L- Q. C--. ~ I 1-y~~ 'j) _ 13 f"ok!ev:, ~ O\M~S ADT Sqb\ BROKEN HOMES tressing of the dignity of human parentage, a reiteration that life is worth living then only when we have made sacrifices, that we are happy not in proportion as we get things out of life, but o.niy in pro- portion as ,we put worth-while things into the lives of others. The curse of today is individual selfishness, yet the happiest familly life entails a deal of yielding and self- f.orgetfulness. The cure then of tomorrow, as it was the safeguard of yesterday, will be self-sacrifice. Only when the father realizes that it is his privileged duty to. think for and toil for h~s wife and little ones; only when the mother is convinced that home-making is no "part-time" job, as a recent writer says it is, but the bigges>t, noblest liie's-work woman has ever done or ever can do; only when 'Our young folk are taught that self-restraint means self-protection, and that purity is the priceless crown 'Of youth and the cherished memory 'Of olden years-then and then only will our family life be safe. And to tho.se of us who still look beyond the grave for a home sweeter by far than the fairest home on earth, father will be to mother, and mother to father, and children to parents, loved ,ones who are loaned by God as "keepsakes for Heaven." c/lmerica Press Publications THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN ENGLAND By PETEB GUILDAY Profe8sor of History, CatboUc University of America This work, in two volumes, is a story, unsurpassed in the Catholic annals of America, of a great churchman and patriot. Price, per set .... .. •................. $10.00 Cloth Bound and Attractively Boxed • • • THE JESUITS IN MODERN TIMES By JOHN LAFABGE, S .J . A calm, dignified exposition of the basic principles of Religious Orders in general and of the Society of Jesus in particular. Price ...... . .... ... .•. . . .... ........ $1.50 • • • THE ETERNAL BABE A collection from the volumes of "America" of Christ- mas poems selected for their beauty and charm in best describing the human drama of the Saviour's birth. Price .. . .. . ... ........ . ............... .... ......... $1.00 • • • IN TOWNS AND LITTLE TOWNS By LEONABD FEENEY, S .J. A book of poems that through sheer merit has run into six printings since June, 1927. This book is an outstand- ing contribution to the poetry of 1927. Price .. . .... $1.50 • • • THE AMERICA BOOK OF VERSE Edited by FRANOIS X. TALBOT, S .J. Litera.ry Editor of •• America' • An anthology made up exclusively of poems which have been originally published in the cQlumns of "Amerka." A book that is pleasing to read and attractive to look at. Price ........................................... . . $2.00 THE AMERICA PRESS 461 Ei~hth Avenue New York, N. Y. Plain Talk! Square Hitting! Fearless Defense! That just about sums up w ha t you wi ll find in the co lumn s of AMERICA $4.00 yearly in U . S .- $4.50 Canada-$5.00 F o reign To this great National Catholic Weekly, among th e more frequent contributors are the following: G. K . Che s- terton, Paul L. Blakely, E lizabe th Jordan, Francis P. Le B uffe, Fran cis X. Talbot, Thomas F. Me ehan, James J . Walsh , Ron ald Knox, Wilfrid Pa r sons, John Wiltbye, H ilaire Belloc, Joseph Huss lein, William 1. Lonergan, John LaFarge, Daniel M. O ' Conne ll , Eugene Weare, Brother Leo, Leonard F eeney, Mary Dixon T haye r, William T h omas Walsh, Grace H. Sherwood , A u stin O'Malley, Myles Conno ll y, Mary Gordon , Daniel Lord, Cha rl es Phil- lip s, George Barton, Francis Carlin. Sound Reasonable Views - Staunch, True American Views - Straightforward Catholic Views - It is gratifying to note the very la rge percentage o f lay w riter s among th e con tributo r s, which proves-if any proof we r e needed-that it is a weekly w h erein o ne may find the layma n equa ll y at home with cleric and R eligio u s. Though the staff is Jesuit, the number of articles by non-Jesuit wri t ers t ota led 61 p er ce nt of th e w h ole a nd the individ ual Il o n-Jes uitauth ors, 72 0 per ce nt of th e whole. Such co- operation from the lay sc ho la r ship of .the wo rld is deeply app r ec iated . THE AJMERIC A PRESS , 461 8th Ave., New Y or k . N. Y . GENTLEMEN: Pleas e s end me th e items I h a ve ch eck ed on thi s an d th e other side, f ol' w hi ch I encl ose $ ____________ ___ . NAME _____ ___ ____ ___ _____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STREET ,ADDRESS __ - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- CITY A , D STATE __ _____ ___ _____ ______ __ _________ ____ ___ ___ __ _ ~'1 828271-001 828271-002 828271-003 828271-004 828271-005 828271-006 828271-007 828271-008 828271-009 828271-010 828271-011 828271-012 828271-013 828271-014 828271-015 828271-016