A catechism of Catholic education A CATECHISM OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION do the Catholics of the United States maintain at their own expense a school system in which are instructed annually 1,981,051 pupils? Answers to this and to hun- dreds of other pertinent ques- tions concerning the history, organization and administra- tion of the Catholic school system in the United States are found in this pamphlet. NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE COUNCIL BUBBAU OP EDUCATION 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. WHY A CATECHISM OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION BY Reverend James H. Ryan, D.D., Ph.D. Executive Secretary. Department of Education, N. C. W. C. NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE COUNCIL BUREAU OF EDUCATION Washington, D. C. 1922 Slibil ®bstat: Ludovicus R. Stickney, Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: die 27, Februarii, 1922. Michael J. Curley, Archiepiscopus Baltimorensis. Copyright, 1922, by National Catholic Welfare Council Fifth Printing The Pauli st Press, New York, N. Y. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I History of Catholic Education in the United States .... 1 CHAPTER II Statistics of Catholic Education in the United States.—Catholic School Census of 1920 . . 9 CHAPTER III Organization of the Catholic School System. Administration . 12 CHAPTER IV Organization of the Catholic School System.— Types of Schools 19 CHAPTER V Teachers in the Catholic School System . . 27 CHAPTER VI Training of Catholic School Teachers ... 30 CHAPTER VII Curriculum of the Catholic School .... 36 CHAPTER VIII Reasons for the Existence of Catholic Schools . 48 iii iv Table of Contents CHAPTER IX Attitude of Catholics Towards the Public Schools 65 CHAPTER X Americanism of the Catholic School ... 72 CHAPTER XI Cost of Catholic Education 81 CHAPTER XII How You Can Help Catholic Education . 88 INTRODUCTION rTlHE Catholic school is one of the greatest moral facts ^ in the United States. During 1920, 1,981,051 children were educated in Catholic schools. The Catholic school sys- tem is an institution of which every Catholic has good rea- sons to be proud. Its teachers are men and women well trained for their tasks. The quality of the work accom- plished is of an exceptionally high order. Its Americanism is beyond question. To inform further our Catholic people on the history, administration and organization of their schools is the aim of this Catechism of Catholic Education. This Catechism may be made the subject of study in the home and in the school. Clubs and organizations of men and women will find it a convenient manual for an elemen- tary study of Catholic education in all its phases. One of the primary functions of the Department of Edu- cation of the National Catholic Welfare Council is to spread information concerning Catholic education. The Depart- ment stands ready at all times to assist schools, clubs and organizations in the formation of groups for the study of what the Catholic school is and what it is accomplishing. v CHAPTER I History of Catholic Education in the United States 1. Q. When were Catholic schools first established in the United States? A. The first Catholic schools were established in what are now the States of Florida and New Mexico. Most of these schools were founded for the education of the In- dians. As early as 1606, however, a classical school had been established in St. Augustine, Florida. By 1629, four years before the foundation of the first school in the thirteen original Colonies, there were many elementary schools in New Mexico. Most of these schools were destroyed in 1680. The Spanish colonists were obliged by law to found schools in every village where they settled. There were also many pre-Revolutionary schools in Texas and California, due to the zeal of Jesuit and Fran- ciscan missionaries. These schools were largely industrial schools. 2. Q. When and from what country did the first body of Catholic teachers come? A. The first group of elementary school teachers to come to the United States were ten Ursuline Sisters from France, who, in 1727, founded in New Orleans the first Catholic academy and day school tor girls in the New World. 3. Q. Had Catholic schools been established in other places prior to 1776? 1 2 A Catechism of Catholic Education A. Before 1776 schools had been established in St. Louis, Detroit, Kaskaskia, as well as in what are now the States of Maine, Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania. 4. Q. At what date was the first Catholic college estab- lished in the United States? A. The first Catholic college was opened in 1677 at New- town, Maryland, by the Society of Jesus. Georgetown College, the direct descendant of schools established at Newtown and Bohemia, dates from 1789. 5. Q. What was the number of Catholic schools in the United States prior to 1776? A. Upwards of 70 Catholic schools existed within the present confines of the United States. Considering the so- cial and economic conditions prevailing amongst the small number of Catholics in pre-Revolutionary days, this is quite remarkable. The total Catholic population in 1789 amounted only to 35,000. 6. Q. Were the Colonial schools State or religious schools? A. All the schools in the Colonies, whether established by Catholics or Protestants, were religious schools. There were no State schools, supported solely by public taxation. 7. Q. What was the necessary consequence of this fact? A. The fact that all religious denominations maintained schools resulted in Catholic settlers organizing and develop- ing a school system of their own. 8. Q. What was the general character of the Catholic schools of the Colonial period? A. Catholic Colonial schools were modeled either after Continental schools, especially French and German, or af- ter the system of education established by the Jesuits. The curriculum was elementary, consisting mainly of reading, writing and arithmetic. History of Catholic Education 3 9. Q. Were the Catholic schools of Colonial days merely separate schools or did they form a system? A. The elements of a system existed even in Colonial days, as all the schools in the English Colonies were under the direction of the Jesuits. 10. Q. What principal factors determined the growth of Catholic schools in the United States after the year 1800? A- The most important factors were: (1) The creation and introduction of religious teaching communities into the country ; (2) The expansion of the Church ; (3) Financial assistance from Europe. 11. Q. How did the creation and introduction of reli- gious teaching communities assist in the development of Catholic education? A. By supplying the demand for teachers of the nu- merous schools, which grew up so rapidly all over the country. The Poor Clares in 1799 founded a school at George- town. This school was afterwards continued by the Sis- ters of the Visitation. The community of the Visitation Sisters, together with the Sisters of Charity (the first American religious teaching order), the Sisters of Loretto, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth and the Sisters of St. Dominic grew amazingly, and in the period between 1800- 50 supplied the great majority of teachers for our Catholic schools. As each one of these orders maintained a training school for its teachers, the quality of the work accomplished by them in the numerous academies and parish schools under their direction was of a very high order. 12. Q. How did the growth of the Church affect the de- velopment of Catholic education? A. The expansion of the Church, following on the divi- 4 A Catechism of Catholic Education sion of the country into dioceses and archdioceses, created new demands for educational institutions. In 1829, a prov- incial council held in Baltimore ordered the establishment of Catholic schools “wherever possible.” The decree of the Council put the seal of ecclesiastical approval on the rapidly developing Catholic school system. 13. Q. How did financial assistance from Europe aid in the development of Catholic education? A. Financial assistance from Europe, especially from France and Austria, greatly aided the struggling Catholic schools in their development. Most of the early Catholic settlers were poor, and, unassisted, they could not have carried the financial burden of building schools and churches. The numerous contributions which came from Europe supplemented gifts of the laity in this country and made possible the erection of many schools which, other- wise, could not have been built. 14. Q. What factors influenced the development of the Catholic school system after 1850? A. (a) One of the principal factors was the controversy over the appropriation of State funds to sectarian schools. Bishop John Hughes of New York presented the Catholic plea for a just share of the public school fund. His plea was rejected. It became evident to all that in the future Catholics would have to maintain their schools without financial assistance from the State. At this time the public school system, tax-supported, be- came a reality. Most of the Protestant denominations that conducted schools fought vigorously the principle of pub- lic education. They were defeated. The public schools of that period were practically Protestant schools and bit- terly anti-Catholic. Most of the teachers were Protestants. The Protestant Bible was read in the public school. A spirit of antagonism to Catholic principles remained a char- History of Catholic Education 5 acteristic of the public school system in many places until quite recently. Catholics could not in conscience, there- fore, send their children to such schools ; the only alterna- tive was to establish schools of their own and to per- petuate those which already existed. (b) The great number of immigrants to the United States at this time, especially from Ireland and Germany, doubled the Catholic population and made necessary a wide extension of the Catholic school system. Religious teach- ers followed in the wake of the immigrants, and through the zeal and sacrifice of both, the secure foundations of the present-day Catholic school system were laid. Not only were parish schools erected alongside of our churches, but high schools, seminaries and colleges grew in numbers. (c) Ecclesiastical legislation made secure the position of the Catholic school as a necessary adjunct to the Church. Church authorities ordered the establishment of Catholic schools “in every place,” and the Third Council of Balti- more (1884) enacted school legislation which has, since that time, been the basis and the norm of the development of the Catholic school system. 15. Q. What has been the development of Catholic schools from 1870 to the present day? A. The Civil War retarded the growth of Catholic schools for a time. After 1875, however, they increased in number and in attendance with surprising rapidity. The growth of Catholic education since 1875 has been a normal, steady one as the following tables show : TABLE SHOWING GROWTH OF PARISH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE FROM 1880 TO 1920. A Catechism of Catholic Education fS 'O O Tf VO GO y—i VO CD CM Cn O CM O in oo 00 a 2 CO M h o oC oC VO cm*' CM On IM co On M- O O vo G\ 5* ^ 5s -~ c .2 § fe, fe * cm co VO CM r-i On VO On VO On vo co p o\* r< co CM »—I r-H C\1 2 5» > £ CM*' VO VO co to 00 vo fN. VO VO M; co co on O} vo" vo" oo" on" On O *-« ro *-< CM 3 a o C o 3 I History of Catholic Education W a H Pi O to Y\ Q H o 2 o < k £ H HM C/5 a w w 2 cu (/5 ^ S3 W HU . s £< o Q J2; co w w H H H < < Q a , - ° S§“ s 5 > to o° P4 JZ p o g H > u O Q B in W W P PQ < H O d u Tf- to to rf rf On CON ’t CO VO V0 Ov »-H Tf 0\ CV| N O CM TO o ^ ..tit) a" §an S £ O V*R •>-» V) t) to « O W i5 In. g s - vo to ^O CO O to to VO On vo t-H lO vo CO Tf vo W 00 VO 00 CM vo to On CM vo *-h~ cvT *ti CO On CO vo t-h to t-« CO ' H (VJ M* 00 vo On CM On C\ r-T CO CM O V£) VO H o vo 00 00 00 oo io o to oo *“1 *-« CM On On On On Figures from Official Catholic Director. For 1920 the figures are from Director!; of Catholic Col- leges and Schools. jjOTE The number of seminaries has increased from 24 in 1880 to 164 in 1920. The 1920 total (164) includes 113 seminaries for the education of the religious clergy and 51 for the education of the diocesan clergy. Students who reside outside the United States are not included in the above. 8 A Catechism of Catholic Education References Burns, Principles, Origin and Establishment of the Catholic School System in the United States, Benziger, N. Y., 1912. Burns, Growth and Development of the Catholic School System in the United States, Benziger, N. Y., 1912. Cubberley, Public Education in the United States, Houghton Mif- flin & Company, Boston, 1919. McCormick, History of Education, Catholic Education Press, Washington, 1912. Pace, “Catholic Education,” in Catholic Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Press, N. Y., 1910. Official Catholic Directory for 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910 and 1915. Ryan, Directory of Catholic Colleges and Schools, Bureau of Edu- cation, N. C. W. C., Washington, 1921. CHAPTER II Statistics of Catholic Education in the United States CATHOLIC SCHOOL CENSUS, 1920 1. Q. How many Catholic schools are there in the United States? A. 8,706, including all kinds. 2. Q. How many teachers are there in the Catholic schools of the United States? A. 54,265 teachers are engaged in the 8,706 Catholic schools. 3. Q. Are all the teachers in Catholic schools priests or members of religious orders? A No. 1,929 lay professors teach in Catholic univer- sities and colleges; 953 in Catholic high schools, and 2,989 in Catholic elementary schools. 4. Q. How many students attend the Catholic schools? A. 1,981,051. 5. Q. How many Catholic elementary schools are there in the United States? A. There are 6,551, including 358 institutional schools. 41,581 teachers are employed in these schools. 1,795,673 boys and girls attend the Catholic elementary schools. 6. Q. How many Catholic high schools are there? A. There are 1,552 Catholic high schools, 7,924 high school teachers, and 129,838 high school students- 9 10 A Catechism of Catholic Education 7. Q. How many religious novitiates and normal train- ing schools are there? A. 309, with an attendance of 10,544. 8. Q. How many Catholic colleges are there? A. There are 114 Catholic colleges, 62 for men and 52 for women. They employ 1,697 professors and have an attendance of 13,996. Of this number, 8,343 are men and 5,653 women. 9. Q. How many seminaries are there? A. 164 seminaries with 1,063 professors and 11,198 stu- dents for the priesthood. 10. Q. How many Catholic universities are there in the United States? A. There are 16 Catholic universities with a teaching staff of 2,000 and an attendance of 19,803. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF CATHOLIC SCHOOL STATISTICS Schools Number Professors Teachers Students Universities 16 2,000 19,802 Colleges 114 1,697 13,996 Seminaries 164 1,063 11,198 High Schools 1,552 7,924 129,838 Normal Training Schools 309 * * 10,544 Elementary Schools 6,551 41,581 1,795,673 Total 8,706 4,760 49,505 1,981,051 The above statistics are based on returns made to inquiries sent out by the Department of Education, N. C. W. C., and published in the Directory of Catholic Colleges and Schools. No Exact Data Available. References Ryan, Directory of Catholic Colleges and Schools, Bureau of gdij- cation ? N. C W. C., Washington, 19?1. Statistics of Catholic Education 11 CHAPTER III Organization of the Catholic School System ADMINISTRATION 1. Q. How are Catholic schools organized? A. Catholic schools are organized on the diocesan plan, each diocese forming a separate unit. In each diocese the bishop is ex officio head of school administration. 2. Q. If the bishop is the head of the diocesan school system, is not then each diocese independent in the adminis- tration of its educational affairs? A. Yes; each diocese like each State is autonomous in education, formulating its own laws, devising its own pol- icies, and administering its own district without external interference. 3. Q. Does the bishop personally administer the school system? A. Under the bishop as chairman there is usually a school board, commission or committee which establishes standards, inspects schools, approves text-books—in a word, performs all the functions of a State Department of Education. Practically all matters pertaining to elemen- tary education in a diocese are under the jurisdiction of this board. 4. Q. Has the diocesan school system an official agent? A. Yes ; the official agent of the diocesan school system is the diocesan superintendent or supervisor of schools, who 12 Organization of Catholic School System 13 is generally a member of the diocesan board of education and is appointed by the bishop. 5. Q. What are the duties of a diocesan superintendent or supervisor of schools? A. The diocesan superintendent represents the bishop in the government of the schools. He acts also as the exec- utive officer of the school board in carrying out programs and policies for the development of the schools under his jurisdiction. He therefore inspects schools, holds exam- inations for pupils, makes provision for the. professional growth of the teaching force and organizes the educational resources of his diocese. The diocesan superintendent publishes a yearly report, giving a complete statistical account of the schools over which he has charge and submits recommendations for the improvement of the same. The diocesan superintendent of schools occupies much the same position as a State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the public school system. 6. Q. What are community supervisors? A. Community supervisors or inspectors are members of religious teaching orders, who inquire into the work of the teachers belonging to their own order and report on it, to their immediate religious superiors. They are not dio- cesan school officials and therefore have no official status. In some dioceses, however, they are appointed by the bishop. 7. Q. What are the reasons for the existence of com- munity supervisors? A. Since the majority of teachers in our Catholic schools are members of religious communities, it is to the interest of each community to inspect the work of its own members. The supervision which these community supervisors exert over their own teachers results in inestimable good to the TABLE SHOWING FUNCTIONS OF DIOCESAN SUPERVISOR OF SCHOOLS 14 A Catechism of Catholic Education O H co O w to O W co w u o KH Q S3 u to < to o to 4 o o w o § fe o 55 o a u o 5 « u rt *< cn O o 55 3 o c/3 H r C/3 kh o o tt § §O C/3 &, P § I 3 1 a w y z 5 < i/i w o o c/3 o § »4 w « 55 o NH § o tf o 2S X w 55 o § w pc; 55 O t-4 S3 N H-l 55 <1 O P? O ci w H 55 ns a a CO Cj 'g a a § H o V .5 ^ ’E A (J — a> 2% a . E ^ a w § ’ O •a co a o C3 CO c.2 CO V co CM O ^ 0*1-2 OJ 2 6-2 CO -H (Cj " C to oj r-J csi to *2 ^ C W rt rt ^ . J3 u w c 4-* .2 co JS O Js *-• *< cvsto «o 2 d e o o-2'5 ±•0.2 3.3 “rj nS S W S o S • w u o u >> S ti ^ o *- £.2 ° 'X rt p +4 co Q .g s| «'§ § JSs E Sw ro J2 c/5 co «J h CJ cd- o CJ g.t: « «43 _ 4-0 *-W t-l » 1O ui o 3 n c j? o vW U U +J cvi cd ~ CO O Vh CO (U ’> ti- ns cd ’ < s CJ .2 !5 bo > G a ° c^ 0} t .5 a> < Ui +J4 CM* O O jq CO O *3 CO o — J3 rt o c CO o t; 3 +2 *g .oo.ti . J2 « S g> to£ J5 3 feo ? 2 c o a CO rt i5 oP co cl gS D . 00 NO to OO 00 o H O o ON o CM Tf to NO t>. r-H oO r-H CM 00 CM to N VO O r-H r-H CM r-H CM r-H r-H 00 o O 00 CM o CM r-H 00 CM r-H On CM Tf NO r-H tN. to r-H o- o to 00 to O r-H T-H CM r-H CM r-H r-H CO CO o 00 00 CM NO NO o CO r-H o CM ONV oo NO VO CM 00 OO ON NO o r-H CM r-H r-H r-H r-H o 00 o 00 00 CO 00 CO o to to On CO tO N ts* to to CM o oo ON On to r-H r-H CM r-H r-H 1— H r-H Tf- CM rr r-H o r>» On 4 00 N M* CM On to 00 00 to CM CM 00 NO CO O VO r-H r-H CM T~ ' CM r-H r-H On r-H ro i>* CM CM OO CO o- M* CO CM 00 to oo 00 NO NO O to ON r-H VO CM CM r-H CM r-H On fO o CO Tj" r-H Cn 00 CM M" CM xf 00 to On CO oo NO r-H M“ M- CM NO O VO CM r— i r-H r-H CO r-H On 00 00 CM to to CO CM NO CM M’ r-H to to NO to NO to CM ON r-H r-H CO CO r-H r-H M- r-H x W bo G <5 cW > o JG *-G a c/5 In q 6 o S ^ s * o-g - 6 be -c « be S .5 bo -o G rt . _ c/5 ^ bo oi J2 C o c/5 — • .G -G cn 4) C/5 a from the Fourteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, University of Chi- WASHINGTON, D. C., PUBLIC SCHOOLS— 1850-1600 Minutes Per Week In Total Sessions. 38 A Catechism of Catholic Education H °H2 — £? OOOt-OOOt-nOOoCNa'OO'OiOOvorfCvj CQ r-l » rH rl r-t (\J H T- c o c c J 'sr • : W W ^ u J 3 'T VO ON O^OOOo > U) NOO\ CO S k. 0i^9S 0v~ >• ioN'0 0\'0 a, w o^ooto 2" <-• OlpoOio 5$ £ ioNvOOntj- 10^00 s CM tNi VO 'O X w 3 bo bo >> JC bo C r3 :§s rt CO • ooo -cioioo•^OrH -ONMiO • O O O -0101010 • CM i-O (M -vOt^CMlM • lO OiOiO CM CM co *—< eo CM CM ^ O O o 00 O CM CM •NOioCMKKCMN CM 1 CM a -a JB 2 « § e 1 5‘5-S.a i^ c; • « tn \L O^SQ -T3 co H w bc_^ Cu c g.S §.2 2 £ 5 2 co bo a Cjj X »J J C^P-I in *- P* * § I *>> ftg O o s5o 2©» - 2-C s ftft *gc 5 o vrz "•d II 8S „ ^ a> ft s . sc 2K S Jft =2fi **2 flu £ a 2 ^ E S •§ s a a faCO f-d *| 32^ 2« 3 fa £2 e s £« ,d *- 'd 5 •g c e S c « c « go * ti "S sg| 5 o SgJ 4S1 lol H = S5-2 “5sc< „ t- 3 T-! * O s 5 3* §1 s"8 £*£ c E tc c c 2 c ft c s ^Cm ft^ c> ? 3 ^i-T 2p> 3> -t4f C^TJ XCS « P « fa « .« 2 o’d >J? a c t: o - *" g« o w ¥SS X C a w tts ^ 5 9J fa 5-5 *d o Xft ®c« tst 2*3 g ft ®c <=3 =&3 -s» 5s-a c> . S ^- , s c . C I—I £ 1=1 B c - -3- © g C p£5 J o L to Ui C -S cx C C o®^ w J3 ft s Curriculum of the Catholic School 39 DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH TIME SCHEDULE 1919-1920. 1500 Minutes Per Week. Minutes Per Week Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Religion Spoken and Written Eng- 250 250 250 250 200 200 150 150 lish 230 230 230 230 250 250 270 270 Vocal Music 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 Drawing 100 100 100 90 90 90 90 90 Physiology and Hygiene.. 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 Geography 75 100 125 150 150 100 Elementary Science 50 50 50 30 30 30 30 40 Arithmetic 200 200 200 275 250 200 140 200 Algebra , . . . 60 60 History . . . . 30 90 120 150 150 Civics 20 20 20 20 40 Reading and Literature... 420 420 345 235 205 200 200 200 Recess 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON APPROXIMATE TIME SCHEDULE. Aggregate time in minutes per week, to be given in the different subjects of the curriculum. Minutes Per Week Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Opening and Closing Exer- cises 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Religion 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 Reading and Literature . . . Spoken and Written Eng- 540 480 400 200 180 180 150 140 lish 230 200 200 300 300 250 270 250 Penmanship 80 80 80 100 100 90 90 90 Arithmetic 100 210 210 210 230 220 230 230 History . . 50 50 120 120 150 Geography 80 130 130 130 150 150 Music 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Drawing 100 80 80 80 80 80 60 60 Physiology and Hygiene . . Physical Exercises and Re- 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 cess 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 Totals 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Approximate Home Study 150 225per week •• •• 300 500 500 40 A Catechism of Catholic Education 5. Q. Is the curriculum now in use in the elementary schools of the United States satisfactory? A. Not altogether; many objections are urged against it. The general belief seems to be that it needs “human- izing,” so that it will more adequately prepare children for their duties as workers and as citizens. The curriculum of the Catholic elementary school is showing the influence of these criticisms and is, like the public school curriculum, gradually being changed to meet the new conditions of American life. 6. Give an example of typical public and Catholic high school curricula. UNITS OF STUDY OFFERED IN CERTAIN HIGH SCHOOLS. North West Philadelphia Central Catholic H. S. Subjects Association * For Bops Religion 2 English 4 4 Latin 4 4 Greek 1 Mathematics 3 4 History 3 2 Commercial Subjects 1 ^ 7 Physics 1 1 Chemistry 1 1 Modern Languages 2 3 Manual Training Mechanical Drawing 1 m Botany, Biology or Physiology.... Physical Geography or Natural V2 Science A NOTE—Each unit represents 1 recitation period per day for a school year of from 36 to 40 weeks, or approximately 180 periods. *The figures for the North Central Association represent the result of a summary of reports from 869 schools (U. S. Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 6, 1915). Curriculum of the Catholic School 41 PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Periods Per Week Minutes Per Week Subject English Year- Latin 5 Mathematics 5 History 5 Physical Geography 5 Bookkeeping German 5 French 5 Spanish Biology Typewriting Chemistry Greek Physics Mechanical Drawing 3 Shorthand Civics and Commercial Law Commercial Geography and Economics II III IV 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 I II 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 135 225 225 135 135 225 III IV 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 450 225 225 225 225 225 225 135 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 180 135 225 225 225 225 NOTE—Pupils carry from 22 to 25 periods per week; each period being 45 minutes in length. WEST PHILADELPHIA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. II III IV 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 I II 135 135 225 225 225 225 225 225 180 ill 135 IV 90 Periods Per Week Minutes Per Week * Subject Year— j Religion 3 English 5 Latin 5 Mathematics 5 Ancient History 4 Modern History American History Physical Geography 3 Bookkeeping 4 Spanish 225 225 225 225 225 225 135 Physiology Typewriting Chemistry Greek Physics Mechanical Drawing Shorthand Penmanship Civics & Comm. Law Comm. Geog. & Economics 135 180 135 225 135 180 90 135 225 225 5 5 4 4 5 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 135 135 225 225 225 180 180 225 180 45 45 90 90 90 90 NOTES—Pupils carry 30 periods per week, with Religion, English, and at least two years of Latin, Mathematics and Spanish required. *On 45 minute period basis; probable that actual period is somewhat less than this. 42 A Catechism of Catholic Education PHILADELPHIA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS. From Report of Parish Schools, 1920-1921. CATHOLIC GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL. General Course—1350 Minutes Per Week. First Year Second Year *Min. Per. *Min. Per. Religion ..180 4 Religion ...135 3 English ...225 5 English ...225 5 Mathematics .. .180 4 Mathematics ...180 4 Science ...135 3 Science ... 90 2 Bookkeeping ..135 3 Latin ,...180 4 Latin ..135 3 French or History ..180 4 Spanish . . ...135 3 Drawing . . . . .. 45 1 Typing ...90 2 Music .. 45 1 Stenography ...135 3 Penmanship . .. 90 1 Drawing .. . . ...45 1 Music ...45 1 Gymnasium . ... 45 1 Penmanship ...45 1 Third Year Fourth Year *Min. Per. *Min. Per. Religion ... .... 90 2 Religion .... ...90 2 English . . .225 5 English . . . . ...225 5 Mathematics ...180 4 Mathematics ...135 3 Chemistry . ....180 4 Physics . . . . ...180 4 History . . . . ...180 4 History and Latin ...180 4 Civics . . . . ...135 3 French or Latin ...180 4 Spanish . . ...180 4 French or Drawing . . ...... 45 1 Spanish . . ...180 4 Music ...45 1 Drawing . . . ...45 1 Gymnasium ...45 1 Gymnasium ...45 1 Typing ... 90 2 Music ...45 1 *Min.—Minutes per week. Per.—Periods per week. Curriculum of the Catholic School 43 WEST PHILDADELPHIA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Classical Course 1350 Minutes Per Week. First Year *Min. Per. Second Year *Min. Per. Religion 135 3 English 225 5 Latin 225 5 Ancient Hist 180 4 Mathematics .. .225 5 Physic. Geog...l35 3 Bookkeeping ..180 4 Religion 135 3 English 225 5 Latin 225 5 Spanish 225 5 Mathematics ...225 5 Physiology 135 3 Typewriting ...180 4 Third Year *Min. Per. Fourth Year *Min. Per. Religion ..135 3 Religion ....90 2 English ..225 5 English ...225 5 Latin ..225 5 Latin ...225 5 Spanish ..225 5 Greek ....225 5 Mod. History ..135 3 Spanish ...225 5 Mathematics . ..180 4 Amer. Hist. ...135 3 Chemistry . . . ..225 5 Physics .... ...135 3 *Min.—Minutes per week. Per.—Periods per week. % 7. Q. Compare the courses offered by two typical col- leges—one Catholic and the other non-Catholic. A. The following tables show the curricula offered by St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, and Amherst College, Am- herst, Massachusetts; 44 A Catechism of Catholic Education COMPARISON OF COLLEGE CREDITS Courses for A.B. degree at Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., and St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio, with semester hour credits. A semester hour is defined as a 50-minute lecture, reci- tation, class exercise or two-hour laboratory period per week, per semester. Amherst St. Xavier Subjects Required College College Religion 8 English 6 12 Latin or Greek 12 16 Modern Language 12 16 Science 12 8 Mathematics 8 6 History or Philosophy . . . 6 History 6 Philosophy 16 Public Speaking 2 Total required subjects 58 88 Total units required for degree 124 128 Units of required subjects . 58 88 Units required by majors required . . . 36 0 Balance, free electives . 30 40 NOTE—Majors are subjects pursued for 6 semester courses (at Am- herst College) pursued either consecutively or during junior and senior years. Majors may be chosen from group of required or elective sub- jects, provided courses fulfill requirements. Amherst St. Xavier Subjects Elective Offered College College Art Astronomy yes Biblical Literature Biology yes Chemistry yes Economics yes Education yes Geology yes Greek yes History yes Latin yes Mathematics yes Modern Languages yes Philosophy yes Physics yes Political Science yes Music Sociology yes Curriculum of the Catholic School 45 COMPARISON OF COLLEGE CREDITS BY COLLEGE YEARS. Courses for A. B. degree at Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., and St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, Ohio, with semester hour credits in required and elective studies for each collegiate year. A semester hour is defined as a 50 minute lecture, recitation, class exercise or two-hour laboratory period per week, per semester. FRESHMAN YEAR. Subjects Amherst St. Xavier Religion 2 Latin 6 8 English 6 6 Science 8 Mathematics { Greek or Mathematics 6 Public Speaking 1 2 Electives 12 Total 33 32 SOPHOMORE YEAR. Religion 2 Latin 6 8 English 6 Science 6 History 6 History or Greek 6 Modern Language 6 & Public Speaking 1 2 Electives ( Total 3 } 32 JUNIOR YEAR. Religion 2 Logic 4 Psychology 6 Modern Language 8 Major and Minor Electives 12 Required Majors 12 Free Electives 18 Total 30 32 46 A Catechism of Catholic Education SENIOR YEAR. Subjects Amherst St. Xavier Religion 2 Ethics 3 Metaphysics . 3 Major and Minor Electives 24 ^Required Majors 12 Free Electives 18 Total 30 32 Grand Total 124 128 *Required Majors are so called because the course of study at Amherst College must be so arranged that it will include two majors, both of which must be completed in the Senior year. A major subject at Amherst College consists of six semester courses in the same subject pursued during six consecutive semesters or during the Junior and Senior years. 8. Q. What general conclusions may be deduced from the above comparisons? A. In the first place, the curricula of the different types of Catholic schools are practically the same as those offered by the more progressive public schools and non-Catholic colleges. Secondly, while religion holds the first place in the Cath- olic plan, it is by no means the only subject considered in the curriculum.. In the Parish Schools of the Diocese of Pittsburgh 200 minutes are given weekly to the study of religion ; in the Archdiocese of Boston the time varies from ISO minutes to 180 minutes. A consideration of time schedules demonstrates the falsity of the charge that a dis- proportionate amount of time is given to the teaching of religion. We acknowledge, however, that the spirit of reli- gion permeates all the work done in the Catholic class- room. Literature, history, geography are interpreted and understood in the light of religious faith. The child’s reli- gious inheritance is accorded first place, and it serves to give life and color to the appreciation of all the schoolroom activities. Curriculum of the Catholic School 47 The Catholic elementary school curriculum is more con- servative than the public school curriculum, insisting @n the elements of knowledge and carrying through the train- ing in these subjects up to and including the eighth grade. Catholic schools have been slow to adopt the tendency of present day public education to introduce industrial and vocational subjects into the curriculum after the sixth grade. This policy is not the result of lack of funds so much as a belief that the “old” curriculum is the best, all things considered. There has been little or no experimentation, so to say, with the Catholic school curriculum. Educational fads and fancies have found but small sympathy with Catholic edu- cational authorities, with the result that there has been practically no disturbance in the Catholic school curriculum during the last quarter of a century. The curriculum of the Catholic high school or college manifests the same general policy of Catholic education; namely, to insist on fundamentals. The basib studies — language, mathematics, science, history—are emphasized in all Catholic colleges and high schools. Electivism is re- duced to a minimum. The retention of Greek, although in most cases an elective, is a clear indication of this adher- ence to the traditional conception of what the curriculum should be. References Dunney, The Parish School, Macmillan, N. Y., 1921. Burns, Catholic Education, Longmans, Green & Company, N. Y., 1921. MacEachen, Teaching of Religion, Macmillan, N. Y., 1921. CHAPTER VIII Reasons for the Existence of Catholic Schools 1. Q. For what reasons has the Catholic Church estab- lished a separate system of schools? A. For the foliowhig reasons : Because the Catholic Church is the divinely appointed custodian of the whole body of revealed religious truth and is charged with the duty of teaching it to all men and to all nations. “Going, therefore, teach all nations.’* To do this adequately, a separate system of schools in our country is necessary. Because the child is a moral agent, and his education must therefore be moral in the sense that it must recog- nize the fact that the child is endowed with an immortal soul and is answerable to God for all his actions. Because will-training is looked upon by the Church as no less important in the educative process than physical or intellectual training. Because religious knowledge is itself intrinsically valu- able in the process of education. Because religious training is the best training for a citizen. Because the Church has, by positive law, made the estab- lishment of schools a matter of religious policy. 2. Q. Does not the public school system accept the neces- sity of moral training? A. Theoretically it does, but it does not and cannot give the best moral training, which must be Christian. The public school can train children at most in the natural vir- 48 Reasons for Existence 49 tues, and even in this it is not successful. It cannot appeal to the highest motives, which are spiritual and religious. Catholic education, which is based on Christian principle, besides inculcating supernatural virtues, the development of which every Christian must look upon as fundamental, gives as well the most efficient training in all the virtues which make upright, honorable men and women. 3. Q. Explain why moral education is a reason and a justification for the existence of Catholic schools. A. In the words of the Bishops' Pastoral : “Education is a co-operation by human agencies with the Creator for the attainment of His purpose in regard to the individual who is to be educated, and in regard to the social order of which he is a member. Neither self-realization alone nor social service alone is the end of education, but rather these two in accordance with God's design, which gives to each of them its proportionate value. Hence it follows that education is essentially and inevitably a moral activity, in the sense that it undertakes to satisfy certain claims through the fulfillment of certain obligations." 4. Q. Why is the training of the will looked upon as so important by Catholic educators? A. Because will makes character, and character is more important than mind. In fact, a trained mind without a trained will means a mind without moral training, a mind that is without defence against evil impulses or evil solicitations. The Pastoral Letter says : “An education that quickens the intelligence and enriches the mind with knowledge, but fails to develop the will and direct it to the practice of vir- tue, may produce scholars, but it cannot produce good men. The exclusion of moral training from the educative process is more dangerous in proportion to the thoroughness with which the intellectual powers are developed, because it 50 A Catechism of Catholic Education gives the impression that morality is of little importance, and thus sends the pupil into life with a false idea which is not easily corrected.” 5. Q. Why is Catholic religious knowledge essential for the proper training of the mind? A. Because religious knowledge is the noblest, the high- est, and the most important knowledge which the human mind can acquire. Because religious knowledge, as taught by Catholic teachers, is a reasonable and reasoned belief, and a thor- oughly logical body of doctrine on the highest object of human thought. Because the study of the Catholic religion introduces the pupil to the great historical Church, the mother of all mod- ern civilized nations. Because the study of the Catholic religion develops the emotional and esthetic powers of man and directs them aright. Because an education without religion starves the intel- lect, the heart, and the esthetic faculties. 6. Q. Why does religious education prepare one for a full and complete citizenship? A. Citizenship does not consist merely in the intellectual recognition of the rights of a government to rule and of one’s duties as a citizen to obey. Good citizenship is founded on the will to obey. It, therefore, demands, be- sides knowledge, a sense of responsibility, respect for au- thority, and recognition of the rights of our neighbor, all of which flow naturally from a religious education. By combining into a whole the intellectual, moral, and reli- gious elements in education, the Catholic system is the sur- est and best medium for the training of loyal, upright, and intelligent citizens. Reasons for Existence 51 7. Q. Besides formal religious and moral training, what other things characterize the Catholic school? A. One of the most prominent characteristics of the Catholic school is its religious atmosphere. The majority of the teachers are members of religious communities, and are known and recognized as such by the children. Their manner and ideals of life are religious. Their garb is religious. The class-room of the Catholic school is decorated with religious pictures and symbols, thus elevating the tone of the school and helping the children to concentrate on the great purposes underlying Catholic life. The school is situated next to or in close proximity to the church, emphasizing by this fact the close connection which exists between them. The pastor, by his constant watchfulness over the children and frequent visits to the school, exerts a most powerful influence for good. In a word, the whole atmosphere of the Catholic school is religious. It is, therefore, an unexcelled medium for instruction in the truths of faith and for the development of character in each child who has the privilege of attend- ing it. 8. Q. Can the Sunday School or the religious vacation school supply all the religious knowledge or moral training necessary for citizenship? A. Both the Sunday School and the religious vacation school are mere makeshifts in the process of educating children religiously. Every educator, and especially every clergyman, appreciates this today. Thousands of children do not and cannot be made to at- tend Sunday School. Those who do, are apt to view reli- gion as a subject out of all relation to everyday life. They will likely look upon it as a Sunday affair, not closely re- lated to their week-day experiences. But if religion is to be vital, it should be correlated, both with life and the 52 A Catechism of Catholic Education week-day school. It must be taught, and it must be prac- ticed, every day in the week, not on Sunday only. George Wharton Pepper in A Voice From the Crowd (page 100), writes: “It is my earnest desire to express hearty approval of Sunday Schools and to record my ad- miration for much of their work. At the same time, how- ever, I wish to register my conviction that they cannot be a final solution of the problem of Christian education. The Sunday School is, in the last analysis, an agency which at- tempts on one day in seven to repair the damage systemati- cally done to the Christian theory of life during the other six. There should not be in a Christian community two co- existing educational systems, one developed upon the the- ory that life and the universe are complete without God, and the other upon the theory that both life and the uni- verse are merely the sphere of God’s self-revelation. ,, A writer in the Bulletin of the Presbyterian Board of Publications and Sunday School Work, 1920, says: “The Daily Vacation Bible School cannot fill all the gap. It can only fill the gap in vacation time. It leaves the school year with the burden of religious education carried by the Sunday School—a Sunday School meeting one hour a week. The Religious Education Division of the Inter- Church World Movement reports that the 1,600,000 Jewish children in the United States receive an average of 250 hours’ religious education annually. The 8,000,000 Cath- olic children receive 200 hours of religious education an- nually. But the Protestant children receive an average of only 26 hours of religious education annually. What we supremely value we take pains to pass on to our children. Do the Jews prize their religion so much more highly than Protestants? Do the Catholics realize the value of their religious heritage so much more than the Protestants? Here is an appalling failure of Protestantism, a failure that threatens its life.” Reasons for Existence 53 9. Q. Is the lack of adequate moral training a grave de- fect in the American educational system? A. Yes; it is estimated that less than one-half of the 53,000,000 children of the United States have any reli- gious instruction whatsoever. 10. Q. Is this view with reference to the necessity of reli- gious education peculiar to Catholics? A. No ; the Pastoral Letter says : ‘There is reason to believe that this conviction is shared by a considerable number of our fellow-citizens who are not of the Catholic faith. They realize that the omission of religious instruc- tion is a defect in education and also a detriment to religion.” 11. Q. Give some statements from non-Catholic sources which would hear out this assertion of the Pastoral Letter. A. George Washington says, in his Farewell Address : “Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political pros- perity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. . . . Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and expe- rience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” Edmund Burke: “True religion is the foundation of so- ciety. When that is once shaken by contempt, the whole fabric cannot be stable or lasting.” George Bernard Shaw, the English author ( Christian Science Monitor , January 14, 1921) : “If you will have people legislating without any religious foundation, you will get the sort of thing we had from 1914-1920. The only remedy for war is conscience, and you will not have that until you have religion carefully taught and incul- cated.” Daniel Webster: “Knowledge does not comprise all that is contained in the large term ‘education.’ The feel- ings are to be disciplined ; the passions are to be restrained ; 54 A Catechism of Catholic Education true and worthy motives are to be instilled, and pure moral- ity inculcated under all circumstances. All this is com- prised in education.” Former Vice-President Marshall in a speech at Quincy, 111. ( Western Catholic , June 11, 1920) : “Never in the his- tory of the world has there been a time like the present, when honest men so honestly confessed that government does not hang upon constitutions and leagues of nations, but depends upon the gospel of Christ for its salvation. The real evil of the Church today is that it has turned over too many of its functions to the State.” Hon. Arthur Balfour to the National Society in London (St. Paul Bulletin, October 23, 1920) : “The division be- tween religious and secular training is fundamentally er- roneous. It implies a dualism of object, a divided object, which no thinking man, whatever his views are, can really approve. If religious training is a good thing, do not at- tempt to divorce it from the general training of the mind. Do not put it into a separate compartment, as it were, to be dealt with on entirely different principles and for en- tirely different purposes. The training of the young peo- ple of the country is and must be an organic whole. You cannot cut it into separate compartments. A school is not and ought not to be a place merely for filling to the brim some unfortunate child with what is called a secular learning.” Marion L. Burton, President of Michigan University, to the students of the University of Minnesota : “If religion is to be sovereign, it meanswthat you must cultivate it. The religious problem is different from the scientific problem; it is only by practice of the spiritual point of view that the appreciation of the highest living is achieved. Though we need criticism and friendship in our life as students, there is nothing that we need more than religion—the friendship of God.” Reasons for Existence 55 Robert Ellis Thompson in The Divine Order of Human Society, Philadelphia, 1891 (page 171): “I think it open to question whether church schools would not be a better system. In taking this ground, I am not influenced by any view of the State which would unfit it for educating the children of the country in any subject which it is fitting that they should learn. The State is competent to teach what the Church ought to teach. But the Church, through its clergy, can bring to bear an authority in education of a highly ethical kind, which it is not easy for laymen to exert. It can supplement or replace the parental authority more readily than a force of lay teachers. And it is less likely than they to be swayed by the intellectual fashions of the time and the place, less likely to accept as its divinity the spirit of the age, because committed to a preference for what Jean Paul calls 'the spirit of all the ages/ ” Dr. S. Parkes Cadman at Central Y. M. C. A., Brooklyn, December 10, 1920: "Religious education is the largest task that faces the world. Culture alone cannot save man- kind. If it could, Athens today would be the centre of civilization. There can be no foundation of democracy except upon the fear and love of God, which is the begin- ning and end of all wisdom.” Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, in an address given at the Good Shepherd Church (Episcopal), Augusta, Ga., and re- ported in the Augusta Chronicle: "A new element has taken its place in the world. We are face to face with a teaching that holds Christianity to be not only an illusion and a superstition, but a fraud invented to gain control over men. This you will read in every tract of the Socialists, in every publication of the Bolshevists. The virtues of charity, humility, service, are held by them to be worthy only of the attention of children, and the world must get along without them ; from life must be 56 A Catechism of Catholic Education excluded everything that partakes of religious belief and organization. One would say that such a plan could not succeed at this late date. Anything is possible today. The human mind was never more credulous than it is now. Never were peo- ple so easily moved. While we are comforting ourselves that, although there may be a storm, the structure that has been built on such a foundation, and founded so securely, cannot be shaken, we forget that the protection is not by faith alone, but by men who are to be leaders as well. We overlook the fact that instead of being an incidental, education is an essential part of civilization and Christian- ity. So fundamental it is that it goes back to the time when the father instructed the boy in how to hunt and fish, and make clothes, and when the mother taught her daughter how to take care of the place called home, and how to cook/' National Council of Education, February 28, 1921, at Atlantic City, adopted this resolution : “In view of the de- pendence of democracy on religion and the attacks to which all churches and all democratic governments are alike being subjected by radicals and radical nations, it is the duty of all churches, irrespective of divergences of creed, to unite in an effort to make religious education more universal and efficient; to emphasize the democratic element in religious instruction; to correlate religious in- struction and all elements in public school education help- ful to religion; it is the duty of public school authorities to emphasize all non-religious elements in instruction, which tend to make religious instruction more intelligent and efficient, and to organize some systematic form of moral instruction in every public school, and it is the duty of churches and public schools alike to make earnest effort to insure a more general reverence for Divinity and respect Reasons for Existence 57 for all things religious, including respect for churches other than one’s own, and for everything connected with their form of worship.” George Wharton Pepper in A Voice From the Crowd, Yale University Press, 1915 (page 124) : “The Roman Catholic Church is the religious group which has perceived most clearly the dangers of a secularized education. Not content with protest and lamentation, these brethren of ours have undertaken protective measures for themselves and their children. As is well known, they have estab- lished a graded school system of their own throughout the country. I have heard it estimated that in these schools they are giving instruction to about 1,300,000 children. In the meantime, they are paying to the several States their full share of the taxes for the maintenance of public schools. In other words, the Roman Catholic community is simulta- neously supporting two systems of public education. I know next to nothing about their financial resources, but it is safe to assume that before long the time will come when such a burden can no longer be carried. When that time arrives, the question will be whether their insistence upon popular religious education will be given up or whether a determined political effort will be made to re- form our public school system. It requires little prophetic vision to foresee that it is the latter alternative that will be adopted.” Editor of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat , March, 1920: “The Pastoral Letter of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church might have been signed by every man professing faith in the Christian religion in all its variants. It is the foundation, the only foundation, of a social order fit to endure. Education without religion ; science without religion; culture without religion, serve but to lead man- kind into competition, confusion, and strife. The recent Great War was what ought to be the final and complete 58 A Catfxhism of Catholic Education warning to the world of what must result from national ambition and policies not founded upon and .directed by the principles of religion, and especially the religion which has given the Golden Rule as the chief guide for the acts of men.” Mr. Asquith : “I admit as a practical man that denomi- national schools are an indispensable part of our educa- tional system. You cannot get rid of them because you cannot find any practical substitute for them.” Editor of the New York Times, March, 1910: “The movement of the Roman Catholics to secure a system of education which shall not ignore religion is a movement in the right direction. Their self-sacrificing effort in main- taining their parochial schools for this purpose ought to cause us Protestants to blush, when it is compared with our own indifference in this matter. The religious training of Protestant children is left almost entirely to the Sunday School, where the great bulk of the teachers are so in- efficient and indifferent that they exert no moral influence over their charges. The bitterness which has existed be- tween Protestants and the Romanists has become so much a matter of the past that it ought to be possible to agree upon some plan whereby our youth can receive some kind of religious training in the public schools. Surely every Christian will rejoice to have such religion given, so that our children will not grow up wholly irreligious and thus become a menace to the well-being of society.” Roger Babson, the great statistician, recently sent the following letter to 16,000 executives as a part of the regu- lar service of his organization: “The need of the hour is not more factories or more materials, not more railroads or steamships, not more armies or more navies, but rather more education based on the plain teachings of Jesus. The prosperity of our country depends on the motives and pur- poses of the people. These motives and purposes are di- Reasons for Existence 59 rected in the right course only through religion. Legisla- tion, bounties, or force are of no avail in determining man's attitude toward life. Harmony at home and peace with the world will only be determined in the same way. Religion, like everything else of value, must be taught. It is possible to get more religion in industry and business only through the development of Christian education and leadership. With the forces of evil backed by men and money, systematically organized to destroy, we must back with men and money all campaigns for Christian education. We are willing to give our property and even our lives when our country calls in time of war. Yet the call of Christian education is today of even greater importance than was eyer the call of the army or the navy. I say this because we may at any time see our best institutions at- tacked from within. I am not offering Christian education as a protector of property because nearly all the great progressive and lib- eral movements of history have been born in the hearts of Christian educators. I do, however, insist that the safety of our sons and daughters, as they go out on the streets this very night, is due to the influence of preachers rather than to the influence of policemen and law makers. Yes, the safety of our nation, including all groups, depends on Christian education. Furthermore, at no time in our his- tory has it been more greatly needed. We insure our houses and factories, our automobiles and our businesses through mutual and stock companies, but the same amount of money invested in Christian education would give far greater results. Besides, Christian educa- tion can insure what no corporation can insure—namely, prosperity. As the great life insurance companies are spending huge sums on doctors, scientific investigations and district 60 A Catechism of Catholic Education nurses to improve the health of the nation, so we business men should spend huge sums to develop those fundamental religious qualities of integrity, faith and service, which make for true prosperity. I repeat, the need of the hour is-—not more factories or materials, not more railroads or steamships, not more armies or navies—but rather more Christian education. This is not the time to reduce in- vestments in schools and colleges at home, or in similar work in China, Japan, Russia or South America. This is the time of all times to increase such subscriptions. ,, 12. Q. Is then religion necessary to national progress? A. Yes ; without religion a nation cannot go forward. Wealth may accumulate, but mankind will decay. This is the incontrovertible verdict of all history. Religion must be the very backbone of a nation, and religion can be learned only in the schools. As the school, so the nation. 13. Q. What is, beyond question, the most important part of education? A. To train children to put in practice the moral and religious principles which they learn at school. 14. Q. Do not Catholic schools exaggerate the impor- tance of religion by giving a disproportionate amount of time to its study? A. They do not. A relatively small amount of time is given weekly to the formal study of religion, never more than one-sixth of the fifteen hundred minutes allowed to all subjects. Religion is, however, always accorded first place and is never divorced either from the curriculum or from life. Besides the formal study of religion, religious prac- tices and habits are taught and inculcated. “To seek first the kingdom of God” is the basis of all Catholic pedagogy as well as of all Catholic life. Present day conditions are such that the school must insist more rather than less on religion. The decline in Reasons for Existence 61 morality, both individual and social, which is character- istic of post-war times, imposes upon the Catholic school the burden of teaching this generation a standard of ethics not generally accepted by the irreligious or non-religious masses amongst which they must live. In doing this, our schools are not only preserving the faith of our children and raising up devout followers of Christ, which is the highest aim of education, but they are at the same time educating upright citizens for the Republic. The need of adequate moral training for all our Amer- ican children is more than self-evident. Not only Catholic, but non-Catholic children as well, must receive a definite moral education if our democratic institutions are to en- dure. The nation need fear little from outside aggression. It cannot, however, stand if its own citizens manifest dis- respect for law and order because of ignorance of what is moral and immoral. This is true of every kind of govern- ment. It is doubly true in a democracy where the people rule. In a democracy, high moral standards are manifestly impossible if the people are ignorant of what true morality is and have not been trained from childhood in its prin- ciples and practices. 15. Q. Cite the laws of the Church with reference to the necessity of religious education and the establishment of Catholic schools. A. From the syllabus of Pius IX, December 8, 1864, this proposition may be cited amongst those which are con- demned : “48. Catholics may approve of a system of edu- cation which is separated from the Catholic faith and the power of the Church and which concerns itself with the knowledge of merely natural things and only, or at least primarily, with the ends of social life.” From the Instruction addressed to the American Bishops, November 24, 1875 : “There is nothing so necessary as that Catholics should have schools of their own, and these 62 A Catechism of Catholic Education in no wise inferior to the public schools. No pains, there- fore, are to be spared to found Catholic schools where they are wanting, to enlarge and equip and arrange them more and more perfectly that they may be put on an equality with the public schools, both in their teaching and man- agements.” From the First Plenary Council of Baltimore, May 9, 1853 : “We exhort the bishops that they take steps to establish a parish school in connection with every church of their diocese.” From the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, Novem- ber 9, 1884: “We not only exhort Catholic parents with paternal affection, but we command them with all the authority in our power to procure a truly Catholic educa- tion for their dear children and to send them to the parish or other truly Catholic schools. All Catholic parents are bound to send their children to the parish school unless it is evident that a sufficient training in religion is given either in their own home or in other Catholic schools.” The new Code of Canon Law ordains (Canon 1113) : “Parents are bound by a most grave obligation to provide to the best of their ability for the religious and moral, as well as for the physical and civil, education of their chil- dren and for their temporal well-being.” (Canon 1372) “From childhood, all the faithful must be so educated that not only are they taught nothing con- trary to faith and morals, but that religious and moral training takes the chief place.” (Canon 1375) “The Church has the right to establish schools of every grade, not only elementary schools, but high schools and colleges.” (Canon 1379) “It is desirable that a Catholic university be founded wherever the public universities are not im- bued with Catholic teaching and feeling.” Reasons for Existence 63 Letter of Benedict XV, addressed to the American Epis- copate, August 10, 1919: “Nor is the Catholic education of children and youth a matter of less serious import, since it is the solid and secure foundation on which rests the ful- ness of civil order, faith and morality. You are indeed well aware, Venerable Brethren, that the Church of God never failed on the one hand to encourage most earnestly Catholic education, and on the other vigorously to defend and protect it against all attacks ; were other proof of this wanting, the very activities of the Old World enemies of Christianity would furnish conclusive evidence. Lest the Church should keep intact the faith in the hearts of little children, lest her own schools should compete successfully with public anti-religious schools, her adversaries declare that to them alone belongs the right of teaching, and trample under foot and violate the native rights of par- ents regarding education; while vaunting unlimited lib- erty, falsely so-called, they diminish, withhold, and in every way hamper the liberty of religious and Catholic parents as regards the education of their children. We are well aware that your freedom from these disadvan- tages has enabled you to establish and support with ad- mirable generosity and zeal your Catholic schools, nor do We pay lesser meed of praise to the superiors and mem- bers of the Religious Communities of men and women who under your direction have spared neither expense nor labor in developing throughout the United States the prosperity and efficiency of their schools. But, as you will realize, We must not so far trust to present prosperity as to neglect provision for the time to come since the weal of Church and State depends entirely on the good condition and discipline of the schools, and the Christians of the future will be those and those only whom you will have taught and trained.” 64 A Catechism of Catholic Education 16. Q. What conclusions may we draw from these laws? A. (a) The Church, in order to be true to her divine mission, must establish schools. Her commission “to teach all nations” authorizes the Church to teach the truths of salvation to every person, whether adult or child, rich or poor, private citizen or public official. (b) If the Church has the duty of establishing schools, Catholics have the correlative duty of sending their chil- dren to these schools. (c) Catholics, where Catholic schools exist, should not send their children to schools where the teaching of re- ligion is abandoned or the teaching of morality excluded from the curriculum. (d) If religious education is to continue, the Catholics of Amlerica must not swerve in their allegiance to the prin- ciples laid down by the Church. (e) The future both of the Church and of our Country depends upon our allegiance to the religious ideal in edu- cation. References Pastoral Letter of the American Hierarchy, National Catholic Wel- fare Council, Washington, D. C., 1919. Bums, Principles, Origin, and Establishment of the Catholic School System in the United States, Benziger, N. Y., 1912. Blakely, Some Documents on the School Question, America Press, N. Y.. 1921. CHAPTER IX Attitude of Catholics Toward the Public School 1. Q. Are Catholics “opposed” to public education? A. Catholics are not “opposed” to public education. They recognize the need of public education. They also acknowledge that the State has rights in the education of its citizens. They pay their proportionate share of taxes for the upkeep of the public school system. They cannot, however, regard as ideal a system of education which minimizes moral training and excludes religion. They cannot accept the present system of public education as suitable for their children because it does not give to Catholic children the moral and religious training which they must have. They feel free, as every citizen does, to criticize and if need be to condemn, any institution which is the creation of the State and is supported by taxation upon all classes of people. To say, therefore, that Catho- lics are “opposed” to public education is either to mis- understand the position of the Church on education or to view her attitude with a prejudiced mind. 2. Q. If Catholics are not “opposed” to the public schools, why do they not send their children to them? A. (a) As a matter of fact, a great number of Catholic children, because of the lack of Catholic schools, do attend the public school. Catholic parents, however, believe that the religious education of their children must be safe- guarded at any sacrifice. From the Catholic point of view, attendance at Catholic schools, wherever possible, is the only ideal situation because in some countries the State 65 66 A Catechism of Catholic Education schools are anti-religious and in other countries they are non-religious, as they are in the United States. Since education and religion are so inextricably inter- woven in any complete system of education, for the State to insist on Catholic attendance at a public school would be an invasion of the fundamental rights of conscience of those who believe that their children must be educated in religion as well as in other subjects. By law the State must refuse to provide for the religious education of our children. Therefore, because of this provision of the Con- stitution of the United States, “Every Catholic child in a Catholic School” can be our only safe policy. (b) The fact that thousands of Catholic men and women teach in the public schools would be evidence enough of the fact that we do not “oppose” public educa- tion. (c) Non-attendance at the public school is an imme- morial right which we exercise as American citizens — namely, the right to educate our children as our conscience dictates. A number of religious bodies—for example, the Lutherans, Episcopalians and Jews — maintain parish schools. There are a great number of private schools founded and conducted by individuals. Thousands of of American non-Catholic children attend private or de- nominational schools in every State in the Union. Prac- tically every Protestant religious organization provides for the higher education of its membership outside of State institutions. Of the 119 colleges east of the Mississippi 109 are under religious management ; 300 of the 400 stand- ard colleges in the United States are Christian colleges; more than three-fourths of the college students in the United States are in religious colleges. As long as these schools and colleges obey the laws of the State with reference to education and maintain the standards of efficiency required of the modern school, the Attitude Towards the Public Schools 67 organizations which conduct the same are only exercising a right which morally, as well as legally and historically, belongs to them as American citizens. To say, therefore, that an organization is “opposed” to the public school be- cause it maintains its own schools is to indict every re- ligious body in the United States as un-American. 3. Q. Do Catholics then recognize the right of the State to educate? A. Yes. The Pastoral Letter says: “In accordance with this purpose (of the Constitution) the State has a right to insist that its citizens shall be educated. It should encourage among the people such a love of learning that they will take the initiative and, without constraint, pro- vide for the education of their children. Should they, through negligence or lack of means, fail to do so, the State has the right to establish schools and take other legitimate means to safeguard its vital interests against the dangers which result from ignorance.” 4. Q. Who, according to Catholic teaching has the pri- mary duty towards the education of the child? A. The parent has the primary duty in the education of the child. This right is fundamental and cannot be delegated to any one else. “Parenthood,” says the Pas- toral, “because it means co-operation with God’s design for the perpetuation of human kind, involves a responsibility and therefore implies a corresponding right to prepare for complete living those whom the parent brings into the world.” 5. Q. Does the school relieve the parent of this re- sponsibility? A. The school does not relieve the parent of any re- sponsibility. “The school cannot deprive the parent of his right nor absolve him from his duty in the matter of the education of his children.”—(Pastoral Letter.) 68 A Catechism of Catholic Education 6. Q. Does the State accept this philosophy of educa- tion which we hold? A. Practically it does. It has wisely never hampered private initiative in education. The results have been worthy of the liberty accorded to each citizen, to follow the dictates of his conscience in the matter of religion and of education. Religious education has always been and is today very strong in the United States. It has produced the highest type of citizenship. It has at all times intensified loyalty. It has always accepted the educational requirements which the State has demanded of its own schools. The State, moreover, has nothing to fear from the religious school. American statesmen and legislators recognize this fact. As in the past, so now, they look askance at the efforts constantly being made by bigots to do away with the re- ligious school or to injure its work in one way or another. 7. Q. Is this liberty of education a good thing for America? A. Liberty of education is one of the foundation stones of our democratic government. We have always opposed State monopoly of every kind. State monopoly in educa- tion would be the greatest calamity that could happen to the American people. 8. What would be some of the results of State monopoly in education? A. State monopoly in education would entail the follow- ing results: (a) The end of all educational freedom. (b) The establishment of a bureaucratic control of our schools. (c) The death of private initiative in education. (d) The introduction of politics into the school system. (e) Increased expenditures of public moneys with little or no increased efficiency in education as a result. Attitude Towards the Public Schools 69 (f) Multiplication of jobs and office holders in the school system—a direct menace to political freedom. (g) Arbitrary educational rules, policies and laws issued by a central bureau. (h) Interference with the rights of parents and of chil- dren in matters of conscience. (i) The school would be used as a means of propagat- ing political theories acceptable to those in power. Parti- sanship in politics would control education. In a word, the school would be “Sovietized.” 9. Q. Give the official statements of the Church with ref- erence to attendance of Catholic children at public schools. A. From instructions issued by Pope Pius IX, July 14, 1864 : “Let all be convinced it is for their greatest interest, not only as individuals and members of families, but also as citizens of that most flourishing American nation, which affords such grounds of hope to the Church, that religion and piety should not be expelled from their schools. “On the other hand, the Sacred Congregation is not igno- rant that sometimes circumstances are such that Catholic parents may conscientiously commit their children to the public schools. But this they cannot do unless for so act- ing they have a sufficient reason, and whether in any par- ticular case such sufficient reason does not exist must be left to the conscience and judgment of the Bishops. And, according to what is herein detailed, this reason will gen- erally be judged to exist when either there is no Catholic school in the place or the school at hand is but little fitted to give the children an education suited to their condition and circumstance. “But all parents who neglect to give their children this necessary training and education, or who permit their chil- dren to frequent schools in which the ruin of souls cannot be avoided, or, finally, who, having in their locality a good 70 A Catechism of Catholic Education Catnolic school, properly appointed to teach their chil- dren, or having the opportunity of educating their off- spring in another place nevertheless send them to public schools, without sufficient reason and without the neces- sary precautions by which the approximate danger may be made remote—these, as is evident from Catholic moral teaching, if they are contumacious, cannot be absolved in the Sacrament of Penance.” From the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884: “Therefore, we not only exhort Catholic parents with paternal affection, but we command them with all the authority in our power to procure a truly Catholic educa- tion for their dear children, given them by God, reborn to Christ in Baptism and destined for Heaven; and, further, to defend and secure them from the dangers of secular education throughout the whole time of infancy and child- hood; and, finally, to send them to the parish or other truly Catholic school, unless, indeed, the Bishop of the diocese judge that in a particular case other provision may be permitted . . . that all Catholic parents are hound to send their children to the parish school, unless it is evident that a sufficient training in religion is given either in their own homes or in other Catholic schools or when, because of a sufficient reason, approved by the Bishop, parents have been allowed to send their children, with all due pre- cautions and safeguards, to other schools. What consti- tutes a Catholic school is left to the decision of the Bishop.” From the New Code of Canon Law; Canon 1113. “Par- ents are bound by a most grave obligation to provide to the best of their ability for the religious and moral as well as for the physical and civil education of their children, and for their temporal well-being.” Canon 1372. “From childhood all the Faithful must be so educated that not only are they taught nothing con- Attitude Towards the Public Schools 71 trary to faith or morals, but that religious and moral train- ing takes the chief place.” Canon 1373. “In every elementary school religious in- struction, adapted to the age of the children, must be given.” Canon 1374. “Catholic children must not attend non- Catholic, neutral, or mixed schools, that is, such as are also open to non-Catholics. It is for the Bishop of the place alone to decide, according to the instructions of the Apostolic See, in what circumstances and with what precautions attend- ance at such schools may be tolerated, without danger of per- version to the pupils 10. Q. In what spirit are Catholic schools maintained in the United States? A. “Our Catholic schools are not established and main- tained with any idea of holding our children apart from the general body and spirit of American citizenship. They are simply the concrete form in which we exercise our rights as free citizens in conformity with the dictates of conscience. Their very existence is a great moral fact in American life. For, while they aim, openly and avowedly, to preserve our Catholic faith, they offer to all our people an example of the use of freedom for the advancement of morality and religion.” — (Pastoral Letter.) References Cardinal O’Connell, “The Reasonable Limits of State Activity,” Proceedings C. E. A., 1919. Pastoral Letter of the American Hierarchy, N. C. W. C., Washing- ton, D. C., 1919. Blakely, Some Documents on the School Question, America Press, N. Y., 1921. CHAPTER X Americanism of the Catholic School 1. Q. Are Catholic schools American schools? A. They are American in the true meaning of the term. To contrast the private school with the public school by calling one American and the other un-American is to reveal both ignorance of the history of education in the United States and of the purposes and ideals which have always actuated the private, and especially the Catholic, schools of the United States. Neither is the private school un-American because it is an “immigrant school,” as the author of A Stake in the Land writes. As a matter of fact, more foreign-born children, as well as the children of foreign-born parents, attend the public than the Catholic schools. If, however, it is un-American to educate foreign children in the Amer- ican way and according to the best American standards, then the Catholic school would be un-American. 2. Q. Why is the Catholic school American? A. The Catholic school is American for the following reasons : (a) Its history is American. Catholic schools antedate the American Revolution. They have grown pace by pace with the growth of the country. Catholic schools are not a foreign importation. (b) Its curriculum is American. The Catholic school 72 Americanism of the Catholic School 73 follows the accepted American curriculum from the ele- mentary school to the university. (c) Its teachers are Americans. The nation has no bet- ter or truer citizens than the religious men and women who teach in the Catholic schools. (d) Its students are Americans or in the process of Americanization. (e) Its language is the English language. (f) It is not socialistic, anarchistic or bolshevistic. (g) Its ideals are American. The Catholic school be- lieves in America, teaches love and respect for America, and has proven its loyalty in every crisis in the nation’s history. (h) Its teaching of religion and of practical morality is American, true to the traditions of the Founders of the Republic. 3. Q. How does the history of the Catholic school prove that it is American? A. The first American schools were religious schools. The same can be said of our great American colleges. For over two hundred years after the settlement of the Eng- lish colonies all the schools were church schools, and many of these were Catholic. The same is true of the Spanish and French settlements, where all the schools were Catho- lic. The tax-supported public school, as a system of State education, dates from 1850, and has, therefore, no claim to being considered the only true American system of edu- cation. Since the very beginnings of the Republic the private school, and especially the church-endowed school, has carried the burden of educating great numbers of American children. It is today continuing that work in the same spirit in which it was begun by the early colo- nists and settlers as well as by the Fathers of the Amer- ican Republic. 74 A Catechism of Catholic Education 4. Q. How is the curriculum of the Catholic school proved American? A. The curriculum of the Catholic school in the secular branches is practically the same as that of the public school. A glance at Chapter VII will bear out this state- ment. 5. Q. How do the teachers in the Catholic school sys- tem prove its Americanism? A. Practically every male teacher in our Catholic schools is an American citizen. The great majority of women teachers, most of them members of religious com- munities, are either native-born Americans or, since the passage of the Suffrage amendment, have taken out their citizenship papers. The general policy of Catholic educa- tion has always been to insist on American citizenship as a prerequisite to teaching in our schools. 6. Q. How do the students in the Catholic school prove the Americanism of the same? A. In many ways. They prove it by their ideals and their life. They are always loyal and true American citi- zens who love and respect their country. No socialists or bolshevists are bred in Catholic schools. With reference to this point, the Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle well said: “Long controversies have been waged in the past over church schools, but there is at least this to be said for them, that none of the young socialists and incipient revolutionists who are now seen as a danger received their training in such schools. The root of this revolu- tionary teaching is agnosticism or a thinly veiled atheism. Faith in God and reverence for God make for the respect and observance of moral and social law, and the need for religious training is seen clearly at a time when men and women go about seeking to overturn the foundation of the moral and social order.” Americanism of the Catholic School 75 The religious school has produced some of the greatest Americans. Washington, Webster, McKinley and Roose- velt were the products of religious schools. Of the Presi- dents of the United States, sixteen were educated in re- ligious colleges. Of the Justices of the Supreme Court, seven of the eight college men were educated in religious colleges. Amongst the great Americans of our own days, students of the Catholic school from the elementary to the university, none were more American than the late Ed- ward Douglas White and Cardinal Gibbons. In the Great War the Catholic school engaged in every form of national aid and endeavor. It also sent its prod- uct, the parish school boy, into the service in numbers out of all proportion to the strict demands of loyalty. 7. Q. How does the language of the Catholic school prove it to be American? A. The language of the Catholic school is English. In some Catholic schools the teaching of a foreign language is allowed. This arrangement has distinct educational value. It brings to the child the culture of the race of his forebears and the advantages of a working knowledge of more than one tongue. In all Catholic schools the basic language is English. The Catholic educational policy is to insist that all subjects be taught in English, not except- ing religion. It is necessary, however, to permit the teach- ing of religion both in English and in a foreign language in classes of the children of lately arrived immigrants who cannot understand English or whose parents insist that the Catechism at least be taught them in their mother tongue. 8. Q. In the great majority of Catholic schools is not the instruction given wholly in a foreign language? A. No. The Catholic schools in which the instruction is given wholly in a foreign language are very few and are 76 X Catechism of Catholic Education becoming fewer every year. The policy of the Church in this matter has not been to force the issue, but slowly to await the opportune time when each foreign group is pre- pared for the acceptance of the English language. In this way it has not offended the racial sensibilities of the im- migrant and has succeeded in transforming the foreign language school, within a relatively short period, into a school where the English language is the sole medium of instruction. Results have proved the wisdom of this slow and patient method of attacking a very difficult problem. 9. Q. How does the teaching of religion prove the Americanism of our schools? A. Religion has always been recognized, since the days of George Washington, as the foundation upon which good government and good citizenship rest. Religion not only teaches belief in God; it likewise inculcates respect for law and order. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” has always been the motto of the religious school. Socialism, com- munism or bolshevism has never found a place in Catholic education. “The best offset to bolshevism in Amer- ica,” says the Christian Herald, “is sound religious edu- cation such as will promote the growth of spiritual mo- tives in the hearts of all who are accessible to good training.” 10. Q. What have the Catholics done to bring about a better understanding and appreciation of our American democracy? A. During the reconstruction period immediately fol- lowing the war the National Catholic War Council under- took as one of its most important activities a national civic education campaign. This campaign has been carried on and intensified under the National Catholic Welfare Council. Americanism of the Catholic School 77 An excellent series of Americanization pamphlets has been utilized in this better citizenship work. The Council has published and distributed more than 1,000,000 copies of the Fundamentals of Citizenship , a short text-book ex- plaining the a b c’s of American democracy. A catechetical adaptation of the Fundamentals of Citizenship has been prepared in the Civics Catechism on the Rights and Duties of American Citizens. This Catechism has been published in several foreign languages, the English text appearing in parallel column form with the foreign translation, thereby permitting the stranger in America to read in his own language of the privileges, opportunities and rights of American citizenship, the process of naturalization and the means of acquiring citizenship, and to obtain knowl- edge of the English language at the same time. Realizing that in the elementary school system of the United States the subject of Civics has been almost uni- versally neglected and that only 10 per cent of the ele- mentary school graduates eventually reach high school where Civics is formally taught, the N. C. W. C. has made as one of the principal objects of its Americaniza- tion work the introduction of the Civics Catechism into the 6,551 Catholic elementary schools of the country. In the higher grades of practically all of these schools a simple course in patriotism and civics, emphasizing the element- ary facts of government, is now being given. Community Americanization programs have been or- ganized by the N. C. W. C. in many cities. More than a hundred Catholic papers and periodicals recently co-oper- ated in publishing serially the chapters of the Civics Cate- chism. Many secular papers and foreign language publi- cations have co-operated in this work. Other Catholic organizations have either co-operated in or initiated citizenship campaigns similar to the one con- ducted by the N. C. W. C. 78 A Catechism of Catholic Education 11. Q. How has the Americanization work of the N. C. W. C. been received in circles outside the Church? A. From many sources has come approval of the Coun- cil's organized effort to promote better citizenship, both in the schools and elsewhere. Typical of the praise which the Council's efforts have evoked is the following editorial comment from the Post Intelligencer, Seattle, Washington (Feb. 14, 1921) : “It is reassuring to other religionists and provocative of public confidence to be assured that the Americaniza- tion work of the Welfare Council is free from denomina- tionalism of any kind ; that the Council is planning in the most constructive way that it can devise to make Amer- icans, actual and potential, realize that good citizenship is a matter of great concern to them not only on election day, but on every other day. . . . But beyond the immedi- ate work of the Welfare Council is the assurance that the effective machinery of the Roman Catholic Church is exerting its great influence in these fretful days of recon- struction in the direction of better Americanism and bet- ter citizenship. The Church itself is international, but its hierarchy and its membership in America are American. This speaks in many ways, but in none more plainly and forcibly than in the work of the Catholic Welfare Council." Father de Ville, of Gary, Indiana, has stated the Catholic position very well (N. C. W. C. Press Service) : “Many methods thus far used have not succeeded in winning our immigrants but in alienating them. With the young men and women there is a natural tendency to learn English because the young immigrant realizes he cannot rise in the business world otherwise. But to strive to force the older immigrants to learn and use English, to cut them off from their own language, is to create a pitiful type of mediocrity that is fatal to that national progress which depends upon the blending of the genius, the musical and Americanism of the Catholic School 79 literary traditions and propensities of these people with our own.” President-Emeritus Eliot of Harvard has pointed out “as one danger of ‘Americanization’ the possibility that efforts will be made to reduce the population to something standardized which will be known as the ‘American type/ There is no necessity for uniformity at least to this ex- tent.”—(Sargent, Private Schools.) 12. Q. What further means are taken by Catholic schools to promote true Americanism? A. 1. They teach love of country. Love of country, like love of God, is developed in our children by daily instruc- tion and training. 2. They give all due time to the study of American his- tory with the idea of developing in our children admira- tion and love for the country we call our own. 3. They devote definite periods weekly to the study of civics and the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. 4. They make the English language the medium of in- struction and teach our children to love and respect that language and its literature. 5. They observe all the national patriotic holidays with appropriate exercises. 6. They possess and fly an American flag on appro- priate days. 7. They welcome the foreign-bora or the sons of the foreign-born with a sympathy and love which is truly American, as well as Catholic. 8. Some Catholic schools are centers of Americaniza- tion work, where groups of foreign-born meet and are edu- cated along American lines. 13. Q. What is the motto of every Catholic school? A. The motto of every Catholic school is “For God and Country.” 80 A Catechism of Catholic Education References McClancy, “Americanization and the Catholic Elementary Schools, 1” Proceedings C. E. A., 1919. Coler, Socialism in the Schools, Benziger, N. Y., 1911. Coler, Two and Two Make Four, Beattys & Company, N. Y., 1914. Williams, American Catholics in the War, Macmillan, 1921. Civics Catechism on the Rights and Duties of American Citizens, N, C. W. C., Washington, D. C., 1919. Lapp, The Catholic Citizen, Macmillan, N. Y., 1921. CHAPTER XI Cost of Catholic Education 1. Q. What does it cost yearly to educate a child in the public elementary school? A. In 1920 the States paid $950,000,000 for the educa- tion of 23,250,000 children in elementary schools, or at the rate of approximately $40 a child. The annual expendi- tures for public education in elementary schools in the United States from 1870 to 1918 are shown in the follow- ing diagram: DIAGRAM SHOWING ANNUAL EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION, 1870-1918. Burgess, Trends of School Costs. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 1870 1880 1890 .1900 1910 1920 81 82 A Catechism of Catholic Education According to the Federal Bureau of Education, in 1918 the expenditure was $763,678,000 for 20,549,000 children. Of this sum $421,084,254, or 52.2 per cent, went for teach- ers’ salaries. This money was distributed as follows: DIAGRAM SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION. Burgess, Trends of School Costs. .Maintenance Interest and 3% Others Fixed Charges 3% 37, Text Boohs and Supplies 3% Cost of Catholic Education 83 2. Q. What would be the corresponding annual cost to the States for the education of all the children now in Catholic elementary schools? A. On the basis of $40 per capita, it would amount, ex- clusive of buildings and equipment, to $71,826,920. This is much more than double what it was estimated to have been in 1910—namely, $30,511,010. To the above must be added the interest at 5 per cent on the value of the ground, buildings and equipment of Catholic elementary schools, estimated at $143,653,840, which is $7,182,692. The total annual saving to the States, therefore, would be $79,009,612. A more accurate total might be compiled by comparing the cost of public education in the State of Ohio, a state which reflects conditions of both the public schools and the Catholic schools throughout the nation better, than a total based on the cost of public education throughout the United States. According to the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Ohio, for teaching alone it cost $29.56 per pupil in the elementary schools of that State. In 1920 there were 122,964 children in the Catholic elementary schools of Ohio. It would, therefore, cost the State of Ohio $3,634,815 additional merely for the tuition of their children. If we, therefore, conservatively assume that $30 is a fairly accurate per capita cost for each parish school pupil throughout the United States, the Catholic ele- mentary schools save the nation, in salaries of teachers alone, at least $53,870,190 annually. To this, however, must be added the interest at 5 per cent on the value of the ground, buildings and equipment of Catholic schools, which is $7,182,692. The total saving to the nation yearly, therefore, would 84 A Catechism of Catholic Education be, on the very conservative computation of $30 per capita, approximately $61,000,000. 3. Q. What would it cost the State to replace, with new buildings and equipment, Catholic elementary schools? A Only a general estimate can be given. The latest government figures fix the unit classroom cost of new buildings at $12,800. This figure undoubtedly applies to the highest type of urban school. If we, for the basis of an estimate, use one-half of this unit price, or $6,400, as the average unit classroom cost of urban and rural schools, and allow for forty pupils per classroom, it would cost the State, exclusive of school sites, approximately $288,000,000 to provide the Catholic elementary school population with new buildings and equipment. Inasmuch, however, as the Catholic school population is estimated to be 80 per cent urban, this total would be insufficient to replace our schools. 4. Do Catholics actually expend $61,000,000 annually for elementary education? A. No. Exact statistics as to the average cost of main- tenance per pupil in Catholic elementary schools are not available. It is perhaps one-half and certainly one-third the cost of educating a child in the public elementary schools. 5. Q. What is the value of Catholic elementary school buildings and equipment in the United States? A. No accurate figures are available either as to the actual number of buildings or as to their value. Accord- ing to Dr. Burns, President of Notre Dame University, in 1912 the “average value of elementary school houses and sites, together with library and all other property, is $71.99 per pupil registered.” In 1920 the sum is undoubtedly larger because there has been a very great increase in the cost of materials and wages since 1913. Cost of Catholic Education 85 Eighty dollars per pupil would be a very conservative estimate in 1920 of the average value of Catholic school buildings, sites and equipment. At $80 per pupil the value would be $143,653,840. 6. Q. What salaries are paid teachers in Catholic ele- mentary schools? A. No exact records are available of the amount of sal- ary paid Catholic elementary school teachers. It is less than $635, the average of the minimum yearly salary paid to public school teachers. If the Catholic elementary school teachers were paid $635, it would cost the nation $26,403,935 in added salaries for teachers alone. Catholic elementary school teachers, however, receive much less than what is paid public school teachers. 7. Q. How much does high school education cost? A. In the public high schools of Ohio it cost $49.30 per capita to educate a pupil. If this average is accepted for the whole country, the Catholic high school system saves the nation approximately $6,401,013 yearly, exclusive of the cost of buildings, equipment, etc. It has been estimated that in 1917 it cost $14 yearly per girl and $18 yearly per boy to educate Catholic high school pupils. These figures are a most conservative estimate and should certainly be increased to $15 and $20 for 1920. At this rate, Catholics pay annually for high school education the sum of $2,101,080. This figure does not include 6,518 unclassified high school students. The fact that many Catholic high schools, especially for girls, are boarding schools was not taken into consideration in arriving at the above estimate. 8. Q. How much is expended yearly for the education of seminarians? A. The average annual per capita cost for the education 86 A Catechism of Catholic Education of a seminarian would be approximately $300. In the large diocesan seminaries it approximates $550. This fig- ure includes board and lodging. At $300, $3,359,400 is expended yearly on the education of candidates for the priesthood. 9. Q. How much is expended yearly for Catholic college education? A. According to recent figures of the Federal Bureau of Education, the estimated cost in 1918 per capita for col- lege students, including collegiate, preparatory and pro- fessional departments, was: Public Colleges and Universities $509.95 Private Colleges and Universities 291.31 and the average for public and private, $364.92. At $291.31 per capita, the cost of educating, exclusive of board and lodging, the students at Catholic colleges in 1920 would be $9,846,895. No statistics are available from Catholic sources as to the per capita cost of Catholic college education. The average tuition, however, in a Catholic college for men is $100 yearly. At this rate, Catholics expend $2,814,500 an- nually. For the education of women the average rate of tuition, board included, is $670. At this rate, $7,391,440 is expended yearly. In all, $10,205,940 is spent for college education. These figures do not include 2,927 unclassified college students. The above sum, however, does not represent more than 50 per cent of what is actually spent, as it does not include interest on the cost of buildings, equipment, etc., nor does it include board and lodging for men students, which items are generally supplied in Catholic colleges. $20,000,000 anuually more probably represents the actual sum ex- pended by Catholics on college education. Cost of Catholic Education 87 10. Q. What is the total of money spent yearly by Catho- lics on Catholic education in the United States? A. The total annual amount is estimated to be $73,000,- 000. This is not an exact total and probably represents but 75 per cent of the actual amount spent every year. 11. Q. Is this not an unwise expenditure on the part of Catholics? A. Catholics do not estimate the value of their religion in dollars and cents. Since the State schools do not pro- vide an education conformable to Catholic standards, we have no alternative but to spend large sums in training the young according to the dictates of our conscience. 12. Q. Do Catholics pay taxes for the support of public education? A. They do. Catholics pay their proportionate share for the maintenance of public education besides carrying the financial burden of supporting their own school sys- tem. However, it must be remembered that the taxes of Catholics would be much heavier if the cost of educating Catholic children were added to the tax budget. References Burgess, Trends of School Costs, Russell Sage Foundation, N. Y., 1920. Burns, Growth and Development of the Catholic School in the United States, Benziger, N. Y., 1912. Bums, Catholic Education, Longmans, Green & Co., N. Y., 1917. Statistical Survey of Education, 1917-18, Federal Bureau of Educa- tion, Washington, D. C, 1920. Stevens, How Much Does Higher Education Cost t Federal Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C, 1919, CHAPTER XII How You Can Help Catholic Education 1. Q. Mention some ways in which you can be of assist* ance to the cause of Catholic education. A. You can help Catholic education by sending your children to Catholic schools; by showing your apprecia- tion of the merits of Catholic education; by informing yourself of the aims and purposes of Catholic education; by spreading information about your school; by assisting in its financial support. 2. Q. How do you help Catholic education by sending your children to Catholic schools? A. Until “every child is in a Catholic school,” where this is possible, our educational hopes remain unfulfilled. If you send your children to a Catholic school, your neigh- bor will probably follow your example. 3. Q. Why should you send your boy or girl to high school and to college? A. Because higher education opens to the mind the Whole field of human thought and endeavor. Because higher education is necessary for the prepara- tion of leaders, both in civic and in Catholic life. Because higher education is the only sure preparation for a successful life. According to a recent compilation, of the 33,000,000 boys and girls who stopped their education after the eighth grade, 808 “became distinguished;” of the 2,000,000 who completed high school, 1,245 “became noted,” of the 1,000,000 college graduates, 5,768 “reached distinction.” With an elementary school education, therefore, the chances for success are one in 41,250; with a high school education, one in 1,608 ; with a college education, one in 173. 88 wka*i- -- „ ^ How You Can Help Catholic Education 89 The following charts from the Money Value of Educa- tion, by A. Caswell Ellis, published in 1917, represent in dollars and cents what is the value of a high school education : WHAT FOUR YEARS IN SCHOOL PAID WAGES OF TWO GROUPS OF BROOKLYN CITIZENS. Those Who Left Those Who Left School at 14 School at 18 (Yearly Salary ) (Yearly Salary) When 14 years of age $200 $.... When 16 years of age 250 When 18 years of age 350 '566 When 20 years of age 475 750 When 22 years of age 575 1,000 When 24 years of age 600 1,150 When 25 years of age 688 1,550 Total Salary 11 years Total Salary 7 years 5,112.50 $7,337.50 The figures represent the average of actual salaries received by two groups of children that left school at 14 and 18 years of age, re- spectively, and were investigated by the Committee on Incentives of the Brooklyn Teachers’ Association. SALARIES PAID UNIVERSITY GRADUATES THE INCOMES RECEIVED FROM THEIR OWN WORK FOR THE FIRST TEN YEARS AFTER LEAVING COLLEGE WERE REPORTED BY GRADUATES AS FOLLOWS: Graduates of Princeton . . Princeton . . Yale 1st Year 2d Year ..1901 $706 $ 902 ..1906 860 1,165 . . 1906 740 969 3d Year $1,199 1,332 1,287 4 th Year $1,651 1,427 1,523 5th Year $2,039 2,226 1,887 Graduates of RECORDS FOR SECOND FIVE YEARS: 6th Year 7th Year 8th Year 9th Year 10th Year Princeton . . 1901 $2,408 $2,382 $2,709 $3,222 $3,804 The figures are from “The Fifth-Year Record of the Class of 1906, Princeton University,” pp. 245-259. Reports were from about two-thirds of the members of the classes. In the same way, ten years after graduation, the class of 1899 of Dartsmouth reports an average income of $2,097; the class of 1903 of Northwestern University an average of $1,863 for the fifth to tenth year after graduation; and the Harvard Law Class of 1905 reports an average of $2,616 the fifth year after graduating in Law. 90 A Catechism of Catholic Education 4. Q. Why should you send your boy or girl to a Catho- lic high school and later to a Catholic college? A. Because the atmosphere is religious, and therefore wholesome. Because the instructors are religious, and therefore be- lieve what you believe. Because the training is superior, and therefore better than that given in most State or non-sectarian schools. Because the adolescent boy and girl need in an especial way the support and safeguards which religion alone gives. Because the companionship is clean and inspiring, and therefore you need fear no moral contamination for your children. Because recreation and athletics are kept within reason- able bounds, and therefore not likely to be a hindrance to the acquisition of knowledge. Because study is supervised, and therefore more apt to be productive of good results. 5. Q. What reasons should impel you to appreciate the work of Catholic education? A. (a) Catholic education is religious. As you love your religion, so you should love the greatest agency which the Church possesses in America to spread knowl- edge—the Catholic school. (b) Catholic education is efficient. Its teachers, its schools and its students prove this efficiency. A study of the Catholic school system impresses one with its manifest superiority. Non-Catholic educators, statesmen, business men appreciate the thoroughness and excellence of Catho- lic education. We cannot and do not expect less of our Catholic people. (c) Catholic education is superior education. The Catholic school is the equal and in many cases the superior of any school, either public or private. Catholics should appreciate this fact. How You Can Help Catholic Education 91 6. Q. Why should you spread information about Catho- lic schools? A. Because the Catholic school is not known as it de- serves to be known, even among Catholics. The statistics of the Catholic school system, the training of its teachers, the patriotic purposes of its existence, should be made known to all. You cannot expect appreciation of your schools, especially by outsiders, unless you make known in conversation and by writing the facts about Catholic schools. The development of Catholic education in the United States, particularly during the last hundred years, has been little short of miraculous. The mere existence of thou- sands of Catholic schools with an approximate attendance of two million, should be enough to convince any man that Catholicism in the United States is alive to its duties and conscious of its divine purposes as the greatest religious force in the Republic. Never lose an opportunity, therefore, of speaking about your schools or of urging on all a fair study and evalua- tion of the same. 7. Q. Is there a Catholic rural problem in education? A. Yes. The farms of this country are being depopu- lated by large migrations to the city. It is estimated that 80 per cent of the Catholic population is urban, 20 per cent rural. This rural percentage is decreasing every year. Of Catholic school attendance, it is estimated that 90 per cent is urban and 10 per cent rural. Thousands of chil- dren, therefore, who live in the country are not receiving a Catholic education. Coupled with this loss in numbers is the loss in leadership, both civic and religious. It is a well known fact that a large percentage of the noted men and women of America have been farm boys and girls, while in Europe a high percentage of religious vocations comes from the smaller towns and the country. 92 A Catechism of Catholic Education 8. Q. What can we do to help solve Catholic rural prob- lems in education? A. (a) We must, first of all, be convinced of the fact that there is a Catholic rural problem and that it is in the interest of the Church to help solve it. (b) Rural religious leadership must be developed and the rural Catholic school must be considered as important as the city parish school. (c) Catholic vacation schools should be founded in those districts where the Catholic population is too small to main- tain a rural parish school. (d) The formation of groups of lay catechists, who would go to places where there is no church or school and regularly teach religion. (e) The development of a correspondence course in rural religious education, which should be of such a character as to reach every Catholic who lives on a farm. 9. Q. Why should you assist your schools financially? A. Because financial assistance is a moral duty. Not only does the Church command you to support your schools, but conscience should convince you that you must do so. No Catholic should require urging to support Catholic education. He should do it willingly because of the neces- sity of Christian education, because of its admitted effi- ciency, because it is thoroughly American, and because of his loyalty to the Church. 10. Q. Do Protestant denominations support their schools? A. In 1921, ten Protestant organizations asked for $240,- 000,000 for their educational institutions. The Methodists alone sought $22,940,000. Most of this money will be de- voted to higher education. How You Can Help Catholic Education 93 11. Q. How much money would the Catholic Church re- quire to make its educational institutions secure? A. An eminent Catholic educator has estimated that a trust fund of $50,000,000 would provide for the current needs of Catholic higher education, and another $50,000,000 would probably be required for Catholic elementary edu- cation. 12. Q. How can you assist Catholic education finan- cially? A. In many ways : (a) By contributing your share to the upkeep of your parish school. The burden of Catholic education must be borne by each and every individual. (b) By setting aside in your will a definite sum of money for educational purposes. No loyal Catholic should make a will without making provisions for the education of his own children and for the support of Catholic education. (c) By endowing Catholic colleges and schools. All colleges have endowment funds ; you may be able to endow a professorship or even a class-room. (d) By providing scholarships for worthy boys and girls. Many scholarships in our colleges have been founded by individuals. In some places, groups of men and women have organized to give scholarships to ambi- tious boys and girls who desire a college education. No greater service, either to the Church or to our young peo- ple, could be performed by any community. (e) By assisting young men in their education for the holy priesthood and by helping to build and endow seminaries. (f) By supporting the efforts now being made to train Catholic men and women as social workers. In this re- spect, the National Catholic Service School for Women de- serves universal support. 94 A Catechism of Catholic Education (g) By supplying our parish schools with adequate play- grounds and playground equipment, library facilities, and schoolroom necessities. (h) By encouraging the efforts now being made to estab- lish Catholic vacation summer camps for boys and girls. (i) By supplying the funds with which Catholic educa- tion can be given to those who live in the country and can- not attend city parish schools. The Catholic education of children whose parents are farmers is one of the most seri- ous problems which the Church faces today. References What Women's Organisations Can Do, National Council Catholic Women, Washington, D. C., 1921. O’Hara, The Rural Problem in Its Bearings on Catholic Education, Catholic Educational Association, 1921. Ellis, The Money Value of Education, Federal Bureau of Educa- tion, Washington, D. C., 1917. LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Title page Table showing Growth of Parish School Attendance from 1880 to 1920 6 Table showing Growth of Attendance at Seminaries for the Edu- cation of Candidates for the Priesthood from 1880 to 1920 ... 7 National Summary of Catholic School Statistics 10 Map showing Distribution of Catholic School Attendance by States 11 Table showing Functions of Diocesan Supervisor of Schools for Archdiocese of Boston 14 Chart showing Gradations of Catholic Educational Institutions in the Catholic Educational System 26 Time Schedules: Time Distribution by Subjects and Grades in Fifty Repre- sentative Cities 37 Washington, D. C., Public Schools 38 Diocese of Pittsburgh Time Schedule, 1919-1920 39 Units of Study Offered in Certain High Schools 40 Public High Schools of Washington, D. C 41 West Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys (General Course) 41 Philadelphia Catholic High Schools 42 West Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys (Classical Course) 43 Comparison of College Credits 44 Comparison of College Credits by College Years 45 Diagram showing Distribution of Expense of Public School Education 81 Diagram showing Annual Expenditures for Public Education, 1870-1918 82 What Four Years in School Paid 89 Salaries Paid University Graduates 89 95 INDEX Attendance — At Parish School, p. ©. At High School, p. 9. At Seminary, p. 10. At College, p. 10. At University, p. 10. At Religious Novitiate, p. 10. At Normal Training School, p. 10. Academies, defined, p. 21. Americanism of Catholic School, pp. 72-80. Bishops* Pastoral, pp. 49, 53, 67, 71. Colleges — First Catholic College, p. 2. Organization of, p. 16. Administration of, p. 16. Junior, p. 22. Entrance Requirements, p. 22. Curriculum of, p. 22. Comparison Catholic and Sec- ular, pp. 44, 45. Standard — Definition of, p. 22. List of, p. 23. Requirements for Recognition as, p. 24. Registration (1920), p. 10. Number of, p. 10. Cost of, pp. 85, 86. Catholic Educational Association, p. 17. Curriculum — Definition of, p. 36. Contrast with Public School Curriculum, p. 36. Of Parish School, p. 36. Typical Catholic and Public School Curriculum, pp. 37, 38, 39. Of High School — Typical Catholic and Public School Curriculum, pp. 40, 41, 42, 43. Of College, pp. 44, 45. General Conclusions Relative to, pp. 46, 47. Cost of Catholic Education, pp. 81- 87. Census, Statistics of 1920, pp. 9-11. Elementary Schools — Curriculum, p. 19. Typical Catholic and Public School Curriculum, pp. 37, 38, 39. Registration (1920), p. 9. Number of, p. 9. Cost of, pp. 81-85. Growth of Catholic School System— 1800-1850, p. 3. 1850-1870, p. 4. 1870-1920, p. 5. Factors of, pp. 3, 4. High Schools — Organization of, p. 15. Curriculum of, p. 20. Typical Catholic and Public School Curriculum, pp. 40, 41, 42, 43. Junior, p. 20. Purposes of, p. 20. Accredited or Affiliated, p. 21. Registration (1920), p. 9. Number of, p. 9. Cost of, p. 85. Institutional Schools — Curriculum of, p. 19. National Catholic Welfare Council- Functions of N. C. W. C. Depart- ment of Education, p. 17. Principals, Duties of, p. 15. Public Education — Attitude of Catholics Toward, pp. 65, 66. Right of State to Educate, p. 67. Parents — Duty and Responsibility Toward Education of Children, p. 67. Pre-Revolutionary Schools, p. 1. Number of, p. 2. Religious Character of, p. 2. General Character of, p. 2. Curriculum of, p. 2, 97 98 Index Religious Education — Why Needed, p. 50. As a Preparation for Citizenship, pp. 50, 51. Non-Catholic Advocates of, pp. 53-60. Time Devoted to, p. 60. Laws of Church Relative to, pp. 61-63. Laws Relative to Compulsory At- tendance by Catholics, pp. 69, 70, 71. Theoretical Acceptance by State, p. 68. Rural School, p. 91. Religious Novitiates, defined, p. 30. Number of, p. 10. Religious Brotherhoods, p. 28. Schools (Catholic) — First Catholic Academy, p. 1. First Classical School, p. 1. Plan of Organization of, p. 12. Administration of, p. 12. General Features of Organization, p. 16. Types of — Elementary (See Elementary). Parish (See Elementary). High (See High School). College (See College). Rural (See Rural). Academies (See Academies). Religious Novitiates (See Reli- gious Novitiates). Seminary (See Seminary). University (See University). Pre-Revolutionary (See Pre- Revolutionary School). Institutional (See Institutional School). Curriculum (See Curriculum). Schools — Reasons for, p. 48. Religious Atmosphere of, p. 51* Spirit of, p. 71. Americanism of, pp. 72-80. Suggestions for Assistance of, pp* 88-94. Number of, pp. 9, 10, 11. Students, Number of (1920 Cen- sus), pp. 9, 10. Superintendent, Duties of, p. 13. Supervisor, Duties of, p. 13. Seminaries — Curriculum of, p. 25. Registration (1920), p. 10. Number of, p. 10. Cost of, p. 85. Teachers — First Catholic, p. 1. Number of (1920 Census), p. 9. Classification of, p. 27. Training of — Advantages of Religious Train- ing, p. 28. Curriculum of Teacher-Training School, p. 30. Extension Training Courses, p. 31. Comparison of Professional -Preparation of Catholic and Public School Teachers, p. 32. Age of, p. 33. Certification of, p. 34. Universities — Administration of, p. 16. Curriculum of, p. 25. Degrees Conferred by, p. 25. Number of, pp. 10, 25.