Apostolic letter, Faculties concerning mass stipends : Firma in Traditione, June 13, 1974 / Pope Pau APOSTOLIC LETTER REFEREWCt rppj-^ ' FACULTIES CONCERNING MASS STIPENDS POPE PAUL VI IWNlVERSmr OF NOTRE l>AM£ memorial library l“hb 1 In Traditione college library ‘VERTICAL FILE June 13, 1974 1974 Publications Office UNITED STATES EATHDEIE EONFERENEE 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.E. 20005 APOSTOLIC LETTER FACULTIES CONCERNING MASS STIPENDS Firma in Traditione POPE PAUL VI It has been a strong tradition in the Church that the faithful, moved by a religious and ecclesial consciousness, should join a kind of self-sacrifice of their own to the eucharistic sacrifice, so as to share in the latter more effectively, and should provide in this way for the needs of the Church, above all for the support of the Church’s ministers. This practice is in harmony with the spirit of the Lord's words: “The laborer is worthy of his hire’’ (Luke 10:7), which the Apostle Paul recalls in the first letter to Timothy (5:18) and the first letter to the Corinthians (9:7-14). Thus the faithful associate themselves more closely with Christ, who offers himself as victim, and then experience more abundant effects. Not only has the practice been approved by the Church, it has been promoted, because the Church considers it to be a sign of the union of the baptized person with Christ as well as of the union of the Christian with the priest who performs his ministry for the benefit of the faithful. To keep this understanding always intact and to protect it from any possible error, appropriate regulations have been made in the course of the centuries. These have had the purpose that the worship which the faithful freely offer to God should In fact be celebrated with no lessening of observance and generosity. Be- cause of particular circumstances of different periods and human social conditions, however, it sometimes becomes morally impos- sible—and thus less equitable—to satisfy in their entirety the obligations which have been sought and accepted. In such cases, therefore, the Church is compelled by necessity to make a suitable revision of the obligations, at the same time trying to be consistent in this matter and to keep faith with the donors. With the intention that the regulations for Mass stipends— a matter certainly serious and one demanding great prudence — 1 should be established equitably, by means of a notification of the Papal Secretariat (Secretariat of State) issued on November 29, 1971 (AAS 63 [1971]: 841), we decreed that all decisions con- cerning reductions, condonations, and commutations of Mass stipends should be temporarily reserved to us and we suspended, as of February 1, 1972, all faculties, no matter to whom or in what manner they had been granted. Now that the principal purposes of that regulation have been accomplished, we judge that the time has come to terminate the reservation. In order to place the appropriate governance of this matter on new foundations and to prevent any incorrect Interpreta- tions, with reliance on lawful precedents of the past, it has seemed best now to abolish any of the earlier faculties which remain. Nevertheless, to satisfy somewhat the needs which our brothers in the episcopate must sometimes consider and In view of the experience of the use of faculties granted to them in the apostolic letters Pastorale munus (AAS 56 [1964]: 5-12) and De Episco- porum muneribus (AAS 58 [1966]; 467-472) issued motu proprio, we think it expedient to grant certain faculties to those who share the pastoral ministry in the Church with us. Therefore, after mature consideration, upon our own initiative, and in virtue of the fullness of our apostolic power, we establish and decree the following for the whole Church: I. From July 1, 1974, the above reservation, mentioned in the notification of the Secretariat of State on November 29, 1971, ceases. From the same day the Sacred Congregations of the Roman Curia are empowered to resume their competence in this matter, but accommodating its exercise to new, carefully defined regulations imposed upon them separately. Thus petitions which may be concerned with this matter are once again to be presented to these congregations. II. From the same day all faculties previously in effect con- cerning Mass stipends, however granted or acquired, are com- pletely revoked. Therefore the faculties of any physical or moral person cease, whether granted by us or our predecessors, includ- ing oral concessions, by the Roman Curia, or by any other authority; whether by force of privilege, indult, dispensation, or any other reason, including particular legislation; whether faculties acquired by communication, custom. Including particular, cen- 2 tenary, or immemorial custom, prescription, or any other' manner whatever. In view of this revocation, we decree that only the following faculties have force for the future: a) the faculties now conceded to the Sacred Congregations of the Roman Curia, mentioned in no. I; b) the faculties contained in the apostolic letter Pastorale munus and In the Index of Faculties which are regularly granted to local Ordinaries and to pontifical legates; c) the new faculties granted to bishops in this apostolic letter, mentioned in no. ill below. ill. From July 1, we grant the following faculties to the same persons listed in the apostolic letter Pastorale munus, under the same conditions established in that letter: a) the faculty to permit priests who binate or trinate in the diocese to apply the Masses for a stipend, which is to be given to the needs assigned by the diocesan bishop or to apply the Masses according to intentions for which a condonation or reduc- tion would otherwise have to be sought. This faculty is not ex- tended to concelebrated Masses of bination treated In the declara- tion of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, August 7, 1972, no. 3b (AAS 64 [1972]: 561-563), for which the reception of a stipend under any title is prohibited; b) the faculty to reduce, by reason of diminished income, the obligation of cathedral or collegiate chapters to apply the daily conventual Mass for benefactors, with the exception of at least one conventual Mass each month; c) the faculty to transfer, for suitable cause, the obligations of Masses to days, churches, or altars different from those stipu- lated in the foundations. These regulations become effective on the first day of July. We order that everything decreed in this apostolic letter issued motu proprio be effective and ratified, anything to the contrary notwithstanding, including anything requiring very special men- tion. Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on the feast of Corpus Christi, June 13, 1974, the eleventh year of our pontificate. POPE PAUL VI 3 STUDY TEXTS There has been an enthusiastic response to these commentaries and study aids prepared by the Bishops' Committee tor the Liturgy. There is a great demand for them from study groups, parish meet- ings, seminaries, pamphlet racks, bookstores. STUDY TEXT I. HOLY COMMUNION. COM- MENTARY ON THE INSTRUCTION IMMEN- SAE CARITATI5. Includes full text of the Instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Immensae Caritafis. 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