Prayers to St. Anthony : from approved sources r ^ 5v-. . Ai&^sy rovV PRAYEki .u gsxi^-j Saint Anthony THE PAULIST PRESS New York, N. Y. Prayers to St. Anthony From APPROVED SOURCES Mease drop 5c in slot ^pay for these public^t.nno Cathedral of theMost Blessed Sacrament Conference New York THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street UNFAILING PRAYER TO ST. ANTHONY O Holy Sf. Anthony. Gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity, for His crea- tures, made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracle waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle; even so. you are the Saint of miracles. O Gentle and Loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sym- pathy, whisper my petition Into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, Who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. 13 Paters, Aves and Glorias. Prayers to St. Anthony Miracles N°, age in the life of the Church is left destitute by the Providence of God of that witness of miraculous power which Our Lord has so distinctly promised to her, though there are never wanting, on the other hand, men who profess to believe in Him, and yet question the fulfillment of His promise, arguing, in order to shelter their own incredulity or principles of rea- soning which directly tend to contradict, not only the truth of His recorded words, but also the veracity of the whole Gospel history. Catholics are well aware that our own time forms no exception to the general rule, either as to the display of miraculous power on the part of God, working through His Saints, or the counter display of scof- fing contradiction on the part of unbe- lievers, and of unreasonable, though hap- pily not scoffing, contradiction on the part of the many who still claim to be Christian. It is indeed true that the belief in mira- cles, whether modem or ancient, is fast be- coming an acknowledged test by which the 4 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY believers in Supernatural Revelation are to be distinguished from infidels, and we may hope that this truth may help to open the eyes of at least some of these excellent men, who are so vainly trying to defend Christianity without acknowledging the Church and the permanence of her note of Sanctity. Be that as it may, the present is no time for Catholics to hold back in the slightest degree from the full avowal of their belief in the miracles of the Saints. On the contrary the truest wisdom and charity seem to require that the marvels of Gk)d’s power and mercy should be pro- claimed with even unusual loudness, and the continual faithfulness of Our Lord to His promises vindicated more conspicu- ously, in proportion to the boldness and unreasonableness with w'hich it is gainsaid. It would be utterly impossible to com- press within any reasonable space an ac- count of the miracles which are recorded as the fruit of the intercession of St. Anthony of Padua. It cannot be doubted that the splendor and number of his miracles, more than anything else, brought on him the singular honor of having been canonized within a year, so that the first anniversary of his death was observed as the feast of a PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 5 Saint duly raised to the altars of the Church by the Supreme Pontiff. The Chronicles of St, Francis tell us that in the interval between St. Anthony^s death and canonization as many as forty-five mira- cles of major character were judically proved, besides those which took place while he was alive. St. Anthony has never been known to refuse prayers offered in the true spirit of faith and love. Even today he continues to work miracles for the benefit of his faithful clients and de- votion in his honor is widespread through- out the world, so that the Saint of Padua is ofttimes called the Saint of the whole world. How to Make a Novena to St. Anthony 1. Visit an altar or shrine of the Saint on nine consecutive Tuesdays. 2. Recite the miraculous ‘‘Responsory” or other prayers at choice, in honor of St. Anthony. 3. Go to Confession and Communion on the nine Tuesdays or at least on the first, fifth and last Tuesday. NOTE: Should you prefer to make a Novena of nine continuous days, recite the prayers daily, receiving Holy Communion on the first and last days. 6 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY Novena Prayer We salute thee, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity. We salute thee, great Saint, cherub in wis- dom and seraph of divine love. We rejoice at the favors God has so liberally bestowed on thee. In humility and confidence we entreat thee to help us, for we know that God has given thee charity and pity as well as power. Then behold our distress, our anxiety, our fears concerning . . . (N,). We ask it of thee by the love thou didst feel for the divine Child, when He loaded thee with caresses. Tell Him of our wants. Remember thy rapture when thou didst clasp Him to thy heart, when thou didst press thy cheek to His and didst listen to His divine whispers. One sigh from thee whom He honors will crown our success and fill us with joy. Think of this and hear our prayer. Obtain for us all that we desire, and we will publish thy greatness thereby to glorify Him by Whom thou wert so highly favored. Amen. St. Anthony, loved and honored by the divine Child Jesus, obtain what we ask of thee. PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 7 St. Anthony, powerful in word and work, obtain what we ask of thee, St. Anthony, attentive to those who in- voke thee, obtain what we ask of thee. The Miraculous Responsory {By St. Bonaventure) If miracles thou fain would see; Lo, error, death, calamity. The leprous stain, the demon flies, From beds of pain the sick arise. The hungry seas forego their prey, The prisoner’s cruel chains give way; While palsied limbs and chattels lost Both young and old recovered boast. And perish; plenty’s hoard Is heaped on hunger’s famished board. Let those relate who know it well. Let Padua of her patron tell. The hungry seas, etc. To Father, Son, may glory be And Holy Ghost eternally. The hungry seas, etc. 8 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY Pray for us Saint Anthony, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let Us Pray O God, let the votive commemoration of Blessed Anthony, Thy Confessor, be a source of joy to Thy Church, that she may always be fortified with spiritual assistance, and may deserve to possess eternal joy, through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Thirteen Efficacious Prayers in Honor of the Blessed Tongue of St. Anthony of Padua They can be recited for an exercise of thirteen Tuesdays in his honor, or during thirteen days in succession, espe- cially during those which precede the fifteenth of February, Feast of the Tongue of St. Anthony. When on the eighth of April, 1263, the tomb which had enclosed for thirty-two years the sacred remains of St. Anthony, was opened in order to transport them into the Basilica erected in his honor, his tongue was found as fresh and ruddy as that of a living person, although all the rest of the body was reduced to a fine dust. At this spectacle the great Doctor, St. Bonaventure, Minister General of the Order of Friars Minors, who presided at the ceremony, took into his hands the Tongue of St. Anthony, thus miraculously PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 9 preserved, and, showing it to the assembled mul- titude, cried out, his eyes moistened with tears of joy: “O Blessed Tongue,^ which didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, now does it appear plainly how highly thou wert esteemed by God.” I. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord and cause others to bless Him! To reward thee God has glorified thy Tongue by granting to it upon this earth the favor of incorruptibility which has continued for seven centuries. I bless thy Tongue, I praise and venerate it with the same senti- ments of faith, devotion and love that ani- mated St. Bonaventure when he kissed it, praised it, blessed it and venerated it. I thank the Lord who has sanctified thy Tongue, rendering it miraculous and glori- ous on earth, and I beg Him to grant a true devotion toward thee, that I may merit thy protection during this life, in all my spiritual and corporal needs, and merit also to rise again with all the privileges of the glorious bodies of the Saints. iThe Tongue of St. Anthony, still entire, but black- ened by time, is now preserved in a reliquary, which is carefully guarded, in the Treasury of the Basilica of Padua. 10 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc. II. O Blessed Tongue, which always didst bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, now does it appear plainly how highly thou wert esteemed by God. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord and cause others to bless, praise, thank and pray to Him, I bless, praise and venerate thee, I thank God who created thy tongue and sanctified it by His grace, and I im- plore Him, through thy merits, to purify and sanctify my tongue, that by it I may continually praise, bless and thank the Lord, and never offend Him. Our Father, etc. HI. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, without ever of- fending Him, by words or guilty conversa- tions, I bless, praise and venerate thee, and thanking God who preserved thee from all sins of the tongue implore Him through thy merits, to preserve my tongue from every sinful word and discourse. Our Father, etc. PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 11 IV. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always receive Jesus in His Sacrament worthily, I bless, praise and venerate thee, thanking God who has sanc- tified thee by His graces and His Most Holy Sacrament, I implore Him to pardon me for having so often profaned by sin my tongue, sanctified and consecrated so many times by contact with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in my communions. O great Saint, obtain for me the grace to pre- serve my tongue pure and spotless from sin, that I may henceforth merit to receive Jesus Christ worthily in the Sacrament of His love. Our Father, etc. V. 0 marvelous Anthony, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, pray- ing and singing to Him with devotion and attention, I bless, praise and venerate thee. I thank God for giving thee the spirit of prayer and gift of contemplation, and through thy merits, I implore Him to grant me the grace that all the prayers my tongue shall recite may spring from an at- tentive and recollected heart. Our Father, etc. 12 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY VI. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, with whom thou didst hold familiar conversation when He appeared to thee under the form of a graceful Child, I bless, praise and ven- erate thee, and thanking God for the sweet apparitions and tender conversations with which He favored thee, I implore thee to obtain for me the grace to always con- verse devoutly and affectionately with Jesus in His Sacrament after Holy Com- munion. Our Father, etc. VII. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, by teaching men the knowledge of their faith and duties by converting so many sinners and infidels, I bless, praise and venerate thee. I thank God who has given thee so much charity, wisdom and zeal, and I implore you to ob- tain from Him the same gifts for me, and for all, that we may labor, by our examples and words, to procure the glory of God, and the conversion of sinners and infidels. Our Father, etc. VIII. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 13 cause others to bless Him, when in preach- ing and speaking in one language, thou wert, by a miracle, heard, at a distance, and understood by people of every nation and language, I bless, praise and venerate thee, and, thanking God for making of thee such a zealous workman and so ad- mirable in the conversion of sinners, I im- plore thee, to attract the blessings of divine goodness on my tongue, that it may never do harm, and may always promote the glory of God and my neighbor’s welfare. Our Father, etc. IX. O Marvelou^ Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, when they saw the fish themselves obey thee, and raise their heads from the water to listen to thy words, when they saw a stupid beast pros- trate itself to adore Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament, I bless, praise and venerate thee, I thank God for having worked such prodigies to confirm thy faith, thy sanctity and thy teachings; I implore thee to obtain for me the grace to hear with fruit, the word of God, and to be de- vout to the Holy Sacrament of the altar. Our Father, e'tc. 14 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY X. O marvelous St. Anthony, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, even to obliging the infernal spirits to obey thee, and to quit the bodies which they possessed, by saying to them, ‘‘Behold the cross of the Lord! Fly, ye powers of dark- ness, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has conquered. Alleluia.” I bless, praise and venerate thee, and, thanking God for giving thee such power over hell, beseech thee to cause me to be delivered and preserved from the snares and temptations of the devil, as well as all those who recite with faith, and carry with confidence the words pronounced by thy Tongue. Our Father, etc. XI. O wonderful Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause all to bless Him, by reconciling ene- mies, converting malefactors and robbers, humbling a tyrant at thy feet, and humili- ating hardened heretics, I bless, praise and venerate thee, I thank God for giving such strength and persuasion to thy words, and I implore thee to obtain for ^ me grace and zeal to exercise fraternal correction without PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 15 human respect, but with prudence and meekness, so as to prevent evil and effect good. Our Father, etc. XII. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, who hast com- manded with authority and faith, the un- chained elements, disease and death itself, while God has worked through your in- strumentality so many astounding prodi- gies, prodigies which He still continues from day to day, I bless, praise and vener- ate thee. I thank God for granting thee the privilege of distributing so many graces and working such wondrous miracles, and I implore thee to use it in my favor, and in favor of all those who have devotion to thee. Our Father, etc. XIII. O marvelous St. Anthony, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, thanks to all thy prerogatives, thanks to the veneration in which thou hast ever been held, thanks to thy powerful intercession, all can clearly see how great is thy merit 16 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY before God, who gives thee such glory in heaven, so much power and veneration on earth, I rejoice with thee, I praise and venerate thee, and, thanking God for all thy virtues, merits and the glory which He gives thee, and will give thee in heaven and on earth, I promise to be truly devout to thee by imitating thy virtues as far as I am able, especially by keeping my tongue from sin, by employing it in praising and thanking God, and praying never more to offend Him. Obtain for me from Our Lord, with the pardon of all the faults which my tongue has committed, or made others commit, the grace never more to make use of it to offend Him. For this in- tention, I will recite every day, or at least every Tuesday, the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father, thirteen times, to thank the Most Holy Trinity for the graces, glory and thirteen privileges which have been granted to thee, in order to be worthy of thy protection during this life, of thy assistance at the hour of my death, and of thy blessed company in heaven. Amen. Our Father, etc. Plenary Indulgence granted to this devotion to all mem- bers of the Universal Association of St. Anthony, 300 days each day of the exercise, applicable to the souls in Purga- tory. (Leo XIII, 18th May, 1888.) PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 17 Litany of St. Anthony (For private devotion) Lord, have mercy on usi Christ, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us! Christ, hear us! Christ, graciously hear us! God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us! God, the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us! God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us! Holy Trinity one God, have mercy on us! Holy Mary, ^ Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of Virgins, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Anthony, glory of Friars Minor, St. Anthony, lily of virginity, St. Anthony, gem of poverty, St. Anthony, example of obedience, St. Anthony, mirror of abstinence, St. Anthony, vessel of purity, St. Anthony, star of sanctity, St. Anthony, model of conduct, St. Anthony, beauty of paradise, St. Anthony, ark of the testament. Pray for 18 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY St. Anthony, keeper of the Scriptures, St. Anthony, teacher of the truth, St. Anthony, preacher of grace, St. Anthony, exterminator of vices, St. Anthony, planter of virtues, St. Anthony, conqueror of heretics, St. Anthony, terror of infidels, St. Anthony, consoler of the afflicted, St. Anthony, searcher of consciences, St. Anthony, martyr in desire, St. Anthony, terror of the devils, St. Anthony, horror of hell, St. Anthony, performer of miracles, St. Anthony, restorer of lost things, St. Anthony, helper in need, St. Anthony Purveyor for God^s Poor, s Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us O Lord! Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us O Lord! Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us! V. Pray for us. Blessed Anthony, /?, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Pray ft PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 19 SPECIAL PRAYERS Prayer for Recovery of Lost Articles O Glorious St. Anthony, since God has given thee the power of miracles, a power thou hast exercised for centuries and since He has given thee in particular the power of finding that which has been lost, I come to thee with the confidence of a child to the best of fathers. Grant me above all to find the grace of God, if I have had the misfortune to lose it. Grant me to find also my former fervor in the service of God and in the practice of virtue; and as a pledge of these graces so important for my eternal salvation, grant me to find also the things I have lost. Thus thou shalt make me experience the presence of thy goodness and thou wilt increase my confidence and my love for thee. (Our Father.) The Miraculous Responsory is also said when the aid of St. Anthony is sought in locating lost things. (See Page 7.) Prayer to the Infant Jesus in the Arms of St. Anthony O sweet Jesus, Thou best and only hope of afflicted souls, I prostrate myself at Thy Feet, and beseech Thee, through the im- 20 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY measurable love and grace with which Thou didst visit Thy blessed servant, St. Anthony, when Thou didst comfort and embrace him, to come to me at his inter- cession and let me taste how sweet Thy presence is in the souls that trust in Thee. Amen. Prayer to St. Anthony for Peace of Mind Most dear and faithful servant of Christ, blessed St. Anthony to whom God has granted such favors that through thy in- tercession, lost temporal goods are re- covered, pray for me a sinner that I may acquire and preserve peace of mind, with light and knowledge to discern good from evil and truth from error. So that being delivered from all evil scruples, darkness and uneasiness of mind and conscience, I may faithfully serve my God and Savior, who is worthy of all honor and glory, with peace of mind, purity of conscience and justice of life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 21 Prayer of St. Anthony to the Blessed Virgin O Mary, Virgin before the Divine Birth, guard my body and soul. Hail Mary, etc. O Mary, Virgin during the Divine Birth, guard my body and soul. Hail Mary, etc. O Mary, Virgin after the Divine Birth, guard my body and soul. Hail Mary, etc. (Indulgence, 100 days. Sacred Congregation, 1895.) O Gloriosa Domina (Favorite Hymn of St. Anthony in honor of the Blessed Virgin.) O glorious Lady ever blest. Exalted high the stars above, Who gavest nurture from thy breast To God with pure maternal love. What we have lost through sinful Eve The blossom sprung from thee restores. And granting bliss to souls that grieve. Unbars the everlasting doors. O Gate, through which hath passed the King! O Hall, whence light shone through the gloom I 22 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY The ransomed nations praise and sing The offspring of thy virgin womb! Praise from mankind and Heaven’s Host, To Jesus of a Virgin sprung, To Father and to Holy Ghost Be equal glory ever sung. Prayer Before Study by St. Anthony O Light of the world. Infinite God, Fa- ther of eternity. Giver of wisdom and knowledge, and ineffable Dispenser of every spiritual grace, who knowest all things before they are made, who makest the darkness and the light, stretch forth Thy hand and put Thy spirit, O Lord, in my heart, that I may understand and re- tain what I learn and meditate on it in my heart. Do Thou lovingly, holily, merci- fully, clemently and gently inspire me with Thy grace. Do Thou teach, guide and strengthen the thoughts of my mind to let Thy discipline instruct me to the end and the counsel of the Most High help me, through Thy infinite wisdom and mercy. Amen. PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 23 Five Brief Prayers to St. Anthony 1. Glorious St. Anthony, who from your earliest years wast consecrated to the serv- ice of God, and practised the greatest aus- terities, and devoured with zeal for justice, caused yourself to be conveyed to the coast of Africa that you might preach the Gospel to the Saracens; obtain for us the grace to apply ourselves continually to the service of God, to our personal mortification and the salvation of our brethren, that we may thus become true disciples and faithful imitators of Jesus Christ. Glory be to the Father, etc. 2. Glorious St. Anthony, who hid your rare talents with the greatest care and pa- tiently suffered the contempt of men, ob- tain for us grace to despise the esteem of men and the honors of the world, and al- ways increase in merit before God. Glory be, etc.. 3. Glorious St. Anthony, who by your sanctity and your eloquence triumphed over the hardest heart, obtain for us the grace so faithfully to follow the Divine 24 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY call, that we may attain the blessedness promised to those who faithfully keep the Divine word. Glory be, etc. 4. Glorious St. Anthony, who wast so frequently glorified by the most wonder- ful miracles, obtain for us the grace so to live, as to merit from the Most High His choicest favors. Glory be, etc. 5. Glorious St. Anthony, who from the tender devotion which you always showed to Jesus, merited to receive the holy Infant in your arms, and also to be visited and consoled by Him in your agony, obtain for us the grace to walk in holiness and justice all the days of our life and to enjoy at our death the consolation of the just and the glory of the blessed in eternity. Glory be, etc. Prayer to Obtain a Good Death Great St. Anthony of Padua, sweet hope of all who implore thee, I prostrate myself humbly at thy feet to obtain by thy power- ful intercession the greatest of all blessings, PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 25 the grace of dying well. Do not allow, I entreat thee, by the pierced Heart of Jesus, that I be suddenly seized by death in the deplorable state of mortal sin; grant that at that last moment I may experience the most profound sorrow for the sins of my whole life, that I may be penetrated with love for Jesus, and full of confidence in the power of His Blood which was shed for me; that the last movements of my hands may be to carry the crucifix to my lips, and my last words the holy names of Jesus and Mary. In short, that, expiring in the embraces of my sweet Redeemer, I may have the happiness to see Him, to love Him and to possess Him with thee for all eter- nity. Obtain this grace also for my parents, my friends, my benefactors and for all who are dear to me in our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be honor and glory with the Fa- ther, in the unity of the Holy Spirit for- ever and ever. Amen. SAYINGS OF ST. ANTHONY How many Christians weep over tem- poral misfortunes, and are insensible to the loss of their souls? One is horrified on finding himself near a dead body, yet de- lights daily in the society of sinners. God sends us afflictions for various rea- sons: 1st, to increase our merits; 2d, to pre- serve in us the grace of God; 3d, to punish us for our sins; 4th, to show forth His glory and other attributes. We must not fear corrections we receive here below, but it is well to think often of the accusations that will be brought against us on the day of judgment. God loves to come into humble and com- passionate souls, into souls that are full of discretion, that are penitent and devout; but He abandons cold and callous hearts, hearts that seek their own ease, that shrink from the smallest sacrifice, that show no love for prayer or meditation. 26 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 27 However wise a man may be, he ought to seek counsel and direction from the min- isters of God. Use your ears oftener than your tongue. One often repents of having spoken and scarcely ever of having been silent. Charity is a fire; but three things can extinguish it, the wind of pride, the water of gluttony and luxury and the thick smoke of avarice. Nothing is more certain than death, nothing more uncertain than the day and hour of our death. The great folly of worldings consists in putting the thought of death far from them, and acting as though they were to live forever. Envy is a very fatal evil; when it has possession of a soul it troubles it, blinds it and carries it into all kinds of excesses. 28 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY Self-love is the mother of envy and love of our neighbor combats and destroys it. When man follows the inspirations of grace he finds liberty and peace. In this state we may say that fear renders him free and that love enslaves him. The sinner uses all his senses to offer sacrifices to the devil. He must purify them in the bitterness of penance if he wishes to be restored to God^s favor. Penance is the myrrh which uproots bad habits and preserves us from spiritual cor- ruption. None among the blessed is so blessed, none among the happy, so happy, as he who always bears God in his heart. BRIEF SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ST. ANTHONY Padua boasts of having begotten An- thony to the heavenly life, but his earthly birthplace was in another land. It was in Portugal, towards the close of the twelfth century, that St. Anthony first saw the light of the world. Anthony was born at Lisbon on August IS, 1195, the son of Martin de Bouillon and Teresa Tavera, whose marriage had united two families of ancient lineage. He was baptized Fernando. At the age of fifteen the religious life appealed to Fernando as the most marvel- ous creation of the Gospel, the ideal of perfection. His parents placed no hin- drance in the way of his vocation and he was clothed in the white robe of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The monastery was close to Lisbon and the friends of the young monk paid him frequent visits, and spared nothing which affection could sug- gest to withdraw him from the cloister. Greatly disturbed, Fernando obtained the permission of his superiors, and in order to avoid these interferences with his religious 29 30 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY life entered the monastery of Santa Cruz at Combra. While there he saw five zealous Fran- ciscans, poor men, unknown and despised, set out for Morocco. Some weeks later the bodies of these men, mart3rrs to the faith, were brought back for burial. The desire to follow in their footsteps took possession of Fernando. With the sanction of his Prior, he exchanged the white robe of the Augustinian Canon for the coarse habit of St. Francis and took the name An- thony. Having made his profession, he bade farewell to the Hermitage of Olivarez, to his country and friends, and embarked for Morocco. His desire of martyrdom was to remain unfulfilled. The change of climate brought on a fever, as the result of which Anthony had to return from his mission. It was in Ember Week, 1222, that the ceremony of Ordination brought to Forli several religious to receive Holy Orders. Anthony was asked to deliver to the candi- dates the customary address on the sub- limity of the priestly office. The success of the sermon brought to Anthony a change in his career, for he was granted the license to preach the word of God and was em- PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY 31 ployed by his superiors in giving popular missions. Everywhere in towns and villages the wonderful deeds of the indomitable cham- pion of the cause of God called forth uni- versal admiration. All ranks of society had recourse to him. Every kind of misery, physical and moral, had claim upon him. The poor, the afflicted, the sinful and the sorrow-stricken held him in benediction. Men and women crowded round his pulpit eager to hear his words, to follow his in- structions in the path of right, justice and salvation. In return he consoled them in their troubles, raised them from despond- ency, blessed their little ones and performed in their behalf the most touching miracles. How many lost sheep he bore on his shoulders! How many souls made to the likeness of their Creator have been recov- ered by the Church through the interces- sion of this shining light. For ten years Europe was enlightened by his fervor and moved by his eloquence. His labor finished, St. Anthony was called to his eternal reward June 13, 1231. The funeral took place the Tuesday after his death, June 17. The Mass was cele- brated in the chapel of the Friars Minor, 32 PRAYERS TO ST. ANTHONY where the remains of the Saint first rested. Hardly had the tomb been closed when it became the centre of pilgrimage and the scene of so many wonderful manifestations that the Bishop of Padua immediately pe- titioned the Holy See to confer on the Wonder-worker the Honor of Canonization. The inquiry lasted six months and by an exception, unique perhaps in Church His- tory, less than a year after his death the decree of Canonization was pronounced on May 30, 1232, by the Holy Father at Spoleto. Nihil Obstat: Arthur J. Scanlan, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. Imprimatur: Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop of New York New York, January 21, 1929. PRINTED AND PUBLISKED IN THE U. S. A. BY THE PAULIST PRESS, NEW YORK, N. V. I ( 51