Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague ^ I “The More You Honor Me, The More. I Will Bless You Benedictine Booklets, 15^ each Devotion to the Most Holy Trinity What Is God? Devotion to the Holy Spirit Little Devotions to the Holy Infant Jesus Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague The Holy Eucharist, Our All God With Us Eucharistic Miracles Eucharistic Heart-talks with Jesus My Daily Visit God Himself, Our Sacrifice My Daily Companion at Mass Communicate Frequently and Devoutly Novena of Holy Communions Communion Devotions in Union with Mary The Way of the Cross From Olivet to Calvary Devotion to the Precious Blood Devotion to the Holy Face True Veneration of the Sacred Heart Enthronement and Night Adoration Marvelous Fruits of the Enthronement Come, Let Us Adore All for Thee, O Heart of Jesus The Guard of Honor and the Holy Hour From Earth to Heaven More Precious than Diamonds Prayer, the Great Means of Grace Indulgenced Prayers and Aspirations (Continued on inside back cover) Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague Sweet and merciful Infant Jesus, could we but relate all the wonders of Thy power and goodness! Bless at least these few pages writ- ten for Thy greater honor and glory! May they assist in making Thee better known and in instilling devotion to Thee in the hearts of all men! “Peaceful King, employ Thy graces and Thy charms to gain the love of men, and through the sweetness of Thy Divine infancy, establish throughout the world Thy blissful reign.” Nihil Obstat ij* Stephanus Schappler, O.S.B. Abbas Coadjutor Im. Conceptionis Imprimatur ^ Carolus Hubertus Le Blond Episcopus Sancti Joseph! 27th Edition, January, 1956 All rights reserved 2,012,000 Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri Jttiraculoua ^maje of tlje infant Jesus of Prague Introduction D evotion to the infant Jesus of Prague is devotion to the Child Jesus. It is veneration of the Son of God, who in the form of a lovely infant chose a stable for a palace, a manger for a cradle, and shep- herds for worshipers. Our Savior grants special graces to all who venerate His sa- cred Infancy. The secret of this devotion may be found in the words of a poor laborer who earned very low wages and was unable to meet the demands of his creditors. Hear- ing of the wonders of the Infant Jesus of Prague, he said to himself: ‘T will apply to the Divine Infant, for just as it is easy to obtain everything from a child, so I think Our Lord will the sooner hear me if I venerate His holy infancy.” He made a novena to the Divine Infant, and on the last day received assistance*^ The image of the Child Jesus known as the “Infant Jesus of Prague” was in reality of Spanish origin. In the 17th cen- tury, this beautiful statue was brought by a Spanish princess to Bohemia and pre- sented to a Carmelite monastery. For many years, this statue has been enshrined on a side altar in the Church of Our Lady * of Victory in the city of Prague. It is of wax, and is about nineteen inches high. 3 The image of the Divine Infant is clothed in a royal mantle, with a beautiful jeweled crown resting on its head. Its right hand is raised in blessing, while its left hand is holding a globe signifying sovereignty. This image, with its benign countenance, full of grace and majesty, is known as The Infant Jesus of Prague.* Among the vo- tive offerings which have been presented to it are twenty little dresses with mantles, richly adorned, some of them set with dia- monds and other precious stones. This ap- parel is characteristic of the statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague. Some institutions provide various colored robes to corre- spond with the liturgical seasons. So many graces have been received by those who invoke the sweet Child Jesus before the original statue that it has been called “The Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague.” We read the following in an old book printed in Kempt: “All who ap- proach the miraculous statue and pray there with confidence receive assistance in danger, consolation in sorrows, aid in pov- erty, comfort in anxiety, light in spiritual darkness, streams of grace in dryness of soul, health in sickness, and hope in de- spair. From its beautiful eyes dart sparks of heavenly love; its smiling lips offer us spiritual riches, and its beauty conquers • all hearts. The frontispiece of this booklet is taken from a photo of the miracnlons statue. 4 “No colic is so painful, no fever so violent, no malady so dangerous, no peril so great, no tumor so malignant, no in- sanity so raving, no complaint so irritat- ing, no assaults of Satan so furious, no pestilence so infectious, no swelling so serious, as not to be dispelled or cured by this blessed Child. The Holy Infant puts an end to enmities, frees prisoners, saves those who are condemned to death, brings obstinate sinners to repentance and blesses childless parents with offspring. In short. He is become all to all.” In thanksgiving for the numerous graces and cures received at the hands of the Divine Infant, the miraculous statue at Prague was solemnly crowned in the year 1655, on the Sunday after Easter. Within recent years the devotion to the Miraculous Infant has grown in a won- derful manner, and today the statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague may be seen in churches and chapels, in cloisters and schools the world over. The “Little King” has taken up His abf^de among the rich and poor, the great and lowly. Just as a mighty tree springs from a tiny seed, so this devotion has grown from a small be- ginning to the greatest dimensions; it is no longer local or national, but as univer- sal as the Church itself. _ The Divine Child attracts an ever-increasing number of cli- ents, who appeal to Him in every need. 5 Devotion of the Saints to the Holy Infant Members of the Carmelite Order have been zealous at all times in promoting de- votion to the Holy Infant of Prague. In particular might be mentioned a certain Father Ildephonse. This priest always carried a picture of the Infant Jesus on his person and on one occasion was mirac- ulously saved from shipwreck by implor- ing His assistance. It has been ordained that in all convents of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, whether of men or of women, a statue of the Holy Infant should be set up for veneration. St. Teresa of Jesus, the celebrated reformer of the Carmelite Or- der, was very fond of this devotion. The Blessed Crescentia of Kaufbeuern also possessed a statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague, which she had adorned with a beautiful dress. This statue became a source of great blessing to the poor Fran- ciscan nuns, and the devotion to the In- fant has been zealously fostered by them to this day. St. Clement Maria Hofbauer, a Redemptorist, was another ardent wor- shiper of the Divine Infant, and always had a statue of the Little King in his room. St. Therese of the Child Jesus, as her very name proclaims, cherished a ten- der devotion to the Divine Infant, and loved to imagine herself as His plaything, to be treated as He willed. 6 History of the Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague N November 8, 1620, ihe Austrian Em- }>eror, Ferdinand II, assisted by Prince Maximilian of Bavaria, the prince elector, gained a signal victory over the united Protestant armies in the Battle of the While Mountain near Prague. The victory was of great importance to the Emperor and the royal house of Hapsburg, as well as to the Catholic house of Bohemia. Fa- ther Dominic of Jesu-Maria, the Superior General of the Discalced Carmelites — a religious famed for his remarkable intel- lectual gifts as well as for his rare piety— was in a particular manner associated with the favorable result of the battle. Both Ferdinand and Maximilian had begged this holy priest to be the chaplain of their armies, that by his example, his words and prayers he might inspire the soldiers. During the battle. Father Dominic carried on his person a picture representing the nativity of Christ which he had found in the castle of Strakowitz. In this picture the Virgin-Mother was represented kneel- 7 ing before the Divine Child, while Saint Joseph, holding a lantern in his left hand, Copy of the beautiful picture through which a signal victory was won stood behind his holy Spouse; two shep- herds were seen in the background. Here- tics had pierced the eyes of all the figures. Before the battle began, Father Domi- nic, holding this holy picture aloft, had urged the hesitating generals on to the con- flict. Chanting the Salve Regina^ the im- perial troops had marched to the combat, and when the battle was hottest, the enthu- siastic religious spurred on the soldiers. ‘‘Mary! Mary!” became the battle cry, and they won a signal victory. In gratitude to God for his great suc- cess and in recognition of the valuable services rendered by Father Dominic, Fer- dinand founded three Carmelite monas- teries: one at Vienna, Austria, in 1622; one at Prague, Bohemia, in 1624; and later one at Graz, Austria. In Prague a Protestant prayer-house was donated to the community, besides a chapel and a house. The church was solemnly blessed on the 4th of September in honor of “St. Mary of Victory.” This church was destined to become the shrine of the miraculous image of the Infant Jesus of Prague, as we shall see in the course of this narrative. The shrine is visited by numerous pilgrims who come to seek favors from the Miraculous Infant. 9 Origin As previously mentioned, the statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague originally came from Spain. It was brought to Bohemia by Maria Manriquez de Lara, a Spanish princess, whose mother had given it to her as a wedding gift at her marriage to Lord Vratislav of Pernstein. This noble lady, in turn, presented the cherished image husband, Albert von Lobkowitz, died in 1623 ,' she resolved to spend the remainder of her days in works of piety and charity. Princess Polyxena was particularly generous to the Carmelites of Prague, 10 who, . after Emperor Ferdinand II, their founder, had removed his residence to Vienna, fell into such utter destitution that at times they had scarcely enough l)read to appease their hunger. Accord- ingly, she brought her beloved statue to the monastery and presented it to the re- ligious with these prophetic words: ‘‘I hereby give you what I prize most highly in this world. As long as you venerate this image you shall not be in wantr Her prediction was veri- fied. With the image, the blessing of God entered the monastery in a striking manner. As long as the Divine Infant was venerat- ed, God showed Himself 11 a kind Helper, through His Son, and the community prospered both spiritually and temporally. But when the devotion to the Infant Jesus was relaxed, God’s blessing seemed to depart from the house. The statue was set up in the oratory of the monastery, and twice a day certain prescribed devotions were performed be- fore it. Here the religious sought relief in their bitter need from Him who for love of mankind had become poor. The novices were particularly devoted to the Holy In- fant. The confidence of the religious was soon rewarded. In the same year ( 1628 ), when he heard of their dire poverty, the Emperor assigned to them two thousand florins and a monthly allowance for their support. Many temporal blessings and spiritual favors were ascribed by the Carmelites to their little Guest. Cyrillus a Matre Dei, a young novice, who was most devoted to the Holy Infant, found sudden relief from interior tortures through this devotion. Forgotten The devotion to the Divine Infant was however, but short-lived. On account of 12 the disturbances of the Thirty Years’ War, the novitiate was removed to Munich, Ger- many, in 1630. With Brother Cyrillus and the other novices, the most fervent wor- shipers of the Infant of Prague had de- parted. The special devotions held before the image were gradually neglected. In the same measure, the prosperity of the community declined. Need and distress were again felt in the monastery. Then King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, the inveterate foe of Catholicism, invaded Germany. Wherever he led his victorious army he was preceded by terror and left ruin and death in his wake. It was a sad time—the punishment of heaven for the falling away from the true Faith! The terror which his name inspired spread also to Prague, and many citizens fled, among them all but two of the members of the Carmelite monastery. On the 15th of November, 1631, the gates of Prague were thrown open, and over eighty Protestant preachers took pos- session of the churches of the city. The Carmelite monastery was plundered; the two remaining friars were put under ar- rest and guarded by fifteen soldiers. In 13 the confusion of their hasty flight, the re- ligious forgot the sacred image, and the Protestant plunderers disdainfully threw the ‘‘Popish superstition,” as they called it, upon a heap of rubbish behind the high altar. Both hands of the image were broken off by the fall, but, though made of wax, it was not otherwise damaged. Here the Miraculous Infant lay for seven years, forgotten by all. When the Carmel- ites returned to Prague, the miraculous image was entirely forgotten in the contin- ual struggle for the means of subsistence. Want and misfortune were the lot of the community as long as this neglect lasted. Ferdinand III discontinued the support granted by his father. Finally, the re- ligious became so poor that they could not pay the rent for their fields, and their lease was declared forfeited. Peace was made at Prague on June 15, 1635, and the exhausted country was given a chance to recover. But there was no peace and no recovery for the unfortunate religious; their Miraculous Infant still lay disfigured and forgotten in the dust and rubbish. A novice happened to find the image one day, but without any considera- 14 lion cast it aside. Strange to say, a re- markable change came over this novice. Though he had been considered promising in every respect, he now showed such evi- dent signs of a want of vocation that his dismissal became necessary. As long as the miraculous statue re- mained neglected, a peculiar misfortune rested on the monastery. No prior or master of novices was able to hold out for the term of his office; unbearable burdens and annoyances invariably caused them to resign their positions. Even the other re- ligious felt so uneasy in this monastery that they asked to be transferred. The Provincial of the Order could not under- stand why God’s blessing had fled from the monastery at Prague nor why such severe afflictions were sent upon it. This state lasted seven years. Found On the feast of Pentecost, 1637, a friar who was destined to restore due honor to the forgotten Infant was providentially sent from Munich to the monastery of Prague. It was Father Cyrillus a Matre Dei, the very one who, while a novice, had 15 been delivered from a most annoying dry- ness of soul through his fervent devotion to the Holy Infant.* Unfortunately, Prague Father Cyrillus finds the Miraculous Image was soon overrun again by the Protestant armies. Sometimes as many as a hundred villages and castles were set on fire in one night. The distress was indescribable. In * Father Cyrillus was born in Luxemburg, Jan. 2, 1590, and in the world was known as Nicholas Schockweiler. He died at Prague in the odor of sanctity on Feb. 4, 1675, at the age of 85 years. 16 this extremity the prior assembled the community to offer humble prayers to ap- pease God’s wrath. Father Cyrillus now remembered the favors formerly received through the In- fant of Prague, and with the prior’s con- sent searched every nook and corner of the monastery, until he found the long-lost treasure, almost buried in dust. Full of joy and gratitude, he covered the disfig- ured statue with tears and kisses and then placed it on an altar in the oratory. The long forgotten devotions were now revived with renewed vigor. The religious dis- closed their needs to the Divine Infant, and with Him they found strength and consolation. Veneration Revived As in former years. Father Cyrillus was the most zealous disciple of the Holy In- fant, and long after the others had left the oratory he would remain kneeling before the statue. On one occasion he distinctly heard the following words: Have pity on Me, and I will have pity on you. Give Me My hands, and I will give you peace. The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you. 17 The religious was awestruck at these words. He carefully examined the statue, for he had not noticed before that the hands of the Divine Infant were missing, owing to the mantle in which the figure was clad. Hastening to the prior he be- sought him to have the image repaired. His pleadings were in vain, for the prior considered the community too poor to in- cur this seemingly superfluous expense. The prior lacked confidence in God; there- fore he remained without His blessing. Sadly Father Cyrillus carried the statue of the Infant to his cell and began to weep. He cast himself on his knees and through the Blessed Virgin begged the Heavenly Father to send sufficient alms for the purpose of restoring the hands of the mutilated Infant. His confidence was re- warded. Three days later. Father Cyrillus was summoned to the sickbed of a wealthy man, to whom he related the history of the remarkable statue. The sick man at once gave a generous sum of money for the purpose of having it repaired. The prior, however, decided that it would be better to use the money to buy an entirely new statue instead of having the old one 18 repaired. But the Divine Infant soon manifested His displeasure. Scarcely had the new statue been put in place when it was broken into pieces by a falling candle- stick. Evidently the old and mutilated image was destined to continue as an ob- ject of veneration in the monastery. The prior who had ordered its removal grew restless and melancholy, and resigned be- fore the expiration of his term. This was generally considered a punishment inflicted by the Divine Infant. The prior’s successor, Father Dominic of St. Nicholas, a virtuous man and later a most active missionary, owing to lack of funds found it impossible to fulfil the wish of Father Cyrillus. Again Father Cyrillus carried the statue to his cell, and through the Mother of God, begged the Divine Infant to send his superiors the necessary funds to repair the image. One day a strange lady had him called to the church and gave him a large sum of money. When he wished to thank her, she had disappeared ; no one had seen her come or go. The happy religious then knelt down at the altar of Our Lady of the Scapular and offered gratitude to heaven. 19 The prior, however, in view of the many needs of the monastery, assigned to him only a very small part of the sum for the repairing of the statue. This amount proved to be insufl&cient, and Father Cyril- lus found himself as far as ever from at- taining his object. He took his troubles once more to the Divine Infant and shed many a tear of sorrow before the beloved image. On one of these occasions he heard these words: Place Me near the en- trance of the sacristy and you will receive aid. He did so and returned to his cell, filled with new hope, recommending all to his dear Heavenly Mother. Soon a stranger came to the sacristy, who offered to have the little image repaired at his own expense. The prior gladly accepted his offer, and in a few days the repaired statue was exposed for veneration in the church. The Infant Jesus richly repaid the stranger for this good deed. Meanwhile, new afflictions visited the community. A pestilence broke out in the city. The prior, too, became dangerously ill. When his attention was called to the Divine Infant, he vowed to say Holy Mass before the image for nine successive days. 20 He at once felt relief and in a few days was completely restored to health. He ful- filled the vow, assigned a separate cell to the statue, and from that time forward became a fervent promoter of veneration of the Miraculous Infant. Some time later there again was great need in the monastery. The prior then ordered prayers in common to the Divine Infant, in which all the members of the community took part. After three days, an abundant alms came to them unex- pectedly, The statue of the holy Infant was thereafter removed to the church so that the people likewise could venerate this miraculous image. Daniel Wolf, the for- mer benefactor, in fulfilment of a promise and in gratitude for a miraculous cure, had a glass globe made to put over the Infant and in addition donated two brass candlesticks, an ivory cross, candles and a number of very beautiful flower vases. Special Blessing on Benefactors In 1641, a lady donated to the monas- tery 3000 florins, expressing the desire that an altar be erected to the Most Holy Trin- ity. This was done, and the miraculous 21 image was placed in a magnificent gold- plated tabernacle for public veneration. At this time (1641), Febronia of Pern- stein, a descendant of the noble lady who had brought the image to Prague, had the new “house” of the Divine Infant, namely, the presbytery of the church, covered with red and white marble slabs. This, after more than three hundred years, is still ad- mired for its rare beauty. The same lady donated a large Crucifix for the high altar. A noble widow donated her costly wedding gown and a silver lamp to this church. Lady Brunneta gave the perpetual light for the miraculous image; Lady Slavata, the altar in honor of the Mother of God. All benefactors were abundantly blessed; those, on the contrary, who treat- ed the miraculous image unworthily, were severely punished, and usually without de- lay. The following is one example: A lady of rank had the image secretly re- moved by two of her maids. When Father Cyrillus became aware of this, he was much grieved. Weeping and lamenting, he called upon the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph. In the afternoon he was sum- moned to attend a sick woman in the 22 house to which the holy image had been carried. The sick woman was, in fact, one of the servants who had stolen the image. She acknowledged her theft, but the lady refused to restore the image un- less she received a similar one. Father Cyrillus promised her another, and with great joy carried his treasure back to the monastery. This servant revived but the other died soon after without the sacra- ments. The lady who had instigated this sacrilege thenceforth suffered intensely from the gout in her hands and feet. Only after she had contritely asked the Infant for forgiveness was she freed from these pains, but she had to endure other trials. In the year 1642, Baroness Benigna von Lobkowitz had an elegant chapel built from her own means for the Divine In- fant, whom she venerated highly. Thus the dear little Infant received a ‘‘new dwelling,” to the great joy of His ardent advocate, Father Cyrillus. This chapel was dedicated on the feast of the Holy Name in 1644, and Holy Mass was then celebrated in it for the first time. From that time forward the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus has remained the principal 23 feast of the Miraculous Infant of Prague, This benefactress, too, was richly re- warded for her charity. The fame of the image now spread beyond the boundaries of Bohemia. In other lands, likewise, the “Infant of Prague” is venerated and His aid invoked with extraordinary results. Veneration Increases Subsequent to the year 1642, the high- ly venerated miraculous statue was kept in the new chapel which was called “The Hermitage of the Infant Jesus.” At first the adjoining small cells served as dwell- ings for the friars. Later, these cells were occupied only by the Fathers who were making their retreat. The veneration of the image increased more and more, especially in the higher circles of society. Among the most de- voted worshipers of the Infant of those days may be named Baron Christopher of Mitrowitz. He had heard many praise- worthy things about the image, and when he came face to face with it, he was charmed by its loveliness. In a serious illness he had recourse to the Miraculous Infant and was not disappointed in his 24 confidence. He ever remained grateful to his “Heavenly Physician” for the speedy restoration of his health. Every week he visited his “dearest Infant” and there re- ceived the sacraments with great devotion. He set aside a fund for the support of the priests who were to make their retreat in the Hermitage of the Infant. In return he asked them to pray for the welfare of the country. When he died at the age of seventy years, he donated to the Car- melites, among other things, a beautiful golden chalice. Another worshiper of the Divine Infant was the very worthy Baron John Kafka. He often visited the image, and made sev- eral retreats at the Hermitage. On May 3, 1848, the Cardinal-Bishop of Prague, Ernest Albrecht of Harrah, himself dedicated the chapel of the Infant Jesus, celebrated Holy Mass there and al- lowed all religious and secular priests to celebrate Holy Mass in this chapel. This was of great profit to the devotion to the miraculous image. Many priests thereafter followed the example of the Cardinal-Bish- op and performed their devotions in the chapel at the feet of the Divine Infant* 25 The Holy Infant Grants Relief in Affliction It would be impossible to relate all the honor bestowed on images of the Infant Jesus of Prague during the past three cen- turies, not only in the chapel of Bohemia, but throughout the world. Still more diffi- cult would it be to recount the numerous miracles wrought throughout the world by the Divine Infant among His faithful clients. We shall here recount but a few. Infant Jesus, Physician of the Sick In the month of July, 1639, Countess Elizabeth Kolowrat, nee Baroness von Lobkowitz, fell dangerously ill at Prague. Her sufferings became daily more intense and finally she entirely lost her hearing and speech. Physicians declared her case hopeless, and death seemed imminent. But her husband, a devout worshiper of the Divine Infant, begged Father Cyrillus to bring the blessed statue to the bedside of his dying wife. The priest held the statue before the agonizing woman, who, unable to utter a word, kissed it rever- ently and in her heart promised to show her gratitude publicly if she would obtain relief. After blessing the sick woman. 26 Father Cyrlllus returned to the monastery, leaving the statue at her bedside. A few moments after his departure Cure of a dying woman the Countess suddenly revived, her speech and hearing were restored, and in a few days her health had been completely re- gained. The happy and grateful lady was not unmindful of her promise to the Di- vine Infant. She presented Him with a golden crown, which, even to this present day, adorns the statue. Her husband, on his part, became a generous benefactor of the Carmelites throughout his life, and after his death left to the merciful De- 27 liverer of his wife a silver lamp and a val- uable shrine. Soon after her recovery the Countess wished to accompany her hus- band to his country seat, but the horses would not move from the spot. Finally she recalled that the statue of the Holy Infant was still in her house. Only after she had sent the image back to the monas- tery could they proceed. Cures Granted in the United States ‘‘A short time ago, I developed a severe infection in both my ears. It was nec- essary for the doctor to lance the right ear, at which time he told me that he would have to lance the left one in a day or two, as soon as the boil came to a head. The pain was more than I could near, and for two days I lived on sedatives. I was unable to lie down and sleep at night. The day after the first lancing, amid the terrific bumping and throbbing of both ears, I began the 9-hour novena to the Little Infant of Prague at 3 P.M. I asked Him, if it were His Divine Will, to spare me the dreaded ordeal of a second lancing. To my amazement, the ceaseless beating began to quiet down, and by nightfall I was even able to lie in bed and drift into a much-needed sleep. I had taken no sed- atives since early morning, and when I awoke the next morning, I found myself lying on the ear that was yet to be lanced. 28 The doctor was more than astonished when he saw my unbelievable recovery. I promised the Little King that I would tell everyone about His wonderful favor to me, and this account seems to be the best way of fulfilling that promise.” (Toledo, Oliio) “A year ago my husband was very ill following two heart attacks. My sister-in- law, who had great faith in the Infant Jesus of Prague, gave me a small statue of the Infant together with a book of prayers and devotions to Him; and I have said some of the prayers every night since. My husband recovered and is now able to be at his position almost all day. He has not had any more attacks, thanks to the Little Infant.” “Last spring I had a sinus operation which had been delayed because of my husband's illness. For about a year be- fore the operation, I had been suffering with a continual discharge from one nos- tril and my head, at times, was so stopped up that I had great difiBculty in breathing; and as I have also suffered from asthma almost nineteen years, I was having a rather hard time. The operation was for the removal of some polyps in my nose. The doctor did not promise me relief from the discharge but said the operation was necessary. Two days after the operation when I thought I would be going home. 29 the doctor told me that I had so much in- fection in my sinuses that he thought I should stay there three weeks longer to take more shots to clear up the infection, or if this failed, to undergo a major opera- tion. *‘I was terribly discouraged because of my condition and the dreadful expense all this would entail, especially since my hus- band’s long illness. I prayed to the Little Infant of Prague to help me, and He cer- tainly did. I began to improve immedi- ately; the only treatment being the two shots a day. In a few days the doctor said that the reaction I had to the peni- cillin was not only wonderful, but it was almost incredible. After examining my X- rays, he said that my sinuses were per- fectly clear, with no trace of infection re- maining. Instead of being in the hospital for the extra three weeks, I was there only eight days and have felt wonderful ever since. I now have no drainage and can breathe normally.” (Richmond, Va.) The Infant Jesus and Children The propitious Infant has graces and blessings for all little ones, but He seems to be particularly liberal of His favors to such children as have been recommended or dedicated to Him by Christian mothers. An instance is related of a child blinded 30 by smallpox who miraculously recovered his sight. Another child, deaf, dumb and lame, through meningitis, was completely cured after a novena to the Infant Jesus. In numerous instances sick children whose recovery seemed impossible were restored to health by having a medal or picture of the Infant Jesus of Prague placed on the diseased parts of their bodies. “A few weeks ago I sent an offering for a Mass to be offered to the Infant Jesus of Prague for the recovery of my infant baby, Edward. '‘It has been a miraculous recovery and unbelievable to many people who hear of it. The doctors believed he had a malig- nant tumor in the upper left abdominal section, attached to the left kidney and lung. It seemed hopeless, and no encour- agement from anyone; yet, I did not give up hope and continued praying to the In- fant of Prague and Mary, His Blessed Mother. “After fifteen radium treatments, there remained a mass in the upper left section and they decided to operate, probably to remove his left kidney. I was frantic and sick at heart, but whenever my husband (who is non-Catholic) or I saw the baby, we touched the medal of the Infant of Prague to his left side and continued pray- ing. 31 “He underwent the operation; and, much to their amazement and disbelief, there was no tumor; his kidneys, lung and other organs were perfect, and no signs of malignancy. At the present time he is still in the hospital making a remarkable recovery, and they can find nothing wrong. “Truly, I am convinced that it has been my hope, faith and prayers to the Infant Jesus, and the intercession of Mary, His Mother, that has brought my child through this great ordeal. My husband, too, has great belief, so I do not think it will be long before he will become a Cath- olic. Whenever I have the opportunity, I shall spread faith and devotion to this wonderful cause.** The Infant Jesus and Sinners “I am not come to call the just, but sinners,” said our Divine Savior. The In- fant Jesus of Prague has given repeated proofs of His infinite mercy to sinners. We shall cite but a few examples. One day a man who for years had been estranged from God came into the confes- sional. “Father,** he said to the priest, “I really do not know why I came here, be- cause I do not repent of my sins and have not resolved to amend.’’ The confessor tried to touch his heart, but his efforts were in vain. “At least,” said he finally. 32 “go to the shrine of the Infant Jesus and address to Him this simple prayer: ‘O Di- vine Infant enlighten my mind and help me to have the proper dispositions for mak- ing a good confession.’ ’’ The man obeyed, and his heart, heretofore so hard and ob- durate, was at once softened. Touched by Divine grace, he shed tears and made a most humble confession. After receiving absolution he left the confessional, bless- ing the Divine mercy of the Infant Jesus. Out of curiosity, a woman once went to see the shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague. She inspected closely the silk mantle, the precious diadem and the gold- en globe in the Holy Infant’s hand. But she could not see His countenance. Seized with fear, she began to tremble. Her con- science reproached her bitterly and she recognized that it was her sins which hid from her sight the Divine countenance. Full of remorse she hastened to make her confession, and returned to the shrine. She now saw distinctly the smiling fea- tures of the Divine Infant, but only for an instant, for a cloud suddenly concealed them again. The woman was seized with a new fear, and asked Our Lord why His countenance was again hidden from her. “Because you have hidden a sin in your confession,’’ was the answer. She retraced her steps to the confessional, and after having completely cleansed her soul she 33 was able to see clearly the face of the miraculous image. The woman has given this account of her conversion under oath. I wish to tell about a wonderful favor received through a private novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague. A very dear friend of mine had not been to the sacraments for about fifteen months. I started a novena on December 15th. On December 21st, I asked my friend about going to Holy Communion for Christmas. He said no, but he would go at Easter. I did not give up hope, but kept on praying, ending my novena on December 24th. On Christ- mas Eve my friend called me to ask if I would go to the church with him so' he could go to confession. We both received Holy Communion at Midnight Mass. (Chicago, 111.) I was very scrupulous and was always in mental agony. I received aid through prayer to the Infant of Prague, and have also received many other favors. (Canada) A grateful wife reports the return of her husband to the sacraments after a three years’ absence, and the restoration of peace and happiness in their home. Another wife and mother rejoices in the grace obtained for her husband to give up strong drink after a medal of the Infant of Prague was placed under his pillow. 34 The Infant Jesus, Helper in Every Need The only-begotten Son of God spent the years of His youth in labor and toil, and it is therefore not astonishing that He should show particular favor to working people. Times without number, poor work- men, finding themselves and their families destitute and beset by difficulties, have applied to the Divine Infant, and very often obtained the desired help. Thanksgivings to the Infant of Prague have been received from several who re- ceived wonderful help in finding a home in times of urgent need, and also from a number of others who obtained seemingly miraculous help in business troubles. The following favor was reported by the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Ado- ration in Kansas City, Missouri, in Novem- ber, 1945: “Some months ago, a lady who makes frequent hours of adoration in our chapel, came over to the convent and told the portress about a non-Catholic friend of hers living in Kansas City, Kansas, who had a sick baby. The child was never able to sleep well, its body was covered with blue spots—a case which baffled the doc- tors. The lady asked for prayers, where- upon the portress gave her a medal of the 35 Infant Jesus of Prague, also one of Saint Benedict, and told her to put them on the baby. She also gave her some prayer leaf- lets of the Infant of Prague. After a few days, the lady returned, overjoyed, to say the baby had slept from 9 P.M. to 9 A.M. the night the medals were pinned on it. She also said the parents knelt each eve- ning and recited the prayers on the leaf- let, that the blue spots had all disappeared and the baby apparently was doing fine. The lady begged for continued prayers for the grace of conversion for the family, consisting of parents and six children. “A few days later the lady came again to tell the wonderful news that the family was receiving religious instructions twice a week, and that the baby was to be bap- tized the following Sunday; so it can be truly said, ‘A little child shall lead them.* “The next we heard was that the old- est boy, 11 years old, said all he wanted for his birthday was to receive holy bap- tism. The priest granted his request and baptized not only him, but all the five chil- dren, on the day specified. The boy men- tioned has memorized all his catechism as well as the Mass-server’s Latin prayers. The children of school age are attending Catholic schools, and the oldest boy says he wants to become a priest. . . The par- ents have also become Catholics.” A lady had her purse stolen from her 36 place of employment. It contained $85.00 and a solid silver rosary valued at $35.00. When she realized her great loss she could not be consoled. Her brother urged her to pray to the Infant of Prague, and to place His statue where her purse had been at her place of work. Within eighteen hours the thief had been found and con- fessed his guilt. (Massachusetts) “My husband and I had been looking for an apartment for some time but were on a waiting list of 500 people. I decided to make a nine-hour novena to the Infant of Prague, which I began at seven that morning. As I began the third hour prayer at nine, the phone rang, and the landlord said he had a vacant four-room apartment and wondered if I were still interested. I was too overwhelmed with gratitude to the Little Infant for words. He surely makes true His promise, ‘The more you honor Me, the more will I bless you.’ ” (Dayton, Ohio) “A very important letter containing several thousand dollars in checks was mailed by my husband from his place of business and had never been acknowledged as having been received. At first it was thought that this letter might have been lost in the mail, but as time passed and nothing was heard, there was a great deal of concern over the matter. I immediately began the hourly novena which I said for 37 two days. At the seventh hour on the sec- ond day my husband called to say he had heard from Boston, and the letter had been found. It seems the banking house w here the letter had been directed saved its rubbish for several weeks and baled it as you would newspapers. The letter was found in one of these bales; and I believe the time it was missing and the fact that you vrould almost despair of finding it in perhaps thousands of pounds of paper rub- bish, certainly point to a miraculous an- swer to my devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague.*' (Xew Hampshire) “Recently, i said the prayers entitled ‘Novena in Urgent Need* and immediately after saying the devotion on the last hour of the day, I was offered a home for my children and myself. I was on the verge of eviction the following day from the place where we were living and did not see how I could move my family into the street. The last hour of the devotion, I received a call saying that an apartment was waiting for me the following day. This is only one miraculous instance of blessings which I have been afforded. I say my devotions daily and will continue to as long as I am able.** (Chicago, HI.) A million thanks to the holy Infant for giving my son just the job he wanted: elec- trical refrigeration, with good salary, and chance for advancement. (New York) 38 Prayers to the Holy Infant Jesus Prayers at Mass (Parts taken from the Mass of the Holy Name of Jesns.) ^ DIVINE Child Jesus! As Thou didst^ call the shepherds to Thy crib by Thy holy angels, and the three wise men by a wonderful star, so Thou callest me today to the adoration of Thy Divinity and Hu- manity, to the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with the words: ‘‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). The three holy kings offered gold, in- cense and myrrh; i; however, who am so poor that I have nothing to give, offer Thee to Thy Heavenly Father (for Thou art mine), through the hands of the priest just as Thou didst offer Thyself to Him lying in the crib, as a poor, helpless Child. I unite my intention with the intention of the priest and the entire Roman Catho- lic Church, and will assist at this Holy Mass with the greatest devotion, to Thy honor, in memory of Thy bitter sufferings which began in the stable of Bethlehem. I offer It in thanksgiving for all the good I have received, as atonement for my many sins and negligences, and finally to obtain 39 Thy assistance, most gracious Infant, in my necessities, especially in this need. . . (Here mention your intention.) I unite this Sacrifice with the bloody sacrifice Thou, O Jesus, didst offer on the Cross. I offer it for myself, for all my relatives, friends and benefactors, living and dead, for the spiritual and civil au- thorities and for all mankind. Graciously accept this Sacrifice, O most kind Father and Lord, and hear my prayers through Thy beloved Son who be- came a little child and let Himself be laid in the crib. INTROIT. (Phil. 2.) In the Name of Jesus let every knee bow of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth; and let every tongue confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.^ (Ps. 8.) O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is Thy name in the whole earth! J. Glory be to the Father, etc. AT THE KYRIE. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. (Repeat each invoca- tion three times.) AT THE GLORIA. Glory be to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we adore Thee, we glorify Thee, we thank Thee for Thy great glory, 0 Lord God, 40 Heavenly King, God, Almighty Father. O Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us! who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers; who sittest at the right hand of the Fa- ther, have mercy on us; for Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord; Thou only, O Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. COLLECT. O God, who didst appoint Thine only-begotten Son the Savior of mankind, and didst bid Him to be called Jesus, mercifully grant that we may en- joy the vision of Him in heaven whose holy Name we venerate on earth. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. EPISTLE. (Acts 4:8-12.) In those days: Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, ‘‘Rulers of the people and elders, if we are on trial today about a good work done to a cripple, as to how this man has been made whole, be it known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God has raised from the dead, even in this Name does he stand here before you sound. . . For there is no other Name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” 41 GUAt)UAL. (Ps. 105.) Save Us, 0 Lord, our God, and gather us from among the nations: that we may give thanks to Thy holy Name, and may glory in Thy praise. J. (Isaias 63.) Thou, O Lord, art our Father and Redeemer, Thy Name is from eternity. Alleluia, alleluia. T. (Ps. 144.) My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless His holy Name. Alleluia. GOSPEL. (Luke 2:21.) At that time when eight days were fulfilled for His cir- cumcision, His Name was called JESUS, the Name given Him by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. After the Gospel, pray the Apostles’ Creed OFFERTORY. (Ps. 85.) I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify Thy Name for- ever; for Thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild, and plenteous in mercy to all who call upon Thee. Alleluia. Accept, O holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God, this immaculate Host, which I offer to Thee, my living and true God, for my innumerable sins, offenses and neg- ligences, and for all here present, as also for all Christians, living and dead, so that it may redound to my own and to their salvation for all eternity. We offer unto Thee, O Lord, the chal- ice of salvation, beseeching Thy clemency 42 that it may ascend as a sweet savor before Thy Divine Majesty, for our own salva- tion and that of the whole world. Amen. O Jesus, Thou little Child, and great God, who after forty days, didst offer Thy- self through the purest hands of Mary, Thy Virgin-Mother, to the Heavenly Fa- ther, I place my poor heart on the paten and in the chalice so that all prayers and all blessings spoken over them may be spoken also over my heart. As the bread lying on the paten and the wine in the chalice are, by the words of the priest, really changed into Thy Flesh and Blood, so may my heart be entirely changed into Thine so that it may be no longer mine but Thine forever. With my heart, I offer at the same time my understanding, my memory, my will, my senses, my body and my soul, my crosses and my sufferings, my life and death. Let this be an acceptable offering to Thee this day so that through it I may receive what I desire and need. SECRET. May Thy blessing, by which all creatures live, hallow, we beseech Thee, most merciful God, this our sacrifice which we offer to Thee to the glory of the Name of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that it may please Thy Majesty and bring Thee praise and avail us unto salvation. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 43 PREFACE and SANCTUS. It is truly meet and just, right and availing unto sal- vation, that at all times and in all places we give praise to Thee, O holy Lord, Fa- ther Almighty, everlasting God: for by the mystery of the Word made Flesh, the light of Thy glory hath shone anew upon the eyes of our mind: so that while we acknowledge Him as God seen by men, we may be drawn by Him to the love of things unseen. And therefore with the angels and archangels, the thrones and dominions, and the whole host of the heavenly army, we sing the hymn of Thy glory, saying again and again: “Holy, holy, holy. Lord God of Hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory; Hosanna in the highest!” COMMEMORATION of the LIVING. O gracious Infant Jesus, Thou desirest that we pray for one another. I beg Thee, through the love of all Thy elect, gra- ciously remember all my spiritual and civil superiors, all those who shall die to- day and who are in great danger of body and soul, and all who are suffering afiSic- tion and persecution. Remember my par- ents, sisters and brothers, friends and benefactors, all those for whom I ought to pray, especially. . . Bless them in all that concerns their eternal welfare. CONSECRATION. We beseech Thee, 0 Heavenly Father, to receive this obla- 44 tion which we make to Thee; do Thou bless it and make it acceptable, that it may become for us the Body and Blood of Thy most beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who the day before He suffered, took bread into His holy and venerable hands, and with His eyes lifted up to heaven unto Thee, God, His Almighty Father, giving thanks to Thee, He blessed, broke and gave to His disciples, saying: Take and eat ye all of this: FOR THIS IS MY BODY. At the Elevation of the Sacred Host say with deep faith: My Lord and my God. In like manner after He had supped, taking also this excellent chalice into His holy and venerable hand: also giving thanks to Thee, He blessed and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take and drink ye all of this: FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, OF THE NEW AND ETERNAL TESTAMENT: THE MYS- TERY OF FAITH WHICH SHALL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR MANY UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS. As often as you shall do these things, you shall do them in memory of Me. At the Elevation of the Chalice say: I adore Thee, O sacred Blood of my Redeemer! O Precious Blood, cleanse me from my sins! Flow upon me and upon all sinners for our conversion. 45 O Heavenly Father, in memory of the Passion, resurrection and glorious ascen- sion of Thy Son, Jesus, we offer Thee, of the gifts Thou hast bestowed upon us, a pure Victim, a holy Victim, an immaculate Victim, the holy Bread of eternal life, and the chalice of everlasting salvation. Through Him, and with Him, and in Him, be to Thee, God the Father Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honor and glory. At the Commemoration of the Departed, ask Jesus to grant pardon and mercy to all your dear ones who have departed this life, and to all the souls in Purgatory. Then pray the Our Father de- voutly while the priest prays it at the altar. AGNUS DEI. Lamb of God who tak- est away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. (Repeat 3 times: the last time say: “grant us peace,” instead of “have mercy on us.”) COMMUNION. (Ps. 85.) All the na- tions Thou hast made shall come and adore before Thee, O Lord, and they shall glorify Thy Name: for Thou art great, and dost wonderful things: Thou art God alone. Alleluia. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, truly present under the forms of bread and wine, I wish to be wholly united to Thee. Come, place Thyself in my heart as Thou didst permit Thyself to be laid in the poor stable at Bethlehem. Heal my infirm soul, enlighten my blindness, strengthen my will, and quench my thirst. 46 liless all my souses and all my t>owors. O Lord I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof. Say but the w'ord and my soul shall be healed. (Three times) May the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ keep my soul unto life everlasting. POSTCOMMUNION. O almighty and eternal God, our Creator and Redeemer, graciously regard our prayers, and accept with a favorable and benign countenance the sacrifice of the saving Victim which we have offered to Thy Majesty in honor of the Name of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: that through the pouring forth of Thy grace upon us we may rejoice that our names are written in heaven under the glorious Name of Jesus, as a pledge of eternal predestination. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. AT THE BLESSING. Bless me, O holy Child Jesus, and obtain for me from Thy Almighty Father and the Holy Spirit all heavenly and earthly blessings. Daily Prayer to the Infant Jesus (To be recited during a novena) ^ ALMIGHTY God, in the form of a^ little child! make me, prostrate at the feet of Thy miraculous image, worthy to meditate on Thy greatness and power. Thy goodness and mercy, and Thy majesty as God and man. 47 O Divine Infant! with the most pro- found reverence I contemplate Thy Divine countenance, shedding its gentle and for- giving light, like the sun, on good and bad. Deign, O friendly eyes of my Jesus, to cast one look of grace upon me, and to give to my eyes sincere tears of repent- ance, that on judgment day they need not fear Thy look of righteous anger. O sweetest Jesus! filled with admir- ation, I praise Thy holy lips, flowing with heavenly wisdom and uttering words of grace for the remission of sin. Lest, how- ever, Thy Divine lips might one day be forced to pronounce the sentence of con- demnation on me on account of my own words, I beseech Thee, O Lord, place a seal upon my lips, that they may never be opened to utter an uncharitable opinion or a sinful word; may I ever preserve Thy truth and Thy love in my heart and upon my tongue. O merciful Infant! with pious fervor I kiss Thy most holy hands, which Thou extendest to hold the entire world in Thy loving embrace. I venerate Thy almighty hand, ruling and governing the universe, and I implore Thee to direct all our works to Thine own honor, and to let Thy right hand be ever extended in blessing over Thy worshipers who confidently pray to Thee. All hail, O blessed feet of my Redeem- er, that have brought peace to the world! 48 What innumerable painful steps You made during thirty-three years, wearying and bruising Yourself for love of me! I thank Thee a thousand times, O Infant Jesus, and I beg of Thee always to direct my feet on the straight road to Thyself, who art the Way, the Truth and the Life. O most loving Heart of my Jesus! I greet Thee as many thousand times as Thou didst beat for my salvation. I offer up to Thy Heavenly Father all the flames of Divine love burning within Thee. Alas, how ashamed must I not feel at the cold- ness of my own heart, which only with great difiSculty and on rare occasions can excite in itself a proper ardor in return for Thy bountiful love! Take away, O Lord, this cold heart of mine and give me one like Thine own, that I may in future love Thee with a love as warm and glow- ing as Thine. O my most amiable Jesus! who be- came an infant for my sake, endow me, I pray Thee, with the innocence, the hu- mility and the simplicity of those young souls whom Thou didst call with the words: ''Suffer little children to come un- to Me, for theirs is the kingdom of heav- en.” The beauty of Thy countenance, the sweet expression of Thy eyes. Thy smiling lips, Thy love-inflamed Heart, O sweet beautiful Infant Jesus, excite in me the firm confidence that my hopes will not be 49 disappointed but that my prayers will find a gracious hearing with Thee, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen. Prayer of Rev. Cyrillus a Matre Dei the first and most devoted venerator of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague JESUS, unto Thee I fiee, Through Thy Mother praying Thee In my need to succor me. Truly, I believe of Thee God Thou art with strength to shield me; Full of trust, I hope of Thee Thou Thy grace wilt give to me. All my heart I give to Thee, Therefore, do my sins repent me; From them breaking, I beseech Thee, Jesus, from their bonds to free me. Firm my purpose is to mend me; Never more will I offend Thee. Wholly unto Thee I give me, Patiently to suffer for Thee, Thee to serve eternally. And my neighbor like to me I will love for love of Thee. Little Jesus, I beseech Thee, In my need to succor me. That with Joseph and Mary And the angels, I may Thee Once enjoy eternally. Amen. 50 Prayer in Affliction Asti'risks aiv inscrtod to mark puiisos, wlirti rocit«'d l)y a group of persons in unison ^ DEAREST Jesus, tenderly loving us,^ Thy greatest joy is to dwell among men and to bestow Thy blessing up us! * Though I am not worthy that Thou shouldst behold me with love, * I feel my- self drawn to Thee, O dear Infant Jesus, because Thou dost gladly pardon me and exercise Thy almighty power over me. So many who turned with confidence to Thee * have received graces and had their petitions granted. Behold me, in. spirit I kneel before Thy miraculous image on Thy altar in Prague, and lay open my heart to Thee, ^ with its prayers, petitions and hopes. Especially the affair of. . . I enclose in Thy loving Heart. * Govern me and do with me and mine according to Thy holy will, * for I know in Thy Divine wis- dom and love Thou wilt ordain everything for the best. * Almighty, gracious Infant Jesus, do not withdraw Thy hand from us, * but protect and bless us forever. I pray Thee, sweetest Infant, * in the name of Thy Blessed Mother Mary who cared for Thee with such tenderness, * and by the great reverence with which St. Joseph carried Thee in his arms, * com- fort me and make me happy * that I may bless and thank Thee forever from all my heart. Amen. 51 Litany of the Miraculous Infant of Prague For private devotion only T ORD, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven,* God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God, the Holy Spirit, O miraculous Infant Jesus, Infant Jesus, true God and Lord, Infant Jesus, whose omnipotence is mani- fested in a wonderful manner. Infant Jesus, whose wusdom searches our hearts and minds, Infant Jesus, whose goodness continually inclines to aid us. Infant Jesus, whose providence leads us to our last end and destiny. Infant Jesus, whose truth enlightens the darkness of our hearts, Infant Jesus, w’hose generosity enriches our poverty. Infant Jesus, whose friendship consoles the afflicted. Infant Jesus, whose mercy forgives our sins, Infant Jesus, whose strength invigorates us, *Have mercy on us. 52 Infant Jesus, whose power turns away all evils,* Infant Jesus, whose justice deters us from sin. Infant Jesus, whose power conquers hell. Infant Jesus, whose lovely countenance at- tracts our hearts. Infant Jesus, whose greatness holds the universe in its hand. Infant Jesus, whose love-inflamed Heart kindles our cold hearts. Infant Jesus, whose miraculous hand raised in benediction fills us with all blessings, Infant Jesus, whose sweet and holy Name rejoices the hearts of the faithful, Infant Jesus, whose glory fills the whole world, Be merciful. Spare us, O Jesus. Be merciful. Graciously hear us, O Jesus. From all evil,f From all sin, From all distrust of Thine infinite good- ness, From all doubts against Thy power of miracles, From all lukewarmness in Thy veneration. From all trials and misfortunes. Through the mysteries of Thy holy child- hood. We sinners, beseech Thee, hear us. *Have mercy on us. fDeliver us, O Jesus. 53 Through the intercession of Mary, Thy Virgin Mother, and Joseph, Thy foster father,* That Thou wouldst pardon us. That Thou wouldst bring us to true re- pentance. That Thou would preserve and increase in us love and devotion to Thy sacred infancy. That Thou wouldst never withdraw Thy miraculous hand from us. That Thou wouldst keep us mindful of Thy numberless benefits. That Thou wouldst inflame us more and more with love for Thy Sacred Heart, That Thou wouldst graciously deign to hear all who call upon Thee with con- fidence. That Thou wouldst preserve our country in peace. That Thou wouldst free us from all im- pending evils. That Thou wouldst give eternal life to all who act generously toward Thee, That Thou wouldst pronounce a merciful sentence on us at the judgment. That Thou wouldst in Thy miraculous image remain our consoling refuge, Jesus, Son of God and of Mary, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world. Spare us, O Jesus. *We beseech Thee, hear us. 54 Lamb of God, who takost away the sins of the world, Graciously bear us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us. Our Father, etc. LET US PRAY O miraculous Infant Jesus, prostrate before Thy sacred image, we beseech Thee to cast a merciful look on our troubled hearts. Let Thy tender Heart, so inclined to pity, be softened at our prayers, and grant us that grace for which we ardently implore Thee. Take from us all affliction and despair, all trials and misfortunes with which we are laden. For Thy sacred infancy’s sake hear our prayers and send us consolation and aid, that we may praise Thee, with the Father and the Holy Spirit' forever and ever. Amen. Prayer to Be Recited by a Sick Person ^MERCIFUL Infant Jesus! I know of ^ Thy miraculous deeds for the sick. How many diseases Thou didst cure dur- ing Thy blessed life on earth, and how many venerators of Thy miraculous image ascribe to Thee their recovery and deliver- ance from most painful and hopeless mal- adies. I know, indeed, that a sinner like me has ’merited his sufferings and has- no 55 right to ask for favors. But in view of the innumerable graces and the miracu- lous cures granted even to the greatest sinners through the veneration of Thy holy infancy, particularly in the miracu- lous statue of Prague or in representa- tions of it, I exclaim with the greatest as- surance: O most loving, most pitiful In- fant Jesus, Thou canst cure me if Thou wilt! Do not hesitate, O Heavenly Phy- sician, if it be Thy will that I recover again from this present illness; extend Thy most holy hands and by Thy power take away all pain and infirmity, so that my recovery may be due not to natural remedies, but to Thee alone. If, however. Thou in Thy inscrutable wisdom hast de- termined otherwise, then at least restore my soul to perfect health, fill me with heavenly consolation and blessing that I may be like to Thee, O Jesus, in my suf- fering, and may glorify Thy providence until Thou, by the death of the body, be- stowest on me eternal life. Amen. Jesus, Friend of the little ones, bless the children of the whole world. Ind. of 300 days. (“Mamial of Indulgences,” 78.) JESUS! Ind. of 300 days. (113) O holy Infant Jesus, I love Thee with all my heart! Be to me my Treasure of grace, of love, of life and joy unending. 56 Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus T ORD, have mercy on us.^ Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven,* God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God, the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God, Jesus, Son of the living God, Jesus, splendor of the Father, Jesus, brightness of eternal light, Jesus, King of glory, Jesus, Sun of Justice, Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, most amiable, Jesus, most admirable, Jesus, the mighty God, Jesus, Father of the world to come, Jesus, Angel of the Great Council, Jesus, most powerful, Jesus, most patient, Jesus, most obedient, Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, Jesus, lover of chastity, Jesus, lover of us, Jesus, God of peace, Jesus, Author of life, Jesus, example of virtues, Jesus, zealous lover of souls. *Have mercy on us. 57 Jesus, our God,^‘ Jesus, our refuge, Jesus, Father of the poor, Jesus, treasure of the faithful, Jesus, Good Shepherd, Jesus, eternal light, Jesus, eternal wisdom, Jesus, infinite goodness, Jesus, our way and our life, Jesus, joy of the angels, Jesus, King of patriarchs, Jesus, master of apostles, Jesus, teacher of evangelists, Jesus, strength of martyrs, Jesus, light of confessors, Jesus, purity of virgins, Jesus, crowm of all saints. Be merciful. Spare us, O Jesus! Be merciful. Hear us, O Jesus! From all evil,| Froni all sin. From Thy wrath, From the spirit of fornication. From everlasting death, From the neglect of Thy inspirations, Through the mystery of Thy holy incar- nation. Through Thy nativity. Through Thy infancy. Through Thy most Divine life. *Have mercy on us. fDeliver us, O Jesus. 58 Tliroii>?li Through Through Through Tlirough Til rough Tilrough Holy Through Through Lamb of of Lamb Thy Thy Thy Thy Thy Thy labors,’*' agony and Passion, sufferings, Death and burial, resurrection, ascension. Thine institution Eucharist, Thy joys, Thy glory, God, who takest the world, Spare us, of God, who takest of the most away the sins O Jesus, away the sins of the world. Graciously hear us, O Jesus, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us. LET US PRAY O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast said: Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you; grant, we beseech Thee, to our most humble supplication, the gift of Thy most Divine love, that we may ever love Thee with our whole hearts, words and works, and never cease praising Thee. O Lord, give us a perpetual fear as well as love of Thy holy Name, for Thou never ceasest to govern those whom Thou *Deliver us, O Jesus. 59 foundest upon the solidity of Thy love. Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. Ind. of seven years. Plenary, under conditions of confession, Holy Communion, visit to a church and prayers for the intentions of the Pope, if re- cited daily for an entire month. (114:) Prayer for a Happy Death ^PRECIOUS Infant Jesus; I approach^ Thee now to ask most devoutly for a happy death. When my last moment draws nigh, do Thou come to me in holy Viaticum: remain near me, bring Thy Virgin-Mother and St. Joseph with Thee. Alleviate my sufferings, banish my fear, let me valiantly overcome all temptations, and give me grace willingly to offer up my life as a satisfaction for my sins, in the expectation of everlasting bliss in heaven. Novena for the Nine Days Preceding the 25th of Each Month 1. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honor and glory, for my own salvation and that of the whole world, the mystery of the birth of our Divine Savior. Glory be to the Father, etc. 2. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honor and glory, and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world, the sufferings of the most holy Virgin and of St. Joseph in that long and weary journey from Na- 60 zareth to Bethlehem. I offer Thee the sorrow of their hearts when they found no place wherein to shelter themselves when the Savior of the world was born. Glory be to the Father, etc. 3. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honor and glory, and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world, the sufferings of Jesus in the stable where He was born, the cold He endured, the swaddling clothes which bound Him, the tears He shed, and His tender infant cries. Glory be to the Father, etc. 4. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honor and glory, and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world, the pain which the Holy Child Jesus felt in His tender body when He submitted to cir- cumcision. I offer Thee that Precious Blood which then for the first time He shed for the salvation of the whole human race. Glory be to the Father, etc. 5. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honor and glory, and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world, the humility, mortification, patience, charity, all the virtues of the Child Jesus; and I thank Thee, and I love Thee, and I bless Thee without end for the ineffable mystery of the incarnation of the Divine Word. Glory be to the Father, etc. J, The Word was made Flesh, And dwelt among us. 61 LET US PRAY O God, whose only-begotten Son was made manifest to us in the substance of our flesh, grant, we beseech Thee, that through Him, whom we acknowledge to be like unto ourselves, our souls may be in- wardly renewed. Who liveth and reigneth with Thee forever and ever. Amen. 7 years ind. each day if the above prayers are recited on the 9 days preceding the 25th of any month. Plenary ind. under the usual conditions when novena is completed. (125) Powerful Novena in Urgent Need (In cases of great urgency, a novena of hours may be made instead of days. The prayers should be repeated at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours.) O Jesus, who hast said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you,” through the intercession of Mary, Thy most holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted. (Mention your request) O Jesus, who hast said, “All that you ask of the Father in My Name He will grant you,” through the intercession of Mary, Thy most holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Thy Father in Thy Name that my prayer be granted. (Mention your request) 62 O Jesus, who hast said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass,” throu^?h the intercession of Mary, Thy most holy Mother, I feel con- fident that my prayer will be granted. (Mention your request) Prayer of Thanksgiving for Graces Received from the Infant Jesus T PROSTRATE myself before Thy holy image, O most gracious Infant Jesus, to offer Thee my most fervent thanks for the blessings Thou hast bestowed on me. •I shall incessantly praise Thy ineffable mercy and confess that Thou alone art my God, my helper, and my protector. Henceforth my entire confidence shall be placed in Thee! Everywhere will I pro- claim aloud Thy mercy and generosity, so that Thy great love and the great deeds which Thou performest through this mi- raculous image may be acknowledged by all. May devotion to Thy holy infancy increase more and more in the hearts of all Christians, and may all who experience Thy assistance persevere with me in show- ing unceasing gratitude to Thy most holy infancy, to which be praise and glory for- ever. Amen. 63 CONTENTS Page Introduction 3 Devotion of the Saints to the Holy Infant 6 History of the Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague 7 Origin 10 Forgotten 12 Found 15 Veneration Revived 17 Special Blessing on Benefactors 21 Veneration Increases 25 The Holy Infant Grants Relief in Affliction .... 26 Infant Jesus, Physician of the Sick 26 Cures Granted in the United States 28 The Infant Jesus and Children 30 The Infant Jesus and Sinners 32 The Infant Jesus, Helper in Every Need .... 35 Prayers to the Holy Infant Jesus 39 Prayers at Mass 39 Daily Prayer to the Infant Jesus 47 Prayer of Rev. Cyrillus a Matre Dei 50 Prayer in Affliction 51 Litany of the Miraculous Infant of Prague 52 Prayer to Be Recited by a Sick Person .... 55 Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus 57 Prayer for a Happy Death 60 Novena for the Nine Days Preceeding the 25th of Each Month 60 Powerful Novena in Urgent Need 62 Prayer of Thanksgiving for Graces Received from the Infant Jesus 63 Benedictine Booklets, 15^ each (Continued from inside front cover) Rays of Catholic Truth Do You Know the Church? How’ to Find the True Church Fountains of Salvation Confession, the Sacrament of Mercy and Peace Confession, Its Fruitful Practice United in Christ (On Matrimony) Through Death to Life (Extreme Unction) Sacramentals Assist the Souls in Purgatory Devotion to Mary Under Mary’s Mantle To Jesus through Mary Devotion to the Mother of Sorrows Mary’s Seven Sorrows The Rosary, My Treasure Heart of Our Mother and Queen The Mysteries of Mary 'Neath St. Michael’s Shield Our Heavenly Companions Go to Joseph Devotions to St. Joseph St. Jude Thaddeus, the Great Helper in Great Need & St. Rita, Advocate of the Impossible St. Benedict, the Beloved of God St. Anthony, the Wonder-Worker St. Nicholas de Flue (Continued on back cover) Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri Benedictine Booklets, 15^ each (Continued from inside back cover) Good St. Anne In the Footsteps of Saint Scholastica St. Gertrude the Great St. Therese of the Child Jesus St. Philomena, Pray for Us Boy Heroes Why Not Make Your Home Ideal? Magnificence of the Love of God The Goodness of Our Savior Conformity to the Will of God Pathways to Peace Words of Consolation for the Sick & Afflicted All Ye Who Mourn Miscellaneous Message of the Sacred Heart, 10^ Pius X, Pope of the Eucharist, 10^^ Life of Saint Euphrasia Pelletier, 10^^ Gems from the Liturgy for the Feasts of Our Lord (Part I & II), each booklet, 20^ Heart-talks with the Man of Sorrows, 20^ Daily Companion for Oblates, 20