My confession and communion TUqcCClo, Ac-i'} bxfia - , r Vd‘ rc )7{u rcM.(-a-?5>c>^T . .. — Afmf/Caid): CONFESSION and COMMUNION "MY FRIEND SERIES’’ PRAYERBOOKS by Bishop Morrow Each with 36 to 44 pages. Illustrations in full-colors. Language the young understands. Price MY FAVORITE PRAYERS — Book One 0.15 MY MASS — Book Two .0.15 MY CONFESSION and COMMUNION — Book Three 0.15 MY ROSARY — Book Four 0.15 MY STATIONS OF THE CROSS — Book Five 0.15 MY CHURCH TEACHINGS — Book Six 0.15 COPYRIGHT 1949. 1956. 1958 UNDER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT UNION by LOUIS LARAVOIRE MORROW All rights reserved PRINTED IN U. S. A. MY CONFESSION AND COMMUNION BY BISHOP MORROW “MY FRIEND SERIES” BOOK THREE \ MY MISSION HOUSE KENOSHA, WISCONSIN THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE PENANCE or Confession is a Sacrament in which the sins committed after Baptism are forgiven. To receive the Sacrament of Penance well we must: 1. Call to mind what sins we have committed: this is Examination of Conscience. 2. Be sorry for our sins and resolve never to commit them again: this is Contrition. 3. Tell all our mortal sins to the Priest: this is Confession. 4 4. Receive the forgiveness of our sins from the Priest: this is Absolution. 5. Do or pray what the Priest tells us in order to make up to God for our sins: this is Satisfaction. If we do these things well our Confession is good and our sins are forgiven. But if we are not sorry for our sins or we do not tell the Priest all our mortal sins, our confession is a bad one and our sins are not forgiven. The Priest has the power from our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us our sins. He gave priests this power on the night of the Resurrection. He appeared to the Apostles and said, "Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven. Whose sins you do not forgive, they are not forgiven.” Priests can forgive sins, not because of themselves, but because of Christ, who gave them the power. When we confess our sins, it is really Christ that takes them away. Nobody is exempted from going to Confes- sion, not even Bishops and Priests, not even the Pope. To make a good confession we should pray and prepare ourselves. 5 Before going to Confession , pray and examine your conscience very carefully INSTRUCTION ON CONFESSION X\ Confession is the sacrament instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive mortal and venial sins. Sin is an offense against God, by any thought, word, action or omission against the law of God, that is, against the Command- ments of God or of the Church. There are two kinds of actual sins: mortal and venial. ' Mortal Sin is a big offense against God. Whoever dies with a mortal sin goes to hell forever. We are obliged to confess all our— v 6 mortal sins, and tell how many times we have committed each one. If one hides wilfully a mortal sin in confession, his confession is bad, and he is guilty of a new mortal sin: sacrile- gious confession. If we have done our best to make a good confession and forget one or more mortal sins in confession, our confession is good. Venial Sin is a small offense against God. It often leads to mortal sin; that is why we must avoid it. If one dies with venial sins, he goes to Purgatory for a time. We are not obliged to tell our venial sins in confession, but it is better to do so. In that way we show our love of God and we shall receive greater graces. We must confess our sins at least once a year during the Easter Time; if we do not do this, we commit a mortal sin. Good people confess weekly or at least once a month, and especially in preparation for the First Friday of each month. We should confess on the day before a great feast, such as Christmas, in order to celebrate the feast worthily. We should confess in prep- aration for our birthdays or feasts. 7 Prayer Before Confession 0 my dear Jesus, here I am, a poor sinner. 1 have offended You with many sins. I am an ungrateful child; but now I want to ask pardon for all my sins. O my God, help me to make a good confes- sion. Help me to find out my sins. Help me to be very sorry for them, and to make up my mind not to commit them any more. Help me to tell them to the priest. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, that I may make a good confession. 8 My holy Angel Guardian, and all the Angels and Saints of God, pray for me, that I may make a good confession. Examination of Conscience Now try to remember all your sins. The following TABLE OF SINS will help you remember your sins: but you must confess only the sins you have committed. TABLE OF SINS Recall how long it is since your last confession; and if it was a good confession. Against the Commandments of God 1st —I went to non-Catholic churches, meetings, or processions. I read books against my religion. I did not say my morning and night prayers. I believed in fortune-tellers. I made a bad con- fession, a bad Holy Communion. 2nd.—I used the. name of God without re- spect. I spoke irreverently of persons or things consecrated to God. 3rd—I missed Mass on Sundays or holydays of obligation. I was late to Mass. I talked, laughed in church. How many times? 9 4th— l offended my parents, superiors, seri- ously. I have been disobedient, disrespectful towards my parents, my relatives, my teachers. 5th —I fought. I quarrelled. I hurt somebody. I wished evil to others. I have taught others to sin. I was angry. I desired revenge. I insulted others. 6 - 9th I have had immodest thoughts and desires and taken pleasure in them. I said bad things. I did impure things by myself. I did impure things with others. I looked at bad things, bad pictures. I read immodest books. I dressed immodestly. I went with bad com- panions. I went to dangerous places. How many times? 7 - 10th—I stole. I cheated. I spoiled things belonging to others. I have received stolen things. 8th.— I told lies. I have told the hidden faults of others. 10 Other Sins I did not go to confession, to communion at least once a year. I did not abstain on Fridays and other appointed days. I have been proud, vain, lazy, envious, selfish, greedy. I gambled. I drank or ate much. If you are afraid- to tell anything, or if you do not know how to tell it, say to the priest: "Father, help me to tell something, because l am afraid and 1 do not know how to tell it” Try now to be sorry for your sins, and make up your mind not to sin any more. 11 PRAYER O my God, I am very sorry that I have offended You, because You are so good; I promise not to sin any more. O my God, I wish that I had never done wrong, because it displeases You, my God. I love You, and I wish never to sin again. Dear Jesus, Who died upon the Cross for me, forgive me my sins; help me to be a good child after my confession. Dear Blessed Virgin, my good Mother, help me to make a good confession. In the Confessional Kneel down in the confessional, make the Sign of the Cross, and say: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Since my last confession, which was . . . ago, I accuse myself of . Now tell all your sins, saying how many times you committed them. When you finish, say: That is all. Father. Then listen attentively to what the Priest says to you. Be sure you remember what penance the Priest gives you: and if you do not hear, or if 12 . • t . you do not know the prayer, you must tell him. While the Priest is giving you the Absolution, ( say : * Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because of Thy just punishments, but most of all be- cause they offend Thee, my God, who art all- good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen. 13 Come out of the confessional and thank God foi His grace given to you. All your sins are forgiven and your soul is all beautiful in the sight of God and His Angels. Say: PRAYERS AFTER CONFESSION My God, I thank You for Your great mercy in letting me go to confession, and in forgiving me my sins. Help me, that I may always do my best to please You. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, that I may not sin any more. Jesus, Who has loved me even to the death of the Cross, help me to love You with my whole heart, even more than my life. My God, I love You; help me to love You more and more. I thank You, O my God, with my good Angel, who is so glad to see me now with all my sins forgiven. Now think of what the Priest told you to do and not to do. If you have to give back anything you have taken, or to unsay something untrue you said of somebody, you must do this soon. 14 Help me, dear Jesus, to keep my good reso- lutions and not to give up trying when I break them sometimes, perhaps very often. Now say the penance given by the priest. If the penance is to be said only once, it is best to do so before leaving the Church. If it is to be said on different days, say the first part before leaving the Church. If you say your penance well, it will take away a great deal of the punishment in Purgatory that you have deserved by your sins. 15 HOLY COMMUNION The Holy Eucharist is the very body and blood, soul and divinity, of our Saviour Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. Holy Communion is the receiving of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist under the appearance of bread. To please God, we should go to Communion as often as we can, because that is the food of our soul, as meals are the food of our body. To receive the sacrament worthily, we must be free from mortal sin, and keep the Eucha- ristic fast. The first requirement is for the soul, the second for the body. With only venial sins, we may receive Holy Communion without first going to Confession. 16 I must wake up early for Holy Mass I must keep the Eucharistic Fast However, we should go to Confession once, or better, twice a month, even with no mortal sin. If guilty of mortal sin, we must go to Con- fession before receiving Holy Communion. These are the regulations for the Eucharistic Fast: 1. Water may be taken at anytime, even shortly before Holy Communion. 2. We must abstain from taking solid foods and alcoholic liquids three hours before receiv- ing Communion. 3. We must abstain from taking liquid foods one hour before receiving Communion. Liquid foods are those that we drink, like milk, coffee, tea, soft drinks, broth, a milk- shake, etc. 17 In going to and coming back from Holy Com- munion, hold your hands together and walk with great devotion. HOLY COMMUNION PRAYERS BEFORE HOLY COMMUNION Say these prayers very slowly. O my God, I know that it is You that I am going to receive. You came down from Heaven for me. You forgave me my sins in Confession. You have given all that I have, and now You will give me Yourself. Dear Lord, I thank You. 18 0 God, my Father, You tell me to ask You whatever I want, and You promise if I ask aright You will give me all that is good for me to have. You take care of the flowers and listen to the birds when they cry to You for food; and You love me, Your own dear child, more, much more than birds and flowers. You give me each day my daily bread, and today You are going to give me not any com- mon bread, but the Bread from Heaven, Your own Divine Son, to be the Food of my soul. O God, my Father, I thank You with all my heart. Dear Lord, I thank You. Come and do good to my soul. 1 know that You come to me because You love me. Help me to love You in return. You are the great God Who made the whole world, and yet You come to me! You have everything, and I have nothing. But You will give me all I need, if only I ask You. You know, O Lord, how weak and sinful I am. Give me the grace to be good, and to stay good always. 19 Take away my sins now, that I may come to You with a pure heart. I wish that I could love You as much as the Saints do! Jesus, Jesus, come to me! When it is time for Communion, go up to the rail very slowly, hands joined, eyes cast down. When the Priest lays the Sacred Host on your tongue, think that our Blessed Lady lays the Infant Jesus in your arms. Carry Him carefully back to your place, telling Him how much you want to love Him. 20 PRAYERS AFTER HOLY COMMUNION Adoration My God, I have You really here in my heart. I bow my head and adore You. My Lord and my God! Blessed be God. Blessed be His holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacra- ment of the Altar. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen. Thanksgiving Thanks be to God! O Jesus, I thank You with all my heart for coming to me, for entrusting Yourself to me. I do not know how to thank You as I ought. I invite Your Blessed Mother and all Your Angels and Saints to thank You for me. I thank You for the gifts for my soul You have brought with You today. 21 Help me to bring You a gift sometimes— something that I feel in my heart You would like. I thank You for all You have given me to make me happy, for all You are getting ready for me in Heaven. Stay in the church for at least 10 minutes after Holy Communion. After receiving Holy Communion, you should pray. 22 I thank You for making me a Catholic. I might have been one of the little non-Catholics who do not know how to get their sins for- given, who have never heard of Your Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, or of a First Communion Day. Why have You been so very good to me? I cannot think why, for I am sure I have not loved You very much. O sweetest Heart of Jesus, I implore that I may love You ever more and more! Love Now I have all I want, for I have Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, be to me Jesus, save me! Jesus, hear me. Within Your wounds hide me. Never let me be separated from You. 9 O happy Angels and Saints, who see Him face to face, love my God for me! Love Him for me, dear Mother Mary, and tell Him I want to love Him with all my heart. 23 Contrition My God, I am very sorry for all my sins. It is easy to be sorry now, when You are here helping me. Petition Help me, dear Lord, to be a good child, truth- ful, obedient, and kind. Help me to come to You often, that You may do good to my soul. Help me to be a good Catholic always and so to save my soul. Bless our Holy Father the Pope and all Bishops and Priests. Bless all who are dear to me. Jesus, have mercy on this country, on its little children, on our schools, on the dying, on all who are not Catholics, on all poor sinners, and on the poor souls in Purgatory in their dreadful pain. Dear Jesus, remember You said, "Ask and you shall receive!” I am going to ask You now 24 for what I want. I want to love You very much. I want to show You that I love You by not committing any sins, even little ones, and by trying to please You by all I do, by my prayers, by my lessons, by my play. I want to do all these things to please You. Help me, dear Lord, because I cannot be good by myself. Help me to say my prayers well, to be obedient and kind, to be patient when I am in pain or trouble, to say "No” quickly when the devil wants me to do something wrong. Help me to remember that You can see me always, in the streets, in my bed at night, when I am playing with others, when I am alone by myself. Never let me do anything that would make You angry with me. Never in my whole life let me commit a mortal sin. \ I will try not to be naughty, but if I am sometimes, help me to be sorry—directly to say: "My God, I am sorry,” and then to try again. 25 My dear Mother, Mary Help of Christians, help me to be faithful to my good resolutions. Be a Mother to me; I want to be your good child. Now, do not forget all about our Lord and His kindness to you on a Communion day. Think of Him sometimes during the day and say some little loving word to Him: "DEAR JESUS, I LOVE YOU. 1 THANK YOU. COME AGAIN SOON. ,f Go to Confession at once if you should be so unhappy as to fall into mortal sin. Even without mortal sin, go to Confession at least once, or better, twice a month. And receive Holy Commun- ion daily, if you can. Remember, Our Lord is al- ways glad to see you. In His little house on the altar He is waiting for you: He wants to go into your heart. Do not disappoint Him by staying away. 26 Indulgenced Prayer Before a Crucifix Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight; and with the most fer- vent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively senti- ments of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm desire of amendment, while with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and men- tally contemplate Thy five most precious wounds, having before my eyes that which David spoke in prophecy: "They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones” 27 TWO PLENARY INDULGENCES For the Hour of Death Bv a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences of March 9. 190-4, His Holiness, Pope Pius X, granted a plenary indulgence at the moment of death to all the faithful who, on any day they may choose, shall receive the sacraments of Pen- ance and Holy Eucharist and make the following act with sincere love toward God. 0 Lord, my God, I now at this moment readily and willingly accept at Thy hand what- ever kind of death it may please Thee to send me, with all its pains, penalties and sorrows. Prayer to Christ the King O Christ Jesus! I acknowledge Thee as the King of all. Whatsoever has been made has been created for Thee. Exercise Thy rights over me. 1 renew my Baptismal vows, renouncing Satan with all his works and pomps, and promising to live as a good Christian. I pledge myself to promote, as far as in me lies, the triumph of God’s rights and those of Thy Church. Divine Heart of Jesus! I offer Thee my feeble help to make all hearts recognize Thy sacred Kingship, and thus to establish the reign of Thy peace throughout the world. Amen. (A plenary indulgence once a day.) 28 SECOND EXERCISE FOR HOLY COMMUNION These prayers are more suitable to be said in common. BEFORE HOLY COMMUNION Prayer for Help. —O my God, help me to make a good Communion. Mary, my dearest Mother, pray to Jesus for me. My dear Guard- ian Angel, lead me to the Altar of God. Act of Faith. —O God, because Thou hast said it, I believe that I shall receive the Sacred Body of Jesus Christ to eat, and His precious Blood to drink. My God, I believe this with all my heart. Act of Humility. —My God, I confess that I am a poor sinner; I am not worthy to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus on account of my sins. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed. Act of Sorrow. —My God, I detest all the sins of my life. I am sorry for them, because they have offended Thee, Who art so good. 29 I resolve never to commit sin any more. My good God, pity me, have mercy on me, for- give me. Amen. Act of Adoration—O Jesus, great God, pres- ent on the Altar, I bow down before Thee; I adore Thee. Act of Love and Desire —Sweet Jesus, I love Thee. I desire with all my heart to receive Thee. Most sweet Jesus, come into my poor soul, and give me Thy Flesh to eat and Thy Blood to drink. Give me Thy whole Self, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, that I may live for ever with Thee. AFTER HOLY COMMUNION Act of Faith —O Jesus, I believe that I have received Thy Flesh to eat and Thy blood to drink, because Thou hast said it, and Thy word is true. Act of Adoration O Jesus, great God, my Creator, I adore Thee, because from Thy Hands I came and with Thee I am to be happy for ever. 30 . Act of Humility —O Jesus, I am but dust and ashes, and yet Thou hast come to me, and my poor heart may speak to Thee. Act of Love.—Sweet Jesus, I love Thee; I love Thee with all my heart. Thou knowest that I love Thee and wish to love Thee daily more and more. Act of Thanksgiving—My good Jesus, I thank Thee with all my heart. How good, how kind Thou art to me, sweet Jesus! Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Act of Offering.—Jesus, receive my poor offering. Jesus, Thou hast given Thyself to me, and now let me give myself to Thee. I give Thee my body, that it may be chaste and pure. I give Thee my soul, that it may be free from sin. I give Thee my heart, that it may always love Thee. 31 I give Thee every breath that I shall breathe, and especially my last. I give Thee myself in life and in death, that I may be Thine for ever and ever. O Jesus, wash away my sins with Thy pre- cious Blood. O Jesus, the struggle against temptation is not yet finished. My Jesus, when temptation comes near me, make me strong against it. In the moment of temptation may I always say: "Jesus, mercy! Mary, help!” O Jesus, may I lead a good life; may I die a happy death. May I receive Thee before I die. May I say when I am dying: "Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul.” Listen now for a moment to Jesus Christ; per- haps He has something to say to you. There may be some promise you have made and broken, which He wishes you to make again and keep. Answer Jesus in your heart, and tell Him all your troubles. Then pray for others. 32 O Jesus, have mercy on Thy Holy Church; take care of it. O Jesus, have pity on poor; sinners, and save them from hell. O Jesus, bless my father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, and all I ought to pray for, as Thy Heart knows how to bless them. O Jesus, have pity on the poor souls in Purgatory, and give them eternal rest. Sweet Jesus, I am going away for a time* but I trust not without Thee. Thou art with me by Thy grace. I will never leave Thee by mortal sin. I do not fear to do so, though I am so weak, because I have such hope in Thee. Give me grace to persevere. O Blessed Virgin, Mother of my God and Savior, recommend all these my petitions to thy Son. O all ye Angels and Saints of God, unite your prayers with mine; be ever mindful of me, and obtain from Him, and through Him, that with you I may bless Him and love Him for ever. Amen. See Indulgenced Prayers, pages 27 - 28 . 33 MY CONFESSIONS AND COMMUNIONS CONTENTS Page THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 4 INSTRUCTION ON CONFESSION . . . : 6 HOW TO CONFESS Prayer before Confession 8 Examination of Conscience 9 In the Confessional..’ 12 Prayers after Confession 14 HOLY COMMUNION — Instruction 16 The Eucharistic Fast ! . 17 Prayers before Holy Communion 18 Prayers after Holy Communion 21 INDULGENCED PRAYER before a Crucifix 27 TWO PLENARY INDULGENCES — For the Hour of Death 28 Prayer to Christ the King 28 SECOND EXERCISE FOR HOLY COMMUNION-r Prayers before Holy Communion 29 Prayers after Holy Communion 30 34 BISHOP MORROW S PUBLICATIONS Price MY FRIEND— White KIVAR—cot flush $ .75 MY FRIEND— Block KIVAR—cut flush 75 MY FRIEND—Imit. WHITE leather—hard bound book 1.00 MY FRIEND—Imit. BLACK leather—hard bound book 1.00 MY JESUS AND I— Wall Charts—40 pictures— 22"x33"—bound . 9.00 MY JESUS AND I—BOOKLET 5'x8'—56 pages 25 MY JESUS AND I—TEACHERS’ GUIDE BOOKLET 20 MY FIRST COMMUNION— 1 1 2 pages—NO DISCOUNTS: NET. . .30 MY BIBLE HISTORY—Complete edition—288 pages. 3.00 OLD TESTAMENT—My Bible History—120 pages. 50 NEW TESTAMENT—My Bible History— 120 pages 50 MY CATHOLIC FAITH—8'xl T—428 pages—full cloth 4.00 MY MISSION BOOK—A prayerbook—light green cover. ..... .25 MY BAPTISM— 128 pages—cream cover 25 MY WEDDING DAY—Christian Marriage—white cover 25 MY LAST SACRAMENTS—For the Sick—light purple cover 25 MY BELOVED DEAD—Complete—128 pages—black cover 25 My PICTURE OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS—large 1 8'x26* . .25 My PICTURE OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS—small 10"xl3\ . .10 MY MISSION HOUSE KENOSHA, WISCONSIN MY CONFESSION and COMMUNION