A catechism primer of Christian doctrine • • • Al m • • CATECHISM PRIMER —OF— Christian Doctrine -BY- RODERICK MacEACHEN. D. D. The Catholic University of America — Published by Ecclesiastical Authority Published by CATHOLIC BOOK COMPANY WHEELING, W. VA. CHILD’S PRAYER BOOK This is a real Child’s Prayer Book. It is touchingly simple, and original. It con- tains no “baby talk,” no sentimentalism, no distracting figures of speech. Every phrase is in the simple and natural lan- guage that real children would utter in spontaneous, sincere prayer. Many grown-ups love to use this prayer book because of its devout sincerity. 72 pages. Prices : Half Cloth 10 cents each Full Cloth 20 cents each Leather, Gilt Edge 35 cents each CATHOLIC BOOK COMPANY Whediag, W. Va. **BOOKS THAT ARE EASY TO READ” • • • Al. m • • CATECHISM PRIMER —OF— Christian Doctrine -BY- RODERICK MacEACHEN, D. D. The Catholic University of America ^ Published by Ecclesiastical Authority Published by CATHOLIC BOOK COMPANY WHEELING, Wo VA. S(2