May thoughts : daily devotions to Our Lady ' 7K~-y ' '—/H ' ’ |ra ''/iac MAT THOUGHTS ntfu DAILY DEVOTIONS TO OUR LADY MAY THOUGHTS ?cm n - MAY THOUGHTS Daily Devotions to Our Lady Adapted from the German by R. M. HOELLER THE BRUCE PUBLISHING CO. MILWAUKEE Nihil obstat: H. B. RIES, Censor librorum Imprimatur: Hh SAMUEL A. STRITCH, Archiepiscopus Milwaukiensis Die 12 Martii, A.D. 1932 copyright, 1932 ROBERT HOELLER PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Osa&ffliid TO MARY MY MOTHER, MY TRUST . - X ' . INDULGENCES There are granted: An Indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to the faithful who shall publicly or privately honor the Blessed Virgin with special devotions or with other pious works, during the month of May. A Plenary Indulgence, applicable to the souls in purgatory once, either during the month of May, or on one of the first eight days of June, on condition of Confession, Holy Communion, and the usual prayers according to the inten- tion of the Holy Father; provided that daily during the entire month the devotions shall have been performed. — (Pius VII, March 21, 1815, and June 18, 1822.) PRAYERS FOR EACH DAY OF THE MONTH Open our mouths, O Lord, that we may worthily bless Thy Holy Name in the praise of the Virgin Mary. Cleanse our minds from all vain, evil, and distracting thoughts; enlighten our understanding, and inflame our hearts, that we may perform this devotion with attention and piety, and may deserve to be heard in the presence of Thy Divine Majesty, Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. Holy Virgin, glorious Mother of God, we are again assembled before thee to show thee our enduring love and devotion. We rejoice in the high honor and glory which the Almighty has bestowed upon thee. We praise and bless the Lord because He has given thee to us as a Mother, and has filled thy pure and holy heart with the greatest love of Him. We dedicate to thee, sweet Virgin and Mother, every day of this month, and especially this day. We choose thee today for our Mother, our Refuge, and our Advocate with thy Son, Jesus Christ. We give thee our heart, our love, and our soul. Into thy hands we commit all our trials and afflictions. To thee do we give every hour of our lives, and especially the last. We recommend to thee the Catholic Church, especially our Holy Father the Pope, our Bishop, all priests and religious, our relatives, benefac- tors, friends and enemies, and the souls in purgatory. May thy loving heart be pleased with our prayers and devotions, which we join to the prayers of all pious Christians during this month, and to the paeans of praise which the angels of heaven sing to their lovely Queen. Finally, the greatest of all graces we beg, to remain faithful to thee and to thy Son until death, and then to have unspeakable joy with all the saints and angels in heaven, to thank, praise, and love thee with Jesus, thy Son, and to praise and to love the Most Blessed Trinity through all eternity. Amen. i st Day OUR FIRST AND LAST END Consideration 1. Man is created to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him. 2. He who attains this end merits eternal happiness; he who fails receives eternal punish- ment. Prayer O Mary, humble handmaid of the Lord, Queen of heaven and earth, help me, that I may leave the service of the miserable world, throw off the heavy yoke of sin, renounce the devil, and serve God alone, Who has created, redeemed, and sanctified me, to live in holy joy with thee and all the saints in heaven. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may reach our last end. 2nd Day THE NECESSITY OF THIS LAST END Consideration 1. The one thing necessary, therefore, is to serve God on earth. 2. There is no middle way: either eternal joy, or eternal sorrow. Prayer O Mary, my kindest Mother, teach me to keep before my eyes the one thing necessary. Break the chains which keep me from my God, the highest Good, and ask forgiveness for me, be- cause I have lived blindly until now, and have thought very little about the salvation of my immortal soul, having offended God there- by, Whom alone I will serve to the last moment of my life. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may reach our last end. 3rd Day THE VANITY OF THE WORLD Consideration 1. All things earthly, money and property, honors and pleasures, pass quickly away. 2. How foolish, therefore, to allow one’s heart to be blinded by them during our short span of life. Prayer O Jesus, I renounce all earthly joys and goods, in order to give myself entirely to Thee. Thou hast given me the knowledge that all things are vain. Grant that now I may live in accordance with this knowledge. Pardon me because I have lived so uselessly until now, have cast Thee aside for vanities, and grievously offended Thee. I renounce all things to give myself wholly to Thee. O Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may receive the grace to renounce the vanities of the world. 4th Day THE MALICE OF MORTAL SIN Consideration 1. God alone can estimate the enormous malice of sin. The greater the offended, the greater the offense. 2. A terrible malice must be hidden in sin, which is canceled by the blood of the God- man alone. Prayer O dearest Savior, I repent above all things of having offended Thee and caused Thee such sufferings. Forgive, O forgive me, my Jesus! Nevermore will I be cruel. Heavenly Father, through the power of the blood of Thy Son, have mercy on me. O Mary, refuge of sinners, through thy sufferings at the death of Jesus, I pray thee, obtain for me true sorrow for my sins and the grace never again mortally to offend Him. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may recognize the malice of sin. 5th Day THE CONSEQUENCES OF MORTAL SIN Consideration 1. How terrible are the consequences of sin! A single mortal sin condemns the sinner to the eternal sufferings of hell. 2. Through one sin the angels became devils. Consider, furthermore, the consequences of orig- inal sin and of actual sin. Prayer O my God, how can I thank Thee sufficiently; for Thou hast allowed me to continue to live, and after my first sin hast not cast me into the depths of hell. No, nevermore will I commit sin. O give me tears of sorrow, that I may bewail my sins day and night. Give me the grace that I may burn with hatred against every sin, and that I may serve Thee alone, love Thee alone, and thereby avoid Thy awful wrath. O Mary, my only hope, beg grace and mercy for me. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may remain free from mortal sin. 6th Day DEATH Consideration 1. What is death? It is the transition from time into eternity. All must die, and at death leave all that is earthly. 2. Death comes as a thief in the night. Thou diest but once. As thou art at death, so shalt thou be for all eternity. Prayer Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 0 my God, I have certainly to die, but I know not when, how, or where I shall die; this only 1 know: that if I die in mortal sin I shall be lost forever. Most blessed Virgin Mary, holy Mother of God, pray for me, a sinner, now and at the hour of my death. Amen. (300 days each time. Pius X, Jan. 12, 1906.) Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may receive the grace of a happy death. 7th Day THE PARTICULAR JUDGMENT AFTER DEATH Consideration 1. Immediately after death thou shalt be judged and sentenced, either to eternal life or to eternal punishment. “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the Judgment” (Heb. ix. 27). 2. May Mary, refuge of sinners, help thee with her powerful intercession, that thou mayest make in due time good use of the means of grace. Prayer O dearest Lord, grant that I may obtain Thy forgiveness when I shall see Thee for the first time as Judge. Give me light, therefore, to know my sins and to acknowledge them in Confession. Give me strength to change my life entirely. O Mary, hope of the dying, Mother of my Judge, help me to be reconciled to thy Son, and ask Him to be merciful to me. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain mercy at our judgment. 8th Day THE GENERAL JUDGMENT Consideration 1. The particular judgment at death is fol- lowed by the general judgment at the end of the world, when the sinner shall be publicly put to shame, and the just man honored. 2. Consider well the sentence! To the just: “Come, ye blessed”; to the wicked: “Depart from Me, ye cursed” (Matt. xxv. 34, 41). Prayer O Jesus, I thank Thee that Thou hast not as yet called me into eternity, but hast given me time to cancel all my sins from the book of the recording angel, with tears of sorrow and with Thy blood. I promise Thee to use well the time of grace that still remains for me. O Mary, my Mother, surely I must thank thee, that already I have not been condemned; help me, that I may quickly, bravely, and earnestly do penance, and be reconciled again to thy Son. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the grace to stand at the right hand of the Lord. 9th Day THE GENERAL JUDGMENT Consideration 1. At the right of the Judge stand the elect of God. Contemplate their joy and happiness. 2. At the left stand the condemned. Contem- plate their despair and suffering. Prayer O Lord God, behold I stand between heaven and earth in this world, and I falter and am undecided whether or not I should follow Thee. Alas, my evil inclinations and habits will not easily allow me to rise from my life of sin; there- fore, I earnestly beseech thee, O Mary, my Mother, to give me thy hand, and to draw me powerfully to thy Son’s cross, that under it as my banner I may fight, conquer, and gain an eternal crown. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother’s help we may have the happiness to stand among the elect on the last day. i oth Day HELL Consideration 1. What is hell? Hell is a place of darkness and fire, where all the sorrows and pains which man can imagine are united in the highest degree. 2. The most terrifying pain of the condemned is the thought that they suffer eternally and through their own fault. Prayer O Lord God, Thou didst not wish to create hell, but it was sin alone that made it. Save me from the bonds of sin, which alone can drag me into hell, and graciously grant that, if Thy merciful love moves me not to conversion, the thought of the eternal pains of the depths of hell may stir my heart and incite me to whole- some penance. O Mary, my Mother, save me from eternal punishment. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother’s petition we may be pre- served from the everlasting tortures of hell. nth Day THE TWO WAYS Consideration 1. “Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat” (Matt. vii. 13). The narrow way is the way of the cross, which leads to God. 2. The broad way to hell promises for a short time riches, honors, pleasures, but they soon pass away. Prayer O Mary, dearest Mother, I am resolved to follow thee and the call of thy Son. Give me the crown of thorns, extend to me the cross of thy Son. I forsake and renounce the world, the flesh, and the devil, and will devote my whole life to the service of thy Jesus. Oh, extend to me thy hand, lead, guide, console, strengthen me, weak man, that I may happily arrive at my goal and enter into the kingdom of eternal bliss, where at the side of thy Son thou reignest in eternity. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may follow Jesus in the narrow way of the cross, which leads to heaven. 1 2th Day RESIGNATION OF SELF TO GOD Consideration 1. All that thou needest give to God is thy heart. Give it to Him, my soul, without reserve. 2. Contemplate the resignation of the saints to God, especially that of the ever-blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer O Jesus, my highest Good, Thou hast given Thyself wholly to me, although I have so often grievously offended Thee. Now I give myself entirely to Thee; and thou, my dearest Mother Mary, take my heart and present it to thy Son with thy pure hands, so that He will not dis- dain it, but will accept it as His property, and through thy powerful intercession preserve it from the infernal enemies. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys” to obtain the grace to give ourselves as completely and per- severingly to God as did our Blessed Mother. 13th Day THE VIRTUE OF HUMILITY Consideration 1. The virtue of humility is the foundation of all other virtues. Consider the reward for this virtue in Mary. The Lord hath regarded the low estate of His handmaid. 2. The humble man willingly performs tasks for others, to please them, as did Mary for her kinswoman, Elizabeth. Prayer It is impossible, O my Queen, to be thy child and a true follower of thy Son if I be not humble. Thou thyself seest that my sins have not made me humble but proud. O my Mother, help me, and through the merits of thy humility obtain for me the grace to be humble, and there- by to become thy child. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the grace of humility. 14th Day ACTS OF HUMILITY Consideration 1. The first act of humility is to think little of oneself. 2. Another act of humility consists in trying not to display one’s natural and supernatural gifts before others. Prayer Not to myself, O Lord, not to myself, but to Thy Name do I give glory. For how can I desire glory when I have sinned so grievously, dishonoring my dignity as a man and a Chris- tian? How can a sinner, who is really subject to the devil, still be proud in his desire for glory? How can he refuse to submit himself to God, Who is so good a Sovereign? Help me, Mary, to despise myself and not others, and always to give glory to God alone. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may recognize our sin- fulness, weakness, and misery. 15th Day THE VIRTUE OF OBEDIENCE Consideration 1. “Obedience is better than sacrifices” (I Kings xv. 22). Christ was obedient unto death. 2. Mary subjected her will to the will of others out of love for God. Only when thou dost likewise is thy obedience of true value. Prayer O my dear Queen and Mother of my God, pray to Jesus, and obtain for me through thy obedience the grace always to fulfill God’s holy will. Help me to do out of pure love for God the will of my superiors, especially to submit myself cheerfully to my spiritual director. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may acquire the virtue of obedience. 1 6th Day THE VIRTUE OF PATIENCE Consideration 1. Patience is a necessary virtue for every Christian. “In your patience ye shall possess your souls” (Luke xxi. 19), said the Lord. He is our exemplar. 2. Mary is called Queen of the Martyrs, be- cause of her great patience, especially during her sufferings beneath the Cross of her Son. Prayer O Queen of Martyrs, although innocent, thou hast suffered much with great patience. Should not I, who have deserved hell, suffer even more than thou? I ask, dear Mother, not for the grace to be freed from my sufferings, but for the grace to bear them patiently, following thy example, O Mistress of Patience. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through the Queen of Martyrs we may obtain the virtue of patience. 17th Day THE VIRTUE OF SILENCE Consideration 1. Without silence, without bridling the tongue, there is no perfection, no piety; there- fore St. James says: “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man” (III, 2). 2. Mary, too, practiced this virtue. She lived in seclusion and quiet. He who speaks much with man cannot speak much to God. Prayer O Mary, my dearest Mother, teach me to bridle my tongue when the honor of God, the salvation of souls, or the love of neighbor does not demand me to speak, so that I may not lose peace of soul, or peace with my fellow men, but may gain devotion in prayer, progress in perfection, the grace of God, and eternal salvation. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the virtue of silence. 1 8 th Day PURITY OF HEART Consideration 1. “Blessed are the clean of heart; for they shall see God” (Matt. v. 8). Let Mary be thy model of purity. 2 . In all thy actions aim to please God alone. Mary had the purest of all motives when she made her vow of virginity, as well as when she accepted the dignity of motherhood. Prayer O purest spouse of the Holy Ghost, Immac- ulate Virgin Mary, teach me to preserve purity of heart. Protect me from every impure tempta- tion, and shield me from every desire of vain- glory. Grant that I may always offer to God a clean heart, for He is the Holiest of the holy. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys” to obtain of our Blessed Mother the gift of purity of heart. 19th Day THE VIRTUE OF POVERTY Consideration 1. How precious is the virtue of poverty! Christ preferred poverty to riches. When He came upon the earth He chose a poor father and mother. 2. If thou hast riches, do not attach thy heart to them, but follow the example of Jesus and Mary. Prayer O Mary, my good Mother, on earth thou didst love no other good than God. Draw me to thy- self, cause me to die entirely to the world, that I may love Him alone, Who alone deserves to be loved, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the virtue of poverty. 20th Day THE VIRTUE OF FAITH Consideration 1. Mary is a pattern of faith. She looked upon her Babe in the stable of Bethlehem, saw Him flee from Herod, saw Him persecuted through- out life, saw His cross, His death; and she firmly believed this Child to be the King of heaven and earth. 2. Thou, too, shouldst have such a lively faith. Perform all thy tasks in the contempla- tion of God; pray, work, suffer, because God wills it. Prayer O Mother of the faithful, Holy Mary, help me to live through faith, to use the faith given me in holy baptism as the motive of all my actions, and to follow all its precepts, so that I may ever become more and more virtuous. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys” to obtain through our Blessed Mother the virtue of faith. 2 1 st Day THE VIRTUE OF HOPE Consideration 1. From faith springs the virtue of hope and desire to possess God. Thou mayest see how great this virtue was in Mary, if thou consid- erest but a few acts of her life. 2. Because of her firm trust in God, Mary is called the Mother of holy Hope. If thou shouldst ever become faint-hearted because of thy sins, turn to Mary. Prayer O Mary, my sweet hope, be praised, and give me the joy ever to honor thee as the foundation of all my hope. If doubts come, if I become dejected and faint-hearted, then hasten to help me, that I may not fall. In particular, assist me in the hour of my death, that I may not lose my trust in the goodness and mercy of God nor my love of thy Divine Son. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys” to obtain an unfaltering hope in God through the peti- tion of our Blessed Mother. 22nd Day PRAYER Consideration 1. “Pray without ceasing” (Luke xviii. i). From no one else can we receive a better example in this regard than from Mary. 2. Since Mary loved prayer so much, she possessed an interior love of seclusion, knowing well that he who associates much with men can converse little with God. Prayer Holiest of Virgins, loving Mother Mary, I earnestly desire a love of prayer and seclusion such as thou didst possess. Cause my heart to turn ever more from creatures to the Creator, and to find in conversation with Him my only true joy. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the grace of continual and devout prayer. 23rd Day MORTIFICATION Consideration 1. To secure a firm foundation for perfect union with God, the mortification of one’s exter- nal senses is necessary. Mary knew this, for she renounced all earthly things. 2. This mortification must be constant, be- cause self-love cannot be mortified at once. Mary, therefore, guarded her senses with the greatest care and excluded all vain impressions. Prayer O Mary, rightly called Our Lady of Victory, because like thy Divine Son thou hast gloriously overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, help me in the battle against myself and the enemies of my soul, to gain the crown prepared for me. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the virtue of mortification. 24th Day DETACHMENT FROM CREATURES Consideration 1. Attachment to earthly things is a great hindrance to union with God. Endeavor to detach thy heart from all creatures and transitory objects. 2. This detachment from all creatures does not consist therein that one hate them, because everything which God created is good; but it consists therein, as the Apostle says, “to possess them, as though one did not possess them” (I Cor. vii. 30). Prayer O good Mother Mary, help me to subject my- self entirely to God, willingly to give Him all that I am and have, and being detached from all temporal things for love of Him, to strive for the perpetual possession of the highest good. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the grace of detachment from creatures. 25th Day THE LOVE OF GOD Consideration 1. Mary mortified herself; she was detached from all creatures; therefore the love of God could reign completely in her heart. 2. Because Mary had so great a love toward God, she surely desires nothing so much from her clients, as that they also love God as much as they are able. Prayer “Ah, Mary, thou Queen of love, of all creatures the most amiable, the most beloved, and the most loving, as St. Francis de Sales addressed thee — my own sweet Mother, thou wast always and in all things inflamed with love toward God; deign, then, to bestow at least a spark of it on me. Thou didst pray thy Son for the spouses whose wine failed: ‘They have no wine.’ Wilt thou not pray for us, in whom the love of God, Whom we are under such obligations to love, is wanting? Say also, ‘They have no love,’ and obtain for us this love. This is the only grace for which we ask. O Mother, by the love thou bearest to Jesus, graciously hear and pray for us. Amen” (St. Alphonsus). Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may receive the love of God. 26th Day THE ESSENCE OF THE LOVE OF GOD Consideration 1. The true love of God consists in the per- formance of all things for love of Him. The greatest deed has no value in God’s sight if it has not been done for love. 2. The love of God shows itself also in suffer- ing. When Jesus was about to die for us, He said: “I go, that the world may know that I love the Father” (John xiv. 31). Prayer O Mary, teacher of love, teach me to love God as thou lovest Him, and to show my love, particularly by doing and suffering all for my God as He wills it. I wish to walk the path of troubles and sufferings, and daily to follow thy Divine Son until I obtain the reward of loving God with thee in heaven for all eternity. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain the grace to do all things for the love of God. 27th Day PROGRESS IN THE LOVE OF GOD Consideration 1. The love of God is infused into thy heart by the Holy Ghost. It is increased chiefly through prayer. Have recourse to the Heart of Jesus. Call upon Mary that she may help thee to love God. 2. Another means of growing in the love of God is frequent Communion. Prayer O Mary, my Mother, give me that desire which thou hadst every time thou didst receive Holy Communion from the hands of the Apostles; help me to approach the Holy Table worthily, and thereby to obtain the love that shall make me one with thy Divine Son. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys” for the grace to receive Holy Communion often and worthily. 28th Day CONFORMITY TO THE WILL OF GOD Consideration 1. Another virtue whereby thou mayest advance in the love of God is the conformity of thy will to the will of God. Christ taught us, therefore, to pray in the Our Father: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. vi. io). 2. That thou mayest be founded solidly in this virtue, bear in mind that perfection con- sists in conformity to the will of God, and that without God’s permission nothing happens in the world. Prayer O faithful Mother Mary, teach me faithfully to do the will of God in all things and at all times; teach me to unite my will, which is too often selfish, with the holy will of God. My heart is now ready to suffer and to do whatever pleases God. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through her we may conform to the will of God. 29th Day SPIRITUAL DRYNESS Consideration 1. Those who begin to forsake the path of sin and walk in the way of the Lord are often given many spiritual consolations by God, but still they are not perfect. God wishes to arouse their souls thereby, so that they will accept from the Lord those trials which He wills to send them. 2. God often withdraws such consolations from souls, and allows them to fall into spiritual dryness. Then, willingly accept this spiritual abandonment as a consolation, and thank God for the one as well as for the other. Prayer Mistress of perfection, good Mother Mary, help me to walk in the right way. Permit me, not to be deceived by the evil spirit, and to desire those things which flatter my self-love, but to do only those things which God wills. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that we may remain true and resigned both in abandonment and spiritual dryness. 30th Day THE DESIRE TO POSSESS GOD Consideration 1. The more one progresses in the knowl- edge of divine truths, the more he realizes that nothing on earth can satisfy the desire of his heart. He gazes, therefore, toward heaven; for only in the possession of God is there for him true peace and perfect happiness. 2. The constant desire of possessing God is an indication that man is in the state of grace, is God’s child, and belongs to the number of the elect. Prayer O my dearly beloved Mother, now I know more than ever that many bonds hold me back, and that my heart has not reached perfect rest. Bind me with the bonds of thy love to God, so that I shall not leave Him until He is mine, and I am His. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through our Blessed Mother we may obtain a true desire for the possession of God. 31st Day THE LIFE HIDDEN IN CHRIST Consideration 1. “Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth” (Col. iii. 2), says the Apostle. The life hidden in Christ consists in flight from all idle associations with creatures. 2. If thou must associate with creatures, thou canst still lead a life hidden in Christ by pre- serving at least interior solitude. Prayer O Mary, sorrow and sadness oppress my heart which still heeds only externals, inclines to earthly things, and disdains the holy seclu- sion which thou didst practice, hidden in God and united to Him. Lead my soul into holy seclusion, tear it free from creatures, fill it with heavenly desires, and inflame it with that burn- ing love which is satisfied with nothing save with the highest Good. Amen. Let us pray three “Hail Marys,” that through the intercession of our Blessed Mother we may die to the world, and live in Christ. PRAYER AT THE CLOSE OF THE MAY DEVOTIONS Holiest Virgin and Mother of God, we now close the devotions which we have undertaken during this month in thy honor. Full of joy and gratitude for thy goodness and mercy which so many pious Christians have experi- enced this month, we kneel before thee for the last time, once more to greet thee, to thank thee, and to have recourse to thee. We must acknowledge that we have often performed this devotion weakly and imperfectly. Because of our unworthiness we hardly deserve to be heard by thee. Look not upon this, dear Mother, but accept the intention with which we undertook this devotion; consider not our unworthiness, but remember that thou art the Mother of Mercy, and that never was it known that anyone who fled to thee for protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Receive us, therefore; offer our intention and our poor prayer to the Heavenly Father, and gain a hearing for us. (Thy Divine Son has just offered Himself anew to His Heavenly Father in Holy Mass, and through His Sacrifice Prayers and Meditations for the Month ofMay THOUGHTS ON GOD’S MOTHER AND OURS MAY THOUGHTS The Bruce Publishing Company New York Milwaukee Chicago MAY THOUGHTS Adapted from the German by R. M. Hoeller St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary constitutes such an important and such a beautiful part in the services of the Church that this practical handbook of devotions for May will appeal very strongly to the faithful. It consists in brief devotions for each day in the month of May, each day’s purpose and prayer designed to culti- vate in the soul special spiritual attitudes through the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Short considerations for each day on "Our First and Last End,” "The Vanity of the World,” "Death,” "Humility,” "Patience,” "Mortification,” "The Love of God,” etc., are provided, together with an appropriate prayer to the Blessed Vir- gin, asking her help in acquiring and developing these virtues in the human heart. Though this practical little book has been especially arranged for the month of May, it can be used with equal advantage throughout the year. Anyone seeking a brief, pointed, and helpful method of honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary will be attracted to MAY THOUGHTS. Price, 15 cents. THOUGHTS ON GOD’S MOTHER AND OURS Minute Meditation Series By the Rev. J. E. Moffatt, S J. Author of "God’s Minutemen ” etc. Meditation is of vital importance for the salvation and sanctification of our souls. It is a powerful help in knowing, loving, and serving God, and in knowing our- selves. These meditations, as the name of the series suggests, are intended for those who have only a short period during the day which can be devoted to this pious practice. Each meditation can be read in one minute. Each meditation concentrates on the Blessed Virgin Mary, generating, through her intercession, a closer union with God and a wholesome sense of purity, peace, and security in our lives. It includes a short explanation of what meditation is, why we should medi- tate, where and when to meditate, and suggestions for the best method of procedure. Through the meditations offered, the grace of a greater knowledge and love of the Blessed Virgin Mother will be gained, and imitation of her beautiful virtues will be stimulated. Price , 50 cents. From MAY THOUGHTS, Robert Hoeller 14th Day Acts of Humility Consideration 1. The first act of humility is to think little of one- self. 2. Another act of humility consists in trying not to display one’s natural and supernatural gifts before others. From THOUGHTS ON GOD’S MOTHER AND OURS, Rev. J. E. Moffatt, S.J. Virgin Most Faithful Mary was entrusted by Almighty God with the care of His Divine Son. With what fidelity did she fulfill this sacred trust! To do so entailed untold sacrifice for Mary, but self was wholly disregarded in the perfect fulfillment of her duty. In Bethlehem, in Egypt, in Nazareth, and most of all on Calvary, how faithfully did Mary stand at the post of duty assigned her, shar- ing the sufferings, the sorrows, and the shame of her Divine Son! The Bruce Publishing Co, 524-544 N. Milwaukee St. .Milwaukee, Wis. You may send me .... May Thoughts, Robert Hoeller (15 cents each) .... Thoughts on God’s Mother and Ours, Rev. J. M. Moffatt, S.J. (50 cents each) Name Address L City and State we also wish to honor thee. Join thy powerful intercession with this Sacrifice.) O Mary, do not forsake us, now or at the hour of our death. Then remember, dear Mother, that we have knelt before thee and have prayed so often during this month: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Then, O Mary, may we all, who are here gathered, again be united at the foot of thy throne, saved from the torments of hell through thy intercession, to sing eternal praise to thy goodness and mercy. May none of us be lost who has devoutly called: Hail, Mary. Amen. LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN Indulgence of 300 days, every time; Plenary In- dulgence on five feasts of the Blessed Virgin: Im- maculate Conception, Nativity, Annunciation, Purifica- tion, and Assumption, under usual conditions, if one has said the Litany daily. (Pius VII, September 30, 1817.) Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. ^ God, the Father of Heaven, God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, God, the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, > Holy Mary, Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine grace, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, Mother inviolate, Mother undefiled, Mother most amiable, Mother most admirable, > 'A Have Mercy Mother of good counsel, Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Redeemer, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honor, Vessel of singular devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the covenant, Gate of Heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Comforter of the afflicted, Help of Christians, Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, J Queen of all Saints, Queen conceived without original sin, Queen of the most holy Rosary, Queen of peace, Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord! Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord ! Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us! V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us Pray Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we, Thy servants, may enjoy perpetual health, both of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, may be delivered from present sorrow, and attain unto eternal joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that through pious supplications they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired: Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. An indulgence of ioo days to be gained by reciting one “Hail Mary” and the following prayer, morning and evening, in order to gain the victory over tempta- tions, especially those against chastity; and a plenary indulgence, once a month, if one has recited this prayer twice every day during the whole month, on the usual conditions — both indulgences applicable to the faithful departed. (Pius IX, August 5, 1851.) O Mary, my Queen and my Mother, I offer myself entirely to thee, and in order to prove myself devoted to thee, I consecrate to thee, this day, my sight, my hearing, my heart, my whole being. Since, therefore, I am thine, O good Mother, preserve me, defend me, as thy property and possession. The Memorare His Holiness, Pope Pius IX, by a rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, December n, 1846, granted to all the faithful every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say this prayer, an indulgence of 300 days. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary! that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother! To thee I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate! despise not my petitions but, in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.