Li1-tie MASS PRAYERS, VESPERS AND HYMNS AT BENEDICTION. NEW YORK: An Hour Before the . Blessed Sacrament PREFACE BY FATHER GALLWEY, S. J: New Revised and Enlarged Edition The Appendix contains Acts of Adoration and Reparation to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, De~ votions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the ; Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph, The Holy Angels, Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory" Prayers at Mass, Prayers for Confession and Communion, The Way of the Cross, Vespers, etc. Five Engravings. Z40 pp., 24mo., cloth, red edges, 60 cents. Imitation Morocco"gilt edges, $1.25. Real Flexible Morocco, gilt edges, $2.00. FOR SALE BY JOSEPH SCHAEFER Book SeHer 23 Barclay St., New York ~~~~ft: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ PATRON OF ALTAR-BOYS. ~ J. Schaefer, Publisher, 9 Barclay St., New York. ~ :g~~~~.~8': LITTLE MANUAL -OF- Altar-Boys Society. CONTAINING A SHORT SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF THE SAINT; OBJECT, RULE AND SPIRIT. UAL ADVANTAGES OF THE SOCIETY; MASS PRAYERS, VESPERS AND HYMN S AT BENEDICTION. NEW YORK : J. SCHAEFER, PUBLISH"'., 9 Barclay Street. NIHIL OBSTAT: IMPRIMATUR: REMlGI(;S L EFORT , S. T. L., Censor: + JOHN M. FARLEY, ' Archbi shop of New York. August 2d, 1008. Copyright, 1008; by .Joseph Schaefer. Deactdifted ALTAR=BOYS SOCIETY , UNDER THE; PROTECTION OF S'I'. JOHN BERCHMANS. OBJECT OF THE SOCIETY. This society is organized to aid the altar boys by the example and the intercession of S aint John B er chmans, as also by prayers, pious ex- ercises and instructions, to discharge their im- pOl·tant d uti es with d evotion and attention, with dignity and d ecorum, for the honor of God a nd the edification of the faithful. RULES. 1. Each member of the society will carefully avoid all unnecessary t alking, looking around, mov ing his head or f eet, or playing with his hands. He will fold his h ands and make the ge~ufiections as instructed, and will endeavor to serve in a becoming manner at Mass and at the other services. 2. He will learn the p rayers for serving at Mass so as to be able to say them correctly and answer them distinctly and devoutly, and he will be punctual in attendance when appointed to serve. 6 3. He will bear in mind that he is called upon to do on earth what the angels do in heaven; he will strive by his devotion to make reparation for the many sins committed against God by irrever enc es in church. 4. He will carefully avoid all unnecessary t alking in the sacristy, and h e will report to the priest all serious violations against the sacristy rules. 5. He will approach the Holy Sacraments on days appointed by his pastor and on the f ea st of Saint John Berchmans, and he will prepare f or the f east of the Patron-Saint of altar-boys by a Novena. He must be willing: (a) To be present at the meetings appointed by the priest, once a mon th or oftener, Ior instruc- tion or exhortations, aud at them to behave respectfully and attentively. (b) To continue serving his tum at the place ap- pointed until discharged by the priest. (c) To submit to the deserved punishments for failings. The priest alone has the right to dis- miss or discharge a memb er. (d) To recite once a day the following prayer: Saint John, who didst distinguish thyself by t hy piety and modesty, by thy reverent be- h avior in church, and by thy devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, to the Blessed Virgin and to Saint Aloysius; obtain for UB the grace to 7 imitate th ee in these virtnes, that those who see us in church may think they see thee and may g ive due honor to God and to thee. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory be to the F athe r, ete. ADVANTAGJ)]S. 1. Indulgences : A Plenary I ndulgence on the d ay of r eception and on the F east of Saint J ohn Berchmans (August 13). Conditions: Confession and Communion and five Our F ath - ers and Hail Marys for the intention of the Holy Father. 2. A Plenary Indulgence on the fiv e Sundays before the F east of Saint J ohn Berchmans, in honor of the five years the Saint lived in the Society of Jesus. Conditions: confession, com- munion, prayer according to the intention of the Holy F ath er. 3. One hundred days Indulgence each time f or serving the Holy Mass d evoutly or making the genuflection r ever ently, or behaving resp ect- fully in church. 4. An Indulgence of seven years each time for reciting the following five approved prayers in honor of Saint John B er chmans: (a) Most innocent Saint J ohn, I beseech thee by thy excell ent purity of heart, obtai n for us th e grace to imitate thee in thi2 excellent virtue. 8 Never 'permit that I lose it. Inspire 'me with great horror of that which in any waytaruishes this virtue. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory be to the Father, etc. (b) Most modest Saint John, I beseech thee by the most zealous v igil ance OVer thy senses, which made thee so wonderful in the eyes o f the world, obtai n for me the grace to control m y senses, that the pois on of the d etestable sin of immodesty may not penetrate Into my heart. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory be to the Father, etc. (0) Conscientious man of the convent, Saint John, I beseech thee by the great care with which thou didst observe the rules of thy order, obtain for me the grace to observe faithf ully the holy commandments of God, and to estee m and honor the eva ngelical counsels . Onr Father; H ail Mary; Glory be to the Father, etc. (d) Devout Saint John, I beseech thee for the love wherewith thou didst l ove Saint Aloysius as thy religious brother, and the Blessed Virgin as thy mother, obtain for me the grace to have Saint Aloysius for my ,mod el and special pro- tector, and to venerate the Blessed Virgin so d evoutly that I may always be able to say with thee : "I will not cease until I shall have obtained a t end e r love towards my Mother Mary." Ou r Father; H ail Mary; Glory be to the Father, e tc. (e) Zealous Sain t John, I beseech thee by thy ad- mirable d evotion towards th e adorable mystery of the altar, and towards Jesus Crucified, obtain 9 for me a great love and veneration for Jesus, that I may in no place, least of all in the church, of rend against the reverence which I owe to the Sacrament of Love , and that I may always and everywhere glory in the cross that, I may deserve to enjoy Him with thee in h eaven, after having followed Him as his faith- ful scholar on earth. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory be to t he Father, etc. PRAYER. Saint John, thou didst deserve, when dying, to have in thy hands the Crucifix, the Rosary, and the book of Rules saying : "These three things have always b een most d ear to me, they are to me the strongest weapons against the enemy, and I am glad to die whilst holding them in my hands," I beseech thee by the Blood of J esus Christ, obtain for me such rev- erence for the sacred precepts of the Gospel, such d evotion to the Blessed Virgin, and such love for J esus, who suffered the d eath of the Cross for l ove of me, grant that these three weapons may, in the future, be the weapons whereby I may overcome every attack of the devil, that I may also, after thy example, in my last hour, filied with contrition and with confi- dence, b e able to repeat: "These three were 10 always most dear to me in life, with these in my heart 1 will gladly die. Amen." V. Pray for us, Saint John. R. That we may b e mad e worthy of the promises of Christ. LET US PRAY. We b eseech Thee, 0 Lord God, grant Thy servants the grace to imitate the example of innocence and fidelity in Thy service, those virtues through which the angelic youth, Saint John, sanctified the blossom of h is life. Through Christ, our Lord. Am en. ST. JOHN BERCHMANS, PATRON OF ALTAR-BOYS. Picture to yourself, dear reader, a young boy-a child pleasing to God and to men-one whom you could love and with whom your Guardian Angel would be pleased to have you associate. The young John Berchmans was just such a little boy as the b eautiful picture now in your mind. From the day of his birth his fac e in- dicated that he was a child dear to the h eart of God, one upon whom had been b estowed the choicest blessings of heaven. Why is he called the Patron Saint of the Altar- Boys? Would you like to know something about his life on earth? John Berchmans was born at Diest, a small town on th e river Dyle, in Belgium, on the 13th day of March, in the year 1599. The next day he was baptized. His good father and mother prayed earnestly that he might grow up a child of God. Often in his infancy and childhood they carried him in their arms or guided his footsteps to the Altar where they 12 begged our dear Lord to k eep him innocent and pure, and to give him grace to P!eserve his baptismal innocence. The boys who lived near the home of the Berchmans came often to look at the sweet face of the little babe, for th ey loved him even be- for e he could speak their n ames. This love did not cease as he grew older, although he was un- like many of the noisy children who visited his home. He was gentle and patient and obedi- ent. When only seven years of age he would rise early in the morning in order to pray or to talk to God and his Guardian Angel. He had a great love for the Blessed Mother and he would ask h er questions as if h e were conversing with his father and mother of this world. The workmen, who used sometimes bad language or took the name of Godin vain, would cease their oaths or idle words when they saw the little child looking at them with pleading eyes as if asking them to praise God instead of wounding the Sacred Heart by h arsh and sinful language. One of his holy practices was to ask d aily the Blessed Mother that she would guide him to do what was pleasing to her Divine Son. He was always happy when serving the priest at Mass. 13 H e knew that to wait upon the celebrant of the Holy Sacrifice was a greater honor than to serve at the throne of the greatest king on earth. His r ever ent manner in the sanctuary, his care- ful attention to his duties, his avoida:lCe of all unnecessary whispering, or looking about, or doing anything that might distract h im or show even thoughtlessness, made him a model altac- b oy and an edification to all who saw him a t the altar. 'The day was unusually fair in his eyes and h is lessons w ere more easily learned when he had the happiness of assisting at more than one Mass. His parents selected for him t eachers who were pious .as well as learned, and he ad. vanced in the science of heaven as well as in the studies th at belonged more to earth. When he was about nine years of age, hjs m other was attacked with a painful illness wh ich continued for many months . The youn g boy was most attentive to his d ear m other, and he tried in every way to comfort h er. His fir st visit in the morning was to h er b edside. At the sound of the church-bell he left her to assist at Mass' and to .ask God to re- store her to h ealth. It was r e]Jlarke d by the frier.ds a)ld relatives that when John \vas n ear his mother she did not suffer. H e waited upon her like a "Little Angel," as his mother often called him. At one of the great feasts of the church , when John was serving at the altar, the large number of p eople who appro ach ed the Holy T able cre- ated in the boy's h eart an earnest desire to r e- ceive H oly Comm union. After h e return ed home, h e at once began to prep ar e for a gen- er al confession and then went to his pastor to obtain p ermission to r eceive his fir.t Holy Communion. His pastor r eceived him kindly, h eard his confession, and appointed a d ay when he might approach the Holy T able. The boy was fill ed with happiness. From the day when h e received his first Holy Communion, h e went to Communion as often as his confessor p ermitted. He ~as only a young boy wh en h e t old his fath er that h e d esir ed to b ecome a priest. The father did n ot at once r eply, but took t ime to pray and consider. It was indeed with SOl'rOW that h e told the young boy he must abandon all thought of b ecoming a priest, for his p ar ents were too poor to continue him in school. J ohn b egged his hther to permit him to go on with his studies. ' , Give me bread only and I will 15 be content to live on bread and water if I may gi;e myself entirely to the service of God," said John as the tears rolled down his face. His father convinced of the boy's vocation consented to his wisbes. The life he led in school was most edifying. His prayers and fasts, his daily devotion, his eagerness to run in the service of God made his teachers and companions love and r espect him. He took for his model Saint Aloysius, and at an early age he d ecided to ask for admission to the same society of which the holy Aloysius had once been a m emb er. He ent er ed th e Society of Jesus on the 24th of September, 1616, when he was a little more than seventeen y ears old. The story of his life in the novitiato w ould please the altar-boys as it would also please all who love to h ear of the holy lives of saintly people. He performed no deeds which the world call "thrilling" n or did h e receive ap- plause for h eroic acts, but he tried earnestly to do the duties of each day in a manner that would best please Almighty God. He was a cheerful novice, a happy companion, and so much in love with prayer that his hours and minutes b ecame one continuous conversation with God and in the presence of the whole 16 court of heaven. Truly was he great because dear to the Sacred Heart, and his life was one of heroism because all was given to God. He had a horror of venial sin, and when he heard that some one had committed a mortal sin, his eyes would show his pained surprise and his face would tell how his h eart ached to think one cr eature of God would do aught to offend the Creator. His life, as we follow it, makes our h eart throb with joy and we try to imitate him. His death was a glorious change -a passing from earth to heaven forever. After six years as a novice in the Society of Jesus, and before he was ordained a priest of God, be l eU earth. The altar-boys have in heaven a patron who was Oollce a happy altar-boy, one who delighted to do just what the altar-boys do now when they are serving Mass. Saint John looks down upon the boys in the sanctuary and prays that they .may be worthy of the great honor conferred upon them. On January 15, 1888, Pope Leo XIII. canon- i zed Saint John Berchmans. One of the two t est miracles chosen by the Sacred Congrega- t ion of Rites took place in America, at the Con- 17 vent of the Sacred H eart, Grand Couteau, I Louisiana. Rev. F. X. Brady, S. J . , in the year 1888, gave minute information r egarding this miracle. He wrote: .. We are indebted for th e details of this miracle to one of the com munity who wrote them down at the time. On the 20th of September, 1866 , Miss Mary Wilson arrived at the convent. She h ad b ee n driven from her home in London, Canada, by her paren ts, who were Protestan ts, and who were incensed on account of her conversion. Sh e sought a refuge as a postulant among the fri ends of the Sacred Heart. Afte r a month of preparation and on the eve of h er r ecep- tion as a novice she was suddenly seized with a most violent sickness." Father Brady d escribes the condition of the young woman until at last she was given up f or d ead. For forty days she h ad n ot taken one ounce of solid food and only small quantities of t ea or coffee. The community b egan a novena to Saint John Berchmans. On the 14th day of D ecember, the last day of the novena, her con- dition was most alarming. With the greatest difficulty the Holy Viaticum was administered, after which all the Sisters, except the infirma- rian. went to the chapel to assist at Mass. 18 Within one hour after r eceiving the last sacra- ments she was entirely restored to health, as she said, through the intercession of S3int John B erchmans who appeared to her. Every symp_ . tom of the d isease h ad passed away. The doctors examined h er and said h er cure had been eff ected by a supernatural agency, for she had b een b eyond the aid of natural remedi es. Dear altar-boys, say after the Mass which you have served the words Saint J ohn B erch- mans said hundreds of times: "The action have just performed belongs to Thee, 0 ador_ a.ble Trinity; I wish I had a thousand heans wherewith to offer it to Thee." 19 1- PRAYERS AT MASS. In n6mine Patris, + et iJii, et Spiritus Sancti. men. S. Introlbo ad altilre Ad Deum, qui looti. fi cat juventutem meam. S. Judica me Deus, ct discerne causam meam d e gente non sancta: ab - 11 6mine iniquo et dol6so erue me. j[. Quia tu es , Deus, f ortitildo mea, quare me repulisti? et quare tristis incMo dum affilgit me inimlcus? S . Emitte lucem tuam e t veritiltem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt e ~ ad. duxt\runt in montem sanctum tuum, et in tab· ~rnacula tua. j[. Et introlbo ad al. tiLre Dei: ad Deum, qui l retlticat juventutem meam. In the name of the Father, + and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. S. I will go unto the altlLr of God. R. To God, who giveth joy to my youth. P. Judge me, 0 God , and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. R. For Thou, 0 God , art my streng~h; why hast Thou cast me ofl'? and why do I go sorrow· ful whilst t he enemyaf. fiicteth me? P. Scnd forth Thy light and Thy truth; they have conducted me and brought me unto Thy holy mount, and into Thy holy tabernacles . R. And J will go unto the altar of God: to God, who giveth joy to my youth. 20 S. Confitebor tibi in d· thara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es anima '" mea, et quare conturbas me ) M. Spera in Deo, quo- niam adhuc confitobor iIli: salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus. S. Gloria Patri, et FiIio, e t Spiritui Sancto. AT. Sicut erat in prin- cipio, et nunc,etsemper, e t in srecula sreculorum. Amen. S. Introibo ad altare Dei. Jlf. Ad Deum, qui lreti- ficat juventutem meam' S. Adjutorinm + nos- trum in nomine Domini. M . Qui fecit crelum et terram. S. Confiteor Deo Om- nipotenti, etc. M. Misereatur tui om- nipotens Deus, et dimis- &is peccatis tuis, perdl,- cat te 'ad vitam reternum. p , I will praise Thee on the harp, 0 God, my God:: why a rt thou sor_ rowful, 0 my soul, and why dost thou disquiet me? R. Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him: who is the sa lva_ tion of my countenance, and my God. P. Glory be to th Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. R. As it was in the b ginning, is now, and ever shall be, worl without end. Amen. P. I will go unto th altar of God. R. To God , who give joy to my youth. P. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who hath made heaven and earth. P. I confess to Al- mighty God, etc. R. May the Almighty God have mercy upon thee, forgive thee thy sins, and bring tllee to life everlasting. s. Amen. M. Confiteor Deo om· nipotenti, beat", Marl", sempe r Virgini, beato Michael! Archfmgelo, beato Joanni Baptist"" sanctis Ap6stolis Petro et Paulo, ·6mnibus Ranc· tis, et ti bi, Pater, quia peccavi nim!s cogitati6ne verbo, et opere, mea cul- pa, mea culpa! mea max- ima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Vlrginem, be.tum Mi. chaelem Arch{mgelum, beatum Joiinnem Baptis. tam, sanctos Apost6los Petrum et Paulum, om· nes Sanctos, et te, Pater, orare pro me ad D6mi. num Deum nostrum. S. Misereatur vestrl omnipotens Deus, et di. missis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam ",ternum. M. Amen . S. Indulglmtiam + abo soluti6nem, et remissi6. 21 P. Amen. R. I confess to AI. mighty God , to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Mic hael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist. to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to. all the Saints, and to you, Fathe r, that I have sinned exceed· ingly in thonght, word , and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev. ous fault . Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel , blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, and you, Father, to pray to the Lord our God forme . P. May the Almighty God have mercy on you , forgive you your sins, and bring you to life everlasting. R. Amen. P. May the Almighty + and merciful Lord nem peccatorum nostro. rum tribuat nobis omnl- potens et misericors Dominus J[. Amen. S. Deus,: tu con versus vivific{lbis nos. M. Et plebs tua I",tlibi- tur in teo S. Ostende nobis, D6- In i n e, rniseric6rdiam tuum. Jr. Et salutare tuum da nobis. S. D6mine, exaudi ora- tionem meam. .1[. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. S. Dominus vobiscUlll. 1ft. Et cum spiritu tuo. S. Kyrie Eleison. ,1[. Kyrie Eleison. S. Kyrie Eleison. .If. Christe El6ison. S. Christe E1Oison. .If. Christe EMison. 22 grant us pardon, absolu- tion, an.tio r ect6rum benedicetur. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord: in His commandments he shall have g reat deilght. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the righte- ous shall be blessed. Gloria et divitia in domo cjus: et justiti a ejus manet in s",culum s",culi. Ex6rtum est in ten e. bris lumen rectis: mls· ericors, et miserntor, et justus. Jucundus homo qui miser6tur et c6mmodat, disponet serm6nes suos in judicio; quiain ro t6r. num non cOIDmovt.bitur. In memoria retern a eri t justus: ab aUditi6ne mala non tim6bit. Paratum cor ej us spe· r{~re in Domino, conti r- matum est cor ejus: non commovebitur don e c desplciat inimicos suos. 30 Dispersit, dedit pauper. ibus: justitia ejus manet i 11 sreculum sreculi: cor- nu ejus exaltabitur in gloria. Peccator vidbbit et ir. ascetur: dimti bus suis Glory and ri ches shal l be in his house: and his justice endureth forever and ever. Unto the righteous there hath ri sen up light in the darkness: He is merciful, compassionate, a nd just. Acceptable is the man who is merciful, and lenoeth: h e will guide his words with judg. ment: he shall not be moved forever. The just man shall be in ever.}asting remem- brance: he shall not be afraid for evil report. His heart is prepared to hope in the Lord: his J1eart is fix ed : he shall not be moved until he look down upon his ene· mies. He hath dispersed abroad, he hath given to the poor: h is justice endureth for eve r and ev· er: his horn shall be ex· alted in glory. The sinner shall see it and be wroth: he shall fremet et taMscet: de- sid _rium peccatorum pe- ribit. Gloria Patri , etc. Antiphona. In man- diltis ejus cupit nimis. .4ntiphona. Sit nomen Domini. 31 gnash with his teeth, and consume away: the desire of the wicked sh all perish. Glory be, etc . Anthem. In His com- maudments h e had great delight. A nthem. Blessed be the name. PSALM CliI.-Laudate, P ueri. Laudiite plleri Domin_ um: laudiite nomen Do- mini. Sit nomen Domini ben- ed ictum: ex hoe nunc, et usque in sreculum. A solis ortu usque ad occas"um: laudiibil e no- men Domini. ExcOIsus super omnes ge ntes D6minus: et su- per crelos gloria ejus. Quis si cut D6m inus Deus noster, qui in altis habitat: et humilia res- p icit in crelo et in terra? Praise the Lord, ye chlJdren: praise ye the name of th e Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord: from this time forth, for evermore. From the rising up of the sun unto the going down of the same: the name of the Lord is worthy to be praised . The Lord is high above all nations: and His glory above the heavens. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwel - leth on high: and re- gardeth the things th at are lowly in heaven and in earth? Siiscitans a terra Ill- opem: et d e stercore erigells pfmperem : Ut c6110cet eum cum principibus: cum priu- cipibus populi sui. Qui habitare facit ster- ilem in clarno: lllatrcm fiJiorum l retantem. Gl6ria Patri, etc. Antiphona. Sit nomen D6mini benedictum in srecula. A ntipdona. Nos qui vivimus. 32 Who raiseth up the needy from the earth: and Jifteth the poor from off the dunghill : That He may set him with the princes: even with the princes of his peopl e. Who maketh the bar. ren woman to dwell in her house: the joyful mother of children. Glory be to the Father, etc. Anthem. Bl esse d be the name of the Lord forever. Antherl<. We who Jive. PSALM cxm. - In exitu I81'ael. In t\xitu Is rae I de lEgypto: domns Jacob de populo barbaro. Facta est Judrea sanc~ tificAtid ejus: Israel po- testas ejus. Mare vidit et fugit : Jordimis con versus est retr6rsum. When Israel came out of Egypt: the house of Jacob from among a strange people. Juda was made his sanctuary: aud Israe l his dominion. The sea beheld, and fled: the Jordau was turned back. Montes exultaverunt ut a rietes : et colles sicut agni ovium. Quid est tibi, mare, quod fugisti: et tu Jor- danis, quia conversus es retrorsum? Montes exultastis sieut arietes: et colles, sicut agniovium? A facie Domini mota est terra: a tiicie Dei Jacob. Qui convertit petram in stagna aquarum: et rupem in fontes aquii- rum. Non nobis, Domini, non nobis: sed nomini tuo da gloriam. Snper misericordia tua, et veritilte tua: nequlin_ do dieant gentes, Ubi est Deus eorum? Deus autem noster in coolo: omnia qurecum- que voluit fecit, Simulacra ientlum ar- 33 The mountains skip- ped like rams: and the little hills like the lambs of the flock. What aileth thee, 0 thou sea, that thou f1edst, and thou Jordan, that thou wast turned back? Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams : and ye little hills like the lam bs of the flock? At the presence of the Lord the earth was moved : at the presence of the God of Jacob. Who turned the rock into a standing water: and the stony hill into a flowing stream. Not unto us, 0 Lord, not unto us: but unto Thy name give the glory. For Thy mercy and for Thy truth's sake: lest the Gentiles shonld say, Where is their God ? But our God is in heav- en: He hath done what- soever He would. The idols of the Gen~ genturo et aurum: opera manuum h6minum. Os habent, et non 10- qulmtur: 6culos habent, et non videbunt_ Aures habent, et non audient: nares habent, et non odorabunt. Manus habent, et non paJpabunt: pedes hab- ent, et non ambulilbunt : non clamabunt In gut- ture suo. Similes mls fiant qui fiiciunt eo.: et omnes qui confidunt In eis. Domus Israel speravit in Domini: adjiitor eo- rum et protector eorum est. Domus Aaron speriivit in Domino: adjutor eo- rum et protector eorum est. Qui timent Domlnum speraverunt in Domino: adjutor eorum et protec- tor eorum est. 34 tiles are silver and gold: the work of the hands of men . They have mouths, and they s h a 11 not speak: they have eyea and they shall not see. They have ears, and they shall not hear: they have noses, and they shall not smell. They have hands, and they shall not feel: they have feet, and they shalJ not walk: neither shall they speak through their throats. Let thOle that make them become like unto them, and all such as put their trust in them. The house of Israel hath hoped in the Lord: He is their helper and protector. The house of Aaron hath hoped in the Lord: He is their helper and protector. They that fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord: He is ' their help- er and protector. D6minus memor fuit nostri: et benedixit no- bis_ Bened\xit d6mui Is - rael: bened\xit d6mui Aaron. Benedixit 6m n i bu s , qui timent D6minum: pusillis cum maj6ri bus. Adjiciat D6minus sup- er vos: super vos, et super filios vestros. Benedicti vos a Do- mino: qui fecit cOllum et terram. COllum cOlli D6mino: terram autem dedit filiis h6minum. Non m6rtui laudllbunt te, D6mine: neque om- nes qui desc(mdunt in infernum. Sed nos qui vivimus, benedicimus D 6 min 0 : ex hoc nunc et usque in sreculum_ Gloria PatrL etc. 35 The Lord hath been mindful of us: and hath blessed us_ He hath blessed the house of Israel: He hath blessed the house of Aaron. He hath blessed all that fear the Lord: the least together with the greatest. May the Lord add blessings upon you: upon you, and upon your children. Blessed be ye of the Lord: who hath made heaven and earth. The heaven of heavens is the Lord's: but tho earth hath He given to the children of men. The dead shall not praise Thee, 0 Lord: neither all they that go down into hell . But we who Jive, bless the Lord: from this time forth for evermore. Glory be to the Father, etc. Ant. Nos qui v\v i. mus, benedicimus Do- mino. 36 Ant. And we who live bl ess the Lord. The following i s sung on sundry, in place of the , fore g oing. . PSALM CXVI. - Laudate D ominum. L a ud a t e D,6minum, om.n es gentes: laudate eum, omnes p6puli : Qu oniam confirmata est ,super nos, misericor-" dia ej us: et veritas Do· mini manet in rett\rnum . Gloria Patri, etc. In Paschal time: Ant. Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles: praise Him, all ye people: , For His mercy is con· fjrmed upon u s: and the truth of the Lord enduro eth forever. Glory, etc. Alleluia, a ll eluia, alleluia THE LITTLE CHAPTER, 2 COR. i. 'Benedlctus Deus, et Pater Domini n ostri Jesu Christi, Pater misericor.' diarum, et Deus totius consolationis, ' qui con-· sol. tur nos in omni trih- ulatione nostra. . R. ,Deo gmtias. Blessed be the God, and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of merci es, and the God of all comfort, who com- forteth u s in all·our trib- ulations . R. Thanks be ·to God. 37 HYMN. Lucis Creator optime. Lucem dierum profer- ens, Prim6rdiis lucis novre, Mundi parans originem. QUi mane junctum ves- peri, Diem vocari prrecipis, I1J[,bitur tetrum chaos; Audi preces cum f1etibus. Ne mens graviita crim- ine. Vitaa sit exul mimere, Dum nil perenne c6gitat, Seseque cui pis illigat. Creleste pulset ostium, Vitale tollat praamium: Vitemus omne noxium : Purgemus omne pessi- muin~ , o great Creator of the light! Who from the darksome womb of night, Brough t'st for t h new light at nature's birth, To shine · upon the face of earth. Who, by the morn and evening ray, H.ast measured time and called it day; While sable night in- vol ves the spheres, Vouchsafe to hear our prayers and tears. Lest our frail mind with sin defiled, From gift of life should be exiled; While on no heavenly thing she thinks, But twines herself in . Satan's links. Oh 1· may she· soar to heaven above, The happy seat of life and love; Meantime, all sinful ac' tions shun, ' ' And satisfy f o'r . e v i1 ~ done . . < ~ Prresta, Pater pijsslme, P atri que compar Unice, Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Regnans per omne srecu- lum . Amen. 38 This prayer, most gra- cious Father, hear; Thy equal Son incline His ear, Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee , Doth Jive and reig n eternally. Am en . THE MAGNIFICAT, 01' the Canticle of the Blessed Vi1·gin.-St. Luke i. Magnificat anima mea D6minum. Et exultflVit spiritus meus • in Deo salutari meo. Qui a respexit humil!- til tern aneillre sure, • ecce en im ex h oc beatam me dicent 0 m n e s genera- ti6nes. Quia fecit mihi m agna qui potens est; • et sanc- tum nomen ej us. Et misericordia ejus a progen ie in progenies • timentibus eum. Fecit potentiam in bra- chio suo: dispersit My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because He hath r e- garded the humility of H is h andmaid: for, b e- ho ld from henceforth a ll generations shall call me blessed. For H e that is mighty h ath done g reat things to me: and holy i s His name. And His mercy is from ge neration to generation, t o them that fear Him. H e hath s'lowed might in His a . He hath superbos mente cordis sui. Dep6sui t potentes de sed e: • et exultavit bu- miles_ E surientes imp I e v i t bonis: • et divites di- misit inanes . Suscepit Israel p(lerum suuro; ... recordiltus mis- ericordire sum. Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros ; • A bra- ham et semini e jus in srecula. Gloria Patri, etc. 39 scattered the proud in the conceit of their h eart . He hath put down the mighty from th eir seat, and hath exalted the humble. H e hath filled the hun- gry with good things: a nd the rich He hath sent away em pty. He hath r eceived Is- rael His ser vant, being mindful of H is mercy. As He spoke to our fathers , to Abraham and t o his seed [orever. Glory, etc. After the proper Anthem and Collect, and the commemorations, if any , the c61ebrant adds : v. D6minus vobis. cum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. Benedicllmus D6- mino. R. Deo gratias. V. Fi d < j ~ inch ••. Seal grain cloth. red ~dges . . . Imitation leather. red edges. • . Imitation leather. Ilold edges American seal. limp, gold edges . Turkey' morocco, limp, gold roll inside . $1.50 1.90 2.25 3.25 4.25 The Catholic Girl's Guide Counsels and Devotions for G irls in the Ordinary Walks of Life, and in Part i- ...... Iar for the Children of Mary. By Rev. F. X. LASA!,!CE Seal grain cloth, red edges . . Imitation leather, red edges . . Imitation leather, gold edges • American seal, limp, gold edges American r.norocco, ·Iimp • • • . . . 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