id sid tid token lemma pos
_003136262 1 1 thousand thousand NUM
_003136262 1 2 . . PUNCT
_003136262 1 3 ] ] PUNCT
_003136262 2 1 repey repey PROPN
_003136262 2 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 2 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 2 4 to to ADP
_003136262 2 5 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 2 6 the the DET
_003136262 2 7 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 2 8 of of ADP
_003136262 2 9 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 2 10 's 's PART
_003136262 2 11 attack attack NOUN
_003136262 2 12 on on ADP
_003136262 2 13 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 2 14 the the DET
_003136262 2 15 catholiccijurch catholiccijurch NOUN
_003136262 2 16 : : PUNCT
_003136262 2 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 3 1 • • VERB
_003136262 3 2 r r NOUN
_003136262 3 3 by by ADP
_003136262 3 4 a a DET
_003136262 3 5 layman layman NOUN
_003136262 3 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 4 1 , , PUNCT
_003136262 4 2 author author NOUN
_003136262 4 3 of of ADP
_003136262 4 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 4 5 the the DET
_003136262 4 6 comedy comedy NOUN
_003136262 4 7 of of ADP
_003136262 4 8 convocation convocation NOUN
_003136262 4 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 4 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 4 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 4 12 price price NOUN
_003136262 4 13 sixpence sixpence NOUN
_003136262 4 14 . . PUNCT
_003136262 5 1 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 5 2 published publish VERB
_003136262 5 3 by by ADP
_003136262 5 4 the the DET
_003136262 5 5 sheffield sheffield PROPN
_003136262 5 6 catholic catholic PROPN
_003136262 5 7 association association PROPN
_003136262 5 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 5 9 20 20 NUM
_003136262 5 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 5 11 paradise paradise PROPN
_003136262 5 12 square square PROPN
_003136262 5 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 5 14 sheffiel~. sheffiel~. NOUN
_003136262 5 15 sold sell VERB
_003136262 5 16 by by ADP
_003136262 5 17 burns burn NOUN
_003136262 5 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 5 19 oates oate NOUN
_003136262 5 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 5 21 paternoster paternoster NOUN
_003136262 5 22 row row NOUN
_003136262 5 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 5 24 and and CCONJ
_003136262 5 25 portman portman NOUN
_003136262 5 26 street street PROPN
_003136262 5 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 6 1 lmmon lmmon PROPN
_003136262 6 2 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 6 3 r. r. PROPN
_003136262 6 4 washbourne washbourne PROPN
_003136262 6 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 6 paternoster paternoster NOUN
_003136262 6 7 row row NOUN
_003136262 6 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 9 london london PROPN
_003136262 6 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 6 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 12 w. w. PROPN
_003136262 6 13 b. b. PROPN
_003136262 6 14 kelly kelly PROPN
_003136262 6 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 16 8 8 NUM
_003136262 6 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 18 grafton grafton PROPN
_003136262 6 19 street street PROPN
_003136262 6 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 21 dulllin dulllin PROPN
_003136262 6 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 6 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 6 25 and and CCONJ
_003136262 6 26 t. t. PROPN
_003136262 6 27 rodgers rodger NOUN
_003136262 6 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 6 30 hallam?hlre hallam?hlre PRON
_003136262 6 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 6 32 steam steam NOUN
_003136262 6 33 press press NOUN
_003136262 6 34 " " PUNCT
_003136262 6 35 change change NOUN
_003136262 6 36 alley alley PROPN
_003136262 6 37 dorner dorner PROPN
_003136262 6 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 6 39 sheffield sheffield NOUN
_003136262 6 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 7 1 1874 1874 NUM
_003136262 7 2 . . PUNCT
_003136262 8 1 [ [ X
_003136262 8 2 entered enter VERB
_003136262 8 3 at at ADP
_003136262 8 4 $ $ SYM
_003136262 8 5 tatiol1c'rs tatiol1c'rs NOUN
_003136262 8 6 ' ' PART
_003136262 8 7 hall hall NOUN
_003136262 8 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 8 9 ] ] PUNCT
_003136262 9 1 reply reply VERB
_003136262 9 2 to to ADP
_003136262 9 3 the the DET
_003136262 9 4 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 9 5 of of ADP
_003136262 9 6 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 9 7 's 's PART
_003136262 9 8 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 9 9 attack attack NOUN
_003136262 9 10 on on ADP
_003136262 9 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 10 1 the the DET
_003136262 10 2 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 10 3 church church NOUN
_003136262 10 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 11 1 by by ADP
_003136262 11 2 a a DET
_003136262 11 3 layman layman NOUN
_003136262 11 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 11 5 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 11 6 fo fo ADP
_003136262 11 7 ux1ufla ux1ufla PROPN
_003136262 11 8 vfl{;jj vfl{;jj PROPN
_003136262 11 9 ' ' PART
_003136262 11 10 7roaa01 7roaa01 NUM
_003136262 11 11 } } PUNCT
_003136262 11 12 (; (; NOUN
_003136262 11 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 14 otiurpfljjel/ otiurpfljjel/ NUM
_003136262 11 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 11 16 7roaaovt 7roaaovt NUM
_003136262 11 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 18 fit fit PROPN
_003136262 11 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 20 abufllul abufllul PROPN
_003136262 11 21 ' ' PART
_003136262 11 22 ii{3aafjl ii{3aafjl NOUN
_003136262 11 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 11 24 7roaaovt 7roaaovt NUM
_003136262 11 25 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 26 fit fit ADJ
_003136262 11 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 28 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 11 29 nrrrayflov nrrrayflov PROPN
_003136262 11 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 11 31 rovt rovt NOUN
_003136262 11 32 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 33 7r'ajlra~ 7r'ajlra~ PROPN
_003136262 11 34 hfliit hfliit PROPN
_003136262 11 35 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 36 fit fit PROPN
_003136262 11 37 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 38 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 39 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 11 40 \inrflv \inrflv NOUN
_003136262 11 41 ' ' PART
_003136262 11 42 kctt kctt PROPN
_003136262 11 43 f7rtjlojlut f7rtjlojlut PROPN
_003136262 11 44 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 11 45 vjlwv vjlwv PROPN
_003136262 11 46 ' ' PART
_003136262 11 47 futl.v futl.v PROPN
_003136262 11 48 h h NOUN
_003136262 11 49 o'nl.o'l~. o'nl.o'l~. ADJ
_003136262 11 50 . . PUNCT
_003136262 12 1 st st PROPN
_003136262 12 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 12 3 clement clement PROPN
_003136262 12 4 's 's PART
_003136262 12 5 first first ADJ
_003136262 12 6 epistle epistle NOUN
_003136262 12 7 to to ADP
_003136262 12 8 the the DET
_003136262 12 9 cori1ttltians cori1ttltian NOUN
_003136262 12 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 13 1 published publish VERB
_003136262 13 2 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 13 3 by by ADP
_003136262 13 4 the the DET
_003136262 13 5 sheffield sheffield PROPN
_003136262 13 6 catholic catholic PROPN
_003136262 13 7 association association PROPN
_003136262 13 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 13 9 20 20 NUM
_003136262 13 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 13 11 paradise paradise PROPN
_003136262 13 12 square square PROPN
_003136262 13 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 13 14 sheffield sheffield NOUN
_003136262 13 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 14 1 1874 1874 NUM
_003136262 14 2 . . PUNCT
_003136262 15 1 imprimatur imprimatur NOUN
_003136262 15 2 . . PUNCT
_003136262 16 1 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 16 2 robertus robertus NOUN
_003136262 16 3 episcopus episcopus NOUN
_003136262 16 4 beverlacensis beverlacensis NOUN
_003136262 16 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 17 1 de!ctdtfled de!ctdtfle VERB
_003136262 17 2 ~.--~ ~.--~ NUM
_003136262 18 1 the the DET
_003136262 18 2 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 18 3 of of ADP
_003136262 18 4 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 18 5 has have AUX
_003136262 18 6 preached preach VERB
_003136262 18 7 a a DET
_003136262 18 8 sermon sermon NOUN
_003136262 18 9 in in ADP
_003136262 18 10 his his PRON
_003136262 18 11 cathedral cathedral NOUN
_003136262 18 12 against against ADP
_003136262 18 13 the the DET
_003136262 18 14 errors error NOUN
_003136262 18 15 of of ADP
_003136262 18 16 the the DET
_003136262 18 17 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 18 18 church church NOUN
_003136262 18 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 19 1 hi~ hi~ PROPN
_003136262 19 2 lordship lordship NOUN
_003136262 19 3 's 's PART
_003136262 19 4 sermon sermon NOUN
_003136262 19 5 is be AUX
_003136262 19 6 the the DET
_003136262 19 7 most most ADV
_003136262 19 8 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ
_003136262 19 9 answer answer NOUN
_003136262 19 10 to to ADP
_003136262 19 11 the the DET
_003136262 19 12 positions position NOUN
_003136262 19 13 which which PRON
_003136262 19 14 he he PRON
_003136262 19 15 himself himself PRON
_003136262 19 16 takes take VERB
_003136262 19 17 up up ADP
_003136262 19 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 20 1 he he PRON
_003136262 20 2 says say VERB
_003136262 20 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 20 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 20 5 mistakes mistake NOUN
_003136262 20 6 in in ADP
_003136262 20 7 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 20 8 may may AUX
_003136262 20 9 lead lead VERB
_003136262 20 10 to to ADP
_003136262 20 11 consequences consequence NOUN
_003136262 20 12 fatal fatal ADJ
_003136262 20 13 to to ADP
_003136262 20 14 the the DET
_003136262 20 15 soul soul NOUN
_003136262 20 16 's 's PART
_003136262 20 17 salvation salvation NOUN
_003136262 20 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 20 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 20 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 20 21 then then ADV
_003136262 20 22 he he PRON
_003136262 20 23 proceeds proceed VERB
_003136262 20 24 to to PART
_003136262 20 25 revile revile VERB
_003136262 20 26 that that DET
_003136262 20 27 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 20 28 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 20 29 which which PRON
_003136262 20 30 can can AUX
_003136262 20 31 prevent prevent VERB
_003136262 20 32 men man NOUN
_003136262 20 33 from from ADP
_003136262 20 34 making make VERB
_003136262 20 35 mistakes mistake NOUN
_003136262 20 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 21 1 he he PRON
_003136262 21 2 speaks speak VERB
_003136262 21 3 of of ADP
_003136262 21 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 21 5 the the DET
_003136262 21 6 necessity necessity NOUN
_003136262 21 7 of of ADP
_003136262 21 8 some some DET
_003136262 21 9 fixed fix VERB
_003136262 21 10 standard standard NOUN
_003136262 21 11 of of ADP
_003136262 21 12 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 21 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 21 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 21 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 21 16 then then ADV
_003136262 21 17 argues argue VERB
_003136262 21 18 that that SCONJ
_003136262 21 19 no no DET
_003136262 21 20 such such ADJ
_003136262 21 21 standard standard NOUN
_003136262 21 22 of of ADP
_003136262 21 23 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 21 24 is be AUX
_003136262 21 25 to to PART
_003136262 21 26 hle hle ADV
_003136262 21 27 found find VERB
_003136262 21 28 on on ADP
_003136262 21 29 the the DET
_003136262 21 30 face face NOUN
_003136262 21 31 of of ADP
_003136262 21 32 the the DET
_003136262 21 33 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 21 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 22 1 he he PRON
_003136262 22 2 asks ask VERB
_003136262 22 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 22 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 22 5 whom whom PRON
_003136262 22 6 can can AUX
_003136262 22 7 we we PRON
_003136262 22 8 trust trust VERB
_003136262 22 9 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 22 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 23 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 23 2 then then ADV
_003136262 23 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 23 4 having having AUX
_003136262 23 5 stated state VERB
_003136262 23 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 23 7 we we PRON
_003136262 23 8 can can AUX
_003136262 23 9 not not PART
_003136262 23 10 trust trust VERB
_003136262 23 11 the the DET
_003136262 23 12 church church NOUN
_003136262 23 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 23 14 he he PRON
_003136262 23 15 shows show VERB
_003136262 23 16 conspicuously conspicuously ADV
_003136262 23 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 23 18 we we PRON
_003136262 23 19 can can AUX
_003136262 23 20 not not PART
_003136262 23 21 trust trust VERB
_003136262 23 22 him he PRON
_003136262 23 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 24 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 24 2 h h NOUN
_003136262 24 3 uman uman NOUN
_003136262 24 4 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 24 5 are be AUX
_003136262 24 6 proverbially proverbially ADV
_003136262 24 7 uncert uncert ADJ
_003136262 24 8 < < X
_003136262 24 9 l l NOUN
_003136262 24 10 : : PUNCT
_003136262 24 11 ifl ifl NOUN
_003136262 24 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 24 13 fluctuating fluctuate VERB
_003136262 24 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 24 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 24 16 very very ADV
_003136262 24 17 truthfully truthfully ADV
_003136262 24 18 observes observe VERB
_003136262 24 19 his his PRON
_003136262 24 20 lordship lordship NOUN
_003136262 24 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 24 22 after after ADP
_003136262 24 23 which which PRON
_003136262 24 24 he he PRON
_003136262 24 25 goes go VERB
_003136262 24 26 on on ADP
_003136262 24 27 to to PART
_003136262 24 28 elaborately elaborately ADV
_003136262 24 29 prove prove VERB
_003136262 24 30 that that SCONJ
_003136262 24 31 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 24 32 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 24 33 are be AUX
_003136262 24 34 human human ADJ
_003136262 24 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 25 1 this this PRON
_003136262 25 2 is be AUX
_003136262 25 3 .the .the DET
_003136262 25 4 sort sort ADV
_003136262 25 5 of of ADP
_003136262 25 6 reasoning reasoning NOUN
_003136262 25 7 to to PART
_003136262 25 8 which which PRON
_003136262 25 9 we we PRON
_003136262 25 10 are be AUX
_003136262 25 11 daily daily ADV
_003136262 25 12 accustomed accustom VERB
_003136262 25 13 from from ADP
_003136262 25 14 the the DET
_003136262 25 15 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 25 16 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 25 17 of of ADP
_003136262 25 18 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 25 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 26 1 it it PRON
_003136262 26 2 is be AUX
_003136262 26 3 no no DET
_003136262 26 4 fault fault NOUN
_003136262 26 5 of of ADP
_003136262 26 6 the the DET
_003136262 26 7 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 26 8 that that PRON
_003136262 26 9 he he PRON
_003136262 26 10 can can AUX
_003136262 26 11 not not PART
_003136262 26 12 discourse discourse VERB
_003136262 26 13 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 26 14 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 26 15 without without ADP
_003136262 26 16 being be AUX
_003136262 26 17 inconsistent inconsistent ADJ
_003136262 26 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 26 19 illogical illogical ADJ
_003136262 26 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 26 21 because because SCONJ
_003136262 26 22 his his PRON
_003136262 26 23 position position NOUN
_003136262 26 24 obliges oblige VERB
_003136262 26 25 him he PRON
_003136262 26 26 to to PART
_003136262 26 27 make make VERB
_003136262 26 28 assertions assertion NOUN
_003136262 26 29 which which PRON
_003136262 26 30 are be AUX
_003136262 26 31 negatived negative VERB
_003136262 26 32 by by ADP
_003136262 26 33 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 26 34 and and CCONJ
_003136262 26 35 by by ADP
_003136262 26 36 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 26 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 27 1 to to PART
_003136262 27 2 be be AUX
_003136262 27 3 a a DET
_003136262 27 4 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 27 5 is be AUX
_003136262 27 6 to to PART
_003136262 27 7 be be AUX
_003136262 27 8 necessarily necessarily ADV
_003136262 27 9 inconsistent inconsistent ADJ
_003136262 27 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 27 11 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 27 12 can can AUX
_003136262 27 13 we we PRON
_003136262 27 14 help help VERB
_003136262 27 15 feeling feel VERB
_003136262 27 16 compassion compassion NOUN
_003136262 27 17 for for ADP
_003136262 27 18 the the DET
_003136262 27 19 champions champion NOUN
_003136262 27 20 of of ADP
_003136262 27 21 a a DET
_003136262 27 22 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 27 23 which which PRON
_003136262 27 24 is be AUX
_003136262 27 25 without without ADP
_003136262 27 26 parallel parallel NOUN
_003136262 27 27 in in ADP
_003136262 27 28 the the DET
_003136262 27 29 kingdom kingdom NOUN
_003136262 27 30 of of ADP
_003136262 27 31 fallacies fallacy NOUN
_003136262 27 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 28 1 to to PART
_003136262 28 2 attempt attempt VERB
_003136262 28 3 to to PART
_003136262 28 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 28 5 answer answer VERB
_003136262 28 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 28 7 the the DET
_003136262 28 8 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 28 9 would would AUX
_003136262 28 10 be be AUX
_003136262 28 11 to to PART
_003136262 28 12 atte atte VERB
_003136262 28 13 mpt mpt NOUN
_003136262 28 14 to to PART
_003136262 28 15 write write VERB
_003136262 28 16 a a DET
_003136262 28 17 book book NOUN
_003136262 28 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 28 19 since since SCONJ
_003136262 28 20 he he PRON
_003136262 28 21 touches touch VERB
_003136262 28 22 on on ADP
_003136262 28 23 a a DET
_003136262 28 24 score score NOUN
_003136262 28 25 of of ADP
_003136262 28 26 different different ADJ
_003136262 28 27 s s PART
_003136262 28 28 ubjects ubject NOUN
_003136262 28 29 - - PUNCT
_003136262 28 30 every every DET
_003136262 28 31 one one NUM
_003136262 28 32 of of ADP
_003136262 28 33 them they PRON
_003136262 28 34 involving involve VERB
_003136262 28 35 much much ADJ
_003136262 28 36 thought thought NOUN
_003136262 28 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 29 1 it it PRON
_003136262 29 2 will will AUX
_003136262 29 3 suffice suffice VERB
_003136262 29 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 29 5 we we PRON
_003136262 29 6 merely merely ADV
_003136262 29 7 sketch sketch VERB
_003136262 29 8 the the DET
_003136262 29 9 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 29 10 of of ADP
_003136262 29 11 criticism criticism NOUN
_003136262 29 12 we we PRON
_003136262 29 13 should should AUX
_003136262 29 14 offer offer VERB
_003136262 29 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 29 16 were be AUX
_003136262 29 17 we we PRON
_003136262 29 18 gravely gravely ADV
_003136262 29 19 to to PART
_003136262 29 20 undertake undertake VERB
_003136262 29 21 .such .such DET
_003136262 29 22 a a DET
_003136262 29 23 task task NOUN
_003136262 29 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 29 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 30 1 4 4 NUM
_003136262 30 2 the the DET
_003136262 30 3 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 30 4 breaks break VERB
_003136262 30 5 a a DET
_003136262 30 6 lance lance NOUN
_003136262 30 7 with with ADP
_003136262 30 8 -tradition -tradition NOUN
_003136262 30 9 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 30 10 not not PART
_003136262 30 11 seeing see VERB
_003136262 30 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 30 13 in in ADP
_003136262 30 14 doing do VERB
_003136262 31 1 so so ADV
_003136262 31 2 he he PRON
_003136262 31 3 is be AUX
_003136262 31 4 really really ADV
_003136262 31 5 undermining undermine VERB
_003136262 31 6 his his PRON
_003136262 31 7 own own ADJ
_003136262 31 8 position position NOUN
_003136262 31 9 as as ADP
_003136262 31 10 an an DET
_003136262 31 11 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 31 12 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 31 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 32 1 he he PRON
_003136262 32 2 will will AUX
_003136262 32 3 have have VERB
_003136262 32 4 it it PRON
_003136262 32 5 that that DET
_003136262 32 6 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 32 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 32 8 apostolical apostolical ADJ
_003136262 32 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 32 10 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ
_003136262 32 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 32 12 are be AUX
_003136262 32 13 comparatively comparatively ADV
_003136262 32 14 of of ADP
_003136262 32 15 very very ADV
_003136262 32 16 little little ADJ
_003136262 32 17 importance importance NOUN
_003136262 32 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 32 19 while while SCONJ
_003136262 32 20 he he PRON
_003136262 32 21 him he PRON
_003136262 32 22 self self NOUN
_003136262 32 23 would would AUX
_003136262 32 24 interpret interpret VERB
_003136262 32 25 every every DET
_003136262 32 26 word word NOUN
_003136262 32 27 of of ADP
_003136262 32 28 the the DET
_003136262 32 29 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 32 30 solely solely ADV
_003136262 32 31 by by ADP
_003136262 32 32 his his PRON
_003136262 32 33 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 32 34 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 32 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 33 1 he he PRON
_003136262 33 2 speaks speak VERB
_003136262 33 3 of of ADP
_003136262 33 4 those those DET
_003136262 33 5 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 33 6 in in ADP
_003136262 33 7 the the DET
_003136262 33 8 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 33 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 33 10 which which PRON
_003136262 33 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 33 12 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 33 13 contradict contradict VERB
_003136262 33 14 god god PROPN
_003136262 33 15 's 's PART
_003136262 33 16 word word NOUN
_003136262 33 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 33 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 33 19 the the DET
_003136262 33 20 extreme extreme ADJ
_003136262 33 21 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 33 22 of of ADP
_003136262 33 23 their their PRON
_003136262 33 24 cor cor NOUN
_003136262 33 25 : : PUNCT
_003136262 33 26 j.tradicticm j.tradicticm ADJ
_003136262 33 27 being be AUX
_003136262 33 28 found find VERB
_003136262 33 29 in in ADP
_003136262 33 30 the the DET
_003136262 33 31 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 33 32 that that SCONJ
_003136262 33 33 the the DET
_003136262 33 34 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 33 35 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 33 36 church church NOUN
_003136262 33 37 thinks think VERB
_003136262 33 38 the the DET
_003136262 33 39 contrary contrary NOUN
_003136262 33 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 34 1 moreover moreover ADV
_003136262 34 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 34 3 the the DET
_003136262 34 4 greek greek ADJ
_003136262 34 5 church church NOUN
_003136262 34 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 34 7 and and CCONJ
_003136262 34 8 many many ADJ
_003136262 34 9 oriental oriental ADJ
_003136262 34 10 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 34 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 34 12 hold hold VERB
_003136262 34 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 34 14 the the DET
_003136262 34 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 34 16 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 34 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 34 18 of of ADP
_003136262 34 19 these these DET
_003136262 34 20 very very ADJ
_003136262 34 21 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 34 22 of of ADP
_003136262 34 23 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 34 24 is be AUX
_003136262 34 25 in in ADP
_003136262 34 26 their their PRON
_003136262 34 27 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 34 28 of of ADP
_003136262 34 29 acceptation acceptation NOUN
_003136262 34 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 34 31 not not PART
_003136262 34 32 the the DET
_003136262 34 33 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 34 34 's 's PART
_003136262 34 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 35 1 he he PRON
_003136262 35 2 says say VERB
_003136262 35 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 35 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 35 5 the the DET
_003136262 35 6 greater great ADJ
_003136262 35 7 part part NOUN
_003136262 35 8 of of ADP
_003136262 35 9 these these DET
_003136262 35 10 peculiar peculiar ADJ
_003136262 35 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 36 1 dogma~ dogma~ INTJ
_003136262 36 2 of of ADP
_003136262 36 3 the the DET
_003136262 36 4 roman roman ADJ
_003136262 36 5 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 36 6 church church NOUN
_003136262 36 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 36 8 -which -which NOUN
_003136262 36 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 36 10 however however ADV
_003136262 36 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 36 12 with with ADP
_003136262 36 13 the the DET
_003136262 36 14 exc exc NOUN
_003136262 36 15 epti epti NOUN
_003136262 36 16 on on ADP
_003136262 36 17 of of ADP
_003136262 36 18 two two NUM
_003136262 36 19 or or CCONJ
_003136262 36 20 three three NUM
_003136262 36 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 36 22 are be AUX
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_003136262 36 24 the the DET
_003136262 36 25 peculiar peculiar ADJ
_003136262 36 26 dogmas dogma NOUN
_003136262 36 27 of of ADP
_003136262 36 28 the the DET
_003136262 36 29 greek greek NOUN
_003136262 36 30 church- church- SPACE
_003136262 36 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 36 32 rest rest NOUN
_003136262 36 33 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 36 34 the the DET
_003136262 36 35 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 36 36 of of ADP
_003136262 36 37 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 36 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 36 39 and and CCONJ
_003136262 36 40 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 36 41 alone alone ADV
_003136262 36 42 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 36 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 36 44 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 36 45 every every DET
_003136262 36 46 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 36 47 child child NOUN
_003136262 36 48 , , PUNCT
_003136262 36 49 who who PRON
_003136262 36 50 has have AUX
_003136262 36 51 been be AUX
_003136262 36 52 properly properly ADV
_003136262 36 53 instructed instruct VERB
_003136262 36 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 36 55 can can AUX
_003136262 36 56 quote quote VERB
_003136262 36 57 chapter chapter NOUN
_003136262 36 58 and and CCONJ
_003136262 36 59 verse verse NOUN
_003136262 36 60 for for ADP
_003136262 36 61 every every DET
_003136262 36 62 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 36 63 . . PUNCT
_003136262 37 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 37 2 here here ADV
_003136262 37 3 the the DET
_003136262 37 4 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 37 5 gives give VERB
_003136262 37 6 a a DET
_003136262 37 7 forcible forcible ADJ
_003136262 37 8 illustration illustration NOUN
_003136262 37 9 of of ADP
_003136262 37 10 the the DET
_003136262 37 11 utter utter ADJ
_003136262 37 12 untenableness untenableness NOUN
_003136262 37 13 of of ADP
_003136262 37 14 his his PRON
_003136262 37 15 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 37 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 37 17 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 38 1 he he PRON
_003136262 38 2 admits admit VERB
_003136262 38 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 38 4 the the DET
_003136262 38 5 change change NOUN
_003136262 38 6 of of ADP
_003136262 38 7 the the DET
_003136262 38 8 sabbath sabbath NOUN
_003136262 38 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 38 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 38 11 · · PUNCT
_003136262 38 12 from from ADP
_003136262 38 13 the the DET
_003136262 38 14 seventh seventh ADJ
_003136262 38 15 to to ADP
_003136262 38 16 the the DET
_003136262 38 17 first first ADJ
_003136262 38 18 day day NOUN
_003136262 38 19 of of ADP
_003136262 38 20 the the DET
_003136262 38 21 week week NOUN
_003136262 38 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 38 23 is be AUX
_003136262 38 24 certainly certainly ADV
_003136262 38 25 a a DET
_003136262 38 26 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 38 27 of of ADP
_003136262 38 28 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 38 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 38 30 but but CCONJ
_003136262 38 31 he he PRON
_003136262 38 32 gets get VERB
_003136262 38 33 over over ADP
_003136262 38 34 this this PRON
_003136262 38 35 by by ADP
_003136262 38 36 asserting assert VERB
_003136262 38 37 that that SCONJ
_003136262 38 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 38 39 the the DET
_003136262 38 40 essence essence NOUN
_003136262 38 41 of of ADP
_003136262 38 42 the the DET
_003136262 38 43 observance observance NOUN
_003136262 38 44 is be AUX
_003136262 38 45 the the DET
_003136262 38 46 same same ADJ
_003136262 38 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 38 48 whether whether SCONJ
_003136262 38 49 it it PRON
_003136262 38 50 be be AUX
_003136262 38 51 the the DET
_003136262 38 52 first first ADJ
_003136262 38 53 day day NOUN
_003136262 38 54 of of ADP
_003136262 38 55 the the DET
_003136262 38 56 week week NOUN
_003136262 38 57 or or CCONJ
_003136262 38 58 the the DET
_003136262 38 59 seventh seventh ADJ
_003136262 38 60 . . PUNCT
_003136262 38 61 " " PUNCT
_003136262 38 62 was be AUX
_003136262 38 63 there there ADV
_003136262 38 64 ever ever ADV
_003136262 38 65 a a DET
_003136262 38 66 more more ADV
_003136262 38 67 unwarrantable unwarrantable ADJ
_003136262 38 68 assumption assumption NOUN
_003136262 38 69 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 39 1 so so SCONJ
_003136262 39 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 39 3 it it PRON
_003136262 39 4 belongs belong VERB
_003136262 39 5 to to ADP
_003136262 39 6 us we PRON
_003136262 39 7 to to PART
_003136262 39 8 teach teach VERB
_003136262 39 9 god god PROPN
_003136262 39 10 what what PRON
_003136262 39 11 is be AUX
_003136262 39 12 the the DET
_003136262 39 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 39 14 essence essence NOUN
_003136262 39 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 39 16 of of ADP
_003136262 39 17 his his PRON
_003136262 39 18 commandments commandment NOUN
_003136262 39 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 39 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 39 21 it it PRON
_003136262 39 22 belongs belong VERB
_003136262 39 23 to to ADP
_003136262 39 24 him he PRON
_003136262 39 25 to to PART
_003136262 39 26 obey obey VERB
_003136262 39 27 our our PRON
_003136262 39 28 instructions instruction NOUN
_003136262 39 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 40 1 of of ADP
_003136262 40 2 course course NOUN
_003136262 40 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 40 4 every every DET
_003136262 40 5 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 40 6 knows know VERB
_003136262 40 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 40 8 the the DET
_003136262 40 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 40 10 has have VERB
_003136262 40 11 no no DET
_003136262 40 12 power power NOUN
_003136262 40 13 to to PART
_003136262 40 14 change change VERB
_003136262 40 15 one one NUM
_003136262 40 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 40 17 i6ta i6ta PUNCT
_003136262 40 18 of of ADP
_003136262 40 19 god god PROPN
_003136262 40 20 's 's PART
_003136262 40 21 commandments commandment NOUN
_003136262 40 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 40 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 40 24 that that SCONJ
_003136262 40 25 it it PRON
_003136262 40 26 is be AUX
_003136262 40 27 solely solely ADV
_003136262 40 28 because because SCONJ
_003136262 40 29 the the DET
_003136262 40 30 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 40 31 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 40 32 is be AUX
_003136262 40 33 of of ADP
_003136262 40 34 equal equal ADJ
_003136262 40 35 weight weight NOUN
_003136262 40 36 with with ADP
_003136262 40 37 the the DET
_003136262 40 38 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 40 39 and and CCONJ
_003136262 40 40 the the DET
_003136262 40 41 epistles epistle NOUN
_003136262 40 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 40 43 that that SCONJ
_003136262 40 44 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 40 45 the the DET
_003136262 40 46 church church NOUN
_003136262 40 47 accepts accept VERB
_003136262 40 48 that that DET
_003136262 40 49 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 40 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 40 51 as as ADP
_003136262 40 52 conveying convey VERB
_003136262 40 53 the the DET
_003136262 40 54 unwritten unwritten ADJ
_003136262 40 55 word word NOUN
_003136262 40 56 . . PUNCT
_003136262 41 1 in in ADP
_003136262 41 2 those those DET
_003136262 41 3 forty forty NUM
_003136262 41 4 days day NOUN
_003136262 41 5 when when SCONJ
_003136262 41 6 our our PRON
_003136262 41 7 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 41 8 was be AUX
_003136262 41 9 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 41 10 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 41 11 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 41 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 41 13 after after SCONJ
_003136262 41 14 he he PRON
_003136262 41 15 had have VERB
_003136262 41 16 r r NOUN
_003136262 41 17 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 41 18 sen sen ADJ
_003136262 41 19 from from ADP
_003136262 41 20 the the DET
_003136262 41 21 de de PROPN
_003136262 41 22 a a DET
_003136262 41 23 d d NOUN
_003136262 41 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 41 25 as as ADV
_003136262 41 26 well well ADV
_003136262 41 27 as as ADP
_003136262 41 28 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 41 29 those those DET
_003136262 41 30 innum innum ADJ
_003136262 41 31 erable erable ADJ
_003136262 41 32 occasions occasion NOUN
_003136262 41 33 when when SCONJ
_003136262 41 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 41 35 before before ADP
_003136262 41 36 his his PRON
_003136262 41 37 .death .death NOUN
_003136262 41 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 41 39 .he .he PROPN
_003136262 41 40 was be AUX
_003136262 41 41 5 5 NUM
_003136262 41 42 alone alone ADJ
_003136262 41 43 with with ADP
_003136262 41 44 his his PRON
_003136262 41 45 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 41 46 , , PUNCT
_003136262 41 47 it it PRON
_003136262 41 48 is be AUX
_003136262 41 49 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 41 50 that that SCONJ
_003136262 41 51 he he PRON
_003136262 41 52 gave give VERB
_003136262 41 53 secret secret ADJ
_003136262 41 54 instructions instruction NOUN
_003136262 41 55 to to ADP
_003136262 41 56 the the DET
_003136262 41 57 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 41 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 41 59 which which DET
_003136262 41 60 instructions instruction NOUN
_003136262 41 61 are be AUX
_003136262 41 62 but but CCONJ
_003136262 41 63 shadowed shadow VERB
_003136262 41 64 in in ADP
_003136262 41 65 the the DET
_003136262 41 66 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 41 67 . . PUNCT
_003136262 42 1 the the DET
_003136262 42 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 42 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 42 4 being be AUX
_003136262 42 5 the the DET
_003136262 42 6 inspired inspire VERB
_003136262 42 7 mistress mistress NOUN
_003136262 42 8 of of ADP
_003136262 42 9 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 42 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 42 11 is be AUX
_003136262 42 12 the the DET
_003136262 42 13 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 42 14 keeper keeper NOUN
_003136262 42 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 42 16 interpreter interpreter NOUN
_003136262 42 17 of of ADP
_003136262 42 18 these these DET
_003136262 42 19 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 42 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 43 1 she she PRON
_003136262 43 2 can can AUX
_003136262 43 3 not not PART
_003136262 43 4 go go VERB
_003136262 43 5 wrong wrong ADJ
_003136262 43 6 in in ADP
_003136262 43 7 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 43 8 of of ADP
_003136262 43 9 the the DET
_003136262 43 10 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 43 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 43 12 because because SCONJ
_003136262 43 13 she she PRON
_003136262 43 14 has have VERB
_003136262 43 15 the the DET
_003136262 43 16 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 43 17 spirit spirit PROPN
_003136262 43 18 to to PART
_003136262 43 19 guide guide VERB
_003136262 43 20 h h PROPN
_003136262 43 21 er er INTJ
_003136262 43 22 . . PUNCT
_003136262 44 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 44 2 the the DET
_003136262 44 3 church church NOUN
_003136262 44 4 could could AUX
_003136262 44 5 teach teach VERB
_003136262 44 6 the the DET
_003136262 44 7 smallest small ADJ
_003136262 44 8 fragment fragment NOUN
_003136262 44 9 of of ADP
_003136262 44 10 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 44 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 44 12 in in ADP
_003136262 44 13 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 44 14 of of ADP
_003136262 44 15 th th DET
_003136262 44 16 e e NOUN
_003136262 44 17 written write VERB
_003136262 44 18 or or CCONJ
_003136262 44 19 the the DET
_003136262 44 20 unwritten unwritten ADJ
_003136262 44 21 word word NOUN
_003136262 44 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 44 23 sh sh PROPN
_003136262 44 24 e e PROPN
_003136262 44 25 would would AUX
_003136262 44 26 be be AUX
_003136262 44 27 human human ADJ
_003136262 44 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 44 29 like like ADP
_003136262 44 30 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 44 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 44 32 a a DET
_003136262 44 33 pretender pretender NOUN
_003136262 44 34 and and CCONJ
_003136262 44 35 imposter imposter NOUN
_003136262 44 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 44 37 worthy worthy ADJ
_003136262 44 38 of of ADP
_003136262 44 39 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 44 40 but but SCONJ
_003136262 44 41 contempt contempt NOUN
_003136262 44 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 45 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 45 2 the the DET
_003136262 45 3 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 45 4 of of ADP
_003136262 45 5 ripon ripon ADJ
_003136262 45 6 affirms affirm NOUN
_003136262 45 7 of of ADP
_003136262 45 8 the the DET
_003136262 45 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 45 10 that that PRON
_003136262 45 11 she she PRON
_003136262 45 12 is be AUX
_003136262 45 13 a a DET
_003136262 45 14 humanthat humanthat NOUN
_003136262 45 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 45 16 is be AUX
_003136262 45 17 a a DET
_003136262 45 18 fallible fallible ADJ
_003136262 45 19 - - PUNCT
_003136262 45 20 institution institution NOUN
_003136262 45 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 45 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 45 23 yet yet ADV
_003136262 45 24 that that PRON
_003136262 45 25 sh sh NOUN
_003136262 45 26 e e PROPN
_003136262 45 27 may may AUX
_003136262 45 28 change change VERB
_003136262 45 29 god god PROPN
_003136262 45 30 ' ' PART
_003136262 45 31 s s PART
_003136262 45 32 commandments commandment NOUN
_003136262 45 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 45 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 46 1 he he PRON
_003136262 46 2 says say VERB
_003136262 46 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 46 4 it it PRON
_003136262 46 5 bel bel VERB
_003136262 46 6 ongs ong NOUN
_003136262 46 7 to to PART
_003136262 46 8 man man VERB
_003136262 46 9 to to PART
_003136262 46 10 decide decide VERB
_003136262 46 11 what what PRON
_003136262 46 12 is be AUX
_003136262 46 13 the the DET
_003136262 46 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 46 15 essenc essenc NOUN
_003136262 46 16 : : PUNCT
_003136262 46 17 e e PROPN
_003136262 46 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 46 19 of of ADP
_003136262 46 20 a a DET
_003136262 46 21 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 46 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 46 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 46 24 that that SCONJ
_003136262 46 25 though though SCONJ
_003136262 46 26 god god PROPN
_003136262 46 27 commanded command VERB
_003136262 46 28 the the DET
_003136262 46 29 seventh seventh ADJ
_003136262 46 30 day day NOUN
_003136262 46 31 to to PART
_003136262 46 32 be be AUX
_003136262 46 33 kept keep VERB
_003136262 46 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 46 35 man man NOUN
_003136262 46 36 has have VERB
_003136262 46 37 the the DET
_003136262 46 38 right right NOUN
_003136262 46 39 to to PART
_003136262 46 40 keep keep VERB
_003136262 46 41 the the DET
_003136262 46 42 fir fir PROPN
_003136262 46 43 st st PROPN
_003136262 46 44 . . PROPN
_003136262 46 45 man man PROPN
_003136262 46 46 has have VERB
_003136262 46 47 not not PART
_003136262 46 48 the the DET
_003136262 46 49 ri ri NOUN
_003136262 46 50 ght ght NOUN
_003136262 46 51 to to PART
_003136262 46 52 do do VERB
_003136262 46 53 any any DET
_003136262 46 54 such such ADJ
_003136262 46 55 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 46 56 . . PUNCT
_003136262 47 1 unless unless SCONJ
_003136262 47 2 the the DET
_003136262 47 3 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 47 4 tra tra PROPN
_003136262 47 5 dition dition NOUN
_003136262 47 6 in in ADP
_003136262 47 7 \ \ PROPN
_003136262 47 8 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 47 9 of of ADP
_003136262 47 10 the the DET
_003136262 47 11 ch ch NOUN
_003136262 47 12 ange ange NOUN
_003136262 47 13 of of ADP
_003136262 47 14 the the DET
_003136262 47 15 day day NOUN
_003136262 47 16 rest rest NOUN
_003136262 47 17 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 47 18 a a DET
_003136262 47 19 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 47 20 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 47 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 47 22 the the DET
_003136262 47 23 change change NOUN
_003136262 47 24 of of ADP
_003136262 47 25 the the DET
_003136262 47 26 day day NOUN
_003136262 47 27 is be AUX
_003136262 47 28 impiety impiety NOUN
_003136262 47 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 47 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 47 31 since since SCONJ
_003136262 47 32 it it PRON
_003136262 47 33 is be AUX
_003136262 47 34 from from ADP
_003136262 47 35 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 47 36 alone alone ADV
_003136262 47 37 that that SCONJ
_003136262 47 38 we we PRON
_003136262 47 39 know know VERB
_003136262 47 40 of of ADP
_003136262 47 41 the the DET
_003136262 47 42 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 47 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 47 44 it it PRON
_003136262 47 45 follows follow VERB
_003136262 47 46 that that SCONJ
_003136262 47 47 the the DET
_003136262 47 48 tra tra PROPN
_003136262 47 49 dition dition NOUN
_003136262 47 50 is be AUX
_003136262 47 51 of of ADP
_003136262 47 52 god god PROPN
_003136262 47 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 48 1 in in ADP
_003136262 48 2 other other ADJ
_003136262 48 3 words word NOUN
_003136262 48 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 48 5 if if SCONJ
_003136262 48 6 the the DET
_003136262 48 7 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 48 8 is be AUX
_003136262 48 9 not not PART
_003136262 48 10 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 48 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 48 12 the the DET
_003136262 48 13 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 48 14 can can AUX
_003136262 48 15 not not PART
_003136262 48 16 be be AUX
_003136262 48 17 of of ADP
_003136262 48 18 force force NOUN
_003136262 48 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 49 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 49 2 we we PRON
_003136262 49 3 have have VERB
_003136262 49 4 · · PUNCT
_003136262 49 5 110 110 NUM
_003136262 49 6 means mean NOUN
_003136262 49 7 of of ADP
_003136262 49 8 judging judging NOUN
_003136262 49 9 of of ADP
_003136262 49 10 the the DET
_003136262 49 11 a a DET
_003136262 49 12 postolicity postolicity NOUN
_003136262 49 13 of of ADP
_003136262 49 14 the the DET
_003136262 49 15 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 49 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 49 17 save save VERB
_003136262 49 18 only only ADV
_003136262 49 19 the the DET
_003136262 49 20 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 49 21 of of ADP
_003136262 49 22 the the DET
_003136262 49 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 49 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 50 1 vve vve VERB
_003136262 50 2 do do AUX
_003136262 50 3 not not PART
_003136262 50 4 see see VERB
_003136262 50 5 how how SCONJ
_003136262 50 6 to to PART
_003136262 50 7 evade evade VERB
_003136262 50 8 the the DET
_003136262 50 9 conc1usion.
_003136262 131 17 ' ' PART
_003136262 131 18 s.criptures s.cripture NOUN
_003136262 131 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 131 20 or or CCONJ
_003136262 131 21 reject reject VERB
_003136262 131 22 it,-and it,-and NOUN
_003136262 131 23 then then ADV
_003136262 131 24 away away ADV
_003136262 131 25 goes go VERB
_003136262 131 26 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 131 27 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 131 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 131 29 and and CCONJ
_003136262 131 30 all all DET
_003136262 131 31 possibility possibility NOUN
_003136262 131 32 of of ADP
_003136262 131 33 knowing know VERB
_003136262 131 34 the the DET
_003136262 131 35 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 131 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 132 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 132 2 we we PRON
_003136262 132 3 can can AUX
_003136262 132 4 not not PART
_003136262 132 5 leave leave VERB
_003136262 132 6 this this DET
_003136262 132 7 subject subject NOUN
_003136262 132 8 without without ADP
_003136262 132 9 stilt stilt VERB
_003136262 132 10 further far ADV
_003136262 132 11 investigating investigate VERB
_003136262 132 12 the the DET
_003136262 132 13 rationale rationale NOUN
_003136262 132 14 of of ADP
_003136262 132 15 the the DET
_003136262 132 16 christiafl christiafl PROPN
_003136262 132 17 's 's PART
_003136262 132 18 · · PUNCT
_003136262 132 19 f f NOUN
_003136262 132 20 - - PUNCT
_003136262 132 21 ule ule NOUN
_003136262 132 22 of of ADP
_003136262 132 23 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 132 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 133 1 there there PRON
_003136262 133 2 needs need VERB
_003136262 133 3 no no DET
_003136262 133 4 argument argument NOUN
_003136262 133 5 to to PART
_003136262 133 6 show show VERB
_003136262 133 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 133 8 without without ADP
_003136262 133 9 apl apl NOUN
_003136262 133 10 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 133 11 external external ADJ
_003136262 133 12 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 133 13 - - PUNCT
_003136262 133 14 an an DET
_003136262 133 15 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 133 16 external external ADJ
_003136262 133 17 to to ADP
_003136262 133 18 the the DET
_003136262 133 19 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 133 20 - - NOUN
_003136262 133 21 canonicity canonicity NOUN
_003136262 133 22 can can AUX
_003136262 133 23 never never ADV
_003136262 133 24 be be AUX
_003136262 133 25 vouched vouch VERB
_003136262 133 26 j j NOUN
_003136262 133 27 since since SCONJ
_003136262 133 28 it it PRON
_003136262 133 29 would would AUX
_003136262 133 30 > > X
_003136262 133 31 -be -be SPACE
_003136262 133 32 simply simply ADV
_003136262 133 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 134 1 absurd absurd ADJ
_003136262 134 2 to to PART
_003136262 134 3 say say VERB
_003136262 134 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 134 5 the the DET
_003136262 134 6 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 134 7 guarantee guarantee VERB
_003136262 134 8 their their PRON
_003136262 134 9 own own ADJ
_003136262 134 10 limits limit NOUN
_003136262 134 11 or or CCONJ
_003136262 134 12 exactness exactness NOUN
_003136262 134 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 135 1 take take VERB
_003136262 135 2 one one NUM
_003136262 135 3 example example NOUN
_003136262 135 4 out out ADP
_003136262 135 5 of of ADP
_003136262 135 6 many many ADJ
_003136262 135 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 136 1 the the DET
_003136262 136 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 136 3 of of ADP
_003136262 136 4 england england PROPN
_003136262 136 5 has have AUX
_003136262 136 6 rejected reject VERB
_003136262 136 7 the the DET
_003136262 136 8 epistle epistle NOUN
_003136262 136 9 of of ADP
_003136262 136 10 st st PROPN
_003136262 136 11 . . PROPN
_003136262 136 12 barnabas barnabas PROPN
_003136262 136 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 136 14 who who PRON
_003136262 136 15 is be AUX
_003136262 136 16 called call VERB
_003136262 136 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 136 18 apostle apostle NOUN
_003136262 136 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 136 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 136 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 136 22 full full ADJ
_003136262 136 23 of of ADP
_003136262 136 24 the the DET
_003136262 136 25 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 136 26 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 136 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 136 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 136 29 but but CCONJ
_003136262 136 30 has have AUX
_003136262 136 31 accepted accept VERB
_003136262 136 32 the the DET
_003136262 136 33 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 136 34 of of ADP
_003136262 136 35 st st PROPN
_003136262 136 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 137 1 , , PUNCT
_003136262 137 2 mark mark PROPN
_003136262 137 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 137 4 st st PROPN
_003136262 137 5 . . PROPN
_003136262 137 6 luke luke PROPN
_003136262 137 7 who who PRON
_003136262 137 8 were be AUX
_003136262 137 9 not not PART
_003136262 137 10 of of ADP
_003136262 137 11 the the DET
_003136262 137 12 number number NOUN
_003136262 137 13 of of ADP
_003136262 137 14 the the DET
_003136262 137 15 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 137 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 138 1 on on ADP
_003136262 138 2 what what DET
_003136262 138 3 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 138 4 has have AUX
_003136262 138 5 she she PRON
_003136262 138 6 ventured venture VERB
_003136262 138 7 to to ADP
_003136262 138 8 .do .do PRON
_003136262 139 1 this this PRON
_003136262 139 2 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 140 1 is be AUX
_003136262 140 2 she she PRON
_003136262 140 3 plenarily plenarily ADV
_003136262 140 4 inspired inspire VERB
_003136262 140 5 to to PART
_003136262 140 6 set set VERB
_003136262 140 7 apart apart ADP
_003136262 140 8 an an DET
_003136262 140 9 apostle apostle NOUN
_003136262 140 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 140 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 140 12 to to ADP
_003136262 140 13 throne throne NOUN
_003136262 140 14 in in ADP
_003136262 140 15 his his PRON
_003136262 140 16 place place NOUN
_003136262 140 17 a a DET
_003136262 140 18 disciple disciple NOUN
_003136262 140 19 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 141 1 or or CCONJ
_003136262 141 2 i i PRON
_003136262 141 3 's be AUX
_003136262 141 4 she she PRON
_003136262 141 5 plenarily plenarily ADV
_003136262 141 6 inspired inspire VERB
_003136262 141 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 141 8 in in ADP
_003136262 141 9 this this DET
_003136262 141 10 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ
_003136262 141 11 century century NOUN
_003136262 141 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 141 13 to to PART
_003136262 141 14 know know VERB
_003136262 141 15 whether whether SCONJ
_003136262 141 16 an an DET
_003136262 141 17 epistle epistle NOUN
_003136262 141 18 was be AUX
_003136262 141 19 really really ADV
_003136262 141 20 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 141 21 written write VERB
_003136262 141 22 by by ADP
_003136262 141 23 st st PROPN
_003136262 141 24 . . PROPN
_003136262 141 25 barnabas barnabas PROPN
_003136262 141 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 141 27 or or CCONJ
_003136262 141 28 by by ADP
_003136262 141 29 some some DET
_003136262 141 30 one one NOUN
_003136262 141 31 affecting affect VERB
_003136262 141 32 his his PRON
_003136262 141 33 name name NOUN
_003136262 141 34 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 142 1 she she PRON
_003136262 142 2 can can AUX
_003136262 142 3 not not PART
_003136262 142 4 possibly possibly ADV
_003136262 142 5 know know VERB
_003136262 142 6 anything anything PRON
_003136262 142 7 about about ADP
_003136262 142 8 it it PRON
_003136262 142 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 143 1 the the DET
_003136262 143 2 time time NOUN
_003136262 143 3 ~is ~is PUNCT
_003136262 143 4 too too ADV
_003136262 143 5 far far ADV
_003136262 143 6 back back ADV
_003136262 143 7 to to ADP
_003136262 143 8 summon summon ADJ
_003136262 143 9 data datum NOUN
_003136262 143 10 to to ADP
_003136262 143 11 our our PRON
_003136262 143 12 aid aid NOUN
_003136262 143 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 143 14 to to PART
_003136262 143 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 143 16 judge judge VERB
_003136262 143 17 a a PRON
_003136262 143 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 143 19 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 143 20 that that PRON
_003136262 143 21 was be AUX
_003136262 143 22 long long ADJ
_003136262 143 23 since since SCONJ
_003136262 143 24 out out ADP
_003136262 143 25 of of ADP
_003136262 143 26 court court NOUN
_003136262 143 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 144 1 so so ADV
_003136262 144 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 3 again again ADV
_003136262 144 4 : : PUNCT
_003136262 144 5 what what DET
_003136262 144 6 warrant warrant NOUN
_003136262 144 7 have have VERB
_003136262 144 8 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 144 9 for for ADP
_003136262 144 10 positively positively ADV
_003136262 144 11 asserting assert VERB
_003136262 144 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 144 13 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 144 14 books book NOUN
_003136262 144 15 wen wen INTJ
_003136262 144 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 144 17 really really ADV
_003136262 144 18 written write VERB
_003136262 144 19 by by ADP
_003136262 144 20 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 144 21 authors author NOUN
_003136262 144 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 144 23 that that DET
_003136262 144 24 phebe phebe NOUN
_003136262 144 25 did do AUX
_003136262 144 26 not not PART
_003136262 144 27 alter alter VERB
_003136262 144 28 the the DET
_003136262 144 29 epistle epistle NOUN
_003136262 144 30 to to ADP
_003136262 144 31 the the DET
_003136262 144 32 romans roman NOUN
_003136262 144 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 34 or or CCONJ
_003136262 144 35 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 144 36 tychicus tychicus NOUN
_003136262 144 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 38 the the DET
_003136262 144 39 epistle epistle NOUN
_003136262 144 40 to to ADP
_003136262 144 41 the the DET
_003136262 144 42 ephesians ephesian NOUN
_003136262 144 43 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 144 44 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 45 that that SCONJ
_003136262 144 46 all all DET
_003136262 144 47 the the DET
_003136262 144 48 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 144 49 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 144 50 and and CCONJ
_003136262 144 51 all all DET
_003136262 144 52 the the DET
_003136262 144 53 epistles epistle NOUN
_003136262 144 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 55 in in ADP
_003136262 144 56 size size NOUN
_003136262 144 57 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 58 words word NOUN
_003136262 144 59 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 60 and and CCONJ
_003136262 144 61 stops stop VERB
_003136262 144 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 63 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 144 64 are be AUX
_003136262 144 65 what what PRON
_003136262 144 66 they they PRON
_003136262 144 67 were be AUX
_003136262 144 68 , , PUNCT
_003136262 144 69 when when SCONJ
_003136262 144 70 they they PRON
_003136262 144 71 issued issue VERB
_003136262 144 72 from from ADP
_003136262 144 73 their their PRON
_003136262 144 74 authors author NOUN
_003136262 144 75 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 145 1 they they PRON
_003136262 145 2 have have VERB
_003136262 145 3 positively positively ADV
_003136262 145 4 no no DET
_003136262 145 5 warrant warrant NOUN
_003136262 145 6 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 145 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 146 1 , , PUNCT
_003136262 146 2 the the DET
_003136262 146 3 epistle epistle NOUN
_003136262 146 4 to to ADP
_003136262 146 5 the the DET
_003136262 146 6 hebrews hebrews PROPN
_003136262 146 7 - - PUNCT
_003136262 146 8 like like ADJ
_003136262 146 9 many many ADJ
_003136262 146 10 other other ADJ
_003136262 146 11 of of ADP
_003136262 146 12 the the DET
_003136262 146 13 epistles epistle NOUN
_003136262 146 14 - - PUNCT
_003136262 146 15 was be AUX
_003136262 146 16 from from ADP
_003136262 146 17 the the DET
_003136262 146 18 earliest early ADJ
_003136262 146 19 times time NOUN
_003136262 146 20 subjected subject VERB
_003136262 146 21 to to ADP
_003136262 146 22 doubt doubt NOUN
_003136262 146 23 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 146 24 so so SCONJ
_003136262 146 25 that that SCONJ
_003136262 146 26 origen origen NOUN
_003136262 146 27 could could AUX
_003136262 146 28 only only ADV
_003136262 146 29 write write VERB
_003136262 146 30 : : PUNCT
_003136262 146 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 146 32 if if SCONJ
_003136262 146 33 i i PRON
_003136262 146 34 were be AUX
_003136262 146 35 to to PART
_003136262 146 36 give give VERB
_003136262 146 37 my my PRON
_003136262 146 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 146 39 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 146 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 146 41 i i PRON
_003136262 146 42 should should AUX
_003136262 146 43 say say VERB
_003136262 146 44 that that SCONJ
_003136262 146 45 the the DET
_003136262 146 46 thoughts thought NOUN
_003136262 146 47 are be AUX
_003136262 146 48 the the DET
_003136262 146 49 apostl~ apostl~ NOUN
_003136262 146 50 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 146 51 sj sj NOUN
_003136262 146 52 but but CCONJ
_003136262 146 53 that that SCONJ
_003136262 146 54 the the DET
_003136262 146 55 wording wording NOUN
_003136262 146 56 and and CCONJ
_003136262 146 57 construction construction NOUN
_003136262 146 58 are be AUX
_003136262 146 59 the the DET
_003136262 146 60 work work NOUN
_003136262 146 61 of of ADP
_003136262 146 62 some some DET
_003136262 146 63 one one NOUN
_003136262 146 64 else else ADV
_003136262 146 65 . . PUNCT
_003136262 146 66 " " PUNCT
_003136262 147 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 147 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 147 3 take take VERB
_003136262 147 4 away away ADV
_003136262 147 5 the the DET
_003136262 147 6 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 147 7 of of ADP
_003136262 147 8 the the DET
_003136262 147 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 147 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 147 11 her her PRON
_003136262 147 12 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 147 13 in in ADP
_003136262 147 14 judging judge VERB
_003136262 147 15 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 147 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 147 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 147 18 you you PRON
_003136262 147 19 take take VERB
_003136262 147 20 away away ADV
_003136262 147 21 the the DET
_003136262 147 22 certainty certainty NOUN
_003136262 147 23 of of ADP
_003136262 147 24 the the DET
_003136262 147 25 canonicity canonicity NOUN
_003136262 147 26 of of ADP
_003136262 147 27 those those DET
_003136262 147 28 • • PROPN
_003136262 147 29 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 147 30 which which PRON
_003136262 147 31 have have AUX
_003136262 147 32 been be AUX
_003136262 147 33 volumed volume VERB
_003136262 147 34 for for ADP
_003136262 147 35 many many ADJ
_003136262 147 36 hundreds hundred NOUN
_003136262 147 37 of of ADP
_003136262 147 38 years year NOUN
_003136262 147 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 148 1 as as SCONJ
_003136262 148 2 the the DET
_003136262 148 3 archbish archbish ADJ
_003136262 148 4 op op NOUN
_003136262 148 5 of of ADP
_003136262 148 6 westminster westminster NOUN
_003136262 148 7 has have AUX
_003136262 148 8 observed observe VERB
_003136262 148 9 : : PUNCT
_003136262 148 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 148 11 the the DET
_003136262 148 12 schism schism NOUN
_003136262 148 13 which which PRON
_003136262 148 14 rent rent VERB
_003136262 148 15 ' ' PART
_003136262 148 16 england england NOUN
_003136262 148 17 froth froth VERB
_003136262 148 18 the the DET
_003136262 148 19 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 148 20 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 148 21 of of ADP
_003136262 148 22 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 148 23 rent rent NOUN
_003136262 148 24 it it PRON
_003136262 148 25 also also ADV
_003136262 148 26 from from ADP
_003136262 148 27 the the DET
_003136262 148 28 source source NOUN
_003136262 148 29 of of ADP
_003136262 148 30 certainty certainty NOUN
_003136262 148 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 148 32 " " PUNCT
_003136262 149 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 149 2 so so ADV
_003136262 149 3 profoundly profoundly ADV
_003136262 149 4 has have AUX
_003136262 149 5 this this DET
_003136262 149 6 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 149 7 b'een b'een PROPN
_003136262 149 8 realised realise VERB
_003136262 149 9 by by ADP
_003136262 149 10 many many ADJ
_003136262 149 11 of of ADP
_003136262 149 12 the the DET
_003136262 149 13 most most ADV
_003136262 149 14 erudite erudite ADJ
_003136262 149 15 anglicans anglican NOUN
_003136262 149 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 149 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 149 18 they they PRON
_003136262 149 19 have have AUX
_003136262 149 20 gone go VERB
_003136262 149 21 so so ADV
_003136262 149 22 far far ADV
_003136262 149 23 as as SCONJ
_003136262 149 24 to to PART
_003136262 149 25 admit admit VERB
_003136262 149 26 the the DET
_003136262 149 27 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 149 28 of of ADP
_003136262 149 29 the the DET
_003136262 149 30 earlier early ADJ
_003136262 149 31 councils council NOUN
_003136262 149 32 of of ADP
_003136262 149 33 the the DET
_003136262 149 34 church church NOUN
_003136262 149 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 150 1 they they PRON
_003136262 150 2 have have AUX
_003136262 150 3 felt feel VERB
_003136262 150 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 150 5 the the DET
_003136262 150 6 creeds creed NOUN
_003136262 150 7 would would AUX
_003136262 150 8 be be AUX
_003136262 150 9 wol;th wol;th ADP
_003136262 150 10 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 150 11 at at ADP
_003136262 150 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 150 13 all all PRON
_003136262 150 14 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 150 15 unless unless SCONJ
_003136262 150 16 t t NOUN
_003136262 150 17 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 150 18 e e NOUN
_003136262 150 19 i i NOUN
_003136262 150 20 2 2 NUM
_003136262 150 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 150 22 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 150 23 was be AUX
_003136262 150 24 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 150 25 which which PRON
_003136262 150 26 c c VERB
_003136262 150 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 150 28 ompiled ompile VERB
_003136262 150 29 them they PRON
_003136262 150 30 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 150 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 150 32 that that SCONJ
_003136262 150 33 an an DET
_003136262 150 34 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 150 35 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 150 36 is be AUX
_003136262 150 37 an an DET
_003136262 150 38 absolute absolute ADJ
_003136262 150 39 impossibility impossibility NOUN
_003136262 150 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 150 41 without without ADP
_003136262 150 42 an an DET
_003136262 150 43 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 150 44 church church NOUN
_003136262 150 45 to to PART
_003136262 150 46 decide decide VERB
_003136262 150 47 it it PRON
_003136262 150 48 . . PUNCT
_003136262 151 1 it it PRON
_003136262 151 2 was be AUX
_003136262 151 3 argued argue VERB
_003136262 151 4 by by ADP
_003136262 151 5 hooker hooker NOUN
_003136262 151 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 151 7 and and CCONJ
_003136262 151 8 admitted admit VERB
_003136262 151 9 by by ADP
_003136262 151 10 chillingworth chillingworth NOUN
_003136262 151 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 151 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 151 13 the the DET
_003136262 151 14 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 151 15 can can AUX
_003136262 151 16 not not PART
_003136262 151 17 bear bear VERB
_003136262 151 18 testimony testimony NOUN
_003136262 151 19 to to ADP
_003136262 151 20 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 151 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 151 22 that that PRON
_003136262 151 23 is be AUX
_003136262 151 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 151 25 to to ADP
_003136262 151 26 the the DET
_003136262 151 27 range range NOUN
_003136262 151 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 151 29 to to ADP
_003136262 151 30 the the DET
_003136262 151 31 complement complement NOUN
_003136262 151 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 151 33 of of ADP
_003136262 151 34 the the DET
_003136262 151 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 151 36 bible bible ADJ
_003136262 151 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 151 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 152 1 we we PRON
_003136262 152 2 are be AUX
_003136262 152 3 at at ADP
_003136262 152 4 the the DET
_003136262 152 5 mercy mercy NOUN
_003136262 152 6 of of ADP
_003136262 152 7 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 152 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 152 9 judged judge VERB
_003136262 152 10 by by ADP
_003136262 152 11 the the DET
_003136262 152 12 church church NOUN
_003136262 152 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 152 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 152 15 without without ADP
_003136262 152 16 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 152 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 152 18 the the DET
_003136262 152 19 church church NOUN
_003136262 152 20 we we PRON
_003136262 152 21 are be AUX
_003136262 152 22 nowhere nowhere ADV
_003136262 152 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 153 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 153 2 i i PRON
_003136262 153 3 should should AUX
_003136262 153 4 not not PART
_003136262 153 5 believe believe VERB
_003136262 153 6 the the DET
_003136262 153 7 gospel gospel NOUN
_003136262 153 8 itself itself PRON
_003136262 153 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 153 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 153 11 wrote write VERB
_003136262 153 12 st st PROPN
_003136262 153 13 . . PROPN
_003136262 153 14 augustine augustine PROPN
_003136262 153 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 153 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 153 17 if if SCONJ
_003136262 153 18 the the DET
_003136262 153 19 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 153 20 of of ADP
_003136262 153 21 the the DET
_003136262 153 22 churchdid churchdid NOUN
_003136262 153 23 not not PART
_003136262 153 24 oblige oblige VERB
_003136262 153 25 me i PRON
_003136262 153 26 to to PART
_003136262 153 27 do do VERB
_003136262 153 28 so so ADV
_003136262 153 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 153 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 154 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 154 2 he he PRON
_003136262 154 3 only only ADV
_003136262 154 4 wrote write VERB
_003136262 154 5 what what DET
_003136262 154 6 common common ADJ
_003136262 154 7 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 154 8 must must AUX
_003136262 154 9 approve approve VERB
_003136262 154 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 155 1 yet yet CCONJ
_003136262 155 2 there there PRON
_003136262 155 3 still still ADV
_003136262 155 4 remains remain VERB
_003136262 155 5 the the DET
_003136262 155 6 question question NOUN
_003136262 155 7 which which PRON
_003136262 155 8 it it PRON
_003136262 155 9 is be AUX
_003136262 155 10 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 155 11 to to PART
_003136262 155 12 answer answer VERB
_003136262 155 13 - - PUNCT
_003136262 155 14 but but CCONJ
_003136262 155 15 which which PRON
_003136262 155 16 must must AUX
_003136262 155 17 be be AUX
_003136262 155 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 155 19 answered answer VERB
_003136262 155 20 by by ADP
_003136262 155 21 every every DET
_003136262 155 22 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 155 23 : : PUNCT
_003136262 155 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 155 25 if if SCONJ
_003136262 155 26 the the DET
_003136262 155 27 church church NOUN
_003136262 155 28 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 155 29 was be AUX
_003136262 155 30 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 155 31 when when SCONJ
_003136262 155 32 she she PRON
_003136262 155 33 decreed decree VERB
_003136262 155 34 the the DET
_003136262 155 35 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 155 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 155 37 why.i VERB
_003136262 155 38 she she PRON
_003136262 155 39 not not PART
_003136262 155 40 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 155 41 still still ADV
_003136262 155 42 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 155 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 156 1 while while SCONJ
_003136262 156 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 156 3 if if SCONJ
_003136262 156 4 from from ADP
_003136262 156 5 the the DET
_003136262 156 6 difficulties difficulty NOUN
_003136262 156 7 of of ADP
_003136262 156 8 the the DET
_003136262 156 9 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 156 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 156 11 we we PRON
_003136262 156 12 come come VERB
_003136262 156 13 to to ADP
_003136262 156 14 those those PRON
_003136262 156 15 of of ADP
_003136262 156 16 the the DET
_003136262 156 17 translations translation NOUN
_003136262 156 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 156 19 there there PRON
_003136262 156 20 is be VERB
_003136262 156 21 plenty plenty ADJ
_003136262 156 22 to to PART
_003136262 156 23 make make VERB
_003136262 156 24 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 156 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 156 26 unhappy unhappy ADJ
_003136262 156 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 157 1 the the DET
_003136262 157 2 translations translation NOUN
_003136262 157 3 of of ADP
_003136262 157 4 tindal tindal NOUN
_003136262 157 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 157 6 of of ADP
_003136262 157 7 coverdale coverdale NOUN
_003136262 157 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 157 9 of of ADP
_003136262 157 10 queen queen PROPN
_003136262 157 11 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN
_003136262 157 12 's 's PART
_003136262 157 13 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 157 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 157 15 were be AUX
_003136262 157 16 so so ADV
_003136262 157 17 dangerously dangerously ADV
_003136262 157 18 corrupt corrupt ADJ
_003136262 157 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 157 20 misleading misleading ADJ
_003136262 157 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 157 22 that that SCONJ
_003136262 157 23 a a DET
_003136262 157 24 new new ADJ
_003136262 157 25 version version NOUN
_003136262 157 26 was be AUX
_003136262 157 27 ordered order VERB
_003136262 157 28 by by ADP
_003136262 157 29 king king PROPN
_003136262 157 30 james james PROPN
_003136262 157 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 157 32 and and CCONJ
_003136262 157 33 there there PRON
_003136262 157 34 are be VERB
_003136262 157 35 learned learn VERB
_003136262 157 36 persons person NOUN
_003136262 157 37 in in ADP
_003136262 157 38 our our PRON
_003136262 157 39 own own ADJ
_003136262 157 40 day day NOUN
_003136262 157 41 who who PRON
_003136262 157 42 contend contend VERB
_003136262 157 43 that that SCONJ
_003136262 157 44 the the DET
_003136262 157 45 last last ADJ
_003136262 157 46 version version NOUN
_003136262 157 47 is be AUX
_003136262 157 48 replete replete ADJ
_003136262 157 49 with with ADP
_003136262 157 50 even even ADV
_003136262 157 51 serious serious ADJ
_003136262 157 52 faults fault NOUN
_003136262 157 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 158 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 158 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 158 3 if if SCONJ
_003136262 158 4 from from ADP
_003136262 158 5 the the DET
_003136262 158 6 translations translation NOUN
_003136262 158 7 we we PRON
_003136262 158 8 advance advance VERB
_003136262 158 9 to to ADP
_003136262 158 10 the the DET
_003136262 158 11 interpretations,-what interpretations,-what NOUN
_003136262 158 12 a a DET
_003136262 158 13 maze maze NOUN
_003136262 158 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 158 15 what what DET
_003136262 158 16 chaos chaos NOUN
_003136262 158 17 is be AUX
_003136262 158 18 here here ADV
_003136262 158 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 158 20 coofusion coofusion NOUN
_003136262 158 21 compared compare VERB
_003136262 158 22 to to ADP
_003136262 158 23 which which PRON
_003136262 158 24 the the DET
_003136262 158 25 confusion confusion NOUN
_003136262 158 26 of of ADP
_003136262 158 27 babel babel NOUN
_003136262 158 28 was be AUX
_003136262 158 29 serenest serenest ADJ
_003136262 158 30 unanimity unanimity NOUN
_003136262 158 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 158 32 concord concord NOUN
_003136262 158 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 159 1 so so SCONJ
_003136262 159 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 159 3 it it PRON
_003136262 159 4 comes come VERB
_003136262 159 5 to to ADP
_003136262 159 6 this this PRON
_003136262 159 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 159 8 to to PART
_003136262 159 9 put put VERB
_003136262 159 10 the the DET
_003136262 159 11 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 159 12 very very ADV
_003136262 159 13 briefly briefly ADV
_003136262 159 14 : : PUNCT
_003136262 159 15 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 159 16 have have AUX
_003136262 159 17 thl thl VERB
_003136262 159 18 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 159 19 ee ee PROPN
_003136262 159 20 difficulties difficulty NOUN
_003136262 159 21 to to PART
_003136262 159 22 get get VERB
_003136262 159 23 over over ADP
_003136262 159 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 159 25 before before SCONJ
_003136262 159 26 they they PRON
_003136262 159 27 can can AUX
_003136262 159 28 make make VERB
_003136262 159 29 good good ADJ
_003136262 159 30 their their PRON
_003136262 159 31 theo'ry theo'ry X
_003136262 159 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 160 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 160 2 r r X
_003136262 160 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 160 4 if if SCONJ
_003136262 160 5 the the DET
_003136262 160 6 church church NOUN
_003136262 160 7 was be AUX
_003136262 160 8 not not PART
_003136262 160 9 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 160 10 when when SCONJ
_003136262 160 11 she she PRON
_003136262 160 12 decreed decree VERB
_003136262 160 13 the the DET
_003136262 160 14 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 160 15 of of ADP
_003136262 160 16 the the DET
_003136262 160 17 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 160 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 160 19 we we PRON
_003136262 160 20 have have VERB
_003136262 160 21 only only ADV
_003136262 160 22 a a DET
_003136262 160 23 fallible fallible ADJ
_003136262 160 24 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 160 25 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 160 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 160 27 if if SCONJ
_003136262 160 28 the the DET
_003136262 160 29 church church NOUN
_003136262 160 30 was be AUX
_003136262 160 31 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 160 32 when when SCONJ
_003136262 160 33 she she PRON
_003136262 160 34 decreed decree VERB
_003136262 160 35 the the DET
_003136262 160 36 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 160 37 she she PRON
_003136262 160 38 must must AUX
_003136262 160 39 be be AUX
_003136262 160 40 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 160 41 still still ADV
_003136262 160 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 161 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 161 2 2 2 X
_003136262 161 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 161 4 the the DET
_003136262 161 5 translation translation NOUN
_003136262 161 6 of of ADP
_003136262 161 7 the the DET
_003136262 161 8 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 161 9 is be AUX
_003136262 161 10 a a DET
_003136262 161 11 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 161 12 question question NOUN
_003136262 161 13 of of ADP
_003136262 161 14 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 161 15 scholarship scholarship NOUN
_003136262 161 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 161 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 161 18 not not PART
_003136262 161 19 one one NUM
_003136262 161 20 person person NOUN
_003136262 161 21 in in ADP
_003136262 161 22 ten ten NUM
_003136262 161 23 thousand thousand NUM
_003136262 161 24 is be AUX
_003136262 161 25 a a DET
_003136262 161 26 scholar scholar NOUN
_003136262 161 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 162 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 162 2 3 3 X
_003136262 162 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 162 4 the the DET
_003136262 162 5 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 162 6 of of ADP
_003136262 162 7 the the DET
_003136262 162 8 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 162 9 is be AUX
_003136262 162 10 a a DET
_003136262 162 11 most most ADV
_003136262 162 12 critical critical ADJ
_003136262 162 13 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 162 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 162 15 more more ADV
_003136262 162 16 critical critical ADJ
_003136262 162 17 even even ADV
_003136262 162 18 than than ADP
_003136262 162 19 the the DET
_003136262 162 20 trarislation trarislation NOUN
_003136262 162 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 163 1 so so SCONJ
_003136262 163 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 163 3 the the DET
_003136262 163 4 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 163 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 163 6 the the DET
_003136262 163 7 translation translation NOUN
_003136262 163 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 163 9 th~ th~ PROPN
_003136262 163 10 13 13 NUM
_003136262 163 11 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 163 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 163 13 of of ADP
_003136262 163 14 the the DET
_003136262 163 15 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 163 16 form form VERB
_003136262 163 17 three three NUM
_003136262 163 18 great great ADJ
_003136262 163 19 diffi diffi NOUN
_003136262 163 20 · · PUNCT
_003136262 163 21 culties cultie NOUN
_003136262 163 22 for for ADP
_003136262 163 23 the the DET
_003136262 163 24 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 163 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 164 1 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 164 2 of of ADP
_003136262 164 3 these these DET
_003136262 164 4 difficulties difficulty NOUN
_003136262 164 5 must must AUX
_003136262 164 6 be be AUX
_003136262 164 7 fatal fatal ADJ
_003136262 164 8 to to ADP
_003136262 164 9 his his PRON
_003136262 164 10 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 164 11 : : PUNCT
_003136262 164 12 all all DET
_003136262 164 13 three three NUM
_003136262 164 14 make make VERB
_003136262 164 15 the the DET
_003136262 164 16 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 164 17 phenomenal phenomenal VERB
_003136262 164 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 165 1 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 165 2 if if SCONJ
_003136262 165 3 < < X
_003136262 165 4 yet yet CCONJ
_003136262 165 5 one one NUM
_003136262 165 6 more more ADV
_003136262 165 7 observatiqn observatiqn ADJ
_003136262 165 8 we we PRON
_003136262 165 9 are be AUX
_003136262 165 10 forced force VERB
_003136262 165 11 to to PART
_003136262 165 12 make make VERB
_003136262 165 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 165 14 before before ADP
_003136262 165 15 leaving leave VERB
_003136262 165 16 this this DET
_003136262 165 17 question question NOUN
_003136262 165 18 of of ADP
_003136262 165 19 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 165 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 166 1 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 166 2 do do AUX
_003136262 166 3 not not PART
_003136262 166 4 sufficiently sufficiently ADV
_003136262 166 5 bear bear VERB
_003136262 166 6 in in ADP
_003136262 166 7 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 166 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 166 9 in in ADP
_003136262 166 10 their their PRON
_003136262 166 11 controversies controversy NOUN
_003136262 166 12 with with ADP
_003136262 166 13 the the DET
_003136262 166 14 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 166 15 church church NOUN
_003136262 166 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 166 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 166 18 the the DET
_003136262 166 19 reign reign NOUN
_003136262 166 20 of of ADP
_003136262 166 21 the the DET
_003136262 166 22 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 166 23 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 166 24 began begin VERB
_003136262 166 25 at at ADP
_003136262 166 26 pentecost pentecost NOUN
_003136262 166 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 166 28 -after -after ADV
_003136262 166 29 our our PRON
_003136262 166 30 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 166 31 had have AUX
_003136262 166 32 ascended ascend VERB
_003136262 166 33 into into ADP
_003136262 166 34 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 166 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 167 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 167 2 they they PRON
_003136262 167 3 bore bear VERB
_003136262 167 4 this this PRON
_003136262 167 5 in in ADP
_003136262 167 6 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 167 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 167 8 they they PRON
_003136262 167 9 would would AUX
_003136262 167 10 not not PART
_003136262 167 11 mock mock VERB
_003136262 167 12 church church NOUN
_003136262 167 13 - - PUNCT
_003136262 167 14 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 167 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 167 16 which which PRON
_003136262 167 17 is be AUX
_003136262 167 18 the the DET
_003136262 167 19 voice voice NOUN
_003136262 167 20 of of ADP
_003136262 167 21 the the DET
_003136262 167 22 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 167 23 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 167 24 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 167 25 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 167 26 . . PUNCT
_003136262 168 1 it it PRON
_003136262 168 2 was be AUX
_003136262 168 3 not not PART
_003136262 168 4 long long ADV
_003136262 168 5 before before ADP
_003136262 168 6 the the DET
_003136262 168 7 time time NOUN
_003136262 168 8 of of ADP
_003136262 168 9 his his PRON
_003136262 168 10 crucifixion crucifixion NOUN
_003136262 168 11 when when SCONJ
_003136262 168 12 our our PRON
_003136262 168 13 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 168 14 addressed address VERB
_003136262 168 15 those those DET
_003136262 168 16 words word NOUN
_003136262 168 17 to to ADP
_003136262 168 18 his his PRON
_003136262 168 19 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 168 20 : : PUNCT
_003136262 168 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 168 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 169 1 i i PRON
_003136262 169 2 have have VERB
_003136262 169 3 many many ADJ
_003136262 169 4 things thing NOUN
_003136262 169 5 to to PART
_003136262 169 6 say say VERB
_003136262 169 7 to to ADP
_003136262 169 8 you you PRON
_003136262 169 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 169 10 but but CCONJ
_003136262 169 11 you you PRON
_003136262 169 12 can can AUX
_003136262 169 13 not not PART
_003136262 169 14 bear bear VERB
_003136262 169 15 them they PRON
_003136262 169 16 now now ADV
_003136262 169 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 170 1 howbeit howbeit NOUN
_003136262 170 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 170 3 when when SCONJ
_003136262 170 4 he he PRON
_003136262 170 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 170 6 the the DET
_003136262 170 7 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 170 8 of of ADP
_003136262 170 9 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 170 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 170 11 shall shall AUX
_003136262 170 12 come come VERB
_003136262 170 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 170 14 he he PRON
_003136262 170 15 shall shall AUX
_003136262 170 16 lead lead VERB
_003136262 170 17 you you PRON
_003136262 170 18 into into ADP
_003136262 170 19 all all DET
_003136262 170 20 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 170 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 170 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 171 1 what what PRON
_003136262 171 2 those those DET
_003136262 171 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 171 4 many many ADJ
_003136262 171 5 things thing NOUN
_003136262 171 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 171 7 were be AUX
_003136262 171 8 which which PRON
_003136262 171 9 our our PRON
_003136262 171 10 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 171 11 subsequently subsequently ADV
_003136262 171 12 revealed reveal VERB
_003136262 171 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 171 14 or or CCONJ
_003136262 171 15 which which PRON
_003136262 171 16 were be AUX
_003136262 171 17 revealed reveal VERB
_003136262 171 18 by by ADP
_003136262 171 19 the the DET
_003136262 171 20 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 171 21 of of ADP
_003136262 171 22 truth,-but truth,-but NOUN
_003136262 171 23 which which PRON
_003136262 171 24 are be AUX
_003136262 171 25 not not PART
_003136262 171 26 recorded record VERB
_003136262 171 27 in in ADP
_003136262 171 28 the the DET
_003136262 171 29 gospels,-we gospels,-we NOUN
_003136262 171 30 have have VERB
_003136262 171 31 no no DET
_003136262 171 32 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 171 33 private private ADJ
_003136262 171 34 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 171 35 ground ground NOUN
_003136262 171 36 to to ADP
_003136262 171 37 conjecture conjecture NOUN
_003136262 171 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 172 1 there there PRON
_003136262 172 2 are be VERB
_003136262 172 3 two two NUM
_003136262 172 4 points point NOUN
_003136262 172 5 to to PART
_003136262 172 6 be be AUX
_003136262 172 7 borne bear VERB
_003136262 172 8 in in ADP
_003136262 172 9 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 172 10 in in ADP
_003136262 172 11 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 172 12 of of ADP
_003136262 172 13 this this DET
_003136262 172 14 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 172 15 - - PUNCT
_003136262 172 16 the the DET
_003136262 172 17 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 172 18 of of ADP
_003136262 172 19 the the DET
_003136262 172 20 reign reign NOUN
_003136262 172 21 of of ADP
_003136262 172 22 the the DET
_003136262 172 23 holy holy PROPN
_003136262 172 24 ghost-(r ghost-(r PROPN
_003136262 172 25 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 172 26 that that PRON
_003136262 172 27 much much ADV
_003136262 172 28 was be AUX
_003136262 172 29 said say VERB
_003136262 172 30 to to ADP
_003136262 172 31 the the DET
_003136262 172 32 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 172 33 which which PRON
_003136262 172 34 is be AUX
_003136262 172 35 not not PART
_003136262 172 36 written write VERB
_003136262 172 37 in in ADP
_003136262 172 38 the the DET
_003136262 172 39 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 172 40 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 172 41 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 172 42 2 2 X
_003136262 172 43 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 172 44 that that SCONJ
_003136262 172 45 the the DET
_003136262 172 46 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 172 47 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 172 48 is be AUX
_003136262 172 49 n0w n0w ADJ
_003136262 172 50 guardian guardian NOUN
_003136262 172 51 of of ADP
_003136262 172 52 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 172 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 173 1 with with ADP
_003136262 173 2 regal:'d regal:'d PROPN
_003136262 173 3 to to ADP
_003136262 173 4 the the DET
_003136262 173 5 first first ADJ
_003136262 173 6 point point NOUN
_003136262 173 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 173 8 we we PRON
_003136262 173 9 can can AUX
_003136262 173 10 of of ADP
_003136262 173 11 course course NOUN
_003136262 173 12 know know VERB
_003136262 173 13 but but CCONJ
_003136262 173 14 little little ADJ
_003136262 173 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 174 1 probably probably ADV
_003136262 174 2 the the DET
_003136262 174 3 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 174 4 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 174 5 of of ADP
_003136262 174 6 the the DET
_003136262 174 7 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 174 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 174 9 with with ADP
_003136262 174 10 many many DET
_003136262 174 11 a a DET
_003136262 174 12 detail detail NOUN
_003136262 174 13 of of ADP
_003136262 174 14 the the DET
_003136262 174 15 sacraments sacrament NOUN
_003136262 174 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 174 17 were be AUX
_003136262 174 18 taught teach VERB
_003136262 174 19 by by ADP
_003136262 174 20 our our PRON
_003136262 174 21 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 174 22 to to ADP
_003136262 174 23 his his PRON
_003136262 174 24 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 174 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 174 26 in in ADP
_003136262 174 27 those those DET
_003136262 174 28 forty forty NUM
_003136262 174 29 days day NOUN
_003136262 174 30 which which PRON
_003136262 174 31 are be AUX
_003136262 174 32 scarcely scarcely ADV
_003136262 174 33 spoken speak VERB
_003136262 174 34 of of ADP
_003136262 174 35 in in ADP
_003136262 174 36 the the DET
_003136262 174 37 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 174 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 174 39 but but CCONJ
_003136262 174 40 which which PRON
_003136262 174 41 were be AUX
_003136262 174 42 not not PART
_003136262 174 43 spent spend VERB
_003136262 174 44 in in ADP
_003136262 174 45 vain vain NOUN
_003136262 174 46 on on ADP
_003136262 174 47 the the DET
_003136262 174 48 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 174 49 . . PUNCT
_003136262 175 1 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 175 2 was be AUX
_003136262 175 3 so so ADV
_003136262 175 4 revealed reveal VERB
_003136262 175 5 was be AUX
_003136262 175 6 prudently prudently ADV
_003136262 175 7 handed hand VERB
_003136262 175 8 down down ADP
_003136262 175 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 175 10 but but CCONJ
_003136262 175 11 not not PART
_003136262 175 12 cast cast VERB
_003136262 175 13 like like ADP
_003136262 175 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 175 15 pearls pearl NOUN
_003136262 175 16 before before ADP
_003136262 175 17 swine swine ADJ
_003136262 175 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 175 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 176 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 176 2 it it PRON
_003136262 176 3 was be AUX
_003136262 176 4 necessary necessary ADJ
_003136262 176 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 176 6 in in ADP
_003136262 176 7 the the DET
_003136262 176 8 first first ADJ
_003136262 176 9 ages age NOUN
_003136262 176 10 of of ADP
_003136262 176 11 h h NOUN
_003136262 176 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 177 1 • • INTJ
_003136262 177 2 the the DET
_003136262 177 3 same same ADJ
_003136262 177 4 difficulties difficulty NOUN
_003136262 177 5 are be AUX
_003136262 177 6 multiplied multiply VERB
_003136262 177 7 in in ADP
_003136262 177 8 the the DET
_003136262 177 9 case case NOUN
_003136262 177 10 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 178 1 high high ADJ
_003136262 178 2 churchmen churchman NOUN
_003136262 178 3 by by ADP
_003136262 178 4 many many ADJ
_003136262 178 5 others other NOUN
_003136262 178 6 w w ADP
_003136262 178 7 lch lch PROPN
_003136262 178 8 are be AUX
_003136262 178 9 equally equally ADV
_003136262 178 10 terrible terrible ADJ
_003136262 178 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 179 1 th th PRON
_003136262 179 2 ey ey PRON
_003136262 179 3 have have VERB
_003136262 179 4 · · PUNCT
_003136262 179 5 to to PART
_003136262 179 6 judge judge VERB
_003136262 179 7 for for ADP
_003136262 179 8 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 179 9 : : PUNCT
_003136262 179 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 180 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 180 2 i i PROPN
_003136262 180 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 180 4 which which PRON
_003136262 180 5 of of ADP
_003136262 180 6 the the DET
_003136262 180 7 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 180 8 throughout throughout ADP
_003136262 180 9 christendom christendom NOUN
_003136262 180 10 have have AUX
_003136262 180 11 been be AUX
_003136262 180 12 orthodox orthodox ADJ
_003136262 180 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 180 14 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 180 15 2 2 X
_003136262 180 16 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 180 17 what what PRON
_003136262 180 18 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 180 19 did do AUX
_003136262 180 20 they they PRON
_003136262 180 21 concurrently concurrently ADV
_003136262 180 22 testify testify VERB
_003136262 180 23 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 180 24 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 180 25 3 3 X
_003136262 180 26 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 180 27 wh wh NOUN
_003136262 180 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 180 29 ch ch NOUN
_003136262 180 30 of of ADP
_003136262 180 31 the the DET
_003136262 180 32 many many ADJ
_003136262 180 33 episcopal episcopal NOUN
_003136262 180 34 gatherings gathering NOUN
_003136262 180 35 were be AUX
_003136262 180 36 really really ADV
_003136262 180 37 legitimate legitimate ADJ
_003136262 180 38 councils council NOUN
_003136262 180 39 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 180 40 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 180 41 4 4 NUM
_003136262 180 42 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 180 43 which which PRON
_003136262 180 44 of of ADP
_003136262 180 45 their their PRON
_003136262 180 46 decrees decree NOUN
_003136262 180 47 must must AUX
_003136262 180 48 be be AUX
_003136262 180 49 accepted accept VERB
_003136262 180 50 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 180 51 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 180 52 s s X
_003136262 180 53 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 180 54 where where SCONJ
_003136262 180 55 were be AUX
_003136262 180 56 the the DET
_003136262 180 57 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 180 58 right right ADJ
_003136262 180 59 , , PUNCT
_003136262 180 60 and and CCONJ
_003136262 180 61 where where SCONJ
_003136262 180 62 were be AUX
_003136262 180 63 the the DET
_003136262 180 64 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 180 65 wrong wrong ADJ
_003136262 180 66 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 180 67 and and CCONJ
_003136262 180 68 who who PRON
_003136262 180 69 were be AUX
_003136262 180 70 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 180 71 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 180 72 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 180 73 6 6 NUM
_003136262 180 74 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 180 75 w w PROPN
_003136262 180 76 , , PUNCT
_003136262 180 77 hich hich NOUN
_003136262 180 78 of of ADP
_003136262 180 79 the the DET
_003136262 180 80 aposto!ica aposto!ica PROPN
_003136262 180 81 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 181 1 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 181 2 are be AUX
_003136262 181 3 true true ADJ
_003136262 181 4 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 181 5 & & CCONJ
_003136262 181 6 c. c. PROPN
_003136262 181 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 181 8 & & CCONJ
_003136262 181 9 c. c. PROPN
_003136262 181 10 t t PROPN
_003136262 182 1 i i PRON
_003136262 182 2 an an DET
_003136262 182 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 182 4 d d PROPN
_003136262 182 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 182 6 10 10 NUM
_003136262 182 7 addition addition NOUN
_003136262 182 8 to to ADP
_003136262 182 9 these these DET
_003136262 182 10 difficulties difficulty NOUN
_003136262 182 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 182 12 th th DET
_003136262 182 13 ose ose NOUN
_003136262 182 14 we we PRON
_003136262 182 15 have have AUX
_003136262 182 16 mentioned mention VERB
_003136262 182 17 above above ADV
_003136262 182 18 : : PUNCT
_003136262 182 19 the the DET
_003136262 182 20 canon canon NOUN
_003136262 182 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 182 22 the the DET
_003136262 182 23 rans ran NOUN
_003136262 182 24 abon abon X
_003136262 182 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 182 26 the the DET
_003136262 182 27 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 182 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 182 29 of of ADP
_003136262 182 30 the the DET
_003136262 182 31 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 182 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 183 1 j j DET
_003136262 183 2 14'p'ersecution 14'p'ersecution NUM
_003136262 183 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 183 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 183 5 the the DET
_003136262 183 6 early early ADJ
_003136262 183 7 christians christian NOUN
_003136262 183 8 should should AUX
_003136262 183 9 veil veil VERB
_003136262 183 10 th'e th'e NOUN
_003136262 183 11 sacraments sacrament NOUN
_003136262 183 12 from from ADP
_003136262 183 13 the the DET
_003136262 183 14 pagans pagans PROPN
_003136262 183 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 183 16 if if SCONJ
_003136262 183 17 they they PRON
_003136262 183 18 were be AUX
_003136262 183 19 compelled compel VERB
_003136262 183 20 tb tb PART
_003136262 183 21 say say VERB
_003136262 183 22 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 183 23 in in ADP
_003136262 183 24 the the DET
_003136262 183 25 catacombs catacomb NOUN
_003136262 183 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 183 27 and and CCONJ
_003136262 183 28 to to PART
_003136262 183 29 keep keep VERB
_003136262 183 30 back back ADV
_003136262 183 31 from from ADP
_003136262 183 32 even even ADV
_003136262 183 33 catechumens catechumen VERB
_003136262 183 34 a a DET
_003136262 183 35 portion portion NOUN
_003136262 183 36 of of ADP
_003136262 183 37 those those DET
_003136262 183 38 mysteries mystery NOUN
_003136262 183 39 which which PRON
_003136262 183 40 it it PRON
_003136262 183 41 would would AUX
_003136262 183 42 have have AUX
_003136262 183 43 been be AUX
_003136262 183 44 profanation profanation NOUN
_003136262 183 45 to to PART
_003136262 183 46 proclaim proclaim VERB
_003136262 183 47 before before ADP
_003136262 183 48 old old ADJ
_003136262 183 49 rome rome NOUN
_003136262 183 50 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 183 51 we we PRON
_003136262 183 52 can can AUX
_003136262 183 53 quite quite ADV
_003136262 183 54 understand understand VERB
_003136262 183 55 how how SCONJ
_003136262 183 56 secret secret ADJ
_003136262 183 57 would would AUX
_003136262 183 58 be be AUX
_003136262 183 59 the the DET
_003136262 183 60 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 183 61 which which PRON
_003136262 183 62 the the DET
_003136262 183 63 early early ADJ
_003136262 183 64 christians christian NOUN
_003136262 183 65 would would AUX
_003136262 183 66 pass pass VERB
_003136262 183 67 to to ADP
_003136262 183 68 one one NUM
_003136262 183 69 another another DET
_003136262 183 70 . . PUNCT
_003136262 184 1 the the DET
_003136262 184 2 germ germ NOUN
_003136262 184 3 of of ADP
_003136262 184 4 all all DET
_003136262 184 5 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 184 6 is be AUX
_003136262 184 7 in in ADP
_003136262 184 8 the the DET
_003136262 184 9 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 184 10 and and CCONJ
_003136262 184 11 epistles epistle NOUN
_003136262 184 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 184 13 the the DET
_003136262 184 14 substance substance NOUN
_003136262 184 15 of of ADP
_003136262 184 16 all all PRON
_003136262 184 17 that that PRON
_003136262 184 18 christians christians PROPN
_003136262 184 19 must must AUX
_003136262 184 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 184 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 184 22 believe believe VERB
_003136262 184 23 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 184 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 185 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 185 2 the the DET
_003136262 185 3 precise precise ADJ
_003136262 185 4 ritual ritual NOUN
_003136262 185 5 and and CCONJ
_003136262 185 6 adaptation adaptation NOUN
_003136262 185 7 of of ADP
_003136262 185 8 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 185 9 is be AUX
_003136262 185 10 seldom seldom ADV
_003136262 185 11 given give VERB
_003136262 185 12 in in ADP
_003136262 185 13 the the DET
_003136262 185 14 inspired inspire VERB
_003136262 185 15 fragments fragment NOUN
_003136262 185 16 of of ADP
_003136262 185 17 the the DET
_003136262 185 18 new new ADJ
_003136262 185 19 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 185 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 186 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 186 2 he he PRON
_003136262 186 3 shall shall AUX
_003136262 186 4 guide guide VERB
_003136262 186 5 you you PRON
_003136262 186 6 into into ADP
_003136262 186 7 all all DET
_003136262 186 8 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 186 9 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 186 10 was be AUX
_003136262 186 11 that that DET
_003136262 186 12 promise promise NOUN
_003136262 186 13 which which PRON
_003136262 186 14 the the DET
_003136262 186 15 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 186 16 church church NOUN
_003136262 186 17 alone alone ADV
_003136262 186 18 in in ADP
_003136262 186 19 · · PUNCT
_003136262 186 20 -herits -herit NOUN
_003136262 186 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 186 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 186 23 which which PRON
_003136262 186 24 shall shall AUX
_003136262 186 25 belong belong VERB
_003136262 186 26 to to ADP
_003136262 186 27 her she PRON
_003136262 186 28 to to ADP
_003136262 186 29 the the DET
_003136262 186 30 end end NOUN
_003136262 186 31 of of ADP
_003136262 186 32 the the DET
_003136262 186 33 world world NOUN
_003136262 186 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 187 1 the the DET
_003136262 187 2 reign reign NOUN
_003136262 187 3 of of ADP
_003136262 187 4 the the DET
_003136262 187 5 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 187 6 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 187 7 commenced commence VERB
_003136262 187 8 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 187 9 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 187 10 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 187 11 when when SCONJ
_003136262 187 12 our our PRON
_003136262 187 13 : : PUNCT
_003136262 187 14 gord gord NOUN
_003136262 187 15 departed depart VERB
_003136262 187 16 into into ADP
_003136262 187 17 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 187 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 187 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 187 20 that that SCONJ
_003136262 187 21 the the DET
_003136262 187 22 gates gate NOUN
_003136262 187 23 of of ADP
_003136262 187 24 hell hell PROPN
_003136262 187 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 188 1 should should AUX
_003136262 188 2 never never ADV
_003136262 188 3 prevail prevail VERB
_003136262 188 4 against against ADP
_003136262 188 5 the the DET
_003136262 188 6 church church NOUN
_003136262 188 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 188 8 is be AUX
_003136262 188 9 the the DET
_003136262 188 10 inevitable inevitable ADJ
_003136262 188 11 result result NOUN
_003136262 188 12 of of ADP
_003136262 188 13 that that DET
_003136262 188 14 reign reign NOUN
_003136262 188 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 188 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 189 1 the the DET
_003136262 189 2 pillar pillar NOUN
_003136262 189 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 189 4 ground ground NOUN
_003136262 189 5 of of ADP
_003136262 189 6 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 189 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 189 8 is be AUX
_003136262 189 9 only only ADV
_003136262 189 10 the the DET
_003136262 189 11 pillar pillar NOUN
_003136262 189 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 189 13 ground ground NOUN
_003136262 189 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 189 15 because because SCONJ
_003136262 189 16 the the DET
_003136262 189 17 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 189 18 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 189 19 reigns reign VERB
_003136262 189 20 perpetually perpetually ADV
_003136262 189 21 in in ADP
_003136262 189 22 the the DET
_003136262 189 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 189 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 189 25 to to PART
_003136262 189 26 prevent prevent VERB
_003136262 189 27 the the DET
_003136262 189 28 possibility possibility NOUN
_003136262 189 29 of of ADP
_003136262 189 30 error error NOUN
_003136262 189 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 190 1 outside outside ADP
_003136262 190 2 the the DET
_003136262 190 3 church church NOUN
_003136262 190 4 all all PRON
_003136262 190 5 is be AUX
_003136262 190 6 weakness weakness NOUN
_003136262 190 7 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 190 8 human human ADJ
_003136262 190 9 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 190 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 190 11 human human ADJ
_003136262 190 12 conflict conflict NOUN
_003136262 190 13 - - PUNCT
_003136262 190 14 no no DET
_003136262 190 15 teacher teacher NOUN
_003136262 190 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 190 17 but but CCONJ
_003136262 190 18 inside inside ADP
_003136262 190 19 the the DET
_003136262 190 20 church church NOUN
_003136262 190 21 is be AUX
_003136262 190 22 the the DET
_003136262 190 23 reign reign NOUN
_003136262 190 24 of of ADP
_003136262 190 25 the the DET
_003136262 190 26 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 190 27 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 190 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 190 29 guiding guide VERB
_003136262 190 30 the the DET
_003136262 190 31 church church NOUN
_003136262 190 32 " " PUNCT
_003136262 190 33 into into ADP
_003136262 190 34 all all DET
_003136262 190 35 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 190 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 191 1 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 191 2 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 191 3 here here ADV
_003136262 191 4 is be AUX
_003136262 191 5 the the DET
_003136262 191 6 difference difference NOUN
_003136262 191 7 between between ADP
_003136262 191 8 the the DET
_003136262 191 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 191 10 of of ADP
_003136262 191 11 god god PROPN
_003136262 191 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 191 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 191 14 that that SCONJ
_003136262 191 15 human human ADJ
_003136262 191 16 sect sect NOUN
_003136262 191 17 which which PRON
_003136262 191 18 is be AUX
_003136262 191 19 called call VERB
_003136262 191 20 the the DET
_003136262 191 21 church church NOUN
_003136262 191 22 of of ADP
_003136262 191 23 england england PROPN
_003136262 191 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 192 1 it it PRON
_003136262 192 2 needs need VERB
_003136262 192 3 an an DET
_003136262 192 4 occasional occasional ADJ
_003136262 192 5 .bishop .bishop NOUN
_003136262 192 6 to to PART
_003136262 192 7 deliver deliver VERB
_003136262 192 8 private private ADJ
_003136262 192 9 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 192 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 192 11 in in ADP
_003136262 192 12 order order NOUN
_003136262 192 13 to to PART
_003136262 192 14 comfort comfort VERB
_003136262 192 15 poor poor ADJ
_003136262 192 16 ptotestants ptotestant NOUN
_003136262 192 17 in in ADP
_003136262 192 18 their their PRON
_003136262 192 19 isolation isolation NOUN
_003136262 192 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 192 21 for for ADP
_003136262 192 22 since since SCONJ
_003136262 192 23 there there PRON
_003136262 192 24 is be VERB
_003136262 192 25 no no DET
_003136262 192 26 rule rule NOUN
_003136262 192 27 of of ADP
_003136262 192 28 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 192 29 outside outside ADP
_003136262 192 30 the the DET
_003136262 192 31 church church NOUN
_003136262 192 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 192 33 they they PRON
_003136262 192 34 must must AUX
_003136262 192 35 put put VERB
_003136262 192 36 up up ADP
_003136262 192 37 with with ADP
_003136262 192 38 the the DET
_003136262 192 39 rule rule NOUN
_003136262 192 40 of of ADP
_003136262 192 41 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 192 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 193 1 what what PRON
_003136262 193 2 the the DET
_003136262 193 3 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 193 4 of of ADP
_003136262 193 5 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 193 6 says say VERB
_003136262 193 7 to to PART
_003136262 193 8 ~ ~ ADP
_003136262 193 9 day day NOUN
_003136262 193 10 will will AUX
_003136262 193 11 be be AUX
_003136262 193 12 contra contra ADJ
_003136262 193 13 ... ... PUNCT
_003136262 193 14 dicted dicte VERB
_003136262 193 15 by by ADP
_003136262 193 16 his his PRON
_003136262 193 17 own own ADJ
_003136262 193 18 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 193 19 to to PART
_003136262 193 20 - - PUNCT
_003136262 193 21 morrow morrow NOUN
_003136262 193 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 193 23 but but CCONJ
_003136262 193 24 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 193 25 is be AUX
_003136262 193 26 said say VERB
_003136262 193 27 is be AUX
_003136262 193 28 not not PART
_003136262 193 29 of of ADP
_003136262 193 30 the the DET
_003136262 193 31 slightest slight ADJ
_003136262 193 32 .importance .importance NUM
_003136262 193 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 193 34 since since SCONJ
_003136262 193 35 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 193 36 can can AUX
_003136262 193 37 be be AUX
_003136262 193 38 said say VERB
_003136262 193 39 but but CCONJ
_003136262 193 40 opiniqn opiniqn NOUN
_003136262 193 41 . . PUNCT
_003136262 194 1 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 194 2 is be AUX
_003136262 194 3 the the DET
_003136262 194 4 deifica deifica NOUN
_003136262 194 5 · · PUNCT
_003136262 194 6 tion tion NOUN
_003136262 194 7 of of ADP
_003136262 194 8 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 194 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 195 1 it it PRON
_003136262 195 2 has have VERB
_003136262 195 3 the the DET
_003136262 195 4 plausible plausible ADJ
_003136262 195 5 pretext pretext NOUN
_003136262 195 6 of of ADP
_003136262 195 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 195 8 obey obey PROPN
_003136262 195 9 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 195 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 196 1 jng jng PROPN
_003136262 196 2 the the DET
_003136262 196 3 bible bible PROPN
_003136262 196 4 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 196 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 196 6 which which PRON
_003136262 196 7 means mean VERB
_003136262 196 8 really really ADV
_003136262 196 9 obeying obey VERB
_003136262 196 10 oneself oneself PRON
_003136262 196 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 197 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 197 2 to to PART
_003136262 197 3 proceed proceed VERB
_003136262 197 4 with with ADP
_003136262 197 5 out out ADP
_003136262 197 6 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 197 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 198 1 quotations quotation NOUN
_003136262 198 2 from from ADP
_003136262 198 3 i i PRON
_003136262 198 4 the the DET
_003136262 198 5 sermon sermon PROPN
_003136262 198 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 199 1 the the DET
_003136262 199 2 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 199 3 sa sa PROPN
_003136262 199 4 : : PUNCT
_003136262 199 5 ys ys PROPN
_003136262 199 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 199 7 : : PUNCT
_003136262 199 8 15 15 NUM
_003136262 199 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 199 10 now now ADV
_003136262 199 11 what what PRON
_003136262 199 12 are be AUX
_003136262 199 13 we we PRON
_003136262 199 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 199 15 to to PART
_003136262 199 16 say say VERB
_003136262 199 17 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 199 18 in in ADP
_003136262 199 19 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 199 20 to to ADP
_003136262 199 21 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 199 22 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 200 1 in in ADP
_003136262 200 2 the the DET
_003136262 200 3 first first ADJ
_003136262 200 4 place place NOUN
_003136262 200 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 200 6 i i PRON
_003136262 200 7 would would AUX
_003136262 200 8 observe observe VERB
_003136262 200 9 this this PRON
_003136262 200 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 200 11 that that SCONJ
_003136262 200 12 in in ADP
_003136262 200 13 all all DET
_003136262 200 14 the the DET
_003136262 200 15 early early ADJ
_003136262 200 16 controversies controversy NOUN
_003136262 200 17 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 200 18 between between ADP
_003136262 200 19 the the DET
_003136262 200 20 heathens heathen NOUN
_003136262 200 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 200 22 the the DET
_003136262 200 23 christians christian NOUN
_003136262 200 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 200 25 no no DET
_003136262 200 26 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 200 27 was be AUX
_003136262 200 28 ever ever ADV
_003136262 200 29 made make VERB
_003136262 200 30 to to ADP
_003136262 200 31 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 200 32 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 200 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 201 1 the the DET
_003136262 201 2 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 201 3 was be AUX
_003136262 201 4 invariably invariably ADV
_003136262 201 5 made make VERB
_003136262 201 6 to to ADP
_003136262 201 7 the the DET
_003136262 201 8 word word NOUN
_003136262 201 9 of of ADP
_003136262 201 10 god god PROPN
_003136262 201 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 202 1 the the DET
_003136262 202 2 christians christians PROPN
_003136262 202 3 were be AUX
_003136262 202 4 opposed oppose VERB
_003136262 202 5 by by ADP
_003136262 202 6 the the DET
_003136262 202 7 heathen heathen NOUN
_003136262 202 8 on on ADP
_003136262 202 9 the the DET
_003136262 202 10 ground ground NOUN
_003136262 202 11 of of ADP
_003136262 202 12 their their PRON
_003136262 202 13 maintaining maintain VERB
_003136262 202 14 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 202 15 to to PART
_003136262 202 16 be be AUX
_003136262 202 17 found find VERB
_003136262 202 18 in in ADP
_003136262 202 19 god god PROPN
_003136262 202 20 's 's PART
_003136262 202 21 word word NOUN
_003136262 202 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 202 23 but but CCONJ
_003136262 202 24 there there PRON
_003136262 202 25 was be VERB
_003136262 202 26 no no DET
_003136262 202 27 allusion allusion NOUN
_003136262 202 28 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 202 29 to to ADP
_003136262 202 30 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 202 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 203 1 next next ADV
_003136262 203 2 i i PRON
_003136262 203 3 observe observe VERB
_003136262 203 4 this this PRON
_003136262 203 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 203 6 if if SCONJ
_003136262 203 7 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 203 8 only only ADV
_003136262 203 9 reveals reveal VERB
_003136262 203 10 what what PRON
_003136262 203 11 is be AUX
_003136262 203 12 contained contain VERB
_003136262 203 13 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 203 14 in in ADP
_003136262 203 15 god god PROPN
_003136262 203 16 's 's PART
_003136262 203 17 word word NOUN
_003136262 203 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 203 19 it it PRON
_003136262 203 20 is be AUX
_003136262 203 21 unnecessary unnecessary ADJ
_003136262 203 22 j j PROPN
_003136262 203 23 if if SCONJ
_003136262 203 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 203 25 on on ADP
_003136262 203 26 the the DET
_003136262 203 27 other other ADJ
_003136262 203 28 hand hand NOUN
_003136262 203 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 203 30 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 203 31 reveals reveal VERB
_003136262 203 32 what what PRON
_003136262 203 33 is be AUX
_003136262 203 34 l;epugnant l;epugnant ADJ
_003136262 203 35 to to ADP
_003136262 203 36 god god PROPN
_003136262 203 37 's 's PART
_003136262 203 38 word word NOUN
_003136262 203 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 203 40 it it PRON
_003136262 203 41 ought ought AUX
_003136262 203 42 to to PART
_003136262 203 43 be be AUX
_003136262 203 44 rejected reject VERB
_003136262 203 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 203 46 " " PUNCT
_003136262 204 1 h h PROPN
_003136262 204 2 ere ere PROPN
_003136262 204 3 are be AUX
_003136262 204 4 a a DET
_003136262 204 5 number number NOUN
_003136262 204 6 of of ADP
_003136262 204 7 statements statement NOUN
_003136262 204 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 204 9 not not PART
_003136262 204 10 one one NUM
_003136262 204 11 of of ADP
_003136262 204 12 which which PRON
_003136262 204 13 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 204 14 is be AUX
_003136262 204 15 sound sound ADJ
_003136262 204 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 205 1 that that SCONJ
_003136262 205 2 the the DET
_003136262 205 3 heathen heathen NOUN
_003136262 205 4 should should AUX
_003136262 205 5 not not PART
_003136262 205 6 refer refer VERB
_003136262 205 7 to to ADP
_003136262 205 8 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 205 9 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 205 10 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 205 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 205 12 in in ADP
_003136262 205 13 their their PRON
_003136262 205 14 contests contest NOUN
_003136262 205 15 with with ADP
_003136262 205 16 the the DET
_003136262 205 17 teachers teacher NOUN
_003136262 205 18 of of ADP
_003136262 205 19 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 205 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 205 21 or or CCONJ
_003136262 205 22 that that SCONJ
_003136262 205 23 the the DET
_003136262 205 24 teachers teacher NOUN
_003136262 205 25 of of ADP
_003136262 205 26 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 205 27 should should AUX
_003136262 205 28 not not PART
_003136262 205 29 refer refer VERB
_003136262 205 30 to to ADP
_003136262 205 31 such such ADJ
_003136262 205 32 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 205 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 205 34 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 205 35 would would AUX
_003136262 205 36 appear appear VERB
_003136262 205 37 tp tp PART
_003136262 205 38 be be AUX
_003136262 205 39 probablefrom probablefrom PROPN
_003136262 205 40 the the DET
_003136262 205 41 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 205 42 that that SCONJ
_003136262 205 43 such such ADJ
_003136262 205 44 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 205 45 could could AUX
_003136262 205 46 have have AUX
_003136262 205 47 very very ADV
_003136262 205 48 little little ADJ
_003136262 205 49 weight weight NOUN
_003136262 205 50 with with ADP
_003136262 205 51 the the DET
_003136262 205 52 heathen heathen PROPN
_003136262 205 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 206 1 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 206 2 * * PUNCT
_003136262 206 3 as as ADP
_003136262 206 4 to to ADP
_003136262 206 5 the the DET
_003136262 206 6 statement statement NOUN
_003136262 206 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 206 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 206 9 if if SCONJ
_003136262 206 10 traditioo traditioo PROPN
_003136262 206 11 only only ADV
_003136262 206 12 reveals reveal VERB
_003136262 206 13 what what PRON
_003136262 206 14 is be AUX
_003136262 206 15 contained contain VERB
_003136262 206 16 in in ADP
_003136262 206 17 god god PROPN
_003136262 206 18 's 's PART
_003136262 206 19 word word NOUN
_003136262 206 20 it it PRON
_003136262 206 21 is be AUX
_003136262 206 22 unnecessary unnecessary ADJ
_003136262 206 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 206 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 206 25 we we PRON
_003136262 206 26 should should AUX
_003136262 206 27 beg beg VERB
_003136262 206 28 entirely entirely ADV
_003136262 206 29 to to PART
_003136262 206 30 differ differ VERB
_003136262 206 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 207 1 the the DET
_003136262 207 2 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 207 3 of of ADP
_003136262 207 4 that that DET
_003136262 207 5 word word NOUN
_003136262 207 6 was be AUX
_003136262 207 7 best well ADV
_003136262 207 8 understood understand VERB
_003136262 207 9 by by ADP
_003136262 207 10 the the DET
_003136262 207 11 a a DET
_003136262 207 12 postles postle NOUN
_003136262 207 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 207 14 by by ADP
_003136262 207 15 those those PRON
_003136262 207 16 who who PRON
_003136262 207 17 lived live VERB
_003136262 207 18 with with ADP
_003136262 207 19 them they PRON
_003136262 207 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 207 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 207 22 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 207 23 could could AUX
_003136262 207 24 be be AUX
_003136262 207 25 more more ADV
_003136262 207 26 valuable valuable ADJ
_003136262 207 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 207 28 next next ADV
_003136262 207 29 to to ADP
_003136262 207 30 our our PRON
_003136262 207 31 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 207 32 's 's PART
_003136262 207 33 words word NOUN
_003136262 207 34 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 207 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 207 36 than than SCONJ
_003136262 207 37 the the DET
_003136262 207 38 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 207 39 construction construction NOUN
_003136262 207 40 put put VERB
_003136262 207 41 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 207 42 them they PRON
_003136262 207 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 208 1 while while SCONJ
_003136262 208 2 the the DET
_003136262 208 3 statement statement NOUN
_003136262 208 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 208 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 208 6 if if SCONJ
_003136262 208 7 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 208 8 reveals reveal VERB
_003136262 208 9 what what PRON
_003136262 208 10 is be AUX
_003136262 208 11 repugnant repugnant ADJ
_003136262 208 12 to to ADP
_003136262 208 13 god god PROPN
_003136262 208 14 's 's PART
_003136262 208 15 word word NOUN
_003136262 208 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 208 17 it it PRON
_003136262 208 18 ought ought AUX
_003136262 208 19 to to PART
_003136262 208 20 be be AUX
_003136262 208 21 rejected reject VERB
_003136262 208 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 208 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 208 24 is be AUX
_003136262 208 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 208 26 simply simply ADV
_003136262 208 27 a a DET
_003136262 208 28 begging begging NOUN
_003136262 208 29 of of ADP
_003136262 208 30 the the DET
_003136262 208 31 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 208 32 question question NOUN
_003136262 208 33 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 208 34 since since SCONJ
_003136262 208 35 the the DET
_003136262 208 36 very very ADJ
_003136262 208 37 point point NOUN
_003136262 208 38 at at ADP
_003136262 208 39 issue issue NOUN
_003136262 208 40 between between ADP
_003136262 208 41 the the DET
_003136262 208 42 church church NOUN
_003136262 208 43 and and CCONJ
_003136262 208 44 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 208 45 is be AUX
_003136262 208 46 - - PUNCT
_003136262 208 47 what what PRON
_003136262 208 48 is be AUX
_003136262 208 49 " " PUNCT
_003136262 208 50 repugnant repugnant ADJ
_003136262 208 51 to to ADP
_003136262 208 52 god god PROPN
_003136262 208 53 's 's PART
_003136262 208 54 word word NOUN
_003136262 208 55 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 208 56 " " PUNCT
_003136262 209 1 f f PROPN
_003136262 209 2 or or CCONJ
_003136262 209 3 example example NOUN
_003136262 209 4 : : PUNCT
_003136262 209 5 cathoiies cathoiie NOUN
_003136262 209 6 ' ' PART
_003136262 209 7 hold hold NOUN
_003136262 209 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 209 9 the the DET
_003136262 209 10 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 209 11 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 209 12 of of ADP
_003136262 209 13 the the DET
_003136262 209 14 real real ADJ
_003136262 209 15 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 209 16 is be AUX
_003136262 209 17 taught teach VERB
_003136262 209 18 most most ADV
_003136262 209 19 literally literally ADV
_003136262 209 20 in in ADP
_003136262 209 21 the the DET
_003136262 209 22 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 209 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 210 1 now now ADV
_003136262 210 2 catholics catholics PROPN
_003136262 210 3 . . PUNCT
_003136262 211 1 are be AUX
_003136262 211 2 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 211 3 as as ADV
_003136262 211 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 211 5 good good ADJ
_003136262 211 6 judges judge NOUN
_003136262 211 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 211 8 from from ADP
_003136262 211 9 even even ADV
_003136262 211 10 the the DET
_003136262 211 11 natural natural ADJ
_003136262 211 12 point point NOUN
_003136262 211 13 of of ADP
_003136262 211 14 view view NOUN
_003136262 211 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 211 16 of of ADP
_003136262 211 17 y y PROPN
_003136262 211 18 ~t ~t PUNCT
_003136262 211 19 everyth everyth PROPN
_003136262 211 20 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 211 21 ng ng PROPN
_003136262 211 22 must must AUX
_003136262 211 23 depend depend VERB
_003136262 211 24 on on ADP
_003136262 211 25 w'hat w'hat ADP
_003136262 211 26 we we PRON
_003136262 211 27 mean mean VERB
_003136262 211 28 by by ADP
_003136262 211 29 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 211 30 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 211 31 for for ADP
_003136262 211 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 211 33 of of ADP
_003136262 211 34 course course NOUN
_003136262 211 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 211 36 until until SCONJ
_003136262 211 37 the the DET
_003136262 211 38 gos gos PROPN
_003136262 211 39 pels pel NOUN
_003136262 211 40 wfre wfre NOUN
_003136262 211 41 wntten,-whlch wntten,-whlch PROPN
_003136262 211 42 was be AUX
_003136262 211 43 not not PART
_003136262 211 44 for for ADP
_003136262 211 45 many many ADJ
_003136262 211 46 years year NOUN
_003136262 211 47 after after SCONJ
_003136262 211 48 the the DET
_003136262 211 49 ascension,-it ascension,-it NOUN
_003136262 211 50 was be AUX
_003136262 211 51 absolutely absolutely ADV
_003136262 211 52 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 211 53 to to PART
_003136262 211 54 re re VERB
_003136262 211 55 er er INTJ
_003136262 211 56 to to ADP
_003136262 211 57 th th DET
_003136262 211 58 em em PRON
_003136262 211 59 . . PUNCT
_003136262 212 1 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 212 2 yhen yhen ADJ
_003136262 212 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 212 4 the the DET
_003136262 212 5 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 212 6 added add VERB
_003136262 212 7 to to ADP
_003136262 212 8 the the DET
_003136262 212 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 212 10 daily daily ADV
_003136262 212 11 such such ADJ
_003136262 212 12 as as SCONJ
_003136262 212 13 should should AUX
_003136262 212 14 be be AUX
_003136262 212 15 saved save VERB
_003136262 212 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 212 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 212 18 it it PRON
_003136262 212 19 was be AUX
_003136262 212 20 not not PART
_003136262 212 21 throug~ throug~ ADV
_003136262 212 22 the the DET
_003136262 212 23 r r NOUN
_003136262 212 24 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 212 25 q.dlng q.dlng NOUN
_003136262 212 26 of of ADP
_003136262 212 27 the the DET
_003136262 212 28 new new ADJ
_003136262 212 29 testam testam NOUN
_003136262 212 30 ent ent NOUN
_003136262 212 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 212 32 for for ADP
_003136262 212 33 the the DET
_003136262 212 34 new new ADJ
_003136262 212 35 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 212 36 did do AUX
_003136262 212 37 not not PART
_003136262 212 38 then then ADV
_003136262 212 39 exist exist VERB
_003136262 212 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 212 41 and and CCONJ
_003136262 212 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 212 43 if if SCONJ
_003136262 212 44 it it PRON
_003136262 212 45 had have AUX
_003136262 212 46 .exlsted .exlste VERB
_003136262 212 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 212 48 it it PRON
_003136262 212 49 coul coul ADV
_003136262 212 50 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 213 1 no~ no~ NOUN
_003136262 213 2 ~ave ~ave AUX
_003136262 213 3 been be AUX
_003136262 213 4 diffused diffuse VERB
_003136262 213 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 214 1 1ihe 1ihe PROPN
_003136262 214 2 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 214 3 is be AUX
_003136262 214 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 214 5 the the DET
_003136262 214 6 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 214 7 converted convert VERB
_003136262 214 8 the the DET
_003136262 214 9 h h PROPN
_003136262 214 10 eathen eathen ADJ
_003136262 214 11 pre pre VERB
_003136262 214 12 ~ ~ VERB
_003136262 214 13 lsely lsely ADV
_003136262 214 14 as as SCONJ
_003136262 214 15 cathohc cathohc NOUN
_003136262 214 16 missionaries missionary NOUN
_003136262 214 17 do do AUX
_003136262 214 18 now now ADV
_003136262 214 19 - - PUNCT
_003136262 214 20 by by ADP
_003136262 214 21 the the DET
_003136262 214 22 authoritative authoritative ADJ
_003136262 214 23 teachin~ teachin~ NOUN
_003136262 214 24 of of ADP
_003136262 214 25 their their PRON
_003136262 214 26 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 214 27 office office NOUN
_003136262 214 28 ~~isted ~~iste VERB
_003136262 214 29 by by ADP
_003136262 214 30 the the DET
_003136262 214 31 \forkings \forking NOUN
_003136262 214 32 of of ADP
_003136262 214 33 the the DET
_003136262 214 34 holr holr PROPN
_003136262 214 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 215 1 gho)'t gho)'t PROPN
_003136262 215 2 . . PUNCT
_003136262 215 3 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 216 1 i i PRON
_003136262 216 2 i6 i6 VERB
_003136262 216 3 what what PRON
_003136262 216 4 construction construction NOUN
_003136262 216 5 should should AUX
_003136262 216 6 be be AUX
_003136262 216 7 put put VERB
_003136262 216 8 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 216 9 words word NOUN
_003136262 216 10 : : PUNCT
_003136262 216 11 a a X
_003136262 216 12 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 216 13 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 217 1 any any PRON
_003136262 217 2 and and CCONJ
_003136262 217 3 every every DET
_003136262 217 4 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 217 5 of of ADP
_003136262 217 6 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 217 7 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 217 8 to to PART
_003136262 217 9 say say VERB
_003136262 217 10 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 217 11 of of ADP
_003136262 217 12 their their PRON
_003136262 217 13 being be AUX
_003136262 217 14 in in ADP
_003136262 217 15 the the DET
_003136262 217 16 church church NOUN
_003136262 217 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 217 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 217 19 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 217 20 having have VERB
_003136262 217 21 the the DET
_003136262 217 22 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 217 23 of of ADP
_003136262 217 24 god god PROPN
_003136262 217 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 218 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 218 2 repugnance repugnance NOUN
_003136262 218 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 218 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 218 5 then then ADV
_003136262 218 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 218 7 is be AUX
_003136262 218 8 mere mere ADJ
_003136262 218 9 personal personal ADJ
_003136262 218 10 conception conception NOUN
_003136262 218 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 218 12 mere mere ADJ
_003136262 218 13 personal personal ADJ
_003136262 218 14 bias bias NOUN
_003136262 218 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 218 16 in in ADP
_003136262 218 17 a a DET
_003136262 218 18 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 218 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 218 20 since since SCONJ
_003136262 218 21 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 218 22 hold hold VERB
_003136262 218 23 that that SCONJ
_003136262 218 24 the the PRON
_003136262 218 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 218 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 218 27 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 218 28 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 218 29 is be AUX
_003136262 218 30 repugnant repugnant ADJ
_003136262 218 31 to to ADP
_003136262 218 32 god god PROPN
_003136262 218 33 's 's PART
_003136262 218 34 word word NOUN
_003136262 218 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 218 36 common common ADJ
_003136262 218 37 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 218 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 219 1 we we PRON
_003136262 219 2 repeat repeat VERB
_003136262 219 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 219 4 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 219 5 are be AUX
_003136262 219 6 intellectually intellectually ADV
_003136262 219 7 as as ADV
_003136262 219 8 competent competent ADJ
_003136262 219 9 to to PART
_003136262 219 10 judge judge VERB
_003136262 219 11 of of ADP
_003136262 219 12 the the DET
_003136262 219 13 questio questio NOUN
_003136262 219 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 219 15 n n ADV
_003136262 219 16 of of ADP
_003136262 219 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 219 18 repugnance repugnance NOUN
_003136262 219 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 219 20 as as SCONJ
_003136262 219 21 are be AUX
_003136262 219 22 the the DET
_003136262 219 23 contending contend VERB
_003136262 219 24 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 219 25 of of ADP
_003136262 219 26 british british ADJ
_003136262 219 27 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 219 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 220 1 we we PRON
_003136262 220 2 have have VERB
_003136262 220 3 the the DET
_003136262 220 4 same same ADJ
_003136262 220 5 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 220 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 220 7 the the DET
_003136262 220 8 same same ADJ
_003136262 220 9 fathers father NOUN
_003136262 220 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 220 11 the the DET
_003136262 220 12 same same ADJ
_003136262 220 13 scholarship scholarship NOUN
_003136262 220 14 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 220 15 plus plus CCONJ
_003136262 220 16 a a DET
_003136262 220 17 good good ADJ
_003136262 220 18 deal deal NOUN
_003136262 220 19 that that PRON
_003136262 220 20 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 220 21 have have VERB
_003136262 220 22 not not PART
_003136262 220 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 220 24 to to ADP
_003136262 220 25 wit wit NOUN
_003136262 220 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 220 27 the the DET
_003136262 220 28 certainty certainty NOUN
_003136262 220 29 of of ADP
_003136262 220 30 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 220 31 orders order NOUN
_003136262 220 32 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 220 33 and and CCONJ
_003136262 220 34 we we PRON
_003136262 220 35 are be AUX
_003136262 220 36 convinced convince VERB
_003136262 220 37 that that SCONJ
_003136262 220 38 the the DET
_003136262 220 39 whole whole NOUN
_003136262 220 40 of of ADP
_003136262 220 41 the the DET
_003136262 220 42 " " PUNCT
_003136262 220 43 repugnance repugnance NOUN
_003136262 220 44 " " PUNCT
_003136262 220 45 lies lie VERB
_003136262 220 46 on on ADP
_003136262 220 47 the the DET
_003136262 220 48 side side NOUN
_003136262 220 49 of of ADP
_003136262 220 50 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 220 51 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 220 52 . . PUNCT
_003136262 221 1 so so SCONJ
_003136262 221 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 221 3 when when SCONJ
_003136262 221 4 the the DET
_003136262 221 5 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 221 6 goes go VERB
_003136262 221 7 on on ADP
_003136262 221 8 to to PART
_003136262 221 9 remark remark VERB
_003136262 221 10 : : PUNCT
_003136262 221 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 221 12 to to PART
_003136262 221 13 be be AUX
_003136262 221 14 cpnsistent cpnsistent ADJ
_003136262 221 15 with with ADP
_003136262 221 16 his his PRON
_003136262 221 17 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 221 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 221 19 surely surely ADV
_003136262 221 20 he he PRON
_003136262 221 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 221 22 the the DET
_003136262 221 23 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 221 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 221 25 ought ought AUX
_003136262 221 26 to to PART
_003136262 221 27 reject reject VERB
_003136262 221 28 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 221 29 is be AUX
_003136262 221 30 revealed reveal VERB
_003136262 221 31 by by ADP
_003136262 221 32 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 221 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 221 34 which which PRON
_003136262 221 35 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 221 36 contradicts contradict VERB
_003136262 221 37 god god PROPN
_003136262 221 38 's 's PART
_003136262 221 39 word word NOUN
_003136262 221 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 221 41 " " PUNCT
_003136262 221 42 we we PRON
_003136262 221 43 answer answer VERB
_003136262 221 44 that that SCONJ
_003136262 221 45 we we PRON
_003136262 221 46 quite quite ADV
_003136262 221 47 agree agree VERB
_003136262 221 48 with with ADP
_003136262 221 49 the the DET
_003136262 221 50 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 221 51 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 221 52 and and CCONJ
_003136262 221 53 that that SCONJ
_003136262 221 54 w~ w~ PROPN
_003136262 221 55 reject reject VERB
_003136262 221 56 false false ADJ
_003136262 221 57 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 221 58 as as ADV
_003136262 221 59 much much ADV
_003136262 221 60 as as SCONJ
_003136262 221 61 he he PRON
_003136262 221 62 does do VERB
_003136262 221 63 . . PUNCT
_003136262 222 1 only only ADV
_003136262 222 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 222 3 the the DET
_003136262 222 4 very very ADJ
_003136262 222 5 question question NOUN
_003136262 222 6 of of ADP
_003136262 222 7 what what PRON
_003136262 222 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 222 9 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 222 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 222 11 contradicts contradict VERB
_003136262 222 12 god god PROPN
_003136262 222 13 's 's PART
_003136262 222 14 word word NOUN
_003136262 222 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 222 16 is be AUX
_003136262 222 17 exactly exactly ADV
_003136262 222 18 the the DET
_003136262 222 19 question question NOUN
_003136262 222 20 at at ADP
_003136262 222 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 222 22 issue issue NOUN
_003136262 222 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 223 1 it it PRON
_003136262 223 2 is be AUX
_003136262 223 3 the the DET
_003136262 223 4 conviction conviction NOUN
_003136262 223 5 of of ADP
_003136262 223 6 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 223 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 223 8 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 223 9 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 223 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 223 11 on on ADP
_003136262 223 12 at at ADV
_003136262 223 13 least least ADJ
_003136262 223 14 a a DET
_003136262 223 15 score score NOUN
_003136262 223 16 of of ADP
_003136262 223 17 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 223 18 obligations obligation NOUN
_003136262 223 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 223 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 223 21 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 223 22 contradict contradict VERB
_003136262 223 23 god god PROPN
_003136262 223 24 's 's PART
_003136262 223 25 word word NOUN
_003136262 223 26 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 223 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 223 28 and and CCONJ
_003136262 223 29 it it PRON
_003136262 223 30 is be AUX
_003136262 223 31 to to ADP
_003136262 223 32 them they PRON
_003136262 223 33 inconceivable inconceivable ADJ
_003136262 224 1 how how SCONJ
_003136262 224 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 224 3 possessing possess VERB
_003136262 224 4 a a DET
_003136262 224 5 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 224 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 224 7 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 224 8 can can AUX
_003136262 224 9 maintain maintain VERB
_003136262 224 10 such such ADJ
_003136262 224 11 heresies heresy NOUN
_003136262 224 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 225 1 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 225 2 open open VERB
_003136262 225 3 their their PRON
_003136262 225 4 eyes eye NOUN
_003136262 225 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 225 6 in in ADP
_003136262 225 7 mute mute ADJ
_003136262 225 8 wonder wonder NOUN
_003136262 225 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 225 10 misery misery NOUN
_003136262 225 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 225 12 when when SCONJ
_003136262 225 13 they they PRON
_003136262 225 14 hear hear VERB
_003136262 225 15 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 225 16 propound propound NOUN
_003136262 225 17 blank blank ADJ
_003136262 225 18 heresies heresy NOUN
_003136262 225 19 or or CCONJ
_003136262 225 20 absurdities absurdity NOUN
_003136262 225 21 which which PRON
_003136262 225 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 225 23 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 225 24 contradict contradict VERB
_003136262 225 25 god god PROPN
_003136262 225 26 's 's PART
_003136262 225 27 word word NOUN
_003136262 225 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 225 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 226 1 so so SCONJ
_003136262 226 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 226 3 the the DET
_003136262 226 4 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 226 5 must must AUX
_003136262 226 6 remember remember VERB
_003136262 226 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 226 8 he he PRON
_003136262 226 9 is be AUX
_003136262 226 10 not not PART
_003136262 226 11 the the DET
_003136262 226 12 only only ADJ
_003136262 226 13 educated educate VERB
_003136262 226 14 gentleman gentleman NOUN
_003136262 226 15 who who PRON
_003136262 226 16 has have VERB
_003136262 226 17 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 226 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 226 19 information information NOUN
_003136262 226 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 226 21 scholarship scholarship NOUN
_003136262 226 22 . . PUNCT
_003136262 227 1 the the DET
_003136262 227 2 council council PROPN
_003136262 227 3 of of ADP
_003136262 227 4 trent trent NOUN
_003136262 227 5 was be AUX
_003136262 227 6 at at ADP
_003136262 227 7 least least ADJ
_003136262 227 8 as as ADV
_003136262 227 9 good good ADJ
_003136262 227 10 a a DET
_003136262 227 11 judge judge NOUN
_003136262 227 12 of of ADP
_003136262 227 13 what what PRON
_003136262 227 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 227 15 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 227 16 contradicts contradict VERB
_003136262 227 17 god god PROPN
_003136262 227 18 's 's PART
_003136262 227 19 word word NOUN
_003136262 227 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 227 21 as as SCONJ
_003136262 227 22 any any DET
_003136262 227 23 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 227 24 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 227 25 is be AUX
_003136262 227 26 likely likely ADJ
_003136262 227 27 to to PART
_003136262 227 28 be.-and be.-and PROPN
_003136262 227 29 this this PRON
_003136262 227 30 leads lead VERB
_003136262 227 31 to to ADP
_003136262 227 32 the the DET
_003136262 227 33 consideration consideration NOUN
_003136262 227 34 of of ADP
_003136262 227 35 another another DET
_003136262 227 36 passage passage NOUN
_003136262 227 37 in in ADP
_003136262 227 38 the the DET
_003136262 227 39 sermon sermon NOUN
_003136262 227 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 227 41 which which PRON
_003136262 227 42 consists consist VERB
_003136262 227 43 of of ADP
_003136262 227 44 questions question NOUN
_003136262 227 45 not not PART
_003136262 227 46 answered answer VERB
_003136262 227 47 : : PUNCT
_003136262 227 48 " " PUNCT
_003136262 227 49 where where SCONJ
_003136262 227 50 will will AUX
_003136262 227 51 you you PRON
_003136262 227 52 find find VERB
_003136262 227 53 any any DET
_003136262 227 54 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 227 55 in in ADP
_003136262 227 56 god god PROPN
_003136262 227 57 's 's PART
_003136262 227 58 word word NOUN
_003136262 227 59 for for ADP
_003136262 227 60 the the DET
_003136262 227 61 distinction distinction NOUN
_003136262 227 62 drawn draw VERB
_003136262 227 63 in in ADP
_003136262 227 64 the the DET
_003136262 227 65 roman roman ADJ
_003136262 227 66 17 17 NUM
_003136262 227 67 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 227 68 church church NOUN
_003136262 227 69 between between ADP
_003136262 227 70 venial venial ADJ
_003136262 227 71 and and CCONJ
_003136262 227 72 mortal mortal ADJ
_003136262 227 73 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 227 74 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 228 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 228 2 in in ADP
_003136262 228 3 god god PROPN
_003136262 228 4 's 's PART
_003136262 228 5 word word NOUN
_003136262 228 6 will will AUX
_003136262 228 7 you you PRON
_003136262 228 8 find find VERB
_003136262 228 9 any any DET
_003136262 228 10 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 228 11 for for ADP
_003136262 228 12 purgatory purgatory NOUN
_003136262 228 13 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 229 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 229 2 in in ADP
_003136262 229 3 that that DET
_003136262 229 4 word word NOUN
_003136262 229 5 will will AUX
_003136262 229 6 you you PRON
_003136262 229 7 find find VERB
_003136262 229 8 any any DET
_003136262 229 9 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 229 10 for for ADP
_003136262 229 11 the the DET
_003136262 229 12 celibacy celibacy NOUN
_003136262 229 13 of of ADP
_003136262 229 14 the the DET
_003136262 229 15 priesthood priesthood NOUN
_003136262 229 16 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 230 1 for for ADP
_003136262 230 2 the the DET
_003136262 230 3 denial denial NOUN
_003136262 230 4 of of ADP
_003136262 230 5 the the DET
_003136262 230 6 cup cup NOUN
_003136262 230 7 to to ADP
_003136262 230 8 the the DET
_003136262 230 9 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 230 10 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 231 1 for for ADP
_003136262 231 2 the the DET
_003136262 231 3 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 231 4 of of ADP
_003136262 231 5 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 231 6 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 232 1 for for ADP
_003136262 232 2 the the DET
_003136262 232 3 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 232 4 of of ADP
_003136262 232 5 the the DET
_003136262 232 6 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 232 7 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 233 1 for for ADP
_003136262 233 2 the the DET
_003136262 233 3 adoration adoration NOUN
_003136262 233 4 of of ADP
_003136262 233 5 the the DET
_003136262 233 6 virgin virgin NOUN
_003136262 233 7 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 234 1 for for ADP
_003136262 234 2 the the DET
_003136262 234 3 worship worship NOUN
_003136262 234 4 of of ADP
_003136262 234 5 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 234 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 234 7 angels angel NOUN
_003136262 234 8 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 235 1 for for ADP
_003136262 235 2 all all DET
_003136262 235 3 those those DET
_003136262 235 4 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 235 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 235 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 235 7 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 235 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 235 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 235 10 lying lie VERB
_003136262 235 11 wonders wonder NOUN
_003136262 235 12 which which PRON
_003136262 235 13 are be AUX
_003136262 235 14 currently currently ADV
_003136262 235 15 believed believe VERB
_003136262 235 16 among among ADP
_003136262 235 17 the the DET
_003136262 235 18 members member NOUN
_003136262 235 19 of of ADP
_003136262 235 20 the the DET
_003136262 235 21 roman roman ADJ
_003136262 235 22 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 235 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 235 24 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 235 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 235 26 it it PRON
_003136262 235 27 would would AUX
_003136262 235 28 be be AUX
_003136262 235 29 quite quite ADV
_003136262 235 30 enough enough ADJ
_003136262 235 31 to to PART
_003136262 235 32 reply reply VERB
_003136262 235 33 to to ADP
_003136262 235 34 these these DET
_003136262 235 35 questions question NOUN
_003136262 235 36 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 235 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 236 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 236 2 do do AUX
_003136262 236 3 you you PRON
_003136262 236 4 find find VERB
_003136262 236 5 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 236 6 in in ADP
_003136262 236 7 the the DET
_003136262 236 8 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 236 9 for for ADP
_003136262 236 10 changing change VERB
_003136262 236 11 the the DET
_003136262 236 12 sabbath sabbath NOUN
_003136262 236 13 to to ADP
_003136262 236 14 the the DET
_003136262 236 15 sunday sunday PROPN
_003136262 236 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 236 17 for for ADP
_003136262 236 18 the the DET
_003136262 236 19 celebration celebration NOUN
_003136262 236 20 of of ADP
_003136262 236 21 infant infant NOUN
_003136262 236 22 baptism baptism NOUN
_003136262 236 23 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 236 24 for for ADP
_003136262 236 25 confirmation confirmation NOUN
_003136262 236 26 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 236 27 for for ADP
_003136262 236 28 the the DET
_003136262 236 29 reading reading NOUN
_003136262 236 30 of of ADP
_003136262 236 31 the the DET
_003136262 236 32 new new ADJ
_003136262 236 33 t t NOUN
_003136262 236 34 estament,-as estament,-as ADP
_003136262 236 35 the the DET
_003136262 236 36 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 236 37 rule rule NOUN
_003136262 236 38 of of ADP
_003136262 236 39 the the DET
_003136262 236 40 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 236 41 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 236 42 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 237 1 it it PRON
_003136262 237 2 is be AUX
_003136262 237 3 very very ADV
_003136262 237 4 remarkable,-at remarkable,-at NOUN
_003136262 237 5 least least ADV
_003136262 237 6 it it PRON
_003136262 237 7 should should AUX
_003136262 237 8 be be AUX
_003136262 237 9 to to PART
_003136262 237 10 protestants,-that protestants,-that VERB
_003136262 237 11 there there PRON
_003136262 237 12 is be VERB
_003136262 237 13 not not PART
_003136262 237 14 a a DET
_003136262 237 15 text text NOUN
_003136262 237 16 in in ADP
_003136262 237 17 the the DET
_003136262 237 18 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 237 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 237 20 from from ADP
_003136262 237 21 one one NUM
_003136262 237 22 end end NOUN
_003136262 237 23 to to ADP
_003136262 237 24 the the DET
_003136262 237 25 other other ADJ
_003136262 237 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 237 27 for for ADP
_003136262 237 28 the the DET
_003136262 237 29 private private ADJ
_003136262 237 30 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 237 31 of of ADP
_003136262 237 32 the the DET
_003136262 237 33 new new ADJ
_003136262 237 34 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 237 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 238 1 st st PROPN
_003136262 238 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 238 3 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 238 4 spoke speak VERB
_003136262 238 5 of of ADP
_003136262 238 6 the the DET
_003136262 238 7 old old ADJ
_003136262 238 8 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 238 9 as as ADP
_003136262 238 10 being be AUX
_003136262 238 11 able able ADJ
_003136262 238 12 to to PART
_003136262 238 13 make make VERB
_003136262 238 14 st st PROPN
_003136262 238 15 . . PROPN
_003136262 238 16 timothy timothy PROPN
_003136262 238 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 238 18 wise wise ADJ
_003136262 238 19 unto unto ADP
_003136262 238 20 salvation salvation NOUN
_003136262 238 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 238 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 238 23 alluding allude VERB
_003136262 238 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 238 25 of of ADP
_003136262 238 26 course course NOUN
_003136262 238 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 238 28 to to ADP
_003136262 238 29 the the DET
_003136262 238 30 sufficiency sufficiency NOUN
_003136262 238 31 of of ADP
_003136262 238 32 the the DET
_003136262 238 33 old old ADJ
_003136262 238 34 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 238 35 as as ADP
_003136262 238 36 a a DET
_003136262 238 37 witness witness NOUN
_003136262 238 38 to to ADP
_003136262 238 39 the the DET
_003136262 238 40 messiahship messiahship NOUN
_003136262 238 41 of of ADP
_003136262 238 42 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 238 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 239 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 239 2 our our PRON
_003136262 239 3 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 239 4 said say VERB
_003136262 239 5 to to ADP
_003136262 239 6 the the DET
_003136262 239 7 jews jews PROPN
_003136262 239 8 : : PUNCT
_003136262 239 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 239 10 search search VERB
_003136262 239 11 the the DET
_003136262 239 12 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 239 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 239 14 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 239 15 that that PRON
_003136262 239 16 was be AUX
_003136262 239 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 239 18 the the DET
_003136262 239 19 books book NOUN
_003136262 239 20 of of ADP
_003136262 239 21 the the DET
_003136262 239 22 old old ADJ
_003136262 239 23 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 239 24 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 239 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 239 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 239 27 for for ADP
_003136262 239 28 in in ADP
_003136262 239 29 them they PRON
_003136262 239 30 ye ye PRON
_003136262 239 31 think think VERB
_003136262 239 32 ye ye PRON
_003136262 239 33 have have VERB
_003136262 239 34 eternal eternal ADJ
_003136262 239 35 life life NOUN
_003136262 239 36 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 239 37 " " PUNCT
_003136262 239 38 but but CCONJ
_003136262 239 39 he he PRON
_003136262 239 40 immediately immediately ADV
_003136262 239 41 proceeded proceed VERB
_003136262 239 42 to to PART
_003136262 239 43 upbraid upbraid VERB
_003136262 239 44 these these DET
_003136262 239 45 very very ADJ
_003136262 239 46 readers reader NOUN
_003136262 239 47 for for ADP
_003136262 239 48 being be AUX
_003136262 239 49 none none NOUN
_003136262 239 50 the the DET
_003136262 239 51 wiser wise ADJ
_003136262 239 52 for for ADP
_003136262 239 53 their their PRON
_003136262 239 54 reading reading NOUN
_003136262 239 55 . . PUNCT
_003136262 240 1 there there PRON
_003136262 240 2 is be VERB
_003136262 240 3 not not PART
_003136262 240 4 a a DET
_003136262 240 5 word word NOUN
_003136262 240 6 in in ADP
_003136262 240 7 the the DET
_003136262 240 8 old old ADJ
_003136262 240 9 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 240 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 240 11 any any PRON
_003136262 240 12 more more ADJ
_003136262 240 13 than than ADP
_003136262 240 14 in in ADP
_003136262 240 15 the the DET
_003136262 240 16 new new ADJ
_003136262 240 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 240 18 which which PRON
_003136262 240 19 justifies justify VERB
_003136262 240 20 the the DET
_003136262 240 21 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 240 22 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 240 23 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 240 24 though though SCONJ
_003136262 240 25 there there PRON
_003136262 240 26 is be VERB
_003136262 240 27 a a DET
_003136262 240 28 vast vast ADJ
_003136262 240 29 deal deal NOUN
_003136262 240 30 which which PRON
_003136262 240 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 240 32 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 240 33 contradicts contradict VERB
_003136262 240 34 " " PUNCT
_003136262 240 35 it it PRON
_003136262 240 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 241 1 in in ADP
_003136262 241 2 addition addition NOUN
_003136262 241 3 to to ADP
_003136262 241 4 those those DET
_003136262 241 5 many many ADJ
_003136262 241 6 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 241 7 which which PRON
_003136262 241 8 point point VERB
_003136262 241 9 to to ADP
_003136262 241 10 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 241 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 241 12 as as ADP
_003136262 241 13 determining determine VERB
_003136262 241 14 the the DET
_003136262 241 15 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 241 16 · · PUNCT
_003136262 241 17 of of ADP
_003136262 241 18 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 241 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 241 20 there there PRON
_003136262 241 21 are be VERB
_003136262 241 22 those those DET
_003136262 241 23 words word NOUN
_003136262 241 24 of of ADP
_003136262 241 25 st st PROPN
_003136262 241 26 . . PROPN
_003136262 241 27 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 241 28 which which PRON
_003136262 241 29 warn warn VERB
_003136262 241 30 the the DET
_003136262 241 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 241 32 unstable unstable ADJ
_003136262 241 33 and and CCONJ
_003136262 241 34 the the DET
_003136262 241 35 unlearned unlearned ADJ
_003136262 241 36 " " PUNCT
_003136262 241 37 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 241 38 that that ADV
_003136262 241 39 is is ADV
_003136262 241 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 241 41 the the DET
_003136262 241 42 immense immense ADJ
_003136262 241 43 majority majority NOUN
_003136262 241 44 of of ADP
_003136262 241 45 all all DET
_003136262 241 46 readers reader NOUN
_003136262 241 47 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 241 48 against against ADP
_003136262 241 49 " " PUNCT
_003136262 241 50 wresting wrest VERB
_003136262 241 51 " " PUNCT
_003136262 241 52 the the DET
_003136262 241 53 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 241 54 " " PUNCT
_003136262 241 55 to to ADP
_003136262 241 56 their their PRON
_003136262 241 57 destruction destruction NOUN
_003136262 241 58 . . PUNCT
_003136262 242 1 "-but "-but VERB
_003136262 242 2 to to PART
_003136262 242 3 proceed proceed VERB
_003136262 242 4 with with ADP
_003136262 242 5 our our PRON
_003136262 242 6 questions question NOUN
_003136262 242 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 242 8 in in ADP
_003136262 242 9 retort retort NOUN
_003136262 242 10 to to ADP
_003136262 242 11 the the DET
_003136262 242 12 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 242 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 243 1 let let VERB
_003136262 243 2 us we PRON
_003136262 243 3 playfully playfully ADV
_003136262 243 4 enqt}ire enqt}ire NOUN
_003136262 243 5 - - PUNCT
_003136262 243 6 for for ADP
_003136262 243 7 we we PRON
_003136262 243 8 may may AUX
_003136262 243 9 be be AUX
_003136262 243 10 playful playful ADJ
_003136262 243 11 on on ADP
_003136262 243 12 this this DET
_003136262 243 13 18 18 NUM
_003136262 243 14 theme theme NOUN
_003136262 243 15 - - PUNCT
_003136262 243 16 where where SCONJ
_003136262 243 17 do do AUX
_003136262 243 18 you you PRON
_003136262 243 19 find find VERB
_003136262 243 20 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 243 21 for for ADP
_003136262 243 22 the the DET
_003136262 243 23 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 243 24 of of ADP
_003136262 243 25 the the DET
_003136262 243 26 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 243 27 dergy dergy NOUN
_003136262 243 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 243 29 for for ADP
_003136262 243 30 the the DET
_003136262 243 31 servility servility NOUN
_003136262 243 32 of of ADP
_003136262 243 33 the the DET
_003136262 243 34 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 243 35 to to ADP
_003136262 243 36 the the DET
_003136262 243 37 state state NOUN
_003136262 243 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 243 39 for for ADP
_003136262 243 40 such such DET
_003136262 243 41 a a DET
_003136262 243 42 " " PUNCT
_003136262 243 43 type type NOUN
_003136262 243 44 " " PUNCT
_003136262 243 45 as as ADP
_003136262 243 46 the the DET
_003136262 243 47 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 243 48 of of ADP
_003136262 243 49 the the DET
_003136262 243 50 four four NUM
_003136262 243 51 georges george NOUN
_003136262 243 52 , , PUNCT
_003136262 243 53 in in ADP
_003136262 243 54 short short ADJ
_003136262 243 55 , , PUNCT
_003136262 243 56 for for ADP
_003136262 243 57 a a DET
_003136262 243 58 purely purely ADV
_003136262 243 59 secular secular ADJ
_003136262 243 60 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 243 61 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 244 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 244 2 do do AUX
_003136262 244 3 you you PRON
_003136262 244 4 find find VERB
_003136262 244 5 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 244 6 for for ADP
_003136262 244 7 the the DET
_003136262 244 8 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 244 9 of of ADP
_003136262 244 10 the the DET
_003136262 244 11 real real ADJ
_003136262 244 12 absence absence NOUN
_003136262 244 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 244 14 for for ADP
_003136262 244 15 transforming transform VERB
_003136262 244 16 a a DET
_003136262 244 17 church church NOUN
_003136262 244 18 into into ADP
_003136262 244 19 a a DET
_003136262 244 20 reading reading NOUN
_003136262 244 21 room room NOUN
_003136262 244 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 244 23 for for ADP
_003136262 244 24 making make VERB
_003136262 244 25 the the DET
_003136262 244 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 244 27 pure pure ADJ
_003136262 244 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 244 29 worship worship NOUN
_003136262 244 30 of of ADP
_003136262 244 31 god god PROPN
_003136262 244 32 as as ADV
_003136262 244 33 contemptibly contemptibly ADV
_003136262 244 34 human human ADJ
_003136262 244 35 as as ADP
_003136262 244 36 queen queen PROPN
_003136262 244 37 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN
_003136262 244 38 's 's PART
_003136262 244 39 politics politic NOUN
_003136262 244 40 or or CCONJ
_003136262 244 41 theology theology NOUN
_003136262 244 42 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 245 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 245 2 do do AUX
_003136262 245 3 you you PRON
_003136262 245 4 find find VERB
_003136262 245 5 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 245 6 for for ADP
_003136262 245 7 making make VERB
_003136262 245 8 a a DET
_003136262 245 9 queen queen NOUN
_003136262 245 10 the the DET
_003136262 245 11 head head NOUN
_003136262 245 12 of of ADP
_003136262 245 13 the the DET
_003136262 245 14 church church NOUN
_003136262 245 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 245 16 for for ADP
_003136262 245 17 the the DET
_003136262 245 18 appointment appointment NOUN
_003136262 245 19 of of ADP
_003136262 245 20 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 245 21 by by ADP
_003136262 245 22 a a DET
_003136262 245 23 prime prime ADJ
_003136262 245 24 minister minister NOUN
_003136262 245 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 245 26 or or CCONJ
_003136262 245 27 for for ADP
_003136262 245 28 episcopal episcopal NOUN
_003136262 245 29 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN
_003136262 245 30 through through ADP
_003136262 245 31 the the DET
_003136262 245 32 treasury treasury NOUN
_003136262 245 33 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 246 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 246 2 do do AUX
_003136262 246 3 you you PRON
_003136262 246 4 find find VERB
_003136262 246 5 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 246 6 for for ADP
_003136262 246 7 penal penal ADJ
_003136262 246 8 laws law NOUN
_003136262 246 9 against against ADP
_003136262 246 10 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 246 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 12 for for ADP
_003136262 246 13 punishing punish VERB
_003136262 246 14 with with ADP
_003136262 246 15 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN
_003136262 246 16 the the PRON
_003136262 246 17 not not PART
_003136262 246 18 attending attend VERB
_003136262 246 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 246 20 dearly dearly ADV
_003136262 246 21 beloved beloved ADJ
_003136262 246 22 brethren brother NOUN
_003136262 246 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 246 25 for for ADP
_003136262 246 26 hanging hang VERB
_003136262 246 27 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 246 28 by by ADP
_003136262 246 29 the the DET
_003136262 246 30 score score NOUN
_003136262 246 31 for for ADP
_003136262 246 32 saying say VERB
_003136262 246 33 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 246 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 246 36 for for ADP
_003136262 246 37 hunting hunt VERB
_003136262 246 38 down down ADP
_003136262 246 39 all all DET
_003136262 246 40 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 246 41 like like ADP
_003136262 246 42 -dogs -dog NOUN
_003136262 246 43 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 246 44 * * PUNCT
_003136262 246 45 where where SCONJ
_003136262 246 46 do do AUX
_003136262 246 47 you you PRON
_003136262 246 48 find find VERB
_003136262 246 49 commandment,-though commandment,-though NOUN
_003136262 246 50 this this PRON
_003136262 246 51 belongs belong VERB
_003136262 246 52 rather rather ADV
_003136262 246 53 to to ADP
_003136262 246 54 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 246 55 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 56 and and CCONJ
_003136262 246 57 we we PRON
_003136262 246 58 should should AUX
_003136262 246 59 look look VERB
_003136262 246 60 for for ADP
_003136262 246 61 it it PRON
_003136262 246 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 63 say say INTJ
_003136262 246 64 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 65 in in ADP
_003136262 246 66 isaiah,-where isaiah,-where ADV
_003136262 246 67 do do AUX
_003136262 246 68 y.ou y.ou PROPN
_003136262 246 69 find find VERB
_003136262 246 70 the the DET
_003136262 246 71 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 246 72 that that PRON
_003136262 246 73 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 74 in in ADP
_003136262 246 75 the the DET
_003136262 246 76 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ
_003136262 246 77 century century NOUN
_003136262 246 78 , , PUNCT
_003136262 246 79 a a DET
_003136262 246 80 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 246 81 wicked wicked ADJ
_003136262 246 82 king king NOUN
_003136262 246 83 should should AUX
_003136262 246 84 arise arise VERB
_003136262 246 85 , , PUNCT
_003136262 247 1 who who PRON
_003136262 247 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 247 3 wanting want VERB
_003136262 247 4 to to PART
_003136262 247 5 commit commit VERB
_003136262 247 6 adultery adultery NOUN
_003136262 247 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 247 8 but but CCONJ
_003136262 247 9 being be AUX
_003136262 247 10 forbidden forbid VERB
_003136262 247 11 by by ADP
_003136262 247 12 the the DET
_003136262 247 13 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 247 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 247 15 should should AUX
_003136262 247 16 straightway straightway VERB
_003136262 247 17 protestantise protestantise VERB
_003136262 247 18 the the DET
_003136262 247 19 church church NOUN
_003136262 247 20 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 248 1 we we PRON
_003136262 248 2 might might AUX
_003136262 248 3 imagine imagine VERB
_003136262 248 4 the the DET
_003136262 248 5 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 248 6 scriptures scripture VERB
_003136262 248 7 to to PART
_003136262 248 8 contain contain VERB
_003136262 248 9 such such DET
_003136262 248 10 a a DET
_003136262 248 11 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 248 12 as as ADP
_003136262 248 13 the the DET
_003136262 248 14 following follow VERB
_003136262 248 15 : : PUNCT
_003136262 248 16 behold behold VERB
_003136262 248 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 248 18 in in ADP
_003136262 248 19 the the DET
_003136262 248 20 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ
_003136262 248 21 century century NOUN
_003136262 248 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 248 23 she she PRON
_003136262 248 24 most most ADV
_003136262 248 25 murderous murderous ADJ
_003136262 248 26 king king NOUN
_003136262 248 27 shall shall AUX
_003136262 248 28 form form VERB
_003136262 248 29 an an DET
_003136262 248 30 entirely entirely ADV
_003136262 248 31 new new ADJ
_003136262 248 32 church church NOUN
_003136262 248 33 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 248 34 assisted assist VERB
_003136262 248 35 by by ADP
_003136262 248 36 a a DET
_003136262 248 37 miserable miserable ADJ
_003136262 248 38 apostate apostate NOUN
_003136262 248 39 monkwhose monkwhose VERB
_003136262 248 40 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 248 41 credential credential NOUN
_003136262 248 42 for for ADP
_003136262 248 43 his his PRON
_003136262 248 44 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 248 45 mission mission NOUN
_003136262 248 46 shall shall AUX
_003136262 248 47 be be AUX
_003136262 248 48 found find VERB
_003136262 248 49 the the DET
_003136262 248 50 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 248 51 that that SCONJ
_003136262 248 52 he he PRON
_003136262 248 53 shall shall AUX
_003136262 248 54 seduce seduce VERB
_003136262 248 55 a a DET
_003136262 248 56 nun nun NOUN
_003136262 248 57 from from ADP
_003136262 248 58 her her PRON
_003136262 248 59 vows vow NOUN
_003136262 248 60 . . PUNCT
_003136262 249 1 this this PRON
_003136262 249 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 249 3 . . PUNCT
_003136262 250 1 it it PRON
_003136262 250 2 is be AUX
_003136262 250 3 true true ADJ
_003136262 250 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 250 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 250 6 in in ADP
_003136262 250 7 the the DET
_003136262 250 8 short short ADJ
_003136262 250 9 reign reign NOUN
_003136262 250 10 of of ADP
_003136262 250 11 mary mary PROPN
_003136262 250 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 250 13 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 250 14 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 250 15 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 250 16 retaliated retaliate VERB
_003136262 250 17 on on ADP
_003136262 250 18 protest protest NOUN
_003136262 250 19 ants ant NOUN
_003136262 250 20 for for ADP
_003136262 250 21 the the DET
_003136262 250 22 persecut persecut NOUN
_003136262 250 23 ion ion NOUN
_003136262 250 24 they they PRON
_003136262 250 25 had have AUX
_003136262 250 26 endured endure VERB
_003136262 250 27 under under ADP
_003136262 250 28 henry henry NOUN
_003136262 250 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 251 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 251 2 there there PRON
_003136262 251 3 is be VERB
_003136262 251 4 this this DET
_003136262 251 5 distinction distinction NOUN
_003136262 251 6 between between ADP
_003136262 251 7 persecution persecution NOUN
_003136262 251 8 by by ADP
_003136262 251 9 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 251 10 and and CCONJ
_003136262 251 11 persecution persecution NOUN
_003136262 251 12 by by ADP
_003136262 251 13 any any DET
_003136262 251 14 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 251 15 of of ADP
_003136262 251 16 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 251 17 : : PUNCT
_003136262 251 18 that that PRON
_003136262 251 19 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 251 20 i i PROPN
_003136262 251 21 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 251 22 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 251 23 were be AUX
_003136262 251 24 contending contend VERB
_003136262 251 25 for for ADP
_003136262 251 26 inalienable inalienable ADJ
_003136262 251 27 rights right NOUN
_003136262 251 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 251 29 he he PRON
_003136262 251 30 ld ld VERB
_003136262 251 31 in in ADP
_003136262 251 32 england england PROPN
_003136262 251 33 for for ADP
_003136262 251 34 ten ten NUM
_003136262 251 35 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 251 36 i i PRON
_003136262 251 37 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 251 38 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 251 39 were be AUX
_003136262 251 40 t t NOUN
_003136262 251 41 orturing orturing NOUN
_003136262 251 42 and and CCONJ
_003136262 251 43 hanging hang VERB
_003136262 251 44 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 251 45 for for ADP
_003136262 251 46 refusing refuse VERB
_003136262 251 47 t t NOUN
_003136262 251 48 o o NOUN
_003136262 251 49 . . PUNCT
_003136262 252 1 be be AUX
_003136262 252 2 robbed rob VERB
_003136262 252 3 by by ADP
_003136262 252 4 them they PRON
_003136262 252 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 253 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 253 2 2 2 X
_003136262 253 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 253 4 the the DET
_003136262 253 5 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 253 6 might might AUX
_003136262 253 7 consistently consistently ADV
_003136262 253 8 force force VERB
_003136262 253 9 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 253 10 on on ADP
_003136262 253 11 the the DET
_003136262 253 12 fallible,-that fallible,-that NOUN
_003136262 253 13 is be AUX
_003136262 253 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 253 15 with with ADP
_003136262 253 16 s s PRON
_003136262 253 17 heer heer NOUN
_003136262 253 18 logical logical ADJ
_003136262 253 19 consistency consistency NOUN
_003136262 253 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 253 21 but but CCONJ
_003136262 253 22 for for ADP
_003136262 253 23 a a DET
_003136262 253 24 new new ADJ
_003136262 253 25 sect sect NOUN
_003136262 253 26 which which PRON
_003136262 253 27 was be AUX
_003136262 253 28 confessedly confessedly ADV
_003136262 253 29 fallible fallible ADJ
_003136262 253 30 to to PART
_003136262 253 31 persecute persecute VERB
_003136262 253 32 anybody anybody PRON
_003136262 253 33 for for ADP
_003136262 253 34 anything anything PRON
_003136262 253 35 was be AUX
_003136262 253 36 equally equally ADV
_003136262 253 37 malignant malignant ADJ
_003136262 253 38 and and CCONJ
_003136262 253 39 ridiculous ridiculous ADJ
_003136262 253 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 254 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 254 2 3 3 X
_003136262 254 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 254 4 all all PRON
_003136262 254 5 chri chri VERB
_003136262 254 6 s s PART
_003136262 254 7 tian tian ADJ
_003136262 254 8 governm'ents governm'ent NOUN
_003136262 254 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 254 10 as as SCONJ
_003136262 254 11 we we PRON
_003136262 254 12 ll ll AUX
_003136262 254 13 as as ADV
_003136262 254 14 all all DET
_003136262 254 15 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 254 16 people people NOUN
_003136262 254 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 254 18 held hold VERB
_003136262 254 19 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 254 20 to to PART
_003136262 254 21 be be AUX
_003136262 254 22 t t NOUN
_003136262 254 23 he he PRON
_003136262 254 24 greates greate VERB
_003136262 254 25 t t NOUN
_003136262 254 26 of of ADP
_003136262 254 27 crimes crime NOUN
_003136262 254 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 254 29 a a DET
_003136262 254 30 ga ga NOUN
_003136262 254 31 in in ADP
_003136262 254 32 st st PROPN
_003136262 254 33 god god PROPN
_003136262 254 34 as as ADV
_003136262 254 35 well well ADV
_003136262 254 36 as as ADP
_003136262 254 37 against against ADP
_003136262 254 38 the the DET
_003136262 254 39 state state NOUN
_003136262 254 40 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 254 41 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 254 42 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 254 43 had have AUX
_003136262 254 44 just just ADV
_003136262 254 45 s s AUX
_003136262 254 46 tarted tarte VERB
_003136262 254 47 the the DET
_003136262 254 48 novel novel ADJ
_003136262 254 49 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN
_003136262 254 50 that that PRON
_003136262 254 51 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 254 52 was be AUX
_003136262 254 53 a a DET
_003136262 254 54 simple simple ADJ
_003136262 254 55 impo impo NOUN
_003136262 254 56 ssibility ssibility NOUN
_003136262 254 57 . . PUNCT
_003136262 255 1 we we PRON
_003136262 255 2 are be AUX
_003136262 255 3 not not PART
_003136262 255 4 now now ADV
_003136262 255 5 defending defend VERB
_003136262 255 6 persecution persecution NOUN
_003136262 255 7 : : PUNCT
_003136262 255 8 weare weare VERB
_003136262 255 9 merely merely ADV
_003136262 255 10 pointing point VERB
_003136262 255 11 out out ADP
_003136262 256 1 inconsistencies.-and inconsistencies.-and NOUN
_003136262 256 2 here here ADV
_003136262 256 3 we we PRON
_003136262 256 4 would would AUX
_003136262 256 5 j j PROPN
_003136262 256 6 ust ust PROPN
_003136262 256 7 notice notice VERB
_003136262 256 8 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 256 9 . . PROPN
_003136262 256 10 glad glad PROPN
_003136262 256 11 stone stone NOUN
_003136262 256 12 's 's PART
_003136262 256 13 last last ADJ
_003136262 256 14 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN
_003136262 256 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 256 16 on on ADP
_003136262 256 17 the the DET
_003136262 256 18 subj·ect subj·ect NOUN
_003136262 256 19 of of ADP
_003136262 256 20 the the DET
_003136262 256 21 vatican vatican PROPN
_003136262 256 22 d d PROPN
_003136262 256 23 ecr ecr PROPN
_003136262 256 24 ees ee VERB
_003136262 256 25 i i PRON
_003136262 256 26 for for ADP
_003136262 256 27 that that DET
_003136262 256 28 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN
_003136262 256 29 seems seem VERB
_003136262 256 30 likely likely ADJ
_003136262 256 31 to to PART
_003136262 256 32 rekindle rekindle VERB
_003136262 256 33 persecutif persecutif PROPN
_003136262 256 34 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 256 35 n n CCONJ
_003136262 256 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 256 37 by by ADP
_003136262 256 38 the the DET
_003136262 256 39 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 256 40 no no DET
_003136262 256 41 popery popery NOUN
_003136262 256 42 n n ADP
_003136262 256 43 cry cry VERB
_003136262 256 44 which which PRON
_003136262 256 45 it it PRON
_003136262 256 46 inflames inflame VERB
_003136262 256 47 . . PUNCT
_003136262 257 1 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 257 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 257 3 glad glad PROPN
_003136262 257 4 stone stone NOUN
_003136262 257 5 ignores ignore VERB
_003136262 257 6 the the DET
_003136262 257 7 osten osten ADJ
_003136262 257 8 sible sible ADJ
_003136262 257 9 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 257 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 257 11 that that SCONJ
_003136262 257 12 it it PRON
_003136262 257 13 is be AUX
_003136262 257 14 because because SCONJ
_003136262 257 15 th th DET
_003136262 257 16 e e NOUN
_003136262 257 17 state state NOUN
_003136262 257 18 has have AUX
_003136262 257 19 made make VERB
_003136262 257 20 encroachments encroachment NOUN
_003136262 257 21 on on ADP
_003136262 257 22 the the DET
_003136262 257 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 257 24 - - PUNCT
_003136262 257 25 greater great ADJ
_003136262 257 26 encroachments encroachment NOUN
_003136262 257 27 than than SCONJ
_003136262 257 28 it it PRON
_003136262 257 29 has have AUX
_003136262 257 30 m m AUX
_003136262 257 31 ade ade VERB
_003136262 257 32 in in ADP
_003136262 257 33 past past ADJ
_003136262 257 34 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 257 35 - - PUNCT
_003136262 257 36 th th NOUN
_003136262 257 37 at at ADP
_003136262 257 38 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 257 39 the the DET
_003136262 257 40 church church NOUN
_003136262 257 41 is be AUX
_003136262 257 42 in in ADP
_003136262 257 43 duty duty NOUN
_003136262 257 44 compelled compel VERB
_003136262 257 45 to to PART
_003136262 257 46 issue issue VERB
_003136262 257 47 defensive"decrees defensive"decree NOUN
_003136262 257 48 . . PUNCT
_003136262 258 1 when when SCONJ
_003136262 258 2 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 258 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 258 4 education education NOUN
_003136262 258 5 are be AUX
_003136262 258 6 stripped strip VERB
_003136262 258 7 by by ADP
_003136262 258 8 the the DET
_003136262 258 9 state state NOUN
_003136262 258 10 of of ADP
_003136262 258 11 their their PRON
_003136262 258 12 essentially essentially ADV
_003136262 258 13 reli reli ADJ
_003136262 258 14 gious gious ADJ
_003136262 258 15 charac~ charac~ PROPN
_003136262 258 16 teristics teristic NOUN
_003136262 258 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 258 18 when when SCONJ
_003136262 258 19 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 258 20 thought thought NOUN
_003136262 258 21 strives strive VERB
_003136262 258 22 its its PRON
_003136262 258 23 utmost utmost NOUN
_003136262 258 24 to to PART
_003136262 258 25 uproot uproot VERB
_003136262 258 26 all all DET
_003136262 258 27 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 258 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 258 29 by by ADP
_003136262 258 30 atta atta PROPN
_003136262 258 31 cks ck NOUN
_003136262 258 32 on on ADP
_003136262 258 33 the the DET
_003136262 258 34 foundations foundation NOUN
_003136262 258 35 6f 6f NUM
_003136262 258 36 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 258 37 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 258 38 it it PRON
_003136262 258 39 i50 i50 VERB
_003136262 258 40 the the DET
_003136262 258 41 duty duty NOUN
_003136262 258 42 of of ADP
_003136262 258 43 the the DET
_003136262 258 44 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 258 45 to to PART
_003136262 258 46 warn warn VERB
_003136262 258 47 catholic catholic PROPN
_003136262 258 48 s s PROPN
_003136262 258 49 and and CCONJ
_003136262 258 50 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 258 51 against against ADP
_003136262 258 52 the the DET
_003136262 258 53 snares snare NOUN
_003136262 258 54 which which PRON
_003136262 258 55 are be AUX
_003136262 258 56 set set VERB
_003136262 258 57 for for ADP
_003136262 258 58 their their PRON
_003136262 258 59 ruin ruin NOUN
_003136262 258 60 . . PUNCT
_003136262 259 1 not not PART
_003136262 259 2 the the DET
_003136262 259 3 church church NOUN
_003136262 259 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 259 5 but but CCONJ
_003136262 259 6 the the DET
_003136262 259 7 world world NOUN
_003136262 259 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 259 9 is be AUX
_003136262 259 10 aggressive aggressive ADJ
_003136262 259 11 i i PRON
_003136262 259 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 259 13 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 259 14 . . PROPN
_003136262 259 15 gladstone gladstone PROPN
_003136262 259 16 should should AUX
_003136262 259 17 be be AUX
_003136262 259 18 wiser wise ADJ
_003136262 259 19 than than ADP
_003136262 259 20 to to ADP
_003136262 259 21 hazard hazard NOUN
_003136262 259 22 persecution persecution NOUN
_003136262 259 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 259 24 by by ADP
_003136262 259 25 totally totally ADV
_003136262 259 26 inverting inverting NOUN
_003136262 259 27 facts fact NOUN
_003136262 259 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 260 1 19 19 NUM
_003136262 260 2 murderous murderous ADJ
_003136262 260 3 king king NOUN
_003136262 260 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 260 5 having having AUX
_003136262 260 6 formed form VERB
_003136262 260 7 a a DET
_003136262 260 8 new new ADJ
_003136262 260 9 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 260 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 260 11 by by ADP
_003136262 260 12 means mean NOUN
_003136262 260 13 of of ADP
_003136262 260 14 his his PRON
_003136262 260 15 headsmen headsman NOUN
_003136262 260 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 260 17 his his PRON
_003136262 260 18 jailers jailer NOUN
_003136262 260 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 260 20 shall shall AUX
_003136262 260 21 h h VERB
_003136262 260 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 260 23 it it PRON
_003136262 260 24 on on ADP
_003136262 260 25 to to ADP
_003136262 260 26 a a DET
_003136262 260 27 queen queen NOUN
_003136262 260 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 260 29 who who PRON
_003136262 260 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 260 31 by by ADP
_003136262 260 32 forty forty NUM
_003136262 260 33 years year NOUN
_003136262 260 34 ' ' PART
_003136262 260 35 cruelty cruelty NOUN
_003136262 260 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 260 37 shall shall AUX
_003136262 260 38 perfect perfect VERB
_003136262 260 39 the the DET
_003136262 260 40 new new ADJ
_003136262 260 41 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 260 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 261 1 the the DET
_003136262 261 2 pe pe NOUN
_003136262 261 3 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 261 4 ple ple NOUN
_003136262 261 5 ~hall ~hall AUX
_003136262 261 6 be be AUX
_003136262 261 7 compelled compel VERB
_003136262 261 8 to.adopt to.adopt ADV
_003136262 261 9 the the DET
_003136262 261 10 new new ADJ
_003136262 261 11 reliaion reliaion NOUN
_003136262 261 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 261 13 by by ADP
_003136262 261 14 fines fine NOUN
_003136262 261 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 261 16 impnsonments impnsonment NOUN
_003136262 261 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 261 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 261 19 hangmgs hangmgs PROPN
_003136262 261 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 261 21 the the DET
_003136262 261 22 most most ADV
_003136262 261 23 enluring enluring ADJ
_003136262 261 24 persecution persecution NOUN
_003136262 261 25 ever ever ADV
_003136262 261 26 known know VERB
_003136262 261 27 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 261 28 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 261 29 being be AUX
_003136262 261 30 proved prove VERB
_003136262 261 31 necessary necessary ADJ
_003136262 261 32 to to PART
_003136262 261 33 enforce enforce VERB
_003136262 261 34 the the DET
_003136262 261 35 reformation reformation NOUN
_003136262 261 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 262 1 this this PRON
_003136262 262 2 will will AUX
_003136262 262 3 be be AUX
_003136262 262 4 that that ADV
_003136262 262 5 pure pure ADJ
_003136262 262 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 262 7 perfect perfect ADJ
_003136262 262 8 dispensation dispensation NOUN
_003136262 262 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 263 1 which which DET
_003136262 263 2 shal.l shal.l PRON
_003136262 263 3 supersed.e supersed.e PROPN
_003136262 263 4 .(in .(in NUM
_003136262 263 5 britain britain PROPN
_003136262 263 6 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 263 7 a a DET
_003136262 263 8 thousand thousand NUM
_003136262 263 9 years year NOUN
_003136262 263 10 of of ADP
_003136262 263 11 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 263 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 263 13 of of ADP
_003136262 263 14 obedience obedience NOUN
_003136262 263 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 263 16 of of ADP
_003136262 263 17 dlvme dlvme ADJ
_003136262 263 18 peace peace NOUN
_003136262 263 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 263 20 of of ADP
_003136262 263 21 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 263 22 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 263 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 263 24 of of ADP
_003136262 263 25 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 263 26 church.-we church.-we PROPN
_003136262 263 27 do do AUX
_003136262 263 28 not not PART
_003136262 263 29 find find VERB
_003136262 263 30 this this PRON
_003136262 263 31 stated state VERB
_003136262 263 32 in in ADP
_003136262 263 33 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 263 34 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 263 35 though though SCONJ
_003136262 263 36 certainly certainly ADV
_003136262 263 37 in in ADP
_003136262 263 38 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 263 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 264 1 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 264 2 we we PRON
_003136262 264 3 do do AUX
_003136262 264 4 read read VERB
_003136262 264 5 of of ADP
_003136262 264 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 264 7 the the DET
_003136262 264 8 abomination abomination NOUN
_003136262 264 9 of of ADP
_003136262 264 10 desolation desolation NOUN
_003136262 264 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 264 13 which which PRON
_003136262 264 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 15 we we PRON
_003136262 264 16 presume presume VERB
_003136262 264 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 18 refers refer VERB
_003136262 264 19 to to ADP
_003136262 264 20 the the DET
_003136262 264 21 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 264 22 religion~ religion~ PROPN
_003136262 264 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 264 24 here here ADV
_003136262 264 25 we we PRON
_003136262 264 26 may may AUX
_003136262 264 27 once once ADV
_003136262 264 28 more more ADJ
_003136262 264 29 ask ask NOUN
_003136262 264 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 31 is be AUX
_003136262 264 32 there there PRON
_003136262 264 33 any any DET
_003136262 264 34 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 264 35 in in ADP
_003136262 264 36 the the DET
_003136262 264 37 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 264 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 39 which which PRON
_003136262 264 40 has have VERB
_003136262 264 41 the the DET
_003136262 264 42 following following ADJ
_003136262 264 43 bearing bearing NOUN
_003136262 264 44 : : PUNCT
_003136262 264 45 that that SCONJ
_003136262 264 46 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 47 for for ADP
_003136262 264 48 the the DET
_003136262 264 49 first first ADJ
_003136262 264 50 fifteen fifteen NUM
_003136262 264 51 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 264 52 of of ADP
_003136262 264 53 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 264 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 55 the the DET
_003136262 264 56 living live VERB
_003136262 264 57 v v NOUN
_003136262 264 58 oice oice NOUN
_003136262 264 59 of of ADP
_003136262 264 60 the the DET
_003136262 264 61 church church NOUN
_003136262 264 62 should should AUX
_003136262 264 63 teach teach VERB
_003136262 264 64 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 264 65 but but CCONJ
_003136262 264 66 that that SCONJ
_003136262 264 67 about about ADP
_003136262 264 68 the the DET
_003136262 264 69 year year NOUN
_003136262 264 70 i450 i450 PROPN
_003136262 264 71 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 72 the the DET
_003136262 264 73 invention invention NOUN
_003136262 264 74 of of ADP
_003136262 264 75 printing printing NOUN
_003136262 264 76 should should AUX
_003136262 264 77 supersede supersede VERB
_003136262 264 78 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ
_003136262 264 79 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 264 80 , , PUNCT
_003136262 264 81 and and CCONJ
_003136262 264 82 letter letter NOUN
_003136262 264 83 - - PUNCT
_003136262 264 84 press press NOUN
_003136262 264 85 extinguish extinguish ADJ
_003136262 264 86 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 264 87 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 265 1 is be AUX
_003136262 265 2 it it PRON
_003136262 265 3 mentioned mention VERB
_003136262 265 4 in in ADP
_003136262 265 5 the the DET
_003136262 265 6 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 265 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 265 9 though though ADV
_003136262 265 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 11 for for ADP
_003136262 265 12 a a DET
_003136262 265 13 vast vast ADJ
_003136262 265 14 number number NOUN
_003136262 265 15 of of ADP
_003136262 265 16 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 265 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 18 christians christians PROPN
_003136262 265 19 should should AUX
_003136262 265 20 not not PART
_003136262 265 21 be be AUX
_003136262 265 22 able able ADJ
_003136262 265 23 to to PART
_003136262 265 24 know know VERB
_003136262 265 25 the the DET
_003136262 265 26 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 265 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 28 because because SCONJ
_003136262 265 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 265 30 the the DET
_003136262 265 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 265 32 circulation circulation NOUN
_003136262 265 33 of of ADP
_003136262 265 34 the the DET
_003136262 265 35 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 265 36 " " PUNCT
_003136262 265 37 would would AUX
_003136262 265 38 be be AUX
_003136262 265 39 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 265 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 41 still still ADV
_003136262 265 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 43 the the DET
_003136262 265 44 time time NOUN
_003136262 265 45 would would AUX
_003136262 265 46 come come VERB
_003136262 265 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 48 when when SCONJ
_003136262 265 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 50 thanks thank NOUN
_003136262 265 51 to to ADP
_003136262 265 52 john john PROPN
_003136262 265 53 gutenberg gutenberg PROPN
_003136262 265 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 265 55 it it PRON
_003136262 265 56 would would AUX
_003136262 265 57 be be AUX
_003136262 265 58 possible possible ADJ
_003136262 265 59 for for SCONJ
_003136262 265 60 all all DET
_003136262 265 61 christians christians PROPN
_003136262 265 62 to to PART
_003136262 265 63 have have VERB
_003136262 265 64 a a DET
_003136262 265 65 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 265 66 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 266 1 all all DET
_003136262 266 2 the the DET
_003136262 266 3 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 266 4 which which PRON
_003136262 266 5 was be AUX
_003136262 266 6 to to PART
_003136262 266 7 precede precede VERB
_003136262 266 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 9 art art NOUN
_003136262 266 10 of of ADP
_003136262 266 11 printing printing NOUN
_003136262 266 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 13 was be AUX
_003136262 266 14 to to PART
_003136262 266 15 be be AUX
_003136262 266 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 17 popish popish NOUN
_003136262 266 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 266 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 21 corrupt corrupt ADJ
_003136262 266 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 266 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 25 unscriptural unscriptural ADJ
_003136262 266 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 266 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 266 28 but but CCONJ
_003136262 266 29 when when SCONJ
_003136262 266 30 compositors compositor NOUN
_003136262 266 31 should should AUX
_003136262 266 32 arise arise VERB
_003136262 266 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 266 34 and and CCONJ
_003136262 266 35 stereotype stereotype NOUN
_003136262 266 36 be be AUX
_003136262 266 37 invented invent VERB
_003136262 266 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 266 39 then then ADV
_003136262 266 40 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 266 41 should should AUX
_003136262 266 42 become become VERB
_003136262 266 43 pure pure ADJ
_003136262 266 44 . . PUNCT
_003136262 266 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 267 1 this this PRON
_003136262 267 2 is be AUX
_003136262 267 3 not not PART
_003136262 267 4 stated state VERB
_003136262 267 5 in in ADP
_003136262 267 6 the the DET
_003136262 267 7 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 267 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 268 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 2 lastly lastly ADV
_003136262 268 3 : : PUNCT
_003136262 268 4 do do AUX
_003136262 268 5 we we PRON
_003136262 268 6 read read VERB
_003136262 268 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 8 in in ADP
_003136262 268 9 any any DET
_003136262 268 10 part part NOUN
_003136262 268 11 of of ADP
_003136262 268 12 the the DET
_003136262 268 13 new new ADJ
_003136262 268 14 t t PROPN
_003136262 268 15 estament estament NOUN
_003136262 268 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 268 18 about about ADP
_003136262 268 19 the the DET
_003136262 268 20 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ
_003136262 268 21 century century NOUN
_003136262 268 22 - - PUNCT
_003136262 268 23 for for ADP
_003136262 268 24 the the DET
_003136262 268 25 first first ADJ
_003136262 268 26 time time NOUN
_003136262 268 27 in in ADP
_003136262 268 28 the the DET
_003136262 268 29 church church NOUN
_003136262 268 30 's 's PART
_003136262 268 31 life life NOUN
_003136262 268 32 - - PUNCT
_003136262 268 33 true true ADJ
_003136262 268 34 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 268 35 should should AUX
_003136262 268 36 consist consist VERB
_003136262 268 37 in in ADP
_003136262 268 38 heresies heresy NOUN
_003136262 268 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 40 in in ADP
_003136262 268 41 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 268 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 43 in in ADP
_003136262 268 44 divisions division NOUN
_003136262 268 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 46 in in ADP
_003136262 268 47 schisms schism NOUN
_003136262 268 48 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 49 in in ADP
_003136262 268 50 self self NOUN
_003136262 268 51 - - PUNCT
_003136262 268 52 pleasing pleasing ADJ
_003136262 268 53 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 54 self self NOUN
_003136262 268 55 - - PUNCT
_003136262 268 56 obeying obey VERB
_003136262 268 57 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 58 self self NOUN
_003136262 268 59 - - PUNCT
_003136262 268 60 worshipping worship VERB
_003136262 268 61 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 62 in in ADP
_003136262 268 63 a a DET
_003136262 268 64 luxurious luxurious ADJ
_003136262 268 65 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 268 66 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 67 in in ADP
_003136262 268 68 wedd!=d wedd!=d ADJ
_003136262 268 69 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 268 70 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 71 in in ADP
_003136262 268 72 the the DET
_003136262 268 73 soft soft ADJ
_003136262 268 74 silken silken ADJ
_003136262 268 75 effeminacy effeminacy NOUN
_003136262 268 76 of of ADP
_003136262 268 77 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 268 78 palaces palace NOUN
_003136262 268 79 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 80 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 81 the the DET
_003136262 268 82 easy easy ADJ
_003136262 268 83 parsonage parsonage NOUN
_003136262 268 84 houses house NOUN
_003136262 268 85 of of ADP
_003136262 268 86 married married ADJ
_003136262 268 87 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 268 88 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 89 m m VERB
_003136262 268 90 the the DET
_003136262 268 91 refusal refusal NOUN
_003136262 268 92 to to PART
_003136262 268 93 obey obey VERB
_003136262 268 94 any any DET
_003136262 268 95 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 268 96 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 97 save save VERB
_003136262 268 98 the the DET
_003136262 268 99 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 268 100 of of ADP
_003136262 268 101 one one PRON
_003136262 268 102 's 's PART
_003136262 268 103 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 104 private private ADJ
_003136262 268 105 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 268 106 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 107 in in ADP
_003136262 268 108 refusing refuse VERB
_003136262 268 109 to to PART
_003136262 268 110 confess confess VERB
_003136262 268 111 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 112 to to ADP
_003136262 268 113 20 20 NUM
_003136262 268 114 fast fast ADV
_003136262 268 115 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 116 to to PART
_003136262 268 117 keep keep VERB
_003136262 268 118 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 268 119 - - PUNCT
_003136262 268 120 day day NOUN
_003136262 268 121 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 122 in in ADP
_003136262 268 123 hating hate VERB
_003136262 268 124 the the DET
_003136262 268 125 church church NOUN
_003136262 268 126 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 127 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 128 reviling revile VERB
_003136262 268 129 her her PRON
_003136262 268 130 commandments commandment NOUN
_003136262 268 131 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 132 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 133 preaching preach VERB
_003136262 268 134 twaddle twaddle NOUN
_003136262 268 135 against against ADP
_003136262 268 136 the the DET
_003136262 268 137 " " PUNCT
_003136262 268 138 err err NOUN
_003136262 268 139 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 140 ors or NOUN
_003136262 268 141 of of ADP
_003136262 268 142 popery popery NOUN
_003136262 268 143 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 144 " " PUNCT
_003136262 268 145 in in ADP
_003136262 268 146 submitting submit VERB
_003136262 268 147 to to ADP
_003136262 268 148 a a DET
_003136262 268 149 privy privy PROPN
_003136262 268 150 council council NOUN
_003136262 268 151 in in ADP
_003136262 268 152 matters matter NOUN
_003136262 268 153 of of ADP
_003136262 268 154 ritual ritual ADJ
_003136262 268 155 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 156 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 157 to to ADP
_003136262 268 158 oneself oneself PRON
_003136262 268 159 only only ADV
_003136262 268 160 in in ADP
_003136262 268 161 matters matter NOUN
_003136262 268 162 of of ADP
_003136262 268 163 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 268 164 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 165 in in ADP
_003136262 268 166 prating prate VERB
_003136262 268 167 about about ADP
_003136262 268 168 the the DET
_003136262 268 169 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 268 170 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 171 while while SCONJ
_003136262 268 172 interpreting interpret VERB
_003136262 268 173 it it PRON
_003136262 268 174 for for ADP
_003136262 268 175 oneself oneself PRON
_003136262 268 176 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 177 or or CCONJ
_003136262 268 178 about about ADP
_003136262 268 179 the the DET
_003136262 268 180 church church NOUN
_003136262 268 181 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 182 while while SCONJ
_003136262 268 183 flatly flatly ADV
_003136262 268 184 disobeying disobey VERB
_003136262 268 185 it it PRON
_003136262 268 186 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 187 in in ADP
_003136262 268 188 worshipping worship VERB
_003136262 268 189 god god PROPN
_003136262 268 190 by by ADP
_003136262 268 191 a a DET
_003136262 268 192 service service NOUN
_003136262 268 193 approved approve VERB
_003136262 268 194 by by ADP
_003136262 268 195 parliament parliament NOUN
_003136262 268 196 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 197 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 198 in in ADP
_003136262 268 199 swearing swear VERB
_003136262 268 200 to to ADP
_003136262 268 201 parliamentary parliamentary ADJ
_003136262 268 202 articles article NOUN
_003136262 268 203 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 204 in in ADP
_003136262 268 205 taking take VERB
_003136262 268 206 office office NOUN
_003136262 268 207 from from ADP
_003136262 268 208 a a DET
_003136262 268 209 secular secular ADJ
_003136262 268 210 minister minister NOUN
_003136262 268 211 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 212 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 213 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN
_003136262 268 214 from from ADP
_003136262 268 215 a a DET
_003136262 268 216 secular secular ADJ
_003136262 268 217 first first ADJ
_003136262 268 218 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 268 219 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 220 in in ADP
_003136262 268 221 obeying obey VERB
_003136262 268 222 councils council NOUN
_003136262 268 223 just just ADV
_003136262 268 224 so so ADV
_003136262 268 225 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 226 far far ADV
_003136262 268 227 as as SCONJ
_003136262 268 228 they they PRON
_003136262 268 229 obey obey VERB
_003136262 268 230 us we PRON
_003136262 268 231 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 232 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 233 in in ADP
_003136262 268 234 not not PART
_003136262 268 235 obeying obey VERB
_003136262 268 236 the the DET
_003136262 268 237 vicar vicar NOUN
_003136262 268 238 of of ADP
_003136262 268 239 god god PROPN
_003136262 268 240 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 241 in in ADP
_003136262 268 242 inventing invent VERB
_003136262 268 243 one one PRON
_003136262 268 244 's 's PART
_003136262 268 245 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 246 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 268 247 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 248 one one PRON
_003136262 268 249 's 's PART
_003136262 268 250 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 251 creed creed NOUN
_003136262 268 252 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 253 one one PRON
_003136262 268 254 's 's PART
_003136262 268 255 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 256 " " PUNCT
_003136262 268 257 bible bible ADJ
_003136262 268 258 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 259 " " PUNCT
_003136262 268 260 and and CCONJ
_003136262 268 261 in in ADP
_003136262 268 262 reducing reduce VERB
_003136262 268 263 god god PROPN
_003136262 268 264 to to ADP
_003136262 268 265 the the DET
_003136262 268 266 level level NOUN
_003136262 268 267 of of ADP
_003136262 268 268 our our PRON
_003136262 268 269 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 268 270 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 268 271 in in ADP
_003136262 268 272 making make VERB
_003136262 268 273 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 268 274 the the DET
_003136262 268 275 most most ADV
_003136262 268 276 human human NOUN
_003136262 268 277 of of ADP
_003136262 268 278 r.eligions r.eligion NOUN
_003136262 268 279 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 280 because because SCONJ
_003136262 268 281 subject subject ADJ
_003136262 268 282 to to ADP
_003136262 268 283 every every DET
_003136262 268 284 man man NOUN
_003136262 268 285 's 's PART
_003136262 268 286 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 287 will will AUX
_003136262 268 288 : : PUNCT
_003136262 268 289 in in ADP
_003136262 268 290 shor~ shor~ PROPN
_003136262 268 291 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 292 in in ADP
_003136262 268 293 making make VERB
_003136262 268 294 a a DET
_003136262 268 295 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 268 296 of of ADP
_003136262 268 297 one one NOUN
_003136262 268 298 's 's PART
_003136262 268 299 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 300 , , PUNCT
_003136262 268 301 just just ADV
_003136262 268 302 as as SCONJ
_003136262 268 303 one one NUM
_003136262 268 304 makes make VERB
_003136262 268 305 one one PRON
_003136262 268 306 's 's PART
_003136262 268 307 own own ADJ
_003136262 268 308 politics politic NOUN
_003136262 268 309 or or CCONJ
_003136262 268 310 philosophy philosophy NOUN
_003136262 268 311 . . PUNCT
_003136262 269 1 we we PRON
_003136262 269 2 read read VERB
_003136262 269 3 nofhing nofhe VERB
_003136262 269 4 of of ADP
_003136262 269 5 this this PRON
_003136262 269 6 in in ADP
_003136262 269 7 the the DET
_003136262 269 8 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 269 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 270 1 we we PRON
_003136262 270 2 do do AUX
_003136262 270 3 read read VERB
_003136262 270 4 exactly exactly ADV
_003136262 270 5 the the DET
_003136262 270 6 contrary contrary NOUN
_003136262 270 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 271 1 we we PRON
_003136262 271 2 read read VERB
_003136262 271 3 that that DET
_003136262 271 4 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 271 5 is be AUX
_003136262 271 6 of of ADP
_003136262 271 7 all all DET
_003136262 271 8 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 271 9 the the DET
_003136262 271 10 greatest great ADJ
_003136262 271 11 - - PUNCT
_003136262 271 12 while while SCONJ
_003136262 271 13 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 271 14 declares declare VERB
_003136262 271 15 it it PRON
_003136262 271 16 to to PART
_003136262 271 17 be be AUX
_003136262 271 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 19 scriptural scriptural ADJ
_003136262 271 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 271 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 22 we we PRON
_003136262 271 23 read read VERB
_003136262 271 24 that that PRON
_003136262 271 25 schism schism NOUN
_003136262 271 26 is be AUX
_003136262 271 27 hateful hateful ADJ
_003136262 271 28 to to ADP
_003136262 271 29 god god PROPN
_003136262 271 30 - - PUNCT
_003136262 271 31 while while SCONJ
_003136262 271 32 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 271 33 calls call VERB
_003136262 271 34 it it PRON
_003136262 271 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 36 religious religious ADJ
_003136262 271 37 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 271 38 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 271 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 40 we we PRON
_003136262 271 41 read read VERB
_003136262 271 42 that that SCONJ
_003136262 271 43 rebellion rebellion NOUN
_003136262 271 44 is be AUX
_003136262 271 45 worse bad ADJ
_003136262 271 46 even even ADV
_003136262 271 47 than than ADP
_003136262 271 48 witchcraft witchcraft NOUN
_003136262 271 49 - - PUNCT
_003136262 271 50 while while SCONJ
_003136262 271 51 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 271 52 calls call VERB
_003136262 271 53 it it PRON
_003136262 271 54 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 55 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 271 56 enlightenment enlightenment NOUN
_003136262 271 57 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 271 58 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 59 we we PRON
_003136262 271 60 read read VERB
_003136262 271 61 that that SCONJ
_003136262 271 62 separatists separatist NOUN
_003136262 271 63 make make VERB
_003136262 271 64 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 65 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 271 66 of of ADP
_003136262 271 67 perdition perdition NOUN
_003136262 271 68 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 69 -whereas -wherea VERB
_003136262 271 70 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 271 71 calls call VERB
_003136262 271 72 them they PRON
_003136262 271 73 " " PUNCT
_003136262 271 74 scriptural scriptural ADJ
_003136262 271 75 persons person NOUN
_003136262 271 76 . . PUNCT
_003136262 271 77 " " PUNCT
_003136262 272 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 272 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 272 3 we we PRON
_003136262 272 4 fail fail VERB
_003136262 272 5 to to PART
_003136262 272 6 trace trace VERB
_003136262 272 7 the the DET
_003136262 272 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 272 9 scripturalness scripturalness NOUN
_003136262 272 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 272 11 of of ADP
_003136262 272 12 that that DET
_003136262 272 13 institution institution NOUN
_003136262 272 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 272 15 which which PRON
_003136262 272 16 is be AUX
_003136262 272 17 denominated denominate VERB
_003136262 272 18 church church NOUN
_003136262 272 19 of of ADP
_003136262 272 20 england england PROPN
_003136262 272 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 273 1 to to ADP
_003136262 273 2 our our PRON
_003136262 273 3 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 273 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 273 5 all all DET
_003136262 273 6 the the DET
_003136262 273 7 heresies heresy NOUN
_003136262 273 8 that that PRON
_003136262 273 9 were be AUX
_003136262 273 10 ever ever ADV
_003136262 273 11 begotten beget VERB
_003136262 273 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 273 13 all all DET
_003136262 273 14 the the DET
_003136262 273 15 schisms schism NOUN
_003136262 273 16 that that PRON
_003136262 273 17 were be AUX
_003136262 273 18 ever ever ADV
_003136262 273 19 created create VERB
_003136262 273 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 273 21 all all DET
_003136262 273 22 the the DET
_003136262 273 23 infidelities infidelity NOUN
_003136262 273 24 that that PRON
_003136262 273 25 were be AUX
_003136262 273 26 ever ever ADV
_003136262 273 27 conceived conceive VERB
_003136262 273 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 273 29 are be AUX
_003136262 273 30 culminated culminate VERB
_003136262 273 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 273 32 embosomed embosome VERB
_003136262 273 33 and and CCONJ
_003136262 273 34 deified deify VERB
_003136262 273 35 in in ADP
_003136262 273 36 this this DET
_003136262 273 37 last last ADJ
_003136262 273 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 273 39 abomination abomination NOUN
_003136262 273 40 of of ADP
_003136262 273 41 desolation desolation NOUN
_003136262 273 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 273 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 274 1 it it PRON
_003136262 274 2 is be AUX
_003136262 274 3 the the DET
_003136262 274 4 apotheosis apotheosis NOUN
_003136262 274 5 of of ADP
_003136262 274 6 every every DET
_003136262 274 7 rebellious rebellious ADJ
_003136262 274 8 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 274 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 274 10 of of ADP
_003136262 274 11 every every DET
_003136262 274 12 heretic heretic ADJ
_003136262 274 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 274 14 schismatic schismatic ADJ
_003136262 274 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 274 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 274 17 arch arch ADJ
_003136262 274 18 - - PUNCT
_003136262 274 19 rebel rebel NOUN
_003136262 274 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 274 21 of of ADP
_003136262 274 22 every every DET
_003136262 274 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 274 24 principle principle NOUN
_003136262 274 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 274 26 that that PRON
_003136262 274 27 has have AUX
_003136262 274 28 undermined undermine VERB
_003136262 274 29 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 274 30 - - PUNCT
_003136262 274 31 becaus'e becaus'e NOUN
_003136262 274 32 it it PRON
_003136262 274 33 is be AUX
_003136262 274 34 the the DET
_003136262 274 35 claim claim NOUN
_003136262 274 36 of of ADP
_003136262 274 37 the the DET
_003136262 274 38 right right NOUN
_003136262 274 39 of of ADP
_003136262 274 40 being be AUX
_003136262 274 41 a a DET
_003136262 274 42 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 274 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 275 1 it it PRON
_003136262 275 2 is be AUX
_003136262 275 3 the the DET
_003136262 275 4 enthronement enthronement NOUN
_003136262 275 5 of of ADP
_003136262 275 6 the the DET
_003136262 275 7 divinity divinity NOUN
_003136262 275 8 of of ADP
_003136262 275 9 disobedience disobedience NOUN
_003136262 275 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 276 1 man man NOUN
_003136262 276 2 may may AUX
_003136262 276 3 become become VERB
_003136262 276 4 more more ADV
_003136262 276 5 degraded degraded ADJ
_003136262 276 6 in in ADP
_003136262 276 7 rebellion rebellion NOUN
_003136262 276 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 276 9 but but CCONJ
_003136262 276 10 he he PRON
_003136262 276 11 can can AUX
_003136262 276 12 never never ADV
_003136262 276 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 276 14 become become VERB
_003136262 276 15 more more ADV
_003136262 276 16 absolute absolute ADJ
_003136262 276 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 277 1 21 21 NUM
_003136262 277 2 but but CCONJ
_003136262 277 3 to to PART
_003136262 277 4 address address VERB
_003136262 277 5 ourselves ourselves PRON
_003136262 277 6 to to ADP
_003136262 277 7 the the DET
_003136262 277 8 questions question NOUN
_003136262 277 9 asked ask VERB
_003136262 277 10 by by ADP
_003136262 277 11 the the DET
_003136262 277 12 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 277 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 278 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 278 2 i i PROPN
_003136262 278 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 278 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 278 5 where where SCONJ
_003136262 278 6 do do AUX
_003136262 278 7 you you PRON
_003136262 278 8 find find VERB
_003136262 278 9 any any DET
_003136262 278 10 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 278 11 in in ADP
_003136262 278 12 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 278 13 god god PROPN
_003136262 278 14 's 's PART
_003136262 278 15 word word NOUN
_003136262 278 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 278 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 278 18 asks ask VERB
_003136262 278 19 his his PRON
_003136262 278 20 lordship lordship NOUN
_003136262 278 21 with with ADP
_003136262 278 22 charming charming ADJ
_003136262 278 23 simplicity simplicity NOUN
_003136262 278 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 278 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 278 26 for for ADP
_003136262 278 27 the the DET
_003136262 278 28 distinction distinction NOUN
_003136262 278 29 between between ADP
_003136262 278 30 venial venial ADJ
_003136262 278 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 278 32 mortal mortal ADJ
_003136262 278 33 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 278 34 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 278 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 279 1 well well ADV
_003136262 279 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 279 3 really really ADV
_003136262 279 4 the the DET
_003136262 279 5 question question NOUN
_003136262 279 6 is be AUX
_003136262 279 7 so so ADV
_003136262 279 8 idle idle ADJ
_003136262 279 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 279 10 that that SCONJ
_003136262 279 11 it it PRON
_003136262 279 12 is be AUX
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_003136262 279 14 to to PART
_003136262 279 15 answer answer VERB
_003136262 279 16 it it PRON
_003136262 279 17 gravely gravely ADV
_003136262 279 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 280 1 does do VERB
_003136262 280 2 any any DET
_003136262 280 3 human human ADJ
_003136262 280 4 being being NOUN
_003136262 280 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 280 6 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 280 7 or or CCONJ
_003136262 280 8 non non ADJ
_003136262 280 9 - - ADJ
_003136262 280 10 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 280 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 280 12 class class NOUN
_003136262 280 13 murder murder NOUN
_003136262 280 14 with with ADP
_003136262 280 15 irritability irritability NOUN
_003136262 280 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 280 17 adultery adultery NOUN
_003136262 280 18 with with ADP
_003136262 280 19 effeminacy effeminacy NOUN
_003136262 280 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 280 21 theft theft NOUN
_003136262 280 22 with with ADP
_003136262 280 23 over over ADP
_003136262 280 24 - - PUNCT
_003136262 280 25 reaching reach VERB
_003136262 280 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 280 27 or or CCONJ
_003136262 280 28 blasphemy blasphemy NOUN
_003136262 280 29 with with ADP
_003136262 280 30 levity levity NOUN
_003136262 280 31 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 281 1 , , PUNCT
_003136262 281 2 it it PRON
_003136262 281 3 is be AUX
_003136262 281 4 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 281 5 that that SCONJ
_003136262 281 6 the the DET
_003136262 281 7 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 281 8 does do AUX
_003136262 281 9 not not PART
_003136262 281 10 do do VERB
_003136262 281 11 so so ADV
_003136262 281 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 282 1 he he PRON
_003136262 282 2 knows know VERB
_003136262 282 3 as as ADV
_003136262 282 4 well well ADV
_003136262 282 5 as as SCONJ
_003136262 282 6 we we PRON
_003136262 282 7 do do VERB
_003136262 282 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 282 9 there there PRON
_003136262 282 10 are be VERB
_003136262 282 11 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 282 12 which which PRON
_003136262 282 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 282 14 kill kill VERB
_003136262 282 15 the the DET
_003136262 282 16 soul soul NOUN
_003136262 282 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 282 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 282 19 while while SCONJ
_003136262 282 20 there there PRON
_003136262 282 21 are be VERB
_003136262 282 22 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 282 23 of of ADP
_003136262 282 24 mere mere ADJ
_003136262 282 25 weakness weakness NOUN
_003136262 282 26 or or CCONJ
_003136262 282 27 carelessness carelessness NOUN
_003136262 282 28 which which PRON
_003136262 282 29 one one NUM
_003136262 282 30 deep deep ADJ
_003136262 282 31 sigh sigh NOUN
_003136262 282 32 may may AUX
_003136262 282 33 wash wash VERB
_003136262 282 34 out out ADP
_003136262 282 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 283 1 children child NOUN
_003136262 283 2 are be AUX
_003136262 283 3 not not PART
_003136262 283 4 hang hang VERB
_003136262 283 5 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 283 6 d d NOUN
_003136262 283 7 for for ADP
_003136262 283 8 disobeying disobey VERB
_003136262 283 9 their their PRON
_003136262 283 10 parents parent NOUN
_003136262 283 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 283 12 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 283 13 is be AUX
_003136262 283 14 hell hell NOUN
_003136262 283 15 - - PUNCT
_003136262 283 16 fire fire NOUN
_003136262 283 17 meant mean VERB
_003136262 283 18 for for ADP
_003136262 283 19 the the DET
_003136262 283 20 imperfect imperfect NOUN
_003136262 283 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 284 1 common common ADJ
_003136262 284 2 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 284 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 284 4 without without ADP
_003136262 284 5 any any DET
_003136262 284 6 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 284 7 at at ADV
_003136262 284 8 all all ADV
_003136262 284 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 284 10 would would AUX
_003136262 284 11 tell tell VERB
_003136262 284 12 us we PRON
_003136262 284 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 284 14 the the DET
_003136262 284 15 will will NOUN
_003136262 284 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 284 17 plus plus CCONJ
_003136262 284 18 the the DET
_003136262 284 19 nature nature NOUN
_003136262 284 20 of of ADP
_003136262 284 21 the the DET
_003136262 284 22 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 284 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 284 24 make make VERB
_003136262 284 25 all all DET
_003136262 284 26 the the DET
_003136262 284 27 difference difference NOUN
_003136262 284 28 in in ADP
_003136262 284 29 desert desert NOUN
_003136262 284 30 . . PUNCT
_003136262 285 1 there there PRON
_003136262 285 2 are be VERB
_003136262 285 3 scores score NOUN
_003136262 285 4 of of ADP
_003136262 285 5 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 285 6 in in ADP
_003136262 285 7 the the DET
_003136262 285 8 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 285 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 285 10 which which PRON
_003136262 285 11 speak speak VERB
_003136262 285 12 of of ADP
_003136262 285 13 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 285 14 which which PRON
_003136262 285 15 quench quench VERB
_003136262 285 16 the the DET
_003136262 285 17 grace grace NOUN
_003136262 285 18 of of ADP
_003136262 285 19 god god PROPN
_003136262 285 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 285 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 285 22 these these DET
_003136262 285 23 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 285 24 are be AUX
_003136262 285 25 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 285 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 285 27 mortal mortal ADJ
_003136262 285 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 285 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 285 30 that that PRON
_003136262 285 31 is be AUX
_003136262 285 32 deadly deadly ADJ
_003136262 285 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 286 1 * * PUNCT
_003136262 286 2 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 287 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 287 2 there there PRON
_003136262 287 3 are be VERB
_003136262 287 4 scores score NOUN
_003136262 287 5 of of ADP
_003136262 287 6 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 287 7 in in ADP
_003136262 287 8 the the DET
_003136262 287 9 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 287 10 which which PRON
_003136262 287 11 speak speak VERB
_003136262 287 12 of of ADP
_003136262 287 13 the the DET
_003136262 287 14 frailties frailty NOUN
_003136262 287 15 of of ADP
_003136262 287 16 our our PRON
_003136262 287 17 nature nature NOUN
_003136262 287 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 287 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 287 20 of of ADP
_003136262 287 21 god god PROPN
_003136262 287 22 's 's PART
_003136262 287 23 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 287 24 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 287 25 superabundant superabundant ADJ
_003136262 287 26 clemency clemency NOUN
_003136262 287 27 in in ADP
_003136262 287 28 looking look VERB
_003136262 287 29 lightly lightly ADV
_003136262 287 30 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 287 31 small small ADJ
_003136262 287 32 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 287 33 repented repented ADJ
_003136262 287 34 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 287 35 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 287 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 288 1 there there PRON
_003136262 288 2 are be VERB
_003136262 288 3 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 288 4 which which PRON
_003136262 288 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 6 cry cry VERB
_003136262 288 7 from from ADP
_003136262 288 8 the the DET
_003136262 288 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 288 10 ground ground NOUN
_003136262 288 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 288 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 13 which which PRON
_003136262 288 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 288 15 as as SCONJ
_003136262 288 16 st st PROPN
_003136262 288 17 . . PROPN
_003136262 288 18 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 288 19 says say VERB
_003136262 288 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 288 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 22 go go VERB
_003136262 288 23 before before ADP
_003136262 288 24 men man NOUN
_003136262 288 25 to to ADP
_003136262 288 26 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 288 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 288 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 29 but but CCONJ
_003136262 288 30 there there PRON
_003136262 288 31 are be VERB
_003136262 288 32 also also ADV
_003136262 288 33 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 288 34 which which PRON
_003136262 288 35 are be AUX
_003136262 288 36 referred refer VERB
_003136262 288 37 to to ADP
_003136262 288 38 as as ADP
_003136262 288 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 40 infirmities infirmity NOUN
_003136262 288 41 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 288 42 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 43 as as ADP
_003136262 288 44 where where SCONJ
_003136262 288 45 st st PROPN
_003136262 288 46 . . PROPN
_003136262 288 47 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 288 48 says say VERB
_003136262 288 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 288 50 " " PUNCT
_003136262 288 51 for for SCONJ
_003136262 288 52 we we PRON
_003136262 288 53 have have VERB
_003136262 288 54 not not PART
_003136262 288 55 a a DET
_003136262 288 56 high high ADJ
_003136262 288 57 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 288 58 who who PRON
_003136262 288 59 can can AUX
_003136262 288 60 not not PART
_003136262 288 61 have have VERB
_003136262 288 62 compassion compassion NOUN
_003136262 288 63 on on ADP
_003136262 288 64 our our PRON
_003136262 288 65 infirmities infirmity NOUN
_003136262 288 66 . . PUNCT
_003136262 288 67 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 1 the the DET
_003136262 289 2 \yord \yord PROPN
_003136262 289 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 4 mortal mortal ADJ
_003136262 289 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 289 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 7 like like ADP
_003136262 289 8 the the DET
_003136262 289 9 word word NOUN
_003136262 289 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 11 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 289 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 289 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 14 is be AUX
_003136262 289 15 vernacular vernacular ADJ
_003136262 289 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 289 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 289 18 the the DET
_003136262 289 19 word word NOUN
_003136262 289 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 21 venial venial ADJ
_003136262 289 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 289 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 24 like like ADP
_003136262 289 25 the the DET
_003136262 289 26 word word NOUN
_003136262 289 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 28 popish popish NOUN
_003136262 289 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 289 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 289 31 is be AUX
_003136262 289 32 vernacular vernacular ADJ
_003136262 289 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 290 1 their their PRON
_003136262 290 2 senses sense NOUN
_003136262 290 3 are be AUX
_003136262 290 4 obvious obvious ADJ
_003136262 290 5 to to ADP
_003136262 290 6 everybody everybody PRON
_003136262 290 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 291 1 to to PART
_003136262 291 2 carp carp VERB
_003136262 291 3 at at ADP
_003136262 291 4 words word NOUN
_003136262 291 5 is be AUX
_003136262 291 6 a a DET
_003136262 291 7 weak weak ADJ
_003136262 291 8 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 291 9 in in ADP
_003136262 291 10 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 291 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 291 12 who who PRON
_003136262 291 13 have have AUX
_003136262 291 14 invented invent VERB
_003136262 291 15 a a DET
_003136262 291 16 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 291 17 vocabulary vocabulary NOUN
_003136262 291 18 of of ADP
_003136262 291 19 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 291 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 292 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 292 2 2 2 X
_003136262 292 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 292 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 292 5 and and CCONJ
_003136262 292 6 where where SCONJ
_003136262 292 7 in in ADP
_003136262 292 8 god god PROPN
_003136262 292 9 's 's PART
_003136262 292 10 word word NOUN
_003136262 292 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 292 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 292 13 asks ask VERB
_003136262 292 14 the the DET
_003136262 292 15 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 292 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 292 17 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 292 18 will will AUX
_003136262 292 19 you you PRON
_003136262 292 20 find find VERB
_003136262 292 21 any any DET
_003136262 292 22 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 292 23 for for ADP
_003136262 292 24 purgatory purgatory NOUN
_003136262 292 25 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 292 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 293 1 this this PRON
_003136262 293 2 is be AUX
_003136262 293 3 another another DET
_003136262 293 4 example example NOUN
_003136262 293 5 of of ADP
_003136262 293 6 that that DET
_003136262 293 7 force force NOUN
_003136262 293 8 of of ADP
_003136262 293 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 293 10 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 293 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 293 12 of of ADP
_003136262 293 13 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 293 14 on on ADP
_003136262 293 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 294 1 * * PUNCT
_003136262 295 1 the the DET
_003136262 295 2 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 295 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 295 4 is be AUX
_003136262 295 5 supposed suppose VERB
_003136262 295 6 to to PART
_003136262 295 7 pray pray VERB
_003136262 295 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 295 9 at at ADP
_003136262 295 10 least least ADV
_003136262 295 11 three three NUM
_003136262 295 12 times time NOUN
_003136262 295 13 every every DET
_003136262 295 14 week week NOUN
_003136262 295 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 295 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 295 17 from from ADP
_003136262 295 18 all all DET
_003136262 295 19 other other ADJ
_003136262 295 20 deadly deadly ADJ
_003136262 295 21 81os 81os ADJ
_003136262 295 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 295 23 good good ADJ
_003136262 295 24 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 295 25 deliver deliver VERB
_003136262 295 26 us we PRON
_003136262 295 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 295 28 'l 'l PART
_003136262 295 29 22 22 NUM
_003136262 295 30 which which PRON
_003136262 295 31 the the DET
_003136262 295 32 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 295 33 equivocally equivocally ADV
_003136262 295 34 insists insist VERB
_003136262 295 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 296 1 to to ADP
_003136262 296 2 a a DET
_003136262 296 3 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 296 4 there there PRON
_003136262 296 5 are be VERB
_003136262 296 6 many many ADJ
_003136262 296 7 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 296 8 in in ADP
_003136262 296 9 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 296 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 296 11 which which PRON
_003136262 296 12 teach teach VERB
_003136262 296 13 the the DET
_003136262 296 14 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 296 15 of of ADP
_003136262 296 16 purgatory purgatory NOUN
_003136262 296 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 297 1 first first ADV
_003136262 297 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 297 3 the the DET
_003136262 297 4 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 297 5 is be AUX
_003136262 297 6 implied imply VERB
_003136262 297 7 in in ADP
_003136262 297 8 those those DET
_003136262 297 9 very very ADV
_003136262 297 10 many many ADJ
_003136262 297 11 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 297 12 which which PRON
_003136262 297 13 declare declare VERB
_003136262 297 14 that that SCONJ
_003136262 297 15 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 297 16 defiled defile VERB
_003136262 297 17 shall shall AUX
_003136262 297 18 enter enter VERB
_003136262 297 19 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 297 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 298 1 it it PRON
_003136262 298 2 is be AUX
_003136262 298 3 implied imply VERB
_003136262 298 4 in in ADP
_003136262 298 5 those those DET
_003136262 298 6 very very ADV
_003136262 298 7 many many ADJ
_003136262 298 8 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 298 9 which which PRON
_003136262 298 10 speak speak VERB
_003136262 298 11 of of ADP
_003136262 298 12 punishment punishment NOUN
_003136262 298 13 for for ADP
_003136262 298 14 every every DET
_003136262 298 15 committed committed ADJ
_003136262 298 16 fault fault NOUN
_003136262 298 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 299 1 it it PRON
_003136262 299 2 is be AUX
_003136262 299 3 implied imply VERB
_003136262 299 4 in in ADP
_003136262 299 5 our our PRON
_003136262 299 6 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 299 7 's 's PART
_003136262 299 8 desce desce NOUN
_003136262 299 9 nt not PART
_003136262 299 10 into into ADP
_003136262 299 11 limbo limbo NOUN
_003136262 299 12 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 299 13 at at ADP
_003136262 299 14 least least ADJ
_003136262 299 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 299 16 so so SCONJ
_003136262 299 17 theologians theologian NOUN
_003136262 299 18 have have AUX
_003136262 299 19 considered consider VERB
_003136262 299 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 300 1 it it PRON
_003136262 300 2 is be AUX
_003136262 300 3 directly directly ADV
_003136262 300 4 taught teach VERB
_003136262 300 5 in in ADP
_003136262 300 6 the the DET
_003136262 300 7 book book NOUN
_003136262 300 8 of of ADP
_003136262 300 9 macabees macabee NOUN
_003136262 300 10 : : PUNCT
_003136262 300 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 300 12 it it PRON
_003136262 300 13 is be AUX
_003136262 300 14 a a DET
_003136262 300 15 good good ADJ
_003136262 300 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 300 17 wholesome wholesome ADJ
_003136262 300 18 thought thought NOUN
_003136262 300 19 to to PART
_003136262 300 20 pray pray VERB
_003136262 300 21 for for ADP
_003136262 300 22 the the DET
_003136262 300 23 dead dead ADJ
_003136262 300 24 : : PUNCT
_003136262 300 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 300 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 300 27 perhaps perhaps ADV
_003136262 300 28 this this PRON
_003136262 300 29 is be AUX
_003136262 300 30 one one NUM
_003136262 300 31 reason reason NOUN
_003136262 300 32 why why SCONJ
_003136262 300 33 his his PRON
_003136262 300 34 lordship lordship NOUN
_003136262 300 35 objects object VERB
_003136262 300 36 to to PART
_003136262 300 37 consider consider VERB
_003136262 300 38 the the DET
_003136262 300 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 300 40 apocrypha apocrypha ADJ
_003136262 300 41 " " PUNCT
_003136262 300 42 inspired inspire VERB
_003136262 300 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 301 1 it it PRON
_003136262 301 2 is be AUX
_003136262 301 3 directly directly ADV
_003136262 301 4 taught teach VERB
_003136262 301 5 in in ADP
_003136262 301 6 those those DET
_003136262 301 7 words word NOUN
_003136262 301 8 of of ADP
_003136262 301 9 our our PRON
_003136262 301 10 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 301 11 : : PUNCT
_003136262 301 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 301 13 verily verily ADV
_003136262 301 14 i i PRON
_003136262 301 15 say say VERB
_003136262 301 16 unto unto ADP
_003136262 301 17 thee thee PROPN
_003136262 301 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 301 19 thou thou DET
_003136262 301 20 shalt shalt NOUN
_003136262 301 21 not not PART
_003136262 301 22 come come VERB
_003136262 301 23 out out ADP
_003136262 301 24 thence thence NOUN
_003136262 301 25 till till SCONJ
_003136262 301 26 thou thou PROPN
_003136262 301 27 hast hast NOUN
_003136262 301 28 paid pay VERB
_003136262 301 29 the the DET
_003136262 301 30 uttermost uttermost ADJ
_003136262 301 31 farthing farthing NOUN
_003136262 301 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 301 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 302 1 it it PRON
_003136262 302 2 is be AUX
_003136262 302 3 directly directly ADV
_003136262 302 4 taught teach VERB
_003136262 302 5 in in ADP
_003136262 302 6 those those DET
_003136262 302 7 words word NOUN
_003136262 302 8 of of ADP
_003136262 302 9 st st PROPN
_003136262 302 10 . . PROPN
_003136262 302 11 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 302 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 302 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 302 14 every every DET
_003136262 302 15 man man NOUN
_003136262 302 16 's 's PART
_003136262 302 17 work work NOUN
_003136262 302 18 shall shall AUX
_003136262 302 19 be be AUX
_003136262 302 20 manifest manifest ADJ
_003136262 302 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 302 22 for for ADP
_003136262 302 23 the the DET
_003136262 302 24 day day NOUN
_003136262 302 25 of of ADP
_003136262 302 26 the the DET
_003136262 302 27 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 302 28 shall shall AUX
_003136262 302 29 decl decl PROPN
_003136262 302 30 are be AUX
_003136262 302 31 it it PRON
_003136262 302 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 302 33 because because SCONJ
_003136262 302 34 it it PRON
_003136262 302 35 shall shall AUX
_003136262 302 36 be be AUX
_003136262 302 37 revealed reveal VERB
_003136262 302 38 in in ADP
_003136262 302 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 303 1 fire fire NOUN
_003136262 303 2 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 303 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 303 4 the the DET
_003136262 303 5 fire fire NOUN
_003136262 303 6 shall shall AUX
_003136262 303 7 try try VERB
_003136262 303 8 every every DET
_003136262 303 9 man man NOUN
_003136262 303 10 's 's PART
_003136262 303 11 work work NOUN
_003136262 303 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 303 13 of of ADP
_003136262 303 14 what what PRON
_003136262 303 15 sort sort ADV
_003136262 303 16 it it PRON
_003136262 303 17 is be AUX
_003136262 303 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 303 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 304 1 the the DET
_003136262 304 2 misfortune misfortune PROPN
_003136262 304 3 of of ADP
_003136262 304 4 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 304 5 is be AUX
_003136262 304 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 304 7 they they PRON
_003136262 304 8 pre pre VERB
_003136262 304 9 - - VERB
_003136262 304 10 judge judge VERB
_003136262 304 11 the the DET
_003136262 304 12 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 304 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 304 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 304 15 havi havi PROPN
_003136262 304 16 ng ng PROPN
_003136262 304 17 made make VERB
_003136262 304 18 up up ADP
_003136262 304 19 their their PRON
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_003136262 304 21 that that SCONJ
_003136262 304 22 a a DET
_003136262 304 23 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 304 24 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 304 25 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 304 26 is be AUX
_003136262 304 27 not not PART
_003136262 304 28 there there ADV
_003136262 304 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 304 30 they they PRON
_003136262 304 31 proceed proceed VERB
_003136262 304 32 to to PART
_003136262 304 33 deny deny VERB
_003136262 304 34 its its PRON
_003136262 304 35 existence existence NOUN
_003136262 304 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 305 1 it it PRON
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_003136262 305 3 also also ADV
_003136262 305 4 th th PRON
_003136262 305 5 eir eir X
_003136262 305 6 misfortune misfortune NOUN
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_003136262 305 8 they they PRON
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_003136262 305 10 interpret interpret VERB
_003136262 305 11 the the DET
_003136262 305 12 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 305 13 solely solely ADV
_003136262 305 14 by by ADP
_003136262 305 15 the the DET
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_003136262 305 18 their their PRON
_003136262 305 19 own own ADJ
_003136262 305 20 minds mind NOUN
_003136262 305 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 305 22 since since SCONJ
_003136262 305 23 not not PART
_003136262 305 24 only only ADV
_003136262 305 25 have have VERB
_003136262 305 26 they they PRON
_003136262 305 27 no no ADV
_003136262 305 28 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 305 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 306 1 church church NOUN
_003136262 306 2 to to PART
_003136262 306 3 guide guide VERB
_003136262 306 4 them they PRON
_003136262 306 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 306 6 but but CCONJ
_003136262 306 7 each each DET
_003136262 306 8 clergyman clergyman NOUN
_003136262 306 9 tells tell VERB
_003136262 306 10 them they PRON
_003136262 306 11 different different ADJ
_003136262 306 12 things thing NOUN
_003136262 306 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 307 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 307 2 they they PRON
_003136262 307 3 could could AUX
_003136262 307 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 307 5 take take VERB
_003136262 307 6 the the DET
_003136262 307 7 bible bible PROPN
_003136262 307 8 as as SCONJ
_003136262 307 9 a a DET
_003136262 307 10 whole,-which whole,-which NOUN
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_003136262 307 12 solely solely ADV
_003136262 307 13 the the DET
_003136262 307 14 habit habit NOUN
_003136262 307 15 of of ADP
_003136262 307 16 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 307 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 307 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 307 19 if if SCONJ
_003136262 307 20 they they PRON
_003136262 307 21 had have AUX
_003136262 307 22 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 307 23 light,-which light,-which NOUN
_003136262 307 24 is be AUX
_003136262 307 25 solely solely ADV
_003136262 307 26 the the DET
_003136262 307 27 privilege privilege NOUN
_003136262 307 28 of of ADP
_003136262 307 29 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 307 30 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 307 31 they they PRON
_003136262 307 32 would would AUX
_003136262 307 33 understand understand VERB
_003136262 307 34 many many ADJ
_003136262 307 35 things thing NOUN
_003136262 307 36 which which PRON
_003136262 307 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 307 38 by by ADP
_003136262 307 39 the the DET
_003136262 307 40 light light NOUN
_003136262 307 41 of of ADP
_003136262 307 42 their their PRON
_003136262 307 43 own own ADJ
_003136262 307 44 minds mind NOUN
_003136262 307 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 307 46 they they PRON
_003136262 307 47 are be AUX
_003136262 307 48 quite quite ADV
_003136262 307 49 unable unable ADJ
_003136262 307 50 to to PART
_003136262 307 51 comprehend comprehend VERB
_003136262 307 52 . . PUNCT
_003136262 308 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 308 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 3 in in ADP
_003136262 308 4 re re ADP
_003136262 308 5 gard gard NOUN
_003136262 308 6 of of ADP
_003136262 308 7 purgatory purgatory NOUN
_003136262 308 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 9 the the DET
_003136262 308 10 light light NOUN
_003136262 308 11 which which PRON
_003136262 308 12 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 308 13 have have VERB
_003136262 308 14 on on ADP
_003136262 308 15 th th DET
_003136262 308 16 e e NOUN
_003136262 308 17 subjects subject NOUN
_003136262 308 18 of of ADP
_003136262 308 19 holines holine NOUN
_003136262 308 20 s s PROPN
_003136262 308 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 22 god god PROPN
_003136262 308 23 's 's PART
_003136262 308 24 infinite infinite PROPN
_003136262 308 25 justice justice PROPN
_003136262 308 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 308 27 perfection perfection NOUN
_003136262 308 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 29 his his PRON
_003136262 308 30 vast vast ADJ
_003136262 308 31 gifts gift NOUN
_003136262 308 32 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 308 33 in in ADP
_003136262 308 34 the the DET
_003136262 308 35 church church NOUN
_003136262 308 36 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 308 37 t t NOUN
_003136262 308 38 o o NOUN
_003136262 308 39 a a DET
_003136262 308 40 christian christian NOUN
_003136262 308 41 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 42 and and CCONJ
_003136262 308 43 the the DET
_003136262 308 44 paramount paramount ADJ
_003136262 308 45 duty duty NOUN
_003136262 308 46 of of ADP
_003136262 308 47 obedience obedience NOUN
_003136262 308 48 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 49 enable enable VERB
_003136262 308 50 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 308 51 to to PART
_003136262 308 52 judge judge VERB
_003136262 308 53 of of ADP
_003136262 308 54 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 308 55 by by ADP
_003136262 308 56 many many ADJ
_003136262 308 57 other other ADJ
_003136262 308 58 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 308 59 relative relative ADJ
_003136262 308 60 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 308 61 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 308 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 308 63 and and CCONJ
_003136262 308 64 to to PART
_003136262 308 65 give give VERB
_003136262 308 66 to to ADP
_003136262 308 67 each each DET
_003136262 308 68 its its PRON
_003136262 308 69 exact exact ADJ
_003136262 308 70 place place NOUN
_003136262 308 71 and and CCONJ
_003136262 308 72 force force NOUN
_003136262 308 73 . . PUNCT
_003136262 309 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 309 2 poo poo NOUN
_003136262 309 3 r r NOUN
_003136262 309 4 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 309 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 6 jumbling jumble VERB
_003136262 309 7 all all DET
_003136262 309 8 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 309 9 together together ADV
_003136262 309 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 309 12 having have VERB
_003136262 309 13 no no DET
_003136262 309 14 knowledge knowledge NOUN
_003136262 309 15 of of ADP
_003136262 309 16 god god PROPN
_003136262 309 17 beyond beyond ADP
_003136262 309 18 the the DET
_003136262 309 19 human human ADJ
_003136262 309 20 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 309 21 23 23 NUM
_003136262 309 22 which which PRON
_003136262 309 23 each each DET
_003136262 309 24 one one PRON
_003136262 309 25 affixes affix VERB
_003136262 309 26 to to ADP
_003136262 309 27 favourite favourite ADJ
_003136262 309 28 texts text NOUN
_003136262 309 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 30 are be AUX
_003136262 309 31 at at ADP
_003136262 309 32 sea sea NOUN
_003136262 309 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 34 and and CCONJ
_003136262 309 35 in in ADP
_003136262 309 36 a a DET
_003136262 309 37 maze maze NOUN
_003136262 309 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 39 on on ADP
_003136262 309 40 the the DET
_003136262 309 41 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 309 42 of of ADP
_003136262 309 43 the the DET
_003136262 309 44 church church NOUN
_003136262 309 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 46 as as ADV
_003136262 309 47 well well ADV
_003136262 309 48 as as ADP
_003136262 309 49 at at ADP
_003136262 309 50 sea sea NOUN
_003136262 309 51 , , PUNCT
_003136262 309 52 and and CCONJ
_003136262 309 53 in in ADP
_003136262 309 54 a a DET
_003136262 309 55 maze maze NOUN
_003136262 309 56 on on ADP
_003136262 309 57 her her PRON
_003136262 309 58 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 309 59 . . PUNCT
_003136262 310 1 how how SCONJ
_003136262 310 2 can can AUX
_003136262 310 3 human human ADJ
_003136262 310 4 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 310 5 fix fix VERB
_003136262 310 6 the the DET
_003136262 310 7 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 310 8 of of ADP
_003136262 310 9 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 310 10 words word NOUN
_003136262 310 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 310 12 or or CCONJ
_003136262 310 13 mere mere ADJ
_003136262 310 14 man man NOUN
_003136262 310 15 teach teach VERB
_003136262 310 16 god god PROPN
_003136262 310 17 what what PRON
_003136262 310 18 to to PART
_003136262 310 19 believe believe VERB
_003136262 310 20 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 311 1 i i PRON
_003136262 311 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 311 3 belongs belong VERB
_003136262 311 4 to to ADP
_003136262 311 5 the the DET
_003136262 311 6 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 311 7 church church NOUN
_003136262 311 8 to to PART
_003136262 311 9 fix fix VERB
_003136262 311 10 the the DET
_003136262 311 11 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 311 12 of of ADP
_003136262 311 13 the the DET
_003136262 311 14 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 311 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 311 16 because because SCONJ
_003136262 311 17 god god PROPN
_003136262 311 18 is be AUX
_003136262 311 19 ever ever ADV
_003136262 311 20 present present ADJ
_003136262 311 21 to to PART
_003136262 311 22 guide guide VERB
_003136262 311 23 her she PRON
_003136262 311 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 312 1 as as SCONJ
_003136262 312 2 one one NUM
_003136262 312 3 fragment fragment NOUN
_003136262 312 4 of of ADP
_003136262 312 5 a a DET
_003136262 312 6 broken broken ADJ
_003136262 312 7 vessel vessel NOUN
_003136262 312 8 is be AUX
_003136262 312 9 put put VERB
_003136262 312 10 a a DET
_003136262 312 11 poor poor ADJ
_003136262 312 12 indication indication NOUN
_003136262 312 13 of of ADP
_003136262 312 14 what what PRON
_003136262 312 15 that that DET
_003136262 312 16 vessel vessel NOUN
_003136262 312 17 would would AUX
_003136262 312 18 be be AUX
_003136262 312 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 312 20 if if SCONJ
_003136262 312 21 complete complete ADJ
_003136262 312 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 312 23 so so CCONJ
_003136262 312 24 the the DET
_003136262 312 25 fragments fragment NOUN
_003136262 312 26 of of ADP
_003136262 312 27 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 312 28 which which PRON
_003136262 312 29 protest protest NOUN
_003136262 312 30 ants ant NOUN
_003136262 312 31 possess possess VERB
_003136262 312 32 are be AUX
_003136262 312 33 but but CCONJ
_003136262 312 34 a a DET
_003136262 312 35 poor poor ADJ
_003136262 312 36 indica~ indica~ ADJ
_003136262 312 37 tion tion NOUN
_003136262 312 38 of of ADP
_003136262 312 39 the the DET
_003136262 312 40 whole whole NOUN
_003136262 312 41 . . PUNCT
_003136262 313 1 the the DET
_003136262 313 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 313 3 is be AUX
_003136262 313 4 complete complete ADJ
_003136262 313 5 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 313 6 a a DET
_003136262 313 7 p p NOUN
_003136262 313 8 erfect erfect NOUN
_003136262 313 9 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 313 10 vessel vessel NOUN
_003136262 313 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 313 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 313 13 she she PRON
_003136262 313 14 judges judge NOUN
_003136262 313 15 of of ADP
_003136262 313 16 the the DET
_003136262 313 17 whole whole NOUN
_003136262 313 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 313 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 313 20 of of ADP
_003136262 313 21 parts part NOUN
_003136262 313 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 313 23 of of ADP
_003136262 313 24 herself herself PRON
_003136262 313 25 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 313 26 god god PROPN
_003136262 313 27 showing show VERB
_003136262 313 28 her she PRON
_003136262 313 29 herself herself PRON
_003136262 313 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 313 31 him he PRON
_003136262 313 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 314 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 314 2 3 3 NUM
_003136262 314 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 314 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 314 5 and and CCONJ
_003136262 314 6 where where SCONJ
_003136262 314 7 do do AUX
_003136262 314 8 you you PRON
_003136262 314 9 find find VERB
_003136262 314 10 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 314 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 314 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 314 13 asks ask VERB
_003136262 314 14 the the DET
_003136262 314 15 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 314 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 314 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 314 18 for for SCONJ
_003136262 314 19 all all DET
_003136262 314 20 those those DET
_003136262 314 21 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 314 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 314 23 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 314 24 and and CCONJ
_003136262 314 25 lying lie VERB
_003136262 314 26 wonders wonder NOUN
_003136262 314 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 314 28 which which PRON
_003136262 314 29 are be AUX
_003136262 314 30 currently currently ADV
_003136262 314 31 be1ieved be1ieve VERB
_003136262 314 32 among among ADP
_003136262 314 33 the the DET
_003136262 314 34 members member NOUN
_003136262 314 35 of of ADP
_003136262 314 36 the the DET
_003136262 314 37 romah romah NOUN
_003136262 314 38 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 314 39 church church NOUN
_003136262 314 40 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 314 41 " " PUNCT
_003136262 314 42 by by ADP
_003136262 314 43 lying lie VERB
_003136262 314 44 wonders wonder NOUN
_003136262 314 45 the the DET
_003136262 314 46 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 314 47 means mean VERB
_003136262 314 48 false false ADJ
_003136262 314 49 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 314 50 . . PUNCT
_003136262 315 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 315 2 the the DET
_003136262 315 3 answer answer NOUN
_003136262 315 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 315 5 very very ADV
_003136262 315 6 briefly briefly ADV
_003136262 315 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 315 8 is be AUX
_003136262 315 9 this this PRON
_003136262 315 10 : : PUNCT
_003136262 315 11 false false ADJ
_003136262 315 12 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 315 13 are be AUX
_003136262 315 14 a a DET
_003136262 315 15 proof proof NOUN
_003136262 315 16 of of ADP
_003136262 315 17 true true ADJ
_003136262 315 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 316 1 there there PRON
_003136262 316 2 are be VERB
_003136262 316 3 no no DET
_003136262 316 4 true true ADJ
_003136262 316 5 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 316 6 in in ADP
_003136262 316 7 the the DET
_003136262 316 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 316 9 of of ADP
_003136262 316 10 england england PROPN
_003136262 316 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 316 12 consequently consequently ADV
_003136262 316 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 316 14 there there PRON
_003136262 316 15 are be VERB
_003136262 316 16 no no ADV
_003136262 316 17 false false ADJ
_003136262 316 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 317 1 false false ADJ
_003136262 317 2 " " PUNCT
_003136262 317 3 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 317 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 317 5 abound abound VERB
_003136262 317 6 in in ADP
_003136262 317 7 the the DET
_003136262 317 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 317 9 of of ADP
_003136262 317 10 england england PROPN
_003136262 317 11 : : PUNCT
_003136262 317 12 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 317 13 the the DET
_003136262 317 14 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 317 15 system system NOUN
_003136262 317 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 317 17 pretence pretence NOUN
_003136262 317 18 of of ADP
_003136262 317 19 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 317 20 may may AUX
_003136262 317 21 be be AUX
_003136262 317 22 summarized summarize VERB
_003136262 317 23 as as ADP
_003136262 317 24 a a DET
_003136262 317 25 bundle bundle NOUN
_003136262 317 26 of of ADP
_003136262 317 27 false false ADJ
_003136262 317 28 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 317 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 317 30 false false ADJ
_003136262 317 31 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 317 32 corrupting corrupt VERB
_003136262 317 33 history history NOUN
_003136262 317 34 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 317 35 false false ADJ
_003136262 317 36 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 317 37 as as ADP
_003136262 317 38 to to ADP
_003136262 317 39 the the DET
_003136262 317 40 practice practice NOUN
_003136262 317 41 of of ADP
_003136262 317 42 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 317 43 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 317 44 false false ADJ
_003136262 317 45 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 317 46 as as ADP
_003136262 317 47 to to ADP
_003136262 317 48 the the DET
_003136262 317 49 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 317 50 of of ADP
_003136262 317 51 the the DET
_003136262 317 52 church church NOUN
_003136262 317 53 , , PUNCT
_003136262 317 54 and and CCONJ
_003136262 317 55 as as ADP
_003136262 317 56 to to ADP
_003136262 317 57 the the DET
_003136262 317 58 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 317 59 of of ADP
_003136262 317 60 its its PRON
_003136262 317 61 acceptance acceptance NOUN
_003136262 317 62 by by ADP
_003136262 317 63 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 317 64 . . PUNCT
_003136262 318 1 be be AUX
_003136262 318 2 it it PRON
_003136262 318 3 remembered remember VERB
_003136262 318 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 318 5 in in ADP
_003136262 318 6 explanation explanation NOUN
_003136262 318 7 of of ADP
_003136262 318 8 th th NOUN
_003136262 318 9 is be AUX
_003136262 318 10 point point NOUN
_003136262 318 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 318 12 that that PRON
_003136262 318 13 protest protest NOUN
_003136262 318 14 implies imply VERB
_003136262 318 15 positive positive ADJ
_003136262 318 16 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 318 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 318 18 imitation imitation VERB
_003136262 318 19 the the DET
_003136262 318 20 existence existence NOUN
_003136262 318 21 of of ADP
_003136262 318 22 a a DET
_003136262 318 23 type type NOUN
_003136262 318 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 319 1 unless unless SCONJ
_003136262 319 2 there there PRON
_003136262 319 3 were be VERB
_003136262 319 4 a a DET
_003136262 319 5 positive positive ADJ
_003136262 319 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 319 7 there there PRON
_003136262 319 8 would would AUX
_003136262 319 9 not not PART
_003136262 319 10 be be AUX
_003136262 319 11 a a DET
_003136262 319 12 negative negative ADJ
_003136262 319 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 320 1 unless unless SCONJ
_003136262 320 2 there there PRON
_003136262 320 3 were be VERB
_003136262 320 4 an an DET
_003136262 320 5 example example NOUN
_003136262 320 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 320 7 there there PRON
_003136262 320 8 would would AUX
_003136262 320 9 not not PART
_003136262 320 10 be be AUX
_003136262 320 11 a a DET
_003136262 320 12 copy copy NOUN
_003136262 320 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 321 1 these these DET
_003136262 321 2 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 321 3 may may AUX
_003136262 321 4 be be AUX
_003136262 321 5 illustrated illustrate VERB
_003136262 321 6 as as SCONJ
_003136262 321 7 follows follow VERB
_003136262 321 8 : : PUNCT
_003136262 321 9 noone noone NOUN
_003136262 321 10 has have AUX
_003136262 321 11 ever ever ADV
_003136262 321 12 thought think VERB
_003136262 321 13 of of ADP
_003136262 321 14 denying deny VERB
_003136262 321 15 the the DET
_003136262 321 16 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 321 17 of of ADP
_003136262 321 18 the the DET
_003136262 321 19 archbishop archbishop NOUN
_003136262 321 20 of of ADP
_003136262 321 21 canterbury canterbury PROPN
_003136262 321 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 321 23 because because SCONJ
_003136262 321 24 that that DET
_003136262 321 25 state state NOUN
_003136262 321 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 321 27 official official NOUN
_003136262 321 28 has have AUX
_003136262 321 29 never never ADV
_003136262 321 30 thought think VERB
_003136262 321 31 of of ADP
_003136262 321 32 asserting assert VERB
_003136262 321 33 it it PRON
_003136262 321 34 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 321 35 but but CCONJ
_003136262 321 36 hundreds hundred NOUN
_003136262 321 37 of of ADP
_003136262 321 38 sdly sdly ADV
_003136262 321 39 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 321 40 have have AUX
_003136262 321 41 denied deny VERB
_003136262 321 42 the the DET
_003136262 321 43 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 321 44 of of ADP
_003136262 321 45 the the DET
_003136262 321 46 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 321 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 321 48 because because SCONJ
_003136262 321 49 the the DET
_003136262 321 50 church church NOUN
_003136262 321 51 has have AUX
_003136262 321 52 in in ADP
_003136262 321 53 al~ al~ PROPN
_003136262 321 54 ages age NOUN
_003136262 321 55 believed believe VERB
_003136262 321 56 it it PRON
_003136262 321 57 . . PUNCT
_003136262 322 1 in in ADP
_003136262 322 2 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 322 3 . . PUNCT
_003136262 323 1 of of ADP
_003136262 323 2 true true ADJ
_003136262 323 3 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 323 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 323 5 true true ADJ
_003136262 323 6 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 323 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 323 8 true true ADJ
_003136262 323 9 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 323 10 - - PUNCT
_003136262 323 11 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 323 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 323 13 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 323 14 are be AUX
_003136262 323 15 24 24 NUM
_003136262 323 16 very very ADV
_003136262 323 17 different different ADJ
_003136262 323 18 things thing NOUN
_003136262 323 19 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 323 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 323 21 but but CCONJ
_003136262 323 22 we we PRON
_003136262 323 23 can can AUX
_003136262 323 24 not not PART
_003136262 323 25 go go VERB
_003136262 323 26 into into ADP
_003136262 323 27 that that PRON
_003136262 323 28 now now ADV
_003136262 323 29 - - PUNCT
_003136262 323 30 the the DET
_003136262 323 31 church church NOUN
_003136262 323 32 has have VERB
_003136262 323 33 to to PART
_003136262 323 34 be be AUX
_003136262 323 35 perpetually perpetually ADV
_003136262 323 36 judging judge VERB
_003136262 323 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 324 1 the the DET
_003136262 324 2 very very ADV
_003136262 324 3 raison raison NOUN
_003136262 324 4 d'etre d'etre NOUN
_003136262 324 5 of of ADP
_003136262 324 6 the the DET
_003136262 324 7 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 324 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 324 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 324 10 so so ADV
_003136262 324 11 far far ADV
_003136262 324 12 as as SCONJ
_003136262 324 13 her her PRON
_003136262 324 14 magisterium magisterium NOUN
_003136262 324 15 is be AUX
_003136262 324 16 concerned concern VERB
_003136262 324 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 324 18 is be AUX
_003136262 324 19 to to PART
_003136262 324 20 distinguish distinguish VERB
_003136262 324 21 the the DET
_003136262 324 22 true true ADJ
_003136262 324 23 from from ADP
_003136262 324 24 the the DET
_003136262 324 25 false false ADJ
_003136262 324 26 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 324 27 just just ADV
_003136262 324 28 as as SCONJ
_003136262 324 29 the the DET
_003136262 324 30 very very ADV
_003136262 324 31 raison raison NOUN
_003136262 324 32 d'etre d'etre NOUN
_003136262 324 33 of of ADP
_003136262 324 34 the the DET
_003136262 324 35 church church NOUN
_003136262 324 36 of of ADP
_003136262 324 37 england england PROPN
_003136262 324 38 is be AUX
_003136262 324 39 to to PART
_003136262 324 40 confuse confuse VERB
_003136262 324 41 them they PRON
_003136262 324 42 both both PRON
_003136262 324 43 together together ADV
_003136262 324 44 . . PUNCT
_003136262 325 1 appropriate appropriate ADJ
_003136262 325 2 to to ADP
_003136262 325 3 this this DET
_003136262 325 4 subject subject NOUN
_003136262 325 5 is be AUX
_003136262 325 6 the the DET
_003136262 325 7 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 325 8 attitude attitude NOUN
_003136262 325 9 of of ADP
_003136262 325 10 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 325 11 towards towards ADP
_003136262 325 12 the the DET
_003136262 325 13 div div NOUN
_003136262 325 14 : : PUNCT
_003136262 325 15 ine ine PROPN
_003136262 325 16 office office NOUN
_003136262 325 17 of of ADP
_003136262 325 18 the the DET
_003136262 325 19 church church NOUN
_003136262 325 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 326 1 it it PRON
_003136262 326 2 is be AUX
_003136262 326 3 the the DET
_003136262 326 4 province province NOUN
_003136262 326 5 of of ADP
_003136262 326 6 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 326 7 to to PART
_003136262 326 8 necessitate necessitate VERB
_003136262 326 9 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 326 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 326 11 as as SCONJ
_003136262 326 12 it it PRON
_003136262 326 13 is be AUX
_003136262 326 14 its its PRON
_003136262 326 15 province province NOUN
_003136262 326 16 to to ADP
_003136262 326 17 necessitate necessitate ADJ
_003136262 326 18 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 326 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 326 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 326 21 therein therein ADV
_003136262 326 22 we we PRON
_003136262 326 23 see see VERB
_003136262 326 24 how how SCONJ
_003136262 326 25 the the DET
_003136262 326 26 power power NOUN
_003136262 326 27 of of ADP
_003136262 326 28 god god PROPN
_003136262 326 29 compels compel VERB
_003136262 326 30 even even ADV
_003136262 326 31 his his PRON
_003136262 326 32 enemies enemy NOUN
_003136262 326 33 to to PART
_003136262 326 34 serve serve VERB
_003136262 326 35 him he PRON
_003136262 326 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 327 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 327 2 there there PRON
_003136262 327 3 had have AUX
_003136262 327 4 been be AUX
_003136262 327 5 no no DET
_003136262 327 6 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 327 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 327 8 no no DET
_003136262 327 9 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 327 10 of of ADP
_003136262 327 11 doubt doubt NOUN
_003136262 327 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 327 13 it it PRON
_003136262 327 14 is be AUX
_003136262 327 15 just just ADV
_003136262 327 16 possible possible ADJ
_003136262 327 17 we we PRON
_003136262 327 18 might might AUX
_003136262 327 19 have have AUX
_003136262 327 20 had have VERB
_003136262 327 21 no no DET
_003136262 327 22 creeds creed NOUN
_003136262 327 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 328 1 the the DET
_003136262 328 2 most most ADV
_003136262 328 3 splendid splendid ADJ
_003136262 328 4 definitions definition NOUN
_003136262 328 5 have have AUX
_003136262 328 6 been be AUX
_003136262 328 7 urged urge VERB
_003136262 328 8 on on ADP
_003136262 328 9 by by ADP
_003136262 328 10 hostility hostility NOUN
_003136262 328 11 to to ADP
_003136262 328 12 the the DET
_003136262 328 13 written written NOUN
_003136262 328 14 or or CCONJ
_003136262 328 15 the the DET
_003136262 328 16 unwritten unwritten ADJ
_003136262 328 17 word word NOUN
_003136262 328 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 329 1 the the DET
_003136262 329 2 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 329 3 of of ADP
_003136262 329 4 the the DET
_003136262 329 5 immaculate immaculate PROPN
_003136262 329 6 conception conception NOUN
_003136262 329 7 was be AUX
_003136262 329 8 at at ADP
_003136262 329 9 least least ADJ
_003136262 329 10 hastened hasten VERB
_003136262 329 11 by by ADP
_003136262 329 12 the the DET
_003136262 329 13 unnatural unnatural ADJ
_003136262 329 14 disrespect disrespect NOUN
_003136262 329 15 of of ADP
_003136262 329 16 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 329 17 for for ADP
_003136262 329 18 the the DET
_003136262 329 19 mother mother NOUN
_003136262 329 20 of of ADP
_003136262 329 21 god god PROPN
_003136262 329 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 329 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 329 24 by by ADP
_003136262 329 25 the the DET
_003136262 329 26 concomitantly concomitantly ADV
_003136262 329 27 feeble feeble ADJ
_003136262 329 28 appreciation appreciation NOUN
_003136262 329 29 which which PRON
_003136262 329 30 they they PRON
_003136262 329 31 had have VERB
_003136262 329 32 of of ADP
_003136262 329 33 the the DET
_003136262 329 34 divinity divinity NOUN
_003136262 329 35 of of ADP
_003136262 329 36 her her PRON
_003136262 329 37 son son NOUN
_003136262 329 38 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 329 39 and and CCONJ
_003136262 329 40 the the DET
_003136262 329 41 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 329 42 of of ADP
_003136262 329 43 the the DET
_003136262 329 44 inlallibility inlallibility NOUN
_003136262 329 45 of of ADP
_003136262 329 46 the the DET
_003136262 329 47 pope pope PROPN
_003136262 329 48 - - PUNCT
_003136262 329 49 the the DET
_003136262 329 50 most most ADV
_003136262 329 51 . . PUNCT
_003136262 330 1 magnificent magnificent ADJ
_003136262 330 2 intellectual intellectual ADJ
_003136262 330 3 certainty certainty NOUN
_003136262 330 4 with with ADP
_003136262 330 5 which which PRON
_003136262 330 6 god god PROPN
_003136262 330 7 has have AUX
_003136262 330 8 enriched enrich VERB
_003136262 330 9 human human ADJ
_003136262 330 10 life-:-was life-:-was NOUN
_003136262 330 11 mainly mainly ADV
_003136262 330 12 due due ADP
_003136262 330 13 to to ADP
_003136262 330 14 that that DET
_003136262 330 15 chaos chaos NOUN
_003136262 330 16 of of ADP
_003136262 330 17 folly folly NOUN
_003136262 330 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 330 19 which which DET
_003136262 330 20 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 330 21 calls call VERB
_003136262 330 22 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 330 23 thought thought NOUN
_003136262 330 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 330 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 331 1 heresy heresy PROPN
_003136262 331 2 has have VERB
_003136262 331 3 its its PRON
_003136262 331 4 mi;>sion mi;>sion NOUN
_003136262 331 5 - - PUNCT
_003136262 331 6 unknown unknown ADJ
_003136262 331 7 to to ADP
_003136262 331 8 itself itself PRON
_003136262 331 9 - - PUNCT
_003136262 331 10 to to PART
_003136262 331 11 sharpen sharpen VERB
_003136262 331 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 332 1 the the DET
_003136262 332 2 outlines outline NOUN
_003136262 332 3 of of ADP
_003136262 332 4 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 332 5 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 332 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 332 7 though though SCONJ
_003136262 332 8 it it PRON
_003136262 332 9 postpones postpone VERB
_003136262 332 10 the the DET
_003136262 332 11 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 332 12 operations operation NOUN
_003136262 332 13 - - PUNCT
_003136262 332 14 as as SCONJ
_003136262 332 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 332 16 for for ADP
_003136262 332 17 example example NOUN
_003136262 332 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 332 19 the the DET
_003136262 332 20 conversion conversion NOUN
_003136262 332 21 of of ADP
_003136262 332 22 the the DET
_003136262 332 23 heathen heathen PROPN
_003136262 332 24 - - PUNCT
_003136262 332 25 it it PRON
_003136262 332 26 causes cause VERB
_003136262 332 27 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 332 28 to to PART
_003136262 332 29 shine shine VERB
_003136262 332 30 out out ADP
_003136262 332 31 as as ADP
_003136262 332 32 the the DET
_003136262 332 33 sun sun NOUN
_003136262 332 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 333 1 these these DET
_003136262 333 2 remarks remark NOUN
_003136262 333 3 on on ADP
_003136262 333 4 the the DET
_003136262 333 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 333 6 magisterium magisterium NOUN
_003136262 333 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 333 8 of of ADP
_003136262 333 9 the the DET
_003136262 333 10 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 333 11 church church NOUN
_003136262 333 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 333 13 in in ADP
_003136262 333 14 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 333 15 of of ADP
_003136262 333 16 her her PRON
_003136262 333 17 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 333 18 on on ADP
_003136262 333 19 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 333 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 333 21 apply apply VERB
_003136262 333 22 c.ollaterally c.ollaterally ADV
_003136262 333 23 to to ADP
_003136262 333 24 the the DET
_003136262 333 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 333 26 magisterium magisterium NOUN
_003136262 333 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 333 28 of of ADP
_003136262 333 29 the the DET
_003136262 333 30 church church NOUN
_003136262 333 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 333 32 in in ADP
_003136262 333 33 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 333 34 of of ADP
_003136262 333 35 her her PRON
_003136262 333 36 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 333 37 on on ADP
_003136262 333 38 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 333 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 334 1 false false ADJ
_003136262 334 2 miracles miracle NOUN
_003136262 334 3 imply imply VERB
_003136262 334 4 true true ADJ
_003136262 334 5 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 334 6 false false ADJ
_003136262 334 7 legends legend NOUN
_003136262 334 8 imply imply VERB
_003136262 334 9 true true ADJ
_003136262 334 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 334 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 334 12 lying lie VERB
_003136262 334 13 wonders wonder NOUN
_003136262 334 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 334 15 imply imply VERB
_003136262 334 16 true true ADJ
_003136262 334 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 334 18 but but CCONJ
_003136262 334 19 it it PRON
_003136262 334 20 is be AUX
_003136262 334 21 for for ADP
_003136262 334 22 the the DET
_003136262 334 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 334 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 334 25 not not PART
_003136262 334 26 for for ADP
_003136262 334 27 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 334 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 334 29 to to PART
_003136262 334 30 judge judge VERB
_003136262 334 31 them they PRON
_003136262 334 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 335 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 335 2 4 4 NUM
_003136262 335 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 335 4 as as ADP
_003136262 335 5 to to ADP
_003136262 335 6 that that DET
_003136262 335 7 question question NOUN
_003136262 335 8 of of ADP
_003136262 335 9 the the DET
_003136262 335 10 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 335 11 : : PUNCT
_003136262 335 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 335 13 where where SCONJ
_003136262 335 14 do do AUX
_003136262 335 15 you you PRON
_003136262 335 16 find find VERB
_003136262 335 17 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 335 18 in in ADP
_003136262 335 19 the the DET
_003136262 335 20 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 335 21 for for ADP
_003136262 335 22 the the DET
_003136262 335 23 worship worship NOUN
_003136262 335 24 of of ADP
_003136262 335 25 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 335 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 335 27 angels angel NOUN
_003136262 335 28 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 335 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 335 30 ruffice ruffice VERB
_003136262 335 31 it it PRON
_003136262 335 32 very very ADV
_003136262 335 33 briefly briefly ADV
_003136262 335 34 to to PART
_003136262 335 35 remark remark VERB
_003136262 335 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 335 37 that that SCONJ
_003136262 335 38 the the DET
_003136262 335 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 335 40 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 335 41 of of ADP
_003136262 335 42 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 335 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 335 44 is be AUX
_003136262 335 45 an an DET
_003136262 335 46 impossibility impossibility NOUN
_003136262 335 47 for for ADP
_003136262 335 48 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 335 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 335 50 because because SCONJ
_003136262 335 51 they they PRON
_003136262 335 52 are be AUX
_003136262 335 53 outside outside ADP
_003136262 335 54 the the DET
_003136262 335 55 family family NOUN
_003136262 335 56 of of ADP
_003136262 335 57 god god PROPN
_003136262 335 58 . . PUNCT
_003136262 336 1 the the DET
_003136262 336 2 incarnation incarnation NOUN
_003136262 336 3 not not PART
_003136262 336 4 only only ADV
_003136262 336 5 united unite VERB
_003136262 336 6 god god PROPN
_003136262 336 7 with with ADP
_003136262 336 8 man man NOUN
_003136262 336 9 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 336 10 it it PRON
_003136262 336 11 united unite VERB
_003136262 336 12 25 25 NUM
_003136262 336 13 man man NOUN
_003136262 336 14 with with ADP
_003136262 336 15 god god PROPN
_003136262 336 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 336 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 336 18 the the DET
_003136262 336 19 membership membership NOUN
_003136262 336 20 of of ADP
_003136262 336 21 the the DET
_003136262 336 22 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 336 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 336 24 in in ADP
_003136262 336 25 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 336 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 336 27 on on ADP
_003136262 336 28 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 336 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 336 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 336 31 in in ADP
_003136262 336 32 purgatory purgatory NOUN
_003136262 336 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 336 34 is be AUX
_003136262 336 35 a a DET
_003136262 336 36 heart heart NOUN
_003136262 336 37 - - PUNCT
_003136262 336 38 s s NOUN
_003136262 336 39 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 336 40 cret cret VERB
_003136262 336 41 a a DET
_003136262 336 42 heart heart NOUN
_003136262 336 43 - - PUNCT
_003136262 336 44 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 336 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 336 46 of of ADP
_003136262 336 47 purely purely ADV
_003136262 336 48 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 336 49 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 336 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 336 51 but but CCONJ
_003136262 336 52 inconsistent inconsistent ADJ
_003136262 336 53 with with ADP
_003136262 336 54 any any DET
_003136262 336 55 form form NOUN
_003136262 336 56 of of ADP
_003136262 336 57 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 336 58 . . PUNCT
_003136262 337 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 337 2 i i PRON
_003136262 337 3 believe believe VERB
_003136262 337 4 in in ADP
_003136262 337 5 the the DET
_003136262 337 6 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 337 7 of of ADP
_003136262 337 8 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 337 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 337 10 has have VERB
_003136262 337 11 no no DET
_003136262 337 12 meaning meaning NOUN
_003136262 337 13 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 337 14 for for ADP
_003136262 337 15 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 337 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 337 17 any any PRON
_003136262 337 18 more more ADJ
_003136262 337 19 than than ADP
_003136262 337 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 337 21 i i PRON
_003136262 337 22 believe believe VERB
_003136262 337 23 in in ADP
_003136262 337 24 th th DET
_003136262 337 25 e e PROPN
_003136262 337 26 holy holy PROPN
_003136262 337 27 catholic catholic PROPN
_003136262 337 28 church church NOUN
_003136262 337 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 337 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 338 1 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 338 2 texts text NOUN
_003136262 338 3 would would AUX
_003136262 338 4 have have VERB
_003136262 338 5 no no DET
_003136262 338 6 bearing bearing NOUN
_003136262 338 7 for for ADP
_003136262 338 8 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 338 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 338 10 on on ADP
_003136262 338 11 points point NOUN
_003136262 338 12 which which PRON
_003136262 338 13 they they PRON
_003136262 338 14 a a DET
_003136262 338 15 priori priori ADJ
_003136262 338 16 ignore ignore NOUN
_003136262 338 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 338 18 · · PUNCT
_003136262 338 19 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 338 20 5 5 X
_003136262 338 21 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 338 22 again again ADV
_003136262 338 23 : : PUNCT
_003136262 338 24 the the DET
_003136262 338 25 ~ishop ~ishop PROPN
_003136262 338 26 asks ask VERB
_003136262 338 27 : : PUNCT
_003136262 338 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 338 29 .where .where X
_003136262 338 30 do do AUX
_003136262 338 31 you you PRON
_003136262 338 32 find find VERB
_003136262 338 33 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 338 34 for for ADP
_003136262 338 35 the the DET
_003136262 338 36 celibacy celibacy NOUN
_003136262 338 37 of of ADP
_003136262 338 38 the the DET
_003136262 338 39 prie prie NOUN
_003136262 338 40 stho stho PROPN
_003136262 338 41 od od ADV
_003136262 338 42 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 338 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 339 1 well well INTJ
_003136262 339 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 339 3 st st PROPN
_003136262 339 4 . . PROPN
_003136262 339 5 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 339 6 does do AUX
_003136262 339 7 not not PART
_003136262 339 8 speak speak VERB
_003136262 339 9 so so ADV
_003136262 339 10 highly highly ADV
_003136262 339 11 of of ADP
_003136262 339 12 marri marri NOUN
_003136262 339 13 age age NOUN
_003136262 339 14 as as SCONJ
_003136262 339 15 to to PART
_003136262 339 16 lead lead VERB
_003136262 339 17 one one NUM
_003136262 339 18 to to PART
_003136262 339 19 infer infer VERB
_003136262 339 20 that that SCONJ
_003136262 339 21 he he PRON
_003136262 339 22 would would AUX
_003136262 339 23 select select VERB
_003136262 339 24 that that DET
_003136262 339 25 state state NOUN
_003136262 339 26 for for ADP
_003136262 339 27 the the DET
_003136262 339 28 most most ADV
_003136262 339 29 exalted exalted ADJ
_003136262 339 30 type type NOUN
_003136262 339 31 of of ADP
_003136262 339 32 the the DET
_003136262 339 33 christian christian PROPN
_003136262 339 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 340 1 he he PRON
_003136262 340 2 speaks speak VERB
_003136262 340 3 apologetically apologetically ADV
_003136262 340 4 of of ADP
_003136262 340 5 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 340 6 : : PUNCT
_003136262 340 7 he he PRON
_003136262 340 8 doe doe VERB
_003136262 340 9 s s PRON
_003136262 340 10 not not PART
_003136262 340 11 speak speak VERB
_003136262 340 12 apologetically apologetically ADV
_003136262 340 13 of of ADP
_003136262 340 14 priesthood priesthood NOUN
_003136262 340 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 341 1 of of ADP
_003136262 341 2 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 341 3 he he PRON
_003136262 341 4 can can AUX
_003136262 341 5 only only ADV
_003136262 341 6 say say VERB
_003136262 341 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 341 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 341 9 he he PRON
_003136262 341 10 that that PRON
_003136262 341 11 is be AUX
_003136262 341 12 married marry VERB
_003136262 341 13 is be AUX
_003136262 341 14 divided divide VERB
_003136262 341 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 341 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 341 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 341 18 again again ADV
_003136262 341 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 341 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 341 21 he he PRON
_003136262 341 22 that that PRON
_003136262 341 23 is be AUX
_003136262 341 24 with with ADP
_003136262 341 25 a a DET
_003136262 341 26 wife wife NOUN
_003136262 341 27 · · PUNCT
_003136262 341 28 is be AUX
_003136262 341 29 solicitous solicitous ADJ
_003136262 341 30 for for ADP
_003136262 341 31 the the DET
_003136262 341 32 things thing NOUN
_003136262 341 33 ofthe ofthe DET
_003136262 341 34 world world NOUN
_003136262 341 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 341 36 how how SCONJ
_003136262 341 37 he he PRON
_003136262 341 38 may may AUX
_003136262 341 39 please please VERB
_003136262 341 40 his his PRON
_003136262 341 41 wife wife NOUN
_003136262 341 42 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 341 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 341 44 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 341 45 he he PRON
_003136262 341 46 adds add VERB
_003136262 341 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 341 48 " " PUNCT
_003136262 342 1 he he PRON
_003136262 342 2 th th X
_003136262 342 3 at at ADP
_003136262 342 4 is be AUX
_003136262 342 5 without without ADP
_003136262 342 6 a a DET
_003136262 342 7 wife wife NOUN
_003136262 342 8 is be AUX
_003136262 342 9 solicitous solicitous ADJ
_003136262 342 10 for for ADP
_003136262 342 11 the the DET
_003136262 342 12 things thing NOUN
_003136262 342 13 that that PRON
_003136262 342 14 belong belong VERB
_003136262 342 15 to to ADP
_003136262 342 16 the the DET
_003136262 342 17 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 342 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 342 19 how how SCONJ
_003136262 342 20 he he PRON
_003136262 342 21 may may AUX
_003136262 342 22 please please VERB
_003136262 342 23 god god PROPN
_003136262 342 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 342 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 343 1 he he PRON
_003136262 343 2 also also ADV
_003136262 343 3 says say VERB
_003136262 343 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 343 5 in in ADP
_003136262 343 6 * * PUNCT
_003136262 343 7 since since SCONJ
_003136262 343 8 go go VERB
_003136262 343 9 ing ing NOUN
_003136262 343 10 to to PART
_003136262 343 11 press press VERB
_003136262 343 12 we we PRON
_003136262 343 13 have have AUX
_003136262 343 14 read read VERB
_003136262 343 15 the the DET
_003136262 343 16 r r NOUN
_003136262 343 17 epo epo NOUN
_003136262 343 18 rt rt NOUN
_003136262 343 19 of of ADP
_003136262 343 20 a a DET
_003136262 343 21 sermon sermon NOUN
_003136262 343 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 343 23 wh wh PROPN
_003136262 343 24 ich ich PROPN
_003136262 343 25 was be AUX
_003136262 343 26 preached preach VERB
_003136262 343 27 on on ADP
_003136262 343 28 sunday sunday PROPN
_003136262 343 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 343 30 : : PUNCT
_003136262 343 31 n n X
_003136262 343 32 av av INTJ
_003136262 343 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 344 1 i i PRON
_003136262 344 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 344 3 from from ADP
_003136262 344 4 th th DET
_003136262 344 5 e e NOUN
_003136262 344 6 pulpit pulpit NOUN
_003136262 344 7 of of ADP
_003136262 344 8 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 344 9 ca can AUX
_003136262 344 10 th th DET
_003136262 344 11 ed ed NOUN
_003136262 344 12 ral ral NOUN
_003136262 344 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 344 14 thou thou DET
_003136262 344 15 gh gh PROPN
_003136262 344 16 not not PART
_003136262 344 17 by by ADP
_003136262 344 18 th th DET
_003136262 344 19 e e NOUN
_003136262 344 20 bi bi PROPN
_003136262 344 21 s s PART
_003136262 344 22 hop hop NOUN
_003136262 344 23 of of ADP
_003136262 344 24 ri ri PROPN
_003136262 344 25 pon pon NOUN
_003136262 344 26 . . PUNCT
_003136262 345 1 i i PRON
_003136262 345 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 345 3 is be AUX
_003136262 345 4 probable probable ADJ
_003136262 345 5 tha tha NOUN
_003136262 345 6 t t PROPN
_003136262 345 7 more more ADJ
_003136262 345 8 fo fo ADP
_003136262 345 9 lly lly ADV
_003136262 345 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 345 11 rnore rnore NOUN
_003136262 345 12 vanity vanity NOUN
_003136262 345 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 345 14 have have AUX
_003136262 345 15 been be AUX
_003136262 345 16 seldom seldom ADV
_003136262 345 17 compress compress ADJ
_003136262 345 18 ed ed NOUN
_003136262 345 19 in in ADP
_003136262 345 20 to to ADP
_003136262 345 21 one one NUM
_003136262 345 22 effort effort NOUN
_003136262 345 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 346 1 t t PROPN
_003136262 346 2 hus hu NOUN
_003136262 346 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 346 4 the the DET
_003136262 346 5 preacher preacher ADJ
_003136262 346 6 objec objec NOUN
_003136262 346 7 ts ts ADP
_003136262 346 8 to to ADP
_003136262 346 9 the the DET
_003136262 346 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 346 11 ave ave NOUN
_003136262 346 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 346 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 346 14 or or CCONJ
_003136262 346 15 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 346 16 i i PRON
_003136262 346 17 hail hail VERB
_003136262 346 18 mary mary PROPN
_003136262 346 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 346 20 li li PROPN
_003136262 346 21 on on ADP
_003136262 346 22 the the DET
_003136262 346 23 ground ground NOUN
_003136262 346 24 th th X
_003136262 346 25 a a DET
_003136262 346 26 t t NOUN
_003136262 346 27 it it PRON
_003136262 346 28 is be AUX
_003136262 346 29 n n ADV
_003136262 346 30 ot ot ADP
_003136262 346 31 a a DET
_003136262 346 32 scrip scrip ADJ
_003136262 346 33 tural tural ADJ
_003136262 346 34 composi composi NOUN
_003136262 346 35 ti ti NOUN
_003136262 346 36 on on ADP
_003136262 346 37 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 346 38 wh wh VERB
_003136262 346 39 ereas erea VERB
_003136262 346 40 everyone everyone PRON
_003136262 346 41 s s VERB
_003136262 346 42 hou hou NOUN
_003136262 346 43 ld ld PROPN
_003136262 346 44 know know VERB
_003136262 346 45 that that SCONJ
_003136262 346 46 th th DET
_003136262 346 47 e e NOUN
_003136262 346 48 firs fir NOUN
_003136262 346 49 t t PROPN
_003136262 346 50 half half NOUN
_003136262 346 51 is be AUX
_003136262 346 52 compo compo VERB
_003136262 346 53 sed se VERB
_003136262 346 54 of of ADP
_003136262 346 55 the the DET
_003136262 346 56 ipsissima ipsissima PROPN
_003136262 346 57 ve1'ba ve1'ba NOUN
_003136262 346 58 of of ADP
_003136262 346 59 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 346 60 , , PUNCT
_003136262 346 61 while while SCONJ
_003136262 346 62 the the DET
_003136262 346 63 second second ADJ
_003136262 346 64 half half NOUN
_003136262 346 65 is be AUX
_003136262 346 66 a a DET
_003136262 346 67 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 346 68 for for ADP
_003136262 346 69 interc interc ADJ
_003136262 346 70 ession ession NOUN
_003136262 346 71 . . PUNCT
_003136262 347 1 the the DET
_003136262 347 2 archangel archangel NOUN
_003136262 347 3 gabriel gabriel PROPN
_003136262 347 4 mu mu PROPN
_003136262 347 5 st st PROPN
_003136262 347 6 have have AUX
_003136262 347 7 been be AUX
_003136262 347 8 a a DET
_003136262 347 9 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 347 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 347 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 347 12 st st PROPN
_003136262 347 13 . . PROPN
_003136262 347 14 e e PROPN
_003136262 347 15 lizabeth lizabeth PROPN
_003136262 347 16 an an DET
_003136262 347 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 347 18 uns uns ADJ
_003136262 347 19 criptural criptural ADJ
_003136262 347 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 347 21 p p NOUN
_003136262 347 22 er er INTJ
_003136262 347 23 son son NOUN
_003136262 347 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 347 25 if if SCONJ
_003136262 347 26 the the DET
_003136262 347 27 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 347 28 ave ave PROPN
_003136262 347 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 347 30 is be AUX
_003136262 347 31 not not PART
_003136262 347 32 what what PRON
_003136262 347 33 it it PRON
_003136262 347 34 s s VERB
_003136262 347 35 hould hould AUX
_003136262 347 36 be be AUX
_003136262 347 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 348 1 the the DET
_003136262 348 2 preacher preacher ADJ
_003136262 348 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 348 4 t t NOUN
_003136262 348 5 oo oo NOUN
_003136262 348 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 348 7 omits omit VERB
_003136262 348 8 the the DET
_003136262 348 9 pri pri NOUN
_003136262 348 10 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 348 11 cipal cipal ADJ
_003136262 348 12 words word NOUN
_003136262 348 13 of of ADP
_003136262 348 14 th th DET
_003136262 348 15 e e NOUN
_003136262 348 16 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 348 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 348 18 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 348 19 ble ble PROPN
_003136262 348 20 ssed sse VERB
_003136262 348 21 is be AUX
_003136262 348 22 th th DET
_003136262 348 23 e e NOUN
_003136262 348 24 fruit fruit NOUN
_003136262 348 25 of of ADP
_003136262 348 26 thy thy PROPN
_003136262 348 27 womb womb NOUN
_003136262 348 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 348 29 tesus tesus PROPN
_003136262 348 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 348 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 348 32 whether whether SCONJ
_003136262 348 33 purpos purpo NOUN
_003136262 348 34 ely ely ADV
_003136262 348 35 or or CCONJ
_003136262 348 36 accidentall accidentall ADV
_003136262 348 37 y y PROPN
_003136262 349 1 we we PRON
_003136262 349 2 kn kn PROPN
_003136262 349 3 ow ow PROPN
_003136262 349 4 n n PROPN
_003136262 349 5 ot ot PROPN
_003136262 349 6 . . PROPN
_003136262 350 1 then then ADV
_003136262 350 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 350 3 again again ADV
_003136262 350 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 350 5 h h NOUN
_003136262 350 6 e e NOUN
_003136262 350 7 quotes quote VERB
_003136262 350 8 the the DET
_003136262 350 9 words word NOUN
_003136262 350 10 of of ADP
_003136262 350 11 tb tb ADP
_003136262 350 12 e e NOUN
_003136262 350 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 350 14 confiteor confiteor NOUN
_003136262 350 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 350 16 1i 1i NUM
_003136262 350 17 whic whic VERB
_003136262 350 18 h h NOUN
_003136262 350 19 every every DET
_003136262 350 20 cathol cathol NOUN
_003136262 350 21 ic ic NOUN
_003136262 350 22 says say VERB
_003136262 350 23 when when SCONJ
_003136262 350 24 confessing confess VERB
_003136262 350 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 350 26 as as ADP
_003136262 350 27 an an DET
_003136262 350 28 example example NOUN
_003136262 350 29 of of ADP
_003136262 350 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 350 31 blasphemous blasphemous ADJ
_003136262 350 32 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 350 33 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 350 34 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 350 35 forgetting forget VERB
_003136262 350 36 that that SCONJ
_003136262 350 37 a a DET
_003136262 350 38 t t NOUN
_003136262 350 39 the the DET
_003136262 350 40 day day NOUN
_003136262 350 41 of of ADP
_003136262 350 42 j j PROPN
_003136262 350 43 udg!f1ent udg!f1ent NOUN
_003136262 350 44 - - PUNCT
_003136262 350 45 which which PRON
_003136262 350 46 good good ADJ
_003136262 350 47 confess confess NOUN
_003136262 350 48 ions ion NOUN
_003136262 350 49 anticipate anticipate VERB
_003136262 350 50 - - PUNCT
_003136262 350 51 all all PRON
_003136262 350 52 s s PART
_003136262 350 53 ins in NOUN
_003136262 350 54 of of ADP
_003136262 350 55 all all DET
_003136262 350 56 men man NOUN
_003136262 350 57 will will AUX
_003136262 350 58 be be AUX
_003136262 350 59 openly openly ADV
_003136262 350 60 confessed confess VERB
_003136262 350 61 b b PROPN
_003136262 350 62 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 350 63 fore fore NOUN
_003136262 350 64 all all PRON
_003136262 350 65 , , PUNCT
_003136262 350 66 samts samts NOUN
_003136262 350 67 and and CCONJ
_003136262 350 68 angels angel NOUN
_003136262 350 69 of of ADP
_003136262 350 70 god god PROPN
_003136262 350 71 . . PUNCT
_003136262 351 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 351 2 it it PRON
_003136262 351 3 is be AUX
_003136262 351 4 blas blas PROPN
_003136262 351 5 phemy phemy PROPN
_003136262 351 6 n n ADV
_003136262 351 7 ow ow INTJ
_003136262 351 8 to to PART
_003136262 351 9 humble humble VERB
_003136262 351 10 ourselves ourselves PRON
_003136262 351 11 before before SCONJ
_003136262 351 12 h h NOUN
_003136262 351 13 eaven eaven NOUN
_003136262 351 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 351 15 it it PRON
_003136262 351 16 will will AUX
_003136262 351 17 be be AUX
_003136262 351 18 quite quite ADV
_003136262 351 19 as as ADV
_003136262 351 20 much much ADJ
_003136262 351 21 blas bla NOUN
_003136262 351 22 ph ph INTJ
_003136262 351 23 emy emy NOUN
_003136262 351 24 then then ADV
_003136262 351 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 352 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 352 2 the the DET
_003136262 352 3 p p NOUN
_003136262 352 4 reacher reacher NOUN
_003136262 352 5 t t NOUN
_003136262 352 6 hinks hink NOUN
_003136262 352 7 n n ADV
_003136262 352 8 othing othing NOUN
_003136262 352 9 of of ADP
_003136262 352 10 sain sain ADJ
_003136262 352 11 t t PROPN
_003136262 352 12 s s PROPN
_003136262 352 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 352 14 unl unl PROPN
_003136262 352 15 ess ess PROPN
_003136262 352 16 he he PRON
_003136262 352 17 h h VERB
_003136262 352 18 a a DET
_003136262 352 19 s s NOUN
_003136262 352 20 cond cond NOUN
_003136262 352 21 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 352 22 scended scend VERB
_003136262 352 23 to to PART
_003136262 352 24 canon canon VERB
_003136262 352 25 ize ize VERB
_003136262 352 26 th th X
_003136262 352 27 em em PRON
_003136262 352 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 353 1 we we PRON
_003136262 353 2 have have AUX
_003136262 353 3 seen see VERB
_003136262 353 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 353 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 6 in in ADP
_003136262 353 7 h h NOUN
_003136262 353 8 is be AUX
_003136262 353 9 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 353 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 11 the the DET
_003136262 353 12 archangel archangel NOUN
_003136262 353 13 g g PROPN
_003136262 353 14 abriel abriel PROPN
_003136262 353 15 was be AUX
_003136262 353 16 a a DET
_003136262 353 17 h h NOUN
_003136262 353 18 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 353 19 retlc retlc NOUN
_003136262 353 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 353 22 st st PROPN
_003136262 353 23 . . PROPN
_003136262 353 24 e.iizabeth e.iizabeth PROPN
_003136262 353 25 an an DET
_003136262 353 26 unscriptural unscriptural ADJ
_003136262 353 27 person person NOUN
_003136262 353 28 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 353 29 similarly similarly ADV
_003136262 353 30 h h VERB
_003136262 353 31 e e NOUN
_003136262 353 32 in in ADP
_003136262 353 33 forms form NOUN
_003136262 353 34 us we PRON
_003136262 353 35 th th X
_003136262 353 36 at at ADP
_003136262 353 37 " " PUNCT
_003136262 353 38 st st PROPN
_003136262 353 39 . . PROPN
_003136262 353 40 ger ger PROPN
_003136262 353 41 vase vase NOUN
_003136262 353 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 43 st st PROPN
_003136262 353 44 . . PROPN
_003136262 353 45 silveste silveste PROPN
_003136262 353 46 r r PROPN
_003136262 353 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 48 s~. s~. NOUN
_003136262 353 49 fabian fabian ADJ
_003136262 353 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 51 st st PROPN
_003136262 353 52 . . PROPN
_003136262 353 53 anastasia anastasia PROPN
_003136262 353 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 353 55 " " PUNCT
_003136262 353 56 we we PRON
_003136262 353 57 r r VERB
_003136262 353 58 e e X
_003136262 353 59 very very ADV
_003136262 353 60 sorry sorry ADJ
_003136262 353 61 sai sai NOUN
_003136262 353 62 nt not PART
_003136262 353 63 s. s. VERB
_003136262 353 64 " " PUNCT
_003136262 354 1 this this PRON
_003136262 354 2 is be AUX
_003136262 354 3 really really ADV
_003136262 354 4 exquisite exquisite ADJ
_003136262 354 5 as as ADP
_003136262 354 6 a a DET
_003136262 354 7 speci speci ADJ
_003136262 354 8 men man NOUN
_003136262 354 9 o o PROPN
_003136262 354 10 f f PROPN
_003136262 354 11 i?resumptlon:-of i?resumptlon:-of ADV
_003136262 354 12 that that DET
_003136262 354 13 comp comp NOUN
_003136262 354 14 lacency lacency NOUN
_003136262 354 15 which which PRON
_003136262 354 16 is be AUX
_003136262 354 17 ready ready ADJ
_003136262 354 18 to to PART
_003136262 354 19 judge judge VERB
_003136262 354 20 everybody everybody PRON
_003136262 354 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 354 22 from from ADP
_003136262 354 23 the the DET
_003136262 354 24 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 354 25 down down ADV
_003136262 354 26 to to ADP
_003136262 354 27 cloistered cloister VERB
_003136262 354 28 ascetics ascetic NOUN
_003136262 354 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 355 1 h h PROPN
_003136262 355 2 e e PROPN
_003136262 355 3 confuses confuse VERB
_003136262 355 4 me i PRON
_003136262 355 5 diators diator NOUN
_003136262 355 6 a a DET
_003136262 355 7 n n PROPN
_003136262 355 8 d d NOUN
_003136262 355 9 intercesso intercesso NOUN
_003136262 355 10 r r NOUN
_003136262 355 11 s s X
_003136262 355 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 355 13 because because SCONJ
_003136262 355 14 he he PRON
_003136262 355 15 find find VERB
_003136262 355 16 s s PRON
_003136262 355 17 thi thi NOUN
_003136262 355 18 s s PRON
_003136262 355 19 conven conven VERB
_003136262 355 20 ie",t ie",t PROPN
_003136262 355 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 355 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 355 23 he he PRON
_003136262 355 24 says say VERB
_003136262 356 1 st st PROPN
_003136262 356 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 357 1 j j PROPN
_003136262 358 1 oh oh INTJ
_003136262 358 2 n n PROPN
_003136262 358 3 would would AUX
_003136262 358 4 have have AUX
_003136262 358 5 done do VERB
_003136262 358 6 homage homage NOUN
_003136262 358 7 t t NOUN
_003136262 358 8 o o NOUN
_003136262 358 9 an an DET
_003136262 358 10 angel angel NOUN
_003136262 358 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 358 12 for for ADP
_003136262 359 1 wh wh NOUN
_003136262 359 2 ich ich VERB
_003136262 359 3 the the DET
_003136262 359 4 an an DET
_003136262 359 5 gel gel NOUN
_003136262 359 6 r r PROPN
_003136262 359 7 e e PROPN
_003136262 359 8 buked buke VERB
_003136262 359 9 him he PRON
_003136262 359 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 359 11 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 359 12 h h NOUN
_003136262 359 13 e e PROPN
_003136262 359 14 sh sh PROPN
_003136262 359 15 ould ould AUX
_003136262 359 16 ~now ~now VERB
_003136262 359 17 that that PRON
_003136262 359 18 st st PROPN
_003136262 359 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 360 1 ] ] PUNCT
_003136262 360 2 ohn ohn PROPN
_003136262 360 3 mis mis PROPN
_003136262 360 4 took take VERB
_003136262 360 5 the the DET
_003136262 360 6 angel angel NOUN
_003136262 360 7 fo fo ADP
_003136262 360 8 r r PROPN
_003136262 360 9 our our PRON
_003136262 360 10 l l NOUN
_003136262 360 11 ord ord NOUN
_003136262 360 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 360 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 360 14 would would AUX
_003136262 360 15 h h AUX
_003136262 360 16 ave ave NOUN
_003136262 360 17 rendered render VERB
_003136262 360 18 n n PROPN
_003136262 360 19 ot ot CCONJ
_003136262 360 20 hom hom INTJ
_003136262 360 21 age age NOUN
_003136262 360 22 but but CCONJ
_003136262 360 23 ad?ratlon ad?ratlon PROPN
_003136262 360 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 361 1 homage homage NOUN
_003136262 361 2 may may AUX
_003136262 361 3 be be AUX
_003136262 361 4 r r NOUN
_003136262 361 5 endered endered ADJ
_003136262 361 6 to to ADP
_003136262 361 7 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 361 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 361 9 so so ADV
_003136262 361 10 m m VERB
_003136262 361 11 ay ay ADV
_003136262 361 12 worship worship NOUN
_003136262 361 13 in in ADP
_003136262 361 14 th th DET
_003136262 361 15 e e NOUN
_003136262 361 16 natural natural ADJ
_003136262 361 17 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 361 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 361 19 but but CCONJ
_003136262 361 20 adoration adoration NOUN
_003136262 361 21 can can AUX
_003136262 361 22 be be AUX
_003136262 361 23 rendered render VERB
_003136262 361 24 only only ADV
_003136262 361 25 to to ADP
_003136262 361 26 god god PROPN
_003136262 361 27 - - PUNCT
_003136262 361 28 a a DET
_003136262 361 29 distincti distincti NOUN
_003136262 361 30 on on ADP
_003136262 361 31 which which PRON
_003136262 361 32 catholics catholic VERB
_003136262 361 33 understan understan PROPN
_003136262 361 34 d d PROPN
_003136262 361 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 361 36 w w PROPN
_003136262 361 37 e e PROPN
_003136262 361 38 were be AUX
_003136262 361 39 quite quite ADV
_003136262 361 40 prepa prepa NOUN
_003136262 361 41 r r NOUN
_003136262 361 42 ed ed NOUN
_003136262 361 43 for for ADP
_003136262 361 44 what what PRON
_003136262 361 45 follows follow VERB
_003136262 361 46 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 361 47 for for ADP
_003136262 361 48 ii ii X
_003136262 361 49 th th X
_003136262 361 50 e e PROPN
_003136262 361 51 childi childi PROPN
_003136262 361 52 sh sh NOUN
_003136262 361 53 perversene perversene NOUN
_003136262 361 54 ss ss NOUN
_003136262 361 55 of of ADP
_003136262 361 56 romanists romanist NOUN
_003136262 361 57 " " PUNCT
_003136262 361 58 for for ADP
_003136262 361 59 " " PUNCT
_003136262 361 60 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 361 61 being be AUX
_003136262 361 62 deaf deaf ADJ
_003136262 361 63 to to ADP
_003136262 361 64 hll hll PROPN
_003136262 361 65 argu argu NOUN
_003136262 361 66 ~ ~ X
_003136262 361 67 ent ent NOUN
_003136262 361 68 . . PUNCT
_003136262 361 69 " " PUNCT
_003136262 362 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 362 2 that that ADV
_003136262 362 3 is is ADV
_003136262 362 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 362 5 t t NOUN
_003136262 362 6 o o NOUN
_003136262 362 7 protestan protestan ADJ
_003136262 362 8 t t PROPN
_003136262 362 9 preach preach VERB
_003136262 362 10 e e PROPN
_003136262 362 11 r r NOUN
_003136262 362 12 s s PART
_003136262 362 13 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 362 14 arguments argument NOUN
_003136262 362 15 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 362 16 for for ADP
_003136262 362 17 th th DET
_003136262 362 18 e e NOUN
_003136262 362 19 ch ch NOUN
_003136262 362 20 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 362 21 rch rch NOUN
_003136262 362 22 being be AUX
_003136262 362 23 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 362 24 the the DET
_003136262 362 25 mother mother NOUN
_003136262 362 26 of of ADP
_003136262 362 27 14 14 NUM
_003136262 362 28 arlots arlot NOUN
_003136262 362 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 362 30 • • VERB
_003136262 362 31 : : PUNCT
_003136262 362 32 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 362 33 satan\ satan\ NOUN
_003136262 362 34 masterpiece/ masterpiece/ SPACE
_003136262 362 35 ' ' PART
_003136262 362 36 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 362 37 th th X
_003136262 362 38 e e PROPN
_003136262 362 39 mystery mystery NOUN
_003136262 362 40 of of ADP
_003136262 362 41 iniquity iniquity NOUN
_003136262 362 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 362 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 363 1 thi thi AUX
_003136262 363 2 s s PRON
_003136262 363 3 is be AUX
_003136262 363 4 one one NUM
_003136262 363 5 fruit fruit NOUN
_003136262 363 6 of of ADP
_003136262 363 7 t t NOUN
_003136262 363 8 he he PRON
_003136262 363 9 preacher preacher ADV
_003136262 363 10 's 's PART
_003136262 363 11 op op NOUN
_003136262 363 12 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 363 13 n n PROPN
_003136262 363 14 bible bible PROPN
_003136262 363 15 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 363 16 wh wh PROPN
_003136262 363 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 364 1 ic ic PROPN
_003136262 364 2 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 365 1 he he PRON
_003136262 365 2 considers consider VERB
_003136262 365 3 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 365 4 the the DET
_003136262 365 5 glory glory NOUN
_003136262 366 1 o o NOUN
_003136262 366 2 f f X
_003136262 366 3 his his PRON
_003136262 366 4 church church NOUN
_003136262 366 5 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 366 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 367 1 this this PRON
_003136262 367 2 is be AUX
_003136262 367 3 th th PRON
_003136262 367 4 e e PROPN
_003136262 367 5 lan lan PROPN
_003136262 367 6 gu gu PROPN
_003136262 368 1 age age NOUN
_003136262 368 2 wh wh NOUN
_003136262 368 3 ich ich NOUN
_003136262 368 4 he he PRON
_003136262 368 5 applhes applhe VERB
_003136262 368 6 t t NOUN
_003136262 368 7 o o NOUN
_003136262 368 8 th th NOUN
_003136262 368 9 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 368 10 t t NOUN
_003136262 368 11 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 368 12 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 369 1 which which PRON
_003136262 369 2 was be AUX
_003136262 369 3 professed profess VERB
_003136262 369 4 by by ADP
_003136262 369 5 his his PRON
_003136262 369 6 for for ADP
_003136262 369 7 efather efather NOUN
_003136262 369 8 s s PART
_003136262 369 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 369 10 wi wi PROPN
_003136262 369 11 thout thout PROPN
_003136262 369 12 th th X
_003136262 369 13 e e X
_003136262 369 14 sl sl INTJ
_003136262 369 15 ightes ighte VERB
_003136262 369 16 t t NOUN
_003136262 369 17 int int NOUN
_003136262 369 18 ermissionas ermissionas PROPN
_003136262 369 19 t t PROPN
_003136262 369 20 e e PROPN
_003136262 369 21 NOUN
_003136262 369 22 can can AUX
_003136262 369 23 homilies homily NOUN
_003136262 369 24 assert- assert- VERB
_003136262 369 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 369 26 for for ADP
_003136262 369 27 eight eight NUM
_003136262 369 28 hundred hundred NUM
_003136262 369 29 years year NOUN
_003136262 369 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 369 31 more;n more;n PROPN
_003136262 369 32 fo fo ADP
_003136262 369 33 r r NOUN
_003136262 369 34 wh wh NOUN
_003136262 369 35 ich ich NOUN
_003136262 369 36 in in ADP
_003136262 369 37 our our PRON
_003136262 369 38 own own ADJ
_003136262 369 39 sou sou NOUN
_003136262 369 40 ~ ~ VERB
_003136262 369 41 ry ry SCONJ
_003136262 369 42 sir sir PROPN
_003136262 369 43 thomas thomas PROPN
_003136262 369 44 mo mo PROPN
_003136262 369 45 re re PROPN
_003136262 369 46 died die VERB
_003136262 369 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 369 48 an~ an~ PROPN
_003136262 369 49 which which PRON
_003136262 369 50 was be AUX
_003136262 369 51 the the DET
_003136262 369 52 intellectual intellectual PROPN
_003136262 369 53 j j PROPN
_003136262 369 54 oy oy PROPN
_003136262 369 55 of of ADP
_003136262 369 56 a a DET
_003136262 369 57 bossuet bossuet NOUN
_003136262 369 58 and and CCONJ
_003136262 369 59 a a DET
_003136262 369 60 fenelon fenelon NOUN
_003136262 369 61 , , PUNCT
_003136262 369 62 of of ADP
_003136262 369 63 gt gt PROPN
_003136262 369 64 . . PUNCT
_003136262 370 1 erna!d erna!d PROPN
_003136262 370 2 a a PRON
_003136262 370 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 370 4 nd nd PROPN
_003136262 370 5 of of ADP
_003136262 370 6 st st PROPN
_003136262 370 7 . . PROPN
_003136262 370 8 thomas thomas PROPN
_003136262 370 9 aquinas aquinas PROPN
_003136262 370 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 370 11 h h PROPN
_003136262 370 12 e e NOUN
_003136262 370 13 forge forge NOUN
_003136262 370 14 ts ts ADP
_003136262 370 15 that that PRON
_003136262 370 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 370 17 by by ADP
_003136262 370 18 such such ADJ
_003136262 370 19 language language NOUN
_003136262 370 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 370 21 he he PRON
_003136262 370 22 accuses accuse VERB
_003136262 370 23 th th X
_003136262 370 24 e e NOUN
_003136262 370 25 son son NOUN
_003136262 370 26 o o PROPN
_003136262 370 27 f f PROPN
_003136262 370 28 t t PROPN
_003136262 370 29 hod hod NOUN
_003136262 370 30 0 0 NUM
_003136262 370 31 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 370 32 b1in b1in X
_003136262 370 33 ~ ~ X
_003136262 370 34 ll1competent ll1competent X
_003136262 370 35 to to PART
_003136262 370 36 fulfil fulfil VERB
_003136262 370 37 his his PRON
_003136262 370 38 own own ADJ
_003136262 370 39 promises promise NOUN
_003136262 370 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 370 41 while while SCONJ
_003136262 370 42 h h NOUN
_003136262 370 43 e e PROPN
_003136262 370 44 accuses accuse VERB
_003136262 370 45 th th X
_003136262 370 46 e e NOUN
_003136262 370 47 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 370 48 ghost ghost NOUN
_003136262 370 49 of of ADP
_003136262 370 50 t t PROPN
_003136262 370 51 eachi eachi PROPN
_003136262 370 52 n n PROPN
_003136262 370 53 g g PROPN
_003136262 370 54 . . PUNCT
_003136262 371 1 e e NOUN
_003136262 371 2 woe woe NOUN
_003136262 371 3 hurch hurch NOUN
_003136262 371 4 1 1 NUM
_003136262 371 5 1 1 NUM
_003136262 371 6 ... ... PUNCT
_003136262 371 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 371 8 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 371 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 371 10 in in ADP
_003136262 371 11 stead stead NOUN
_003136262 371 12 of of ADP
_003136262 371 13 teaching teach VERB
_003136262 371 14 h h NOUN
_003136262 371 15 er er INTJ
_003136262 371 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 371 17 all all DET
_003136262 371 18 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 371 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 371 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 372 1 st st PROPN
_003136262 372 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 372 3 jude jude PROPN
_003136262 372 4 has have VERB
_003136262 372 5 some some DET
_003136262 372 6 words word NOUN
_003136262 372 7 a a DET
_003136262 372 8 bou bou NOUN
_003136262 372 9 t t NOUN
_003136262 372 10 ignorance ignorance NOUN
_003136262 372 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 372 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 372 13 blas bla NOUN
_003136262 372 14 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 372 15 hemy hemy PROPN
_003136262 372 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 372 17 which which PRON
_003136262 372 18 we we PRON
_003136262 372 19 commend commend VERB
_003136262 372 20 to to ADP
_003136262 372 21 the the DET
_003136262 372 22 att att PROPN
_003136262 372 23 enti enti PROPN
_003136262 372 24 on on ADP
_003136262 372 25 of of ADP
_003136262 372 26 this this DET
_003136262 372 27 ge ge PROPN
_003136262 372 28 ntleman ntleman PROPN
_003136262 372 29 : : PUNCT
_003136262 372 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 372 31 hi hi INTJ
_003136262 372 32 au au PROPN
_003136262 372 33 t t PROPN
_003136262 372 34 e e PROPN
_003136262 372 35 m m PROPN
_003136262 372 36 qurecutm qurecutm PROPN
_003136262 372 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 372 38 quhe.q quhe.q PROPN
_003136262 372 39 uld uld AUX
_003136262 372 40 em em PRON
_003136262 372 41 ignorant ignorant ADJ
_003136262 372 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 372 43 blasph blasph PROPN
_003136262 372 44 emapt emapt PROPN
_003136262 372 45 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 372 46 qurecurnqueautem qurecurnqueautem NOUN
_003136262 372 47 naturaliter naturaliter NOUN
_003136262 372 48 , , PUNCT
_003136262 372 49 tam tam PROPN
_003136262 372 50 quam quam PROPN
_003136262 372 51 tr.uta tr.uta PROPN
_003136262 372 52 animalia animalia PROPN
_003136262 372 53 , , PUNCT
_003136262 372 54 norun norun PROPN
_003136262 373 1 i i PRON
_003136262 373 2 in in ADV
_003136262 373 3 is be AUX
_003136262 373 4 corrumpunt corrumpunt PROPN
_003136262 373 5 ur.n ur.n PROPN
_003136262 373 6 26 26 NUM
_003136262 373 7 speaking speak VERB
_003136262 373 8 even even ADV
_003136262 373 9 of of ADP
_003136262 373 10 the the DET
_003136262 373 11 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 373 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 373 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 373 14 it it PRON
_003136262 373 15 is be AUX
_003136262 373 16 good good ADJ
_003136262 373 17 for for SCONJ
_003136262 373 18 a a DET
_003136262 373 19 man man NOUN
_003136262 373 20 not not PART
_003136262 373 21 to to PART
_003136262 373 22 touch touch VERB
_003136262 373 23 a a DET
_003136262 373 24 woman woman NOUN
_003136262 373 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 373 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 374 1 while while SCONJ
_003136262 374 2 of of ADP
_003136262 374 3 a a DET
_003136262 374 4 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 374 5 he he PRON
_003136262 374 6 says say VERB
_003136262 374 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 374 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 374 9 a a DET
_003136262 374 10 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 374 11 should should AUX
_003136262 374 12 be be AUX
_003136262 374 13 the the DET
_003136262 374 14 husband husband NOUN
_003136262 374 15 of of ADP
_003136262 374 16 one one NUM
_003136262 374 17 wife wife NOUN
_003136262 374 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 374 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 374 20 that that PRON
_003136262 374 21 is be AUX
_003136262 374 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 374 23 a a DET
_003136262 374 24 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 374 25 should should AUX
_003136262 374 26 have have AUX
_003136262 374 27 been be AUX
_003136262 374 28 married marry VERB
_003136262 374 29 but but CCONJ
_003136262 374 30 once once ADV
_003136262 374 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 374 32 for for ADP
_003136262 374 33 since since SCONJ
_003136262 374 34 he he PRON
_003136262 374 35 dissuaded dissuade VERB
_003136262 374 36 even even ADV
_003136262 374 37 the the DET
_003136262 374 38 devout devout ADJ
_003136262 374 39 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 374 40 from from ADP
_003136262 374 41 marrying,-that marrying,-that PROPN
_003136262 374 42 is be AUX
_003136262 374 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 374 44 those those PRON
_003136262 374 45 of of ADP
_003136262 374 46 the the DET
_003136262 374 47 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 374 48 who who PRON
_003136262 374 49 aimed aim VERB
_003136262 374 50 at at ADP
_003136262 374 51 perfettion,-it perfettion,-it NOUN
_003136262 374 52 is be AUX
_003136262 374 53 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 374 54 that that SCONJ
_003136262 374 55 he he PRON
_003136262 374 56 should should AUX
_003136262 374 57 have have AUX
_003136262 374 58 advised advise VERB
_003136262 374 59 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 374 60 to to PART
_003136262 374 61 enter enter VERB
_003136262 374 62 a a DET
_003136262 374 63 state state NOUN
_003136262 374 64 , , PUNCT
_003136262 374 65 which which PRON
_003136262 374 66 he he PRON
_003136262 374 67 himself himself PRON
_003136262 374 68 pronounced pronounce VERB
_003136262 374 69 apologetic apologetic ADV
_003136262 374 70 . . PUNCT
_003136262 375 1 he he PRON
_003136262 375 2 must must AUX
_003136262 375 3 have have AUX
_003136262 375 4 meant mean VERB
_003136262 375 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 375 6 then then ADV
_003136262 375 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 375 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 375 9 a a DET
_003136262 375 10 twice twice ADV
_003136262 375 11 married married ADJ
_003136262 375 12 person person NOUN
_003136262 375 13 was be AUX
_003136262 375 14 too too ADV
_003136262 375 15 obviously obviously ADV
_003136262 375 16 secular secular ADJ
_003136262 375 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 375 18 world world NOUN
_003136262 375 19 - - PUNCT
_003136262 375 20 bound bind VERB
_003136262 375 21 to to PART
_003136262 375 22 be be AUX
_003136262 375 23 accepted accept VERB
_003136262 375 24 as as ADP
_003136262 375 25 a a DET
_003136262 375 26 candidate candidate NOUN
_003136262 375 27 for for ADP
_003136262 375 28 the the DET
_003136262 375 29 office office NOUN
_003136262 375 30 . . PUNCT
_003136262 376 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 376 2 we we PRON
_003136262 376 3 must must AUX
_003136262 376 4 rememember rememember VERB
_003136262 376 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 376 6 too too ADV
_003136262 376 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 376 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 376 9 in in ADP
_003136262 376 10 st st PROPN
_003136262 376 11 . . PROPN
_003136262 376 12 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 376 13 's 's PART
_003136262 376 14 days day NOUN
_003136262 376 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 376 16 men man NOUN
_003136262 376 17 were be AUX
_003136262 376 18 converted convert VERB
_003136262 376 19 to to ADP
_003136262 376 20 ichristianity ichristianity NOUN
_003136262 376 21 when when SCONJ
_003136262 376 22 they they PRON
_003136262 376 23 had have AUX
_003136262 376 24 attained attain VERB
_003136262 376 25 the the DET
_003136262 376 26 full full ADJ
_003136262 376 27 maturity maturity NOUN
_003136262 376 28 of of ADP
_003136262 376 29 years year NOUN
_003136262 376 30 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 376 31 so so ADV
_003136262 376 32 th th NOUN
_003136262 376 33 at at ADP
_003136262 376 34 what what PRON
_003136262 376 35 is be AUX
_003136262 376 36 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 376 37 a a DET
_003136262 376 38 question question NOUN
_003136262 376 39 of of ADP
_003136262 376 40 " " PUNCT
_003136262 376 41 discipline discipline NOUN
_003136262 376 42 " " PUNCT
_003136262 376 43 in in ADP
_003136262 376 44 these these DET
_003136262 376 45 days day NOUN
_003136262 376 46 was be AUX
_003136262 376 47 one one NUM
_003136262 376 48 of of ADP
_003136262 376 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 376 50 fitness fitness NOUN
_003136262 376 51 or or CCONJ
_003136262 376 52 expediency expediency NOUN
_003136262 376 53 in in ADP
_003136262 376 54 those those PRON
_003136262 376 55 . . PUNCT
_003136262 377 1 be be AUX
_003136262 377 2 this this PRON
_003136262 377 3 as as SCONJ
_003136262 377 4 it it PRON
_003136262 377 5 may may AUX
_003136262 377 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 377 7 we we PRON
_003136262 377 8 are be AUX
_003136262 377 9 at at ADP
_003136262 377 10 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 377 11 to to PART
_003136262 377 12 infer infer VERB
_003136262 377 13 that that PRON
_003136262 377 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 377 15 if if SCONJ
_003136262 377 16 st st PROPN
_003136262 377 17 . . PROPN
_003136262 377 18 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 377 19 lived live VERB
_003136262 377 20 in in ADP
_003136262 377 21 these these DET
_003136262 377 22 d d PROPN
_003136262 377 23 ays ays PROPN
_003136262 377 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 377 25 he he PRON
_003136262 377 26 would would AUX
_003136262 377 27 not not PART
_003136262 377 28 deliberately deliberately ADV
_003136262 377 29 make make VERB
_003136262 377 30 choice choice NOUN
_003136262 377 31 of of ADP
_003136262 377 32 th th NOUN
_003136262 377 33 at at ADP
_003136262 377 34 state state NOUN
_003136262 377 35 whic whic PROPN
_003136262 377 36 h h PROPN
_003136262 378 1 he he PRON
_003136262 378 2 re re ADP
_003136262 378 3 g g NOUN
_003136262 378 4 arded arde VERB
_003136262 378 5 as as ADP
_003136262 378 6 imperfett imperfett PROPN
_003136262 378 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 379 1 we we PRON
_003136262 379 2 can can AUX
_003136262 379 3 not not PART
_003136262 379 4 conceive conceive VERB
_003136262 379 5 of of ADP
_003136262 379 6 st st PROPN
_003136262 379 7 . . PROPN
_003136262 379 8 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 379 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 379 10 or or CCONJ
_003136262 379 11 of of ADP
_003136262 379 12 st st PROPN
_003136262 379 13 . . PROPN
_003136262 379 14 john john PROPN
_003136262 379 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 379 16 st st PROPN
_003136262 379 17 arting arte VERB
_003136262 379 18 on on ADP
_003136262 379 19 wh wh NOUN
_003136262 379 20 at at ADP
_003136262 379 21 we we PRON
_003136262 379 22 now now ADV
_003136262 379 23 call call VERB
_003136262 379 24 a a DET
_003136262 379 25 wedding wedding NOUN
_003136262 379 26 tour tour NOUN
_003136262 379 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 379 28 acclaimed acclaim VERB
_003136262 379 29 by by ADP
_003136262 379 30 bridesmaids bridesmaid NOUN
_003136262 379 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 379 32 or or CCONJ
_003136262 379 33 toasted toast VERB
_003136262 379 34 by by ADP
_003136262 379 35 groomsmen groomsman NOUN
_003136262 379 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 379 37 or or CCONJ
_003136262 379 38 enraptured enrapture VERB
_003136262 379 39 by by ADP
_003136262 379 40 the the DET
_003136262 379 41 bride bride NOUN
_003136262 379 42 's 's PART
_003136262 379 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 379 44 lat lat ADJ
_003136262 379 45 est e ADJ
_003136262 379 46 fashions fashion NOUN
_003136262 379 47 . . PUNCT
_003136262 379 48 " " PUNCT
_003136262 380 1 there there PRON
_003136262 380 2 are be VERB
_003136262 380 3 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 380 4 incongruities incongruity NOUN
_003136262 380 5 at at ADP
_003136262 380 6 which which PRON
_003136262 380 7 t t X
_003136262 380 8 he he PRON
_003136262 380 9 human human ADJ
_003136262 380 10 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 380 11 revolts revolt NOUN
_003136262 380 12 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 380 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 380 14 a a DET
_003136262 380 15 married married ADJ
_003136262 380 16 apostle apostle NOUN
_003136262 380 17 is be AUX
_003136262 380 18 one one NUM
_003136262 380 19 of of ADP
_003136262 380 20 them they PRON
_003136262 380 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 381 1 the the DET
_003136262 381 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 381 3 of of ADP
_003136262 381 4 england england PROPN
_003136262 381 5 clergy clergy PROPN
_003136262 381 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 381 7 we we PRON
_003136262 381 8 know know VERB
_003136262 381 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 381 10 a a DET
_003136262 381 11 r r NOUN
_003136262 381 12 e e NOUN
_003136262 381 13 not not PART
_003136262 381 14 apostle apostle VERB
_003136262 381 15 s s NOUN
_003136262 381 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 381 17 they they PRON
_003136262 381 18 are be AUX
_003136262 381 19 laymen layman NOUN
_003136262 381 20 with with ADP
_003136262 381 21 the the DET
_003136262 381 22 prefix prefix NOUN
_003136262 381 23 of of ADP
_003136262 381 24 reverend,-or reverend,-or PROPN
_003136262 381 25 ri ri PROPN
_003136262 381 26 ght ght NOUN
_003136262 381 27 reve reve VERB
_003136262 381 28 rend rend NOUN
_003136262 381 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 381 30 as as SCONJ
_003136262 381 31 the the DET
_003136262 381 32 prime prime ADJ
_003136262 381 33 mi mi PROPN
_003136262 381 34 nister nister NOUN
_003136262 381 35 may may AUX
_003136262 381 36 think think VERB
_003136262 381 37 best well ADV
_003136262 381 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 382 1 still still ADV
_003136262 382 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 382 3 eve eve PROPN
_003136262 382 4 n n ADP
_003136262 382 5 t t PROPN
_003136262 383 1 hey hey INTJ
_003136262 383 2 ough ough ADV
_003136262 383 3 t t NOUN
_003136262 383 4 to to PART
_003136262 383 5 be be AUX
_003136262 383 6 able able ADJ
_003136262 383 7 to to PART
_003136262 383 8 comprehend comprehend VERB
_003136262 383 9 that that SCONJ
_003136262 383 10 a a DET
_003136262 383 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 383 12 succes succe NOUN
_003136262 383 13 so so ADV
_003136262 383 14 r r NOUN
_003136262 383 15 of of ADP
_003136262 383 16 the the DET
_003136262 383 17 apos apos NOUN
_003136262 383 18 tl tl AUX
_003136262 383 19 es es X
_003136262 383 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 383 21 m m PROPN
_003136262 384 1 akin akin PROPN
_003136262 385 1 g g X
_003136262 385 2 love love NOUN
_003136262 385 3 to to ADP
_003136262 385 4 his his PRON
_003136262 385 5 congregation congregation NOUN
_003136262 385 6 is be AUX
_003136262 385 7 a a DET
_003136262 385 8 very very ADV
_003136262 385 9 uns uns ADJ
_003136262 385 10 eemly eemly ADJ
_003136262 385 11 sight sight NOUN
_003136262 385 12 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 385 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 386 1 a a DET
_003136262 386 2 popular popular ADJ
_003136262 386 3 preacher preacher NOUN
_003136262 386 4 may may AUX
_003136262 386 5 be be AUX
_003136262 386 6 a a DET
_003136262 386 7 cong cong NOUN
_003136262 386 8 ru ru NOUN
_003136262 386 9 ous ous ADJ
_003136262 386 10 idea idea NOUN
_003136262 386 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 386 12 in in ADP
_003136262 386 13 a a DET
_003136262 386 14 three three NUM
_003136262 386 15 volume volume NOUN
_003136262 386 16 novel novel NOUN
_003136262 386 17 meant mean VERB
_003136262 386 18 for for ADP
_003136262 386 19 p p NOUN
_003136262 386 20 rotes rote NOUN
_003136262 386 21 tants tant NOUN
_003136262 386 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 386 23 but but CCONJ
_003136262 386 24 a a PRON
_003136262 386 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 387 1 preacher preach ADJ
_003136262 387 2 whose whose DET
_003136262 387 3 popularity popularity NOUN
_003136262 387 4 has have VERB
_003136262 387 5 nuptial nuptial ADJ
_003136262 387 6 contin contin NOUN
_003136262 387 7 gents gent NOUN
_003136262 387 8 is be AUX
_003136262 387 9 hardly hardly ADV
_003136262 387 10 an an DET
_003136262 387 11 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 387 12 type type NOUN
_003136262 387 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 388 1 it it PRON
_003136262 388 2 is be AUX
_003136262 388 3 perfettiy perfettiy ADJ
_003136262 388 4 proper proper ADJ
_003136262 388 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 388 6 we we PRON
_003136262 388 7 know know VERB
_003136262 388 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 388 9 th th NOUN
_003136262 388 10 at at ADP
_003136262 388 11 the the DET
_003136262 388 12 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 388 13 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 388 14 should should AUX
_003136262 388 15 m m VERB
_003136262 388 16 arry arry ADJ
_003136262 388 17 - - PUNCT
_003136262 388 18 because because SCONJ
_003136262 388 19 they they PRON
_003136262 388 20 are be AUX
_003136262 388 21 only only ADV
_003136262 388 22 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 388 23 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 388 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 389 1 they they PRON
_003136262 389 2 are be AUX
_003136262 389 3 not not PART
_003136262 389 4 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 389 5 in in ADP
_003136262 389 6 any any DET
_003136262 389 7 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 389 8 of of ADP
_003136262 389 9 the the DET
_003136262 389 10 word word NOUN
_003136262 389 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 390 1 they they PRON
_003136262 390 2 have have VERB
_003136262 390 3 no no DET
_003136262 390 4 orders order NOUN
_003136262 390 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 390 6 jurisdittion jurisdittion NOUN
_003136262 390 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 390 8 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 390 9 faculty faculty NOUN
_003136262 390 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 390 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 390 12 they they PRON
_003136262 390 13 ministe ministe VERB
_003136262 390 14 r r NOUN
_003136262 390 15 only only ADV
_003136262 390 16 to to PART
_003136262 390 17 opinion opinion VERB
_003136262 390 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 391 1 they they PRON
_003136262 391 2 have have VERB
_003136262 391 3 no no DET
_003136262 391 4 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 391 5 to to PART
_003136262 391 6 offer offer VERB
_003136262 391 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 391 8 no no DET
_003136262 391 9 confessions confession NOUN
_003136262 391 10 to to PART
_003136262 391 11 hear hear VERB
_003136262 391 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 391 13 no no DET
_003136262 391 14 27 27 NUM
_003136262 391 15 mysteries mystery NOUN
_003136262 391 16 to to PART
_003136262 391 17 handle handle VERB
_003136262 391 18 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 391 19 r r ADJ
_003136262 391 20 pro pro ADJ
_003136262 391 21 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 391 22 laim laim NOUN
_003136262 391 23 ... ... PUNCT
_003136262 391 24 theirs theirs PRON
_003136262 391 25 is be AUX
_003136262 391 26 a a DET
_003136262 391 27 human human ADJ
_003136262 391 28 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 391 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 391 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 391 31 they they PRON
_003136262 391 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 391 33 ltke ltke VERB
_003136262 391 34 their their PRON
_003136262 391 35 reltgion reltgion NOUN
_003136262 391 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 391 37 are be AUX
_003136262 391 38 but but CCONJ
_003136262 391 39 human human ADJ
_003136262 391 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 392 1 it it PRON
_003136262 392 2 was be AUX
_003136262 392 3 not not PART
_003136262 392 4 to to ADP
_003136262 392 5 them they PRON
_003136262 392 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 392 7 our our PRON
_003136262 392 8 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 392 9 addressed address VERB
_003136262 392 10 the the DET
_003136262 392 11 words word NOUN
_003136262 392 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 392 13 · · PUNCT
_003136262 392 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 392 15 he he PRON
_003136262 392 16 that that PRON
_003136262 392 17 can can AUX
_003136262 392 18 receive receive VERB
_003136262 392 19 it it PRON
_003136262 392 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 392 21 let let VERB
_003136262 392 22 him he PRON
_003136262 392 23 r.eceive r.eceive VERB
_003136262 392 24 it it PRON
_003136262 392 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 392 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 393 1 the the DET
_003136262 393 2 case case NOUN
_003136262 393 3 is be AUX
_003136262 393 4 the the DET
_003136262 393 5 reverse reverse NOUN
_003136262 393 6 with with ADP
_003136262 393 7 true true ADJ
_003136262 393 8 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 393 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 394 1 the the DET
_003136262 394 2 adorable adorable ADJ
_003136262 394 3 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 394 4 is be AUX
_003136262 394 5 their their PRON
_003136262 394 6 daily daily ADJ
_003136262 394 7 contemplation contemplation NOUN
_003136262 394 8 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 394 9 the the DET
_003136262 394 10 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 394 11 of of ADP
_003136262 394 12 penance penance NOUN
_003136262 394 13 half half DET
_003136262 394 14 their their PRON
_003136262 394 15 life life NOUN
_003136262 394 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 395 1 they they PRON
_003136262 395 2 are be AUX
_003136262 395 3 set set VERB
_003136262 395 4 apart apart ADV
_003136262 395 5 for for ADP
_003136262 395 6 supernatural supernatural ADJ
_003136262 395 7 functions function NOUN
_003136262 395 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 395 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 395 10 their their PRON
_003136262 395 11 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 395 12 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 395 13 is be AUX
_003136262 395 14 far far ADV
_003136262 395 15 above above ADP
_003136262 395 16 the the DET
_003136262 395 17 world world NOUN
_003136262 395 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 396 1 they they PRON
_003136262 396 2 are be AUX
_003136262 396 3 elected elect VERB
_003136262 396 4 of of ADP
_003136262 396 5 god god PROPN
_003136262 396 6 to to PART
_003136262 396 7 be be AUX
_003136262 396 8 exemplars exemplar NOUN
_003136262 396 9 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 396 10 as as ADV
_003136262 396 11 well well ADV
_003136262 396 12 as as SCONJ
_003136262 396 13 to to PART
_003136262 396 14 teach teach VERB
_003136262 396 15 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 396 16 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 396 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 397 1 theirs theirs PRON
_003136262 397 2 is be AUX
_003136262 397 3 a a DET
_003136262 397 4 life life NOUN
_003136262 397 5 which which PRON
_003136262 397 6 has have VERB
_003136262 397 7 little little ADJ
_003136262 397 8 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 397 9 in in ADP
_003136262 397 10 common common ADJ
_003136262 397 11 with with ADP
_003136262 397 12 the the DET
_003136262 397 13 average average ADJ
_003136262 397 14 aspirations aspiration NOUN
_003136262 397 15 of of ADP
_003136262 397 16 the the DET
_003136262 397 17 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 397 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 397 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 397 20 if if SCONJ
_003136262 397 21 anything anything PRON
_003136262 397 22 could could AUX
_003136262 397 23 add add VERB
_003136262 397 24 to to ADP
_003136262 397 25 the the DET
_003136262 397 26 dignity dignity NOUN
_003136262 397 27 of of ADP
_003136262 397 28 their their PRON
_003136262 397 29 office office NOUN
_003136262 397 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 397 31 it it PRON
_003136262 397 32 would would AUX
_003136262 397 33 be be AUX
_003136262 397 34 the the DET
_003136262 397 35 excellence excellence NOUN
_003136262 397 36 with with ADP
_003136262 397 37 which which PRON
_003136262 397 38 the.y the.y NOUN
_003136262 397 39 fulfil fulfil NOUN
_003136262 397 40 it it PRON
_003136262 397 41 . . PUNCT
_003136262 398 1 these these DET
_003136262 398 2 men man NOUN
_003136262 398 3 are be AUX
_003136262 398 4 what what PRON
_003136262 398 5 they they PRON
_003136262 398 6 seem seem VERB
_003136262 398 7 to to PART
_003136262 398 8 · · PUNCT
_003136262 398 9 be be AUX
_003136262 398 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 398 11 true true ADJ
_003136262 398 12 types type NOUN
_003136262 398 13 of of ADP
_003136262 398 14 true true ADJ
_003136262 398 15 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 398 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 398 17 asking ask VERB
_003136262 398 18 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 398 19 of of ADP
_003136262 398 20 their their PRON
_003136262 398 21 penitents penitent NOUN
_003136262 398 22 which which PRON
_003136262 398 23 they they PRON
_003136262 398 24 do do AUX
_003136262 398 25 not not PART
_003136262 398 26 perform perform VERB
_003136262 398 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 398 28 teaching teach VERB
_003136262 398 29 by by ADP
_003136262 398 30 example example NOUN
_003136262 398 31 quite quite ADV
_003136262 398 32 as as ADV
_003136262 398 33 much much ADJ
_003136262 398 34 as as ADP
_003136262 398 35 by by ADP
_003136262 398 36 precept precept NOUN
_003136262 398 37 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 398 38 -a -a X
_003136262 398 39 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 398 40 and and CCONJ
_003136262 398 41 separate separate ADJ
_003136262 398 42 class class NOUN
_003136262 398 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 399 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 399 2 the the DET
_003136262 399 3 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 399 4 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 399 5 are be AUX
_003136262 399 6 mere mere ADJ
_003136262 399 7 men man NOUN
_003136262 399 8 of of ADP
_003136262 399 9 the the DET
_003136262 399 10 world world NOUN
_003136262 399 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 399 12 highly highly ADV
_003136262 399 13 moral moral ADJ
_003136262 399 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 399 15 respectable respectable ADJ
_003136262 399 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 399 17 proper proper ADJ
_003136262 399 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 399 19 but but CCONJ
_003136262 399 20 with with ADP
_003136262 399 21 no no DET
_003136262 399 22 shadow shadow NOUN
_003136262 399 23 of of ADP
_003136262 399 24 pretence pretence NOUN
_003136262 399 25 to to ADP
_003136262 399 26 a a DET
_003136262 399 27 supernatural supernatural ADJ
_003136262 399 28 character character NOUN
_003136262 399 29 in in ADP
_003136262 399 30 their their PRON
_003136262 399 31 lives life NOUN
_003136262 399 32 any any ADV
_003136262 399 33 more more ADJ
_003136262 399 34 than than ADP
_003136262 399 35 in in ADP
_003136262 399 36 their their PRON
_003136262 399 37 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 399 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 400 1 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 400 2 is be AUX
_003136262 400 3 their their PRON
_003136262 400 4 first first ADJ
_003136262 400 5 grand grand ADJ
_003136262 400 6 idea idea NOUN
_003136262 400 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 400 8 and and CCONJ
_003136262 400 9 private private ADJ
_003136262 400 10 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 400 11 their their PRON
_003136262 400 12 second second ADJ
_003136262 400 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 401 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 2 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 401 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 401 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 5 said say VERB
_003136262 401 6 erasmus erasmus NOUN
_003136262 401 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 401 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 9 is be AUX
_003136262 401 10 the the DET
_003136262 401 11 only only ADJ
_003136262 401 12 paradise paradise NOUN
_003136262 401 13 left leave VERB
_003136262 401 14 for for ADP
_003136262 401 15 a a DET
_003136262 401 16 reformed reform VERB
_003136262 401 17 or or CCONJ
_003136262 401 18 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 401 19 christian christian NOUN
_003136262 401 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 401 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 401 23 certainlywith certainlywith VERB
_003136262 401 24 the the DET
_003136262 401 25 exception exception NOUN
_003136262 401 26 of of ADP
_003136262 401 27 hatred hatred NOUN
_003136262 401 28 for for ADP
_003136262 401 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 30 popery popery NOUN
_003136262 401 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 32 it it PRON
_003136262 401 33 is be AUX
_003136262 401 34 the the DET
_003136262 401 35 only only ADJ
_003136262 401 36 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 401 37 on on ADP
_003136262 401 38 which which PRON
_003136262 401 39 they they PRON
_003136262 401 40 are be AUX
_003136262 401 41 agre agre NOUN
_003136262 401 42 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 401 43 d. d. PROPN
_003136262 401 44 curates curate NOUN
_003136262 401 45 are be AUX
_003136262 401 46 divided divide VERB
_003136262 401 47 between between ADP
_003136262 401 48 rapturous rapturous ADJ
_003136262 401 49 sermons sermon NOUN
_003136262 401 50 or or CCONJ
_003136262 401 51 what what PRON
_003136262 401 52 they they PRON
_003136262 401 53 are be AUX
_003136262 401 54 pleased pleased ADJ
_003136262 401 55 to to PART
_003136262 401 56 call call VERB
_003136262 401 57 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 58 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 401 59 , , PUNCT
_003136262 401 60 " " PUNCT
_003136262 401 61 and and CCONJ
_003136262 401 62 equally equally ADV
_003136262 401 63 rapturous rapturous ADJ
_003136262 401 64 expatiations expatiation NOUN
_003136262 401 65 on on ADP
_003136262 401 66 the the DET
_003136262 401 67 PROPN
_003136262 401 68 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 401 69 s s NOUN
_003136262 401 70 of of ADP
_003136262 401 71 some some DET
_003136262 401 72 member member NOUN
_003136262 401 73 of of ADP
_003136262 401 74 their their PRON
_003136262 401 75 flock flock NOUN
_003136262 401 76 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 401 77 and and CCONJ
_003136262 401 78 tho.ugh tho.ugh ADP
_003136262 401 79 all all DET
_003136262 401 80 t t NOUN
_003136262 401 81 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 401 82 is be AUX
_003136262 401 83 is be AUX
_003136262 401 84 .very .very PRON
_003136262 401 85 natural natural ADJ
_003136262 401 86 and and CCONJ
_003136262 401 87 proper proper ADJ
_003136262 401 88 in in ADP
_003136262 401 89 them they PRON
_003136262 401 90 , , PUNCT
_003136262 401 91 it it PRON
_003136262 401 92 would would AUX
_003136262 401 93 be be AUX
_003136262 401 94 sl sl NOUN
_003136262 401 95 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 401 96 ply ply NOUN
_003136262 401 97 mconceivable mconceivable ADJ
_003136262 401 98 in in ADP
_003136262 401 99 true true ADJ
_003136262 401 100 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 401 101 . . PUNCT
_003136262 402 1 that that DET
_003136262 402 2 sp sp NOUN
_003136262 402 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 402 4 ectacle ectacle NOUN
_003136262 402 5 NUM
_003136262 402 6 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 402 7 es es NOUN
_003136262 402 8 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 402 9 smilethe smilethe NOUN
_003136262 402 10 spectacle spectacle NOUN
_003136262 402 11 of of ADP
_003136262 402 12 a a DET
_003136262 402 13 wedded wed VERB
_003136262 402 14 ecclesiastic ecclesiastic NOUN
_003136262 402 15 - - PUNCT
_003136262 402 16 reaches reach VERB
_003136262 402 17 its its PRON
_003136262 402 18 apex apex NOUN
_003136262 402 19 of of ADP
_003136262 402 20 fantastic fantastic ADJ
_003136262 402 21 suggestiveness suggestiveness NOUN
_003136262 402 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 402 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 403 1 when when SCONJ
_003136262 403 2 a a DET
_003136262 403 3 dean dean NOUN
_003136262 403 4 or or CCONJ
_003136262 403 5 a a DET
_003136262 403 6 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 403 7 is be AUX
_003136262 403 8 the the DET
_003136262 403 9 example example NOUN
_003136262 403 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 403 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 403 12 nothli nothli PROPN
_003136262 403 13 : : PUNCT
_003136262 403 14 g g PROPN
_003136262 403 15 but but CCONJ
_003136262 403 16 good good ADJ
_003136262 403 17 breeding breeding NOUN
_003136262 403 18 prevents prevent VERB
_003136262 403 19 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 403 20 from from ADP
_003136262 403 21 laughmg laughmg NOUN
_003136262 403 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 403 23 when when SCONJ
_003136262 403 24 they they PRON
_003136262 403 25 come come VERB
_003136262 403 26 across across ADP
_003136262 403 27 these these DET
_003136262 403 28 highly highly ADV
_003136262 403 29 mundane mundane ADJ
_003136262 403 30 apo apo NOUN
_003136262 403 31 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 403 32 tles tle NOUN
_003136262 403 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 404 1 even even ADV
_003136262 404 2 the the DET
_003136262 404 3 russians russians PROPN
_003136262 404 4 will will AUX
_003136262 404 5 not not PART
_003136262 404 6 hear hear VERB
_003136262 404 7 of of ADP
_003136262 404 8 a a DET
_003136262 404 9 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 404 10 fettmg fettmg NOUN
_003136262 404 11 married marry VERB
_003136262 404 12 after after SCONJ
_003136262 404 13 he he PRON
_003136262 404 14 has have AUX
_003136262 404 15 taken take VERB
_003136262 404 16 the the DET
_003136262 404 17 first first ADJ
_003136262 404 18 orders order NOUN
_003136262 404 19 : : PUNCT
_003136262 404 20 semioarbarous semioarbarous ADJ
_003136262 404 21 as as SCONJ
_003136262 404 22 they they PRON
_003136262 404 23 are be AUX
_003136262 404 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 404 25 that that PRON
_003136262 404 26 is be AUX
_003136262 404 27 too too ADV
_003136262 404 28 much much ADJ
_003136262 404 29 for for ADP
_003136262 404 30 them they PRON
_003136262 404 31 : : PUNCT
_003136262 404 32 but but CCONJ
_003136262 404 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 404 34 28 28 NUM
_003136262 404 35 then then ADV
_003136262 404 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 404 37 we we PRON
_003136262 404 38 must must AUX
_003136262 404 39 remember remember VERB
_003136262 404 40 that that SCONJ
_003136262 404 41 the the DET
_003136262 404 42 russians russians PROPN
_003136262 404 43 have have VERB
_003136262 404 44 true true ADJ
_003136262 404 45 orders.-and orders.-and NOUN
_003136262 405 1 this this PRON
_003136262 405 2 leads lead VERB
_003136262 405 3 to to ADP
_003136262 405 4 the the DET
_003136262 405 5 consideration consideration NOUN
_003136262 405 6 of of ADP
_003136262 405 7 the the DET
_003136262 405 8 next next ADJ
_003136262 405 9 question question NOUN
_003136262 405 10 of of ADP
_003136262 405 11 the the DET
_003136262 405 12 bisholj bisholj NOUN
_003136262 405 13 : : PUNCT
_003136262 405 14 what what DET
_003136262 405 15 proof proof NOUN
_003136262 405 16 is be AUX
_003136262 405 17 there there PRON
_003136262 405 18 of of ADP
_003136262 405 19 the the DET
_003136262 405 20 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 405 21 of of ADP
_003136262 405 22 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 405 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 406 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 406 2 6 6 NUM
_003136262 406 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 406 4 it it PRON
_003136262 406 5 is be AUX
_003136262 406 6 not not PART
_003136262 406 7 likely likely ADJ
_003136262 406 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 406 9 a a DET
_003136262 406 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 406 11 priesthood priesthood NOUN
_003136262 406 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 406 13 which which PRON
_003136262 406 14 makes make VERB
_003136262 406 15 marriage marriage NOUN
_003136262 406 16 its its PRON
_003136262 406 17 first first ADJ
_003136262 406 18 element element NOUN
_003136262 406 19 would would AUX
_003136262 406 20 have have VERB
_003136262 406 21 the the DET
_003136262 406 22 faculty faculty NOUN
_003136262 406 23 of of ADP
_003136262 406 24 diving diving NOUN
_003136262 406 25 deeply deeply ADV
_003136262 406 26 into into ADP
_003136262 406 27 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 406 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 407 1 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 407 2 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 407 3 are be AUX
_003136262 407 4 hid hide VERB
_003136262 407 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 407 6 si si NOUN
_003136262 407 7 - - PUNCT
_003136262 407 8 nce nce NOUN
_003136262 407 9 they they PRON
_003136262 407 10 are be AUX
_003136262 407 11 revealed reveal VERB
_003136262 407 12 by by ADP
_003136262 407 13 the the DET
_003136262 407 14 holy holy PROPN
_003136262 407 15 spirit spirit PROPN
_003136262 407 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 407 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 407 18 the the DET
_003136262 407 19 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 407 20 spirit spirit PROPN
_003136262 407 21 alone alone ADV
_003136262 407 22 can can AUX
_003136262 407 23 interpret interpret VERB
_003136262 407 24 them they PRON
_003136262 407 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 408 1 consequently consequently ADV
_003136262 408 2 a a DET
_003136262 408 3 class class NOUN
_003136262 408 4 which which PRON
_003136262 408 5 is be AUX
_003136262 408 6 uxorious uxorious ADJ
_003136262 408 7 and and CCONJ
_003136262 408 8 worldly worldly ADV
_003136262 408 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 408 10 differing differ VERB
_003136262 408 11 from from ADP
_003136262 408 12 lay lay ADJ
_003136262 408 13 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 408 14 in in ADP
_003136262 408 15 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 408 16 but but SCONJ
_003136262 408 17 name name NOUN
_003136262 408 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 408 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 408 20 in in ADP
_003136262 408 21 a a DET
_003136262 408 22 slight slight ADJ
_003136262 408 23 change change NOUN
_003136262 408 24 of of ADP
_003136262 408 25 dress dress NOUN
_003136262 408 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 408 27 demeanour demeanour NOUN
_003136262 408 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 408 29 could could AUX
_003136262 408 30 not not PART
_003136262 408 31 be be AUX
_003136262 408 32 expected expect VERB
_003136262 408 33 to to PART
_003136262 408 34 have have VERB
_003136262 408 35 supernatural supernatural ADJ
_003136262 408 36 insight insight NOUN
_003136262 408 37 into into ADP
_003136262 408 38 the the DET
_003136262 408 39 truths truth NOUN
_003136262 408 40 which which PRON
_003136262 408 41 lie lie AUX
_003136262 408 42 hid hide VERB
_003136262 408 43 in in ADP
_003136262 408 44 the the DET
_003136262 408 45 gospel gospel NOUN
_003136262 408 46 . . PUNCT
_003136262 409 1 even even ADV
_003136262 409 2 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 409 3 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 409 4 do do AUX
_003136262 409 5 not not PART
_003136262 409 6 presume presume VERB
_003136262 409 7 to to PART
_003136262 409 8 fix fix VERB
_003136262 409 9 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 409 10 until until SCONJ
_003136262 409 11 god god PROPN
_003136262 409 12 has have AUX
_003136262 409 13 taught teach VERB
_003136262 409 14 the the DET
_003136262 409 15 church church NOUN
_003136262 409 16 through through ADP
_003136262 409 17 his his PRON
_003136262 409 18 vicar vicar NOUN
_003136262 409 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 409 20 yet yet CCONJ
_003136262 409 21 the the DET
_003136262 409 22 meanest mean ADJ
_003136262 409 23 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 409 24 layman layman NOUN
_003136262 409 25 is be AUX
_003136262 409 26 much much ADV
_003136262 409 27 more more ADJ
_003136262 409 28 of of ADP
_003136262 409 29 a a DET
_003136262 409 30 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 409 31 than than SCONJ
_003136262 409 32 all all DET
_003136262 409 33 the the DET
_003136262 409 34 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 409 35 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 409 36 put put VERB
_003136262 409 37 together together ADV
_003136262 409 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 410 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 410 2 here here ADV
_003136262 410 3 let let VERB
_003136262 410 4 it it PRON
_003136262 410 5 be be AUX
_003136262 410 6 remarked remark VERB
_003136262 410 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 410 8 for for SCONJ
_003136262 410 9 it it PRON
_003136262 410 10 is be AUX
_003136262 410 11 most most ADV
_003136262 410 12 important important ADJ
_003136262 410 13 to to PART
_003136262 410 14 note note VERB
_003136262 410 15 it it PRON
_003136262 410 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 410 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 410 18 in in ADP
_003136262 410 19 every every DET
_003136262 410 20 case case NOUN
_003136262 410 21 where where SCONJ
_003136262 410 22 true true ADJ
_003136262 410 23 orders order NOUN
_003136262 410 24 are be AUX
_003136262 410 25 preserved preserve VERB
_003136262 410 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 410 27 as as ADP
_003136262 410 28 for for ADP
_003136262 410 29 example example NOUN
_003136262 410 30 in in ADP
_003136262 410 31 the the DET
_003136262 410 32 schismatical schismatical ADJ
_003136262 410 33 greek greek NOUN
_003136262 410 34 church church NOUN
_003136262 410 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 410 36 there there PRON
_003136262 410 37 is be VERB
_003136262 410 38 preserved preserve VERB
_003136262 410 39 also also ADV
_003136262 410 40 the the DET
_003136262 410 41 true true ADJ
_003136262 410 42 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 410 43 of of ADP
_003136262 410 44 the the DET
_003136262 410 45 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 410 46 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 410 47 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 410 48 so so SCONJ
_003136262 410 49 that that DET
_003136262 410 50 sacrilege sacrilege NOUN
_003136262 410 51 has have AUX
_003136262 410 52 been be AUX
_003136262 410 53 rendered render VERB
_003136262 410 54 unlikely unlikely ADJ
_003136262 410 55 . . PUNCT
_003136262 411 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 411 2 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 411 3 in in ADP
_003136262 411 4 the the DET
_003136262 411 5 case case NOUN
_003136262 411 6 of of ADP
_003136262 411 7 english english ADJ
_003136262 411 8 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 411 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 411 10 who who PRON
_003136262 411 11 have have AUX
_003136262 411 12 lost lose VERB
_003136262 411 13 the the DET
_003136262 411 14 succession succession NOUN
_003136262 411 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 411 16 there there PRON
_003136262 411 17 was be VERB
_003136262 411 18 no no DET
_003136262 411 19 necessity necessity NOUN
_003136262 411 20 to to PART
_003136262 411 21 preserve preserve VERB
_003136262 411 22 the the DET
_003136262 411 23 true true ADJ
_003136262 411 24 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 411 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 411 26 which which PRON
_003136262 411 27 could could AUX
_003136262 411 28 have have AUX
_003136262 411 29 led lead VERB
_003136262 411 30 but but CCONJ
_003136262 411 31 to to ADP
_003136262 411 32 impious impious ADJ
_003136262 411 33 counterfeit counterfeit NOUN
_003136262 411 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 412 1 consequently consequently ADV
_003136262 412 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 412 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 412 4 dearly dearly ADV
_003136262 412 5 beloved beloved ADJ
_003136262 412 6 brethren brother NOUN
_003136262 412 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 412 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 412 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 412 10 a a DET
_003136262 412 11 commemorative commemorative ADJ
_003136262 412 12 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 412 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 412 14 have have AUX
_003136262 412 15 taken take VERB
_003136262 412 16 the the DET
_003136262 412 17 place place NOUN
_003136262 412 18 of of ADP
_003136262 412 19 the the DET
_003136262 412 20 real real ADJ
_003136262 412 21 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 412 22 with with ADP
_003136262 412 23 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 412 24 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 412 25 while while SCONJ
_003136262 412 26 the the DET
_003136262 412 27 greeks greek NOUN
_003136262 412 28 have have AUX
_003136262 412 29 preserved preserve VERB
_003136262 412 30 the the DET
_003136262 412 31 true true ADJ
_003136262 412 32 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 412 33 of of ADP
_003136262 412 34 the the DET
_003136262 412 35 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 412 36 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 412 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 412 38 concurrently concurrently ADV
_003136262 412 39 with with ADP
_003136262 412 40 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 412 41 order order NOUN
_003136262 412 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 413 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 413 2 certainly certainly ADV
_003136262 413 3 it it PRON
_003136262 413 4 may may AUX
_003136262 413 5 be be AUX
_003136262 413 6 permitted permit VERB
_003136262 413 7 to to PART
_003136262 413 8 observe observe VERB
_003136262 413 9 at at ADP
_003136262 413 10 this this DET
_003136262 413 11 point point NOUN
_003136262 413 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 413 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 413 14 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 413 15 of of ADP
_003136262 413 16 the the DET
_003136262 413 17 school school NOUN
_003136262 413 18 of of ADP
_003136262 413 19 the the DET
_003136262 413 20 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 413 21 of of ADP
_003136262 413 22 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 413 23 have have VERB
_003136262 413 24 much much ADV
_003136262 413 25 more more ADJ
_003136262 413 26 consistency consistency NOUN
_003136262 413 27 on on ADP
_003136262 413 28 their their PRON
_003136262 413 29 side side NOUN
_003136262 413 30 than than ADP
_003136262 413 31 the the DET
_003136262 413 32 so so ADV
_003136262 413 33 - - PUNCT
_003136262 413 34 called call VERB
_003136262 413 35 anglo anglo ADJ
_003136262 413 36 - - PUNCT
_003136262 413 37 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 413 38 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 413 39 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 413 40 for for ADP
_003136262 413 41 to to PART
_003136262 413 42 hold hold VERB
_003136262 413 43 that that DET
_003136262 413 44 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 413 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 413 46 consecration consecration NOUN
_003136262 413 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 413 48 or or CCONJ
_003136262 413 49 even even ADV
_003136262 413 50 one one NUM
_003136262 413 51 gift gift NOUN
_003136262 413 52 of of ADP
_003136262 413 53 priesthood priesthood NOUN
_003136262 413 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 413 55 is be AUX
_003136262 413 56 retained retain VERB
_003136262 413 57 by by ADP
_003136262 413 58 the the DET
_003136262 413 59 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 413 60 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 413 61 is be AUX
_003136262 413 62 to to PART
_003136262 413 63 charge charge VERB
_003136262 413 64 three three NUM
_003136262 413 65 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 413 66 of of ADP
_003136262 413 67 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 413 68 with with ADP
_003136262 413 69 the the DET
_003136262 413 70 blackest black ADJ
_003136262 413 71 infidelity infidelity NOUN
_003136262 413 72 , , PUNCT
_003136262 413 73 or or CCONJ
_003136262 413 74 with with ADP
_003136262 413 75 supreme supreme ADJ
_003136262 413 76 unconsciousness unconsciousness NOUN
_003136262 413 77 of of ADP
_003136262 413 78 their their PRON
_003136262 413 79 gifts gift NOUN
_003136262 413 80 . . PUNCT
_003136262 414 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 414 2 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 414 3 had have VERB
_003136262 414 4 the the DET
_003136262 414 5 true true ADJ
_003136262 414 6 priesthood priesthood NOUN
_003136262 414 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 414 8 it it PRON
_003136262 414 9 would would AUX
_003136262 414 10 be be AUX
_003136262 414 11 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 414 12 29 29 NUM
_003136262 414 13 to to PART
_003136262 414 14 contemplate contemplate VERB
_003136262 414 15 the the DET
_003136262 414 16 sacrilege sacrilege NOUN
_003136262 414 17 of of ADP
_003136262 414 18 millions million NOUN
_003136262 414 19 of of ADP
_003136262 414 20 their their PRON
_003136262 414 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 414 22 communions communion NOUN
_003136262 414 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 414 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 415 1 happily happily ADV
_003136262 415 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 415 3 everybody everybody PRON
_003136262 415 4 knows know VERB
_003136262 415 5 that that SCONJ
_003136262 415 6 they they PRON
_003136262 415 7 have have VERB
_003136262 415 8 not not PART
_003136262 415 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 416 1 n n ADV
_003136262 416 2 ow ow ADP
_003136262 416 3 the the DET
_003136262 416 4 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 416 5 puts put VERB
_003136262 416 6 three three NUM
_003136262 416 7 questions question NOUN
_003136262 416 8 close close ADV
_003136262 416 9 together together ADV
_003136262 416 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 416 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 416 12 it it PRON
_003136262 416 13 will will AUX
_003136262 416 14 be be AUX
_003136262 416 15 better well ADJ
_003136262 416 16 that that SCONJ
_003136262 416 17 we we PRON
_003136262 416 18 answer answer VERB
_003136262 416 19 them they PRON
_003136262 416 20 as as ADP
_003136262 416 21 one one NUM
_003136262 416 22 . . PUNCT
_003136262 417 1 he he PRON
_003136262 417 2 wants want VERB
_003136262 417 3 to to PART
_003136262 417 4 know know VERB
_003136262 417 5 what what PRON
_003136262 417 6 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 417 7 there there PRON
_003136262 417 8 is be VERB
_003136262 417 9 in in ADP
_003136262 417 10 the the DET
_003136262 417 11 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 417 12 for for ADP
_003136262 417 13 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 417 14 1 1 NUM
_003136262 417 15 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 417 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 417 17 transubstanti transubstanti PROPN
_003136262 417 18 ation ation NOUN
_003136262 417 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 417 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 417 21 for for ADP
_003136262 417 22 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 417 23 2 2 NUM
_003136262 417 24 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 417 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 417 26 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 417 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 417 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 417 29 for for ADP
_003136262 417 30 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 417 31 3 3 NUM
_003136262 417 32 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 417 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 417 34 the the DET
_003136262 417 35 denial denial NOUN
_003136262 417 36 of of ADP
_003136262 417 37 the the DET
_003136262 417 38 cup cup NOUN
_003136262 417 39 to to ADP
_003136262 417 40 the the DET
_003136262 417 41 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 417 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 417 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 418 1 the the DET
_003136262 418 2 answer answer NOUN
_003136262 418 3 to to ADP
_003136262 418 4 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 418 5 is be AUX
_003136262 418 6 the the DET
_003136262 418 7 answer answer NOUN
_003136262 418 8 to to ADP
_003136262 418 9 all all DET
_003136262 418 10 three three NUM
_003136262 418 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 418 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 419 1 because because SCONJ
_003136262 419 2 if if SCONJ
_003136262 419 3 we we PRON
_003136262 419 4 grant grant VERB
_003136262 419 5 the the DET
_003136262 419 6 autho~'ity autho~'ity NOUN
_003136262 419 7 of of ADP
_003136262 419 8 t?e t?e NOUN
_003136262 419 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 419 10 church church NOUN
_003136262 419 11 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 420 1 in in ADP
_003136262 420 2 determining determine VERB
_003136262 420 3 the the DET
_003136262 420 4 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 420 5 of of ADP
_003136262 420 6 scnpture scnpture NOUN
_003136262 420 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 420 8 1 1 NUM
_003136262 420 9 t t NOUN
_003136262 420 10 1s 1s NUM
_003136262 420 11 certam certam NOUN
_003136262 420 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 420 13 the the DET
_003136262 420 14 church church NOUN
_003136262 420 15 can can AUX
_003136262 420 16 not not PART
_003136262 420 17 lead lead VERB
_003136262 420 18 us we PRON
_003136262 420 19 astray astray ADV
_003136262 420 20 on on ADP
_003136262 420 21 one one NUM
_003136262 420 22 point point NOUN
_003136262 420 23 any any PRON
_003136262 420 24 more more ADJ
_003136262 420 25 than than ADP
_003136262 420 26 on on ADP
_003136262 420 27 another another PRON
_003136262 420 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 421 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 421 2 there there PRON
_003136262 421 3 is be VERB
_003136262 421 4 an an DET
_003136262 421 5 answer answer NOUN
_003136262 421 6 which which PRON
_003136262 421 7 is be AUX
_003136262 421 8 also also ADV
_003136262 421 9 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ
_003136262 421 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 421 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 421 12 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ
_003136262 421 13 to to ADP
_003136262 421 14 the the DET
_003136262 421 15 rational rational ADJ
_003136262 421 16 thinker thinker NOUN
_003136262 421 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 422 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 422 2 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 422 3 be be VERB
_003136262 422 4 true true ADJ
_003136262 422 5 - - PUNCT
_003136262 422 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 422 7 we we PRON
_003136262 422 8 will will AUX
_003136262 422 9 here here ADV
_003136262 422 10 first first ADV
_003136262 422 11 argue argue VERB
_003136262 422 12 on on ADP
_003136262 422 13 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN
_003136262 422 14 - - PUNCT
_003136262 422 15 it it PRON
_003136262 422 16 must must AUX
_003136262 422 17 follow follow VERB
_003136262 422 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 422 19 first first ADV
_003136262 422 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 422 21 that that SCONJ
_003136262 422 22 we we PRON
_003136262 422 23 should should AUX
_003136262 422 24 offer offer VERB
_003136262 422 25 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 422 26 in in ADP
_003136262 422 27 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 422 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 422 29 and and CCONJ
_003136262 422 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 422 31 secondly secondly ADV
_003136262 422 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 422 33 that that SCONJ
_003136262 422 34 we we PRON
_003136262 422 35 need need AUX
_003136262 422 36 not not PART
_003136262 422 37 receive receive VERB
_003136262 422 38 the the DET
_003136262 422 39 challce challce NOUN
_003136262 422 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 423 1 of of ADP
_003136262 423 2 the the DET
_003136262 423 3 first first ADJ
_003136262 423 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 423 5 let let VERB
_003136262 423 6 us we PRON
_003136262 423 7 say say VERB
_003136262 423 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 423 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 423 10 to to PART
_003136262 423 11 possess possess VERB
_003136262 423 12 chtist chtist NOUN
_003136262 423 13 on on ADP
_003136262 423 14 our our PRON
_003136262 423 15 altars altar NOUN
_003136262 423 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 423 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 423 18 not not PART
_003136262 423 19 to to PART
_003136262 423 20 offer offer VERB
_003136262 423 21 him he PRON
_003136262 423 22 to to ADP
_003136262 423 23 the the DET
_003136262 423 24 father father NOUN
_003136262 423 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 423 26 would would AUX
_003136262 423 27 be be AUX
_003136262 423 28 as as ADP
_003136262 423 29 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 423 30 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 423 31 as as SCONJ
_003136262 423 32 not not PART
_003136262 423 33 to to PART
_003136262 423 34 plead plead VERB
_003136262 423 35 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 423 36 in in ADP
_003136262 423 37 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 423 38 when when SCONJ
_003136262 423 39 we we PRON
_003136262 423 40 address address VERB
_003136262 423 41 the the DET
_003136262 423 42 father father PROPN
_003136262 423 43 in in ADP
_003136262 423 44 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 423 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 424 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 424 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 424 3 of of ADP
_003136262 424 4 the the DET
_003136262 424 5 second second ADJ
_003136262 424 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 424 7 it it PRON
_003136262 424 8 is be AUX
_003136262 424 9 obvious obvious ADJ
_003136262 424 10 that that SCONJ
_003136262 424 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 424 12 if if SCONJ
_003136262 424 13 the the DET
_003136262 424 14 host host NOUN
_003136262 424 15 be be AUX
_003136262 424 16 very very ADV
_003136262 424 17 god god ADV
_003136262 424 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 424 19 then then ADV
_003136262 424 20 is be AUX
_003136262 424 21 god god PROPN
_003136262 424 22 present present ADJ
_003136262 424 23 in in ADP
_003136262 424 24 each each DET
_003136262 424 25 species specie NOUN
_003136262 424 26 of of ADP
_003136262 424 27 the the DET
_003136262 424 28 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 424 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 424 30 that that ADV
_003136262 424 31 is is ADV
_003136262 424 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 424 33 he he PRON
_003136262 424 34 is be AUX
_003136262 424 35 present present ADJ
_003136262 424 36 in in ADP
_003136262 424 37 both both PRON
_003136262 424 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 425 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 425 2 here here ADV
_003136262 425 3 we we PRON
_003136262 425 4 must must AUX
_003136262 425 5 observe observe VERB
_003136262 425 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 425 7 there there PRON
_003136262 425 8 is be VERB
_003136262 425 9 something something PRON
_003136262 425 10 quite quite ADV
_003136262 425 11 childish childish ADJ
_003136262 425 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 425 13 something something PRON
_003136262 425 14 utterly utterly ADV
_003136262 425 15 inconsistent inconsistent ADJ
_003136262 425 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 425 17 irrational irrational ADJ
_003136262 425 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 425 19 in in ADP
_003136262 425 20 blaming blame VERB
_003136262 425 21 the the DET
_003136262 425 22 church church NOUN
_003136262 425 23 for for ADP
_003136262 425 24 depr depr NOUN
_003136262 425 25 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 425 26 ciating ciate VERB
_003136262 425 27 the the DET
_003136262 425 28 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 425 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 425 30 while while SCONJ
_003136262 425 31 at at ADP
_003136262 425 32 the the DET
_003136262 425 33 same same ADJ
_003136262 425 34 time time NOUN
_003136262 425 35 blaming blame VERB
_003136262 425 36 her she PRON
_003136262 425 37 for for ADP
_003136262 425 38 exalting exalt VERB
_003136262 425 39 it it PRON
_003136262 425 40 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 426 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 426 2 the the DET
_003136262 426 3 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 426 4 church church NOUN
_003136262 426 5 teach teach VERB
_003136262 426 6 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 426 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 426 8 she she PRON
_003136262 426 9 must must AUX
_003136262 426 10 teach teach VERB
_003136262 426 11 that that SCONJ
_003136262 426 12 the the DET
_003136262 426 13 real real ADJ
_003136262 426 14 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 426 15 is be AUX
_003136262 426 16 complete complete ADJ
_003136262 426 17 in in ADP
_003136262 426 18 the the DET
_003136262 426 19 host host NOUN
_003136262 426 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 426 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 426 22 also also ADV
_003136262 426 23 in in ADP
_003136262 426 24 each each DET
_003136262 426 25 drop drop NOUN
_003136262 426 26 in in ADP
_003136262 426 27 the the DET
_003136262 426 28 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 426 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 427 1 there there PRON
_003136262 427 2 is be VERB
_003136262 427 3 no no DET
_003136262 427 4 dividing divide VERB
_003136262 427 5 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 427 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 428 1 as as SCONJ
_003136262 428 2 it it PRON
_003136262 428 3 was be AUX
_003136262 428 4 customary customary ADJ
_003136262 428 5 in in ADP
_003136262 428 6 the the DET
_003136262 428 7 early early ADJ
_003136262 428 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 428 9 to to PART
_003136262 428 10 give give VERB
_003136262 428 11 the the DET
_003136262 428 12 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 428 13 to to ADP
_003136262 428 14 the the DET
_003136262 428 15 very very ADV
_003136262 428 16 young young ADJ
_003136262 428 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 428 19 also also ADV
_003136262 428 20 to to ADP
_003136262 428 21 the the DET
_003136262 428 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 23 infirm infirm ADJ
_003136262 428 24 or or CCONJ
_003136262 428 25 the the DET
_003136262 428 26 sick sick ADJ
_003136262 428 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 28 because because SCONJ
_003136262 428 29 the the DET
_003136262 428 30 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 428 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 32 like like ADP
_003136262 428 33 the the DET
_003136262 428 34 ! ! PROPN
_003136262 428 35 fost fost PROPN
_003136262 428 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 37 is be AUX
_003136262 428 38 god god PROPN
_003136262 428 39 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 428 40 so so ADV
_003136262 428 41 is be AUX
_003136262 428 42 it it PRON
_003136262 428 43 reasonable reasonable ADJ
_003136262 428 44 to to PART
_003136262 428 45 give give VERB
_003136262 428 46 the the DET
_003136262 428 47 host host NOUN
_003136262 428 48 by by ADP
_003136262 428 49 1tself 1tself PRON
_003136262 428 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 51 because because SCONJ
_003136262 428 52 the the DET
_003136262 428 53 host host NOUN
_003136262 428 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 55 without without ADP
_003136262 428 56 the the DET
_003136262 428 57 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 428 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 428 59 is be AUX
_003136262 428 60 . . PUNCT
_003136262 429 1 god god PROPN
_003136262 429 2 . . PUNCT
_003136262 430 1 the the DET
_003136262 430 2 motive motive NOUN
_003136262 430 3 of of ADP
_003136262 430 4 the the DET
_003136262 430 5 church church NOUN
_003136262 430 6 in in ADP
_003136262 430 7 withholding withhold VERB
_003136262 430 8 the the DET
_003136262 430 9 cup cup NOUN
_003136262 430 10 is be AUX
_003136262 430 11 not not PART
_003136262 430 12 one one NUM
_003136262 430 13 that that PRON
_003136262 430 14 we we PRON
_003136262 430 15 need need AUX
_003136262 430 16 now now ADV
_003136262 430 17 discuss discuss VERB
_003136262 430 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 431 1 probably probably ADV
_003136262 431 2 reverence reverence NOUN
_003136262 431 3 had have VERB
_003136262 431 4 a a DET
_003136262 431 5 good good ADJ
_003136262 431 6 deal deal NOUN
_003136262 431 7 to to PART
_003136262 431 8 do do VERB
_003136262 431 9 with with ADP
_003136262 431 10 it it PRON
_003136262 431 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 431 12 since since SCONJ
_003136262 431 13 the the DET
_003136262 431 14 giving give VERB
_003136262 431 15 the the DET
_003136262 431 16 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 431 17 3d 3d PROPN
_003136262 431 18 led lead VERB
_003136262 431 19 ta ta ADP
_003136262 431 20 accidents accident NOUN
_003136262 431 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 431 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 431 23 there there PRON
_003136262 431 24 was be VERB
_003136262 431 25 alsa alsa NOUN
_003136262 431 26 the the DET
_003136262 431 27 desire desire NOUN
_003136262 431 28 ta ta PART
_003136262 431 29 pratest pratest VERB
_003136262 431 30 against against ADP
_003136262 431 31 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 431 32 - - PUNCT
_003136262 431 33 the the DET
_003136262 431 34 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 431 35 which which PRON
_003136262 431 36 pratestants pratestant VERB
_003136262 431 37 praclaim praclaim NOUN
_003136262 431 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 432 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 432 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 432 3 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 432 4 the the DET
_003136262 432 5 matives mative NOUN
_003136262 432 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 432 7 we we PRON
_003136262 432 8 say say VERB
_003136262 432 9 that that SCONJ
_003136262 432 10 far far ADJ
_003136262 432 11 pratestants pratestant NOUN
_003136262 432 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 432 13 wha wha NOUN
_003136262 432 14 degrade degrade VERB
_003136262 432 15 the the DET
_003136262 432 16 true true ADJ
_003136262 432 17 dactrine dactrine NOUN
_003136262 432 18 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 433 1 the the DET
_003136262 433 2 real real ADJ
_003136262 433 3 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 433 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 433 5 ta ta PART
_003136262 433 6 upbraid upbraid VERB
_003136262 433 7 the the DET
_003136262 433 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 433 9 far far ADV
_003136262 433 10 maintaining maintain VERB
_003136262 433 11 it it PRON
_003136262 433 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 433 13 is be AUX
_003136262 433 14 irratianal irratianal ADJ
_003136262 433 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 433 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 433 17 even even ADV
_003136262 433 18 wantdnly wantdnly ADV
_003136262 433 19 absurd absurd ADJ
_003136262 433 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 433 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 433 22 expases expase VERB
_003136262 433 23 them they PRON
_003136262 433 24 ta ta PART
_003136262 433 25 be be AUX
_003136262 433 26 answered answer VERB
_003136262 433 27 with with ADP
_003136262 433 28 ridicule ridicule NOUN
_003136262 433 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 434 1 as as SCONJ
_003136262 434 2 regards regard VERB
_003136262 434 3 the the DET
_003136262 434 4 testimany testimany NOUN
_003136262 434 5 .of .of NUM
_003136262 435 1 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 435 2 an an DET
_003136262 435 3 this this DET
_003136262 435 4 paint paint NOUN
_003136262 435 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 435 6 we we PRON
_003136262 435 7 think think VERB
_003136262 435 8 it it PRON
_003136262 435 9 is be AUX
_003136262 435 10 perfectly perfectly ADV
_003136262 435 11 sufficient sufficient ADJ
_003136262 435 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 436 1 we we PRON
_003136262 436 2 da da PROPN
_003136262 436 3 nat nat PROPN
_003136262 436 4 presume presume VERB
_003136262 436 5 ta ta PART
_003136262 436 6 judge judge VERB
_003136262 436 7 the the DET
_003136262 436 8 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 436 9 far far ADV
_003136262 436 10 .ourselves .ourselve NOUN
_003136262 436 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 436 12 since since SCONJ
_003136262 436 13 the the DET
_003136262 436 14 variety variety NOUN
_003136262 436 15 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 437 1 gifts gift NOUN
_003136262 437 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 437 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 437 4 the the DET
_003136262 437 5 vastness vastness NOUN
_003136262 437 6 .of .of NUM
_003136262 437 7 requirements requirement NOUN
_003136262 437 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 437 9 which which PRON
_003136262 437 10 are be AUX
_003136262 437 11 necessary necessary ADJ
_003136262 437 12 far far ADV
_003136262 437 13 even even ADV
_003136262 437 14 its its PRON
_003136262 437 15 natural natural ADJ
_003136262 437 16 interpretatian interpretatian NOUN
_003136262 437 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 437 18 lie lie VERB
_003136262 437 19 .outside .outside PUNCT
_003136262 437 20 the the DET
_003136262 437 21 passessian passessian ADJ
_003136262 437 22 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 438 1 mast mast NOUN
_003136262 438 2 men man NOUN
_003136262 438 3 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 438 4 but but CCONJ
_003136262 438 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 438 6 speaking speak VERB
_003136262 438 7 prima prima PROPN
_003136262 438 8 facie facie PROPN
_003136262 438 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 438 10 we we PRON
_003136262 438 11 shauld shauld AUX
_003136262 438 12 canclude canclude VERB
_003136262 438 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 438 14 .our .our PUNCT
_003136262 439 1 lard lard PROPN
_003136262 439 2 's 's PART
_003136262 439 3 wards ward NOUN
_003136262 439 4 wauld wauld AUX
_003136262 439 5 justify justify VERB
_003136262 439 6 the the DET
_003136262 439 7 practice practice NOUN
_003136262 439 8 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 440 1 the the DET
_003136262 440 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 440 3 . . PUNCT
_003136262 441 1 the the DET
_003136262 441 2 cauncil cauncil PROPN
_003136262 441 3 .of .of PROPN
_003136262 442 1 trent trent ADJ
_003136262 442 2 well well INTJ
_003136262 442 3 remarks remark VERB
_003136262 442 4 : : PUNCT
_003136262 442 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 442 6 he he PRON
_003136262 442 7 wha wha VERB
_003136262 442 8 sqid sqid PROPN
_003136262 442 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 442 10 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 442 11 except except SCONJ
_003136262 442 12 ye ye NOUN
_003136262 442 13 eat eat VERB
_003136262 442 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 442 15 & & CCONJ
_003136262 442 16 c. c. PROPN
_003136262 442 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 442 18 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 442 19 said say VERB
_003136262 442 20 alsa alsa PROPN
_003136262 442 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 442 22 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 442 23 he he PRON
_003136262 442 24 that that DET
_003136262 442 25 eateth eateth PROPN
_003136262 442 26 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 443 1 this this DET
_003136262 443 2 bread bread NOUN
_003136262 443 3 shall shall AUX
_003136262 443 4 live live VERB
_003136262 443 5 far far ADV
_003136262 443 6 ever ever ADV
_003136262 443 7 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 443 8 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 443 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 443 10 he he PRON
_003136262 443 11 wha wha NOUN
_003136262 443 12 said say VERB
_003136262 443 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 443 14 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 443 15 he he PRON
_003136262 443 16 that that PRON
_003136262 443 17 eateth eateth VERB
_003136262 443 18 my my PRON
_003136262 443 19 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 443 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 443 21 drinketh drinketh NOUN
_003136262 443 22 my my PRON
_003136262 443 23 blaad blaad PROPN
_003136262 443 24 hath hath VERB
_003136262 443 25 eternal eternal ADJ
_003136262 443 26 life life NOUN
_003136262 443 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 443 28 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 443 29 said say VERB
_003136262 443 30 at at ADP
_003136262 443 31 the the DET
_003136262 443 32 same same ADJ
_003136262 443 33 time time NOUN
_003136262 443 34 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 443 35 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 443 36 the the DET
_003136262 443 37 bre bre PROPN
_003136262 443 38 a a DET
_003136262 443 39 d d NOUN
_003136262 443 40 which which PRON
_003136262 443 41 i i PRON
_003136262 443 42 will will AUX
_003136262 443 43 give give VERB
_003136262 443 44 is be AUX
_003136262 443 45 my my PRON
_003136262 443 46 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 443 47 far far ADV
_003136262 443 48 the the DET
_003136262 443 49 life life NOUN
_003136262 443 50 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 444 1 the the DET
_003136262 444 2 warld warld NOUN
_003136262 444 3 . . PUNCT
_003136262 444 4 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 445 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 445 2 then then ADV
_003136262 445 3 again again ADV
_003136262 445 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 445 5 when when SCONJ
_003136262 445 6 .our .our DET
_003136262 445 7 lard lard PROPN
_003136262 445 8 said say VERB
_003136262 445 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 445 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 445 11 this this DET
_003136262 445 12 da da NOUN
_003136262 445 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 445 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 445 15 we we PRON
_003136262 445 16 cannat cannat VERB
_003136262 445 17 far far ADV
_003136262 445 18 a a DET
_003136262 445 19 mament mament ADJ
_003136262 445 20 canclude canclude NOUN
_003136262 445 21 that that PRON
_003136262 445 22 he he PRON
_003136262 445 23 meant mean VERB
_003136262 445 24 all all DET
_003136262 445 25 men man NOUN
_003136262 445 26 ta ta AUX
_003136262 445 27 da da VERB
_003136262 445 28 what what PRON
_003136262 445 29 he he PRON
_003136262 445 30 then then ADV
_003136262 445 31 did do VERB
_003136262 445 32 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 445 33 far far ADV
_003136262 445 34 if if SCONJ
_003136262 445 35 this this PRON
_003136262 445 36 were be AUX
_003136262 445 37 sa sa NOUN
_003136262 445 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 445 39 it it PRON
_003136262 445 40 might might AUX
_003136262 445 41 belang belang VERB
_003136262 445 42 ta ta ADP
_003136262 445 43 all all DET
_003136262 445 44 men man NOUN
_003136262 445 45 and and CCONJ
_003136262 445 46 ta ta ADP
_003136262 445 47 all all DET
_003136262 445 48 wamen waman NOUN
_003136262 445 49 td td ADP
_003136262 445 50 cansec cansec NOUN
_003136262 445 51 rate rate NOUN
_003136262 445 52 as as ADV
_003136262 445 53 well well ADV
_003136262 445 54 as as ADP
_003136262 445 55 ta ta ADP
_003136262 445 56 pczrtake pczrtake NOUN
_003136262 445 57 . . PUNCT
_003136262 446 1 n n ADP
_003136262 446 2 .or .or NUM
_003136262 446 3 fram fram VERB
_003136262 446 4 the the DET
_003136262 446 5 wards ward NOUN
_003136262 446 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 446 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 446 8 drink drink VERB
_003136262 446 9 ye ye PRON
_003136262 446 10 all all PRON
_003136262 446 11 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 447 1 it it PRON
_003136262 447 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 447 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 447 4 can can AUX
_003136262 447 5 we we PRON
_003136262 447 6 fairly fairly ADV
_003136262 447 7 infer infer VERB
_003136262 447 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 447 9 all all DET
_003136262 447 10 mankind mankind NOUN
_003136262 447 11 were be AUX
_003136262 447 12 included include VERB
_003136262 447 13 in in ADP
_003136262 447 14 the the DET
_003136262 447 15 cammandment cammandment ADJ
_003136262 447 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 447 17 far far ADV
_003136262 447 18 the the DET
_003136262 447 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 447 20 all all PRON
_003136262 447 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 447 22 relates relate VERB
_003136262 447 23 evidently evidently ADV
_003136262 447 24 ta ta ADP
_003136262 447 25 the the DET
_003136262 447 26 apastles apastle NOUN
_003136262 447 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 447 28 and and CCONJ
_003136262 447 29 nat nat NOUN
_003136262 447 30 to to ADP
_003136262 447 31 the the DET
_003136262 447 32 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 447 33 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 448 1 the the DET
_003136262 448 2 preciaus preciaus NOUN
_003136262 448 3 blaad blaad VERB
_003136262 448 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 449 1 the the DET
_003136262 449 2 ward ward NOUN
_003136262 449 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 449 4 da da NOUN
_003136262 449 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 449 6 is be AUX
_003136262 449 7 an an DET
_003136262 449 8 .ordinary .ordinary ADJ
_003136262 449 9 expressian expressian NOUN
_003136262 449 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 449 11 bath bath NOUN
_003136262 449 12 with with ADP
_003136262 449 13 sacred sacred ADJ
_003136262 449 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 449 15 secular secular ADJ
_003136262 449 16 writers writer NOUN
_003136262 449 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 449 18 far far ADV
_003136262 449 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 449 20 .offer .offer SYM
_003136262 449 21 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 449 22 . . PUNCT
_003136262 449 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 450 1 in in ADP
_003136262 450 2 the the DET
_003136262 450 3 septuagint septuagint NOUN
_003136262 450 4 it it PRON
_003136262 450 5 is be AUX
_003136262 450 6 sa sa PROPN
_003136262 450 7 used use VERB
_003136262 450 8 many many ADJ
_003136262 450 9 times time NOUN
_003136262 450 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 450 11 it it PRON
_003136262 450 12 is be AUX
_003136262 450 13 sa sa PROPN
_003136262 450 14 applied apply VERB
_003136262 450 15 ta ta ADP
_003136262 450 16 the the DET
_003136262 450 17 paschal paschal NOUN
_003136262 450 18 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 450 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 450 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 450 21 that that SCONJ
_003136262 450 22 this this PRON
_003136262 450 23 was be AUX
_003136262 450 24 its its PRON
_003136262 450 25 meaning meaning NOUN
_003136262 450 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 450 27 in in ADP
_003136262 450 28 the the DET
_003136262 450 29 institutian institutian NOUN
_003136262 450 30 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 451 1 the the DET
_003136262 451 2 haly haly PROPN
_003136262 451 3 sacrifice sacrifice PROPN
_003136262 451 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 451 5 the the DET
_003136262 451 6 church church NOUN
_003136262 451 7 has have AUX
_003136262 451 8 taught teach VERB
_003136262 451 9 us we PRON
_003136262 451 10 ta ta PART
_003136262 451 11 believe believe VERB
_003136262 451 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 452 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 452 2 difficulties difficulty NOUN
_003136262 452 3 .of .of X
_003136262 452 4 schalarship schalarship NOUN
_003136262 452 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 452 6 .of .of X
_003136262 452 7 camplex camplex PROPN
_003136262 452 8 eruditian eruditian PROPN
_003136262 452 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 452 10 crass crass VERB
_003136262 452 11 the the DET
_003136262 452 12 path path NOUN
_003136262 452 13 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 453 1 the the DET
_003136262 453 2 student student NOUN
_003136262 453 3 .of .of X
_003136262 454 1 the the DET
_003136262 454 2 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 454 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 454 4 it it PRON
_003136262 454 5 is be AUX
_003136262 454 6 wiser wise ADJ
_003136262 454 7 to to PART
_003136262 454 8 trust trust VERB
_003136262 454 9 ta ta ADP
_003136262 454 10 the the DET
_003136262 454 11 spirit spirit PROPN
_003136262 454 12 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 455 1 gad gad PROPN
_003136262 455 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 455 3 than than ADP
_003136262 455 4 ta ta ADP
_003136262 455 5 man man NOUN
_003136262 455 6 's 's PART
_003136262 455 7 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 455 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 455 9 far far ADV
_003136262 455 10 the the DET
_003136262 455 11 right right ADJ
_003136262 455 12 interpretatian interpretatian NOUN
_003136262 455 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 455 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 455 15 we we PRON
_003136262 455 16 cathalics cathalic NOUN
_003136262 455 17 are be AUX
_003136262 455 18 happy happy ADJ
_003136262 455 19 in in ADP
_003136262 455 20 not not PART
_003136262 455 21 having have VERB
_003136262 455 22 to to PART
_003136262 455 23 risk risk VERB
_003136262 455 24 our our PRON
_003136262 455 25 souls soul NOUN
_003136262 455 26 on on ADP
_003136262 455 27 the the DET
_003136262 455 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 455 29 private private ADJ
_003136262 455 30 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 455 31 of of ADP
_003136262 455 32 the the DET
_003136262 455 33 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 455 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 455 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 456 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 456 2 with with ADP
_003136262 456 3 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 456 4 to to ADP
_003136262 456 5 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 456 6 - - PUNCT
_003136262 456 7 which which PRON
_003136262 456 8 the the DET
_003136262 456 9 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 456 10 of of ADP
_003136262 456 11 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 456 12 thinks think VERB
_003136262 456 13 is be AUX
_003136262 456 14 not not PART
_003136262 456 15 taught teach VERB
_003136262 456 16 in in ADP
_003136262 456 17 any any DET
_003136262 456 18 part part NOUN
_003136262 456 19 o~ o~ ADP
_003136262 456 20 t?e t?e NOUN
_003136262 456 21 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 456 22 ew ew PROPN
_003136262 456 23 ~estam ~estam NOUN
_003136262 456 24 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 456 25 nt not PART
_003136262 456 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 456 27 we we PRON
_003136262 456 28 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 456 29 are be AUX
_003136262 456 30 of of ADP
_003136262 456 31 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 456 32 that that SCONJ
_003136262 456 33 it it PRON
_003136262 456 34 is be AUX
_003136262 456 35 simply simply ADV
_003136262 456 36 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 456 37 for for SCONJ
_003136262 456 38 language language NOUN
_003136262 456 39 to to PART
_003136262 456 40 teach teach VERB
_003136262 456 41 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 456 42 more more ADV
_003136262 456 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 456 44 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 456 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 456 46 " " PUNCT
_003136262 457 1 of of ADP
_003136262 457 2 course course NOUN
_003136262 457 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 457 4 the the DET
_003136262 457 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 457 6 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 457 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 457 8 of of ADP
_003136262 457 9 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 457 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 457 11 on on ADP
_003136262 457 12 thi.s thi.s NUM
_003136262 457 13 ~oint ~oint NOUN
_003136262 457 14 as as ADP
_003136262 457 15 o o NOUN
_003136262 457 16 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 458 1 every every DET
_003136262 458 2 other other ADJ
_003136262 458 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 458 4 is be AUX
_003136262 458 5 purely purely ADV
_003136262 458 6 a a DET
_003136262 458 7 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 458 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 459 1 of of ADP
_003136262 459 2 appreclatlon appreclatlon PROPN
_003136262 459 3 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 459 4 for for ADP
_003136262 459 5 j j PROPN
_003136262 459 6 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 459 7 st st X
_003136262 459 8 as as ADP
_003136262 459 9 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 459 10 marvel marvel NOUN
_003136262 459 11 at at ADP
_003136262 459 12 the the DET
_003136262 459 13 blmdn blmdn ADJ
_003136262 459 14 ess ess NOUN
_003136262 459 15 of of ADP
_003136262 459 16 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 459 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 459 18 m m AUX
_003136262 459 19 not not PART
_003136262 459 20 reading read VERB
_003136262 459 21 the the DET
_003136262 459 22 pore pore NOUN
_003136262 459 23 : : PUNCT
_003136262 459 24 s s X
_003136262 459 25 primacy primacy NOUN
_003136262 459 26 in in ADP
_003136262 459 27 th~ th~ PROPN
_003136262 459 28 9 9 NUM
_003136262 459 29 - - PUNCT
_003136262 459 30 ospels ospel NOUN
_003136262 459 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 459 32 ~n ~n PUNCT
_003136262 459 33 not not PART
_003136262 459 34 detecting detect VERB
_003136262 459 35 the the DET
_003136262 459 36 dlvme dlvme ADJ
_003136262 459 37 office office NOUN
_003136262 459 38 of of ADP
_003136262 459 39 the the DET
_003136262 459 40 pnesthood pnesthood NOUN
_003136262 459 41 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 459 42 m m AUX
_003136262 459 43 not not PART
_003136262 459 44 seeing see VERB
_003136262 459 45 the the DET
_003136262 459 46 immaculateness immaculateness NOUN
_003136262 459 47 of of ADP
_003136262 459 48 mary mary PROPN
_003136262 459 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 459 50 and and CCONJ
_003136262 459 51 her her PRON
_003136262 459 52 maternity maternity NOUN
_003136262 459 53 to to ADP
_003136262 459 54 the the DET
_003136262 459 55 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 459 56 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 459 57 church church NOUN
_003136262 459 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 459 59 from from ADP
_003136262 459 60 the the DET
_003136262 459 61 very very ADV
_003136262 459 62 first first ADJ
_003136262 459 63 word word NOUN
_003136262 459 64 of of ADP
_003136262 459 65 the the DET
_003136262 459 66 gospels gospel NOUN
_003136262 459 67 to to ADP
_003136262 459 68 the the DET
_003136262 459 69 very very ADV
_003136262 459 70 last last ADJ
_003136262 459 71 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 459 72 in in ADP
_003136262 459 73 not not PART
_003136262 459 74 tracing trace VERB
_003136262 459 75 the the DET
_003136262 459 76 characteristics characteristic NOUN
_003136262 459 77 ofthe ofthe DET
_003136262 459 78 visible visible ADJ
_003136262 459 79 church church NOUN
_003136262 459 80 and and CCONJ
_003136262 459 81 the the DET
_003136262 459 82 capitalness capitalness NOUN
_003136262 459 83 of of ADP
_003136262 459 84 the the DET
_003136262 459 85 crime crime NOUN
_003136262 459 86 of of ADP
_003136262 459 87 all all DET
_003136262 459 88 heresy heresy ADJ
_003136262 459 89 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 459 90 in in ADP
_003136262 459 91 not not PART
_003136262 459 92 seeing see VERB
_003136262 459 93 how how SCONJ
_003136262 459 94 they they PRON
_003136262 459 95 are be AUX
_003136262 459 96 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 459 97 condemned condemn VERB
_003136262 459 98 in in ADP
_003136262 459 99 the the DET
_003136262 459 100 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 459 101 - - PUNCT
_003136262 459 102 in in ADP
_003136262 459 103 the the DET
_003136262 459 104 old old ADJ
_003136262 459 105 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 459 106 as as ADV
_003136262 459 107 well well ADV
_003136262 459 108 as as ADP
_003136262 459 109 in in ADP
_003136262 459 110 the the DET
_003136262 459 111 new new ADJ
_003136262 459 112 - - PUNCT
_003136262 459 113 for for ADP
_003136262 459 114 that that DET
_003136262 459 115 very very ADJ
_003136262 459 116 offence offence NOUN
_003136262 459 117 which which PRON
_003136262 459 118 is be AUX
_003136262 459 119 singled single VERB
_003136262 459 120 out out ADP
_003136262 459 121 for for ADP
_003136262 459 122 punishment punishment NOUN
_003136262 459 123 of of ADP
_003136262 459 124 an an DET
_003136262 459 125 exceptional exceptional ADJ
_003136262 459 126 and and CCONJ
_003136262 459 127 terrible terrible ADJ
_003136262 459 128 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 459 129 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 459 130 so so ADV
_003136262 459 131 do do VERB
_003136262 459 132 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 459 133 marvel marvel VERB
_003136262 459 134 that that SCONJ
_003136262 459 135 the the DET
_003136262 459 136 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 459 137 of of ADP
_003136262 459 138 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 459 139 is be AUX
_003136262 459 140 hid hide VERB
_003136262 459 141 from from ADP
_003136262 459 142 even even ADV
_003136262 459 143 their their PRON
_003136262 459 144 natural natural ADJ
_003136262 459 145 eyes eye NOUN
_003136262 459 146 . . PUNCT
_003136262 460 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 460 2 then then ADV
_003136262 460 3 we we PRON
_003136262 460 4 remember remember VERB
_003136262 460 5 that that SCONJ
_003136262 460 6 there there PRON
_003136262 460 7 is be VERB
_003136262 460 8 no no DET
_003136262 460 9 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 460 10 of of ADP
_003136262 460 11 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 460 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 460 13 no no DET
_003136262 460 14 outrageous outrageous ADJ
_003136262 460 15 parody parody NOUN
_003136262 460 16 of of ADP
_003136262 460 17 th·e th·e NOUN
_003136262 460 18 church church NOUN
_003136262 460 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 460 20 which which PRON
_003136262 460 21 is be AUX
_003136262 460 22 not not PART
_003136262 460 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 460 24 proved prove VERB
_003136262 460 25 most most ADV
_003136262 460 26 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 460 27 from from ADP
_003136262 460 28 the the DET
_003136262 460 29 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 460 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 460 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 460 32 to to ADP
_003136262 460 33 the the DET
_003136262 460 34 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN
_003136262 460 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 460 36 consolation consolation NOUN
_003136262 460 37 of of ADP
_003136262 460 38 the the DET
_003136262 460 39 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 460 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 461 1 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 461 2 forget forget VERB
_003136262 461 3 - - PUNCT
_003136262 461 4 to to PART
_003136262 461 5 quote quote VERB
_003136262 461 6 the the DET
_003136262 461 7 archbishop archbishop NOUN
_003136262 461 8 of of ADP
_003136262 461 9 w w PROPN
_003136262 461 10 estminster estminster PROPN
_003136262 461 11 - - PUNCT
_003136262 461 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 461 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 461 14 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 461 15 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 461 16 is be AUX
_003136262 461 17 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 461 18 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 461 19 only only ADV
_003136262 461 20 in in ADP
_003136262 461 21 the the DET
_003136262 461 22 right right ADJ
_003136262 461 23 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 461 24 of of ADP
_003136262 461 25 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 461 26 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 461 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 461 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 461 29 and and CCONJ
_003136262 461 30 they they PRON
_003136262 461 31 fancy fancy VERB
_003136262 461 32 that that SCONJ
_003136262 461 33 anything anything PRON
_003136262 461 34 is be AUX
_003136262 461 35 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 461 36 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 461 37 which which PRON
_003136262 461 38 they they PRON
_003136262 461 39 are be AUX
_003136262 461 40 pleased pleased ADJ
_003136262 461 41 to to PART
_003136262 461 42 approve approve VERB
_003136262 461 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 462 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 462 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 462 3 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 462 4 colenso colenso PROPN
_003136262 462 5 quotes quote VERB
_003136262 462 6 eleven eleven NUM
_003136262 462 7 texts text NOUN
_003136262 462 8 of of ADP
_003136262 462 9 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 462 10 against against ADP
_003136262 462 11 offering offer VERB
_003136262 462 12 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 462 13 to to ADP
_003136262 462 14 our our PRON
_003136262 462 15 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 462 16 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 462 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 462 18 ~nd ~nd X
_003136262 462 19 the the DET
_003136262 462 20 extremest extreme ADJ
_003136262 462 21 advocates advocate NOUN
_003136262 462 22 of of ADP
_003136262 462 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 462 24 romanizing romanize VERB
_003136262 462 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 462 26 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 462 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 462 28 hke hke VERB
_003136262 462 29 the the DET
_003136262 462 30 extremest extreme ADJ
_003136262 462 31 advocates advocate NOUN
_003136262 462 32 of of ADP
_003136262 462 33 rabid rabid NOUN
_003136262 462 34 dissent dissent NOUN
_003136262 462 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 462 36 quote quote INTJ
_003136262 462 37 texts text NOUN
_003136262 462 38 by by ADP
_003136262 462 39 the the DET
_003136262 462 40 score score NOUN
_003136262 462 41 for for ADP
_003136262 462 42 their their PRON
_003136262 462 43 views view NOUN
_003136262 462 44 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 462 45 and and CCONJ
_003136262 462 46 very very ADV
_003136262 462 47 good good ADJ
_003136262 462 48 texts text NOUN
_003136262 462 49 they they PRON
_003136262 462 50 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 462 51 verbally verbally ADV
_003136262 462 52 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 462 53 are be AUX
_003136262 462 54 . . PUNCT
_003136262 463 1 exeter exeter PROPN
_003136262 463 2 hall hall NOUN
_003136262 463 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 463 4 the the DET
_003136262 463 5 privy privy PROPN
_003136262 463 6 council council PROPN
_003136262 463 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 463 8 convocation convocation NOUN
_003136262 463 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 463 10 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 463 11 . . PROPN
_003136262 463 12 spurgeon spurgeon PROPN
_003136262 463 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 463 14 brother brother NOUN
_003136262 463 15 ignatius ignatius PROPN
_003136262 463 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 463 17 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 463 18 . . PROPN
_003136262 463 19 j j PROPN
_003136262 463 20 o o NOUN
_003136262 463 21 - - NOUN
_003136262 463 22 vyett vyett PROPN
_003136262 463 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 463 24 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 463 25 . . PROPN
_003136262 463 26 bennett bennett PROPN
_003136262 463 27 and and CCONJ
_003136262 463 28 dean dean PROPN
_003136262 463 29 stanley stanley PROPN
_003136262 463 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 463 31 are be AUX
_003136262 463 32 all all ADV
_003136262 463 33 ready ready ADJ
_003136262 463 34 with with ADP
_003136262 463 35 an an DET
_003136262 463 36 avalanche avalanche NOUN
_003136262 463 37 of of ADP
_003136262 463 38 texts text NOUN
_003136262 463 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 463 40 to to PART
_003136262 463 41 bear bear VERB
_003136262 463 42 down down ADP
_003136262 463 43 their their PRON
_003136262 463 44 opponents opponent NOUN
_003136262 463 45 in in ADP
_003136262 463 46 theology theology NOUN
_003136262 463 47 . . PUNCT
_003136262 464 1 the the DET
_003136262 464 2 " " PUNCT
_003136262 464 3 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 464 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 464 5 of of ADP
_003136262 464 6 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 464 7 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 464 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 465 1 32 32 NUM
_003136262 465 2 why why SCONJ
_003136262 465 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 465 4 if if SCONJ
_003136262 465 5 the the DET
_003136262 465 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 465 7 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 465 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 465 9 of of ADP
_003136262 465 10 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 465 11 mean mean VERB
_003136262 465 12 anything anything PRON
_003136262 465 13 at at ADV
_003136262 465 14 all all ADV
_003136262 465 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 465 16 in in ADP
_003136262 465 17 the the DET
_003136262 465 18 church church NOUN
_003136262 465 19 of of ADP
_003136262 465 20 england england PROPN
_003136262 465 21 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 465 22 of of ADP
_003136262 465 23 the the DET
_003136262 465 24 word word NOUN
_003136262 465 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 465 26 it it PRON
_003136262 465 27 can can AUX
_003136262 465 28 only only ADV
_003136262 465 29 mean mean VERB
_003136262 465 30 that that SCONJ
_003136262 465 31 it it PRON
_003136262 465 32 does do AUX
_003136262 465 33 not not PART
_003136262 465 34 matter matter VERB
_003136262 465 35 one one NUM
_003136262 465 36 straw straw NOUN
_003136262 465 37 what what PRON
_003136262 465 38 a a DET
_003136262 465 39 man man NOUN
_003136262 465 40 believes believe VERB
_003136262 465 41 about about ADP
_003136262 465 42 anything.-but anything.-but NOUN
_003136262 465 43 to to PART
_003136262 465 44 return return VERB
_003136262 465 45 to to ADP
_003136262 465 46 our our PRON
_003136262 465 47 immediate immediate ADJ
_003136262 465 48 theme theme NOUN
_003136262 465 49 : : PUNCT
_003136262 465 50 what what DET
_003136262 465 51 proof proof NOUN
_003136262 465 52 is be AUX
_003136262 465 53 there there ADV
_003136262 465 54 in in ADP
_003136262 465 55 the the DET
_003136262 465 56 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 465 57 of of ADP
_003136262 465 58 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 465 59 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 466 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 466 2 amen amen INTJ
_003136262 466 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 4 amen amen INTJ
_003136262 466 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 6 i i PRON
_003136262 466 7 say say VERB
_003136262 466 8 to to ADP
_003136262 466 9 you you PRON
_003136262 466 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 11 except except SCONJ
_003136262 466 12 ye ye PRON
_003136262 466 13 eat eat VERB
_003136262 466 14 the the DET
_003136262 466 15 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 466 16 of of ADP
_003136262 466 17 the the DET
_003136262 466 18 son son NOUN
_003136262 466 19 of of ADP
_003136262 466 20 man man NOUN
_003136262 466 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 466 23 drink drink VERB
_003136262 466 24 his his PRON
_003136262 466 25 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 466 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 27 ye ye PRON
_003136262 466 28 shall shall AUX
_003136262 466 29 not not PART
_003136262 466 30 have have VERB
_003136262 466 31 life life NOUN
_003136262 466 32 in in ADP
_003136262 466 33 you you PRON
_003136262 466 34 : : PUNCT
_003136262 466 35 he he PRON
_003136262 466 36 that that PRON
_003136262 466 37 eateth eateth VERB
_003136262 466 38 my my PRON
_003136262 466 39 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 466 40 and and CCONJ
_003136262 466 41 drinketh drinketh NOUN
_003136262 466 42 my my PRON
_003136262 466 43 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 466 44 hath hath NOUN
_003136262 466 45 everlasting everlaste VERB
_003136262 466 46 life life NOUN
_003136262 466 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 48 a a DET
_003136262 466 49 - - PUNCT
_003136262 466 50 nd nd NOUN
_003136262 466 51 i i PRON
_003136262 466 52 will will AUX
_003136262 466 53 raise raise VERB
_003136262 466 54 him he PRON
_003136262 466 55 up up ADP
_003136262 466 56 at at ADP
_003136262 466 57 the the DET
_003136262 466 58 last last ADJ
_003136262 466 59 day day NOUN
_003136262 466 60 : : PUNCT
_003136262 466 61 for for SCONJ
_003136262 466 62 my my PRON
_003136262 466 63 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 466 64 is be AUX
_003136262 466 65 meat meat NOUN
_003136262 466 66 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 466 67 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 68 and and CCONJ
_003136262 466 69 my my PRON
_003136262 466 70 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 466 71 is be AUX
_003136262 466 72 drink drink VERB
_003136262 466 73 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 466 74 : : PUNCT
_003136262 466 75 " " PUNCT
_003136262 466 76 this this PRON
_003136262 466 77 is be AUX
_003136262 466 78 language language NOUN
_003136262 466 79 which which PRON
_003136262 466 80 leaves leave VERB
_003136262 466 81 us we PRON
_003136262 466 82 no no ADV
_003136262 466 83 doubt doubt ADV
_003136262 466 84 , , PUNCT
_003136262 466 85 in in ADP
_003136262 466 86 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 466 87 of of ADP
_003136262 466 88 the the DET
_003136262 466 89 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 466 90 of of ADP
_003136262 466 91 our our PRON
_003136262 466 92 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 466 93 . . PUNCT
_003136262 467 1 when when SCONJ
_003136262 467 2 the the DET
_003136262 467 3 jews jews PROPN
_003136262 467 4 took take VERB
_003136262 467 5 exception exception NOUN
_003136262 467 6 to to ADP
_003136262 467 7 the the DET
_003136262 467 8 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 467 9 of of ADP
_003136262 467 10 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 467 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 467 12 our our PRON
_003136262 467 13 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 467 14 merely merely ADV
_003136262 467 15 suffered suffer VERB
_003136262 467 16 them they PRON
_003136262 467 17 to to PART
_003136262 467 18 go go VERB
_003136262 467 19 away away ADV
_003136262 467 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 467 21 confirming confirm VERB
_003136262 467 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 467 23 however however ADV
_003136262 467 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 467 25 his his PRON
_003136262 467 26 already already ADV
_003136262 467 27 spoken speak VERB
_003136262 467 28 words word NOUN
_003136262 467 29 by by ADP
_003136262 467 30 an an DET
_003136262 467 31 equally equally ADV
_003136262 467 32 distinct distinct ADJ
_003136262 467 33 asseveration asseveration NOUN
_003136262 467 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 468 1 again again ADV
_003136262 468 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 468 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 468 4 drink drink VERB
_003136262 468 5 ye ye PRON
_003136262 468 6 all all PRON
_003136262 468 7 of of ADP
_003136262 468 8 this this PRON
_003136262 468 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 468 10 for for SCONJ
_003136262 468 11 this this PRON
_003136262 468 12 is be AUX
_003136262 468 13 my my PRON
_003136262 468 14 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 468 15 of of ADP
_003136262 468 16 the the DET
_003136262 468 17 new new ADJ
_003136262 468 18 testament testament NOUN
_003136262 468 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 468 20 which which PRON
_003136262 468 21 shall shall AUX
_003136262 468 22 be be AUX
_003136262 468 23 shed shed VERB
_003136262 468 24 for for ADP
_003136262 468 25 you you PRON
_003136262 468 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 468 27 for for ADP
_003136262 468 28 many many ADJ
_003136262 468 29 for for ADP
_003136262 468 30 the the DET
_003136262 468 31 remission remission NOUN
_003136262 468 32 of of ADP
_003136262 468 33 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 468 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 468 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 468 36 appears appear VERB
_003136262 468 37 to to PART
_003136262 468 38 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 468 39 to to PART
_003136262 468 40 mean mean VERB
_003136262 468 41 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN
_003136262 468 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 469 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 469 2 he he PRON
_003136262 469 3 that that PRON
_003136262 469 4 eateth eateth VERB
_003136262 469 5 my my PRON
_003136262 469 6 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 469 7 and and CCONJ
_003136262 469 8 drinketh drinketh NOUN
_003136262 469 9 my my PRON
_003136262 469 10 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 469 11 dwelleth dwelleth NOUN
_003136262 469 12 in in ADP
_003136262 469 13 me i PRON
_003136262 469 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 469 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 469 16 i i PRON
_003136262 469 17 in in ADP
_003136262 469 18 him he PRON
_003136262 469 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 469 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 469 21 as as ADP
_003136262 469 22 also also ADV
_003136262 469 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 469 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 469 25 he he PRON
_003136262 469 26 that that PRON
_003136262 469 27 eateth eateth NOUN
_003136262 469 28 of of ADP
_003136262 469 29 this this DET
_003136262 469 30 bread bread NOUN
_003136262 469 31 shall shall AUX
_003136262 469 32 live live VERB
_003136262 469 33 for for ADP
_003136262 469 34 ever ever ADV
_003136262 469 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 469 36 " " PUNCT
_003136262 469 37 ar~ ar~ ADJ
_003136262 469 38 expressions expression NOUN
_003136262 469 39 which which PRON
_003136262 469 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 469 41 to to ADP
_003136262 469 42 us we PRON
_003136262 469 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 469 44 bear bear VERB
_003136262 469 45 no no DET
_003136262 469 46 other other ADJ
_003136262 469 47 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 469 48 than than SCONJ
_003136262 469 49 such such ADJ
_003136262 469 50 as as SCONJ
_003136262 469 51 the the DET
_003136262 469 52 church church NOUN
_003136262 469 53 puts put VERB
_003136262 469 54 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 469 55 them they PRON
_003136262 469 56 . . PUNCT
_003136262 470 1 there there PRON
_003136262 470 2 are be VERB
_003136262 470 3 other other ADJ
_003136262 470 4 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 470 5 of of ADP
_003136262 470 6 similar similar ADJ
_003136262 470 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 470 8 plainness plainness NOUN
_003136262 470 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 470 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 470 11 not not PART
_003136262 470 12 le le VERB
_003136262 470 13 ss ss PROPN
_003136262 470 14 strong strong ADJ
_003136262 470 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 470 16 not not PART
_003136262 470 17 less less ADJ
_003136262 470 18 patent patent NOUN
_003136262 470 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 470 20 than than ADP
_003136262 470 21 the the DET
_003136262 470 22 consecrating consecrating NOUN
_003136262 470 23 words word NOUN
_003136262 470 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 470 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 470 26 this this PRON
_003136262 470 27 is be AUX
_003136262 470 28 my my PRON
_003136262 470 29 body body NOUN
_003136262 470 30 . . PUNCT
_003136262 470 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 471 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 471 2 st st PROPN
_003136262 471 3 . . PROPN
_003136262 471 4 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 471 5 uses use VERB
_003136262 471 6 language language NOUN
_003136262 471 7 of of ADP
_003136262 471 8 much much ADJ
_003136262 471 9 the the DET
_003136262 471 10 same same ADJ
_003136262 471 11 force force NOUN
_003136262 471 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 471 13 over over ADV
_003136262 471 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 471 15 over over ADV
_003136262 471 16 again again ADV
_003136262 471 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 471 18 in in ADP
_003136262 471 19 his his PRON
_003136262 471 20 epistles epistle NOUN
_003136262 471 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 471 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 472 1 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 472 2 whosoever whosoever NOUN
_003136262 472 3 shall shall AUX
_003136262 472 4 eat eat VERB
_003136262 472 5 of of ADP
_003136262 472 6 this this DET
_003136262 472 7 bread bread NOUN
_003136262 472 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 472 9 or or CCONJ
_003136262 472 10 drink drink VERB
_003136262 472 11 of of ADP
_003136262 472 12 the the DET
_003136262 472 13 cup cup NOUN
_003136262 472 14 of of ADP
_003136262 472 15 the the DET
_003136262 472 16 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 472 17 unworthily unworthily ADV
_003136262 472 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 472 19 shall shall AUX
_003136262 472 20 be be AUX
_003136262 472 21 guilty guilty ADJ
_003136262 472 22 of of ADP
_003136262 472 23 the the DET
_003136262 472 24 body body NOUN
_003136262 472 25 an an DET
_003136262 472 26 d d NOUN
_003136262 472 27 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 472 28 of of ADP
_003136262 472 29 the the DET
_003136262 472 30 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 472 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 472 32 " " PUNCT
_003136262 473 1 the the DET
_003136262 473 2 chalice chalice NOUN
_003136262 473 3 of of ADP
_003136262 473 4 benediction benediction NOUN
_003136262 473 5 which which PRON
_003136262 473 6 we we PRON
_003136262 473 7 bless bless VERB
_003136262 473 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 473 9 is be AUX
_003136262 473 10 it it PRON
_003136262 473 11 not not PART
_003136262 473 12 the the DET
_003136262 473 13 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 473 14 of of ADP
_003136262 473 15 the the DET
_003136262 473 16 blood blood NOUN
_003136262 473 17 of of ADP
_003136262 473 18 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 473 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 473 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 473 21 the the DET
_003136262 473 22 bread bread NOUN
_003136262 473 23 which which PRON
_003136262 473 24 we we PRON
_003136262 473 25 break break VERB
_003136262 473 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 473 27 is be AUX
_003136262 473 28 it it PRON
_003136262 473 29 not not PART
_003136262 473 30 the the DET
_003136262 473 31 partaking partaking NOUN
_003136262 473 32 of of ADP
_003136262 473 33 the the DET
_003136262 473 34 body body NOUN
_003136262 473 35 of of ADP
_003136262 473 36 the the DET
_003136262 473 37 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 473 38 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 473 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 474 1 he he PRON
_003136262 474 2 speaks speak VERB
_003136262 474 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 4 too too ADV
_003136262 474 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 6 of of ADP
_003136262 474 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 474 8 not not PART
_003136262 474 9 discerning discern VERB
_003136262 474 10 the the DET
_003136262 474 11 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 474 12 's 's PART
_003136262 474 13 body body NOUN
_003136262 474 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 474 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 474 17 he he PRON
_003136262 474 18 says say VERB
_003136262 474 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 474 21 we we PRON
_003136262 474 22 are be AUX
_003136262 474 23 members member NOUN
_003136262 474 24 of of ADP
_003136262 474 25 his his PRON
_003136262 474 26 body body NOUN
_003136262 474 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 28 of of ADP
_003136262 474 29 his his PRON
_003136262 474 30 flesh flesh NOUN
_003136262 474 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 32 and and CCONJ
_003136262 474 33 of of ADP
_003136262 474 34 h h PROPN
_003136262 474 35 is be AUX
_003136262 474 36 bones bone NOUN
_003136262 474 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 474 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 474 39 with with ADP
_003136262 474 40 other other ADJ
_003136262 474 41 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 474 42 of of ADP
_003136262 474 43 similar similar ADJ
_003136262 474 44 import import NOUN
_003136262 474 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 475 1 so so SCONJ
_003136262 475 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 475 3 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 475 4 who who PRON
_003136262 475 5 can can AUX
_003136262 475 6 say say VERB
_003136262 475 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 475 8 there there PRON
_003136262 475 9 is be VERB
_003136262 475 10 no no DET
_003136262 475 11 t.estimony t.estimony NOUN
_003136262 475 12 in in ADP
_003136262 475 13 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 475 14 for for ADP
_003136262 475 15 the the DET
_003136262 475 16 ca.tholic ca.tholic ADJ
_003136262 475 17 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 475 18 of of ADP
_003136262 475 19 the the DET
_003136262 475 20 33 33 NUM
_003136262 475 21 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 475 22 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 475 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 475 24 says say VERB
_003136262 475 25 what what PRON
_003136262 475 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 475 27 to to PART
_003136262 475 28 use use VERB
_003136262 475 29 the the DET
_003136262 475 30 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 475 31 's 's PART
_003136262 475 32 langu langu NOUN
_003136262 475 33 age- age- PROPN
_003136262 475 34 " " PUNCT
_003136262 475 35 plainly plainly ADV
_003136262 475 36 contradicts contradict VERB
_003136262 475 37 god god PROPN
_003136262 475 38 's 's PART
_003136262 475 39 word word NOUN
_003136262 475 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 475 41 " " PUNCT
_003136262 476 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 476 2 so so ADV
_003136262 476 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 476 4 too too ADV
_003136262 476 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 476 6 of of ADP
_003136262 476 7 the the DET
_003136262 476 8 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 476 9 of of ADP
_003136262 476 10 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 476 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 477 1 w w PROPN
_003136262 477 2 e e PROPN
_003136262 477 3 have have AUX
_003136262 477 4 spoken speak VERB
_003136262 477 5 of of ADP
_003136262 477 6 the the DET
_003136262 477 7 probable probable ADJ
_003136262 477 8 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 477 9 of of ADP
_003136262 477 10 that that DET
_003136262 477 11 passage passage NOUN
_003136262 477 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 477 14 this this PRON
_003136262 477 15 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 477 16 do do AUX
_003136262 477 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 18 in in ADP
_003136262 477 19 remembrance remembrance NOUN
_003136262 477 20 of of ADP
_003136262 477 21 me i PRON
_003136262 477 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 477 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 477 24 and and CCONJ
_003136262 477 25 since since SCONJ
_003136262 477 26 the the DET
_003136262 477 27 church church NOUN
_003136262 477 28 takes take VERB
_003136262 477 29 these these DET
_003136262 477 30 words word NOUN
_003136262 477 31 in in ADP
_003136262 477 32 a a DET
_003136262 477 33 sacrificial sacrificial ADJ
_003136262 477 34 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 477 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 36 as as ADV
_003136262 477 37 well well ADV
_003136262 477 38 as as ADP
_003136262 477 39 in in ADP
_003136262 477 40 a a DET
_003136262 477 41 commemorati commemorati NOUN
_003136262 477 42 ve ve NOUN
_003136262 477 43 and and CCONJ
_003136262 477 44 communicative communicative ADJ
_003136262 477 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 46 we we PRON
_003136262 477 47 are be AUX
_003136262 477 48 wise wise ADJ
_003136262 477 49 in in ADP
_003136262 477 50 following follow VERB
_003136262 477 51 her her PRON
_003136262 477 52 teachin teachin NOUN
_003136262 477 53 g. g. NOUN
_003136262 477 54 we we PRON
_003136262 477 55 must must AUX
_003136262 477 56 remember remember VERB
_003136262 477 57 that that SCONJ
_003136262 477 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 59 in in ADP
_003136262 477 60 the the DET
_003136262 477 61 institution institution NOUN
_003136262 477 62 of of ADP
_003136262 477 63 the the DET
_003136262 477 64 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 477 65 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 477 66 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 67 the the DET
_003136262 477 68 words word NOUN
_003136262 477 69 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 70 not not PART
_003136262 477 71 the the DET
_003136262 477 72 actions action NOUN
_003136262 477 73 , , PUNCT
_003136262 477 74 . . PUNCT
_003136262 477 75 are be AUX
_003136262 477 76 given give VERB
_003136262 477 77 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 477 78 what what PRON
_003136262 477 79 our our PRON
_003136262 477 80 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 477 81 may may AUX
_003136262 477 82 have have AUX
_003136262 477 83 done do VERB
_003136262 477 84 being be AUX
_003136262 477 85 left leave VERB
_003136262 477 86 mainly mainly ADV
_003136262 477 87 untold untold ADJ
_003136262 477 88 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 477 89 what what PRON
_003136262 477 90 he he PRON
_003136262 477 91 said say VERB
_003136262 477 92 being be AUX
_003136262 477 93 expressly expressly ADV
_003136262 477 94 written write VERB
_003136262 477 95 down down ADP
_003136262 477 96 . . PUNCT
_003136262 478 1 this this PRON
_003136262 478 2 is be AUX
_003136262 478 3 vastly vastly ADV
_003136262 478 4 significant significant ADJ
_003136262 478 5 and and CCONJ
_003136262 478 6 important important ADJ
_003136262 478 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 479 1 it it PRON
_003136262 479 2 was be AUX
_003136262 479 3 not not PART
_003136262 479 4 the the DET
_003136262 479 5 intention intention NOUN
_003136262 479 6 of of ADP
_003136262 479 7 the the DET
_003136262 479 8 evangelists evangelist NOUN
_003136262 479 9 to to PART
_003136262 479 10 forestall forestall VERB
_003136262 479 11 the the DET
_003136262 479 12 future future ADJ
_003136262 479 13 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 479 14 of of ADP
_003136262 479 15 the the DET
_003136262 479 16 church church NOUN
_003136262 479 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 479 18 to to PART
_003136262 479 19 treat treat VERB
_003136262 479 20 compendiously compendiously ADV
_003136262 479 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 479 22 in in ADP
_003136262 479 23 detail detail NOUN
_003136262 479 24 of of ADP
_003136262 479 25 all all DET
_003136262 479 26 ritual ritual ADJ
_003136262 479 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 479 28 it it PRON
_003136262 479 29 was be AUX
_003136262 479 30 their their PRON
_003136262 479 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 479 32 intention intention NOUN
_003136262 479 33 to to PART
_003136262 479 34 summarize summarize VERB
_003136262 479 35 the the DET
_003136262 479 36 history history NOUN
_003136262 479 37 of of ADP
_003136262 479 38 redemption redemption NOUN
_003136262 479 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 479 40 and and CCONJ
_003136262 479 41 such such ADJ
_003136262 479 42 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 479 43 as as SCONJ
_003136262 479 44 were be AUX
_003136262 479 45 to to PART
_003136262 479 46 be be AUX
_003136262 479 47 primarily primarily ADV
_003136262 479 48 of of ADP
_003136262 479 49 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 479 50 . . PUNCT
_003136262 480 1 just just ADV
_003136262 480 2 as as ADP
_003136262 480 3 in in ADP
_003136262 480 4 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 480 5 of of ADP
_003136262 480 6 the the DET
_003136262 480 7 sabbath sabbath NOUN
_003136262 480 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 480 9 there there PRON
_003136262 480 10 is be VERB
_003136262 480 11 no no DET
_003136262 480 12 written write VERB
_003136262 480 13 commandment commandment NOUN
_003136262 480 14 for for ADP
_003136262 480 15 the the DET
_003136262 480 16 change change NOUN
_003136262 480 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 480 18 so so CCONJ
_003136262 480 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 480 20 in in ADP
_003136262 480 21 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 480 22 of of ADP
_003136262 480 23 many many ADJ
_003136262 480 24 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 480 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 480 26 much much ADJ
_003136262 480 27 is be AUX
_003136262 480 28 left leave VERB
_003136262 480 29 to to ADP
_003136262 480 30 apostolical apostolical ADJ
_003136262 480 31 tradition tradition NOUN
_003136262 480 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 481 1 to to ADP
_003136262 481 2 the the DET
_003136262 481 3 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 481 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 481 5 the the DET
_003136262 481 6 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 481 7 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 481 8 being be AUX
_003136262 481 9 · · PUNCT
_003136262 481 10 the the DET
_003136262 481 11 life life NOUN
_003136262 481 12 of of ADP
_003136262 481 13 the the DET
_003136262 481 14 church,-the church,-the PROPN
_003136262 481 15 holy holy PROPN
_003136262 481 16 sacrifice sacrifice PROPN
_003136262 481 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 481 18 the the DET
_003136262 481 19 adorable adorable ADJ
_003136262 481 20 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 481 21 being be AUX
_003136262 481 22 her she PRON
_003136262 481 23 joys,-any joys,-any ADJ
_003136262 481 24 doubt doubt ADV
_003136262 481 25 thrown throw VERB
_003136262 481 26 on on ADP
_003136262 481 27 the the DET
_003136262 481 28 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 481 29 of of ADP
_003136262 481 30 tran~;ub tran~;ub PROPN
_003136262 481 31 stantiation stantiation NOUN
_003136262 481 32 sounds sound VERB
_003136262 481 33 like like ADP
_003136262 481 34 hideous hideous ADJ
_003136262 481 35 ingratitude ingratitude NOUN
_003136262 481 36 and and CCONJ
_003136262 481 37 impiety impiety NOUN
_003136262 481 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 482 1 to to ADP
_003136262 482 2 the the DET
_003136262 482 3 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 482 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 482 5 whose whose DET
_003136262 482 6 churches church NOUN
_003136262 482 7 are be AUX
_003136262 482 8 but but CCONJ
_003136262 482 9 rooms room NOUN
_003136262 482 10 for for ADP
_003136262 482 11 human human ADJ
_003136262 482 12 voices voice NOUN
_003136262 482 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 482 14 arenas arena NOUN
_003136262 482 15 for for ADP
_003136262 482 16 human human ADJ
_003136262 482 17 controversy controversy NOUN
_003136262 482 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 482 19 human human ADJ
_003136262 482 20 guess guess NOUN
_003136262 482 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 482 22 the the DET
_003136262 482 23 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 482 24 sacrament sacrament NOUN
_003136262 482 25 is be AUX
_003136262 482 26 but but CCONJ
_003136262 482 27 an an DET
_003136262 482 28 occasional occasional ADJ
_003136262 482 29 commemoration commemoration NOUN
_003136262 482 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 482 31 without without ADP
_003136262 482 32 even even ADV
_003136262 482 33 definite definite ADJ
_003136262 482 34 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 482 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 483 1 no no DET
_003136262 483 2 wonder wonder NOUN
_003136262 483 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 483 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 483 5 possessing possess VERB
_003136262 483 6 only only ADV
_003136262 483 7 such such ADJ
_003136262 483 8 fragments fragment NOUN
_003136262 483 9 of of ADP
_003136262 483 10 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 483 11 as as SCONJ
_003136262 483 12 they they PRON
_003136262 483 13 have have AUX
_003136262 483 14 borrowed borrow VERB
_003136262 483 15 from from ADP
_003136262 483 16 the the DET
_003136262 483 17 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 483 18 of of ADP
_003136262 483 19 the the DET
_003136262 483 20 church church NOUN
_003136262 483 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 483 22 but but CCONJ
_003136262 483 23 borrowed borrow VERB
_003136262 483 24 mainly mainly ADV
_003136262 483 25 to to ADP
_003136262 483 26 corrupt corrupt ADJ
_003136262 483 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 483 28 they they PRON
_003136262 483 29 are be AUX
_003136262 483 30 unable unable ADJ
_003136262 483 31 to to PART
_003136262 483 32 grasp grasp VERB
_003136262 483 33 that that SCONJ
_003136262 483 34 mighty mighty ADJ
_003136262 483 35 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 483 36 whole whole NOUN
_003136262 483 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 483 38 which which PRON
_003136262 483 39 is be AUX
_003136262 483 40 the the DET
_003136262 483 41 most most ADV
_003136262 483 42 perfect perfect ADJ
_003136262 483 43 work work NOUN
_003136262 483 44 of of ADP
_003136262 483 45 god god PROPN
_003136262 483 46 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 483 47 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 483 48 . . PUNCT
_003136262 484 1 they they PRON
_003136262 484 2 read read VERB
_003136262 484 3 their their PRON
_003136262 484 4 bibles bible NOUN
_003136262 484 5 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 484 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 484 7 when when SCONJ
_003136262 484 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 9 in in ADP
_003136262 484 10 the the DET
_003136262 484 11 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 484 12 of of ADP
_003136262 484 13 malachias malachia NOUN
_003136262 484 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 15 they they PRON
_003136262 484 16 find find VERB
_003136262 484 17 these these DET
_003136262 484 18 words word NOUN
_003136262 484 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 20 « « INTJ
_003136262 484 21 for for ADP
_003136262 484 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 23 from from ADP
_003136262 484 24 the the DET
_003136262 484 25 rising rising NOUN
_003136262 484 26 of of ADP
_003136262 484 27 the the DET
_003136262 484 28 sun sun NOUN
_003136262 484 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 30 even even ADV
_003136262 484 31 to to ADP
_003136262 484 32 the the DET
_003136262 484 33 going go VERB
_003136262 484 34 down down ADP
_003136262 484 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 36 my my PRON
_003136262 484 37 name name NOUN
_003136262 484 38 is be AUX
_003136262 484 39 great great ADJ
_003136262 484 40 among among ADP
_003136262 484 41 the the DET
_003136262 484 42 gentiles gentile NOUN
_003136262 484 43 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 484 44 and and CCONJ
_003136262 484 45 in in ADP
_003136262 484 46 every every DET
_003136262 484 47 place place NOUN
_003136262 484 48 there there PRON
_003136262 484 49 is be VERB
_003136262 484 50 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 484 51 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 52 and and CCONJ
_003136262 484 53 there there PRON
_003136262 484 54 is be VERB
_003136262 484 55 offered offer VERB
_003136262 484 56 to to ADP
_003136262 484 57 my my PRON
_003136262 484 58 name name NOUN
_003136262 484 59 a a DET
_003136262 484 60 clean clean ADJ
_003136262 484 61 oblation oblation NOUN
_003136262 484 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 484 63 " " PUNCT
_003136262 484 64 they they PRON
_003136262 484 65 fail fail VERB
_003136262 484 66 to to PART
_003136262 484 67 see see VERB
_003136262 484 68 what what PRON
_003136262 484 69 the the DET
_003136262 484 70 church church NOUN
_003136262 484 71 seesthe seesthe PROPN
_003136262 484 72 prophecy prophecy NOUN
_003136262 484 73 of of ADP
_003136262 484 74 the the DET
_003136262 484 75 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 484 76 of of ADP
_003136262 484 77 the the DET
_003136262 484 78 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 484 79 . . PUNCT
_003136262 485 1 they they PRON
_003136262 485 2 read read VERB
_003136262 485 3 34 34 NUM
_003136262 485 4 of of ADP
_003136262 485 5 ~e ~e NUM
_003136262 485 6 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 485 7 chise'dech chise'dech NOUN
_003136262 485 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 485 9 as as ADP
_003136262 485 10 offering offer VERB
_003136262 485 11 a a DET
_003136262 485 12 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 485 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 485 14 a a DET
_003136262 485 15 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 485 16 like like ADP
_003136262 485 17 the the DET
_003136262 485 18 chr chr NOUN
_003136262 485 19 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 485 20 stian stian ADJ
_003136262 485 21 of of ADP
_003136262 485 22 bre bre PROPN
_003136262 485 23 ~ ~ PROPN
_003136262 485 24 d d NOUN
_003136262 485 25 and and CCONJ
_003136262 485 26 wine wine NOUN
_003136262 485 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 485 28 and and CCONJ
_003136262 485 29 they they PRON
_003136262 485 30 read read VERB
_003136262 485 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 485 32 too too ADV
_003136262 485 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 485 34 that that DET
_003136262 485 35 chnst chnst PROPN
_003136262 485 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 486 1 was be AUX
_003136262 486 2 " " PUNCT
_003136262 486 3 a a PRON
_003136262 486 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 486 5 pnest pnest VERB
_003136262 486 6 for for ADP
_003136262 486 7 ever ever ADV
_003136262 486 8 according accord VERB
_003136262 486 9 to to ADP
_003136262 486 10 the the DET
_003136262 486 11 o o NOUN
_003136262 486 12 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 486 13 der der NOUN
_003136262 486 14 of of ADP
_003136262 486 15 melchisedech melchisedech NOUN
_003136262 486 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 486 17 but but CCONJ
_003136262 486 18 they they PRON
_003136262 486 19 fail fail VERB
_003136262 486 20 to to PART
_003136262 486 21 see see VERB
_003136262 486 22 the the DET
_003136262 486 23 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 486 24 which which PRON
_003136262 486 25 the the DET
_003136262 486 26 church church NOUN
_003136262 486 27 sees see VERB
_003136262 486 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 486 29 that that SCONJ
_003136262 486 30 this this DET
_003136262 486 31 figure figure NOUN
_003136262 486 32 has have VERB
_003136262 486 33 reference reference NOUN
_003136262 486 34 to to ADP
_003136262 486 35 the the DET
_003136262 486 36 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 486 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 487 1 they they PRON
_003136262 487 2 read read VERB
_003136262 487 3 those those DET
_003136262 487 4 words word NOUN
_003136262 487 5 of of ADP
_003136262 487 6 st st PROPN
_003136262 487 7 . . PROPN
_003136262 487 8 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 487 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 487 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 487 11 we we PRON
_003136262 487 12 have have VERB
_003136262 487 13 an an DET
_003136262 487 14 altar altar NOUN
_003136262 487 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 487 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 487 17 but but CCONJ
_003136262 487 18 they they PRON
_003136262 487 19 admit admit VERB
_003136262 487 20 not not PART
_003136262 487 21 the the DET
_003136262 487 22 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 487 23 altar altar NOUN
_003136262 487 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 488 1 where where SCONJ
_003136262 488 2 is be AUX
_003136262 488 3 the the DET
_003136262 488 4 use use NOUN
_003136262 488 5 of of ADP
_003136262 488 6 a a DET
_003136262 488 7 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 488 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 488 9 which which PRON
_003136262 488 10 for for ADP
_003136262 488 11 them they PRON
_003136262 488 12 has have VERB
_003136262 488 13 no no DET
_003136262 488 14 definite definite ADJ
_003136262 488 15 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 488 16 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 489 1 the the DET
_003136262 489 2 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 489 3 is be AUX
_003136262 489 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 489 5 the the DET
_003136262 489 6 bible bible PROPN
_003136262 489 7 is be AUX
_003136262 489 8 a a DET
_003136262 489 9 supernatural supernatural ADJ
_003136262 489 10 book book NOUN
_003136262 489 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 489 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 489 13 is be AUX
_003136262 489 14 not not PART
_003136262 489 15 to to PART
_003136262 489 16 be be AUX
_003136262 489 17 naturally naturally ADV
_003136262 489 18 apprehended apprehend VERB
_003136262 489 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 490 1 for for ADP
_003136262 490 2 this this DET
_003136262 490 3 reason reason NOUN
_003136262 490 4 it it PRON
_003136262 490 5 is be AUX
_003136262 490 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 490 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 490 8 in in ADP
_003136262 490 9 england england PROPN
_003136262 490 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 490 11 we we PRON
_003136262 490 12 have have VERB
_003136262 490 13 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 490 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 490 15 which which PRON
_003136262 490 16 are be AUX
_003136262 490 17 almost almost ADV
_003136262 490 18 beyond beyond ADP
_003136262 490 19 the the DET
_003136262 490 20 reach reach NOUN
_003136262 490 21 of of ADP
_003136262 490 22 our our PRON
_003136262 490 23 counting counting NOUN
_003136262 490 24 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 490 25 divisions division NOUN
_003136262 490 26 in in ADP
_003136262 490 27 the the DET
_003136262 490 28 church church NOUN
_003136262 490 29 of of ADP
_003136262 490 30 england england PROPN
_003136262 490 31 which which DET
_003136262 490 32 baffle baffle NOUN
_003136262 490 33 computation computation NOUN
_003136262 490 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 490 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 490 36 " " PUNCT
_003136262 490 37 faiths faith NOUN
_003136262 490 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 490 39 which which PRON
_003136262 490 40 defy defy VERB
_003136262 490 41 all all DET
_003136262 490 42 analysis analysis NOUN
_003136262 490 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 491 1 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 491 2 rs rs ADP
_003136262 491 3 another another DET
_003136262 491 4 name name NOUN
_003136262 491 5 for for ADP
_003136262 491 6 chaos chaos NOUN
_003136262 491 7 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 491 8 and and CCONJ
_003136262 491 9 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 491 10 knowing know VERB
_003136262 491 11 this this PRON
_003136262 491 12 are be AUX
_003136262 491 13 agreed agree VERB
_003136262 491 14 on on ADP
_003136262 491 15 one one NUM
_003136262 491 16 point point NOUN
_003136262 491 17 - - PUNCT
_003136262 491 18 that that SCONJ
_003136262 491 19 they they PRON
_003136262 491 20 will will AUX
_003136262 491 21 unite unite VERB
_003136262 491 22 in in ADP
_003136262 491 23 protesting protest VERB
_003136262 491 24 against against ADP
_003136262 491 25 the the DET
_003136262 491 26 church church NOUN
_003136262 491 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 492 1 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 492 2 of of ADP
_003136262 492 3 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 492 4 being be AUX
_003136262 492 5 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 492 6 for for ADP
_003136262 492 7 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 492 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 492 9 they they PRON
_003136262 492 10 compound compound VERB
_003136262 492 11 by by ADP
_003136262 492 12 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 492 13 of of ADP
_003136262 492 14 protest protest NOUN
_003136262 492 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 493 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 493 2 7 7 NUM
_003136262 493 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 493 4 and and CCONJ
_003136262 493 5 this this PRON
_003136262 493 6 brings bring VERB
_003136262 493 7 us we PRON
_003136262 493 8 to to ADP
_003136262 493 9 the the DET
_003136262 493 10 consideration consideration NOUN
_003136262 493 11 of of ADP
_003136262 493 12 another another DET
_003136262 493 13 statement statement NOUN
_003136262 493 14 of of ADP
_003136262 493 15 the the DET
_003136262 493 16 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 493 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 493 18 which which PRON
_003136262 493 19 we we PRON
_003136262 493 20 will will AUX
_003136262 493 21 quote quote VERB
_003136262 493 22 in in ADP
_003136262 493 23 his his PRON
_003136262 493 24 lordship lordship NOUN
_003136262 493 25 's 's PART
_003136262 493 26 own own ADJ
_003136262 493 27 words word NOUN
_003136262 493 28 : : PUNCT
_003136262 493 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 493 30 i i PRON
_003136262 493 31 emphatically emphatically ADV
_003136262 493 32 deny deny VERB
_003136262 493 33 the the DET
_003136262 493 34 boasted boasted ADJ
_003136262 493 35 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 493 36 of of ADP
_003136262 493 37 the the DET
_003136262 493 38 church church NOUN
_003136262 493 39 of of ADP
_003136262 493 40 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 493 41 . . PUNCT
_003136262 494 1 who who PRON
_003136262 494 2 has have AUX
_003136262 494 3 read read VERB
_003136262 494 4 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ
_003136262 494 5 history history NOUN
_003136262 494 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 494 7 but but CCONJ
_003136262 494 8 must must AUX
_003136262 494 9 be be AUX
_003136262 494 10 aware aware ADJ
_003136262 494 11 of of ADP
_003136262 494 12 the the DET
_003136262 494 13 almost almost ADV
_003136262 494 14 numberiess numberiess ADJ
_003136262 494 15 contentions contention NOUN
_003136262 494 16 amongst amongst ADP
_003136262 494 17 roman roman ADJ
_003136262 494 18 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 494 19 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 495 1 who who PRON
_003136262 495 2 has have AUX
_003136262 495 3 not not PART
_003136262 495 4 heard hear VERB
_003136262 495 5 of of ADP
_003136262 495 6 rival rival ADJ
_003136262 495 7 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 495 8 and and CCONJ
_003136262 495 9 rival rival ADJ
_003136262 495 10 councils council NOUN
_003136262 495 11 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 496 1 one one NUM
_003136262 496 2 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 496 3 anathematizing anathematize VERB
_003136262 496 4 what what PRON
_003136262 496 5 another another DET
_003136262 496 6 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 496 7 held hold VERB
_003136262 496 8 true true ADJ
_003136262 496 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 496 10 and and CCONJ
_003136262 496 11 so so ADV
_003136262 496 12 with with ADP
_003136262 496 13 councils council NOUN
_003136262 496 14 . . PUNCT
_003136262 497 1 t t PROPN
_003136262 497 2 here here ADV
_003136262 497 3 is be AUX
_003136262 497 4 uniformity uniformity NOUN
_003136262 497 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 6 i i PRON
_003136262 497 7 admit admit VERB
_003136262 497 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 9 outward outward ADJ
_003136262 497 10 superficial superficial ADJ
_003136262 497 11 uniformity uniformity NOUN
_003136262 497 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 497 14 outward outward ADJ
_003136262 497 15 allegiance allegiance NOUN
_003136262 497 16 t t PROPN
_003136262 497 17 o o NOUN
_003136262 497 18 one one NUM
_003136262 497 19 visible visible ADJ
_003136262 497 20 head head NOUN
_003136262 497 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 22 who who PRON
_003136262 497 23 falsely falsely ADV
_003136262 497 24 calls call VERB
_003136262 497 25 himself himself PRON
_003136262 497 26 the the DET
_003136262 497 27 vicar vicar NOUN
_003136262 497 28 or or CCONJ
_003136262 497 29 vicegerent vicegerent NOUN
_003136262 497 30 of of ADP
_003136262 497 31 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 497 32 on on ADP
_003136262 497 33 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 497 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 35 but but CCONJ
_003136262 497 36 there there PRON
_003136262 497 37 is be VERB
_003136262 497 38 not not PART
_003136262 497 39 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 497 40 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 497 41 on on ADP
_003136262 497 42 the the DET
_003136262 497 43 other other ADJ
_003136262 497 44 hand hand NOUN
_003136262 497 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 46 i i PRON
_003136262 497 47 maintain maintain VERB
_003136262 497 48 that that SCONJ
_003136262 497 49 amongst amongst ADP
_003136262 497 50 the the DET
_003136262 497 51 overwhelming overwhelming ADJ
_003136262 497 52 majority majority NOUN
_003136262 497 53 of of ADP
_003136262 497 54 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 497 55 there there PRON
_003136262 497 56 is be VERB
_003136262 497 57 this this DET
_003136262 497 58 deep deep ADJ
_003136262 497 59 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 60 essential essential ADJ
_003136262 497 61 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 62 true true ADJ
_003136262 497 63 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 497 64 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 65 which which PRON
_003136262 497 66 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 497 67 has have AUX
_003136262 497 68 never never ADV
_003136262 497 69 been be AUX
_003136262 497 70 able able ADJ
_003136262 497 71 to to PART
_003136262 497 72 obtain obtain VERB
_003136262 497 73 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 74 and and CCONJ
_003136262 497 75 which which PRON
_003136262 497 76 exists exist VERB
_003136262 497 77 , , PUNCT
_003136262 497 78 notwithstanding notwithstanding ADP
_003136262 497 79 the the DET
_003136262 497 80 absence absence NOUN
_003136262 497 81 of of ADP
_003136262 497 82 external external ADJ
_003136262 497 83 uniformity uniformity NOUN
_003136262 497 84 . . PUNCT
_003136262 498 1 the the DET
_003136262 498 2 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 498 3 is be AUX
_003136262 498 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 498 5 you you PRON
_003136262 498 6 may may AUX
_003136262 498 7 have have VERB
_003136262 498 8 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 498 9 without without ADP
_003136262 498 10 uniformity uniformity NOUN
_003136262 498 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 498 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 498 13 you you PRON
_003136262 498 14 may may AUX
_003136262 498 15 have have VERB
_003136262 498 16 visible visible ADJ
_003136262 498 17 uniform uniform NOUN
_003136262 498 18 ity ity NOUN
_003136262 498 19 without without ADP
_003136262 498 20 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 498 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 498 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 498 23 which which PRON
_003136262 498 24 is be AUX
_003136262 498 25 to to PART
_003136262 498 26 be be AUX
_003136262 498 27 valued value VERB
_003136262 498 28 most most ADV
_003136262 498 29 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 498 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 498 31 35 35 NUM
_003136262 498 32 when when SCONJ
_003136262 498 33 the the DET
_003136262 498 34 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 498 35 talks talk VERB
_003136262 498 36 about about ADP
_003136262 498 37 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 498 38 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 498 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 498 40 he he PRON
_003136262 498 41 is be AUX
_003136262 498 42 unfortunately unfortunately ADV
_003136262 498 43 talking talk VERB
_003136262 498 44 about about ADP
_003136262 498 45 a a DET
_003136262 498 46 subject subject NOUN
_003136262 498 47 of of ADP
_003136262 498 48 which which PRON
_003136262 498 49 he he PRON
_003136262 498 50 knows know VERB
_003136262 498 51 absolutely absolutely ADV
_003136262 498 52 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 498 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 498 54 . . PUNCT
_003136262 499 1 that that DET
_003136262 499 2 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 499 3 results result NOUN
_003136262 499 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 5 first first ADV
_003136262 499 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 7 from from ADP
_003136262 499 8 the the DET
_003136262 499 9 gift gift NOUN
_003136262 499 10 of of ADP
_003136262 499 11 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 499 12 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 499 13 · · PUNCT
_003136262 499 14 a a DET
_003136262 499 15 gift gift NOUN
_003136262 499 16 which which PRON
_003136262 499 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 18 in in ADP
_003136262 499 19 its its PRON
_003136262 499 20 plentitude plentitude NOUN
_003136262 499 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 22 is be AUX
_003136262 499 23 only only ADV
_003136262 499 24 possible possible ADJ
_003136262 499 25 to to ADP
_003136262 499 26 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 499 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 28 who who PRON
_003136262 499 29 alone alone ADV
_003136262 499 30 possess possess VERB
_003136262 499 31 all all DET
_003136262 499 32 christian christian PROPN
_003136262 499 33 tru tru PROPN
_003136262 499 34 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 499 35 h. h. PROPN
_003136262 499 36 it it PRON
_003136262 499 37 results result VERB
_003136262 499 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 39 secondly secondly ADV
_003136262 499 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 41 from from ADP
_003136262 499 42 the the DET
_003136262 499 43 possession possession NOUN
_003136262 499 44 of of ADP
_003136262 499 45 a a DET
_003136262 499 46 definite definite ADJ
_003136262 499 47 creed creed NOUN
_003136262 499 48 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 49 taught teach VERB
_003136262 499 50 by by ADP
_003136262 499 51 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 499 52 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 499 53 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 499 54 so so SCONJ
_003136262 499 55 that that SCONJ
_003136262 499 56 a a DET
_003136262 499 57 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 499 58 both both PRON
_003136262 499 59 knows know VERB
_003136262 499 60 what what PRON
_003136262 499 61 he he PRON
_003136262 499 62 has have VERB
_003136262 499 63 to to PART
_003136262 499 64 believe believe VERB
_003136262 499 65 , , PUNCT
_003136262 499 66 and and CCONJ
_003136262 499 67 believes believe VERB
_003136262 499 68 by by ADP
_003136262 499 69 the the DET
_003136262 499 70 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 499 71 gift gift NOUN
_003136262 499 72 of of ADP
_003136262 499 73 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 499 74 . . PUNCT
_003136262 500 1 thirdly thirdly ADV
_003136262 500 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 3 t t NUM
_003136262 500 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 5 here here ADV
_003136262 500 6 is be AUX
_003136262 500 7 just just ADV
_003136262 500 8 as as ADV
_003136262 500 9 much much ADJ
_003136262 500 10 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 500 11 of of ADP
_003136262 500 12 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 500 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 14 on on ADP
_003136262 500 15 matters matter NOUN
_003136262 500 16 that that PRON
_003136262 500 17 are be AUX
_003136262 500 18 not not PART
_003136262 500 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 500 20 de de X
_003136262 500 21 fide fide ADJ
_003136262 500 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 500 24 among among ADP
_003136262 500 25 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 500 26 as as SCONJ
_003136262 500 27 there there PRON
_003136262 500 28 is be VERB
_003136262 500 29 among among ADP
_003136262 500 30 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 500 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 500 32 and and CCONJ
_003136262 500 33 it it PRON
_003136262 500 34 is be AUX
_003136262 500 35 one one NUM
_003136262 500 36 of of ADP
_003136262 500 37 the the DET
_003136262 500 38 most most ADV
_003136262 500 39 striking striking ADJ
_003136262 500 40 proofs proof NOUN
_003136262 500 41 of of ADP
_003136262 500 42 the the DET
_003136262 500 43 divinity divinity NOUN
_003136262 500 44 of of ADP
_003136262 500 45 the the DET
_003136262 500 46 church church NOUN
_003136262 500 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 48 that that SCONJ
_003136262 500 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 50 while while SCONJ
_003136262 500 51 she she PRON
_003136262 500 52 can can AUX
_003136262 500 53 leave leave VERB
_003136262 500 54 all all DET
_003136262 500 55 her her PRON
_003136262 500 56 members member NOUN
_003136262 500 57 to to PART
_003136262 500 58 run run VERB
_003136262 500 59 wild wild ADJ
_003136262 500 60 in in ADP
_003136262 500 61 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 500 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 500 63 she she PRON
_003136262 500 64 can can AUX
_003136262 500 65 bind bind VERB
_003136262 500 66 them they PRON
_003136262 500 67 in in ADP
_003136262 500 68 matters matter NOUN
_003136262 500 69 of of ADP
_003136262 500 70 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 500 71 . . PUNCT
_003136262 501 1 the the DET
_003136262 501 2 contentions contention NOUN
_003136262 501 3 of of ADP
_003136262 501 4 theologians theologian NOUN
_003136262 501 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 501 6 before before SCONJ
_003136262 501 7 a a DET
_003136262 501 8 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 501 9 is be AUX
_003136262 501 10 defined define VERB
_003136262 501 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 501 12 prove prove VERB
_003136262 501 13 the the DET
_003136262 501 14 perfect perfect ADJ
_003136262 501 15 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 501 16 of of ADP
_003136262 501 17 all all DET
_003136262 501 18 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 501 19 in in ADP
_003136262 501 20 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 501 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 501 22 just just ADV
_003136262 501 23 as as SCONJ
_003136262 501 24 the the DET
_003136262 501 25 submission submission NOUN
_003136262 501 26 of of ADP
_003136262 501 27 opponents opponent NOUN
_003136262 501 28 to to ADP
_003136262 501 29 a a DET
_003136262 501 30 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 501 31 which which PRON
_003136262 501 32 is be AUX
_003136262 501 33 defined define VERB
_003136262 501 34 proves prove VERB
_003136262 501 35 the the DET
_003136262 501 36 perfect perfect ADJ
_003136262 501 37 integrity integrity NOUN
_003136262 501 38 of of ADP
_003136262 501 39 their their PRON
_003136262 501 40 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 501 41 . . PUNCT
_003136262 502 1 this this DET
_003136262 502 2 double double ADJ
_003136262 502 3 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 502 4 was be AUX
_003136262 502 5 shown show VERB
_003136262 502 6 during during ADP
_003136262 502 7 the the DET
_003136262 502 8 last last ADJ
_003136262 502 9 council council NOUN
_003136262 502 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 502 11 when when SCONJ
_003136262 502 12 the the DET
_003136262 502 13 few few ADJ
_003136262 502 14 who who PRON
_003136262 502 15 had have AUX
_003136262 502 16 opposed oppose VERB
_003136262 502 17 the the DET
_003136262 502 18 definition definition NOUN
_003136262 502 19 of of ADP
_003136262 502 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 502 21 infallibility"-opposed infallibility"-oppose VERB
_003136262 502 22 it it PRON
_003136262 502 23 sincerely sincerely ADV
_003136262 502 24 and and CCONJ
_003136262 502 25 dutifully dutifully ADV
_003136262 502 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 502 27 submitted submit VERB
_003136262 502 28 as as ADV
_003136262 502 29 ardently ardently ADV
_003136262 502 30 as as SCONJ
_003136262 502 31 they they PRON
_003136262 502 32 had have AUX
_003136262 502 33 opposed oppose VERB
_003136262 502 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 503 1 here here ADV
_003136262 503 2 is be AUX
_003136262 503 3 the the DET
_003136262 503 4 diffe'rence diffe'rence NOUN
_003136262 503 5 between between ADP
_003136262 503 6 the the DET
_003136262 503 7 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 503 8 and and CCONJ
_003136262 503 9 the the DET
_003136262 503 10 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 503 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 504 1 the the DET
_003136262 504 2 heretic heretic ADJ
_003136262 504 3 cares care VERB
_003136262 504 4 for for ADP
_003136262 504 5 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 504 6 but but SCONJ
_003136262 504 7 his his PRON
_003136262 504 8 own own ADJ
_003136262 504 9 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 504 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 504 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 504 12 neither neither CCONJ
_003136262 504 13 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 504 14 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 504 15 council council NOUN
_003136262 504 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 504 17 inspired inspire VERB
_003136262 504 18 writer writer NOUN
_003136262 504 19 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 504 20 saint saint NOUN
_003136262 504 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 504 22 can can AUX
_003136262 504 23 turn turn VERB
_003136262 504 24 him he PRON
_003136262 504 25 from from ADP
_003136262 504 26 his his PRON
_003136262 504 27 stubborn stubborn ADJ
_003136262 504 28 resolve resolve NOUN
_003136262 504 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 505 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 505 2 a a DET
_003136262 505 3 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 505 4 knows know VERB
_003136262 505 5 that that SCONJ
_003136262 505 6 he he PRON
_003136262 505 7 may may AUX
_003136262 505 8 contend contend VERB
_003136262 505 9 about about ADP
_003136262 505 10 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 505 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 505 12 but but CCONJ
_003136262 505 13 mj1st mj1st ADJ
_003136262 505 14 not not PART
_003136262 505 15 contend contend VERB
_003136262 505 16 against against ADP
_003136262 505 17 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 505 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 505 19 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 505 20 is be AUX
_003136262 505 21 there there PRON
_003136262 505 22 anything anything PRON
_003136262 505 23 more more ADV
_003136262 505 24 edifying edify VERB
_003136262 505 25 in in ADP
_003136262 505 26 the the DET
_003136262 505 27 history history NOUN
_003136262 505 28 of of ADP
_003136262 505 29 the the DET
_003136262 505 30 church church NOUN
_003136262 505 31 than than ADP
_003136262 505 32 the the DET
_003136262 505 33 submission submission NOUN
_003136262 505 34 of of ADP
_003136262 505 35 opponents opponent NOUN
_003136262 505 36 to to PART
_003136262 505 37 decree decree VERB
_003136262 505 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 506 1 when when SCONJ
_003136262 506 2 the the DET
_003136262 506 3 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 506 4 of of ADP
_003136262 506 5 ripon ripon ADJ
_003136262 506 6 talks talk NOUN
_003136262 506 7 of of ADP
_003136262 506 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 506 9 rival rival ADJ
_003136262 506 10 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 506 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 506 12 rival rival ADJ
_003136262 506 13 councils council NOUN
_003136262 506 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 506 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 506 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 506 17 one one NUM
_003136262 506 18 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 506 19 anathematizing anathematize VERB
_003136262 506 20 what what PRON
_003136262 506 21 another another DET
_003136262 506 22 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 506 23 holds hold VERB
_003136262 506 24 true true ADJ
_003136262 506 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 506 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 506 27 so so ADV
_003136262 506 28 with with ADP
_003136262 506 29 councils council NOUN
_003136262 506 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 506 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 506 32 he he PRON
_003136262 506 33 is be AUX
_003136262 506 34 unconsciously unconsciously ADV
_003136262 506 35 touching touch VERB
_003136262 506 36 on on ADP
_003136262 506 37 one one NUM
_003136262 506 38 of of ADP
_003136262 506 39 the the DET
_003136262 506 40 very very ADV
_003136262 506 41 strongest strong ADJ
_003136262 506 42 proofs proof NOUN
_003136262 506 43 of of ADP
_003136262 506 44 the the DET
_003136262 506 45 personal personal ADJ
_003136262 506 46 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 506 47 of of ADP
_003136262 506 48 the the DET
_003136262 506 49 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 506 50 . . PUNCT
_003136262 507 1 the the DET
_003136262 507 2 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 507 3 's 's PART
_003136262 507 4 statement statement NOUN
_003136262 507 5 is be AUX
_003136262 507 6 of of ADP
_003136262 507 7 course course NOUN
_003136262 507 8 incorrect incorrect ADJ
_003136262 507 9 : : PUNCT
_003136262 507 10 no no DET
_003136262 507 11 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 507 12 has have AUX
_003136262 507 13 ever ever ADV
_003136262 507 14 anathematized anathematize VERB
_003136262 507 15 what what PRON
_003136262 507 16 another another DET
_003136262 507 17 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 507 18 taught teach VERB
_003136262 507 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 507 20 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 507 21 has have VERB
_003136262 507 22 any any DET
_003136262 507 23 true true ADJ
_003136262 507 24 council council NOUN
_003136262 507 25 falsified falsify VERB
_003136262 507 26 a a DET
_003136262 507 27 true true ADJ
_003136262 507 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 508 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 508 2 the the DET
_003136262 508 3 events event NOUN
_003136262 508 4 to to PART
_003136262 508 5 which which PRON
_003136262 508 6 he he PRON
_003136262 508 7 incorrectly incorrectly ADV
_003136262 508 8 alludes allude VERB
_003136262 508 9 are be AUX
_003136262 508 10 marvellous marvellous ADJ
_003136262 508 11 proofs proof NOUN
_003136262 508 12 of of ADP
_003136262 508 13 the the DET
_003136262 508 14 church church NOUN
_003136262 508 15 's 's PART
_003136262 508 16 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 508 17 in in ADP
_003136262 508 18 the the DET
_003136262 508 19 personal personal ADJ
_003136262 508 20 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 508 21 of of ADP
_003136262 508 22 the the DET
_003136262 508 23 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 508 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 509 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 509 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 3 in in ADP
_003136262 509 4 the the DET
_003136262 509 5 case case NOUN
_003136262 509 6 of of ADP
_003136262 509 7 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 509 8 honorius honorius PROPN
_003136262 509 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 10 we we PRON
_003136262 509 11 have have VERB
_003136262 509 12 the the DET
_003136262 509 13 council council NOUN
_003136262 509 14 which which PRON
_003136262 509 15 condemned condemn VERB
_003136262 509 16 him,-not him,-not ADV
_003136262 509 17 for for ADP
_003136262 509 18 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 509 19 f f X
_003136262 509 20 heresy heresy ADJ
_003136262 509 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 23 but but CCONJ
_003136262 509 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 25 as as SCONJ
_003136262 509 26 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 509 27 . . PROPN
_003136262 509 28 dollinger dollinger PROPN
_003136262 509 29 says say VERB
_003136262 509 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 31 for for ADP
_003136262 509 32 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 33 inactivity inactivity NOUN
_003136262 509 34 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 35 -declaring -declaring ADJ
_003136262 509 36 that that SCONJ
_003136262 509 37 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 38 all all DET
_003136262 509 39 the the DET
_003136262 509 40 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 509 41 pontiffs pontiff NOUN
_003136262 509 42 had have AUX
_003136262 509 43 confirmed confirm VERB
_003136262 509 44 the the DET
_003136262 509 45 brethren brother NOUN
_003136262 509 46 ih ih ADV
_003136262 509 47 the the DET
_003136262 509 48 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 509 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 50 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 51 and and CCONJ
_003136262 509 52 that that SCONJ
_003136262 509 53 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 54 the the DET
_003136262 509 55 roman roman ADJ
_003136262 509 56 church church NOUN
_003136262 509 57 had have AUX
_003136262 509 58 never never ADV
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_003136262 509 60 aside aside ADV
_003136262 509 61 from from ADP
_003136262 509 62 the the DET
_003136262 509 63 path path NOUN
_003136262 509 64 of of ADP
_003136262 509 65 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 509 66 to to ADP
_003136262 509 67 any any DET
_003136262 509 68 error error NOUN
_003136262 509 69 whatsoever whatsoever ADV
_003136262 509 70 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 71 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 72 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 509 73 " " PUNCT
_003136262 509 74 had have AUX
_003136262 509 75 it it PRON
_003136262 509 76 ever ever ADV
_003136262 509 77 been be AUX
_003136262 509 78 obscured obscure VERB
_003136262 509 79 by by ADP
_003136262 509 80 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 509 81 , , PUNCT
_003136262 509 82 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 509 83 defiled defile VERB
_003136262 509 84 by by ADP
_003136262 509 85 error error NOUN
_003136262 509 86 . . PUNCT
_003136262 509 87 " " PUNCT
_003136262 510 1 the the DET
_003136262 510 2 language language NOUN
_003136262 510 3 of of ADP
_003136262 510 4 the the DET
_003136262 510 5 council council NOUN
_003136262 510 6 seems seem VERB
_003136262 510 7 studiedly studiedly ADV
_003136262 510 8 emphatic emphatic ADJ
_003136262 510 9 in in ADP
_003136262 510 10 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 510 11 of of ADP
_003136262 510 12 the the DET
_003136262 510 13 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 510 14 of of ADP
_003136262 510 15 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 510 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 510 17 as as SCONJ
_003136262 510 18 though though SCONJ
_003136262 510 19 the the DET
_003136262 510 20 council council NOUN
_003136262 510 21 foresaw foresaw VERB
_003136262 510 22 - - PUNCT
_003136262 510 23 what what PRON
_003136262 510 24 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 510 25 has have AUX
_003136262 510 26 been be AUX
_003136262 510 27 the the DET
_003136262 510 28 case case NOUN
_003136262 510 29 - - PUNCT
_003136262 510 30 that that SCONJ
_003136262 510 31 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 510 32 would would AUX
_003136262 510 33 misinterpret misinterpret VERB
_003136262 510 34 its its PRON
_003136262 510 35 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 510 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 511 1 the_same the_same VERB
_003136262 511 2 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 511 3 is be AUX
_003136262 511 4 observed observe VERB
_003136262 511 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 511 6 when when SCONJ
_003136262 511 7 the the DET
_003136262 511 8 contentions contention NOUN
_003136262 511 9 of of ADP
_003136262 511 10 false false ADJ
_003136262 511 11 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 511 12 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 511 13 set set VERB
_003136262 511 14 up up ADP
_003136262 511 15 by by ADP
_003136262 511 16 princely princely ADJ
_003136262 511 17 ambition ambition NOUN
_003136262 511 18 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 511 19 had have AUX
_003136262 511 20 been be AUX
_003136262 511 21 made make VERB
_003136262 511 22 to to PART
_003136262 511 23 give give VERB
_003136262 511 24 place place NOUN
_003136262 511 25 to to ADP
_003136262 511 26 obedience obedience NOUN
_003136262 511 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 512 1 the the DET
_003136262 512 2 council council PROPN
_003136262 512 3 of of ADP
_003136262 512 4 constance constance NOUN
_003136262 512 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 512 6 which which PRON
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_003136262 512 10 to to PART
_003136262 512 11 decide decide VERB
_003136262 512 12 between between ADP
_003136262 512 13 the the DET
_003136262 512 14 true true ADJ
_003136262 512 15 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 512 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 512 17 shameless shameless ADJ
_003136262 512 18 pretenders pretender NOUN
_003136262 512 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 512 20 taught teach VERB
_003136262 512 21 the the DET
_003136262 512 22 personal personal ADJ
_003136262 512 23 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 512 24 of of ADP
_003136262 512 25 the the DET
_003136262 512 26 sovereign sovereign ADJ
_003136262 512 27 pontiff pontiff NOUN
_003136262 512 28 in in ADP
_003136262 512 29 language language NOUN
_003136262 512 30 which which PRON
_003136262 512 31 was be AUX
_003136262 512 32 severely severely ADV
_003136262 512 33 distinct distinct ADJ
_003136262 512 34 : : PUNCT
_003136262 512 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 512 36 it it PRON
_003136262 512 37 is be AUX
_003136262 512 38 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 512 39 that that SCONJ
_003136262 512 40 such such DET
_003136262 512 41 a a DET
_003136262 512 42 see see NOUN
_003136262 512 43 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 512 44 the the DET
_003136262 512 45 roman roman NOUN
_003136262 512 46 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 512 47 should should AUX
_003136262 512 48 determine determine VERB
_003136262 512 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 512 50 and and CCONJ
_003136262 512 51 hold hold VERB
_003136262 512 52 , , PUNCT
_003136262 512 53 for for ADP
_003136262 512 54 the the DET
_003136262 512 55 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 512 56 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 512 57 that that PRON
_003136262 512 58 which which PRON
_003136262 512 59 is be AUX
_003136262 512 60 not not PART
_003136262 512 61 the the DET
_003136262 512 62 true true ADJ
_003136262 512 63 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 512 64 . . PUNCT
_003136262 512 65 " " PUNCT
_003136262 513 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 513 2 martin martin PROPN
_003136262 513 3 v. v. PROPN
_003136262 513 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 513 5 who who PRON
_003136262 513 6 was be AUX
_003136262 513 7 declared declare VERB
_003136262 513 8 the the DET
_003136262 513 9 true true ADJ
_003136262 513 10 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 513 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 513 12 issued issue VERB
_003136262 513 13 a a DET
_003136262 513 14 decree decree NOUN
_003136262 513 15 to to ADP
_003136262 513 16 the the DET
_003136262 513 17 council council NOUN
_003136262 513 18 in in ADP
_003136262 513 19 session session NOUN
_003136262 513 20 : : PUNCT
_003136262 513 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 513 22 it it PRON
_003136262 513 23 is be AUX
_003136262 513 24 not not PART
_003136262 513 25 lawful lawful ADJ
_003136262 513 26 for for SCONJ
_003136262 513 27 any any DET
_003136262 513 28 person person NOUN
_003136262 513 29 to to PART
_003136262 513 30 appeal appeal VERB
_003136262 513 31 from from ADP
_003136262 513 32 the the DET
_003136262 513 33 sovereign sovereign ADJ
_003136262 513 34 polltiff polltiff NOUN
_003136262 513 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 513 36 who who PRON
_003136262 513 37 is be AUX
_003136262 513 38 the the DET
_003136262 513 39 supreme supreme PROPN
_003136262 513 40 judge judge PROPN
_003136262 513 41 , , PUNCT
_003136262 513 42 and and CCONJ
_003136262 513 43 the the DET
_003136262 513 44 vicar vicar NOUN
_003136262 513 45 of of ADP
_003136262 513 46 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 513 47 on on ADP
_003136262 513 48 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 513 49 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 513 50 or or CCONJ
_003136262 513 51 by by ADP
_003136262 513 52 subterfuge subterfuge NOUN
_003136262 513 53 to to PART
_003136262 513 54 elude elude VERB
_003136262 513 55 his his PRON
_003136262 513 56 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 513 57 in in ADP
_003136262 513 58 matters matter NOUN
_003136262 513 59 of of ADP
_003136262 513 60 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 513 61 . . PUNCT
_003136262 513 62 " " PUNCT
_003136262 514 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 514 2 this this DET
_003136262 514 3 decree decree NOUN
_003136262 514 4 was be AUX
_003136262 514 5 acclaimed acclaim VERB
_003136262 514 6 by by ADP
_003136262 514 7 the the DET
_003136262 514 8 council council NOUN
_003136262 514 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 514 10 not not PART
_003136262 514 11 one one NUM
_003136262 514 12 of of ADP
_003136262 514 13 the the DET
_003136262 514 14 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 514 15 dissenting dissent VERB
_003136262 514 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 515 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 515 2 the the DET
_003136262 515 3 very very ADJ
_003136262 515 4 scandals scandal NOUN
_003136262 515 5 of of ADP
_003136262 515 6 the the DET
_003136262 515 7 ambitious ambitious ADJ
_003136262 515 8 have have AUX
_003136262 515 9 been be AUX
_003136262 515 10 converted convert VERB
_003136262 515 11 by by ADP
_003136262 515 12 god god PROPN
_003136262 515 13 into into ADP
_003136262 515 14 occasions occasion NOUN
_003136262 515 15 for for ADP
_003136262 515 16 splendid splendid ADJ
_003136262 515 17 out out ADV
_003136262 515 18 - - PUNCT
_003136262 515 19 speaking speak VERB
_003136262 515 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 516 1 while while SCONJ
_003136262 516 2 in in ADP
_003136262 516 3 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 516 4 of of ADP
_003136262 516 5 false false ADJ
_003136262 516 6 councils council NOUN
_003136262 516 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 516 8 the the DET
_003136262 516 9 explanation explanation NOUN
_003136262 516 10 is be AUX
_003136262 516 11 this this PRON
_003136262 516 12 : : PUNCT
_003136262 516 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 516 14 no no DET
_003136262 516 15 decree decree NOUN
_003136262 516 16 of of ADP
_003136262 516 17 any any DET
_003136262 516 18 council council NOUN
_003136262 516 19 could could AUX
_003136262 516 20 be be AUX
_003136262 516 21 of of ADP
_003136262 516 22 value value NOUN
_003136262 516 23 in in ADP
_003136262 516 24 the the DET
_003136262 516 25 church church NOUN
_003136262 516 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 516 27 unless unless SCONJ
_003136262 516 28 ratified ratify VERB
_003136262 516 29 by by ADP
_003136262 516 30 the the DET
_003136262 516 31 sovereign sovereign ADJ
_003136262 516 32 pontiff pontiff NOUN
_003136262 516 33 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 516 34 so so SCONJ
_003136262 516 35 that that SCONJ
_003136262 516 36 we we PRON
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_003136262 516 38 more more ADJ
_003136262 516 39 than than ADP
_003136262 516 40 one one NUM
_003136262 516 41 example example NOUN
_003136262 516 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 516 43 in in ADP
_003136262 516 44 the the DET
_003136262 516 45 history history NOUN
_003136262 516 46 of of ADP
_003136262 516 47 the the DET
_003136262 516 48 church church NOUN
_003136262 516 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 516 50 of of ADP
_003136262 516 51 the the DET
_003136262 516 52 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 516 53 setting set VERB
_003136262 516 54 aside aside ADV
_003136262 516 55 the the DET
_003136262 516 56 decisions decision NOUN
_003136262 516 57 of of ADP
_003136262 516 58 councils council NOUN
_003136262 516 59 - - PUNCT
_003136262 516 60 councils council NOUN
_003136262 516 61 not not PART
_003136262 516 62 cecumenical cecumenical ADJ
_003136262 516 63 but but CCONJ
_003136262 516 64 local local ADJ
_003136262 516 65 - - PUNCT
_003136262 516 66 when when SCONJ
_003136262 516 67 such such ADJ
_003136262 516 68 decisions decision NOUN
_003136262 516 69 were be AUX
_003136262 516 70 not not PART
_003136262 516 71 approved approve VERB
_003136262 516 72 by by ADP
_003136262 516 73 himself himself PRON
_003136262 516 74 . . PUNCT
_003136262 517 1 as as SCONJ
_003136262 517 2 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 517 3 . . PROPN
_003136262 517 4 dollinger dollinger PROPN
_003136262 517 5 tells tell VERB
_003136262 517 6 us we PRON
_003136262 517 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 517 8 in in ADP
_003136262 517 9 his his PRON
_003136262 517 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 517 11 history history NOUN
_003136262 517 12 of of ADP
_003136262 517 13 the the DET
_003136262 517 14 church church NOUN
_003136262 517 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 517 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 517 17 the the DET
_003136262 517 18 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 517 19 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 517 20 for for ADP
_003136262 517 21 determining determine VERB
_003136262 517 22 the the DET
_003136262 517 23 validity validity NOUN
_003136262 517 24 of of ADP
_003136262 517 25 any any DET
_003136262 517 26 council council NOUN
_003136262 517 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 517 28 the the DET
_003136262 517 29 validity validity NOUN
_003136262 517 30 of of ADP
_003136262 517 31 its its PRON
_003136262 517 32 session session NOUN
_003136262 517 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 517 34 of of ADP
_003136262 517 35 its its PRON
_003136262 517 36 decrees decree NOUN
_003136262 517 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 517 38 was be AUX
_003136262 517 39 god god PROPN
_003136262 517 40 's 's PART
_003136262 517 41 vicar vicar NOUN
_003136262 517 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 517 43 the the DET
_003136262 517 44 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 517 45 of of ADP
_003136262 517 46 37 37 NUM
_003136262 517 47 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 517 48 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 517 49 and and CCONJ
_003136262 517 50 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 517 51 . . PROPN
_003136262 517 52 dollinger dollinger PROPN
_003136262 517 53 quotes quote VERB
_003136262 517 54 examples example NOUN
_003136262 517 55 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 517 56 which which PRON
_003136262 517 57 fill fill VERB
_003136262 517 58 many many ADJ
_003136262 517 59 pages page NOUN
_003136262 517 60 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 517 61 of of ADP
_003136262 517 62 this this DET
_003136262 517 63 radical radical ADJ
_003136262 517 64 principle principle NOUN
_003136262 517 65 in in ADP
_003136262 517 66 the the DET
_003136262 517 67 church church NOUN
_003136262 517 68 . . PUNCT
_003136262 518 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 518 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 518 3 the the DET
_003136262 518 4 decrees decree NOUN
_003136262 518 5 of of ADP
_003136262 518 6 synods synod NOUN
_003136262 518 7 regarding regard VERB
_003136262 518 8 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 518 9 obtained obtain VERB
_003136262 518 10 their their PRON
_003136262 518 11 full full ADJ
_003136262 518 12 force force NOUN
_003136262 518 13 i i PRON
_003136262 518 14 : : PUNCT
_003136262 518 15 md md PROPN
_003136262 518 16 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 518 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 518 18 only only ADV
_003136262 518 19 by by ADP
_003136262 518 20 being be AUX
_003136262 518 21 received receive VERB
_003136262 518 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 518 23 confirmed confirm VERB
_003136262 518 24 by by ADP
_003136262 518 25 the the DET
_003136262 518 26 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 518 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 518 28 was be AUX
_003136262 518 29 publicly publicly ADV
_003136262 518 30 acknowledged acknowledge VERB
_003136262 518 31 in in ADP
_003136262 518 32 the the DET
_003136262 518 33 fourth fourth ADJ
_003136262 518 34 century century NOUN
_003136262 518 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 518 36 " " PUNCT
_003136262 519 1 so so ADV
_003136262 519 2 says say VERB
_003136262 519 3 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 519 4 . . PROPN
_003136262 519 5 dollinger dollinger PROPN
_003136262 519 6 in in ADP
_003136262 519 7 his his PRON
_003136262 519 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 519 9 history history NOUN
_003136262 519 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 519 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 520 1 while while SCONJ
_003136262 520 2 in in ADP
_003136262 520 3 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 520 4 of of ADP
_003136262 520 5 the the DET
_003136262 520 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 520 7 infallibility infallibility NOUN
_003136262 520 8 of of ADP
_003136262 520 9 the the DET
_003136262 520 10 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 520 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 520 12 the the DET
_003136262 520 13 same same ADJ
_003136262 520 14 author author NOUN
_003136262 520 15 is be AUX
_003136262 520 16 at at ADP
_003136262 520 17 pains pain NOUN
_003136262 520 18 to to PART
_003136262 520 19 declare declare VERB
_003136262 520 20 : : PUNCT
_003136262 520 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 520 22 it it PRON
_003136262 520 23 was be AUX
_003136262 520 24 a a DET
_003136262 520 25 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 520 26 unheard unheard ADJ
_003136262 520 27 · · PUNCT
_003136262 520 28 of of ADP
_003136262 520 29 that that PRON
_003136262 520 30 the the DET
_003136262 520 31 head head NOUN
_003136262 520 32 of of ADP
_003136262 520 33 the the DET
_003136262 520 34 church church NOUN
_003136262 520 35 should should AUX
_003136262 520 36 be be AUX
_003136262 520 37 placed place VERB
_003136262 520 38 in in ADP
_003136262 520 39 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 520 40 before before ADP
_003136262 520 41 his his PRON
_003136262 520 42 own own ADJ
_003136262 520 43 subjects subject NOUN
_003136262 520 44 . . PUNCT
_003136262 521 1 he he PRON
_003136262 521 2 who who PRON
_003136262 521 3 was be AUX
_003136262 521 4 not not PART
_003136262 521 5 in in ADP
_003136262 521 6 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 521 7 with with ADP
_003136262 521 8 the the DET
_003136262 521 9 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 521 10 of of ADP
_003136262 521 11 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 521 12 was be AUX
_003136262 521 13 not not PART
_003136262 521 14 truly truly ADV
_003136262 521 15 in in ADP
_003136262 521 16 the the DET
_003136262 521 17 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 521 18 church church NOUN
_003136262 521 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 522 1 it it PRON
_003136262 522 2 was be AUX
_003136262 522 3 acknowledged acknowledge VERB
_003136262 522 4 to to PART
_003136262 522 5 be be AUX
_003136262 522 6 the the DET
_003136262 522 7 prerogative prerogative NOUN
_003136262 522 8 of of ADP
_003136262 522 9 the the DET
_003136262 522 10 first first ADJ
_003136262 522 11 see see NOUN
_003136262 522 12 in in ADP
_003136262 522 13 the the DET
_003136262 522 14 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 522 15 world world NOUN
_003136262 522 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 522 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 522 18 the the DET
_003136262 522 19 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 522 20 of of ADP
_003136262 522 21 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 522 22 could could AUX
_003136262 522 23 be be AUX
_003136262 522 24 judged judge VERB
_003136262 522 25 by by ADP
_003136262 522 26 no no DET
_003136262 522 27 man man NOUN
_003136262 522 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 522 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 523 1 such such ADJ
_003136262 523 2 was be AUX
_003136262 523 3 the the DET
_003136262 523 4 language language NOUN
_003136262 523 5 of of ADP
_003136262 523 6 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 523 7 . . PROPN
_003136262 523 8 dollinger dollinger PROPN
_003136262 523 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 523 10 before before SCONJ
_003136262 523 11 he he PRON
_003136262 523 12 fell fall VERB
_003136262 523 13 away away ADV
_003136262 523 14 from from ADP
_003136262 523 15 the the DET
_003136262 523 16 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 523 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 523 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 524 1 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 524 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 524 3 the the DET
_003136262 524 4 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 524 5 history history NOUN
_003136262 524 6 of of ADP
_003136262 524 7 the the DET
_003136262 524 8 dog dog NOUN
_003136262 524 9 mas mas NOUN
_003136262 524 10 of of ADP
_003136262 524 11 the the DET
_003136262 524 12 church church NOUN
_003136262 524 13 is be AUX
_003136262 524 14 the the DET
_003136262 524 15 history history NOUN
_003136262 524 16 of of ADP
_003136262 524 17 the the DET
_003136262 524 18 decisions decision NOUN
_003136262 524 19 of of ADP
_003136262 524 20 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 524 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 525 1 the the DET
_003136262 525 2 vicar vicar NOUN
_003136262 525 3 of of ADP
_003136262 525 4 god god PROPN
_003136262 525 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 6 who who PRON
_003136262 525 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 8 as as SCONJ
_003136262 525 9 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 525 10 . . PROPN
_003136262 525 11 dollinger dollinger PROPN
_003136262 525 12 tells tell VERB
_003136262 525 13 us we PRON
_003136262 525 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 15 was be AUX
_003136262 525 16 called call VERB
_003136262 525 17 in in ADP
_003136262 525 18 the the DET
_003136262 525 19 very very ADV
_003136262 525 20 first first ADJ
_003136262 525 21 ages age NOUN
_003136262 525 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 525 24 the the DET
_003136262 525 25 f f PROPN
_003136262 525 26 ather ather PROPN
_003136262 525 27 of of ADP
_003136262 525 28 f f PROPN
_003136262 525 29 athers ather NOUN
_003136262 525 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 31 the the DET
_003136262 525 32 shepherd shepherd NOUN
_003136262 525 33 and and CCONJ
_003136262 525 34 guardian guardian NOUN
_003136262 525 35 of of ADP
_003136262 525 36 the the DET
_003136262 525 37 flock flock NOUN
_003136262 525 38 of of ADP
_003136262 525 39 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 525 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 41 the the DET
_003136262 525 42 chief chief NOUN
_003136262 525 43 of of ADP
_003136262 525 44 all all DET
_003136262 525 45 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 525 46 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 47 the the DET
_003136262 525 48 guardian guardian NOUN
_003136262 525 49 of of ADP
_003136262 525 50 the the DET
_003136262 525 51 vineyard vineyard NOUN
_003136262 525 52 of of ADP
_003136262 525 53 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 525 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 55 " " PUNCT
_003136262 525 56 was be AUX
_003136262 525 57 the the DET
_003136262 525 58 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 525 59 arbiter arbiter NOUN
_003136262 525 60 of of ADP
_003136262 525 61 councils council NOUN
_003136262 525 62 as as ADP
_003136262 525 63 of of ADP
_003136262 525 64 individuals individual NOUN
_003136262 525 65 , , PUNCT
_003136262 525 66 the the DET
_003136262 525 67 supreme supreme PROPN
_003136262 525 68 authority authority PROPN
_003136262 525 69 over over ADP
_003136262 525 70 the the DET
_003136262 525 71 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 525 72 living living NOUN
_003136262 525 73 church church NOUN
_003136262 525 74 . . PUNCT
_003136262 526 1 this this PRON
_003136262 526 2 is be AUX
_003136262 526 3 the the DET
_003136262 526 4 explanation explanation NOUN
_003136262 526 5 of of ADP
_003136262 526 6 that that DET
_003136262 526 7 repudiation repudiation NOUN
_003136262 526 8 of of ADP
_003136262 526 9 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 526 10 councils council NOUN
_003136262 526 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 526 12 to to PART
_003136262 526 13 which which PRON
_003136262 526 14 the the DET
_003136262 526 15 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 526 16 of of ADP
_003136262 526 17 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 526 18 alludes allude NOUN
_003136262 526 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 527 1 we we PRON
_003136262 527 2 can can AUX
_003136262 527 3 excuse excuse VERB
_003136262 527 4 the the DET
_003136262 527 5 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 527 6 for for ADP
_003136262 527 7 : : PUNCT
_003136262 527 8 mis mis ADJ
_003136262 527 9 - - PUNCT
_003136262 527 10 reading read VERB
_003136262 527 11 church church NOUN
_003136262 527 12 history history NOUN
_003136262 527 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 527 14 since since SCONJ
_003136262 527 15 his his PRON
_003136262 527 16 sources source NOUN
_003136262 527 17 are be AUX
_003136262 527 18 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 527 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 527 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 527 21 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 527 22 prejudiced prejudiced ADJ
_003136262 527 23 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 527 24 * * PUNCT
_003136262 528 1 * * PUNCT
_003136262 528 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 528 3 he he PRON
_003136262 528 4 p p DET
_003136262 528 5 rivate rivate ADJ
_003136262 528 6 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 528 7 of of ADP
_003136262 528 8 history history NOUN
_003136262 528 9 is be AUX
_003136262 528 10 as as ADV
_003136262 528 11 much much ADJ
_003136262 528 12 a a DET
_003136262 528 13 weakness weakness NOUN
_003136262 528 14 of of ADP
_003136262 528 15 p p NOUN
_003136262 528 16 rotestants rotestant NOUN
_003136262 528 17 as as ADP
_003136262 528 18 th th DET
_003136262 528 19 e e NOUN
_003136262 528 20 private private ADJ
_003136262 528 21 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 528 22 of of ADP
_003136262 528 23 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 528 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 529 1 a a DET
_003136262 529 2 few few ADJ
_003136262 529 3 sundays sunday NOUN
_003136262 529 4 ago ago ADV
_003136262 529 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 529 6 in in ADP
_003136262 529 7 the the DET
_003136262 529 8 cathedra cathedra NOUN
_003136262 529 9 l l NOUN
_003136262 529 10 o o NOUN
_003136262 529 11 f f X
_003136262 529 12 r r NOUN
_003136262 529 13 ipon ipon NOUN
_003136262 529 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 529 15 some some DET
_003136262 529 16 remarks remark NOUN
_003136262 529 17 were be AUX
_003136262 529 18 made make VERB
_003136262 529 19 on on ADP
_003136262 529 20 ga ga PROPN
_003136262 529 21 lileo lileo PROPN
_003136262 529 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 529 23 which which PRON
_003136262 529 24 showed show VERB
_003136262 529 25 that that SCONJ
_003136262 529 26 the the DET
_003136262 529 27 preacher preacher NOUN
_003136262 529 28 interpreted interpret VERB
_003136262 529 29 hi hi ADJ
_003136262 529 30 story story NOUN
_003136262 529 31 as as ADP
_003136262 529 32 free free ADJ
_003136262 529 33 ly ly X
_003136262 529 34 a a DET
_003136262 529 35 s s NOUN
_003136262 529 36 he he PRON
_003136262 529 37 interpreted interpret VERB
_003136262 529 38 the the DET
_003136262 529 39 b b NOUN
_003136262 529 40 ible ible ADJ
_003136262 529 41 . . PUNCT
_003136262 530 1 granted grant VERB
_003136262 530 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 530 3 it it PRON
_003136262 530 4 is be AUX
_003136262 530 5 most most ADV
_003136262 530 6 difficult difficult ADJ
_003136262 530 7 to to ADP
_003136262 530 8 kn kn PROPN
_003136262 530 9 ow ow VERB
_003136262 530 10 the the DET
_003136262 530 11 partic partic ADJ
_003136262 530 12 ulars ular NOUN
_003136262 530 13 of of ADP
_003136262 530 14 events event NOUN
_003136262 530 15 wh wh PROPN
_003136262 530 16 ich ich PROPN
_003136262 530 17 occu occu NOUN
_003136262 530 18 rred rre VERB
_003136262 530 19 250 250 NUM
_003136262 530 20 years year NOUN
_003136262 530 21 ago ago ADV
_003136262 530 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 530 23 still still ADV
_003136262 530 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 530 25 there there PRON
_003136262 530 26 are be VERB
_003136262 530 27 broad broad ADJ
_003136262 530 28 facts fact NOUN
_003136262 530 29 which which PRON
_003136262 530 30 a a DET
_003136262 530 31 ny ny NOUN
_003136262 530 32 o o PROPN
_003136262 530 33 ne ne PROPN
_003136262 530 34 may may AUX
_003136262 530 35 learn learn VERB
_003136262 530 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 530 37 any any DET
_003136262 530 38 one one NOUN
_003136262 530 39 who who PRON
_003136262 530 40 will will AUX
_003136262 530 41 take take VERB
_003136262 530 42 the the DET
_003136262 530 43 tro tro NOUN
_003136262 530 44 u u NOUN
_003136262 530 45 ble ble ADJ
_003136262 530 46 to to PART
_003136262 530 47 do do VERB
_003136262 530 48 so so ADV
_003136262 530 49 . . PUNCT
_003136262 531 1 l l NOUN
_003136262 531 2 et et NOUN
_003136262 531 3 us we PRON
_003136262 531 4 trace trace VERB
_003136262 531 5 the the DET
_003136262 531 6 broad broad ADJ
_003136262 531 7 facts fact NOUN
_003136262 531 8 as as ADP
_003136262 531 9 to to ADP
_003136262 531 10 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 531 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 532 1 { { PUNCT
_003136262 532 2 i i PRON
_003136262 532 3 } } PUNCT
_003136262 532 4 i i PRON
_003136262 532 5 t t NOUN
_003136262 532 6 is be AUX
_003136262 532 7 to to PART
_003136262 532 8 rome rome VERB
_003136262 532 9 that that DET
_003136262 532 10 wea wea NOUN
_003136262 532 11 re re AUX
_003136262 532 12 mainly mainly ADV
_003136262 532 13 indebted indebte VERB
_003136262 532 14 for for ADP
_003136262 532 15 what what PRON
_003136262 532 16 is be AUX
_003136262 532 17 called call VERB
_003136262 532 18 the the DET
_003136262 532 19 copernican copernican PROPN
_003136262 532 20 theo theo PROPN
_003136262 532 21 ry ry ADP
_003136262 532 22 . . PUNCT
_003136262 532 23 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 533 1 i i PRON
_003136262 533 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 533 3 was be AUX
_003136262 533 4 a a DET
_003136262 533 5 rom rom NOUN
_003136262 533 6 an an DET
_003136262 533 7 car car NOUN
_003136262 533 8 dina dina PROPN
_003136262 533 9 l l PROPN
_003136262 533 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 533 11 nico nico PROPN
_003136262 533 12 las las PROPN
_003136262 533 13 of of ADP
_003136262 533 14 s s PROPN
_003136262 533 15 usa usa PROPN
_003136262 533 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 533 17 wh wh PROPN
_003136262 533 18 o o PROPN
_003136262 533 19 is be AUX
_003136262 533 20 believed believe VERB
_003136262 533 21 to to PART
_003136262 533 22 have have VERB
_003136262 533 23 fi fi NOUN
_003136262 533 24 rs rs PROPN
_003136262 533 25 t t PROPN
_003136262 533 26 pu pu PROPN
_003136262 533 27 blicly blicly ADV
_003136262 533 28 broached broach VERB
_003136262 533 29 it it PRON
_003136262 533 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 533 31 a a DET
_003136262 533 32 nd nd NOUN
_003136262 533 33 who who PRON
_003136262 533 34 was be AUX
_003136262 533 35 rewar rewar NOUN
_003136262 533 36 ded de VERB
_003136262 533 37 for for ADP
_003136262 533 38 his his PRON
_003136262 533 39 labours labour NOUN
_003136262 533 40 by by ADP
_003136262 533 41 the the DET
_003136262 533 42 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 533 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 534 1 for for ADP
_003136262 534 2 ty ty PROPN
_003136262 534 3 years year NOUN
_003136262 534 4 later later ADV
_003136262 534 5 came come VERB
_003136262 534 6 copernicus copernicus PROPN
_003136262 534 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 534 8 who who PRON
_003136262 534 9 delivered deliver VERB
_003136262 534 10 lectures lecture NOUN
_003136262 534 11 in in ADP
_003136262 534 12 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 535 1 b b PROPN
_003136262 535 2 y y PROPN
_003136262 535 3 co co PROPN
_003136262 536 1 mm mm PROPN
_003136262 536 2 and and CCONJ
_003136262 536 3 of of ADP
_003136262 536 4 pope pope PROPN
_003136262 536 5 leo leo PROPN
_003136262 536 6 x x PROPN
_003136262 536 7 . . PROPN
_003136262 536 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 536 9 held hold VERB
_003136262 536 10 a a DET
_003136262 536 11 conspicuous conspicuous ADJ
_003136262 536 12 p p NOUN
_003136262 536 13 r r NOUN
_003136262 536 14 ofessorial ofessorial ADJ
_003136262 536 15 chair chair NOUN
_003136262 536 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 536 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 536 18 p p NOUN
_003136262 536 19 ublished ublishe VERB
_003136262 536 20 his his PRON
_003136262 536 21 treatise treatise NOUN
_003136262 536 22 on on ADP
_003136262 536 23 the the DET
_003136262 536 24 heli heli ADJ
_003136262 536 25 ocentric ocentric NOUN
_003136262 536 26 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 536 27 by by ADP
_003136262 536 28 the the DET
_003136262 536 29 command command NOUN
_003136262 536 30 of of ADP
_003136262 536 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 536 32 and and CCONJ
_003136262 536 33 by by ADP
_003136262 536 34 the the DET
_003136262 536 35 a a PRON
_003136262 536 36 i i NOUN
_003136262 536 37 d d PROPN
_003136262 536 38 of of ADP
_003136262 536 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 536 40 pau pau PROPN
_003136262 536 41 l l PROPN
_003136262 536 42 ii ii PROPN
_003136262 536 43 i. i. PROPN
_003136262 536 44 thi thi AUX
_003136262 536 45 s s PRON
_003136262 536 46 wo will AUX
_003136262 536 47 rk rk VERB
_003136262 536 48 we we PRON
_003136262 536 49 n n ADV
_003136262 536 50 t t X
_003136262 536 51 fo fo X
_003136262 536 52 rth rth NOUN
_003136262 536 53 to to ADP
_003136262 536 54 the the DET
_003136262 536 55 world world NOUN
_003136262 536 56 , , PUNCT
_003136262 536 57 bearing bear VERB
_003136262 536 58 the the DET
_003136262 536 59 writte writte PROPN
_003136262 536 60 n n PROPN
_003136262 536 61 sanctio sanctio NOUN
_003136262 536 62 n n ADP
_003136262 536 63 of of ADP
_003136262 536 64 the the DET
_003136262 536 65 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 536 66 . . PUNCT
_003136262 537 1 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 537 2 was be AUX
_003136262 537 3 a a DET
_003136262 537 4 t t NOUN
_003136262 537 5 uscan uscan ADJ
_003136262 537 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 538 1 i i PRON
_003136262 538 2 n n VERB
_003136262 538 3 his his PRON
_003136262 538 4 day day NOUN
_003136262 538 5 t t NOUN
_003136262 538 6 he he PRON
_003136262 538 7 copernic copernic VERB
_003136262 538 8 an an DET
_003136262 538 9 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 538 10 was be AUX
_003136262 538 11 taught teach VERB
_003136262 538 12 in in ADP
_003136262 538 13 the the DET
_003136262 538 14 lectures lecture NOUN
_003136262 538 15 of of ADP
_003136262 538 16 the the DET
_003136262 538 17 r r NOUN
_003136262 538 18 oma oma NOUN
_003136262 538 19 n n PROPN
_003136262 538 20 co co PROPN
_003136262 538 21 llege llege PROPN
_003136262 538 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 538 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 538 24 a a DET
_003136262 538 25 lso lso NOUN
_003136262 538 26 in in ADP
_003136262 538 27 the the DET
_003136262 538 28 sapienza sapienza NOUN
_003136262 538 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 538 30 the the DET
_003136262 538 31 p p NOUN
_003136262 538 32 ope ope NOUN
_003136262 538 33 's 's PART
_003136262 538 34 own own ADJ
_003136262 538 35 university university NOUN
_003136262 538 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 539 1 b b X
_003136262 539 2 u u PROPN
_003136262 539 3 t t VERB
_003136262 539 4 the the DET
_003136262 539 5 ignorant ignorant ADJ
_003136262 539 6 pop pop NOUN
_003136262 539 7 ulace ulace NOUN
_003136262 539 8 - - PUNCT
_003136262 539 9 not not PART
_003136262 539 10 the the DET
_003136262 539 11 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 539 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 539 13 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 539 14 the the DET
_003136262 539 15 cardinal cardinal NOUN
_003136262 539 16 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 539 17 j j NOUN
_003136262 539 18 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 539 19 the the DET
_003136262 539 20 wise wise ADJ
_003136262 539 21 me i PRON
_003136262 539 22 n n ADV
_003136262 539 23 in in ADP
_003136262 539 24 the the DET
_003136262 539 25 church church NOUN
_003136262 539 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 539 27 took take VERB
_003136262 539 28 scand scand NOUN
_003136262 539 29 a a DET
_003136262 539 30 l l NOUN
_003136262 539 31 at at ADP
_003136262 539 32 a a DET
_003136262 539 33 theo theo NOUN
_003136262 539 34 ry ry ADP
_003136262 539 35 w w ADP
_003136262 539 36 hich hich NOUN
_003136262 539 37 a a DET
_003136262 539 38 pparentl pparentl NOUN
_003136262 539 39 y y PROPN
_003136262 539 40 contrad contrad PROPN
_003136262 539 41 icted icte VERB
_003136262 539 42 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 539 43 ve ve VERB
_003136262 539 44 r r NOUN
_003136262 539 45 y y PROPN
_003136262 539 46 plai plai PROPN
_003136262 539 47 n n PROPN
_003136262 539 48 state state NOUN
_003136262 539 49 ments ment NOUN
_003136262 539 50 of of ADP
_003136262 539 51 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 539 52 . . PUNCT
_003136262 540 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 540 2 now now ADV
_003136262 540 3 gal gal PROPN
_003136262 540 4 ileo ileo PROPN
_003136262 540 5 made make VERB
_003136262 540 6 h h NOUN
_003136262 540 7 is be AUX
_003136262 540 8 ruinous ruinous ADJ
_003136262 540 9 mistake mistake NOUN
_003136262 540 10 . . PUNCT
_003136262 541 1 copern copern PROPN
_003136262 541 2 icus icus NOUN
_003136262 541 3 had have AUX
_003136262 541 4 been be AUX
_003136262 541 5 content content ADJ
_003136262 541 6 to to PART
_003136262 541 7 confi confi VERB
_003136262 541 8 ne ne PROPN
_003136262 541 9 himself himself PRON
_003136262 541 10 to to ADP
_003136262 541 11 sc sc VERB
_003136262 541 12 ience ience NOUN
_003136262 541 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 541 14 but but CCONJ
_003136262 541 15 gali gali PROPN
_003136262 541 16 leo leo PROPN
_003136262 541 17 must must AUX
_003136262 541 18 prove prove VERB
_003136262 541 19 his his PRON
_003136262 541 20 theor theor PROPN
_003136262 541 21 y y PROPN
_003136262 541 22 from from ADP
_003136262 541 23 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 541 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 542 1 he he PRON
_003136262 542 2 was be AUX
_003136262 542 3 warned warn VERB
_003136262 542 4 ott ott PROPN
_003136262 542 5 such such ADJ
_003136262 542 6 g g X
_003136262 542 7 roun roun PROPN
_003136262 542 8 d d PROPN
_003136262 542 9 by by ADP
_003136262 542 10 a a DET
_003136262 542 11 u u PROPN
_003136262 542 12 thority thority NOUN
_003136262 542 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 543 1 a a DET
_003136262 543 2 fr fr PROPN
_003136262 543 3 iend iend ADJ
_003136262 543 4 of of ADP
_003136262 543 5 p p PROPN
_003136262 543 6 ope ope PROPN
_003136262 543 7 urban urban PROPN
_003136262 543 8 vii vii PROPN
_003136262 543 9 i. i. PROPN
_003136262 543 10 wroteby wroteby ADV
_003136262 543 11 command command NOUN
_003136262 543 12 of of ADP
_003136262 543 13 that that DET
_003136262 543 14 pontiff pontiff NOUN
_003136262 543 15 - - PUNCT
_003136262 543 16 to to ADP
_003136262 543 17 en en ADP
_003136262 543 18 treat treat NOUN
_003136262 543 19 galil galil NOUN
_003136262 543 20 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 543 21 o o NOUN
_003136262 543 22 to to PART
_003136262 543 23 desist desist VERB
_003136262 543 24 : : PUNCT
_003136262 543 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 543 26 you you PRON
_003136262 543 27 ought ought AUX
_003136262 543 28 not not PART
_003136262 543 29 to to PART
_003136262 543 30 travel travel VERB
_003136262 543 31 out out ADP
_003136262 543 32 of of ADP
_003136262 543 33 the the DET
_003136262 543 34 limits limit NOUN
_003136262 543 35 of of ADP
_003136262 543 36 physics physics NOUN
_003136262 543 37 and and CCONJ
_003136262 543 38 mathematic mathematic ADJ
_003136262 543 39 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 543 40 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 543 41 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 543 42 : : PUNCT
_003136262 543 43 you you PRON
_003136262 543 44 shou shou PROPN
_003136262 543 45 ld ld PROPN
_003136262 543 46 confin confin PROPN
_003136262 543 47 e e PROPN
_003136262 543 48 y y PROPN
_003136262 543 49 ourself ourself PRON
_003136262 543 50 to to PART
_003136262 543 51 suc suc VERB
_003136262 543 52 h h PROPN
_003136262 543 53 reaso reaso VERB
_003136262 543 54 ning ning NOUN
_003136262 543 55 as as ADP
_003136262 543 56 ptolemy ptolemy NOUN
_003136262 543 57 and and CCONJ
_003136262 543 58 cope cope VERB
_003136262 543 59 rn rn ADP
_003136262 543 60 icus icus PROPN
_003136262 543 61 used use VERB
_003136262 543 62 : : PUNCT
_003136262 543 63 theologians theologian NOUN
_003136262 543 64 maintain maintain VERB
_003136262 543 65 that that SCONJ
_003136262 543 66 the the DET
_003136262 543 67 interpreta interpreta ADJ
_003136262 543 68 tion tion NOUN
_003136262 543 69 of of ADP
_003136262 543 70 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 543 71 is be AUX
_003136262 543 72 their their PRON
_003136262 543 73 own own ADJ
_003136262 543 74 particular particular ADJ
_003136262 543 75 care care NOUN
_003136262 543 76 . . PUNCT
_003136262 543 77 " " PUNCT
_003136262 544 1 bu bu ADV
_003136262 544 2 t t PROPN
_003136262 544 3 gal gal PROPN
_003136262 544 4 ileo ileo PROPN
_003136262 544 5 would would AUX
_003136262 544 6 / / SYM
_003136262 544 7 orce orce VERB
_003136262 544 8 the the DET
_003136262 544 9 inqui inqui PROPN
_003136262 544 10 si si ADP
_003136262 544 11 tion tion NOUN
_003136262 544 12 to to PART
_003136262 544 13 pronounce pronounce VERB
_003136262 544 14 judg judg PROPN
_003136262 544 15 ment ment NOUN
_003136262 544 16 on on ADP
_003136262 544 17 the the DET
_003136262 544 18 script script NOUN
_003136262 544 19 u u PROPN
_003136262 544 20 ra ra PROPN
_003136262 544 21 lness lness NOUN
_003136262 544 22 of of ADP
_003136262 544 23 his his PRON
_003136262 544 24 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 544 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 545 1 he he PRON
_003136262 545 2 was be AUX
_003136262 545 3 again again ADV
_003136262 545 4 en en ADV
_003136262 545 5 treated treat VERB
_003136262 545 6 to to PART
_003136262 545 7 desis desis VERB
_003136262 545 8 t t NOUN
_003136262 545 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 10 in in ADP
_003136262 545 11 th th DET
_003136262 545 12 e e NOUN
_003136262 545 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 545 14 we we PRON
_003136262 545 15 can can AUX
_003136262 545 16 excuse excuse VERB
_003136262 545 17 him he PRON
_003136262 545 18 for for ADP
_003136262 545 19 being be AUX
_003136262 545 20 perfectly perfectly ADV
_003136262 545 21 incompetent incompetent ADJ
_003136262 545 22 to to PART
_003136262 545 23 understand understand VERB
_003136262 545 24 the the DET
_003136262 545 25 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 545 26 of of ADP
_003136262 545 27 the the DET
_003136262 545 28 church church NOUN
_003136262 545 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 30 because because SCONJ
_003136262 545 31 he he PRON
_003136262 545 32 is be AUX
_003136262 545 33 outside outside ADP
_003136262 545 34 it it PRON
_003136262 545 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 36 and and CCONJ
_003136262 545 37 will will AUX
_003136262 545 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 39 we we PRON
_003136262 545 40 fear fear VERB
_003136262 545 41 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 42 remain remain VERB
_003136262 545 43 so so ADV
_003136262 545 44 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 545 45 but but CCONJ
_003136262 545 46 when when SCONJ
_003136262 545 47 he he PRON
_003136262 545 48 talks talk VERB
_003136262 545 49 of of ADP
_003136262 545 50 " " PUNCT
_003136262 545 51 the the DET
_003136262 545 52 deep deep ADJ
_003136262 545 53 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 54 essential essential ADJ
_003136262 545 55 , , PUNCT
_003136262 545 56 true true ADJ
_003136262 545 57 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 545 58 of of ADP
_003136262 545 59 protestants,"are protestants,"are NOUN
_003136262 545 60 we we PRON
_003136262 545 61 to to PART
_003136262 545 62 assume assume VERB
_003136262 545 63 that that SCONJ
_003136262 545 64 he he PRON
_003136262 545 65 jests jest VERB
_003136262 545 66 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 546 1 in in ADP
_003136262 546 2 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 546 3 alone alone ADV
_003136262 546 4 he he PRON
_003136262 546 5 will will AUX
_003136262 546 6 find find VERB
_003136262 546 7 more more ADJ
_003136262 546 8 religions religion NOUN
_003136262 546 9 than than SCONJ
_003136262 546 10 he he PRON
_003136262 546 11 will will AUX
_003136262 546 12 find find VERB
_003136262 546 13 in in ADP
_003136262 546 14 all all DET
_003136262 546 15 china china PROPN
_003136262 546 16 or or CCONJ
_003136262 546 17 persia persia PROPN
_003136262 546 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 547 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 547 2 the the DET
_003136262 547 3 very very ADJ
_003136262 547 4 incapacity incapacity NOUN
_003136262 547 5 of of ADP
_003136262 547 6 the the DET
_003136262 547 7 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 547 8 to to PART
_003136262 547 9 detect detect VERB
_003136262 547 10 this this DET
_003136262 547 11 disunion disunion NOUN
_003136262 547 12 - - PUNCT
_003136262 547 13 if if SCONJ
_003136262 547 14 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 547 15 we we PRON
_003136262 547 16 must must AUX
_003136262 547 17 take take VERB
_003136262 547 18 his his PRON
_003136262 547 19 words word NOUN
_003136262 547 20 in in ADP
_003136262 547 21 earnest earnest NOUN
_003136262 547 22 - - PUNCT
_003136262 547 23 proves prove VERB
_003136262 547 24 his his PRON
_003136262 547 25 incompetency incompetency NOUN
_003136262 547 26 to to PART
_003136262 547 27 teach teach VERB
_003136262 547 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 548 1 it it PRON
_003136262 548 2 proves prove VERB
_003136262 548 3 even even ADV
_003136262 548 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 548 5 he he PRON
_003136262 548 6 is be AUX
_003136262 548 7 not not PART
_003136262 548 8 acquainted acquaint VERB
_003136262 548 9 with with ADP
_003136262 548 10 the the DET
_003136262 548 11 radical radical ADJ
_003136262 548 12 distinction distinction NOUN
_003136262 548 13 between between ADP
_003136262 548 14 a a DET
_003136262 548 15 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 548 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 548 17 any any DET
_003136262 548 18 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 548 19 of of ADP
_003136262 548 20 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 548 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 549 1 a a DET
_003136262 549 2 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 549 3 is be AUX
_003136262 549 4 a a DET
_003136262 549 5 person person NOUN
_003136262 549 6 who who PRON
_003136262 549 7 chooses choose VERB
_003136262 549 8 for for ADP
_003136262 549 9 himself himself PRON
_003136262 549 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 549 11 instead instead ADV
_003136262 549 12 of of ADP
_003136262 549 13 obeying obey VERB
_003136262 549 14 the the DET
_003136262 549 15 church church NOUN
_003136262 549 16 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 549 17 and and CCONJ
_003136262 549 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 550 1 whether whether SCONJ
_003136262 550 2 he he PRON
_003136262 550 3 chooses choose VERB
_003136262 550 4 one one NUM
_003136262 550 5 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 550 6 or or CCONJ
_003136262 550 7 another another PRON
_003136262 550 8 makes make VERB
_003136262 550 9 no no DET
_003136262 550 10 difference difference NOUN
_003136262 550 11 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 550 12 in in ADP
_003136262 550 13 the the DET
_003136262 550 14 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 550 15 · · PUNCT
_003136262 550 16 of of ADP
_003136262 550 17 his his PRON
_003136262 550 18 mos mos PROPN
_003136262 550 19 t t NOUN
_003136262 550 20 fri fri NOUN
_003136262 550 21 endly endly ADV
_003136262 550 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 550 23 even even ADV
_003136262 550 24 affectionate affectionate VERB
_003136262 550 25 t t NOUN
_003136262 550 26 erms erm NOUN
_003136262 550 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 551 1 he he PRON
_003136262 551 2 promised promise VERB
_003136262 551 3 to to PART
_003136262 551 4 leave leave VERB
_003136262 551 5 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 551 6 alone alone ADV
_003136262 551 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 552 1 he he PRON
_003136262 552 2 subsequently subsequently ADV
_003136262 552 3 broke break VERB
_003136262 552 4 that that DET
_003136262 552 5 promise promise NOUN
_003136262 552 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 552 7 in in ADP
_003136262 552 8 the the DET
_003136262 552 9 most most ADV
_003136262 552 10 impetuous impetuous ADJ
_003136262 552 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 552 12 even even ADV
_003136262 552 13 insolent insolent ADJ
_003136262 552 14 manner manner NOUN
_003136262 552 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 553 1 meanwhile meanwhile ADV
_003136262 553 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 553 3 pope pope PROPN
_003136262 553 4 urban urban PROPN
_003136262 553 5 viii viii PROPN
_003136262 553 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 554 1 was be AUX
_003136262 554 2 elevating elevate VERB
_003136262 554 3 to to ADP
_003136262 554 4 the the DET
_003136262 554 5 very very ADV
_003136262 554 6 highest high ADJ
_003136262 554 7 positions position NOUN
_003136262 554 8 tho tho PROPN
_003136262 554 9 se se PROPN
_003136262 554 10 who who PRON
_003136262 554 11 held hold VERB
_003136262 554 12 the the DET
_003136262 554 13 cqpernican cqpernican NOUN
_003136262 554 14 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 554 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 554 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 554 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 554 18 among among ADP
_003136262 554 19 them they PRON
_003136262 554 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 554 21 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 554 22 himself himself PRON
_003136262 554 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 554 24 who who PRON
_003136262 554 25 received receive VERB
_003136262 554 26 a a DET
_003136262 554 27 pension pension NOUN
_003136262 554 28 as as ADP
_003136262 554 29 a a DET
_003136262 554 30 reward reward NOUN
_003136262 554 31 for for ADP
_003136262 554 32 his his PRON
_003136262 554 33 labours labour NOUN
_003136262 554 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 555 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 555 2 2 2 X
_003136262 555 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 555 4 it it PRON
_003136262 555 5 was be AUX
_003136262 555 6 solely solely ADV
_003136262 555 7 qut qut ADJ
_003136262 555 8 of of ADP
_003136262 555 9 reverence reverence NOUN
_003136262 555 10 to to ADP
_003136262 555 11 the the DET
_003136262 555 12 h h PROPN
_003136262 555 13 oly oly PROPN
_003136262 555 14 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 555 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 555 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 555 17 to to PART
_003136262 555 18 avoid avoid VERB
_003136262 555 19 givin~ givin~ NOUN
_003136262 555 20 scandal scandal NOUN
_003136262 555 21 to to ADP
_003136262 555 22 the the DET
_003136262 555 23 weak weak ADJ
_003136262 555 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 555 25 that that DET
_003136262 555 26 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 555 27 was be AUX
_003136262 555 28 punished punish VERB
_003136262 555 29 at at ADV
_003136262 555 30 all all ADV
_003136262 555 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 555 32 and and CCONJ
_003136262 555 33 we we PRON
_003136262 555 34 re re VERB
_003136262 555 35 it it PRON
_003136262 555 36 not not PART
_003136262 555 37 that that SCONJ
_003136262 555 38 the the DET
_003136262 555 39 hatred hatred NOUN
_003136262 555 40 of of ADP
_003136262 555 41 popery popery NOUN
_003136262 555 42 15 15 NUM
_003136262 555 43 stronger strong ADJ
_003136262 555 44 than than ADP
_003136262 555 45 the the DET
_003136262 555 46 love love NOUN
_003136262 555 47 of of ADP
_003136262 555 48 the the DET
_003136262 555 49 bible bible PROPN
_003136262 555 50 in in ADP
_003136262 555 51 the the DET
_003136262 555 52 hearts heart NOUN
_003136262 555 53 of of ADP
_003136262 555 54 the the DET
_003136262 555 55 majority majority NOUN
_003136262 555 56 of of ADP
_003136262 555 57 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 555 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 555 59 they they PRON
_003136262 555 60 would would AUX
_003136262 555 61 applaud applaud VERB
_003136262 555 62 the the DET
_003136262 555 63 church church NOUN
_003136262 555 64 for for ADP
_003136262 555 65 her her PRON
_003136262 555 66 conduct conduct NOUN
_003136262 555 67 . . PUNCT
_003136262 556 1 to to PART
_003136262 556 2 show show VERB
_003136262 556 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 556 4 the the DET
_003136262 556 5 church church NOUN
_003136262 556 6 was be AUX
_003136262 556 7 not not PART
_003136262 556 8 singular singular ADJ
_003136262 556 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 556 10 in in ADP
_003136262 556 11 wishing wish VERB
_003136262 556 12 to to PART
_003136262 556 13 ward ward VERB
_003136262 556 14 off off ADP
_003136262 556 15 this this DET
_003136262 556 16 scandal scandal NOUN
_003136262 556 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 556 18 it it PRON
_003136262 556 19 may may AUX
_003136262 556 20 be be AUX
_003136262 556 21 mentioned mention VERB
_003136262 556 22 that that SCONJ
_003136262 556 23 when when SCONJ
_003136262 556 24 kepler kepler PROPN
_003136262 556 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 556 26 : : PUNCT
_003136262 556 27 l l ADJ
_003136262 556 28 german german ADJ
_003136262 556 29 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 556 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 556 31 wrote write VERB
_003136262 556 32 a a PRON
_003136262 556 33 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 556 34 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 556 35 jook jook NOUN
_003136262 556 36 in in ADP
_003136262 556 37 1596 1596 NUM
_003136262 556 38 to to PART
_003136262 556 39 vindicate vindicate VERB
_003136262 556 40 the the DET
_003136262 556 41 copernican copernican ADJ
_003136262 556 42 system system NOUN
_003136262 556 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 556 44 and and CCONJ
_003136262 556 45 submitted submit VERB
_003136262 556 46 it it PRON
_003136262 556 47 to to ADP
_003136262 556 48 the the DET
_003136262 556 49 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 556 50 academical academical ADJ
_003136262 556 51 senate senate PROPN
_003136262 556 52 of of ADP
_003136262 556 53 tubingen tubingen PROPN
_003136262 556 54 , , PUNCT
_003136262 556 55 it it PRON
_003136262 556 56 was be AUX
_003136262 556 57 pronounced pronounce VERB
_003136262 556 58 to to PART
_003136262 556 59 be be AUX
_003136262 556 60 " " PUNCT
_003136262 556 61 damnable damnable ADJ
_003136262 556 62 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 556 63 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 556 64 " " PUNCT
_003136262 556 65 and and CCONJ
_003136262 556 66 he he PRON
_003136262 556 67 was be AUX
_003136262 556 68 driven drive VERB
_003136262 556 69 into into ADP
_003136262 556 70 a a DET
_003136262 556 71 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 556 72 country country NOUN
_003136262 556 73 to to PART
_003136262 556 74 take take VERB
_003136262 556 75 refuge refuge NOUN
_003136262 556 76 from from ADP
_003136262 556 77 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 556 78 wrath wrath NOUN
_003136262 556 79 . . PUNCT
_003136262 557 1 vve vve PROPN
_003136262 557 2 must must AUX
_003136262 557 3 remember remember VERB
_003136262 557 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 557 5 too too ADV
_003136262 557 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 557 7 in in ADP
_003136262 557 8 palliation palliation NOUN
_003136262 557 9 of of ADP
_003136262 557 10 this this DET
_003136262 557 11 course course NOUN
_003136262 557 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 557 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 557 14 even even ADV
_003136262 557 15 down down ADV
_003136262 557 16 to to ADP
_003136262 557 17 the the DET
_003136262 557 18 days day NOUN
_003136262 557 19 of of ADP
_003136262 557 20 sir sir PROPN
_003136262 557 21 isaac isaac PROPN
_003136262 557 22 newton newton PROPN
_003136262 557 23 the the DET
_003136262 557 24 copernican copernican PROPN
_003136262 557 25 system system NOUN
_003136262 557 26 was be AUX
_003136262 557 27 not not PART
_003136262 557 28 proved prove VERB
_003136262 557 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 557 30 a a DET
_003136262 557 31 nd nd NOUN
_003136262 557 32 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 557 33 the the DET
_003136262 557 34 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 557 35 of of ADP
_003136262 557 36 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 557 37 might might AUX
_003136262 557 38 well well ADV
_003136262 557 39 be be AUX
_003136262 557 40 held hold VERB
_003136262 557 41 in in ADP
_003136262 557 42 abeyance abeyance NOUN
_003136262 557 43 in in ADP
_003136262 557 44 r r NOUN
_003136262 557 45 egard egard NOUN
_003136262 557 46 of of ADP
_003136262 557 47 a a DET
_003136262 557 48 purely purely ADV
_003136262 557 49 astronomical astronomical ADJ
_003136262 557 50 point point NOUN
_003136262 557 51 . . PUNCT
_003136262 558 1 true true ADJ
_003136262 558 2 or or CCONJ
_003136262 558 3 not not PART
_003136262 558 4 true true ADJ
_003136262 558 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 559 1 the the DET
_003136262 559 2 avoidance avoidance NOUN
_003136262 559 3 of of ADP
_003136262 559 4 scandal scandal NOUN
_003136262 559 5 to to ADP
_003136262 559 6 even even ADV
_003136262 559 7 one one NUM
_003136262 559 8 soul soul NOUN
_003136262 559 9 in in ADP
_003136262 559 10 the the DET
_003136262 559 11 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 559 12 church church NOUN
_003136262 559 13 was be AUX
_003136262 559 14 of of ADP
_003136262 559 15 far far ADV
_003136262 559 16 more more ADJ
_003136262 559 17 irilportance irilportance NOUN
_003136262 559 18 in in ADP
_003136262 559 19 the the DET
_003136262 559 20 eyes eye NOUN
_003136262 559 21 of of ADP
_003136262 559 22 go?d go?d ADJ
_003136262 559 23 men man NOUN
_003136262 559 24 tqan tqan PRON
_003136262 559 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 559 26 all all DET
_003136262 559 27 astr~:momical astr~:momical ADJ
_003136262 559 28 points point NOUN
_003136262 559 29 p;,lt p;,lt VERB
_003136262 559 30 together together ADV
_003136262 559 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 559 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 559 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 559 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 559 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 560 1 , , PUNCT
_003136262 560 2 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 560 3 3 3 X
_003136262 560 4 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 560 5 the the DET
_003136262 560 6 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 560 7 did do AUX
_003136262 560 8 not not PART
_003136262 560 9 iss iss VERB
_003136262 560 10 ue ue PROPN
_003136262 560 11 a a DET
_003136262 560 12 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 560 13 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 560 14 on on ADP
_003136262 560 15 the the DET
_003136262 560 16 subject subject NOUN
_003136262 560 17 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 560 18 blft blft VERB
_003136262 560 19 the the DET
_003136262 560 20 council council PROPN
_003136262 560 21 of of ADP
_003136262 560 22 the the DET
_003136262 560 23 inqulsitlol1 inqulsitlol1 NOUN
_003136262 560 24 passed pass VERB
_003136262 560 25 a a DET
_003136262 560 26 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ
_003136262 560 27 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 560 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 560 29 to to PART
_003136262 560 30 counteract counteract VERB
_003136262 560 31 the the DET
_003136262 560 32 irreverence irreverence NOUN
_003136262 560 33 of of ADP
_003136262 560 34 gahleo gahleo PROPN
_003136262 560 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 561 1 to to PART
_003136262 561 2 understand understand VERB
_003136262 561 3 this this PRON
_003136262 561 4 it it PRON
_003136262 561 5 must must AUX
_003136262 561 6 be be AUX
_003136262 561 7 known know VERB
_003136262 561 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 561 9 til til SCONJ
_003136262 561 10 the the DET
_003136262 561 11 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 561 12 is be AUX
_003136262 561 13 not not PART
_003136262 561 14 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 561 15 on on ADP
_003136262 561 16 astron astron ADJ
_003136262 561 17 omy omy NOUN
_003136262 561 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 561 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 561 20 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 561 21 could could AUX
_003136262 561 22 not not PART
_003136262 561 23 teach teach VERB
_003136262 561 24 ex ex PROPN
_003136262 561 25 catleedra catleedra NOUN
_003136262 561 26 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 561 27 it it PRON
_003136262 561 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 562 1 neither neither CCONJ
_003136262 562 2 in in ADP
_003136262 562 3 regard regard NOUN
_003136262 562 4 of of ADP
_003136262 562 5 an an DET
_003136262 562 6 a a DET
_003136262 562 7 stronomical stronomical ADJ
_003136262 562 8 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 562 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 562 10 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 562 11 of of ADP
_003136262 562 12 the the DET
_003136262 562 13 bearing bearing NOUN
_003136262 562 14 of of ADP
_003136262 562 15 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 562 16 upon upon SCONJ
_003136262 562 17 it it PRON
_003136262 562 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 562 19 could could AUX
_003136262 562 20 the the DET
_003136262 562 21 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 562 22 affect affect VERB
_003136262 562 23 to to PART
_003136262 562 24 teach teach VERB
_003136262 562 25 dogmatically dogmatically ADV
_003136262 562 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 562 27 the the DET
_003136262 562 28 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 562 29 is be AUX
_003136262 562 30 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 562 31 on on ADP
_003136262 562 32 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 562 33 and and CCONJ
_003136262 562 34 morals moral NOUN
_003136262 562 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 562 36 but but CCONJ
_003136262 562 37 fallible fallible ADJ
_003136262 562 38 on on ADP
_003136262 562 39 everything everything PRON
_003136262 562 40 else else ADV
_003136262 562 41 : : PUNCT
_003136262 562 42 so so SCONJ
_003136262 562 43 that that SCONJ
_003136262 562 44 he he PRON
_003136262 562 45 could could AUX
_003136262 562 46 not not PART
_003136262 562 47 teach teach VERB
_003136262 562 48 infallibly infallibly ADV
_003136262 562 49 on on ADP
_003136262 562 50 a a DET
_003136262 562 51 poin~ poin~ NOUN
_003136262 562 52 which which PRON
_003136262 562 53 lay lie VERB
_003136262 562 54 outside outside ADP
_003136262 562 55 his his PRON
_003136262 562 56 judicial judicial ADJ
_003136262 562 57 inerrancy inerrancy NOUN
_003136262 562 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 562 59 { { PUNCT
_003136262 562 60 2 2 X
_003136262 562 61 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 562 62 no no DET
_003136262 562 63 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 562 64 was be AUX
_003136262 562 65 given give VERB
_003136262 562 66 on on ADP
_003136262 562 67 the the DET
_003136262 562 68 true true ADJ
_003136262 562 69 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 562 70 of of ADP
_003136262 562 71 scnpture scnpture NOUN
_003136262 562 72 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 562 73 only only ADV
_003136262 562 74 a a DET
_003136262 562 75 condemnation condemnation NOUN
_003136262 562 76 of of ADP
_003136262 562 77 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 562 78 's 's PART
_003136262 562 79 special special ADJ
_003136262 562 80 errors error NOUN
_003136262 562 81 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 562 82 and and CCONJ
_003136262 562 83 what what PRON
_003136262 562 84 those those DET
_003136262 562 85 special special ADJ
_003136262 562 86 errors error NOUN
_003136262 562 87 were be AUX
_003136262 562 88 , , PUNCT
_003136262 562 89 only only ADV
_003136262 562 90 they they PRON
_003136262 562 91 can can AUX
_003136262 562 92 understand understand VERB
_003136262 562 93 who who PRON
_003136262 562 94 have have AUX
_003136262 562 95 read read VERB
_003136262 562 96 through through ADP
_003136262 562 97 the the DET
_003136262 562 98 whole whole NOUN
_003136262 562 99 of of ADP
_003136262 562 100 his his PRON
_003136262 562 101 writin writin NOUN
_003136262 562 102 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 562 103 s s NOUN
_003136262 562 104 . . PUNCT
_003136262 563 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 563 2 how how SCONJ
_003136262 563 3 many many ADJ
_003136262 563 4 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 563 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 563 6 s s NOUN
_003136262 563 7 have have AUX
_003136262 563 8 done do VERB
_003136262 563 9 this this PRON
_003136262 563 10 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 564 1 again again ADV
_003136262 564 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 564 3 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 564 4 3 3 X
_003136262 564 5 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 564 6 the the DET
_003136262 564 7 word word NOUN
_003136262 564 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 564 9 heresy heresy ADJ
_003136262 564 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 564 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 564 12 applied apply VERB
_003136262 564 13 to to ADP
_003136262 564 14 these these DET
_003136262 564 15 wnting wnting NOUN
_003136262 564 16 s s PROPN
_003136262 564 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 564 18 did do AUX
_003136262 564 19 not not PART
_003136262 564 20 mean mean VERB
_003136262 564 21 theological theological ADJ
_003136262 564 22 here here ADV
_003136262 564 23 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 564 24 y. y. PROPN
_003136262 564 25 the the DET
_003136262 564 26 inquisition inquisition NOUN
_003136262 564 27 being be AUX
_003136262 564 28 first first ADV
_003136262 564 29 formed form VERB
_003136262 564 30 to to PART
_003136262 564 31 judge judge VERB
_003136262 564 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 565 1 of of ADP
_003136262 565 2 heresy heresy PROPN
_003136262 565 3 in in ADP
_003136262 565 4 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 565 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 565 6 the the DET
_003136262 565 7 word word NOUN
_003136262 565 8 here:;y here:;y ADJ
_003136262 565 9 was be AUX
_003136262 565 10 ~ecessanly ~ecessanly VERB
_003136262 565 11 employed employ VERB
_003136262 565 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 565 13 so so SCONJ
_003136262 565 14 as as SCONJ
_003136262 565 15 to to PART
_003136262 565 16 render render VERB
_003136262 565 17 a a DET
_003136262 565 18 process process NOUN
_003136262 565 19 le le X
_003136262 565 20 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 565 21 al al PROPN
_003136262 565 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 565 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 565 24 to to PART
_003136262 565 25 enable enable VERB
_003136262 565 26 the the DET
_003136262 565 27 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 565 28 . . PUNCT
_003136262 565 29 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 565 30 qualifie qualifie NOUN
_003136262 565 31 ~ ~ X
_003136262 565 32 s s PART
_003136262 565 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 565 34 to to PART
_003136262 565 35 proceed proceed VERB
_003136262 565 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 566 1 this this DET
_003136262 566 2 word word NOUN
_003136262 566 3 was be AUX
_003136262 566 4 lfsed lfsed ADJ
_003136262 566 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 6 up up ADP
_003136262 566 7 to to ADP
_003136262 566 8 the the DET
_003136262 566 9 time time NOUN
_003136262 566 10 of of ADP
_003136262 566 11 ~he ~he DET
_003136262 566 12 reformation reformation NOUN
_003136262 566 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 14 to to PART
_003136262 566 15 convey convey VERB
_003136262 566 16 any any DET
_003136262 566 17 oftence oftence NOUN
_003136262 566 18 agall1st agall1st ADJ
_003136262 566 19 the the DET
_003136262 566 20 churc~ churc~ NOUN
_003136262 566 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 566 22 a~ a~ PROPN
_003136262 566 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 24 where where SCONJ
_003136262 566 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 26 martl martl NOUN
_003136262 566 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 28 n n CCONJ
_003136262 566 29 luther luther X
_003136262 566 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 31 when when SCONJ
_003136262 566 32 speakmg speakmg NOUN
_003136262 566 33 of of ADP
_003136262 566 34 some some DET
_003136262 566 35 prefect prefect NOUN
_003136262 566 36 who who PRON
_003136262 566 37 did do AUX
_003136262 566 38 not not PART
_003136262 566 39 pay pay VERB
_003136262 566 40 tribute tribute NOUN
_003136262 566 41 to to ADP
_003136262 566 42 the the DET
_003136262 566 43 pop.e pop.e NOUN
_003136262 566 44 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 45 sal~ sal~ PROPN
_003136262 566 46 , , PUNCT
_003136262 566 47 suc~ suc~ PROPN
_003136262 566 48 im im PROPN
_003136262 566 49 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 566 50 ertmence ertmence NOUN
_003136262 566 51 must must AUX
_003136262 566 52 always always ADV
_003136262 566 53 in in ADP
_003136262 566 54 the the DET
_003136262 566 55 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 566 56 's 's PART
_003136262 566 57 spiritual spiritual ADJ
_003136262 566 58 law law NOUN
_003136262 566 59 be be AUX
_003136262 566 60 called call VERB
_003136262 566 61 heresy heresy ADJ
_003136262 566 62 . . PUNCT
_003136262 567 1 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 567 2 j j NOUN
_003136262 567 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 567 4 g g NOUN
_003136262 567 5 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 567 6 hl;:o hl;:o NOUN
_003136262 567 7 did do AUX
_003136262 567 8 not not PART
_003136262 567 9 thu thu VERB
_003136262 567 10 : : PUNCT
_003136262 567 11 k k PROPN
_003136262 567 12 hlm;~lf hlm;~lf NOUN
_003136262 567 13 condemned condemn VERB
_003136262 567 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 567 15 in in ADP
_003136262 567 16 even even ADV
_003136262 567 17 so so ADV
_003136262 567 18 much much ADJ
_003136262 567 19 a a DET
_003136262 567 20 s s X
_003136262 567 21 the the DET
_003136262 567 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 567 23 scientific scientific ADJ
_003136262 567 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 567 25 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 567 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 567 27 is be AUX
_003136262 567 28 apparent apparent ADJ
_003136262 567 29 from from ADP
_003136262 567 30 his his PRON
_003136262 567 31 letter letter NOUN
_003136262 567 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 567 33 to to ADP
_003136262 567 34 a a DET
_003136262 567 35 fnend fnend NOUN
_003136262 567 36 : : PUNCT
_003136262 567 37 the the PRON
_003136262 567 38 re re PROPN
_003136262 567 39 sult sult ADJ
_003136262 567 40 has have AUX
_003136262 567 41 not not PART
_003136262 567 42 been be AUX
_003136262 567 43 favourable favourable ADJ
_003136262 567 44 to to ADP
_003136262 567 45 my my PRON
_003136262 567 46 enemies enemy NOUN
_003136262 567 47 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 567 48 because because SCONJ
_003136262 567 49 the the DET
_003136262 567 50 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 567 51 .of .of PUNCT
_003136262 568 1 c.operm~~s c.operm~~s PROPN
_003136262 568 2 ~as~ ~as~ PROPN
_003136262 568 3 not not PART
_003136262 568 4 .b~;n .b~;n PUNCT
_003136262 568 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 569 1 de.clare.d de.clare.d PUNCT
_003136262 569 2 heretical heretical ADJ
_003136262 569 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 569 4 but but CCONJ
_003136262 569 5 only only ADV
_003136262 569 6 as as SCONJ
_003136262 569 7 not not PART
_003136262 569 8 consonant consonant ADJ
_003136262 569 9 with with ADP
_003136262 569 10 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 569 11 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 569 12 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 569 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 569 14 that that PRON
_003136262 569 15 is be AUX
_003136262 569 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 569 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 569 18 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 569 19 : : PUNCT
_003136262 569 20 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 569 21 lth lth VERB
_003136262 569 22 the the DET
_003136262 569 23 pnma pnma PROPN
_003136262 569 24 facie facie PROPN
_003136262 569 25 si si PROPN
_003136262 569 26 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 569 27 l11 l11 NOUN
_003136262 569 28 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 569 29 catlon catlon NOUN
_003136262 569 30 of of ADP
_003136262 569 31 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 569 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 569 33 the the DET
_003136262 569 34 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 569 35 also also ADV
_003136262 569 36 wrote write VERB
_003136262 569 37 : : PUNCT
_003136262 569 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 569 39 the the DET
_003136262 569 40 copernican copernican ADJ
_003136262 569 41 system system NOUN
_003136262 569 42 is be AUX
_003136262 569 43 not not PART
_003136262 569 44 co!"demned co!"demne VERB
_003136262 569 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 569 46 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 569 47 is be AUX
_003136262 569 48 it it PRON
_003136262 569 49 to to PART
_003136262 569 50 be be AUX
_003136262 569 51 considered consider VERB
_003136262 569 52 heretical heretical ADJ
_003136262 569 53 , , PUNCT
_003136262 569 54 but but CCONJ
_003136262 569 55 only only ADV
_003136262 569 56 as as ADP
_003136262 569 57 rash rash ADJ
_003136262 569 58 . . PUNCT
_003136262 569 59 " " PUNCT
_003136262 570 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 570 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 570 3 forthwith forthwith PROPN
_003136262 570 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 570 5 .one .one NOUN
_003136262 570 6 of of ADP
_003136262 570 7 the the DET
_003136262 570 8 cardll1als cardll1al NOUN
_003136262 570 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 570 10 by by ADP
_003136262 570 11 con con PROPN
_003136262 570 12 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 570 13 mand mand NOUN
_003136262 570 14 of of ADP
_003136262 570 15 the the DET
_003136262 570 16 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 570 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 570 18 issued issue VERB
_003136262 570 19 a a DET
_003136262 570 20 new new ADJ
_003136262 570 21 edition edition NOUN
_003136262 570 22 of of ADP
_003136262 570 23 gali gali PROPN
_003136262 570 24 leo leo PROPN
_003136262 570 25 's 's PART
_003136262 570 26 writings writing NOUN
_003136262 570 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 570 28 eliminatll1 eliminatll1 NOUN
_003136262 570 29 g g NOUN
_003136262 570 30 the the DET
_003136262 570 31 passages passage NOUN
_003136262 570 32 on on ADP
_003136262 570 33 the the DET
_003136262 570 34 scnptures scnpture NOUN
_003136262 570 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 570 36 and and CCONJ
_003136262 570 37 reducing reduce VERB
_003136262 570 38 the the DET
_003136262 570 39 theory theory NOUN
_003136262 570 40 to to PART
_003136262 570 41 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN
_003136262 570 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 570 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 571 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 571 2 4 4 NUM
_003136262 571 3 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 571 4 as as ADP
_003136262 571 5 to to ADP
_003136262 571 6 the the DET
_003136262 571 7 punishment punishment NOUN
_003136262 571 8 of of ADP
_003136262 571 9 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 571 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 571 11 so so ADV
_003136262 571 12 absurdly absurdly ADV
_003136262 571 13 exaggerate~ exaggerate~ VERB
_003136262 571 14 by by ADP
_003136262 571 15 adversanes adversane NOUN
_003136262 571 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 571 17 he he PRON
_003136262 571 18 passed pass VERB
_003136262 571 19 a a DET
_003136262 571 20 week week NOUN
_003136262 571 21 in in ADP
_003136262 571 22 the the DET
_003136262 571 23 d d PROPN
_003136262 571 24 ominican ominican ADJ
_003136262 571 25 convent convent NOUN
_003136262 571 26 of of ADP
_003136262 571 27 minerva minerva PROPN
_003136262 571 28 in in ADP
_003136262 571 29 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 571 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 571 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 571 32 four four NUM
_003136262 571 33 months month NOUN
_003136262 571 34 m. m. VERB
_003136262 571 35 the the DET
_003136262 571 36 palace palace NOUN
_003136262 571 37 of of ADP
_003136262 571 38 the the DET
_003136262 571 39 tuscan tuscan PROPN
_003136262 571 40 ambassador ambassador NOUN
_003136262 571 41 , , PUNCT
_003136262 571 42 his his PRON
_003136262 571 43 own own ADJ
_003136262 571 44 particular particular ADJ
_003136262 571 45 friend friend NOUN
_003136262 571 46 . . PUNCT
_003136262 572 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 572 2 i i PRON
_003136262 572 3 have have VERB
_003136262 572 4 for for ADP
_003136262 572 5 a a DET
_003136262 572 6 prison prison NOUN
_003136262 572 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 572 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 572 9 he he PRON
_003136262 572 10 wrote write VERB
_003136262 572 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 572 12 111 111 NUM
_003136262 572 13 a a DET
_003136262 572 14 letter letter NOUN
_003136262 572 15 which which PRON
_003136262 572 16 is be AUX
_003136262 572 17 extant extant ADJ
_003136262 572 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 572 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 572 20 the the DET
_003136262 572 21 delightful delightful ADJ
_003136262 572 22 palace palace NOUN
_003136262 572 23 of of ADP
_003136262 572 24 trinita trinita PROPN
_003136262 572 25 di di X
_003136262 572 26 monte monte PROPN
_003136262 572 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 572 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 573 1 subsequently subsequently ADV
_003136262 573 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 573 3 he he PRON
_003136262 573 4 wrote write VERB
_003136262 573 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 573 6 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 573 7 afterwards afterwards ADV
_003136262 573 8 ~hey ~hey PRON
_003136262 573 9 sent send VERB
_003136262 573 10 me i PRON
_003136262 573 11 to to ADP
_003136262 573 12 my my PRON
_003136262 573 13 best good ADJ
_003136262 573 14 friend friend NOUN
_003136262 573 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 573 16 the the DET
_003136262 573 17 archbishop archbishop NOUN
_003136262 573 18 of of ADP
_003136262 573 19 sienna sienna NOUN
_003136262 573 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 573 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 573 22 i i PRON
_003136262 573 23 have have VERB
_003136262 573 24 alwars alwar NOUN
_003136262 573 25 e!ljoyed e!ljoye VERB
_003136262 573 26 the the PRON
_003136262 573 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 574 1 most most ADV
_003136262 574 2 deltghtful deltghtful ADJ
_003136262 574 3 tranquility tranquility NOUN
_003136262 574 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 574 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 575 1 later later ADV
_003136262 575 2 he he PRON
_003136262 575 3 went go VERB
_003136262 575 4 to to ADP
_003136262 575 5 his his PRON
_003136262 575 6 own own ADJ
_003136262 575 7 villa villa NOUN
_003136262 575 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 576 1 in in ADP
_003136262 576 2 florence florence NOUN
_003136262 576 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 4 where where SCONJ
_003136262 576 5 he he PRON
_003136262 576 6 died die VERB
_003136262 576 7 111 111 NUM
_003136262 576 8 peace peace NOUN
_003136262 576 9 with with ADP
_003136262 576 10 the the DET
_003136262 576 11 church church NOUN
_003136262 576 12 -so -so X
_003136262 576 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 576 14 the the DET
_003136262 576 15 clemency clemency NOUN
_003136262 576 16 of of ADP
_003136262 576 17 th~ th~ PROPN
_003136262 576 18 ch ch NOUN
_003136262 576 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 20 urch urch NOUN
_003136262 576 21 in in ADP
_003136262 576 22 the the DET
_003136262 576 23 p p NOUN
_003136262 576 24 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 576 25 nishment nishment NOUN
_003136262 576 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 27 of of ADP
_003136262 576 28 a a DET
_003136262 576 29 rebel rebel NOUN
_003136262 576 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 31 even even ADV
_003136262 576 32 of of ADP
_003136262 576 33 ~ne ~ne NUM
_003136262 576 34 who who PRON
_003136262 576 35 had have AUX
_003136262 576 36 caused cause VERB
_003136262 576 37 great great ADJ
_003136262 576 38 scandal scandal NOUN
_003136262 576 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 40 is be AUX
_003136262 576 41 not not PART
_003136262 576 42 less less ADV
_003136262 576 43 shown show VERB
_003136262 576 44 111 111 NUM
_003136262 576 45 this this DET
_003136262 576 46 story story NOUN
_003136262 576 47 of of ADP
_003136262 576 48 galileo galileo PROPN
_003136262 576 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 50 than than SCONJ
_003136262 576 51 is be AUX
_003136262 576 52 her her PRON
_003136262 576 53 nurture nurture NOUN
_003136262 576 54 of of ADP
_003136262 576 55 science science NOUN
_003136262 576 56 - - PUNCT
_003136262 576 57 apart apart NOUN
_003136262 576 58 from from ADP
_003136262 576 59 theology theology NOUN
_003136262 576 60 - - PUNCT
_003136262 576 61 and and CCONJ
_003136262 576 62 her her PRON
_003136262 576 63 reverence reverence NOUN
_003136262 576 64 in in ADP
_003136262 576 65 thet thet NOUN
_003136262 576 66 reatment reatment NOUN
_003136262 576 67 of of ADP
_003136262 576 68 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 576 69 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 70 39 39 NUM
_003136262 576 71 , , PUNCT
_003136262 576 72 being be AUX
_003136262 576 73 a a DET
_003136262 576 74 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 576 75 . . PUNCT
_003136262 577 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 577 2 a a DET
_003136262 577 3 man man NOUN
_003136262 577 4 believe believe VERB
_003136262 577 5 the the DET
_003136262 577 6 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 577 7 on on ADP
_003136262 577 8 nineteen nineteen NUM
_003136262 577 9 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 577 10 of of ADP
_003136262 577 11 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 577 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 577 13 but but CCONJ
_003136262 577 14 disobey disobey VERB
_003136262 577 15 the the DET
_003136262 577 16 church church NOUN
_003136262 577 17 on on ADP
_003136262 577 18 the the DET
_003136262 577 19 twentieth twentieth PROPN
_003136262 577 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 577 21 he he PRON
_003136262 577 22 is be AUX
_003136262 577 23 just just ADV
_003136262 577 24 as as ADV
_003136262 577 25 much much ADV
_003136262 577 26 a a DET
_003136262 577 27 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 577 28 as as SCONJ
_003136262 577 29 though though SCONJ
_003136262 577 30 he he PRON
_003136262 577 31 started start VERB
_003136262 577 32 a a DET
_003136262 577 33 new new ADJ
_003136262 577 34 religion religion NOUN
_003136262 577 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 577 36 or or CCONJ
_003136262 577 37 preached preach VERB
_003136262 577 38 in in ADP
_003136262 577 39 a a DET
_003136262 577 40 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 577 41 cathedral cathedral NOUN
_003136262 577 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 578 1 obedience obedience NOUN
_003136262 578 2 to to ADP
_003136262 578 3 the the DET
_003136262 578 4 church church NOUN
_003136262 578 5 is be AUX
_003136262 578 6 the the DET
_003136262 578 7 sole sole ADJ
_003136262 578 8 test test NOUN
_003136262 578 9 of of ADP
_003136262 578 10 orthodoxy orthodoxy PROPN
_003136262 578 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 578 12 disobedience disobedience NOUN
_003136262 578 13 is be AUX
_003136262 578 14 the the DET
_003136262 578 15 act act NOUN
_003136262 578 16 of of ADP
_003136262 578 17 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 578 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 578 19 for for ADP
_003136262 578 20 in in ADP
_003136262 578 21 the the DET
_003136262 578 22 mere mere ADJ
_003136262 578 23 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 578 24 that that SCONJ
_003136262 578 25 a a DET
_003136262 578 26 man man NOUN
_003136262 578 27 pleases please VERB
_003136262 578 28 himself himself PRON
_003136262 578 29 in in ADP
_003136262 578 30 preference preference NOUN
_003136262 578 31 to to ADP
_003136262 578 32 obeying obey VERB
_003136262 578 33 the the DET
_003136262 578 34 church church NOUN
_003136262 578 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 578 36 he he PRON
_003136262 578 37 is be AUX
_003136262 578 38 cut cut VERB
_003136262 578 39 off off ADP
_003136262 578 40 from from ADP
_003136262 578 41 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 578 42 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 578 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 578 44 and and CCONJ
_003136262 578 45 is be AUX
_003136262 578 46 sunk sink VERB
_003136262 578 47 in in ADP
_003136262 578 48 mortal mortal ADJ
_003136262 578 49 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 578 50 . . PUNCT
_003136262 578 51 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 579 1 he he PRON
_003136262 579 2 may may AUX
_003136262 579 3 preach preach VERB
_003136262 579 4 about about ADP
_003136262 579 5 the the DET
_003136262 579 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 579 7 wonderful wonderful ADJ
_003136262 579 8 grace grace NOUN
_003136262 579 9 of of ADP
_003136262 579 10 our our PRON
_003136262 579 11 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 579 12 jesus jesus PROPN
_003136262 579 13 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 579 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 579 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 579 16 the the DET
_003136262 579 17 quickening quicken VERB
_003136262 579 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 579 19 enlightening enlighten VERB
_003136262 579 20 influence influence NOUN
_003136262 579 21 of of ADP
_003136262 579 22 the the DET
_003136262 579 23 holy holy PROPN
_003136262 579 24 spirit spirit PROPN
_003136262 579 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 579 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 579 27 as as SCONJ
_003136262 579 28 most most ADJ
_003136262 579 29 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 579 30 have have AUX
_003136262 579 31 done do VERB
_003136262 579 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 579 33 from from ADP
_003136262 579 34 valentinus valentinus NOUN
_003136262 579 35 to to ADP
_003136262 579 36 spurgeon spurgeon NOUN
_003136262 579 37 - - PUNCT
_003136262 579 38 between between ADP
_003136262 579 39 the the DET
_003136262 579 40 councils council NOUN
_003136262 579 41 of of ADP
_003136262 579 42 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN
_003136262 579 43 and and CCONJ
_003136262 579 44 the the DET
_003136262 579 45 vatican vatican NOUN
_003136262 579 46 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 579 47 but but CCONJ
_003136262 579 48 as as SCONJ
_003136262 579 49 st st PROPN
_003136262 579 50 . . PROPN
_003136262 579 51 polycarp polycarp PROPN
_003136262 579 52 said say VERB
_003136262 579 53 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 579 54 to to ADP
_003136262 579 55 marcion marcion NOUN
_003136262 579 56 , , PUNCT
_003136262 579 57 who who PRON
_003136262 579 58 claimed claim VERB
_003136262 579 59 fellowship fellowship NOUN
_003136262 579 60 with with ADP
_003136262 579 61 him he PRON
_003136262 579 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 579 63 " " PUNCT
_003136262 579 64 i i PRON
_003136262 579 65 know know VERB
_003136262 579 66 thee thee NOUN
_003136262 579 67 for for ADP
_003136262 579 68 the the DET
_003136262 579 69 firstborn firstborn NOUN
_003136262 579 70 of of ADP
_003136262 579 71 hell hell PROPN
_003136262 579 72 . . PUNCT
_003136262 579 73 " " PUNCT
_003136262 580 1 the the PRON
_003136262 580 2 greater great ADJ
_003136262 580 3 the the DET
_003136262 580 4 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 580 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 580 6 the the PRON
_003136262 580 7 greater great ADJ
_003136262 580 8 his his PRON
_003136262 580 9 profession profession NOUN
_003136262 580 10 of of ADP
_003136262 580 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 580 12 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 580 13 in in ADP
_003136262 580 14 the the DET
_003136262 580 15 merits merit NOUN
_003136262 580 16 of of ADP
_003136262 580 17 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 580 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 580 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 580 20 for for SCONJ
_003136262 580 21 he he PRON
_003136262 580 22 must must AUX
_003136262 580 23 hide hide VERB
_003136262 580 24 his his PRON
_003136262 580 25 disobedience disobedience NOUN
_003136262 580 26 in in ADP
_003136262 580 27 gushing gush VERB
_003136262 580 28 sentiment sentiment NOUN
_003136262 580 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 580 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 580 31 in in ADP
_003136262 580 32 professing profess VERB
_003136262 580 33 what what PRON
_003136262 580 34 none none NOUN
_003136262 580 35 can can AUX
_003136262 580 36 deny deny VERB
_003136262 580 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 581 1 it it PRON
_003136262 581 2 is be AUX
_003136262 581 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 581 4 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 581 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 581 6 one one NUM
_003136262 581 7 of of ADP
_003136262 581 8 the the DET
_003136262 581 9 most most ADV
_003136262 581 10 comic comic ADJ
_003136262 581 11 features feature NOUN
_003136262 581 12 of of ADP
_003136262 581 13 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 581 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 581 15 that that SCONJ
_003136262 581 16 it it PRON
_003136262 581 17 talks talk VERB
_003136262 581 18 as as SCONJ
_003136262 581 19 though though SCONJ
_003136262 581 20 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 581 21 had have AUX
_003136262 581 22 just just ADV
_003136262 581 23 discovered discover VERB
_003136262 581 24 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 581 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 581 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 581 27 the the DET
_003136262 581 28 church church NOUN
_003136262 581 29 knew know VERB
_003136262 581 30 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 581 31 about about ADP
_003136262 581 32 him he PRON
_003136262 581 33 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 582 1 it it PRON
_003136262 582 2 is be AUX
_003136262 582 3 commonly commonly ADV
_003136262 582 4 supposed suppose VERB
_003136262 582 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 582 6 by by ADP
_003136262 582 7 those those PRON
_003136262 582 8 who who PRON
_003136262 582 9 have have VERB
_003136262 582 10 the the DET
_003136262 582 11 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 582 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 582 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 582 14 the the DET
_003136262 582 15 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 582 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 582 17 the the DET
_003136262 582 18 martyrs martyr NOUN
_003136262 582 19 of of ADP
_003136262 582 20 the the DET
_003136262 582 21 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 582 22 church church NOUN
_003136262 582 23 that that PRON
_003136262 582 24 is be AUX
_003136262 582 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 582 26 eighteen eighteen NUM
_003136262 582 27 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 582 28 of of ADP
_003136262 582 29 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 582 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 582 31 of of ADP
_003136262 582 32 martyrs martyrs PROPN
_003136262 582 33 - - PUNCT
_003136262 582 34 have have AUX
_003136262 582 35 known know VERB
_003136262 582 36 some some DET
_003136262 582 37 little little ADJ
_003136262 582 38 about about ADP
_003136262 582 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 582 40 the the DET
_003136262 582 41 merits merit NOUN
_003136262 582 42 of of ADP
_003136262 582 43 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 582 44 , , PUNCT
_003136262 582 45 " " PUNCT
_003136262 582 46 and and CCONJ
_003136262 582 47 have have AUX
_003136262 582 48 reduced reduce VERB
_003136262 582 49 that that SCONJ
_003136262 582 50 knowledge knowledge NOUN
_003136262 582 51 to to PART
_003136262 582 52 practice practice VERB
_003136262 582 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 583 1 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 3 ignatius ignatius PROPN
_003136262 583 4 and and CCONJ
_003136262 583 5 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 6 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 7 ambrose ambrose PROPN
_003136262 583 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 9 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 10 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 11 cyril cyril PROPN
_003136262 583 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 583 13 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 14 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 15 chrysostom chrysostom PROPN
_003136262 583 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 17 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 18 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 19 basil basil PROPN
_003136262 583 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 583 21 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 22 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 23 gregory gregory PROPN
_003136262 583 24 the the DET
_003136262 583 25 great great ADJ
_003136262 583 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 27 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 28 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 29 bernard bernard PROPN
_003136262 583 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 31 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 32 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 33 bonaventure bonaventure PROPN
_003136262 583 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 583 36 st st PROPN
_003136262 583 37 . . PROPN
_003136262 583 38 thomas thomas PROPN
_003136262 583 39 of of ADP
_003136262 583 40 ca can AUX
_003136262 583 41 nt not PART
_003136262 583 42 erbury erbury VERB
_003136262 583 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 44 who who PRON
_003136262 583 45 were be AUX
_003136262 583 46 " " PUNCT
_003136262 583 47 roman roman ADJ
_003136262 583 48 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 583 49 " " PUNCT
_003136262 583 50 to to ADP
_003136262 583 51 the the DET
_003136262 583 52 very very ADV
_003136262 583 53 depth depth NOUN
_003136262 583 54 s s NOUN
_003136262 583 55 of of ADP
_003136262 583 56 their their PRON
_003136262 583 57 souls soul NOUN
_003136262 583 58 , , PUNCT
_003136262 583 59 were be AUX
_003136262 583 60 men man NOUN
_003136262 583 61 who who PRON
_003136262 583 62 could could AUX
_003136262 583 63 have have AUX
_003136262 583 64 taught teach VERB
_003136262 583 65 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 583 66 a a DET
_003136262 583 67 knowledge knowledge NOUN
_003136262 583 68 of of ADP
_003136262 583 69 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 583 70 which which PRON
_003136262 583 71 at at ADP
_003136262 583 72 present present NOUN
_003136262 583 73 appears appear VERB
_003136262 583 74 to to ADP
_003136262 583 75 them they PRON
_003136262 583 76 unattain unattain VERB
_003136262 583 77 a a DET
_003136262 583 78 ble ble NOUN
_003136262 583 79 . . PUNCT
_003136262 584 1 with with ADP
_003136262 584 2 them they PRON
_003136262 584 3 the the DET
_003136262 584 4 knowledge knowledge NOUN
_003136262 584 5 of of ADP
_003136262 584 6 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 584 7 was be AUX
_003136262 584 8 of of ADP
_003136262 584 9 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 584 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 584 11 with with ADP
_003136262 584 12 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 584 13 it it PRON
_003136262 584 14 is be AUX
_003136262 584 15 only only ADV
_003136262 584 16 of of ADP
_003136262 584 17 sentiment sentiment NOUN
_003136262 584 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 585 1 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 586 1 ii ii NOUN
_003136262 586 2 < < X
_003136262 586 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 586 4 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 586 5 of of ADP
_003136262 586 6 * * PUNCT
_003136262 587 1 t t NOUN
_003136262 587 2 he he X
_003136262 587 3 po po NOUN
_003136262 587 4 ints int NOUN
_003136262 587 5 of of ADP
_003136262 587 6 co co X
_003136262 587 7 nt not PART
_003136262 587 8 ac ac ADP
_003136262 587 9 t t PROPN
_003136262 587 10 between between ADP
_003136262 587 11 fa fa PROPN
_003136262 587 12 ith ith PROPN
_003136262 587 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 587 14 sent send VERB
_003136262 587 15 iment iment NOUN
_003136262 587 16 are be AUX
_003136262 587 17 s s PART
_003136262 587 18 carcely carcely ADV
_003136262 587 19 discerni discerni NOUN
_003136262 587 20 ble ble NOUN
_003136262 587 21 by by ADP
_003136262 587 22 p p NOUN
_003136262 587 23 rotes rote NOUN
_003136262 587 24 tan tan PROPN
_003136262 587 25 ts ts PROPN
_003136262 587 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 587 27 th th X
_003136262 587 28 ough ough ADV
_003136262 587 29 th th X
_003136262 588 1 ey ey PRON
_003136262 588 2 are be AUX
_003136262 588 3 cl cl VERB
_003136262 588 4 ear ear NOUN
_003136262 588 5 as as ADP
_003136262 588 6 t t PROPN
_003136262 588 7 he he PRON
_003136262 588 8 su su VERB
_003136262 588 9 n n ADP
_003136262 588 10 to to ADP
_003136262 588 11 cath cath NOUN
_003136262 588 12 olics olic NOUN
_003136262 588 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 589 1 l l NOUN
_003136262 589 2 et et NOUN
_003136262 589 3 us we PRON
_003136262 589 4 take take VERB
_003136262 589 5 a a DET
_003136262 589 6 fa fa X
_003136262 589 7 mil mil NOUN
_003136262 589 8 ia ia PROPN
_003136262 589 9 r r NOUN
_003136262 589 10 example example NOUN
_003136262 589 11 . . PUNCT
_003136262 590 1 in in ADP
_003136262 590 2 a a DET
_003136262 590 3 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 590 4 church church NOUN
_003136262 590 5 th th X
_003136262 590 6 ere ere PROPN
_003136262 590 7 is be AUX
_003136262 590 8 one one NUM
_003136262 590 9 soverei soverei ADJ
_003136262 590 10 g g NOUN
_003136262 590 11 n n PROPN
_003136262 590 12 idea idea NOUN
_003136262 590 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 590 14 which which PRON
_003136262 590 15 ove ove VERB
_003136262 590 16 rrules rrule NOUN
_003136262 590 17 eve eve VERB
_003136262 590 18 ry ry ADP
_003136262 590 19 relative relative ADJ
_003136262 590 20 o o NOUN
_003136262 590 21 r r NOUN
_003136262 590 22 auxiliary auxiliary NOUN
_003136262 590 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 590 24 namely namely ADV
_003136262 590 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 590 26 t t NOUN
_003136262 590 27 he he PRON
_003136262 590 28 prese prese ADJ
_003136262 590 29 nce nce NOUN
_003136262 590 30 of of ADP
_003136262 590 31 god god PROPN
_003136262 590 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 591 1 wheth wheth PROPN
_003136262 591 2 er er INTJ
_003136262 591 3 a a DET
_003136262 591 4 church church NOUN
_003136262 591 5 be be AUX
_003136262 591 6 handsome handsome ADJ
_003136262 591 7 o o X
_003136262 591 8 r r NOUN
_003136262 591 9 ug ug ADV
_003136262 591 10 ly ly ADV
_003136262 591 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 591 12 the the DET
_003136262 591 13 deco deco PROPN
_003136262 591 14 rat rat PROPN
_003136262 591 15 ions ion NOUN
_003136262 591 16 exqu exqu PROPN
_003136262 591 17 isite isite NOUN
_003136262 591 18 or or CCONJ
_003136262 591 19 abs ab NOUN
_003136262 591 20 urd urd PROPN
_003136262 591 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 591 22 the the DET
_003136262 591 23 music music NOUN
_003136262 591 24 in in ADP
_003136262 591 25 goo goo PROPN
_003136262 591 26 d d PROPN
_003136262 591 27 taste taste NOUN
_003136262 591 28 o o NOUN
_003136262 591 29 r r NOUN
_003136262 591 30 in in ADP
_003136262 591 31 bad bad ADJ
_003136262 591 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 591 33 the the DET
_003136262 591 34 catho catho PROPN
_003136262 591 35 li li PROPN
_003136262 591 36 c c PROPN
_003136262 591 37 knows know VERB
_003136262 591 38 only only ADV
_003136262 591 39 o o PROPN
_003136262 591 40 ne ne PROPN
_003136262 591 41 prese prese PROPN
_003136262 591 42 nce nce PROPN
_003136262 591 43 - - PUNCT
_003136262 591 44 god god PROPN
_003136262 591 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 592 1 th th NOUN
_003136262 592 2 is be AUX
_003136262 592 3 is be VERB
_003136262 592 4 fa fa X
_003136262 592 5 ith ith X
_003136262 592 6 ve1's1ls ve1's1ls PROPN
_003136262 592 7 se se X
_003136262 593 1 nti nti VERB
_003136262 593 2 · · PUNCT
_003136262 593 3 m m PROPN
_003136262 593 4 ent ent NOUN
_003136262 593 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 594 1 wh wh ADP
_003136262 594 2 ereas erea NOUN
_003136262 594 3 in in ADP
_003136262 594 4 a a DET
_003136262 594 5 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 594 6 chu chu PROPN
_003136262 594 7 rch rch NOUN
_003136262 594 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 594 9 god god PROPN
_003136262 594 10 being be AUX
_003136262 594 11 not not PART
_003136262 594 12 present,~th present,~th VERB
_003136262 594 13 e e PROPN
_003136262 594 14 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 594 15 sacrame sacrame NOUN
_003136262 594 16 nt not PART
_003136262 594 17 being be AUX
_003136262 594 18 practically practically ADV
_003136262 594 19 bani bani ADJ
_003136262 594 20 s s X
_003136262 595 1 hed,-the hed,-the PRON
_003136262 596 1 furn furn NOUN
_003136262 597 1 it it PRON
_003136262 597 2 ure ure ADJ
_003136262 597 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 4 th th X
_003136262 597 5 e e NOUN
_003136262 597 6 mus mus PROPN
_003136262 597 7 ic ic PROPN
_003136262 597 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 9 the the DET
_003136262 597 10 mise mise NOUN
_003136262 597 11 en en ADP
_003136262 597 12 scene scene NOUN
_003136262 597 13 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 597 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 597 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 16 ab ab PROPN
_003136262 597 17 ove ove PROPN
_003136262 597 18 all all PRON
_003136262 597 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 20 the the DET
_003136262 597 21 popular popular ADJ
_003136262 597 22 40 40 NUM
_003136262 597 23 these these DET
_003136262 597 24 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 597 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 597 27 scores score NOUN
_003136262 597 28 of of ADP
_003136262 597 29 others other NOUN
_003136262 597 30 who who PRON
_003136262 597 31 were be AUX
_003136262 597 32 like like ADP
_003136262 597 33 them they PRON
_003136262 597 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 35 would would AUX
_003136262 597 36 have have AUX
_003136262 597 37 told tell VERB
_003136262 597 38 the the DET
_003136262 597 39 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 597 40 of of ADP
_003136262 597 41 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 597 42 to to PART
_003136262 597 43 make make VERB
_003136262 597 44 haste haste NOUN
_003136262 597 45 to to PART
_003136262 597 46 confess confess VERB
_003136262 597 47 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 48 to to PART
_003136262 597 49 submit submit VERB
_003136262 597 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 597 51 and and CCONJ
_003136262 597 52 to to PART
_003136262 597 53 be be AUX
_003136262 597 54 received receive VERB
_003136262 597 55 into into ADP
_003136262 597 56 the the DET
_003136262 597 57 church church NOUN
_003136262 597 58 . . PUNCT
_003136262 598 1 they they PRON
_003136262 598 2 would would AUX
_003136262 598 3 h h AUX
_003136262 598 4 ave ave VERB
_003136262 598 5 told tell VERB
_003136262 598 6 him he PRON
_003136262 598 7 - - PUNCT
_003136262 598 8 had have AUX
_003136262 598 9 they they PRON
_003136262 598 10 lived live VERB
_003136262 598 11 in in ADP
_003136262 598 12 our our PRON
_003136262 598 13 own own ADJ
_003136262 598 14 day day NOUN
_003136262 598 15 - - PUNCT
_003136262 598 16 that that SCONJ
_003136262 598 17 he he PRON
_003136262 598 18 was be AUX
_003136262 598 19 not not PART
_003136262 598 20 even even ADV
_003136262 598 21 a a DET
_003136262 598 22 sub sub NOUN
_003136262 598 23 - - NOUN
_003136262 598 24 deacon deacon NOUN
_003136262 598 25 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 598 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 598 27 that that SCONJ
_003136262 598 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 598 29 just just ADV
_003136262 598 30 as as ADV
_003136262 598 31 likely likely ADJ
_003136262 598 32 as as ADP
_003136262 598 33 not not PART
_003136262 598 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 598 35 he he PRON
_003136262 598 36 was be AUX
_003136262 598 37 unbaptized unbaptize VERB
_003136262 598 38 - - PUNCT
_003136262 598 39 through through ADP
_003136262 598 40 the the DET
_003136262 598 41 shameful shameful ADJ
_003136262 598 42 carelessness carelessness NOUN
_003136262 598 43 in in ADP
_003136262 598 44 the the DET
_003136262 598 45 administration administration NOUN
_003136262 598 46 of of ADP
_003136262 598 47 that that DET
_003136262 598 48 sacrame sacrame NOUN
_003136262 598 49 nt not PART
_003136262 598 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 598 51 which which PRON
_003136262 598 52 has have AUX
_003136262 598 53 been be AUX
_003136262 598 54 characteristic characteristic ADJ
_003136262 598 55 of of ADP
_003136262 598 56 the the DET
_003136262 598 57 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 598 58 church church NOUN
_003136262 598 59 . . PUNCT
_003136262 599 1 while while SCONJ
_003136262 599 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 599 3 in in ADP
_003136262 599 4 the the DET
_003136262 599 5 words word NOUN
_003136262 599 6 of of ADP
_003136262 599 7 our our PRON
_003136262 599 8 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 599 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 599 10 they they PRON
_003136262 599 11 would would AUX
_003136262 599 12 have have AUX
_003136262 599 13 warned warn VERB
_003136262 599 14 every every DET
_003136262 599 15 catholic catholic NOUN
_003136262 599 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 599 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 599 18 he he PRON
_003136262 599 19 that that PRON
_003136262 599 20 will will AUX
_003136262 599 21 not not PART
_003136262 599 22 hear hear VERB
_003136262 599 23 the the DET
_003136262 599 24 church church NOUN
_003136262 599 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 599 26 let let VERB
_003136262 599 27 him he PRON
_003136262 599 28 be be AUX
_003136262 599 29 to to ADP
_003136262 599 30 thee thee ADJ
_003136262 599 31 as as ADP
_003136262 599 32 a a DET
_003136262 599 33 heathen heathen ADJ
_003136262 599 34 and and CCONJ
_003136262 599 35 a a DET
_003136262 599 36 publican publican NOUN
_003136262 599 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 599 38 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 1 they they PRON
_003136262 600 2 would would AUX
_003136262 600 3 h h AUX
_003136262 600 4 ave ave VERB
_003136262 600 5 told tell VERB
_003136262 600 6 the the DET
_003136262 600 7 bish bish NOUN
_003136262 600 8 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 600 9 p p NOUN
_003136262 600 10 of of ADP
_003136262 600 11 ripon ripon NOUN
_003136262 600 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 600 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 14 st st PROPN
_003136262 600 15 . . PROPN
_003136262 600 16 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 600 17 's 's PART
_003136262 600 18 chair chair NOUN
_003136262 600 19 is be AUX
_003136262 600 20 the the DET
_003136262 600 21 root root NOUN
_003136262 600 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 600 23 womb womb NOUN
_003136262 600 24 of of ADP
_003136262 600 25 the the DET
_003136262 600 26 church church NOUN
_003136262 600 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 600 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 29 and and CCONJ
_003136262 600 30 that that SCONJ
_003136262 600 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 32 he he PRON
_003136262 600 33 who who PRON
_003136262 600 34 abandons abandon VERB
_003136262 600 35 the the DET
_003136262 600 36 chair chair NOUN
_003136262 600 37 of of ADP
_003136262 600 38 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 600 39 can can AUX
_003136262 600 40 not not PART
_003136262 600 41 flatter flatter VERB
_003136262 600 42 himself himself PRON
_003136262 600 43 that that SCONJ
_003136262 600 44 he he PRON
_003136262 600 45 is be AUX
_003136262 600 46 in in ADP
_003136262 600 47 the the DET
_003136262 600 48 church church NOUN
_003136262 600 49 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 50 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 600 51 st st PROPN
_003136262 600 52 . . PROPN
_003136262 600 53 cyprian cyprian PROPN
_003136262 600 54 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 600 55 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 600 56 that that SCONJ
_003136262 600 57 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 58 this this PRON
_003136262 600 59 is be AUX
_003136262 600 60 th th DET
_003136262 600 61 e e NOUN
_003136262 600 62 rock rock NOUN
_003136262 600 63 which which PRON
_003136262 600 64 hell hell PROPN
_003136262 600 65 's 's PART
_003136262 600 66 proud proud ADJ
_003136262 600 67 gates gate NOUN
_003136262 600 68 shall shall AUX
_003136262 600 69 never never ADV
_003136262 600 70 conquer conquer VERB
_003136262 600 71 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 600 72 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 73 that that SCONJ
_003136262 600 74 " " PUNCT
_003136262 600 75 in in ADP
_003136262 600 76 the the DET
_003136262 600 77 chair chair NOUN
_003136262 600 78 of of ADP
_003136262 600 79 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 600 80 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 600 81 hath hath PROPN
_003136262 600 82 pl pl PROPN
_003136262 600 83 a a DET
_003136262 600 84 ced ced NOUN
_003136262 600 85 the the DET
_003136262 600 86 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 600 87 of of ADP
_003136262 600 88 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 600 89 . . PUNCT
_003136262 601 1 those those PRON
_003136262 601 2 severed sever VERB
_003136262 601 3 from from ADP
_003136262 601 4 the the DET
_003136262 601 5 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 601 6 of of ADP
_003136262 601 7 the the DET
_003136262 601 8 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 601 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 601 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 11 that that ADV
_003136262 601 12 is is ADV
_003136262 601 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 14 not not PART
_003136262 601 15 agreeing agree VERB
_003136262 601 16 in in ADP
_003136262 601 17 all all DET
_003136262 601 18 things thing NOUN
_003136262 601 19 with with ADP
_003136262 601 20 the the DET
_003136262 601 21 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 601 22 see see NOUN
_003136262 601 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 24 shall shall AUX
_003136262 601 25 not not PART
_003136262 601 26 have have VERB
_003136262 601 27 their their PRON
_003136262 601 28 names name NOUN
_003136262 601 29 recited recite VERB
_003136262 601 30 in in ADP
_003136262 601 31 the the DET
_003136262 601 32 sacred sacred ADJ
_003136262 601 33 mysteries mystery NOUN
_003136262 601 34 " " PUNCT
_003136262 601 35 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 601 36 st st PROPN
_003136262 601 37 . . PROPN
_003136262 601 38 augustine augustine PROPN
_003136262 601 39 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 601 40 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 601 41 that that SCONJ
_003136262 601 42 " " PUNCT
_003136262 601 43 whosoever whosoever NOUN
_003136262 601 44 in in ADP
_003136262 601 45 any any DET
_003136262 601 46 way way NOUN
_003136262 601 47 separate separate VERB
_003136262 601 48 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 601 49 from from ADP
_003136262 601 50 the the DET
_003136262 601 51 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 601 52 of of ADP
_003136262 601 53 his his PRON
_003136262 601 54 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 601 55 - - PUNCT
_003136262 601 56 the the DET
_003136262 601 57 pope's pope' NOUN
_003136262 601 58 - - PUNCT
_003136262 601 59 or or CCONJ
_003136262 601 60 his his PRON
_003136262 601 61 society society NOUN
_003136262 601 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 63 such such ADJ
_003136262 601 64 are be AUX
_003136262 601 65 n n ADV
_003136262 601 66 ot ot INTJ
_003136262 601 67 able able ADJ
_003136262 601 68 to to PART
_003136262 601 69 be be AUX
_003136262 601 70 absolved absolve VERB
_003136262 601 71 from from ADP
_003136262 601 72 the the DET
_003136262 601 73 bonds bond NOUN
_003136262 601 74 of of ADP
_003136262 601 75 their their PRON
_003136262 601 76 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 601 77 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 78 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 601 79 to to PART
_003136262 601 80 enter enter VERB
_003136262 601 81 the the DET
_003136262 601 82 threshold threshold NOUN
_003136262 601 83 of of ADP
_003136262 601 84 the the DET
_003136262 601 85 heavenly heavenly ADJ
_003136262 601 86 kin kin PROPN
_003136262 601 87 g g PROPN
_003136262 601 88 dom dom NOUN
_003136262 601 89 " " PUNCT
_003136262 601 90 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 601 91 venerable venerable ADJ
_003136262 601 92 bede bede NOUN
_003136262 601 93 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 601 94 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 601 95 that that SCONJ
_003136262 601 96 he he PRON
_003136262 601 97 who who PRON
_003136262 601 98 renders render VERB
_003136262 601 99 not not PART
_003136262 601 100 reverently reverently ADV
_003136262 601 101 t t VERB
_003136262 601 102 o o X
_003136262 601 103 him he PRON
_003136262 601 104 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 105 " " PUNCT
_003136262 601 106 the the DET
_003136262 601 107 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 601 108 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 109 " " PUNCT
_003136262 601 110 due due ADJ
_003136262 601 111 obedience obedience NOUN
_003136262 601 112 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 113 involves involve VERB
_003136262 601 114 himself himself PRON
_003136262 601 115 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 116 as as SCONJ
_003136262 601 117 bei bei PROPN
_003136262 601 118 ng ng PROPN
_003136262 601 119 s s PROPN
_003136262 601 120 evered evere VERB
_003136262 601 121 from from ADP
_003136262 601 122 the the DET
_003136262 601 123 head head NOUN
_003136262 601 124 , , PUNCT
_003136262 601 125 in in ADP
_003136262 601 126 the the DET
_003136262 601 127 schism schism NOUN
_003136262 601 128 of of ADP
_003136262 601 129 the the DET
_003136262 601 130 acephali acephali NOUN
_003136262 601 131 " " PUNCT
_003136262 601 132 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 601 133 st st PROPN
_003136262 601 134 . . PROPN
_003136262 601 135 isidore isidore PROPN
_003136262 601 136 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 601 137 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 601 138 preach preach VERB
_003136262 601 139 er er INTJ
_003136262 601 140 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 601 141 usurp usurp VERB
_003136262 601 142 the the DET
_003136262 601 143 place place NOUN
_003136262 601 144 of of ADP
_003136262 601 145 the the DET
_003136262 601 146 most most ADV
_003136262 601 147 holy holy ADJ
_003136262 601 148 . . PUNCT
_003136262 602 1 thi thi PROPN
_003136262 602 2 s s PRON
_003136262 602 3 is be AUX
_003136262 602 4 sen sen PROPN
_003136262 602 5 tim tim PROPN
_003136262 602 6 ent ent PROPN
_003136262 602 7 ve1's1js ve1's1js PROPN
_003136262 602 8 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 602 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 603 1 i i PRON
_003136262 603 2 t t PROPN
_003136262 603 3 is be AUX
_003136262 603 4 onl onl PROPN
_003136262 603 5 y y PROPN
_003136262 603 6 of of ADP
_003136262 603 7 late late ADJ
_003136262 603 8 years year NOUN
_003136262 603 9 th th X
_003136262 603 10 at at ADP
_003136262 603 11 th th X
_003136262 603 12 a a DET
_003136262 603 13 t t NOUN
_003136262 603 14 singu singu NOUN
_003136262 603 15 la la PROPN
_003136262 603 16 r r NOUN
_003136262 603 17 fabr fabr NOUN
_003136262 603 18 ic ic INTJ
_003136262 603 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 603 20 denominated denominate VERB
_003136262 603 21 protesta protesta PROPN
_003136262 603 22 nt not PART
_003136262 603 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 603 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 603 25 has have VERB
_003136262 603 26 a a DET
_003136262 603 27 ssu ssu PROPN
_003136262 603 28 med med PROPN
_003136262 603 29 resth resth PROPN
_003136262 603 30 etic etic PROPN
_003136262 603 31 charac charac PROPN
_003136262 603 32 t t PROPN
_003136262 603 33 eri eri NOUN
_003136262 603 34 stics stic NOUN
_003136262 603 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 604 1 up up ADP
_003136262 604 2 to to PART
_003136262 604 3 thirty thirty NUM
_003136262 604 4 years year NOUN
_003136262 604 5 ago ago ADV
_003136262 604 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 604 7 a a DET
_003136262 604 8 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 604 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 604 10 was be AUX
_003136262 604 11 a a DET
_003136262 604 12 room room NOUN
_003136262 604 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 604 14 contain!ng contain!ng INTJ
_003136262 604 15 three three NUM
_003136262 604 16 big big ADJ
_003136262 604 17 boxes box NOUN
_003136262 604 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 604 19 each each DET
_003136262 604 20 ri ri NOUN
_003136262 604 21 s s PART
_003136262 604 22 ing ing NOUN
_003136262 604 23 above above ADP
_003136262 604 24 the the DET
_003136262 604 25 oth oth PROPN
_003136262 604 26 er er INTJ
_003136262 604 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 604 28 scores score NOUN
_003136262 604 29 of of ADP
_003136262 604 30 hideous hideous ADJ
_003136262 604 31 cowpens cowpen NOUN
_003136262 604 32 ca can AUX
_003136262 604 33 ll ll AUX
_003136262 604 34 ed ed VERB
_003136262 604 35 pews pew NOUN
_003136262 604 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 604 37 a. a. NOUN
_003136262 604 38 communion communion PROPN
_003136262 604 39 ta ta AUX
_003136262 604 40 ble ble ADJ
_003136262 605 1 wh wh NOUN
_003136262 605 2 ich ich PROPN
_003136262 605 3 was be AUX
_003136262 605 4 spec spec PROPN
_003136262 606 1 ia ia PROPN
_003136262 606 2 lly lly ADV
_003136262 606 3 constructed construct VERB
_003136262 606 4 to to ADP
_003136262 606 5 protes prote NOUN
_003136262 606 6 t t NOUN
_003136262 606 7 against against ADP
_003136262 606 8 the the DET
_003136262 606 9 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 606 10 of of ADP
_003136262 606 11 god god PROPN
_003136262 606 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 606 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 606 14 a a DET
_003136262 606 15 hon hon NOUN
_003136262 606 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 606 17 a a DET
_003136262 606 18 unicorn unicorn NOUN
_003136262 606 19 in in ADP
_003136262 606 20 playful playful ADJ
_003136262 606 21 combi combi NOUN
_003136262 606 22 nation nation NOUN
_003136262 606 23 between between ADP
_003136262 606 24 t t NOUN
_003136262 606 25 wo will AUX
_003136262 606 26 tablets tablet NOUN
_003136262 606 27 of of ADP
_003136262 606 28 j j DET
_003136262 606 29 udaic udaic ADJ
_003136262 606 30 commandments commandment NOUN
_003136262 606 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 607 1 th th PRON
_003136262 607 2 e e PROPN
_003136262 607 3 protc;stant protc;stant NOUN
_003136262 607 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 607 5 when when SCONJ
_003136262 607 6 he he PRON
_003136262 607 7 entered enter VERB
_003136262 607 8 hi hi INTJ
_003136262 607 9 s s NOUN
_003136262 607 10 ch ch NOUN
_003136262 607 11 urc urc NOUN
_003136262 607 12 h h NOUN
_003136262 607 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 607 14 knew know VERB
_003136262 607 15 that that SCONJ
_003136262 607 16 god god PROPN
_003136262 607 17 was be AUX
_003136262 607 18 not not PART
_003136262 607 19 there there ADV
_003136262 607 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 607 21 so so ADV
_003136262 607 22 he he PRON
_003136262 607 23 put put VERB
_003136262 607 24 his his PRON
_003136262 607 25 face face NOUN
_003136262 607 26 into into ADP
_003136262 607 27 hi~ hi~ PROPN
_003136262 607 28 hat hat NOUN
_003136262 607 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 607 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 607 31 hi hi INTJ
_003136262 607 32 s s VERB
_003136262 607 33 feet foot NOUN
_003136262 607 34 on on ADP
_003136262 607 35 a a DET
_003136262 607 36 hasso hasso NOUN
_003136262 607 37 ck ck PROPN
_003136262 607 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 607 39 with with ADP
_003136262 607 40 ost ost ADV
_003136262 607 41 entatious entatious ADJ
_003136262 607 42 declaration declaration NOUN
_003136262 607 43 of of ADP
_003136262 607 44 real real ADJ
_003136262 607 45 absence absence NOUN
_003136262 607 46 . . PUNCT
_003136262 608 1 b b X
_003136262 608 2 ut ut PROPN
_003136262 608 3 10 10 NUM
_003136262 608 4 a a DET
_003136262 608 5 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 608 6 church church NOUN
_003136262 608 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 8 thoug thoug PROPN
_003136262 608 9 h h PROPN
_003136262 608 10 the the DET
_003136262 608 11 sentiment sentiment NOUN
_003136262 608 12 m m VERB
_003136262 608 13 ay ay ADV
_003136262 608 14 be be AUX
_003136262 608 15 bad bad ADJ
_003136262 608 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 17 the the DET
_003136262 608 18 tas tas PROPN
_003136262 608 19 t t PROPN
_003136262 608 20 e e NOUN
_003136262 608 21 r r NOUN
_003136262 608 22 eally eally ADV
_003136262 608 23 shock shock NOUN
_003136262 608 24 in in ADP
_003136262 608 25 g g PROPN
_003136262 608 26 to to PART
_003136262 608 27 refinement refinement VERB
_003136262 608 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 29 t t PROPN
_003136262 608 30 he he PRON
_003136262 608 31 music music NOUN
_003136262 608 32 un un PROPN
_003136262 608 33 ~ ~ VERB
_003136262 608 34 tted tte VERB
_003136262 608 35 for for ADP
_003136262 608 36 : : PUNCT
_003136262 608 37 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 608 38 church church NOUN
_003136262 608 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 40 and and CCONJ
_003136262 608 41 the the DET
_003136262 608 42 auxiliaries auxiliary NOUN
_003136262 608 43 tawdry tawdry VERB
_003136262 608 44 or or CCONJ
_003136262 608 45 poor poor ADJ
_003136262 608 46 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 47 s s NOUN
_003136262 608 48 till till SCONJ
_003136262 608 49 then then ADV
_003136262 608 50 is be AUX
_003136262 608 51 the the DET
_003136262 608 52 rea rea PROPN
_003136262 608 53 l l PROPN
_003136262 608 54 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 608 55 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 56 an~ an~ PROPN
_003136262 608 57 there there PRON
_003136262 608 58 is be VERB
_003136262 608 59 ~he ~he PUNCT
_003136262 608 60 di di X
_003136262 608 61 vine vine NOUN
_003136262 608 62 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 608 63 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 64 with with SCONJ
_003136262 608 65 tru tru PROPN
_003136262 608 66 e e PROPN
_003136262 608 67 pries pry VERB
_003136262 608 68 th th X
_003136262 608 69 ood ood NOUN
_003136262 608 70 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 71 true true ADJ
_003136262 608 72 fu fu NOUN
_003136262 608 73 nction nction NOUN
_003136262 608 74 , , PUNCT
_003136262 608 75 t t NOUN
_003136262 608 76 rue rue NOUN
_003136262 608 77 everything everything PRON
_003136262 608 78 . . PUNCT
_003136262 609 1 the the DET
_003136262 609 2 catho.hc catho.hc PROPN
_003136262 609 3 can can AUX
_003136262 609 4 sm sm VERB
_003136262 609 5 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 609 6 le le X
_003136262 609 7 at at ADP
_003136262 609 8 s s PROPN
_003136262 609 9 ~ ~ SYM
_003136262 609 10 ortcom ortcom NOUN
_003136262 609 11 ings ing NOUN
_003136262 609 12 in in ADP
_003136262 609 13 art art NOUN
_003136262 609 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 609 15 because because SCONJ
_003136262 609 16 he he PRON
_003136262 609 17 has have VERB
_003136262 609 18 the the DET
_003136262 609 19 certainties certainty NOUN
_003136262 609 20 of of ADP
_003136262 609 21 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 609 22 . . PUNCT
_003136262 610 1 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 610 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 610 3 a a DET
_003136262 610 4 catholtc catholtc ADJ
_003136262 610 5 church church NOUN
_003136262 610 6 is be AUX
_003136262 610 7 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 610 8 s s PART
_003136262 610 9 heavento heavento VERB
_003136262 610 10 th th DET
_003136262 610 11 e e PROPN
_003136262 610 12 int int NOUN
_003136262 610 13 ellec ellec PROPN
_003136262 610 14 t t PROPN
_003136262 610 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 610 16 th th ADV
_003136262 610 17 ough ough ADV
_003136262 610 18 not not PART
_003136262 610 19 to to ADP
_003136262 610 20 the the DET
_003136262 610 21 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 610 22 senses sense NOUN
_003136262 610 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 611 1 t t NOUN
_003136262 611 2 ust ust NOUN
_003136262 611 3 as as ADP
_003136262 611 4 in in ADP
_003136262 611 5 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 611 6 the the DET
_003136262 611 7 l l NOUN
_003136262 611 8 ord ord NOUN
_003136262 611 9 ] ] PUNCT
_003136262 611 10 esus esus PROPN
_003136262 611 11 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 611 12 is be AUX
_003136262 611 13 offe offe ADJ
_003136262 611 14 ring ring NOUN
_003136262 611 15 himself himself PRON
_003136262 611 16 perp perp NOUN
_003136262 611 17 etually etually ADV
_003136262 612 1 t t X
_003136262 612 2 o o NOUN
_003136262 612 3 t t NOUN
_003136262 612 4 he he PRON
_003136262 612 5 father father NOUN
_003136262 612 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 612 7 so so ADV
_003136262 612 8 on on ADP
_003136262 612 9 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 612 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 612 11 from from ADP
_003136262 612 12 th th PRON
_003136262 612 13 e e NOUN
_003136262 612 14 alta alta PROPN
_003136262 612 15 r r PROPN
_003136262 612 16 s s X
_003136262 612 17 9f 9f NOUN
_003136262 612 18 q q NOUN
_003136262 612 19 - - NOUN
_003136262 612 20 od od NOUN
_003136262 612 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 612 22 he he PRON
_003136262 612 23 is be AUX
_003136262 612 24 l?erpetu l?erpetu NUM
_003136262 612 25 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 612 26 l1y l1y PROPN
_003136262 612 27 do do AUX
_003136262 612 28 ing e VERB
_003136262 612 29 th th DET
_003136262 612 30 e e NOUN
_003136262 612 31 same same ADJ
_003136262 612 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 613 1 th th DET
_003136262 613 2 e e PROPN
_003136262 613 3 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 613 4 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 613 5 is be AUX
_003136262 613 6 t t NOUN
_003136262 613 7 he he PRON
_003136262 613 8 same same ADJ
_003136262 613 9 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 613 10 on on ADP
_003136262 613 11 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 613 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 613 13 which which PRON
_003136262 613 14 is be AUX
_003136262 613 15 offe offe ADJ
_003136262 613 16 r r NOUN
_003136262 613 17 ed ed NOUN
_003136262 613 18 withou withou PROPN
_003136262 613 19 t t PROPN
_003136262 613 20 mterval mterval NOUN
_003136262 613 21 in in ADP
_003136262 613 22 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 613 23 ' ' PART
_003136262 613 24 the the DET
_003136262 613 25 di di X
_003136262 613 26 vine vine NOUN
_003136262 613 27 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 613 28 is be AUX
_003136262 613 29 the the DET
_003136262 613 30 same same ADJ
_003136262 613 31 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 613 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 613 33 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 613 34 on on ADP
_003136262 613 35 our our PRON
_003136262 613 36 al al PROPN
_003136262 613 37 tars tar NOUN
_003136262 613 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 613 39 which which PRON
_003136262 613 40 is be AUX
_003136262 613 41 " " PUNCT
_003136262 613 42 seated seat VERB
_003136262 613 43 a a DET
_003136262 613 44 t t NOUN
_003136262 613 45 the the DET
_003136262 613 46 right right ADJ
_003136262 613 47 hand hand NOUN
_003136262 613 48 of of ADP
_003136262 613 49 god god PROPN
_003136262 613 50 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 613 51 " " PUNCT
_003136262 614 1 all all DET
_003136262 614 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 614 3 h h NOUN
_003136262 614 4 at at ADP
_003136262 614 5 nonsense nonsense NOUN
_003136262 614 6 which which PRON
_003136262 614 7 is be AUX
_003136262 614 8 talked talk VERB
_003136262 614 9 from from ADP
_003136262 614 10 some some DET
_003136262 614 11 pulpits pulpit NOUN
_003136262 614 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 614 13 about about ADP
_003136262 614 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 614 15 the the DET
_003136262 614 16 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 614 17 making making NOUN
_003136262 614 18 void void ADJ
_003136262 614 19 chris chris PROPN
_003136262 614 20 t t PROPN
_003136262 614 21 's 's PART
_003136262 614 22 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 614 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 614 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 614 25 shows show VERB
_003136262 614 26 that that SCONJ
_003136262 614 27 t t PROPN
_003136262 614 28 h h NOUN
_003136262 614 29 e e NOUN
_003136262 614 30 preach preach NOUN
_003136262 614 31 ers er NOUN
_003136262 614 32 are be AUX
_003136262 614 33 as as ADV
_003136262 614 34 ignorant ignorant ADJ
_003136262 614 35 of of ADP
_003136262 614 36 th th DET
_003136262 614 37 e e X
_003136262 614 38 worsh worsh NOUN
_003136262 614 39 ip ip NOUN
_003136262 614 40 of of ADP
_003136262 614 41 h h PROPN
_003136262 614 42 eave eave NOUN
_003136262 614 43 n n PROPN
_003136262 614 44 as as SCONJ
_003136262 614 45 they they PRON
_003136262 614 46 are be AUX
_003136262 614 47 of of ADP
_003136262 614 48 true true ADJ
_003136262 614 49 wors wor NOUN
_003136262 614 50 hip hip VERB
_003136262 614 51 on on ADP
_003136262 614 52 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 614 53 . . PUNCT
_003136262 615 1 41 41 NUM
_003136262 615 2 that that SCONJ
_003136262 615 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 615 4 all all DET
_003136262 615 5 dangers danger NOUN
_003136262 615 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 615 7 scandals scandal NOUN
_003136262 615 8 emerging emerge VERB
_003136262 615 9 in in ADP
_003136262 615 10 the the DET
_003136262 615 11 kingdom kingdom NOUN
_003136262 615 12 of of ADP
_003136262 615 13 god god PROPN
_003136262 615 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 615 15 especially especially ADV
_003136262 615 16 those those PRON
_003136262 615 17 which which DET
_003136262 615 18 concern concern NOUN
_003136262 615 19 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 615 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 615 21 must must AUX
_003136262 615 22 be be AUX
_003136262 615 23 referred refer VERB
_003136262 615 24 to to ADP
_003136262 615 25 your your PRON
_003136262 615 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 615 27 the the DET
_003136262 615 28 pope's pope' NOUN
_003136262 615 29 - - PUNCT
_003136262 615 30 apostolate apostolate NOUN
_003136262 616 1 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 616 2 for for SCONJ
_003136262 616 3 it it PRON
_003136262 616 4 is be AUX
_003136262 616 5 fitting fitting ADJ
_003136262 616 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 617 1 that that SCONJ
_003136262 617 2 the the DET
_003136262 617 3 injuries injury NOUN
_003136262 617 4 done do VERB
_003136262 617 5 to to ADP
_003136262 617 6 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 617 7 should should AUX
_003136262 617 8 be be AUX
_003136262 617 9 repaired repair VERB
_003136262 617 10 there there ADV
_003136262 617 11 where where SCONJ
_003136262 617 12 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 617 13 can can AUX
_003136262 617 14 not not PART
_003136262 617 15 fail fail VERB
_003136262 617 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 617 17 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 617 18 st st PROPN
_003136262 617 19 . . PROPN
_003136262 617 20 bernard bernard PROPN
_003136262 617 21 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 617 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 617 23 that that SCONJ
_003136262 617 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 617 25 the the DET
_003136262 617 26 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 617 27 can can AUX
_003136262 617 28 not not PART
_003136262 617 29 err err VERB
_003136262 617 30 . . PUNCT
_003136262 618 1 be{ore be{ore VERB
_003136262 618 2 him he PRON
_003136262 618 3 who who PRON
_003136262 618 4 holds hold VERB
_003136262 618 5 the the DET
_003136262 618 6 place place NOUN
_003136262 618 7 of of ADP
_003136262 618 8 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 618 9 every every DET
_003136262 618 10 knee knee NOUN
_003136262 618 11 must must AUX
_003136262 618 12 bend bend VERB
_003136262 618 13 on on ADP
_003136262 618 14 earth earth NOUN
_003136262 618 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 618 16 as as ADP
_003136262 618 17 before before ADP
_003136262 618 18 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 618 19 in in ADP
_003136262 618 20 heaven heaven PROPN
_003136262 618 21 " " PUNCT
_003136262 618 22 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 618 23 st st PROPN
_003136262 618 24 . . PROPN
_003136262 618 25 bonaventure bonaventure PROPN
_003136262 618 26 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 618 27 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 618 28 with with ADP
_003136262 618 29 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 618 30 volumes volume NOUN
_003136262 618 31 of of ADP
_003136262 618 32 similar similar ADJ
_003136262 618 33 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 618 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 618 35 in in ADP
_003136262 618 36 all all DET
_003136262 618 37 ages age NOUN
_003136262 618 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 618 39 all all DET
_003136262 618 40 countries country NOUN
_003136262 618 41 , , PUNCT
_003136262 618 42 of of ADP
_003136262 618 43 the the DET
_003136262 618 44 church church NOUN
_003136262 618 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 619 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 619 2 if if SCONJ
_003136262 619 3 the the DET
_003136262 619 4 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 619 5 of of ADP
_003136262 619 6 ripon ripon NOUN
_003136262 619 7 could could AUX
_003136262 619 8 get get VERB
_003136262 619 9 himself himself PRON
_003136262 619 10 for for ADP
_003136262 619 11 one one NUM
_003136262 619 12 moment moment NOUN
_003136262 619 13 to to PART
_003136262 619 14 listen listen VERB
_003136262 619 15 to to ADP
_003136262 619 16 the the DET
_003136262 619 17 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 619 18 of of ADP
_003136262 619 19 the the DET
_003136262 619 20 church church NOUN
_003136262 619 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 619 22 he he PRON
_003136262 619 23 would would AUX
_003136262 619 24 learn learn VERB
_003136262 619 25 why why SCONJ
_003136262 619 26 it it PRON
_003136262 619 27 is be AUX
_003136262 619 28 that that SCONJ
_003136262 619 29 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 619 30 is be AUX
_003136262 619 31 a a DET
_003136262 619 32 great great ADJ
_003136262 619 33 crime crime NOUN
_003136262 619 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 619 35 nay nay PROPN
_003136262 619 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 619 37 greater great ADJ
_003136262 619 38 than than ADP
_003136262 619 39 all all DET
_003136262 619 40 crimes crime NOUN
_003136262 619 41 put put VERB
_003136262 619 42 together together ADV
_003136262 619 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 620 1 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 620 2 most most ADJ
_003136262 620 3 other other ADJ
_003136262 620 4 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 620 5 that that PRON
_003136262 620 6 a a DET
_003136262 620 7 man man NOUN
_003136262 620 8 can can AUX
_003136262 620 9 commit commit VERB
_003136262 620 10 are be AUX
_003136262 620 11 committed commit VERB
_003136262 620 12 against against ADP
_003136262 620 13 the the DET
_003136262 620 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 620 15 commandments commandment NOUN
_003136262 620 16 of of ADP
_003136262 620 17 god god PROPN
_003136262 620 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 620 19 the the DET
_003136262 620 20 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 620 21 of of ADP
_003136262 620 22 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 620 23 is be AUX
_003136262 620 24 that that DET
_003136262 620 25 exceptional exceptional ADJ
_003136262 620 26 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 620 27 which which PRON
_003136262 620 28 is be AUX
_003136262 620 29 committed commit VERB
_003136262 620 30 against against ADP
_003136262 620 31 the the DET
_003136262 620 32 person person NOUN
_003136262 620 33 of of ADP
_003136262 620 34 god god PROPN
_003136262 620 35 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 620 36 it it PRON
_003136262 620 37 is be AUX
_003136262 620 38 the the DET
_003136262 620 39 direct direct ADJ
_003136262 620 40 attack attack NOUN
_003136262 620 41 on on ADP
_003136262 620 42 his his PRON
_003136262 620 43 essence essence NOUN
_003136262 620 44 , , PUNCT
_003136262 620 45 his his PRON
_003136262 620 46 being being NOUN
_003136262 620 47 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 620 48 it it PRON
_003136262 620 49 is be AUX
_003136262 620 50 a a DET
_003136262 620 51 personal personal ADJ
_003136262 620 52 onslaught onslaught NOUN
_003136262 620 53 on on ADP
_003136262 620 54 god god PROPN
_003136262 620 55 . . PUNCT
_003136262 621 1 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 621 2 being be AUX
_003136262 621 3 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 621 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 621 5 an an DET
_003136262 621 6 attack attack NOUN
_003136262 621 7 on on ADP
_003136262 621 8 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 621 9 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 621 10 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 621 11 is be AUX
_003136262 621 12 an an DET
_003136262 621 13 attack attack NOUN
_003136262 621 14 on on ADP
_003136262 621 15 god god PROPN
_003136262 621 16 's 's PART
_003136262 621 17 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 621 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 621 19 himself himself PRON
_003136262 621 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 622 1 to to PART
_003136262 622 2 hear hear VERB
_003136262 622 3 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 622 4 talk talk VERB
_003136262 622 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 622 6 you you PRON
_003136262 622 7 would would AUX
_003136262 622 8 imagine imagine VERB
_003136262 622 9 that that SCONJ
_003136262 622 10 the the DET
_003136262 622 11 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 622 12 was be AUX
_003136262 622 13 the the DET
_003136262 622 14 exclusive exclusive ADJ
_003136262 622 15 private private ADJ
_003136262 622 16 property property NOUN
_003136262 622 17 pf pf ADP
_003136262 622 18 each each PRON
_003136262 622 19 of of ADP
_003136262 622 20 them they PRON
_003136262 622 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 622 22 that that SCONJ
_003136262 622 23 god god PROPN
_003136262 622 24 had have VERB
_003136262 622 25 nothing nothing PRON
_003136262 622 26 to to PART
_003136262 622 27 do do VERB
_003136262 622 28 with with ADP
_003136262 622 29 it it PRON
_003136262 622 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 622 31 save save VERB
_003136262 622 32 so so ADV
_003136262 622 33 far far ADV
_003136262 622 34 as as SCONJ
_003136262 622 35 they they PRON
_003136262 622 36 would would AUX
_003136262 622 37 allow allow VERB
_003136262 622 38 him he PRON
_003136262 622 39 , , PUNCT
_003136262 622 40 and and CCONJ
_003136262 622 41 would would AUX
_003136262 622 42 kindly kindly ADV
_003136262 622 43 consent consent VERB
_003136262 622 44 to to PART
_003136262 622 45 instruct instruct VERB
_003136262 622 46 him he PRON
_003136262 622 47 . . PUNCT
_003136262 623 1 they they PRON
_003136262 623 2 are be AUX
_003136262 623 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 623 4 liberal liberal ADJ
_003136262 623 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 623 6 with with ADP
_003136262 623 7 god god PROPN
_003136262 623 8 's 's PART
_003136262 623 9 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 623 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 623 11 which which PRON
_003136262 623 12 is be AUX
_003136262 623 13 a a DET
_003136262 623 14 peculiar peculiar ADJ
_003136262 623 15 form form NOUN
_003136262 623 16 of of ADP
_003136262 623 17 liberality liberality NOUN
_003136262 623 18 - - PUNCT
_003136262 623 19 to to PART
_003136262 623 20 be be AUX
_003136262 623 21 liberal liberal ADJ
_003136262 623 22 with with ADP
_003136262 623 23 what what PRON
_003136262 623 24 does do AUX
_003136262 623 25 not not PART
_003136262 623 26 belong belong VERB
_003136262 623 27 to to ADP
_003136262 623 28 them they PRON
_003136262 623 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 624 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 624 2 they they PRON
_003136262 624 3 preach preach VERB
_003136262 624 4 about about ADP
_003136262 624 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 624 6 freedom freedom NOUN
_003136262 624 7 in in ADP
_003136262 624 8 religious religious ADJ
_003136262 624 9 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 624 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 624 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 624 12 as as SCONJ
_003136262 624 13 if if SCONJ
_003136262 624 14 freedom freedom NOUN
_003136262 624 15 consisted consist VERB
_003136262 624 16 in in ADP
_003136262 624 17 being be AUX
_003136262 624 18 in in ADP
_003136262 624 19 bondage bondage NOUN
_003136262 624 20 to to ADP
_003136262 624 21 oneself oneself PRON
_003136262 624 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 624 23 or or CCONJ
_003136262 624 24 to to PART
_003136262 624 25 ten ten NUM
_003136262 624 26 thousand thousand NUM
_003136262 624 27 contradictory contradictory ADJ
_003136262 624 28 teachers teacher NOUN
_003136262 624 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 625 1 the the DET
_003136262 625 2 only only ADJ
_003136262 625 3 christians christian NOUN
_003136262 625 4 in in ADP
_003136262 625 5 the the DET
_003136262 625 6 world world NOUN
_003136262 625 7 who who PRON
_003136262 625 8 are be AUX
_003136262 625 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 625 10 free free ADJ
_003136262 625 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 625 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 625 13 who who PRON
_003136262 625 14 enjoy enjoy VERB
_003136262 625 15 unrestricted unrestricted ADJ
_003136262 625 16 religious religious ADJ
_003136262 625 17 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 625 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 625 19 are be AUX
_003136262 625 20 the the DET
_003136262 625 21 members member NOUN
_003136262 625 22 of of ADP
_003136262 625 23 the the PRON
_003136262 625 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 626 1 catholic catholic PROPN
_003136262 626 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 626 3 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 626 4 because because SCONJ
_003136262 626 5 god god PROPN
_003136262 626 6 being be AUX
_003136262 626 7 their their PRON
_003136262 626 8 teacher teacher NOUN
_003136262 626 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 626 10 they they PRON
_003136262 626 11 can can AUX
_003136262 626 12 not not PART
_003136262 626 13 believe believe VERB
_003136262 626 14 lies lie NOUN
_003136262 626 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 626 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 626 17 are be AUX
_003136262 626 18 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 626 19 free free ADJ
_003136262 626 20 from from ADP
_003136262 626 21 the the DET
_003136262 626 22 bondage bondage NOUN
_003136262 626 23 of of ADP
_003136262 626 24 error error NOUN
_003136262 626 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 627 1 all all DET
_003136262 627 2 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 627 3 are be AUX
_003136262 627 4 in in ADP
_003136262 627 5 bondage bondage NOUN
_003136262 627 6 either either CCONJ
_003136262 627 7 to to ADP
_003136262 627 8 their their PRON
_003136262 627 9 private private ADJ
_003136262 627 10 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 627 11 - - PUNCT
_003136262 627 12 which which PRON
_003136262 627 13 are be AUX
_003136262 627 14 necessarily necessarily ADV
_003136262 627 15 absurd absurd ADJ
_003136262 627 16 because because SCONJ
_003136262 627 17 human human NOUN
_003136262 627 18 - - PUNCT
_003136262 627 19 or or CCONJ
_003136262 627 20 to to ADP
_003136262 627 21 some some DET
_003136262 627 22 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 627 23 · · PUNCT
_003136262 627 24 or or CCONJ
_003136262 627 25 clergyman clergyman NOUN
_003136262 627 26 of of ADP
_003136262 627 27 their their PRON
_003136262 627 28 sect sect NOUN
_003136262 627 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 627 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 627 31 they they PRON
_003136262 627 32 are be AUX
_003136262 627 33 bound bind VERB
_003136262 627 34 hand hand NOUN
_003136262 627 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 627 36 foot foot NOUN
_003136262 627 37 by by ADP
_003136262 627 38 fantastic fantastic ADJ
_003136262 627 39 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 627 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 627 41 latest late ADJ
_003136262 627 42 " " PUNCT
_003136262 627 43 views view NOUN
_003136262 627 44 , , PUNCT
_003136262 627 45 " " PUNCT
_003136262 627 46 or or CCONJ
_003136262 627 47 the the DET
_003136262 627 48 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 627 49 of of ADP
_003136262 627 50 their their PRON
_003136262 627 51 42 42 NUM
_003136262 627 52 . . PUNCT
_003136262 628 1 parents parent NOUN
_003136262 628 2 or or CCONJ
_003136262 628 3 friends friend NOUN
_003136262 628 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 629 1 as as SCONJ
_003136262 629 2 an an DET
_003136262 629 3 american american ADJ
_003136262 629 4 writer writer NOUN
_003136262 629 5 observes observe VERB
_003136262 629 6 : : PUNCT
_003136262 629 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 629 8 there there PRON
_003136262 629 9 is be VERB
_003136262 629 10 no no DET
_003136262 629 11 bondage bondage NOUN
_003136262 629 12 so so ADV
_003136262 629 13 gross gross ADJ
_003136262 629 14 as as ADP
_003136262 629 15 that that PRON
_003136262 629 16 of of ADP
_003136262 629 17 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 629 18 to to ADP
_003136262 629 19 their their PRON
_003136262 629 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 629 21 preachers preacher NOUN
_003136262 629 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 629 23 unless unless SCONJ
_003136262 629 24 it it PRON
_003136262 629 25 be be VERB
_003136262 629 26 that that PRON
_003136262 629 27 of of ADP
_003136262 629 28 pagans pagans PROPN
_003136262 629 29 to to ADP
_003136262 629 30 their their PRON
_003136262 629 31 idols idol NOUN
_003136262 629 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 629 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 630 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 630 2 as as ADP
_003136262 630 3 a a DET
_003136262 630 4 natural natural ADJ
_003136262 630 5 result result NOUN
_003136262 630 6 of of ADP
_003136262 630 7 this this DET
_003136262 630 8 bondage bondage NOUN
_003136262 630 9 - - PUNCT
_003136262 630 10 either either ADV
_003136262 630 11 to to ADP
_003136262 630 12 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 630 13 or or CCONJ
_003136262 630 14 to to ADP
_003136262 630 15 their their PRON
_003136262 630 16 preachers preacher NOUN
_003136262 630 17 - - PUNCT
_003136262 630 18 they they PRON
_003136262 630 19 are be AUX
_003136262 630 20 unable unable ADJ
_003136262 630 21 to to PART
_003136262 630 22 distinguish distinguish VERB
_003136262 630 23 between between ADP
_003136262 630 24 the the DET
_003136262 630 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 630 26 act act NOUN
_003136262 630 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 630 28 of of ADP
_003136262 630 29 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 630 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 630 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 630 32 the the DET
_003136262 630 33 particular particular ADJ
_003136262 630 34 heresies heresy NOUN
_003136262 630 35 they they PRON
_003136262 630 36 adopt adopt VERB
_003136262 630 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 631 1 this this PRON
_003136262 631 2 is be AUX
_003136262 631 3 the the DET
_003136262 631 4 case case NOUN
_003136262 631 5 with with ADP
_003136262 631 6 the the DET
_003136262 631 7 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 631 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 632 1 he he PRON
_003136262 632 2 talks talk VERB
_003136262 632 3 about about ADP
_003136262 632 4 the the DET
_003136262 632 5 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 632 6 of of ADP
_003136262 632 7 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 632 8 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 632 9 thus thus ADV
_003136262 632 10 showing show VERB
_003136262 632 11 that that PRON
_003136262 632 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 632 13 . . PUNCT
_003136262 633 1 in in ADP
_003136262 633 2 the the DET
_003136262 633 3 first first ADJ
_003136262 633 4 place place NOUN
_003136262 633 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 633 6 he he PRON
_003136262 633 7 has have AUX
_003136262 633 8 lost lose VERB
_003136262 633 9 sight sight NOUN
_003136262 633 10 of of ADP
_003136262 633 11 the the DET
_003136262 633 12 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 633 13 that that SCONJ
_003136262 633 14 there there PRON
_003136262 633 15 is be VERB
_003136262 633 16 such such DET
_003136262 633 17 a a DET
_003136262 633 18 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 633 19 as as ADP
_003136262 633 20 heresy heresy ADJ
_003136262 633 21 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 633 22 and and CCONJ
_003136262 633 23 that that SCONJ
_003136262 633 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 633 25 as as ADP
_003136262 633 26 a a DET
_003136262 633 27 consequence consequence NOUN
_003136262 633 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 633 29 he he PRON
_003136262 633 30 is be AUX
_003136262 633 31 profoundly profoundly ADV
_003136262 633 32 indifferent indifferent ADJ
_003136262 633 33 to to ADP
_003136262 633 34 each each PRON
_003136262 633 35 and and CCONJ
_003136262 633 36 to to ADP
_003136262 633 37 all all DET
_003136262 633 38 kinds kind NOUN
_003136262 633 39 of of ADP
_003136262 633 40 that that DET
_003136262 633 41 sin sin NOUN
_003136262 633 42 . . PUNCT
_003136262 634 1 his his PRON
_003136262 634 2 position position NOUN
_003136262 634 3 obliges oblige VERB
_003136262 634 4 these these DET
_003136262 634 5 two two NUM
_003136262 634 6 evils evil NOUN
_003136262 634 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 635 1 to to PART
_003136262 635 2 be be AUX
_003136262 635 3 in in ADP
_003136262 635 4 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 635 5 with with ADP
_003136262 635 6 clergymen clergyman NOUN
_003136262 635 7 who who PRON
_003136262 635 8 flatly flatly ADV
_003136262 635 9 contradict contradict VERB
_003136262 635 10 him he PRON
_003136262 635 11 on on ADP
_003136262 635 12 what what PRON
_003136262 635 13 they they PRON
_003136262 635 14 deem deem VERB
_003136262 635 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 635 16 essentials essential NOUN
_003136262 635 17 in in ADP
_003136262 635 18 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 635 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 635 20 is be AUX
_003136262 635 21 to to PART
_003136262 635 22 maintain maintain VERB
_003136262 635 23 that that SCONJ
_003136262 635 24 it it PRON
_003136262 635 25 is be AUX
_003136262 635 26 a a DET
_003136262 635 27 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 635 28 of of ADP
_003136262 635 29 perfect perfect ADJ
_003136262 635 30 indifterence indifterence NOUN
_003136262 635 31 whether whether SCONJ
_003136262 635 32 the the DET
_003136262 635 33 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 635 34 teach teach VERB
_003136262 635 35 one one NUM
_003136262 635 36 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 635 37 or or CCONJ
_003136262 635 38 another another PRON
_003136262 635 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 636 1 to to PART
_003136262 636 2 say say VERB
_003136262 636 3 that that SCONJ
_003136262 636 4 there there PRON
_003136262 636 5 is be VERB
_003136262 636 6 no no DET
_003136262 636 7 testimony testimony NOUN
_003136262 636 8 in in ADP
_003136262 636 9 scripture scripture NOUN
_003136262 636 10 for for ADP
_003136262 636 11 the the DET
_003136262 636 12 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 636 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 636 14 while while SCONJ
_003136262 636 15 scores score NOUN
_003136262 636 16 of of ADP
_003136262 636 17 english english PROPN
_003136262 636 18 clergy clergy PROPN
_003136262 636 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 636 20 say say VERB
_003136262 636 21 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 636 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 636 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 636 24 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 636 25 of of ADP
_003136262 636 26 . . PUNCT
_003136262 637 1 course course ADV
_003136262 637 2 they they PRON
_003136262 637 3 do do AUX
_003136262 637 4 not not PART
_003136262 637 5 say say VERB
_003136262 637 6 it it PRON
_003136262 637 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 637 8 but but CCONJ
_003136262 637 9 they they PRON
_003136262 637 10 pretend pretend VERB
_003136262 637 11 to to ADP
_003136262 637 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 637 13 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 637 14 is be AUX
_003136262 637 15 to to PART
_003136262 637 16 proclaim proclaim VERB
_003136262 637 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 637 18 it it PRON
_003136262 637 19 does do AUX
_003136262 637 20 not not PART
_003136262 637 21 matter matter VERB
_003136262 637 22 whether whether SCONJ
_003136262 637 23 mass mass NOUN
_003136262 637 24 is be AUX
_003136262 637 25 idolatry idolatry NOUN
_003136262 637 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 637 27 or or CCONJ
_003136262 637 28 the the DET
_003136262 637 29 adorable adorable ADJ
_003136262 637 30 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 637 31 of of ADP
_003136262 637 32 the the DET
_003136262 637 33 altar altar NOUN
_003136262 637 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 638 1 these these DET
_003136262 638 2 high high ADJ
_003136262 638 3 churchmen churchman NOUN
_003136262 638 4 have have VERB
_003136262 638 5 the the DET
_003136262 638 6 same same ADJ
_003136262 638 7 right right NOUN
_003136262 638 8 to to ADP
_003136262 638 9 their their PRON
_003136262 638 10 private private ADJ
_003136262 638 11 christianities christianity NOUN
_003136262 638 12 as as ADP
_003136262 638 13 any any DET
_003136262 638 14 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 638 15 or or CCONJ
_003136262 638 16 archbishop archbishop NOUN
_003136262 638 17 of of ADP
_003136262 638 18 their their PRON
_003136262 638 19 church church NOUN
_003136262 638 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 638 21 they they PRON
_003136262 638 22 are be AUX
_003136262 638 23 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 638 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 638 25 are be AUX
_003136262 638 26 of of ADP
_003136262 638 27 the the DET
_003136262 638 28 very very ADV
_003136262 638 29 same same ADJ
_003136262 638 30 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 638 31 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 638 32 they they PRON
_003136262 638 33 live live VERB
_003136262 638 34 in in ADP
_003136262 638 35 the the DET
_003136262 638 36 same same ADJ
_003136262 638 37 disobedience disobedience NOUN
_003136262 638 38 to to ADP
_003136262 638 39 rome rome PROPN
_003136262 638 40 , , PUNCT
_003136262 638 41 as as ADP
_003136262 638 42 to to ADP
_003136262 638 43 their their PRON
_003136262 638 44 own own ADJ
_003136262 638 45 superiors superior NOUN
_003136262 638 46 on on ADP
_003136262 638 47 their their PRON
_003136262 638 48 fight fight NOUN
_003136262 638 49 hand hand NOUN
_003136262 638 50 or or CCONJ
_003136262 638 51 their their PRON
_003136262 638 52 left left ADJ
_003136262 638 53 : : PUNCT
_003136262 638 54 what what PRON
_003136262 638 55 is be AUX
_003136262 638 56 to to PART
_003136262 638 57 prevent prevent VERB
_003136262 638 58 them they PRON
_003136262 638 59 from from ADP
_003136262 638 60 being be AUX
_003136262 638 61 right right ADJ
_003136262 638 62 , , PUNCT
_003136262 638 63 or or CCONJ
_003136262 638 64 the the DET
_003136262 638 65 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 638 66 of of ADP
_003136262 638 67 ripon ripon NOUN
_003136262 638 68 from from ADP
_003136262 638 69 being be AUX
_003136262 638 70 wrong wrong ADJ
_003136262 638 71 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 638 72 and and CCONJ
_003136262 638 73 what what DET
_003136262 638 74 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 638 75 is be AUX
_003136262 638 76 to to PART
_003136262 638 77 judge judge VERB
_003136262 638 78 between between ADP
_003136262 638 79 them they PRON
_003136262 638 80 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 639 1 there there PRON
_003136262 639 2 is be VERB
_003136262 639 3 none none NOUN
_003136262 639 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 640 1 some some DET
_003136262 640 2 years year NOUN
_003136262 640 3 ago ago ADV
_003136262 640 4 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 640 5 . . PROPN
_003136262 640 6 bennett bennett PROPN
_003136262 640 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 640 8 of of ADP
_003136262 640 9 frome frome PROPN
_003136262 640 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 640 11 was be AUX
_003136262 640 12 asked ask VERB
_003136262 640 13 by by ADP
_003136262 640 14 the the DET
_003136262 640 15 archbishop archbishop NOUN
_003136262 640 16 of of ADP
_003136262 640 17 armagh armagh PROPN
_003136262 640 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 640 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 640 20 do do AUX
_003136262 640 21 you you PRON
_003136262 640 22 consider consider VERB
_003136262 640 23 yourself yourself PRON
_003136262 640 24 a a DET
_003136262 640 25 sacrificing sacrifice VERB
_003136262 640 26 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 640 27 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 640 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 641 1 he he PRON
_003136262 641 2 replied reply VERB
_003136262 641 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 641 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 641 5 yes yes INTJ
_003136262 641 6 . . PUNCT
_003136262 641 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 642 1 when when SCONJ
_003136262 642 2 further far ADV
_003136262 642 3 pressed press VERB
_003136262 642 4 by by ADP
_003136262 642 5 these these DET
_003136262 642 6 words word NOUN
_003136262 642 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 642 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 642 9 in in ADP
_003136262 642 10 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 642 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 642 12 sacerdos sacerdo NOUN
_003136262 642 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 642 14 a a DET
_003136262 642 15 sacrificing sacrifice VERB
_003136262 642 16 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 642 17 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 642 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 642 19 he he PRON
_003136262 642 20 answered answer VERB
_003136262 642 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 642 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 642 23 certainly certainly ADV
_003136262 642 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 642 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 643 1 yet yet CCONJ
_003136262 643 2 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 643 3 . . PROPN
_003136262 643 4 bennett bennett PROPN
_003136262 643 5 remains remain VERB
_003136262 643 6 in in ADP
_003136262 643 7 cheerful cheerful ADJ
_003136262 643 8 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 643 9 with with ADP
_003136262 643 10 scores score NOUN
_003136262 643 11 of of ADP
_003136262 643 12 clergymen clergyman NOUN
_003136262 643 13 like like ADP
_003136262 643 14 the the DET
_003136262 643 15 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 643 16 of of ADP
_003136262 643 17 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 643 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 643 19 who who PRON
_003136262 643 20 flatly flatly ADV
_003136262 643 21 deny deny VERB
_003136262 643 22 the the DET
_003136262 643 23 " " PUNCT
_003136262 643 24 sacerdos sacerdo NOUN
_003136262 643 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 643 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 644 1 so so ADV
_003136262 644 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 644 3 archdeacon archdeacon NOUN
_003136262 644 4 denison denison PROPN
_003136262 644 5 was be AUX
_003136262 644 6 condemned condemn VERB
_003136262 644 7 by by ADP
_003136262 644 8 the the DET
_003136262 644 9 archbishop archbishop NOUN
_003136262 644 10 of of ADP
_003136262 644 11 canterbury canterbury NOUN
_003136262 644 12 - - PUNCT
_003136262 644 13 unjustly unjustly ADV
_003136262 644 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 644 15 absurdly absurdly ADV
_003136262 644 16 we we PRON
_003136262 644 17 admit admit VERB
_003136262 644 18 - - PUNCT
_003136262 644 19 and and CCONJ
_003136262 644 20 deprived deprive VERB
_003136262 644 21 of of ADP
_003136262 644 22 his his PRON
_003136262 644 23 church church NOUN
_003136262 644 24 preferments preferment NOUN
_003136262 644 25 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 644 26 43 43 NUM
_003136262 644 27 that that PRON
_003136262 644 28 is be AUX
_003136262 644 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 644 30 he he PRON
_003136262 644 31 would would AUX
_003136262 644 32 have have AUX
_003136262 644 33 been be AUX
_003136262 644 34 deprived deprive VERB
_003136262 644 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 644 36 but but CCONJ
_003136262 644 37 for for ADP
_003136262 644 38 an an DET
_003136262 644 39 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 644 40 to to ADP
_003136262 644 41 the the DET
_003136262 644 42 privy privy PROPN
_003136262 644 43 council council NOUN
_003136262 644 44 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 644 45 an an DET
_003136262 644 46 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 644 47 which which PRON
_003136262 644 48 he he PRON
_003136262 644 49 had have VERB
_003136262 644 50 himself himself PRON
_003136262 644 51 protested protest VERB
_003136262 644 52 against against ADP
_003136262 644 53 in in ADP
_003136262 644 54 · · PUNCT
_003136262 644 55 the the DET
_003136262 644 56 case case NOUN
_003136262 644 57 of of ADP
_003136262 644 58 the the DET
_003136262 644 59 gorham gorham PROPN
_003136262 644 60 controversy controversy NOUN
_003136262 644 61 . . PUNCT
_003136262 645 1 the the DET
_003136262 645 2 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 645 3 is be AUX
_003136262 645 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 645 5 an an DET
_003136262 645 6 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 645 7 clergyman clergyman NOUN
_003136262 645 8 will will AUX
_003136262 645 9 remain remain VERB
_003136262 645 10 in in ADP
_003136262 645 11 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 645 12 with with ADP
_003136262 645 13 anybody anybody PRON
_003136262 645 14 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 645 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 645 16 very very ADV
_003136262 645 17 logically logically ADV
_003136262 645 18 too too ADV
_003136262 645 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 645 20 for for SCONJ
_003136262 645 21 he he PRON
_003136262 645 22 knows know VERB
_003136262 645 23 that that SCONJ
_003136262 645 24 there there PRON
_003136262 645 25 is be VERB
_003136262 645 26 no no DET
_003136262 645 27 real real ADJ
_003136262 645 28 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 645 29 in in ADP
_003136262 645 30 his his PRON
_003136262 645 31 church church NOUN
_003136262 645 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 645 33 save save VERB
_003136262 645 34 only only ADV
_003136262 645 35 private private ADJ
_003136262 645 36 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 645 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 646 1 both both CCONJ
_003136262 646 2 the the DET
_003136262 646 3 high high ADJ
_003136262 646 4 church church NOUN
_003136262 646 5 party party NOUN
_003136262 646 6 - - PUNCT
_003136262 646 7 which which PRON
_003136262 646 8 judges judge VERB
_003136262 646 9 the the DET
_003136262 646 10 early early ADJ
_003136262 646 11 church church NOUN
_003136262 646 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 13 the the DET
_003136262 646 14 popes pope NOUN
_003136262 646 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 16 the the DET
_003136262 646 17 councils council NOUN
_003136262 646 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 19 the the DET
_003136262 646 20 doctors doctor NOUN
_003136262 646 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 22 the the DET
_003136262 646 23 saints saint NOUN
_003136262 646 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 25 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 646 26 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 646 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 28 as as ADV
_003136262 646 29 well well ADV
_003136262 646 30 as as ADP
_003136262 646 31 the the DET
_003136262 646 32 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 646 33 of of ADP
_003136262 646 34 the the DET
_003136262 646 35 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 646 36 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 646 37 and and CCONJ
_003136262 646 38 the the DET
_003136262 646 39 low low ADJ
_003136262 646 40 church church NOUN
_003136262 646 41 party party NOUN
_003136262 646 42 - - PUNCT
_003136262 646 43 which which PRON
_003136262 646 44 lifnits lifnit VERB
_003136262 646 45 its its PRON
_003136262 646 46 sovereignty sovereignty NOUN
_003136262 646 47 to to ADP
_003136262 646 48 the the DET
_003136262 646 49 infallible infallible ADJ
_003136262 646 50 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 646 51 private private ADJ
_003136262 646 52 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 646 53 interpretation interpretation NOUN
_003136262 646 54 of of ADP
_003136262 646 55 the the DET
_003136262 646 56 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 646 57 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 646 58 would would AUX
_003136262 646 59 remain remain VERB
_003136262 646 60 in in ADP
_003136262 646 61 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 646 62 with with ADP
_003136262 646 63 any any DET
_003136262 646 64 arch arch ADJ
_003136262 646 65 - - PUNCT
_003136262 646 66 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 646 67 of of ADP
_003136262 646 68 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 646 69 , , PUNCT
_003136262 646 70 because because SCONJ
_003136262 646 71 they they PRON
_003136262 646 72 know know VERB
_003136262 646 73 that that SCONJ
_003136262 646 74 their their PRON
_003136262 646 75 church church NOUN
_003136262 646 76 is be AUX
_003136262 646 77 but but CCONJ
_003136262 646 78 a a DET
_003136262 646 79 club club NOUN
_003136262 646 80 . . PUNCT
_003136262 647 1 the the DET
_003136262 647 2 " " PUNCT
_003136262 647 3 old old ADJ
_003136262 647 4 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 647 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 647 6 have have AUX
_003136262 647 7 been be AUX
_003136262 647 8 recently recently ADV
_003136262 647 9 invited invite VERB
_003136262 647 10 to to PART
_003136262 647 11 join join VERB
_003136262 647 12 that that DET
_003136262 647 13 club club NOUN
_003136262 647 14 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 647 15 or or CCONJ
_003136262 647 16 rather rather ADV
_003136262 647 17 they they PRON
_003136262 647 18 have have AUX
_003136262 647 19 half half ADV
_003136262 647 20 invited invite VERB
_003136262 647 21 th.emselves th.emselve NOUN
_003136262 647 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 647 23 for for ADP
_003136262 647 24 everyone everyone PRON
_003136262 647 25 knows know VERB
_003136262 647 26 that that PRON
_003136262 647 27 to to PART
_003136262 647 28 rebel rebel VERB
_003136262 647 29 against against ADP
_003136262 647 30 the the DET
_003136262 647 31 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 647 32 is be AUX
_003136262 647 33 the the PRON
_003136262 647 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 648 1 first first ADJ
_003136262 648 2 condition condition NOUN
_003136262 648 3 for for ADP
_003136262 648 4 admission admission NOUN
_003136262 648 5 . . PUNCT
_003136262 649 1 the the DET
_003136262 649 2 " " PUNCT
_003136262 649 3 old old ADJ
_003136262 649 4 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 649 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 649 6 had have VERB
_003136262 649 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN
_003136262 649 8 allowed allow VERB
_003136262 649 9 them they PRON
_003136262 649 10 for for ADP
_003136262 649 11 repentance repentance NOUN
_003136262 649 12 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 649 13 the the DET
_003136262 649 14 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 649 15 behaved behave VERB
_003136262 649 16 to to ADP
_003136262 649 17 them they PRON
_003136262 649 18 leniently leniently ADV
_003136262 649 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 649 20 but but CCONJ
_003136262 649 21 at at ADP
_003136262 649 22 last last ADV
_003136262 649 23 they they PRON
_003136262 649 24 were be AUX
_003136262 649 25 cut cut VERB
_003136262 649 26 off off ADP
_003136262 649 27 from from ADP
_003136262 649 28 the the DET
_003136262 649 29 church church NOUN
_003136262 649 30 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 649 31 cast cast VERB
_003136262 649 32 headlong headlong ADV
_003136262 649 33 into into ADP
_003136262 649 34 the the DET
_003136262 649 35 abyss abyss NOUN
_003136262 649 36 of of ADP
_003136262 649 37 heresy heresy PROPN
_003136262 649 38 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 649 39 left leave VERB
_003136262 649 40 friendless friendless NOUN
_003136262 649 41 , , PUNCT
_003136262 649 42 alone alone ADV
_003136262 649 43 , , PUNCT
_003136262 649 44 in in ADP
_003136262 649 45 the the DET
_003136262 649 46 world world NOUN
_003136262 649 47 . . PUNCT
_003136262 650 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 650 2 the the DET
_003136262 650 3 church church NOUN
_003136262 650 4 of of ADP
_003136262 650 5 england england PROPN
_003136262 650 6 espied espy VERB
_003136262 650 7 them they PRON
_003136262 650 8 from from ADP
_003136262 650 9 afar afar ADV
_003136262 650 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 650 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 650 12 begged beg VERB
_003136262 650 13 them they PRON
_003136262 650 14 to to PART
_003136262 650 15 join join VERB
_003136262 650 16 the the DET
_003136262 650 17 club club NOUN
_003136262 650 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 651 1 they they PRON
_003136262 651 2 were be AUX
_003136262 651 3 heretics heretic NOUN
_003136262 651 4 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 651 5 that that PRON
_003136262 651 6 sufficed suffice VERB
_003136262 651 7 : : PUNCT
_003136262 651 8 their their PRON
_003136262 651 9 admission admission NOUN
_003136262 651 10 was be AUX
_003136262 651 11 a a DET
_003136262 651 12 matter matter NOUN
_003136262 651 13 of of ADP
_003136262 651 14 course course NOUN
_003136262 651 15 : : PUNCT
_003136262 651 16 accordingly accordingly ADV
_003136262 651 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 651 18 admitted admit VERB
_003136262 651 19 they they PRON
_003136262 651 20 iwere iwere ADV
_003136262 651 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 652 1 to to PART
_003136262 652 2 be be AUX
_003136262 652 3 sure sure ADJ
_003136262 652 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 652 5 they they PRON
_003136262 652 6 held hold VERB
_003136262 652 7 a a DET
_003136262 652 8 few few ADJ
_003136262 652 9 doctrines doctrine NOUN
_003136262 652 10 which which PRON
_003136262 652 11 the the DET
_003136262 652 12 church church NOUN
_003136262 652 13 of of ADP
_003136262 652 14 england england PROPN
_003136262 652 15 professed profess VERB
_003136262 652 16 to to PART
_003136262 652 17 anathematize anathematize VERB
_003136262 652 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 652 19 but but CCONJ
_003136262 652 20 what what PRON
_003136262 652 21 could could AUX
_003136262 652 22 that that PRON
_003136262 652 23 possibly possibly ADV
_003136262 652 24 matter matter VERB
_003136262 652 25 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 653 1 they they PRON
_003136262 653 2 hated hate VERB
_003136262 653 3 the the DET
_003136262 653 4 pope pope NOUN
_003136262 653 5 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 653 6 and and CCONJ
_003136262 653 7 this this PRON
_003136262 653 8 was be AUX
_003136262 653 9 reason reason NOUN
_003136262 653 10 enough enough ADV
_003136262 653 11 why why SCONJ
_003136262 653 12 two two NUM
_003136262 653 13 " " PUNCT
_003136262 653 14 bishops bishop NOUN
_003136262 653 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 653 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 653 17 a a DET
_003136262 653 18 dean dean NOUN
_003136262 653 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 653 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 653 21 several several ADJ
_003136262 653 22 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 653 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 653 24 should should AUX
_003136262 653 25 . . PUNCT
_003136262 653 26 cross cross VERB
_003136262 653 27 the the DET
_003136262 653 28 water water NOUN
_003136262 653 29 to to PART
_003136262 653 30 embrace embrace VERB
_003136262 653 31 them they PRON
_003136262 653 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 654 1 what what PRON
_003136262 654 2 could could AUX
_003136262 654 3 old old ADJ
_003136262 654 4 catholics catholic NOUN
_003136262 654 5 do do VERB
_003136262 654 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 654 7 in in ADP
_003136262 654 8 return return NOUN
_003136262 654 9 for for ADP
_003136262 654 10 such such ADJ
_003136262 654 11 kindness kindness NOUN
_003136262 654 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 654 13 but but CCONJ
_003136262 654 14 acknowledge acknowledge VERB
_003136262 654 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 654 16 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 654 17 orders order NOUN
_003136262 654 18 ? ? PUNCT
_003136262 654 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 654 20 0 0 NUM
_003136262 654 21 comic comic ADJ
_003136262 654 22 act act NOUN
_003136262 654 23 of of ADP
_003136262 654 24 gratitude gratitude NOUN
_003136262 654 25 ! ! PUNCT
_003136262 655 1 they they PRON
_003136262 655 2 had have AUX
_003136262 655 3 passed pass VERB
_003136262 655 4 their their PRON
_003136262 655 5 lives life NOUN
_003136262 655 6 in in ADP
_003136262 655 7 laughing laugh VERB
_003136262 655 8 at at ADP
_003136262 655 9 those those DET
_003136262 655 10 orders order NOUN
_003136262 655 11 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 655 12 but but CCONJ
_003136262 655 13 now now ADV
_003136262 655 14 they they PRON
_003136262 655 15 found find VERB
_003136262 655 16 them they PRON
_003136262 655 17 suddenly suddenly ADV
_003136262 655 18 to to PART
_003136262 655 19 be be AUX
_003136262 655 20 true true ADJ
_003136262 655 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 656 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 656 2 we we PRON
_003136262 656 3 get get VERB
_003136262 656 4 to to ADP
_003136262 656 5 the the DET
_003136262 656 6 root root NOUN
_003136262 656 7 of of ADP
_003136262 656 8 the the DET
_003136262 656 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 656 10 of of ADP
_003136262 656 11 england england PROPN
_003136262 656 12 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 656 13 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 656 14 rule rule NOUN
_003136262 656 15 of of ADP
_003136262 656 16 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 656 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 656 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 657 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 657 2 thus thus ADV
_003136262 657 3 also also ADV
_003136262 657 4 we we PRON
_003136262 657 5 see see VERB
_003136262 657 6 that that PRON
_003136262 657 7 to to PART
_003136262 657 8 disobey disobey VERB
_003136262 657 9 the the DET
_003136262 657 10 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 657 11 church church NOUN
_003136262 657 12 is be AUX
_003136262 657 13 to to PART
_003136262 657 14 proclaim proclaim VERB
_003136262 657 15 the the DET
_003136262 657 16 right right NOUN
_003136262 657 17 of of ADP
_003136262 657 18 believing believe VERB
_003136262 657 19 or or CCONJ
_003136262 657 20 disbelieving disbelieving ADJ
_003136262 657 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 657 22 without without ADP
_003136262 657 23 obedience obedience NOUN
_003136262 657 24 to to ADP
_003136262 657 25 any any DET
_003136262 657 26 livin livin PROPN
_003136262 657 27 g g NOUN
_003136262 657 28 voice voice NOUN
_003136262 657 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 658 1 • • INTJ
_003136262 658 2 44 44 NUM
_003136262 658 3 noone noone NOUN
_003136262 658 4 can can AUX
_003136262 658 5 possibly possibly ADV
_003136262 658 6 obey obey VERB
_003136262 658 7 the the DET
_003136262 658 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 658 9 of of ADP
_003136262 658 10 england england PROPN
_003136262 658 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 658 12 both both CCONJ
_003136262 658 13 because because SCONJ
_003136262 658 14 she she PRON
_003136262 658 15 professes profess VERB
_003136262 658 16 herself herself PRON
_003136262 658 17 to to PART
_003136262 658 18 be be AUX
_003136262 658 19 fallible fallible ADJ
_003136262 658 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 658 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 658 22 proves prove VERB
_003136262 658 23 every every DET
_003136262 658 24 hour hour NOUN
_003136262 658 25 that that SCONJ
_003136262 658 26 she she PRON
_003136262 658 27 is be AUX
_003136262 658 28 so so ADV
_003136262 658 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 659 1 noone noone NOUN
_003136262 659 2 can can AUX
_003136262 659 3 obey obey VERB
_003136262 659 4 a a DET
_003136262 659 5 par par NOUN
_003136262 659 6 ticular ticular PROPN
_003136262 659 7 ecclesiastic ecclesiastic NOUN
_003136262 659 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 659 9 because because SCONJ
_003136262 659 10 he he PRON
_003136262 659 11 has have VERB
_003136262 659 12 no no DET
_003136262 659 13 more more ADV
_003136262 659 14 right right ADJ
_003136262 659 15 to to PART
_003136262 659 16 teach teach VERB
_003136262 659 17 than than ADP
_003136262 659 18 any any DET
_003136262 659 19 other other ADJ
_003136262 659 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 660 1 noone noone NOUN
_003136262 660 2 can can AUX
_003136262 660 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 660 4 obey obey VERB
_003136262 660 5 the the DET
_003136262 660 6 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 660 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 660 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 660 9 as as SCONJ
_003136262 660 10 it it PRON
_003136262 660 11 is be AUX
_003136262 660 12 called call VERB
_003136262 660 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 660 14 because because SCONJ
_003136262 660 15 he he PRON
_003136262 660 16 is be AUX
_003136262 660 17 at at ADP
_003136262 660 18 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 660 19 to to PART
_003136262 660 20 interpret interpret VERB
_003136262 660 21 it it PRON
_003136262 660 22 for for ADP
_003136262 660 23 himself himself PRON
_003136262 660 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 661 1 in in ADP
_003136262 661 2 short short ADJ
_003136262 661 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 661 4 there there PRON
_003136262 661 5 is be VERB
_003136262 661 6 no no DET
_003136262 661 7 one one NOUN
_003136262 661 8 to to PART
_003136262 661 9 obey obey VERB
_003136262 661 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 661 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 661 12 consequently consequently ADV
_003136262 661 13 there there PRON
_003136262 661 14 is be VERB
_003136262 661 15 no no DET
_003136262 661 16 one one NOUN
_003136262 661 17 to to PART
_003136262 661 18 disobey disobey VERB
_003136262 661 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 662 1 heresy heresy PROPN
_003136262 662 2 is be AUX
_003136262 662 3 therefore therefore ADV
_003136262 662 4 rendered render VERB
_003136262 662 5 an an DET
_003136262 662 6 impossibility impossibility NOUN
_003136262 662 7 in in ADP
_003136262 662 8 a a DET
_003136262 662 9 mo mo NOUN
_003136262 662 10 ~ ~ NOUN
_003136262 662 11 t t NOUN
_003136262 662 12 certain certain ADJ
_003136262 662 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 662 14 if if SCONJ
_003136262 662 15 satirical satirical ADJ
_003136262 662 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 662 17 sense sense NOUN
_003136262 662 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 662 19 because because SCONJ
_003136262 662 20 since since SCONJ
_003136262 662 21 every every DET
_003136262 662 22 man man NOUN
_003136262 662 23 must must AUX
_003136262 662 24 be be AUX
_003136262 662 25 necessarily necessarily ADV
_003136262 662 26 his his PRON
_003136262 662 27 own own ADJ
_003136262 662 28 teacher teacher NOUN
_003136262 662 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 662 30 he he PRON
_003136262 662 31 can can AUX
_003136262 662 32 disobey disobey VERB
_003136262 662 33 no no DET
_003136262 662 34 one one NOUN
_003136262 662 35 but but SCONJ
_003136262 662 36 himself himself PRON
_003136262 662 37 . . PUNCT
_003136262 663 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 663 2 disobedience disobedience NOUN
_003136262 663 3 to to PART
_003136262 663 4 self self NOUN
_003136262 663 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 663 6 is be AUX
_003136262 663 7 the the DET
_003136262 663 8 only only ADJ
_003136262 663 9 possible possible ADJ
_003136262 663 10 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 663 11 that that PRON
_003136262 663 12 is be AUX
_003136262 663 13 left leave VERB
_003136262 663 14 for for ADP
_003136262 663 15 an an DET
_003136262 663 16 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 663 17 christian christian NOUN
_003136262 663 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 664 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 664 2 since since SCONJ
_003136262 664 3 the the DET
_003136262 664 4 self self NOUN
_003136262 664 5 that that PRON
_003136262 664 6 may may AUX
_003136262 664 7 be be AUX
_003136262 664 8 disobeyed disobey VERB
_003136262 664 9 is be AUX
_003136262 664 10 a a DET
_003136262 664 11 compound compound NOUN
_003136262 664 12 of of ADP
_003136262 664 13 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 664 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 664 15 of of ADP
_003136262 664 16 false false ADJ
_003136262 664 17 traditions tradition NOUN
_003136262 664 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 664 19 false false ADJ
_003136262 664 20 history history NOUN
_003136262 664 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 664 22 false false ADJ
_003136262 664 23 interpretations interpretation NOUN
_003136262 664 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 664 25 ungoverned ungoverne VERB
_003136262 664 26 by by ADP
_003136262 664 27 any any DET
_003136262 664 28 authority authority NOUN
_003136262 664 29 save save VERB
_003136262 664 30 that that PRON
_003136262 664 31 of of ADP
_003136262 664 32 its its PRON
_003136262 664 33 own own ADJ
_003136262 664 34 will will NOUN
_003136262 664 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 664 36 or or CCONJ
_003136262 664 37 at at ADP
_003136262 664 38 the the DET
_003136262 664 39 best good ADJ
_003136262 664 40 by by ADP
_003136262 664 41 the the DET
_003136262 664 42 private private ADJ
_003136262 664 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 664 44 reading reading NOUN
_003136262 664 45 " " PUNCT
_003136262 664 46 of of ADP
_003136262 664 47 eighteen eighteen NUM
_003136262 664 48 centuries century NOUN
_003136262 664 49 , , PUNCT
_003136262 664 50 it it PRON
_003136262 664 51 is be AUX
_003136262 664 52 a a DET
_003136262 664 53 self self NOUN
_003136262 664 54 which which PRON
_003136262 664 55 it it PRON
_003136262 664 56 is be AUX
_003136262 664 57 perhaps perhaps ADV
_003136262 664 58 . . PUNCT
_003136262 665 1 better well ADJ
_003136262 665 2 to to PART
_003136262 665 3 disobey disobey VERB
_003136262 665 4 , , PUNCT
_003136262 665 5 than than SCONJ
_003136262 665 6 to to PART
_003136262 665 7 honour honour VERB
_003136262 665 8 with with ADP
_003136262 665 9 too too ADV
_003136262 665 10 much much ADJ
_003136262 665 11 esteem esteem NOUN
_003136262 665 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 666 1 really really ADV
_003136262 666 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 666 3 we we PRON
_003136262 666 4 do do AUX
_003136262 666 5 not not PART
_003136262 666 6 know know VERB
_003136262 666 7 how how SCONJ
_003136262 666 8 to to PART
_003136262 666 9 address address VERB
_003136262 666 10 ourselves ourselves PRON
_003136262 666 11 gravely gravely ADV
_003136262 666 12 to to ADP
_003136262 666 13 the the DET
_003136262 666 14 subject subject NOUN
_003136262 666 15 of of ADP
_003136262 666 16 the the DET
_003136262 666 17 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 666 18 of of ADP
_003136262 666 19 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 666 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 667 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 667 2 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 667 3 consist consist VERB
_003136262 667 4 in in ADP
_003136262 667 5 such such ADJ
_003136262 667 6 savage savage NOUN
_003136262 667 7 separations separation NOUN
_003136262 667 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 9 that that SCONJ
_003136262 667 10 even even ADV
_003136262 667 11 different different ADJ
_003136262 667 12 names name NOUN
_003136262 667 13 must must AUX
_003136262 667 14 be be AUX
_003136262 667 15 given give VERB
_003136262 667 16 to to ADP
_003136262 667 17 different different ADJ
_003136262 667 18 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 667 19 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 667 20 some some DET
_003136262 667 21 one one NUM
_003136262 667 22 reckons reckon VERB
_003136262 667 23 289 289 NUM
_003136262 667 24 within within ADP
_003136262 667 25 the the DET
_003136262 667 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 667 27 twelve twelve NUM
_003136262 667 28 - - PUNCT
_003136262 667 29 mile mile NOUN
_003136262 667 30 circuit circuit NOUN
_003136262 667 31 " " PUNCT
_003136262 667 32 alone alone ADV
_003136262 667 33 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 667 34 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 667 35 if if SCONJ
_003136262 667 36 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 667 37 consist consist VERB
_003136262 667 38 in in ADP
_003136262 667 39 -the -the DET
_003136262 667 40 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 667 41 in in ADP
_003136262 667 42 the the DET
_003136262 667 43 m m PROPN
_003136262 667 44 ass ass NOUN
_003136262 667 45 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 46 as as SCONJ
_003136262 667 47 taught teach VERB
_003136262 667 48 by by ADP
_003136262 667 49 the the DET
_003136262 667 50 high high ADJ
_003136262 667 51 church church NOUN
_003136262 667 52 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 667 53 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 54 and and CCONJ
_003136262 667 55 also also ADV
_003136262 667 56 in in ADP
_003136262 667 57 the the DET
_003136262 667 58 ribald ribald NOUN
_003136262 667 59 blasphemy blasphemy NOUN
_003136262 667 60 and and CCONJ
_003136262 667 61 sg sg ADV
_003136262 667 62 : : PUNCT
_003136262 667 63 orn orn ADJ
_003136262 667 64 of of ADP
_003136262 667 65 it it PRON
_003136262 667 66 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 67 as as SCONJ
_003136262 667 68 taught teach VERB
_003136262 667 69 by by ADP
_003136262 667 70 the the DET
_003136262 667 71 extreme extreme ADJ
_003136262 667 72 low low ADJ
_003136262 667 73 church church NOUN
_003136262 667 74 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 667 75 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 667 76 if if SCONJ
_003136262 667 77 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 667 78 mean mean VERB
_003136262 667 79 both both CCONJ
_003136262 667 80 the the DET
_003136262 667 81 adoration adoration NOUN
_003136262 667 82 of of ADP
_003136262 667 83 the the DET
_003136262 667 84 real real ADJ
_003136262 667 85 presence presence NOUN
_003136262 667 86 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 87 and and CCONJ
_003136262 667 88 its its PRON
_003136262 667 89 total total ADJ
_003136262 667 90 disregard disregard NOUN
_003136262 667 91 or or CCONJ
_003136262 667 92 denial denial NOUN
_003136262 667 93 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 667 94 if if SCONJ
_003136262 667 95 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 667 96 mean mean VERB
_003136262 667 97 the the DET
_003136262 667 98 belief belief NOUN
_003136262 667 99 in in ADP
_003136262 667 100 priestly priestly ADJ
_003136262 667 101 powers power NOUN
_003136262 667 102 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 103 and and CCONJ
_003136262 667 104 the the DET
_003136262 667 105 contempt contempt NOUN
_003136262 667 106 for for ADP
_003136262 667 107 the the DET
_003136262 667 108 apostolic apostolic ADJ
_003136262 667 109 succession succession NOUN
_003136262 667 110 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 667 111 if if SCONJ
_003136262 667 112 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 667 113 mean mean VERB
_003136262 667 114 the the DET
_003136262 667 115 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 667 116 of of ADP
_003136262 667 117 dr dr PROPN
_003136262 667 118 . . PROPN
_003136262 667 119 pusey pusey PROPN
_003136262 667 120 , , PUNCT
_003136262 667 121 and and CCONJ
_003136262 667 122 also also ADV
_003136262 667 123 that that PRON
_003136262 667 124 of of ADP
_003136262 667 125 the the DET
_003136262 667 126 rev rev PROPN
_003136262 667 127 . . PUNCT
_003136262 668 1 mr mr PROPN
_003136262 668 2 . . PROPN
_003136262 668 3 ryle ryle PROPN
_003136262 668 4 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 668 5 if if SCONJ
_003136262 668 6 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 668 7 mean mean VERB
_003136262 668 8 an an DET
_003136262 668 9 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 668 10 to to ADP
_003136262 668 11 the the DET
_003136262 668 12 councils council NOUN
_003136262 668 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 668 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 668 15 an an DET
_003136262 668 16 appeal appeal NOUN
_003136262 668 17 to to ADP
_003136262 668 18 private private ADJ
_003136262 668 19 opinions opinion NOUN
_003136262 668 20 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 668 21 if if SCONJ
_003136262 668 22 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 668 23 mean mean VERB
_003136262 668 24 the the DET
_003136262 668 25 whole whole ADJ
_003136262 668 26 sacramental sacramental ADJ
_003136262 668 27 system system NOUN
_003136262 668 28 as as SCONJ
_003136262 668 29 insisted insist VERB
_003136262 668 30 on on ADP
_003136262 668 31 by by ADP
_003136262 668 32 many many ADJ
_003136262 668 33 english english ADJ
_003136262 668 34 clergymen clergyman NOUN
_003136262 668 35 , , PUNCT
_003136262 668 36 and and CCONJ
_003136262 668 37 that that DET
_003136262 668 38 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 668 39 of of ADP
_003136262 668 40 quakerism quakerism NOUN
_003136262 668 41 plus plus CCONJ
_003136262 668 42 a a DET
_003136262 668 43 form form NOUN
_003136262 668 44 of of ADP
_003136262 668 45 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 668 46 which which PRON
_003136262 668 47 is be AUX
_003136262 668 48 insisted insist VERB
_003136262 668 49 on on ADP
_003136262 668 50 by by ADP
_003136262 668 51 about about ADV
_003136262 668 52 as as ADV
_003136262 668 53 many many ADJ
_003136262 668 54 more more ADJ
_003136262 668 55 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 668 56 if if SCONJ
_003136262 668 57 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 668 58 mean mean VERB
_003136262 668 59 that that SCONJ
_003136262 668 60 clergymen clergyman NOUN
_003136262 668 61 of of ADP
_003136262 668 62 the the DET
_003136262 668 63 self self NOUN
_003136262 668 64 - - PUNCT
_003136262 668 65 same same ADJ
_003136262 668 66 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 668 67 should should AUX
_003136262 668 68 ca11 ca11 VERB
_003136262 668 69 one one NUM
_003136262 668 70 another another DET
_003136262 668 71 " " PUNCT
_003136262 668 72 ungentlemanly ungentlemanly ADJ
_003136262 668 73 45 45 NUM
_003136262 668 74 atheists atheist NOUN
_003136262 668 75 , , PUNCT
_003136262 668 76 " " PUNCT
_003136262 668 77 and and CCONJ
_003136262 668 78 yet yet ADV
_003136262 668 79 remain remain VERB
_003136262 668 80 in in ADP
_003136262 668 81 mutual mutual ADJ
_003136262 668 82 serenity serenity NOUN
_003136262 668 83 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 668 84 in in ADP
_003136262 668 85 short short ADJ
_003136262 668 86 , , PUNCT
_003136262 668 87 if if SCONJ
_003136262 668 88 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 668 89 mean mean VERB
_003136262 668 90 the the DET
_003136262 668 91 most most ADV
_003136262 668 92 prodigious prodigious ADJ
_003136262 668 93 disunion disunion NOUN
_003136262 668 94 that that PRON
_003136262 668 95 was be AUX
_003136262 668 96 ever ever ADV
_003136262 668 97 conceived conceive VERB
_003136262 668 98 by by ADP
_003136262 668 99 the the DET
_003136262 668 100 human human ADJ
_003136262 668 101 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 668 102 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 668 103 then then ADV
_003136262 668 104 we we PRON
_003136262 668 105 must must AUX
_003136262 668 106 concede concede VERB
_003136262 668 107 to to ADP
_003136262 668 108 the the DET
_003136262 668 109 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 668 110 of of ADP
_003136262 668 111 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 668 112 that that SCONJ
_003136262 668 113 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 668 114 are be AUX
_003136262 668 115 united united ADJ
_003136262 668 116 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 668 117 . . PUNCT
_003136262 669 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 669 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 669 3 for for ADP
_003136262 669 4 our our PRON
_003136262 669 5 part part NOUN
_003136262 669 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 669 7 we we PRON
_003136262 669 8 do do AUX
_003136262 669 9 not not PART
_003136262 669 10 hesitate hesitate VERB
_003136262 669 11 to to PART
_003136262 669 12 say say VERB
_003136262 669 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 669 14 that that SCONJ
_003136262 669 15 it it PRON
_003136262 669 16 is be AUX
_003136262 669 17 not not PART
_003136262 669 18 possible possible ADJ
_003136262 669 19 that that SCONJ
_003136262 669 20 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 669 21 should should AUX
_003136262 669 22 be be AUX
_003136262 669 23 true true ADJ
_003136262 669 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 669 25 if if SCONJ
_003136262 669 26 the the DET
_003136262 669 27 church church NOUN
_003136262 669 28 of of ADP
_003136262 669 29 england england PROPN
_003136262 669 30 is be AUX
_003136262 669 31 its its PRON
_003136262 669 32 only only ADJ
_003136262 669 33 representative representative NOUN
_003136262 669 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 670 1 i i PRON
_003136262 670 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 670 3 is be AUX
_003136262 670 4 not not PART
_003136262 670 5 possible possible ADJ
_003136262 670 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 670 7 the the DET
_003136262 670 8 incarnation incarnation NOUN
_003136262 670 9 should should AUX
_003136262 670 10 be be AUX
_003136262 670 11 represented represent VERB
_003136262 670 12 by by ADP
_003136262 670 13 a a DET
_003136262 670 14 system system NOUN
_003136262 670 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 670 16 which which PRON
_003136262 670 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 670 18 to to PART
_003136262 670 19 speak speak VERB
_003136262 670 20 vernacularly vernacularly ADV
_003136262 670 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 670 22 is be AUX
_003136262 670 23 the the DET
_003136262 670 24 incarnation incarnation NOUN
_003136262 670 25 of of ADP
_003136262 670 26 division division NOUN
_003136262 670 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 671 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 671 2 the the DET
_003136262 671 3 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 671 4 on on ADP
_003136262 671 5 calvary calvary NOUN
_003136262 671 6 have have VERB
_003136262 671 7 no no ADV
_003136262 671 8 better well ADJ
_003136262 671 9 in in ADP
_003136262 671 10 memoriam memoriam PROPN
_003136262 671 11 than than ADP
_003136262 671 12 that that DET
_003136262 671 13 imposture imposture NOUN
_003136262 671 14 which which PRON
_003136262 671 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 671 16 is be AUX
_003136262 671 17 called call VERB
_003136262 671 18 a a DET
_003136262 671 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 671 20 communion communion NOUN
_003136262 671 21 - - PUNCT
_003136262 671 22 table table NOUN
_003136262 671 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 671 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 671 25 we we PRON
_003136262 671 26 say say VERB
_003136262 671 27 that that SCONJ
_003136262 671 28 we we PRON
_003136262 671 29 more more ADV
_003136262 671 30 than than ADP
_003136262 671 31 question question VERB
_003136262 671 32 the the DET
_003136262 671 33 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN
_003136262 671 34 . . PUNCT
_003136262 672 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 672 2 the the DET
_003136262 672 3 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 672 4 apostolate apostolate NOUN
_003136262 672 5 have have VERB
_003136262 672 6 no no DET
_003136262 672 7 better well ADJ
_003136262 672 8 representatives representative NOUN
_003136262 672 9 than than ADP
_003136262 672 10 the the DET
_003136262 672 11 reverend reverend ADJ
_003136262 672 12 gen gen PROPN
_003136262 672 13 tlemen tleman NOUN
_003136262 672 14 who who PRON
_003136262 672 15 are be AUX
_003136262 672 16 perpetually perpetually ADV
_003136262 672 17 getting getting AUX
_003136262 672 18 married marry VERB
_003136262 672 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 672 20 we we PRON
_003136262 672 21 say say VERB
_003136262 672 22 that that SCONJ
_003136262 672 23 we we PRON
_003136262 672 24 think think VERB
_003136262 672 25 lightly lightly ADV
_003136262 672 26 of of ADP
_003136262 672 27 the the DET
_003136262 672 28 apostolate apostolate NOUN
_003136262 672 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 673 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 673 2 the the DET
_003136262 673 3 " " PUNCT
_003136262 673 4 one one NUM
_003136262 673 5 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 673 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 673 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 673 8 which which PRON
_003136262 673 9 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 673 10 died die VERB
_003136262 673 11 to to PART
_003136262 673 12 teach teach VERB
_003136262 673 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 673 14 is be AUX
_003136262 673 15 that that PRON
_003136262 673 16 taught teach VERB
_003136262 673 17 by by ADP
_003136262 673 18 the the DET
_003136262 673 19 bishop bishop PROPN
_003136262 673 20 of of ADP
_003136262 673 21 ripon ripon PROPN
_003136262 673 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 673 23 we we PRON
_003136262 673 24 have have VERB
_003136262 673 25 no no DET
_003136262 673 26 opinion opinion NOUN
_003136262 673 27 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 673 28 of of ADP
_003136262 673 29 its its PRON
_003136262 673 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 673 31 oneness oneness NOUN
_003136262 673 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 673 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 674 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 674 2 a a DET
_003136262 674 3 christian christian ADJ
_003136262 674 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 674 5 house house NOUN
_003136262 674 6 of of ADP
_003136262 674 7 worship worship NOUN
_003136262 674 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 674 9 -which -which NOUN
_003136262 674 10 is be AUX
_003136262 674 11 the the DET
_003136262 674 12 antitype antitype NOUN
_003136262 674 13 of of ADP
_003136262 674 14 the the DET
_003136262 674 15 jewish jewish ADJ
_003136262 674 16 temple temple NOUN
_003136262 674 17 - - PUNCT
_003136262 674 18 is be AUX
_003136262 674 19 represented represent VERB
_003136262 674 20 by by ADP
_003136262 674 21 a a DET
_003136262 674 22 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 674 23 room room NOUN
_003136262 674 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 674 25 in in ADP
_003136262 674 26 which which PRON
_003136262 674 27 a a DET
_003136262 674 28 gentleman gentleman NOUN
_003136262 674 29 gets get VERB
_003136262 674 30 into into ADP
_003136262 674 31 a a DET
_003136262 674 32 box box NOUN
_003136262 674 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 674 34 and and CCONJ
_003136262 674 35 preaches preach VERB
_003136262 674 36 some some DET
_003136262 674 37 prayers prayer NOUN
_003136262 674 38 , , PUNCT
_003136262 674 39 and and CCONJ
_003136262 674 40 then then ADV
_003136262 674 41 gets get VERB
_003136262 674 42 into into ADP
_003136262 674 43 another another DET
_003136262 674 44 box box NOUN
_003136262 674 45 and and CCONJ
_003136262 674 46 preaches preach VERB
_003136262 674 47 himself himself PRON
_003136262 674 48 , , PUNCT
_003136262 674 49 we we PRON
_003136262 674 50 say say VERB
_003136262 674 51 that that SCONJ
_003136262 674 52 we we PRON
_003136262 674 53 decline decline VERB
_003136262 674 54 that that SCONJ
_003136262 674 55 " " PUNCT
_003136262 674 56 house house NOUN
_003136262 674 57 of of ADP
_003136262 674 58 worship worship NOUN
_003136262 674 59 . . PUNCT
_003136262 674 60 " " PUNCT
_003136262 675 1 if if SCONJ
_003136262 675 2 adultery adultery NOUN
_003136262 675 3 and and CCONJ
_003136262 675 4 murder murder NOUN
_003136262 675 5 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 6 persecutions persecution NOUN
_003136262 675 7 and and CCONJ
_003136262 675 8 s s NOUN
_003136262 675 9 ~ ~ NUM
_003136262 675 10 hisms hism NOUN
_003136262 675 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 12 connubial connubial ADJ
_003136262 675 13 reformers reformer NOUN
_003136262 675 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 675 15 apostate apostate ADJ
_003136262 675 16 monks monk NOUN
_003136262 675 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 18 are be AUX
_003136262 675 19 the the DET
_003136262 675 20 credentials credential NOUN
_003136262 675 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 22 or or CCONJ
_003136262 675 23 symbols symbol NOUN
_003136262 675 24 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 25 or or CCONJ
_003136262 675 26 founders founder NOUN
_003136262 675 27 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 28 or or CCONJ
_003136262 675 29 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 675 30 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 31 of of ADP
_003136262 675 32 the the DET
_003136262 675 33 new new ADJ
_003136262 675 34 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ
_003136262 675 35 century century NOUN
_003136262 675 36 dispensation dispensation NOUN
_003136262 675 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 675 38 we we PRON
_003136262 675 39 protest protest VERB
_003136262 675 40 that that SCONJ
_003136262 675 41 we we PRON
_003136262 675 42 scorn scorn VERB
_003136262 675 43 that that DET
_003136262 675 44 dispensation dispensation NOUN
_003136262 675 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 676 1 we we PRON
_003136262 676 2 know know VERB
_003136262 676 3 what what PRON
_003136262 676 4 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 676 5 must must AUX
_003136262 676 6 be be AUX
_003136262 676 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 676 8 if if SCONJ
_003136262 676 9 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 676 10 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 676 11 be be AUX
_003136262 676 12 divine divine ADJ
_003136262 676 13 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 676 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 676 15 we we PRON
_003136262 676 16 know know VERB
_003136262 676 17 what what PRON
_003136262 676 18 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 676 19 is be AUX
_003136262 676 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 676 21 because because SCONJ
_003136262 676 22 we we PRON
_003136262 676 23 have have VERB
_003136262 676 24 it it PRON
_003136262 676 25 in in ADP
_003136262 676 26 the the DET
_003136262 676 27 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 676 28 church church NOUN
_003136262 676 29 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 676 30 but but CCONJ
_003136262 676 31 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 676 32 is be AUX
_003136262 676 33 no no PRON
_003136262 676 34 more more ADV
_003136262 676 35 like like ADP
_003136262 676 36 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 676 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 676 38 than than ADP
_003136262 676 39 s s NOUN
_003136262 676 40 alisbury alisbury NOUN
_003136262 676 41 plain plain NOUN
_003136262 676 42 is be AUX
_003136262 676 43 like like ADP
_003136262 676 44 the the DET
_003136262 676 45 garden garden NOUN
_003136262 676 46 of of ADP
_003136262 676 47 eden eden PROPN
_003136262 676 48 . . PUNCT
_003136262 677 1 it it PRON
_003136262 677 2 is be AUX
_003136262 677 3 the the DET
_003136262 677 4 torn torn ADJ
_003136262 677 5 shreds shred NOUN
_003136262 677 6 of of ADP
_003136262 677 7 the the DET
_003136262 677 8 seamless seamless ADJ
_003136262 677 9 robe robe NOUN
_003136262 677 10 of of ADP
_003136262 677 11 christ,-an christ,-an NOUN
_003136262 677 12 impossible impossible ADJ
_003136262 677 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 677 14 inconceivable inconceivable ADJ
_003136262 677 15 anomaly anomaly PROPN
_003136262 677 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 678 1 happily happily ADV
_003136262 678 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 678 3 the the DET
_003136262 678 4 robe robe NOUN
_003136262 678 5 is be AUX
_003136262 678 6 not not PART
_003136262 678 7 torn tear VERB
_003136262 678 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 679 1 men man NOUN
_003136262 679 2 may may AUX
_003136262 679 3 be be AUX
_003136262 679 4 in in ADP
_003136262 679 5 the the DET
_003136262 679 6 church church NOUN
_003136262 679 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 679 8 and and CCONJ
_003136262 679 9 men man NOUN
_003136262 679 10 may may AUX
_003136262 679 11 be be AUX
_003136262 679 12 out out ADV
_003136262 679 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 679 14 but but CCONJ
_003136262 679 15 they they PRON
_003136262 679 16 can can AUX
_003136262 679 17 not not PART
_003136262 679 18 be be AUX
_003136262 679 19 both both CCONJ
_003136262 679 20 in in ADP
_003136262 679 21 and and CCONJ
_003136262 679 22 out out ADV
_003136262 679 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 680 1 a a DET
_003136262 680 2 spiritual spiritual ADJ
_003136262 680 3 membership membership NOUN
_003136262 680 4 they they PRON
_003136262 680 5 may may AUX
_003136262 680 6 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 680 7 possess possess VERB
_003136262 680 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 680 9 if if SCONJ
_003136262 680 10 they they PRON
_003136262 680 11 be be AUX
_003136262 680 12 baptized baptize VERB
_003136262 680 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 680 14 and and CCONJ
_003136262 680 15 in in ADP
_003136262 680 16 perfectly perfectly ADV
_003136262 680 17 good good ADJ
_003136262 680 18 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 680 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 680 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 680 21 they they PRON
_003136262 680 22 may may AUX
_003136262 680 23 be be AUX
_003136262 680 24 saved save VERB
_003136262 680 25 through through ADP
_003136262 680 26 46 46 NUM
_003136262 680 27 the the DET
_003136262 680 28 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 680 29 of of ADP
_003136262 680 30 that that DET
_003136262 680 31 one one NUM
_003136262 680 32 church church NOUN
_003136262 680 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 680 34 which which PRON
_003136262 680 35 it it PRON
_003136262 680 36 is be AUX
_003136262 680 37 their their PRON
_003136262 680 38 misfortune misfortune NOUN
_003136262 680 39 not not PART
_003136262 680 40 to to PART
_003136262 680 41 know know VERB
_003136262 680 42 , , PUNCT
_003136262 680 43 not not PART
_003136262 680 44 to to PART
_003136262 680 45 love love VERB
_003136262 680 46 . . PUNCT
_003136262 681 1 they they PRON
_003136262 681 2 have have VERB
_003136262 681 3 the the DET
_003136262 681 4 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 681 5 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 681 6 for for ADP
_003136262 681 7 the the DET
_003136262 681 8 church church NOUN
_003136262 681 9 has have AUX
_003136262 681 10 preserved preserve VERB
_003136262 681 11 them they PRON
_003136262 681 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 681 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 681 14 through through ADP
_003136262 681 15 the the DET
_003136262 681 16 church church NOUN
_003136262 681 17 alone alone ADV
_003136262 681 18 do do AUX
_003136262 681 19 they they PRON
_003136262 681 20 possess possess VERB
_003136262 681 21 them they PRON
_003136262 681 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 681 23 and and CCONJ
_003136262 681 24 though though SCONJ
_003136262 681 25 they they PRON
_003136262 681 26 mutilate mutilate VERB
_003136262 681 27 or or CCONJ
_003136262 681 28 misapprehend misapprehend VERB
_003136262 681 29 those those DET
_003136262 681 30 scriptures scripture NOUN
_003136262 681 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 681 32 still still ADV
_003136262 681 33 they they PRON
_003136262 681 34 can can AUX
_003136262 681 35 not not PART
_003136262 681 36 help help VERB
_003136262 681 37 learning learn VERB
_003136262 681 38 a a DET
_003136262 681 39 little little ADJ
_003136262 681 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 682 1 they they PRON
_003136262 682 2 have have VERB
_003136262 682 3 fragments fragment NOUN
_003136262 682 4 of of ADP
_003136262 682 5 dogmas dogma NOUN
_003136262 682 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 682 7 which which PRON
_003136262 682 8 they they PRON
_003136262 682 9 have have AUX
_003136262 682 10 borrowed borrow VERB
_003136262 682 11 from from ADP
_003136262 682 12 the the DET
_003136262 682 13 church church NOUN
_003136262 682 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 682 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 682 16 which which PRON
_003136262 682 17 may may AUX
_003136262 682 18 lead lead VERB
_003136262 682 19 them they PRON
_003136262 682 20 back back ADV
_003136262 682 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 682 22 if if SCONJ
_003136262 682 23 they they PRON
_003136262 682 24 will will AUX
_003136262 682 25 , , PUNCT
_003136262 682 26 to to ADP
_003136262 682 27 their their PRON
_003136262 682 28 home home NOUN
_003136262 682 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 683 1 they they PRON
_003136262 683 2 have have VERB
_003136262 683 3 the the DET
_003136262 683 4 true true ADJ
_003136262 683 5 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 683 6 of of ADP
_003136262 683 7 the the DET
_003136262 683 8 incarnation incarnation NOUN
_003136262 683 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 683 10 taught teach VERB
_003136262 683 11 them they PRON
_003136262 683 12 by by ADP
_003136262 683 13 the the DET
_003136262 683 14 councils council NOUN
_003136262 683 15 of of ADP
_003136262 683 16 the the DET
_003136262 683 17 church church NOUN
_003136262 683 18 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 683 19 nor nor CCONJ
_003136262 683 20 have have AUX
_003136262 683 21 they they PRON
_003136262 683 22 been be AUX
_003136262 683 23 able able ADJ
_003136262 683 24 to to PART
_003136262 683 25 resist resist VERB
_003136262 683 26 the the DET
_003136262 683 27 church church NOUN
_003136262 683 28 's 's PART
_003136262 683 29 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 683 30 on on ADP
_003136262 683 31 the the DET
_003136262 683 32 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 683 33 of of ADP
_003136262 683 34 three three NUM
_003136262 683 35 persons person NOUN
_003136262 683 36 in in ADP
_003136262 683 37 one one NUM
_003136262 683 38 god god PROPN
_003136262 683 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 684 1 all all DET
_003136262 684 2 that that PRON
_003136262 684 3 they they PRON
_003136262 684 4 have have VERB
_003136262 684 5 they they PRON
_003136262 684 6 owe owe VERB
_003136262 684 7 to to ADP
_003136262 684 8 the the DET
_003136262 684 9 church church NOUN
_003136262 684 10 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 684 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 684 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 684 13 as as SCONJ
_003136262 684 14 a a DET
_003136262 684 15 great great ADJ
_003136262 684 16 man man NOUN
_003136262 684 17 has have AUX
_003136262 684 18 said say VERB
_003136262 684 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 684 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 684 21 there there PRON
_003136262 684 22 is be VERB
_003136262 684 23 not not PART
_003136262 684 24 a a DET
_003136262 684 25 protestant protestant NOUN
_003136262 684 26 who who PRON
_003136262 684 27 now now ADV
_003136262 684 28 talks talk VERB
_003136262 684 29 bravely bravely ADV
_003136262 684 30 against against ADP
_003136262 684 31 the the DET
_003136262 684 32 church church NOUN
_003136262 684 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 684 34 but but CCONJ
_003136262 684 35 who who PRON
_003136262 684 36 owes owe VERB
_003136262 684 37 it it PRON
_003136262 684 38 to to ADP
_003136262 684 39 the the DET
_003136262 684 40 church church NOUN
_003136262 684 41 that that PRON
_003136262 684 42 he he PRON
_003136262 684 43 is be AUX
_003136262 684 44 able able ADJ
_003136262 684 45 to to PART
_003136262 684 46 talk talk VERB
_003136262 684 47 at at ADV
_003136262 684 48 all all ADV
_003136262 684 49 . . PUNCT
_003136262 684 50 " " PUNCT
_003136262 685 1 there there PRON
_003136262 685 2 can can AUX
_003136262 685 3 not not PART
_003136262 685 4 be be AUX
_003136262 685 5 a a DET
_003136262 685 6 question question NOUN
_003136262 685 7 that that SCONJ
_003136262 685 8 millions million NOUN
_003136262 685 9 have have AUX
_003136262 685 10 been be AUX
_003136262 685 11 saved save VERB
_003136262 685 12 , , PUNCT
_003136262 685 13 through through ADP
_003136262 685 14 the the DET
_003136262 685 15 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 685 16 of of ADP
_003136262 685 17 the the DET
_003136262 685 18 church church NOUN
_003136262 685 19 they they PRON
_003136262 685 20 disobeyed disobey VERB
_003136262 685 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 686 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 686 2 that that PRON
_003136262 686 3 obstinate obstinate VERB
_003136262 686 4 determination determination NOUN
_003136262 686 5 which which PRON
_003136262 686 6 some some DET
_003136262 686 7 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 686 8 evince evince VERB
_003136262 686 9 - - PUNCT
_003136262 686 10 that that SCONJ
_003136262 686 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 686 12 pravitas pravita VERB
_003136262 686 13 hcereticorum hcereticorum ADV
_003136262 686 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 686 15 which which PRON
_003136262 686 16 they they PRON
_003136262 686 17 cherish cherish VERB
_003136262 686 18 -places -place VERB
_003136262 686 19 them they PRON
_003136262 686 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 687 1 in in ADP
_003136262 687 2 a a DET
_003136262 687 3 very very ADV
_003136262 687 4 different different ADJ
_003136262 687 5 position position NOUN
_003136262 687 6 from from ADP
_003136262 687 7 that that PRON
_003136262 687 8 of of ADP
_003136262 687 9 their their PRON
_003136262 687 10 innocent innocent ADJ
_003136262 687 11 victims victim NOUN
_003136262 687 12 . . PUNCT
_003136262 688 1 they they PRON
_003136262 688 2 are be AUX
_003136262 688 3 guilty guilty ADJ
_003136262 688 4 of of ADP
_003136262 688 5 l'ecklessly l'ecklessly ADV
_003136262 688 6 deceiving deceiving ADJ
_003136262 688 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 688 8 as as ADV
_003136262 688 9 well well ADV
_003136262 688 10 as as ADP
_003136262 688 11 of of ADP
_003136262 688 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 688 13 deceiving deceive VERB
_003136262 688 14 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 688 15 . . PUNCT
_003136262 688 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 689 1 they they PRON
_003136262 689 2 might might AUX
_003136262 689 3 know know VERB
_003136262 689 4 the the DET
_003136262 689 5 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 689 6 if if SCONJ
_003136262 689 7 they they PRON
_003136262 689 8 willed will VERB
_003136262 689 9 . . PUNCT
_003136262 690 1 any any DET
_003136262 690 2 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 690 3 priest priest NOUN
_003136262 690 4 is be AUX
_003136262 690 5 ready ready ADJ
_003136262 690 6 to to PART
_003136262 690 7 instruct instruct VERB
_003136262 690 8 them they PRON
_003136262 690 9 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 690 10 to to PART
_003136262 690 11 hear hear VERB
_003136262 690 12 their their PRON
_003136262 690 13 confessions confession NOUN
_003136262 690 14 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 690 15 to to PART
_003136262 690 16 ease ease VERB
_003136262 690 17 their their PRON
_003136262 690 18 souls soul NOUN
_003136262 690 19 of of ADP
_003136262 690 20 that that DET
_003136262 690 21 burden burden NOUN
_003136262 690 22 of of ADP
_003136262 690 23 sins sin NOUN
_003136262 690 24 - - PUNCT
_003136262 690 25 which which PRON
_003136262 690 26 " " PUNCT
_003136262 690 27 obtenebrates obtenebrate VERB
_003136262 690 28 " " PUNCT
_003136262 690 29 the the DET
_003136262 690 30 intellect intellect NOUN
_003136262 690 31 and and CCONJ
_003136262 690 32 conscience conscience NOUN
_003136262 690 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 691 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 691 2 if if SCONJ
_003136262 691 3 they they PRON
_003136262 691 4 go go VERB
_003136262 691 5 on on ADP
_003136262 691 6 throwing throw VERB
_003136262 691 7 dust dust NOUN
_003136262 691 8 into into ADP
_003136262 691 9 the the DET
_003136262 691 10 eyes eye NOUN
_003136262 691 11 of of ADP
_003136262 691 12 their their PRON
_003136262 691 13 hearers hearer NOUN
_003136262 691 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 691 15 having having AUX
_003136262 691 16 first first ADV
_003136262 691 17 tried try VERB
_003136262 691 18 their their PRON
_003136262 691 19 hardest hard ADJ
_003136262 691 20 to to PART
_003136262 691 21 blind blind VERB
_003136262 691 22 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 691 23 , , PUNCT
_003136262 691 24 their their PRON
_003136262 691 25 responsibility responsibility NOUN
_003136262 691 26 will will AUX
_003136262 691 27 be be AUX
_003136262 691 28 terrible terrible ADJ
_003136262 691 29 indeed indeed ADV
_003136262 691 30 . . PUNCT
_003136262 692 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 692 2 it it PRON
_003136262 692 3 must must AUX
_003136262 692 4 needs needs VERB
_003136262 692 5 be be AUX
_003136262 692 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 692 7 scandals scandal NOUN
_003136262 692 8 come come VERB
_003136262 692 9 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 692 10 nevertheless nevertheless ADV
_003136262 692 11 woe woe NOUN
_003136262 692 12 unto unto ADP
_003136262 692 13 that that DET
_003136262 692 14 man man NOUN
_003136262 692 15 by by ADP
_003136262 692 16 whom whom PRON
_003136262 692 17 the the DET
_003136262 692 18 scandal scandal NOUN
_003136262 692 19 cometh cometh VERB
_003136262 692 20 . . PUNCT
_003136262 692 21 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 692 22 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 692 23 st st PROPN
_003136262 692 24 . . PROPN
_003136262 692 25 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 692 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 692 27 st st PROPN
_003136262 692 28 . . PROPN
_003136262 692 29 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 692 30 have have AUX
_003136262 692 31 both both CCONJ
_003136262 692 32 drawn draw VERB
_003136262 692 33 pictures picture NOUN
_003136262 692 34 of of ADP
_003136262 692 35 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 692 36 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 692 37 , , PUNCT
_003136262 692 38 which which PRON
_003136262 692 39 read read VERB
_003136262 692 40 like like ADP
_003136262 692 41 photographs photograph NOUN
_003136262 692 42 in in ADP
_003136262 692 43 words word NOUN
_003136262 692 44 . . PUNCT
_003136262 692 45 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 693 1 they they PRON
_003136262 693 2 are be AUX
_003136262 693 3 pictures picture NOUN
_003136262 693 4 of of ADP
_003136262 693 5 half half ADJ
_003136262 693 6 england england PROPN
_003136262 693 7 at at ADP
_003136262 693 8 the the DET
_003136262 693 9 present present ADJ
_003136262 693 10 day day NOUN
_003136262 693 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 693 12 that that SCONJ
_003136262 693 13 half half NOUN
_003136262 693 14 which which PRON
_003136262 693 15 is be AUX
_003136262 693 16 negatively negatively ADV
_003136262 693 17 called call VERB
_003136262 693 18 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 693 19 . . PUNCT
_003136262 694 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 694 2 for for ADP
_003136262 694 3 there there PRON
_003136262 694 4 shall shall AUX
_003136262 694 5 be be AUX
_003136262 694 6 a a DET
_003136262 694 7 time time NOUN
_003136262 694 8 when when SCONJ
_003136262 694 9 they they PRON
_003136262 694 10 will will AUX
_003136262 694 11 not not PART
_003136262 694 12 endure endure VERB
_003136262 694 13 sound sound NOUN
_003136262 694 14 doctrine doctrine NOUN
_003136262 694 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 694 16 but but CCONJ
_003136262 694 17 according accord VERB
_003136262 694 18 to to ADP
_003136262 694 19 their their PRON
_003136262 694 20 own own ADJ
_003136262 694 21 desires desire NOUN
_003136262 694 22 they they PRON
_003136262 694 23 will will AUX
_003136262 694 24 heep heep ADV
_003136262 694 25 to to ADP
_003136262 694 26 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 694 27 teachers teacher NOUN
_003136262 694 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 694 29 having have VERB
_003136262 694 30 itching itching NOUN
_003136262 694 31 ears ear NOUN
_003136262 694 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 694 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 695 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 695 2 st st PROPN
_003136262 695 3 . . PROPN
_003136262 695 4 47 47 NUM
_003136262 695 5 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 695 6 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 695 7 says say VERB
_003136262 695 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 695 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 695 10 there there PRON
_003136262 695 11 were be VERB
_003136262 695 12 also also ADV
_003136262 695 13 false false ADJ
_003136262 695 14 prophets prophet NOUN
_003136262 695 15 among among ADP
_003136262 695 16 the the DET
_003136262 695 17 people/ people/ NUM
_003136262 695 18 even even ADV
_003136262 695 19 as as SCONJ
_003136262 695 20 there there PRON
_003136262 695 21 also also ADV
_003136262 695 22 shall shall AUX
_003136262 695 23 be be AUX
_003136262 695 24 among among ADP
_003136262 695 25 you you PRON
_003136262 695 26 lying lie VERB
_003136262 695 27 teachers teacher NOUN
_003136262 695 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 695 29 who who PRON
_003136262 695 30 shall shall AUX
_003136262 695 31 bring bring VERB
_003136262 695 32 in in ADP
_003136262 695 33 sects sect NOUN
_003136262 695 34 of of ADP
_003136262 695 35 perdition perdition NOUN
_003136262 695 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 695 37 " " PUNCT
_003136262 696 1 he he PRON
_003136262 696 2 speaks speak VERB
_003136262 696 3 of of ADP
_003136262 696 4 " " PUNCT
_003136262 696 5 promising promise VERB
_003136262 696 6 them they PRON
_003136262 696 7 liberty liberty NOUN
_003136262 696 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 696 9 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 696 10 they they PRON
_003136262 696 11 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 696 12 are be AUX
_003136262 696 13 the the DET
_003136262 696 14 slaves slave NOUN
_003136262 696 15 of of ADP
_003136262 696 16 corruption corruption NOUN
_003136262 696 17 . . PUNCT
_003136262 696 18 " " PUNCT
_003136262 697 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 697 2 it it PRON
_003136262 697 3 is be AUX
_003136262 697 4 against against ADP
_003136262 697 5 the the DET
_003136262 697 6 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 697 7 of of ADP
_003136262 697 8 these these DET
_003136262 697 9 men man NOUN
_003136262 697 10 that that SCONJ
_003136262 697 11 st st PROPN
_003136262 697 12 . . PROPN
_003136262 697 13 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 697 14 expressly expressly ADV
_003136262 697 15 warns warn VERB
_003136262 697 16 us we PRON
_003136262 697 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 18 where where SCONJ
_003136262 697 19 he he PRON
_003136262 697 20 says say VERB
_003136262 697 21 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 697 23 i i PRON
_003136262 697 24 beseech beseech VERB
_003136262 697 25 you you PRON
_003136262 697 26 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 27 brethren brother NOUN
_003136262 697 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 29 by by ADP
_003136262 697 30 the the DET
_003136262 697 31 name name NOUN
_003136262 697 32 of'our of'our PROPN
_003136262 697 33 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 697 34 jesus jesus PROPN
_003136262 697 35 christ christ PROPN
_003136262 697 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 37 t t NOUN
_003136262 697 38 h h NOUN
_003136262 697 39 at at ADP
_003136262 697 40 you you PRON
_003136262 697 41 all all PRON
_003136262 697 42 speak speak VERB
_003136262 697 43 the the DET
_003136262 697 44 same same ADJ
_003136262 697 45 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 697 46 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 47 and and CCONJ
_003136262 697 48 that that SCONJ
_003136262 697 49 there there PRON
_003136262 697 50 be be VERB
_003136262 697 51 no no DET
_003136262 697 52 schisms schism NOUN
_003136262 697 53 among among ADP
_003136262 697 54 you you PRON
_003136262 697 55 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 697 56 but but CCONJ
_003136262 697 57 that that SCONJ
_003136262 697 58 you you PRON
_003136262 697 59 be be VERB
_003136262 697 60 perfect perfect ADJ
_003136262 697 61 in in ADP
_003136262 697 62 the the DET
_003136262 697 63 same same ADJ
_003136262 697 64 mind mind NOUN
_003136262 697 65 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 66 and and CCONJ
_003136262 697 67 in in ADP
_003136262 697 68 the the DET
_003136262 697 69 same same ADJ
_003136262 697 70 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 697 71 : : PUNCT
_003136262 697 72 " " PUNCT
_003136262 697 73 just just ADV
_003136262 697 74 as as SCONJ
_003136262 697 75 our our PRON
_003136262 697 76 blessed bless VERB
_003136262 697 77 lord lord PROPN
_003136262 697 78 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 79 in in ADP
_003136262 697 80 his his PRON
_003136262 697 81 last last ADJ
_003136262 697 82 recorded recorded ADJ
_003136262 697 83 prayer prayer NOUN
_003136262 697 84 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 85 asked ask VERB
_003136262 697 86 the the DET
_003136262 697 87 father father NOUN
_003136262 697 88 that that SCONJ
_003136262 697 89 his his PRON
_003136262 697 90 church church NOUN
_003136262 697 91 might might AUX
_003136262 697 92 be be AUX
_003136262 697 93 " " PUNCT
_003136262 697 94 one one NUM
_003136262 697 95 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 697 96 " " PUNCT
_003136262 697 97 for for ADP
_003136262 697 98 theveryreason theveryreason PROPN
_003136262 697 99 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 100 so so ADV
_003136262 697 101 urgent urgent ADJ
_003136262 697 102 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 103 so so ADV
_003136262 697 104 irresistible irresistible ADJ
_003136262 697 105 , , PUNCT
_003136262 697 106 " " PUNCT
_003136262 697 107 that that SCONJ
_003136262 697 108 the the DET
_003136262 697 109 world world NOUN
_003136262 697 110 may may AUX
_003136262 697 111 believe believe VERB
_003136262 697 112 that that SCONJ
_003136262 697 113 thou thou DET
_003136262 697 114 hast hast NOUN
_003136262 697 115 sent send VERB
_003136262 697 116 me i PRON
_003136262 697 117 . . PUNCT
_003136262 697 118 " " PUNCT
_003136262 698 1 ( ( PUNCT
_003136262 698 2 we we PRON
_003136262 698 3 stay stay VERB
_003136262 698 4 here here ADV
_003136262 698 5 to to PART
_003136262 698 6 remark remark VERB
_003136262 698 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 698 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 698 9 one one NUM
_003136262 698 10 result result NOUN
_003136262 698 11 of of ADP
_003136262 698 12 modern modern ADJ
_003136262 698 13 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 698 14 has have AUX
_003136262 698 15 been be AUX
_003136262 698 16 to to PART
_003136262 698 17 put put VERB
_003136262 698 18 back back ADP
_003136262 698 19 the the DET
_003136262 698 20 conversion conversion NOUN
_003136262 698 21 of of ADP
_003136262 698 22 the the DET
_003136262 698 23 heathen heathen ADJ
_003136262 698 24 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 698 25 since since SCONJ
_003136262 698 26 the the DET
_003136262 698 27 heathen heathen NOUN
_003136262 698 28 are be AUX
_003136262 698 29 so so ADV
_003136262 698 30 scandalised scandalise VERB
_003136262 698 31 by by ADP
_003136262 698 32 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 698 33 divisions division NOUN
_003136262 698 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 698 35 that that SCONJ
_003136262 698 36 they they PRON
_003136262 698 37 are be AUX
_003136262 698 38 prejudiced prejudiced ADJ
_003136262 698 39 against against ADP
_003136262 698 40 even even ADV
_003136262 698 41 true true ADJ
_003136262 698 42 priests priest NOUN
_003136262 698 43 . . PUNCT
_003136262 698 44 ) ) PUNCT
_003136262 699 1 the the DET
_003136262 699 2 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 699 3 further far ADV
_003136262 699 4 speak speak VERB
_003136262 699 5 of of ADP
_003136262 699 6 tqese tqese ADJ
_003136262 699 7 false false ADJ
_003136262 699 8 preachers preacher NOUN
_003136262 699 9 , , PUNCT
_003136262 699 10 as as ADP
_003136262 699 11 " " PUNCT
_003136262 699 12 despising despise VERB
_003136262 699 13 goverment goverment NOUN
_003136262 699 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 699 15 " " PUNCT
_003136262 699 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 699 17 hating hate VERB
_003136262 699 18 dominion dominion NOUN
_003136262 699 19 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 699 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 699 21 a a DET
_003136262 699 22 test test NOUN
_003136262 699 23 by by ADP
_003136262 699 24 which which PRON
_003136262 699 25 we we PRON
_003136262 699 26 may may AUX
_003136262 699 27 familiarly familiarly ADV
_003136262 699 28 recognise recognise VERB
_003136262 699 29 both both CCONJ
_003136262 699 30 the the DET
_003136262 699 31 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 699 32 principles principle NOUN
_003136262 699 33 and and CCONJ
_003136262 699 34 the the DET
_003136262 699 35 expositors expositor NOUN
_003136262 699 36 of of ADP
_003136262 699 37 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 699 38 . . PUNCT
_003136262 699 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 700 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 701 1 these these PRON
_003136262 701 2 are be AUX
_003136262 701 3 fountains fountain NOUN
_003136262 701 4 witho witho PROPN
_003136262 701 5 ut ut PROPN
_003136262 701 6 water water PROPN
_003136262 701 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 701 8 " " PUNCT
_003136262 701 9 says say VERB
_003136262 701 10 st st PROPN
_003136262 701 11 . . PROPN
_003136262 701 12 peter peter PROPN
_003136262 701 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 701 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 701 15 and and CCONJ
_003136262 701 16 clouds cloud NOUN
_003136262 701 17 tossed toss VERB
_003136262 701 18 with with ADP
_003136262 701 19 whirlwinds whirlwind NOUN
_003136262 701 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 701 21 to to PART
_003136262 701 22 whom whom PRON
_003136262 701 23 the the DET
_003136262 701 24 mist mist NOUN
_003136262 701 25 of of ADP
_003136262 701 26 darkness darkness NOUN
_003136262 701 27 is be AUX
_003136262 701 28 reserved reserve VERB
_003136262 701 29 . . PUNCT
_003136262 701 30 " " PUNCT
_003136262 702 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 702 2 st st PROPN
_003136262 702 3 . . PROPN
_003136262 702 4 jude jude PROPN
_003136262 702 5 adds add VERB
_003136262 702 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 702 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 702 8 in in ADP
_003136262 702 9 the the DET
_003136262 702 10 last last ADJ
_003136262 702 11 time time NOUN
_003136262 702 12 shall shall AUX
_003136262 702 13 come come VERB
_003136262 702 14 mockers mocker NOUN
_003136262 702 15 , , PUNCT
_003136262 702 16 walking walk VERB
_003136262 702 17 according accord VERB
_003136262 702 18 to to ADP
_003136262 702 19 their their PRON
_003136262 702 20 own own ADJ
_003136262 702 21 desires desire NOUN
_003136262 702 22 in in ADP
_003136262 702 23 ungodliness ungodliness NOUN
_003136262 702 24 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 702 25 these these PRON
_003136262 702 26 are be AUX
_003136262 702 27 they they PRON
_003136262 702 28 who who PRON
_003136262 702 29 separate separate VERB
_003136262 702 30 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 702 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 702 32 sensual sensual ADJ
_003136262 702 33 men man NOUN
_003136262 702 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 702 35 having have VERB
_003136262 702 36 not not PART
_003136262 702 37 the the DET
_003136262 702 38 spirit spirit NOUN
_003136262 702 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 702 40 " " PUNCT
_003136262 703 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 703 2 it it PRON
_003136262 703 3 is be AUX
_003136262 703 4 remarkable remarkable ADJ
_003136262 703 5 that that SCONJ
_003136262 703 6 whereas whereas SCONJ
_003136262 703 7 st st PROPN
_003136262 703 8 . . PROPN
_003136262 703 9 paul paul PROPN
_003136262 703 10 granted grant VERB
_003136262 703 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 703 12 pardon pardon PROPN
_003136262 703 13 to to ADP
_003136262 703 14 the the DET
_003136262 703 15 incestuous incestuous ADJ
_003136262 703 16 person person NOUN
_003136262 703 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 703 18 he he PRON
_003136262 703 19 would would AUX
_003136262 703 20 scarcely scarcely ADV
_003136262 703 21 concede concede VERB
_003136262 703 22 it it PRON
_003136262 703 23 to to ADP
_003136262 703 24 the the DET
_003136262 703 25 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 703 26 . . PUNCT
_003136262 703 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 704 1 a a DET
_003136262 704 2 man man NOUN
_003136262 704 3 that that PRON
_003136262 704 4 is be AUX
_003136262 704 5 a a DET
_003136262 704 6 heretic heretic NOUN
_003136262 704 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 704 8 after after ADP
_003136262 704 9 the the DET
_003136262 704 10 first first ADJ
_003136262 704 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 704 12 second second ADJ
_003136262 704 13 admonition admonition NOUN
_003136262 704 14 avoid avoid NOUN
_003136262 704 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 704 16 knowing know VERB
_003136262 704 17 that that SCONJ
_003136262 704 18 he he PRON
_003136262 704 19 - - PUNCT
_003136262 704 20 that that PRON
_003136262 704 21 is be AUX
_003136262 704 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 704 23 such such DET
_003136262 704 24 an an DET
_003136262 704 25 one one NUM
_003136262 704 26 - - PUNCT
_003136262 704 27 is be AUX
_003136262 704 28 subverted subvert VERB
_003136262 704 29 , , PUNCT
_003136262 704 30 and and CCONJ
_003136262 704 31 sinneth sinneth PROPN
_003136262 704 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 704 33 being be AUX
_003136262 704 34 condemned condemn VERB
_003136262 704 35 by by ADP
_003136262 704 36 his his PRON
_003136262 704 37 own own ADJ
_003136262 704 38 judgment judgment NOUN
_003136262 704 39 . . PUNCT
_003136262 704 40 " " PUNCT
_003136262 705 1 thus thus ADV
_003136262 705 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 705 3 anything anything PRON
_003136262 705 4 more more ADV
_003136262 705 5 opposed opposed ADJ
_003136262 705 6 to to ADP
_003136262 705 7 the the DET
_003136262 705 8 looseness looseness NOUN
_003136262 705 9 of of ADP
_003136262 705 10 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 705 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 705 12 to to ADP
_003136262 705 13 its its PRON
_003136262 705 14 " " PUNCT
_003136262 705 15 spiritual spiritual ADJ
_003136262 705 16 " " PUNCT
_003136262 705 17 luxuriousness luxuriousness NOUN
_003136262 705 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 705 19 indolence indolence NOUN
_003136262 705 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 705 21 than than ADP
_003136262 705 22 the the DET
_003136262 705 23 incisive incisive ADJ
_003136262 705 24 teaching teaching NOUN
_003136262 705 25 of of ADP
_003136262 705 26 the the DET
_003136262 705 27 apostles apostle NOUN
_003136262 705 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 705 29 it it PRON
_003136262 705 30 is be AUX
_003136262 705 31 really really ADV
_003136262 705 32 difficult difficult ADJ
_003136262 705 33 to to PART
_003136262 705 34 imagine imagine VERB
_003136262 705 35 . . PUNCT
_003136262 706 1 " " PUNCT
_003136262 706 2 protestants protestant NOUN
_003136262 706 3 have have AUX
_003136262 706 4 skilfully skilfully ADV
_003136262 706 5 converted convert VERB
_003136262 706 6 the the DET
_003136262 706 7 bible bible NOUN
_003136262 706 8 , , PUNCT
_003136262 706 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 706 10 says say VERB
_003136262 706 11 · · NUM
_003136262 706 12 an an DET
_003136262 706 13 able able ADJ
_003136262 706 14 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 706 15 writer writer NOUN
_003136262 706 16 , , PUNCT
_003136262 706 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 706 18 into into ADP
_003136262 706 19 a a DET
_003136262 706 20 huge huge ADJ
_003136262 706 21 code code NOUN
_003136262 706 22 of of ADP
_003136262 706 23 self self NOUN
_003136262 706 24 - - PUNCT
_003136262 706 25 indulgence indulgence NOUN
_003136262 706 26 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 706 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 706 28 and and CCONJ
_003136262 706 29 the the DET
_003136262 706 30 speciality speciality NOUN
_003136262 706 31 of of ADP
_003136262 706 32 the the DET
_003136262 706 33 indulgence indulgence NOUN
_003136262 706 34 is be AUX
_003136262 706 35 found find VERB
_003136262 706 36 in in ADP
_003136262 706 37 the the DET
_003136262 706 38 fact fact NOUN
_003136262 706 39 that that SCONJ
_003136262 706 40 its its PRON
_003136262 706 41 luxuries luxury NOUN
_003136262 706 42 are be AUX
_003136262 706 43 " " PUNCT
_003136262 706 44 matters matter NOUN
_003136262 706 45 of of ADP
_003136262 706 46 faith faith NOUN
_003136262 706 47 . . PUNCT
_003136262 706 48 " " PUNCT
_003136262 707 1 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 707 2 is be AUX
_003136262 707 3 a a DET
_003136262 707 4 system system NOUN
_003136262 707 5 of of ADP
_003136262 707 6 " " PUNCT
_003136262 707 7 indulgences indulgence NOUN
_003136262 707 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 707 9 " " PUNCT
_003136262 708 1 the the DET
_003136262 708 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 708 3 - - PUNCT
_003136262 708 4 if if SCONJ
_003136262 708 5 we we PRON
_003136262 708 6 may may AUX
_003136262 708 7 , , PUNCT
_003136262 708 8 here here ADV
_003136262 708 9 hazard hazard VERB
_003136262 708 10 a a DET
_003136262 708 11 pleasantry pleasantry NOUN
_003136262 708 12 - - PUNCT
_003136262 708 13 annexes annexe NOUN
_003136262 708 14 very very ADV
_003136262 708 15 difficult difficult ADJ
_003136262 708 16 conditions condition NOUN
_003136262 708 17 to to ADP
_003136262 708 18 the the DET
_003136262 708 19 gaining gain VERB
_003136262 708 20 the the DET
_003136262 708 21 smallest small ADJ
_003136262 708 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 708 23 indulgence indulgence NOUN
_003136262 708 24 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 708 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 708 26 but but CCONJ
_003136262 708 27 protestantism protestantism NOUN
_003136262 708 28 has have VERB
_003136262 708 29 no no DET
_003136262 708 30 condition condition NOUN
_003136262 708 31 at at ADV
_003136262 708 32 all all ADV
_003136262 708 33 , , PUNCT
_003136262 708 34 save save VERB
_003136262 708 35 only only ADV
_003136262 708 36 , , PUNCT
_003136262 708 37 " " PUNCT
_003136262 708 38 pray pray VERB
_003136262 708 39 believe believe VERB
_003136262 708 40 what what PRON
_003136262 708 41 you you PRON
_003136262 708 42 like like VERB
_003136262 708 43 : : PUNCT
_003136262 708 44 if if SCONJ
_003136262 708 45 you you PRON
_003136262 708 46 can can AUX
_003136262 708 47 agree agree VERB
_003136262 708 48 with with ADP
_003136262 708 49 me i PRON
_003136262 708 50 , , PUNCT
_003136262 708 51 you you PRON
_003136262 708 52 will will AUX
_003136262 708 53 most most ADV
_003136262 708 54 likely likely ADV
_003136262 708 55 be be AUX
_003136262 708 56 right right ADJ
_003136262 708 57 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 708 58 but but CCONJ
_003136262 708 59 if if SCONJ
_003136262 708 60 you you PRON
_003136262 708 61 can can AUX
_003136262 708 62 not not PART
_003136262 708 63 , , PUNCT
_003136262 708 64 then then ADV
_003136262 708 65 agree agree VERB
_003136262 708 66 with with ADP
_003136262 708 67 yourself yourself PRON
_003136262 708 68 . . PUNCT
_003136262 708 69 " " PUNCT
_003136262 709 1 and and CCONJ
_003136262 709 2 the the DET
_003136262 709 3 laity laity NOUN
_003136262 709 4 take take VERB
_003136262 709 5 the the DET
_003136262 709 6 clergy clergy NOUN
_003136262 709 7 at at ADP
_003136262 709 8 their their PRON
_003136262 709 9 word word NOUN
_003136262 709 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 709 11 and and CCONJ
_003136262 709 12 proceed proceed VERB
_003136262 709 13 to to PART
_003136262 709 14 invent invent VERB
_003136262 709 15 their their PRON
_003136262 709 16 own own ADJ
_003136262 709 17 religions religion NOUN
_003136262 709 18 . . PUNCT
_003136262 710 1 they they PRON
_003136262 710 2 adopt adopt VERB
_003136262 710 3 some some DET
_003136262 710 4 indiv indiv NOUN
_003136262 710 5 ~ ~ PUNCT
_003136262 710 6 dual dual ADJ
_003136262 710 7 creed creed NOUN
_003136262 710 8 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 710 9 and and CCONJ
_003136262 710 10 then then ADV
_003136262 710 11 they they PRON
_003136262 710 12 run run VERB
_003136262 710 13 about about ADP
_003136262 710 14 to to ADP
_003136262 710 15 this this DET
_003136262 710 16 preacher preacher ADJ
_003136262 710 17 or or CCONJ
_003136262 710 18 to to ADP
_003136262 710 19 that that PRON
_003136262 710 20 , , PUNCT
_003136262 710 21 in in ADP
_003136262 710 22 search search NOUN
_003136262 710 23 of of ADP
_003136262 710 24 their their PRON
_003136262 710 25 pet pet ADJ
_003136262 710 26 hallucination hallucination NOUN
_003136262 710 27 . . PUNCT
_003136262 711 1 with with ADP
_003136262 711 2 " " PUNCT
_003136262 711 3 itching itching NOUN
_003136262 711 4 ears ear NOUN
_003136262 711 5 " " PUNCT
_003136262 711 6 they they PRON
_003136262 711 7 listen listen VERB
_003136262 711 8 to to ADP
_003136262 711 9 men man NOUN
_003136262 711 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 711 11 who who PRON
_003136262 711 12 begin begin VERB
_003136262 711 13 by by ADP
_003136262 711 14 proclaiming proclaim VERB
_003136262 711 15 their their PRON
_003136262 711 16 fallibility fallibility NOUN
_003136262 711 17 , , PUNCT
_003136262 711 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 711 19 end end VERB
_003136262 711 20 by by ADP
_003136262 711 21 reviling revile VERB
_003136262 711 22 one one NUM
_003136262 711 23 another another DET
_003136262 711 24 . . PUNCT
_003136262 712 1 then then ADV
_003136262 712 2 , , PUNCT
_003136262 712 3 suspecting suspect VERB
_003136262 712 4 that that SCONJ
_003136262 712 5 some some DET
_003136262 712 6 kind kind NOUN
_003136262 712 7 of of ADP
_003136262 712 8 unity unity NOUN
_003136262 712 9 is be AUX
_003136262 712 10 necessary necessary ADJ
_003136262 712 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 712 12 and and CCONJ
_003136262 712 13 feeling feel VERB
_003136262 712 14 that that SCONJ
_003136262 712 15 they they PRON
_003136262 712 16 can can AUX
_003136262 712 17 not not PART
_003136262 712 18 get get VERB
_003136262 712 19 it it PRON
_003136262 712 20 among among ADP
_003136262 712 21 themselves themselves PRON
_003136262 712 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 712 23 they they PRON
_003136262 712 24 all all PRON
_003136262 712 25 combine combine VERB
_003136262 712 26 to to PART
_003136262 712 27 " " PUNCT
_003136262 712 28 protest protest VERB
_003136262 712 29 " " PUNCT
_003136262 712 30 against against ADP
_003136262 712 31 the the DET
_003136262 712 32 church church NOUN
_003136262 712 33 . . PUNCT
_003136262 713 1 they they PRON
_003136262 713 2 go go VERB
_003136262 713 3 in in ADP
_003136262 713 4 crowds crowd NOUN
_003136262 713 5 to to ADP
_003136262 713 6 a a DET
_003136262 713 7 once once ADV
_003136262 713 8 -catholic -catholic ADJ
_003136262 713 9 cathedral cathedral NOUN
_003136262 713 10 , , PUNCT
_003136262 713 11 to to PART
_003136262 713 12 hear hear VERB
_003136262 713 13 a a DET
_003136262 713 14 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 713 15 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 713 16 hold hold VERB
_003136262 713 17 forth forth ADP
_003136262 713 18 on on ADP
_003136262 713 19 the the DET
_003136262 713 20 " " PUNCT
_003136262 713 21 errors error NOUN
_003136262 713 22 " " PUNCT
_003136262 713 23 of of ADP
_003136262 713 24 the the DET
_003136262 713 25 fountain fountain NOUN
_003136262 713 26 and and CCONJ
_003136262 713 27 source source NOUN
_003136262 713 28 of of ADP
_003136262 713 29 all all DET
_003136262 713 30 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 713 31 . . PUNCT
_003136262 714 1 their their PRON
_003136262 714 2 own own ADJ
_003136262 714 3 errors error NOUN
_003136262 714 4 are be AUX
_003136262 714 5 oflittle oflittle ADJ
_003136262 714 6 importance importance NOUN
_003136262 714 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 715 1 that that SCONJ
_003136262 715 2 they they PRON
_003136262 715 3 can can AUX
_003136262 715 4 not not PART
_003136262 715 5 know know VERB
_003136262 715 6 the the DET
_003136262 715 7 truth truth NOUN
_003136262 715 8 on on ADP
_003136262 715 9 any any DET
_003136262 715 10 dogma dogma NOUN
_003136262 715 11 of of ADP
_003136262 715 12 christianity christianity NOUN
_003136262 715 13 , , PUNCT
_003136262 715 14 save save VERB
_003136262 715 15 only only ADV
_003136262 715 16 through through ADP
_003136262 715 17 the the DET
_003136262 715 18 roman roman NOUN
_003136262 715 19 · · PUNCT
_003136262 715 20 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 715 21 church church NOUN
_003136262 715 22 , , PUNCT
_003136262 715 23 is be AUX
_003136262 715 24 not not PART
_003136262 715 25 a a DET
_003136262 715 26 fa fa X
_003136262 715 27 ct ct NOUN
_003136262 715 28 which which PRON
_003136262 715 29 stirs stir VERB
_003136262 715 30 their their PRON
_003136262 715 31 enquiry enquiry NOUN
_003136262 715 32 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 715 33 but but CCONJ
_003136262 715 34 the the DET
_003136262 715 35 " " PUNCT
_003136262 715 36 errors error NOUN
_003136262 715 37 of of ADP
_003136262 715 38 popery popery NOUN
_003136262 715 39 " " PUNCT
_003136262 715 40 anyone anyone PRON
_003136262 715 41 can can AUX
_003136262 715 42 teach teach VERB
_003136262 715 43 them they PRON
_003136262 715 44 , , PUNCT
_003136262 715 45 . . PUNCT
_003136262 716 1 because because SCONJ
_003136262 716 2 they they PRON
_003136262 716 3 are be AUX
_003136262 716 4 of of ADP
_003136262 716 5 protestant protestant ADJ
_003136262 716 6 invention invention NOUN
_003136262 716 7 . . PUNCT
_003136262 717 1 it it PRON
_003136262 717 2 would would AUX
_003136262 717 3 be be AUX
_003136262 717 4 better well ADJ
_003136262 717 5 that that SCONJ
_003136262 717 6 an an DET
_003136262 717 7 anglican anglican ADJ
_003136262 717 8 bishop bishop NOUN
_003136262 717 9 should should AUX
_003136262 717 10 preach preach VERB
_003136262 717 11 on on ADP
_003136262 717 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 717 13 the the DET
_003136262 717 14 errors error NOUN
_003136262 717 15 of of ADP
_003136262 717 16 protesta protesta ADJ
_003136262 717 17 ntism ntism NOUN
_003136262 717 18 , , PUNCT
_003136262 717 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 717 20 and and CCONJ
_003136262 717 21 point point VERB
_003136262 717 22 out out ADP
_003136262 717 23 to to ADP
_003136262 717 24 his his PRON
_003136262 717 25 hearers hearer NOUN
_003136262 717 26 h h VERB
_003136262 717 27 the the DET
_003136262 717 28 abomination abomination NOUN
_003136262 717 29 of of ADP
_003136262 717 30 de de PROPN
_003136262 717 31 solation solation NOUN
_003136262 717 32 , , PUNCT
_003136262 717 33 " " PUNCT
_003136262 717 34 which which PRON
_003136262 717 35 schism schism NOUN
_003136262 717 36 and and CCONJ
_003136262 717 37 heresy heresy NOUN
_003136262 717 38 have have AUX
_003136262 717 39 begotten beget VERB
_003136262 717 40 . . PUNCT
_003136262 718 1 that that PRON
_003136262 718 2 is be AUX
_003136262 718 3 the the DET
_003136262 718 4 right right ADJ
_003136262 718 5 thing thing NOUN
_003136262 718 6 for for ADP
_003136262 718 7 him he PRON
_003136262 718 8 . . PUNCT
_003136262 719 1 the the DET
_003136262 719 2 church church NOUN
_003136262 719 3 of of ADP
_003136262 719 4 england england PROPN
_003136262 719 5 has have AUX
_003136262 719 6 reached reach VERB
_003136262 719 7 its its PRON
_003136262 719 8 last last ADJ
_003136262 719 9 stage stage NOUN
_003136262 719 10 of of ADP
_003136262 719 11 hopeless hopeless ADJ
_003136262 719 12 fatuity fatuity NOUN
_003136262 719 13 and and CCONJ
_003136262 719 14 disgrace disgrace NOUN
_003136262 719 15 ; ; PUNCT
_003136262 719 16 and and CCONJ
_003136262 719 17 the the DET
_003136262 719 18 only only ADJ
_003136262 719 19 chance chance NOUN
_003136262 719 20 for for SCONJ
_003136262 719 21 its its PRON
_003136262 719 22 members member NOUN
_003136262 719 23 to to PART
_003136262 719 24 escape escape VERB
_003136262 719 25 blank blank ADJ
_003136262 719 26 nihilism nihilism NOUN
_003136262 719 27 is be AUX
_003136262 719 28 to to PART
_003136262 719 29 come come VERB
_003136262 719 30 bodily bodily ADV
_003136262 719 31 into into ADP
_003136262 719 32 . . PUNCT
_003136262 720 1 the the DET
_003136262 720 2 catholic catholic ADJ
_003136262 720 3 church church NOUN
_003136262 720 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 721 1 1 1 NUM
_003136262 721 2 ' ' PROPN
_003136262 721 3 . . PUNCT
_003136262 722 1 rodge rodge PROPN
_003136262 722 2 rs rs PROPN
_003136262 722 3 , , PUNCT
_003136262 722 4 p p NOUN
_003136262 722 5 rinter rinter NOUN
_003136262 722 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 722 7 " " PUNCT
_003136262 722 8 ha ha INTJ
_003136262 722 9 llamshire llamshire NOUN
_003136262 722 10 " " PUNCT
_003136262 722 11 stea stea PROPN
_003136262 722 12 m m PROPN
_003136262 722 13 press press NOUN
_003136262 722 14 , , PUNCT
_003136262 722 15 cha cha NOUN
_003136262 722 16 nge nge NOUN
_003136262 722 17 alley alley PROPN
_003136262 722 18 corner corner NOUN
_003136262 722 19 , , PUNCT
_003136262 722 20 sheffield sheffield NOUN
_003136262 722 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 723 1 iet iet PROPN
_003136262 723 2 was be AUX
_003136262 723 3 stated state VERB
_003136262 723 4 in in ADP
_003136262 723 5 a a DET
_003136262 723 6 recent recent ADJ
_003136262 723 7 advertisement advertisement NOUN
_003136262 723 8 that that SCONJ
_003136262 723 9 the the DET
_003136262 723 10 writer writer NOUN
_003136262 723 11 of of ADP
_003136262 723 12 this this DET
_003136262 723 13 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN
_003136262 723 14 was be AUX
_003136262 723 15 the the DET
_003136262 723 16 author author NOUN
_003136262 723 17 of of ADP
_003136262 723 18 the the DET
_003136262 723 19 " " PUNCT
_003136262 723 20 comedy comedy NOUN
_003136262 723 21 of of ADP
_003136262 723 22 convocation convocation NOUN
_003136262 723 23 . . PUNCT
_003136262 723 24 " " PUNCT
_003136262 724 1 this this PRON
_003136262 724 2 was be AUX
_003136262 724 3 correct correct ADJ
_003136262 724 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 725 1 but but CCONJ
_003136262 725 2 it it PRON
_003136262 725 3 was be AUX
_003136262 725 4 also also ADV
_003136262 725 5 stated state VERB
_003136262 725 6 that that SCONJ
_003136262 725 7 he he PRON
_003136262 725 8 was be AUX
_003136262 725 9 the the DET
_003136262 725 10 author author NOUN
_003136262 725 11 of of ADP
_003136262 725 12 " " PUNCT
_003136262 725 13 my my PRON
_003136262 725 14 clerical clerical ADJ
_003136262 725 15 friends friend NOUN
_003136262 725 16 . . PUNCT
_003136262 725 17 " " PUNCT
_003136262 726 1 this this PRON
_003136262 726 2 was be AUX
_003136262 726 3 incorrect incorrect ADJ
_003136262 726 4 . . PUNCT
_003136262 727 1 he he PRON
_003136262 727 2 has have VERB
_003136262 727 3 to to PART
_003136262 727 4 regret regret VERB
_003136262 727 5 tha tha PROPN
_003136262 727 6 , , PUNCT
_003136262 727 7 t t PROPN
_003136262 727 8 he he PRON
_003136262 727 9 can can AUX
_003136262 727 10 claim claim VERB
_003136262 727 11 , , PUNCT
_003136262 727 12 no no DET
_003136262 727 13 part part NOUN
_003136262 727 14 whatever whatever PRON
_003136262 727 15 in in ADP
_003136262 727 16 that that DET
_003136262 727 17 admirable admirable ADJ
_003136262 727 18 and and CCONJ
_003136262 727 19 delightful delightful ADJ
_003136262 727 20 work work NOUN
_003136262 727 21 . . PUNCT
_003136262 727 22 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 728 1 i i PRON
_003136262 728 2 t t NOUN
_003136262 728 3 may may AUX
_003136262 728 4 be be AUX
_003136262 728 5 desirable desirable ADJ
_003136262 728 6 ' ' PUNCT
_003136262 728 7 to to PART
_003136262 728 8 mention mention VERB
_003136262 728 9 that that SCONJ
_003136262 728 10 the the DET
_003136262 728 11 report report NOUN
_003136262 728 12 of of ADP
_003136262 728 13 the the DET
_003136262 728 14 sermon sermon NOUN
_003136262 728 15 on on ADP
_003136262 728 16 which which PRON
_003136262 728 17 this this DET
_003136262 728 18 reply reply NOUN
_003136262 728 19 is be AUX
_003136262 728 20 founded found VERB
_003136262 728 21 was be AUX
_003136262 728 22 given give VERB
_003136262 728 23 in in ADP
_003136262 728 24 the the DET
_003136262 728 25 " " PUNCT
_003136262 728 26 ripon ripon NOUN
_003136262 728 27 gazette/ gazette/ X
_003136262 728 28 , , PUNCT
_003136262 728 29 of of ADP
_003136262 728 30 thursday thursday PROPN
_003136262 728 31 , , PUNCT
_003136262 728 32 october october PROPN
_003136262 728 33 8th 8th PROPN
_003136262 728 34 , , PUNCT
_003136262 728 35 i874 i874 NOUN
_003136262 728 36 . . PUNCT
_003136262 728 37 " " PUNCT
_003136262 729 1 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 2 - - SYM
_003136262 729 3 001 001 NUM
_003136262 729 4 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 5 - - SYM
_003136262 729 6 002 002 NUM
_003136262 729 7 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 8 - - SYM
_003136262 729 9 003 003 NUM
_003136262 729 10 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 11 - - SYM
_003136262 729 12 004 004 NUM
_003136262 729 13 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 14 - - SYM
_003136262 729 15 005 005 NUM
_003136262 729 16 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 17 - - SYM
_003136262 729 18 006 006 NUM
_003136262 729 19 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 20 - - SYM
_003136262 729 21 007 007 NUM
_003136262 729 22 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 23 - - SYM
_003136262 729 24 008 008 NUM
_003136262 729 25 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 26 - - SYM
_003136262 729 27 009 009 NUM
_003136262 729 28 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 29 - - SYM
_003136262 729 30 010 010 NUM
_003136262 729 31 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 32 - - SYM
_003136262 729 33 011 011 NUM
_003136262 729 34 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 35 - - SYM
_003136262 729 36 012 012 NUM
_003136262 729 37 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 38 - - SYM
_003136262 729 39 013 013 NUM
_003136262 729 40 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 41 - - SYM
_003136262 729 42 014 014 NUM
_003136262 729 43 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 44 - - SYM
_003136262 729 45 015 015 NUM
_003136262 729 46 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 47 - - SYM
_003136262 729 48 016 016 NUM
_003136262 729 49 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 50 - - SYM
_003136262 729 51 017 017 NUM
_003136262 729 52 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 53 - - SYM
_003136262 729 54 018 018 NUM
_003136262 729 55 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 56 - - SYM
_003136262 729 57 019 019 NUM
_003136262 729 58 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 59 - - SYM
_003136262 729 60 020 020 NUM
_003136262 729 61 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 62 - - SYM
_003136262 729 63 021 021 NUM
_003136262 729 64 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 65 - - SYM
_003136262 729 66 022 022 NUM
_003136262 729 67 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 68 - - SYM
_003136262 729 69 023 023 NUM
_003136262 729 70 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 71 - - SYM
_003136262 729 72 024 024 NUM
_003136262 729 73 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 74 - - SYM
_003136262 729 75 025 025 NUM
_003136262 729 76 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 77 - - SYM
_003136262 729 78 026 026 NUM
_003136262 729 79 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 80 - - SYM
_003136262 729 81 027 027 NUM
_003136262 729 82 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 83 - - SYM
_003136262 729 84 028 028 NUM
_003136262 729 85 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 86 - - SYM
_003136262 729 87 029 029 NUM
_003136262 729 88 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 89 - - SYM
_003136262 729 90 030 030 NUM
_003136262 729 91 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 92 - - SYM
_003136262 729 93 031 031 NUM
_003136262 729 94 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 95 - - SYM
_003136262 729 96 032 032 NUM
_003136262 729 97 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 98 - - SYM
_003136262 729 99 033 033 NUM
_003136262 729 100 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 101 - - SYM
_003136262 729 102 034 034 NUM
_003136262 729 103 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 104 - - SYM
_003136262 729 105 035 035 NUM
_003136262 729 106 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 107 - - SYM
_003136262 729 108 036 036 NUM
_003136262 729 109 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 110 - - SYM
_003136262 729 111 037 037 NUM
_003136262 729 112 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 113 - - SYM
_003136262 729 114 038 038 NUM
_003136262 729 115 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 116 - - SYM
_003136262 729 117 039 039 NUM
_003136262 729 118 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 119 - - SYM
_003136262 729 120 040 040 NUM
_003136262 729 121 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 122 - - SYM
_003136262 729 123 041 041 NUM
_003136262 729 124 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 125 - - SYM
_003136262 729 126 042 042 NUM
_003136262 729 127 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 128 - - SYM
_003136262 729 129 043 043 NUM
_003136262 729 130 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 131 - - SYM
_003136262 729 132 044 044 NUM
_003136262 729 133 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 134 - - SYM
_003136262 729 135 045 045 NUM
_003136262 729 136 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 137 - - SYM
_003136262 729 138 046 046 NUM
_003136262 729 139 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 140 - - SYM
_003136262 729 141 047 047 NUM
_003136262 729 142 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 143 - - SYM
_003136262 729 144 048 048 NUM
_003136262 729 145 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 146 - - SYM
_003136262 729 147 049 049 NUM
_003136262 729 148 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 149 - - SYM
_003136262 729 150 050 050 NUM
_003136262 729 151 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 152 - - SYM
_003136262 729 153 051 051 NUM
_003136262 729 154 1005295 1005295 NUM
_003136262 729 155 - - SYM
_003136262 729 156 052 052 NUM