al§ in feiner Slrbeit fief) gu freuen. ©iefe natiirlidje Ungufriebenbeit toirb gebflegt unb gefieigert bon Iarmenben Slgitaioren be§ @ogiaIiBmu§, ben geinben @otte§ unb bet SOtenfdjbeit, bie bie ©runblagen, auf benen bie menfcblidbe ©efellfdjaft fidb aufbaut, gerftoren unb ©ott au§ feinem SBeltall berbannen modjten. (Sine 2?rut bon ©tiirenfricben. ©iefe eigenartige ©rubbe bon fbienfdjen, bie erfoIgloS bie 23o§beit ibrer toabren ^Stingibien gu berbeden fudben, ift eine 93rut bon ©torenfrieben. Sb^e Sebren finb ein ©reuel, bet ficb an ben ©runblagen be§ gamilienle* benB unb bet Religion bergteift. ^b^e ©efimtung ift nidbt neu. ©ine abnlijbe Piaffe bon Seuten toutbe fdjon bom bl- $aulu§ genau befdjrieben in feinem gloeiten SBriefe an bie ©beffalonicber: „©enn audb al§ loir bei eucb loaren, baben loir bie§ eudb aufgetragen, baft, loet nidbt arbeiten mill, audj nidbt effen foil. 2Bit baben namlidb gebiirt, baft einige bon eudb unrubig leben, nidbt arbeiten fbnbern unniifte Singe treiben. ©oldjen aber entbieten mir unb befdjmoren fie im $errn %efu ©brifto; baft fie in ber ©tide arbeiten, unb if»r eigeneB 93rot effen." Seine fatbolifdje ©ogialiften. ©§ giebt feine fatbolifdjen ©ogialiften unb fann audj. feine. geben. Seo XIII. bat in feiner unfterblidben @ngt)flifa eine berartige SSerbinbung bermorfen. Sie ^ringibien be§ ©ogialiBmuS fteben in bollftanbigem @e* genfaft gu ben ^ringipien beB ©briftentbumB. %a, fie gerftoren fidb gegett* ieitig. ©emiffe berleitete ©briften mogen fidb ©ogialiften nennen, aber in SBirflidEjfeit ift eip fatbolifcber ©ogialift ein Sing ber Unmoglidjfeit. ©ine meitere Quelle ber fogialen grieblofigfeit unter bem arbeitenben SSoIfe, bor ber e§ gemarnt toerben muft, ift bie ©udjt, fidb ben greuben unb SSergniigungen beB SebenB bingugeben. Siefe ftebt in unmittelbarem ®e* genfaft gum djriftlidben, gum fatbolifeben ©eifte. ©ie berleitet bie Stfenfdjen, iiber ibre 3Serf)aItrtiffe binau§ gu leben, unb ift eine ergiebige Quelle bon 3fa* miliengmiftigfeiten unb llngufriebenbeit iiber bie ©tellung im Seben. ©a§ djriftlidbe Seben.. ©in djriftlidbeS SSoIf follte fidb ftet§ baran erinnern, baft baB dbriftlidbe Seben ein Seben ber ©elbftiiberminbung ift. ©rlaubte ©rbolungen finb gut. — 15 — nidjt fo §ingaBe be§ Bergen? an bie Steuben biefeg SeBeng. ©ie follten bie SSarnung beg Bf- iJJauIug ftets im ©inne tragen, baft unter benen, toeldje gefaBrlidje Beiten in bet OefdEjidEjte bet 28elt BeraufBefdjtooren, „meBt bie CieBfjaBer ber Steuben alg ©oiteg" finb. ©rofcere ©parfamfeit int $aug» fatten unb toeniger ununterfirocBeneg Sagen nad) leeren Steuben tniirbe triel bon ber unnotBigen UngufriebenBeit toegraunten unb bon bent oft ttn» Begriinbeten SKurren, bag toir auf alien ©eiten pren. Softtttg beg fJSroBletng. 5Da§ fogiale ^toBIem ber SJegieBmtgen gtoifdjen StrBeitgeBern unb Sit* Beitern mufj auf cBriftlidjer ©nmblage geloft toetben, toenn e§ nidjt unge* loft BleiBen foil. Sene tniiffen fid) in ber red)ten ©inneSberfaffung, bie aug bent djriftlidjen ©eifte BerborgeBt, gegeniiBertreien, Bebor aud) nur ber erfte ©djritt git einer bauernben SSefferung gemacp toetben fann. SIrBeitgeBer unb SlrBeiter miiffen fief) gegenfeitig alg 93riiber in ber grofjen SBruberfcfjaft (Spifti anfepn. Sie birdie fdfarfi un§ buref) iBre S'eBren bie eingig fidjere Sftetpbe ber fogialen SBiebergeBurt ein. ©ie ift BeftreBt, bie $ergen ber SKenfcBen bon ber ©elBftfudjt, betn ©eig, bem 9?eib unb 53aft gu reinigen, bie einer Befferen SSerftanbigung ben SSeg berfperren. ©ie fat bie ©flaberei aBgefdjafft tro| beg SBiberfianbeg bon feiten menfcBIicBer Sutereffen, unb Bat bie Sttenfdjen in fogialer £>infid)t frei gemadBt. ©ie fefjiifete unb bflcgte bie Biinfte beg SWittelalterg, inbem fie alle SBtittel in iBrer SOcacBt geBrmicBte, bie SlrBeiter unter bent gnabenbollen unb fanften ©influffe ber Religion git Bal* ten. ©ie allein fann bie ©rnerterin beg fogialen ©enteinloefeng unter ben SSerBaltniffen, bie ttn§ Beute gegeniifierfteBen, fein. $>er ©teg. SBenn ber SlrBeiter, iBren ©eift aufneBntenb, bie StrBeit alg eine ge* toiffenBafte $pflid)t anfeBen toirb, bie mit ©orgfalt unb Sleife erfiillt toerben mufj, unb toenn ber SIrBeitgeBer, iBre SeBren anneBmenb, mit berniinftigetjt ©rtrage fidj gufrieben gieBt unb ben SlrBeiter grofjmiitBig unb menfd)Itd) BeBanbelt, bann toirb ber ®ambf BereitS getoonnen fein unb Sriebe toirb BerrftBen unb Beibe fiir iBre ecfjte cfjriftlicfje unb fatBolifcBe ©efinnung fegnen. 38ir ermaBnen alle, SIrBeitgeBer fotooBI alg SlrBeiter,. biefem Ctetligen ®reuggug ber (BriftlidBen StadjaBmung fid) angufdfliefeen, feine Stnftrengung gur ^erBeifitBrung eineg bauernben S^^BenS gu fdjeuen, aug iBren SteiBen bie fogialiftifdjen ©torenfriebe auggufcBIiejjen, treue StnBanger ber ®irdje gu fein, inbem fie in iBrem iaglidjen SeBen bie SeBren beg erlaudjten Seo Be* folgen, bamit toenn bie toeltlicBen Segierben aBgelegt unb au§ bem SeBett ber ®inber ber Sirdje berfdjtcunben fein toerben, ber Siirft beg S^iebeng iiber ein ruBigeg unb gufriebetteg SSoIf BerrfcBen moge. ©rop getfttge sjtittelfmnfte. SDtogen bie SSereine beg BI- Stamen?, bie ieijt fo gut Begriinbet unb fo BlitBenb finb in biefer ©iogefe, alg bie grofsen geiftigen SHtittelfmnfte. bie* nen, bon benen aug ber ©eift beg religiofen, beg Bauglidjen unb _ fogialen Sriebeng unb ber ^armonie B^forgeBt. SJtogen bie SeBren ber birdie unb bie SPiugipien tBrer iPaftfte unb 23ifcf]6fc, bie bie ofonomiidjen SSerBaltniffe — 16 — ibrer Sinber flaren, unb bie enifpredjenben ipflidjten ftubiert unb roof)I er« lernt merben bet ben SSerfommlungen biefer S8ruberfdE>aft. SSerberbte fProbugattba. SBenn unfere Sente erft begonnen fiaben, bie SBoBbjaftigfeit berer beffer gu berfteben, bie unter bent Sectmantel ber $reunbfd)aft nur ben ®ambf fdjiiren, unb toenn fie erfennen, baft baB ©efefc ©brifti allein olle B'tenfdjen frei macben fann, unb bafc nidjt ber ©ollar, fonbern Sriebe unb Bnfriebem Ijeit ba§ pcfjfte unb meribbollfte SBefibtbum int Seben finb, bonn ttrirb ba§ ©efdjrei biefer larntenben ^nnfierer in giftigen fogialen Uniberfalmittettt alB ba§ erfdjeinen, toaB e§ in SBirJIitfjIeit ift, alB bie boBartige ^robaganba ber geinbe be§ (fjriftlicbjen ©laubenB unb ber ranfefitdjtigen ©torer beB ftaatlidjen griebenB. 2Bir beauftragen jene, meldjen bie ©eelforge onbertrcmt ift, bie ifmett 9lnbefobIenen in ben Sefjren ber Hircbe bjirtfidjtlid] ibrer SPflidften in ber SfrbeitBmelt gu unterridbten, bent Strbeiter mieberutn gu berfiinben, bafj bie Sroftungen, bie bie Steligion ibm bietet, bie eingigen mirtfidjen unb bauernben ©ntnblagen beB toabren ©litdeB bier auf ©rben finb; unb baft ber 9?eib, bie ©iferfudjt unb ber Maffenbajj nur ben ©treit ntebr unb ntebr berbiiiern, ber, fogar toenn er fiegreidj fein follte, nur in ber Slfdje einer SBabnborftellung enben tniirbe. ^ftidjten ber fRetdjtn. ©ie follen furdjtloB ben 9teid)en bie ^flidjten ibreB ©ianbeB unb bie SSeranttoortlidjfeit ibrer SSertnaltung bor Slugen batten. SJiogen fie mutbig bafteben, mie aud) bie Stirdje eB ftetB getban, alB SSertbeibiger ber ©djma» djen, ber 9Irtnen unb UnterbrMien, inbent fie jene ftetB auf ibre feierltcbe ^flidjt unb geredjten SSerbflicbtungen biefen gegenitber bertneifen. @o ntogen biefe Sage beiligmafjtg bertnenbet merben, ben Srieben ben 99tenfd)en etneB guten SBillenB gu bringen, ben baB ©briftuBfinb biefer SBelt fdjenfen moIIte, alB ber erfte SBeibnadjiBmorgen fiber Setblebem bammerte. 2>aB ©efetj beB SidjteB unb ber Siebe. 9D?oge ber liebe $eilanb unb SBetterlofer mdfjrenb biefer Sage ber SSor* bereitung baB geuer feiner beiligen Siebe unter itnB fenben, bob fein ©cbein unb feme SBarme bie S3un!elbeit falser Sebren unb bie ®alte eineB un* cbriftlidjen SftifjtrauenB unb ber Sieblofigfeit berfdjeudjen, batnit h)ir alle, 9teicb unb Strm, SIrbeitgeber unb Slrbeiter, unB um baB gottlidje ®inb in ber ®ribf>e berfamtneln, um mit 9Waria unb gofebb unferen ©ott angu* beten, beffen bbdjfteB ©efeb ba§ ©efeb beB SidjteB unb ber Siebe ift. Unb mag ©otteB ©egen ftetB mit @ud) fein. ©egeben gu SJofton, am gefte beB 1)1 . ©lemenB, 2. Sftobember 1912. *)This leaflet is published as a double number, and sells, because of its size, makeup, and initial cost, at 2 cents per copy. (250 for $4.00.) It is No. 10 and 11 of our series of penny leaflets. It is adapted for distribution among non-Catholics as well as among Catholics. Copies of this leaflet may be procured from Central Bureau, Central Verein, 307 Temple Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. [i to 5 ,000]