Destiny Goes to War T H E N E W E U R O P E A N CONFLICT AND ITS AMAZING ENDING by Carl Adler D e s t i n y G o e s t o W a r T H E N E W E U R O P E A N CONFLICT AND ITS AMAZING ENDING European predictions arranged by CARL ADLER Published by C. Adler, 417 Film Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio D e s t i n y Goes t o W a r Copyright, 19hi, by Carl Adler All rights reserved Printed in the U. S. A. Price, 50^, postpaid D o s d d i f l e d I N T R O D U C T I O N Prophecies of all kinds have become a popular topic since the outbreak of the new European hostilities. The vast majority of them originates with the Holy Scriptures and especially with the Apocalypse of St. John, the Evangelist. Constantly repeated during the World War, they have made the gruesome theme of the Four Horsemen and their devastating march of horror com- mon knowledge. But there exists a series of more recent and f a r more distinct prophecies which have never been published in America —at least not in a coherent manner. They come from Europe, where they are better known. As they are now disclosing the presumable happenings of the next ten years, it might be both interesting and advisable to learn what they have to tell us. These predictions are of a religious nature, and odd as they are and incredible as they seem, it must be conceded that they have established their veracity in a most astounding manner. Beginning in the year 385 after Christ and having increased in numbers and unanimity throughout the ensuing centuries, we are amazed to note that they have foretold us clearly such historic events as the birth and rise of Islam, the calamities of the 30 years' hostilities, the coming of Luther's Reformation, the outbreak and the f u r y of the French Revolution, the ex- plosion of our World War, our American participation in it, the subsequent defeat of Germany, the banishment of the German Kaiser, the assassination of the Russian Tsar and his family, the signing of "an u n j u s t peace treaty," the establishment of European Republics everywhere and the aftermath of armed conflict: the world-wide depression. In order to understand religious prophecies—accepting them or not—we must honestly remember that they have nothing in common with crystal-gazing, occultism, spiritualism and the like, because they are not concerned with satisfying wordly curiosity or the making of money. They are proven to be of an unselfish, supernatural order, emanating mysteriously from that mysterious sixth dimension of which we still know so little. They are so-called Second Sights or, as the Christian believes, direct godly inspirations, given to and transmitted by pious persons for the exclusive purpose to warn mankind of impending dangers so that they can be averted in time by reflection and reformation. What ought to interest us most is the fact that almost all the European prophesies since 385 seem to concentrate with special force on our present decade. Alarmed, they admonish us to be prepared for a period of the most frightful catastrophes which the world had ever witnessed. They predict us a second deluge, a titanic purge, consisting of several most bloody wars, of cruel revolutions, of a pitiless Catholic persecution and of raving upheavals of Nature. They explain that after the dis- mal failure of the World War only a still greater affliction, an unheard-of scourge of u t t e r destruction and despair would be able to reform the distorted minds of mankind and to bring Europe to h e r knees and senses, so that, at last, a genuine under- standing among nations and a permanent peace could be established. I am not responsible for these often terrifying predictions and their quaint religious language — I have recorded them only. B u t I have selected them very carefully and have at- tempted to arrange them chronologically for the sake of better understanding. They may not come t r u e in my order of class- ification, they may not be fulfilled in our time, and they may not materialize at all—and yet: all signs on the wall seem to say that they again know what they are talking about. Diving and finding no pearls in the sea; Blame not the ocean; the fault is in Thee. P R O L O G U E Providence Takes a Hand "The world has grown hostile to faith in our times. On t h e whole line the impudent word is flung in the face of God: Go away from us! Leave us! We want to do everything without You and against Y o u ! "And God accepts the word of the nations for it and abandons them to their obstinacy and stubborness until they in their warring madness tear another asunder and cover Europe with blood and ruins. "And when battles have been fought in vain, then God will come again—but fully armed. And He will subject this ter- restrial globe to His avenging wrath. "Et scietis, quia Ego sum Dominus. And ye shall know that I am the Lord!" Bishop M. Pie Poitiers, France In the-year 1880 pi ¡§|$ I :fá C O N T E N T S PAGE T H E ERA OF TRIBULATIONS 9 EUROPE I N UPROAR 1 1 " I SEE N E W MARTYRS" 1 3 RELIGIOUS BATTLE ON THE R H I N E 1 6 I T A L Y — A PLAY-BALL OP WAR 1 9 BLOOD PURGE I N FRANCE . 2 3 ENGLAND'S HOUR OF DESTINY 2 5 A MYSTERIOUS LEADER ! 2 7 T H E ELEMENTS STRIKE 2 9 T H E TIDE TURNS 3 3 A TITANIC STRUGGLE 3 8 T H E BATTLE AT THE BIRCH-TREE. 4 0 PEACE MAKER AND RE-ORGANIZER 4 3 A SAINTLY COMRADE 4 6 T H E GOLDEN AGE 5 0 T H E N E W ORDER OF THINGS 5 2 I S DESTINY READY TO STRIKE? 5 6 CLOSING REMARKS 6 2 % EPILOGUE—THE LAST JUDGMENT 6 5 THE ERA OF TRIBULATIONS (General Outlook) One of the best known German seers is Dr. Bartholomeus Holzhauser. He was born 1613, at Lugna, in Bavaria, and died 1658 as pastor at Bingen on the Rhine. His greatest work was his explanation of the Revelations of St. John, a momentous book, written in Latin, in which he divided the history of the world into seven periods. The fifth epoch evidently applies to our time. He denoted it as the period of affliction (status afflictivus) and predicts great confusion of all sorts: "The Lord will unleash his preconceived anger because of the frightful godlessness. Kingdoms will fall into chaos. Principalities will be overthrown. Dominions will be reduced to naught. States will fall and poverty will be the lot of all- Multitudes of people will perish . . ." The same seer saw at the same time terrible battles that were fought everywhere, a German invasion into France, revo- lutions in many European countries and a bitter religious strife —predictions which will be analyzed in following chapters. It was this Holzhauser, by the way, who foresaw the outbreak of the new European wars for the time around 1940. Another person of highly visionary powers — St. Hildegard —divided the history of mankind into specific periods and designates the one in which we live as the age of despair. St. Hildegard is one of the very few Catholic prophets whose visions have received the approbation of the Church. One of the great- est saints of the Middle Ages and one of the most brilliant scientific lights of her time, she was born to parents of noble ancestry in 1098 at Boeckelheim, Germany, and passed away in the year 1179. Why the age of despair? Because, as she explains, of the decadence of justice, order, and law, of the fall and disappear- ance of the Kaiser and the impossibility to re-establish the sovereign dignity of his office, of the inordinate lust for power and the greediness of the new leaders in that they have no desire to act in accordance with the principles of t r u t h which they claim for themselves, of the general religious unbelief and infidelity among men in the highest as well as the lowest walks of life, of the weakening power and waning influence of the Pope in a very embarrassing environment and because of the outbreak of wars which will ensue during this time and which will be fought voluntarily and as a matter of expediency. 10 CRUEL LEADERS The sainted prophetess literally avows: "When t h e fear of God has been disregarded everywhere (see later. The Author) violent and furious wars will take place. A multitude of people will be slaughtered and many cities will be transformed into heaps of rubbish. A few uncommonly cruel people will play their game at the expense of the peace a~id tranquility of the others. As it h a s been f r o m the beginning of the world, God will deliver the rod of correction to his enemies for the extirpation of evil . . . " The strange "Secret of Melanie" follows to a great extent the same line of thought. Melanie Matthieu, a girl of 15 years, and Maximin Sivaud, a boy of 11, were tending cattle of peasants on the slope of Mount La Salette (hamlet in the French diocese of Grenoble) on September 19, 1846, when they were visited, according to Catholic documents, by Mary, t h e mother of God. Each child was entrusted with a separate message to the world, to be kept secret for 35 years. That of Melanie was made public 1881 by Pope Leo XIII, while t h e secret of Maximin still re- mains hidden "on account of its dreadful contents." Melanie had to flee to England to escape the ire of Napoleon III, against whom she had warned Pius IX, and she died 1904, at Altamura in Italy. Maximin's span of life came to an end in 1875. Let me quote first—at this introductory point of our dis- cussion—the more general contents of Melanie's message, while I promise to be more specific as we move along. "God has then arrived at the point w h e r e he will mete out unparalleled punishments. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will give f r e e reign to his anger, and no one will be able to escape the multiplicity of evils that will come to pass. Those in high places, the leaders of the people, . . . have become erring stars, to be swept away so t h a t they become extinct . . . Man will be subjected to t h e sufferings of physical as well as moral evils. God will abandon mankind to its own devices and will send tribulations that will endure and continue to pursue it for a period of more than 35 years . . . " And anew: "Society will find itself on the eve of the most horrible scourging and the greatest events. Man must prepare himself to be governed by the rod of iron and to drink the chalice of God's revenge . . . " It has been assumed by many interpreters that these pre- dicted tribulations began with the World-War and that they will continue until 1950 or there abouts. 11 EUROPE IN UPROAR The era of sufferings and despair, supposedly to confront our unlucky generation, will set all Europe aflame and will not restrict itself to the opening war which we are witnessing now. A very noted French seeress is the saintly n u n Sister Nativitas of the Convent of the Urbanities in Fougere. Born in Beaulot in the year 1731 as Johanna Royer, the daughter of poor peasant parents, she became later on famous for her holy life and the extraordiness of her many visions. Death reached her in 1798. In reviewing her prophecies she herself calculated that they would begin to materialize in "the century that starts with the year 1900." While Sister Nativitas' predictions are mainly concerned with the horrors of the Christian persecution to come, of which we will hear more later, her attention is also aroused by the general European uproar, connected therewith. Out of her numerous warnings we select one which tends to sustain the assumption that the present European war is not the decisive one but merely the opening and fore-runner to additional and still fiercer hostilities and it is very significant to note that she calls one of the following combats the "red conflagration." "I see in God," the sister exclaims," that the world will then be afflicted with bloody wars. Nation will arise against nation, country against country. Now they will unite and then again will war against each other. They will band themselves to- gether, some for and some against the same party. In frightful fashion armies will attack each other and on all sides and every- where the earth will witness murder and carnage . . . Atrocious sacrileges, desecrations, abomination, and untold sufferings will be the result of these external and internal wars . . . " Internal wars are revolutions. Sister Rosa-Colomba Asdente, an outstanding Italian prophetess (born 1781 in Piedmont, buried 1847 in Taggia) foresaw these uprisings, too: "Great revolutions will break out and the world will see nations warring against nations amid the sound of predatory weapons. The revolution will spread over all Europe, causing utter destruction and despair . . . " How these revolutions will presumedly affect the various European countries, shall be soon illustrated in detail. A sug- gestive remark of Melanies secret, referring to four nations, might be used in advance: "France, Italy, Spain and England will be at war. Blood will flow in the streets. The Frenchman will be in arms against 12 Frenchmen. Italian against Italian. There will be a general war of most frightful nature. For a time, God will forget both France and Italy because t h e gospel of Christ is not known any more. The wicked ones will unfold all their wickedness. Men will kill themselves and one another. They will carry m u r d e r and death even into the homes." Additional prophecies, to be employed at the proper time, shall explain why Germany was not mentioned in the above prediction. That was probably due to the fact that Germany at this progressed state of developments had already passed through a paralyzing revolt of her own. A less known but equally enlightened seer is the so-called Franciscan Brother of Mt. Sinai, Palestine. He died in the monastery of the "Holy Mountain" in t h e year 1806 at the age of 92. This prophet predicted in earlier visions t h e assassination of the Tsar and his family and the abdication of the "kings and princes of Germany," adding: "Much more grief and sorrow, however, is reserved for the king of Prussia." (Ex-emperor William). A few hours before his death, the pious F r i a r cried out: "Trying times will come thereafter. In all of Europe a frightful civil war will break out. One will tear the other to pieces and the blood will flow in streams . . . " And a little later: "Italy, Italy, thou lovely land, over thee I weep. A number of thy blossoming cities will be ravaged. Here many Ger- mans (!) will find their graves . . . " Germans, fighting for or against the Italians? That, too, we shall discover very shorty. Monarchical uprisings in Austria were felt also by the Friar (as well as by Holzhauser): "Austria seemed to have gone under b u t free-minded n a t u r e will again rebel . . . After numerous struggles and gory, she will fall into ruins, yet t h e genius of the old reigning house (Habs- burger? The Author) will protect t h e dynasty. Vienna will be besieged twice and after it finally has drawn upon itself the hatred of all other nations, will be severely punished. (See later. The Author). Vienna will become desolate and t h e great palaces will stand empty. Grass will grow at the Cathedral of St. Stephan's and all nobility will cease to exist . . . " The dying Brother conceived finally the f u r t h e r destinies of Hungary, the Balkans, Poland, Belgium, Holland and Scandina- via, but these visions must also await their logical setting. 13 "I SEE NEW MARTYRS" One of the most shocking happenings in the European tragedy of the f u t u r e is—in the light of our prophecies—the allegedly impending persecution of the Christian and especially the Catholic faith. So numerous a r e the visionary allusions to this theme that we have to restrict ourselves to summarizing excerpts. Anna Katherina Emmerich (1774-1824, Blessed Virgin, stigmatized, one of the greatest seeresses of all times), lamented: "I see new martyrs, not of the present time, but in the next century. I see them pursued. I see how here and there good pious people and especially the religious orders, are tortured, imprisoned and murdered . . . " Holzhauser: "And while I trembled exceedingly and was amazed, I saw how everything turned against God . . . And I saw men and beasts being killed everywhere. A great wound was on the earth and it was overflown with blood. The bloodhound will harass the Church, and the greatest distress and chaos will reign . . . " Abbot Werdin (1220-1298): "Four years will the nations wage war against one another and a large part of the world will be destroyed. The head of the world (Pope) will fall . . . ' " Franciscan F a t h e r Lavinsky (died in Mikahera, Transyl- vania, 1708): "In those days of Germany's sudden rise and fall the whole world will be chastized by external and internal wars and will be compelled to suffer greater devastations than ever before. Religion for the greater part will be suppressed and the monks will be banished . . . " Johannes von Lilienthal (Augustinian Prior in Utrecht, Holland, about 1350): "At that time, the church will suffer severe pressure, will practically lose all its wealth and will be severely oppressed by internal and external enemies . . . " F a t h e r Hieronymus Botin (Benedictine of St. Germain-des- Pres, Paris, died 1420): "And after the end of five centuries the servants of the altar will weep and suffer persecutions for the sake of justice. The shepherd (Pope) will be smitten and the fold scattered . . . " 14 Elizabeth Eppinger (born 1814 in Alsace, founder of t h e Order of the "Daughters of the Divine Redeemer," died 1862): "In the impending revolutionary chaos eminent religious will be assassinated by dignitaries. Rome will see the blood of priests flowing. Convents will be sacked. Churches laid waste. Laws will be enacted against religion and the worship of God. Through the stroke of the scourge t h e Lord wishes to re-awaken the right spirit among those in holy and sacred positions. Secretly conducted agitations, revolts, insurrections, slaughter and the creation of a state of alarm and anxiety within the r a n k s of general society will be characteristic signs of the times when the evil ones shall have established themselves in power. God wishes to administer punishment for allowing faith to wane and for the sins t h a t engulf the world, and therefore permits the raging passions of man to have f r e e reign until they reach a point where they will subside of themselves . . . " And again, another vision: "A great persecution of priests will break out, but it will not be so severe in Alsace and, therefore, many foreign priests will fly thither . . . For many clergymen are no longer zealous for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Their hearts are set on the spacious goods of this life. Through chastisement they must be torn away from these things in order to bring about a change in their point of view , . . " Sister Rosa-Colomba Asdente: A f t e r the rise of a "childish regiment in Italy"—"a great persecution of the Church will break out, which will be the work of her own children. (Catholics?) One of these great enemies of the Church will assume the name of "Redeemer" and will be a predecessor of the Anti-Christ . . . " Other seers describe this coming leader of the fight against the Church as a small, worldly, h a r d looking up-start, a born but tepid Catholic. Sister Colomba continues: "Many sects will unite with this m a n and will demand con- formance to their principles against the Church at the point of the dagger. Their cunning will be so great t h a t they will even win over righteous men to their cause. Withal the Episcopate will stand firm, and only a very few will waver in faith, b u t all will be called upon to bear great h a r m because of their courage and loyalty towards the Church . . . " "A wild demagogy will have the upper hand for a time. It will rob t h e religious orders and t h e estates and properties of good Catholics. This furious storm against the Church will leave, besides the Hospitalers, only two other religious orders in 15 function: the Dominicans and the Capuchins. The Hospitalers will attend the pilgrims who will journey to Italy (see later. The Author) to visit the martyrs who during the course of this persecution of the faithful have been murdered. And during the course of this persecution priests and monks will be cut into pieces like slaughtered cattle . . . " Sister Nativitas: "In the wave of the internal and external wars the Church will be pounced upon and she will be robbed of her legitimate rights, bringing her great suffering . . . " "Thereupon I saw a great power arising against the Church. It despoiled, plundered and laid waste to the vineyard of the Lord, made of it a foot-path for those passing over it, and derided it before the nations as an object of scorn and mockery. A f t e r desecrating the celibate and suppressing monasticism, this power boldly confiscated the properties of the Church and at the same time usurped the powers of the pope, whose person and laws they condemned . . . " We leave it to our readers to guess who this "redeemer" and which this Church-storming power may be, and proceed with additional predictions which might throw more light on both questions as well as on the nefarious n a t u r e of the alleged persecution. 16 RELIGIOUS BATTLE ON THE RHINE Staring at the thunder and lightning that is now engulfing Europe, the supermost question arises: What is going to happen to Germany? Well, according to our prophecies, if interpreted correctly, the Third Reich is to experience a revolution, a re- ligious war and a French invasion. Let us begin with the two first mentioned predictions. The so-called Goerres Prophecy, a strictly German legend, which also is supposed to have originated with Holzhauser, states after a definite description of the French revolutions and the recent World War: "In the second period (ending the World War. The Author) peace will come b u t it will be a peace in name only. Because in fact there is no peace, as under it the afflictions will be even as great as they were during the war." The peace treaty of Versailles? And then "after a betrayal of the Kaiser," there will reign a new government in Germany, which will oppose the Church and will lead the land into great distress: "Those at the helm of the German government, already fallen away from the old loyalty, will abandon the leader, and through an unrighteous peace-pact (to follow the present war? The Author) will unite against the Catholics. Like wolves they will destroy all the archbishoprics, dioceses, monasteries and corporations that for the most part were founded on the pious incentives of the good fathers of the Church. Because Germany will then be a nation divided against itself (civil war. The Author) and because its governing officials (!) have become associates and companions of rage and fury, deluged with the spirit of giddiness . . . And this spirit of giddiness will have such effect that the leaders will grope about in midday as if they were in the blackest darkness, because their powers of perception are so out of place that they are virtually blinded. But that will be what they had prepared for themselves . . . " The Rumanian Franciscan Father Lavinsky whom we have cited before, also declares that Germany after great victories will be a disunited nation and remarkable, too, is the fact that the Sister Rosa-Colomba speaks at this date of her predictions only of a united "Russia, Austria and Prussia," (!) never men- tioning Germany again. One of the most widfely circulated German Folk-Sagas is the legend of the battle at the birch-tree. We have to employ it 17 later in full, b u t will use the first paragraph as relevant to our theme: "There will come a time when the world is averse to God. Loyalty and faith rule no more . . . Then there will arise a general insurrection, so that the father will fight against the s o » and t h e son against the father. (Again: the civil war. T h e A u t h o r ) . At this time attempts will be made to distort the dogmas of faith in Church and school. New books will be introduced. The Catholic Church will then be greatly oppressed and h e r enemies will cunningly strive to annihilate h e r alto- gether. B u t then it will not be long before a change takes place. A frightful w a r breaks out . . . " That would b e the last and decisive war, on which we re- ceive detailed information in succeeding chapters. As the above 6aga concerns itself with Germany only, its contents must be logically applied to Germany. Bernard Remscheidt or "Spielbaehn" as he was called be- cause of his great love for his violin, who was born 1699 a t Eschmar on t h e river Sieg and was buried 1783 in Cologne, stands with Holzhauser in the first r a n k of German seers. A humble messenger-servant between t h e cloisters of Heisterbach and Oberpleis, this very pious man prophesied in his time—over 200 years ago—such f u t u r e events as t h e guillotining of the French king Louis XV, the appearance and banishment of Napoleon I, the imprisonment of Pius VIII, t h e invention of tele- graphy, steamships, automobiles, railroads, flying machines etc., the outbreak and results of our World War and t h e dethrone- ment of t h e Kaiser. A f t e r the World War, people would become godless in Germany, especially in the reigning ranks, and they would endeavor to establish a new German religion. The National Church of which w e hear so much about lately? Anyhow, i t will be a strange religion, according to "Spielbaehn:" "They want to found a new kingdom of Christ, and all f a i t h is to be banned and people do not care a n y more whether to go to- church or not. "They call themselves servants of God, but they a r e s e r - vants of t h e flesh. "They take unto themselves one woman, t h e n two, t h e n three, and m a k e a religion out of their sinfulness." "For their belly is their God and the destruction of Christ their goal." As a result, violent Christian persecutions would arise, to be followed by a civil and religious war, causing t h e collapse o£ 18 a great nation. (Germany or Italy? See later). The religious strife in Germany, assisted by strangers, would culminate in a bloody battle at Cologne on the Rhine. "With it (the great nation. The Author) the false prophets will fall. As such many will b u r n themselves with their wives and children. And four hundred of them will be strangled with intestines. And those that are left will be cast from a rock on the Rhine. That is the beginning of the blood-era. The Holy City of Cologne will then witness a frightful battle. Many strange people will be murdered here, and men and women will be fighting for their faith. And it will not be possible to avoid a horrible devastation of Cologne. And there one will wade in blood u p to the ankle . . . " 19 ITALY — A PLAY-BALL OF WAR "Spielbaehn" remarks at another point of his eerie visions that a religious persecution would rage at the same time in another great European country. Most exegetes apply this assertion to Italy, and there are certainly enough direct pro- phecies to share such a belief. We recall the references to internal Italian strifes, made by the Franciscan Friar of Mt. Sinai, by Melanie, St. Hildegard, Abbot Werdin, F a t h e r Botin, Elizabeth Eppinger, and Sister Rosa-Colomba, and now a few more. J u s t about 100 years ago, there ruled in Rome the saintly invalid-pope Pius IX, who was strongly gifted with the so-called second sight. During the course of a conference with the superiors of the Order of St. Francis he became exhausted and fell asleep, b u t suddenly awoke affrighted. In a disturbed voice he said: "I saw one of my successors fleeing over the corpses of my brothers. (Cardinals. The Author). Do not tell this to anyone as long as I am alive." The same pontiff lamented on a later occasion: "The revolution will come to triumph and our Church will again be subjected to extraordinary sufferings. Her servants and her pontiff will be outraged, persecuted and martyred." The Secret of Melanie resumes h e r corresponding revela- tions: "Italy will be severely punished for her efforts to shake off the yoke of t h e Most High Lord. She will become the play-ball of war. On every side blood will flow. The temples will either be closed or desecrated. Priests and members of religious orders will be p u t to flight. They will be beaten to death and other- wise die cruel deaths. "The Vicar of My Son (Pope. The Author) will be com- pelled to suffer much because for a time the Church will be delivered to great persecutions. That will be the hour of d a r k - ness, and the Church will experience a frightful crisis. T h e powerful officials of the State and the Church will be suppressed and done away with, and all law and order as well as justice which exist then, will be murder, hate, envy and deceit, with n o love or regard for one's country or family . . . " Attempts will be made to assassinate the Pope: "The Holy Father will suffer exceedingly. I will be with him 20 until to the end to accept his life as a pleasing sacrifice. The wicked ones will make many attacks against his life, but neither be nor his successor, who will reign only for a short time, will witness the final triumph of the Church. (See later. The A u t h o r ) . The worldly governments will all have but one aim, namely to annihilate, discourage, and remove all religious prin- ciples in order to make room for materialism, atheism, spiritism and all manner of blasphemy . . . " That the pope will be murdered, is asserted by Don Bosko, famous educator and founder of the Salesians, who died in Turin, 1888: Much blood will flow in Italy and the pope will be assassin- ated . . . " Something similar is indicated b y Sister Maria Steiner (born in Tyrol, passing away 1862 as t h e principal of the St. Clarissa Convent in Nocera, Italy): "The friars will be compelled to leave their monasteries and the nuns will be driven out of their convents, especially in Italy. The Church will be persecuted and Rome will be b e r e f t of the pope. If forbearance is not implored through prayer, the time will come when one will be able to see the sword and death, and Rome will be without shepherds . . . " Brother Johannes of the Clover Rocks, a hermit who lived around 1330, assures us, however, that the pontiff will merely be driven from Rome: "The tyrants and the hostile people will suddenly fall upon t h e prelates of the Church and the religious orders to rob them of their earthly possessions. They will be despised and be made the victims of all manner of deception and f r a u d . During the time of this terrible oppression the pope, together with his car- dinals, will flee from his See and live in sorrow and distress. They will be able to find but a little peace and calm in a small locality where they are not known. These sufferings will f a r surpass any that the Church was called upon to endure during earlier times . . . " There will be many apostates, too, among priests and higher Catholic dignitaries and even a schism will hold sway for a while as numerous prophecies bitterly decry. F I N A L TRIUMPH While all interpreters concur in the opinion that the new persecution of the Christians, whenever it shall come, will be even more ferocious than Nero's bloody assault on the Church, they are at variance with one another concerning the period of its 21 duration. And scy it seems, are as a matter of fact the prophets themselves. So prophesies, by way of example, Sister Marianne (pious portress of the Ursuline Convent in Blois, France, where she died, 1804): "When the great w a r has been fought, there one will have to pray very fervently because the evil ones will want to destroy everything. Before the great final struggle, they will be t h e masters. They will bring about as much wickedness as they possibly can, however, not as much as they would like to, because they will not have sufficient time. The less numerous good people will come very close to annihilation . . . " Almost literally does this prediction coincide with observa- tions by t h e Belgian Jesuit Rector Nectou, who died at Bordeaux, France, 1172: "When these f u t u r e days of horrors dawn, there will reign much disorder and such confusion on earth that one will not be prone to believe that God still concerns himself with the world. The intentions of the wicked ones will be to completely destroy the Church. The time in which to accomplish this end will, however, not be of sufficient duration, as this dreadful period will last b u t a short time. At the moment when it is supposed that everything is lost, everything will be saved . . . " We will soon learn how this sudden rescue is to happen. The Blessed Hospital Sister of Belley (who died 1830, in France) announced in a related vein: "I saw a great struggle, more furious than ever was seen in the past. The enemies of God sought to exterminate all the servants of the religion of Jesus Christ and all his adherents. They extirpated a great number and already raised the cry of victory. The time of all this overthrow will, however, not exceed a period of more than three months, and the great crisis in which the good ones will finally triumph, will only last a short time . . . " With these "three months" and this "short time" these three seers have possibly meant the actual persecution or its zenith, while other prophets, who speak of a longer period, might have had the entire catastrophical era in mind. For instance, Sister Maria Lataste, one of the most gifted French seeresses (born 1822 in Mimbaste, to die 1847 as a member of the Congre- gation of the Divine Heart of Jesus) noted: "When the new afflictions fall upon the earth, Rome also will encounter oppression in sorrow and desertion. During the course of three years and more (!), it will seem that this city 22 h a s succumbed to defeat. Then the Blessed Virgin (St. Mary. The Author) will descend into the city, grasp the hand of t h e aged m a p occupying the throne and speak to him: Now t h e h o u r has come! Arise against thy enemies . . . " "However, before all this comes to pass" (the rescue of the Church. The A u t h o r ) , "evil will have made such progress," so predicts Father Bernard Maria Clausi of the Order of the Lesser Brothers, who died 1849 at Paolo, Italy, "that it will seem as though all the devils in hell have been unleashed. So great will be the persecution of the evil ones against the just, that the latter will be suffering veritable martyrdom . . . " So much about the new religious strife which is predicted with such impressing unanimity. As it has not as yet made its appearance, it may well be that the f u t u r e will bring it on, and it might come soon, when we consider t h e happenings in Russia and Spain and the present European developments. The end and the results of the foretold persecution will be the object of following disclosures. 23 BLOOD-PURGE IN FRANCE The sensational collapse of France is a matter of history. The prophecies which foresaw such a sudden disaster have, there- fore, become obsolete. But there remain those parts that have not been fulfilled as yet. They attempt to tell us what is going to happen next in this unfortunate country, and they seem pos- itive that France will experience a brilliant come-back, but only after a furious civil war. It was the Sunday preceding All Saints Day in the year 1816 when the Sister of Belley, already known to us, was deeply absorbed in a religious meditation: "Suddenly there appeared before me horrible things. I saw persons in all walks of life who had surrendered themselves again to the most horrible evils. I was told: Thou seest the crimes that man commits, and who withholds my avenging arm? I therefore wish to strike France again for the weal of one and the woe of the other. "At t h a t instant I saw a heavy cloud, which was so very black that it frightened me. It covered the whole of France. Out of the depths of this cloud I heard confused voices that cried: Long live the Republic! Long live Napoleon! Long live religion! Long live the great monarch whom God has prepared for us! . . Here we see vividly a French civil war in which the Repub- licans, the Bonapartists and the friends and foes of the faith take up weapons against each other. The above mentioned "great monarch" will be fully described a little later. The next obser- vation of the Sister reveals the bloody nature of the revolution: " A great battle took place, more terrible than anyone has ever witnessed before. Blood ran, as though it were raining heavily, especially from the South towards the North. The West seemed to be calmer. In this struggle the majority of the evil ones will perish . . . " When will this revolt from the South (unoccupied France. The Author) eventually begin? The Franciscan Friar of Mt. Sinai exclaimed shortly before his death: "France will be involved in a foreign war. Soon after this war, the citizens will rise and assassinate the president which will start a dreadful blood purge. More than half of the City of Paris will be transformed into ashes . . . Then the African pos- sessions of France will tear themselves away from the mother country . . . " 24 " A t this time (civil and religious wars in Germany. The Au- thor) France will be divided unto herself," the pious "Spiel- baehn" asserts. This new French uprising, evidently a result of the defeat on the battlefields, was already foreseen in t h e year 1756 by the previously mentioned Jesuit, Rector Nectou: "Two parties will begin to form in F r a n c e and they will fight each other to death. The one will be f a r stronger t h a n the other in numbers but the weaker party will be victorious. So terrible an epoch will then begin that people will believe that the end of t h e world is at hand. Blood will flow in many of the great cities and there will be disturbances of the elements. (See later. The Author.) It will be like the Last Judgment in miniature. I n the catastrophe a great multitude of people will die . . . And during this dreadful upheaval which, as it seems, will be general and not confined to France alone, Paris will be destroyed." Elizabeth Eppinger, too, envisaged Paris in flames, insur- rection and chaos, Anna Katharina Emmerich beheld the entire city disappearing during a frightful struggle and Melanie's Secret discloses: "Paris will be burned and Marseilles will be swallowed up by the sea. Numerous great cities will be shaken, convulsed and destroyed. The populace will believe that everything is lost, will see nothing but murder, and will hear only the clang of arms and sacrilegious blasphemies . . . " Another French seer, the Blessed J . M. Vianney, better known as the Vicar of Ars (born 1786, died 1859) warned: "A time will come when people will believe that the end is near. It will be a sign of the last Judgment. Paris and two or three other cities will experience a transformation. Paris will be demolished but not altogether. However, one will behold still more frightful things to come. There is, nevertheless, a limit beyond which the demolition will not progress . . . " The Vicar saw "those still more frightful things to come," but the French government confiscated this part of his prophecies and they were hidden as well as the Secret of Maximin, from which one may draw his own conclusions. B u t we have other prophecies to this point, which will be divulged in one of the n e x t chapters. 25 ENGLAND'S HOUR OF DESTINY Since a number of months England is engaged in a life-and- death struggle with h e r German foe. How will t h e desperate fight end? I n the light of the few prophecies which touch this ques- tion, with England's dissolution as a world power, and with a raving revolt on the British Isles in the wave of the French rev- olution. It may be appropriate, however, to call attention to the fact that these prophecies are evidently anti-British inclined. Let u s cite first a prophecy of the 14th century, known as the Regensburger Vision, which expresses itself generally along this line: "In England the struggle between the Democrats and the Aristocrats continues and as nothing lasting can assert itself to combat the influences that oppose t h e well-being of the people, avarice and lust for power must eventually give way. Where, however, such vices are as deeply rooted as they a r e in England, one cannot drive the evil from the field of battle with a single blow, but he will assuredly be destroyed, as his hour cometh." And then—more positive: "In Germany and other lands England instigated much mis- fortune and suffering and heaped insult and ignominy upon them. Through a r t f u l intrigue and bribery she will continue to attempt to f r u s t r a t e every move on the part of these countries to improve their conditions and circumstances. Should this selfish party succeed, a war, the like of which no eye has ever beheld, would devastate Europe . . . " We had the World War, in the meantime, which was terri- ble enough, and now we have the new conflict, which is a still greater terror. And again, as in the World War, t h e eyes of England's enemies are focused on Ireland. Will Eire t a k e ad- vantage of the opportunity to completely liberate herself this time? Our prophecy says: Yes! by continuing: "But woe to those who spread discord. Ireland will rise and emerge from the struggle victorious. Despair will give the peo- ple of this unhappy land the strength and prowess of giants. The havoc will b e frightful and deeds of u n n a t u r a l abomination and horror will be perpetrated because foul and heinous crimes have been committed for a long time . . . " In conclusion: "England's lucky star is growing pale, and only continued intrigue can save this commercial nation for a short time from complete r u i n . . . " 26 Scotland will join Ireland to combat England, the Franciscan F r i a r of Mt. Sinai is sure: "England, this Merchant State, which out of a spirit of greed, countenances all sorts of injustices, will become the theatre of w r a t h where t h e perpetration of the greatest acts of abomination will t a k e place. Ireland, united with Scotland, will invade Eng- land and devastate it. The royal family will be p u t to flight, and half of t h e inhabitants of the kingdom will be slaughtered. Poverty will reign and all of England's foreign possessions will make themselves f r e e and i n d e p e n d e n t . . . " And t h e Jesuit F a t h e r Nectou augments: "When t h e might of England once begins to totter, then a general catastrophe will be imminent. As one recognizes the approach of summer in the budding fig-trees, so will this event be heralded b y the beginning of the disintegration of England. England, for her own part, will see a revolution more terrible t h a n the one t h a t took place in France, and it will last long enough to m a k e it possible for France to come to h e r assis- tance . . . " England's hour of destiny and destruction! Has it really arrived? 27 A MYSTERIONS LEADER Revolts and religious wars rage throughout battle-torn Europe. What is the next development in this nightmare of slaughter and suicide? I t seems t h a t France will be the first country—always assuming that we interpret our prophecies right —to recover and to stage a mighty, if only temporary come-back. Because the prophets say that "out of the West" a mysterious king will arise to readjust France and to bring the rest of Europe into the grip of his dictatorial hands. Detailed predictions sug- gest that this aggressive warrior probably is the man who emerges victoriously from the new French revolution. Other exegetes, however, think backwards and claim to recognize in him none else than the former French emperor Napoleon I. Still others a r e inclined to the belief that Adolf Hitler impersonates this mighty fighter. I leave the decision to my readers and con- tinue as usual to report "without any editorial comment." There is an age-old French folk-saga which longingly cries out: "When France fights h e r interior battles against partisans of the dethroned reigning houses, then a second Napoleon will arise, loved by his heroic people, fired with lust for conquest and feared by all other nations . . . " Whoever the new light on Europe's military firmament is, he does not like Germany and Italy. Holzhauser saw him with his enormous army in subdued Vienna and our Goerres prophecy continues after its blasts at the godless leaders of "divided Ger- many": "But now, which is hard to believe, a person will appear whose name will be unknown and whose country not too well known. H e will conquer Italy and vanquish Rome in one day. God's omnipotence destined him to become one of the great mon- archs and to punish a great part of t h e world. This strong mon- arch, girded with the mighty sword, will totally destroy all the republics which the pupils of the false philosophers have found- ed, and subjugate the host of godless disciples who do not obey the Church and the law . . . " The remark that the republics will be removed may account for the puzzling fact that all prophecies, referring to this time of general chaos, always mention the existence of "kings and princes in Germany," probably a result of the predicted German revolution. The Goerres prophecy resumes its narrative as fol- lows: "Religion, for the most part suppressed, will through the 28 conversion of the perverted French nation be reinstated by him. And with one mighty swoop, under the sign of the rapacious eagle, he will subdue with terror and cruelty the Reich (Ger- many. The Author) which always falls first into errors which it tries to avoid. "The spirit of discord which now penetrates into other nations will aid this mighty monarch, especially in the case of those that lie on the other side of the Rhine (Germany again. The A u t h o r ) , to chastise them for their godless and wicked gov- ernment. For in priestly vestments and worldly raiments have they forsaken the faith and t h e laws. Therefore he will devas- tate the greater part of their governments and shatter the scep- t r e and crowns of their kings. "Exceedingly great will be the misery in the nations, and signs will h u r r y on before the tribulations. Ancient States will disappear and new ones will arise. Under t h e wings of this predatory eagle the Roman empire will be miserably torn asun- der and everything will be overthrown because many struggle for supremacy. "And this mighty monarch will for a time, but not for an extended period, rule a part of the Orient as well as of the Occi- dent, so that all t h e world will be impoverished as a punishment of the nations in order that they will r e t u r n to God, our Lord . . " No, he will not last long—he will go as he came like a comet. His mission is fulfilled and he has to make room for a still greater successor, the real and final saviour of Europe whom we will describe shortly. The above illustration of the godless conditions in Germany reminds us of "Spielbaehn's" reference to the "new kingdom of Christ" as a "nursery of all sorts of sins and evil," and as if he had intended to support the other contents of the Goerres proph- ecy, too, he adds to his vision on t h e religious battle at Cologne: "And now will arise an alien king, who will wage a victor- ious struggle for the right cause. Those of the enemy that are left will flee to the birth-tree. Here the last battle for the good cause will be fought. The strangers brought the Black Death with them into the (German. The Author) land. What the sword spared, the pest will devour. The sheltered land (Rhen- ish-Prussia. The Author) will be without inhabitants and the acres lordless . . . " According to this vision, which is substantiated by others, the invasion of Germany must, indeed, be thorough, because the birth-tree stands deep in German-Westphalia. We would like to describe now this odd tree and the decisive battle of t h e f u t u r e , fought in its vicinity, but there explodes another catastrophe ever t h e European countries which has to be taken care of first. 29 THE ELEMENTS STRIKE I feel that my readers, who have followed me so loyally, will agree with me that occurrences of such a crucial nature as we have witnessed them, should suffice to appease even the blindest sort of hatred, the most unruly lust for power and the most blas- phemic faithlessness, at last compelling the stricken nations to return to the realm of rational understanding and peace. But it seems that the passion which has been for so long a time gath- ered and nourished in the European physique is too deeply rooted therein to subside even in utter exhaustion. And so the most bitter tribulation has yet to come—the upheaval of nature —and since our prophecies are religious visions, they conceive this deluge-like happening as a direct intervention on the part of God, fulfilling the warning words of the Holy Scriptures: "Then He shall speak to them in His wrath and trouble them in His sore displeasure." (Psalm 2, verse 5.) "For then shall be great afflictions, such as were not seen since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matthew 24:21-22) I will not even try to explain the predictions of this amazing chapter, but I will mention that scientists consider t h e occur- rences, as described therein, as being entirely possible—due to the heavy air convulsions, caused by incessant gun fire, to the use of poisonous weapons of all kinds, to the bacteria-laden accumu- lations of unburied corpses and to the already existing irregular- ities in the machinery of Nature as indicated by ever-enlarging sunspots,etc. Whatever the cause of the new visitation may be, it will be extraordinarily dreadful and world-wide, so Father Bernard Maria Clausi tells us: "In those days (of the Christian persecution. The Author) a great divine judgment will come. It will be terrible and a new punishment the like of which has never taken place. This judg- ment will make itself felt in the whole world, and it will be so dreadful that those who live through it, will imagine that they are the only ones saved. This judgment will be sudden and of short duration but frightful . . . " The unheard-of character and the sudden appearance of the unusual event is attested by dozens of seers and the Secret of Melanie exclaimed, as we partly know: 30 "At the first stroke of the flashing intervention of God, the mountains and all n a t u r e will quake with fear, because the dis- orderliness and crime of men has penetrated the very vault of heaven. Paris will be burned and Marseilles will be swallowed u p by the sea. Numerous great cities will be shaken, convulsed and destroyed. The populace will believe that everything is lost, will see nothing but m u r d e r and will hear only t h e clang of arms and sacrilegious blasphemies. "The just ones, too, will have much to suffer. Their prayers, their acts of penance, their cries will rise to heaven, and all of God's people will implore only for forgiveness and mercy, invok- ing my help (St. Mary. The Author) and intercession. "Then Jesus Christ, through an act of his justice and great mercy for the righteous, will command his angels to slay all of his enemies. Immediately, suddenly the persecutors of J e s u s Christ and all those whose lives have been devoted to sin will perish and the earth will be like unto a desert..." Sister Nativitas also perceived the convulsions of an en- raged n a t u r e amid t h e general chaos: "And now I see that in various places frightful earthquakes and convulsions ensued. I see mountains splitting and bursting asunder with horrifying noises. Fortunate it would be, if the deafening din and awful fright would be the end. But n o ! A f t e r t h e mountains have been torn apart, I see flames of fire, smoke and brimstone issuing from their interiors and they will trans- form entire cities into heaps of ruins and ashes. All this and even more frightful occurrences will then happen . . . " Even more frightful occurrences? Crop failures, famine, old and new pestilences are predicted by "Spielbaehn," the Franciscan Friar and other seers, and the Roman prophetess Elizabeth Canori-Mora (1774-1825) indicates a wave of m u r - derous insanity: "The heavens became overcast with clouds so dark and dense t h a t they horrified everyone. Suddenly a mighty storm arose, the howling of which sounded like the roar of an enraged lion. Terror and dread took possession of m a n and beast. "The people will be then in a state of riot. They will slaugh- ter one another, insanely and without mercy." Hell opens at God's command, the seeress continues: "God will make use of the might of the dark regions to ex- tirpate the sectarians and the godless who sought to overthrow and to destroy his Church to h e r very foundations. In their arrogant malice they fancied they could thrust him from his throne. But he laughs at their crafty cunning, and through a 31 sign from his almighty hand h e will punish them. H e will per- mit that these blasphemers and hypocrites be chastened through the ruthless cruelty of demons and die agonizing and barbaric deaths, because they willingly surrendered themselves to the powers of hell and allied themselves with them against the Church . . . " "Yes, it seems," F a t h e r Bernard Maria Clausi confirms, "as though all the demons of hell have been given f r e e reign during the unheard-of and terrible j u d g m e n t . . . " And yet—there is more horror to come. The sun darkens for three days. The Blessed Italian Sybil Maria T a ( d i e d 1837) describes it: "God will decree two afflictions. One will originate on earth, namely: wars, revolutions and other evils. The other judgment comes from t h e air. "There will come over the land a dense gloom t h a t will con- tinue through three days and three nights. This darkness will make it utterly impossible to see anything. F u r t h e r , it will be accompanied by an infection of the air by pestilence. During this terrible visitation the enemies of religion—principally but not exclusively—will be swept away. Only blessed tapers will b u r n and shed their lights. Whoever attempts, out of curiosity, to look out of the windows or go out of doors during this period of darkness will fall dead on the spot. During these days people should r a t h e r remain within their houses, pray the rosary and implore God to be merciful . . . . " Similar and additional warnings are to be found in the vis- ions of the stigmatized virgin Marie Julie Jahenny, who was born at Fraudais, Alsace-Lorrain, in 1856. "A three-day period of u t t e r darkness will come, and during these three days and nights evil spirits will appear in t h e most loathsome shapes and most horrid figures. In the air they will give expression to the most dreadful blasphemies. Flashes of lightning will penetrate your homes, but they will not extinguish the lights of blessed candles. Neither the wind nor the storm nor the earthquakes will extinguish them. "Clouds as red as blood will pass over the skies. The crash and roar of the t h u n d e r will convulse the world. Calamitous flashes of lightning will throb in the streets and this is at a time when lightning usually does not occur. (Winter-time?) The earth will be rocked to its very foundations. The sea will cast foaming waves over the mainlands. The dead bodies of the god- less and the righteous will cover the surface of t h e earth. Great will then the famine be. Much will be destroyed and three quarters of the earth's population will perish. The crisis will 32 break out suddenly and the chastisement will be general all over the world." This allegedly gigantic f u t u r e sacrifice of h u m a n lives is also prophesied by many other seers; and interpreters submit an ad- ditional observation: "In the Apocalypse of St. John this extraordinary judgment of God is mentioned, also. It informs us that f o u r angels stand prepared on the hour, day, month and year to slay a third part of the h u m a n race, and it describes f u r t h e r m o r e a host of riders. 200 million strong, seated on horses, from whose mouths issue fire, smoke and brimstone, through which millions will be de- stroyed. As the number of all human beings at the present time amounts to about 1600 millions, over 300 millions wouid fall vic- tims to the great purge in the event of the fulfillment of these prophecies." 33 THE TIDE TURNS The earth steams and reeks in the blasting fire of God's wrath, and the people, as many as have been spared, find them- selves amidst mountains of ruins and in the deepest depths of blackest despair. What can they, what shall they do? All seems to be lost, everything seems to go into oblivion. And at this eleventh hour a great miracle comes to pass in Europe. "For, when after the great afflictions the nations have s u n k into the depths of poverty," so comforts the Goerres Prophecy, "then they will t u r n to God in prayer and implore his mercy so that h e will deliver them from the threefold punishment of warr hunger and pestilence. And behold, the help of the Lord will manifest itself in such a manner that all the world will be con- strained to believe in him . . . . " And the same prophecy repeats vigorously: "Even were the whole world to collapse, such an exceed- ingly wonderful transformation will then take place that n o normal being would have imagined such a change in matters . In a similar spirit the Jesuit Father Ricci joyously exclaims: "When all the nations are reduced to poverty and are suffer- ing under appalling chastisements, then the help of the Lord will show itself in a moment in which the whole world, seemingly, was at the point of collapse . . . " Holzhauser, too, rejoices: "When the murderous wars and the gory persecutions of the Christians have r u n their course, then will ensue, through the h a n d of the Almighty, such a wonderful transformation that it will be humanly impossible for anyone to describe it . . . " Yes, already in the year 1375 St. Catherine of Sienna sensed in advance the help in the hour of greatest need: "When the grief and the worst misery shall have passed, then God will purge the Church in a manner that is withheld from the imagination of all human foresight . . . " Of what, then, is this "wonderful transformation" to consist? In the sudden appearance of a new warrior—the mightiest ever seen—who will force all Europe under his permanent con- trol, rehabilitate everything and lead the whole world towards- the glorious golden age of lasting peace and solid prosperity. 34 Foretold Long Ago There is scarcely anything in the realm of religious mysti- cism that has been foretold so often, so forcefully, so convincing- ly and so universally as the coming of this powerful Saviour of Europe. Yes, it seems that he has already been felt by Isaiah, the prophet of the Old Testament. Looking down the vista of cen- turies, he saw the dawn of a golden age with a great leader and sings in his psalms: "And the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, t h e mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace shall be no end . . . " There is also seen in that mighty man of the f u t u r e the strong angel who according to the Apocalypse descends to earth to allow the ire of God's justice to have its due and forcibly to compel the world to mend its ways: "And the angel laid his keen scythe upon the earth and cut the vineyard of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of God's wrath. And the winepress was trodden beyond the city and the blood issued therefrom even until it reached the reins of the horses at a thousand six hundred stadia . . . " But we need not depend on allegorical references regarding this topic, for prophecies that directly announce the appearance of the Messiah of the Eastern world a r e counted by the dozens. Those that are not immediately employed here, are scattered throughout the following chapters in coherent connections. As early as 385 St. Methodius, the holy Bishop and martyr, saw him in a vision. The saint, who at the same time announced the birth and rise of Islam, proffered the following explanation regarding the "age of despair": "Miraculous events will then take place. Thrones and do- minions will fall before the arm of the mighty m a n who will appear. Kingdoms will go to ruins and out of the debris new ones will blossom forth . . . " The same seer deplored the fact that the Christians of that time will fail to display sufficient gratitude for the awakening of the great man who bestows upon them a long period of peace. In the year 1346 six kings, together with their kingdoms, were shown to St. Brigitta in a vision. Of t h e last king who evidently symbolizes the great monarch, it is said: "I will awaken one who is hungry and who will devour the things you have that a r e pleasant. The inherent evils will not 35 cease and there will exist an abundance of discord. The fools will rule and the aged ones and sages will not raise their heads. Honor and t r u t h will lie prostrate until the coming of him who will appease My wrath and who, out of love for righteousness, will not spare his soul . . . " And the Franciscan Father Lavinsky prophesied: "And when in those days religion to a great extent has been suppressed, Germany has been dismembered and wars and u n - heard-of destruction afflicts the entire globe, then, to the aston- ishment of the world, a great monarch will appear, who will set all and everything in order again . . . " And anew: "Yes, all this will be accomplished by a great monarch to come . . . And our Holzhauser: "There will then (in the sixth era) be an intrepid monarch who will make his appearance and whose name will be "Help of God." He will lead everything back to its former state . . . " On another occasion: "Tandem veniet ille vir fortissimus missus a Domino ex ori- ente." (Finally this exceedingly gallant man, sent by God, will appear out of the East.) Out of the deafening uproar of the f u t u r e "French r e v o l u - tion," Sister of Belley heard, as we will remember, the loud b a t - tle-cry resounding: "Long live the great monarch whom God has prepared for u s . . . " The Blessed Amadeus de Silva who died 1482 in Italy, where- he was born, exclaimed: " B u t out of the North a great and very mighty prince will come to wage war upon the cities and the mighty ones (of Italy. The Author) with unconquerable power . . . " And "Spielbaehn," after having spoken of the impending battle at the birch-tree and a "German peasant king" at that time: "He, then, who wears the imperial crown a f t e r him will be the m a n for whom the world had long hoped. He will be the- Roman Emperor and will give peace to mankind . . . " German or Frenchman? Holzhauser's assurance that the great man will come out of the East and the assertion of the Sister of Belley that she h e a r d his name in the revolutionary battles of France brings u s at once 36 face to face with an old and very lively controversy, namely to the question: Of what nationality will the f u t u r e hero be? Be- cause not only Germany and France but Austria and Hungary as well claim him as their own. All signs seem to point, however, to his German descendency and the French standpoint might be easily explained by the assumption that at the time of the great German monarch an equally great French king will appear and rule in France—an assumption which is substantiated both by the Goerres Prophecy (see later) and the previously cited French Folk-Saga which states in connection with the appear- ance of a "Second Napoleon": "France will become next to Ger- many (!) the greatest political power in Europe." That his name is supposed to be K a r l (Charles), that he was allegedly born on t h e 17th of August in the year 1887 and that pictures of him which existed already in 1490 describe him as "short of stature with a parted beard, a large forehead, high eyebrows and an aquiline nose," is irrelevant to our theme because genuine proph- ecies never indulge in trivial details. "And in Germany," so announces triumphantly the "Mys- terious Parchment," a German folk-legend of 1645, "a great man will arise, the like of whom has never lived. He is of lowly de- scent and station but intelligent, courageous and determined, one chosen by God as a tool. He assembles a great army and wher- ever he goes, he conquers the enemy in many great battles and they are unable successfully to resist him. On this account he is highly honored and all willingly follow him into battle and death. Then the enemy will be driven out of Germany, shot to pieces and scattered and Germany will be free. Then the people will joyously shout Hosannah to the hero, honor him beyond all bounds and set a golden crown upon his head and call him em- peror. Then finally everything will again be put into proper order and on the right track . . . " It is added, however, that Germany, before all this happens, will experience one more catastrophical convulsion of unparal- leled f u r o r and misery, surpassing even the horrors of the 30 years' war. The assertion that the enemy will be driven out of the land sustains again the repeatedly cited prediction that Germany has been previously invaded and the Goerres Prophecy illustrates now the liberation of Germany, continuing: "The end of the mighty monarch (the first one, as we will recall. The Author) is now decreed. Because the word is now fulfilled and a greaf part of t h e world is chastised through h i m . . " What will happen then? All Germany unites anew and rises against the invader under national leaders: 37 "Through the help of the Lord, exceedingly powerful gen- erals will arise out of an old and noble house. As deeply humil- iated as they were through the above mentioned powerful mon- arch and brought to dire extremity through distress and calam- ity, no one could have expected such a transformation . . . " And one man stands in the forefront of the movement for freedom: "For the hands of this strong leader shall be miraculously strengthened, and his arm will avenge fatherland, law and faith . . . " Other nations will ally themselves with him and another prophet says, that Spain will belong to them: "There will be only one joint action against that strong mon- arch and against the princes and kings allied with him for the betrayal of the fatherland. The influences and the helpful ser- vices of the whole world will be employed to wage w a r against this monarch and his allies. . . " The contents of some of these paragraphs caused some in- terpreters to conclude that Napoleon I (battle of Waterloo) was meant by the "great monarch," but the rest of the Goerres proph- ecy seems to exclude such a belief. And the additional glances which we will soon have at these allied nations and the course and end of the raging battles confirm our deduction. 38 A TITANTIC STRUGGLE It will not be an easy task for the f u t u r e ruler of Europe to gain control, because his French predecessor is still strong and victorious while he, at first, stands alone with "Prussia, Austria and Russia," as the Sister Rosa-Colomba discloses. In addition, Vienna is evidently in the hands of his adversary at this time. "And I saw," so writes the venerable Servant of God Holz- hauser, "on the ninth day of April a tempest coming from the West (!). And behold: The waters that were in the Danube rose and poured out. The same rose to the heights, pressed on the city and transformed it almost into a desert . . . " That reminds us of the "besieged, severely punished and des- olate Vienna," as the Franciscan F r i a r of Mt. Sinai beheld it. "And I perceived a king (!) in his diadem and an exceeding- ly great multitude of soldiers. Then, at the same time, I saw t h e peace treaty and all men were under the impression t h a t there was peace and victory . . . " It is therefore assumable that the French king at the height of his j triumph forces the conclusion of this new European peace, but the reaction has already set in and the temporary victor has to take steps against the new warrior: "And behold! I perceived a long chain of tongues and na- tions and of enemies of the cross of Christ. But they had this chain prepared against the house of His great one . . . " Frightful is indeed the superior opposition which he has to overcome: "And no one believed it. And they came and conquered many times, captured the strongest cities, had success in their undertakings and prevailed in their predominance . . . . And it was taken for granted that it was the end of t h e Reich . . " (Germany. The Author) Yet, the desperate fight ended with its victory: "But still they did not maintain their mastery. Because Jesus defeated them, so that all might know that might and power, victory and supremacy come from the Lord. They how- ever, had p u t their confidence in their weapons, their counsels their horsemen, their armies. But it was the Lord alone who granted them victory and fought His battle through his righteous leader . . . And the leader strikes with an iron hand: "And I saw because of his wrath kingdoms falling into a 39 state of confusion, principalities being overthrown, dominions humiliated, states destroyed and practically all reduced to pov- e r t y . . . " Italy and France (see later) will feel the leash of his rage especially heavy. The Blessed Amadeus de Silva prophesies: "Before the countenance of this mighty m a n and his uncon- querable leadership Italy's alliances and her might will be un- done . . . " Anna Katharina Emmerich watches him anxiously as he strides from battle to battle, f r o m defeats to victories, from pub- lic acclamations to dangerous desertions, from the very brink of destruction to new heights of successes. H e helps t h e church and incessantly collects new adherents. Then the decisive hour struck. "All around him and in the distance I saw a frightfully bloody struggle and saw, especially from midnight and evening, a great battle. I t was a terrible picture . . . " And again: "I saw a picture of a dreadful battle. The en- tire field was covered with vapor. They shot everywhere out of thickets and t h e air, which were full of soldiers. The place was low-lying territory and in the distance were great cities. I saw St. Michael descending with a great multitude of angels and dis- persing the combatants. That, however, will only happen when everything seems lost. There will be a leader who will invoke St. Michael and t h e n victory will descend . . . The enemy were in t h e majority b u t the small loyal band overthrew whole lines. It was a frightful battle, and a t last only a small band of good people were left and they became the victor . . . " 40 THE BATTLE AT THE BIRCH-TREE The struggle which Anna Katharina Emmerich witnessed is evidently the already-mentioned battle at the birch-tree ("Spiel- baehn")—the greatest battle of the future, the decisive struggle between the old and the new monarch, between light and dark- ness, between faith and infidelity. This strange birch-tree stands in the Prussian province of Westphalia between the villages of Holtum and Kirchhermede on the one and Unna and Werl on the other side, not too far from the great cities (Anna Katharina Emmerich) of the Rhenish industrial center. The original tree withered many years ago but in its place another was planted immediately by royal command and this tree still stands there. And to this day the crucifix, mentioned below, still stands be- tween two linden trees near Holtum—and the brook, referred to in one of the next paragraphs, still flows from "evening to morn- ing." Innumerable articles, books and even dramas have been written about this herculean battle of the future, but we will satisfy ourselves with two basic prophecies. The first one, handed down from mouth to mouth through many centuries, begins, as we already know: "There will come a time when the world will be averse to God . . . Then there will arise a general insurrection so that the father will fight against the son and the son against the father . . . But then it will not be long before a change takes place. A frightful war will break out . . . " An alliance of the South marches against the armies of the North, according to this prophecy, and the Northern armies are headed by a mighty leader: "This prince will come from Midday. He wears a white gar- ment with buttons all the way down. He carries a cross on his breast, rides a white steed and mounts the horse from the left side because one foot is lame . . . " Because of this remark, it is said, Exkaiser William, who suf- fers from a like infirmity, held that he was the great prince of the future; and in this connection it is f u r t h e r interesting to note that because of a prediction which said that the battle banner of the great monarch would be emblazoned "with lilies in the midst of which is depicted the Sacred Heart of Jesus" French regi- ments purposely had standards of this design made for them at the beginning of the World-War, carrying them into battle as they believed that conflict to be the great struggle of the future. This banner, as well as the white garment and the cross, might 41 be just symbols of faith and light or they might indicate his priestly profession as it is suggested later on. "This prince will be so daring that no one will resist him. He will be founder of peace. Stern will be his rule, as he will ban all dance-music and sumptuous mode of dress . . . " Then a f t e r a series of preceding battles, h e will engage in t h e final struggle at the birch-tree: "In the morning in the church at Bremen (village near Werl in Westphalia. The Author) he will hear (or read!) mass. From Bremen he will ride towards Haar (a hill near Werl. The Au- thor) and through his field glass will look in the direction of the birch-tree to behold his enemies. After that he will make prep- arations at Holtum. Near Holtum stands a crucifix between two linden trees. Before this crucifix he will kneel and pray for a time with outstretched hands. (See Anna Katharina Emmerich. The A u t h o r ) . Then he will lead his soldiers, who are clothed in white, into the line of battle and a f t e r a bloody fight will remain the victor. At a brook that flows from evening to morning the b r u n t of the battle will rage. Woe to Budberg and Soendern (neighboring hamlets. The Author) in those days! A f t e r the battle the victorious leader will assemble the people and address them in the church . . . " The second prophecy regarding this battle originated at the outbreak of the World War in the tiny village of Pier near Due- ren on the Lower Rhine. The 70 years old widow Mrs. Johanna Jaquet, who lived there, disclosed that she as a young girl often heard her clairvoyant mother saying: "There will be sometime in the not too f a r f u t u r e a great battle at the birch-tree. This will occur when people come through the air and when women wear trousers. The battle will be so bloody that one will wade in blood knee-deep. The four hostile powers will meet at the tree and the battle will t a k e place there. The victor at last has but a small band of soldiers left, and he can gather them under the tree . . . " A prophecy that dates back to the year 1670 describes in a n astonishing manner the new weapons of modern w a r f a r e as well as the economic aftermath of the Westphalian battle: "Amazing things will happen. Man like the birds of the heavens will fly in the air, will ride in wagons without horses and artillery will throw shells which in t u r n will fire still f u r - ther. (Big Berthas. The A u t h o r ) . And the unquenchable naphta fire (poisonous gas. The Author) will destroy cities and country towns. Women will also take part in the fighting. (See "Spielbaehn." The Author.) There will be a multitude of widows and orphans and the world will cry: Woe! woe! Hunger and misery will be rampant and three acres of the best land will be 42 offered for a loaf of bread. Crop failures and grasshoppers will come and the misery will continue for years . *. . " Cleaning Up The final battle has been won, but the victor is not resting on his laurels. He rounds u p a new army and pursues the beaten foe. "After that strong leader has ferreted out that monarch in the open field, he will," so continues the Goerres Prophecy, "drive out with the keenness of his sword all his enemies both on this side and the other side of the sea . . . " That means England and France and his special attack is concentrated on France: "With unheard-of vengeance he will strike, tear asunder and annihilate Gaul (France. The Author) which is stripped of every defender and which is in itself disorganized through de- feat, misery and adversity. Towards midnight as a n eternal reward he will give a portion of the land to a descendant of the family of kings that left the land in children's shoes. Then woe to those who before rent the lilies and took the crowns away from them . . . " The lily is the flower of the French Bourbons and here we might have the great f u t u r e king of France, previously men- tioned, who will make France next to Germany the greatest pow- er in Europe. The last reigning Bourbon was Louis XVI, who during t h e French revolution was executed with his queen. His son fled prison as a child, assumed the name of Wilhelm Nauen- dorff, reached Delft in Holland in 1834, married Johanna Einert, became the father of six children and died 1845. All of his de- scendants, some of whom live in Switzerland and some in Aus- tria, bear a marked resemblance to the Bourbons. Whatever the new European dictator will do to France and other countries he will purge his own land no less severe: "Then woe also to those who acquired goods and property unrighteously! Woe unto those who have given scandal and usurped the sceptre! H e will take terrible vengeance on princes and kings who previously were betrayers of t h e fatherland. (Presumably after the collapse of Germany and during or after the civil war. The Author.) Then woe also to those who robbed from the land of their fathers and from the Church! They will be compelled to make restitution with interest and thenceforth t h e r e will be n o prosperity in the houses of those thieves. In- escapable punishment will p u r s u e them . . . "For, t h a t strong leader has sworn an oath before the coun- tenance of the Lord t h a t h e will not sheath his sword until he has avenged the fatherland an hundredfold . . . " 43 PEACE MAKER AND RE-ORGANIZER The first part of the mission of the saviour of the f u t u r e has been accomplished. He has put an end to the internal and exter- nal wars and has laid a firm foundation for a n e w and better Europe to live in. What will be, then, his next move in the midst of t h e gen- eral state of ruination and exhaustion? H e will calm the lands and will remove t h e debris: "All ruins will be removed and what has been demolished will be rebuilt. Those who suffer will be provided . . . " (Re- gensburger Prophecy.) He will re-establish discipline and dissolve t h e causes that led t o the eternal unrest and hostilities: "He will restore decency and simple life and put every- thing in moral order again . . . " (Lavinsky.) "He will r e t u r n all stolen goods . . . to their lawful owners and punish the thieves . . . " (Goerres Prophecy.) "He will destroy all republics f r o m the ground up which were erected by the enemies of order and God . . . " (Holz- hauser.) "He will banish all false worship and the abuses of religion will cease . . . " (Sister Nativitas.) "He will bring the powers of the State in accord with the divine and ecclesiastic statutes and Christian teachings, and the trade-guilds will be restored . . . " (Sister Marianne of Blois.) "He will bring quietness and security everywhere, convert swords into ploughshares, and a general peace will bless all . . . " (The Irish priest J o h n Wallich who died 1678.) He will consolidate t h e Reich in addition to his kingly friend in France and secure permanency to his regime: as the sole ruler in Germany: "The German lands of Austria will annex themselves now voluntarily and permanently to Germany and hold together fast. No kingdoms or principalities will exist any longer. In- stead there will be but one Germany and one branch of the im- perial family will wear the crown. This sovereign will strength- en and consolidate Germany. Under his prudent government harmony and prosperity will again flourish and Germany's might will shine f o r t h over all t h e powers. For Good is with his regency ¿". . " (The Franciscan F r i a r of Mt. Sinai.) 44 The same Brother on the sixth day of his visions: "The Hanseatic cities, Belgium (!), Holstein, Schleswig, Switzerland (!), too, will annex themselves to Germany . . . " And the Goerres Prophecy rejoices: "That powerful leader will become the mightiest monarch of the entire world and his sceptre will be like unto that of Ma- nasseh . . . " (See later.) As a German Catholic h e will bring his fatherland back into the folds of the Catholic faith: "At that time there will be no more Jews in Germany, and the heretics will strike their breasts . . . " (Spielbaehn.) The surprising prediction of Germany's complete r e t u r n to the Roman Church is clearly confirmed by a n u m b e r of other prophets. The perpetual danger spot of the Balkans will disappear and its nations, too, will be converted to Catholicism: "The Slavs will unite and form their own great Western Catholic Slavonic State in order to drive t h e T u r k s out of Eu- rope. The Hungarian nation will go out of existence . . . " (The Franciscan Friar of Mt. Sinai.) It seems, however, that the great monarch as in t h e case of the readjustment of the Balkans is the guilding h a n d in ejecting the Turks: "The Russians, admonished by the Pope, will become more humanely disposed towards the Catholics. Buther the other (the great Monarch. The Author) will drive t h e T u r k s out of Eu- rope . . . " (Sister Rosa-Colomba.) Bishop St. Methodius augments: "In consequence of the activities of the great monarch Islam will disappear from the West . . . " The Jesuit F a t h e r Ricci in a like spirit: "The hand of that powerful man will be miraculously strengthened and his a r m will avenge the faith . . . Protestant- ism will vanish and the realm of the T u r k s will end . . . " Even they will embrace the Christian creed: "The Turks will be driven out of Europe and subsequently become Catholics . . . " (The Bavarian seeress Maria Schuh-macher.) What will happen to the Turks who will be driven back into Asia? The Franciscan F r i a r answers this question, too: "The Turks will settle in Africa and from Constantinople the crescent will disappear and in its place the cross will be ven- 45 erated, and the Christian religion will spread into their new lands. But many inhuman and savage deeds will be perpetrated and horrible plagues will be visited upon them before they ac- cept the t r u e faith . . . "Jerusalem will become their capital and salvation and blessings will then bestow happiness on these lands. The king of Egypt will die and these lands will then become the recipients of the benefactions of Jerusalem . . . " That Poland will be brilliantly restored, is finally claimed by the venerable Brother: "Poland will become independent and more powerful t h a n she ever was . . . " And so, at last, the Divine word has come to pass in w a r troubled Europe: "Fiat tranquilla magna . . . There will be a great calm!" 46 A SAINTLY COMRADE His third mission, that of a world-wide peace movement, confronts now the great monarch after his reorganization of the Old Continent, and that is a task that would probably have been too gigantic even for a man of his herculean prowess, had not fate provided him with a no less genial and saintly comrade, namely an extraordinary Pope. And such a pontiff shall arise out of the persecution of the Church. Holzhauser perceived in several visions the glorious pair: "And behold, after the great struggle I perceived calm in the land and observed how the murderers took to flight and how the enemies of the Cross perished. Peace made its appearance and a triumph-chariot rode towards the West. In this chariot sat three great ones in triumphal pomp. I saw these three. The tumult of victory calmed down on the globe and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ was extolled and glorified over t h e whole earth . . . "The three great ones are those who will peacefully govern the globe and who will hold together the realm in unity. Thou sawest the first person in the chariot clothed in ecclesiastical vesture and adorned with the crown of a priest. That is the re- consoled church which will triumph over erroneous doctrines. Thou also sawest, f u r t h e r , two others, of which one looked to- wards midnight and evening and the other towards mid-day and morning. These are they who, in holding together all good, will maintain the Realm's unity in the closest kind of confedera- tion . . . " Of these two others, the second one is evidently the great pope of the f u t u r e who hastens to p u t at the service of the first one: the great monarch, the whole stupendous apparatus of the chastened and new blossoming Church for t h e world-wide pro- gram of rehabilitation. And in fact, he must also be a man of extraordinary energy and piety—this pontiff of the future—if one lends any credence to the prophecies which herald his coming and describe him. Already in the 13th century the Abbot Werdin saw him at the side of the great monarch: "The son of man (Pope) will cross the seas (propagation of faith. The Author) and after the victory of the son of man and the eagle (The great monarch) peace will reign in all the w o r l d . " Anna Katharina Emmerich beheld him after the decisive 47 battle and joyously cried aloud: "I saw a n e w pope who was filled with glowing zeal for the House of t h e Lord . . . " Lamentingly the Benedictine F a t h e r Botin prophesied, as we have heard: "The shepherd will be slain and the fold scat- tered." But t h e n confidently he continues: "And indeed there will be t h e n a shepherd who will lead t h e nations in equity and the kings in justice. He will be highly honored and esteemed by princes and nations." And, one day, as Sister Superior Maria Alphonsa (Elizabeth Eppinger) was praying for the Church and the pope who reigned through the stormy days, she heard the following words spoken by a supernatural voice: "The sorrows which I will send to the head of my Church will transform themselves into joy and jubilation. The Holy F a - t h e r will set all shepherds who a r e subservient to him a great example. That which was foretold regarding him shall be ful- filled, namely: That I will endow him with wisdom which will fill the great ones with astonishment and amazement . . . " Impulsively the Sister added the following words of her own: "This holy father will be counted among t h e most glorious popes who ever lived . . . " The pious hermit Johannes of the Cloven Rocks (1234) saw the great pontiff even earlier t h a n the Abbot Werdin: "In the final age of the world God will awaken a pope who leads such a saintly life that even the angels in heaven will have cause to rejoice . . . " Regarding t h e same subject, the Monk John Vatiguerre, who lived in the 13th century and who died as Prior of Weiler, made a detailed prophecy: "After many afflictions in the whole world a pope will be chosen from among those who escaped the persecution of the Church, and his election will be by t h e will of God. The angels will crown this perfect m a n and through his sanctity h e will re- form the entire earth and lead all the clergy back to a mode of life truly representative of the disciples of Jesus Christ. H e will preach in his bare feet and will f e a r the might and power of no prince . . . " If he is barefooted, he is probably a member of a religious order. St. Catherine of Sienna, who perceived him in the year 1376, calls him "a holy shepherd of whom t h e nations shall be proud," and adds: " A t the mere thought of him m y spirit rejoices in the Lord . . . " 48 The Present Pope? If our prophecies which all point to the present age are rightly understood, then the period of t h e tribulations would have to come soon, if it has not broken out already with t h e present war. While two attempts were made on the life of the late Pius XI, he was neither martyred, driven into exile or even seriously mo- lested, which is t h e supposed fate of the pontiff reigning during the persecution of the Church, and therefore interpreters believe that t h e present pope will be the martyr-pontiff. They base their calculations on the prophecies of St. Malachy (which are, however, not considered authentic by a number of recognized exegetes). These much discussed prophecies a r e attributed to St. Mal- achy, bishop and "second apostle of Ireland," who was born in Armagh 1094 and died 1148 in Clairvaux, France. I n 112 sym- bols they give short symbolizations of t h e various popes f r o m the year 1143 up to the presumable end of the world. There a r e only seven more popes left or fifteen if we include the 8 Anti- Popes. In the first-mentioned instance, the following symbol would have applied to the recently deceased Pope Pius X I : "105—Fides intrepida," which translated into English means: Unshaken faith. In this instance, one is strongly tempted to accept the opinion that this characterization seems to tally precisely—as many previous symbols have been fulfilled in an astounding manner. Pope Pius X I impersonated resolute and fearless faith in a God- estranged world against all enemies of the Church. The present pope would then be the pontiff who would see the persecution of t h e Church and who would be at the same time the great pope of the future—if the St. Malachy prophecies prove their correctness, if the anti-popes are not taken into con- sideration and if some predictions, cited so far by us, a r e inter- preted different f r o m our way. Because St. Malachy character- izes him as follows: "106—Pastor Angelicus." I n English: Angelic Shepherd. That would conform with all descriptions regarding the ideal personality of the coming pope but it would be somewhat out of harmony with predictions which said that the saintly pope would be elected after the persecution of t h e Church. On the other hand, it might materialize after all that he is the pope of the per- secution and of the victorious t u r n of the tide, while his succes- sor would be the pontiff of the reformation and resurrection of the Catholic creed. His symbol is: "107—Pastor et Nauta"—Shepherd and Mariner. 49 and this name reminds us of the prophecy of the Abbot Werdin. who said that the great pope of t h e f u t u r e would cross the seas to carry the Catholic faith through the entire world. Whoever the great pope is, his span of life is very limited if we believe in an additional prophecy of t h e just mentioned Monk Hilarion: "A saintly m a n will come and establish a lasting peace be- tween the eagle (great monarch) and the priesthood. (State and Church. The Author.) This holy man, who will be obeyed by all Christians, will reign four years and then lie down and die . . . " Disciples of his school, however, will follow in his footsteps: "And soon after him, God will send three men, bountifully endowed with wisdom and virtue. These m e n will administer the laws and regulations of the deceased saintly m a n and spread the unsullied teachings of Christianity everywhere . . . " One of thèse three: "shepherd and mariner" has already been symbolized. The two others a r e according to St. Malachy: "108—Flos Florum"—Flower of flowers, destined to see the height of the Catholic triumph and "109—De medietate lunae"—From the half of the moon fated to witness another gradual decline of faith "after 25 years of perfect peace." (Secret of Melanie.) 50 THE GOLDEN AGE Both titans of the f u t u r e will meet in Rome for historic con- sultations and decisions. "Even before the Christian churches are revived and unit- ed," so declares Hilarion, "God will send an eagle, who with the enlightened people near the Rhine and the sea towards the North as well as with several other nations will journey to Rome, bringing there much good and joy . . . " It is assumable that on this occasion the great monarch will officially be made Emperor (see "Spielbaehn"), that is that he will be formally invested by the pontiff with the crown of the "1000 years' Roman Empire of the German Nation," which be- gan on Christmas 800 with Charles the Great and ended in 1806 with Emperor Francis II of Austria. And it is also probable that on the same auspicious occasion the gigantic ecclesiastical Council will be held which Holzhauser in accord with many other seers predicts: "And then under his instigation and protection, there will be held in Rome a great and general Council which will prove to be t h e greatest and most magnificent in the history of the Church . . . " The purpose of this Council is to proclaim universal peace, to establish globe-encircling laws and to accept one common faith and Church for all: "And he (the great monarch) in t h e assembly of men, who are sincerely united through piety and wisdom, will," so explains the Goerres Prophecy, "with the assistance of the Holy Father draft new laws and regulations to fetter the spirit of dissension and swindle, in order to begin a new century and to educate where there will be only one fold and one shepherd, who will give peace to t h e world and to all those of good will. . . " Also a brilliant public festival of thanksgiving and victory will be celebrated—in St. Peter's Cathedral—as many prophets assert. The assembly in the rejoicing City of the Seven Hills will be climaxed by the fulfillment of a dream which President Wilson, Artiste Briand of France and other statesmen had vainly tried to make come true, namely: the formation of an ideal world- wide League of Nations. Holzhauser spiritedly exclaims: "And there will be a great chain forged to weld the peace, a great and wonderful chain that will include the whole world 51 and all its inhabitants in the unity of an autocracy. And his dominion will be from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof . . . " The execution of the decrees of t h e powerful Council, com- bined with the shining personal example of both the pope and the monarch, will lead, as all our prophets happily conclude, to a veritable heaven on earth: in short to the Golden Age of man- kind. And the great monarch—the mighty warrior, t h e liberator of Europe and the creator of a new world? "He will journey into the Holy Land and lay his crown on the grave of the Saviour," (Telesphoros.) 52 THE NEW ORDER OF THINGS This Golden Age of our understanding must, of course, not be confused with the contemporary conception of t h e "new order of things" of which so much is said and written since the out- break of the new European war; because these blissful days of the future, as our prophets see them, are evidently not mainly the result of military domination and regimentation, forced upon the defeated nations by the victorious country, but a voluntary and general r e t u r n of mankind to the former Christian princi- ples of justice and charity which blossom f o r t h to their highest brilliance in the sunlight of heavenly graces and in the fertile soil of the rejuvenated Catholic faith. "Verily," F a t h e r Maria Clausi jubilantly exclaims, "the en- tire world will then be reorganized through brotherly love and holiness. All h u m a n beings will respect and assist each other, and in their desire to do good, all strife and war will vanish . . . " Holzhauser: "At that time many just and learned men will be living on earth . . . The graces of the f e a r of God and piety will be showered upon man in abundance. As the Holy Scrip- tures a r e fully and thoroughly understood, t h e r e will be no occa- sion for disagreements, contradictions and heresies. And the people will be endowed with exceptional capacities in the realm of the divine as well as the natural sciences . . . " "Mighty men possessing great gifts of prophecy will arise," St. Hildegard asserts, "and in the sons and daughters of men the seeds of justice will germinate and blossom. The people of these days will revert to the practice of respectability a n d honor as was dictated by the customs and proprieties of the olden times . " The long-cherished dream of complete disarmament will finally come to pass: "The new kings will vie with their people in seeking to allow the divine law to be the governing factor in all things. They will be the right arm of the Church which will be strong, humble, poor, zealous and the imitator of the virtues of Jesus Christ. They will abolish and suppress the use of weapons of w a r and permit the use of iron only for the cultivation of the soil and the supplying of certain other necessities of life. Those who make any other use of it will be punished by iron and sentenced to banishment . . . " That in these same happy days a new world-wide League of Nations and an ideal United States of Europe will be established, Holzhauser has already given us to understand. 53 "An altogether new race of h u m a n beings, thus re-fash- ioned," St. Hildegard continues, "will enter a veritable summer in spiritual life. Everything will again be restored in its reality. All religious as well as the various classes of society will remain steadfast in the path of righteousness, justice and goodness, with- out concerning themselves about wealth and abundance, because the religious life will attain a height that will f a r transcend any thought of earthly riches and selfish interests . . . " Can it therefore be amazing that even t h e angels in heaven would find it pleasant to be on earth during this Golden Age? St. Hildegard concludes this part of her prophecies with the obser- vation: "During this same time t h e holy angels will n o longer be re- strained as they were previously by the noxious vapor of the sins of the world from mingling with h u m a n society and enter- ing into intimate contact with h u m a n beings, because they will be enchanted by t h e rehabilitation and sanctity of their lives . . " Yes, Jesus and His mother Mary, too, will descend visibly upon the earth, if we accept the prophecies of the venerable Louis Maria Grignon de Montford, a n Apostolic Missionary of France, who lived from 1673 to 1716. In one of his many pre- dictions he forebodingly wrote: "When Jesus in all His glory appears on t h e earth for the second time, as He certainly will, to reign Himself, He will choose no other way for His journey than through Mary, through whom He came so safely and with such perfection on t h e first occasion. But there will be a difference between His first and last coming. The first time He came in secret and in obscurity. The second time H e will come in glory and in splendor . . . and on the same advent H e will reveal Mary, His mother, as she actually is, in all h e r personal charm and beauty . . . B u t h e r e is a profound mystery that man cannot understand or comprehend. There speech fails: Hie tacet omnis lingua . . . " Bountiful Harvests Even the elements seem to wish to make these blessed days still happier in order that the Scriptural passage be fulfilled: "Seek ye therefore the kingdom of God and His justice; and all these other things shall be added u n t o you." Anna Katharina Emmerich (after she saw the conversion of three nations—Germany, France and England—to the Catholic f a i t h ) : "Now everything was gloriously renewed and revivified. The water courses had again attained the fulness of their flow and 54 the resplendent green of the flowers was richer and more beau- tiful t h a n ever . . . " The Benedictine F a t h e r Botin: "About this time (after the European uproar. The Author) the dew of heaven will fall upon the Church and upon the earth and unusual f r u i t f u l harvests will follow . . . " And St. Hildegard again: "In these days of benediction, clouds of fruitfulness and magnificent prosperity will spread themselves over the earth be- cause the people will have given themselves wholly to the works of righteousness, while in previous times the elements were des- ecrated and, through t h e sins of humanity, their capacity for bringing forth good crops were rendered impotent . . . " The German clairvoyant Sibylle von Kernel (1670), after describing the late World War and its resulting depression: "And the misery will continue for years . . But then life will be lived in a simple and frugal manner and very rich harvests will f u r t h e r and promote t h e prosperity of t h e nations . . . " The Franciscan Father of Mt. Sinai: "Heaven's remunera- tion will, in the end, be the reward of the persevering. Cut and withered flowers, plants and herbs will bloom in redoubled vigor. Blessed years will arrive . . . and blessed those who live to see them . . . " Adam's fall has been avenged and the Garden of Eden is marvelously returning. Erased is the judgment: "Cursed is t h e ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all t h e days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee." Instead, a restored ground and a restored climate will pro- duce a restored flora by "handfuls and abundance," to be en- joyed by all, Isaiah says. "The desert shall blossom as the rose . . . instead of the thorn shall come u p the fir tree, instead of the briar shall come u p the myrtle tree. And Isaiah adds: "The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and t h e young lion and the failing together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down to- gether: and t h e lion shall eat straw like t h e ox, and t h e sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall p u t his hand on the cockatrice' den. They shall not h u r t or de- stroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of t h e knowledge of t h e Lord, as the waters cover the sea . . . " 55 "And God shall wipe away all tears f r o m their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things a r e passed away." Obviously, however, humanity will not be able to enjoy this supreme happiness for very long, as the Golden Age will last only a q u a r t e r of a century. Why? Mary, the Mother of God, in her revelations to the shepherdess Melanie on t h e heights of La Salette lamented: "This peace between the people will not be of long duration; twenty-five years of rich harvests will cause them to forget that t h e sins of humanity are the cause of all the evils which come upon the earth." The Anti-Christ will be born, the last days of the world are forming shape. 56 IS DESTINY READY TO STRIKE? On our way through the mysteries of the f u t u r e we now come face to face with queries that belong in the category of the most difficult and perplexing questions with which our theme is concerned. Has the hour of the great catastrophe arrived? Is the new European War the beginning of the so often indicated decade of despair? Are the great monarch and the Anti-Christ prepared to appear? Will we witness the ruin and rebirth of the Occident, the reformation of mankind and the Golden Age, or do these predicted events, wrongly interpreted, lie in a remote distance? Who could give a positive answer to these riddles? Following our prophecies, however, we find two clearly rec- ognizable lines of demarcation along which it would be possible for the mighty drama and the tragedy of the future's destiny to unfold. On the one side they seem to mark plainly the recent World War as the prologue and the first step to the general European clean-up, while on the other hand they see in t h e eclipse of the Golden Age of peace and the Christian triumph the public ap- pearance of the Anti-Christ. At the same time, they repeatedly designate the whole era of the coming gloomy and joyous occur- rences as the "last century," the "last age," the "final period of the world." If, out of all this, a deduction is permissible, it would be that the age of catastrophe began with the World War and that this era of catastrophe ushers in the last century of the world. Events which we are witnessing now in Europe tend to con- firm this assumption, and if f u r t h e r developments sustain it, then we would find ourselves much nearer to the Last Judgment than many assume. By the way, what are "last ages," what are centuries con- sidered in the light of religious mysticism? As Sister Nativitas in spirit once saw the coming war and the triumph of the Church, she cried aloud with a sigh: "But when, O Lord, will come the time of joy? How long shall we yet be compelled to wait?" A voice answered her: "Behold, the age of the world is transient and the time of My last coming draws nigh . . . " 57 The n u n ventured to ask for more specific informations and the supernatural voice replied: "This is a mystery that I have reserved for Myself in the innermost depths of My heart." The n u n only sensed that the time of happiness would pre- cede that of the Anti-Christ. Some time later the mysterious voice allowed itself to be heard again: "Do not forget that one can no longer speak of things con- cerning the world in terms of thousands of years. To her is vouchsafed only a span of several, and indeed, only a few, cen- turies." Alarmed by the thought that the earth was destined to sink into oblivion so soon, t h e n u n piously sought f u r t h e r to interro- gate t h e invisible herald, in whom she had recognized t h e Sav- iour, b u t in a spirit of resignation finally abandoned t h e attempt. "I recognized that it was His will to reserve for Himself the knowledge of the exact time of this event, and therefore did not feel inclined to ask any more questions." Nevertheless, she often pondered this experience, and d u r - ing the hours of a certain night she heard a loud voice thun- dering: "Woe, woe, woe to the last century which is descending! What tribulations precede its commencements!" "Out of this mighty voice I recognized," the n u n explained, "that these woeful tribulations will m a k e their appearance in t h e age before the judgment. And as I pondered over and weighed, in God, the century, I saw, that which begins with 1800 will not yet be t h e last." Sister Nativitas lived, as w e have previously read, between t h e years 1731 and 1798. Directly in our 20th century is set by t h e Sister Bertina Bouquillion of St. Louis (1850) t h e appearance of the Anti- Christ after the advent of t h e Great Monarch: "The end of t h e ages draws on apace and the Anti-Christ will not delay his coming. Neither we nor-the sisters who suc- ceed us will see him, b u t they who come thereafter will fall un- der his dominion." The same n u n then very definitely prophesies: "So f a r as t h e end of the world is concerned, this will occur during this century, but the time of t h e tribulations and conse- quent judgment will take place between the years 1900 and 1950." 58 The end of the age of catastrophe was predicted by the Franciscan Friar of Mt. Sinai as follows: "Blessed years will t h e n again m a k e their appearance, and the year 1957 will heal all wounds. Blessed are they who live to see this year." With the same definite certainty the ecstatic virgin Maria von Moerl (1812-1868) who like Anna Katharina Emmerich bore the stigmata of the five sacred wounds of Christ, prophesied similarly: "The f o u r t h successor of Pope Pius I X will live to see the great revolution within the Church." That would again in accordance with all papal prophecies indicate our present pontifex. We now come to a n u m b e r of private reckonings, several of which are based on corresponding visions and others predicated upon conjecture and supposition. Naturally, they are all of a purely subjective character and therefore must be considered in this sense. Referring to the prophecy of Sister Bouquillion regarding the year 1950 one interpreter remarks: "In the event that Sister Bertina prophesied correctly and the Anti-Christ should actually make his appearance in the 20th century, it would of course be obvious that the time under t h e Great Monarch would necessarily have to arrive soon. And, incidentally, this period of time would last a generation, as we were told. All this is possible because the World War proved that rapid and momentous changes are the order of the day." Specially in our days when nations crash over night and empires are threatened with sudden destruction, when every- thing is in full uproar and everything points to still worse events to come! However, we have an additional deduction that was made by no less a personage than Holzhauser himself. This German vis- ionary, so often quoted by us, who so astoundingly and correct- ly foretold the occurrence of so many f u t u r e events, finds the duration of the existence of the Church set forth in t h e Mystical Revelations of St. John—in the passage where it is said that the woman will be nourished in the desert for 1260 days (meaning years. The A u t h o r ) , and he reckons therefrom that the duration of t h e Church's existence will last either to t h e year 1995 or 2015. With this h e is in accord with other prophecies and deduc- tions and therewith with the alleged period of the birth and reign of the Anti-Christ. 59 In the figure 666 of t h e Revelations Holzhauser recognizes the birth-day and the age of the Anti-Christ and deduces there- from that 1944 would be the year of the birth of the Son of Cor- ruption and Ruin. The religious publication "Voices of St. Canisius" brought out a corrective revision of Holzhausers's writings and concluded that Holzhauser really meant the year 1954. If all this is so, another conclusion is clearly within reach: namely, that the Great Monarch is actually in readiness for an early appearance and the following chapter shall have more to say regarding this particular point. "A Historical Birth" Daily, for a span of nearly forty years, a very pious French Friar has been praying to heaven: "Mitte, Domine, quem missurus es!" "Send us, O Lord, him whom it is Thy will to send us!" Since the great World War that so clearly indicated the f u r - ther development of affairs, multitudes of Christians and reli- gious congregations in Europe have been praying the same prayer with him. Because they feel and know that there must arise in the world a great leader, who, with iron hand, can rescue humanity from the swampy abyss of its present aberrations and lead it back into the sunlight of salutary understanding and en- during peace. Evidently these prayers shall soon be heard, for t h e great man, the mighty emperor, the Titan of the future, is actually sup- posed to be living in our midst. Yes, he is supposed to have been born quite some time ago— to the preparing himself for his herculean task somewhere in concealment, ready to appear in those fateful hours which, ac- cording to our prophecies, a r e destined to result from the present war and its catastrophical developments. In this connection, considerable attention was attracted to an article which was published in 1923 in the German "Zentral- blatt f u e r Okkultismus" (Central Newspaper for Occultism) which spoke of a world-historical birth in Europe. "The effect of this birth made itself perceptible from the East to the West (see Holzhauser. The Author) but to t h e short- sighted its outward significance was not to become apparent un- til between 1935 and 1936." While this mystic announcement was previously and almost generally applied to our great monarch, it seems now that it had 60 meant either Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini, the alleged pred- ecessors of the mighty m a n of the f u t u r e . More to the point is a German folk-prophecy that had its origin in the year 1622. Ostensibly referring to the recent World War, it reads: "The month of May will arm itself with might for war, but it is not yet the time. "The month of J u n e will likewise extend an invitation to war, b u t it is also not yet the time. "The month of J u l y will be the first to act so inhumanly cruel that many will be compelled to take leave of wife and child. "The month of August will hear of wars at all ends of the world. "September and October will bring with them a great blood- shed. "In November one will see miraculous events. About this time the child, whose wetnurse will be from the morning (East), is 28 years old. H e will perform great things." A well-known interpreter explained this strange prophecy as follows: "In May preparations were made in Serbia for an attempt on the life of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the successor to the Austrian throne, and world-wide pacts and alliances were con- cluded. "On J u n e 28th the Archduke and his consort were assas- sinated. "On J u l y 28th, following the mobilization of Austria, Serbia and Russia, t h e Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against Serbia ensued. "In August fourteen additional declarations of w a r resulted. "In September and October bitter battles were already en- gaged in in Belgium, Northern France, East Prussia and Serbia. "The unexpected effects of t h e German and Austrian giant guns were experienced in November, together with the sensa- tional flights of the Zeppelins over distantly located enemy teri- ritory and the German army's signal march of victory. In this same month the surprising battle of the Marne was fought which, over night, turned the tide of the conflict in favor of the Allies. "At about this time, the m a n to whom t h e prophecy of the year 1622 seems to point was in his 28th year, for he was born on the 17th of August in the year 1887." Therefore, he would be 53 years of age at the present time. 61 If that tallies, it would indeed seem very strange that the man who, already at that time must have found himself at the battle f r o n t did not arise to perform his great deeds. But the devastating struggle of t h e nations that transformed t h e world into a veritable ruin, passed on into the annals of history with- out even so much as a trace of his existence having been dis- covered. Hed he not yet learned the role that destiny assigned to him in the cradle? Or are our prophecies right again when they aver that the recent World War was only an overture to the ensuing and still greater hostilities? That t h e great m a n was to be held in reserve to appear in the most critical, in the eleventh hour? If such is t h e case—if this mysterious man lives—waiting, what impressions and thoughts must flare up in his soul at the sight of the present European conditions t h a t rashly press for- ward against his avenging anger and annihilating sword! 62 CLOSING REMARKS Unquestionably, the minds of my American readers who have traveled so f a r with me through the inferno of Europe's agonizing tribulations and the heaven of the world's jubilant re- incarnation, have often asked themselves t h e uneasy question: What predestined role will America play in these world- transforming times of fate? Will American soldiers march again "over t h e r e " to sacrifice their lives for belligerent leaders of European nations? We must frankly admit, and all have certainly noticed for themselves, tRat our prophets and prophetesses have concerned themselves either very little or not at all with this matter. Their minds were evidently too heavily burdened with thought and reflection on the unusual character of the events which, in spirit, they saw coming to their own native land, so that they did not ponder, t h e destiny of a country so little (if at all) known at that time and so remotely situated from the immediate scene of action. Nevertheless, America could become directly or indirectly involved in the vortex of European catastrophes — directly through her help to the Allies and through the universal effects of t h e severe convulsions of n a t u r e which allegedly are to occur in the entire world, and indirectly through the economic and other obstructions and disturbances which such revolutionizing happenings must necessarily bring about to the detriment of the whole globe. B u t at the same time a glorious missionary task has there- with been assigned to America: namely, to give a guiding and admonishing example to the deluded Old Continent; to help it at the proper moment in the re-establishment of peace and, in a spirit of f r a t e r n a l co-operation, to do its full share in hastening the dawn of the Golden Age. America will nobly acquit herself in the performance of this sublime task, if t h e r e is any t r u t h in two ancient German legends. While the first one, which originated in Austria, indicates an armed American entry in the European hostilities (provided that it did not refer to the American participation in the World W a r ) , it suggests, at the same time, a final co-operation between America and the Great Monarch: "The Lily, reigning in the upper part, will be agitated against the Lion, invading his land and killing his children. In the same year, the Son of Man who leads the ferocious warriors and rules 63 in the land of the moons, will navigate the sea with a large army, to enter t h e helpless country of t h e Lion. And in exactly the same year, the Eagle from the rising sun shall come with a great multitude of his brood, helping the Son of Man. As soon as the encampments of the armies have been devastated, there will reign great fear in the world, and the very same days will see a brutal war in a part of the Lion's realm. Another day will be experienced by mankind, and a bloody deluge is to arise. The Lily will lose its crown which will fall prey to t h e Eagle. During the four following years mighty battles will be fought in the world amongst those who are believers in faith. The greatest part of the world will be destroyed . . . and the Son of Man and the Eagle will gain the upper-hand." All interpreters seem to agree on one point, namely, that the Son of Man who crosses the ocean to enter the Lion's land, represents the United States of North America. But what nation is meant by the Lion, which one by the Lily and which one by the Eagle? If England is the Lion, France the Lily and Germany the Eagle, as it is commonly understood now, and if the Son of Man (America ) a n d the Eagle (the Great Monarch of the f u - ture) a r e to remain victorious in the end, then t h e f u r t h e r as- sumption is acceptable that America is indeed fated to t a k e a n active and decisive h a n d in the coming clean-up and reorganiza- tion of Europe. Our second prophecy stresses this point by saying: "America continues the enactment of a great and spectacular drama. The North toils diligently to advance h e r cultural devel- opment and to multiply her resources to insure h e r well-being. She understands how to preserve her freedom and expand her influence and authority. "All immigrants, many of whom come f r o m Southern Ger- many and bring considerable wealth with them, will consider themselves fortunate to have forsaken Europe. "America, from one end to the other, will move steadily for- ward to meet her destiny. Her mission is great, h e r goal glori- ous, and as the sole teacher of Europe, she will demonstrate what the freeman who honors the law and respects the rights of h u m a n beings can accomplish. "Nations and h u m a n beings are created to be independent and self-reliant and the selfish maneuverings of politics should not encroach upon their happiness. North America demonstrates what intelligence, understanding and freedom can accomplish and this paragon will be an instructive teacher for young and old." 64 God grant that it will be so! God grant that America will remain forever the paragon and the teacher of the nations—to- day, when civilization is threatened with u t t e r destruction, and tomorrow, when a helping h a n d is needed to rebuild a new and better world out of ruins and despair. 65 EPILOGUE REACTION Hosannah to the Son of David!—Crucify Him! Ungrateful and transient are indeed the mind and temper of the earth-born! While still clearly remembering the horrors of the devastating afflictions, while still vividly witnessing the most convincing display of divine omnipotence, beauty and goodness, and while still basking in the radiant sunshine of the Golden Age, the thoughts and wishes of man t u r n slowly again towards error, unrest, hate, atheism and new unholy struggles and wars. How is such a spectacle possible after all the prosperous and happy times? One interpreter explains it as follows: "The history of the life of Jesus Christ repeats itself in the history of His creation: the Church. As Jesus became popular with the people, and therefore began to become dangerous, the High Priests hastily held counsel among themselves and said: What shall we do? This man performs many miracles. If we allow Him to labor unhindered, all will believe in Him. There- upon they determined to kill Him. So also, when the Church celebrates her triumph under the great monarch, the world- spirit will invent and fabricate new plans to humiliate, weaken and destroy her." And so shall we better understand the previously cited lamentation of the Mother of God in her revelation on the Mount of La Salette: "This peace between the people will not be of long duration; twenty-five years of rich harvests will cause them to forget that the sins of humanity are the cause of all the evils which come upon the earth . . . " And Bishop St. Methodius warningly prophesied already in the year 385: "In the final age of the world the Christians will not display enough gratitude for the great grace which became their portion through the awakening of the Great Monarch nor for the glori- ous time of lasting peace and the fruitfulness of the earth which his appearance made possible . . . " They will again become as depraved as they were before the advent of the great and so horrible visitation. Bishop Meth- odius angrily continues: "They will again even surrender themselves to a life of vice and profligacy: to arrogance, vanity, obscenity, wantoness, hate, 66 jealousy, gluttony and other vices, so that the wounds of their sins will reek worse t h a n pestilence before God . . . " This life of depravity will again lead to godlessness and en- kindle anew the anger and w r a t h of heaven: "Then there will be many who will begin to doubt whether the Catholic faith is the one that alone can save, and whether Christ was actually the Son of God and the Saviour of the World. Therefore false doctrines will arise and confusion and perplexity will be brought about. The just God will become so angry and provoked at this that He will give Lucifer and all the devils again power to come out of hell on the earth and to lead the godless to corruption and perdition in real earnest . . . " This period after the appearance and the reign of the Great Monarch is called the Age of Debacle by Holzhauser, and that because of the new abating of faith and the new horrors and devastations that will take place and continue from the event of t h e Anti-Christ until the end of the world. "The triumph of the Church will only be short and merely last until he who is to come, shall come—the son of ruin and cor- ruption, who will unleash Satan anew . . . " The t r u e and genuine peace of the Golden Age will soon be followed again by one that deceives the faithful and lulls them anew into a sense of false security. Sister Nativitas had the fol- lowing additional vision: "I saw myself transported to a spacious room, resembling a church, that was filled with nothing but priests who were arrayed in magnificent white surplices as though they were celebrating an important feast. They sang hymns of jubilation. Joy and contentment shone out of their eyes as if a great victory had been won." However, they did not see that the time of the Church's tri- umph was nearing the end: "Then, suddenly, the dear Saviour stood beside me. H e was at about the age of thirty years (the time immediately preceding His passion. The Author) and held in His hand a large cross which h e contemplated with a sorrowful expression upon His face. And speaking, He said: "You will soon become aware of a great transformation. F o r the end has not as yet set in and they have not as yet reached the goal, as they suppose. To be sure, the dawn begins to break, but the age that follows will be stormy and full of suffering." Then she saw "wicked priests who will prepare great sorrow and affliction for the Church and she experienced in advance new periods of unrest, revolutions and wars. 67 "And therefore the Church, although she will enjoy peace for a considerable length of time (Golden Age. The Author) will never be altogether f r e e from apprehension, because she will witness many wars at various times. These wars will be inter- rupted by only short periods of armistice, and there will be many revolutionizing changes made in the civil laws . . But the closer one approaches to the time of the general judgment, the shorter will be the duration of the uprisings, just as the periods of peace will be shorter after each of these wars. Because, before the last ages, there will be hardly any time left for either the just to do good or the godless to do evil . . . " The spurious peace referred to by the above mentioned prophetess was also heralded by the revelations of La Salette: "There will be a kind of false peace before the advent of the Anti-Christ. Man's only thought will be upon diversions and amusements. The wicked will indulge in all sorts of sin, but the children of the Holy Church, the children of the faith, My sin- cere followers, will wax strong in the love of God and in the virtues that are dear to me. Happy the humble souls t h a t are guided by the Holy Ghost. I will fight with them until they shall have reached the completion of age . . . " U N E N D I N G DISORDERS Armed disturbers of the peace will precede the coming of the Anti-Christ, and these will prepare and make straight the way for him. The revelations of La Salette begin their description of t h e last age as follows: "A fore-runner of the Anti-Christ, with his troops, drawn from various nations, will battle against the t r u e Church, the sole redeemer of the world. He will cause the shedding of much blood and will strive to abolish the adoration and worship of God so that he may be looked upon as a God himself." And the result of this new challenge to heaven? "The earth will be scourged with all sorts of plagues, with the exception of pestilence and hunger, which will be universal. There will be wars until the last w a r that will be waged by the ten kings of the Anti-Christ, all of whom have a similar aim and alone will rule the world . . . " I n other words: The League of Nations, founded by the Great Monarch, will crumble and dissolve, his dominion of the world will be at a n end and again, as before, nations will form alliances with one another and against pne another. The ancient European miseries will begin anew and with them militarism and the old system of political economics—God-challenging evils: "Nature demands revenge for humanity and she trembles 68 and quakes with terror and dread in anticipation of what must overtake the crime-stained earth. Tremble, O earth, an ye who profess to serve Christ, b u t who, within yourselves, adore and worship only yourselves. Tremble! For God will deliver you into the hands of your enemies because the holy cities are in a state of depravity and corruption." The faithful and the godless will once again, and indeed almost continuously, be caught in the throes of struggles with one another. St. Hildegard also says: "Injustice will again raise its head, but it will be suppressed anew. War, famine, pestilence and the scourge of death will ex- ercise dominion, but only temporarily. They will appear here and there and disappear on the morrow." St. Brigitte also emphasizes the fact that these disorders are incessant and endless and that they will continue until the end of the world: "But now, because wickedness and profligacy again waxes strong, because My sufferings also are again being forgotten and neglected, a third (of humanity. The Author) begins to rise, and this will continue until the Judgment." France will likewise lose the faith again and become en- snared and entangled in devastating wars, such as revolutions, which will put an end to its newly found monarchical form of government for all time. Sister Bouquillion of St. Louis asserts: "The last of the Kings of France, who will be reigning at the time of the advent of the Anti-Christ, will perish in battle and his corpse will be abandoned and its tomb plundered." According to the same Sister, the advent of t h e Anti-Christ will not make itself very conspicuous in America. He will, so to speak, come like a thief in t h e night: "At the time of his arrival nothing in the house (St. Louis Convent. The Author) will be changed or altered. Everything therein will be found to be in its usual order. The religious ex- ercises, the usual occupations and the work in t h e sick rooms will all be carried out in t h e customary manner, when, suddenly, our nuns will perceive that he is t h e master." THE S O N OF CORRUPTION A N D R U I N From whence will the Anti-Christ come? In what form will he m a k e himself perceptible? What will be the nature of his activities? Various prophets answer these questions, among them St. Brigitte, who at the same time describes the godlessness that will prevail during the last days: 69 "At the end of this age (after the Golden Era. The A u t h o r ) , the Anti-Christ will be born. For, like the children of God are born of a spiritual marriage, so the Anti-Christ will be born from an accursed woman, who pretends to have an understanding of the spiritual, and of an accursed man through whom, with My consent and permission, the devil will fashion his work. Yet the time of this Anti-Christ will not be in the time described by the brother whose books thou hast seen, but in the time that is known to Me, when injustice shall have filled the measure to overflowing, and wickedness shall have grown to immeasurable proportions. It is then, when t h e Christians love the heresies and when the unjust trample spirituality and justice under foot; a visible sign that the Anti-Christ will come." We glean a more intimate knowledge of the coming of the "Son of Corruption and Ruin" from the pages of St. Hildegard's famous book "Scivias" (Sci vias Domini—Know the Ways of the Lord) where it is written: "The Son of Corruption and Ruin will appear and reign only for a short time, at the end of the days of the world's duration. He will not be Satan himself, but a human being equaling and resembling him in atrocious hideousness. His mother, a de- praved woman, will declare that she is ignorant as to the identity of his father, and will maintain that her son was presented to her by God in a supernatural manner. She will then also be vener- ated as a saint by deceived people. "The Anti-Christ will win over to himself the rulers, the mighty and the wealthy, will bring about the destruction of those who do not accept his faith and, finally, will subjugate the entire earth. "He will l u r e and attract the people to himself by granting them complete exemption from the observance of all divine and ecclesiastical commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring of them only their belief in his divinity. He will spurn and reject baptism and the gospel. "Finally, when he shall have converted all his plans into ac- tion, he will gather his worshipers about him and tell them that he will presently ascend toward heaven. However, at the mo- ment of the ascension a bolt of lightning will overwhelm and annihilate him. The planned ascent into heaven will have been prepared by the a r t f u l employment of ingeniuous devices, and the moment at which the event was to have taken place, leading to his destruction, will produce a cloud that will spread an un- bearable odor. Through this many people will again come to their senses and to understanding." "Then," so concludes the Saint, "the people should prepare 70 for the last judgment, the day of which is indeed veiled in secrecy and obscurity, but not f a r distant." The Revelations of La Salette also proclaim t h a t the Anti- Christ will be the son of a whore and that he will wage war upon the world and perform fictitious miracles. A f t e r they had spoken sadly of a new r e t u r n to savage customs and tribulations of the last ages, they assure: "In this time t h e Anti-Christ will be born of a n u n of Hebraic descent, a false virgin, who will have intercourse with the an- cient serpent, with the master of impurity and putrefaction. His father will be a bishop. He will perform false miracles and sub- sist only on vitiating faith. H e will have brethren, who will be children of evil but not incarnate devils like himself. Soon they will be at the head of armies, supported by the legions of h e l l " THE L A S T J U D G M E N T The La Salette revelations t h e n describe terrible eruptions of nature. Rome, they predict, will lose the faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ. "Up, ye children of light, and fight! For behold, the age of ages, the end, the extremity is at hand! The Church passes into darkness. The world will be in a state of consternation, perplex- ity and confusion." Elias and Enoch (unsuccessful fighters against the Anti- Christ—according to St. John. The Author) appear. Bloody wars, famines and cholera will exact their toll. The great apos- tasy is upon the earth. Paganized Rome will disappear. "It is time! The sun darkens! Faith alone will live." The Anti-Christ falls. H e will be vanquished by the breath of St. Michael, t h e Archangel, and he, together with all his min- ions, will be cast in the eternal abysses of hell. "Then fire and water will t o r t u r e and torment the earth and devour all the works of man inspired by pride and arrogance." Man will again be forced to serve and glorify God until the end is near: "Yea, the time of happiness and joy will not long continue," also warns J o h n of the Cloven Rocks, looking back on the Gol- den Age, "for already new corruption and ruin draws near. There will be signs in the stars, in the heavens and upon the earth, for the end draws nigh." The above mentioned development of things and events find a prophetic confirmation in our "Prophecies of Malachi" which conclude, after they have symbolized t h e (presumable) present pope and his three great successors: 71 "110—'De Labore Solis.' Translated into English: Of the eclipse of the Sim, evidently meaning an eclipse of the Church. " I l l — ' G l o r i a Olivae.' Translated into English: Glory of the Olive tree." Both these symbols seem likewise to indicate the r e t u r n to unbelief and infidelity and another growing wave of hatred for things religious. For when the sun is eclipsed, t h e enemies of light win t h e upper hand, and when the olive tree, the tree of sorrow and suffering, is in f u l l bloom, blood and tears will flow. And now comes the final papal symbol which is self-explan- atory in its own weird and gloomy phraseology: "112—In persecutione extrema S.R.Ecclesiae sedebit P e t r u s II, Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus, quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur et judex tremendus judi- cabit populum suum." "During the last persecutions of the Holy Roman Church, Peter II, the Roman, will rule. He will tend t h e flock during many oppressions, and a f t e r their subjugation, the City of the Seven Hills will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge his people." When the sun is darkened, the moon ceases to give her light and the stars fall f r o m heaven—the end of the world!