The big story; a primer in the Mystical Body PRICE THIRTY-FIVE CENTS 0 A PRIMER IN THE MYSTICAL BODY Author: Rev. William Peil Ata wo A PRIMER IN THE MYSTICAL BODY Illustrator: James McBride The purpose of this booklet will declare itself the moment you pick it up and glance through its pages. It aims to present to the mind of the child, as fully as possible, what it means to be a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. This is no easy task. Those who are blessed with the privilege and burdened with the obligation of teaching our children the profound and mysterious truths of holy faith will certainly welcome every available aid in performing this most important work. Especially is this observation justified in regard to the doctrine of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ, a doctrine greatly emphasized in our time but yet too little appreciated even by many adult Catholics. While the stark simplicity of the method em- ployed by the zealous author of this booklet is obviously designed to meet the needs of the very young mind, I venture to think that a better understanding of our total relation- ship to Christ and to each other as members of His Mystical Body would result from a thoughtful reading of this booklet by mature people. I am, therefore, happy to recommend it to those who have need of it and I am confident that they will find it helpful. + Leo A. Pursley Bishop of Fort Wayne Nihil Obstat: Rev. Edward A. Miller Censor of Books Imprimatur: -|-Leo A. Pursley Bishop of Fort Wayne Deacmed August 2, 1958 GOD is like the ocean. WE are like a grain of sand. But He wanted to get real close to us, so we could be real close to God. How could He do that when He was so great as the ocean and we so small like sand ? . 5 He would come down from heaven and become small like us, o 6 would bring God's life down to earth and give it to people. He'd call it GRACE. It'd be God's very life! And when He was on that terrible cross He gave it out (nobody saw Him'}. AND He's been giving it out ever since— till the end of the world. To everybody who is sorry for his sins end obeys God. 9 So you see, some people have Grace^ (God's life . t Some don't. Know how to get it ? t You must be BAPTIZED! 10 AND believe everything Jesus From that time on, know what you're said, and His Church says. like? You're like part of a BODY! You, and Jesus, and like you are like a O n Let's call it a MYSTICAL BODY (miss -tea-call). 12 Q tTI In :sAbs Bpxixox0 ‘sBasxaAo x*1 !^ 8 WTI stuos joj uoxxoaxx03 SHT ox TT 9ax3 aqs sxsaSSxxs .xaqxoui jaq xiaq^ ’aaq joj xi^1118 °°} 9WTI 12 S T q3 TMM ‘jox'boavs axgq Axxo-id b SBq Bpxxxoxo ’Xooqas s,X9BqDXj^ ’xg uo sx uopaaxx03 saqxoxo SxixAxSs^xiBqj, aqj, ,, ’xooqas .xaxjB op ox sSuxqx aaqxo jo xox b aABq X, , *sAbs aqs 1( sapxsagn ’.xaq aas ox pxre 08 ox Asxxq oox sx aqs sAbs aqs xnq ‘.loop xxau saAxx axxruBOf '^aa^ b joj paq ux ^axs sx axuBf •uqof sAbs ‘hSuxxxiod XT SBq ajx,, ’qaBq xuxq Suxddxax xiaqx pxiB Aq Suxxixmj saxxxoa aS-ioaQ XITT Sxixxxbav aqxx sxooj uqof ’asodjnd uo xuxq sdxax ‘aS-ioag) ‘Aoq .xaqxoxry ’Xooqas apB.x§ s,Ajbjai *XS uT XI^V^sBq jo axxiB§ b SuxABxd sx xiqof the End ofthe Copies of this booklet may be ordered from: Grail Publications, St. Meinrad Abbey St. Meinrad, Indiana.