A£/fr Jl No. 4A The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Publications Department ~~~~ 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Copyright, 1941, by Confraternity of Christian D octrine DUTIES OF PARISH OFFICERS This and other literature issued by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Publications Department, 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., may be oraered direct from the publisher, St. Anthony's Guild, Paterson, N. J. The cost of this leaflet is $1.50 per 100. In ordering, designate form No. 4A ' .. J 1 ·' DUTIES OF PARISH OFFICERS The President: 1. Presides at meetings of the parish Confraternity and of the Executive Board (Constitution, Article V) ; 2. Under the guidance of the Director, furthers the development of the Confraternity activities within the parish and enlists workers in the several divi- sions of active membership; 3. Explains the work to persons who might be inter- ested, and invites them to attend regular or divi- sional meetings; makes known the spiritual benefits of membership; 4. Provides officers and division chairmen with In- structions supplied by the Diocesan Office; 5. Where missions are attached to the parish, assists the Director in the development of Confraternity activities in the missions; brings the mission chair- men of the several divisions of membership into contact with the parish chairmen of these divisions, who will acquaint them with methods of procedure; 6. Helps officers and chairmen to realize that their work is vitally important in furthering the religious life of the parish; 7. Contacts the Diocesan Office to obtain information and literature and to report methods that have proved practical. The Vice-President: 1. Assists the president in promoting Confraternity activities in the parish; [2) 2. Takes the president's place in case of his absence or inability to function; 3. Arranges for an Executive Board discussion club to meet weekly and use the Manual of the Confra- ternity of Christian Doctrine as a text. The Secretary: 1. Gives notice of general and board meetings of the Confraternity and keeps the minutes of these meet- ings (Constitution, Article V) ; 2. Maintains an up-to-date classified membership rec- ord of lay-teachers, fishers, helpers, discussion club leaders, parent-teachers, apostles to non-Catholics and associate members; 3. Attends to all correspondence as directed by the president; files copies of all letters and literature issued by the Diocesan Office, and all other corre- spondence of the Confraternity ; 4. Prepares parish Confraternity news stories for the local or diocesan paper, when requested by the Di- rector to do so. The T reasurer (Chairman of Finance Committee): 1. Solicits associate members (Constitutio n, Article III, Sec. 2), who are classified according to their annual contribution: Contributing members, . . .. . ... .. ..... . .. $ 1.00 Supporting members, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Special members, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Sustaining members, . . stated amount above 5.00 2. Plans, with the cooperation and approval of the Executive Board, for the raising of needed addi- tional funds, when those derived from associate members are insufficient. (Each parish Confra- [3] ternity is self-supporting; funds raised by it remain in the parish to finance activities of the Confrater- nity. Through the voluntary services of active mem- bers, the expenses of the Confraternity may be kept to a minimum) ; 3. Disburses funds as instructed by the Executive Board or in payment of bills approved by the Di- rector or Executive Board; 4. Keeps an exact record of all money received and expended and submits an annual financial report to the Executive Board. Nihi l obstat. H enry J. Zolzer, Censor librorum. Imp rimatur. t Th omas H. M cLaughl in, Bishop of Paterson . [4] 883353-001 883353-002 883353-003 883353-004