Glorified fasting : the abc of fasting GLORIFIED FASTING THE ABC OF FASTING By FRANKLIN HALL AuUior of: ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD AND THE FASTING PRAYER ILLUSTRATIONS, TESTIMONIES AND THE BREAK-FAST NON-SECTARIAN INTERDENOMINATIONAL GLORIFIED FASTING rWARTS AND DIAGRAMS DESIGNED BY FRANKLIN HALL NOTICE: Ail Rights Reserved. COPYRIGHT 1948 By FRANKLIN HALL COPYRIGHT U. S. A.. ENGLAND. .~^ANADA Please see last page in book for furihe^ Information. INTRODUCTION “STAND FAST, AND hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle .... Comfort your hearts; and stablish you in every good word and work .... Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word; of the Lord may have free course, and be GLORIFIED, even as it is with you.” II Thess. 2:15, 17; 3:1. FASTING, like PRAYER, is a part of the word of God. To dispute this would be as foolish as denying water is wet. Shall we “STAND FA'ST’’ on this IRREVOCABLE “TRADITION,” which we have been taught in the WORD, since it is indisputably a part of the WORD of God? Let us pray that it will “have free course, AND BE GLORIFIED,” in its proper place in order that JESUS may receive more glory and honor from His children. The purpose of this volume is to popularize, perhaps one of the most downtrodden of all Biblical subjects, and assist in the author’s small way to reestablish this part of the Gospel, bringing it out in all its glorious aspects. We are dealing with a tre- mendous portion of the Word—able to open up an avenue to tremendous power and glory with JESUS for the mutual welfare of His body, and the bringing of a mighty last day revival. By the proper utilization of fasting, praying, crying and mourning for souls, and by going into the FASTING-PRAYER without a selfish motive, many pillars of the FAITH can pull together in this travail to such an extent that when tragedy, destruction, persecution, and the rest of the last-day signs approach us more closely, we will have at our disposal a most effective weapon to carry us through for the glory of Jesus. It is NOT the purpose of this book, or any of the other articles on the sub- ject of fasting, to leave an impression that this practice is the Scriptural cure-all for spiritual, moral and bodily complaints. Emphasis is given the subject for the purpose of quickly enlightening God’s people who seem to be “falling away” from the old-time faith, and to prevent the unhappy drift towards modernism that is so sweeping the land. We do not emphasize fasting for the purpose of bragging, or for such great merit that it would be boasting before our God, but we are pressing it forward with such tempo so that the children of the Bridegroom will become more quickly and fully prepared for the closing of this Holy Spirit dispensation. This work has grown to such an extent, we have had to give up the revival auditorium. The author is devoting his entire time to the work of fasting, even discontinuing most of the traveling speaking engagements, in order to assure it greater success and promotion over the world for the mutual wel- fare of Christendom and the Kingdom of God. To make it even easier to grasp, the author has gone to additional expense in constructing drawings, diagrams and charts for numerous cuts to bring forth quickly through the eye-gate, this precious vital truth of orthodox Christianity. May the reader be blessed by them. This was done solely for the purpose ol Glorifying our most lovable Jesus. In the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we, therefore, dedicate this work to Jesus. May it bring praise and honor of Him. Revelation 22:17-21. The child portrayed on front cover is, “Dennis Allen Hall” (one year old). He was given to his parents after the mother completed a pre-natal, prophet’s- length fast. The testimonies are from a cross section of many different denominations. They are not in any manner to be construed with the promulgating of any doctrinaL issue, nor are they necessarily to represent the beliefs, of the author, in this or any other of his works. An unbiased non-sectarian view is taken throughout. All religious groups should profit from these writings. In the medical world, schools are still reluctant to come out with the teach- ings of the science of fasting. In religious education, the seminaries and Bible Institutes, are either “AFRAID” of the prophet’s-Jesus’-Iength of fasting, or the teachers, at present, are incapable of educating the ministers of tomorrow. This being a foundation process, is it any wonder the body of Christ is so power-less. Therefore, both the medical and religious bodies are perishing, PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY, for this “lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6. (This book was prepared during and after fasting twenty-one days). ILLUSTRATIONS I. The Three Great Fundamentals of Christ 2 \ The A B C of Fasting - 3. The Church Becomes Powerless 4. The Power That Food Plays Upon The Mind 5. Illustrating Why Fasting is More Powerful Than Prayer. 6. Door to Power and Carnality - 7. When Living by Bread Alone 8. The Carrier of The Life 9. Life Runs Through These Tubes 10. The Four High Points of Spiritual Progress II. Intestinal Digestive Apparatus 12. Food Power Versus Spirit Power 13. Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne 14. Revival Power 1 5 . Pleasure Emotions 16. Some Interesting Fours 17. The Four Tastes - 18. The Four Dimensions 19. The Four Parts of Fasting 20. The Four Divisions of Man 21. Four Necessities 22. Putting the Fast in a Test Tube 23. (A) Demons at Work 24. (B) Demons Released 25. Demons in The Stomach 26. Corruption Under The Skin When Not Fasting 27. The Four Piers of The Christian Religion 28. Contamination of The Canal 29. Fasting Produces Oil— 30. The Four Zones 31. The Wall of The Stomach 32. Peering Into The Digestive Organ 33 ^ The Awakening of The Intestinal Villi at Break-Fast— 34. The Longest Living Part of a Person 35. The Gastric Gland Highly Magnified 36. The Bonfire in Action 37. Where There Are Divisions 38. The Focusing of Attention on Jesus 39. Dennis Allen Hall 40. Spiritual and Physical Bonfire 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 38 39 39 41 ’ 42 44 46 48 51 52 55 58 59 60 63 (Front Cover) .(Back Cover) PART I FASTING POWER 1 will praise thee; for 1 am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are the works; and thy soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14. Most Christian people are happy to receive teaching on the subject of the consecration fast. More than ninety-five percent of all questions asked con- cerning the subject pertain to the natural. Before we can properly enter a prophet’s length fast, one should familiarize himself with the subject in order to be free from the bugaboos that Satan may hold over one and also to be able to obtain everything out of the fast that is for us. In the face of criticism we are therefore compelled to go into considerable detail of the subject from the physiological standpoint. We do this only for the purpose of enabling God’s people to serve, honor, and obey Him more com- pletely in this very precious process that leads us to more power with Him. Many of God's people are perishing both physically and spiritually for this lack of knowledge. Let every Christian be open minded in learning these deeper truths so they can also prove to be a greater blessing to Him who bought us with a price and GLORIFY JESUS IN OUR BODIES, IN OUR SOULS AND IN OUR SPIRIT. Ignorance is not bliss. The Bible tells us knowledge shall be increased in the last days of this age. This also indicates spiritual knowledge, if we will be open minded enough to receive same. Let us hold fast to that which is good. If this is good for the temple of the Holy Spirit as well as to the spiritual man, why not accept every bit of it and glorify Him more than ever in our every department of life. Fasting is a powerful force whether used by the Christ fearing man and woman or used by a heathen, worshipping idols. It has almost the power of magic. When this powerful process is directed properly with every member of our being centered on Jesus, there is spiritual force that is even greater than atomic power. We are only students, anyway, when it comes to certain depths in the Spirit, and fasting and prayer are two of these. May we be open minded to learn more, as we go through the pages of this volume. "The full soul loatheth an honeycomb.” Prov. 27:7. A casual observer would have a difficult time trying to find a common denominator to link such seemingly different individuals as a fencing master, a hunger-striker, and other people. Still, there is a link, and it is as strong as if it had been forged from the truest Damascus steel. That link is fasting — and their mutual knowledge of its power. There was a fencing master who never lost a duel. His movements were so swift, his aim so true, and his skill so astounding, that he was a source of amazement to all who beheld him in action. However, his secret was simple. Before any duel or engagement was entered into he, of course, would practice faithfully for hours. In addition, he would fast from seven to ten days. The world has recently witnessed a graphic demonstration of the effect of fasting on the hunger-strikers. If all others had deserted their cause, the hunger-strikers who survived would still cherish the ideals they were willing to die for. No cause will ever be deserted whose champions have fasted for it. — 3 — ^h& 3 MAJOi , . EACHfNO^F a£SUS SERF'ON ON T«£ (VK)UNT No rA^ # ^V (3) Ol'^BCuk fVNMMEflTAlS OF CHMST^ 4 mrv6 2. 5. II II 6.S-J5 6.I6-B THE A B C OF FASTING This points to fasting as a panacea against all the evils of backsliding, and the indifference and superficiality which, like a religious hook-worm, saps the energies of the church. Mahatma Gandhi, along with his people, has known more than his share of persecution, trials and tribulations. When a crisis is at hand, he invariably goes on a fast, and, nearly always, something happens to ease the situation. He is no longer held in contempt for his many fastings. His people revere him as a holy man, and even government circles pay him honor and respect. Gandhi has trouble—^he fasts and has victory! It sounds like magic! A business man has financial reverses and is on the verge of bankruptcy. In his despair, he forgets everything, even food. With many days fasting, many times he will find a way out. No doubt, the Lord is mercifully and tenderly watching over this man, even though he may be unaware of the fact. We are told the Lord allows it to rain on the just and the unjust alike. A football player leaves off a meal or two before a game and plays more efficiently. Many persons, including singers, actors, professional people and factory workers, have fasted, and have known either a large or small degree of success in connection with the object they fasted for. No doubt, it developed faith in what they were doing. "There is no habit or weakness that can survive a siege of prayer and fasting—prayer alone is not half the battle," states E. E. Purinton, in his book, "Philosophy of Fasting." However fasting is not a cure-all for moral, physical and religious problems. Jesus is the answer to this. It would seem like magic the way fasting works in the natural. If fasting has power to help natural people in their work and with their problems, how much more effectively could this powerful force be utilized for the glory of Jesus. Moses undertook two forty-day fasts, and there was revealed to him the application of the law to all phases of life. Ex. 24:18; 34:27,28. The Psalms are largely the product of fasting and prayer. The book of Daniel, the first book of the Revelation, is another fasting book, given because Daniel sought the Lord in much fasting and prayer. After he fasted twenty-one days, he received the revelation of "what shall befall thy people in the latter days." Dan. 10:2. Daniel was no more entitled to this revelation than any other Jew, but since he had sought it by fasting and prayer, it was given him. The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:1) was given to John on the bare and rugged Isle of Patmos, where he was placed to starve to death. John, being a very spiritual person, immediately converted his intended starvation into one of the greatest consecration fasts. God's people will never know famines in the real sense of the word if they would follow the examples of Elijah, John and other Holy men who converted famines into fastings. Therefore, we have the product of fasting and prayer. Revelation of this kind nearly always came to a prophet on an empty stomach. A product can be traced to its cause. We find in Bible days, and in our own time, when a person goes into a prophet’s- length fast, revelation is one of the most wonderful results. If I have ice, the cause is water exposed to such a low temperature that it freezes. The result is ice. Elijah, after a fast of forty days, received the revelation of the nature and manifestation of God. It was also revealed to him who was to succeed him as prophet, and who were to be the successors of the kings of Israel and of Syria. • Gandhi, a^e 78, was assassinated January 30, 1948. His physicians stated that he was in better health at this time than the average man of that age. GLORIFIED FASTING Ezra prodaimed a fast for his companions at the river of Ahava, when he was seeking God's help and giudance in the work they were about to under- take. Ezra 8:21-23. . , , r .. t Esther, when about to intercede with Ahasuems in behalf of the Jews, com- manded the Jews of Shushan to fast for three days; this was for the purpose of obtaining wisdom as well as divine favor. Esther 4.16. To Anna the prophetess, who "served God with fastings and prayer night and day," it was revealed that the infant being presented was the Messiah. Luke 2:36. Fasting did not impair her health. On the contrary, her great age was given to prove fasting beneficial. On the fourth day of a fast, it was revealed to Cornelius where he would find Peter, through whom he would receive the Gospel. Acts 10:30. Peter had evidently been fasting, too, because he was very hungry. After Saul fasted and prayed for three days, it was revealed to him that Ananias would come and restore his sight, and likewise reveal "what he must do." Acts 9:7. » . i j After Paul fasted thirteen days, he received the revelation that he would not perish, but would be brought before Oesar, and that his prayers would be heard in behalf of his shipmates. Acts 27:21-33. Many founders of religious systems fasted for long periods in caves or wilderness, and whatever truth their systems contain beyond contemporary knowledge, is the product of their prayer and fasting. _ Buddha Sakia fasted 47 days before the revelation came. Mahomet fasted long periods while continually calling on God for revelation. Dr. Tanner, fasted over forty days on three different occasions, and had spiritual revelation, seeing the unspeakable glories of the great Beyond. After the last fast, his gray hair began turning black. Sadhu Sundar Singh, the St. Paul of India and Tibet, fasted forty days, and obtained such a revelation of the presence and nearness of God that it has been a powerful factor in his success as an evangelist. Jesus Christ fasted forty days and nights "... healing all manner of disease among the people. And His fame went throughout. Matt. 4:23,24. He began His ministry. His manifestation of Sonship, and started performing miracles after His long FAST. In 1920, an ignorant Denver shoemaker named Francis Schlatter, suddenly became transformed into a miracle-worker. After fasting for forty days, this atholic shoemaker received the gift of healing and began praying for people everywhere. Many very notable healings occurred. Brother William Branham had received the gift of divine healing about the same time the author wrote "Atomic Power With God. This was during the period men and women were fasting twenty-one to forty days for the power to be restored in the church of Jesus Christ. Brother Branham told me, "when I live the fasted life, the gift is in full operation. An angel appeared before me and said, ‘nothing will stand in my way, even cancers will be removed.’ There has been nothing that has failed to respond to me when I wait on the Lord and live the fasted life." The author was with Brother Branham in a recent meeting and every sick and diseased person that was prayed for was healed, including a man brought in on a stretcher whose death was expected at any’ moment, but who arose, instantly healed, and walked away. Several deaf and dumb mutes were immediately healed, as were cross-eyes, cancer cases, -^6 — THE A B C OF FASTING THE FAST IM FOUR PARTS THEABC 0FFA5TING HUNGER POWER AVERAGE AMOUNT OF WEIGHT LOST BEFORE FASTING B. AFTER FASTING and folk in wheel chairs who rose up and walked home. Brother Branham informed me he had his greatest meet- ings where the author has gotten many folk to fast, and has placed much fasting liter- ature. Where fasting chains were organized, the healing power was manifested in an unusual manner. This was true in Canada, St. Louis, Portland and Salem, Oregon, where the Governor and oth- er State officials attended. Brother Branham has in- formed the author his gift is in answer to the many fast- ings and prayers of the Lord’s people. His work is inter- denominational, but he holds Baptist credentials. Brother William Hooley, of Winnipeg, Canada, also fasted, in travail, twenty-one and forty days for Brother Branham’s gift and success. More and more people will receive this spiritual power as soon as they follow through the complete teach- ings of Jesus. Are you doing your part.^ Evangelist Dale Hanson goes into food abstention ten days, seven days, twenty-eight days and forty days within a period of nine months. With other shorter fasts, this makes one hundred days of fasting in a nine month period. Sister Barbara Hanson also joined her husband with many fasts, including a twenty-one day fast. They report to me they have been in the most spiritual meetings of their lives. More folk have been healed and converted. Evangelist Hanson gives these high points of his forty-day fast: "After three days, hunger left my body. In a few days the weak- ness left and I actually seemed stronger physically most of the time in the fast than when eating. I lost seventy pounds, dropping from two hundred forty pounds to one hundred seventy pounds of weight. Jesus was very real to me. The tests and trials of fasting made my faith stronger. "Most of the time, I was in revival meetings while fasting. After three weeks, ether odor came very strongly from my body. I had revelation, faith and received rewards that I never would have received » by prayer alone. Jesus impressed me with the fact that I should fast APPROXIMATELY 25X OF WEIGHT LOST N04. THE COMPLETE FAST — 7 — Church Powerless iDiihouJ these forty days. A few weeks before, I fasted twenty-eight days and a certain trial came my way, discouraged me from fasting the full forty as I did this time (water only taken). My body was made over new and I feel better than at any other time in my life. This is four months afterward. *'As an evangelist, I am going to do all I can to spread the light on fasting. Our revivals are many times better when we teach and get people to fast. Many more souls become converted and healed. — 8 — THE A B C OF FASTING "My wife, Barbara, has four fold more anointing since her twenty-one day fast. She was also healed of curvature of the spine. "Thank you Dr. Hall, for bringing to us the light on fasting. Evangelist Dale Hanson." (Brother Hanson’s book (under preparation) , ’’HEAVEN BY VIOLENCE,” deals also with fasting and old time faith. Order from author.) THE POWER THAT FOOD PLAYS UPON THE MENTAL FACULTIES. This diagram may help to enable one to understand why it is difficult to get into the proper frame of mind, and become loosened from food bondage for a season to begin a consecrated fast to the glory and edification of Jesus Christ, and give the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit a good old-fashion cleaning. (1) The food, or roast odor, ascends the nose and stimulates the olfactory cells of the nasal mucosa (S) ; this stimulus is transmitted to the olfactory center in the brain (3). The memory center (4) determines that the odor is that of a roast foul, and orders the gland center (5) to switch on the salivary gland. The order is transmitted to the switchboard (6), where one of the salivary glands (7 and 8) is turned on. From here on we enjoy eating food. ILLUSTRATING WHY FASTING IS MORE POWERFULTHAN PRAYER ALONE l.rARNAL.ZQNE 2. PLEASURE ZONE PLEASURE 5“TILL ENJOYED WHILE PRAYING 1>* DAY FASTING 2“DAY FASTING 3" DAY FASTING FASTING ZONE fasting is an anti-pleasure ^WHEN FASTING OMEHAS HO CAPACITY FDR PLEASURE (ZONE 2) LET ALONE CARNAUTY FOUND. Isa. 58:3. '—10 — PART II HOW TO BEGIN A FAST It is yery easy to start a fast of any length. If the work is not too strenuous and one cannot very well get off from one’s job, the candidate can begin fasting and continue working. Since our main object is to seek Jesus in prayer and the humiliation of the flesh through fasting, one’s prayer life will not be so con- centrated when working, however, Jesus promises us a reward when we fast (separate from prayer, mind you) in Matt. 6:18, for proper fasting. Rather than not fast at all and work, one could begin a fast and see how long he could keep both up. If it became too difficult to fast and work, one could of course, break the fast properly, at any time. To obtain the best from the fast, we should do much praying—and praying will be work. It is also MUCH EASIER TO FAST while active. Walking and praying is one of the best exercises for the faster. Hunger will also return more quickly when exercising. Prayer can be made a fine spiritual and physical exercise. One can begin fasting by abstaining from the next meal and continue his fast as long as it will glorify Jesus. The depression, remorse, anti-pleasure and other strange and oppressed feelings from Satan, are no excuse to break a fast THE6AME DOORTHAT CLOSES CARNALITY OPENS UPTHE SPIRITUAL “ ' ^ I t ——— , — 11 — WHEN LIVINGBYBREAD ALONE WITHOUT REGULAR FASTING ABSTEMI01J5 UVING ACHRI5T1AN UNCONCIOU5LY VIBRATES TOWARDS CARHAUjll 3. PRAYER ZONE 4 MOURNING FASTING ZONE prematurely. Most of these feelings are the fighting and gaining of virtorious ground into faith that we so greatly need. The victory usually comes after the fast. Some folk who have never fasted for longer than a meal or two in their lives, may not care to begin a fast all at once. It is suggested they take four or more days in preparation for the consecration fast TO JESUS in this manner: 12 — THE CARRIER OF THE LIFE OF THE FLESH The artery is the blood vessel that carries "THE LIFE OF THE FLESH,” our blood. The fate of a human being depends upon the solidity and strength of this life carrier more than on most other things in the human body. The major- ity of people die as a result of disease of the arterial wall, (a) The muscle fibres are reinforced with alternate layers of connective tissue, (b and c) Elastic fibres unite to form layers which alternate with the muscle fibres. These are elastic fibres which pass between the muscle bundles. They pull the artery together like rubber bands, (d) The inside of the tube also is covered with a layer of flat cells, (e) The outer surface of the artery is covered by loose connective tissue which cushions the impact of the forward, projectile motion of the pulse, (f) These are small accessory blood and lymph-vessels, which supply the cells of the arterial wall with nutrient materials, which pass through this padding. Each artery has its private arteries, and also its intricate system of nerves that regulate the width of the vessel, (g) The capillaries, network of minute vessels fifty times thinner than our hair. The average diameter is 1/3000 of an inch. Blood corpuscles pass through it in single file. Fasting has much to do with the cleansing of these vessels to prevent hardening of the arteries and disease. — 13 — FOUR STEPS OF PREPARATION FOURTH DAY BEFORE THE FAST:— Leave off all meat and fried foods in diet. THIRD DAY BEFORE BEGINNING FAST:— Eat mostly green vegetables, cooked or otherwise. SECOND DAY BEFORE BEGINNING FAST:— Eat choice of any live foods. Live food are any uncooked food, such as vegetables, dried and fresh fruit, nuts, etc. These foods contain the most life giving substances for the body, and contain a plentiful amount of vitamins and minerals. Milk products are also live foods. FINAL DAY BEFORE BEGINNING FAST:— A fresh fruit diet. (Tomatoes may be included). Eat all that is desired. THEN BEGIN FAST THE NEXT DAY. Approximately one pound of weight is lost daily. Physical work will cause more weight to be lost and, if one is not too weak, it is not detrimental. AUTOMATIC BLOOD TRANSFUSION: Out of this pound or so of weight that is lost, the blood is retained within the body along with most of the minerals and necessary vitamins. This is a natural physiological process. After a few days fasting, one may even find it dijEcult to sleep. The large amount of blood goes into the head, and sometimes fever may result. The brain being bathed with more blood than usual, finds a certain part of the fast difficult, insofar as sleeping is concerned. The organs are consequently bathed in this “life” force. This is one reason one can receive healing through the fast. There is no more natural blood transfusion but that which is obtained through fasting. It requires a long fast for deep seated ail- ments, glands and other vital organs, to become thoroughly cleansed and puri- fied. This is also true in relation to the removal of the doubts and unbelief. “LIFE” runs through these tubes. Fasting keeps tubes clean. The hardening of these arteries slows down the life flow. When the arteries harden, other organs are affected like the contracted kidney at the right — or the heart. — 14 — ‘Tor the LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD”: Lev. 17:11. If a human being were squeezed out like a lemon, no less than eleven gallons of water would be obtained. The human body is seven-tenths fluid. This is the same proportion of fluids as the earth. The moon, along with the other planets, influence and cause the tidal waves. It is logical to also believe that our fluids, which are even more vital, are influenced by them that are identical, and almost in the same proportion. They are: (1) 80% sodium, (2) 4% calcium, (3) 4% potassium and 2 to 10% (4) magnesium. This is no ordinary water, but—^sea water! It contains the same salts, etc., that sea water contains. Both sea water and the fluid from our bodies contain these FOUR elements. In diagram (a-d) are shown the changes in the vascular wall which end in calcification: In (a) and (d), we have the first steps in the ulceration and proliferation of connective tissue. When regular systematic fastings are gone into, these conditions cannot come about. At this stage, they can become eradi- cated in a fast from ten to twenty-one days (fast is to be broken properly). In (c) we notice deposits of calcium; (d) calcification and occlusion of the vessel. Continued regular eating oftentimes consumates the condition in the arteries as shown to right. This could result in scores of sicknesses, such as. cerebral hemorrage, paralysis, rupture of an artery, rupture of a blood v^sel near the heart, heart failure, high blood pressure, etc. Even with the calcium deposits as shown in figure (d), fasting can purify and eradicate these calcium deposits in several short fasts followed by a long fast; the individual will again have the arteries and blood pressure restored to normal. (See "The Fasting Prayer”). We are, of course, presenting the secondary blessings of fasting which con- cern the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. The primary blessings are far more essential and important. However, by thoroughly understanding the natural physical part that fasting plays, one will be more bold to go into these fastings more often to please and glorify our Jesus. THIS IS OUR MAIN GOAL. GIVING THE STOMACH A BATH If one wishes to hasten into the fast more quickly, a bath can be given the stomach by preparing one quart of very warm water (not too hot) ; place two level teaspoons full of salt in it and stir. This can be drunk. Usually one has his system flushed out entirely within two hours. This should be taken several hours after the last meal when stomach is empty. One can take this for several days but during the first part of the fast only. The quantity can be increased if necessary. It can also be taken anytime (several hours after eating) when not fasting to keep stomach clean. Some people use this bath daily. SOLEMN WARNING Fasting being an anti-pleasure measure, we are not supposed to seek pleasure in it, or to even expect such, other than spiritual pleasure. Because fasting has such a power in connection with the natural things being successfully accom- plished when our attention is thus directed to them, we are even forbidden *to call this a consecration fast. That is, if one is fasting mainly for greater success in business, or for selfish material welfare, or for healing only, or some other personal object—^this is an unacceptable fast to God. “Behold, in the day of — 15 — GLORIFIED FASTING your fast ye FIND PLEASURE, and exact all your labours. Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the first of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.” Isa. 58:3,4. A sanctified fast calls for a fast dedicated to Jesus and our whole aim should be unselfish. If our fast has other main objectives aside from Jesus, we are acting presumptous. We need not worry about our needs and problems. Jesus knows all about them and when the fast has been entered into properly, Jesus will see that we have the desires of our heart. Fasting is a symbol of mourning, going down into repentance and chasten- ing of the heart. Very little pleasure, if any at all, can be found when seeking the Kingdom of God with this process. When one attempts it, he may be FASTING WRONGLY. According to the above Scripture, it may be possible for one to “FIND PLEASURE” by seeking it when fasting. This is very true during the first part of a fast. In seeking God, we also cry out, mourn, groan and travail in this type of praying, and the fast will enable us to get away from all natural pleasure. One of the very purposes of the fast is to forsake all pleasures, of which, the eating pleasure is the key stone to all other pleasures, etc. Fasting is such a powerful spiritual factor in obtaining special favors from our Lord, that we must above all things keep humble when we receive them. Many times the blessings received will surprise our little faith and the devil creeps in with pride, causing us to rise up as if to say, "look what I did,” etc. We do not and cannot claim merit from fasting. Brother Charles E. Robin- son has written a tract on fasting. In it he makes this point clear of which we agree: "This article would be incomplete without a solemn warning. Satan will not fail to tempt the faster to adopt the Pharisaic theory of salvation by merit. Luke 18:11,12. But it was the publican who claimed no merit who was for- given. Satan moved the Pharisee to think he could bring pressure to bear on God which He, being just, could not resist. He will try to do the same with the faster. God has promised to reward the faithful faster, but this reward THE FOUR HIGH POINTS OF SPIRITUAL PROGRESS CAME THRU FASTING'^TRAYER LET UP OF THE OLD TIME FAITH FASTING PRAYERS MATT 9-T5 THE DARK AGES REFORMATION AfTS T14 MARTIN LUTHER AND^ OIHfR REFORMERS fttltD ACT52;15-2l; WEEK5ATATIME 42-47 THE 40 YEAR.'\ WILDERNESS/ ‘ \ ^1946 \ 1347 \ 'fast me, PREPARATION FOR THC LATTER RAIN JOEL U2 — 16 — THE A B C OF FASTING is not to be claimed as for merit lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2.8,9. No matter how much Or how long we fast we are still unprofitable servants, having merely done our duty. Luke 17:10. “ I do know that what I could not get done by praying, with a spell of bilious fever, a 15-day fast—no food but drinking plenty of water—brought me to the place to which Jesus came when He “afterward was an hungered. Matt. 4:2. The 15th day I became hungry, ate, and was well.” Many times Christian people receive some wonderful things from the Lord through sanctified fasting, only to be shorn of all or part of these blessings by permitting pride and boastfulness to creep in. One has also to refrain too much “appearance” in ourselves after fasting as well as this “appearance during the fasting period. In everything it should be done for the Glory of God. When this is our entire motive, then our humbleness and victories in fasting can be testified to for the exaltation and praise of Him, who redeemed us from the curse of the law. THE ACTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT reveals that prayer, supplications and FASTINGS were largely put into practice. The church was born in the midst of the former rain of the Holy Spirit through men and women .who went ALL OUT FOR GOD. This, of course, included the entire, full old time faith which included the foundation teachings of Jesus Christ of which FASTING WAS ONE of them. The latter rain is under development at the present time, and when enough of Christ's people go all out for Him in Fastings and prayers, contending for ALL of the OLD TIME FAITH, then, surely a mighty revival of power and the operations of the Spirit will become fully manifested. ALMOST ALIVE The intestinal canal, containing five million finger-like villi and three thousand cells to each one of these villi, is one of the most wonderful and glorious parts of man that our blessed Creator has created. Our nourishment or nutrition is developed there. It is the fountainhead for the well-being of our body. This digestive tubing has its own nervous system and can continue living, approximately four hours after a person passes out of this life and his heart has stopped beating. With these vigorous cells and complicated structure, a piece of the intestinal tract has been kept alive outside of the body, in a warm nutritive solution, for days at a time, '^en round solid materials were placed into one end of the tubing, it performed its movements in the peristaltic man- ner, like it does in the body, and completely pushed the objects through the tubing. These tests were made several days after a person died. Why not show due respect for this wonderful mechanism of the temple of the Holy Spirit by giving it a vacation more often for the glory of Jesus ? The breaking of the fast is a very slow procedure, if one wishes to retain every good thing that was accomplished by it. The prophets and men of old were acquainted with the proper care in the breaking of fasts. In the study of Elijah’s fasts, we notice the angel giving him food in two different installments before he went on Jiis forty-day fast. (I Kings 19:5-8). In the study of Elijah just before the forty-day fast, we see him performing miracles on an empty stomach. Famine was in the land, but Brother Elijah was a very wise prophet who gave “no thought for tomorrow.” He took adversity and converted it into glory and honor for the Lord. This very famine that loomed so menacingly to most was immediately changed by Elijah into a — 17 — GLORIFIED FASTING consecration fast. When this fast had run its course, the Lord sent ravens to feed him twice daily. Another famine enveloped the stricken land, and we believe he also sanctified this one into a prayerful fast, for it was soon after- ward that he performed some notable miracles. At any rate, with the brook, his only source of water dried up, he was led to a very poor widow to break his fast—and, please notice, how careful he was in breaking it. "And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said. Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said. Bring me, I pray thee, A MORSEL OF BREAD IN THINE HAND. Please note Elijah’s instruction, "A MORSEL of bread.” (I Kings 17:10-13). Surely, he was endeavoring to break a fast that he had been on and realized that water was the most important thing, and that a tiny piece of bread care- fully eaten would then be the next procedure. Again, we are further shown that, although Elijah had been on a fast in a famished country, he was familiar with the breaking-in procedure because we are told in Verse 13, — "And Elijah said unto her. Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a LITTLE cake first, and bring it to me, and after make for thee and for thy son.” Please notice the miracle after fasting. "The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail.” The author feels that Elijah was one of the greatest advocates of fasting who ever lived and equalled only by John the Baptist, his proto type. In the next chapter of I Kings, we find the God of Elijah answering by fire and the prophets of Baal embarrassingly exposed. Please note that Elijah, evidently, was on a fast here, after this spectacular miracle, because I Kings 18:41,42: "And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, EAT AND DRINK; for there is a sound of abundance of rain. So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and HE CAST HIMSELF DOWN UPON THE EARTH, and put his face between his knees.” then we find Elijah out-running Ahab who had been on natural food, while the prophet of God had been on a spiritual feast of faith and power. "And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab.” I Kings 18:46. The food abstentionist, Elijah, had very severe trials along with all of his fasts. Any person will also have severe trials in a consecration fast. This will be a real spiritual fight if you put everything you have into it. Please study the next chapter carefully, and note some of the trying experiences that befell Elijah because he was being used mightily of God in FASTiNGS AND PRAYER. A lesson well learned is the secret behind Elijah’s and other great prophets successes. This is the prophet’s-length fast. We, too, can have a prophet’s experience by following their example. Why hesitate, why doubt, why dilly- dally around about it. Let’s go into these prophet’s-early it is opposed to cause it will br ships to the Fort Wayne.” ‘Les , It Was obs living “is al excess of th' working peo Barber Without Food 28 Days In Religious Fast Tactor yirith By RAY SCHERER There’s one man in our town who has really gone all out on President Truman’s food saving program. Two hundred per cent, in fact. Glenn T. Espich of 476 Elizabeth Street is the man. Last night he gorged himself on three spoonsful of orange juice—his first food in 28 days. Mr. Espich is an ordained clergy- man of the Fundamental Christian Church. He preaches how and then but earns his daily bread running a neighborhood barber shop at 510 East State Boulevard, just east of Bueter’s Garage. On the first of October, he scaled 208 pounds. Last night, while hitching up his pants. Mr. Espich weighed in at 175. That’s down 33 poundk in 28 days of occasional sips of water. The 55-year-old preacher-barber proclaimed it a religious fast. “1 was moved to do it and 1 really didn’t know how far I’d get,” he says. JDaniel in the Bible fasted 21 days and Elijah went for 40:” Mr. Espich says he was asking the Almighty to “send us a vival.” He declares he wanted "the young people to go to church and stop this communism.” , * He admits th^' several Fort Wayne, doctors have been keeping f'a wary 'eve on him the Gandhi-like stint which ended last night. "I went on working in the shop every day though. Finally I got so weak I had to push my- self to worki Last Sunday was the day I got the hungriest. I was only three days away from my goal so I didn’t weaken,” he con- fides. Fast Disciple Mr. Espich is a disciple of San Diego’s Franklin Hall, the country’s foremost fast advocate. “He got one woman to go 62 days,” the northside scissor wield- er reports. “I'll be on orange juice for about five days, then some vege- tables. Won’t be any meat for an- other 28 days.” The customers have told him that the new 175 pounds looks good on the 5 foot 7 Espich frame. Espich agrees he feels good but weak. Clothes don't fit anymore, but he has hitched his trousers up in the back with safety pins. The "new leaner look," one of the regular shave customers has tabbed it. Negotiations Rer On Raer Field P' 23 — GLORIFIED FASTING evening there was a birthday dinner for me, but I ate sparingly and stopped eating when I should. Fasitng will help us to put the proper value on food. Here are the facts as I remember them: The first four days were diflicult, then hunger left me. Some people were praying for me who knew I was fast- ing, and this strengthened me immensely. On the tenth day I had lost fifteen pounds. I was not worried any time during the fast. Some Christians en- couraged me to go on. I was able to pray for a crippled child who lives near me and Jesus touched her little body on the twenty-first day of the fast. The child now walks every where. The father and mother are saying Jesus did it. A bed-fast brother was prayed for, and he immediately got up healed. Novem- ber ninth, I was taken to a hospital to pray for a man who had typhoid fever and the Lord came on the scene like a bolt of lightning and healed him. My eyesight is fifty percent better, arthritis has left my body and there are no more aches in my arms Some pie-chicken loving preachers here in “Wayne” said I was after glamour and publicity. I could not help it if folk knew I was fasting, besides, I was only fasting to Jesus. Anyway, people made fun of David when he fasted and he did not care—neither do I. (Psalm 109:24,25). I told them, people also knew that Jesus and Johns’ disciples also fasted. After Jesus fasted, Satan came on the scene and gave Him a battle. I also had opposition and spiritual warfare but Jesus brought me through. Fasting is VOWER and it has enabled me to claim victory and believe through on what I have been praying about. I also found out that good drinking water has a lot to do with fasting and it is better to drink it warm than too cold after we get on into the fast. Chlorine water is obnoxious and very disagreeable to take. Tepid enemas were taken every three days and this proved helpful in many ways. To keep my breath pure and cleansed, while working with my barber customers, I touched my tongue to some tiny menthol crystals. I did not use gum or sen sen. The last is best. My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl (six pounds, twelve ounces) in three and one-half hours. I travailed for her in prayer while fasting for thirty minutes. Praise the Lord it was worth any sacrifice I tried to make. Jesus does reward us and oftentimes, the fasting re- wards are full of pleasant surprises. Yours in the Lord, Brother Glenn Espich Fort Wayne, Indiana. REVIVALS THROUGH FASTING AND PRAYER Dear Brother Hall: Many people started fasting for a city-wide revival and some great meetings came into our city. We saw wonderful results that fasting and prayer accom- plished. I believe nearly three hundred people became converted. I am glad I received light on this wonderful Bible fasting truth. I went into more and longer fasts and we have seen God do some wonderful healings. I sent the fasting book, “Atomic Power With God” to my son in Tulsa, Okla., who is in Bible college, and he fasted six days. My sister who is also there, fasted for nine days, and a mighty revival has broken out in that area. Thank Jesus for revivals coming this way in answer to fasting and prayer. Sister E. N. Hawk, Hamilton, Ohio. 24 — SISTER FASTS FORTY DAYS IN NEW ZEALAND Dear Brother Hall: We are so happy over what fasting will do when combined with prayer. Some of the saints in this country are finding special blessings in fastings and a revival stir is on. Some of our prayers we have been praying many years are being answered with the additional power of fasting. One sister in the Assembly here, has been in fastings night and day like Anna, the Prophetess. She has fasted for forty days without any food. She testified to having a vision similar to the one Daniel had (ahead of time) of the risen and GLORIFIED LORD. She had many precious and glorious ex- periences. This fast has proven beneficial in every way . . . May Jesus bless you. Brother F. Bythelli Lower Hutt, New Zealand. FEELS YOUNG AGAIN AND HAS POWER WITH GOD AFTER TWENTY-THREE DAY FAST Dear Brother Hall: After fasting to Jesus a little over twenty-three days, I feel much better in every way, both in body and spirit. I feel young again and in shaving my beard it cuts as easily as it did when I was twenty or thirty. Before fasting, I could hardly control my hunger appetite. I wanted to eat all the time. When the fast was started it was difficult, at first, to go without food. I did not think I could do it. Jesus gave me power, and now I have complete control of the situation. When we mean business with Jesus, He gives us spiritual rewards and fasting is for us today the same as the Holy Ghost. I believe we are in the last days of this dispensation when we need to watch, fast and pray. Brother Albert Fredrick Rowe Vancouver, B. C., Canada. REVIVAL POWER AFTER FOURTEEN-DAY FAST IN NEW ZEALAND Thanks very much for sending me your book on fasting. ’’Atomic Power” is the right name for it. After fasting to Jesus fourteen days, (my first time) I can truly say one does have power, and revival power in the soul to live and serve Jesus Christ more excellently. I can follow His pattern more effectively now and intend to further follow His footsteps and take a forty-day fast in the near future. We are a Holy Ghost people, but we lack this great power that fasting and prayer will bring. Would it be possible for you to send the other book, ’’The Fasting Prayer” 7 Restrictions are such that we still are unable to send money out of this country. May God bless you in this great work and may this truth spread to this little country where there have been plenty of churches but few revivals . . . Yours in the Master’s cause, F. Smith Hastings, New Zealand. — 25 — ings into practice? FASTING BRINGS REVIVAL WITHOUT AN EVANGELIST Dear Doctor Hall: I am so very thankful for the light on fasting and prayer. I never before realized the great possibilities contained in this great truth. After just ending a ten-day fast and seeing marvelous accomplishments, I have been encouraging different ones in the church to try fasting and prayer as the answer to some very difficult problems. I am especially encouraged with the wonderful victory I have had in my personal life through the FASTING PRAYER. Many of our people are becoming interested and are now fasting. We had an EVANGELIST WITHOUT MUCH OF A REVIVAL BEFORE OUR FASTING, BUT NOW WE ARE HAVING A REVIVAL WITHOUT AN EVANGELIST . . Thank Jesus that ffisting will draw us close to His bosom. Your sister in Jesus, Lucile Farmer, Superior, Wyoming. SUFFERED TEN MONTHS—^HEAliED AFTER SERIES OF SHORT FASTS Dear Brother Hall: Fasitng and prayer is God’s way for His people, and it is one hundred percent Biblical. Two doctors told me they could do nothing for me but offered pills and medicine. I had heart specialists tell me there was but little hope. After fasting five to seven days, five times within seventy-five days, Jesus com- pletely delivered me of my affliction. I had gone down to death’s door and prayed earnestly, and Jesus gave me the Holy Spirit. Still, I was not healed until I took the series of fasts. I assure you there is nothing to fear, and I believe it is God’s way for an old fashioned white HOT Holy Ghost Revival. I regret to say I have seen too many preachers that would eat like hogs, and these gluttons would fight and oppose fasting. God help such ignorant people who are supposed to be helping others, but, instead, are defeating their own purpose. The world is filled with these overstuffed backsliding folk. Brother Jacobson Burt, Iowa. 12 DAYS ALONG ON FAST IN PALESTINE A little over a year ago the Lord directed me to come to Jerusalem to dis- tribute certain religious literature to the Jews, and to pray for the second com- ing of Jesus. My work among the Jews has been blessed by the Lord, above my expectations. We know there will never be any peace until our Lord returns to establish His Kingdom of righteousness, and this is what I am fasting for at this time. After reading your sermons on the subject, I decided to begin fasting twelve days ago, and am still on one. Please ask others to join with me in fasting and praying for our Lord’s return to establish His reign. I seem so burdened with this that, as I weep and pray, I feel that it is the very las't days of this dispen- sation. Signs are all around us. On the sixth day of the fast, I walked through Jerusalem where Jesus had been, and He was so real to me in my heaviness. I saw the burning buildings and shops of the Jews the mobs had wrecked. The Arabs’ rage and protest against the United Nations decisions in favor of the Jews was all but a pleasant sight to behold. Surely, Jesus will come soon when more of His people seek Him in fastings and prayer to glorify and exalt Him. Sister M. E. Robinson Bethlehem Road, Jerusalem, Palestine. EIGHT DAYS ALONG ON FAST AND STILL ON JOB Dear Doctor Hall: ... At this writing, I am in the eighth day of a consecration fast and am holding on to make it many more. However, I am having it hard and if God does not allow me a bit more strength, I am going to break it soon. I believe a cancer is passing from my system and I also have a bad case of sinus that is being cleansed. A very foul odor and taste is being eliminated . . . Your Brother in Christ, Wayne Moufrey, Decatur, 111. — 27 — PLEASURE EMOTIONS CAPACrTyfOfi THE ENJOYMENT Of PLEASURE CD iS lu 6 B WHEN GOING ON A HUNGER STRIKE FOR THE GLORY OF JESUS, WE ALSO STRIKE OUT SATANIC INFLUENCES AND WORLDLY PLEASURE. OUR CAPACITY FOR THE SPIRITUAL, THEN, BECOMES AS GREAT AS IT HAD BEEN FOR THE NATURAL. (A) SHOWS PLEASURE AND THE LUSTS OF THE FLESH AT A STANDSTILL. (B) DEPICTS THE FLESH ARRESTED. IT CANNOT GO ON A RAID WHILE FASTING. AN INNER REVIVAL IS THE RESULT. THE FLESH AND THE SPIRIT ARE AT ENMITY WITH EACH OTHER. — 28 — TUTC WOBID NU3IBEB 4 PLAYS AN EttPOBTANT PABI, IN tutt. study of the FAST. FOUB IS THE NUMBEB OF HUMANITY. IN THE PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF MAN, WE FIND FOUB MANIFESTING ITSELF IN MANY WAYS. FOUB IS VEBY MUCH BELATED TO THE SUBJECT OF FASTING AS THF. RFADFR SHALL PRESENTLY SEE. WE ABE ALSO INCLUDING OTHER INTERESTING FOURS FOB STUDY. THE4 THE4 es;ential5 appetites IN ORDER OF EVER/ NORMAL THEIR IMPORTANCE PER50N HA5-m£5E 1. AIR 1. HUNGER 2. 2. SLEEP SEX 3. J. WATER GREED 4. 4. FOOD SPIRITUAL THE 4 APPETITES BEFORE FASTING 1. HUNGER THE 4 APPETITES AFTER FASTING 2.. SEX 3. GREED COVETOU5NDj 4. SPIRITUAL SINCE MORB THAN NINETY-FIVE PERCENT OF OCR POPULATION ABE AUTO-INTOXICATED WITH FOOD, HOW CAN WE OVER-STRESS THE SUBJECT OF FASTING. ALMOST WITHOUT EXCEPTION, JESUS CONDEMNED OVER EATING AND SURFEITING, ALONG WITH DRINK- ING, EVEN PLACING IT AHEAD OF DRINKING. MOST DRUNKARDS BECOME FOOD DRUNKARDS FIRST. ALCOHOLISM CAN NOT SUR- VIVE A SEIGE OF FASTING. FOOD DRUNKARDS BECOME DISEASED. — 29 — THE FOUR TASTES The food abstentionist denys the pleasures of taste when fasting. The tongue is the first part of the stomach. There are four taste zones or pits in the tongue. These are located at different points on the tongue as shown on the diagram. These taste zones are: (1) sweet, (2) salt, (3) sour, (4) bitter. The zones are not sharply separated, but overlap. In the center of the tongue is a zone that has no taste pit bud, and consequently tastes nothing: this is the silent zone. Try tasting something sweet on the back of the tongue or salt on the tip of the tongue and find how devoid of the real taste they are! Almost all our foods are composed of various substances, and consequently, stimulate not one but several, often even all four taste mechanisms, thus producing the mixed sensations of taste. A lemon has a bitter as well as a sour taste; an apple is sour and sweet at the same time. On the front part of the tongue alum produces a sour taste, while on the back it creates a sweetish taste. There is no such thing as a pure taste. The tongue perceives not only a sweet or a saline sensation, but also the weight, fluidity, roughness or smoothness, mildness or sharpness, temperature, viscidity, and volatility of food. When these taste buds are given a vacation, a new spiritual stronger taste, is acquired for the deeper things of Jesus. This seems to be a resurrection of the deliciousness of the Spirit. Taste means enjoyment. As we have stated, fasting is an anti-pleasure pro- cess. Likewise, we sacrifice the enjoyment of tasting the many dishes that we would enjoy while eating naturally. the zone of CANDY SWEET SILENCE — 30 — “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8. Fasting gives us a better opportunity to "FEAST” on the goodness of the Lord. When we once taste the good works and Words of God, we enjoy having regular and frequent tastes of His righteousness. "If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” I Peter 2:3. Some kindi of food are not so pleasant to taste. Vinegar and salt are very unpleasant to taste by themselves. Likewise, some parts of the Gospel are disagreeable to taste. The message of fasting is one of the most difficult to taste and receive. Jesus partook of this process for forty long days. He w^t into every kind of misery that can be encountered by all fasting people. He tasted every phase of it. He not only entered into and tasted of fasting, but He also went further and "TASTED DEATH FOR EVERY MAN.” Hebrews 2:3. In this, He tasted every awful disagreeable thing imaginable. Let us remiember that we can more effectively taste of the spiritual when we go into food abstention for a time. DECEPTIVE TASTES Many timds children do not eat certain foods because they imagine they are not good. Sometimes adults ate also misled this way, only to find out after tot- ing and eating a dish, they were mistaken. Some adults have lived longer than fifty years without trying a certain dish, only to find after giving it a thorough try that it was very delicious. How disappointed they were when finding they had lost out, usually through delusion, the enjoyment of a lovely dish for so long a period! i This also Applies spiritually with the word of God. There could be many vital subjects in the Word of God that we may not have tasted. Fasting may be one of them, not necessarily a fast of only two or three days, but the prophet’s-early church-length fasts. This may also include the Jesus-length fast. Any average person can go into these various lengths of fasts. Why not taste and see? At one time the author handled many kinds of flavoring extracts. Flavor will fool one by taste. A very strong vanilla flavoring, will taste nasty right out of the bottle. A weak low priced flavor will taste better because it is weaker and usually sweetened. The sweetened taste operates upon more of the taste faculty on the tongue^ whereby the strongr vanilla has only a strong bitter taste. When the weaker and cheaper vanilla was used in cooking, the housewife was often fooled. The cake or pastry was not well flavored. To overcome the competition of the cheaper grades of flavoring sold by competitors, I would add four drops of my stronger flavoring to a glass of milk slightly sweetened with sugar. After tasting, any housewife would be convinced of both the quality and strength of my product, because she would know how it would taste if used in her own cooking at home. If fasting and prayer is in the Bible, why not taste it and put it into ac^al practice in our own lives and be convinced through experience and by the Spirit. — 31 — THE 4 DIMEM5I0N5 THE5EMA/ HAVE Smi REaTI0M5HIP lommiMoms THE 4 DIVISIONS OF THE ALIMENTAfiy CANAL THE4 GOSPEL DIVISIONS THE4 TASTES 1. 1. 1. 1. WIDTH MOUTH SALVATION SWEET , z. 2. i. 2. LENGTH STOMACH BAPTISM SALT 3. HEIGHT j. SMALL INTESTINE 3. DIVINE HEALING 3. SOUR 4 THE 4TH DIMENSION 4. LARGE INTESTINE 4. COMING KING 4. BITTER THE SPIRITUAL BALANCE SHEET Brillat-Savarin begins his famous "PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE” with the statement: "An animal feeds; man eats; a civilized person dines.” This sounds like Luke 21:34 and Matt. 24:38, where the world will be "eating” and "drink- ing” [food, drinks and alcholic beverages] when the Son of Man comes. If the above was reversed and man would feed himself, instead of living to dine, he could be more glorifying to God Almighty. There is no wrong when eating to live, but living to eat, and without fasting, too, can be very grieving to God’s Spirit. The animals feed and they live eight times their growth period because they are fed that which is necessary. Man, on the other hand, is the shortest lived of all creatures, we seldom live more than three times our growth period. SISTER OF SIXTY-EIGHT FASTS FORTY DAYS Dear Sir:— I am sixty-eight years of age and have broken a forty-day consecration fast. I am so happy that Jesus completely healed me of many things. I can praise Him for healing me of high blood pressure, cardiac asthma, and female trouble so serious I could not have been relieved except through a surgical operation. — 32 THE4 HUNGER5 (FASTING MASTERS THE 4 PARTS OF FASTING THE4 NATURAL THINGS TO 00 1 1 THE 4 METHODS OF ELirUNATION 1. TRUE HUNGER NATURAL FIRST 3 DAYS HUNGER 1. KEEP CLEAN WASH FACE DRINK WATER ENAMAS LUNGS NOSTRILS z. HABIT HUNGER UlSr HUNGER WHICH IS 51 N NEXT 10 DAYS WEAKNESS z. KEEP IN THE RIGHT FRAME OF MIND z. SKIN 3. HUNGER OF THE OLD MAN CARNALITV 3. ROUTINE EXPERIENCE 3. GET PLENTY OF SLEEP 3. BOWELS . 4. HUNGER FOR PLEASURE 4. HUNGER RETURNS FAST ENDS 4. BREAK THE FAST PROPERLY 4. KIDNEYS Thank the Lord for giving you the revelation to put out such a master- piece” on the subject. Many would be willing to fast, but do not know how to do so intelligently. All glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Mrs. Minnie Graham Box 72, Blackburn, Oklahoma. CANADIAN HEADED OF LARGE GROWTH AFTER FASTING TWENTY-THREE DAYS We have been greatly helped and blessed by your books on fasting and prayer. We have given away many copies and are now ordering another quan- tity. Many folk are waiting and hungry for this message up here in Canada. Many have been blessed through protracted Bible fasting. We, also, have seen what the power of fasting will do in our lives. I had a large tumor or growth in my breast. Several in our family set our hearts to God in fastings. My son fasted for twenty-one days, my husband fasted for twenty-six days and — 33 — THE4THE 4 TRIPLET DIVISIONS OFMAN HEAD THROAT LUNGS STOMACH HEART ABDOMEN 3. kidneVs GENERATIVE LIVER KNEE5 ANKLES FEET THE4 PIVOTS IN THE ZODIAC 1 . ARIES CANCER LIBRA I 4 . CAPRICORN THE4 ELEMENTS I FIRE WATER 3. AIR 4. EARTH KINGDOMS T. MINERAL 2. VEGETABLE 3 ANIMAL 4. SPIRITUAL I fasted for twenty-three days for the glory of Jesus. I was gloriously and miraculously healed. In many other ways we were so blessed spiritually, re- vived and filled anew in a greater way with the Holy Spirit than ever before. In His service, Grace M. Pelfrey Port Dover, Ontario, Canada. HEALED OF GALL. BLADDER TROUBLE AFTER SHORT FAST OF SEVEN DAYS Jesus healed me just for fasting and praying seven days. I had been suffer- ing for a long time with gall bladder and liver trouble. Jesus delivered me, and I believe He will heal any sick person if he or she will give up everything, including food, and trust Him. Elder R. A. Bradshaw Granite City, III. — 34 — THE4 THE4 NECEJJiriETS BI&RKUQS PEOPLE MU5THAVE CONSECRATED TO GET WELL FASTING THE4 IMPORTANT THINGS AFTER FASTING c F THE 4 GREAT IB5TACLE5 REMOVED 1. CONSERVE ENERGY 1. CLEANSED 1. EAT ONLY WHAT 15 NECE55ARV AFTER THE FA5T IS BROKEN RIGHT 1. UNBCLIFF 2. PURE BLOOD 2 PHYSICAL REJUVENATION OF THE BODY 2. KEEP BELfVINGWIIH PATIENCE 2. LUST UNCLEANNES5 ' 3. perfect CIRCULATION OF BLOOD 3. REVELATION 3. ONE NOW HAS A BETTER IN5IC-HT TOWOROOF.GOD READ IT MUCH 3. PRIDE 4. HOPE -FAITH FASTING WILL BRING AaTHESEABOIT 4. ANSWERED PRAVER MORE POWER WITH GOD 4. BE A MISSIONARY ENLIGHTEN. OTHERS TO THIS CHEAT TRUTH 4. SPIRITUAL DISTORTION DIVISIONS INTHE BODY OF CHRIST SHORT FAST OF SIX DAYS DOES WONDERS FOR BODY Dear Brother Hall: Not so very long ago a tract fell into my hands on fasting that I liked very much . . . ! I am in the evangelistic field constantly and pray for the sick. If one is to have a great deal of success in praying for the sick, I believe they must fast a lot. At least, I find it so in my ministry. Fasting is a method to insure revival success and, at present, I am in one here. At first, the people did not want to accept fasting as it is taught in the Bible, but the Holy Ghost came on the scene and they are accepting it now. After a recent six-day fast I entered into, I find it certainly has done wonders for my body. Remember, I am the evangelist that conducted a revival for your brother, Virgil Hall, a few years ago. Please give Brother and Sister Virgil Hall my regards. * Your sister in the bonds of Calvary, Evangelist Thelma Nickel Bixby, Oklahoma. — 35 OTHER THINGS LOST PUTTING THE FAST IN A TEST TUBE U N B E L I E F C A R H A L 1 T AFTER A PROPHETSl LENGTH FAST s p I R I T U A L * MATT. 17:21 SPIRITUAL- UNCLEANLINESS LUKE 71:34 PHYSICAL UNCLEANLINESS THAT WHICH IS LOST OR GAINED POWERS MORE POWER — 36 — FOOUSB SCRFEITERS Luke 21:34 People are eternally looking for some mystifying intelligence *at will t^* care of their ailments and ALLOW THEM TO CONTINUE THEIR SINS AND BAD HABITS. Take, for instance, cathartics, laxatives, and so-calleed physics They do not have power to move the bowels. The irritating dm^ They contain force the bowels to eliminate the source of same time, the waste. How much better to conserve energy through PASTING and proper eating so that your body may function under its own powe^and eliminate waste naturally without the necessity of harmful prodding. When drugs are taken, the body always has to recover twice instead of only once. It has to overcome the trouble for which the medicine was given, and, later on, it has to recover from the poisonous effects of the drug taken. The drug do^ not work on the body; rather, the body MUST TAKE CARE OF THE DRUG. The divine healing that Jesus gives in answer to fasting and prayer is will- ingly bestowed upon all His children when UNBELIEF IS CAST OUT. If there have been eating habits contrary to the welfare of the body, and the glory of Jesus, the consecrated fast will also chasten the person and undo the wrongs of intemperance while enroute to building up the faith that is necessary to ELIMINATE UNBELIEF. The great WORK OF FASTING always operates in a two-fold manner, physical and spiritual. There is no use in trying to make it work any other way. Some people believe that certain drugs will cure their colds. Instead of a cure here is what actually happens: When a body is going through a period of ELIMINATION, such as when a cold is present, and is forced to take care of some other unnatural condition, such as drugs and additional amounts of food, the cold will, for the time, be suppressed, or put to one side, so that the body can take care of the new condition that has been forced upon it. However, the cold has not been cured. It is now in a chronic stage, lying latent, aff^ing the weakest organs of the body. That is the procedure that most chronic in- valids have passed through. The suppression of the cold, which was not cured, later on develops into some condition such as bronchitis. Again the attempt is made to cure the ailment in the same erroneous way. The bronchitis is sup- pressed for a time, only to develop into hay fever or pneumonia later. This, in time further weakens the affected organs. The final effort of the body to eliminate the poisons and FILTH FROM OVER EATING is through a condi- tion which may be called asthma, and by this time other ailments may have also developed. MOST CHRONIC CONDITIONS ARE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AILMENTS WHICH HAVE BEEN SUPPRESSED IN THE PAST. When one enters a protracted season of FASTING, these suppressed ills come out into the open again. The physical weaknesses felt in the fast are usually nothing more than many hidden and suppressed afflictions being expelled in the form of eliminations. The weaknesses are the suppressions carried into the blood stream, and the blood is carrying these very poisons out into the proper channels of elimination. These hidden sicknesses must come OUT into the open to become eradicated. When they come to a head in fasting it is similar to a boil coming to a head and the subsequent removal of the core. — 37 GLORIFIED FASTING It is unpleasant, but how wonderful the person feels after the ordeal! Fasting works along the same line. It is a miserable, painful, trying experience while in the process, but it is so wonderful, both spiritually and physically afterward. The headache that is often felt during fasting is also an indication the fast is needed from the physical standpoint. Coffee drinkers suffer more severe headaches than those who do not have the habit. The caffeine from the coffee comes OUT OF SUPPRESSION and into the blood stream. The blood circu- lates the poisons within the head and pain is the natural result. In a few days, the fast will have removed the cause and the headache disappears. Later on as the FAST PROCEEDS to clean up the temple of the Holy Spirit, even the weaknesses, in many instances, disappear, and to one’s astonishrpent the person usually feels better and stronger than he did while indulging in the three or four meal a day stuffing habit, believe it or not. DEMONS CAN BE CAST OUT BY FASTING PRAYER Matthew 17:21. “This kind goeth not out hut by prayer and fasting.” The lesson in this chapter was mainly dealing with faith and “Because of your unbelief.” The secondary part of the story had to do with demons. However, Jesus teaches His followers that not only the casting out of demons but, “NOTHING SHALi, BE IMPOSSIBLE UNTO YOU.” This includes power for all things if we follow His formula. The above illustration shows the author’s conception of the average person who is afflicted—these afflictions being demon bondage. They are the works of Satan and Jesus came to undo these works. Matt. 9:33, 1 Jno. 3:8, etc. The first figme represents the in- dividual under affliction (it could be a hundred and one different ailments) ; the demons are in operation. The right hand figure shows a person praying very earnestly. Sometimes, these demons relax their hold while praying and are eliminated entirely. Oftentimes, however, the demons relax their hold but are not entirely cast out because of UNBELIEF, consequently they take up their task again and continue in the person (unless a great degree of holding faith is put into practice). Prayer, combined with fasting, sees the demons not only release and relax their hold, but a greater amount of faith is developed so they can be cast out entirely. Oftentimes, the FAST has such purifying power, both physically and spiritually, that demons are often forced to withdraw. — 38 — DEMONS AT WORK IN THE STOMACH. Medical science cbims *at 95% of the American people are auto-intoxicated (surfeited). Luke 21.3 . Most functional diseases come from over eating and the failure to ou stomach a vacation. When sick, the first thing a doctor loote at is the tongue which is a part of the stomach. A weakened condition of the stomach ^ attract demons. This could lead to a hundred and one different things. We believe they are demons. It could be ulcer, tumor, cancer, rheumatism, asthma, anemia, hardening of the arteries, paralysis, etc. When fasting, the things we do not want make the best of fuel for their own destruction. Body tox- ins, slowly and gradually, accum- ulate all through the body in almost every person in time. Sometimes, it shows itself in a visible manner through muddy skin, blemishes, pale complexion or lines and wrinkles. Sometimes, it is not very visible. At the bottom of the hand, we are depicting a condition where waste matter can be visualized un- der magnification. Demons are more easily attracted through these conditions. One of the first things that takes place in the consecration fast is the removal and eradication of all foreign uncleanness of the body. After only a ten day fast, in most instances, the hand will ap- pear as the fingers appear in the top part of the illustration. A spir- itual cleansing of the doubts and our main objective to please Jesus. — 39 — GLORIFIED FASTING Demons and disease breed on filth. The more vile it is the more potent is its lure for all demons, and from this source we have the root of all sickness, disease and sorrow. Demons seldom enter clean healthy people. In spite of all the food that is eaten, there is truly a famine in the world. There is a famine within the stomach, not because of the absence of food, but because of an excess of food, and because of the failure to FAST and starve out a condition within that is incapable of handling and receiving more food. Why put new wine in old bottles 7 Why sew new cloth to old 7 The failure to eat plain simple food also causes the body to become so depleted from the lack of minerals and vitamins that, even if folk would re- ceive the secondary blessings from fasting, which are physical, they could not retain their new-found health very long if they did not adapt their menu to natural plain eating. Of course, one can take vegetable concentrates, fish oils and food minerals as a supplement. These are not drugs, but are concentrated food in tablet form. These may be helpful, but the better way is to follow Jesus in proper abstemious living. Why close our ears to it? The very reason that it is not more understood is simply that people are prejudiced and run from the truth, willingly becoming the victims of their own foolishness—just because they fail to earnesly and intelligently seek KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH ON THIS GREAT, BENE- FICIAL, FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. FASTING will give a PERFECT BLOOD STREAM, INSURE the PER- FECT DISTRIBUTION OF THE BLOOD AND THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. THESE THREE THINGS ARE THE THREE ESSENTIALS vital to any sick person and their desire to get well, and their chances for recover)\ Another ESSENTIAL that is a result of consecrated fasting is SPIRITUAL HEALTH. Many are seeking cures today. They are trying to find an easy way to over- come their ailments, when the easiest, surest, quickest and most economical method ever known to man IS THE FAST ROUTE. There are hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually on patent medicines alone. Eighty percent of every dollar spent is for advertising these cure-all pills. Five cents worth of onions has more food value than all the drugs put together. A government document. No. 264, informs us that ninety-nine percent of the American people are deficient in minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Food is the major part of any right living program. Sick people are actually starving amidst an abundance of food. The sick have stomachs filled with foodless food. WE ARE A PRODUCT OF WHAT WE EAT Dr. Northen’s experiment with animals and soil chemistry has given the world much information. He has discovered when rats are fed the same "re- fined to death food" found in an over-stuffed community filled with stomach ulcers, the rats likewise have stomach ulcers. Experiments on rats and mice in Chicago definitely prove that the irritating matter contained in canned foods, preservatives, canned spices and drugs will produce cancer in animals eating such foods. We know, also, that rats fed the — 40 — PHIL 3!l4 nPET UO 61VIM6 CONCIOUSNESS PRAYER COHCIOUSNESS FASTING CONCIOUSNESS MOHAMMED CALLS FASTING THE GATEWAY TO RELIGION. A CLOSE STUDY OF THE WORD OF GOD INDICATES IT TO BE ONE OF THE PIERS OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. THE PIER ON THE RIGHT. ALSO INCLUDES BIBLE STUDY. — CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP seekinothe KINCDOMOF 600 WITHOUR WHOLE HEART — 4l — GLORIFIED FASTING diet of the Britisher take on the temperament of the British people. When the Sikh diet is fed rats, they become huge and have soulful eyes, the same as the followers of that Hindu creed. Human beings are also a product of what they eat. When we live by the "words of God” instead of "bread alone,” the spiritual food that is received through fasting makes us more spiritual for the glory of Jesus. The spiritual gifts and fruit are developed in us plus other attributes. « Fasting will also prepare our stomachs for food, so that the digestive organs will be capable of greater absorption of the mineral salts that our body is in need of. When there is over indulgence in food, without fasting, only a smaller amount of the vitamins and minerals can be assimilated, because of the con- taminated condition of the stomach and villi. MONTHS-OLD CONTAMINATION The tract is' clean on the thin narrow line, not wanted. The chart depicts the painted coating of food film which is noth- ing more than, weeks and some- times many months old, decayed and rotten contaminated food on the intestinal tract. If this intest- inal tract was placed in front of us and was accessible, we would not hesitate to give it a good cleaning. Cleanliness is Godliness, we all ad- mit. Because we cannot see this precious: God given organ, we hesi- tate to go into food abstention to give it a vacation and cleaning. Fasting will eradicate this unclean- ness and removes many pounds of demon attracting filth that saps not only physical but spiritual strength from the temple of the Holy Spirit. Fasting sonsumes the very things % FASTED FORTY DAYS — DEMONS LEAVE BODY Dear Brother Hall: About the tenth day of October, 1947, I went into "The Book and Bible House,” on Eighth Street, in Sacramento, California, to purchase a song book. I wanted to practice singing so I could glorify Jesus by making a joyful noise unto Him. An employee of the "Bible House” told me of having some very unusual books they had never had on hand before in the history of the firm. This was Sister Delmarie Bibb, and she got them out and showed them to me. Miss Bibb informed me that the truth contained in them was unfolding un- heard of precious experiences for people in the days that we live. I did not know what they were all about, but I secured a set of these books on the PROPHET’S-EARLY CHURCH-LENGTH FASTING. At this very time, I was so very hungry for more of God. I wanted to go — 42 THE A B C OF FASTING deeper and seek Him in an unusual manner. I began reading and studying these books on consecrated fasting on October 14, the day I started my fast. I cried and prayed, and the misery of fasting was painful at times, but knew it would be a battle, and the old man had to be conquered. At times, i seemed I was getting nowhere, and I felt I was not praying as earnestly as I should. Although if was hard to pray, I just did my best and j«us m take me through. It was so discouraging, but when the Fourteenth y fast came around I found new encouragement. The asthma that I had had fo eight years left my body completely, and demons left along with it. I actually sould see these demons in every corner of my room. I even saw them come out of my body. From then on I felt like a NEW MAN. Before the fast, I never in my life saw a demon and I never even knew they occupied my body until very time. When these demons came out, other parts of my afflicted body be came well, healed and whole. For twenty years I had suffered with crooked bent-under toes. When the demons left my body, the toes straightened upwards and they pained me. They went out and upwards for two days. I suffered very severely, but I was sure they were getting healed and sure enough they were. The pains were from the straightening out process that was necessary in order for them to become ad- justed to the right position, etc. Because I cried and prayed to Jkus about this. He relieved me from all the pains of the healing procedure. I then cried and wept for joy at the miracle He had done in my body by casting out these demons—He said in His word they would be cast out, sometimes by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” Matt. 17:21. My toes and feet were made perfectly whole and sound. I had been praying for a long time that this might be done, but, praise Jesus, it took fasting with the prayer. I also had a great need for my own place to live. I needed a home but could not find a place. Again I became somewhat discouraged. Considerable weight was lost from my body. When the fast was started, I weighed two hun- dred four pounds. There was a scale nearby and as I got on to weigh, a friend came up. I weighed one hundred sixty pounds. This friend seeing my aggy clothes, asked me, 'What’s wrong, you look like you have been sick, or some- thing has come over you all of a sudden.’ I told him 'I was not sick, but Satur- day would be the end of my forty-day fast and I was somewhat disappointed for it seemed I would not get all that I wanted and was fasting for! He asked me 'what I wanted,’ and I told him "I would like to have a house trailer for a place to call home and live in.’ He informed me 'that my prayer was answered Ind he had just what I had been looking for. When I went over to see it I was delighted to know it was the answer to my prayer, because it was just what I wanted. Not only did I get the house trailer at a fraction of the cost, but I was given over one hundred dollars worth of groceries, a radio, two stoves, electric plate, clock, furnishings, etc. On January 26, 1948, I will be sixty-five years old. I feel wonderful in my body. It seems like I have gained about twenty-five years of youth for my body. I attend The Full Gospel Lighthouse Church where Brother Leroy Richard- son is pastor, in North Sacramento, Calif. They will verify these facts. This brought such great joy to my soul that I went home and prayed all night asking the Lord to unfold this fasting message to others, and I prayed that others would know about this testimony so they, too, would see the answers — 43 — GLORIFIED FASTING to their hitherto unanswered prayers, like I had received. I prayed, if it be His will, this testimony would go into Brother Hall’s new book, "GLORIFIED FASTING," that will be full of testimonies about fastings of all lengths. Your Brother in Christ, (Signed) Thomas H. Lymons Box 386 , Yolo, Calif. FASTING PRODUCES OIL OF THE SPIRIT FASTING POWER: Fasting produces the greater oil that gives us the spiritual fire of the Holy Spirit. It digs down into the spiritual OIL WELL, and there is plenty of fuel for revival power in us, to spread and spring forth out of us, to ignite lost souls to Christ and help spread the revival fires to others. Prayer is also an oil producer, but too many of us depend on prayer altogether without fastings and, consequently, we get stuck at times. Fasting is as necessary in the Christian’s life as oxygen is to keep the fire going. A fire will bum a long time in an air tight room, but, sooner or later, the oxygen will be used up and the flame will go out. A person may get along nicely for a very long time without fastings, but, sooner or later, carnality creeps in and, unconsciously, the child of God thinks he is standing when he should take heed lest he has fallen. **Without faith it is impossible to please God.” We have seen, according to the seventeenth chapter of Matthew, fasting and prayer is the great faith producer. The left hand person has sufiicient oil and fire in his lamp. He is laboring for Jesus in the harvest fields. We believe he is fasting and praying a great deal. The middle person has both oil and some fire, but he is indiffer- ent to fasting, therefore, there are very few signs following and very little accomplished for Jesus. The right individual is typical of the five foolish virgins (Matt. 26:18) who were NOT WATCHING. “Watching,” in these scriptures, include everything necessary for the Bride of Christ to be doing, ready and filled with the spirit. This includes fasting and prayer. When this lamp is suddenly moved or trimmed it may go out. May we have more oil. — 44 — PART IV THE BREAK FAST The word, BREAK-FAST, is used over and over by nearly every one, with- out realizing exactly what it means. A long time ago, people were not in the habit of eating between meals, and were not able to go to the corner drug store, or restaurant, and buy a soda, sandwich, cup of coffee and what not as ^sily as one can do in our own time. Our great grandfathers worked hard and had healthy appetites. When a hearty evening meal was eaten, they usually ceased eating for a long interval, at least, from the evening meal until the following morning. This interval was the longest period between any two meals It being so long that sometimes it was called a "FAST.” Please see, Daniel 6:18. "The King . . . passed the night fasting.” If any food was eaten after the evening meal, it proceeded to break the period between the evening med and the morning meal and was breaking the fast. In the morning, when food was eaten again, it could not very well be called a break-fast, because the fast period between the evening and morning meals had been broken already. Break-fast is a compound word that usage has welded into breakfast. At breakfast, one usually eats a meal that is different from the other two eaten during the day. (I am alluding to those who eat breakfast. Many adults are finding they have better health and greater spiritual power without eating break- fast. This also includes the author who has not eaten breakfast in twenty-four years.) The interval between dinner and breakfast being long enough that folk have found it both desirable and wise to partake of food at the morning meal that is far more acceptable to the stomach and digestive apparatus than that eaten at any other meal. The reason for this is quite evident; it is to prepare the stomach and functions of the body to break the fast, even though one has only done without food for approximately twelve to fourteen hours. Even this short a fast, if one may still call it that, is usually broken with care, how- ever unaware the average person is of the fact. The breakfast eater usually h^ a glass of fruit juice or similar juice, eggs, bacon and toast or cereal, etc. This menu, compared with any other conventional meal, is far more easily digested and more suitable to the break-fast period than any other of his or her eating periods. It may not have been thought of in this light, but the fast was care- fully broken for just that non-eating length of time. If any adult who was not undernourished, and some undernourished folk would also profit by it, would leave off any one of the three meals for a period of thirty days, the third meal habit appetite would entirely disappear and new energy and strength would be felt, in addition to greatly increased spiritual power and favor with God. Why? Because the average person does not in any manner require this surplus third meal. While any one meal could be left out, the author feels that greater compensation would be obtained by leaving off the breakfast—or allowing the lunch period to be the breakfast. This longer interval between the eating of dinner and breakfast (or lunch) would give the organs of the body a greater period in which to relax and rest up, and also the appetite would, generally, more easily adapt itself to the new schedule. As one grows older, even less food is required. Sometimes one could eliminate the second meal also and not be bothered with habit hunger appetite, after abstain- — 45 — GLORIFIED FASTING ing from two meals a day for at least thirty days. This is one secret to long life. Why? For the simple reason, what one does not need becomes burden- some and a dead weight to us. Paul must have had this also in mind in Hebrews 12:1: “Lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” At least, the continued eating and stuffing habit, without fasting, becomes weight (not necessarily physical weight) and a hindrance to our spiritual progress. Paul brings this out to a fuller extent in Romans 16:17, 18: ’’Mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and AVOID THEM. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly” Also, study Phil. 3:17-19. Please see charts on subject. THE FOUR ZONES LCARNALIT/ZONE ^PLEASURE ZONE AVERAGE „ NATURAL [CHRISTIAN] LIVI NG H U SPIRITUAL 3.PRAYER ZONE T Y 4-.TRAVAIUNG MOURNING FASTING-PRAYER ZONE I have a car that runs well, but many times I load it up with books and tracts—taking even the rear cushions out to pile in some more until I have nearly two thousand pounds of material to carry from one town to another to be used in speaking engagements where hungry folk desire and need the litera- ture and books. The car, being overloaded, does not run so freely; it is more difficult to keep on the road, the tires become overheated to a point where I am forced to slow down to keep from having a blow-out. (By failing to drive around forty miles an hour with these loads, the author has had three new six ply heavy duty tires to blow-out in one year, due to this excess weight.) This — 46 — THE A B C OF FASTING burdensome weight is eventually needed and can all be utilized, but m^y handicaps hindered me during my travels. After learning some expensive lessons, I corrected the weight and I have since progressed very satisfactorily. The same lesson can also be applied to food power versus needed power Any excess of food not needed now, wUl burn out the body prematurely, and act as a weight and a hindrance to it. Excess food will kiU spiritual power just as thoroughly as alcohol wiU, if not as quickly. (See Luke 21:34. Food temper- ance is just as important as any other kind of temperance. Many times, un- knowingly, we ate killing our bodies and souls, just because of our neglect along these lines. A lady sends in a testimony from Australia that illustrates our thought here: LADY IN AUSTRALIA FASTS SIXTEEN DAYS Ekar Sir: Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. A friend of mine sent your “FASTING” book to me from the U. S. A. Immediately, I read it through and was convinced it was of God. I prayer- fully asked the Lord to make me willing to fast. My prayer was answered, and now after sixteen days of complete abstinence from all food, just water drink- ing, I write to praise the Lord for the way He is able to show, teach and con- trol us. I did not find myself craving food or even being distressed. I was just a little tired the first few days. I am a busy woman and take care of my invalid mother of ninety years. I also kept my house work up, cooked and took care of our family of four, besides my husband* I have told a number of other Christians about your work and tracts. Some of them are entering into the longer fasts and a revival stir is being felt in our community. I am also a temperance worker. Now I shall add food temperance to my work. In His service, Mrs. W. M. Tack 11 Rothesay Avenue, E. Malvern S. E. 5. Victoria. Australia. MISSIONARY FINDS FASTINO TO JESUS SUCCESSFUL IN SOUTH AFRICA Dear Sir and Brother: Last week, on a journey to an outpost of our congregation, I visited my friend, Brother H. Hambrock, an evangelist, at Jeppestr. 96 Pretoria. We spoke about the necessity of fasting. I did not know too much about it. He gave me two of your pamphlets. No. 16 and No. 2. I was more than ever convinced that fasting is necessary and I started out to fast. I was surprised to learn that on the third day of my fast, hunger was diminishing rather than increasing. I had headaches the first two days but they gradually disappeared. I find that you said the same thing. I am eager to learn more. Karl Buhr, Hermansburg Lutheran Mission, Jericho, via Brit. South Africa Transvaal. _47_ A tiny minute piece of the stomach wall greatly magnified. The entire stomach is interspersed with delicate blood vessels in this way. Tremendous amounts of energy and blood is called upon right after the fast is broken, in order to readjust and reawaken the functions of digestion, assimilation and elimination. Even when not fasting, one average meal calls approximately half of the blood to the attention and services of digestion, etc. These illus- trations are for the purpose of showing the people of God the great importance of food and our being, in relation to spiritual power available when certain processes are put into operation for Jesus* pleasure and master our desires. THE TYPE OF FOOD The best type of food is a thin watery food. Any kind of food could be taken in a thin liquid form, in very small quantites, if necessary. Elijah had a morsel of bread and water. One could also break the fast on a small piece of dark bread chewed very finely into water and swallowed very, very slowly with a large quantity of water. The same thing could apply to a tiny amount of boiled potato, a cracker, or almost any other food, providing that it is a very small quantity, and it is swallowed after it is chewed into milk, and taken with plenty of water. The reason I am mentioning these different things is because in some lands fresh fruit is difficult to obtain. Fresh citrus fruit is, of course, the best and most satisfactory food to break-fast on. On a twenty-one to forty, or more, day fast, one usually takes a half glass of fruit juice diluted with half water—^Two ounces of orange, grapefruit, tomato, grape, or other fruit juices, plus two ounces of water. This can be taken three or four times the first day. If these are unobtainable, one should use a small teaspoon of mashed potato, a teaspoonful of bread or other food in same quantity, mixed with about four ounces of water and chewed well, mixing with saliva, in the mouth before slowly swallowing. This could also be taken three or four times the first two days to break a twenty-one day or longer fast. The quantity could be increased by one- — 48 — THE A B C OF FASTING third on the second day and so on until the "villi" become sufficiently awakened in the digestive tract to receive more food. Please see charts on this elsewhere. Since one will have lost considerable weight, and since much nerve force will be required in getting the stomach ready for food reception, there wdl ^ in great demand, soon after the first few days of break-fasting, the ri^t foods rr.nta.ning vitamins and minerals for the body to gam strength on. The most weakening period of the fast is the initial breaking-m period. One may feel weak and even sick when the break-fast period begins. After the first fw days, meals consisting solely of milk, or only vegetables and soup, especially the greeri raw or LIVE vegetables, can be eaten. Raw vegetables are live vegetables and give the most "life" to a person. Concentrated vitamins are difficult to digest right after fasting, but could be received later on. When it is difficult to obtain satisfactory vegetables, milk and food to build up on after the fast, one could, perhaps, secure the vegetable concentrates in vitamins and minerals, and, thereby, obtain from these vegetable concentrates or fish oils, the amount of supplemental food values necessary for the body. Food vitamins and minerals are not medicines and drugs. Whether we eat butter on our bread or concentrated fish oil from a bottle, they are both food, only one is from a cow and the other from a fish. Only narrow minded Christians would aUow this to offend them. Our tabernacle of the Holy Spirit requires certain elements to nourish and feed it, otherwise, it may break down giving demons an opportunity to enter. It is a good poliqr to refrain from strenuous work during the initial br^- ing-in period. Strength and energy should be conserved more at this time than at any other period during the fast, because great strain and labor is re- quired to enable the stomach to receive food again. Please be patient at this time and do not become over-anxious because your strength is at a minimum. It will pick up as soon as the stomach and villi can readjust sufficiently to assimil- ate the nutritive elements from the heavier food soon to be received. Sometimes, when a fast is improperly broken, many uncomfortable condi- tions can arise, even many days after the initial breaking-in period. Bloating, and other conditions, can be corrected by spacing your meals at longer intervals, going on a partial fast again, or by fasting without water for a few days, then proceeding to break the fast properly all over again. The various illustrations, as contained within this volume, should be very carefully studied, and one will find that as he becomes familiar with the scien- tific side of fasting, he will be more apt to take special pains and care in feeding himself. 'Teed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee.” Proverbs 30:8,9- BREAKING FAST DIET AFTER FASTING After a rtiort fast from three to six days — First day: THREE OR FOUR MEALS OF CHOICE FRESH CITRUS FRUIT. Second day: Light soups or a milk diet in moderation. Succeeding days: Gradually work on into the regular diet, so that in a number of days equal to the length of your fast you will be ready for regular eating. After a fast from six to ten days — First day: Three to four meals of choice citrus fruit or the juice of fruit, — 49 — GLORIFIED FASTING tomatoes, berries or easily digested melons in moderate quantity. Second day: Same. Succeeding days: For third day here, follow the second day schedule under the breaking of a three to six day fast, and continue. After a fast of ten to fourteen days — ^irst two days: After the break-fast on any FRESH fruit juice, at the next meal eat CHOICE FRESH CITRUS FRUIT moderately. For the balance of the two days, eat three or four meals of fresh citrus fruit only, each meal four and one-half hours or more apart and consisting of 6 to 8 ounces. Third day: Light soups or skimmed, whole, or buttermilk at each meal time. Vomtb day: Green salads or cooked light vegetables chewed to milk. Or to gain weight, one pint of milk every hour, or sweet fruit and citrus fruit, or soup at each meal time. Fijth day and after: Three meals of fresh fruit and milk, or of sweet fruit and milk (or buttermilk) . Buttermilk is easier to digest than sweet milk. (The over use of milk or the taking of food too soon may cause the body to bloat slightly. To remedy this cut down the quantity or wait a few days before going on the milk diet.) If one should bloat, fast and go without water. Take enemas and hot baths. After a fast of two weeks to twenty-one days — First day: Three meals of fruit juice in four to six ounce serving, diluted one- third to one-half with water. Second day: Three or four meals of same, somewhat less diluted, in servings of from six to eight ounces. Third day: Fruit for each meal. Fourth day: Duplicate third day, or a half pint of milk or buttermilk every two or three hours, or eat choice of one light soup, a small fruit or green vegetable salad at meal times. Fifth day: three light meals spaced properly apart, either fresh fruit or soup. Always get plenty of rest. Succeeding days: Very gradually work up from fruit, milk, and soup to vege- table meals. Eat slowly and chew everything into milk. Suggestions for sixth or seventh day. Noon—^Vegetables and whole wheat cereal with one or two egg yolks if desired. Evening—Similar meal without eggs. After a fast of twenty-one to forty days or longer — The same program is followed as for a fourteen to twenty-one day fast, except smaller amounts of food are eaten for the first two or three days. Add one or two more days of fruit juices before beginning fourth day, described just above. Orange juice, is the preferred juice, though any natural fresh fruit juice or fruit, tomato, gruel, barley rice water, ripe watermelon, or clear vege- table broth may be taken, in four to six ounce servings. The quantity may be increased when prepared for heavier diet. Warm milk may be added to the water-made cereal preparations later on after the fast is broken properly. Fruit and milk are far preferable to other types of food, since they are — 50 — Peering Into the Wonderful Digestive Mechanism The intestinal canal is crowded with five million finger-like Each villus does its small part in the digestion process and wntains thrw thousand c^ each. This would make fifteen billion cells in the intestm^ that are very much alive and ready to act when brought into contact wim food. After fasting they <»tn receive only minute particles of food nourish- ment at first. Among the ceUs, one finds single goblet ceUs that prince mucus. Phagocytes wander out of the lymph nodes and participate m traM- porting food particles. (See bottom of diagram). When a protract^ fast is broken, these cells gradually and very slowly become reawakened from a deep sleep. The sleep is so sound that only a few thousand of these ceUs are awakened when the first juice contacts the viUi after a major fast. A first layer of these cells begin to yawn and come into activity. , A few hoTO “.ot another “break-fast” menu is taken, a few more thousand, and even the vim, this time, come out of their dormant condition to receive food, convert it into nourishment, and push it into the blood. Each time another iiwtallment of the proper ‘*break-fast” menu is received, the vUli increase and increase mto activity and receptivity until eventually, after a number of days, tlm entoe intestinal canal is fully activated and adjusted to food again for our Messing. — 51 — HOW THE BREAK-FAST ORADUALX.Y REAWAKENS THE FIFTEEN BUXION CELLS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. DAY FAST 21 DAY FAST 10 DAY FAST 7 DAY FAST 2ND. DAY 3RD day 4TH DAY 5TH.0AY 6TH.DAY 7 th- DAY 1st. DAY 2ND DAY 3RD. DAY 4-TH.DAY 1 » i > a (/) Q Z Ui Z 0 1 < > s o < 2 o 1;; 1st. DAY 2 WO. DAY 3RD. DAY 4th. day Sthday ^thday 7th. day CHART SHOWING WHY THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS CANNOT BE HOSPITABLE TO FOOD ALL AT ONCE AFTER FASTING. FOOD RE- CEPTION IS AT AN ALMOST STANDSTILL IMMEDIATELY AFTER A PROTRACTED FAST. THE FIVE MILLION VILLI ARE AWAKENED VERY SLOWLY AT FIRST. THE DARK TRIANGULAR SHADED AREA REPRESENT THE DORMANT INACTIVE VILLI AT THE BEGINNING OF THE BREAK-FAST PERIOD. THE SHADED AREA SLOWLY AND VERY GRADUALLY DISAPPEARS AS THEY ARE AGAIN ADJUSTED TO FOOD. THE LIGHT AREA REPRESENT THE PERIOD OF TIME NECESSARY FOR THIS ADJUSTMENT. (FIGURES are APPROXIMATE). — 52 — THE A B C OF FASTING natural foods and more likely to be digested and assimilated j^rfertly and to perpetuate without interruption the physical results secured by the fast. Remember, if you should suffer in any way, even though it should be m^y days after the fast, it is because you ate rushing the breaking in period. The remedy is to go back to fruit juices, or fast again. Two meals may be more preferable to three, for a while anyway. The wonderful finger-like structure of the digestive apparatus, gradually and slowly reawakens. It yawns and stretches, so to speak, as it first reacquainted with food. Impairment and shock, through the over-use of food, will abuse this marvelous organ so that it cannot be the blessing that it w^ intended to be. Fasting proves itself to be one of the best blessings from t e Lord for this vital organ. THE REVIVAI. OF THE INTESTINAL. APPARATUS When we ask Jesus to bless the food we eat, for our bodies, and give thanks for these blessings, we also, though indirectly, are asking Jesus to bl^ all of the millions of cells that comprise the villi. Unless they are blessed, it would be impossible for these finger-like villi to extricate the nourishment from the food and to carry nutritative elements on into our blood stream, and to all parts of the temple of the Holy Spirit. All of these fifteen billion cells that comprise five million villi fingers (medi- cal statistics) in the complicated digestive system, have to be reawakened little by little after a protracted fast. Certain stages of the BREAK-FAST PERIOD may represent a certain proportion of these cells and fingers coming oiit of a slumber and waking up for breakfast. These villi-fingers may be compared to a person’s hand or foot going to sleep for a long time. We cannot awaken the foot or hand immediately. But, little by little, one feels the tingle or sensation of awakening until it gradually, but with increasing tempo, becomes restored to normal. The tiny fingers of the digestive system secrets juices that help to dissolve food into nutriment. These hair-like fingers likewise become, though very slowly at first, awakened and adjusted to food reception again after the break- fast. At first, they very, very slowly become reaccustomed to food intake, but the acceleration is more and more rapid, until the digestive canal is back into full swing again. Not only restored to the condition that it was in at the be- ginning of food abstention, but the entire intestinal tubing has had a complete revival and is now like new. The author is, herewith, presenting an estimate of the reawakening in the digestive system, period by period, of the five million villi fingers that make up the converter when breaking fast. We are using a twenty-one day fast for a yardstick; for a longer or shorter fast, one can make estimates from this schedule. The approximate number of villi fingers that are re-awakened after breaking a twenty-one day fast, and that are slowly acclimated to food again are: — 53 — WHY THE FAST MUST BE BROKEN CAREFULLY First twenty-four hours: 12,500 villi. (Approximately one-fourth of one percent) . Second day: 25,000 fingers (About one-half of one percent). Third day: 50,000 villi fingers (About one percent). Fourth day: 100,000 villi (Two percent). Fifth day: 200,000 villi (Four percent). Sixth day: 400,000 villi (Eight percent). Seventh day: 800,000 villi (Sixteen percent). Eighth day: 1,600,000 villi (Thirty-two percent). Ninth day: 2,400,000 villi (About forty-eight percent). Please note from this time on, the percentage begins to drop. The breaking-in to- the eating process tapers back the other way from the eighth day onward. A person usually begins to feel a newness of strength and well-being from this time onward. (Providing the fast is being broken properly.) Tenth day: 3,000,000 villi. Eleventh day: 3,600,000 villi. Twelfth day: 4,000,000 villi. There is still another 1,000,000 to yet be divided. This may be distributed over a period of from one to two weeks (or even longer in some cases) before they become fully awakened. The purpose of this part of our study is to reveal more vividly to the reader that our digestive apparatus is far more complicated than is generally thought, and needs as much respect for its delicate and intricate nature as any other part of the body for the Glory of Jesus. Let us give Jesus glory in our body, in our soul, and in our spirit. If our stomach is part of us, why not let it also glorify Him who also redeemed it. In the last chapter of Revelation, when we eat the new food from the new tree of life, we will then have our new redeemed stomach to enjoy to the utmost this delicious food. ENGLISH BROTHER TRIES FAST AND HAS BETTER OUTLOOK Dear Brother in Christ: I was glad to receive the books and pamphlets, which I have distributed among my Christian friends, and I am especially delighted with the book, “Atomic Power with God Thru Fasting and Prayer." This is just what we lack in England. As soon as I received the book I started on a fast. Although I work long hours every day, I feel so much better and my asthma is almost gone. I have suffered terribly and have been prayed for, many times I was at my wit’s end. Now, praise the Lord, I have the solution and there is no fear of fasting any more. Jesus has given me a brighter outlook. I am so happy and thrilled over what Jesus is doing for me through fasting and prayer. Soon I expect to send you a testimony of a much longer fast than this one. Yours in Christ, John Martin 39 Leek Road, Weston Coyney Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, England. — 54 — NINE LAYERS OF THE INTESTINE In order that the reader may be more appreciative and thankful to Jkus for one of the most magic-like organs in his body, we are, herewith, presenting a section of the "INTESTINAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE for your observa- tion. The intestinal waU is not much thicker than a page of paper in this volume, but yet possess a most ingenious structure, there are no less than nine layers (1-9) that make up this life pro- ducing structure. The uppermost, inner layer consists of high columnar cells. The exposed ends of these cells exhibit a bright striated edge which is probably of great significance in the absorption of the digested food. Among these cells are others, shaped like goblets and filled with a special protoplasmatic product called mucin. In the upper left corner a goblet cell is shown in the act of pouring out its contents: in the opposite corner an empty goblet cell is seen in the resting stage. Goblet cells are the smallest glands in the body. When fasting, these cells and layers are also renovated, puri- fied and cleansed. This is one of the key points to which demons can become at- tracted to an individual. Many times they attack and leave. This may go on for many months or even years. Then a weakened condition results from millions of cells and villi becoming contaminated through our “surfeiting” habits (Luke 21:34, also see Psalm 78) and failure to fast, and demons gain foothold and an ulcer, cancer, tumor or some other dis- ease that may, or may not, bear a fancy name, will develop. Our digestive tract is one of the most important and mys- terious organs of the temple of the Holy Ghost. Let us protect it and give it proper vacations for the Glory of Jesus. JESUS HAS GIVEN US FASTING FOR CLEAN LIVING AND FAITH LIVING If it is not the will of God for us to be healed today, then every doctor and hospital is a reproach to the cause of Christ. They would be counter to the wiU of Jesus. If it isn’t the Lord’s will to heal us today—why go to d^ors, why take medicine, why go to a hospital and try to get well? When did the Lord provide a less successful method to heal the sick than the method of FAITH HEALING than He used in His day? Jesus is no respecter of persons. — 55 — GLORIFIED FASTING If He healed people in His day in answer to FAITH, He surely wants to heal members of His body today. He, surely, does not want a diseased body. The Literary Digest contained the statement that there were thirty thousand doctors too many in the United States. (The inefficient, undesirable doctors) . I cannot believe that Jesus wants doctors, hospitals and drugs to take the place of DIVINE HEALING TODAY. Efficient doctors and hospitals have their place and can be a blessing to people who do not have Jesus to lean upon. It is a disgrace, however, to the medical profession that, with the number of doctors we have, there are so many sick people. Surely, there must be some- thing wrong. How many people are told what brought on their partciular ail- ment.^ How many sick people are taught how to live clean lives, and how to prevent disease.? How many diseased folk are told that FOOD ABSTENTION is the GREATEST NATURAL CURATIVE AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN? We might ask a question of these doctors. How much do you know about Jesus Christ’s plain simple method of clean living through FASTING? Both cancer and diabetes are on the increase. “One out of eight persons will die of cancer this year,” states a government report. Fasting and right Christian living will ward off and prevent these two ailments alone. Jesus can and will heal them if present, WHEN UNBELIEF is not present. METHODIST PASTOR FASTS FORTY DAYS—MIGHTY REVIVAL Dear Brother Hall: Praise the Lord, I was by His help able to carry through the forty-day and night fast, (only water taken) . I am fifty-four and lost forty-five pounds. At the beginning I weighed two hundred-ten pounds. I came down to one hun- dred sixty-five. I had some bilious trouble along with an ether-like taste, otherwise, I got along nicely. I would say it was a most glorious experience, perhaps, the great- est in my whole life. I feel somehow that fasting for the glory of our Lord is the answer to many of our problems; it will also bring the glorious success to revival campaigns. I am glad to say that we are NOW IN THE MIDST OF A MIGHTY CITY-WIDE REVIVAL—with Mr. Harper and Mr. Long, Christian business men of Iowa. Spiritually, I am much stronger, but, even at that, I always feel that I need much more of the 'POWER OF CHRIST in my life. This is my eighteenth day of the breaking-in period and I have been eating soups and vegetables. I have regained about fifteen pounds. My ankles are swollen a little bit but not noticeably. I would like to know if it might be possible for your evangelistic party to come to Clinton, maybe some time next summer for a Revival ? . . . Oh yes, I have both of your books, 'Atomic Power With God’ and 'The Fasting Prayer.’ They are very good. Sincerely in the Master’s service, J. Howard Machlan, pastor of “The Methodist Church” Qinton, Iowa. 56 — lADrS BBOXHEB DBCNKABD FOB THIBXy YEABS deuvebed foe good afxeb twelve days fasxing Dear Brother in Christ: I PRAYED FOR MY "DRUNKARD BROTHER FOR EIGHT YEA^ WITH SEEMINGLY NO RESULTS. THEN I GOT DESPERATE A HIS DELIVERANCE and fasted to Jesus for twelve days. On the secotid day of the fast I got sick and ate some rice. It seemed to help me and J continued the fast ten days mote, making a total of twelve days. I drank distdled watM which tasted much better than the city water. I felt weak at tim« this prayer: "I can do all things in Oirist Jesus who strengtheneth me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.” I did all my housework and was surprised that one could go on, as I ^ twenty-five pounds underweight. I am five feet six inches tall, weigh one hundred pounds, fifty-nine years old and feel like twenty-five young in the Spirit. Just thirty days after I broke the fast my sister-in-law wrote a letter to me telling that my brother was completely delivered from drink with no desire or temptation to drink any more—and is serving the Lord. It is now six months later and he is still free from the drinking demon. He was a drunkard for thirty years. There is pleasure in fasting, knowing that our prayers will U answered. I have other relatives that I intend going into another fast for, so I can see them also converted. The fast was broken too rapidly and my mouth became sore, will eat more wisely. In Him whom we love, Mary C. Wilkie Pasadena 3, Calif. Next time I FASTING TO JESUS TWELVE DAYS KEPT ME FROM HOSPITAL Dear Brother: One of your tracts came my way and I went on a consecration fast. just what I needed. I had been suffering and ill for nine months, and Jesm healed me the first day of the fast. Near the end of a twelve-day fast, on the tenth day, my side grew sore and great weakness came over me. This s^en^ was caused by a bad growth that I have been suffering from for years. On the twelfth day of the fast, it seemed the soreness was tearing right out. Them great relief came and Jesus completely healed my infirmity. I thought I would Lve to go to the hospital to have an operation but Jesus completely delivered me and now I am enjoying perfect health in body, soul and Spirit. I am so thankful to the Lord. I thank you for the tract. Sister D. A. Campbell Hillier, Ontario, Canada. — 57 — THE 1X)BD REWARDED ME OPENLY AFTER FASTING ELEVEN DAYS Dear Brother Hall: I was so very sick when I went on my eleven-day fast for Jesus. Poison was all through my body and I needed the fast to clean up the lx)dy as well as the soul. I vomited frequently, and took warm water. Even with warm water (which helped), I still had vomiting spells, but I was able to obtain rewards from our loving Saviour. He gloriously gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit and a spiritual gift of the Spirit. The wells of living water just flow through me nearly all the time. The Lord surely rewarded me openly. I do wish you could come to Jacksonville, Florida, this winter. People really need this light. I intend going on a longer fast soon. In Jesus Christ, Mrs. Olier Baumusta Jacksnville, Florida. One of the five million Gastric Glands contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach, which secrete pepsin, rennin, and hydrochloric acid juice. The Gastric Glands are another rea- son why a protracted fast must be broken slowly and carefully. These five million glands in the wall of the stomach are very industrious. When eating, they produce three quarts of secretion daily. THE MEDICINE MAN In South America, the wild savage has his tribal medicine man or witch doctor. In order to become a medicine man, he has to live for weeks without food, and then chews bark, roots and plants. He also has to go through a ritual of weird and wild maneuvers before obtaining this high position in the spirit realm. He is supposed to control warfare, crop failures, floods and nearly everything else, and is also supposed to have great influence with the spirit world. If through fasting, a savage is made almost a God in his tribe, how much more ought Christians to fast to have special favor and pow- er with their God? — 58 — CLOSING OF THE AGE SIGNS "For as in the days that were before the flood they . i»o" Matt 24-39 The "DRINKING” in this reference included FOOD and borage diinks as weU as alcoholic drinks. There is not a bit of harm in ^ting and drinking good food, but there is plenty of harm to the Christian s spiriti^i^ when the Itog and drinking habit is continued without fasti^. In ^e 21-34 we are told the same thing in stronger language. TRe OVER- CHARGED WITH SURFEITING” condition that shall be prevalent in these days might sound like this in every day language. Stop! look! listen! My coming will be in the midst of both food and drink and other drur&enness. It is possible for you to be so wrapped up with the cares of these pleasures that an/out into the nostrils* (one reason for the faster’ s foul breath), ano^« twenty-five percent is lost through the skin, and the other twenty-five percent is lost through the kidneys. The “BONFIRE” exudes poisons from the nostrils. * A tiny menthol crystal is a satisfactory deodorant for the breath when fasting. — 59 — WHY THERE ARE DIVI5I0N5 4. TRAVAIL FASTIW6 PRAVERZONE WITHOUT OCCASIONAL FASTING CARNALISH EXPLODES TH 15 IN TURN EVENTUAL^ DIVIDES THE BODY OF CHRIST — 60 — FASTING TWELVE DAYS — SINNERS CONVERTED TO JBStJS Deax Brother Hall: Your tracts received proved to be most interesting upon the subject of/“t- ins They helped me to fast twelve days. What a deception Satan usk, hold- ing so m^y of us under. I can testify that one is helped physically, rather than harmed while fasting. t ji My faith increased—I have victory over self, flesh and the deinl. The Lord rewarded me by giving me souls, and backsliders came back to Him after the fast. Please send some more literature that I can give to my Christian friends and use to help enlighten others to the bigger fasts. May the Lord bless you in your work for Him. Mary C. Wilkie Pasadena, Calif. AN ADVERSE TESTIMONY and THE AUTHOR'S REPLY Dear Brother Hall: I suppose you would not publish an adverse testimony on fasting, would you.? Well, this may not be adverse after all, but it has not been as ^ • If I may. I would like to tell you the circumstances, and you may be able to advise me. My fast began Sept, 28 last—on water alone. I kept on with my ^ual activities—with even more STRENUOUS work than usual. (A group of the Lord's people decided to build a small church and Sunday School for the under- privileged children. We could not afford to hire the work done, so we sisters worked along with the men on the building.) My fast lasted twenty days. I would not have stopped then, only I had become so weak that I could s«rce y walk. I finally stopped all the outside work (carpentering with the men) after about the fourteenth day. I continued on with my housework for my husban and myself. I had expected to get ‘over the hump’ and be feeling stronger long before this but the weakness persisted and grew worse. Water became so loathsome and nauseating to me, I could scarcely get it down at all The city water that I tried to drink the first week was chlorinated. I changed to distilled water and this proved also difficult to drink. On the twenty-first day, I took a teasj^n of lemon juice in each cup of warm water and figured I had broken my fast. You would say so, wouldn’t you? I then began taking fruit juice very care- fully, and after three days, oranges, pulp and all. Later on, baked or stewed apples and clear soup. I have been on this diet two weeks now and expect to go on for another week before eating normally. The results: I am beginning to feel a real benefit physically. I have re- gained seven of my seventeen pounds lost during the twenty days of fasting. I had ulcers previously, but I expect them to be gone. On the other hand, my feet and ankles have swollen in a startling manner the past three days. The swelling is now going down. I have developed a bad case of piles. Constipa- tion was present all during the fast and enemas .were of little help. But my real reason for undertaking the fast was to be drawn very close to Jesus, and have all my loved ones brought closer unto the Lord. I believe they — 61 — GLORIFIED FASTING are saved, but there is a lot of worldliness in them. As yet, none of these blessings have come to them or me. I am still trusting that my relatives will soon be brought closer to Him. Now, Brother Hall, I could go on, but I have already trespassed on too much of your time. Did you ever hear of a case like mine? Can you advise me. Or must I just continue to wait on the Lord? I will, of course, do this any- way. I shall never give up until I receive the blessings I am so hungry for. Thanking you for your interest, and the hanky. Your sister by His grace, (Mrs.) Elizabeth Robertson Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. THE AUTHOR^S ANSWER TO THIS LETTER FROM CANADA November 12, 1947 Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson Edmonton, Alberta, Dear Sister Robertson: Your letter, under date of October 31, 1947, received. I am happy to learn of your efforts in serving the Lord Jesus through fasting and prayer. I intend using your letter and the answer to it in my new book, “Glorified Fasting,” as you shall presently see. I dislike “advising” folk what to do, so I will only present certain beneficial suggestions for certain problems, and you either can take them or leave them. Lighter work is recommended rather than the heavier work that you say you did. I marvel at you keeping up work like a carpenter on the building while fasting. It would seem like a very difficult thing for a person not fasting to do, especially a woman. While it may not prove to be too detrimental, it would necessarily leave you weakened, whether you were fasting or not. We dis- courage it in our books. Ordinary average amount of work may be immaterial. One should put most of their work in praying, and if the travailing prayer is put forward as it should be for the best results in the fast, this will be as heavy work as one will ever care to go into. It would be most likely that weak- ness would grow worse under these conditions. I might also add that one does not, under every circumstance, grow stronger day by day while fasting. Distilled water is preferable to city water, you were right to change the waters. The poisonous condition in the system caused the water to taste as it did. One does not break a fast to add only one teaspoonful of lemon juice or some salt to the water to make it taste less obnoxious. This small amount will not affect the fast one way or other. Most hard water would contain that equivalent of other minerals within the water. This will not break a fast. You bloated because your system was not cleansed and you evidently ate things in too large a quantity—perhaps drank too much water. To remedy this condition, take a large enema-bag full of water. If necessary, repeat soon after- ward and take this once or twice daily, and do not drink water (or very little until the bloating goes down). Space the meals much farther apart; take very little, if any, milk and eat lightly or go on another fast, without water, if the bloating or piles become severe. Taking hot baths is also a very valuable remedy. If this information is considered and tried, there is no reason why the average condition can not be eliminated. — 62 — THE A B C OF FASTING The baked apples in limited quantities and spaced far enough apart if agree- able. are satisfactory-if not taken before the sixth or seventh day (when the fast is over fifteen days along) of the breaking-in period. In regard to your disappointment as to the spiritual results: If you have earnestly prayed and went into the travail prayer for your problems, 's every rison to believe the Lord will yet work out every thing m your life foi His glory if you will have the patience and keep believing. It has been less than a month since you fasted, and many times one is rushing God too im- patiently to always expect the Lord to answer immediately at the conclusion of the fast Please hold on to Him with believing faith, and I feel certain you will see greater victories than ever. A fast is a trial of one’s faith and patience. THE FOCUSING OF ATTENTION ON JESUS Fasting relaxes the five senses and the conscious- ness of the environment. The new focus of concentration blazes right through to Jesus. "As they ministered to the Lord, aitd fasted, the HOLY GHOST SAID,” Acts 13:2 Historical developments were in the making. The church at Antioch in Syria was waiting on God and fasting when the Holy Ghost spoke. This is called the FIRST mission- ary journey in the first church. The Holy Ghost will always speak to us when we wait on Him in fastings. Many times our attentions are so taken up that it is impossible to hear the Holy Ghost when He wants to speak. Fast- ing enables us to set free the natural, it prevents the flesh from going into a raid and puts the Holy Spirit to work. One can have the Holy Spirit with- out having the full power and operation of Him manifested in our lives. Please note: "The Holy Ghost SAID.” If we are not close enough to the Holy Ghost, then there is "FASTING” to help us become adjusted to the spiritual environment. Again there was more fasting and prayer: “And when they had fasted and prayed.” Acts 13:3. A revival began and Jesus was preached. — 63 — LADY IN NEWFOUNDLAND FASTS TWENTY-THREE DAYS Dear Brother Hall: Last Spring I received some of your writings on fasting, and after studying the Bible I began to see this wonderful hidden truth. In May of 1947, I fasted for only six days. I had a desperate time and my eyes were just be- ginning to open up to this wonderful truth. About two weeks later, I again began to fast and reached twenty-three days. My bowels did not move during that time, so you see how ignorant I was. Now, I have your books and its teachings are helping me more all the time. I was reproached, laughed at and persecuted as they did some of those who fasted in the Bible days. (Psalm 109). For eight long years I was bleeding from the womb. At times, I was al- most without blood. My heart, nerves and head were in a terrible condition. My bones were soft, the nails and lips were pale. How I suffered in body and mind. I was desperate in agony and fear. Despair and dreadful days and nights of longing for the termination of this life were spent in hopelessness. I used to think about the time when the birds would sing over my grave, and this gave me some relief of mind. But, Hallelujah, my ways are not God's ways, praise Him forever. Jesus gave me such a wonderful and glorious victory after the twenty-three days of fasting. The color has returned to my finger nails and lips. My flesh is taking on a natural rosy youthful color. I feel like a new person. Since I have been revived, I can now fast for others. My brother next door has also started a fast . . . Flossie Winsor, Triton, Newfoundland. A FAMINE WITH FOOD With stomachs packed, people are still in famine. Yes, a famine in days of plenty. Here is the scripture: BEHOLD THE DAYS COME (Saith the Lord God) I WILL SEND A FAMINE IN THE LAND NOT A FAMINE OF BREAD NOR A THIRST FOR WATER BUT OF HEARING THE WORDS OF THE LORD Amos 8:11 This scripture clearly indicates the trend of the very day we live in. In prophecy, nearly three thousand years ago, Amos predicted a condition that would be prevailing where the Lord’s people would have plenty of food, but the lack of spiritual bread of the words of the Lord would result in famine. The condition, of course, is the failure of the Lord’s people to seek Him in Fasting and Prayer. When gluttony is an ever present habit, we lose sight of the spiritual and become unknowingly famished for same. ”Of hearing the words of the Lord.” We can not HEAR the words of the Lord when we are satiated and gross ftom continually stuffing ourselves. This therefore, leads us into a most deplorable state of affairs. In behalf of a world-wide revival, before it will be too late, we ask the reader to join with thousands of others in fasting and prayer, NOW! Please send in names and addresses of Christians and we will mail free literature on subject. — 64 “THE FASTING PRAYER” A completely illustrated, easy to read text book on The CONSECRATED FAST. Contains accounts of great results and many fasting testimonies. Different from the other books. How to take the prophit’s-length fast. 224 pages of neglected, unheard of truth Price $2.00 “ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD THRU FASTING AND PRAYER” This volume is beginning to arouse and revolutionize the Christian church. Thousands of spiritual saints have been taught to fast ten to forty days like they did in days of old. Completely illustrated Price $1.00 “(GLORIFIED FASTING” The authors’ ^Newi Volume of pictures, charts, illustrations and testimonies - . Price $1.00 “BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF” A Fasting Guide ^ $50 Assortment of different sermons and testunonies . . • $ *25 Large colored chart showing lengths of fasts . . . . $ .25 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: New Booklet Under Preparation: (ALL), “40 DAY FASTING TESTIMONIES.” Most people after fasting 40 days, say, “I just begin to live.” Will be ready January, 1949. Price includes large variety of sermons on subject . . $1.00 All books different. NON-SECTARIAN INTERDENOMINATIONAL By FRANKLIN HALL Order from your bookseller or address all communications to permanent address of: FRANKLIN HALL Box 217, North Park San Diego 4, Calif. Printed In U. S. A. Free tracts will be given for distribution to Christians. Contributions accepted. Distributor for books in England: Birmingham Central Bible Depot 195 Yardley Fields Road, Birmingham 25, England PHYSICALfl«iSPIRITUAL PURIFICATION Sf FASTIN6WPRAY^ DOUB HCARIN6-2. I-THES 5:23 HEB. 4:12 UNBELIEF 4. SMELL BODY RENOVATED 'the -4 AP?£TITES-__,_,_.,^, ^SPIRITUAL © THE BONFIRE From ‘^Atomic Power With God.”