Instruction of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, Sep. 26, 1964 : and Sacram Liturgiam, Motu proprio, OvurcK. —ir ^ ^ Aae^36a V uu^' C. SACRED CONGREGATION OF RITES FOR THE PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONSTITUTION ON THE September i6, 1964 NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE V K 'i; ) OF RITES September 26, 1964 Motu Proprio POPE PAUL VI National Catholic Welfare Conference 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. • Washington, D. C. 20005 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https ://arch Is/i nstructionofsaccath_0 SACRED CONGREGATION OF RITES INSTRUCTION FOR THE PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONSTITUTION ON THE SACRED LITURGY INTRODUCTION I. "Nature of this Instruction 1. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy is deserved- ly counted among the first fruits of the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, since it governs the most excellent part of the Church’s activity. It wiU bear more abundant fruit the more profoundly the pastors and the faithful of Christ perceive its genuine spirit and put it into practice with good will. 2. The Commission for the Implementation of the Con- stitution on the Sacred Liturgy, established by the Supreme Pontiff, Paul VI, in the apostolic letter Sacram Liturgiam has already speedily undertaken the task entrusted to it, to bring the directives of the Constitution and of the apos- tolic letter to a proper fulfillment £ind to provide for the interpretation and execution of these documents. 3. It is of the greatest importance that the documents, from the very beginning, should be properly applied every- where, with doubts, if there are any, concerning their inter- pretation being removed. Therefore, the Commission, by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff, has prepared this Instruc- tion, in which the functions of the boies of bishops in 3 liturgical matters are more clearly defined, some principles given in general words in the above-mentioned documents are explained more precisely, and finally some matters, which can be put into practice now, before the restoration of the liturgical books, are allowed or required. I/. Some principles to he noted 4. What is now defined as to be put into practice has the purpose of making the liturgy correspond Edways more perfectly to the mind of the Council concerning the pro- motion of active participation of the faithful. The general reform of the sacred liturgy, moreover, will be accepted more readily by the faithful if it proceeds gradually and by stages and if the reform is proposed to the faithful and explained to them by the pastors by mecins of the required catechesis. 5. Nevertheless, it is necessary first that all be per- suaded of the intention of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council : not only to change liturgical forms and texts, but rather to stir up that forma- tion of the faithful and pastoral activity which has the sacred liturgy as summit and fount (Cf. Constitution, Article 10). The changes thus far introduced and to be introduced into the sacred liturgy in the future are directed toward this end. 6. The power of pastoral-liturgical activity rests in this, that the Christian life may express the paschal mys- tery in which the Son of God, incarnate and made obedient even to the death of the cross, is so exalted in His resur- rection and ascension that He may share His divine life with the world. By this life men, dead to sin and con- formed to Christ, “may live no longer for themselves but for Him who died for them and rose again” (2 Cor. 5:15). This is done through faith and through the sacraments of faith, that is, chiefiy through baptism (Cf. Constitution, Article 6) and the most sacred mystery of the Eucharist ((I)f. Constitution, Article 47). Around the Eucharist are ranged the other sacraments and the sacramenteds (Cf. 4 Constitution, Article 61) and the cycle of celebrations by which the paschal mystery of Christ is unfolded in the Church during the course of the year (Cf. Constitution, Articles 102-107). 7. Therefore, even if the liturgy does not exhaust the entire action of the Church (Cf. Constitution, Article 9), nevertheless the greatest attention must be paid to the necessary connection between pastoral works and the sacred liturgy, so that pastoral-liturgical action is not exercised as if separate and abstract, but as intimately joined to other pastoral activities. It is especially necessary that there be a close union between the liturgy and catechesis, religious formation, eind preaching. III. Fruits to be hoped for 8. Thus, the bishops and their assistants in the priest- hood should relate their entire pastoral ministry ever more closely to the liturgy. In this way the faithful may derive the divine life in abundance from the perfect participation in the sacred celebrations and, made the ferment of Christ and the salt of the earth, will proclaim the divine life and communicate it to others. 5 CHAPTER I Some General Norms /. Application of these norms 9. The practical norms, found in the Constitution or in this Instruction, and whatever is permitted or determined now by this Instruction before the restoration of the litur- gical books, even if they pertain to the Roman rite alone, may nevertheless be applied to the other Latin rites, the provisions of law being observed. 10. Those matters which are entrusted to the com- petent territorial ecclesiastical authority in this Instruc- tion may and should be put into effect by that authority alone through legitimate decrees. In individual cases, the time and the circumstances in which these decrees will take effect shall be defined, always with a reasonable interval of time for the faithful to be instructed and prepared for their observance. II. Liturgical formation of clerics (Constitution, Articles 15-16 and 18) 11. With regard to the liturgical formation of clerics: a) In theological faculties there shall be a chair of liturgy, so that all the students may receive the neces- sary liturgical instruction; in seminaries and in the houses of studies of religious, local ordinaries and major superiors shall see to it that as soon as possible there be a special and properly prepared teacher of liturgy. b) Professors who are appointed to teach sacred liturgy shall be prepared as soon as possible, in accordance with the norm of Article 15 of the (Zlonstitution. 6 c) For the further liturgical instruction of clerics, particularly of those who are already working in the Lord’s vineyard, pastoral-liturgical institutes shall be established where possible. 12. The liturgy shall be taught for a suitable period of time, to be indicated in the curriculum of studies by the competent authority, and according to an appropriate meth- od in accordance with the norm of Article 16 of the Con- stitution. 13. Liturgical services shall be celebrated as perfectly as possible. Therefore: a) The directions shall be carefully observed and the ceremonies performed with dignity, under the diligent vigilance of the seminary directors, with the necessary prep- arations beforehand. b) Clerics shall frequently fulfill the liturgical functions of their order, that is, of deacon, subdeacon, acolyte, lector, and, in addition, of commentator and cantor. c) The churches and oratories, the sacred fur- nishings in general, and sacred vestments shall afford an example of genuine Christian art, including contemporary art. Ill, Liturgical formation of the spiritual life of clerics (Constitution, Article 17) 14. In order that clerics may be formed for the full participation in liturgical celebrations and for the spiritual life to be derived from these celebrations, while being pre- pared to shaire this participation and life with others, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy shall be put into full effect in seminaries and houses of studies of religious, in accordance with the norm of documents from the Apostolic See, with the unanimous and harmonious co-operation of all the directors and teachers to this end. A suitable forma- tion in the sacred liturgy shall be provided for the clerics together with the recommendation of books dealing with the liturgy, especially under its theological and spiritual as- 7 pect, which should be available in the library in sufficient numbers; as well as by meditations and conferences which shall be drawn above all from the fount of sacred Scrip- ture and the liturgy (Cf. Constitution, Article 35, 2) ; and by common exercises, in accord with Christian custom and usage, but suited to the various seasons of the liturgical year. 15. The Eucharist, the center of the entire spiritual life, shall be celebrated daily with the use of different and appropriate forms which best correspond to the condition of the participants (Cf. Constitution, Article 19). On Sundays, however, and on other major feast days, a sung Mass shall be celebrated with the participation of all who are in the seminary or house of studies, with a homily and, as far as possible, with the sacramental com- munion of those who are not priests. The priests may concelebrate, especially on the more solemn feast days, if the needs of the faithful do not require that they cele- brate individually, and after the new rite of concelebration has been published. It is desirable that, at least on major feast days, the students should participate in the celebration of the Euch- arist assembled around the bishop in the cathedral church (Cf. Constitution, Article 41). 16. It is most fitting that the clerics, even if they are not yet bound by the obligation of the divine office, should each day recite or chant in common Lauds, in the morning as morning prayer, and vespers, in the evening as evening prayer, or compline, at the end of the day. The directors themselves shall take part in this common recitation, as far as possible. In addition, sufficient time shall be provided in the order of the day for clerics in sacred orders to pray the divine office. It is desirable that, at least on major feast days, the students should chant vespers in the cathedral church, where possible. 17. Exercises of piety, arranged according to the laws 8 or customs of each place or institute, shall be held in due esteem. Nevertheless, care should be taken, especially if these exercises are celebrated in common, that they be in harmony with the sacred liturgy, according to the purpose of Article 13, of the Constitution, and that they be related to the seasons of the liturgical year. IF. Liturgical formation of members of institutes dedU cated to acquiring perfection 18. What has been said in the preceding articles con- cerning the liturgical formation of the spiritu£il life of clerics must be applied also to the members, both men and women, of institutes dedicated to acquiring perfection, with the necessary adaptations. F. Liturgical formation of the faithful (Constitution, Ar- ticle 19) 19. Pastors of souls shall strive diligently and pa- tiently to carry out the command of the Constitution con- cerning the liturgical formation of the faithful and their active participation, both internal and external, “according to their age and condition, their way of life, and standard of religious culture” (Constitution, Article 19). They should be especially concerned about the liturgical formation and the active participation of those who are engaged in re- ligious associations of the laity, since it is the latter’s duty to share more intimately in the life of the Church and also to assist the pastors of souls in properly promoting the liturgical life of the parish (Cf. Constitution, Article 42). FI. Competent authority in liturgical matters (Constitu- tion, Article 22) 20. Regulation of the sacred liturgy pertains to the authority of the Church: therefore, no other person shall proceed in this matter on his own authority to the detri- ment, as may often happen, of the liturgy itself and of its restoration by the competent authority. 21. It pertains to the Apostolic See to reform and to 9 approve the general liturgical books; to order the sacred liturgy in those matters which affect the universal Church; to approve, that is, confirm the acts and deliberations of the territorial authority; and to receive the proposals and petitions of the same territorial authority. 22. It pertains to the bishop to regulate the liturgy within the limits of his diocese, in accordance with the norms and spirit of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy as well as the decrees of the Apostolic See and of the com- petent territorial authority. 23. The various kinds of territorial bodies of bishops, to which the regulation of the liturgy pertains in virtue of Article 22, §2 of the Constitution, must be understood to be, for the interim: a) either the body of all the bishops of a nation, in accordance with the norm of the apostolic letter Sacram Liturgiam, n. X; b) or a body already lawfully constituted which consists of the bishops, or of the bishops and other local ordinaries, of several nations; c) or a body to be established, with the permis- sion of the Apostolic See, consisting of the bishops or of the bishops and the local ordinaries of several nations, especially if in the individual nations the bishops are so few that they may convene more profitably from various na- tions of the same language or of the same culture. If the particular local conditions suggest another solu- tion, the matter should be proposed to the Apostolic See. 24. The following must be invited to the above-men- tioned bodies: a) residential bishops; b) abbots and prelates nuUius; c) vicars and prefects apostolic; d) apostolic administrators of dioceses who have been appointed permsinently; 10 e) all other local ordinaries except vicars general. Coadjutor and auxiliary bishops may be invited by the president, with the consent of the majority of those who take part in the body with deliberative vote. 25. Unless the law provides otherwise for certain places in view of particular circumstances, the convocation of the body must be made: a) by the respective president, in the case of bodies already lawfully established; b) in other cases, by the archbishop or bishop who has the right of precedence in accordance with the norm of law. 26. The president, with the consent of the Fathers, determines the order to be followed in the examination of questions, and opens, transfers, prorogues, and closes the conference. 27. A deliberative vote belongs to all who aire named in n. 24, including coadjutor and auxiliary bishops, unless a different provision is expressly made in the document of convocation. 28. For the lawful enactment of decrees, two-thirds of the votes, taken by secret ballot, are required. 29. The acts of the competent territorial authority which are to be transmitted to the Apostolic See for ap- proval, that is, confirmation, should contain the following: a) the names of those who took part in the ses- sion; b) a report of matters taken up; c) the result of voting for the individual decrees. Two copies of these acts, signed by the president and the secretary of the body, and with the proper seal, shall be sent to the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. 30. When, however, it is a question of acts in which U there are decrees concerning the use and extent of the vernacular language to be admitted in the liturgy, besides what is enumerated in n. 29, in accordance with Article 36, 3, of the Constitution and the apostolic letter Sacram Lit- urgiam, n. IX, the acts should also contain: a) an indication of the individual parts of the lit- urgy which are to be said in the vernacular; b) two copies of the liturgical texts prepared in the vernacular, one copy of which will be returned to the body of bishops; c) a brief report concerning the criteria upon which the work of translation was based. 31. The decrees of the territorial authority which need the approval, that is, the confirmation of the Apostolic See, shall be promulgated and put into practice only when they have been approved, that is, confirmed by the Apostolic See. VU, The office of individuals in the liturgy (Constitution, Article 28) 32. The parts which pertain to the schola or to the people, if they are sung or recited by them, are not said privately by the celebrant. 33. Likewise the celebrant does not say privately the lessons which are recited or chanted by a competent min- ister or by a server. VIII, Avoiding distinctions of person (Constitution, Arti- cle 32) 34. The individual bishops or, if it seems opportune, the regional or national conferences of bishops shall see to it that the prescription of the holy Council which forbids any favor to private persons or any favor on the basis of social distinctions, either in ceremonies or in external pomp, shall be put into effect in their territories. 35. In addition, pastors of souls shall work with pru- dence and charity so that, in the liturgical services and. 12 more especially, in the celebration of Mass and the admin- istration of sacraments and sacramentals, the equality of the faithful shall be evident even outwardly and that, fur- ther, all appearance of money-seeking be avoided. IX, Simplification of certain rites (Constitution, Article 34) 36. In order that the liturgical services may exhibit a noble simplicity in harmony with the mentality of our times: a) The salutations to the choir on the part of the celebrant and the ministers shall be made only at the be- ginning and at the end of the sacred rite; b) The incensation of the clergy, apart from those who are bishops, shall be done once for each part of the choir, with three swings of the thurible; c) The incensation of the altar shall be done only at that altar where the liturgical service is being celebrated; d) The kisses of the hand and of objects which are being presented or received shall be omitted. X. Sacred celebrations of the word of God (Constitution, Article 35, 4) 37. In places which lack a priest, if no priest is avail- able for the celebration of Mass on Sundays and feast days of precept, the sacred celebration of the word of God sh^l be fostered, according to the judgment of the local ordinary, with a deacon or even a layman, authorized for this pur- pose, presiding over the service. The pattern of this celebration shall be almost the same as the liturgy of the word in Mass; ordinarily the epistle and gospel of the Mass of the day shall be read in the vernacular, with chants, especially from the psalms, before the lessons and between them; the one who presides shall give a homily, if he is a deacon; if not a deacon, he shall read a homily indicated by the bishop or the pastor; and the whole celebration shall be closed with the “common 13 prayer’^ or ‘‘prayer of the faithful’' and with the hordes Prayer. 38. It is also fitting that sacred celebrations of the word of God, which are to be encouraged on the vigils of the more solemn feasts, on some weekdays in Advent and Lent, and on Sundays and feast days, should take into ac- count the pattern of the liturgy of the word in Mass, al- though there may be only a single reading. In the arrangement of several readings, however, in order that the history of salvation may be clearly discerned, the reading from the Old Testament shall generally pre- cede the reading from the New Testament, and the read- ing of the holy gospel shall appear as the climax. 39. In order that these celebrations may be held with dignity and piety, it shall be the task of the liturgical com- missions in the individual dioceses to indicate and provide appropriate aids. XI. Vernacular translations of liturgical texts (Constitu- tion, Article 36, 3) 40. In vernacular trainslations of liturgical texts pre- pared in accordance with the norm of Article 36, 3, it is fitting that the following be observed: a) The vernacular translations of liturgical texts shall be made from the Latin liturgical text. The version of the biblical pericopes, however, should conform to the Latin liturgical text, but with the possibility of revising this translation, if deemed advisable in accordance with the origingd text or some other clearer translation. b) The preparation of the translation of liturgical texts should be entrusted, as a special concern, to the litur- gical commission mentioned in Article 44 of the Constitu- tion and in n. 44 of this Instruction. So far as possible, the institute of pastoral liturgy should assist the commission. But if there is no such commission, the supervision of the translation should be entrusted to two or three bishops, who will choose persons, including lay persons, expert in 14 scripture, liturgy, biblical languages, Latin, the vemaculeir language, and music. For the perfect translation of the liturgical text into the language of the people must neces- sarily and properly fulfill many conditions at the same time. c) Whenever it is called for, there should be con- sultation concerning translations with the bishops of neigh- boring regions which have the same language. d) In nations which have several languages, dif- ferent vernacular translations should be prepared for these languages and submitted to the special examination of the bishops concerned. e) Consideration should be given to the dignity of the books from which the liturgical text is read to the people in the vernacular language, so that the dignity of the book itself may move the faithful to a greater reverence for the word of Gk)d and for sacred things. 41. In liturgical services which are celebrated in some places with people of another language, it is lawful with the consent of the local ordinary to use the vernacular lan- guage known to these faithful, especially in the case of groups of immigrants, or of members of a personal parish, or similar instances. This shall be done in accordance with the extent of the use of the vernacular and its translation as legitimately approved by a competent territorial eccles- iastical authority of the respective language. 42. New melodies for parts to be sung in the vernac- ular language by the celebrant and the ministers must be approved by the competent territorial ecclesiastical auth- ority. 43. Particulcir liturgical books which were lawfully approved before the promulgation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and indults conceded up to that day retain their force, unless they are opposed to the Consti- tution, until other provision is made in the liturgical res- toration, as it will be completed in whole or in part. 15 XII, The liturgical commission of the body of bishops (Constitution, Article 44) 44. The liturgical commission, which it is desirable that the territorial authority establish, shall be chosen from among the bishops themselves, as far as possible. At least it shall consist of one or other bishop, with the addition of some priests expert in liturgical and pastoral matters, who are designated by name for this office. It is desirable that the members of this Commission be convened several times a year with the consultors of the Commission that they may deal with questions together. 45. The territorial authority may, as circumstances suggest, entrust the following to this Commission: a) studies and experiments to be promoted in ac- cordance with the norm of Article 40, 1 and 2 of the Con- stitution; b) practical initiatives to be undertaken for the entire territory, by which the liturgy and the application of the Constitution on the Liturgy may be encouraged; c) studies and the preparation of aids which be- come necessary in virtue of the decrees of the plenary body of bishops; d) the office of regulating the pastoral-liturgical action in the entire nation, supervising the application of the decrees of the plenary body, and reporting concerning all these matters to the body; e) consultations to be undertaken frequently and common initiatives to be promoted with associations in the same region which are concerned with scripture, cateche- tics, pastoral care, music, and sacred art, and with every kind of religious association of the laity. 46. The members of the institute of pastoral liturgy as well as individual experts who are caUed to assist the liturgical commission shall also freely offer their assistance to individual bishops for the more effective promotion of pastoral-liturgical action in their territory. 16 XIII, The diocesan liturgical commission (Constitution, Article 45) 47. The following duties pertain to the diocesan litur- gical commission, under the direction of the bishop: a) to be informed about the state of pastoral-litur- gical action in the diocese; b) to implement carefully what is proposed in liturgical matters by the competent authority, and to ob- tain information concerning studies and programs which are taking place elsewhere in this field; c) to suggest and promote practical undertakings of every kind which may help to promote the liturgy, espe- cially those which will assist priests already working in the Lord’s vineyard; d) in individual cases, or also for the entire diocese, to suggest opportune and progressive steps in the work of pastoral liturgy; to indicate and also to call upon suitable persons who on occasion may help priests in this matter; and to propose suitable materials and aids; e) to see to it that programs in the diocese to promote the liturgy progress with a harmonious spirit and with the assistance of other associations, in a way similar to that indicated for the commission established within the body of bishops (n. 45e). 17 CHAPTER II The Most Holy Mystery of the Eucharist I. The rite of the Mass (Constitution, Article 50) 48. Until the entire rite of the Mass is restored, the following shall be observed. a) The parts of the Proper which are sung or recited by the schola or by the people are not said privately by the celebrant. b) The celebrant may sing or recite the parts of the Ordinary together with the people or the schola. c) In the prayers to be said at the foot of the altar at the beginning of Mass, psalm 42 is omitted. All the prayers at the foot of the altar are omitted v/henever another liturgical seiwice immediately precedes the Mass. d) In solemn Masses the paten is not held by the subdeacon, but is left upon the altar. e) The secret prayer or prayer over the offerings shall be chanted in sung Masses, and recited in a loud voice in other Masses. f) The doxology at the end of the Canon, from the words Per ipsum up to Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen, inclusively, shall be chanted or recited in a loud voice. Throughout the entire doxology the celebrant lifts up the chalice and the host for the little elevation, omitting the signs of the cross, and at the end genuflects only after the response Amen is given by the people. 18 g) In low Masses the Lord’s Prayer may be re- cited by the people together with the celebrant in the ver- nacular language; in sung Masses it may be chanted by the people together with the celebrant in the Latin lan- guage and, if the territorial ecclesiastical authority shall so decree, also in the vernacular language, to melodies ap- proved by the same authority. h) The embolism after the Lord’s Prayer shall be chanted or recited in a loud voice. i) In distributing holy communion the formula. Corpus Christi, shall be used. The celebrant, as he says these words, lifts up the host a little above the cibonum to show it to the communicant, who responds: Amen, and afterward is communicated by the celebrant. The sign of the cross with the host is omitted. j) The last gospel is omitted; the Leonine prayers are suppressed. k) It is lawful to celebrate a sung Mass with a deacon only. l) It is lawful for bishops, if necessary, to cele- brate a sung Mass according to the form used by priests. U, Lessons and chants between the lessons (Constitution, Article 51) 49. In Masses celebrated with the people, the lessons, epistle, and gospel shall be read or chanted facing the peo- ple: a) in solemn Mass, at the ambo or at the edge of the sanctuary area; b) in high Mass or in low Mass, if they are read or chanted by the celebrant, either at the altar or at the ambo or at the edge of the sanctuary area, as may be more convenient; if they are read or chanted by another, at the ambo or at the edge of the sanctuary area. 50. In Masses celebrated with the people which are not solemn Masses, the lessons and epistle, together with the 19 intervenient chants, may be read by a qualified lector or server, while the celebrant sits and listens. The gospel, however, may be read by a deacon or by a second priest, who says Munda cor meum^ seeks the blessing, and at the end presents the book of gospels for the celebrant to kiss. 51. In sung Masses, the lessons, epistle, and gospel, if they are proclaimed in the vernacular, may be recited without chant. 52. In reciting or chanting the lessons, epistle, the chants which occur after them, and the gospel, the order is as follows: a) In solemn Mass, the celebrant sits and listens to the lessons and epistle as well as to the intervenient chants. After the epistle has been chanted or recited, the subdeacon goes to the celebrant and is blessed by him. Then the celebrant, seated, places incense in the thurible and blesses it. While the Alleluia and its verse are being chant- ed or toward the end of other cheints following the epistle, the celebrant rises to bless the deacon. At his seat he listens to the gospel, kisses the book of gospels, and, after the homily, intones the creed, if the latter is to be said. At the end of the creed he returns to the altar with the ministers, unless he is to direct the prayer of the faithful. b) In high or low Masses in which the lessons, epistie, the chants following them, and the gospel are sung or recited by the minister mentioned in n. 50, the celebrant acts in the manner described above. c) In high or low Masses in which the gospel is chanted or read by the celebrant, while the Alleluia and its verse are being chanted or recited or toward the end of other chants following the epistle, he goes to the lowest step of the altar and there bows deeply while saying Munda cor meum. Then he goes to the ambo or to the edge of the sanctuary area to chant or recite the gospel. d) But if, in a high Mass or low Mass, all the les- sons are chanted or recited by the celebrant at the ambo or at the edge of the sanctuary area, then, standing in the 20 same place, he also recites the chants occurring after the lessons and the epistle, if this is necessary; he says Munda cor meum turned toward the altar. III. The homily (Constitution, Article 52) 53. There shall be a homily on Sundays and fegist days of precept in all Masses which are celebrated with the peo- ple present. No exception may be made for conventual, sung, or pontifical Masses. On other days, a homily is recommended, especially on some of the weekdays of Advent and Lent, as well as in other circumstances when the people come to church in larger numbers. 54. By a homily from the sacred text is understood an explanation either of some aspect of the readings from holy Scripture or of another text from the Ordinary or Proper of the Mass of the day, taking into account the mys- tery which is being celebrated and the particular needs of the hearers. 55. If plans of preaching within Mass are proposed for certain periods, the intimate connection with at least the principal seasons and feasts of the liturgical year (Cf. Con- stitution, Articles 102-104), that is, with the mystery of the Redemption, is to be harmoniously preserved: for the homily is part of the liturgy of the day. IV. The common prayer or prayer of the faithful (Con- stitution, Article 53) 56. In places where the custom is already in force of having the common prayer or prayer of the faithful, for the interim it shall take place before the offertory, after the word Oremus, according to the formulas now in use in the individual regions. The celebrant shall direct the prayer either from his seat, from the altar, from the ambo, or from the edge of the sanctuary area. The intentions or invocations may be chanted by a dea- con or a cantor or other qualified server, reserving to the 21 celebrant the words of introduction and the concluding prayer. This latter will ordinarily be: Deus, refugium nos- trum eit virtue (Cf. Missdle Romanum, Orationes diversae, n. 20) or another prayer which corresponds better to a particular need. In places where the common prayer or prayer of the faithful is not in use, the competent territorial authority may decree that it be done in the manner indicated above, with formulas approved for the interim by that authority. V, The place which may be granted to the vernacular language in the Mass (Constitution, Article 54) 57. In Masses, whether sung or low, which are cele- brated with the people, the competent territorial ecclesi- astical authority may admit the vernacular language, the decrees having been approved, that is, confirmed, by the Apostolic See: a) especially in proclaiming the lessons, epistle, and gospel, as well as in the common prayer or prayer of the faitMul; b) according to the circumstances of the place, also in the chants of the Ordinary of the Mass, namely, Kyrie, Gloria, Creed, Sanctus-Benedictus, and Agnus Dei, and in the antiphons at the Introit, offertory, and commun- ion, as well as in the chants that occur between the lessons. c) moreover, in the acclamations, salutations, and dialogue formulas, together with the formulas at the com- munion of the faithful: Ecce Agnus Dei, Domine, non sum dignus, and Corpus Christi, and in the hordes Prayer with its introduction and embolism. Missals for liturgical use, however, should contain the Latin text in addition to the vernacular translation. 58. It pertains solely to the Apostolic See to concede the vernacular language in other parts of the Mass which are chanted or recited by the celebrant alone. 59. Pastors of souls shall carefully see to it that the 22 faithful, more particularly the members of lay religious as- sociations, also know how to say or to sing together in the Latin language those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertains to them, especially with the use of simpler melodies. VI. The faculty of repeating communion on the same day (Constitution, Article 55) 60. The faithful who communicate in the Mass of the Easter Vigil or in the midnight Mass of Christmas may also receive communion again in the second Mass of Easter and in one of the Masses which is celebrated on Christmas in the daytime. 23 CHAPTER III The Other Sacraments and. the Sacramentals I. The place which may be granted to the vernacular Ian- guage (Constitution, Article 63) 61. The competent territorial authority may admit the vernacular language, the decrees having been approved, that is, confirmed, by the Apostolic See; a) in the rites of baptism, confirmation, penance, anointing of the sick, and matrimony, including the es- sential forms, as well as in the distribution of Holy Com- munion; b) in the conferral of orders: in the allocutions at the beginning of each ordination or consecration, as well as in the examination of the bishop-elect in episcopal con- secration, and in the instructions; c) in the sacramentals; d) in funeral rites. Wherever a more extended use of the vernacular lan- guage appears desirable, the regulation of article 40 of the Constitution is to be observed. II, Things to be suppressed in the rite for supplying omis- sions in baptism (Constitution, Article 69) 62. In the rite for supplying omissions in the case of a baptized infant, which is given in the Roman Ritual, tit. n, cap. 5, those exorcisms shall be omitted which are found under n. 6 (Exi ah eo), 10 (Exorcizo te, immunde 24 spiritus—Ergo mdledicte diabole)^ and 15 (Exorcizo te^ omnis spiritus). 63. In the rite for supplying omissions in the case of a baptized adult, which is given in the Roman Ritual, tit. n, cap. 6, those exorcisms shall be omitted which are found under n. 5 (Exi ah eo), 15 {Ergo, mdledicte didbole), 17 {Audi mdledicte satana)^ 19 {Exorcizo te, Ergo, mdledicte diahole) , 21 {Ergo, mdledicte didbole) , 23 {Ergo, mdledicte dmbole) , 25 {Exorcizo te—Ergo mdledicte didbole) , 31 {Nec te lateat) , and 35 {Exi, immunde spiritus) . til. Confirmation (Constitution, Article 71) 64. If confirmation is conferred within Mass, it is fitting that the Mass be celebrated by the bishop himself. In this case he confers confirmation while vested in the Mass vestments. The Mass within which confirmation is conferred may be celebrated as a votive Mass of Class II, of the Holy Spirit. 65. After the gospel and homily, before the reception of confirmation, it is praiseworthy that those to be con- firmed should renew the promises of baptism, according to the rite legitimately in use in the individual regions, un- less this has already taken place before Mass. 66. If the Mass is celebrated by another, it is fitting that the bishop assist at the Mass wearing the vestments prescribed for the conferral of confirmation, which may be either the color of the Mass or white. The bishop himself shall give the homily, and the celebrant shall resume the Mass only after confirmation. 67. Confirmation is conferred according to the rite prescribed in the Roman Pontifical, but at the words In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti which follow the formula Signo Te, a single sign of the cross shall be made. IF. Continuous rite for anointing of the sick and Viaticum (Constitution, Article 74) 68. When anointing of the sick and Viaticum are ad- 25 ministered at the same time, unless a continuous rite is already found in a particular ritual, the rite shall be ar- ranged as follows : after the sprinkling with holy water and the prayers of entrance which are given in the rite of anointing, the priest shall hear the confession of the sick person, if necessary, then administer anointing, and finally give Viaticum, omitting the sprinkling with its formulas and the Confiteor and absolution. If, however, the apostolic blessing with a plenary in- dulgence at the hour of death is to be imparted on the same occasion, this shall be given immediately before anointing, omitting the sprinkling with its formulas and the Confiteor and absolution. V. Imposition of hands in episcopal consecration (Consti- tution, Article 76) 69. All the bishops present at an episcopal consecra- tion may impose hands; they vest in choir dress. The words Accipe Spiritum Sanctum^ however, shall be said only by the bishop consecrator and by the two co-consecrating bishops. VL Rite of matrimony (Constitution, Article 78) 70. Matrimony, unless a just cause excuses from the celebration of Mass, shall be celebrated within Mass after the gospel and the homily. The latter is never omitted. 71. Whenever matrimony is celebrated within Mass, the votive Mass for the spouses shall always be celebrated or a commemoration made of it, according to the rubrics, even during the prohibited season. 72. As far as possible, the pastor or his delegate who assists at the marriage shall celebrate the Mass; but if another priest assists, the celebrant shall not continue the Mass until the rite of matrimony has been completed. The priest who assists at the marriage but does not celebrate the Mass shall be vested in surplice and white stole and, according to the local custom, also in cope, and 26 shall give the homily. The blessing after the Lord’s Prayer and before the Placeat, however, is always to be imparted by the priest who celebrates the Mass. 73. The nuptial blessing shall always be imparted within the Mass, even in the prohibited season and even if one or both of the spouses is entering a second marriage. 74. In the celebration of matrimony without Mass: a) at the beginning of the rite, according to the apostolic letter Sacram Liturgiam, n. V, a brief admoni- tion shall be given. This is not a homily, but only a simple instruction for the celebration of marriage (Cf. Constitu- tion, Article 35, 3). There shall be, however, a sermon or homily drawn from the sacred text (Cf. Constitution, Ar- ticle 52), after the reading of the epistle and gospel from the Mass for the spouses, so that the order of the whole rite shall be: brief admonition, reading of the epistle and gospel in the vernacular language, homily, celebration of marriage, nuptial blessing. b) For the reading of the epistle and gospel from the Mass for the spouses, in the absence of a vernacular text approved by the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority, it is lawful for the interim to use a text approved by the local ordinary. c) A chant may be sung between the epistle and the gospel. Likewise the prayer of the faithful is highly recommended after the completion of the rite of matrimony, according to a formula approved by the local ordinary, in which petitions for the spouses are also to be included. d) At the end of the rite the blessing shall always be imparted to the spouses, even in the prohibited season and even if one or both of the spouses is entering a sec- ond marriage, according to the formula which is found in the Roman Ritual, tit. VIII, cap. Ill, unless another bless- ing is given in particular rituals. 75. If marriage is celebrated during the prohibited sea- son, the pastor shall advise the spouses to take into account the special character of this liturgical season. 27 VII• Sacramentals (Constitution, Article 79) 76. In the blessing of Ccindles on February 2 and in the blessing of ashes at the beginning of Lent, a single prayer from among the prayers which are found in the Roman Missal for these blessings may be said. 77. Blessings which have been reserved up to the present time and which are contained in the Roman Ritual, tit. IX, cap. 9, 10, 11, may be given by any priest, with the exception of the blessing of a bell for the use of a blessed church or oratory (cap. 9, n. 11), the blessing of the first stone for the building of a church (cap. 9, n. 16), the bless- ing of a new church or public oratory (cap. 9, n. 17), the blessing of an antimension (cap. 9, n. 21), the blessing of a new cemetery (cap. 9, n. 22) , the papal blessings (cap. 10, n. 1-3), and the blessing and erection of the stations of the Way of the Cross (cap. 11, n. 1) inasmuch as this is reserved to the Bishop. 28 CHAPTER IV The Divine Office J. The celebration of the divine office by those bound to the obligation of choir, (Constitution, Article 95) 78. Until the restoration of the divine office is com- pleted: a) Communities of canons, monks, nuns, and other regulars or religious bound to choir by law or constitutions must celebrate the entire divine office daily in choir, in addition to the conventual Mass. Individual members of these communities who are in major orders or are solemnly professed, except for the conversi, even if they are la\^ully dispensed from choir, must recite individually each day the canonical hours which they do not celebrate in choir. b) Cathedral and collegiate chapters must cele- brate those parts of the office in choir which are imposed upon them by the common law or by particular law, in addition to the conventual Mass. Individual members of these chapters, in addition to the canonical hours which all clerics in major orders are bound to celebrate (Cf. Constitution, Article 96 and 89), must recite individually those hours which are celebrated by their chapter. c) In mission lands, however, while preserving the religious or capitular choral discipline established by law, religious or members of chapters who are lawfully absent from choir by reason of the pastoral ministry may enjoy the concession made in the apostolic letter Sacram Litur- giam, n. VI, with the permission of the loced ordinary, but not of the vicar gener^ or delegate. 29 fJ. Faculty of dispensing from or commuting the divine office (Constitution, Article 97) 79. The faculty conceded to all ordinaries of dispens- ing their subjects, in individual cases and for a just cause, from the obligation of the divine office in whole or in part or of commuting it, is also extended to major superiors of non-exempt clerical religious institutes and of societies of clerics who live the common life without vows. HI, Short offices (Constitution, Article 98) 80. No short office is considered as drawn up after the pattern of the divine office which does not consist of psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers and which does not take into some account the hours of the day and the re- spective liturgical seasons. 81. In order to celebrate the public prayer of the Church, for the interim those short offices may be used which have been lawfully approved up to the present time, provided that they have been drawn up according to the requirements enumerated in No. 80. New short offices, however, must be approved by the Apostolic See in order to be used for the public prayer of the Church. 82. The translation of the text of a short office into the vernacular language for use as the public prayer of the Church must be approved by the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority, the decrees having been approved, that is, confirmed by the Apostolic See. 83. The competent authority for conceding the ver- nacular in the recitation of a short office to those who are bound to this office by the constitutions, or for dispensing from or commuting the obligation of recitation, is the or- dinary or the major superior of the respective subject. IF, Divine office or short offices celebrated in common by members of institutes dedicated to acquiring per- fection (Constitution, Article 99) 84. The obligation of celebrating in common the divine 30 office or a short office or parts of either imposed by their constitutions on members of institutes dedicated to acquir- ing perfection does not take away the faculty of omitting the hour of prime and of selecting from among the other minor hours one that best suits the time of day (Cf. Apos- tolic Letter Sacram IMurgiam, n. VI) . V, The language to he used in the recitation of the divine office (Constitution, Article 101) 85. In the celebration of the divine office in choir, clerics are bound to retain the Latin language. 86. The faculty granted to the ordinary of conceding the use of the vernacular language, in individual cases, to those clerics for whom the use of Latin constitutes a grave impediment to their praying the office properly, is extended also to the major superiors of nonexempt clerical religious institutes and of societies of clerics who live the common life without vows. 87. The grave obstacle which is required for the grant of the preceding concession must be weighed by taking in- to consideration the physical, moral, intellectual and spir- itual condition of the petitioner. Nevertheless, tliis faculty, which is granted solely to make the recitation of the divine office easier and more devout, is in no way intended to detract from the obligation incumbent upon priests of the Latin rite to learn the Latin language. 88. The vernacular translation of the divine office ac- cording to a rite other ihan the Roman rite shall be pre- pared and approved hy the respective ordinaries of that language, employing for elements common to both rites those translations approved by the territoricd authority, and then proposed for the confirmation of the Apostolic See. 89. Breviaries to be used by clerics to whom the use of the vernacular language in the celebration of the di- vine office U conceded in accordance with Article 101, No. 1, of the Constitution, should contain the Latin text in ad- dition to the vernacular translation. 31 CHAPTER V The Proper Construction of Churches and Altars In Order To Facilitate The Active Participation Of The Faithful I. The arrangement of churches 90. In the new construction, repair, or adaptation of churches great care shall be taken that they are suitable for the celebration of divine services according to the true nature of the services and for the active participation of the faithful (Cf. Constitution, Article 124). II. The main altar 91. It is proper that the main altar be constructed separately from the wall, so that one may go around it with ease and so that celebration may take place facing the people; it shall occupy a place in the sacred building which is truly central, so that the attention of the whole congregation of the faithful is spontaneously turned to it. In choosing the material for the construction or orna- mentation of the altar, the prescriptions cf law shall be observed. Moreover, the presbyterium or sanctuary area around the altar shall be of sufficient size that the sacred rites may be conveniently celebrated. 32 in. The seat of the celebrant and ministers 92. The seat for the celebrant and ministers, accord- ing to the structure of individual churches, shall be so placed that it may be easily seen by the faithful and that the celebrant may truly appear to preside over the entire community of the faithful. Nevertheless, if the seat is placed behind the altar, the form of a throne is to be avoided, as this belongs to the bishop alone. IV. Minor altars 93. The minor altars shall be few in number. In fact, to the extent permitted by the structure of the building, it is highly suitable that they be placed in chapels in some way separated from the principal part of the church. V. Ornamentation of altars 94. The cross and candlesticks, which are required on the altar for the individual liturgical services, may also, in accordance with the judgment of the local ordinary, be placed next to it. VI. The reservation of the most holy Eucharist 95. The most holy Eucharist shall be reserved in a solid and inviolable tabernacle placed in the middle of the main altar or of a minor, but truly outstanding, altar, or, according to lawful customs and in particular cases to be approved by the local ordinary, also in some other noble and properly adorned part of liie church. It is lawful to celebrate Mass facing the people even if there is a tabernacle, small but suitable, on the dtar. VII. The ambo 96. It is fitting that there be an ambo or ambos for the proclamation of the sacred readings, so arranged that the ministers can be easily seen and heard by the faithful. 33 VIH. The place of the schola and organ 97. The places for the schola and the organ shall be so arranged that it will be clearly evident that the singers and the organist form a part of the united community of the faithful and so that they may fulfill their liturgical function more suitably. IX. The places of the faithful 98. The piaf’pg for the faithful shall be arranged with particular care, so that they may participate in the sacred ceiebrations visually and with proper spirit. It is desirable that ordinarily benches or seats be provided for their use. Nevertheless, the custom of reserving seats for certain pri- vate persons is to be reprobated, in accordance with article 32 of the Constitution. Care shall also be taken that the faithful may not only see the celebrant and the other ministers but may also hear them easily, with the use of present-day technical means. X. Baptistry 99. In the construction and ornamentation of the bap- tistry, care shall be taken that the dignity of the sacra- ment of baptism is clearly apparent and that the place is suitable for the community celebration of the sacrament (Cf. Constitution, Article 27). # • • # The present Instruction, prepared at the command of Pope Paul VI, by the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, was presented to His Holiness by James Cardinal Lercaro, president of the Commission. The Holy Father, after having given due considera- tion to this Instruction, with the help of the above-men- tioned Commission and of this Sacred Congregation of 34 Rites, in an audience granted to Arcadio Maria Cardinal Larraona, prefect of the Congregation, on September 26, 1964, approved it in a special way as a whole and in its parts, confirmed it by his authority, and ordered it to be published, and to be diligently observed by all concerned, beginning the First Simday of Lent, March 7, 1905. All things to the contrary notwithstanding. Rome, September 26, 1964. Arcadio M. Cardinal Larraona Perfect of Sacred Congregation of Rites ^ Henry Dante Titular Archbishop of Carpasia Secretary Sacred Congregation of Rites James Cardinal Lercaro Archbishop of Bologna President of the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. 35 Motu Proprio of Pope Paul VI on implementing the Ecumenical CounciVs Constitution on the Liturgy The many documents on liturgical questions that have been published and are well known to all demonstrate how it was the ceaseless concern of our predecessors in the supreme pontificate, of ourselves, and of the holy shepherds to preserve diligently, to cultivate and to renew the sacred liturgy according to need. Another proof of this solicitude is given by the Liturgical Constitution which the Second Vati- can Ecumenical Council has approved by general consent and which we in the solemn public session of December 4, 1963, ordered to be promulgated. This lively interest stems from the fact that “in the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims, where Christ is sit- ting at the right hand of God, a minister of the holy rites and of the true tabernacle. We sing a hymn to the Lord’s glory with all the warriors of the heavenly army. Venerat- ing the memory of the saints, we hope for some part and fellowship with them. We eagerly await the Savior, our 37 Lord Jesus Christ, until He, our life, shall appear and we too will appear with Him in glory” (Article 8, Liturgy Con- stitution) . For this reason the souls of the faitliful worship God, the principle and model of all holiness, in such a way as to be, in this eairthly pilgrimage, “imitators of the heavenly Zion” (from hymn of Lauds of the Feast of the Dedication of a CJiurch). For these reasons it is apparent to all that it is our uppemiost concern that all C!hristians, and especially all priests, should consecrate themselves first of all to the study of the already mentioned constitution and from now on, resolve to implement its individual prescriptions in good faith as soon as they enter into force. And since it is nec- essary by the very nature of things that the prescriptions concerning the knowledge and spread of the liturgical laws should take place immediately, we earnestly exhort shep- herds of dioceses that with the help of the sacred ministers, “dispensers of God's mysteries” (Constitution, Article 19), they should hasten to act in order that the faithful entrusted to their care may understand, to the degree permitted by age, by the conditions of their own life and by their mental formation, the strength and inner value of the liturgy and at the same time participate very devoutly, internally and externally, in the rites of the C!hurch (Constitution, Article 19). Meanwhile, it seems evident that many prescriptions of the constitution cannot be applied in a short period of time, especially since some rites must first be reused and new liturgical books prepared. In order that this work may be carried out with the necessciry wisdom and prudence, we are establishing a special commission whose principal task will be to implement in the best possible way the prescrip- tions of the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy itself. However, since among the norms of the constitution there are some which can be made effective now, we de- 38 sire that they enter immediately into force, so that the souls of the faithful may not be further deprived of the fruits of the grace which are hoped for from them. Therefore, with our apostolic authority and on our own initiative, we order and decree that from the coming first Sunday of Lent, that is, from February 16, 1964, the statutory interval for a law to go into force being Wcdved, the following norms enter into force: l. We desire that the norms contained in Articles 15, 16 and 17 concerning teaching of the liturgy in seminaries, in schools of religious communities and in theological fac- ulties immediately should be worked into the programs in such a way that beginning in the next school year stu- dents may devote themselves to such study in an orderly and diligent way. n. We also decree that, according to the norms of Articles 45 and 46, there be established as soon as pos- sible in the various dioceses a commission whose task is, under direction of the bishop, to foster knowledge of the liturgy and advance the liturgical apostolate. It will also be opportune that in certain cases, several dioceses should have a single commission. Furthermore, in all dioceses let two other commissions be established: one for sacred music and the other for sacred art. These three diocesan commissions may also be merged into one if necessary. m. From the date established above, we desire that the norms of Article 52 should enter into force, prescrib- ing the homily during holy Mass on Sundays and holy days. IV. In the same way, we also put into immediate effect the norms contained in Article 71, which permits, when 39 convenient, administration of the sacrament of Confirma- tion during holy Mass after the reading of the gospel and the preaching of the homily. V. Concerning Article 78, we admonish all concerned that the sacrament of Matrimony must normally be cele- brated during holy Mass, after the reading of the Gospel and the sermon. If Matrimony is administered outside the Mass, we order that the following rules be observed until a new ritual is established: At the beginning of this sacred rite (Con- stitution, Article 35, paragraph 3), after a brief exhorta- tion, the Gospel and Epistle of the Nuptial Mass must be read; and then let spouses receive the blessing which is contEiined in the Roman Ritual in Section 8, Chapter III. VI. Although the Divine OflSce has not yet been re- vised and renewed according to the norms of article 89, we nevertheless grant immediately the following permission to ail who are obliged to recite the Divine OflSce. From February 16, in recitation of the office outside of choir, they may omit the hour of Prime and choose from among the three other little hours one that best suits the time of day, always without prejudice to the dispositions of Articles 95 and 96 of the Constitution. We meike this concession with strong confidence this will not detract in any way from the piety of the clergy, but rather that in diligently carrying out the duties of their priestly office for the love of God, they may feel more closely united to God throughout the day. Vn. Still regarding the Divine Office, we ordain that Ordinaries may for just and well-considered reasons dis- pense their own subjects wholly or in part from the obliga- tion of reciting it, or commute it to something else. (Con- stitution, Article 97). Vm. Still regarding the Divine Office, we desire that those members of institutes of perfection who, according 40 to their constitutions, recite some part of the Divine Office, or some **little office,” provided this is drawn up on the pat- tern of the Divine Office and regularly approved, are to be considered as taking part in the public prayer of the Church. (Constitution, Article 98.) IX. Since according to Article 101 of the Constitution those who are obliged to recite the Divine Office may in various ways be permitted to use the vernacular instead of Latin, we deem it proper to specify that the various ver- sions proposed by the competent territorial bishops’ con- ference, according to Article 36, paragraphs 3 and 4, must always be reviewed and approved by the Holy See, accord- ing to the norm of the same article, paragraph 3. We order that this practice always be observ^ whenever a liturgical Latin text is translated into the vernacular on behalf of the territorial authority. X. Since in accord with Article 22, paragraph 2, the direction of the liturgy within geographical limits comes within the competence of the legitimately constituted ter- ritorial episcopal conference of various kinds, we establish that the term “territorial” be understood as meaning na- tional. In addition to residential bishops, all who are men- tioned in Canon 292 of the Code of Canon Law may partici- pate in these national conferences, with the right to vote. In addition, coadjutor and auxiliary bishops may also be called to these conferences. In these conferences, legiti- mate approval of decrees requires a two-thirds majority, with the voting secret. XI. Finally we wish to emphasize that—^beyond what we in this apostolic letter on liturgical matters have either changed or have ordered carried out at the established time—regulation of the liturgy comes solely within the authority of the Church: that is, of this Apostolic See and. 41 in accordance with the law, of the bishop. Consequently, absolutely no one else, not even a priest, can on his own initiative add or subtract or change anything in liturgical matters. (Constitution, Article 22, paragraphs 1 and 3). We ordain that all we have established with this motu proprio should remain valid, and in force, everjd:hing to the contrary notwithstanding. Given in Rome, at St. Peter’s, January 25, 1964, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, in the first year of our pontificate. PAUL PP. VI I