Manual of the pilgrim to the Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor ^aniM3.\ //ic? . \ COs^) MAN UAL of the Pilgrim to the Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor URSULINE CONVENT 2635 State Street New Orleans 15, La. MANUAL OF THE Pilgrim to the Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor URSULINE CONVENT 2635 State Street New Orleans 15, La. IMPRIMATUR ^ JOS. F. RUMMEL, Archbishop of New Orleans, October 22, 1937. Nihil Obstat. FRANCIS LEON GASSLER, Cens. Libr. October 18. 193^ HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE MIRACULOUS STATUE OF OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR The Ursuline Monastery of New Orleans, La., was founded under the auspices of Louis XV, King of Prance, by a band of French Ur- sulines, who, on February 22, 1727, set sail on the Gironde^’ from Lorient, a port of Brit- tany, and reached the Crescent City on the morning of August the 7th of the same year. Almost immediately after their arrival, the good Nuns began to teach the children of the Colonists, to instruct the Indian and Negro races and to nurse the sick in the Hospital placed under their care. As the years rolled by, reinforcements came from Prance to fill the voids occasioned by death; but in 1763, when Louisiana became a Spanish possession, the Ursuline Community then had to recruit its subjects from that nation. In 1800, how- ever, Louisiana having been retroceded to Prance, great excitement reigned among the Spanish Religious, who feared a repetition in the Colony of the recent horrors of the French Revolution. Therefore, on October 4, 1802, the superioress, Mother St. Monica Eamos, a native of Havana, addressed a petition to Charles IV, King of Spain, requesting the favor to retire with her Community to her native city; and, without waiting for the royal answer, she, with fifteen Religious, left the Monastery of New Orleans on May 29, 1803. Only seven Ursulines now remained; yet, full of confidience and zeal, they successfully maintained their Boarding School, Day School and Orphanage, as well as their courses of in- struction for negresses. It was at this time that Mother St. Andre Madier felt inspired to appeal to a cousin of hers, an Ursuline in France, whom the Reign of Terror had driven from her Monastery. Agathe Fran^oise Gensoul, in Religion, Mother Si, Michel, was not only a person of culture and refinement, but was also highly talented and remarkably pious. Although ex- pelled from her Convent of Pont-Saint-Esprit, and compelled to conceal even her title of Re- ligious, she continued to cherish and foster the spirit of her holy vocation; and, at the first indication of religious toleration, she hastened to resume her apostolic labors with renewed .ardor, endeavoring to repair the havoc wrought by the French Revolution. The task — 4 — was not an easy one, as the guillotine, exile and untold privations had severed the earthly ties of nearly all her former Sisters in Re- ligion, and to try to reunite the few that re- mained was utterly impossible. Yet, remem- bering that as an Ursuline she was in duty bound to devote her life to the instruction of youth, she determined to open in Montpellier, conjointly with Miss Sophie Ricard, another Ursuline, a boarding-school for young girls. This flourishing academy was fully realizing all the hopes which the Bishop of the Diocese had placed in it, when Mother St. Michel re- ceived from Mother St. Andre Madier, her cousin in Louisiana, the letter stating the penury of subjects in the New Orleans Con- vent, and which impelled her to abandon her own works of zeal to go to the relief of her Sisters across the Atlantic. Numerous and almsot insuperable obstacles stood in the way to debar Mother Gensoul from responding to her cousin’s appeal; but these difficulties merely served to show forth more conclusively the miraculous intervention of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, as the follow- ing facts prove. France was just issuing from the Revolu- tion; ruins lay on all sides. As there had been — 5 — neither Priest nor Sister to teach the young, the rising generation was encompassed by the appalling gloom of religious ignorance, dev- asted Monasteries, profaned Churches and desecrated Altars. A woman like Mother St Michel was a treasure for her country, for she was a person of no ordinary ability; and as her work as a teacher had already been crowned with wonderful success, her Bishop would not even think of dispensing with her services. When her Spiritual Director was consulted on the subject of her leaving for Louisiana, he would give no answer; and when Mother Gensoul applied directly to Bishop Fournier, the Prelate gave expression to his surprise, grief and firm opposition in these forceful words: ^‘THE POPE ALONE CAN GIVE THIS AUTHOEIZATION.'' . . . ‘‘THE POPE ALONE! These words were equiva- lent to a determined refusal, for the Pope was in Borne. The distance was great; menns of communication then were not what they are today; and, moreover, Pius VTI was a real captive at Borne, held in custody by Napoleon and awaiting to be dragged to Fontainebleau. The gaolers of the August Prisoner had re- ceived strict injunctions to prevent all inter- course, even by letter, with the Vicar of — 6 — Christ; coiii&equently, writing to the Pope and expecting an answer from him were, seem- ingly, acts of folly. Nevertheless, on Decem- ber 15, 1808, Mother St. Michel wrote to the Sovereign Pontiff. Having set forth her mo- tives for wishing to go to New Orleans, she concludes thus: ‘^Most Holy Father, I appeal to your apostolic tribunal. I am ready to sub- mit to your decision. Speak. Faith teaches me that you are the voice of the Lord. I await your orders. or TSTAY,^ from Your Holi- ness, will be the same to me.’^ The letter had been written three months and no opportunity for sending it had yet pre- sented itself, when, one day, as Mother St. Michel was praying beforo a statue of Mary, she felt inspired to address the Queen of Heaven in these words: Most Holy Virgin Mary, if you obtain a PEOMPT and FAVOE- ABLE answer to my letter, I promise to have you honored in New Orleans under the title of OUE LADY OF PEOMPT SUCCOE.’^ As an undeniable proof that Mother GensouHs trustful prayer was pleasing to Her, and that She really wished to be honored in New Orleans under this appellation, Mary quickly performed the two miracles laid down as con- ditions by Mother St. Michel; for the letter — 7 — left Montpellier on March 19, 1809, and the answer is dated Rome, April 28, 1809. This first condition of a “prompt” reply is all the more miraculous owing to the above given reasons of the captivity of the Pope. The sec- ond condition is no less marvelous, for we must bear in mind that Pius VII knew the state of affairs in Prance and the need of apostles like Mother St. Michel to regenerate it; and yet he does not hesitate to approve of her leaving for the New World, as the follow- ing extract from Cardinal Di Pietro’s letter shows: Madame, I am charged by Our Holy Father, Pope Pius VII, to answer in his name. His Holiness cannot do otherwise than ap- prove of the esteem and attachment you have fostered for the Religious state, and the spirit of the Institute of St. Ursula you have main- tained. The Holy Father experienced the greatest consolation on learning that a Mon- astery of so useful an Ordter as that of the Ursulines, and which has rendered such signal services to the Church, is established in Louis- iana, and that piety, peace, and the most exact regularity reign therein. His Holiness ap- proves of your placing yourself at the head of your religious aspirants, to serve as their — 8 — guide during the long and difficult voyage you are about to undertake. . . . The two conditions of a “prompt*' and a “favorable" reply had been fulfilled by Mary. Bishop Fournier was so surprised at this truly miraculous issue that he acknowledged himself vanquished, and requested the privilege of blessing the statue of Our Lady which Mother Gensoul had ordered to be carved, according to her promise, and) which was to be the pro- tection of the pious missionaries on their voy- age across the Atlantic. On their arrival in New Orleans, December 30, 1810, this precious statue was solemnly installed in the Convent Chapel, and from that time the homage and veneration offered to Mary under the title of “OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR" has been constantly growing in our city and state and spreading far and wide all over the United States. It does not come within the sphere of this brief sketch to relate all the favors, both spiritual and temporal, wrought through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor during the past one hundred years and more. The Chronicles of the Ursuline Monastery sum up these graces by saying: “Under this title, the Most Blessed Virgin has so often — 9 — manifested her power and goodness, that the Eeligious have unbounded confidence in Her.’' Two historical facts are especially worthy of notice here: The fire in 1812, and the Vic- tory of Chalmette in 1815. Devotion to Our Lady of Prompt Succor was only beginning to be known in New Orleans when, in 1812, a terrible fire ravaged the city. The wind rapid- ly drove the flames towards the Convent, and the danger being imminent, order was given to leave the cloister. Just then, Sr. An- thony, a lay Sister, placed a small statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor on a window sill facing the fire, and Mother St. Michel prayed aloud: ‘‘Our Lady of Prompt Succor, we are lost, un- less you hasten to our help.” Instantaneously, the wind changed, the Convent and environs were out of danger, and the flames extin- guished. Witnesses of this prodigy cried out unanimously: “Our Lady of Prompt Succor has saved usI” Jackson’s glorious victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans, fought on the Plains of Chalmette, January 8, 1815, is another signal favor rightly attributed to the all-powerful intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Before the combat, in order to obtain God’s blessing upon the American — 10 — arms, the weeping, terror-stricken wives, mothers, daughters and sisters of Jackson's valiant little band spent the night of January the 7th in prayer before the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, in the Ursuline Chapel. On the morning of January the 8th, Very Eev. William Dubourg, Vicar General, and later Bishop of New Orleans, offered! the Holy Siacrifice of the Mass at the Main Altar above which the statue had been placed, and the Ursulines, through their Superioress, Mother Ste. Marie Olivier de Vezin, made the vow to have a Mass of Thanksgiving sung an- nually should the Americans be victorious. At the moment of Communion, a courier rushed into the Chapel, announcing the glad tidings of the enemy's defeat. After Mass Father Dubourg entoned the Te Deum, which was sung in enthusiastic accents of the liveliest gratitude; for no one could reasonably doubt of the miraculous intervention of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Jackson himself did not hesi- tate to admit of a Divine interposition in his favor, and came in person to the Convent, ac- companied by his staff, to thank the Nuns for their prayers in his behalf. The vow made by the Ursulines has been faithfully kept throughout these long years. — 11 — Rome has officially approved ^‘DEVOTION TO OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR/’ Most precious documents have, at different times, emanated from the Holy See, placing the Seal of Holy Church on this devotion and conferring special privileges upon it. On Sep- tembre 27, 1851, His Holiness, Pius IX, gra- ciously authorized the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor and the sing- ing of the yearly Mass of Thanksgiving on January the 8th. A twofold favor all the more remarkable owing to the annually recurring “Privileged Octave of the Epiphany/’ This Papal Decree was promulgated in his Diocese by Archbishop Antoine Blanc, on August 6, 1852. On June 21, 1894, His Holiness, Leo XIII, enriched with numerous indulgences the Con- fraternity of Our Lady of Prompt Succor which Archbishop Francis Janssens canonical- ly erected in the Ursuline Chapel of New Or- leans on January 8, 1895. By a new Rescript of Leo XIII in 1897, this Confraternity was raised to the rank of an Archconfraternity. (See p. 36.) Finally, a Decree of Leo XIII, dated from Rome, June 21, 1894, and issued from the Pal- — 12 — ace of the Sacred Congregation de Propa- ganda Fide, granted the signal favor of the “Solemn Coronation of the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, exposed to public veneration in the Chapel of the Ursu- line Convent, New Orleans’^—this is the word- ing of the decree—and officially delegated Archbishop Janssens to crown the Miraculous Statue in the Pope’s name. This imposing ceremony of the Coronation—the very first of its kind in the United States—took place on Sunday, November 10, 1895, and was marked by unusual pomp and all the magnifi- cence of the Catholic Eitual. Each year, the anniversary of this glorious event is com- memorated at the Ursuline Convent by a Mass of Thanksgiving, followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the chanting of the Te Deum. On January 8, 1911, the Centenary of the, arrival of the Miraculous Statue (December 30, 1810) was celebrated with a splendor re- calling the grand ceremonies of the Solemn Coronation; and on Tuesday, January 8, 1924, the Blessing and Dedication by Archbishop John William Shaw of the new Votive Church of Our Lady of Pormpt Succor—a superb monument of Christian art—rivaled in re- 13 — ligious pomp, enthusiasm and wondrous beauty the magnificence of the preceding manifestations of love and loyalty to Louis- iana’s benign Queen, Our Lady of Prompt Succor. The solemn Consecration of this new Shrine took place on the sixth of January, 1928, and this grandiose ceremony formed a fitting opening of the celebration of the bi-centenary of the foundation of the Ursuline Convent. At the request of Their Excellencies Most Reverend John William Shaw, Archbishop of New Orleans, Most Reverend Cornelius Van de Ven, Bishop of Alexandria, and Most Reverend Jules B. Jeanmard, Bishop of Lafayette, in a decree rendered on the thirteenth day of June, 1928, by the Sacred Congregation of Rites, the Holy See approved and confirmed the choice of Our Lady of Prompt Succor as the Principal ^Patroness of the City of New Orleans and of the State of Louisiana, conceding at the same time, each and all of the liturgical privileges proper to the Principal Patrons of places. Accordingly, each year, the Patronal Feast shall be celebrated on the fifteenth day of January, with the rite of double of first class, with octave, and wtih proper Mass and Office — 14 — duly approved; permission being granted to celebrate one Mass, solemn or sung, of the same Patronal Feast on the eighth day of January, on account of the civic holiday. May devotion to Mary under her hope- inspiring title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor spread far and wide! To invoke Our Lady under this sweet appellation, is it not telling Her that our needs are great and pressing, and that we hope and expect much from Her? Her power equals her love; therefore, our confidence should know no bounds. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us I NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR A Novena in honor of Our Lady of Prompt Succor may be made at any time during the year; and for any favor desired, either spiritual or temporal. The solemn public Novena preparatory to the feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor is made annually before the Miraculous Statue in the Votive Church at the Ursuline Convent, from December the 30th to January the 8th. — 15 — It is very appropriate, moreover, to make a novena to Our Lady of Prompt Succor during the nine days preceding the principal feasts which the Church celebrates in her honor. The Immaculate Conception December the 8th The Nativity September the 8th The Presentation November the 21st The Annunciation March the 25th The Visitation July the 2nd The Purification February the 2nd The Assumption August the 15th FIRST DAY When we wish to obtain some special favor through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, the first disposition to bring to prayer is the humble recognition of our unworthiness, for it is the prayer of the contrite and humble heart that penetrates the skies and rises to the very throne of God. — 16— PRAYER Our Lady of Prompt Succor, O Most Holj Virgin, Thou art, after Jesus, our only hope. Thou whose merits have raised Thee high above Angel Choirs to the very throne of the Eternal, and whose virginal foot crushed the head of the infernal serpent, art strong against the enemies of our salvation. Placed between God and His Church, Thou art our Mediatrix most kind and loving. Hasten, then, to our help, and as Thou didst once save the City of thy predilection from ravaging flames and our Country from an alien foe, do Thou now have pity on our misery, and obtain for us (Here name the particular favor you desire.) Deliver us from the wiles of Satan, assist us in the many trials which beset our path in this vale of tears, and be Thou to us truly OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR, now and especially at the hour of our death. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) The Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father, may be added, with the prayer, ‘^0 Mary, Mother of God,^’ and the Litany of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. — 17 — SECOND DAY Filial resignation to God’s Holy Will is the second disposition required for the obtaining of special graces. This disposition is especially necessary when we ask for temporal favors, as we cannot be certain whether they are con- ducive to our salvation or not. PRAYER Our Lady of Prompt Succor, O Virgin most pure and Mother of the Word Incarnate, Thou art the dispenser of all graces and the refuge of poor sinners. With lively faith and un- bounded confidence we have recourse to thy maternal love and we beg of Thee to obtain from Thy Divine Son the favors we now im- plore (Here name the special grace desired.) With filial trust we place our hearts under Thy motherly care, beseeching Thee to obtain for us the all-important grace of per- fect conformity to God’s Will; and) do Thou, 0 Mary, show Thyself to be OTJR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR, especially at the hour of our death. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 18 — THIRD DAY A profound respect for the exalted dignity and sublime prerogatives of Mary is an ex- cellent means to draw down upon us Heaven’s choicest blessings. PRAYER Our Lady of Prompt Succor, 0 Mary Im- maculate, Thou art the model of all virtues, the path by which we go to Jesus, the mys- terious channel through which divine favors are imparted to us. O Thou who hast such power over the Heart of Jesus, hasten to our assistance and obtain our earnest request (Here name the favor desired.) In Thee, O Mary, we put our trust, let it not be said that our hopes have been frustrated. O Mother most chaste, be Thou our strength against temptation, our help in danger, our consolation in sorrow, but especially be Thou OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR at the hour of death. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 19 — FOURTH DAY A filial eagerness in striving to fathom the treasures of holiness contained in the Heart of Mary, the most loving and lovable of Mothers, is another means of obtaining Our Lady^s special protection. PRAYER Our Lady of Prompt iSuccor, living Temple of the Holy Ghost and Queen of Heaven and earth, behold us prostrate at Thy feet to offer Thee the filial homage of our hearts, to thank Thee for the innumerable favors Thou hast obtained for us, and to implore, through Thine all-powerful intercession, the graces we need, especially (Here specify the favor de- sired.) O Mary, be Thou truly to us ^^Mary,’^ that is, our shield against the darts of tempta- tion, our solace in the midst of trials and afflictions, our firm hope, sweet consolation and PROMPT SUCCOR at the hour of death. Amen, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten t© help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 20 — FIFTH DAY To acquire a special right to the protection of Mary, one of the surest means is to keep ourselves in the state of grace and endeavor to please Her by imitating her virtues. PEAYER Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Virgin most powerful and Mirror of Justice, who didst of- fer Thyself totally to God for the perfect ac- complishment of His Holy Will, do Thou make us generous in sacrifice. We have recourse to Thee to obtain the graces we need, especially (Here name the favor desired.) O Mary, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, heavenly Protectress of souls devoted to Thy Divine Son, do Thou deign to bless us each day of our mortal pilgrimage, cast upon us Thine eyes of mercy, and after our exile, show unto us Jesus, Thy Son and our Brother. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 21 — SIXTH BAY A tender love for Mary is another effica- cious means of obtaining her favors. Since love can be requited only by love, what should not be our sentiments of filial affection for so generous and loving a Mother? PRAYER 0 Mary, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, bright Star of the Sea shining upon life’s stormy ocean, we raise our hearts to Thee in our pressing needs and implore Thy speedy help, especially to obtain (Here specify the desired favor.) Shining Star of our tem- pest-tossedi souls, do Thou benignly guide us amongst temptation’s heaving billows and treacherous shoals, and lead us safely into eternity’s peaceful harbor. O sweetest of Mothers, we seek Thy PROMPT iSHOOOR now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 22 — SEVENTH DAY Mary’s love for us is tender and generous. Our love for Her should have as characteris- tics: deep gratitude, filial confidence, and ardent zeal. We should endeavor, by good example and the spirit of sacrifice, to procure Our Lady’s honor and glory and propagate devotion to Her under Her sweet title of PEOMPT SUCCOR. PRAYER O Mary, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Thou whose protection is so powerful and whose help is so prompt and efficacious, we come to lay at Thy feet all our cares and sorrows, to place into Thy hands all our hopes, to entrust to Thee all our interests both spiritual and temporal. Deign, O Most Holy Virgin, to assist us and obtain the graces we now ask, especially (Here mention the favor desired.) O Mother of PEOMPT SUCCOE, close not Thine ears to our earnest supplica- tions, but rather hasten to our help now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 23 — EIGHTH DAT Oonfidenee is an excellent and necessary means for obtaining Mary^s protection. Oui Lady of Prompt Succor will bestow favors upon us in proportion to our filial trust in her all-powerful intercession. PRAYER Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Sanctuary of every virtue, Thou who wast chosen amongst all women to be the Mother of our Redeemer, be Thou our advocate and protectress. To Thee do we raise our hearts and hands im- ploring Thy powerful intercession to obtain the favors we ask, especially (Here mention the grace desired.) Assist us by Thy mediation, 0 Mary, that Thy Divine Son may shower His blessings upon us now and at the moment of our death. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 24 — NINTH DAY Mary became our Mother on Calvary Crest. We are the children of her tears and sorrows. On this last day of our Novena, let us take the resolution ever to foster a true and tender devotion to our Immaculate Mother of Prompt Succor, to cast all our cares and anxieties into her maternal Heart. Our confidence will not remain unrewarded. PRAYER Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Queen of the Universe and Sovereign full of benignity, Thou art the advocate of sinners, a haven of safety to the shipwrecked, the health of the sick and infirm, the consolation of the af- flicted, the refuge and salvation of all on earth. Do Thou, O Mary, grant us, we be- seech Thee, the help of Thy prayers to obtain the graces we implore, and in particular . . . . (Here name the favor desired.) Let Thy ma- ternal Heart be touched by our misery; hasten to our assistance and be to us, now and at the hour of our death, OUR LADY OP PROMPT SUCCOR. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) Our Father, etc., as on first day. — 25 — LITANY of OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR (For Private Recitation Only) Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us, God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. Mother of the Infant Jesus, pray for us. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, pray for us. — 26 — Our Lady of Prompt Succor of all who in-^ voke thee with confidence, Our Lady of Prompt Succor of all who are devout towards the Infant Jesus, Our Lady of Prompt Succor for obtaining a lively faith. Our Lady of Prompt Succor for sustaining the hope of Christians, Our Lady of Prompt Succor for obtaining and persevering in charity. Our Lady of Prompt Succor for observing the law of God, Our Lady of Prompt Succor for obtaining perseverance in virtue and goodi works, Our Lady of Prompt Succor in every spir- itual necessity. Our Lady of Prompt Succor against the revolt of self-will, Our Lady of Prompt Succor in the occasion of sin. Our Lady of Prompt Succor in every tempta- tion. Our Lady of Prompt (Succor against the evil spirit. Our Lady of Prompt Succor for obtaining contrition. Our Lady of Prompt Succor of those wish- ing to re-enter the path of salvation. Our Lady of Prompt Succor for the con- version of sinners, Our Lady of Prompt Succor in every tem- poral necessity. Our Lady of Prompt Succor in every affliction, Our Lady of Prompt Succor of afflicted families, — 27 — PRAY FOR US Our Lady of Prompt Succor of the sick and" poor, Our Lady of Prompt 8uccor against con- tagious diseases and epidemics, Our Lady of Prompt Succor in every accident, Our Lady of Prompt Succor against confla- grations. Our Lady of Prompt Succor against light- ning and tempest. Our Lady of Prompt Succor against inunda- tions. Our Lady of Prompt Succor of travelers, Our Lady of Prompt Succor of navigators, Our Lady of Prompt Succor of the ship- wrecked. Our Lady of Prompt Succor against the enemies of our country. Our Lady of Prompt Succor in time of war, L Our Lady of Prompt Succor of those aspiring to the Holy Priesthood and the religious life, Our Lady of Prompt Succor of laborers in the Lord’s Vineyard, Our Lady of Prompt Succor of those who combat for the faith. Our Lady of Prompt Succor of our Holy Father the Pope, Our Lady of Prompt Succor for enlighten- ing infidels. Our Lady of Prompt iSuccor for the conver- sion of heretics. Our Lady of Prompt Succor against the enemies of the Cfhurch, Our Lady of Prompt Succor at the hour of death. Our Lady of Prompt Succor for the deliver- ance of the souls in Purgatory, — 28 — PRAY FOR US Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, 0 Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. V. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, pray for us. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. LET US PRAY 0 Almighty and Eternal God! Who dost see us surrounded by so many dangers and miseries, grant in Thy infinite goodness, that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Thy Di- vine Son, may defend us from the evil spirit and protect us against all adversities; that always, and with PROMPT iSUCCOR, she may deliver us from every evil of soul and body, and safely guide us to the kingdom of Heaven: through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who livest and reignest with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (100 days indulgence) — 29 LET US PRAY O most merciful Jesus, Who hast placed the riches of Thy mercy in the heart of Thy Mother Mary: propitiously grant that through Her patronage we may be delivered from all evils of mind and body. Who livest and reignesf, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (100 days indulgence) — 30 — PRAYERS TO OUR IJU>Y OF PROMPT SUCCOR O Mary, Mother of God, who amidst the tribulations of the world, dost watch over us and over the Church of Thy iSon, be to us and to the Church, truly Our Lady of Prompt Succor, make haste to help us in all our neces- sities, that in this fleeting life thou mayst be our succor, and obtain for us (Here ask the particular favor you desire.) Help us to gain life everlasting through the merits of Jesus, Thy iSon, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen. (100 days indulgence) Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. (Three times.) 0 Queen of the Universe, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, sovereign full of kindness, Thou art the advocate of sinners, a haven of safety to the shipwrecked; Thou art the re- sources of the world, the ransom of captives, the health of the infirm, the consolation of the afflicted, the refuge and salvation of all on earth. We beseech Thee to grant us the help of Thy prayers, • which incline our Heavenly Father to forgive our sins and grant — 31 — our petitions in all the necessities of this miserable life; prayers which obtain for us an abundance of graces to receive the pardon of our faults and arrive at the practice of virtue; prayers which stay our enemies, con- found their designs and triumph over their efforts. Amen. (100 days indulgence) Most Efficacious Prayer of St. Alphonse Rodriguez to Our Blessed Lady: 0 Mary, sweet Refuge of miserable sinners, my most sweet Mother, for the sake of the sorrow Thou didst feel in witnessing the death of Thy Son, hasten to assist me, in Thy mercy and obtain for me . . . (Here ask for the par- ticular favor you desire.) And when my soul shall have to depart from this world, succor me promptly; remove from me the infernal enemies and come to take my soul and present it to the Eternal Judge. My Queen, do not abandon me. Thou after Jesus shalt be my comfort at that terrible moment. Ask Thy Son to grant me in His goodness the grace to die at Thy feet, and to breathe forth my soul in His Holy Wounds, saying: Jesus and Mary, to you I give my heart and my soul. Amen. (100 days indulgence) — 32 -— Al prayer ascribed to ST. BERNARD Remember, 0 most loving Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help, and sought Thine intercession, was left forsaken. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto Thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To Thee I come; before Thee I stand, sinful and sorrow- ful. O Mother of the Word, despise not my words, but graciously hear and grant my prayer. Amen. We fly to Thy patronage, O holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessi- ties, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. — 33 — HYMN TO OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR 1 . Hail Mary, Queen of Heaven! Hail Mary, Mother dear. In Thee I find my Jesus, Near Thee I hold no fear. CHORUS Hail Mother of Prompt Succor! Make haste, help me. Thy child! Hail Mother of Prompt Succor! Make haste, help me, Thy child. Make haste, help me, Thy child. 2 . Bright star, on lifers vast ocean. Thou whom the world admire Hast freed our state and city From sin, flood, war and fire. 3 . Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Help me forevermore Till I meet Thee with my Jesus Above, on Heaven’s shore. — 34 HYMN TO OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR 1 . 0 Lady dear I O Queen so bright! 0 Mother of Prompt Succor sweet! We beg of Thee for Heaven’s light, While kneeling here at Thy fair feet! CHORUS O Mary, Thy Prompt Succor send; O Mother, hearken to our prayer; Let Jesus, now. His mercy lend! 2 . Thou art the Mother of our State, Because from flood and fire’s waste, Thou’st saved us from an awful fate. And to our help didst ever haste. 3. When war was raging o’er our land, Thou gav’st us vict’ry in the fight; From sin and care Thy helping hand. Was ever there to save from slight. 4. 0 Lady, we now crown Thee Queen, To rule our destiny with love; We hail Thee, on Thy help to lean. To ever sing Thy praise above. — 35 — ARCHCONFRATERNITY of OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR ARTICLE I The Archconfraternity has for its aim: 1. To place its members under the special protection of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. 2. To spread devotion to the Blessed Vir- gin under this title, so providentially inspired, and which is so well suited to our times. 3. To inspire the associates to be Apostles in their families, and in society, by good ex- ample and pious counsel. ARTICLE n The conditions of admission into the Archcon- fraternity and of participation in its prayers and other advantages are: 1. To have one’s name inscribed on the Register of the local Confraternity and on a Certificate of admission signed by the Director. 2. To say, every morning and evening, in time of temptation or danger, the following — 36 invocation: ‘^Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us!"' (100 days indulgence.) ARTICLE m The special Feasts of the Archconfraternity are the following: Feasts of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Janu- ary 8 and 15. Feast of St. Joseph, March 19. Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, May 24. Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16. Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary, September 8. Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Vir- gin, November 21. Feast of the Immaculate Conception, De- cember 8. ARTICLE IV Members shall, as regularly as possible, at- tend the meetings of their Confraternity. These meetings should be held monthly and! their program should consist of the recitation of — 37 — the Beads and the Litany of the Blessed Vir- gin, a short instruction or reading, and at the end. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. ARTICLE V The seat of the Archconfraternity is estab- lished at the privileged Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, TJrsuline Convent, New Or- leans, whence diplomas bearing the seal of the Ursuline Convent, and the signature of the Di- rector General of the Archconfraternity, will be forwarded to priests and religious desirous of organizing the Confraternity of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in their parishes or communities. The Director General of the Archconfrater- nity is appointed by the Most Reverend Arch- bishop of New Orleans. ARTICLE VI The voluntary offerings of the Associates are employed to defray the expenses of the Arch- confraternity in propagating devotion to Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Members share in the good works and prayers of the entire Archconfraternity and of the Ursuline Community; and also in the Holy Mass offered every Tuesday at the Shrine. — 38 ARTICLE Vn Indulgences A plenary Indulgence on the day of the ad- mission into the Arehconfraternity. A Plenary Indulgence at the hour of death, by invoking, at least in desire, the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. A Plenary Indulgence can be gained by mem- bers visiting the Shrine in New Orleans; and outside of New Orleans, the church of their local Confraternity, on January 8, or any day during the octave; or on December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. All these Indulgences are applicable to the Souls in Purgatory, and may be gained under the ordinary conditions. — 39 — COPYRIGHT, 1943 THE URSULINE NUNS OF THE PARISH OF ORLEANS SOUTHERN PTG. CO., INC. 411 TCHOUPITOULAS ST. NEW ORLEANS, LA.