Approved prayers to St. Anne and St. Joachim, parents of the Blessed Virgin : and other selected devotions MARIANNHILL FATHERS DETROIT 32, MICH* (Keep This Prayer-Leaflet In Your Prayerbook or Missal) APPROVED PRAYERS St. Anne and St. Joachim PARENTS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN —And Other Selected Devotions P.O. BOX 87 wn LITANY TO ST. ANNE Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Pray for us Saint Anne, St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Anne, Grandmother of Jesus, St. Anne, Faithful Spouse of St. Joachim, St. Anne, Ark of Noe, St. Anne, Daughter of the Royal House of David, St. Anne, Honour of Bethlehem, St. Anne, House of God, St. Anne, Spiritual Temple of Life, St. Anne, Cloud of Light, St. Anne, Overflowing Vessel of Divine Grace, St. Anne, Mirror of Humility, St. Anne, Example of Charity, St. Anne, Inspiration to Piety and Devotion, St. Anne, Protector of the Holy Catholic Church, St. Anne, Rescuer of Souls in Peril, St. Anne, Sure Guide on the Way of Truth, St. Anne, Ransomer of the Enslaved, St. Anne, Protector of the Poor and Helpless, St. Anne, Glory of the Wedded State, St. Anne, Loving Mother of all Orphans, St. Anne, Heavenly Intercessor for the Blind, the Deaf, the Speechless, and all Afflicted, St. Anne, Healer of the Sick, St. Anne, Powerful Intermediary for Repentant Sinners, 2 PRAY FOR US St. Anne, Pillar of Strength to the Faithful, St. Anne, Help of all Who Have Recourse to St. Anne, Joy of the Angels, St. Anne, Daughter of the Patriarchs, St. Anne, Fulfillment of the Prophets, St. Anne, Revered by the Apostles, St, Anne, Honored by the Priests and Levites, St. Anne, Witness of Confessors of the Faith, St. Anne, Guardian of Virgins, St. Anne, Model of Sanctity, Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Our Father . . . Hail Mary . . . V. Grace is poured out upon thy lips: R. Therefore God has blessed thee forever. LET US PRAY Almighty and Eternal God, Who didst vouchsafe to bestow upon blessed Anne such grace, that she was found worthy to become the mother of her who brought forth Thine only-begotten Son: grant, we beseech Thee, that we who devoutly honor her saintly memory, may be helped by her intercession to merit eternal life. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen. (Imprimatur, George Cardinal Mundelein, Archbishop of Chicago, July 17, 1930) ou, 3 VARIOUS PRAYERS TO GOOD ST. ANNE PRAYER TO OBTAIN A SPECIAL FAVOUR Glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke you, and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present affair which I recommend to you under your special protection. Vouchsafe to recommend it to your Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the Throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day be- holding my God face to face, and with you and Mary and all the Saints, praising and blessing Him to all eternity. Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request. (3 times) PRAYER IN TIME OF DESPERATE NEED O Good and Powerful Saint Anne! I wish to honor you and to invoke you. I have graces, many graces and favors, to obtain from you. I am even in need of miracles. I know that you will be as good to me as you have been, in the past, to thousands of others who have implored you with confidence. O Merciful Saint Anne, you know the grace I stand most in need of, at the present moment; the special favor which I have most at heart to obtain from you. I implore you, O Good Saint Anne, to hear my prayer. Do not permit that, after such earnest and sincere prayers, I have to admit that I invoked you in vain, when thousands of others were favored by you even with miracles. 4 O Good Saint Anne, I know my petition will be heard and my favors granted. I will then proclaim with gratitude that never was it known that anyone who invoked you with confidence was left unheard. I im- plore you, O Good Saint Anne, to admit me, after life's long pilgrimage, to your heavenly shrine, for all eternity. Amen. (Prayer recited at the Beaupre Shrine.) PRAYER FOR FAMILIES Dear and Glorious Mother of the Virgin Mary, Grand- mother of our Blessed Lord according to the flesh, we salute you with great devotion, and, as your faithful children, we come to seek your protection and to im- plore your aid in all our necessities. If was you who received from God the holy dignity of being mother of her who was to be Mother of the Most High. Chosen Patroness of Mothers, help them all, we beg of you, in their holy and most important tasks and duties of motherhood. Rain down on all our families, by your intercession, abundant graces, that we may rejoice to find in all Catholic homes the true spirit of fervour and devo- tion, sincere charity, a great zeal for culture, and that atmosphere of innocence and holiness which befits a dwelling of the servants of Christ. Obtain for our Catholic parents a deep sense of responsibility, a most ardent zeal for the right training of their children, devoted and self-sacrificing love, and prudent firm- ness and discretion in the government of their homes. Gain for our children, by your prayers, true dutiful- ness and piety, so that we may see the spirit of Catholic home life grow ever holier and purer. Thus may our homes be nurseries of vocations, training places for the lay apostolate, and vestibules to that heaven where Jesus Christ, our Lord, waits to reward us with the vision of His Glory, where He lives and 5 reigns, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, full of all beauty and power, world without end. Amen. (From "Moments With God," by Fr. Edward Garesche, SJ.) INDULGENCED PRAYER TO ST. ANNE With my heart full of the most sincere veneration, I prostrate myself before you, O glorious Saint Anne. You are that creature of privilege and predilection, who by your extraordinary virtues and holiness didst merit from God the high favor of giving life to her who is the Treasury of all graces, blessed among women, the Mother of the Word Incarnate, the most holy Virgin Mary. By virtue of so lofty a privilege, deign, O most compassionate Saint, to receive me into the number of your true clients, for so I profess my- self and so I desire to remain throughout my entire life. Shield me with your effectual patronage and obtain for me from God the power to imitate those virtues v/herewith you were so plentifully adorned. Grant that I may know and weep over my sins in bitterness of heart. Get me the grace of most active love for Jesus and Mary, and resolution to fulfill the duties of my state of life with faithfulness and constancy. Save me from every danger that confronts me in life, and help me at the hour of death, that so I may come in safety to paradise, there to sing with you, O most happy mother, the praises of the Word of God made Man in the womb of your most pure daughter, the Virgin Mary. Amen . . . Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, three times. (300 Days Indulgence, once a day. Raccolta #456) EXPECTANT MOTHER'S PRAYER TO ST. ANNE Venerable Mother St. Anne, obtain for me, through your Ever-Blessed Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, that no accident may befall me, but that my child may come safe and sound into the world. Amen. ("Within The Sanctuary") 6 OTHER INDULGENCED DEVOTION: IN HONOR OF ST. ANNE 1 ) Indulgence of 7 years for the devout recitation of any prayers in honor of St. Anne on Tuesday of any week; 2) Plenary Indulgence for the above devotion on nine successive Tuesdays; 3) Plenary Indulgence for the above devotion, under the usual conditions; 4) Indulgence of 7 years, once a day, for the devout recitation of any prayers to St. Anne on any day of the week, with the intention of continuing them for nine successive days; 5) Plenary Indulgence, under the usual conditions, at the completion of each such Novena. (Raccolta #455) THE CHAPLET ("LITTLE ROSARY") OF ST. ANNE The Chaplet of St. Anne consists of three Our Fathers and fifteen Hail Marys. The 1st Our Father and five Hail Marys are in honor of Jesus; the 2nd, in honor of Mary; the 3rd, in honor of St. Anne, re- peating after each Hail Mary the invocation: "Jesus, Mary, Anne, Grant me the favor I ask." A MOST EFFICACIOUS PRAYER TO ST. JOACHIM (Feastday, August 16th) TO OBTAIN A SPECIAL FAVOUR Dear Saint Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and grandfather of the King of Kings, the Eternal Word made Man, lend a pitying ear to the petition which thy loving and trustful client humbly presents before thee. Surely, dear Saint, thou art very dear to the Heart of Him W|iose beloved Mother was thy tender and devoted child! Can He refuse anything to thee, in 7 237 3(93 whose veins the same blood coursed which afterwards furnished the adorable and precious price of our Redemption? Great Saint, nothing can be impossible to thy power and influence over the little Jesus, "Who waxed strong in grace and wisdom” under the maternal care and direction of thy glorious Daughter, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Oh, in mercy and compassion, do thou be like Him "Who went about doing good," and come to the assistance of thy servant, struggling in this place of exile, this vale of tears. St. Joachim, father of her who is our life, our sweet- ness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request! Amen. (From "Leaves") PRAYER TO OBTAIN A FAVOR THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF ABBOT FRANCIS PFANNER, FOUNDER OF MARIANNHILL (The saintly Abbot's lifelong and deep devotion to St. Anne inspired him to co-name his new Mission Society in her honor.) O God, Who hast filled the heart of our Father Francis with such a desire for perfection that he for- sook the world; Who hast tried him in the fire of many humiliations and hast bestowed on him the gift of un- wavering trust in God and of Christian fortitude, Who hast, from his very youth, animated him with the desire to do Thy holy will at all times; Who hast given him a heart aglow with true missionary zeal and the spirit of sacrifice for the salvation of immortal souls: do Thou, we beseech Thee, glorify our Father Francis and through his intercession grant us help in this necessity (mention favor needed) and—according to his own spirit—holy priests, fervent religious, and missionaries burning with zeal for souls. Through Jeus Christ our Lord. Amen. Note: St. Anne Chaplets and Medals of St. Anne may be ordered from the Mariannhill Fathers. CFIAPLETS— 35c each; ST. ANNE MEDALS—Oxidized, 15c; Sterling Silver, 50c, 85c, $1.00, $1.20. Cum Pertnissu Superiorum 8