Catholic kids Catholic Kids A BOOK OF CARTOONS Catholic Kids Copyrighted 1958 By Cliff Wirth and Published by The Michael Book Co. Chicago, 111. DgadWad “Did you ever hear the A posties’ Creed said without teethf” “/t’s a wonder some soap company doesn’t buy my mother’s slogan about Cleanliness being next to Godliness ’ “/ said a prayer to St. Jude, patron of lost causes, /or 3701*, Timothy ” “If you turn off the light, my guardian angel might trip over something in here!” “You certainly can tell when they9re going to church !99 careful, someone filled the holy water up to the top!” “That’s not a scapular, That’s his dog license,” CLOTHING DRIVE for +he missions “It’s a birthday card for my guardian angel. He and I are 4 years old today.” “How would you like to hear the Hail “Whatever his name is, he sure knows that Friday is fish day at our house ” jmJ OMJ “What’s wrongf I saw Bishop Sheen writing it and Mama likes his program !” /}/ 1 “God bless the sky, and the grass, and the trees, and the garage, and the fence, and the flowers, and the Ma f Timmy's done another sacrilege “Johnny, lend me your miraculous medal for a minute, will you?” “He blesses himself backwards!” “My medal feels like an ice cube ” “Two fingers is a fast ball, three fingers is a slow ball and four fingers means say a Hail Mary!" “It’s a Novena” “His mother sure will like that. He looks just like St. Anthony ” s r “He’s being punished. I caught him eating some meat on Friday “God bless everybody except Tommy Murphy!” “Boy, the angels even kissed him on his back!" “OJC. I’ll play hide’n seek, but no fair asking St. Anthony to help find me l” “1 think it's a shame that boys can y t wear their hats in church ” “My birthday is a holy day of obligation ” > A “His favorite prayer is grace before meals ” “/Vo, they're not Glory Beesl” “Honest Grace, sometimes I wonder how Our Lord could love little children like He did!” “Imagine, being upstaged by a shepherd “// a cathedral is a church and a shrine is a grotto . . . then what is a chapel?” “The first sorrowful mystery ” “How do you bless yourself?” “Professor, I decided to give up the violin for Lentt HI be seeing you ” “Do you think Father O’Brien would visit her if I asked him?” “The Devil in me keeps saying— (Take it apart . . . take it apartV 99 “He saw a picture of the Sistine Chapel in the paper today!”