The New Testament Series : syllabus II 1 ^ evAj A 3) 0 4 9 ci[Q I QJIj? Jfaiu ©aataitmrt &maa (SYLLABUS II) PART IV— TEACHINGS OF THE EPISTLES - - ' .. - - $Si " I I Nntt oratanunit SfriM (Syllabus II) PART IV TEACHINGS OF THE EPISTLES For Religious Discussion Clubs THE CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Publications Department 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. Washington 5, D. C. Copyright, 1945, by CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Nihil ohstat. HENRY J. ZOLZER, Censor. Imprimatur. * THOMAS H. McLAUGHLIN, Bishop of Paterson. March 25, 1945. PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT /^)OME, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. y. Send forth Thy spirit and they shall be created, ty. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. 0 GOD, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithfulby the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consola- tion. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Indulgence of five years. Plenary indulgence, under the usual conditions, if the prayer has been recited daily for a month.— Preces et Pia Opera, 265. The faithful who spend at least a quarter of an hour in read- ing Holy Scripture with the great reverence due to the Word of God and after the manner of spiritual reading, may gain an in- dulgence of 300 days. — Preces et Pia Opera, 645. FOREWORD More than ten years ago, when we began the use of the New Testament as a religious discussion text, it soon be- came obvious that a revised translation printed as a modern reader’s book was an imperative need. The answer to that need is the recently published Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Revision of the New Testament, on which this series of discussion club outlines is based. This printing of the series utilizes the footnotes, glossary, maps and other features of the revised New Testament, and embodies at the same time changes suggested by experienced discussion club leaders. It is a pleasure to recommend this series to religious discussion club groups. I have seen Parts I, II and III in use by several thousand clubs during the past several years and have observed that much fruit was thereby gained by the members. Part IV will be found to be simple, direct and systematic, and any group will derive great profit from its guidance. I do not speak of the advantages accruing from acquaintance with the text of the New Testament. Popes and high ecclesiastical authorities have sufficiently emphasized the utility of the laity’s acquaintance with the Sacred Text. The outline here presented will enable the club members to begin with personal interest a study of the inspired letters of the Apostles, our Lord’s immediate successors, and the first Bishops of His Church. It in- cludes two Encyclicals of the first Pope. In his first Epistle, St. Peter pleads for brotherly love, growth in holiness and Christian conduct. In your study, ill may you "set your hope completely upon that grace which is brought to you in the revelation of Jesus Christ” that you may be "holy in all your behavior” (I Peter 1:13-15). * Edwin V. O’Hara, Bishop of Kansas City IV The New Testament Series (Syllabus II) PART IV: TEACHINGS OF THE EPISTLES From Ten Epistles of St. Paul, the Epistle of St. James, 1 and 2 St. Peter, 1, 2 and 3 St. John, and the Epistle of St. Jude Subject-matter for 2 discussion club sessions of 8 meetings each 1. Text: The New Testament, a Catholic version. This, like other Outlines of the New Testament Series, is based on the Confraternity Revision. The Introductions before each of the Epistles, the Glossary (pp. 746-760), the maps and footnotes of the Revision, are valuable ready reference material. They are referred to throughout Syl- labus II. Each member needs only a New Testament, or New Testament Readings for Syllabus II, Part IV ; this Out- line; and a Missal with English. Bring them to every meeting. A good member is always on time for meetings. Each leader should have, in addition to the above, a copy of A Commentary on the New Testament, by the Catholic Biblical Association of America, a supple- ment to the Confraternity Revision of the New Testament. Wm. H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York 7, N. Y. 720 pp., $2.25. Supplementary reading and outside references may be found interesting and profitable to many discussion club members, but they are not presupposed by the course in [ 1 ] this outline, which seeks to avoid the technicalities that beset the Scripture scholar. The purpose of this course is to present, in a manner intelligible to the average layman, the New Testament narrative of the Epistles. Read the Foreword, pp. III-IV. 2. Discussion is a cooperative effort in which both leader and members take an active part. The purpose of directed discussion is to clarify and correlate religious in- formation, to develop the ability to explain accurately and convincingly the truths of our religion, to relate religious truths to daily living, and above all, to form in the mem- bers, as soldiers of Jesus Christ, a deeper and fuller spir- itual life. 3. The Spiritual Director (a priest) answers difficult questions submitted to him in writing by the Secretary, encourages leaders and members of all clubs in a parish, and occasionally visits each group. 4. A Leader (in adult clubs, a member of the group of from 6 to 12 persons) a) directs members to read the text aloud in turn while the others read silently; b) guides the discussion with the help of the Discussion Aids based on the content of the chapter. 5. A Secretary (a member of the group) calls the roll, and records and refers to the Spiritual Director questions that cannot be decided by the group. 6. Order of Meeting a) Begin promptly. b) Open with prayer. c) Roll call by Secretary. d) Answers to questions from previous chapter. [ 2 ] e) Reading and discussion of assigned text. The Leader keeps the discussion within the bounds of the assignment, and promotes participation by the members. f) Assignment of chapter for the following week. g) Announcement of place of next meeting, if necessary. h) Adjourn at the end of an hour, closing with prayer. Suggest that after discussion each member ask himself the following questions: a) What are the leading ideas of the chapter? b) What new information have I gained? c) Have any of my former ideas been changed? d) What is my conclusion? e) How shall I apply this knowledge practically? 7. Practices: A section of the text of each chapter is entitled "Practices.” This is the application of some of the thoughts and religious ideas of St. Paul and the other authors to the life of the individual Christian who takes part in the discussion. Educators tell us that no lesson is properly learned until it is in some way put into practice. The suggestions which are offered here are intended to fortify the lessons learned and to bridge that immense gap between empty speculation and meritorious practice. The development of an illustrated book by individuals or the group is an interesting, profitable project. Where supplementary material is desired, the follow- ing will be found especially helpful: *New Testament Readings for Syllabus II, Part IV : a companion volume to the Syllabus; contains excerpts *Order from Confraternity Publications, 508 Marshall Street, Paterson 3, N. J. [ 3 ] from the following Epistles: St. Paul — 1 and 2 Thessa- lonians, Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philip- pians, Colossians, Philemon, and Ephesians; 1 and 2 St. Peter; 1, 2 and 3 St. John; St. James; and St. Jude. The Readings also contains maps of Palestine and of St. Paul’s journeys. 20c. *The New Testament in Religion Courses, by Rev. Joseph L. Lilly, C. M., S. T. D., S. S. L. 10 pp., 5c. *The Religious Discussion Club; how to organize and conduct a discussion club. 14 pp., 10c. *Suggestions for Discussion Club Leaders. 8 pp., $2.00 per 100. *The New Testament, Confraternity Revision, 776 pp., with glossary, full color maps, Temple of Jerusalem: Students’ Edition, 41/g” x 6”, $1.00. Confraternity Edition, 5” x 8I/2”, $1.25. A Missal to correlate the Acts of the Apostles and the Liturgy of the Mass. While a Sunday Missal is sufficient for members, at least one copy of a daily Missal is desir- able in each club. * Order from Confraternity Publications, 508 Marshall Street, Pater- son 3, N. J. [ 4 ] TEACHINGS OF THE EPISTLES (Syllabus II — Part IV) Note: In each Chapter under “III. Readings from the New Testa- ment,” six New Testament selections are indicated; the Scriptural refer- ences for each follows "Read.” The following abbreviations are used: N. T. — New Testament p. — page pp. = pages par. = paragraph v. = verse vv. = verses 1 Cor. 7:25-34 — 1 Corinthians, chapter 7, verses 25 through 34 First Session Chapter I THE LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL I. Map Work: Refer briefly to New Testament maps to locate: Tar'sus in Ci-li'cia, Da-mas'cus and An'ti-och in Syr'i-a. First Journey: Cy'prus (island), Pam- phyl'i-a, An'ti-och in Pi-sid'i-a, the cities of I-co'ni-um, Lys'tra and Der'be. Places added on Second Journey: Province of Ga-la'ti-a, Tro'as in Mys'i-a, Phi-lip'pi, Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca and Be-roe'a in Mac-e-do'ni-a, the cities of Ath'ens, Cor'inth, Eph'e-sus and Je-ru'sa-lem. II. Picture Study: Stephen’s Martyrdom; The Vision of Saul III. Readings from the New Testament: Life and Epistles of St. Paul (N. T., pp. 397-399) (Commentary on N. T., pp. 406-409) 1. Read: Saul’s Youth and Education (N. T., p. 397, par. 1, 2) [ 5 ] Discussion Aids: Tell about Saul’s birthplace, par- ents, citizenship, approximate date of birth. How did Saul acquire a threefold education? complete his education? 2. Read: Saul Returns to Palestine (N. T., p. 397, par. 3) and Acts 9:1-9, The Vision of Saul Discussion Aids: When did Saul return to Pales- tine? What was his attitude towards the infant Church? towards St. Stephen? With what mission was Saul entrusted by the high priest? How was Saul’s journey to Damascus interrupted (Acts 9:1- 9) ? Tell the story of Saul’s vision. 3. Read: Acts 9:10-19, Saul’s Baptism Discussion Aids: To whom did the Lord appear in Damascus (v. 10) ? What was the Lord’s mes- sage (vv. 11-12)? An-a-ni'as’ reply (vv. 13-14)? What event followed (vv. 15-19)? 4. Read: Paul Prepares for Missionary Activity (N. T., p. 397, par. 5, and p. 398, par. 1) Discussion Aids: When and why did Paul go to A-ra'bi-a? What did Paul do on his return to Da- mascus? Why did he go to Jerusalem? to Tarsus? What work did Paul and Bar'na-bas do together? Trace on the map the first missionary journey. 5. Read: Second and Third Missionary Journeys (N. T.,y398, par. 2, 3 and 4) Discussion Aids: Second Journey: Who were Paul’s companions? What places did they visit? Tell of Paul’s vision at Troas. Why did Paul sail for Europe? Trace on the map places visited. Third Journey: What places were visited? What plans [ 6 ] No. 129 Stephen’s Martyrdom [ 7 ] made? Tell of Paul’s imprisonment; of his stay in Rome. 6. Read: St. Paul’s Epistles (N. T., p. 398, par. 5, to end on p. 399) Discussion Aids: How many of St. Paul’s Epistles are in the New Testament? How are the Epistles arranged in our Bible? How were St. Paul’s Epistles usually written? What does St. Jerome say of these Epistles? IV. Liturgy: Liturgy is a living expression of our partici- pation in the divine mysteries. The Church in her Liturgy (public worship) reviews or reenacts each year the life of Christ and events recorded in the Scriptures. This section of each lesson lists the Epis- tles to be read in the Mass of the feasts named. Note the Epistle read in the Mass of each feast listed and observe how appropriately it applies to the particu- lar feast: Conversion of St. Paul, January 25 (Acts 9 : 1 -22 ). V. Practices (Trace the connection between the practices suggested under this heading and the readings of the current chapter; then select one as your special practice.) 1. What is God’s will in my life? Take pencil and paper and write out in the order of their impor- tance the duties to which God will hold me for an accounting. 2. As a Christian have I any missionary obligations (obligations to spread the word of God) ? Is there anyone among my acquaintances, relative or friend, who is a poor Catholic or a non-Catholic interested [ 8 ] The Vision of SaulNo. 131 [ 9 ] in the Faith? Why not invite that person to the next meeting of the Discussion Club? 3- Remembering our Lord’s warning to St. Paul that "it is hard for thee to kick against the goad,” let us say this prayer now: "O Almighty and Ever- lasting God, grant that we may always have a will devoted to Thee and a sincere heart to serve Thy Majesty, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.” (Prayer for the Mass of the Sunday within the Octave of Ascension) Chapter II THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS I. Map Work: Locate Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca, Mac-e-do'ni-a, A-cha'ia, Be-roe'a, Cor'inth, Ju-de'a II. Picture Study: Thessalonica III. Readings from the New Testament: First Epistle to the Thes-sa-lo'ni-ans ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 559-566) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 565) Discussion Aids: When and under what circum- stances was the Church founded at Thessalonica? What was the attitude of the Jews towards Paul? Why and to what place did Paul flee? Why did Paul write this Epistle? Who was Tim'o-thy? How did he assist Paul? ( 10] No. 137 Thessalonica [10 2. Read: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, Greeting, Thanks- giving Discussion Aids: Who sent greetings? For what did Paul give thanks (vv. 2-3)? How and why was the Gospel delivered to these brethren (vv. 4- 7)? To where did they spread the word of the Lord (vv. 8-9) ? with what result (v. 10) ? 3. Read: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, His Mission among Them Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of his coming among the brethren? treatment at Phi-lip'pi? the Gospel of God? "our exhortation” (vv. 1-3) ? How does Paul say "we speak” (vv. 4-6) ? What was the relation of the "Apostles of Christ” to the "brethren” (vv. 7-8)? What does Paul recall to them (vv. 9-12)? 4. Read: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20, Thanksgiving for Their Constancy Discussion Aids: How did the Thessalonians re- ceive the word of God (v. 13)? How are these brethren compared to Christ’s followers in Judea (vv. 14-16)? What thoughts does Paul express in vv. 17-20? 5. Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, Exhortation to Chas- tity and Charity Discussion Aids: How does Paul exhort to chas- tity (vv. 1-2) ? What does Paul say is the will of God (vv. 3-6) ? Why must man not reject "these things” (v. 8) ? How does Paul say we should live with our brethren (vv. 9-11) ? Why (v. 12) ? 6. Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:13 — 5:22, The Second Coming of Our Lord [ 12 ] Discussion Aids : What does Paul say of those who have died in the state of grace (vv. 13-15) ? How will God descend from heaven (v. 16)? With what words are we to comfort one another (vv. 17- 18) ? What is said of "the day of the Lord” (5:1- 3) ? How are we to prepare for this day (vv. 4-8) ? For what has God destined us (vv. 9-12)? What should be your attitude towards those "over you in the Lord” — priests (vv. 12-13)? towards all men (vv. 14-15)? What is "the will of Christ Jesus regarding you” (vv. 16-22)? IV. Liturgy: Sixth Sunday after E-piph'a-ny (1 Thess. 1:2- 10) ; Second Sunday of Lent (1 Thess. 4:1-7) ; Ember Saturday in Lent (1 Thess. 5:14-23); Sts. Cyria- cus, Largus, Smaragdus, August8 (1 Thess. 2:13-16) ; Requiem Mass for Day of Burial (1 Thess. 4:13-18) . A striking expression is given in the Liturgy to the second coming of our Lord. The Epistle and Gospel announce it at the beginning and at the end of the Church Year. V. Practices 1. St. Paul gives thanks to God for the Thessalonians’ Faith. Do I ever show God my gratitude for the Faith I received? Only one out of every four per- sons in the world is a Christian and God has made me through the gift of Faith one of these for- tunate ones. 2. St. Paul includes in his list of virtues that mark sanctification, "that every one of you learn how to possess his vessel in holiness and honor” (1 Thess. 4:4) . Man’s vessel is his body. Can I safe- [13] guard my honor and holiness by greater care in regard to the things I see and hear? What maga- zines and books do I read, what shows do I see, which, if given up, would make me more "clean of heart” ? 3. "See that no one renders evil for evil to any man” (1 Thess. 5:15). Is there anywhere in my heart a desire to do evil to anyone, even to those who seek to do me evil? Am I just waiting my chance? If I am, then God’s words have fallen upon deaf ears. Chapter III THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS I. Map Work: Locate Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca in Mac'e-do'ni-a II. Picture Study: St. Paul on a Missionary Journey III. Readings from the New Testament, Second Epistle to the Thessalonians ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 566-569) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 575) Discussion Aids: Why did St. Paul write this Epis- tle? What is the pa-rou'si-a? When did Paul say it would take place ? What practice does Paul con- demn? To what did Paul urge all to adhere? 2. Read: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Greeting, Faith and Constancy, Prayer for Glorification Discussion Aids: How do the two Epistles to the Thessalonians differ in their greetings? For what virtue of the brethren does Paul give thanks (v. 3) ? boast in the churches (v. 4) ? What does Paul [14] St. Paul on a Missionary JourneyNo. 135 [ 15 ] Say of the just judgment of God (vv. 5-7)? How and for what purpose will the Lord Jesus come from heaven (vv. 8-10)? For what three things does Paul pray always (vv. 11-12) ? 3. Read: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Preludes to the Second Coming Discussion Aids: What warning is given us in vv. 1-2? What event will precede "the day of the Lord” (v. 3)? How is "the man of sin” described (v. 4) ? What restrains "the man of sin” (vv. 6- 7 ) ? How does Paul say the wicked one will be revealed (vv. 8-12)? In v. 11 how is "God sends” to be interpreted (see footnote) ? 4. Read: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17, Thanksgiving for Their Election Discussion Aids: What is the meaning of "first fruits” as used in v. 13 (see footnote)? What teachings does Paul tell us to hold (v. 15) ? What is the meaning of the footnote -to 2:15? 5. Read: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5, Request for Mutual Prayer Discussion Aids: For what does Paul request mu- tual prayer (vv. 1-2) ? What does Paul say of the Lord in vv. 3-4? ask of the Lord in v. 5? 6. Read: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18, Against Idleness; Final Blessing Discussion Aids: From whom does Paul urge the brethren to withdraw (v. 6)? In the footnote to 3:6, what explanation is given? What example did Paul and his companions give us to imitate (vv. 7-12)? What is Paul’s counsel in vv. 13-15? In the footnote to 3:17, what is explained? [ 16 ] IV. Liturgy: Saturday in Ember Week of Advent (2 Thess. 2:1-8) . The Greek form of opening and closing a letter appears in this Second Epistle. In the Liturgy many Greek customs prevail. The formal Greek salu- tation appears often in the Mass. "Brethren, pray for us” (2 Thess. 3:1) finds a reflection in the "Orate fratres,” which invites a common act of worship. V. Practices 1. How do I accept affliction — with patience and prayer for the grace to bear this suffering of mind or body, or with petulance and fretting, showing my displeasure by being less attentive to my prayers and sometimes my duties? Think for just a minute what personal affliction you are going to sustain in a more Christian manner. 2. "Yet do not regard him as an enemy but admonish him as a brother” (2 Thess. 3:15) . Can I not adopt this as my rule in my relations with my fellow- man? How many persons do I refuse to speak to and regard as enemies because of some unintended offense? Or even if the offense was intended, could not my charity return good for evil? Whom among my fellow-men can I change from an enemy to a brother? 3. "And may the Lord of peace Himself give you everlasting peace in every place” (2 Thess. 3:16). St. Paul prayed for God’s blessing of peace on his Christians. How often do I pray for peace? Why could I not say the Novena of Our Lady of Fatima for just this one request — Peace to our World? [ 17] Chapter IV THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS I. Map Work: Locate Ga-la'ti-a between Cap-pa-do'ci-a and Phryg'i-a, Mac-e-do'ni-a, Cor'inth, Eph'e-sus, An'ti-och in Syr'i-a, Ci-li'ci-a II. Picture Study: Jerusalem III. Readings from the New Testament: Epistle to the Ga-la'ti-ans ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 502-508, 512-513 and 515-517) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 511) Discussion Aids: Who were the Galatians? Tell of Paul’s mission among them. What attempt was made to undermine Paul’s authority and teaching? Why did Paul write this Epistle? What does Paul say of the Mosaic Law? of the necessity of evan- gelical virtues? From where and when was the Epistle probably written? 2. Read: Galatians 1:6-10, Surprise and Rebuke Discussion Aids: Why does Paul show surprise (vv. 6-7) ? What does Paul say of one who changes to another gospel (v. 8) ? What does a-nath’e-ma mean (footnote to 1:8)? What statement is made in v. 9? in v. 10? 3. Read: Galatians 1:11-24, Not of Human Origin Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of the Gos- pel he preaches (vv. 11-12) ? of his life in Ju'da-ism (vv. 13-14)? of being "called by His grace” (vv. [ 18 ] No. 140 Jerusalem [ 19 ] 15-17) ? Whom did Paul visit in Jerusalem (vv. 18- 19) ? Tell of Paul’s first missionary work (vv. 20- 24). 4. Read: Galatians 2:1-21, A Defense of His Gospel Discussion Aids : With whom and why did Paul go again to Jerusalem (vv. 1-4) ? What were the results of Paul’s conferences (vv. 5-10) ? Why does Paul reprove Peter (vv. 11-14)? By what is man justified (v. 16) ? How do "I make myself a sinner” (v. 18)? What is Paul’s statement in vv. 19-21? 5. Read: Galatians 4:1-20, Christians Live in a State of Freedom Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of slavery under world elements (vv. 1-3) ? of the adoption of sons (vv. 5-7)? In vv. 8-12 what counsel does Paul give? What does Paul say of his physical in- firmity (v. 13)? of his reception by the Galatians (v. 14)? Why do opponents court us (v. 17 and footnote)? In vv. 18-20 what advice does Paul give? 6. Read: Galatians 5:13 — 6:10, How Christians Should Live; Specific Counsels Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of liberty (v. 13)? of the whole law (v. 14)? of "taking heed” (v. 15)? of the spirit and the flesh (vv. lb- 19) ? What are the works of the flesh (vv. 19-21) ? the fruits of the spirit (vv. 22-23) ? Why should everyone test his own work (vv. 4-5)? What five counsels are given for good works (vv. 6-10)? IV. Liturgy: Sunday within the Octave of Christmas (Gal. 4:1-7) ; Commemoration of St. Paul, June 30 (Gal. [ 20] 1:11-20). "God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying 'Abba, Father’ ” (Gal. 4:6). The privilege of addressing the Lord of heaven and earth as "Our Father” is enjoyed repeatedly in the Mass. Christ earned for us this privilege and it is through Christ that we offer our prayers to God, our Father. Therefore, most prayers end, "Through our Lord Jesus Christ. ...” The Church, the mystical body of Christ, offers praise and thanksgiving to God through Christ. From earliest Christianity the prayer Christ taught His Apostles has been a part of the Liturgy. In the Mass, the "Our Father” begins the preparation for Com- munion. V. Practices 1. "With Christ I am nailed to the cross. It is now no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:19-20). Each day I will reserve a moment when I shall recall this text. I will think of the price Christ paid for my redemption, and thinking of it, I will strive to have Christ live in me as He lived in St. Paul. 2. St. Paul teaches the necessity of fraternal charity and the need we have as Christians to support one another by word and example. Do I fulfill my obligations of fraternal charity or do I try to escape by offering excuses for non-interference? Is there anyone among my associates that I could help spir- itually by a kind word or a suggestion? 3. "For you are all the children of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:26). I will often think of my Christian heritage: that I am a child of God and Christ is my Brother. Chapter V ST. PAUL WRITES TO THE CORINTHIANS I. Map Work: Locate Cor'inth, Eph'e-sus, A-cha'ia II. Picture Study: Institution of the Eucharist III. Readings from the New Testament: First Epistle to the Co-rin'thi-ans {Commentary on N. T., pp. 447-452, 456-463 and 469-470) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 444) Discussion Aids: Tell of Corinth and of Paul’s work there. Why was this Epistle written? How did this Epistle help the ne'o-phytes? 2. Read: 1 Corinthians 1:10-31, Party Spirit Discussion Aids: What party spirit should Christ’s followers manifest (v. 10) ? Why was there strife among the Corinthians (vv. 11-13)? Why does Paul thank God that he baptized only a few persons (vv. 14-16) ? What explanation is made in footnote to 1:17? For whom is the doctrine of the cross foolishness? For whom is it the power of God (vv. 17-19) ? Read footnotes to 1:21 and 1:22 then discuss vv. 20-25. What has God chosen to: put to shame the wise? the strong? bring to naught the things that are (w. 26-29) ? In whom are we to take pride (vv. 30-31)? 3. Read: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, The Evil of Immo- rality Discussion Aids: Why are not all things expedient (vv. 12-14)? Why must we treat our bodies with [ 22 ] No. 73 Institution of the Eucharist [ 23 ] "sacredness” (vv. 15-19)? How are vv. 12-19 sum- marized in v. 20? 4. Read: 1 Corinthians 7 : 1-16, Marriage and Celibacy Discussion Aids: What is Paul’s advice to the mar- ried (vv. 1-7) ? to the unmarried (vv. 8-11) ? What is the obligation of the believing spouse (vv. 12- 16)? 5. Read: 1 Corinthians 7:17-35, No Change to Be Sought; State of Virginity Discussion Aids: How should each man "walk” (vv. 17-21)? What is said of "a freedman of the Lord” and of "a slave of Christ” (vv. 22-24) ? What does Paul say of the state of virginity (vv. 25-35)? 6. Read: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, The Eucharist Discussion Aids: In vv. 17-22 what abuse of the Lord’s Supper is charged? What explanation is given in footnote to 11:19? In footnote to 11:20- 22? What does Paul say of the institution of the Eucharist (vv. 23-26)? of him "who eats and drinks unworthily” (vv. 27-30) ? of "when we are judged” (v. 32)? IV. Liturgy: Holy Thursday (1 Cor. 11:20-32); Corpus Christi (1 Cor. 11:23-29); Eighteenth Sunday after Pen'te-cost (1 Cor. 1:4-8); St. Agatha, February 5 (1 Cor. 1:26-31); St. Justin, April 15 (1 Cor. 1:18- 25, 30) ; St. Paul of the Cross, April 28 (1 Cor. 1:17- 25); Mass of a Virgin (1 Cor. 7:25-34). St. Paul’s charge of an abuse at the Lord’s Supper was followed by his inspired statement of the dignity and divinity of the Blessed Sacrament which is the Epistle for the Mass of the Feast of Corpus Christi. [24] V. Practices 1. Am I responsible in any way for dissensions in the Church? Do I like to share in parish "politics,” to join factions and create the very scandal that St. Paul found it important to mention to his first Christians? "Has Christ been divided up?” He is when His brethren contend among themselves for place. 2. "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient” (1 Cor. 6:12). Prudence is the vir- tue that St. Paul is stressing, and it is a virtue that every saint possesses. It is the regulator of the re- maining virtues. Let us pray each day for this vir- tue: "O Virgin Most Prudent, pray for us.” "O Wisdom that proceedeth from the lips of the Most High, . . . come and teach us the way of Prudence.” 3. What would St. Paul say to me about my reception of the Holy Eucharist? Do I prepare in a worthy way? Am I attentive at Mass? Do I make a proper thanksgiving after Mass? Chapter VI FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS, continued I. Map Work: Locate Cor'inth II. Picture Study: Corinth III. Readings from the New Testament, Spiritual Gifts; The Resurrection ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 472-474 and 476-479) [25] 1. Read: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, A Principle of Dis- crimination; Christ’s Mystical Body Discussion Aids: In v. 3 what is said of Jesus? of the Holy Spirit? In vv. 4-6 and the footnote what is said of the same Spirit? the same Lord? the same God? what in v. 11? How is the body compared to Christ in vv. 12-16? What is said of the feeble members of the body (v. 22)? the less honorable (v. 23) ? Why has God "tempered the body to- gether in due portion’’ (vv. 24-26) ? Who are mem- bers of the mystical body of Christ (vv. 27-31)? 2. Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, A Digression on Charity Discussion Aids: What does St. Paul point out about charity (vv. 1-3 and footnote to 13:1)? What 15 qualities of charity are mentioned in vv. 4-7? With what gifts does St. Paul contrast charity (vv. 8-10) ? compare his childhood and manhood (v. 11)? compare "now” with eternity (v. 12 and footnote to 13:12)? 3. Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Christ’s Resurrection Discussion Aids: What Gospel does Paul preach (w. 1-4) ? By whom was Christ seen after He ap- peared to Ce'phas (Peter) (vv. 5-8) ? When Paul says, "I am what I am” (vv. 10-11), what power does he acknowledge? 4. Read: 1 Corinthians 15:12-28, The False Doctrine; Christ the First-fruits Discussion Aids: In vv. 12-19, what false doctrine does Paul deny? How does he do so? How does Paul compare the resurrection of Christ and of the [26] No. 138 Corinth [ 27 ] dead? In vv. 20-23 what does Paul say of death and resurrection? When will Christ deliver "the king- dom to God the Father” (vv. 24-25)? What will be the last enemy destroyed by Christ (v. 26) ? When will the Son be subject to God? Why (vv. 27-28)? 5. Read: 1 Corinthians 15:35-49, Mode of the Res- urrection; Natural and Spiritual Body Discussion Aids: How does Paul answer the ques- tions in v. 35 (vv. 36-41) ? In vv. 42-44 what four statements does Paul make about the resurrection of the dead? What did the first Adam become? the last Adam (v. 45)? What statement is made in vv. 46-49 about the natural and the spiritual body? 6. Read: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, Final Glory of the Body Discussion Aids: What does Paul say can obtain no part in the kingdom of God (v. 50)? Of what mystery does Paul tell us (vv. 51-53) ? What words will come to pass when the mortal body puts on immortality (vv. 54-55)? What is the sting of death? the power of sin (v. 56) ? What will be the reward of the steadfast (v. 58) ? IV. Liturgy: Quin-qua-ges'i-ma Sunday (1 Cor. 13:1-13) ; Tenth Sunday after Pen'te-cost (1 Cor. 12:2-11); Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (1 Cor. 15:1-10); St. Bartholomew, August 24 (1 Cor. 12:27-31); St. Joseph of Cupertino, September 18 (1 Cor. 13:1-8); Requiem Mass for All Souls’ Day, November 2(1 Cor. 15:51-57). [ 28 ] V. Practices 1. "If one member suffers anything, all the members suffer with it, or if one member glories, all the members rejoice with it’’ (1 Cor. 12:26). I may be a "nobody” in the world but I am important to God and to His Church. I am a member of the mystical body of Christ. But I must accept this not as an honor alone but as an obligation which God has ordained. 2. I will now write out St. Paul’s words on charity, chapter 13:1-13. I will read these words daily until I know them by heart and I will reflect on these words many times during the day. May God give my charity increase. 3. "And His grace in me has not been fruitless” (1 Cor. 15:10). May I be able to say the same when my life comes to its close. What grace of God did I reject today? Will God keep offering me His grace if I keep refusing it? Chapter VII ST. PAUL WRITES AGAIN TO THE CORINTHIANS I. Map Work: Locate Cor'inth, Phi-lip'pi in Mac'e- do'ni-a, Eph'e-sus, Tro'as in Mys'i-a, Ae-ge'an Sea, A-cha'ia II. Picture Study: Ships of the Days of St. Paul III. Readings from the New Testament, Second Epistle to the Corinthians ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 482-484, 494-495 and 497-499) [29] 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 486) Discussion Aids: From where and about when did Paul write this Epistle? Why did Ti'tus visit Cor- inth? Why did Paul and Titus fail to meet at Troas? Where did they probably meet? In this Epistle what does Paul defend? urge? To whom does he reply? This Epistle is po-lem'i-cal (argu- mentative) ; what is said of the Epistles to Tim'o- thy and to the Ga-la'ti-ans ? What does Paul want his critics and adversaries to understand? 2. Read: 2 Corinthians 8:1-24, Collection for Poor Christians in Jerusalem Discussion Aids: What example of rich generosity have the Mac-e-do'ni-ans given us (vv. 1-6)? In what five qualities does Paul say the Corinthians abound (v. 7) ? What does Paul say of the gracious- ness of Christ (v. 9) ? In vv. 10-12 what advice does Paul give? In vv. 13-15 what is said of the relief of others? equality? your abundance (foot- note to 8:14) ? establishing an equality? What was Titus’ mission (vv. 16-17)? What is said of the brother sent along with Titus (vv. 18-19)? How and why do Paul and his companions guard their administration (vv. 20-23; footnotes to 8:20 and 8:22)? 3. Read: 2 Corinthians 9:1-15, The Collection to Be Made Promptly; Exhortation to Generosity Discussion Aids: Why does Paul say, "It is indeed superfluous for me to write” (vv. 1-2)? "I have sent the brethren” (vv. 3-5) ? In vv. 6-12 how does Paul exhort to generosity? What are results of "evi- dence furnished by this service” (vv. 13-15) ? [30] No. 149 Ships of the Days of St. Paul [ 31 ] 4. Read: 2 Corinthians 11:1-15, He Preached Gra- tuitously Discussion Aids: Why does Paul say, "I am jealous for you with a divine jealousy” (vv. 1-2)? What does Paul fear (vv. 3-4)? What does Paul say of himself in vv. 5-11? What reason does Paul give for going on doing as he has done (vv. 12-15) ? 5. Read: 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, His Ministry of Labor and Suffering Discussion Aids: In footnote to 11:17 what is ex- plained? Of what labor and suffering does Paul tell in vv. 23-27? of what pressing anxiety (vv. 28- 30) ? Tell of Paul’s escape from Da-mas'cus (vv. 31-33). 6. Read: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, His Revelations; His Infirmities Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of his being "caught up to the third heaven . . . into paradise” (vv. 1-5) ? In what will Paul glory (vv. 5-6) ? Why was "a thorn for the flesh” given Paul (vv. 7-8) ? Why does Paul gladly glory in his infirmities (vv. 9- 10 )? IV. Liturgy: Sex-a-ges'i-ma Sunday (2 Cor. 11:19 — 12: 9) ; St. Paulinus, June 22 (2 Cor. 8:9-15) ; St. Law- rence, August 10 and Octave (2 Cor. 9:6-10). V. Practices 1. St. Paul exhorted the early Christians to show their love for one another by relieving those who were in want — the abundance of the rich supplying the wants of the poor. I must contribute my share to the support of my parish church and to the wel- [32] fare of the needy "as a matter of bounty and not of extortion’’ (2 Cor. 9:5). 2. "Your minds may be corrupted and fall from a single devotion to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3). This is a thought I must never forget. I must be prepared for attacks upon my Faith from every quarter: from the devil who is at times disguised as an angel of light — from the subtle attractions of the world which, although appearing innocent, are most dan- gerous for me. 3. "My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Cor. 12:9). What then is lacking in me? Why am I not better than I am? Surely, God has done His part. There remains only my own indifference and unwilling- ness to respond to His grace. "The man I am looks with sadness upon the man I might have been.” Chapter VIII THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS I. Map Work: Locate Rome, Corinth, Jerusalem II. Picture Study: The Appian Way; City of Rome III. Readings from the New Testament, Epistle to the Romans ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 410-415, 416-417, 419- 420 and 438-439) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 400) Discussion Aids: Tell about this Epistle: its posi- tion in the New Testament, where and when it was written, how the date of composition is arrived [33] at. What were Paul’s plans at this period of his missionary activities? What was the purpose of this letter? What doctrine is set forth? 2. Read: Romans 1:1-17, Introduction Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of Jesus Christ in vv. 1-4? What have the Apostles received from Christ our Lord (vv. 5-6) ? What is Paul’s greeting to the Romans (v. 7)? In vv. 8-12 how does Paul express his desire to visit the Romans? Among whom besides the Romans does Paul wish to "produce some results” (vv. 13-15) ? Why does Paul say he is not ashamed of the Gospel (v. 16) ? What is revealed in it (v. 17)? 3. Read: Romans 1:18-23 and 2:1-11, Pagans Adore Idols; All Will Be Rewarded or Punished Discussion Aids: Against what is the wrath of God revealed from heaven (vv. 18-19) ? How has God manifested Himself and the creation of the world (v. 20) ? What did the pagans exchange for the glory of the incorruptible God (vv. 22-23) ? What does Paul say of the man who judges another (2: 1-3) ? despises the goodness of God (vv. 4-6) ? To whom will God give life eternal (v. 7) ? wrath and indignation (v. 8)? tribulation and anguish (v. 9)? glory and honor and peace (vv. 10-11)? 4. Read: Romans 3:21-26, Justice Comes through Faith in Christ Discussion Aids: What explanation is given in footnote to 3:21? How has the justice of God been made manifest (vv. 21-22)? Why is there no dis- tinction among men (v. 23) ? How are men "jus- tified freely” (vv. 24-26) ? [34] No. 151 The Appian Way 5. Read: Romans 12:3-21, Humility and Concord; Fraternal Charity Discussion Aids: How does Paul say each person should rate himself (v. 3 and footnote) ? What is said of "the many members . . . one body in Christ” (vv. 4-5) ? What is the meaning of "proph- ecy” (footnote to 12:6) ? of "ministry” (footnote to 12:7) ? of "exhorts” (footnote to 12:8) ? After discussing these footnotes reread and discuss vv. 6-8. How does St. Paul tell us to love one another (vv. 9-18) ? In footnote to 12:20 what explanation is given? Why does St. Paul say, "Do not avenge yourselves” (vv. 19-21)? 6. Read: Romans 13:1-10, Obedience; Charity a So- cial Duty Discussion Aids: Why should everyone be subject to higher authorities (v. 1)? What do they who resist authority bring on themselves (v. 2) ? What does St. Paul say of rulers and the authority in vv. 3-5? of tribute, taxes, fear and honor in vv. 6-7? In vv. 8-10 how are we told that to love one an- other is a social duty? IV. Liturgy: First Sunday of Advent (Rom. 13:11-14); First Sunday after E-piph'a-ny (Rom. 12:1-5) ; Second Sunday after Epiphany (Rom. 12:6-16); Third Sun- day after Epiphany (Rom. 12:16-21); Fourth Sun- day after Epiphany (Rom. 13:8-10). V. Practices 1. "For there is no distinction, as all have sinned and have need of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). This is a sobering thought when I am tempted to [36] No. 150 City of Rome [ 37] exalt myself. I, with all men, have need of the merits of Christ gained through His Passion and Death. 2. "Be not wise in your own conceits” (Rom. 12:16). Once more it is pride that St. Paul warns me against. Do I ever admit a mistake? Am I haughty and high-handed when others point out my errors of fact or judgment? Have I ever said in my life, "I am sorry — I was wrong”? 3. "Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21) . My first reaction to another’s evil against me is, "How can I get back at him? What can I say? What can I do?” And this is natural. But I have been called to a supernatural life, and I must follow St. Paul’s advice "to heap coals of fire upon the heads” of those who do me evil. [ 38 ] TEACHINGS OF THE EPISTLES (Syllabus II — Part IV) Second Session Chapter IX ST. PAUL WRITES TO THE PHILIPPIANS I. Map Work: Locate Phi-lip'pi in Mac'e-do'ni-a, Rome II. Picture Study: St. Paul III. Readings from the New Testament, Epistle to the Phi-lip'pi-ans ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 546, 549-551 and 553- 555) 1. Read : Introduction (N. T., p. 543) Discussion Aids: What was St. Paul’s first founda- tion in Europe? What brought Paul from Asia to Europe? Tell of Paul’s visits to Philippi. Why did the Church at Philippi send E-paph-ro-di'tus to Paul? What events followed Epaphroditus’ illness? What exhortation and warning does Paul give in this Epistle? When was it written? 2. Read: Philippians 1:12-30, Personal News; Ex- hortation Discussion Aids: In vv. 12-13 what does Paul say of the advancement of the Gospel? What effect have Paul’s chains on the brethren in the Lord (vv. 14-17)? In vv. 19-20 what thanks and com- plete assurance does Paul express? Between what [39] two desires is Paul hard pressed (vv. 21-24 and footnote to v. 23)? In vv. 25-26 what does Paul state will be his lot? In what words does Paul exhort to firmness (v. 27) ? warn against the adver- saries (v. 28) ? Why have we been given "the favor on Christ’s behalf” (vv. 29-30) ? 3. Read: Philippians 2:1-18, Unity and Humility; Fear and Joy in Serving Discussion Aids: How does Paul ask followers of Christ to fill up his joy (vv. 1-4) ? In footnote to v. 7, what explanation is given? How does Paul present Christ Jesus as humbling Himself (vv. 5- 8) ? How has God exalted Christ (vv. 9-11) ? Why does Paul commend that we work out our "salva- tion with fear and trembling” (vv. 12-16) ? What does Paul say of joy and rejoicing (vv. 17-18)? 4. Read: Philippians 3:7-16, Renunciation for the Sake of Christ Discussion Aids: What does Paul say he counts as loss (vv. 7-8) ? Why has Paul suffered the loss of all things (vv. 9-11) ? What does Paul say is "the one thing I do” (vv. 13-14) ? In footnote to v. 15, what explanation is given? What rule does Paul tell us to continue, (v. 16) ? 5. Read: Philippians 3:17 — 4:1, Followers and Op- ponents of the Cross Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of the ene- mies of the cross (vv. 18-19)? of us whose citizen- ship is in heaven (3:20-4:1)? 6. Read: Philippians 4:2-23, Conclusion Discussion Aids: What is Paul’s entreaty to E-vo'- di-a and Syn'ty-che (vv. 2-3) ? In footnote to v. 5 [40] St. Paul [ 41 ] what explanation is given? In vv. 4-6 what is Paul’s counsel? What things does Paul tell us to "think upon” (v. 8)? to "practice” (v. 9)? In vv. 11-13 what does Paul say of self-sufficiency? What was the Philippians’ gift to Paul (vv. 15-18 and foot- note to v. 15)? How is the Communion of Saints presented in vv. 21-23? IV. Liturgy: Third Sunday of Advent (Phil. 4:4-7) ; Palm Sunday, Finding of the Holy Cross, May 3 ; Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14 (Phil. 2:5-11); Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost (Phil. 3:17- 4:3) ; St. Paul the Hermit, January 15; St. Francis of Paula, April 2 (Phil. 3:17-12); St. John Bosco, Jan- uary 31 (Phil. 4:4-9) ; Mass of the Holy Cross (Phil. 2:8-11). V. Practices (Trace the connection between the practices suggested under this heading and the readings of the current chapter; then select one as your special practice.) 1. "Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5). It is necessary for me to think with Christ; to make His will, my will; to desire the ends that He desires. 2. "Forgetting what is behind, I strain forward to what is before, I press on towards the goal, to the prize of God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13-14). I will keep my eyes fixed upon the goal that God has set before me. It is the end for which He has destined me. May I "press on towards the goal.” 3. "But our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20). How often does St. Paul remind me of this in his [42] Epistles. It must be because he wishes to impress it upon my mind, knowing how easy it is for me to forget. Chapter X EPISTLES TO COLOSSIANS AND TO PHILEMON I. Map Work: Locate Eph'e-sus, the Province of Phryg'i-a II. Picture Study: Paul Preaching III. Readings from the New Testament, Co-los'sians, Phi-le'mon ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 518-527 and 607-609) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 554) Discussion Aids: When and by whom was the Gospel carried to Co-los'sae? When and to where did Ep'a-phras send news of the Colossians to Paul? What dangerous tendencies did Epaphras find in the young Christian community? What doctrines did Paul set forth in a letter borne by Tych'i-cus? Why are the .first two chapters of this Epistle of doctrinal importance? What comparison is made between this and the Epistle to the E-phe'sians? 2. Read: Colossians 1:15-23, The Pre-eminence of Christ Discussion Aids: What does Paul say of Christ as God (v. 15)? as Creator (vv. 16-17)? as Head (vv. 18-20)? as Conciliator (vv. 21-22)? In v. 23 what condition for gaining salvation is stated? [43] 3. Read: Colossians 1:24 — 2:3, Center of Preaching Discussion Aids: In footnote to v. 24 what explana- tion is given? What does Paul say he is to do for Christ’s body, the Church (vv. 24-25) ? of the word of God (v. 26)? of "Christ in you” (vv. 27-28)? What is Paul’s concern for the Colossians and La- od-i-ce'ans (2:1-3)? 4. Read: Colossians 2:4 — 3:4, Warnings against False Teachers Discussion Aids: What is Paul’s admonition in 2:4-6? How is the Communion of Saints expressed in v. 5? What five admonitions are given in v. 7? What "dwells” in Christ (vv. 9-10) ? How are we "buried together” with Christ, and with what re- sult (vv. 12-13) ? How did Christ cancel "the decree against us” (v. 14) ? What things should we seek (3:1)? What things should we mind (3:2) ? Why (footnote to 2:9-15)? 5. Read: Colossians 3:5-21, The Ideal Christian Life in the World Discussion Aids: Why should you "mortify your members” (vv. 5-9)? In vv. 10-11 what is said of social and racial distinctions? What virtues are we to practice (vv. 12-14) ? How are we to show our- selves thankful (vv. 16-17) ? What counsel is given wives? husbands? children? fathers (vv. 18-21) ? 6. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 607) and Epistle to Phi-le'mon Discussion Aids: Who was O-nes'i-mus? Why did Paul send him to Philemon? Who are Ap'pi-a and Ar-chip'pus (v. 2)? To whom else did Paul send greetings in this Epistle (vv. 1-3) ? What does [44] No. 136 St. Paul Preaching [ 45 ] Paul say of Philemon’s faith and charity (vv. 4-7) ? What plea does Paul make for Onesimus (vv. 8- 12)? What special appeal does Paul make in vv. 13-14? How does Paul ask Philemon to “receive” Onesimus (vv. 15-18)? IV. Liturgy: Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Feast of Holy Family (Col. 3:12-17) ; Holy Saturday (Col. 3:1-4) ; Feast of Christ the King (Col. 1:12-20). V. Practices 1. "All things have been created through and unto Him [Christ], and He is before all creatures, and in Him all things hold together” (Col. 1:16-17). There are many reasons why one should pray but, too frequently, prayer has come to mean talking with God only when one is in need. Prayer is offered as an act of worship, as an acknowledgment of God’s dominion over us. I will so honor Christ because He is "before all creatures.” 2. "See to it that no one deceives you by philosophy and vain deceit” (Col. 2:8). The Church does everything possible to follow this warning of St. Paul and tries to protect the members of the Church from those half-truths and sophistries that can de- stroy one’s Faith. I will be more respectful towards that protection, and putting aside vanity, will hum- bly admit my need of guidance. 3. "Strip off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new” (Col. 3:9) . Through the working of the Holy Spirit the "new man” within us is ever being renewed. How have I progressed in the last year? Am I better, or worse? Do I ever think about it or even desire to be better than I am? / [46] Chapter XI ST. PAUL WRITES TO THE EPHESIANS I. Map Work: Locate Eph'e-sus II. Picture Study: Ephesus; Diana of the E-phes'ians III. Readings from the New Testament, Epistle to the Ephesians ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 537-540 and 542-544) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 526) Discussion Aids: When and where was this Epistle written? Who was Tych'i-cus? O-nes'i-mus? Why is there uncertainty as to the person to whom this Epistle was addressed? Who were Paul’s converts in this territory? What is the central thought of this Epistle? What is emphasized as the basic principle of life in the mystical body? 2. Read: Ephesians 1:15 — 2:10, The Church Is One with Christ Discussion Aids: What does Paul ask God to grant the Ephesians (w. 15-19) ? How was God’s mighty power wrought in Christ (vv. 20-23)? What does Paul say the Church is (v. 23) ? What explanations are given in the footnotes for 2:1-9? Discuss each. What characterizes persons dead by offenses and sins (vv. 1-3)? Why has God "brought us to life together with Christ” (vv. 4-7)? By and through what have we been saved (v. 8) ? 3. Read: Ephesians 4:1-24, Unity in the Mystical Body; Diversity of Graces; Change of Self Discussion Aids: What five virtues does Paul ex- hort us to practice that we may be worthy of our [47] calling (vv. 1-3)? How were we "called in one hope” (w. 4-6) ? What explanation is given in footnote to 4:8? How is grace bestowed (vv. 7-8) ? "He [Christ] ascended.” What does that mean (vv. 9-10) ? Why did Christ "give some men as apostles, and . . . others as pastors and teachers” (v. 11-13) ? What reason for this diversity of graces is given in v. 14 ? How and with what result are we to practice the truth (v. 15) ? What explana- tion is given in footnote to 4:16? How is the mysti- cal body presented in v. 16 ? How are we to "testify in the Lord” (17-20) ? In w. 21-24 what is said of "the old man” and "the new man”? 4. Read: Ephesians 4:25—5:14, Vices to Be Avoided Discussion Aids: Why must Christ’s followers put away lying (v. 25) ? What does Paul say of anger? of stealing? Why should we labor (v. 28) ? What does Paul say of ill speech (v. 29) ? of bitterness (v. 31)? of kindness (v. 32)? How are we to be imitators of God (5:1-2)? What things are not even to be named among us (vv. 3-4) ? What per- sons have no inheritance in the kingdom of God (v. 5) ? What and how should we walk as children of light (vv. 9-14) ? 5. Read: Ephesians 5:21-6:4, The Christian Home Discussion Aids: How are husband and wife com- pared to Christ and His Church (vv. 21-24) ? What explanation is given in footnote to 5:24? How should husbands love their wives (vv. 25-30) ? What counsel does Paul give in vv. 31-33? What should be the relation between children and par- ents (6:1-4)? [48] No. 141 Ephesus [49] 6. Read: Ephesians 6:10-20, The Christian Warfare Discussion Aids : Why should we put on the armor of God (vv. 10-12)? take up the armor of God (v. 13) ? In equipping ourselves against the wicked one, how do we employ truth ? justice ? the gospel of peace? the shield of faith? the word of God (vv. 14-17)? How does Paul exhort to prayer (vv. 18-20)? IV. Liturgy: Third Sunday in Lent (Eph. 5:1-9) ; Eve of Ascension, Sts. Simon and Jude, October 28 (Eph. 4:7-13); Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (Eph. 4:1-6) ; Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Eph. 4: 23-28) ; Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost (Eph. 6: 10-17) ; Mass for Bridegroom and Bride (Eph. 5:22- 33). . V. Practices 1. "This, therefore, I say and testify in the Lord, that henceforth you are not to walk as the Gentiles walk in the futility of their mind’’ (Eph. 4:17). Whose life is my ideal for living? Would others know from my way of living that I am a Christian, or am I lost in the midst of the "Gentiles” of the world? 2. "Let no ill speech proceed from your mouth” (Eph. 4:29). There has never been, perhaps, in the his- tory of mankind, such a universal disregard of this injunction as there is today. Do I help this wave of vulgarity and blasphemy to increase, or have I kept my speech pure? Could I not be more careful in my choice of words? 3. "Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ” (Eph. 5:21). How successfully does St. Paul in- [50] No. 144 Diana of the Ephesians [ 51 ] terest me in my family obligations? Do I take those obligations seriously? How may I help the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ to reign in my Christian Home? Chapter XII ST. JAMES WRITES TO THE CHRISTIANS I. Map Work: Locate Jerusalem II. Picture Study: St. James the Less III. Readings from the New Testament, Epistle of St. James ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 606-612 and 614-615) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 642) Discussion Aids: Name the seven Catholic Epistles. Why are they called Catholic? What use was made originally of five of these Epistles? Who was St. James the Less? Why was he sometimes called "the brother of the Lord”? What was St. James’ position in the early Christian community? Why was he surnamed "the Just”? What are the internal and external evidences of the authorship of this Epistle? To whom is the Epistle written? What is the burden of its discourse? 2. Read: St. James 1:2-18, Exhortation to Patience in Trials Discussion Aids: Why should we deem trials a joy (v. 2-4) ? Why and how must we ask for wisdom (vv. 5-6)? How is "double-minded” used in v. 8 (footnote) ? How is the rich man compared to the flower (vv. 9-11)? What reward is promised the [ 52] St. James the Less [ 53 ] man who endures temptation (v. 12) ? How and by what is everyone tempted (vv. 13-16)? What does St. James say of "the Father of Lights” (vv. 17-18)? 3. Read: St. James 1:19 — 2:13, Living and Active Faith Discussion Aids: Why must we be slow to wrath? cast aside uncleanness? be doers of the word (vv. 19-24) ? What man’s religion is vain (v. 26) ? What is "religion pure and undefiled before God” (v. 27)? What example of partiality is stated in vv. 1-4? For what has God chosen the poor of this world (v. 5) ? How do the rich treat the poor (vv. 6-7) ? How do we fulfill the royal Law (vv. 8-11) ? How must men speak and act? Why? (vv. 12-13) ? 4. Read: St. James 2:14-26, Practical Faith Discussion Aids: In vv. 15-19 what example is given of faith without good works? How and why was Abraham justified by works (vv. 20-24) ? How was Ra'hab justified (v. 25)? Compare the body without the spirit to faith without good works (v. 26). 5. Read: St. James 3:1-12, Abuses of the Tongue Discussion Aids: What does St. James say of the man who does not offend in words (v. 2)? How are horses’ mouths and ships’ rudders compared to the tongue (vv. 3-5)? How can the tongue set on fire the course of one’s life (v. 6) ? What is said of the tongue in vv. 7-8? in vv. 9-12? 6. Read: St. James 5:7-20, Patience in Affliction; Last Anointing, Confession and Prayer [ 54] Discussion Aids : How does the farmer exemplify patience (v. 7)? Why should we not complain against one another (v. 9) ? What examples of labor and patience are given in vv. 10-11? In v. 12 what is said of swearing? What should one do who is sad? who is in good spirits (v. 13)? when anyone is sick (vv. 14-16) ? What is said of E-li'as (vv. 17-18) ? What does St. James say of the con- version of a sinner (vv. 19-20) ? IV. Liturgy: Rogation Days (James 5:16-20) ; Fourth Sun- day after Easter (James 1:17-21) ; Fifth Sunday after Easter (James 1:22-27) ; St. John Cantius, October 20 (2:12-17) ; Mass for the Sick (James 5:13-16) ; Mass for a Martyr Bishop (James 1:12-18). V. Practices 1. "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been tried, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12). I must never use human weakness as an excuse for not rejecting evil sugges- tions. I must be on my guard at all times. What is my greatest weakness? In what virtue am I tempted severely? 2. "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath” (James 1:19). How much unhap- piness would be removed from my life if I heeded and practiced this counsel. I will endeavor to be most careful in my speech and to keep my anger always under control. 3. "Has not God chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which God has promised to those who love Him?” (James 2: [55] 5-6) . How unchristian it is for me, then, to think of God’s benefactions in terms of sensual things. My Faith comes first, no matter what the cost and no matter what sacrifices I must make to keep it strong. Chapter XIII THE FIRST PAPAL ENCYCLICAL I. Map Work: Locate (map of Palestine) Beth-sa'i-da in Gal'i-lee, Jerusalem; (map of journeys) An'ti-och in Syr'i-a, the Provinces of Pon'tus, Ga-la'ti-a, Cap-pa- do'ci-a, Bi-thyn'i-a II. Picture Study: Peter’s Confession of Faith III. Readings from the New Testament, First Epistle of St. Peter ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 616-624) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 653) Discussion Aids: Tell about St. Peter, his birth- place; father; brother; change of name; primacy; the places where he preached ; when and where he was martyred. Give the evidence which establishes St. Peter’s authorship of this Epistle. To whom and why was the Epistle written? What place is designated by Bab'y-lon? How is the date of writing determined? 2. Read: 1 St. Peter 1:1-12, Greeting; Thanksgiving Discussion Aids: How does the Epistle open (vv. 1-2) ? What explanation is given in footnote to v. 1? For what does St. Peter offer thanksgiving [56] mm No. 217 Peter’s Confession of Faith [ 57 ] (vv. 3-4) ? Over what should we rejoice (v. 5) ? How and why may the temper of our faith be tried (vv. 6-7)? What is the final issue of one’s faith (v. 9) ? By what means did the prophets foretell “the grace that was to come to you” (vv. 10-12) ? 3. Read: 1 St. Peter 1:13-25, Filial Obedience and Fear; Brotherly Love Discussion Aids: On what should we set our hope (v. 13) ? Why should we be holy in all behavior (w. 14-16) ? behave with fear while sojourning on earth (vv. 17-19) ? What historical facts are stated in vv. 20-21? When, why and how should we love one another (vv. 22-24) ? What is the meaning of v. 24? 4. Read: 1 St. Peter 2:1-10, Growth in Holiness Discussion Aids: To grow in holiness, what must we lay aside? crave, as newborn babes (vv. 1-3) ? What is said of Christ, and of our relation to Him as living stones (vv. 4-8) ? In v. 9 what four titles does St. Peter apply to Christians? What statement in this verse should prompt discussion club at- tendance? 5. Read: 1 St. Peter 2:11-25, Good Example; For the Citizen; For the Slave Discussion Aids: Whom does St. Peter exhort to give good example? to what end (vv. 11-12)? To whom should Christians be subject? Why (vv. 13- 15)? How should free men live (vv. 16-17)? To what masters should servants be subject? What kind of suffering is "a grace” and "acceptable to God” (vv. 18-20) ? How have we been called to [58] suffering by Christ (vv. 21-22)? Why did Christ bear our sins in His body (vv. 24-25)? 6. Read: 1 St. Peter 3:l-4:6, For the Wife and the Husband; In Christian Charity; In Christian Suf- fering; In Christian Faithfulness Discussion Aids: Why and in what manner should wives be subject to their husbands (vv. 1-5) ? When are wives "daughters” of Sara (v. 6)? What ex- planation is made in footnote to 3:6? In what manner should husbands dwell with their wives? Why (v. 7)? What seven practices of Christian charity does St. Peter commend in vv. 8-9? What blessing is promised those who practice charity (vv. 10-12)? Why should the person zealous for good have no fear (vv. 13-14)? What counsel is given in vv. 15-16? What explanation is made in footnote to 3:18? What mission of Christ is told in w. 18-20? in vv. 21-22? How may man cease from sin and live according to the will of God (4:1-2) ? Why does the pagan abuse the Christian (v. 3-5)? Why was the Gospel preached even to the dead (v. 6) ? IV. Liturgy: Friday in Easter Week (1 Pet. 3:18-22); Saturday in Easter Week (1 Pet. 2:1-10); Second Sunday after Easter (1 Pet. 2:21-25); Third Sunday after Easter (1 Pet. 2:11-19) ; Fifth Sunday after Pen- tecost (1 Pet. 3:8-15); St. Peter’s Chair in Rome, January 18 (l Pet. 1:1-7); Mass of Many Martyrs (1 Pet. 1:3-7). V. Practices 1. "As the One Who called you is holy, be you also holy in all your behavior” (1 Pet. 1:15). Christ is [59] my model of life. I shall try to keep Him and His life always before me, that as He is holy, I may also advance in perfection. 2. "You, however, are a chosen race, a royal priest- hood, a holy nation, a purchased people” (1 Pet. 2:9). What a great privilege God has bestowed upon me. I, too, belong to a royal priesthood of the laity when I offer my spiritual gifts of prayers and charity to God through Jesus Christ. 3. "Be ready always with an answer to everyone who asks a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet. 3:15). How can I follow this obligation unless I know more about my Faith? How shall I know more about my Faith unless I persevere in attending the sessions of the Discussion Club? There is no greater influence on a non-Catholic than an intelli- gent Catholic man or woman. Chapter XIV THE SECOND PAPAL ENCYCLICAL I. Map Work: Locate Rome II. Picture Study: The Present Vicar of Christ III. Readings from the New Testament, Second Epistle of St. Peter ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 627-634) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 666) Discussion Aids: Why was this Epistle written? What is its purpose? What is the relation of it to [ 60] POPE PIUS XII The Present Vicar of Christ [ 61 ] the Epistle of St. Jude? How is the statement of authorship confirmed by the Epistle? time and place of authorship deduced? 2. Read: 2 St. Peter 1 : 1-7, Greeting; Life of a Christian Discussion Aids: What are the two important state- ments in St. Peter’s greeting (vv. 1-2)? What ex- planation is made in footnote to v. 3? to v. 4? What has Christ’s power granted us? To what end (vv. 3-4) ? With what should we strive to supply our faith? our virtue? our knowledge? our self-control? our patience? our piety? our fraternal love (vv. 5-7) ? 3. Read: 2 St. Peter 1:8-21, Necessity of Virtue; Sovereignty of Christ Discussion Aids: What will these virtues (vv. 5-7) render us (v. 8)? For what should we strive by good works? Why (vv. 10-1 1 ) ? Why does St. Peter remind us always of the necessity of good works? How does he indicate his death is at hand (vv. 12- 15, footnote to v. 13) ? What explanation is made in footnotes to vv. 13, 16, 18, 19? How does St. Peter refer to the Transfiguration? Why (vv. 16- 18) ? In regard to Scripture, what must we under- stand first of all (v. 20) ? Why (v. 21) ? 4. Read: 2 St. Peter 2:1-10, Punishment of Lying Teachers; Warning from the Past Discussion Aids: What does St. Peter say of false prophets? lying teachers? their teachings? the way of truth? destruction (vv. 1-3)? What is Tar'ta-rus (footnote to v. 4) ? What three past punishments does St. Peter cite (vv. 4-6) ? What distressed and [ 62 ] tormented Lot (vv. 7-8)? On the day of judg- ment what will be the fate of the wicked (v. 10) ? 5. Read : 2 St. Peter 2:11-22, The Vices of Heresy Discussion Aids: How are rash and self-willed men compared to irrational animals (vv. 11-12)? How are self-willed men "spots and blemishes” (w. 13- 14) ? How are they like Ba'laam? How was the folly of Balaam checked (vv. 15-16)? In footnote to 2:18 what explanation is given? How are self- willed men compared to springs and mists? Why (vv. 17-19)? What is the state of the man who escapes defilements then returns to them (vv. 20- 22 )? 6. Read: 2 St. Peter 3:1-18, The Second Coming; Exhortation, Doxology Discussion Aids: Why did St. Peter write this Epis- tle (vv. 1-2) ? In footnote to v. 4 what explanation is made? What must we know of the last days (vv. 3-4) ? Of what are scoffers wilfully ignorant (vv. 5-7)? Of what must Christians not be ignorant (vv. 8-10)? What does St. Peter say will happen when "all these things are to be dissolved” (vv. 11-13)? In vv. 14-15 what does St. Peter exhort us to do? In v. 16 what is said of St. Paul’s Epis- tles? Why are we to be on our guard (vv. 17-18) ? IV. Liturgy: Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6 (2 Pet. 1:16-19). V. Practices 1. "Do you accordingly on your part strive diligently to supply your Faith with virtue, your virtue with knowledge” (2 Pet. 1:5). St. Peter tells me that I must strive to supply virtue with Faith. This [63] makes the perfect combination for a good life. God gives me my Faith and I must supplement this Faith with virtue. But even here God helps me. 2. "Strive even more by good works to make your calling and election sure” (2 Pet. 1:10). What have I done during this week that I can put down under the head of good works, works that I per- formed myself without any law to compel me? This will reveal my good will to do the works of which St. Peter speaks. 3. "By whatever a man is overcome, of this also he is the slave” (2 Pet. 2:19) . Do I ever fall into the notion that the Christian life is very restricting and that it destroys freedom? Do I long for the ways of the wicked? May I never forget that the strong- est chains of slavery are found in the lives of sinners. Chapter XV THE BELOVED DISCIPLE WRITES TO THE CHURCH I. Map Work: Eph'e-sus, Asia Minor II. Picture Study: The Beloved Disciple III. Readings from the New Testament, First Epistle of St. John ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 635-645) 1. Read: Introduction (N. T., p. 675) Discussion Aids: What facts point to St. John as author of this Epistle ? the time, place, purpose of [64] No. 76 The Beloved Disciple [ 65 ] its writing? What dissensions among the faithful prompted the writing of this pastoral letter? What is the fundamental thought of the letter? How must we walk to have fellowship with the Father through the Son? In this Epistle what does St. John especially emphasize? What three other truths does he present? 2. Read: 1 St. John 1:1 — 2:2, The Witness to the Word of Life; Walk in Light Discussion Aids: Of what does St. John say he writes (v. l) ? What does John say of the Life and the Life Eternal (v. 2)? What is John’s purpose in announcing what he has seen and heard (vv. 3- 4) ? What is the message in vv. 5-7 ? What follows when we say we have no sins? when we acknowl- edge our sins (vv. 8-10)? For whom is Christ an advocate with the Father (2:1-2) ? 3. Read: 1 St. John 2:3-17, Observe the Command- ments, Especially Charity; Reasons for Writing Discussion. Aids: How does St. John compare him who knows and does not keep the Commandments with him who keeps God’s word (vv. 3-6) ? What is the old Commandment? the new Commandment (vv. 7-8) ? What men are in darkness? abide in the light (vv. 9-11) ? In vv. 12-14 what two reasons does St. John give for writing to children ? fathers ? young men? Why should we not love the world and the things of the world (vv. 15-17) ? 4. Read: 1 St. John 2:28 — 3:24, Children of God; Children of the Devil; True Charity; A Good Conscience [ 66] Discussion Aids : Why should children of God abide in Christ? know that Christ is just? behold the love bestowed by the Father? hope in Christ (2:28 — 3:3) ? In vv. 4-6 what does St. John say of sin and iniquity ? Who is a child of the devil ? destroys the devil’s work (vv. 7-8) ? How are chil- dren of God and children of the devil made known (w. 9-10) ? What message have we heard from the beginning (v. 11)? Why did Cain kill Abel (v. 12) ? In vv. 13-15 what does John say of world hate? passage from death to life? him who does not love? How are we to follow Christ’s ex- ample of true charity (vv. 16-18) ? In vv. 19-24 what does John say sets our hearts at rest? gives us confidence in God? of him who keeps God’s command? 5. Read: 1 St. John 4:7-21, Love Unites Us with God Discussion Aids: Who are born of God (v. 7)? How has God shown us His love (vv. 9-10) ? Why should we love one another (v. 11)? How may God’s love be perfected in us (vv. 12-17)? What is the effect of love on fear? on hate (w. 18-21, footnote to v. 18) ? 6. Read: 1 St. John 5:1-13, The Basis of Love; Wit- nesses to Christ Discussion Aids: What is the basis of love (vv. 1-3) ? How is the world overcome (vv. 4-5) ? What explanation is made in footnote to 5:6? Who bear witness in heaven that Christ is the truth? What bears witness on earth (vv. 7-8) ? How is the man who believes in the Son of God compared with the [67] man who does not (v. 10) ? What is John’s mes- sage in vv. 1-13? IV. Liturgy: Low Sunday (1 John 5:4-10) ; First Sunday after Pentecost (1 John 4:8-21) ; St. Polycarp, January 26 (1 John 3:10-16) ; St. Gabriel, February 27 (1 John 2:14-17); St. Camillus of Lellis, July 18 (1 John 3 : 13- 18 ). V. Practices 1. "These things I write to you in order that you may not sin. But if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the just” (1 John 2:1). How do I think of confession — as an ob- ligation to be postponed indefinitely, or as an op- portunity to use this advocacy of Jesus Christ? I cannot enjoy the merits of our Lord unless I re- ceive the Sacraments as He intends and as often as He wants me to receive them. 2. "Do not love the world or the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15). Would that I could learn this great lesson and place my trust in the things of God. May God help me to see the vanity of all things and to love the things which are from above. 3. "He who has the goods of this world and sees his brother in need and closes his heart to him, how does the love of God abide in him ?” ( 1 John 3:17). Is my charity manifest to God? Do I wait for some pathetic appeal to be made or do I give from my income regularly some part of what I have re- ceived? "The poor you have always with you.” [68] Chapter XVI SECOND AND THIRD EPISTLES OF ST. JOHN; EPISTLE OF ST. JUDE I. Map Work: Locate Syr'i-a II. Picture Study: St. Jude III. Readings from the New Testament, Second and Third Epistles of St. John; Epistle of St. Jude ( Commentary on N. T., pp. 647-654) 1. Read: Introduction to Second Epistle (N. T., p. 686) Discussion Aids : What proves the authorship of this Epistle ? About when was it written ? to whom ? What are comments on the meaning of "Elect Lady”? In this Epistle what does John commend? exhort to? warn against? 2. Read: 2 St. John 1-13, Greeting; Brotherly Love; Against False Teachers Discussion Aids: How does John greet the Elect Lady? Who join him in the greeting (vv. 1-3) ? What is the cause of John’s rejoicing (v. 4) ? What is brotherly love (vv. 5-6) ? In w. 7-11 what does John say of the Antichrist? of a full reward? of him who abides in the doctrine? of one who does not bring this doctrine? How does John conclude this Epistle (w. 12-13) ? 3. Read: Introduction to Third Epistle (N. T., p. 689) and 3 John 1:15, Salutation; Praise of Ga'ius; Di- ot're-phes and De-me'tri-us Discussion Aids: Of this Epistle, what is known of the person addressed? the time of writing? the [69] reason for writing ? In w. 2-8 for what does John pray? rejoice? give praise? ask support? What does John say of Di-ot're-phes (w. 9-10) ? of De-me'- tri-us (v. 12) ? What message is given in vv. 13-15 ? 4. Read: Introduction to Epistle of St. Jude (N. T., p. 692) Discussion Aids: How does the author designate himself? What probably prompted this designa- tion? What does tradition tell of St. Jude? Why is it likely that the Epistle was addressed to Jewish converts ? Why was it written ? How is the approxi- mate date determined? 5. Read: St. Jude 1-13, Purpose of Address; Divine Judgments; Evil Life of Heretics Discussion Aids: For what does St. Jude exhort us to contend earnestly (v. 3) ? Against whom does he warn (v. 4) ? With what three divine judgments does Jude give warning (vv. 5-7)? What three evils characterize ungodly men (v. 8) ? What is explained in footnote to v. 9 ? How is the dispute between Michael and the devil compared to actions of heretics (vv. 9-10) ? What is explained in foot- note to v. 11? In vv. 12-13 how are heretics com- pared to stains ? clouds without water ? trees in the fall? wild waves? wandering stars? 6. Read: St. Jude 14-25, Judgment of Heretics; Per- severance and Charity Discussion Aids: What is said of the Book of He'noch and Jude’s reference to it (footnote to v. 14)? What was Henoch’s prophecy (vv. 14-15)? In vv. 16-19 what does St. Jude say of the haughty in speech? of words spoken by the Apostles regard- [70] St. Jude [71 ] ing scoffers? In vv. 20-21 how does Jude counsel us to build up ourselves ? How are the erring to be reproved (w. 22-23, footnote) ? With what prayer of praise does the Epistle end? IV. Liturgy: St. Silverius, June 20 (Jude 1:17-21). V. Practices 1. "He who does good is of God; he who does evil has not seen God” (3 John 1:11) . This should be the great purpose of my life, to do the works of God that I may be one with Christ. 2. "Keep yourselves in the love of God” (Jude 1:21) . This should be for me the final instruction of my course in the Discussion Club on the Epistles. I shall try to live up to the practices I have begun and to meditate again and again upon these words of the Epistle. 3. I promise to keep my New Testament near at hand and each day to read with devotion some part of the Epistles. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY ST. ANTHONY GUILD PRESS, PATERSON, N. J. [72]