Catholic prayer book for the army and navy (Eatbolfc (Placer Boob tot tbe Hem's anb TRav? ©to ©co ct ©atria Catholic prater Book Hrm\> anb 7llav\> Arranged and edited by JOHN J. BURKE, C.S.P. “Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord*” (Ps* xxvi* 14*) New York THE CHAPLAINS’ AID ASSOCIATION, 120-122 West 60th Street 1917 tor tbe mtbtl ©bstat: ARTHUR J. SCANLAN, S.T.D. Censor Librorum. Imprimatur: BOHN CARDINAL FARLEY, Archbishop of New York. Copyright, 1911, by John J. Burke DAILY PRAYERS. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread : and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation : but deliver us from evil. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee : blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Glory be, etc. I Believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord : Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified ; died, and was buried. He descended into hell ; the third day He arose again from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the com- munion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. I Confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the Saints, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, 3 blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me. May Almighty God have mercy upon us, and forgive us our sins, and bring us unto life everlasting. Amen. May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, absolution, and remission of our sins. Amen. MORNING PRAYERS. ^In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My God, I offer Thee this day, All I shall do, or think, or say, Uniting it with what was done On earth by Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Our Father. Hail Mary. I believe in God. O my God, I believe in Thee, because Thou art truth itself. O Lord God Almighty, Who hast brought us to the beginning of this day, defend us in the same by Thy power, that we may not fall this day into any sin, but that all our thoughts, words and works may be directed to the fulfillment of Thy will. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. O Lord, hear my prayer, And let my cry come unto Thee. Inflame our reins and our hearts with the fire of Thy Holy Spirit that we may serve Thee with a chaste body and please Thee with a clean mind. O almighty and eternal God, Who by salutary continence dost heal both soul and body, let the 4 healing of Thy mercy come to the aid of the weakness of our nature: that the dignity of human nature which was wounded by excess, may be cured by the practice of healing temperance. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who hath made heaven and earth. Preserve us, O Lord, from all dangers of soul and body: and by the intercession of the glorious and blessed Mary, the ever Virgin Mother of God, of blessed Joseph, of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, .of blessed (your patron saint) and of all the Saints, grant us health and peace. St. Michael, Captain of the heavenly armies, watch over us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest; to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds ; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do Thy will. Amen. May the Lord bless us and defend us from all evil, and bring us to. eternal life: and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Save Thy servants, trusting in Thee, O God. Give us peace in Thy strength. NIGHT PRAYERS. T*In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Let our evening prayer ascend unto Thee, O Lord ; And may Thy mercy descend upon us. 5 Thou, O Lord, art in the midst of us, and Thine holy name is called upon us : leave us not, O Lord our God. O Great God ! I believe that Thou art present, that Thou seest and knowest all my thoughts ; with all the angels and saints I adore Thee. I acknowledge Thee to be the Creator and Sover- eign Lord of heaven and earth, my first begin- ning and last end ; I render to Thee the homage of my being in life; I submit myself to Thy holy will and devote myself to Thy divine service now and forever. Amen. O Lord, hear my prayer; and let my cry come unto Thee. Our Father. Hail Mary. I confess. May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to life everlasting. Amen. May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, absolution and remission of our sins. Amen. O my God, I return Thee thanks for all the benefits which I have ever received from Thee, and particularly this day. Give me light to see what sins I have committed, and grant me grace to be truly sorry for them. [ Here wait a little, and think over what faults you have committed during the day.] O my God, I love Thee with my whole heart and soul above all things, and I am heartily sorry because of my love for Thee for every sin by which I have offended Thee. I purpose, by the help of Thy holy grace, never to sin again. Hear, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the prayers of Thy suppliants, and pardon us our sins who con- fess them to Thee; of Thy bounty grant us pardon and peace, that we, who for our own ac- tions are deservedly afflicted, may be relieved by the consolations of Thy grace. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any who fled to thy pro- tection, implored thy aid and sought thy interces- sion, was left unaided. Inspired with this con- fidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother, to thee I come ; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions ; but in thy clemency hear and answer me. Amen. O Lord, save us waking, watch us sleeping that we may wake with Christ and rest in peace. Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our homes and families and drive far from them all snares of the enemy; let Thy holy angels dwell therein to keep them in peace and let Thy blessing always be upon them. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord. O God, Whom to love is true righteousness, multiply in our hearts the gifts of Thy holy grace: and since, by the death of Thy only Son, Thou hast made us to hope for the things that we believe; grant that by His resurrection, we may arrive at the happy end of our journey. Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this night to keep us with- out sin. May the Lord almighty grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. May the almighty and merci- ful Lord, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, bless and preserve us all. Amen. 7 A RULE OF LIFE. Be careful to recite your morning and evening prayers. Even if you have no time to recite longer prayers or even to kneel down, be sure to raise your mind and heart to God, reciting some short prayer known by heart. Never go to your rest at night without thinking of God and offering yourself to Him. Review the day’s faults. Resolve to do better. On Sundays and Holydays of obligation be careful to assist at Holy Mass. Go to Confession frequently. Receive Holy Communion as often as possible. A man is known by his company. Don’t asso- ciate with evil-minded men. Don’t drink beer or liquor. Be a total abstainer. Avoid listening to or telling bad stories ; look- ing at indecent pictures ; reading improper magazines or books. Control every immodest desire. Refuse absolutely to consort with bad women. Respect the name of God and of His Son Jesus Christ. Beware of the idle hour; use it well. Now and again during the day raise your thoughts to God. Offer a prayer for those at home. When you have unfortunately committed sin, be not discouraged. Ask God’s pardon ; resolve never to sin again and seek the sacrament of penance. Remember it is appointed for you once to die. Pray that you may die worthily. 8 THE BEGINNING OF HOLY MASS. The letter P stands for Priest ; S' for Server. The Priest makes the sign of the Cross (make it with him), saying: P. In nomine Patris, Hh et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. P. Introibo ad altare Dei. S. Ad Deum, qui laeti- ficat juventutem meam. Then follows P. Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta : ab homine iniquo tt doloso erue me. S. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo mea, quare me repulisti ? Et quare tris-‘ tis incedo, dum affligit me inimicus ? P. Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam ; ipsa me deduxerunt et addu- xerunt in montem sanc- tum tuum, et in taberna- cula tua. S. Et introibo ad al- tare Dei ; ad Deum, qui lsetificat juventutem meam. P. Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus : quare tristis es, P. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. P. I will go unto the altar of God. S'. To God, Who giv- eth joy to my youth. Psalm xlii. P. Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy : deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. S'. For Thou art God, my strength ; why hast Thou cast me off? And why do I go sorrowful, whilst the enemy affiict- eth me ? P. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth : they have conducted me and brought me to Thy holy mount, and into Thy tabernacles. S. And I will go into the altar of God ; to God, Who giveth joy to my youth. P. To Thee, O God, my God, I will give praise on the harp : anima mea, et conturbas me? quare why art thou sad, O my soul, and why dost thou disquiet me? S'. Hope in God, for I will still praise Him : the salvation of my countenance and my God. P. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. S'. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. P. I will go unto the altar of God. S'. To God, Who giv- eth joy to my youth. 5. Spera in Deo, quo- niam adhuc confitebor illi : salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus. P. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. 5. Sicut erat in prin- cipio, et nunc, et sem- per, et in saecula saecu- lorum. Amen. P. Introibo ad altare Dei. S. Ad Deum, qui lae- tificat juventutem meam. The Priest makes the sign of the Cross. P. Adjutorium nos- P. Our help *i* is in trum Hh in nomine Do- the name of the Lord, mini. S'. Qui fecit coelum et S'. Who made heaven terram. and earth. Then, joining his hands and humbly bowing down, he says the confession. P. Confiteor, etc. S’. Misereatur tui om- nipotens Deus, et dimis- sis peccatis tuis, perdu- cat te ad vitam aeter- nam. P. Amen. P. I confess, etc. S'. May Almighty God be merciful to thee, and, forgiving thy sins, bring thee to everlasting life. P. Amen. The Server now bows down and says I confess, etc., in the name of the people. S. Confiteor Deo om- S'. I confess to Al- nipotenti, beatae Mariae mighty God, to blessed semper Virgini, beato Mary ever Virgin, to 10 Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus sanc- tis, et tibi, Pater, quia peccavi nimis, cogita- tione, verbo, et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Vir- ginem, beatum Michael- em Archangelum, be- atum Joannem Baptist- am, sanctos apostolos Petrum et Paulum, om- nes sanctos, et te, Pa- ter, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nos- trum. P. Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et di- missis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam seternam. S. Amen. blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the saints, and to you, Father, that I have sinned exceed- ingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most griev- ous fault. Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary ever Virgin, bless- ed Michael the Arch- angel, blessed John Bap- tist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints, and you, Father, to pray to our Lord God for me. P. May Almighty God have mercy on you, for- give you your sins, and bring you to everlasting life. 6'. Amen. Signing himself with the sign of the cross, he says : P. *i* Indulgentiam, P. Hh May the Al- absolutionem, et remis- mighty and merciful sionem peccatorum nos- Lord grant us pardon, trorum tribunt nobis om- absolution, and remis- nipotens, et misericors sion of our sins. Dominus. S. Amen. S. Amen. Then, bowing down, he proceeds: P. Deus, tu conversus P. Thou wilt turn vivificabis nos. again, O God, and quicken us. S. Et plebs tua lseta- bijur in te. P. Ostende nobis, Do- mine, misericordiam tuam. 6'. Et salutare tuum da nobis. P. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. S. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. P. Dominus vobiscum. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. .S'. And Thy people shall rejoice in thee. P. Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy. S. And grant us Thy salvation. P. O Lord, hear my prayer. S. And let my cry come unto Thee. P. The Lord be with you. .S'. And with thy spirit. The Priest goes up to the altar, saying: Take away from us our sins, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be worthy to enter with pure minds into the Holy of Holies ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. We beseech Thee, O Lord, by the merits of Thy Saints whose relics are here, and of all the Saints, that Thou wouldst mercifully forgive me all my sins. Amen. THE INTROIT. The lntroit is the first prayer the Priest reads at the right or Epistle side of the Altar. It varies with the season, but this one may be said : Blessed be the Trinity and undivided Unity. We will praise It because It has shown Its mercy to us. O Lord, our God, how wonderful is Thy name over the utmost boundaries of the earth. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 12 After the Introit P. Kyrie eleison. S. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. S. Christe eleison. P. Christe eleison. S. Christe eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. S. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. he says The Kyrie. P. Lord, have mercy. S. Lord, have mercy. P. Lord, have mercy. 5. Christ, have mercy. P. Christ, have mercy. 5'. Christ, have mercy. P. Lord, have mercy. S. Lord, have mercy. P. Lord, have mercy. THE GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. The Gloria begins with the hymn which the angels sang on Christmas night to honor the birth of Our Lord. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we adore Thee; we glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks for Thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; Thou Who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers ; Thou Who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord: Thou only, O Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. At the end of the Gloria the Priest kisses the Altar , and turns to the people, saying: P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit. 13 THE COLLECT. The Collect , which means “ gather together,” is so called because in it the Priest offers to God the united prayers of the faithful. It varies, but this one may be said : 0 God of strength, to Whom belongeth all that is perfect, implant in our hearts the love of Thy name and grant us an increase of religion; that Thou mayest nourish in us what is good, and by Thy Fatherly care preserve in us what Thou hast nourished. S. Amen. THE EPISTLE. Epistle means a “ letter.” It is taken from the letters of the Apostles, from the writings of the Prophets or from other parts of Holy Scripture. While the Priest reads the Epistle, you may read the following one: 1 Peter v. Brethren, cast all your care upon God, for He hath care of you. Be sober and watch : because the devil, like a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith : knowing that the same affliction befalls your brethren who are in the world. But the God of all grace, Who hath called us unto His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, will Himself perfect you and confirm you and establish you. To Him be glory and empire for ever and ever. Amen. S. Deo gratias. S. Thanks be to God. THE GRADUAL. The Gradual varies. You may say the following : Though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I fear no evils: for Thou art 14 with me. Thy rod and Thy staff: they have comforted me. (Ps. lxxxiii.) The Priest goes to the middle of the Altar . and says the following prayer for grace to announce the Gospel, in which all should join : Cleanse my heart and my lips, O Almighty God, Who didst cleanse the lips of the Prophet Isaias with a burning coal ; and vouchsafe, through Thy gracious mercy, so to purifv me, that I may worthily proclaim Thy holy Gospel, through Christ our Lord. Amen. May the Lord be in my heart, and on my lips, that I may worthily, and in a becoming manner, announce His holy Gospel. Amen. THE GOSPEL. P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you. 5. And with thy spirit. The continuation (or beginning) of the holy Gospel according to N. S. Glory be to Thee, O Lord. Make the sign of the Cross on your forehead to show that you believe the Gospel ; on your lips to show that you will never deny it, and on your heart because you love it and will follow it faith- fully. S\ Et cum spiritu tuo. Sequentia (vel init- ium) Sancti Evangelii secundum, etc. .S\ Gloria tibi Domine. While the Priest reads the Gospel, you may read the following : St. Matt. v. 1-12. At that time, Jesus seeing the multitudes, went up into a mountain ; and when He was set down, His disciples came unto Him. And opening His mouth, He taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are the meek; 15 for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn ; for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice; for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart ; for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers ; for they shall be called the chil- dren of God. Blessed are they that suffer perse- cution for justice’ sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you untruly, for My sake; be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. S. Laus tibi, Christe. 5. Praise be to Thee, O Christ. P. By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out. After reading the Gospel the Priest kisses the Missal. THE NICENE CREED. The Nicene Creed (that is, the Creed of the Council of Nice) is an explanation of several points of Catholic doctrine. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God; begotten, not made; being of one substance with the Father, by Whom all things were made. Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, and was made man. (Kneel in 16 reverence for Christ's Incarnation.) He was cru- cified also for us, suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was buried. The third day He arose again according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of the Father : and He shall come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead : of Whose kingdom there shall be no end. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Life-giver, Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son ; Who together with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified : Who spoke by the prophets. And One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit. P . Oremus. P. Let us pray. THE OFFERTORY, OR OFFERING. The Offertory varies. You may say the following : To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul. In Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed. Neither let mine enemies laugh at me: for none that wait on Thee shall be con- founded. (Ps. xxiv.) > The Priest now holds up, with both hands, the paten, on which lies a large host, and he prays: Accept, O holy Father, Almighty, Eternal God, this immaculate Host, which I, Thy unworthy servant, offer unto Thee, my living and true God, for my innumerable sins, offences and negligences, and for all here present; as also for all faithful 17 Christians, both living and dead; that it may be profitable for my own and for their salvation unto life everlasting. Amen. The Priest receives the cruets from the Server , and pours in the wine, and a few drops of water, and says: 0 God, Who, in creating human nature, didst wonderfully dignify it, and hast .still more won- derfully renewed it; grant that, by the mystery of this water and wine, we may be made par- takers of His divinity, Who vouchsafed to be- come partaker of our humanity, Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Who with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Offering up the Chalice, he says: We offer unto Thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation, beseeching Thy clemency that, in the sight of Thy divine Majesty, it may ascend with the odor of sweetness, for our salvation, and for that of the whole world. Amen. Bowing down, the Priest says: In a humble spirit and a contrite heart may we be received by Thee, O Lord ; and let our Sacrifice be so made in Thy sight this day that it may please Thee, O Lord God. Raising his eyes and extending his hands, he says: Come, O Sanctifier, Almighty, Eternal God, and bless this Sacrifice set forth to Thy holy Name. The Server pours water on the Priest's fingers, and the Priest says meanwhile Psalm xxv. : 1 will wash my hands among the innocent and will compass Thy altar, O my Lord. 18 That I may hear the voice of Thy praise; and tell all Thy wondrous works. I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of Thy house, and the place where Thy glory dwelleth. Take not away my soul with the wicked, nor my life with bloody men. In whose hands are iniquities : their right hand is filled with gifts. But as for me, I have walked in my innocence; redeem me and have mercy on me. My foot hath stood in the direct way ; in the churches, I will bless Thee, O Lord. Returning to the middle of the Altar, he says: Receive, O Holy Trinity, this Oblation, which we offer unto Thee, in memory of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of blessed Mary ever Vir- gin, of blessed John the Baptist, of the holy Apos- tles, Peter and Paul, of these and of all Thy Saints : that it may be to their honor and to our salvation : and may they vouchsafe to intercede for us in heaven, whose memory we celebrate on earth. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. The Priest turns to the congregation, and, with hands extended, invites them to pray with him: P. Orate, fratres, ut P. Brethren, pray meum ac vestrum sacri- that my sacrifice and ficium acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem om- nipotentem. S. Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem et glor- iam nominis Sui, ad util- itatem quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctae. } 19 yours may be acceptable to God the Father Al- mighty. S. May the Lord re- ceive the sacrifice from thy hands to the praise and glory of His own name, and to our bene- fit, and that of all His holy Church. The Priest here recites the Secret, which varies. You may say: Grant Thy servants, O Lord, the pardon of their sins, comfort in life, and Thy perpetual protection: that persevering in Thy service, they may always obtain Thy mercy. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, etc. Which being finished, he says, in an audible voice : P. Per omnia saecula sseculorum. S. Amen. P. Dominus vobiscum. P. Forever and ever. .S'. Amen. P. The Lord be with you. 5. And with thy spirit. P. Lift up your hearts. S'. We have lifted them to the Lord. P. Let us give thanks to our Lord God. .S'. It is just and right. .S'. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Sursum corda. 5. Habemus ad Do- minum. P. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro. 5. Dignum et justum est. It is truly meet and just, right and available to salvation, that we should always, and in all places, give thanks to Thee, O holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God. Through Christ our Lord; by Whom the angels praise Thy majesty, the dominations adore it, the powers tremble before it; the heavens, the heavenly virtues, and blessed seraphim, with common jubilee glorify it. Together with whom we beseech Thee that we may be admitted to join our humble voices, say- ing: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. (The bell rings.) 20 THE CANON OF THE MASS. The word “ Canon ” here means “ rule/’ and it is used for this part of the Mass because the prayers said during it are seldom changed. We therefore humbly pray and beseech Thee, most merciful Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to accept and bless these Hh gifts, these presents, these J* holy unspotted sacrifices, which in the first place we offer Thee, for Thy holy Catholic Church ; to which vouchsafe to grant peace, as also to preserve, unite, and govern it throughout the world ; together with Thy servant N., our Pope, N., our Bishop, as also all orthodox be- lievers and professors of the Catholic and Apos- tolic Faith, THE MEMENTO OF THE LIVING. Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy servants, men and women, N. and N. He pauses, and joining his hands, prays silently for those he wishes to pray for in particular ; and proceeds: And all here present, whose faith and devotion are known to Thee; for whom we offer, or who offer up to Thee this Sacrifice of praise for them- selves and all pertaining to them, for the redemp- tion of their souls, for the hope of their salvation and well-being, and who pay their vows unto Thee, the Eternal God, living and true. In communion with, and honoring the memory, especially of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ; as also of Thy blessed Apostles and Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Thad- deus, Linus, Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian, and of all Thy saints, through whose merits and prayers grant that we may be always defended by the help of Thy pro- tection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. He again renews the oblation, saying, while the Server rings the bell: We, therefore, beseech Thee, O Lord, gra- ciously to accept this oblation' of our service, as also of Thy whole family, and to dispose our days in Thy peace; preserve us from eternal damnation, and number us in the flock of Thine elect. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Which oblation do Thou, O God, vouchsafe in all respects to make 4* blessed, 4* approved, J* ratified, reasonable, and acceptable that it may become to us the 4* Body and 4* Blood of Thy most beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Who, the day before He suffered, took bread into His holy and venerable hands, and with eyes lifted up towards heaven, unto Thee, O God, His Almighty Father, giving thanks to Thee, did bless, 4* break, and give unto His disciples, say- ing: Take and eat ye all of this. For this is My Body. The Priest then adores and elevates the Sacred Host. (The bell is nt,ng three times.) In like manner, after He had supped, taking also this excellent chalice into His holy and venerable hands, giving Thee also thanks, He blessed 4* and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take and drink ye all of this. For this is the 22 chalice of My Blood of the new and eternal Testament , the mystery of faith: which shall he shed for you and for many to the remission of sins. As often as ye do these things ye shall do them in remembrance of Me. He adores and elevates the Chalice. (The bell is rung as before.) Wherefore, O Lord, we Thy servants, as also Thy holy people calling to mind the blessed Pas- sion of the same Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, His resurrection from the dead, and admirable ascen- sion into heaven, offer unto Thy most excellent Majesty, of Thy gifts bestowed upon us, a pure 4* Host, a holy 4* Host, an unspotted 4* Host, the holy 4| Bread of eternal life and Chalice 4* of everlasting salvation. Extending his hands, he proceeds: Upon which vouchsafe to look, with a pro- pitious and serene countenance, and to accept them, as Thou wast graciously pleased to accept the gifts of Thy just servant Abel, and the sacri- fice of our Patriarch Abraham, and that which the high-priest Melchisedech offered to Thee, a holy sacrifice, an immaculate host. Bowing down profoundly, he says: We most humbly beseech Thee, Almighty God, command these things to be carried by the hands of Thy angel to Thy altar on high, in the sight of Thy divine Majesty, that as many of us (he kisses the altar) as by participation at this altar, shall receive the most sacred 4* Body and 4* Blood of Thy Son, may be filled with all heavenly benediction and grace. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 23 MEMENTO FOR THE DEAD. Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy servants, N. 'and N., who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and slumber in the sleep of peace. Here he pauses to recommend the souls for whom he especially desires to pray; and all should do the same. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and peace: through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Here, striking his breast ' and raising his voice, the Priest says: Also, to us sinners, Thy servants, confiding in the multitude of Thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant some part and fellowship with Thy holy Apostles and martyrs ; with John, Stephen, Matthias, Bar- nabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicitas, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, and with all Thy saints, into whose company we beseech Thee to admit us, not in con- sideration of our merit, but of Thy own gratui- tous pardon. Through Christ our Lord. By Whom, O Lord, Thou dost always create sanctify, Hr* quicken, 4* bless, {< and give us all these good things. By Him, and with Him, and in Him, f* is to Thee. God the Father Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory. The Priest says aloud: P. Per omnia saecula P. Forever and ever, sseculorum. 6'. Amen. S. Amen. LET US PRAY. Instructed by Thy saving precepts, and fol- lowing Thy divine direction, we presume to say: 24 Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven : Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our tres- passes, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation. P. Sed libera nos a P. But deliver us malo. from evil. S. Amen. .S. Amen. The Priest continues in a low voice: Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, from all evils, past, present, and to come; and by the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints, mercifully grant peace in our days, that with Thy help we may be always free from sin and safe from harm. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God. P. Per omnia saecula saeculorum. S. Amen. P. Pax *i* Domini sit semper vobis + cum. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. The Priest says aloud: P. World without end. S. Amen. P. May the peace ^ of the Lord be Hh al- ways with Hh you. S. And with thy spirit. Breaking the Host, the Priest puts a part of It into the Chalice. May this mixture and consecration of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ be to us that receive It effectual to eternal life. Amen. Then bowing the Priest strikes his breast (strike r your own breast), saying: Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. 25 Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace. (In Masses for the Dead, the Priest says, “ Give them eternal rest.”) PREPARATION FOR HOLY COMMUNION. Bowing the Priest says: Lord, Jesus Christ, Who saidst to Thy Apos- tles, I leave you peace, I give you My peace, re- gard not my sins, but the faith of Thy Church; and grant her that peace and unity which is agreeable to Thy will ; Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who according to the will of Thy Father, hast by Thy death, through the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, given life to the world, deliver me by this Thy most sacred Body and Blood from all my iniqui- ties, and from all evils ; and make me always adhere to Thy commandments, and never suffer me to be separated from Thee; Who livest and reignest with God the Father, etc. Amen. Let not the participation of Thy body, O Lord Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, pre- sume to receive, turn to my judgment and con- demnation ; but through Thy mercy may it be a safeguard and remedy, both to soul and body; Who with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, God for ever and ever. Amen. He takes the Sacred Host in his hands, and says: T will take the Bread of Fleaven, and call upon the name of the Lord. 26 Then he strikes his breast three times, saying: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof ; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed. (Say it three times.) The Server rings the bell. THE PRIEST’S COMMUNION. May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ pre- serve my soul to life everlasting. Amen. He then reverently receives the Sacred Host, and, after a short pause, says: What shall I render to the Lord for all He hath rendered unto me? I will take the chalice of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. Praising, I will call upon the Lord, and shall be saved from my enemies. Taking the Chalice, he says the following prayer, and receives the Precious Blood. May the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ pre- serve my soul to everlasting life. Amen. THE COMMUNION OF THE FAITHFUL. As soon as the Priest’s Communion is finished, and the Server has said the Confiteor, p. io, the Priest turns to the communicants, and says : P. Misereatur, etc., p. P. May Almighty God, ii. etc., p. ii. S. Amen. 5*. Amen. Making the sign of the Cross over them, he says: P. Indulgentiam, etc., P. May the Almighty, p. ii. etc., p. ii. S. Amen. 5*. Amen. Then the Priest takes the ciborium and, holding up the Blessed Sacrament, turns again to the people , saying : 27 Behold the Lamb of God; behold Him Who taketh away the sins of the world. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof ; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed. This prayer is repeated three times. The Priest now goes down the altar steps and places the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue of each communicant , saying : May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ pre- serve thy soul to life everlasting. Amen. Returning to the Altar, the Priest replaces the ciborium in the Tabernacle . He then says: Grant, O Lord, that what we have taken with our mouth, we may receive with a pure mind, that of a temporal gift it may become to us an eternal remedy. May Thy Body, O Lord, which I have received, and Thy Blood, which I have drunk, remain with me; and grant that no stain of sin may be left on my soul, which has been fed with such pure and holy Sacraments : Who livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen. The Priest then reads the prayers called the Com- munion and the Post-Communion. COMMUNION. Lord, who shall dwell in Thy tabernacle? Or who shall rest in Thy holy hill? He that walketh without blemish and worketh justice. P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit. POST-COMMUNION. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Almighty God, that 28 receiving from Thee the grace of life, we may always glory in Thy gift. S. Amen. Afterwards the Priest turns again to the people, and says : P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit. P. Ite, missa est. P. Go, the Mass is ended. S. Deo gratias. S. Thanks be to God. Or, in Lent and Advent: P. Benedicamus Dom- P. Let us bless the ino. Lord. S. Deo gratias. 5'. Thanks be to God. Or, in Masses for the Dead: P. Requiescant in pace. P. May they rest in peace. S. Amen. S. Amen. The Priest, bowing down before the Altar, says: O Holy Trinity, let what I have done be pleas- ing to Thee ; and grant that the sacrifice which I, though unworthy, have offered up in the sight of Thy Majesty may be accepted by Thee; and through Thy mercy may I, and all for whom it has been offered, receive forgiveness of our sins : through Christ our Lord. Amen. He now kisses the Altar, and then turning, gives his blessing to the people. P. Benedicat vos, om- P. May the Almighty nipotens Deus, Pater, God, *i* the Father, Son, et Filius, et Spiritus and Holy Ghost, bless Sanctus. you. S. Amen. S. Amen. In Masses for the Dead the Blessing is not given. Going to the Gospel side, while the people rise, he says : P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you. i S. Et cum spiritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit. 29 THE LAST GOSPEL. P. Initium sancti P. The beginning of Evangelii secundum the Gospel according to Joanem. St. John. Gloria tibi, Domine. Glory be to Thee, O Lord. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God: the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made: in Him was life, and the life was the light of men: and the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to give testimony of the light. He was the true light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God : to those that believe in His name, who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh (Here the Priest and people kneel down), and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, as it were the glory of the Only-Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. S. Deo gratias. S. Thanks be to God. 30 PRAYERS AFTER LOW MASS. Hail Mary, etc., to be said thrice by the Priest and people. Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy; hail, our life, our sweetness, and our hope; to thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious ad- vocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us ; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. P. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. S. That we may be made worthy of the prom- ises of Christ. LET US PRAY. O God, our refuge and our strength, look down in mercy on Thy people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of St. Joseph, her spouse, of Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, in mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of our Holy Mother the Church. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wicked- ness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits, who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. 3i PRAYERS for confession. " Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained” (John xx. 22, 23). BEFORE CONFESSION. O Lord, hear my prayer; and let my cry come unto Thee. O God, Whose only-begotten Son hath ap- peared to the world in the substance of our flesh, grant, we beseech Thee, that as we confess Him to be outwardly like to ourselves, so through Him we may deserve to be inwardly reformed to His likeness. Send forth Thy Holy Spirit, and our hearts shall be regenerated; and Thou shalt re- new the face of the earth. Now try to find out your sins, and how often you have committed them. How long is it since my last confession? Did I keep back any sin in my last confession? Did I say my penance? Did I go to Holy Communion without preparing myself, or after having broken my fast? Have I neglected to say my prayers, or said them irrev- erently? Have I indulged in fortune-telling or any other superstition? Have I spoken against the Faith ; have I taken a false oath ? Have I been disrespectful at Divine Worship? Have 1 taken God’s name in vain; sworn or blasphemed? Have I missed Mass on Sundays and Holydays of obligation through my own fault? Have I done unnecessary manual labor? Have I failed to make my Easter duty? Have I dishonored or neglected my parents ? Have I disobeyed my 32 superiors? Have I injured my health by personal indulgence; been intemperate in drink? Have I injured my neighbor; wished him ill or sought revenge? Have I led others into temptation; given scandal or provoked quarrels? Have I been brutal to animals? Have I used indecent language; told, or listened to indecent stories; looked at indecent pictures or things ; read sug- gestive or bad stories ; been guilty of unchaste actions by myself or with another? Have I will- fully entertained impure thoughts or desires? Have I been disrespectful to, or too familiar, with any woman? Have I stolen from an individual, or from the Government? Have I wasted or injured the goods of others; wasted time; been slothful or lazy? Have I cheated others? Have I paid my debts? Have I desired to possess as my own what belongs to another? Have I spoken ill of any one, or injured his good name? Have I willingly listened to the defaming of an- other? Have I lied or been a hypocrite? CONSIDERATIONS FOR SORROW. God is very good. He made me and gave me my soul and body, and everything that I have. He is also -very holy and just, and He hates sin. He so loved me as to send His only-begotten Son to suffer and die on the cross for me. When I sin I offend this good God Who loves me so much. Resolve earnestly never to sin again. O God, Whose property it is always to have mercy and to spare, receive our petitions that we and all Thy servants, who are bound by the chain of sin, may, by the compassion of Thy goodness, mercifully be absolved. 33 DIRECTIONS FOR CONFESSION. Say the Confiteor, “ I confess,” then approach the Confessional in a humble and contrite spirit, and kneel down by your Confessor. Making the sign of the Cross, say, Father, bless me, for I have sinned. Then say, Since my last Confession, which was ago, I accuse myself of . Here name all the sins which you have recalled to mind since, your last confession ; and, in confessing them, be sure to observe these rules : 1. Let your confession be entire; i. e., do not knowingly conceal any one mortal sin ; otherwise, so far from obtaining Absolution, you do but add to y6ur sins. State the kind of sins you have com- mitted, and, as tar as you can, their number ; and mention any circumstances which you think would change the nature of your sins. 2. Let your confession be pure. Let everything be mentioned sincerely and exactly, without any disguise or dissimulation ; let the certain things be mentioned as certain, the doubtful as doubtful. Avoid all excuses for yourself, either direct or in- direct ; and take the greatest care not to throw blame on any one else, or to mention or hint at the name of any third person. Avoid all superfluous words and matter, and everything which does not directly concern the integrity of the confession. Be as concise as you can, consistently with fullness and candor. 3. Let your confession be humble, remembering that you are in an especial manner in the presence of God, from Whom, through His Priest, you are seeking and expecting pardon. The thought of God at this moment will be your best protection against all false shame, insincere trifling and affectation. After you have confessed all your sins, according to these rules, say: For these, and all my other sins which I cannot now remember, I am heartily sorry, and humbly ask pardon of God, and Penance and Absolution of you, Father, etc. 34 Then listen attentively and humbly to the direc- tion and advice of your Confessor, and be fully re- solved to do whatever he bids you to do, either in the way of penance, or restitution, or reparation, or for the avoiding of sin in the future. While he is giving you Absolution, devoutly bow your head, and with all possible fervor recite the Act of Contrition. AFTER CONFESSION. My Jesus, Thou hast washed me in Thy pre- cious Blood. Prostrate before Thee, I give Thee thanks for Thy great love. Grant me, henceforth, to prefer death to sin. Bless the Lord, O my soul : and let all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul : and forget not all His benefits. Who forgiveth thee all thine iniquities : Who healeth all thine infirmities. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: Who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion. He hath not dealt with us after our sins : nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth : so hath He strengthened His mercy towards them that fear Him. (Ps. cii.) Glory be to the Father, etc. The penance imposed by the Priest should now be said. LET US PRAY. O God, Who knowest that through human frailty we cannot stand firm in the dangers that surround us, give us health of mind and body that by Thine assistance we may be able to overcome whatsoever things we suffer on account of our sins, and that, cleansed from all our offences, we 35 may serve Thee with a secure mind. Let Thy grace, O Lord, ever precede and follow us and make us continually intent upon good works. PRAYERS FOR HOLY COMMUNION. “Amen, amen, I say unto you : Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Bloarf, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth My Flesh and drinketh My Blood hath everlasting life : and I will raise him up at the last day ” (John vi. 54 , 55 ). BEFORE HOLY COMMUNION. Confiding, O Lord, in Thy goodness and in Thy great mercy, I come sick to my Saviour, hungry and thirsty to the Fountain of life, needy to the King of heaven, a servant to my Lord, a creature to my Creator, and one in desolation to my loving Comforter. Lord, all things are Thine that are in heaven and upon earth. I desire to offer myself up to Thee as a volun- tary oblation, and to remain for ever Thine. Receive me with this sacred Oblation of Thy precious Body, which I offer to Thee this day in the invisible presence of assisting angels, that it may be for salvation unto me and all Thy people. Lord, I offer to Thee all my sins and offences which I have committed in Thy sight that Thou mayest burn and consume them all with the fire of Thy charity. I offer to Thee all my good works, though very few and imperfect; that Thou mayest amend and sanctify them; that Thou mayest make them ac- ceptable to Thee and always make them tend to better ; and mayest moreover conduct me, a 36 slothful and unprofitable creature to a blissful and glorious end. I offer to Thee also all the necessities of my parents, friends, brothers, sisters and all those that are dear to me; and of all who have been benefactors to me ; and who have asked me to pray for them and theirs v/hether they are still living or are now dead. I offer up also to Thee prayers and this Sacri- fice of Propitiation for those in particular who have in any way injured me, grieved me or abused me. And for all those likewise whom I have at any time grieved, troubled, oppressed or scandalized by words or deeds, knowingly or unknowingly; that it may please Thee to forgive us all our sins and offences one against another. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God ; that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. O God, my God, for Thee my soul hath thirsted, my soul hath thirsted after the strong living God. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly! Deliver me from all my evils ; enrich me with all Thy good. My soul desires ardently to receive Thee. ON RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION In going to the Altar-rail, and returning to your place, keep your hands joined, your eyes cast down, and your thoughts on Jesus Christ. When receiving Holy Communion hold your head straight up, keep your eyes closed, your mouth well open, and your tongue out, resting on the under lip. Then, with great outward reverence, receive the Sacred Host. * 37 AFTER HOLY COMMUNION. We praise Thee, O God: we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of armies. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Thou art the King of glory, O Christ! Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father. Help Thy servants, whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious Blood. Govern them and lift them up forever and ever. Day by day we magnify Thee; And worship Thy name for ever and ever. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this day to keep us without sin. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us. O Lord, in Thee have I trusted : let me never be confounded. Father, look on the face of Thy Christ; how hast Thou not with Him given us all things ! Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God ! Jesus, I give Thee my heart and my soul. Speak, Lord, Thy servant heareth. Listen now for a moment to Jesus Christ. Adorable Jesus, divine model of that perfec- tion to which we should all aspire, I will en- deavor to follow Thy example, to be mild, humble, chaste, zealous, patient, charitable and resigned. Incline my heart to keep Thy com- mandments. I am resolved to watch over myself with the greatest diligence; to live soberly, justly and piously for the time to come. Enlighten my mind, purify my heart and guide my steps that I may pass all my life in Thy divine service. Amen. O Almighty God, Who didst will our Saviour 38 to assume our flesh and submit to the death of the Cross, that all mankind might follow the ex- ample of His humility; mercifully grant that we may keep in mind the lessons of His patience and be made partakers of His resurrection. Let Thy continued pity, O Lord, purify and defend Thy Church ; and because without Thee it cannot abide in safety, may it be ever gov- erned by Thy goodness. O God, Who makest the faithful to be of one mind : grant that Thy people may love what Thou commandest and desire what Thou promis- est : that amid the uncertainties of this world we may place our affections where there are true joys. Through Christ our Lord. INDULGENCED PRAYER. Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself on my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst im- press upon my heart lively sen- timents of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm desire of amendment, while with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious wounds ; having before my eyes that which David spake in prophecy : “ They pierced My hands and My feet ; they numbered all My bones.” Say also five times the Our Father and Hail Mary for the Pope and the Church. 39 BENEDICTION. The Priest places in exposition the Bl. Sacrament. O Salutaris Hostia, Qui coeli pandis ostium : Bella premunt hostilia : Da robur, fer auxilium. Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termina Nobis donet in patria. Tantum ergo Sacramentum, Veneremur cernui; Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui ; Praestet tides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque, Laus et jubilatio ; Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio ; Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen. P. Panem de coelo praestitisti eis. Ch. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. Prayer. O God, Who in this wonderful Sacrament hast left us a memorial of Thy Passion ; grant us, we beseech Thee, so to reverence the sacred mys- teries of Thy Body and Blood, that we may con- tinually find in our souls the fruit of Thy re- demption : Who livest, etc. Amen. 40 THE DIVINE PRAISES. Blessed be God. Blessed be His holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Concep- tion. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. HOLY GOD, WE PRAISE THY NAME! Holy God, we praise Thy Name! Lord of all, we bow before Thee! All on earth Thy sceptre claim, All in Heav’n above adore Thee: Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy Name. Hark! the loud celestial hymn, Angel choirs above are singing ! Cherubim and Seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising; Fill the Heavens with sweet accord, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. 41 LORD, I AM NOT WORTHY. O Lord, I am not worthy, That Thou should’st come to me; But speak the words of comfort, My Spirit healed shall be. And humbly I’ll receive Thee, The bridegroom of my soul, No more by sin to grieve Thee, Or fly Thy sweet control. O Word made flesh thro* Mary, O God-Man still abide Within me by Thy graces, E’en to life’s eventide. And when the eternal morning Breaks bright in glowing light, : Do Thou mete grace by glory, Faith’s vision fill by sight. JESUS, MY LORD. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all, How can I love Thee as I ought? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope or thought? Chorus.—Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore; Oh ! make us love Thee more and more. Thy Body, Soul, and Godhead, all! O mystery of love divine! — I cannot compass all I have, For all Thou hast and art are mine! 42 COME, HQLY GHOST. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest ! And in our souls take up Thy rest; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid To fill the hearts which Thou hast made; To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O Comforter! to Thee we cry, Thou heavenly gift of God Most High; Thou fount of life and fire of love, And sweet anointing from above; And sweet anointing from above. THE HOLY ROSARY. The Rosary is composed of fifteen decades, each decade consisting of the Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and Gloria , recited in honor of some mystery in the life of Our Lord and of His Blessed Mother. A third of the Rosary or five decades is usually said. I.—The Five Joyful Mysteries: i. The An- nunciation. 2. The Visitation. 3. The Nativity. 4. The Presentation. 5. The Finding in the Temple. II.—The Five Sorrowful Mysteries: i. The Agony in the Garden. 2. The Scourging at the Pillar. 3. The Crowning with Thorns. 4. The Carrying of the Cross. 5. The Crucifixion. III.—The Five Glorious Mysteries: i. The Resurrection. 2. The Ascension. 3. The Coming of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles. 4. The As- sumption of the Blessed Virgin. 5. The Corona- tion of the Blessed Virgin. 43 PRAYERS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit! Lord of light! From thy clear celestial height, Thy pure beaming radiance give. Thou, of all consolers best, Visiting the troubled breast, Dost refreshing peace bestow; Thou in toil art comfort sweet; Pleasant coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. Light immortal ! Light divine ! Visit thou these hearts of thine, And our inmost being fill : Heal our wounds—our strength renew; On our dryness pour thy dew; Wash the stains of guilt away. Bend the stubborn heart and will ; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. Give us comfort when we die; Give us life with Thee on high: Give us joys which never end. Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful; and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. We beseech Thee, O Lord, that the Paraclete Who proceedeth from Thee may enlighten our minds and lead us, as Thy Son hath promised, into all truth. Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen* 44 THE WAY OF THE CROSS. If the Way of the Cross, or the Stations, may not be made in church, it may be made before a Crucifix blessed for that purpose. If thus made the Indulgences may be gained by reciting an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Gloria after every Station ; and at the end five Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias, and an additional one of each for the in- tention of the Holy Father. These must be recited while holding the Crucifix in the hand. The Cru- cifix blessed for the Stations may not be sold, given away or lent for the purpose of enabling others to gain the Indulgence. I. Jesus is condemned to death. Thy will, O God, is supreme. May my one great purpose be to seek it and to follow It. II. Jesus receives the Cross. Grant, O divine Saviour, that I may faithfully fulfill every duty for love of Thee. III. Jesus falls the first time under the Cross. How many times, O Lord, have I been faithless, through sin, to Thee. IV. Jesus is met by His Blessed Mother. Mary, my Mother, intercede for me with Thy Divine Son. V. The Cross is laid upon Simon of Cyrene. Every time I put temptation aside and resist sin I help Thee, Jesus, to carry Thy cross. 45 VI. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Thy suffering was for me. I will not desert Thee, but always defend Thee. VII. Jesus falls the second time. Forgive me, O merciful Lord, my many, my repeated sins. VIII. Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. Thy words of mercy and pardon give me fresh hope and confidence. IX. Jesus falls the third time. May my sins never discourage me, but lead me to seek more and more Thy help. X. Jesus is stripped of His garments. I will be Thy valiant soldier. My conduct will never shame Thee before men. XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross. Thy commands mean that I should conquer every unholy desire. I will conquer in Thy name. XII. Jesus dies on the Cross. When my hour comes, may I die bravely, dear Jesus, for Thee. XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross. In camp; on the march; in battle, Thou, O Lord, will be my true, though unseen, Comrade. XIV. Jesus is laid in the sepulchre. Thee, my eternal Captain, will I always serve. With Thee I live, and with Thee die. 46 LITANY OF THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS. *Indulgence of 300 days for those who say it devoutly. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy\ om ^2 S Co Through Thy nativ- ity, Through Thine in- fancy, Through Thy most divine life. Through Thy labors, Through Thine ag- ony and Passion, Through Thy Cross and dereliction, Through Thy faint- ness and weariness, Through Thy death and burial, Through Thy resur- rection, Through Thine as- cension, Through Thy joys, Through Thy glory, j Lamb of God, Who tak- est away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, Who tak- est away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, Who tak- est away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us O Jesus. Jesus, hear us. Jesus , graciously hear 48 LET US PRAY. O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast said: Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; grant, we be- seech Thee, unto us who ask, the gift of Thy most divine love, that with all our hearts, words, and works we may ever love Thee, and never cease to praise Thee. Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy holy Name; for Thou never failest to govern those whom Thou dost solidly establish in Thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. (Also called “The Litany of Loreto.”) We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities : but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ , have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of hea- ven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, ] ^ Holy Mother of God, | g Holy Virgin of vir- gins, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine grace, J S* 49 Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, Mother inviolate, Mother undefiled, Mother most amia- ble. Mother most admir- able, Mother of our Crea- tor, Mother of our Re- deemer, Virgin most prudent, Virgin mosit vener- able, Virgin most renown- ed. Virgin most power- ful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel; Vessel of honor, Singular vessel of devotion, § to J Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the cove- nant, Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Comforter of the af- flicted, Help of Christians, Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, \ Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confes- sors, Queen of Virgins, Queen of all Saints, Queen conceived without original sin, Queen of the most holy Rosary, Queen of Peace, Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the Id, have mercy on us, O Lord. J ~ n h0i v Mother of God. worthy of the prom- ts o LET US PRAY. Pour forth, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, Thy grace into our hearts ; that as we have known the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, by the mes- sage of an angel, so, by His Passion and Cross, we may be brought to the glory of His resurrec- tion : through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. AN ACT OF FAITH. O, my God, I firmly believe all the sacred' truths which Thy Holy Catholic Church believes and teaches, because Thou hast revealed them Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived. AN ACT OF HOPE. O, my God, relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises I hope to obtain the pardon of all my sins, the help of Thy grace and life everlast- ing through the merits of Jesus Christ, ray Lord, and Redeemer. AN ACT OF LOVE. O, my God, I love Thee above all things with my whole heart and soul because Thou art all good and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of Thee. I forgive all who have injured me and I ask pardon of all whom I have injured. AN ACT OF CONTRITION. O, my God, I am most he?rfU- ^ rry for all my sins because they displease j GoT and I firmly purpose by Thy 1 3a more to offend Thee, and to do * .r-v -roue for my sins. vn 5 * THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD. 1. I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. 2. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath-day. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH. 1. To hear Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation. 2. To fast and abstain on the days appointed. 3. To confess at least once a year. 4. To receive the Holy Eucharist during the Easter time. 5. To contribute to the support of our Fastors. 6. Not to marry persons who are not Catholics, or who are related to us within the fourth degree of kindred, nor privately without Witnessts, nor to solemnize marriage at forbidden times. THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS. Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Uncth** Holy Orders,, Matrimony Matt, xxviii. 19. Acts viii. 1 7. Matt. xxvi. 26. John xx. 23. James v. 14. Luke xxii. 19. Matt. xix. 6. ANIMA CHRISTI. Soul of Christ, sanctify me! Body of Christ, save me! Blood of Christ, inebriate me! Water from the side of Christ, wash me! Passion of Christ, strengthen me! O Good Jesus, hear me! Within Thy wounds hide me! Suffer me not to be separated from Thee! From the malicious enemy defend me! In the hour of my death, call me, And bid me come to Thee; That with Thy Saints I may praise Thee For ever and ever. Amen. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH. Glorious St. Joseph, model of all who are de- voted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work in a spirit of penance for the expiation of my many sins—to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my inclinations—to work with grati- tude and joy, deeming it an honor to employ and develop by means of labor the gifts received from God—tp work with order, peace, modera- tion, and patience, without recoiling before weari- ness or difficulties—to work, above all, with purity of intention, and with detachment from self, always having death before my eyes and the account which I must render of time lost, talents wasted, good omitted, of vain complacency in success, so fatal to the work of God. ''Guardian of virgins, and holy father Joseph, to whose faithful custody Christ Jesus, Innocence itself, and Mary, Virgin of virgins, were com- mitted, I pray and beseech thee, by these dear 53 pledges, Jesus and Mary, that being preserved from all uncleanness, I may with spotless mind, pure heart, and chaste body, ever serve Jesus and Mary most chastely all the days of my life. Amen. PRAYER FOR PURITY. O Jesus, Son of the living God, brightness of eternal light, Who from all eternity wast begotten most pure in the bosom of the Eternal Father, and Who in time didst will to be born of a most pure and immaculate Virgin, I thy creature, full of infirmity, beg of Thee, with all my heart, to preserve me pure in mind and body; and do Thou cause to be renewed most abundantly in Thy holy Church the virtue of holy Purity for Thy greater glory and the salvation of the souls Thou hast redeemed. PRAYER FOR THE AUTHORITIES. We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom and justice! through Whom authority is rightly ad- ministered, laws are enacted and judgments de- creed, assist, with Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of these United States ; that his administration may be con- ducted in righteousness and be eminently useful to Thy people over whom he presides ; by en- couraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws of justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immor- ality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government; so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national 54 happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and 1 useful knowledge ; and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty. We pray for His Ex- cellency the Governor of this State, for the mem- bers of the Assembly, for all Judges, Magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to Thy un- bounded mercy all our brethren and fellow- citizens, throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law ; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. PRAYER FOR VICTORY. O God of battles. Who grantest the victory to those who put their trust in Thee: mercifully hear the prayers of us, Thy servants, that the evil designs of our enemies being defeated, we may praise Thee with unceasing gratitude. PRAYER FOR PEACE. O God from Whom are all holy desires, right- eous counsels and just works, give to Thy serv- ants that peace which the world cannot give; that our hearts being disposed to keep Thy com- mandments and the fear of enemies taken away,, the times, by Thy protection, may be peaceable. 55 PRAYER FOR OUR ENEMIES. O God, Who for Thy great love of this world didst reconcile earth to heaven through Thine only-begotten Son, grant that we, who by the darkness of our sins are turned aside from brotherly love, may by Thy Light shed forth in our souls embrace our friends in Thee and our enemies for Thy sake in a bond of mutual affec- tion : through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. PRAYER AFTER ACTION. Give ear, O Lord, we beseech Thee, to our prayers; that through the assistance of Thy grace, we may be humble in prosperity and with- out fear in adversity. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. PRAYER BEFORE ACTION. The Lord is my light and my salvation ; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defence of my life: of whom shall I be afraid? The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Yea, though I should walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil : For Thou art with me. Surely Thy mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. (Ps. xxii. and Ps. xxiv.) PRAYER FOR THOSE AT SEA. O God, Who didst bring our fathers through the Red Sea and carry them in safety through the overflowing waters, singing praises to Thy Holy Name, we humbly beseech Thee that Thou wouldst preserve Thy servants journeying by sea from all dangers, granting them a tranquil course ..and the wished for haven. 56 PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIER COMRADES. Save Thy servants trusting in Thee, O Lord ; send them help from Thy holy place. Show Thy face and they shall be saved ; be their defence in the day of battle. Arise, O Christ, and help them; deliver them for Thy name’s sake. PRAYER FOR UNBELIEVERS. O Holy Spirit of Truth, we beseech Thee to enlighten the minds of unbelievers in the midst of us, to incline their hearts to Thy word and to believe the teaching of Thy Church ; give them courage jo accept the Faith and openly pro- fess it ; that they may come into union with Thee and the Father, through Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be, etc. (ioo days.) PRAYER FOR A GOOD DEATH. Divine Jesus, incarnate Son of God, Who for our salvation didst vouchsafe to be born in a stable, to pass Thy life in poverty, trials and misery, and to die amid the. sufferings of the cross, I entreat Thee, say to thy divine Father at the hour of my death: Father, forgive him;" say to Thy beloved Mother: Behold thy Son; say to my soul : This day thou shalt he with Me in paradise. My God, my God, forsake me not in that hour. I thirst: yes, my God, my soul thirsts after Thee, Who art the fountain of living waters. My life passes like a shadow; yet a little while, and all will be consummated. Wherefore, O my adorable Saviour! from this moment, for all eternity, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. Lord Jesus, receive my soul. Amen. 57 PRAYERS FOR THE DYING. Acknowledge, O Lord, Thy creature not made by strange gods, but by Thee, the only living and true God : for there is no other God beside Thee, and none that doeth according to Thy works. Make glad his soul, O Lord, with Thy presence, and remember not his old sins and excesses which wrath or heat of evil desire may have aroused. For although he hath sinned, he hath not denied the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, but hath believed, and hath had a zeal for God, and hath faithfully adored the Creator of all things. May the heavens be opened to him. May the Angels rejoice with him. Into Thy kingdom, O Lord, receive Thy servant. May St. Michael, the Archangel of God, prince of the heavenly hosts, receive him. May the holy Angels of God come forth to meet him, and conduct him to the city of the heavenly Jerusalem. May the blessed Peter the Apostle, to whom were given by God the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, receive him. May St. Paul the Apostle, who was counted worthy to be a vessel of election, assist him. May St. John, the chosen Apostle of God, to whom were revealed the secrets of Heaven, in- tercede for him. May all the holy Apostles, to whom the Lord gave the power of binding and loosing, pray for him. May all the Saints and Elect of God, who, in this world, suffered tor- ments for the name of Christ, intercede for him, that, loosed from the bonds of the flesh, he may attain unto the glory of the heavenly kingdom, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend his spirit. O Lord, Jesus Christ, receive his spirit. 58 Holy Mary, pray for him. Holy Mary, mother of grace, mother of mercy, do thou defend him from the enemy, and receive him at the hour of death. Come to his assistance, ye Saints of God ; come forth to meet him, ye Angels of the Lord, receiv- ing his soul, offering it in the sight of the Most High. PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD. Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord : Lord, hear my voice. Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If Thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand? But Thou dost not remember, for with Thee is merciful forgiveness, that Thou mayest be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul looketh for the Lord more than watch- men look for the morning ; yea more than watch- men look for the morning. O Israel, hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy and with Him plentiful redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all his in- iquities. (Ps. cxxix.) Eternal rest grant them, O Lord, and let per- petual light shine on them. May they rest in peace. Amen. LET US PRAY. O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants de- parted the remission of all their sins, that through pious supplications they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired : Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. 59 THE ANGELUS. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary: And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary, etc. Behold the handmaid of the Lord : Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Hail Mary, etc. The Word was made Flesh, And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, etc. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. LET US PRAY. Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts that we to whom the In- carnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Death, be brought to the glory of His resur- rection, through the same Christ, our Lord. ^ tji fH 1 , SHORT EJACULATORY PRAYERS. Jesus, my God, I love Thee above all things. Heart of Jesus, have pity on the dying. May the divine assistance remain always with us. It is Almighty God Who girdeth me with strength. My Lord and my God; my God and my All. My heart is ready, Lord, my heart is ready. O Lord, my God, how wonderful is Thy name in the whole world. My God look upon me. Why hast Thou for- saken me? The Lord is my strength and my praise, and He is become salvation to me. 60 A SHORT WAY TO TRUTH. What is your most Important Business in this Life?—It is to save your soul. “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul,” says our Blessed Saviour. (Mark viii. 36.) What must you do to Save your Soul ?—You must follow the religion taught by Christ. “ Go ye into the whole world,” He said to His Apos- tles, “ and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be condemned !’ (Mark xvi. 15, 16.) How many Religions did Christ teach?—Most certainly only one , for this plain reason, that He cannot contradict Himself. As St. Paul tells you that there is “ one Lord ” and “ one Faith.” (Ephes. iv. 5.) What, therefore, is to be thought of the many Religions in this Country?—As our Saviour taught but one religion, it must follow that all these religions are false except one, wherever that is. Hence St. Paul says, in his epistle to the Gala- tians (i. 8): “Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a Gospel to you other than that which we have preached, let him be anathema.” Is it not very uncharitable to say that all Re- ligions are false except one?—It is not more un- charitable than to point out the right road to one when he is on a journey, and to tell him all other roads will lead him astray. But are you not safe in following the Religion in which you were born?—From what you have been reading, it is as clear as noonday that you are not safe in following the religion in which 01 you were born, unless it be the one true religion which Christ taught. But how are you to find out the true Religion ? —You must truly and heartily repent of all the sins you have committed ; you must have no other wish than to learn the will of God and to do it; you must be resolved that neither persecutions nor losses, nor worldly interest, nor anything else whatsoever, shall prevent you from doing the will of God, when you know what that will is ; and you must often pray that He will teach you His holy will, saying: " Lord what wilt Thou have me to do?” (Acts ix. 6.) If you will fol- low this advice, you may be sure that God will hear your prayer and lead you into the right way. (Luke xi. 13; Matt. vii. 7, 8.) You should also look about you, and inquire which is the one true religion. You will soon find, in the New Testament, that Christ established a Church upon earth ; that He built it upon a rock , and declared that the gates of hell shall not pre- vail against it (Matt. xvi. 18) ; you will find that He gave His Church authority to teach His re- ligion, and commanded all to hear and obey it (Matt, xviii. 17; Luke x. 16; Acts ix. 6, 7; x. 5, 6) ; that this Church cannot teach error, being “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim. iii. 15) ; and that by following what it teaches you will be freed from all doubt and perplexity about the way to heaven, and will no longer be tossed about by every wind of doctrine (Ephes. iv. 11- 15). You will find, in short, that you will be as sure of learning the religion of Christ from this Church as if you heard Him speaking to you 62 Himself. “ He that heareth you, heareth Me." (Luke x. 16.) A further examination will make clear to you that this Church is no other than that which you often truly say was the first and will be the last, and which all Christians say they believe when they repeat the Apostles’ Creed : " I believe the Holy Catholic Church Yes, this is the Church which Christ built on a rock, which has stood for nineteen hundred years, and has triumphed over all the persecutions raised against it ; this is the Church from which all other churches have sepa- rated, whilst it has always remained the same as our Saviour established it. (See Apoc. xxii. 17; Ps. xxxiv. 11 ; Matt. x. 17 to end of chap., xix. 29, 10-12; vi. 25 to end of chap.), Death! Judgment ! Heaven! Hell! Eternity! PRAYER FOR ALL IN TROUBLE. Most Blessed Virgin, in your life of glory, re- member the sorrows of earth. Look with kindness on those who suffer, who struggle against difficulties, who drink unceas- ingly the bitternesses of this life. Have pity on those who love each other and are separated. Have pity on the lonely of heart. Have pity on the weakness of our faith. Have pity on the objects of our affection. Have pity on those who weep, those who pray, those who fear. . . .Obtain for all hope and peace. Amen. 63 INDEX. PAGE Acts—Faith, Hope, Love and Contrition . . 51 Angelus 60 Benediction of Blessed Sacrament .... 40 Commandments of God 5 2 Commandments of the Church . .... 5 2 Communion, Prayers Before and After ... 36 Confession, Preparation, Prayers for . . . 32 Daily Prayers 3 Dead, Prayers for the 50 Divine Praises 41 Dying, Prayers for the 58 Examination of Conscience 3 2 Ejaculatory Prayers, Short .60 Holy Spirit, Prayers to 44 Hymns : Come Holy Ghost 4 1 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name .... 42 Jesus, My Lord! 42 Lord, I am not Worthy ! 43 O Salutaris 40 Tantum Ergo 40 Litanies: Of the Most Holy Name of Jesus . 47 Of the Blessed Virgin Mary ... 49 Morning Prayers 5 Mass : Prayers at, and How to Serve ... 9 Prayers for Various Occasions . . 53-57> 60, 63 Rosary, The Holy 43 Rule of Life, A 8 Sacraments 5 2 St. Joseph, Prayer to 53 Stations of the Cross 45 Truth, A Short Way To 61 64