CP_Box_135_Sys_036_301_992 ,�rpttuaI �nil�Uèt in',q.ulTr nf , �ètiuf '�llS�pq , / \ \ I I I' /.- \ \ YQU are now enrolled I �Ìl the \ \ Jerpttual Nnurmt tu �t. 3Jn!itp� at the - ! ! f MISSION of the IMMACULATE VIRGIN \ \1 Every Wednesday morning your inten­ tion is remembered in Holy Mass at our PRIVIl;EGED ALTAR. \, Every Wednesday afternoon our Priests, Sisters and children pray for you. / /. Unite your prayers with ours. fi 1\lAME _"----.- �.� - --_�-_ ,(Write your �a�e here) \ 1 'trpriunl �nuena tn qonnr of Conducted Under Auspices of Saint Joseph's Union Every Wednesday at the Mjssjon of the Immaculate Virgin SAINT JOSEPH'S UNION 381 Lafayette Street New York, N. Y. Founded by Father Drumgoole in 1874 Saint Joseph. [oster-failœr of our Lord Jesus Christ, true spouse of Mary ever Virgin, pray for us. INDULGENCES TO BE GAINED 1. For those who say the Novena, an indul­ gence of seven years and seven quarantines is granted once each day of the Novena. At the con­ clusion of the Novena, a plenary indulgenee is granted under the usual conditions of Confession, Communion, visit to a Church or Chapel and. prayers according to the intention of the Holy Father. 2. During the month of March, the same in- dulgences may be gained by those who the Novena prayers or any other prayers of choice in honor of Saint Joseph. 3. On the first Wednesday of any month, the same generous indulgences are granted for say­ Ing either the Novena prayers in this booklet 01' any other prayers to Saint Joseph under the usual conditions outlined above. �urtl ®ht\brl: ARTHUR J. SCANLAN, S.T.D. Censor Librorum �ntpclntntur FRANCIS JOSEPH SPELLMAN, D.D, Archbishop ofNew York August 25. 1939, � (�A.lNT JOSEPH PROVIDES" B ECJ.. U�.,:s the saintly Father Drumgoole saw in Nazareth a home, whose Queen was Mary, whose principal occupant was a Boy and whose Provider was Joseph-he built a House dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin, whose occu­ pants are the needy boy-brothers of the once \ needy Boy-J esus-s-and' now as then-the Prov�der is Saint Joseph. Out of this vision came his great mission in life. His Eminence, the late Cardinal Hayes, was a young man, several years away from the Priest­ hood. One day on an errand to the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, he met our saintly Father Drumgoole. Patrick Hayes rapped at the door. A business­ like "come in" and he entered. The message de­ 'Iivered, the young aspirant to the Altar was about to leave-but there was something strange -and he wondered. There on one chair was a cl .s: il�t l,;S:.:IJ�l, a nel another, Cl statue of Our Lady Immaculate. His curiosity gave him 110 rest and he asked: "Father Drumgoole, tell me, why are those statues on the chairs?" Our Founder's face broke out into a great big, char­ acteristic smile: "Because that chair belongs to Saint Joseph," and he pointed, "and that chair belongs to Our Lady, and no one else may use them." And when young Patrick gave evi­ dence of enjoying and appreciating the old man's piety, Father Drumgoole confided: "Saint Joseph and Mary are my two best friends. Whenever I'm anxious about the food bills ànd need money for my boys I have a little chat with Saint Jos­ eph and ask him to provide. You know that was a his job here on earth talç:�b care of that Great­ est of all boys, the Boy Jesus_'�-Em -oldened by this mark of confidence on the pa] of th­ aging priest, the young man put anotl jr que-­ tion: "And Father Drrmgoole, does Sain � Josef come to your assistance Z't=-Poìntìng again the statue of Saint Joseph on the chaìr and l' a finality in his tone that could not be forgottenFather Drumgoole said: "SAINT JOSEPH AL· WAYS PROVIDES." FAlTU IN SAINT JOSEPH REWARDED God forbid that we ever forget the lesson of the saintly Father Drumgoole-"SAINT JOSEPH ALWAYS PROVIDES." Some may say that Father Drumgoole's life­ work is the monument which stands at mount Loretto-the Mission of the Immacuiate Virgin. Daily it houses over 1,000 homeless, destitute and neglected children. During the past 85 years more than 100,000 underprivileged children have found a home there, ana from it have gone out sturdy, trained men and women, ready to take their places in the serried ranks of life. Father Drumgoole's Message To You. This is Father Drumgoole's monument. But we wonder! Is it not true that all this was and is possible today BECAU�E OF SAINT JOSEPH? -Could Father Drumgoole sit here at his desk. where he sat so many times during his busy fruitful life, sit here by the side of these two chairs which constituted his shrine-altars and were we to ask him-FATHER DRUMGOOLE, WHY DID GOD SEPD YOU TO US, WHAT WAS YOUR MIS­ SION, WAS IT PRIMARILY TO TEACH US TO CARE FOR NEEDY CHILDREN OR TO TEACH US TO "Go TG) JOSEPH?"-we feel Father Drumgoole would con. Iess that his REAL MISSWN in life was to be THE PREACHER OF SAINT JOSEPH, through his words, "SAINT JOSEPH ALWAYS PRO­ VIDES." The lesson of the life of the saintly Father Drumgoole must not be missed: SAINT JOSEPH ALWAYS PROVIDES! Ever since 1874 the Promoters and Members of Saint Joseph's Union, numbering during these 5 passing years millions and spread throughout the &U4.·dd-�ave been uracticiu£; and �reachip-.g :!!e leSSOlI Pather Drumgoo te came to teach. Saint Joseph's Union has kept Father Drumgoole's Mon­ ument-the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin caring for the needy children-resplendent and bright these long sixty-five years. We must carry an,-Saint Joseph's Union must carryon. nns NOVENA He have not done enough. We must do more. The Iesson of Father Drumgoole must be preached and taught even more vigorously and more universally. 'lather Drumgoole wills that here at the Mission the Perpetual Novena in honor of Saint Joseph be con .. ducted. Why? For his boys. For you" For the wor ld .. To the glory of Jesus and Mary and Jos !ph. Every Wedne�day af the ye�t onr mare than one thousand children gather about the shrine of the great Patron of Father Drumgcole, the dear Saint Joseph, and are praying the Perpetual Novena first, fot you, Members and Promoters of the Unien; secondly, for ali who join them in spirit and send in their petitions; and thirdly and lastly, for themselves-who perhaps need him mote than anyone else. AU we ask is that you. help us to preach to the world tbe great sermon of Father Drumgeole-e-v'Saint Joseph Always Provides." TeU aU the world. Ask all io ·�Go to Joseph/' Go yourself. Join with 500,000 Members of Saint Joseph' s Ilnion in a great tribute of love and praise to our OWl'. good Saint Joseph. 6 Hymn in lionor of Saint Joseph Sung by Children OEAR GUARmA� OF MARY 1. Dear guardian of Mary, Dear guide of her Child! Life's ways are full weary, The desert is wild; Bleak sands are all round us, No home can we see; Sweet spouse of Our Lady! We lean upon thee. 2.. For thou to the pilgrim Art father and guide, And Jesus and Mary Felt safe at thy side; Ah! blessed St. Joseph, How safe should I be� Sweet spouse of Our Lady If thou wert with me. ANNOUNCEMENTS Reading of Intentions and Thanksgivings. SHORT DlSCOURS£ LITANY OF SAINT JOSEPH LDfd, have mercy Christ, have mercy Lord, have mercy Christ, hear Us Christ, graciously hear us God, the Father of Heaven God the Son, Redeemer of the world God, the Holy Ghost Holy Trinity, one God Holy Mary, pray for us St. Joseph, Renowned offspring of David, Light of Patriarchs, Spouse of the Mother of God, Chaste guardian of the Virgin, Foster-father of the Son of God, Diligent protector of Christ, Head of the Holy Family, Joseph most just, Joseph most chaste, Joseph most prudent, Joseph most strong, 8 Joseph most obedient, . Joseph most faithful, Mirror of patience, "Lover of poverty, Model of artisans, Glory of home life, Guardian of virgins, Pillar of families, Solace of the wretched, Hope of the sick, Patron of the dying, Terror of demons, Protector of Holy Church. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare -us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sini of the world, have mercy on us. V. He made him the lord of his household. R. And prince over all his possessions .. 9 LET OS PRAY O God, who in Thy ineffable providence didst vouchsafe to choose blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may have him for our intercessor in Heaven, whom. we venerate as our protector on earth; Aho liv-est and reignest world without end. Amen, PRAYER OF PETITION O Glorious Saint Joseph, faithful fol­ lower of Jesus Christ, to you do we raise our hearts and hands to implore ye .rr powerful intercession in obtaining from the benign heart of Jesus all the helps and graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special favor we now implore. (HERE NAME YOUR PETITIONe) O Guardìan of the Word Incarnate, we feel animated with confidence that your 'prayers in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. 10 PRAtER TO SAINT JOSEPH, THE ,:AITHFUl. WORKER Glorious Saint Joseph, model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain fer me the grace to work in a spirit of penance for the expiation of my many sins; to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my inclinations; to work with gratitude and joy, cons.dering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor, the gifts received from God; to work with order, peace, moder­ ation and patience, without ever recoil­ ing before weariness or difficulties ; to work, above all, with purity of intention, and with detachment from self, having always death before my eyes and the ac count which I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain complacency in success so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after thy example, O Patriarch Joseph. Such shall he my watchword HJi life and in death. Amen.. , 11 PRAYER of the l\'lfMBHS of SAINT JOSEPH;S UNION O Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, and Glorious Saint Joseph9 Cuard­ �ans and Patrons of our House and Union, intercede for us, your devoted Children now and at the hour of our death. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE CHILDREN at tlae MISSION OF THE IMMACULATE VIRGIN Be mindful of us, O blessed Joseph, and illltercede on our behalf with thy reputed Son; and secure for us the favor of thy most holy Virgin Spouse, the Mother of Him who liveth and reigneth with thc Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen, 12 Hymn to Saint JusepD Sung by Children O BLESSED SAINT JOSEPà 1. O Blessed Saint Joseph, How great was thy worth, The one chosen shadow Of God upon earth, The father of Jesus!: Ah, then, wilt thou be, )weet Spouse of our Lady ... l. father to me. When the treasures ot God Were unsheltered on earth, Protection God found for them In thy precious worth; O father of Jesus, Sweet Spouse of our Lady, Be father to me, And I will love thee, BENEDICTION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Sung by Children. Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui ç Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui; 13 Praestet fides suppìementum Sensuum defectui .. Genitori, Genitoque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio: Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen. Priest: Panem de coelo praestitisti eis. Children: Omne delectamentum in se habentem. OREMUS Priest: Deus, qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabili, passionis tuae memoriam reli­ quisti; tribue, quaesumus, ita nos cor.. poris et sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Children: Amen. 14 The Divine Praises Recited by Children Blessed be God. Blessed he His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man- Blessed be, the, natne of Jesus. , ' . -j�lessed, he His most' Sacred Heart. Bl�s�e,à ',� b� Jè'sus: in the most ,4D1y .Sacra- Inerit of thé Altar. .-' ' Blessed be the gr�a{M!?,H�èr �;��d,'Mary mosr"hGly; :'-"";:';':<::::i,�:-' --, ' .' - .! . Blessed 'h,� het'h�ly '�d. Immaculate Co�- , '��p��on,'- ' ,,:' Bless�-d be_,J)err glorious assumption.• , -: , . J?lessed be th� name .•of Mary, Virgin andX,:::,l:'.,-:>, ,"M()the�� " , __ "".-, " ,: /,_:;",/�, " Blessed be Saint.Joseph, :bér most_-:::��ha�te SA.INT JOSEPi 5EPH'S NOVENA HOUR HAIL, K�lY JOS:!:P8, HAlL! l. Hail,' hoIy Joseph, hdil! " Chaste spO:Ise of Mary, hail! Purè as the Iily flower . In Eden's peaceful, vale. Hail, holy Joseph, hail! , prince of the house of God! May His best graces .be�; ." By thy sweet hands bestowed.,:' 2.•. Hail,· holy Josepb,. haiÙ"':.· ... ç01?ra�le of angels, hail! , " ", I 'Ch�er':,thb,ù> the 'he�rts"that faiilt$ 'A.nd guìd�:�:'fhe' steps' that fait !�k���j��ii�'��i�, : hpl(Joseph, hail'! "'" ' :':�:;,: :'" '�,� G'Qd s. choice wert thou alone � : ", 1'6 thee the .. Word made fle'sh ' ,"�}::,2�. _' Wai,�"subJect as 'a, Son. Jrayrrs fnr Jriuatr irunttnu9 PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THEIR AGONY Eternal Father, by the love which Thou bearest to Saint Joseph, chosen by Thee from among all men to represent Thee on earth, have pity on us and on poor souls in their agony. Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria. Eternal and divine Son, by the love which Thou bearest to Saint Joseph, Thy most faithful guardian on earth, have pity on us and en aU poor souls in their agony. Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria. Eternal, and divine, Spirit, by the love Thou bearest to Saint Joseph, who with so great solicitude watched over most holy Mary the Spouse of thy predilection, have pity on us and on all poor souls in their agony. Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria 2flO days, once a day. II PRAYER FOR PURITY (;'-uardian of virgins, and holy father Joseph to whose faithful Christ Jesus, Innocence itself; and jlary, Vir .. gin of virgins, were committed; I pray and beseech these dear pledges, Jesus and �hat being preserved from aH uncleanness, I may with spotless mind, pure .b.eart and chaste body, ever serve .J:cS:_lS and Mary most chastely all the days of my life. 100 days, once a day. ,. ."." INVOCATION Saint Joseph, foster-father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and true spouse of Mary ever Virgin, pray for us. �300 days, once a day. EJACULATION Saint Joseph, model and patron of those who love the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. 100 days, once a day. 20 I . PRAYER FOR A GOOD DEATH O blessed Joseph, who didst yield thy last breath in the fond embrace of Jesu, and Mary, when death shan close my career, come holy father, with Jesus and Mary, to aid me, and obtain for me the N only solace which I ask at that hour, to die under their protection. Liv ing and dying; into your sacred hands, Jie:sus" �1ary and Joseph, I commend my soul! INDULGENCED INVOCATION Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe Iorth my soul in peace with you! 3�O days Indulgence each time that all three in­ vocations are recited; 100 days when only one is recited; Pius II, April 28, 1807. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Seven years and seven times 40 days each time. Plenary once a month, Pius X. 21 "'. Help us, Joseph, in our earthly strife.. E'er to lead a pure and 'blameless life" Indulgence of 300 days, once a day. Leo XIII March 18, 1882. A PRAYER FOR WORK 0, Son of God and Son of the Virgin fH Mary, Thy Sacred Heart is! an ocean of mercy, Compassion and love for all men, But especially for the poor. To thee I come, filled with confidence, To place my prayer for work In thy Sacred Heart Thou didst come to preach the Gospel To the poor: Thou didst labor with Thine own hands; Thou didst consecrate poverty By choosing it for Thine own life 0, Sacred Heart of Jesus Hear my prayer for work And in Thy Mother's name grant my re. quest. Amen. ·22 I,_. tiAVOlUTE PRAYEM To thee, O blessed Joseph, do we fly in our tribulation. Through that charity which bound thee to the Immaculate Vir .. 6in Mother of God, and through the pa .. tema] love with which thou didst embrace che Child Jesus, we humbly beseech thee n graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with thy power and strengtH to aid us in our necessities. o most watchful Guardian of the Di.. · vine .Familv, defend the chosen children caf Jesus Chrìst; O most loving Father, warJ off from us every contagion of er."' ,for and corrupting influence; O our most mighty protector, be propitious to Us and I from.Heaven assist us iri this our struggle with the power of darkness, and, as once thou didst rescue the Child Jesus trom deadly peril, so now protect God's holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by thy constant protection, so that, supported by thine example, and thine aid, we may he able to Iive piously, to '23 i, die holily, and to obtain eternal happiness in Heaven. Amen. Indulgence of 300 Days, once a day. Leo XIII. 3épt. 21, 1889. ACT OF CONSECRATION O Glorious Saint Joseph chosen by God to be the reputed father of Jesus, the most pure spouse of Mary ever Virgin, and the head of the Holy Family and then elected by the Vicar of Christ to be the heavenly Patron and Protector of the Church found... ed by Jesus Christ; with the greatest con­ fidence I implore at this time thy power.. ful aid for the entire Church militant. Pro .. teet in a special manner with thy truly­ paternal love the Supreme Pontiff and aU the bishops and priests united to the See of Saint Peter. Defend all those who la­ bor for souls in the midst of the afHic .. tions and tribulations of this life, and ob­ tain the willing submission of every na­ tion throughout the world to the Church, the necessary means of salvation for all. O dearest Saint Joseph, be pleased to accept the consecration which I make to 24 'thee of myself. I dedicate myself entire.. ly to thee that thou mayest ever be my father, my protector, and my guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life. Grant that after thy example all my actions may be directed to the greater Glory of God, in union with the divine Heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary, and with thee. Finally, pray for me that I may be able to share in the peace and joy of thy most holy death. Amen. �300 Days. Once a day. PRAYER FOR OUR HOLY FATHER O Most powerful Patriarch, Saint Jos.. eph, Patron of that universal Church which has always invoked thee in anxieties and tribulations; from the lofty seat of thy glory lovingly regard the Catholic world. Let it move thy paternal heart to see the mystical Spouse of Christ and his Vicar weakened by sorrow and persecuted by powerful enemies. We beseech thee, by the most bitter suffering thou didst ex­ perience on earth, to wipe away in mercy 25 r "" the tears of the revered Pontiff, to defend and liberate him, and to intercede with the Giver of peace and charity, that every hostile power bf ing overcome and every error being destroyed, the whole Church rnay serve God of all blessings in perfect liberty. Amen. MEMORARE Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my sweet protector, Saint Joseph! that no one ever had re­ course to thy protection or implored thy aid without obtaining relief. Confiding therefore in thy goodness I come before thee, and humbly supplicate thee. Oh, despise not my petitions, foster-father of tne Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen. 26 TO SAiNT JOSEPH Saint Joseph, when the day was done, And all' your work put by, You watched the stars come one by one Out in the violet sky. You did not know the stars by name, But there sat by your knee One made the light and flame And all things bright that be. You heard with Him, birds in the tree Twitter "'Good Night" o'erhead­ The maker of the world must see His little ones to bed. Then when the darkness settled round, prayers were said; No wonder yeur sleep was grounJ The Angels loved to tread. ' g,,-,, ::;ave me through the darksome night And all the sunlit my thoughts be white guardian I pray l Charles L. O'Donnell, C.S.C-The Ave Maria 2':3 �aiut 31usrplf11 lituhm Founded by Father Drumgoole in 1874 The primary object of Saint Joseph's Union is to provide funds for the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, in order to feed and clothe more than one thousand homeless and destitute boys and girls under its care. iŒNEFITS OF MEMBERSHI? The annual subscription of 25 cents en­ titles each member enrolled in Saint Jos­ eph's Union to a copy of our journal, The Homeless Child M�:;senger, a blessed cord of Saint Joseph and a Saint Benedict's medal. 5000 :MASSES FOR MEMBERS Every year the members of Saint J03's eph's Union share in 5,000 ]\'iasses. In ad .. dition to these Masses, all member» share in the prayers of the children under our care, as well as in the prayers and sacri- 28 tÌces of thousands of Nuns all over the: world who are spiritually affiliated with Saint Joseph's Union. The Nuns and chil­ dren pray daily for your intentions.. as a member, and you are urged EVERY DAY to form your intentions, knowing that the} are being prayed for. You may also en.. roll deceased members. SPIRIT!TAL TREASURY Special Novenas of Masses and Benedic­ tions are held prior to the following feasts: Saint Joseph; Patronage of Saint Joseph; Pentecost; Sacred Heart of Jesus; Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Assumption of Our Lady; All Souls (for deceased members) ; Immaculate Con­ ception and Christmas. PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP Both living and deceased persons may he enrolled as perpetual members, and a beautiful engraved certificate t)f perpetual membership is given. It is customary to clonate $10.00 for an individual enroll... 29 HOLY FATHER'S SPEC�AL BLESSING His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, imparted il special blessing to all members of Saint Joseph's Union and gramed to them a PLENARY INDULGENCE to be granted at the hour of death on condition that, being truly sorry for their sins, even though unable to confess them and to re­ ceive Holy Viaticum, they shall at least invoke with their lips or heart, the Holy Narne of Jesus . ment and $50.00 for a family perpetual membership. .eROMO'lL:::� A Promoter is one who secures one O� more members of Saint Joseph's Union and forwards their membership fee to the office of the Unien. AH Promoters are re .. membered in 500 M�asses said each year for them, in addition to the 5,00Q Masses said for aH members. 30 FATHER DRUMGOOLE Founder of the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin FOT the Protection of Homeless and Destitute ",. Children and SAINT JOSEPH'S UNION 381 Lafayette Street New York, N. i", 31 Remember God�s Poor 1Jinrm nf 1Brqurnt I hereby give, devise and bequeath - to SAINT JOSEPH'S UNION for the wel­ fare of the Mission of the lmmaculate Vir­ gin for Homeless and Destitute Children, New York City, the corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of New York. (here state bequest] to have and to hold unto said Society Ior the pur­ poses for which it "vas incorporated. . 32 In Your WTill Remember YOURSELF in your Will by leaving something for the children at the Mission. Their prayers will be a constant plea before the Throne of God. I I ) I \ ) � l� J I, l � \\ " \ t \ J I \ c I( I/ I, j / 1v , , '\ \ II '1 \, I ! } ( \ lVJA,lL AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional/ copies of this booklet, infor­ mation concerning Saint Joseph's, Union Oì I:. copies of l The Homeless Child Jq�Y be bad I by writing to the, following address. ( I SA.INT JOSEPWS U�ION �\ 'I / Il \ I ��81 Lafayette �treet', \ New Yotk, N.y. \l<, 'lì � I I ) \ '\ v ,r \ I \ YOUR DEPARTED want- you Ito REMEMBER 'THEM ( ,èrpdual :Ætmbtrli�ip You can remember your aear departed ones 1.t no finer way than by enrolling them as Perpetual Members in Saint Joseph's Union. � �B��FITS_ As long as St. Joseph's Union· eoxists, 5,000 lMasses will be read, ttvery year for those enrolled. (ì The prayers of over 1,000 boys and girls, dea, 'to the Sacred Heart, ascend daily to Heaven. The prayers of 20,000 Sisters all over the worlds through affiliation with the Onion, are offered for those enrolled. ENROLL YOURSELF , \ \ Why not make arrangements now to have your", self prayed for after death. � , _ OFFERING - 'I It is eustomary wh'èn enrolling to make an offer- / mg to help care for the"children at the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin. The donation is $10.00 for �a single enrollment and $50.00 for a family enroll, mente Printed at 3aint Joseph's Trades School Mount Loretto. StatA� Island, New York. U. S. A..