Devotions for the sick TtiuLCCcn^ , Albert A for A*z Sic^ Devotions for tin Sick Compiled ty ALBERT A. MURRAY of tfie Paultft Fatfier* I i M r Devotions for the Sick Compiled by Rev. Albert A. Murray of the Paulist Fathers THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street New York 19, N. Y. Nihil Obstat: John M. Fearns, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. Imprimatur: © Francis Cardinal Spellman, D.D., Archbishop of New York. New York, October 14, 1946. Copyright, 1946, by The Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostli in the State of New York PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE U. S. A. BY THE PAULIST PRESS, NEW YORK 19, M. Y. IJMI- -» USftCiumfu A Pew Suggestions for a Sick ‘Person 1. Receive your sickness from the hands of your heavenly Father deal- ing with you as a child. 2. Look on it as a loving correction for your sins, and as a summons to prepare more carefully for death. 3. Practice the virtues of patience and submission to the will of God; deepen your repentance and offer yourself to God to suffer, if it pleases Him, still greater pains; give thanks for the blessings you enjoy. 4. In any dangerous illness let your first concern be to send for a priest. 5. Ask your real friends to give you timely notice if your illness be dangerous, and not to flatter you with false hopes of recovery. 6. Make the best of the time you have; admit but few visitors; try to keep your conversation off worldly matters. 7. Settle your temporal affairs, in order to give yourself more entirely to spiritual matters. 8. Think frequently of our Lord’s Passion. 3 9. Consider these words of St. Augustine: “However innocent your life may have been, no Christian ought to venture to die in any other state than that of a penitent.” ‘Preparation for a Sick Call The Viaticum The Blessed Sacrament is the bread of life, of which every good Catholic partakes frequently in health, but a new and peculiar obligation of receiv- ing it arises when serious illness oc- curs, and the soul may set out on its journey to heaven. The Holy Eucha- rist administered to the sick, is beau- tifully termed “Viaticum,” which means, “pertaining to a road or jour- ney.” The Blessed Sacrament is the safeguard that preserves the soul on its last journey, and is a pledge of im- mortal glory. The sick person will, therefore, use his best endeavors to make a worthy preparation for the re- ception of this sacrament. Before the priest arrives, the pa- tient and the sick-room should be pre- pared for his coming. It should be clean and in order. If the sick person is to go to Confession, place a chair 4 at the head of the bed, facing the foot, so that the confessor will not be obliged to turn away in order to avoid looking the patient in the face. For the other sacraments a table, covered with a clean, white cloth, is required, placed, if possible, where the patient can see the crucifix. On the table should be : 1, a crucifix. 2, two candlesticks with two blessed, lighted candles. 3, a small bowl of common water. 4, a glass of water. 5, a spoon. 6, Holy Water and sprinkler. 7, a napkin. If Extreme Unction is to be administered, have also, 8, a saucer with six small balls of cotton, and 9, a small plate with small piece of bread and lemon. The priest, bearing the Blessed Sac- rament, should be met at the door by someone holding a lighted candle, who should go before him to the sick-room, where all are kneeling. All should then retire while the confession of the sick person is being heard; return immediately when given a sign by the priest to do so, and remain kneeling and praying while the priest gives Holy Communion to the sick person. Kneel in silence until the priest gives his blessings before he leaves. e ‘Prayers “Come, to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because 1 am meek, and humble of heart. And you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light” (Matt. xi. 28). Act of Commendation to God I commend my soul to God my maker, Who created me from noth- ing; to Jesus Christ my Saviour Who redeemed me with His Blood; to the Holy Ghost Who sanctified me in baptism. Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Act of Thanksgiving I give Thee thanks, 0 Lord, from the bottom of my heart, for all the mercies and blessings which Thou hast bestowed upon me, above all be- cause Thou hast loved me from all eternity, and hast sent Thy Son to redeem me with His precious Blood. 0 let not that Blood be shed for me in vain. 6 Act of Renunciation of Evil I renounce from this moment and for all eternity, the devil and all his works and pomps. I abhor all his suggestions and temptations. Suf- fer not, 0 Lord, this mortal enemy of my soul to have any power over me, either now or at my last hour. Let Thy holy Angels ever keep me and defend me against all the powers of darkness. 0 Kind and Merciful God, I ask Thy help and forgiveness. I believe in Thee, and in everything Thou hast revealed and taught. 1 believe in one God, Who will re- ward all who seek Him. I believe that in God there are three divine persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. I believe in Jesus Christ—the Son of God, Who became man and died on the cross for my salvation and happiness. 0 my God, Who art all-good and all-merciful, I sincerely hope to save my soul. Help me to do everything that is necessary to obtain eternal life. 7 Have mercy on me, 0 my God, and forgive me my sins. I am sorry, truly sorry for all of them, because I have offended Thee, my God, Who art all- good, all-holy, and all-merciful. I love Thee, 0 my God, with all my heart, and I sincerely promise that, with Thy help, I will never offend Thee again. Help me, 0 God, and have mercy on me. Act of Resignation Lord, I accept this sickness from Thy Fatherly hands; I entirely re- sign myself to Thy blessed will, whether it be for life or death. Not my will but Thine be done. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Act of Submission Lord, I submit to all the pains and uneasiness of this my illness ; my sins have deserved infinitely more. Thou art just, 0 Lord, and Thy judg- ment is right. Act of Self-Oblation Lord, I offer up to Thee all that I now suffer, or may have to suffer, to 8 be united to the sufferings of my Saviour, and to be sanctified by His Passion. Act of Adoration I adore Thee, 0 my God and my All, as my first beginning and my last end; I desire to pay Thee the best homage that I am able, and to bow down all the powers of my soul to Thee. Act of Praise Lord, I desire to praise Thee for- ever, in sickness as well as in health; I desire to join my heart and voice with the whole Church of heaven and earth, in blessing Thee for ever. Act of Contrition Come hither to the cross of Christ. Press your forehead against the hard wood of it. Let His blood trickle down on your hair. Kiss those feet and say: Dear feet that walked so far and wearily for me and now are pierced for me, I love you. 9 Dear arms of Christ outstretched, embrace me. Dear blood of Christ, flowing for me, cleanse me. Dear heart of Christ, broken for me, for- give me. I am yours. Your cross has conquered me. I am sorry for my sins, I wish I had never com- mitted them. If I had it to do over again I would do otherwise. By Thy love and Thy grace I will never, never sin again. "Thy Will Be Done" My dearest Lord, what wilt Thou send me today? Humiliations, con- tradictions, physical sufferings, pain- ful intelligence which I do not ex- pect; an aching heart, a failure? Shall I see myself misjudged, wrong- ly suspected, despised? All that Thou wishest, 0 my God, I accept it all in advance, and if I weep through weakness, oh, regard it not ; if I mur- mur, check me; if I am forgetful, punish me ; if I am discouraged, raise me up. But through it all, teach me to say, “Thy Will be done." Amen. 0 most merciful Jesus, Lover of souls. I pray Thee, by the agony of Thy most Sacred Heart, and by the 10 sorrows of Thine Immaculate Mother, cleanse in Thine own Blood the sin- ners of the whole world who are now in their agony and who are to die this day. Amen. Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have pity on the dying. 0 my Lord and Saviour, support me in my last hour by the strong arms of Thy sacraments, and the fragrance of Thy consolations. Let Thy absolving words be said over me, and the holy oil sign and seal me ; and let Thine own Body be my food, and Thy Blood my sprinkling; and let Thy Mother Mary come to me, and Thy glorious saints and my own dear patrons smile on me, that in and through them all I may die as I de- sire to live, in Thy Church, in Thy Faith, and in Thy love. Amen. 0 Lord, support us all the day long of this troublous life, until the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, Lord, in Thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest, and peace at the last, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ll For All Who Suffer Dear Lord, we beseech Thee by the loneliness of Thy sufferings on the cross, be nigh to all who are desolate and in pain or sorrow today; and let Thy sacred Presence transform their loneliness into comfort and consola- tion. Sweetest Jesus, we entreat Thee for those from whose path in life the flowers have faded, and song has ceased; and to whom it seems now but a weary beaten road, shut in by gray walls. Give them to see Thee always walking in the way before them, talking with them as they rest by the wayside, and leading them surely to the place where they would be. Breathe down, 0 Lord, upon them Thy spirit of healing, Thy spirit of life, Thy spirit of peace and hope, of love and joy, Thy spirit of courage and endurance. Cast out from them the spirit of anxiety and fear, grant them perfect confidence and trust in Thee, that in Thy light they may see light. Amen. 12 For Trust 0 Christ Jesus, when all is dark- ness and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Thy presence, Thy love, and Thy strength. Help us to have perfect trust in Thy protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for living close to Thee we shall see Thy hand, Thy purpose, Thy will through all things. For Peace of Mind 0 my God, I know not what will happen to me; but this I know, that nothing will happen to me which Thou hast not forseen from all eter- nity; and this, my God, is enough to give peace to my mind. I adore Thy eternal designs on my soul. I sub- mit to them from the bottom of my heart; I desire all, I accept all, I make a sacrifice of all to Thee. I add this sacrifice to that of Thy divine Son, my Saviour, beseeching Thee, by His infinite merits and sacred pas- sion, to inspire me with patience un- der afflictions and with that perfect 13 submission which is due to all Thou wiliest, in all Thou permittest, O Jesus. Amen. —st. Elizabeth. Before an Operation O loving Father, I commit myself in peace and trust into Thy hands. Grant that as I become unconscious of earthly things I may find rest in Thy presence. Watch over me in my hour of weakness. Guide all who are to tend me and bless their work. If I am to suffer pain comfort me with a sense of Thy presence. Grant me a measure of Thy patience and Thy courage so that being helped and comforted in my hour of need, I may be the means of helping others in their hour of trial. While Waiting for the Operation Dear Lord, give me quietness, calm- ness, courage and trust in Thee. Guide and direct the hand of Thy servant (the surgeon) , give him con- fidence in Thee. Whether it be for life or death, into Thy hands dear God, I commend my spirit. 0 God Who hast doomed all men to die, but hast concealed from all 14 the hour of their death ; grant that I may pass my days in the practice of holiness and justice, and that I may be made worthy to quit this world in the peace of a good conscience and in the embrace of Thy love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. 0 Refuge of sinners, 0 Mother of those in their agony, forsake us not in the hour of our death, but ob- tain for us perfect sorrow, sincere contrition, remission of our sins, a worthy reception of the most holy Viaticum, the strengthening power of the Sacrament of Extreme Unc- tion; that we may present ourselves without fear before the throne of that Judge Who is both Just and Merciful, our God and our Redeemer. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. 15 The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, * the Son, and the Holy Ghost, descend upon me and all belonging to me, and dwell in my heart and be with me in my going out and my coming in, now and for ever. Amen. A Prayer for Others 0 Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech Thee, mercifully to remember and to visit all who are mindful of me, and all who have commended themselves to my unworthy prayers, and who have shown any charity or pity to- wards me, and all those who are connected with me by relationship, friendship, service whether they be living or dead; that these who faith- fully serve Thee may be defended from all adversity ; and that Thou wilt deliver us from all punishment, and lead us to everlasting rest. Amen. May the Divine Assistance, the Protection of the Blessed Mother, the succor of the Angels and the prayers of all the Saints abide always with us. Amen. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the virtue of His Sacred Pas- 16 sion, and the intercession of all His Saints, and elect of God, be with me now and at the hour of my death. Amen. For a Greater Love of the Cross Penetrate my heart 0 Jesus with a love for Thy holy cross and support me in all my afflictions; for, alas! Thou knowest how naturally I hate and fly from the cross, although I am persuaded that it was by the cross Thou didst save me, and that I can- not gain salvation, nor enter into heaven, but by the way of Calvary. Inspire me with that patience, that strength, and that courage which Thou didst impart to Thy Martyrs; and since I cannot better evince my love and gratitude towards Thee than by suffering for Thee, nor ren- der myself more worthy of Thy grace and glory than by carrying the cross, vouchsafe to support me when sink- ing, under its burden by the desire of pleasing Thee, and the hope of eternal happiness. Amen. For the Last Sacraments Jesus, lover of the sick, come to me when death is near, and through 17 the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, lay Your holy hands on me. Jesus, lover of the sick, and comforter of those in sorrow, give me the grace to welcome You with a glad heart in that hour, so that I may be the better pre- pared to receive the strength and con- solation which You alone can give. Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for me now, and at the hour of my death. St. Joseph, pray for me that my death may be like yours. Consecration of the Sick to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 0 Adorable Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist, Lover of the sick and the afflicted, look down upon me as I offer Thee my loving homage and profound adoration. In union with all the members of the Apostolate of Suffering, I conse- crate myself to Thy Sacred Heart. To Thee I consecrate my body with all its afflictions and infirmities, that I may become a worthy apostle through my life of suffering. Give me the grace to accept my cross of illness in a spirit of humble resigna- 18 tion, repeating Thy own words, “Father, not my will but Thine be done.” To Thee I consecrate all the mem- bers of my body. May my eyes look upon my sufferings and trials in the light of faith; may my ears always hearken to Thy voice which bids me to take up my cross and follow Thee; may my tongue ever speak the words of holy Job, “The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken, blessed be the Name of the Lord”; may my hands be ever uplifted in prayer for my fellow men, my companions in suf- fering, my benefactors, and for all the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart; may my feet be ever guided toward that way of peace which is granted to those who love Thee. To Thee I consecrate my mirm. May I always reflect upon the vanity of earthly pleasures, honors, and riches; may I realize that true joy can be found only in the practice of virtue and by living in the shadow of the cross; may my will be submis- sive and conformative to Thy Holy Will at all times and in every circum- stance of life. To Thee I consecrate my heart. 19 Establish Thy Kingdom firmly there- in, and give increase to Thy grace so that I may bring forth fruits of pa- tience and resignation, joy and holi- ness, love and peace. To the clemency of Thy divine Heart I commend all the souls who have not experienced the joy of suf- fering for Thee, and who, question- ing Thy ways turn against Thee. Have mercy on them and draw them to Thy loving Heart. Make known to them that Thy yoke is sweet and Thy burden light to those who love Thee. 0 Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, deign to accept this my consecration; look upon me with love and compassion. Pour down upon me the blessing of Thy Heart, and give me the grace of perseverance so that having glorified Thee by serving loyally beneath the standard of Thy cross, I may one day rejoice with Thee in the Kingdom of heaven. Amen. Stay with me, God. The night is dark. The night is cold : my little spark Of courage dies. The night is long ; Be with me, God, and make me strong. 20 Almighty and most merciful Fa- ther, by Whose hands I have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and Who hast graciously preserved me hitherto, I bless and praise Thee for all Thy love and mercy towards me in the past, and I desire now to hum- ble myself under Thy mighty hand. Lord, I believe and know that Thou dost not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men. Thou doest all things wisely and lovingly. Help me to accept this sickness at Thy hands as a means whereby I may be enabled to draw nearer to Thee. Grant me to be patient under all suffering or discomfort, gentle and grateful to those who minister to my needs, and diligent in using the opportunities of devotion which Thou mayest now af- ford me. Give me grace to repent heartily of my sins, and time to amend all that has been displeasing to Thee. Grant this, 0 merciful Fa- ther, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thine only Son, our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for Patience 0 Lord Jesus Christ, Who for our sakes didst bear grievous suffering; Who wast scourged, and buffeted. 21 and crucified ; and upon the cross didst endure thirst and bitter torture, and didst die for our sins; I humbly beseech Thee to help me to bear pa- tiently whatever pain or discomfort may fall to my lot today. Teach me to follow Thine example in perfect and glad submission to the will of my Heavenly Father. Keep me from all fretfulness and irritability of temper ; and grant that by my gentle- ness and obedience I may show forth the power of Thy grace and promote Thy glory; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. 0 Lord, I beseech Thee to have compassion upon me in this my great need. Bless, if it please Thee, the means used for my recovery; and if it be Thy gracious will to restore me to health and strength, grant that I may devote myself more entirely than heretofore to Thy service. Help me to remember that my life is in Thy hands and so to prepare myself now for the hour of death that, whether I live or die, I may be wholly Thine, and that when Thou callest me hence 22 I may be accepted of Thee, not for my own merits, but for the sake of Him Who died for me upon the cross, and ever liveth to make intercession for me, my only Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee as being already there, and unite myself wholly to Thee. Never permit me to be separated from Thee. A Simple Prayer 0 Jesu! in the midst of glory, for- get not the sadness upon earth! Have mercy upon those, to whom God has sent the bitter trial of sepa- ration from those they love! Have mercy on that loneliness of heart so full of sadness, so crushing, sometimes full of terror! Have mercy upon those struggling 23 against the difficulties of life, and faint with discouragement! Have mercy on those, whom for- tune favors, whom the world fasci- nates, and who are free from care ! Have mercy on those to whom Thou hast given great tenderness of heart, great sensitiveness! Have mercy on those who cease to love us, and never may they know the pain they cause! Have mercy on those who have gradually withdrawn from Holy Communion, and Prayer, and who are losing peace within, yet dare not return to Thee! Have mercy on all we love; make them holy, even through suffering! if ever they estrange themselves from Thee. Have mercy on those who weep, those who pray, those who know not how to pray! To all, O Jesus! grant Hope and Peace ! To Jesus and Mary Soul of Christ, sanctify me! Heart of Mary, help me! Body of Christ, save me! Mother of my soul, convert me! 24 Blood of Christ, inebriate me! Sorrows of Mary, pierce me! Water from the Side of Christ, cleanse me! Tears of Mary, purify me! Passion of Christ, comfort me! Loneliness of Mary, sustain me! O my good Jesus, hear me! O Mary most tender, behold me! Within Thy Wounds, O Jesus, hide me! In the depths of thy soul, O Mary, inflame me! From the evil enemy, 0 Jesus, defend me! In thy arms, at my death, 0 Mary, receive me! With the angels and the saints, 0 Jesus, place me! To behold thee in Heaven, 0 my Mother, summon me. Amen. A Nurse's Prayer Dearest Lord, may I see Thee to- day and every day in the person of Thy sick, and whilst nursing them, minister unto Thee. Though Thou hidest Thyself behind the unattrac- tive disguise of the irritable, the ex- acting and the unreasonable, may I 25 still recognize Thee, and say: “Jesus, my patient, how sweet it is to serve Thee.” Lord, give me this seeing faith, then my work will never be monoto- nous. I will ever find a new joy in humoring the fancies and gratifying the wishes of all poor sufferers. Oh ! my beloved sick, how doubly dear you are when I realize that you personify Christ and what a privilege is mine to be allowed to nurse you. Sweetest Jesus, help me to appre- ciate the dignity of my high vocation and its many responsibilities. Never permit me to disgrace it by giving way to coldness, unkindness or impa- tience. Finally, dear Lord, increase my faith, bless my poor efforts and sanctify my work now and forever. Amen. That God's Will Be Done 0 Sweet Jesus, I desire neither life, nor death, but Thy most holy will. Thou art the One 0 Lord that I long for. If it be Thy holy will to have me die, receive my soul; and grant that in Thee and with Thee, I may receive everlasting rest. If it be Thy 26 holy will to have me live longer upon this earth, give me the grace to amend the rest of my life, and with good works to glorify Thy Holy Name, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest ever one God, world without end. Amen. A Thanksgiving for Recovery Most gracious Lord, may I praise and magnify Thee for Thou hast for the love of my soul restored me to health again. It is of Thy mercy alone, O Lord, that Thou hast pre- served my life. Thou hast chastened and corrected me, but Thou hast not given me over unto death. 0 let this life which Thou hast so graciously spared, be henceforth wholly conse- crated unto Thee. Make me strictly careful to sin no more. May I regard this reprieve as a golden opportu- nity to prepare my soul, to employ every minute allowed me to better fit myself for Thy coming. Lord, I have learned from this experience what a dreadful thing it is to die un- prepared. Hear me, dear Lord, and as Thou hast in Thy mercy afforded me more time grant me now all the 27 graces that I need to work out my salvation. Amen. Act of Contrition Forgive me my sins, 0 Lord, for- give me my sins; the sins of my youth, the sins of my age, the sins of my soul, the sins of my body ; my idle sins, my serious voluntary sins, the sins I know, the sins I do not know; the sins I have concealed so long, and which are now hidden from my mem- ory. I am truly sorry for every sin, mortal and venial, for all the sins of my childhood up to the present hour. I know my sins have wounded Thy tender Heart. 0 my Saviour, let me be freed from the bonds of evil through the most bitter Passion of my Redeemer. Amen. In Great Pain I am crucified with Jesus Christ; and I live, yet not I but Jesus Christ liveth in me. I live by faith in the Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me. 0 God, let me bear on my body the marks of the death of Jesus that the life of Jesus may grow in me. My Father, if it be Thy will, Thou 28 canst take this cup from me, but, O God, Thy will, not mine, be done. O God, give me patience. Thou hast promised us that Thou wouldst not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able. O God, Thou art faithful. I trust in Thy promise. I know, O Lord, that if this mortal grain dieth not, it will bring forth no fruit. Make me bring forth fruits meet for repentance. 0 Jesus, I embrace the cross which Thou puttest upon me: I wish to carry it unto the end; give me the strength to bear it. Accept this poor sacrifice and unite it to Thine which is perfect and in- finite. In Preparation for Death O Jesus, Who didst pray for Thine enemies, when they crucified Thee, forgive me my offenses, as I forgive those who have sinned against me. 0 Jesus, Who upon the cross didst promise to the good thief that he should enter Paradise with Thee, give me a place in Thy kingdom though I am more guilty that he. O Jesus, Who by Thy burning love for suffering didst will to be for- saken of Thy Father in Thy bitter- est pain, forsake me not at the hour 29 of my death; be Thou always near me that I be not shaken, and do Thou hide me in Thy sacred wounds. 0 Jesus, Who in Thy scorching thirst wast given to drink only vine- gar and gall, kindle in my heart an ardent thirst for my safety and for Thy glory. 0 Jesus, Who didst accomplish by Thy death the work of our redemp- tion, give me the grace to finish and complete before I die all the plans Thou hast for me for Thine honor and my sanctification. 0 Jesus, Who at the hour of death didst commend Thy spirit into Thy Father’s hands, receive me with the arms of Thy mercy when I shall draw my last breath. 0 Jesus, have pity on me. 0 Jesus, forgive me. 0 Jesus, save me ; be my Jesus and my Saviour at the hour of death. Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, help me at that last moment; protect me against the enemies of my salvation. Show them that thou art my Mother and cease not to pray for me until thou hast taken me to thy Divine Son in Heaven. Great St. Joseph who had the hap- 30 piness of dying in the arms of Jesus and of Mary, obtain for me the grace to die under their protection. My holy Guardian Angel, all the Saints, my protectors, leave me not at that last moment ; pray for me and come to meet my soul. And Thee, my Jesus, the Saint of Saints and the author of my salva- tion, I will not lears until Thou hast ?iven me Thy Massing for the time present and fer all eternity. Amen. —St. Francis de Sales. For Perseverance Lord, let Thy Holy Spirit enable us with His grace to fight a good fight with perseverance, to finish our course with holiness, and to keep the faith with Constance unto the end, that at the day of judgment we may stand at the right hand of the throne of God and hear the blessed sentence of, “Come, ye blessed of My Father; receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.” For Physicians and Surgeons 0 Merciful Father, Who hast won- derfully fashioned man in Thy own image and hast made his body to be a temple of the Holy Ghost; sanctify, 31 we pray Thee, all those whom Thou hast called to study and practice the arts of healing the sick, and the pre- vention of disease and pain. Streng- en them in body and soul, and bless their work, that they may themselves give comfort to those whom He lived and died to save. This we ask through Him Who now liveth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. A Final Prayer Dear Lord of Courage and Forti- tude, if I must have Rheumatism, so help me by Thy divine grace to bear it in such a manner that I do not make every person in the house feel the pain. Give me the grace to refuse to de- scribe over and over again the misery and pangs that belong to me alone. Strengthen in me the desire to get well, that I may not even be tempted to live in the pity and sympathy that is expected to be extended to an in- valid. May I remember continually that pains in nerves are multiplied by pains in description. Amen. 32