You’ve heard them all before.... “A women should have the right over her own body.... An unplanned child will be an unwanted child.... An unwanted child will be a battered child.... Life is tough enough without being born handicapped.... It’s a private matter between a patient and her doctor.... They begin by maintaining that a woman should have the right over her own body. A woman can have control over the rest of her body, but the fetus is not just another part of her body. Here, for the first time in the history of the world, a man might worship God as he pleased, with none to question or forbid. A world in torment is looking for a program—not merely for what the practical man will call vague principles. Deep, deep down in his heart there was the conviction, but yet as the historian narrates, 'This man came to Jesus by night, and said to Him: Rabbi, we know that thou art come a teacher from God; for no man can do these signs which thou dost, unless God be with him” {John 3: 2). The difficulty was not so much that the blind men could perceive nothing, but rather that they very definitely could perceive something, but could not perceive enough t o effect an integrated idea of just what an elephant is like. It implies that a man can do the pleasanter of two things, but can also r e f r a i n from doing it when it is unreasonable. He lived a hard life t h a t men might be impressed t h a t a good life must be a hard life. We speak of His kingdom, all creation, and of our hope that all men may become true subjects of His realm, rendering filial homage and rejoicing in the loving care of His providence. Signs of Vocation It is the exclusive part of the confessor or spiritual director to decide whether a young man or woman should take the initial step in the path of the privileged Vocation. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy of the holy Pontiff Augustine, although he himself had been taken to the heavenly kingdom some time before, that the perfidious men should feel the vengeance of temporal destruction, because they had spurned the counsels of fraternal charity that were offered to them. Christian Science refuses for the present to handle surgical cases, waiting for the time when men will admit the power and supremacy of the Mind. Since God wishes all men to be saved and since Christ died for all men it is certain all men must receive sufficient grace to attain salvation. VII, 26 (25) j n . VIII, 46 i 2 «) Lk, IV, 1 (27) J n . I, 14, 16 74 MODERN QUESTIONS destroyed; that man's conduct does not matter as long as he has f a i t h ; that man may interpret God's word according to the dictates of his private judgment and private life; that God arbitrarily predestines some men to hell; and that birth control, divorce, and sterilization are legitimate. A man may be a mine of information and remain really uneducated. He said, “a world without man would be a world without God.” Apparently then, it isn’t God Who makes man. If the prejudice is involuntary, then the intelligent man must face the facts that blast his prejudice and accept them. ‘ The seed of the woman shall crush the serpent’s head ’ (Gen. iii. ‘ And He said : So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the earth, and should sleep and rise, night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up whilst he knoweth not. Very significantly our present Holy Father Pius XII writes in his 21 THE CHURCH AND SOCIAL ORDER < letter addressed specifically to the American Hierarchy : "May it also be brought about that each and every able-bodied man may receive an equal opportunity for work in order to earn the daily bread for himself and his own. Hence man must have that sufficiency of external goods which are necessary for his sustenance and personal dignity. 'Years ago,' says an old Maine man, 'a boy could leave school, get himself a saw and a jitterbug [tractor] and go into the woods to cut lumber. Even if they have to economize somewhat stringently, there is no reason why they should not get married, as long as the young man will have steady employment. The modern woman will appreciate that Mary's choice of the state of virginity, which in God's plan prepared her for the mystery of the Incarnation, was not a rejection of any of the values of the married state but a courageous choice which she made in order to consecrate herself totally to the love of God. In the words of ' St. P a u l : "Be i n s t a n t in season, out of season; reprove, entreat," so t h a t all men may realize the great obligation of life, which is to know God and do His behests. It is sad enough t h a t these women should travel the road to destruction themselves; it is appalling t h a t they should go out into the highways and hedges to compel as it were, others to join in their unholy pilgrimage. Private property is an instrument of nature whereby not only the individual owner, but all men may have a use of material things in that sufficiency required for virtuous living. men can get access to the material goods they need for support of life and for virtuous living is by letting out their labor by a wage contract to property owners, that is, those who control at least ultimately, a certain amount of material goods. The men must buy these uniforms, two of each type from the company. F o r all this God became man T h a t man may become God. Mortal man can do nothing more powerful, this side of the grave. From the Houston Chronicle we quote an interview by M. E. Walter with Fortes Gil, until recently, Attorney General of Mexico) wbo told bim a man could wear a Roman Collar in Mexico and that the Catholic Churcn could conduct seminaHes there to train future priests. -Yet back here no hospital can be operated by a religious d^romination and no woman may become a nun. Communism was a judgment on Czarist Russia and Capitalism; Nazism a judgment on Versailles; and this war is a judgment on the way the world thought and lived, married and unmarried, bought and sold—a judgment on the world’s banks, its schools, its factories, its homes, its legislatures, its international order, its hearts and souls, and above all on its humanist illusion that man could build a peaceful world without God. No man can gather a civilization. Dostoievsky, that great Russian writer of the last century, was right when in a great flash of genius he warned that the denial of sin and hell in education and religion would end in a world Socialism where men would surrender freedom for a false security. And men will come crawling to our feet, saying to us: ‘Give us bread! It has long been a part of American mythology that no honest man would accept handouts from the government. For if without Christ men can do nothing for salvation, what can they do for the salvation of other souls without the grace and love of the Son of God by which the mystery of redemption and atonement is made operative in their souls as a supernatural activity? In a general way, the obligations of the proprietor with regard to the right use of his goods may be thus formulated: He must so use and administer his property that other men shall enjoy the benefit of it on just terms and conditions. American Catholic parents scarcely ever dream of the possibility that their boys may have a vocation to preach that blessed gospel to those who sit in the darkness and shadow of death. P R O M I S E : "It is expedient f o r you t h a t one Man should die f o r t h e people" ( L a s t Gospel: J o h n xi 50). Confronted with this situation, St. Augustine produced the first authoritative Christian teaching that man can serve Caesar in the army and still serve God. Said the Committee : “The young people shall fight; the married men shall forge weapons and transport supplies; the women will make tents and serve in the hospitals; the children will make up old linen into lint; the old men will have themselves carried into the public squares to rouse the courage of the fighting men, and to preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic. In particular, the young man should ask the approval of the prospective bride's father. Never did anyone say a more unlikely thing than did Jesus of Nazareth when He foretold how this dozen of poor, unlettered, incapable, and timid men would change the face of the earth and bring about a state of things then impossible, now a fact. Years of experience with that philosophy and its workings yield the conviction that without God as the leading influence in life no man can reach that outlook which brings true happiness, peace, and satisfaction to his soul. To be sure, an educated man must have a sense of honor and of justice; he can not escape those virtues. Ah, now he strikes upon a second compromise: he will have Jesus scourged, for he is sure that the sight of a bleeding man will touch the hearts of the Jews, and that they will be satisfied not to have Him put to death. "I have found no guilt in this man I will therefore chastise Him and release Him." While spending her days in retirement and prayer, she attended promptly to every household duty, saying, ‘A married woman must leave God at the altar to find Him in her domestic cares and she once found the verse of a psalm in which she had been four times thus interrupted completed for her in letters of gold. ” And, again, another says : “ Yes, our boys and girls would read Catholic books, and their fathers would willingly buy them, but how i$ a Catholic father to give his day's work for a book which is read in a single evening ? Only Catholic men may join the Guild. St. Paul, who perhaps is somewhat more abrupt in his speech than St. Augustine, seems to say that all men should know God from His creation. The Catholic Church teaches, by implication, that even though a man should gain the whole world, he could still lose his soul. Conceivably, she says, a man might build an empire and then be buried eternally in hell, while some forgotten mother who has done little else but rock the cradle might at last find herself high up in Heaven next to the all-blessed Mother of God. He believes t h a t man should seek ends which a r e exclusively human and n a t u r a l . He assumes t h a t all goals which claim to lie beyond n a t u r e and human life a r e illusory. These men must be leaders whose chief aim is not, to use the phrase of D r . Nicholas Murray Butler, "trying to keep their seats like jockeys," but men trained to a proper sense of values; men who realize that the welfare of civilization depends upon the proper adjudication and maintenance of those values; men whose chief object in life is not the amassing of fabulous sums of wealth—whether in the form of private fortunes or favorable balances of trade; men who realize that wealth alone does not constitute the measure of man's temporal welfare and happiness, and that beyond that temporal welfare there is yet a 35News Bulletin (Foreign Policy Association, June 29, 1930). “ Religion, says the Apostle, “ pure and undefiled before God and the Father, is this—to visit the fatherless and # the widow in their tribulation, and to keep one’s self unspotted from this world.” Or to borrow the words of the pagan Cicero: ^'Homines ad deos nulla re proplus accedunt quant saluiem hominibus dando ”—“ There is no way by which men can approach nearer to the gods than by contributing to the welfare of their fel* !ow-oreature«.” qA Prayer Book for You » «—M—.» The Mass Book Over qA Million Sold! A church empowered to teach men must be a body, otherwise it could not teach men; it must be visible, for an invisible church could teach only through private and individual inspiration, a method unadapted to mankind and to the method of God Himself, who sent His divine Son, clothed in our human nature, to teach men ; and unadapted also to the very method of Jesus Christ Himself who commissioned His apostles, a visible body of men, to preach the Gospel to all nations. Only a mortal man can be the ordinary minister of the sacraments; but God can—and sometimes does—employ angels, as extraordinary ministers. . . would be to mutilate human nature," we might just as correctly contend that disunion, enmity and violence are necessary among the individual citizens of the state, that to repress them is to mutilate human nature, and that it is the duty of the government to foment civil discord in a state threatened with too much peace; (5) that it is not necessary for men to graduate from the school of war in order to learn the hard lessons of honor and stern duty and self-sacrifice; (6) that the economic laws and world movements that are wont to terminate in war are not to be regarded with a reverence amounting almost to pathetic superstition, nor to be viewed as blind, omnipotent forces over which men can exercise no dominion, but that they are merely the sum-total of more or less constant and uniform, free actions of men along certain definite lines over which men have control; and, finally (7) that men, whether rulers or subjects or whether taken individually or collectively, are masters of their own actions and, in consequence, are morally responsible for them before the bar of justice, both divine and human. A man will refuse a fortune to spite a relative that he hates; like Cyrano he will fling his whole month's income onto the stage for the sake of a fine gesture. The wishy-washy principle of our sentimental novelists that a man or a woman must follow every whim and fancy, especially in matters of sex, has never made any man lay down his life for his country or . And though man clings with an almost insuperable longing to his own life, few men would h esi56 AI~MCHAIR PHILOSOPHY tate freely to lay down that precious life for the sake of a national peace and prosperity-which p'robably they will never enjoy. A generous man can forgive an honest blow struck him in the face far sooner than he can forgive a deception practiced upon him by someone he has trusted. No man can bear the thought that his wife or his mother has ceased to be, that death is a barrier which means irrevocable separation. a C t l y 1 s o m e o f t h e European countries ' Cardinal Richelieu was only twenty-one years old when he was consecrated a bishop, and St. Vincent de Paul seems to have been only nineteen when he was raised to the priesthood 27 ' SHEPHERDS OF CHRIST'S FLOCK to his state; and so the Church insists that before receiving the priesthood a man must study philosophy, theology, sacred scripture, canon law, Church history, and various other ecclesiastical subjects for at least six years. But a plain business man would say the advantage of this exchange, as well as Tetzel’s, was all on the side of the Church. The Archbishop read the appeal carefully, and a look of pain crossed his face, as he said : “ This man should be helped.” “ What will I do ? “ Then you are happier than I ; I have not yet found it.” Let us suppose that no man could prove the existence of hell; let us suppose that its existence is only probable — what then? ” If this one sentence of a man can affect a person in such a fearful manner, how terrible must be the thunder of the eternal Judge in the ears of the damned: “ Depart from me , you cursed , into everlasting fire!” (Matth. Holy Scripture expressly states this terrible truth : “ In those days men shall seek death , and shall not find it: and they shall desire to die , and death shall fly from them ” (Apoc. The traditions of every nation and people and religion in the world, Lent 33 no matter how much soever it may have lost the purity of primitive traditions, reveal the conviction that man may appease God by subjecting his body to penance. No man can avoid the choice, either for or against Christianity. For six years I gave up church, mass, the sacraments, — everything t h a t a woman should hold dear, except these, which X always k e p t . " Whilst saying this she showed an old pair of brown beads. " In France and Italy, etc., Le Temps, the Paris Times, described it in 1905 as a political association without declaring itself as such : “Knowing the dangers of publicity, the advantages of obscurity, it directs from its secret meetings the organization and administration of government, especially regarding religious liberty and belief, and by the secret character of its rites evades the restraint of public control and legal restriction.” Now, by fraternization with the Grand Orient, our American lodges have implicitly adopted the Grand Orient principles, which their leaders have professed explicitly: (1) That Masonry is all-sufficient and alone sufficient to direct man’s mind and morals and human destiny; (2) That a man can be a good Mason without God or Christ or Bible. No matter how excellent the home care of the child’s health may be, if a mass infection of diphtherial baccilli of sufficient virulence attacks the unsuspecting child, not "all the king’s horses nor all the king’s men” can prevent an attack of the dreaded disease unless the child is carrying in his blood stream the anti-bodies which will neutralize the effects of the toxin. The gang-age boy will play baseball all day long on a vacant lot with no thought of the future. Earlier in this Gospel, Jesus says that the Father " hath given all judgment to the Son, that all men may honor the Son, as they honor the Father" (v. 22, 23) . Our purpose in these four addresses is to explain the nature of this act of faith by which man can know those things in heaven and earth which are not dreampt of in human philosophy. In fact, the very notion of the Fatherhood of God and of the yearning of all humanity to know its origin and destiny with certainty and without prolonged study would seem to indicate that such a direct communication between God and man would take place. And it follows then as a bitter consequence that if there are no longer fundamentals on which men can agree—the only alternatives are force or chaos—and Hitler was infallibly right. A brief summary of the history of conscription will illustrate this: The young men shail fight; the married men shall forge weapons and transport supplies; the women will make tents and clothes and serve in hospitals; the children will make up the old linen into lint; the old men will have themselves carried into the public square to rouse the courage of the fighting men . Matrimony was instituted by God Himself, when He created the first man and woman, and declared that "a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh" (Gen. ii. Going to and from business, a man would pass little time on crossword puzzles. A s the proverb says: "Example is better than precept," and a man can set no better example to his family than by going 3L0 FREQUENT C O M M U N I O N . often to Holy Communion. Moreover, by communicating often a man can exert an influence over a wider circle. He might have said of Virgil what Ben Jonson said of Shakespeare: that he venerated him as much as any man could “this side idolatry.” CHRISTIANITY’S CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILIZATION 13 Two centuries after Dante, the Renaissance was a deliberate and highly successful attempt, made under the eyes of the Church, to recapture “the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome.” And here it must be confessed there arose a real danger. THE SHIP IN ^ My dear f r i e n d s : Blaise Pascal once wrote that a man can enjoy a storm at sea when he is sure that the ship will not sink. Just as they see no contradiction, but even an intrinsic relationship, between the permanence of marriage and support for the divorced, between shared responsibility and strong moral authority, so many believe that women should have an equal role in the life of the Church and should also be given support in whatever vocation they choose, including that of wife and mother. Men may disapprove the methods of the Catholic Church and discredit her beliefs, but few will deny that her ideal is the most perfect ever set before the human race. If the innocent Saviour could exclaim from the Cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke, 23: 24), we sinful men can well practice tolerance towards our fellows. The University at Washington should not be looked upon as a mere seat of advanced learning where a few hundred young men will receive the advantages of university training at the expense of our people in general and then take up various lines of work wherein they alone are to be benefited. Similarly, an infirm and aged woman may resent the idea of having somebody else go out and do her mar"' keting for her, but may be afraid to do it by herself; simply going along, helping to pick out the items and get them back home, can be a boon beyond ·the power of a younger person to imagine . Here the boys and girls will have an opportunity of revealing their individual needs and doubts. Even though men may deny the sacramental nature of marriage, still natural marriage retains it binding character and is subject to the divine law. While believing that opposition to such destructive forces as divorce and artificial birth control must be continued as an essential expression of Catholic Action, it was the mind of the convention of 1929 that “the National Council of Catholic Women should appoint a committee to study the situation and formulate a more positive program to offset this insidious propaganda.” This was the first step taken towards the formation of a definite Committee on Family and Parent Education, although the committee did not emerge under this title until the convention of 1931. That the National Council of Catholic Women might meet this obligation, a vast field of endeavor was visioned by its Committee on Family and Parent Education. Man will obey God, and he will obey man if he believe man represents God. every man must have a name, a name that is permanent. No man will p e r f o r m even a single intelligent action without forecasting the " h e r e a f t e r " of t h a t action, the end i t is intended to reach. He knew t h a t men must be prepared f o r truth, and t h a t the higher and nobler a t r u t h is, the longer and more difficult is the preparation to receive it. I t is too manifest men may have a f o r m of godliness without t h e power.! 1 * a g a l n " W h o more religious l h Z \ h e J 7 S ' W h e n G o d ' s h a n d was upon B l i p sooner was the affliction over, but t h e y forgot God, and showed their religion to be a fit.§ Thou maTest have disgorged a troublesome sin, t h a t will not sit easy on t h y stomach, and have escaped those gross pollutions of t h e world and yet not have changed t h y swinish n a t u r e all t h e while.|| You m a y cast t h e lead out of t h e rude mass into t h e more comely proportion of a plant and then into t h e shape of a beast, and thence into t h e f o r m and f e a t u r e s of a m a n ; yet all t h e while it is lead still bo a man may pass t h r o u g h divers t r a n s mutations, f r o m ignorance to knowledge f r o m profaneness to civility, thence to a f o r m of religion; and all t h i s while he is but carnal and unregenerate, whilst his n a t u r e remains unchanged H e a r t h e n > 0 s i n n ^ s ! This m u s t be promised before we proceed to t h e discovery, t h a t it is most certain men may have a confident persuasion t h a t t h e i r h e a r t s and states a r e good, and yet be unsound. A man may be f r e e f r o m open pollutions, and yet perish at last by some secret unobserved iniquity. If a rich and most bountiful man should see thee in misery, and bid thee come to his door, wouldst thou not with confidence expect a t t h y coming to find some relief? If courtship were merely a physical affair, like kissing and petting, then almost any young man might marry any young girl, each convinced that this would be a good deal and a grand game. Job packed his reaction into one crushed sentence: "No man can lead another unto God." But earnest, honest men can settle such differences in a peaceful way. It is only reasonable to assume, therefore, that a man who believes in God and in the dignity of man will use every effort to conquer and throw away these shackles placed on modern man. Man will renounce legislation aimed toward the protection of the few and oppose leaders who do not have the vision and the interest of the people at heart. The dignity of man will stress economic rights such as the ownership of private property, the dignity of the worker in the factory, the mine, and on the farm, and the right of organization both for employees and employers. Such a man will be the answer to the dangers of Communism and other menaces to our form of government and will, also, be the answer to world disunion and disaster. Your boys and girls should have frequent recourse to her, and you parents as well. 3 E x t r o n * M u r i u m " And going forth they preached that men should do penance: and they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them." In the negative sense are found: "The present college students are a war generation"; "The educated man can be a war man or a peace man." But to see in Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life means often that a man must change the semi-pagan life to which he has become accustomed. Strength of will is needed, not precisely so that a man may see the truth, but so that he can overcome the obstacles, in his own life, in his own surroundings, perhaps in his own education, that prevent him from looking clearly at the truth. Now I'm not saying all women must m a r r y and all women must have children. If p a r e n t s and relatives would sit down and work out a share t h e burden plan, so all could assume some p a r t of supporting the needy members, then many a splendid single woman would be f r e e t o enter a happy marriage. Deep, deep down in his heart there was the November 3, 1946 conviction , but yet as the historian narrates, “This man came to Jesus by night, and said to Him: Rabbi, we know that thou art come a teacher from God; for no man can do these signs which thou dost, unless God be with him” (John 3: 2). A holy man would be a good citizen-an educated man might not be. They cause, over all the world, men would are the authorized teachers of the not sacrifice pride and greed, would Church's doctrine. Long before the ordinary man would notice anything different in the weather, thetides, or the seasons, they would be sounding the alarm. No man can paint this picture too starkly. It was forgotten that a refined woman could be a nurse, except perhaps in her own family; and even in good homes if an attendant was called in, the sick-room became a scene of repulsive squalor. ‘We always take them without a character,’ said an English physician, not very many decades ago, ‘because no respectable woman will take such work.’ Even the sisters of the religious orders, though retaining their sweet charm of serenity and gentleness, came to a complete standstill professionally as nurses, on account of the persistent 8 THE CARE OF THE DEPENDENT POOR sequence of restrictions which had been nemming them in from the middle of the sixteenth century.” It is pointed out by Miss Nutting and Miss Dock that the hospitals passed out of the hands of women and into those of men. This is the deepest and most fundamental truth of our Catholic Faith, and taking this truth as his guiding principle, the Catholic social reformer plans the ways and means he, employs in establishing conditions in which men must live — social conditions. A N EXAGGERATED V I E W OF M A N ' S INCLINATION TO E V I L ' These are the state-worshippers who, unlike the Liberals, believe that every action of man must be state controlled, since man is naturally prone to evil and cannot bring about the good of society. The Church recognizes, too, that men can employ these media contrary to the plan of the Creator and to their own loss. The words 8 THE SALVATION OP HUMAN SOCIETY 8 of Jesus Christ, two thousand years young, ring just as clearly as when they first shocked a self-reliant and self-centered people: "If "any man will come a f t e r me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Girls should be the arbiters in the kissing game. When other men would spread sedition and misunderstanding they would have to stand, even alone, in their efforts for peace. Teach more positively, as the Church requires ; strip the cloak from Naturalism and Materialism, that men may see the nakedness and nastiness, since nothing less will do where the vile is so be-painted and metamorphosed ; insist on Catholic dogma as the antidote to doubt ; f maintain the truth and inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, and the claim of the Church as their witness, keeper, and authorative interpreter ; declare the grace of the sacraments of salvation ; lift up the idea of the worship and adoration of the Incarnate God whose tabernacle is now with m e n ; get hold of sinners, one by one ; lead such as need it to private confession ; shrink not from the task of directing the doubtful in t h e way ; be in sympathy with every effort of the age to help the poor,, the needy, the ignorant, the unfortunate ; " Freely ye have receivedi freely give." Very few boys and girls can keep steady company over a long period of time without some serious problems. I imagine a man would have some difficulty in picking out his wife in a crowd if he had nothing but her moral characteristics to go by.” If the Communicating Spirit, speaking by Feda, through the Medium, was not certain of his own identity, how could Sir Oliver Lodge accept him as his son Raymond? How many married men and women would be free today if they had had three weeks to prepare for marriage? (9) All men should take note that the profession of the evangelical counsels, though entailing the renunciation of certain values which are to be undoubtedly esteemed, does not detract from a genuine development of the human persons, but rather by its very nature is most beneficial to that development. Upon entering the marriage status, both man and woman must subordinate all individual activities for the realization of the high ideals and purposes of that relationship. While glorying in the possession of her newlyfound freedom, woman must use that freedom in the interest of that higher vocation to which she has been called from the very beginning and to which she is dedicated whether she will it or not, until the end of time. From the seed they are now sowing, thousands of men will reap a harvest before other days of depression dawn ij-if they live ! " Therefore the Church announces the good tidings of salvation to those who do not believe, so that all men may know the true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, and may be converted from their ways, doing penance. It was bound to be so, for man could form no adequate conception of the infinite love of God. Itself a living proof t h a t piety is nourished by political freedom, let i t show, so t h a t no man may misread t h e lesson, t h a t t h e Church of Grod need not and does not fear t h e t r u t h . [THE END.] Itself a living proof t h a t piety is nourished by political freedom, let i t show, so t h a t no man may misread t h e lesson, t h a t t h e Church of God need not and does not fear t h e t r u t h . [THE END.] All boys can know the companionship of God in the companionship o f Christ. And no man would touch a woman that the Holy Spirit had chosen as virginal spouse, and the Eternal. Men can Oriental fables. Even boys and girls can master short speeches, prepared by themselves under -competent supervision, or prepared for them, and deliver them as a prelude to the principal talk of the meeting. This movement, as are all movements subversive of true peace, is alien to the doctrine and principles of the Universal —the Catholic—Church, which was founded by the Prince of Peace that all men might call each other brother and be saved. Hence it often happens that a man may have an intellectual conviction as to the t r u t h of the Catholic religion and yet be unable to enter the Church. If then it is true, as it is, that God is Lord of all and man at most the steward who .must give an account of his stewardship, it is well that man should acknowledge the fact and adjust his life to the conditions which this imposes. Man can ruin any machine, new or old. It may be that in some remote epoch, human ingenuity will succeed in ordering the world so that all men may have the use and enjoyment of a sufficient amount of the goods of earth. If to God is attributed the ownership of all things under God, man may have peace and justice and happiness. We know that men can build houses and churches, they can make statues and paint pictures, and plant trees and flowers, but they cannot hake them without things to make them with. If a man should cast seed into the ground, and should then go away and live his life, rising, eatThe Parables. “ Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the*fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” Only one woman could be the Mother of God, and how blessed was she in being chosen for that great honor ! While that law is in observance, a man may face the world, unruffled, serene, joyous, "His native home deep imag'd in his soul." Through His grace, and not my own wisdom, I came to turn against the d r i f t of contemporary thought, and to strike upstream for that rock where alone man may find a permanent harbor. A man would be a fool to jump off a fifty story building and say that the law of gravity will not affect him. As the great life insurance companies are spending huge sums on doctors, scientific investigations and district 60 A Catechism of Catholic Education nurses to improve the health of the nation, so we business men should spend huge sums to develop those fundamental religious qualities of integrity, faith and service, which make for true prosperity. Consequently, man can know t h e universal good and can desire it. Grant, 0 good Jesus, t h a t all men may correct t h e i r f a u l t s and ask pardon f o r t h e i r sins, in order t h a t they no longer offend You Who a r e al* — 37 — Most Sacred H e a r t of Jesus, have ttiefCy óii me! Men may be Roman Catholics " and something more. While that law is in observance, a man may face the world, unruffled, serene, joyous, "His native home deep imag'd in his soul." Our fathers have bequeathed to us the appreciation of a kindly and a holy spirit; a spirit of affectionate unobtrusive meekness, of considerate friendliness, of calm cheerfulness ; and these are in their measure not only appreciated but realized amongst us But not content with thankfulness, we have been boastful of this grace of ours ; we have spoken of it as if it were the only form of Christian love, as if no man could have any other line of action than to be frank and amiable, to marry and bring up a family, to be neighbourly to his equals, and active in relieving want, &c whereas there are a whole class of expressions in the New Testament, which, though surely they do not condemn the English Church, yet seem somehow not to have received their natural development in it... We seem afraid of these. It is a divinely implanted love which prompts a man to obey the mandate of the Most High, uttered at the dawn of creation: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh.’ , The union of husband and wife, raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament, is the most intimate and sacred union that can take place between two creatures. Though he soon recovered from this illness, he was troubled for a long time by intermittent attacks of fever, and in his fervour the boy would say the Te Deurn every time that he was seized b y the malady. THE NATURAL LAW 5 By his intelligence man can discover the purpose for which he was made, and by his will he can freely choose the means which lead to it. Man must follow the guidance of his rea6 THE MORAL LAW son; t h a t is, he must use his mind to discover the right order which God has set up in human nature. No man can describe i t ; moment will endure forever. Justice—natural justice, based on the justice and the law of God; and Right— natural rights, based on the will of God that men should be f r e e to attain their destiny by a practical recognition of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men— these are the backbone of all order, of all liberty, of all government. Capital knows that, if the wages are attractive, men will jeopardize life till it seem an ignoble thing hardly worth preserving. 31:22, is also quoted in support of the virginal conception: "The Lord hath created a new thing upon earth; a woman shall compass a man." The Holy Ghost: "And it shall come to pass after this, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. A man may invent a new machine, but if he is so foolish or dishonest as to deny the existence of God his genius is very limited indeed. But he might help himself by the application of common sense ; he might remember that God gave men a capacity for all good things and men might reject the capacity. If it can be reasonably judged that the men will derive some religious ideals from these services and will be induced to lead better lives, whereas they would exclude God from their lives entirely if they did not attend, a Catholic chaplain might be justified in urging such attendance as the lesser of two evils.14 But to apply this principle in a general way to justify the indiscriminate urging of non-Catholics to take part in their particular church services is utterly unjustifiable. Christ lives in us "I am the Life" (John 14, 6) "I am come that men may have life and may have it more abundantly" (John 10, 10) (not intellectual, cultural, economic but supernatural, divine life) St. Paul: "I live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me" (Galatians 2, 20) 2. May I dare to say it: I wish that millions of men would appreciate the Sacraments more fully, and that all men would use them to reach that Heaven which is most surely and infallibly attained by a good use of God’s grace. But again, alas, and alas, every man can measure the sin, sorrow and distress of all the world by the tragedy that is enacted in his own life and in his own heart. No one can forgive sin but God, they said, and they were right, no man can forgive sin, only God. He both establishes a severe law and offers the essence of marriage : “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh.” Besides, God Himself established the prerogatives of marriage—unity and indissolubility—^the marriage of one man with one woman and the bond that can be broken only by the death of one of the parties to the contract. No man can break this tie, no body of men ; no whim or fancy or determination of the individual ; no enactment of so-called law, or any legislation or body of legislators; no state, no nation: “What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” And God hath joined together man and woman by a sacred contract that reaches out to every creature of God. Over a period of years hi any line of endeavor a man will attain the greatest success if he is consistently and scrupulously honest. A business man may adopt the policy of discounting his bills. Some men will do the r i g h t thing only if restrained by law, custom, or by the f o r m of social organization. In a highly complicated society such as our own where probably the work of millions of people was required to get the pork chops on our dinner plate, control of strategic positions by unscrupulous or incompetent men may place these men in a position to control our lives. For men are realizing that labor problems are human problems; that labor problems are moral problems; that the relations between those who offer their wealth, and those who contribute their know-how and those who give the most intimate thing a man can give—the labor of his person—that these relations are subject, under God, to the demands of justice and of charity. The world and man would have no explanation and possibility of continued existence were they not given a share in the eternal being of God, their Creator. I t will have been seen t h a t i t s motive w a s no other t h a n a vast overpowering love; t h a t in itself it w a s a union of divinity and humanity, to elevate t h e one and render the other more accessible; t h a t it was divinely foretold both in general and in exactest detail f o r thousands of years before it was a n actual f a c t ; t h a t it became f a m i l i a r and real to men t h r o u g h Christ's daily l i f e ; t h a t t h a t same C h r i s t founded a new and higher spiritual kingdom a n d realm w i t h Himself a s i t s Prophet, its Priest, a n d its K i n g ; t h a t He l e f t a Church with f u l l juridic w a r r a n t t o continue His heavenly w o r k ; t h a t He Himself nevertheless remains f o r e v e r with t h a t 84 CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Church as its hidden mystic l i f e ; and, finally, t h a t f r o m both the ancient prophecies and f r o m C h r i s t ' s own words t h a t Church is one day to include all men and all nations in one peaceful fold—surely, a body of doctrine to which no reasonable man can r e f u s e the t r i b u t e of earnest and continued investigation and prolonged meditation. calls attention to “ the necessity of the simultaneous formation of the man, the Christian and the priest ” and affirms that “ the formation of the man must go hand in hand with that of the Christian and the future priest ”. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh" (Genesis 2-21-24). Besides the State made by man can have no ultimate end different from man who made i t — G o d , the creator of all, the conservator of all, and the ultimate end of all. In that case man will have no guilt to fear but only discovery. T h e socialist is right if there be no God, f o r no man can derive the absolute right of anything from his own powers. No man can be the judge of his own case; it is the organized community, acting through its courts, that must decide upon his claims. Today all Christian men and women must follow the example of the Fathers of the Early Church who in the face of a decadent civilization pleaded for the miracles of Christian chastity and virginity. In this way the boy will develop a sense of personal honor. Even though the formation of mature men should take advantage of their experience and should therefore be different from that of seminarians, the person responsible for the 34 pastoral formation of deacons should nonetheless be highly trained in supervision, just as a seminary field education director should be so trained. Among deacon candidates themselves and leaders of training programs, there is growing conviction that women would strengthen the diaconal ministry immeasurably. EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT 11 In Rhode Island, the medical examiners for counties and the directors of State institutions must be men; the Superintendent of the Reformatory for Women must be a woman. When Rebecca in the anxieties of her pregnancy complained to the Lord, God foretold to her that the older boy would serve the younger: "two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples shall be divided out of thy womb, and one people shall overcome the other and the elder shall serve the younger" (Genesis 25:23). Is it true then that woman may possess the extraordinary stability in righteousness that will make her heart the impregnable stronghold of God's commandments? That men may enjoy liberty without allowing it to deJ8pedal infestations 6 "The Heart of a Holy Woman" / generate into license; that governments may exercise authority without attempting the tyranny of paternalism ; that the basis and foundation stone of society, the homes of a virtuous people, may be secure in the sunlight of peace and contented in an atmosphere of prosperity; that mutual reverence, charity and tolerance may prevail universally—this is the goal mankind has been attempting to attain in every age, this the aim of the statesman's philosophy and endeavor, this the problem of the sphinx of time. Out of his own consciousness and his own power of thinking, man must ask these questions. The mind and heart of man can ask nothing which is not contained in the broad possibilities of the Catholic faith. This is a fallacy; yet it is true that men may profess a religion from worldly motives or indifference, which they are compelled to abandon when worldly considerations have lost their value, and men waken from their dreams as they approach eternal realities. THE HAPPINESS OF FAITH 15 cruelty and selfishness, the dull monotonous rounds of passion, oppression of the weak, and contempt for the helpless, have brought or can bring any happiness to the human race, that man can find human joy skulking in the footsteps of the animal, then and only then dare it be said that the stern prohibitions of religion make men unhappy. Man must have a god. But now as always, man must have a god. He showed himself so lavish of His gifts that even selfish man could find no cause for complaint. It is based on the f e a r that a man may know every election law of his State, every constitutional provision of the Nation, and still be a very poor citizen, a fear, too, t h a t he may even know all the doctrines of the Catholic Church and still not be applying them to his own life. Because of the Redemption, man can live the life of grace here on earth and he is capable of enjoying eternal life in heaven with the help of that grace. The enemies of our religion are right when they say man cannot forgive sins if they mean that he cannot forgive them by his own power, but they are certainly wrong if they mean that he cannot forgive them even by the power of God, for man can do anything if God gives him the power. Evidently He intended that every man should have access to the wealth of nature, for in no other way can human life be sustained. Man must have a god even if he must make it himself, as the Israelites made a golden calf in the desert. Man would be the slave of mere matter. If the soul is mortal, then what matters it whether I have been the honor of creation or its shame ; whether I have multiplied its blessed or its wretched; then the meanest man can shun the sovereignty of God ; then a dagger can cut Creation’s bond that links the human with the Divine. Third—‘‘Universal,’’ because Jesus Christ died to save all men ; and, inasmuch as He founded the true Church solely that by membership therein men might become partakers in His merits, the true Church must be open to all men, and hence universal. Give five reasons why men should pronounce the Holy Name with reverence. To carry out successfully the homicidal project which he had conceived, Herod wishes now to obtain from the Magi secretly two additional details : the moment of the appearance of the star to the Magi, a fact which would be indicative to some extent of Christ's age; and secondly, the exact spot in Bethlehem where the Wise Men would find the Child. Men must have the opportunity to work; to live in peace with their families, friends, and fellow men; to live without fear of poverty and starvation—^primarily that they may seek their true end — eternal happiness with God. Moreover, this position fails to give due weight to a truth that is central in the papal thought, namely, that if mankind’s political, economic, and social thinking and activity and institutions could be brought under the governance of the natural law, the result would be, not indeed a paradise on earth, nor yet a blanket assurance that all men would be eternally saved, but at least a recognizably human social order, within which a man could lead a human life, and be free from today’s inhuman tyrannies that imperil both his body and his soul. For Catholic doctrine teaches that without the healing grace of our Savior it is impossible to fulfill all the commandments of the natural law or to acquire perfect permanent virtue.®^ From this undisputed principle there follows a great practical conclusion: The formation of the man must proceed step by step with that of the Christian and the future priest, so that the natural energies are purified and strengthened by prayer, by the grace which comes from frequent reception of Penance and the Eucharist, and by the influence of the supernatural virtues which receive protection and assistance from the natural virtues. On all sides—from a thousand pens, a hundred microphones, scores of university rostrums—we have heard it repeated, until our very heads reel, that the “acids of modernity” have eaten away the old faith and the old morality, and that the modern man must have a new religion to suit the new spirit of the age. Men must have bread ! Man must recognize the fact that he must seek God in faith, hope, and charity, and that always there is a basic desire in man to know God directly. In that day, the working man will have the shrewdness to perceive, that it is much more his interest to have a potent voice in the management of municipal affairs than in the government of the empire. The formal principle of the dialectical process was the thinking subject—or more concretely and historically, the whole series of ante-Nicene thinkers who wrestled with the problem of the Son (now as then, no one man can be the bearer of the process cf development of doctrine, which is normally dialectical). Addendum SOME SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE SEMINARY HIGH SCHOOL With regard to the seminary high school there are those who say: 1) Specialized training on this level can have a tendency to produce vocational doubt and soul-searching that may lead to a premature or ill-considered decision to discontinue priestly studies; 2) An unrealistic commitment is expected of the boys during a period of marked adolescent change and uncertainty; 3) There is danger of isolation from family and peers; 4) Some boys may seek enrollment as a sort of refuge from life’s realities; 5) The cost of operation compared to the high rate of attrition is a hardship for many dioceses and religious communities. Man must hear God’s voice in invitation and freely choose to be of that living Body, members in Christ, the Head. Students are sometimes told in their classes that society is a gradual evolution, worked out on a sort of trial and error method by man himself; when, as a matter of fact, it is God's own plan that man should be a social creature and society was planned by God.. The fighting man will have little desire to "do the right thing" if he has no f a i t h in the righteousness of the Nation's objectives in fighting. Men can find no basis for the •peaceful solution of their conflicts within themselves. As God’s love is the creative principle of the universe, so God willed that the love of man and woman should be the creative principle of the family. A man can kill another man as a soldier in a just war, but not in his private capacity as a citizen. So profound does this unity of the flesh reach, so deep is its center in human nature that other lesser unities may not deter it: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh” ( Genesis 2:24). If a father will pay his son’s debts to keep him out of prison, if a man will give a blood transfusion to save his friend’s life, then why is it not possible in marriage for a spouse to redeem a spouse. If a man can give jewels to the woman he loves without scandal, why cannot the soul pour out its abundance to the God it loves in tribute of affection? Withdrawing from His three disciples about as far as a man could throw a stone—how significant a way to measure distance the night one goes to death—He prays to His Heavenly Father. Or women today will be the daughters of Claudia, challenging politics when it would send righteous men to death; urging the path of highest duty when indecision, cowardice and compromise allure; being to a husband an unfailing preacher of righteousness; his counselor and his saviour; ever braving stern law rather than be unfaithful to conscience; and never scrupling to talk about the just and righteous Christ even 68 LOVE ON PILGRIMAGE when its penalty might well be the spurning of love. God permitted him to fall to teach him not to confide too much in his own strength—to make him realize that man can do all things only with the help of God's grace. Endowed with body as well as mind, man must use both mind and body in the service of God ; because man does not stand alone, but both in his origin and in his relations he is a member of society, he craves for and requires social assistance and must join also with his fellow man to form with him one vital unit in the act of worship. This man came to Jesus by night, and said to him: Rabbi, we know that thou art come a teacher from God; for no man can do these signs which thou dost, unless God be with him. For neither doth the Father judge any man, but hath given all judgment to the Son; that all men may honor the Son, as they honor the Father. August, A. D. 28 AND he said: So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the earth, and should sleep, and 61 rise, night and day, and the seed should spring, and grow up whilst he knoweth not. And going out, they went about through the villages, preaching the gospel that men should do penance. August, A. D. 29 F R O M that time Jesus began to show to his disciples, that he must go to Jerusalem, saying: The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the ancients and by the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed: and the third day be raised up. And Jesus went into the temple of God, and began to cast out them that sold therein and them that bought, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the chairs of that that sold doves; and he suffered not that any man should carry a vessel through the temple. Now we know that thou knowest all things, and thou needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou earnest forth from God. If he had, all* expectation of eternal happiness — ^to which man could make no natural claim—^would have become impossible. A Priest Forever A man can receive this Sacrament only once, for it makes him a priest forever. A man may receive Holy Orders (once, twice, five times). What wonder that the gentle ’a Kempis, after saying — “this shall puzzle thee,” and “that shall puzzle thee”, adds, “But most of all thou shalt often be a puzzle to thyself.” What wonder, too, if the poets, though they penetrate flesh and blood and see into the heart, confess in the end that they cannot fathom man, and that the dramatists who take the world but as the world, a stage where every man must play a part, observe man as he makes his exit and his entrance, watch him strut his brief hour, but as the curtain rings down, leave us with the despondent reflection, “Life is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.” Shakespeare gave it up. It can hardly be expected that men will lead good moral lives of uprightness, honesty, purity, faith and charity unless they have been taught what righteousness means and the supreme reasons inducing us to tread its pathway. Men may lose charity and divine grace through sin, thus becoming incapable of supernatural merit, and yet not be deprived of all life if they hold fast to faith and Christian hope, and if, illumined from above, they are spurred on by the interior promptings of the Holy Spirit to salutary fear and are moved to prayer and penance for their sins. There was first of all a keen sense of personal responsibility in the employment of secular power of every kind ; the responsibility of rulers to God for the exercise of their power over their subjects was strongly insisted upon, as well as the fact that the rich man must render account of the use he had made of his wealth ; it had been entrusted to him by God and he must use it for God. There was in all this enough to appal the stoutest hearts ; and those who can recall the feelings of those days will at once remember the deep depression into which the Church had fallen, and the gloomy forebodings which were universally prevalent.” In such a condition of things it was like a new revelation from above to be assured that our Lord God had stooped to incarnation and had dwelt among men to found an Universal Divine Society, a Kingdom, “ the Kingdom of the heavens,” a spiritual organism, having temporal visibility and historic continuity, and all the notes and attributes consonant with such a society— a human ministry representing the great High Priest, acting in His stead, and self-perpetuating through the ages by the power of the Holy Ghost —a series of visible instruments and media through which the Holy Ghost effectuates God’s grace upon men’s souls and bodies, and by which regenerated men may worship God and maintain visible communion with Him and with all who 24 THE OXFORD MOVEMENT AND are in Him—a society in which our Divine-Human Lord dwells as in a Body by he power of the One Spirit and in which the unity of the Spirit is exhibited by one Hope, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all; a society by which God, Who is above all, and through all, and in all, matures souls in grace from the rudiments of it, up through all the processes of spiritual growth, to the heights of heroic sanctity; a society in which, in one word, the Mediator of the New Covenant potentially abides to accomplish all the purposes of the Incarnation. Men must have bread! In a word, God became man in order that man might become Godlike. Once the Cross is set up again before the eyes of men and placarded at the cross-roads of civilization, as it was centuries ago, men will realize that redemption is social, and that we are our brothers^ keepers, in helping one another to a fresh start even though it is a late start. In a short time THE SIXTH WORD 115 a man may fulfill many years ; even those who come at the eleventh hour may finish their lives; even those who come to God like the thief at the last breath, may finish their lives in the Kingdom of God. At the initial springs of both a man may stand midway between them and place a hand in each. It was in the lustrous and exceptional end the privilege of George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic layman, to originate and to initiate in practice a community in which all men might have the right to worship the God of their fathers without let or hindrance according to the dictates of their own consciences, none daring to molest nor make them afraid, so long as they did not, under pretense of religion, violate the law of the land. Now among the rights of a human person there must be included that by which a man may enter a political community where he hopes he can more fittingly provide a future for himself and his dependents. The subject of its work, then, has been how the priest, as an ordinary man can fill that extraordinary role in the light of his life style, his training, the structures within which he functions and the needs of those whom he serves. Indeed, she proclaims, and ever must proclaim Christ, “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14: 6), in whom men may find the fullness of religious life, in whom God has reconciled all things to Himself. The first is 1 Cor 14:34-35: “The women should keep silence in the churches. For this reason, only a man can take the part of Christ, be a sign of his presence, in a word “represent” him (that is, be an effective sign of his presence) in the essential acts of the Covenant. In the United States since Vatican Council II, it has been recognized that women should assume roles of leadership. It is rare that anyone should lay down his life for a just man, though it is barely possible that for a good man someone may have the courage to die. As St. Thomas says: “Men must have pleasures. No animal ever says: “I have suffered this pain for six years and it will last until I die.” But because man can unite the past to the present by memory, and the future to the present by imagination, we try to distract him in his sufferings in order to break up that continuity. When a stomach is hungry, one need not prove that the hungry man should avoid poison; one need but give bread, and the body will do the rest. Clarity of vision, devotion, courage, inventive genius, and the sense of brotherly love in all upright and honest men will determine the measure and extent to which Christian thought will succeed in maintaining and supporting the gigantic work of restoration in social, economic and international life through a plan that does not conflict with the religious and moral content of Christian civilization. And this also ought to dispose of the popular theory that a man can have religion without belonging to a Church. Now there are three fundamental loves : Men may love the material, the economic, or what are generally called possessions; men may love human rights, liberties, order, and justice; and finally, men may love God. He believes that man should seek ends which are exclusively human and natural. For in the sweetness of Mary, the Mother of God, woman will recapture the charm, the dignity, the beauty and the strength which has earned for her the title of "The Great Inspirer.” THE CATHOLIC HOUR 1930—Seventeenth Year—1946 The nationwide Catholic Hour was inaugurated on March 2, 1930, by the National Council of Catholic Men in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company and its associated stations. Men may give lip service to the new God who dethrones the old idol, but still in their 16 SAINTS VS. KINGS heart and in their life continue their ancient cruelty, lasciviousness, obscenity. No man can tell the Gospel truth to powerful people and retain their favor. But this we know — having made man’s will free He does not whip us into obedience as a man might whip a disobedient dog. He came that men might have life and have it more abundantly, and His wrath is being stored up against the stupidity, the wantonness, the ruthless self-interest that is strewing your streets and your highways with the dead and maimed victims of the murderous motor car. It is false ; to say that Southern men will dissolve the Union in the event of Fremont’s election, is a slander and a calumny on them. The Bishops’ Conferences can determine the place in the assembly from which women may read the Word of God; (b) say the petitions of the General Intercessions (prayers of the faithful); (c) play the organ and other instruments which may be used in church; lead the singing of the assembly; (d) make announcements and give explanatory comments to aid the people’s understanding of the rite; 8 (e) fulfill certain offices of service to the faithful which in some places are usually entrusted to women, such as receiving the faithful at the doors of the church and directing them to their places, guiding them in processions, and collecting their offerings in church. “In the bedroom of a priest whose brother is a bishop we found things so abnormal that the average man would have no inkling of their use. True, man can organize the world apart from God, but “without God man can organize it in the end only to man’s detriment. As we said at Bombay: “Man must meet man, nation meet nation, as brothers and sisters, as children of God. And, still deeply impressed by the memory of our unforgettable encounter in Bombay with our non-Christian brethren, we invite them anew to work with all their heart and their intelligence toward this goal, that all the children of men may lead a life worthy of the children of God. Delegates to international organizations, it depends on you to see that the dangerous and futile rivalry of powers should give place to collaboration which is friendly, peaceful and free of vested interests, in order to achieve a responsible development of mankind, in which all men will have an opportunity to find their fulfillment. On one side those who bring the dark forces of atheism and paganism into all the ordinary affairs of human existence; on the other are those who still believe that the Divine Hand rules the affairs of men, and that the wills of men can find no light or peace unless it be in conformity with the will of God. 4) Some boys may seek enrollment as a sort of refuge from life’s realities. “Have you not read that the creator from the beginning made them male and female and that he said: This is why a man must leave father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body? 33 But man can achieve liberation from his "body doomed to death" through the grace of Jesus Christ. A great philosopher was once unwise enough to propose that wives and children should be in common, and that no man should have a wife of his own. Only women can bring that sympathetic understanding of the physiological and psychological influences which govern the reactions of young girls. In the future, as in the past, the Church will be intolerant about the sanctity of marriage, for what God has joined together no man shall put asunder; she will be intolerant about her creed, and ready to die for it, for she fears not those who kill the body, but rather those who have the power of casting both body and soul into hell. A professional man should be a gentleman, and a merely professional education can not PROGRESS IN EDUCATION. This was one of the characteristics whereby men would recognize the Messias. Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that which endureth unto life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you.” (John 6:26-27) The Master’s words show that He was not moved by His followers’ enthusiasm for Him. For the Scripture says : “The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected. . .and be killed, and the third day rise again.” (Luke 9:22) CARDINAL HAYES STATES AIM OF THE CATHOLIC HOUR (Extract from his address at the inaugural program in the studio of the National Broadcasting Company, New York City, March 2, 1930.) It is unheard of, that a man should bear ill-will to his own flesh and blood; no, he keeps it fed and warmed; and so it is with Christ and his Church; we are limbs of his body; flesh and bone, we belong to him. The Duty of A Woman to Tak^ Part in Public Life at the Present Time Shall we conclude then that you Catholic women and girls must show yourselves adverse to a movement which willy-nilly carried you with it in social and political life? "The conditions of the society in which we live oblige us to revise our methods, to study all possible means of bringing to the people the Christian message in which modern man can find the answer to his dilemmas and the strength to carry out his own personal duty of human solidarity." In this way the gentleness of the woman will insure mild punishment as well as avoid pinning the name of bogey-man on the father. The Son of God became man that man might become the adopted son of God. Evil is more powerful than goodness when the battlefield is the physical, as a Niagara Falls can sweep a good man to his destruction; nevertheless, goodness is more powerful than evil when the issue is spiritual, for as the mind of a man can harness the destructive forces of a Niagara, so the Goodness of God can let evil do its mightiest, which is to crucify Divine Life and still conquer it by rising not with wounds, but with glorious scars on hands and feet and side. A mixed-marriage makes a “house divided against itself.” In marriage man must have a “help like unto himself” especially in religion, since thereby he strives to bring about the “one thing necessary.” 5. V No obligation imposed by God or man should SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. For [before being appointed to office] a man should spend considerable time as a catechumen, and should be tested farther after baptism; for the apostolic word is plain, which says: “Not a novice, lest, being puffed up, he fall into condemnation and the snare of the devil.” If then, as time goes on, some grave, unspiritual fault be found in the person [thus hastily ordained], and this shall be established by two or three witnesses, he must resign his clerical office. Those soldiers who were called by grace, and showed real zeal at the start, and threw away their belts, but who afterward returned like dogs to their own vomit, so that some even offered money, and secured reenlistment by bribes; these men must be “kneeiers” ten years, even after having spent three years as “hearers.” In the case of all such, there should be a thorough examination of their purpose, and of the nature of their repentance ; for those who, by their reverence and tears and patience and good works, show their conversion in deed and not merely in appearance, may reasonably join in the prayers at the expiration of the time which it was appointed that they should spend as “hearers”; indeed ttie bishop may show even greater leniency toward them, if he deems it wise. There is a fear, finally, that full with food and heavy with sleep, we may forget that the Lord of the Heavenly Harvest, who multiplied bread, who dined with publicans and sinners, the Lord who changed water into wine that men might feast—that same Lord fasted in the time of fast; He taught us to feast and taught us to fast ; and REASONS FOR RATIONING 17 how; and when; and where, as any reader of the Scriptures knows. And for fear that selfish, sinful, fattened men and women will forget that Lord, that Cross, that Friday when true freedom was born, a wise Mother, with tears and remembrance, tells her children to restrain themselves and think, and give thanks and pray. In his fiancee the Christian man will see the ideal of true womanhood —God’s masterpiece of femininity—and he will not dare to sully that sweet image by any unholy act. “Have you not read that the Creator from the beginning made them male and female and that He said: This is why a man must leave father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body? '^® But man can achieve liberation from his “body doomed to death” through the grace of Jesus Christ. On the cross Christ atoned vicariously for humanity; and 30 THE PARABLES it is not right that we sinful men should allow the sinless Christ to carry the whole burden of God's wrath. If he has respect for his wife that is a real love how can YOUR SON IN THE MARINES 21 he ever fall prey to the frame of mind wherein marriage has no sanctity and fidelity is something impossible because men must be men. A man would be a fool to stand out against all that. We find Christ in the synagogue offering His prayers ‘‘as His custom was.^' Our Catholic men must put enough spiritual energy into their lives that when they play the game according to the rules they will be found on the winning side. Men can endure many things but one thing they cannot endure and that is continued disorder, chaos, and anarchy. And there are only two ways in which men can achieve order in society: they can either discipline themselves from within through the exercise of a conscience enlightened by God; or they can have discipline imposed upon them from without. A. Christ says: “God made them male and female; wherefore a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and there shall be two in one flesh * * what therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder/' — St. Mark, 10:6 0. To reach moral heights, man must have freedom. If they could not know that man would reach God, how could they know that he would reach a final and true beatitude? Salvation is God’s gift in Christ; but man’s freedom is always respected and man must therefore cooperate with God’s work. And the king said to Joseph : I am Pharaoh; without thy commandment no man shall move hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.” But an absolute monarch may be fickle. Each parish Council of Catholic Women should have a committee of women to assist the leader and the young people in every manner possible. Every woman should have some knowledge of nursing. Every girl should have a knowledge of business transactions, of banking methods through her own bank account, and she should be friends with a budget for she will be happy later if she knows how to use one. He gave up His own life that men might have eternal life. Again, if indulgences and the veneration of Mary destroy the fear of sin and deceive men as to the need of repentance, then of necessity the man that is most zealous and untiring in liis efforts to gain indulgences, where and whenever possible, the Catholic who is most devout in his invocation and veneration of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, that man should become a veritable monster of Sin! Oh, it is so strange, so incomprehensible, that men should understand these things very well indeed, when it suits their own purpose, and should utterly misunderstand them ' when they concern the Catholic Church! Thus, for instance, to give you^but one illustration, non-Catholics find it perfectly natural, and they speak of it in glowing terms in their journals, in their missionary annals, as a most admirable thing, that young women should lea*b their homes, give up their relatives, give up the joys and the comforts which they can find in their home-surroundings, and wander afar, as missionaries, into distant pagan lancfs, and when these young women, who have sacrificed much to follow what they consider the “mission call” of Jesus Christ, return from abroad, with what enthusiasm are they not hailed and welcomed by the various Protestant bodies and denominations? And despite all that, men will have the face to say, “Oh, you shouldn’t notice it!” There is scarcely a Catholic working on the railroads, or working in the factories, that is not continually, day in, day out, exposed to most galling and un60 bearable insults. For it is only in the Christian message that modern man can find the answer to his questions and the energy for his commitment of human solidarity." It would be useful if every Christian and every evangelizer were to pray about the following thought: men can gain salvation also in other ways, by God’s mercy, even though we do not preach the Gospel to them; but as for us, can we gain salvation if through negligence or fear or shame—what Saint Paul called “blushing for the Gospel” 134—or as a result of false ideas we fail to preach it? The Catholic priest challenged for the evidence of the tremendous truth of life after death does not say “It seems to me”, or “my opinion is,” or “according to my philosophy.” No, but “Thus sayeth the Lord.” When God speaks man must say “Amen !” “Credo !” Now concerning the resurrection of the dead: we have from the mouth of Jesus not a guess, a hope, a surmise, but a magnificent compelling proclamation. Or else man must refuse the God of love, and in that case mankind will be shaken to its very foundations, with the advent of subjugation to absolute hate, absolute violence, the folly of worldwide war. These boys will be the shapers of thought, the instigators of public feeling. Such a quest for God, moreover, for which man should renounce everything he possesses (cf. POPULATION AND WOMAN Society should support the dignity and basic human freedoms of women, enabling them to pursue professional roles and employment opportunities without prejudice to the important responsibilities of marital partnership and motherhood. Bereft of the supernatural life, a man can earn nothing but natural merit when he does good and avoids evil. Yet this does not mean that man must abandon new ways, that is to say, give up adapting to present conditions for his own security, the order just referred to which has regard for true human nature. About as far from His companions as a man could throw a stone, in the murky recesses of that forest. Purgatory is a place not only where the Love of God tempers the Justice of God, but where the love of man may temper the injustice of man. He very distinctly taught that men might do things which would prove their undoing. Sacrifice is not weakness, but the obedience to a law, and the law is that if any man will save others, in any salvation whatsoever, the mandate he must obey, the stern condition he must fulfill, the lot he must accept, is that he cannot save himself. Easter repeats that Divinity is always where the world least expects to find it, for THE HYMN OF THE CONQUERED 111 no one in the world expected that a defeated man would be a Victor, that the rejected cornerstone would be the head of the building; that the dead would walk and that He Who was ignored in a tomb would be our Resurrection and our Life—and so on this Easter Day, I sing not the song of the Victors but of those who go down to defeat : — I sing the hymn of the conquered, who fall in the Battle of Life, The hymn of the wounded, the beaten, who died overwhelmed in the strife; Not the jubilant song of the victors, for whom the resounding acclaim Of nations was lifted in chorus, whose brows wear the chaplet of fame. We learn from Holy Scripture that ‘‘without holiness no man shall see the Lord. If men can make such obvious mistakes in the interpretation of a document, it is clear that their judgment in matters concerning the Church, is not worthy to be followed. That forenoon I saw the chairman of the School Committee, and asked him what was to be done with such a boy ; the chairman, (Micah Dyer, Jr.,) said no boy could have a seat in the school unless he followed the regulations. “ Now,” said I to him, “ I want to know what you are willing your boy should say.” I read the first Commandment. Then you were willing that the boy should repeat the Commandments according to his own version ? Now, if that is so, I wish to know why you were unwilling the boy should repeat the Commandments in his own way according to his own Catechism. So far as my discussion with Mr. Wall went, in regard to the Commandments, I understood him, after repeating to him two distinctions which occurred to me, that he was willing his boy should repeat the Commandments according to the Protestant version. I left the boy in his charge with the understanding that the boy should say the Commandments in his own way on the Monday following. He was told by Mr. Mason, who came into the room at this time, that his father had told him he desired that the boy should repeat the common versions. Every man may worship God according to his own conscience ; for his religious belief or disbelief he is not accountable to any human tribunal. 55 that the boy must say those very Commandments. He says : — “ I told Mr. Wall this was a slight matter for making trouble ; that it was a requirement of the school that boys should repeat the Ten Commandments (not mentioning what version) every Monday. Few great men can stand the test of that inner scrutiny. Article 5 Women shall have the same rights as men to acquire, change or retain their nationality. All appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure the principle of equality of status of the husband and wife, and in particular: a) women shall have the same right as men to free choice of a spouse and to enter into marriage only with their free and full consent; b) women shall have equal rights with men during marriage and at its dissolution. Now among the rights of a human person there must be included the one by which a man may enter a political community where he hopes he can more fittingly provide a future for himself and his dependents. One man may be a type of another man ; the afflictions of one man, of the similar circumstances of another man ; one nation, of another nation ; one material thing applied to a sacred use, of another, or even of the same material thing applied to a sacred use. and since there is also in this, a similarity to the appearance of divine wisdom which '‘is the brightness. . .of eternal light and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty and the image of His goodness" (2), it is to be hoped that men may draw encouragement from this to improve with more attentive study their morals and to achieve that intimate perfection of life toward which the human mind tends by its nature. If you do not believe any longer that we have a Creator, that we have rights with which we were endowed by that Creator, that no man or group of men may take these rights away, then you have denied not merely the fundamental principle on which our American Commonwealth is founded, you have placed yourself under the worst form of tyranny, a government of men with the most absolute of powers. Occasionally these same effects will appear in moderate users but only after many years of smoking, lo the Christian man and woman smoking should furmsh opportunities of self control, mortification and self-denial, of that fine sense of moderation and proportion which should distinguish a true Christian. They are given not simply that boys and girls may find absorbing interests for their immediate free time but that the hobby habit and the skills for following it may be well established as a part of the child’s education. Good God or bad god, true God or false god, kind God or cruel god, man will have some god. HEGELIANISM: THE STATE AS GOD Address delivered on November 24, 1935 The statement made in the preceding discourses of this series that man must have some kind of God, and that if you deprive him of the True God he will fashion to himself a false god, is not an arbitrary declaration, but a conclusion from the experience of the race; not a bookish opinion but a fact from life, not a pious sentiment but an historical truth. False Rationalism is a contradiction in terms, implying that a man may follow the guidance of the light of reason, follow it irrationally, and be u 12 THE TRUE RATIONALISM landed in unreason. Man must either acknowledge that a personal God exists or he must deny His existence altogether. Before the judgment seat of God each man must render an account of his own life, whether he has done good or evil. The sense of power which modern technical progress generates in man can nourish this belief. Then, saved by grace, men will offer flawless glory to God as a family beloved of God and of Christ their Brother. All pastors should remember too that by their daily conduct and concern18 they are revealing the face of the Church to the world, and men will judge the power and truth of the Christian message thereby. In using them, therefore, man should regard the external things that he legitimately possesses not only as his own but also as common in the sense that they should be able to benefit not only him but also others as well.9 On the other hand, the right of having a share of earthly goods sufficient for oneself and one’s family belongs to everyone. Nevertheless, men should take heed not to entrust themselves only to the efforts of others, while not caring about their own attitudes. They rearranged their schedule so that the Catholic girls could attend Mass before breakfast. Some little boys and girls can’t talk and some can’t walk and some can’t see and some can’t hear. The boy must learn judgment and justice and kindness, for he will sometime need all these virtues in abundance when he is the head of the house. The woman who has never surrendered wholeheartedly to any purpose outside herself remains immature all her life, like a bud 25 which never unfolds itself.” In marriage, woman can develop a spirit of selflessness which makes her dedication deeper and richer with the years. And “in so far as a mother sees her children as instruments of God, she will automatically avoid the inclination of so many parents and teachers to overemphasize self-preservation, selfsanctification, self-development and self-enjoyment—as if one’s only purpose in life were to take care of his or her own soul and his or her own body, letting the rest of the world, literally and figuratively ‘go to the devil.’ If women would be “Christbearers” they will be less concerned that their children choose profitable careers and more concerned that they find for themselves a sphere of influence for good.” Father Keller suggests that the greatest good can be exerted by having a steady stream of young people from the average home entering the four great fields of education, government, labor-management and writing. In fulfilling her principal mission, as a mother, the African woman will give help and affection to her children by being with them as they develop, bringing them to self-awareness and preparing them for their future responsibilities. All of them knew that a small group of wellorganized, determined, and dedicated men can change the world. Men and women today can find no necessity for the path of most resistance. Men would be better men, families Avould be better families, nations Avoiild be better nations, if they would love the Sacraments and be ready and Avilling to receive them Avorthily and often. The exchange of men would cause a mutual interchange of ideas and encouragement. If it were not so then men could overthrow the rights of other men simply by a majority vote. With prophetic vision into the unwritten future Adam, inspired by God, proclaims the law for all his progeny: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh.” God’s Plan It is the great mystery of human love which makes two hearts beat as one. “I learned the hard way,” he continued, “that man can’t find happiness . They will be homes founded on the unshakable rock of Christ’s teachings, homes of which we can truthfully say: “And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew; and they beat upon that house, and it fell not; for it was founded on a rock.” That home will stand like the Rock of Gibraltar because we will have prepared its makers for the holy vocation to which they are summoned in the words inspired by God Himself: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh.” The more closely they are united in mind, heart, body and soul, the greater will be the stability of their marriage and the greater, too, will be their love and happiness. Ignorance and misinformation may excuse some, but every Catholic man should know the place of sex in God’s plan. Some men will make the Stations of the Cross which they did not have the opportunity of doing in a Chapel that day, by holding the Crucifix of their Rosary which has been especially blessed for this purpose and saying 20 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory be to the Fathers. that a man can be a hero on a battlefield only where it is possible to be a coward ? and a man can be a saint only in a Church where it is possible for him to be a devil? A young man should manifest an awareness of the economic necessities by setting aside as much as possible from his monthly salary for a nucleus with which to start his home. No man can read the authentic documents without admitting that they were designed to establish a system in utter disregard of the English law, and in many points in direct opposition to it, forbidding men to do what was their absolute right, as British subjects, to do, and compelling them to do what no English law required.. Reason dictates that man and woman should be helpmates each to each in reciprocity of undivided love, which is based on the reasoned appreciation of each other and is not merely the blind attraction of animal passion. Wherefore a man shall leave father anc: mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh. No man can achieve lasting greatness who does not listen to—and heed—the promptings of the “still, small voice”—conscience. You cannot build a new social order, or save one, without sacrifice ; and ANTI-SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS 15 the average man will make sacrifices only for what his conscience tells him to be true. Try as we may we cannot believe in the divine government of the universe, that puny little man can have an eternal worth. When clever men can’t see banana peels and baby kangaroos, how can you expect them to know there’s a hell, unless somebody warns them? It matters not to what depth of darkness or savagery men may have sunk, or to what heights of culture and civilization they may have soared, there was always 6 A RETREAT FOR PRIESTS present among them some form of religious worship; and the central thought of that worship was sacrifice. But man was the offender, and so it would seem at least fitting that man should make reparation. No doubt some of those who saw Him said : “That man must be a great sinner. What man would dare proclaim as Christ did: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live” (John xi, 25)? The Son of God became man in order that man might become a partaker of the Divine Nature. Man must worship something. And only Christian men can reconstruct a Christian social order. A boy or girl might know whole passages of the Bible by heart, and only use them for their own moral ruin. The bishops’ conferences can determine the place in the assembly from which women may read the Word of God; b) Say the prayers of the faithful; c) Play the organ and other instruments which may be used in church; lead the singing of the assembly; d) Make announcements and give explanatory comments to aid the people’s understanding of the rite; e) Fulfill certain offices of service to the faithful which in some places are usually entrusted to women, such as receiving the faithful at the doors of the church and directing them to their places, guiding them in processions, and collecting their offerings in church. Let us hope that those who wield power today will not make the same mistake that people of influence usually made in the pastWe need an enlightened leadership, but the average man must take an understanding interest to correct what needs correcting. Is it not strange that such a man should be the victims of calumny at the hands of some who profess to be the defenders of democratic government and justice? This implies, however, that Catholic young men must have ample opportunities of meeting in a social way young ladies of their own faith. All His efforts were directed to informing man of his duty to God, and instituting the means by which man could fulfil that duty. THE CLOISTER 35 “Let us join in strength to win them, For the work of the Master is there, Men must go forth to seek them ; We must lift hands in prayer!” Mgr. Two different men may reach the same point by different roads. Only those men and women will make an impact on society and change the world for the better, who make themselves powerful, effective instruments of God by lives of faith, hope and love, giving themselves completely to God in order that in and through them He may accomplish His great designs. Article 9 of the UN Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women states: “All appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure to girls and women, married or unmarried, equal rights with men in education in all levels.” The article specifically mentions, among other things, that women should have access to all types of educational institutions, should enjoy qualified teaching staffs, and should have equal opportunities for scholarships and other financial aid. A husband of a working woman can make the necessary difference, not only by being pleased about his wife’s involvement in the outside world, but by ungrudgingly taking responsibility for part of the day-to-day tasks of running a home, and helping to take care of the children. Not only must economic institutions conform to the natural law which God has impressed on our natures, but as individuals men must serve God, too. No woman could do justice to all the children it would be physically possible to have. They are keeping close to Christ, lifting up their hearts in prayer that they may obtain His Grace — 21 — without which no man can please God. The Saviour came that men might have life and have it more abundantly. He lays down His life that men may have immortal life. We should more and more drift away from the vital movements of the age, and find ourselves at last immured in a spiritual ghetto, where no man can breathe pure air, or be joyful or strong or free. Protestants whO' accept the fundamental dogma that each man may interpret Scripture for himself, and the principle that there is no Divinely constituted infallible spokesman in religious matters, need not, in fact should not, assume an attitude of intolerance of Catholicism, but Catholics must anathematize their heresies and errors. “Man must pay tithe to God,” says Otten , 3 “for soul and body by offering Him the love of the one and the obeisance of the other.” That is why St. Thomas Aquinas maintained that religious ceremonies in acts of worship are not only ap2 Joseph Rickaby, Moral Philosophy, p. 193. — Grant that we may live our lives — that other men may say—“See how those Christians love one another.” — Let the beauty of Your teachings — and the grandeur of Your Church—so shine through us—that we may draw all men—from ignorance to light — 29 from hate to love,—that there may really be “One flock and One Shepherd.” Sacred Heart of Christ the Worker, rule the world! Divorce is sinful because the marriage tie is meant by nature to be permanent: "Wherefore," we read in Genesis, "a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be two in one flesh." If man can devise a way of making the human voice to be heard thousands of miles away, certainly the Maker of man can do things which to human experience and understanding seem impossible. It is, certainly, about the way the average man would regard the matter. A man may talk bad grammar, and pronounce incorrectly. If you bury your face in the book, even the altar boys will misplace the amens. No intelligent man can question the importance of religion in the home of today. Men may strike the loudest blows, but the final decision in these matters rests with the women of the nation. “Thus it is that a woman can see all problems of human life only in the perspective of the family. Much of this is speciously and plausibly stated; and, if it were stated in reference to the Scriptural duty,-to "Follow holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (or in regard to progressive sanctification), it would be, in the main, sound. A man may have faith-" the faith of a martyr or doctor" of the Romish Church-without love; without obedience,-and even while he is committing the grossest crimes!! more exceeding eternal weight of glory; nevertheless, far be it that a Christian man should either trust or glory in himself, and not in the Lord, whose goodness towards all men is so great, that HE WILL HAVE �HE THINGS WHICH ARE HIS OWN GIFTS TO BE THEIR OWN .MERITS. But since man has obligations in regard to the development and exercise of his own faculties, has relations in regard to God, has relations of charity and other virtues as well as of justice in regard to his fellowmen as individuals and as members of society, it is evident man will have no natural right to do what constitutes violation of any of these relations or obligations. No man can do tomorrow what he can to today. People don't think women should have abortions just to get rid of a child.” For more information see Professor Blake’s more extensive studies: "Abortion and Public Opinion: The 1960-1970 Decade,” Science, Vol. We should make everything we do a sacrifice, and in offering it to God should say this prayer: ^^0 my JesuSy I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of poor sinnerSy and in reparation for all the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of MaryJ^ THE DAILY ROSARY Our Lady pleaded and insisted that men must say the daily Rosary. He was true God and true man, and a true man must be a representative specimen of the genus man. 2DDD5 statement on NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE —Table of Contents — General Statement 1 Coverage 4 Benefits 4 Health Education 5 Preventive Medicine .• 6 Long-Term Care 6 Financing 7 Co-Insurance and Deductibles 8 Administration, State and Local Roles, Delivery of Services 9 Professional Standards Review Organizations 10 The Role of the Consumer In National Health Insurance 11 Family Planning 12 Conclusion 14 Deaddified Statement of UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CONEERENCE, CATHOLIC HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, and NATIONAL CONEERENCE OE CATHOLIC CHARITIES on NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE before the COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS United States House of Representatives July 2,1974 “I have come that men may have life and may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Over the years, the United States, as a relatively young nation, has had to develop a national philosophy of living largely by itself and through its own efforts. Girls should receive special attention from their parents in this entire matter, because the research has shown that accurate perception of one’s sexual role is more difficult for girls than for boys in contemporary American society. Wise parents therefore nurture religious vocations realistically, within the spectrum of a wide array of careers by which their girl or boy can serve God. (Excerpted from Respect Life Week 1974 Booklet) FOCUS-2 WOMEN’S RIGHTS “God created man in his own image and likeness, in the divine image he created them, male and female he created them.” (Gen. 1:27) A common humanity and spiritual equality is inferred. There is a need for the kind of education that “conscientizes,” that is, which leads to the awareness of political, social and economic contradiction in their lives, so that women may take effective action against their oppressions. In truly religious faith, women will find liberation from the social, legal and cultural absurdities which disrupt the harmony of human existence. And elsewhere, apropos of the Divine ordinance creating woman to be man's helpmate, "Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh." God has set you up over us as gods, and it is not fit that man should judge gods This belongs only to him of whom it is written, ‘ God hath seated himself in the synagogue of the gods, and he judgeth them !’ ” The subsequent dissensions among the numerous descendt^nts of Charlemagne afforded the Popes abundant occasions to set themselves up for judges of their pretensions, to obtain, in retmm for the service which they rendered to some, a right to humble the others and a right to rule them all. These men will become citizens, and by the constitution and laws, will be invested with the right of suffrage. Thus, retired from their own diocesan appointments, these men could indicate the kinds of ministry they want to continue to offer. The ideal age of matrimony, which will indicate the ideal age of courtship, is said to be the twentieth year for the bride, but the man should be some years older. Catholic young girls and women should set the world at defiance by the strict observance of the least demand of Christian modesty. The Catholic woman must be a true woman, a woman after the heart of God and not after the debased conception of modern paganism. The mutual love and comfort of the husband and wife would not be secured if there were room for odious and unjust comparisons and preferences, jealousies and rivalries, such as would be inevitable if a man might have several wives. But even then the boy and the girl must fulfill the great law of work. He had evidently been thinking of the various ways in which men may serve God. Not, of course, that there is an essential conflict between fractions and the supernatural life, but man can create a factitious conflict. 1 V. Nature of Knowledge Whether man can know anything, how he comes to know, and how true is this knowledge are fundamental to the whole educational question. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of anti-religious propaganda are recognized for all citizens.” 40 Translated into simpler language, a man might worship God in the privacy of his own heart, but not publicly. He declared, among other things, that man’s soul was of more worth than the whole material universe, and that He, the Son of God, became man in order that men might become partakers of the Divine nature. Man can adjust structures and arrange materials, but only God can send forth the creative Spirit that renews the face of the earth. What God hath joined together no man may put asunder is insisted on equally with the cognate command, thou shalt not commit adultery. For the truly sincere man will leave nothing untried until he finds the truth ; and when he has found it, will embrace it at all costs.” Prof.—“ And the truth is one ; nobody can deny that. Is not that strange ?” “ It is somewhat strange.” “ It proves clearly enough, however, that all sensible men must acknowledge the authority of Tradition when once they understand what Tradition means.” “ I think so myself.” “ And yet you are a Protestant ?” My friend was silent for a moment ; at length > t said to the othe : 4 ON CATHOLIC TRADITION. Any honest man can verify this statement by examining any Catholic catechism. The printed prospectus of these schools [continues the most reverend writerj clearly explains the advantages of professional edu» cation,while it hides the religious danger under vague expressions of an apparent liberality, such as the following : ‘ The school is open to children ofallpersuasions, without religious distinction.’ The meaning of which words is no other than that in these schools, where children are kept from the twelfth to the eighteenth year of their age, and for ten hours every day (from eight a.m. to six P.M.), God and the Gospel shall be treated as if they never existed ; not only religion shall never be mentioned, but these girls shall be taught morality independent of any dogmatic faith, of any religion. . . . ”* The second engine used by the enemies of religion in France for the maintenance and spread of infidelity, is the Educational League. With prophetic vision into the unwritten future, he proclaims the law for all his progeny: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh.” It is the great mystery of human love which makes two hearts beat as one. The means of social communication are a public forum where every man may exchange ideas. No boy or girl can enter the religious state without long and careful training. Both the man and the woman should have a talk well beforehand with a highminded and informed physician. The Son of God became man in order that the children of men may become the children of God. A man may be a good philosopher and morally a bad man. Habits and Virtues To gain the natural virtues man must follow nature’s urges. A man can develop this dominant virtue by his own efforts. Women can rule the world if they go about it rightly. A father says to his daughter, “If you do not marry that man I will disinherit you.” Fearing to be disinherited she goes through with the marriage. No man or 8-roup of men can produce a human soul. Be that as it may, every man and woman should become a union member in order to make God's plan for work and wages effective. It may suit his purpose to tell an auditory in Bath, in a little private chapel, where no man can contradict him-it may suit his purpose to give any statement about the extent of dowry in a nunnery, and the rights and privileges involved therein; but when he stands before the searching men of a committee of the House of Commons of England, his evidence bears rather a different colour. Just as in Soviet Russia, American boys and girls may become Young Pioneers at the age of eight, remain in that group until they are fifteen, then become eligible for membership in the Young Communist League, and at twenty-one join the Communist party. How grievously all these err and how shamelessly they leave the ways of honesty is already evident from what We have set forth here regarding the origin and nature of wedlock, its purposes and the good inherent in it, the evil of this teaching is plainly seen from the consequences which its advocates deduce from it, namely, that the laws, institution and customs by which wedlock is governed, since they take their origin solely from the will of man, are subject entirely ON CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE 37 to him, hence can and must be founded, changed and abrogated according to human caprice and the shifting circumstances of human affairs; that the False generative power which is grounded in naNaturalism ture itself is more sacred and has wider range than matrimony; hence it may be exercised both outside as well as within the confines of wedlock, even though the purpose of matrimony be set aside, as though to suggest that the license of a base fornicating woman should enjoy the same rights as the chaste motherhood of a lawfully wedded wife. For just as in the natural order men must apply the powers given them by God with their own toil and diligence in order that these may exercise their full vigor, failing which no profit is gained, so also men must use the powers given them by grace which is laid up in the soul by the Sacrament they have received with their own unceasing efforts. That after a few years spent here below man must enter another realm which is eternal, and the things of time are not to be compared to the things of eternity. From now on other men and women shall have a claim on him. BE COURTEOUS AND CONSIDERATE IN THE USE OF YOUR RADIO, An unselfish boy or girl will give father, mother, or any older member of the familj^ 17 first choice of radio programs. The correctly attired woman will adapt the latest fashion to suit her individuality. The Son of God became the Son of Man in order that the sons of men might become the sons of God. Surely no man can take that honor to himself “only he who was called by God as Aaron was.’’ Not only that, but as St. Paul tells us, even if an angel from heaven preached a gospel differing in one slight degree from that which was preached by the Apostles, our duty is to ignore him, even to look on him as a curse. The first of these elements is fixed and stable, God’s gift about which man can do nothing whatsoever since it is not in his power to annihilate or to create. But as mankind was not only of the time of Christ, that Great Sacrifice had to continue as long as man would be man and have the obligation of practicing a religion. If you, dear friend, doubted the presence of either of these qualities in your informant, you 18 MINUTE MEN CATHOLAGANDA would have no faith in him. 14 TENEBRAE FOR GOOD FRIDAY From the Treatise of St. Augustine, Bishop, ON THE Psalms On Psalm 63, Verse 7 Lesson 4 “A man shall approach the ‘deep’ (or ‘hidden’) Heart and God shall be exalted.” As for them they said : “Who shall see us?” They tired themselves out with scheming —evil plots. Of course no boy would commit bad actions, alone or with another, if he stopped to ask: “If mother were looking, would I do such a thing?” A boy who asks himself this question will never offend God. It would be most unbecoming, even if it were possible, for such a work of your hand to refuse to submit to your disposition of it; yet you never made, 6 WHY I AM A CATHOLIC you never can make, no man can make something out of nothing. Consider these goods in which a man can feel hurt: friends, reputation and earthly possessions. No other man can so control his feelings and, hence, no other man can suffer such unmitigated pain and sorrow. And with this supreme convincing example of the wisdom behind the axiom that God permits evil that good might abound, men can face the problem of evil in all its particular, personal, anguishing and mysterious details 56 The Good Tree with more conviction, more faith, more energy, more confidence and love. Man can produce something spiritual, such as an idea, and this naturally; but no power of nature can produce something supernatural, such as grace. )à�tholk man and woman will have no more ardent'desire than to be married at a Nuptial Mass. But surely no man can invent supernatural means of salvation. "Seventh: The principle that men and women should receive equal remuneration for work of equal value.6 "Eighth: The standard set by law in each country with respect to the conditions of labor should have due regard to the equitable economic treatment of all workers lawfully resident therein. "Ninth: Each State should make provision for a system of inspection in which women should take part, in order to ensure the enforcement of the laws and regulations for the protection of the employed. It is impossible to discuss how many hours a day a man or a woman shall work, until we have first laid down how many hours in the day are needed that a man may live a human life, or how much time in the day is needed that a woman may fulfill the duties of domestic life. “Say but the word and the man will be cured.” That was FAITH. Man will adore God or he will make gods of his own and adore them. Even the little acts of politeness and courtesy which are an accepted part of the relationship of men and women can do a great deal to make the home a pleasant place in which to live. 18 Though while he lived he blessed his soul, (and men will praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself,) 32 PSALMS. 10 Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee : the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain. 17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish : 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth. 8 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men ! 15 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men ! 21 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men ! 31 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men ! Thou has appointed darkness, and it is night; the sun rises, and man shall go forth to his work, and to his labor until the evening. As a yoke of oxen that is moved to and fro, so also is a wicked woman: he that hath hold of her, is as he that taketh hold of a scorpion.” And in chapter 25, verses 19 and 23: “A man will choose any plague . 5:8) A man will experience the purest and holiest joys in the bosom of his family. “A man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh” (Gen. 2:24) Adultery is a serious violation of the marriage promise made in the sight of God and ratified by the Church. That a poor man would refuse a fortune for it. So every girl can t e s t t h e genuineness of h e r escort's affection. In some states the man and the woman must pass a physical examination before they can obtain a marriage license. Well, it’s no role of ours to judge his parents for ignoring the Bible, but the boy will form a judgment. "I'm not arguing with a lady," said Dick, ironically, "but I think that a man might have some idea of the feelings of St. John, who, after all, did play a very important part in that incident." A world without women would be a sad place indeed, as I have always thought Hemingway's book Men Without Women was a tough, sad, depressing series of stories. A religion without women would be a sad religion indeed. The young man must let the girl of his dreams know that she reigns supreme as queen of his heart. Since the single woman will spend a great part of her life in her work, whatever it is, it follows that the chosen field should be 4 satisfying, should require a sense of commitment, and should contribute to the general welfare. The single woman can avail herself of most of it without difficulty. The single woman should carry hospital and medical insurance. No Need for “Rich Aunt” Role Except in unusual circumstances, the single woman will feel no obligation to impoverish herself, either economically or culturally, in order to help nieces and nephews. Many single women will find occupations and avoca30 tions for which they had only a minimum of time during their working years. Within the Divine precepts, the single woman may choose any kind of life she finds pleasing and satisfying. Only the action of God the Holy Ghost upon the hearts and minds of men can move mankind to desert the ways of separation and estrangement, realize again the compelling authority of the commands of Jesus Christ and return to that holy and Christian unity which He willed for all of His redeemed and sanctified people. The day will come when all men will see the reason of God’s ways with His creatures, and will own that “He has done all things well.” In this one God there are three Persons, equal in all things —the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Getting the most out of marriage : achieving the purposes of matrimony /WiJ ?2 GETTING THE MOST OUT OF MARRIAGE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 Getting the Most Out of Marriage Achieving the Purposes of Matrimony By JOHN A. O’BRIEN, Ph.D. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother , and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh.—Genesis 2:24 AYE MARIA PRESS Notre Dame, Indiana NIHIL OBSTAT—John L. Reedy, C.S.C. Men apply their minds to an infinity of subjects, and pass from one occupation to another i a man may begin life as a labourer and end as an artist or a philosopher. It is sup11 Vle do not know the lifting power of a man, but we do know that no man can lift a ton. "10_" [The Father] hath given all judgment to the Son, that all men may honour the Son, as they honour the Father. THE CHURCH IS HOLY IN HER MEMBERs.-Christ did not demand such perfection of every member of His Church, nor did He say that all its members, high and­ low, would be holy, even in the humblest sense of the word: man may abuse the liberty God has given him, and choose evil instead of good. that no flesh should glory in His sight, "21 i. e .. , s'O that no ' man could take credit to himself for what bad' beén the' work, of God. Clarification of the ecclesial role of women could be a factor in the solution of the much deplored vocations crisis among religious communities of women. [Paqi 6] The good of the family requires that man should possess private property. A man may have a right in a thing and a right to a thing. The Totalitarian State assuming dominion over the “total man” must control the forces of production and distribution. One man may suggest the thought, another clothe it in words, and a third write or type or print it. writes: "It was about the year 1221 that St. Francis went through Tuscany, preaching that men should do penance for their sins and take upon themselves the sweet yoke of the Gospel. Is it possible that the reason for this avoidance may be precisely that these words might by this time have conveyed the impression that man can confer a benefit on God by his service? But the laws and judgment of men must give place to the laws and judgment of Christ, the true God; Who in many ways urges on His followers the practice of almsgiving — “It is more blessed to give than to receive ;”14 and Who will count a kindness done or refused to the poor as done or refused to Himself —“As long as you did it to one of My least brethren, you did it to Me.”15 Thus to sum up what has been said:—Whoever has received from the Divine bounty a large share of blessings, whether they be external and corporal, or gifts of the mind, has received them for the purpose of using them for perfecting his own nature, and, at the same time, that he may employ them, as the minister of God’s Providence, 102a 2ae 0. lxvi. What is more natural or more hearttouching than that a younger woman should visit an older woman, a relative, when each is with child ? No mere man could acquire such benefits: only God could bestow them. The mere man can appreciate God, only through 7 Genesis i. Friendship between God and a mere man would be grotesque. If this reflects the general situation in these lines of employment, older women must have recourse to the various service jobs. The International Labor Conference in 1944 recommended that “the redistribution of women workers in each national [ 16 ] economy should be carried out on the principles of complete equality of opportunity for men and women in respect of admission to employment on the basis of their individual merit, skill and experience, and steps should be taken to establish wage rates on the basis of job content, without regard to sex.” V. LABOR LEGISLATION FOR WOMEN The encouraging advance already made in protective legislation for women workers should be a stimulus for unceasing efforts for more and more adequate labor provisions. The Bishops’ Program referred to above also declared that those women who are engaged in the same tasks as men should receive equal pay for equal amounts and qualities of work. This is a A FIRST PURPOSE OF ECONOMIC LIFE 29 minimum wage; but the Bishops’ Program added: “Those women who are engaged at the same tasks as men should receive equal pay for equal amounts and qualities of work.” A second rule qualifies the living wage doctrine but in qualifying it makes it clearer and ultimately surer. Again, the obedient boy will have the elements of generosity in his make-up. She has urged education for everyone in order that men might exercise the greatest freedom in giving their allegiance to doctrines of which they are convinced in their own minds. Many waters cannot quench charity (love) , neither can floods drown it ; if a man should give a ll the substance of his house for love, he shall despise it as nothing ." Evil Done by Eve Scene: In the midst of their desolation Adam and Eve remember the glorious promise that a woman will crush the serpent's head. The Quarterback Similarly, a girl will command the respect and win the love of a boy if by words and actions she makes it transparently clear that she will tolerate no compromise with her ideals of honor and integrity. To gain the vision of God man must accept the truths —4 — of Faith. All Truths or None As God is Truth and cannot deceive, man must accept all truths that God has revealed. No man can claim any definite measure of charity. Man can judge things properly because he is sharing God’s life. No man can love God as much as He ought to be loved. There are, for example, some truths about God—that He exists; that He is the Maker; the Lord, the Supreme Master of heaven and earth; the Rewarder of good and Punisher of evil; which no man can honestly question, doubt, or deny. Every man may make the same claim. Man would have no power of choice; he would have no control over his own actions. Man would be an utter slave, not to a superman, nor to a tyrannical spirit, but to blind, brainless heaps of dirt, for that is what the planets are, heaps of dirt of exactly the same texture as the earth itself. Secondly, the parish president must “deputize.” If he does not believe a man can do a certain job, he should not give it to him. Men can violate charity’s order and defy God by sin. In the course of a life man must make many free choices. Man must conquer these enemies in his quest for happiness. ...” Now, the reason why God gave to man this absolute dominion over all things in the world was that man might have everything necessary for his life, health and happiness, be able to fulfill his duties as a creature in serving and worshiping God and thus attain to eternal happiness in Heaven. You should be proud to be foremost in obedience to all lawful authority, and in loyalty 22 A Catechism of Communism to the institutions of the land, and in allegiance to its flag.” Every American Catholic boy and girl should study these words well, learn them, and live up to them. It was possible for Him personally, immediately to impart these graces to men ; but He wished to do so only through a visible Church that would be formed by the union of men, and thus through that Church every man would perform a work of collaboration with Him in dispensing the graces of Redemption. Men may lose charity and divine grace through sin and so become incapable of supernatural merit, and yet not be deprived of all life, if they hold on to faith and Christian hope, and illumined from above they are spurred on by the strong promptings of the Holy Spirit to salutary fear and by God are moved to prayer and penance for their sins. And it is something more than commendable, in the present crisis above all, it is imperative that fervent prayers rise to God for kings and princes and for all those who govern the nations and are thus in a position by their protecting power to help the Church, so that, the conflict ended, wearied man may see “peace, the work of justice” emerge under the gentle breeze of divine charity from out 35 these dread, tempestuous seas, and Holy Mother Church, “may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all piety and chastity.” We must plead with God to grant that the rulers of peoples may love wisdom, so that this severe judgment of the Holy Spirit may never fall on them: “Because being ministers of His kingdom you have not judged rightly nor kept the law of justice, nor walked according to the will of God; horribly and speedily will He appear to you; for most severe judgment shall be for them that bear rule. Men may lose charity and divine grace through sin, and yet not be deprived of all life. Its very title of “Atheistic Communism” bespeaks an essentially religious concern with a movement by which man would replace God. A man might spend hours, day and months persuading a girl to do something that is wrong, and have a contempt for her ever afterwards for yielding to him. She will remember that it is up to the girl to draw the line as regards petting, etc., and that she can always tell a boy “where to get off.” A chaste girl can make a boy keep hands off, if she wants to. No one will pretend that a girl can love every young man with whom she associates, yet they keep assuring her with all propriety she may kiss any boy with whom she spends an hour or an evening. “If and when the others took a kiss contrary to my will — boys will do that — they had dated me for the last time. Man should regard property as something committed for a time to his stewardship. But -46as long as men will write dirt for the sake of dirt, we have to be in a position to protect ourselves and others. “Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born again?” Our Lord explained: Baptism was to be this new birth by which a man would receive the new life which Christ came to bring. And the reason why the torments of the fallen Angels and reprobate men shall know no mitigation forever, is because they have set themselves in identity with sin, in such a manner that favor shown to them would 9Thoughts on the Passion of Jesus Christ be approval of their malice. “If any man shall come after Me let him deny himself and take up his cross.” If any man would be a friend to God he must adore. Twelve men would be H i s vicegerents, the rulers and directors of the Kingdom. A man would take a drink and develop an appetite for sprats, mackerel, sardines, eggplant, peppers. In the food and light industries women are fully entitled to occupy positions as directors of perfume, soap, confectionery, textile and similar factories where women principally are employed, and the women directors will run these enterprises very well indeed. What decent girl can tolerate the idea of ever being similarly marked by God because of the murder of an unborn child? Very wisely the victimized girl will draw the rational inference, in case her lover persists in importuning her to permit him to indulge in mutual improprieties in courtship, that if he cannot master himself in the period immediately preparatory to marriage, when this mastery is comparatively easy, she cannot expect him to control himself later on after marriage, when control is likely to be more difficult. Of course a boy can invite a girl to go to the theater and can spend top prices for seats, but if he really trusts the girl, he can say with perfect candor, 'I'm going to see such and such a star in such and such a play. This passage is descriptive of the General Judgment at the last day when all men will see the Justice of God worked out in respect of their own lives and those of all men. Knowing that succeeding generations of men would need this Food for their supernatural Life, Jesus handed over this tremendous power of changing Bread and Wine into His Body and Blood to the Apostles and their successors. " Yet there still abides the Fascination of Christ: And did not Christ assure us that, once lifted up from earth, the Son of Man would draw all hearts unto Himself? Because of His death on the Cross in loving obedience to God’s will, men can get God’s grace into their souls. They are the ordinary channels of grace, Christ instituted the Sacraments, gave them to His Church, that through them men might get both sanctifying and actual grace. Her gaze is towards heaven, but her action embraces heaven and earth, because all things have been united in Christ, the things of heaven as those of the earth.” Encyclical on the Consecration of Mankind to the Sacred Heart of Jesus—May 25, 1899 Annum Sacrum “His Empire extends not only over Catholic nations and those who, having been duly washed in the waters of Holy Baptism, belong of right to the Church, although erroneous opinions keep them astray or dissent from her teachings cuts them off from her care; it comprises also all of those who are deprived of the Christian faith so that the whole human race is most truly under the power of Jesus Christ. . . . “It will at length be possible that our many wounds be healed and all justice spring forth again with the hope of restored authority; that the splendor of peace be renewed, and swords and arms drop from the hand when all men shall acknowledge the empire of Christ and willingly obey His word.” Letter to Queen Wilhelmina—May 29, 1899 “We consider that it comes especially within our province not only to lend our moral support to such enterprises , 3 but to cooperate actively in them, for the object in question is supremely noble in its nature and intimately bound up with our august ministry, which through the divine founder of the Church, and in virtue of the tradition of many centuries, has been invested with the highest possible mission, that of being a mediator of peace. A man can be poor yet unreasonably proud and viciously mean; and, a man may have wealth and still be poor in spirit. So He made plans that men could know the Love of God, even when they could no longer see Him. Man can do nothing more perfect than these divine-human acts. Again, a man should love God and his fellow-man more than his body. While man can induce others to sin, the fact is every man is responsible for his sin as he is free to do evil or good. By sin he brought death upon himself and upon his descendants, ^^It is decreed that all men must die/’ says St. Paul. Under the first head there are ten points of inquiry: (1) Whether Without grace man can know any truth? (3) Whether without grace man can love God above all things? (4) Whether without grace man can keep the Commandments through his natural powers? (8) Whether without grace man can avoid sin? First Article Whether Without Grace Man Can Know Any Truth? It would seem that without grace man can know no truth for St. Paul says: No man can say Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Spirit.’’ (ICor. 22), "the Lord hath created a new thing upon the earth; a woman shall compass a man," were understood by the Jews as a divine promise, that as Israel fell in a virgin, so in a vir­ gin shall she be healed. One man may feel uplifted by—may even derive real benefit from a very sordid book; another may discover evil and suggestive notions in a really beautiful work. Even as man must serve God, so matter must be made to serve spirit. It means first of all that, within the scope of his own contributive labor and in regard to the conditions and regulations surrounding his own labor, each man should have a deciding voice, should be allowed to express his opinion and discuss it with his fellows in the full consciousness that right reason will prevail. MarYland, solidly Catholic, was first in America to put in practice the principle that a man may worship God according to the dictates of his conscience. Man must grasp the goodness of God and his own capacity to share in God’s life even here on earth. — 23 — namely, that the laws, institutions and customs by which wedlock is governed, since they take their origin solely from the will of man, are subject entirely to him, hence can and must be founded, changed and abrogated according to human caprice and the shifting circumstances of human affairs; that the generative power which is grounded in nature itself is more sacred and has wider range than matrimony—Whence it may be exercised both outside as well as within the confines of wedlock, and though the purpose of matrimony be set aside, as though to suggest that the license of a base fornicating woman should enjoy the same rights as the chaste motherhood of a lawfully wedded wife. For just as in the natural order men must apply the powers given them by God with their own toil and diligence that these may exercise their full vigor, failing — 54 — which, no profit is gained, so also men must diligently and unceasingly use the powers given them by the grace which is laid up in the soul by this sacrament. When a Girl Is Engaged · Somehow girls must find an honest way of declining an unwelcome date. CHAPTER VII THE FIRST THING A GIRL SHOULD ASK This .article was reprinted from THE VICTORIAN MAGAZINE, September, 1943, under the same title. She said, "I not only believe but know that a woman can be true till death, if she has an ideal which deman~ her fidelity." A country where, for example, a woman can go places alone is more pleasant than where it is unsafe for a woman to go shopping or visiting alone. While the men work or, after work, talk shop, women can spare some time from their housework to read, attend book circles, see shows, and belong to clubs and roundtables. Walking always in the presence of God, clasping His outstretched hand, uniting himself to God in deeds of love and service, man will find the answer to his restless questing in the Love that knows no ending and in the Light that never fails. But you will find that most men will dare any outrage when they have lost their faith. Every Mahometan man and woman must make this pilgrimage once in a lifetime. Probably no honest man will have the hardihood to say that Pope Pius does not understand existing social and economic conditions or shrinks from proposing adequate remedies. "Be of good heart .. .", be glad, be happy was His recurring greeting, prelude to the real reason why men should be gay: "Thy sins are forgiven thee." It stands for all types of possessions, for with it man can procure any material thing that he wishes to have for any purpose whatsoever. Holy Mass Cr 10,17 Ghost Cr 64 Mass Lent 5 Man’s Will — God’s Will . Girls may show great embarrassment in their menstrual period. There are still many parents and teachers who believe the girl should take no part in sports or other activities during this time. "For neither does the Father judge any man, but all judgment he has given to the Son, that all men may honor the Son even as they honor the Father. It was possible for Him personally, immediately to impart these graces to men; but He wished to do so only through a visible Church that would be formed by the union of men, and thus through that Church every man would perform a work of collaboration with Him in dispensing the graces of Redemption.” — Pope Pius XII on the Mystical Body of Christ. fact that without Christ (i. e., outside of union with Him ) men can do nothing and hence cannot even live. No man can lead others, even to Christ, unless he shows them that he believes in them. Simply this : that faith in men should comprise the following factual elements. And there is nothing in our fundamental principle that says man must have private ownership over goods. Girls should be dec ent in dress and in s peech. THEY suggested the following definite rules for social conduct: A young man should cultivate a neat appearance. Only a few mentioned cases in which the girl should pay a share of the expenses: If she is going steady with a young man who is out of work, she may bear half· the expenses. She joined with Bernadette in the “Glory be to the Father.” Our Lady of Fatima, calling herself the “Lady of the Rosary,” said “Men must say the Rosary.” She also asked that the Beads be recited every day “with devotion”. In later years, boys and girls will cherish the memory of a “strict” teacher; not strict in the sense of being cruel, but a teacher who required work and silence during class hours. Man must obey man in those things which are to be done externally through the body. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one fleshT Thousands of years passed. I started the booklet with that well-remembered scene because at the time I saw it even my inexperienced and quite emotional juvenile mind realized that lying must be pretty serious and important if a lie to save a delightful young woman could cause the abbess such anguish of soul and hold the audience in such dramatic suspense. So too the most cutting insult with which we can slap a person's face is a calm "You're a liarl" No decent man will accept that insult. Would, 0 beloved of my soul, that all men could know the tenderness of the love which Thou bearest them, that all might live only to honor Thee and to please Thee, as Thou desirest and deservest. 52 MEXICAN “M’S” It is true that a few churches and fewer priests are operating in Mexico City, but this is to “pull the wool” over tourists’ eyes so that Government guides may point to them and assure the visitors that a man may worship God in Calles’ kingdom, according to his own conscience. A girl will find that good manners will impress others more than the most expensive clothes. A girl should have a few good clothes to live up to the circle of friends in which she moves. For all these reasons and for many others the Church insists that men and women must remember the basic law of God and nature. W hen do you t'!ink a girl should enter the convent? Here again the girl should settle this question with her regular confesspr or spiritual director. From the fact of these principles having been disregarded, mischiefs so vast have accrued that no right-minded man can face the trials of the time being without grave solicitude, nor contemplate the future without serious alarm.” The State Should Uphold the Moral Laiv. Like the plants, man can assimilate food, grow. We should realize why it is that a man can live a natural life of perfect health, eating, drinking, seeing, hearing, thinking, and yet, if he is not in the state of grace, be supernaturally dead. Since man must have this supernatural life to attain the end for which God has created all men, and not to have it is to be excluded from friendship with God in time and from life with Him in eternity, it is highly necessary to know how supernatural life is acquired. Other men can sense a change in weather, a rise in stocks, a client’s weakness, etc. For example, man can deduce the existence of God from a study of the works of creation. Even man can introduce a force which will alter the course of nature’s operation. Then up spoke Frank: "Now you're talking the language men can und erstand. He has no more solved the problems induced by mixed marriage than a man could cure a sore toe by cutting off his leg. Men can make things, not in the sense in which God creates things out of nothing, but in the sense that they assemble and combine materials into useful instruments, appliances, etc. But even apart from the rule book, intelligent men can study the make-up of an automobile and learn through such study many of the laws that — 13 — must be observed in its use. How then could she have hoped that such a heartless man would have regard for a poor widow? A man may have a grand physique and a mind that is brilliance itself, but giant and genius though he be, he will be hungry, lonely, and in misery, if he is not in love. Only free men can make the required application of Catholic social doctrine in the urgent need to find a basis for reconstruction of the social order. Seven women shall take hold of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name, lake away our reproach. St. Augustine says the reason Christ became man was so that men might become God. Men may offer things to be used in God’s worship, or for the upkeep of a church or for the support of God’s priests. — 10 By magnanimity men can do great things. A man may be a slave to sin which means he lives in the habit of sin; a man may be justice’s slave living habitually the just life. Recalling your definition of divine worship, do you see thus far how it is at least fitting that a man should worship God? 3 Man Must Worship God Socially The musts of man’s worship have been drawn so far from the very make-up and nature of man himself. Thus a young man may select the particular form of religious life which is most in keeping with his personal talents and aspirations, and so the better fulfill the mandate„ of Christ, our High Priest, "I have appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain." Society that many American young men will follow Christ in this very special way. established It is hoped that many other American boys will volunteer t o carrv ™ t h . I M m h W m K M M M I .109 PALLOTTINE FATHERS (S.C.A.) I don't know where on earth they dug up such a silly, unfounded notion, but they fancied that young men and boys might have a lot of temptations-and girls might be tempted too-and that it wasn't smart to give temptation too much opportunity to operate. If you'll abolish the chaperone, we young men will take care of your young women far better than they have ever been taken care of.' Man can admire the autumnal coloring of a tree, the fragrance of a rose, the beauty of a sunset. Since man owes his very existence to the Creator, and is dependent upon Him for both body and soul, it follows that man should acknowledge this dependence upon God, proclaim his gratitude to Him, and express by appropriate action God’s sovereign and absolute dominion over him. The further purpose of this was, that men might become partakers of the divine nature of Christ. u SI B A He waits with cowl thrown backward to the sun, While shouting liegemen, sworn to serve his Lord, T In helm and gilded hauberk round him stir, Yet knows that far Jerusalem is won By him who slays the self with ghostly sword, U Who holds within his heart Christ's Sepulchre, 38 x SAINT BONIFACE: APOSTLE TO THE GERMANS1 Il UPON the branches of an ancient oak Wild hunters hung their woad-blue battle-gear,­ Round shields like suns and horns of fallow deer Shook when the windy oracle awoke; But though the god's deep voice of thunder spoke, Christ's woodman swung his axe-blade without fear That men might see the hidden stars draw near, And felled the great tree with his ringing stroke, ,"ss. To these documents men must apply the same criteria they apply to other documents which claim to be history. The mind and the heart and the soul of man will find the answer to their endless gropings and searchings in the mind and the heart of God. Men may become priests whether they are married or not. . . unless a man can fulfill an office with tact, — 8 — delicacy, kindness, disinterestedness, calm resolution tempered with imperturbable good humor, a clear understanding of men and their needs and difficulties, of their extraordinary sensitiveness, it is better that he forego the honor [of leadership] and remain in obscurity, ” Discussion 1. 2 Self-knowledge Needed for Leadership Before a man can make use of an instrument of any kind, a hairbrush, a stove, a hand grenade, a needle, he must know what it is for and how it works. Before a man can make use of himself and of his own personality to lead others to Christ, he must know himself. “A writer in the Acolyte expresses himself boldly, but truthfully, when he says: ‘Man will change money, horses, houses, and even wives with a readiness which is sometimes surprising, not to say alarming; but attempt to change his mind, and the perversity of the proverbial mule loses its force beside him.' Many a man can bear inner suffering, yet he quails if the lash is applied to his body. . . friends.” Men will esteem leaders who possess other leadership qualities. Only a woman can turn a house into a home. '‘If any man eat My Body and drink My Blood, that man will have life everlasting " There is the promise of God. A man may have passions as strong as the most decadent and immoral person in the world. (4) God is the End of all creation; in God alone man can find lasting happiness. Man can acquire perfect happiness by seeking the friendship of God in this life, so that he may enjoy the same fully in the next life. Man should accept divine Eevelation because God neither can nor will deceive. To facilitate man’s Sanctification Jesus Christ did chiefly six things: (1) He completed divine Eevelation, thus clearly indicating the way to heaven; (2) He promulgated a New Law, defining how man should make the journey of life; (3) He instituted special means of grace, called Sacraments, to enable all to keep the Law; (4) 23 He organized His followers into a Society, which He called His Church; (5) He gave that Church the unerring guidance of the Holy Ghost in helping all of good will to sanctify themselves; (6) He promised to watch over that Church to the end of time. Man can obtain a knowledge of God’s w’ord, (1) By listening to the Sunday Sermons; (2) By reading the Bible and Books of Instruction; (3) By consulting his Pastor or Father Confessor; (4) By cultivating the society of intelligent and practical Catholics. No man can grant a Divorce valid in the sight of God^ for Christ said : What God hath 62 joined together^ let no man put asunder/^ Matt, xix, 6. Man can obtain the grace of God by Prayer, the devout reception of the Sacraments, and the pious use of the Sacramentals. So a man must handle a woman's emotions with understanding care. So where does that leave the moralist who holds that there would be natural child spacing and one less moral problem in marriage if women would do the natural thing, their duty no less, and breast feed their infants? Setting aside daily business on that day, men should take time to worship, to foster family bonds, and to refresh themselves with decent recreation. He expects in return that men and women will use the physical attributes he has given them for the purpose He obviously intended — the begetting of children and the rearing and training of such children to walk in righteous pathways and live consecrated and useful lives. A man may love a woman but he doesn’t want to be womanly. A woman may love a man but she doesn’t want to be manly. The element of desire and gratification was added to the sexual relationship so that men would exercise this physical power for the propagation and perpetuation of the human race. MR. F. Paul and the boys will have everything packed by the time you get back. He has not yet been confirmed, but if the family remains here, the boy can enter the instruction class next spring. The boys will like Grigio. Supernatural Contemplation Man can contemplate God, not only in the works of nature, but also in Himself and in His mysteries. St. James truthfully says that the tongue: . . is a world of iniquity ... an unquiet evil, which no man can tame” (3: 6, 7, 8). “I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work.”—(John 9:4). Father's attitude toward women will affect daughter's ideas, and the ideals he incorporates in himself will be her criterion in choosing a husband. Boys and girls can be such great good friends, keeping everything in its proper balance. While man must eat bread to live, he does not live by bread alone. Our sorry world can have whiteness if the individuals of all colors will fuse themselves in the White Christ; if all men will become vital members of the Mystical Body of the shining white Jesus. No one could forget that Midnight Mass when the Municipal Stadium was crowded and overcrowded; when, after a Holy Hour spent in prayer and adoration by almost 200,000 men, the Apostolic Delegate went into the little house of glass that sheltered the altar, to bring the White Christ into the White Host that He might receive the white-hot love and fealty of the hundreds of thousands of men, and that the hundreds of thousands of men might receive the white life and the white love of their White-hosted God. Meantime the whole purpose and meaning of the Redemption is that men will acquire a new relationship to Christ’s Heavenly Father. The Catholic Bishops of the United States issued a statement that said in part, "No man can disregard God, and playa man's part in the world." With that command He made certain that men could find truth and the answer to those problems which unan~ swered drive men to despair or madness. Man must have a god. But now, as always, men must have a god . In our Bible the first verses say: “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.” The Catholic translation reads: “Now there was a certain man among the Pharisees, Nicodemus by name, a ruler of the Jews. 68:21 My heart hath expected reproach and miseryfrom all eternity the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity knew that His becoming Man would mean reproach and mlsery ... • 71 • and when He became Man, He found reproach and miseryat Bethlehem, in His birth in a stable ... in Egypt, as an exile ... at Nazareth, in poverty and as a workingman .. . in His public life, in the opposition of the Jews .. . in His Passion, when He was tortured and scourged ... in His Crucifixion, where He suffered the ultimate in agony ... in His death, as the rejected outcast of His chosen people ... Ibsen has said, "Women will solve the problems of mankind." 1 say, "Women will SAVE the world . She said no girl could go places if she didn’t—go in for that sort of thing.” “Oh, gosh! Out of envy lest man should acquire the place that they had forfeited in Heaven these evil spirits seek to draw man away from God and bring about his spiritual ruin. 6 Consequently, as Jesus Christ came into the world that men might have life and have it more abundantly , 7 so also has the Church for its aim and end the eternal salvation of souls, and hence it is so constituted as to open wide its arms to all mankind, unhampered by any limit of either time or place. For liberty as a power perfecting man should have truth and goodness for its object. Women and girls may sing the Kyriale parts in the congregation but the male choir alone is permitted in the sanctuary or loft. The pitch must be low enough for the men to sing, because upon the men must rest the chief burden of divine worship in congregational singing. No man could resist the temptation to self-dramatization when he stood with a real log fire behind him and the right sympathetic audience in front of him, and tonight the audience was both right and sympathetic. Men could build traps. The elephant could crush a man with his trunk or his forefoot, but a man could dominate an elephant and force him into slavery. No woman may enter the Sanctuary at any time. If they are authentic and authoritative, every man must accept the teachings of Jesus Christ and do the will of God. Well, if our test is infallible — and it is — then no reasoning man can question the divinity of Jesus Christ; for He worked miracle after miracle in His own right and spoke prophecy after prophecy from His own sight. It means that man can have absolute surety and can grasp religious truth. In 397, the Catholic Church gave a definite decision as to which should be admitted into the Bible and which should be rejected, and every book which is in the Protestant New Testament today, was put there by Pope Siricius and the Catholic Bishops in the year 397 A. D. If Christ had intended that men should learn Christianity from the New Testament, what about the hundreds who lived before the first Bible was given to the world by the Catholic Church? For this reason all generations of men will admire the proofs of unbending courage which are to be found in the decrees of Nicholas I against Lothair; of Urban II and Paschal II against Philip I of France; of Celestine III and Innocent III against Alphonsus of Leon and Philip II of France; of Clement VII and Paul III against Henry VIII; and lastly, of Pius VII, that holy and courageous Pontiff, against Napoleon I, when at the height of his prosperity and in the fulness of his power. Neither did he hesitate to campaign for a Democratic candidate if he was convinced that the man would be a better public servant than the man brought out by his own party. Modern man could learn a lesson from this miracle. Even after many years of walking upright a man may make a careless misstep, stumble, and the Law will acthe will fall. Jesus Christ — the God-Man I t is a paradox that men can do things which are infinitely evil but they cannot perform acts which are infinitely good. In other words, man can perform an act which is infinitely evil because the offense of sin is calculated not only by the intrinsic nature of the act but also by the dignity of the person offended. Second, she will not, for without protective laws, men will trample marriage into an instrument of material pleasure. This greatest of all bribes was refused and millions were lost to Catholicism — all because no man can buy an annulment! As a further punishment, God decreed that no man should have the happiness of seeing Him face to face until the gates of heaven would be reopened. Man can love God is Love Itself. Man can know truths God is Truth Itself. Man can be good God is Goodness Itself. It should take less faith than was needed centuries ago to believe that man can “tune-in” to God — the most distant and at the same time the nearest transmitting station. The spider weaving his web from the substance of his own body conveys the truth that man can weave an amazing life through the power of God’s Spirit within him. From man’s social nature it follows that man should render public worship to God. Good parents and good teachers would make good children; good 36 children would make good citizens and in turn good parents; good politicians would make politics a source of good government; good labor leaders, bankers, and business men would create a good economy ; good preachers would teach true Christianity, making people respectable, moral, charitable, with a sense of holiness and a responsibility to mankind. Peace within good men will produce peace in the world. Jesus gave the knowledge and skill and grace whereby man can release the power which is within himself. Man can attain perfection only insofar as the life of the spirit reigns over that of the senses and passions. That all men could know God, His existence, His nature, and His love, He sent into the world His own Divine Son. So vehement an attack demands an equal defense—namely, that all good men should form the widest possible association of action and of prayer. It would be well if all men could see the origin of the evils that threaten us. Herein men will learn true liberty, equality and fraternity, which Christ Himself obtained for mankind and to which the gentle St. Francis aspired. He asks that the woman’s marriage may be a “yoke of love and peace,” that she may be faithful, chaste, long-lived, virtuous, fruitful in offspring. Having brought this incident to the attention of the Council, Peter asked why men should make a distinction when the Holy Spirit did not. God appointed the sacraments as the means by which definite graces are to be directly conferred on men; in order therefore to obtain these graces, men must make use of the appointed means. Such a man would join the Catholic Church did he realize that was part of God^s will. Knowing it, a decent girl will take care not to risk her escort’s purity just to play up sex appeal on a “stylish” gown or swim suit. In the fourth century we find St. Ambrose defending Confession by saying that if a man can forgive sin by baptizing he claims nothing greater when he claims the power to forgive sin through the Sacrament of Penance. ‘‘What man can forgive sin?” Christ to put these First Protestors in their places poses a question t “Which is easier, to say to the man sick of the palsy: Thy sins are forgiven thee; or to say. The offering ever given to a priest is not payment for Baptism, a funeral service, or for absolution, for no man can value the CONFESSION IN THE FIRST CENTURIES U grace of God, and say how much it is worth; and no man can sell the grace of God, saying if you pay I shall forgive and if you don't pay I will not forgive. No sane man can deny the existence of sin. Mary’s Immaculate Heart was fashioned by her Creator so that God made Man could receive the perfect love of the perfect Mother. A man and a woman had caused our fall; a man and a woman should therefore cooperate in the work of our Redemption. Man must do this work. Just as it is hard to explain why a man should become a Communist if he is not interested in revolution, so it is hard, even impossible, to understand why a man should become a Christian if he is not interested in the apostolate. A key for each test in The Mass Explained to Boys and Girls may be f o u n d in the Appendix of the manual. They foresee that the affection of woman will offset the hardness of political strife. For those women who did remain at work, they make a characteristic plea: "Those women who are engaged at the same tasks as men should receive equal pay for equal amounts and qualities of work.” 18 Obviously, equal rights for woman had no more enthusiastic supporters than our Bishops, even 33 years ago. Consequently it is here (on earth) that all merit is acquired by which a man can purchase relief after death—or the contrary. Each man must respect every other man and treat him as his [ 5 7 ] brother in Christ; each man must gaze across the maze of trouble to the other man, and looking into his eyes, recognize him as another member of the Mystical Body. But what if reason should falter in its proper task of attaining truth, what if man should abandon the lead of reason and follow the urge of vice, passion, pleasure? If the proposed doctrine be reasonable, holy, noble, in accord with the principles of religion and morality, and the one proposing it.....-in the name of God.....-be worthy in every respect, and prove his assertions by in~ controvertible signs , then men can know this doctrine is revealed by God. For Dorothy to go to the theater, etc., now and then with a married man might be no sin at all. “Neither I, nor any other man, nor any woman will take the road to Belgium again. Its primary purpose is to fire you with a respect for the God-given nobility inherent in your very body and to make you realize that the flesh of every man and woman can be a breathing temple for the Holy Ghost, is actually a house for an immortal image of God, and hence, animated clay that is holy! But if one seeks to find among the vast Communion of Saints new opportunities for prayer, example, and assistance, then these biographies of eight holy men and women will offer some discoveries. The first thing men must agree upon is the correct notion of Society. But once the egg has left the ovaries the girl could become a mother if she was married; and if she did, the baby to be formed in her womb would need a special supply of blood 41 THE BOY for its own use. Every boy and girl should have a healthy interest in games and hobbies. She is the one who was foretold by God’s own words to Adam and Eve when he said that a woman would crush the head of the serpent. It is necessary, then, that men should join the Catholic Church. (You may have heard the mean old joke of a Mass server that here we have the 1 reason why girls can’t serve: they would find it too hard to let another always have the last word!) Men and women could obey God's law if they wished; but they did not 20 wish it, and they wrecked their world. The virility of St. Therese is the concrete answer to how religious women can love God. Men who impose a rigorous asceticism on women will make little impression on them if they themselves do not ring true. He said: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh’ ’ (Gen. 2:24). Then the young man and the young woman may seek each other’s company, in order to find out whether, after knowing each other’s character, they would like to take each other as companions for life. . . Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother , and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh” (Gen. 2:23, 24). Indeed a man and a woman may make a great success in other fields and find their success empty and uninspiring if they have to return every night to a home in which there is no peace and little understanding. Eight-year-old boys may b e included as well. If these sounds are well learned and are had at the finger tips, the boys will have no trouble in reading the Latin responses that are given in each lesson. By the time the boys can read the responses fluently and without mistakes, they will automatically know them by heart. The boys must have these things in their hands to gain the proper experience. But those who minister to the spirits of men must be close followers of Christ. 0 God, we ask that Catholic women may give the tenderness of their beautiful womanhood to the cause of the Church. 0 God, we ask that Catholic girls may devote the sacredness of their blossoming womanhood to works that bring down grace to the Mystical Body. A covetous man will like Judas sell even his soul: “There is not a more wicked thing than to love money, for such a one setteth even his own soul to sale” (Ecclus 10:9, 10). 20 What are ways in which girls can use clothing as means of decoration? Ways and means of obtaining members were discussed, the final conclusion being that each man must be a committee of one for that purpose. The Reason Whi| S UPPOSE that a man should give a friend a diamond ring costing him five hundred dollars, and place it in a little velvet case which the jeweler threw in for nothing. This geJltl~1 man will administer Baptism to the vau""''' .... 79) L. c. pp. No sensible man can doubt that judgment is an act of reason, not of the will. St. Paul gives us a larger outline of the conditions that will prevail during the time pointed out by our Lord as the age of unbelief, when he writes: “Know also this that in the last days there shall come dangerous times: Men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God; hav’ ing an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” (2 Tim. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, — 4 — marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered in to the ark, and they knew not until the flood came and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be Likewise as it came to pass in the days of Lot: they did eat and drink, they bought and sold, they planted and built, and in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all, even thus shall it be in the day that the Son of Man shall be revealed.” (Matt. Men may embrace any kind of religion or practise any form of religious worship, no matter how fantastic or fanatic, and no one will trouble himself about it; but persons who renounce the world to embrace the life of the Evangelical Counsels often encounter the most violent opposition and persecution. But if we would continue to go forward in peace and prosperity, men must realize the fact that social organization is, in very truth, unity of a variety of activities for the good of the community and its members. There could be internal tests by which a man would recognise a revelation as being from God, because of its perfect expression of his own ideals concerning all that is noble, lofty, and sublime. WHY YOU SHOULD BE A CATHOLIC 11 If Christ were not God Himself, we would have to admit that such virtue in an ordinary man would be a miracle in the moral order, demanding the special influence of God. He did not will that men should leave the Catholic Church. Men may accept the doctrine Christ taught or reject it. A man may prove the claims of the Catholic Church by reason; he accepts them by making an act of faith in God. Anyway, no woman would take a chance on fixing the cards.” “So you would say the thirteen spades came just by luck?” “Yes. It is to the interest of the laity and clergy alike mutually to aid one another to attain that final destiny and in this he who is lowest and most "common" in the eyes of men may become the means of the greatest good in the eyes of God. Girls can spot a phoney a mile away, Tony. From the fact of these principles having been disregarded, mischiefs so vast have accrued that no rightminded man can face the trials of the time being without grave solicitude, nor contemplate the future without serious alarm. No man may violate this order with impunity. “Boys and girls should study more science” was the cry of educators and government officials everywhere. He’s giving his talent so that people might worship God in a church edifice, so that boys and girls might attend school, so that the sick can be taken care of in hospitals, and so that children without parents and the aged can be taken care of in special homes. Warn them against making void that solemn decree of God, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord", by a vain imagination of being "holy in Christ". And that multitudes of Methodists should fail to see this is the enigma which every thinking man must find baffling in the extreme. St. Paul says that there shall come dangerous times in which men shall teach “doctrines of devils”; and St. Jude speaks of men who shall be sensual, who walk after their own lusts in ungodliness. Personally, I t h i n k every teen — boy or girl — should b e permitted to h a v e a n occasional social gathering in his h o m e . If t h e teens behave a n d are considerate of the p a r e n t s a n d furnishings, this privilege should b e g r a n t e d freely. Breakfast — " C o m e A s Y o u A r e " Mainly f o r girls, t h o u g h boys could give a par ty like it. A variation is f o r each girl to contribute something personal when she arrives at t h e party, a n d t h e boy must f i n d t h e owner of the object. There is an old saying that only an obedient girl can become a wise and prudent mother. For either of two reasons a courageous and well-informed Catholic girl would tell the boy in your case that she could not marry him. For a sound and solid reason a girl may break an engagement, or insist that she and a boy friend go back to the status quo that existed before they agreed on future marriage. If men may shave to improve their appearance, and women may use cosmetics and wrinkle-removing massages, etc. No man can make wrong right, and right wrong. Health, riches, and honours are possessed with anxiety; no man can attain such knowledge in this life that he is desirous of knowing no more. I flung Myself on the wide-spread trellis of the Cross as a bloodsoaked Vine that branches might bud and bear Me fruit; I dropped My thorn-helmeted head in death that all men might live as my members; in love’s passionate prodigality I had My side spear-dug and My Heart opened that all men might find a home therein—but now? Man must divine the meanings of things before he can live fully, reverently , and freely. Now there was a spot where a girl could love God without being molested and laughed to scorn! If Catholic Colleges swerved from that course and that objective, they would have played traitor to Jesus Christ who commissioned them to teach truth that man might have beatitude. Two full years she gave to the develop“WHAT’S WRONG?” 21 ment of this faculty and the acquisition of this art for she knew that man and woman must have stimulants. Man can make real money, WHAT’S WRONG?” 25 but money can never make a real man, and every real man is part dreamer. Because “the night (inevitable) cometh (on apace) when no man can work.” (10) Page 229. Philosophy has well said that no thinking man can be a speculative atheist, that is, one who holds as certain the assertion: “There is no God.” How can Philosophy be so apodictic? Yes, Philosophy can afford to be apodictic ; for since effects demand causes, no thinking man can deny the existence of the First Cause—God. But medical men and women must understand that language else they will never appreciate their profession. If it were not His Will, directive or permissive, that certain men should fill the air with shrieks, He has but to flick His fingers and all is changed. Who among us reflects on the fact that man can make money, but money can never make a man; or that, while many a man has succeeded in saving money, money never has and never will succeed in saving a man. The world has gone through every catastrophe which man can imagine — and has survived. He pointed out that in any case where a body of employes held such contracts with their employer, if they should suddenly go out on strike, such a contract was at an end and that then the union could solicit their affiliation, but that if a man was hired to break the strike and this man should sign a contract not to join a union, a union picket could be prosecuted for trying to induce such a strikebreaker to quit his employment. No one man should have the power to compel all locomotive engineers to quit work at the same time, thus stopping all trains. Therefore you must also he ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” (Matthew 24:42-44) 3. Be you then also ready : for at what hour you think not, the Son of man will come.” (Luke xii, 37.) Certainly a man would commit mortal sin if he were to promise some just thing under oath, yet had no intention of doing it, at the time he took the oath. We have explained how a man can make a serious promise to someone else, and take an oath by calling upon God to witness that he intends to do what he promises. One man might find a large piece of marble that nobody claims or wants. The Neglect of Training and Education If the parents enjoy the children’s confidence and the children really love their parents, the day will come all too soon when boys and girls will ask questions of a most delicate and holy nature. Girls may become Sisters or marry. Either men or women may elect the single life in the world. Even staid Dr. Samuel Johnson advised: "A man should spend part of his time with the laughers." It is only after darkness falls that man can see the stars.