Complete index and cross index of twelve books COMPLETE INDEX AND CROSS INDEX OF TWELVE BOOKS BY Father Arthur Tonne, O.F.M. Author of WITH PARABLES TALKS ON THE CREED TALKS ON THE SACRAMENTS TALKS FOR CHILDREN TALKS ON THE COMMANDMENTS PRAYER, PRECEPTS AND VIRTUES OCCASIONAL TALKS TALKS ON THE SACRAMENTALS TALKS ON THE MASS FEASTS OF OUR LADY PERSONALITY PLUS WITH CHRIST THROUGH LENT Compliments of Didde Printing Company, Emporia, Kansas Publisher / COINTENTS OF THIS BOOKLET PART 1, pages 4 to 26 A complete index and cross-index of all 12 books written by Father Tonne to date. PART 2, pages 26 to 37 Table of Contents of each book. PART 3, pages 37 to 43 Subjects and topics for each Sunday as found in the various books. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS: WP—With Parables Cr—^Talks on the Creed Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Ch—^Talks for Children Com—^Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues OT—Occasional Talks Sactls—^Talks on the Sacramentals TM—Talks on the Mass FL—Feasts of Our Lady Pers—Personality Plus Lent—With Christ Through Lent HOW TO USE THIS INDEX 1. In the alphabetical list of subjects beginning on page 4 you will notice three columns: A. Column one lists the subjects. B. Column two lists the name of the book abbreviated. Key to abbreviations will be found at the bottom of each page. C. Column three gives the number of the page in the particular book where that subject will be found. 2. Subjects on which there is a complete sermon will have written behind them (sermon). 3. Subjects or personages who figure in a story will have written the word ‘‘story”, and then the topic connected with that story. 4. Proper names will be indexed under the surname as much as possible. For example: Lincoln, Abraham. 5. Priests are listed under their surname, with the title “Father” added. For example: Damien, Father. 6. The cro8S«index is valuable. If you want something on Courage, you will be referred to Fortitude. Part 3 is valuable in this way. Suppose you want a sermon for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Under that Sunday you will find six sermons in as many books. Each sermon will refer in some way to the Sunday Gospel. THE SAINTS AND THE SUNDAY GOSPELS should be out in October of 1951. We welcome suggestions regarding our index and any of our publications, past and future. Copyright, 1951 Didde Printing Company Emporia, Kansas PART I —A— Anti-Semitism TM 93 Topic Book Page Are You One of the Sixty Million? WP 110 Abdel Kadir, story, Sex ... Pers 56 Appearance (sermon) .... Pers 20 Abortion Com 61 Apostles' Creed Cr. 3 Abraham and Isaac, story, Please Apostles’ Creed Sactls 15 Accept TM 62 Apostles, Queen of (sermon) . . FL 22 Absentees WP 70 Apostolic Blessing Sactls 45 Abstinence OT 35 Apostolicity of Church . . . . Cr 98 Abstinence, story PPV 8 Archbishops Cr 89 Academy, girls, story. Appearance Pers 20 Arkansas Explosion and Coopera- Actress, story. Thanksgiving . . OT 112 tion in sin, story PPV 90 Adam and Eve and prophecy . . Cr 2 Artist, story, Christmas .... Sac 10 Adam and Eve, stewards . . . PPV 83 Ascension (sermon) Ch 50 Admiral Byrd and Religion, story PPV 108 Ascension Sac 62 Admiral Franklin, story, Eucharist Sac 52 Ascension (sermon) WP 61 Adoration Com 5 Ascension, lessons (sermon) . . Cr 60 Adultery Com 77 Ascension and Paschal Candle . . Sactls 76 Advent Sac 2 Ashes Lent 6 Advent (sermon) Ch 2 Asperges (sermon) Sactls 12 Advent, How to Keep (sermon) . WP 1 Assumption (sermon) .... Ch 126 After-Communion Prayer (sefmon) TM 96 Assumption (sermon) .... Com 126 Agnes, story, Parents .... Com 42 Assumption (sermon) .... Cr 126 Agnus Dei (sermon) .... Sactls 4 Assumption (sermon) .... FL 58 Agony in the Garden .... Lent 59 Assumption (sermon) .... Sac 126 Agony in Garden Cr 34 Assumption, Joy of FL 63 Agriculture, Sacramentals of Assumption (sermon) .... WP 123 (sermon) Sactls 6 Assumption, story (sermon) . . PPV 126 Alcoholics Anonymous .... Com 67 Astronomer, story. Existence of Alexander the Great, story, Anger Com 64 God Cr 4 Alexandra, Queen, story. Seven Atom bomb, story, Immaculate Sorrows FL 14 Heart FL 60 All-out for God, story, Vocation . OT 118 Australia, story. Remembering Ail Saints (sermon) CH 122 Christ Ch 72 All Saints (sermon) Cr 122 Australian woman, story. Suffrage FL 84 All Saints (sermon) OT 2 Authority of Church Cr 100 All Saints and Football, story Automobile, blessing Sactls 61. (sermon) PPV 122 99 Almsdeeds Almsdeeds and King Oswald, story PPV 110 —Bp- (sermon) PPV 114 Baby on the Bus, Christmas Altar (sermon) TM 2 (sermon) WP 9 Altar boy TM 112 Baker, Father, story. Devotions . Sactls 40 Altar, consecration TM 2 Baptism, ceremonies (sermon) Sac 28 Altar decorations (sermon) . . TM 4 Baptism, Ceremonies of (sermon) Sactls 14 Altar of Incense, story .... Sactls 58 Baptism, dispositions for (sermon) Sac 14 Altar Society (sermon) .... OT 4 Baptism, effects ...... Sac 2 Amen TM 41 Baptism, effects (sermon) . . . Sac 18 Angel of Life, story. Mother’s Day FL 26 Baptism and faith Cr 2 Angels OT 48 Baptism, flood type Sac 16 Angels and prophecy ... Cr 2 Baptism Foreshadowed (sermon) Sac 16 Angels & Saints (sermon) . . . Com 6 Baptism, infant Sac 13 Angelito, story. Communion . . Ch 70 Baptism, meaning (sermon) . . Sac 12 Angelus (sermon) Sactls 8 Baptism, Minister of (sermon) Sac 20 Angelus Beil Sactls 17 Baptism, names (sermon) . . . Sac 24 Anger (sermon) Ch 76 Baptism, promises (sermon) . . Sac 26 Anger, story (sermon) .... PPV 100 Baptism, sponsors (sermon) . . Sac 22 Anger (sermon) WP 75 Barabbas Cr 39 Anger, Hatred, Fighting (sermon) Com 64 Barton, Betsey, story. New Year Cr 14 Annas Cr 36 Baskets, story, Tale-Bearing . . Com 112 Annunciation, (sermon) . . . FL 12 Beatitudes Ch 122 Annunciation, Joy of .... FL 62 Beatitudes Com 122 \VP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 5 Beatitudes PPV 63 Blessings for Home Sactls 56 Beatitudes and Sanctity . . OT 3 Blind George, story. Spiritual Beauregard, Father, story, Mother Blindness Ch 34 of Divine Providence . . . . FL 88 Blood Transfusion, story. Precious Becket, Gilbert, story. Hearing Blood OT 92 Sermons Ch 32 Blue Jay, story, Stealing . . . Ch 108 Behavior in Church, story Boasting Com 110 (sermon) Ch 84 Bobby, story. One at a time . . Ch 14’ Belgian boy. story, Assumption . Com 126 Boiler Kid, story. Communion Sac 44 Bells (sermon) Sactls 16 Boosting Church (sermon) . . WP 91 Bells of Victory (sermon) (Easter) WP 49 Borde, story. Return Gift . . . TM 54 Benedicamus Domino . . . . TM 99 Boxer Rebellion, story. Funeral Benediction Sac 46 Services Sactls 48 Benediction (sermon) . . . . Sactls 16, Boxer Rebellion, story. Help of 18,42 Christians FL 30 Benediction (sermon) . . . OT 6 Boy on ladder, story. Preface . . TM 42 Benediction WP 52 Brakeman and Prudence, story . PPV 52 Ben Hur, story. Last Gospel . . TM 102 Breen, Mary, story, singing . . OT 19 Benevenuto Cellini, story. Breviary (sermon) Sactls 20 Obedience Ch 44 Bribery Com 90 Bethlehem WP 1 British mother, story. Poor Souls Cr 114 Betty, story. Prayer . . . , Ch 22 Brooklyn Tablet, story. Mother’s Betty, story. Flight into Egypt * FL 10 Day FL 24 Bible Ch 50.53 Brown, Joe E., story. Purity in Bible Com 13 Speech Com 74 Bible, Catholic Church . . . WP 62 Brownson, Orestes, story, Saints . Com 6 Bible Sunday (sermon) . . OT 8 Buccaneer, story. Prompt Succor . FL 2 Bill, story. Fathers’ Day . . . OT 36 Burial of Christ, sorrow of . . . FL 73 Bills, paying (sermon) . . . . Com 96 Burning money and Poverty, story PPV 62 Billy, story. Courage . . . . Ch 4 Business man and faith, story PPV 46 Birth Control Com 77 Business man, story. Perpetual Birth Control PPV 90 Hell FL 42 Birth Control Sac 111, Byron, story. Soul .... WP 111 Bishops Cr 119 89 -O- Bishop’s Blessing TM 101 Caesar, forgives Lent 36 Bishops, Obedience to . . . WP 46 Caiphas Cr 36 Bishop's greeting TM 17 Calumny Com 108 Bishops’ Relief Fund (sermon) . OT 10 Canary, story. Temptation . . . Ch 24 Bishop’s Ring Sactls 92 Candlemas (sermon) .... OT 12 Black spot, story, Rash Judgment Com 106 Candles (sermon) Sactls 22 Blackie, story. Mount Carmel . FL 46 Candles TM 4 Blaine, Vivian, story. Pope’s Canticle of the Sun, St. Francis . WP 27 Blessing Sactls 84 Cantwell, Archbishop, Prayer to Blasphemy Com 24 Our Lady of Guadalupe . . . FL 99 Blessed Sacrament . . . . Sactls 40 Capital and labor WP 32 Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of Captive, story, Catholic Press . . OT 14 (sermon) FL 28 Cardinal Bonzano, story. Washing TM 36 Blessed Virgin Sactls 41 Cardinal Mercier, story. Last Blessing Sac 9 Blessing TM 100 Blessing, all things . . . . Sactls 112 Cardinal Newman on Venial Sin . PPV 89 Blessing, Automobile . . . . Sactls 61. Cardinals Cr 89 99 Carmelites FL 46 Blessing, cords Sactls 32 Carreii, Dr. Alexis, story, Lourdes FL 8 Blessing, Libraries . . . . Sactls 60 Carroll, Charles, story, Living Blessing, Pope Pius XII . . . Sactls 84 Religion Com 14 Blessing, Printing press . . Sactls 60 Caruso, Peter, story. Last Judg- Blessing, Shrimp Fleet, story . Sactls 112 ment Cr 120 Blessing, sick Sactls 79 Catechism (sermon) ... Ch 18 Blessing telegraph . . . . . Sactls 60 Ch 57 Blessing, Three Kings’ . . Sactls 114 Cather, Willa, story. Holy Family Cr 18 WP—With Parables Pers—Personality Plus OT—Occasional Talks Ch—Talks for Children Cr—Talks on the Creed TM—Talks on the Mass FL—Feaits of Our Lady Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—Tttiks on the Sacramentals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer. Precepts and Virtues 6 Complete Topical Index Catholic Action, stot7 (sermon) PPV 120 Christ, command and example Lent 36 Catholic Church, proud of . . . Ch 98 Christ, ceremonies WP 88 Catholic Church Ext. Soc. . . . Ch 58 Christ, on cross Lent 27 Catholic Clergy Sac 101 Christ, death (sermon) .... Cr 48 Catholic Education (sermon) . . Ch 96 Christ, descent into hell (sermon) Cr 58 Catholic Education Com 40 Christ, divinity of (sermon) . . Lent 50 Catholic Faith, test of ... . WP 38 Christ, and dogma (sermon) . . Cr 32 Catholic girl, story. Confession . Sac 84 Christ, dogma, dying for . . . Lent 23 Catholic Missionary; story. Christ, dogmas, taught .... Lent 19 Examination of Conscience . . Sac 70 Christ, His dying words (sermon) Cr 46 "Catholic", origin Cr 97 Christ, enemies (sermon) . . . Cr 26 Catholic paper WP 24 Christ, example (sermon) . . . Lent 2 Catholic press Ch 27 Christ, His example .... Lent 21 Catholic Press (sermon) . . . OT 14 Christ, followers of Lent 36 Catholic School WP 20, 92 Christ, following of Lent 2 Catholic University (sermon) . . OT 16 Christ, forgave injuries .... Lent 35 "Catholic World-Atlas" .... Cr 96 Christ, forgiveness of (sermon) Lent 34 Catholics, critical WP 72 Christ, founded Catholic Church Catholicity of Church .... Cr 96 (sermon) Cr 74,80 Cattle man, story. Marriage . . Sac 106 Christ, friends (sermon) . . . Cr 24 Cecilia, story. Thanksgiving . . Ch 42 Christ, greatest love .... Lent 28 Cemetery Blessing (sermon) . . Sactls 24 Christ, His heavenly throne Ceremonies (sermon) .... WP 87, 88 (sermon) Cr 62 Chancellor Cr 89 Christ, humble WP 85 Changing book (sermon) . . . TM 24 Christ, Jesus WP 19, 29 Chaplain, story. Breaking of Host TM 76 Christ, judge WP 61 Charity Com 103 Christ the King Ch 46 Charity FL 69 Christ, the King (sermon) . . OT 20 Charity WP 42, 89 OT 45 Charity, Bishops, Relief Fund . . OT 10 Christ, the King (sermon) . . WP 47 Charity, in Gethsemani .... Lent 26 Christ, King of kings .... Cr 30 Charity and Mrs. McDougall, story Christ, laborer (sermon) . . . WP 31 (sermon) PPV 48 Christ, love of (sermon) . . . Lent 26 Charity and New Year .... OT 78 Christ, the magnificent .... Lent 7 Charles Ninth and Virtue, story ^ PPV 44 Christ and Meekness .... PPV 65 Chastity (sermon) Ch 112 Christ, our Model (sermon) . . Cr 22 Cheating in school Ch 109 Christ, His passion, during . . Lent 27 Chesterton Story, Beils .... Sactls 16 Christ, passion (sermon) . . . WP 35 Chesterton, story. Confession . . Sac 86 Christ, Passion of Sactls 41 Chicago housewife, story, Con- Christ, most perfect .... Cr 74 fession Sac 62 Christ, before Pilate Cr 38 Children in schoolyard, story. Christ, great physician .... WP 5 Priesthood Sac 104 Christ, prays before eating . . WP 43 Children, spiritual duties to Christ, presence of (sermon) . . Lent 42 (sermon) Com 40 Christ, present but unseen . . Lent 42 Children, temporal duties to Christ, public life (sermon) . . Cr 20 (sermon) Com 42 Christ, raised dead WP 111 Chinese boy, story. Confirmation OT 26 Christ, recognizing (sermon) . . WP 5 Chinese boy and mourning, story PPV 66 Christ, saviour WP 12 Chinese merchant, story. Altar Christ, scourged and crowned Decorations TM 4 (sermon) Cr 40 Choir (sermon) OT 18 Christ, sociable WP 97 Christ Ch 50,64 Christ, how He taught (sermon) Cr 76 Christ, before Annas and Caiphas Cr 36 Christ, how He taught .... Lent 21 Christ, after death Lent 27 Christ, taught as God .... Lent 19 Christ, appearances (sermon) Cr 56 Christ, teacher (sermon) . . . WP 83 Christ, attacked today .... Lent 23 Christ, teacher, ideal .... Lent 19 Christ, attacks, unreasonable . . Lent 54 Christ, teacher to come . . Lent 18 Christ, on way to Calvary . . . Lent 27 Christ, captain WP 1 Christ, teaching (sermon) . , . Lent 18 Christ, carries His cross . . . Lent 61 Christ, transfigured WP 39 WP—With Parables Pers—Personality Plus OT—Occasional Talks Ch—Talks for Children Cr—Talks on the Creed TM—Talks on the Mass FL—Feasts of Our Lady Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 7 Christ, true God (sermon) Cr 10 Coleridge, story. Soul .... WP 111 Christ, true Man (sermon) Cr 11 Collect (sermon) TM 18 Christ, the true story . . . . Lent 54 Cologne, story. Three Kings' Christ, truly buried . . . Lent 70 Blessing Sactls 114 Christ, truly died . . . Lent 70 Colors of Vestments TM 109 Christ, truly rose .... Lent 70 Colosseum, story. Palms . . . Sactls 74 Christ, tortured for his teachings Lent 22 Columbus (sermon) OT 24 Christ, will of (sermon) Lent 10 Columbus, Christopher, story. Christ, the Worker (sermon) Cr 30 Sign of Cross WP 67 Christ and Zeal .... PPV 61 Comic books Ch 26 Christ-like Catholic, story Commandment, First, sins against (sermon) PPV 2 (sermon) Com 16 Christmas Cr 10 Commandment, Second, helps for Christmas (sermon) . . . . OT 22 (sermon) Com 26 Christmas (sermon) . . Sac 10 Commandment, Second, sins against Christmas (sermon) . . . . WP 9 (sermon) Com 24 Christmas Ch 10 Commandment, Third, why Christmas (sermon) . . Com 10 (sermon) Com 28 Christmas cards .... WP 6 Commandment, Fourth (sermon) Com 34 Christmas Crib .... Sac 8 Commandment, Fifth (sermon) Com 60 Christmas, story (sermon) PPV 10 Commandment, Sixth (sermon) . Com 70 Church Ch 41.53, Commandment, Seventh, requires 61, 93 (sermon) Com 82 Church, apostolic (sermon) Cr 98 Commandment, Seventh, forbids Church, authority (sermon) . . Cr 100 (sermon) Com 84 Church, with authority . . Lent 20 Commandment, Ninth (sermon) Com 116 Church, boosting (sermon) , WP 91 Commandments, Ten (sermon) Com 2 Church, Catholic (sermon) . Cr 96 Commandment, Tenth (sermon) . Com 118 Church, glorious history (sermon) Cr 92 Commandments Ch 44 Church, government of (sermon) Cr 88 Commandments Cr 20 Church, growth (sermon) , WP 29 Commandments Lent 13 Church, holy (sermon) . . , • Cr 94 Commandments benefit society . Com 121 Church, infallible .... WP 73 Commodore Irving, story. Medals Sactls 98 Church Laws, story (sermon) , PPV 4 Communion (sermon) .... Ch 70 Church, living teacher . . . Lent 23 Ch 53, 55, Church, Marks (sermon) , Cr 90 61,81 Church, members (sermon) . Cr 86 Communion Sactls 43 Church, Nature (sermon) . Cr 78 Communion, dispositions (sermon) Sac 48 Church, patron of arts . . , , WP 92 Communion of Faithful (sermon) TM 88 Church, support, reward . . WP 24 Communion and Father Goveart, Church Support, story (sermon) PPV 16 story (sermon) PPV 14 Church, unity (sermon) Cr 92 Communion, Holy WP 6, 8, Church Unity Octave, story 10, 14, (sermon) OT 116 51, 92 Churching of Woman (sermon) Sactls 26 Communion, How to receive . . TM 89 Church, and worker . . . WP 32 Communion Prayer (sermon) . . TM 94 Cicognani, Most Reverend . . Cr 89 Communion, Preparation for Circumcision Cr 14 (sermon) ....... TM 84 Circumcision Sac 17 Communion of Priest (sermon) . TM 86 Cities of refuge .... Cr 58 Communion of Saints (sermon) . Cr 102 Cities of refuge .... FL 56 Communion, spiritual .... Sac 52 Citizenship, Catholic . . . OT 17 Communion, why (sermon) . . Sac 42 Civil rulers ..... WP 46 Communism Com 81 Civil War general, story, duties Communism WP 81 to Teachers .... Com 45 Communism, enemy FL 94 Civil War veteran, story, Easter . Cr 52 Communism, godless .... Ch 75 Classroom courtesy Claudel, story. Know Your Religion Ch Com 101 12 Communist, story, St. Francis OT 100 Clotildis, story. Baptism Sac 14 Company, good (sermon) . . . Ch 39 Clovis, story Sac 14 Compassion (sermon) .... WP 77 Coins, example. Tolerance Pers 52 WP 79 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 8 Complete Topical Index Compton, Arthur, story. Vigil Lights Sactls 120 Confession Ch 111 Confession Cr 104 Confession WP 8, 14, 92 Confession, Ceremonies of (sermon) Sactls 28 Confessions of devotion . . . Sac 85 Confession, effects (sermon) . . Sac 86 Confession, frequent (sermon) Sac 84 Confession, and Holy Ghost . . Sac 66 Confession, key to heaven (sermon) Sac 62 Confession, makes a difference (sermon) Sac 92 Confession, priest forgives sin (sermon) Sac 64 Confession, recipient (sermon) . Sac 68 Confession, sacrament (sermon) Sac 60 Confession, selling of sin (sermon) Sac 82 Confession and young lieutenant (sermon) PPV 12 Confirmation (sermon) . . . OT 26 Confirmation (sermon) . . . Sactls 30 Confirmation, ceremonies (sermon) Sac 34 Confirmation, giver and receiver (sermon) Sac 32 Confirmation, nature and effects (sermon) Sac 30 Confiteor (sermon) TM 8 Confraternity (sermon) . . . OT 28 Conn, Billy, story. Vows . . . Cem 22 Conscience, examination of (sermon) Sac 70 Conscience and young girl, story (sermon) PPV 80 Consecration of Host (sermon) . TM 56 Consecration of Precious Blood (sermon) TM 58 Consent Com 116 Consolation, Our Lady of, (sermon) FL 15 Constitution. WP 109 Consultors Cr 89 Contentment (sermon) . . . . Ch 30 Contribution to church .... WP 94 Contrition, interior and super- natural (sermon) Sac 76 Contrition, meaning and kinds (sermon) Sac 72 Contrition, universal and supreme (sermon) Sac 78 Contrition, value and need (sermon) Sac 74 Conversation (sermon) .... Pers 16 Conversions (sermon) . . . . Ch 28 Conversion of Jews (sermon) TM 92 Converts Ch 48 Converts, Epiphany WP 17 Coolidge, Calvin, story. Guardian Angels Ch 116 Copernicus’ Telescope, story, and Relics Sactls 90 Cords, Blessed (sermon) . . . Sactls 32 Corpus Christ! (sermon) . . . OT 30 Corsage, story. Baptism . . . Sactls 14 Counsel, Our Lady of (sermon) FL 17 Counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience Lent 13 Count de Rougemont, story. Amendment Sac 80 Courage (sermon) Ch 4 Ch ' 66 Courage (sermon) WP 3 Courage, see Fortitude .... PPV 58 Courtesy (sermon) Ch 101 Ch 65,99 Courtesy (sermon) Pers 8 Courtesy, mark of humble . . . WP 85 Covetousness Com 118 Covetousness, see Avarice . . . PPV 96 Cowboys, story. Creed .... TM 28 Creation (sermon) Cr 8 “Creation”, story. Worship . . Com 4 Creed WP 67 Creed (sermon) TM 28 Crib • Ch 12 Crib Cr 7 Crib (sermon) Sactls 34 Cress, carrying (sermon) . . . WP 41 Cress, sign of, story Cr 68 Cross, Sign of (sermon) . . . Sactls 36 Cross, Sign of (sermon) . . . WP 67 WP 87 Cross, sign of, story. Trinity . . Ch 68 Cross, Your FL 15 Crown of Immaculate Conception, story Sac 124 Crowning, May (sermon) . . . FL 19 Crowning with thorns . . . . Cr 40 Crowning with thorns .... Lent 60 Crucifix Ch 49 Crucifix Cr 49 Crucifix Lent 30 Crucifix TM 5 Crucifix (sermon) Sactls 38 Crucifix, story, Our Lady of Fair Love FL 36 Crucifixion (sermon) . . . . Cr 44 Cr 34 Crucifixion, sorrow of .... FL 73 Cursing Com 26 Cursing Cr 17 Cursing, in Catholic heme . . WP 19 Curtis, Bishop, story. Confession Sac 68 “Cussidor”, story. Holy Name Com 27 Czar Nicholas I, story. Passion of Christ Cr 36 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM-^Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 9 —D— Dying Non-Catholic Lent 38 Daily Bread, story (sermon) . . PPV 32 Daily Life, story (sermon) . . PPV 118 Damien, Father, and Thy Will, Easter Cr 50 story . PPV 30 Easter Sac 50 Damien the Leper, story. Con- Easter (sermon) Lent 70 fession Sac 82 Easter (sermon) OT 32 Dante, story Sac 72 Easter (sermon) WP 49 da Vinci, story, Christ .... Cr 20 Easter eggs Ch 51 Dead Engine, story. Will Power . Pers 28 Easter and Hope, story .... PPV 50 Deafness, spiritual (sermon) . . Ch 88 Easter Joy (sermon) .... Lent 66 Dean, Patty, story. Judgment Ch 118 Easter Water Sactls 54 Death Sactls 10 Eastern Kansas Register . . . Com 13 “Death Comes for the Archbishop" Cr 18 Education, Catholic OT 17 Death, Dance of, story (sermon) Eisenhower, General, and Moral Resurrection Cr 106 Law, story PPV 78 Death on the cross Lent 62 Eldore, England, story, Gloria TM 14 Deathbed WP 57 Elevation, Little (sermon) . . TM 70 Delacroix, story. Forty Hours . . OT 42 Elizabeth, Queen, story, Agnus Dei Sactls 4 Dempsey, Jack, story. Third Order OT 114 Elizabeth, Queen, story, Church Deo Gratias (sermon) .... TM 104 Apostolic Cr 98 De Smet, Father, story. Baptism . Sac 20 Elizabeth, story, Holy Name . . Ch 16 Despair Com 16 Elliot, George, poem, Pure Heart Detraction, Slander, Calumny of Mary FL 39 (sermon) Com 108 Ember Days (sernran) .... OT 34 Destroying property Ch 108 Emerson, story, Christnus . . WP 9 “Development of Christian Doc* Emma, Queen, story. Assumption Cr 126 trine" ........ Cr 100 Emperor Charles, story. Conscience Sac 71 Devil (sermon) Ch 36 Employer and Employee (sermon) Com 92 Devil, Enemy of Soul .... FL 31 Empress Augusta, story, Agnus Dei Sactls 4 Devil, in Disguise (sermon) . . WP 37 Entrance Prayers (sermon) . . TM 10 De Vore, Frankie, story, Poor Envy and two merchant, story Souls Ch 114 (sermon) PPV 104 Devotions (sermon) Sactls 40 Epiphany, Converts WP 18 Devotions, Family Sactls 57 Epiphany, Joy of FL 63 Dignity of Human Body (sermon) Com 62 Epistle (sermon) TM 20 Di Maggio, Joe, Example . . . Ch 57 Espousals of the Madonna, Discussion Clubs WP 58 The famous picture .... FL 5 Displaced persons FL 11,74 Espousals of Our Lady (sermon) FL 4 Divine Comedy, story .... Sac 72 Esther, Queen, story. Our Lady of Divine Comedy and LusL story . PPV 98 Suffrage FL 84 Divine Praises Com 27 Eucharist (sermon) Lent 43 Divorce Sac 109 Eucharist ........ OT 31 Doctors Farkas and Krausz, story. 42,,54, Extreme Unction Sac 98 731, 79 Dogmas Cr 32 Eucharist, Ceremonies of (sermon) Sactls 42 Dolors, Seven (sermon) . . . FL 72 Eucharistic devotions (sermon) . Sac 46 Do Men Die for a Lie? (sermon) Cr 52 Eucharist means Thanksgiving TM 104 Dominus Vobiscum (sermon) . . TM 16 Eucharist, preparation and promise Donnelly, Bishop Ch 75 (sernrmn) Sac 38 Doubts Com 16 Eucharist, promise kept (sermon) Sac 40 Dragon fly, illustration. Baptism . Sac 19 Eucharist, sacrament (sermon) Sac 36 Drexel, Katherine, story. Apostles FL 22 Eucharistic Victory (sermon) Sac 50 Druggist, story. Why Latin? . . TM 110 Eusebius, Bishop, story, God’s Drunkard Com 66 Household TM 50 Drunkard, story of Sociability . . WP 97 Evangeline story Crucifixion . . Cr 46 Duns Scotus and Immaculate Evangeline story, Sacred Heart . OT 108 Conception WP 122 Evarts, William and Assumption, Dwarf, story, Jesus and the Devil Ch 36 story PPV 26 Dying Catholic, story .... Sac 96 Evershed, story, Sacraments . . Sac 4 Dying man, story. Contrition . . Sac 74 Evil, story (sermon) .... PPV 38 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 10 Complete Topical Index Evil, Deliver from (sermon) . . TM 74 Feller, Bob, story, Home Sacra- Evils, kinds of WP 113 mentals Sactls 56 Expectant Mother, Blessing of Sactls 79 Ferdinand III, story. Immaculate Expectation of Our Lady (sermon) FL 102 Conception FL 94 Extravagance Com 100 Ferdinand and Isabella, story. Extreme Unction (sermon) . . Sac 96 Communion of Saints . . . Cr 102 Extreme Unction (sermon) . . WP 105 Fifth Columnists (sermon) . . WP 79 Extreme Unction, Ceremonies of Fighting Ch 37 (sermon) Sactls 44 Finding in Temple, joy of . . . FL 63 Extreme Unction, effects (sermon) Sac 98 Fire famine, story. Holy Ghost . Sac 66 Eye-Clinic, story. Parish Mission . OT 82 First Communion (sermon) . . OT 38 Ezechiel, story, Bible .... OT 9 OT 28 —F— First Friday (sermon) .... OT 40Fisherman, story. Providence . . Ch 94 Faber, Father, poem .... Cr 53 Flattery Com 110 Faber, Father, poem. Vigil Lights Sactls 121 Flesh, enemy of soul .... FL 31 Faith Com 15 Flight into Egypt (sermon) . . FL 10 Faith (sermon) Ch 52,53 Flight into Egypt, sorrow of . . FL 72 Ch 66 Flood, type of Baptism .... Sac 16 Faith and Business man, story Flowers TM 5 (sermon) PPV 46 Flowers, story, Presentation . . FL 90 Faith, cures fear WP 26 Foch, Marshal, story. Courtesy . Pers 8 Faith, lack of WP 51 Follow Through, story. Per- Faith of Lincoln OT 68 severance Pers 32 Faith, meaning (sermon) . . . Cr 2 Font in Church, story. Holy Water Sactls 54 Faith, not opinion Cr 3 Foolers, story, Deception . . . Ch 80 Faithful, duties of (sermon) . . Com 52 Football and ceremonies . . . WP 88 Fall and Rise (sermon) . . . WP 11 Forever Amber Sac 24 False gods Com 11 Forgiveness, desire for ... . Lent 38 False Prophets (sermon) . . . Ch 80 Forgiveness, false Lent 37 Family WP 102 Forgiveness of Sin (sermon) . . Cr 104 Family, Holy (sermon) . . . Cr 18 Forgiveness and R. L. Stevenson, Family, Holy (sermon) . . . WP 19 story (sermon) PPV 34 Famine, story. Duties to Parents Com 38 Fortitude and Kapiolani, story Faraday, Michael, story. Resur- (sermon) PPV 58 rection Cr 108 Forty Hours, story (sermon) . . OT 42 Farewell, but I’ll stay with you . Lent 43 Forty Hours Sac 46 Farm Sacramentals ..... Sactls 6 Forty Hours (sermon) .... Sactls 46 Farmer, story. Pain WP 113 Foundling Hospital, story, Christ- Farmer, story. Restitution . . . Com 98 mas Com 10 Farmer and sloth, story . . . PPV 106 Fourth Station, sorrow of . . . FL 73 Farmer, story. Theft .... Com 86 Franciscan Crown (Rosary) FL 13 Fast and Abstinence (sermon) PPV 8 Franciscan family WP 121 Fasting Lent 3 Franciscan Missionary, story. Fasting OT 34,67 Eucharist Sac 40 Fasting PPV 110 Franciscan Missionary, story. Fasting, story PPV 8 Holy Name Cr 16 Fasting, story PPV 111 Franciscan Missionary, story. Fasting WP 41 Sunday Com 28 Fasting, ask God's help .... Lent 5 Franciscan Missionary, story. Fasting, with eyes Lent 4 Thanksgiving Ch 42 Fasting, spiritual Lent 3 Franciscan Priest, story. Mother Fasting, with tongue .... Lent 4 of Divine Shepherd .... FL 66 "Father" Com 52 Franciscan, story. Purity . . . Com 72 Fathers’ Day (sermon) .... OT 36 Franciscan Rosary, Assumption FL 58 Fatima, story. Immaculate Heart Franciscan seminary, story. of Mary FL 60 Priesthood Sac 102 Fatima, Our Lady of (sermon) FL 80 Franciscan, Vocation .... OT 119 Fear Lent 59 Franciscans, Vocations to . . . Ch 105 Fear, foolish (sermon) .... WP 25 Franciscans add name of St. Fear, of the Lord (sermon) . . WP 95 Francis TM 9 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feas'ts of Our Lady Coin—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 11 Franciscans, Queen of Friars Minor Good Example, taking (sermon) . WP 71 (sermon) 100 Good Friday (sermon) .... Ch 48 Franciscan Saints .... . TM 97 Good Friday Cr 42,48 Franciscans and Way of Cross . Sactls 106 Good Friday PPV 48 Franklin, Benjamin, story, Prayer WP 109 Good Friday (sermon) .... Lent 58 Fraud (sermon) 88 Good Friday evening (sermon) . OT 44 French artist, story. Crucifixion . Cr 44 Good name, truth, love (sermon) Com 102 French Catholics . WP 80 Good Shepherd (sermon) . . . Ch 54 Frederick the Great, story. Good Shepherd PPV 55 Prophecy 63 Good Shepherd (sermon) . . . WP 53 Freedom, academic .... . WP 79 Good will Sac 11 French Children, story. Meal Good Works, story (sermon) . . PPV 110 Prayer 68 Goretti, Maria, story. Purity . . Com 70 French Revolution, story. Virgin Gospel (sermon) TM 26 Birth . Cr 28 Gounod and Hail, Mary, story . . PPV 40 Friend 53 Government, duties of and to Friends, True (sermon) . . . Ch 80 (sermon) Com 56 Funeral Service (sermon) . . . Sactls 48 Government, waste WP 81 Grace, Actual (sermon) . . . WP 115—G — Grace, illustration Sac 7 Gamaliel 25 Grace, Mother of Divine (sermon) FL 40 Gambling (sermon) .... 94 Graces, Mediatrix of All (sermon) FL 20 Garbage truck, story. Waste . Ch 82 Graces and Our Lady of the Snow FL 55 Garden of Gethsemani . . . . WP 36 Gradual (sermon) TM 22 Gardener, story. Lent . . . . OT 66 Graduation (sermon) .... OT 46 Garfield, James A., story. Work . Ch 56 Graft, bribery, usury (sermon) Com 90 Garfield, President, story. Grant, General, story. Confession Cr 104 Maternity of Our Lady . . . FL 78 Grant, General and prayer, story PPV 22 Generosity (sermon) . . . Pers 12 Grasshopper and baby, story Generosity 59 (sermon) Christmas .... Ch 10 Genuflection 87 Gray's Peak, story. Paschal Candle Sactls 76 George, story. Corpus Christ! . . OT 30 Great American Heresy .... WP 109 George, story, God's Voice . . . Ch 8 Greed and Extravagance (sermon) Com 100 German Prince, story. Industry Sactls 60 Greek TM 13 Geronimo, story. Sacraments . . Sac 6 Gregorian Water Sactls 54 Gethsemane 34 Gresham, Sir Thomas, story, Gibson Tomb, story. Cemetery Sactls 24 Christmas Ch 10 Girl in church, story. Tell Others Ch 12 Grocer, story Com 96 Girl and Conscience, story . . . PPV 80 Grocer in Texas, story. Catholic Girl with pretty voice, story . . OT 116 Church Cr 80 Give to Get (sermon) Generosity WP 23 Grumbling Ch 30 Glory to God . Sac 11 Guadalupe, Our Lady of (sermon) FL 98 Glory to God (sermon) . . . . TM 14 Guardian angel (sermon) . . . Ch 116 Gluttony and the Skylark, story Ch 59 (sermon) 102 Guardian Angels, story (sermon) OT 48 Goat, story. Accept this Oblation . TM 52 Guilds WP 32 God, attention to (sermon . WP 109 God and Bible . Cr 7 —H— God or Caesar 22 Habit, Religious (sermon) . . . Sactls 50 God, existence (sermon) . . . Cr 3 Hail Mary, story. Annunciation . FL 12 God, love of (sermon) . . . . Ch 60 Hail Mary and Gounod, story Ch 61, 101 (sermon) PPV 40 God, nature (sermon) . . . . Cr 6 Haldeman, Samuel, story. Unity . Cr 92 God's Good Pleasure .... 14 Hall of Fame, story. All Saints . OT 60 God’s Household (sermon) . . . TM 52 Hall of Statuary, Serra .... OT 60 God’s Own Son (sermon) . . . Com 10 Hallmark, Mildred, story. Holiness Cr 94 God’s Will . Lentil, 13 Halloran, Father, story. Mixed God’s Will — Man’s Will . . Lent 11 Marriages Sac 114 God’s Will, Why? .... 11 Hallowed Be Thy Name, story Golden Touch (sermon) Good (sermon) PPV 26 Intention . WP 21 Hancock, John, story. Government Com 56 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks Ft—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 12 Complete Topical Index Handd'i “Messiah", story. Com- Holy Hour Sac 47 munion Prayer TM 94 Holy Hour, story, King and Queen Hands of Angel (sermon) . . . TM 64 (sermon) OT 54 Hannibal, story. Promises . . . Pers 44 Holy Mary and sick wife, story Hardy, Thomas, story. Relics . . Com 8 (sermon) PPV 42 Harp, story Lent 12 Holy Name (sermon) .... Ch 16 Harp, Man’s Will A Lent 13 Holy Name Com 20 Hatch, Bergordius, story. Lent WP 41 Holy Name (sermon) .... Cr 16,17 Haydn, Joseph, story. Choir . . OT 18 Holy Name (sermon) .... WP 15 Haydn, story, Worship .... Com 4 Holy Name of Mary (sermon) FL 70 Hayes, Roland, story, Negro Holy Mae, story, struck driver Missions OT 58 (sermon) OT 56 Haatitt and Fine Pictures . . . Sactls 81 Holy Office, on Jews .... TM 93 Health WP 82 Holy Oils (sermon) Sactls 52 Health of body (sermon) . . . Com 57 Holy Orders (sermon) .... Sac 100 Health of the Sick (sermon) . . FL 64 Holy Road, story. Stations . . . Sactls 106 Hearts, bruised (sermon) . . . WP 89 Holy Rosary (sermon) .... FL 76 Heaven (sermon) Ch 120 Holy Saturday and Bells . . . Sactls 17 Heaven WP 39, 40 Holy Spirit TM 84 ' 61, 119 Holy Spirit (sermon) .... WP 65 Heaven (sermon) Cr 110 Holy Spirit, Comforter .... PPV 67 Heaven Must Be Mine (sermon) . WP 39 Holy Spirit and Fortitude . . . PPV 59 Heaven, Sharing (sermon) . . TM 68 Holy Thursday Sac 47 Hebrew TM 13 Holy Thursday and Bells . . . Sactls 17 Heinrichs, Father Leo, 0. F. M., Holy Trinity (sermon) .... Cr 68 story, Mary and Eucharist . . FL 28 Holy Trinity Sac 69 Hell (sermon) Cr 116 Holy Trinity TM 100 Help of Christians (sermon) . . FL 30 Holy Victim (sermon) .... TM 60 Help, Our Lady of Perpetual Holy Water (sermon) .... Sactls 54 (sermon) FL 42 Holy Year, Pilgrinu^ .... Sactls 82 He Really Rose (sermon) . . . Lent 70 Home Com 43 Hennessy, Bishop, story. Con* Home Cr 15,19 firmation Sac 32 Home OT 52 Henry Eighth, story. Eternity . . WP 55 Home, Catholic WP 19 Henry VIII, story. Unity . . . Cr 92 Home Sacramentals (sermon) Sactls 56 Herod Cr 38 Sactls 54 Hidden Life of Mary .... FL 90 Home and teamwork .... Ch 40 Highway. Our Lady of the Honesty (sermon) Ch 108 (sermon) FL 32 Honesty (sermon) WP 93 Hitler and Evil WP 114 Hope and Easter, story (sermon) PPV 50 Holiness Cr 94 Hosanna TM 45 Holmes, Oliver W.. poem. Name Host, Breaking of (sermon) . . TM 76 of Mary FL 71 Howard, Cardinal, story. Courage WP 3 Holy Anger PPV 64 Humility (sermon) Ch 86 Holy Bible Sactls 52 Humility FL 69 Holy Childhood Sactls 41 Humility (sermon) WP 85 Holy Childhood, story of Bryan Humility of Our Lidy (sermon) . FL 48 (sermon) OT 50 Hungarian king, story. Judgment Cr 118 Holy Communion Cr 25 Husbands WP 52 Holy Family, and Loreto . . . FL 97 Husband’s gift, story. Orate Holy Family and Pilgrimages . . Sactls 82 Fratres TM 38 Holy Family, story, small boy Hypocrisy Com 111 (seimon) OT 52 Holy Ghost (sermon) .... Ch 67 Holy Ghost (sermon) .... Cr 64 Images (sermon) Com 8 Cr 2 Immaculate Conception (sermon) Ch 124 Holy Ghost and Confession Immaculate Conception (sermon) Com 124 (sermon) Sac 66 Immaculate Conception (sermon) Cr 124 Holy Ghost, gifts of (sermon) Cr 66 Immaculate Conception (sermon) FL 94 Holy Grail, Consecration of Immaculate Conception, story Precious Blood TM 58 (sermon) PPV 124 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 13 Immaculate Conception (sermon) Sac 124 Jimmy, story. Telling Truth . . Ch 110 Immaculate Conception (sermon) WP 121 Johnnie, story. Appreciation . . Ch 102 Immaculate Conception, I am the FL 9 Johnson, Governor, story. Re- Immaculate Heart of Mary . . FL 81 specting Parents Ch 98 Immaculate Heart of Mary Joly, Father, story. Attending Mass TM 114 (sermon) FL 60 Jones, Annie, story. First Com- Incarnation and Humility . . . FL 48 munion OT 38 Incense (sermon) Sactls 58 Jones, story. Graft Com 90 Incensing (sermon) TM 36 Joplin, Missouri, story. Expecta- Independence, spirit of ... . WP 46 tion of Our Lady FL 102 In the Desert Lent 3 Joseph of Arimethea Cr 25 Indian boy, story. Graduation . . OT 46 Joseph of Egypt Cr 62 Indian and Negro Missions Journeys of Mary FL 33 (sermon) OT 58 Joy, apostles Lent 67 Indian Missions OT 58 Joy, Church Lent 67 Indian woman, story, Our Lady Joy, in the heart of Magdalene Lent 35 of the Highway FL 32 Joy, Mary’s Lent 66 Indulgences (sermon) .... Sac 94 Joys, Seven (sermon) .... FL 62 Indulgences for reading the Bible OT 9 Joy of the Trinity Lent 66 Industry, Sacramentals (sermon) Sactls 60 Juan Diego, story. Our Lady of Infallibility (sermon) .... Cr 84 Guadalupe FL 98 Infallibility (sermon) .... WP 73 Judas, story. Refuge of Sinners . FL 56 Injured boy, story, Our Lady Judge Goodnow and Christmas, of Cons^tion FL IS story PPV 10 Inspirations Lent 14 Judgment (sermon) Ch 118 Insult, Flattery, Boasting (sermon) Com 110 Judgment Com 85 Intention, good (sermon) . . . WP 21 Judgment, last (sermon) . . . Cr 120 Introit TM 11 Cr 20 Ireland, story. Bells Sactls 16 Judgment, Last (sermon) . . . WP 117 Irishman and Persecution, story . PPV 76 Judgment, particular (sermon) Cr 118 Irish traffic cop, story. Satisfaction Sac 91 Justice (sermon) WP 93 Isabella, Queen and Marriage . . Sac 123 Justice and Clare Boothe Luce, Isidore, Father, story. Sacraments Sac 6 story (sermon) PPV 54 Ite Missa Est (sermon) . . . TM 98 Justice, Hungering after, story (sermon) PPV 68 —vl — Janie, story. Love God .... Ch 60 —K— Japanese women, story. Offering Kapiolani and Fortitude, story . PPV 58 of Bread TM 30 Keeping Promises (sermon) . . Pers 44 Jealousy (sermon) WP 101 Kempis, Thomas, a story, Purity "Jeez", Holy Name Com 25 of Our Lady FL 82 Jeremias, story. Blessed Cords Sactls 32 Kilmer, Joyce, story. Satisfaction Sac 90 Jesus as a Boy Ch 45,59 Kilmer, Joyce, story. Way of Cross Cr 42 Jesus, see Christ Ct King word WP 24 Jesus, see Christ WP King Albert, story. Good Friday OT 44 Jesus is coming (sermon) . . . Ch 6 King Alphonso, story. Preparation Jesus often forgave sins . . . Lent 35 for Communion TM 84 Jesus, Light of the World . . . FL 6 King David Sac 89 Jesus, polite Ch 100 King David, story. Judge Me TM 6 Jews Ch 48 King Edward, story. Palm Sunday Ch 46 Jews TM 24 King Ferdinand and Abstinence, Jews, before Christ WP 2,63 story PPV 8 Jewish boy, story, Angelus . . . Sactls 8 King George, story, Assumption FL 58 Jewish business man, story. King George, story. Holy Hour . OT 54 Changing book TM 24 King Hadding, story, Easter . . Sac 50 Jewish family, story. Religion . . Ch 90 King George, story, Eucharist . . Sac 46 Jewish father, story. Conversion King Henry VIII and Marriage, of Jews TM 92 story PPV 18 Jim and Mary, story. Re- King of Kings (sermon) . . . WP 47 membrances of Dead .... TM 66 King Louis, story. Baptism Sac 18 Jimmy, story. Indulgences . . . Sac 94 King Louis XVI, Ember Days . . OT 34 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Throuffh Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Tdlks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—FeaSts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 14 Complete Topical Index King Oswald and Almsdeeds, story PPV 114 Libraries, blessing Sactls 60 King Philip of Macedonia, story, Life Magazine and Pictures . . Sactls 80 Heaven WP 39 Lift Up Your Brother (sermon) Ch 12 King Solomon, story. May Lighthouse, story. Lay retreat . OT 62 Crowning FL 19 Lightning, fire, story. Missions . Ch 28 King Solomona, story. Mother of Lilies (sermon) Sactls 62 Divine Grace FL 40 Lincoln, Abraham, story. Com- Kircher, Father, story, God . . Cr 14 passion WP 77 Kite, story. Teamwork .... Ch 40 Lincoln, stories, and God (sermon) OT 68 Klatt, Hans and Perfection, story PPV 68 Lincoln, Abraham, story. Honesty Com 82 Koehler, Siegfried, story. Seven Lincoln, Abraham, and reading . Ch 27 . 56 Dolors FL 72 Lind, Jenny, story Communion Kreisler, Fritz, story. Most Pure Prayer TM 94 Heart of Mary FL 38 Liquor Com 101 Ku Klux Klan, story .... PPV 76 Listeners, sermon, fruit .... WP 33 Kyrie (sermon) TM 12 Liszt, Franz, story, Christ, Teacher WP 83 Litanies (sermon) Sactls 64—L — Little Boy, story. Amendment . . Sac 81 Labor and capital WP 32 Little boy and Pride, story . . . PPV 94 Labor, dignity of . . . . ' . . WP 107 Little Flower, story. Example . . Ch 38 Laboure, Sister Catherine, story Little Girl, story, Christmas . . OT 22 Miraculous Medal FL 92 Little girl saved, story. Appre- Lafayette, story. Offering of Wine TM 32 ciation Ch 96 Lamb of God (sermon) .... TM 80 Little Mary, story, Dominus Lamping, Fathers “Through Hun- Vobiscum TM ’ 14 dred Gates” WP 17 Little while (sermon) .... WP 55 Langerwerf, Father, story. Holy Littre, Emile, story. School Orders Sac 100 Opening OT 110 Last Blessing (sermon) . . . TM 100 Lives of the saints Sac 23 Last Gospel (sermon) .... TM 102 Loaf of bread, story. Humility of Last Judgment (sermon) . . . Com 120 Our Lady FL 48 Last Judgment (sermon) . . . WP 117 Locked doors, story. Faith . . . WP 51 Last Sacraments (sermon) . . WP 105 Lonely woman, story. Visitation FL 44 Last Supper, story, Christ . . . Cr 20 Lord’s Day Com 29 Last Supper and Sanctuary Lamp Sactls 102 Lord’ Supper (sermon) .... WP 69 Latin TM 13 Lorenz, Dr., story, Christ . . . WP 5 Latin, Why? (sermon) .... TM 110 Loretto, story. Holy Family . . WP 19 Laws, govern life WP 45 Loretto, Translation of the Holy Lawyer, story. Commandments Com 2 House of (sermon) .... FL 96 Lawyer, story. Rosary .... FL 76 Louis XIII Cr 3 Layman, Model WP 4 Louis XIV, story. Holy Name . . WP 15 Laymen, model TM 51 Love Ch 66 Lay Retreat, story. Lighthouse Love, echo of Lent 29 (sermon) OT 62 Love in face of affliction . . . Lent 26 Lead Kindly Light (sermon) . . WP 65 Love, four elements of ... . Lent 31 Lee, General Rdbert E., story. Love and Mary FL 36 Christ, Teacher Cr 76 Love, meaning of Lent 30 Lee, Robert E., story. Altar Society OT 4 Love, nailed Him to the cross . . Lent 28 Legion of Decency Com 73 Love, Our Lady of Fair (sermon) FL 36 Legion of Decency, story. Teen- Love, Street of Lent 37 agers (sermon) OT 64 Love without limit Lent 26 Lenin, story. Human Body . . . Com 62 Love’s return Lent 29 Lent WP 36, 42 Lovest thou me? Lent 28 Lent, story. Gardener (sermon) . OT 66 Luce, Clare Boothe, and Justice, Leo, Brother, in conversation . . Pers 19 story PPV 54 Leo XIII, story. Government of Lujack, example Ch 57 Church Lepanto, story. Help of Christians Cr FL 88 31 Lunn, Arnold, story. Peace . . WP 28 Lepanto, story, Loreto .... FL 96 Lunn, Arnold, story. Revelation Cr 72 Leper Hospital, story. Health . . Com 58 Lust and Divine Comedy, story LeVerricr, story. Sharing Heaven TM 68 (sermon) PPV 98 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals or—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer. Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 15 Lutheran girl, story, Enemies of Mary Ch 52, Christ Cr 26 124, 126 Lyaka, Angelina, story, purity Com 70 Mary PPV 41 Lying Ch 108 Mary TM 51 Lying (sermon) Com 104 Mary, Assumption (sermon) . . WP 123 Lynching Com 61 Mary and Churching of Women Sactls 77 —Me— Mary helps keep commandments . Com 127 Mary, story. Confession . . . Sac 92 McCool, Mrs., story. Orphans . . OT 80 Mary, Holy Name of (sermon) FL 70 McDonald, Father, story, Eucharist Sactls 42 Mary and Humility FL 7 McDougall, Mrs., and Charity, story PPV 48 Mary, Immaculate Heart of McGrady, Edward, story. Rosary . OT 96 (sermon) FL 60 McGuire, story. Baptismal Name . Sac 24 Mary, Immaculate Conception . . Mary, Jewess, story. Changing WP 121 M ' - Book TM 24 Macbeth, story. Contrition . . . Sac 76 Mary and Love FL 7 Madonna Sactls 109 Mary and Mass FL 28 Magi WP 17 Mary, May Altar OT 70 Magnet, story, Christ .... Pers 60 Mary, meaning of name . . . FL 70 Magnetic Master (sermon) . . Pers 60 Mary, Most Pure Heart of “Magnificent Obsession”, story. (sermon) FL 38 Generosity Pers 12 Mary, Mother of Entire Christ FL 20 Maharajah, story. Alms .... WP 23 Mary, Mothers’ Day .... OT 76 Major Hombostel, story . . . Sac 110 Mary and Obedience .... FL 6 Making believe. Advent .... Ch 2 Mary, Purification (sermon) . . OT 12 Man, the Unknown, and Spiritual Mary, Rosary OT 96 Life FL 8 Mary, teacher FL 17 Manning, Cardinal, story. Holy Mass Cr 10,17 Ghost Cr 64 Mass Lent 5 Man’s Will — God’s Will . . . Lent 11 Mass WP 10.14, Manuel, story. Mother of the 24, 51.67, Divine Shepherd FL 66 82, 98, 109 Manzoni, story. Benefits of Mass TM 116 Mass, Benefits (sermon) . . . TM 116 Margie, story. Existence of God Cr 5 Mass, Best Method of Attending Maria Teresa, story. May Crowning FL 19 (sermon) TM 114 Marie Antoinette, story. Virgin Mass, ceremonies (sermon) . . Sac 58 Birth Cr 28 Mass, coming late Com 31 Marks on door, story. New Year . OT 78 Mass in heaven, story. Hands of Marriage Ceremonies (sermon) Sactls 66 Thy Angel TM 64 Marriage ceremony (serrMn) . . Sac 120 Mass, how to hear (sermon) . . Sac 56 Marriage, duties (sermon) . . . Sac 110 Mass, meaning (sermon) . . . Sac 54 Marriage, encyclical Cr 21 Mass of Presanctified .... Ch 48 Marriage, your future partner Mass and prisoners of war, story . PPV 6 (sermon) Sac 118 Massillon, story. Holy Name . . WP 15 Marriage, laws (sermon) . . . Sac 112 Maternity of Our Lady (sermon) FL 78 Marriage Laws and Henry VIII, Maundy Thursday Ch 46 story (sermon) PPV 18 May Altar, story. Statue (sermon) OT 70 Marriage and Mary FL 4 May Crowning (sermon) . . . FL 19 Marriage, mixed (sermon) . . . Sac 114 Mayor of Naterre, story. Speech Com 114 Marriage, one and unbreakable Medals (sermon) Sactls 70 (sermon) Sac 108 Meditation Lent 5 Marriage, preparation (sermon) Sac 116 Meditation, advent WP 2 Marriage, preparation (sermon) WP 103 Mediatrix of All Graces (sermon) FL 20 Marriage, Protestant .... PPV 19 Meekness and St. Clement, story Marriage, a sacrament (sermon) . Sac 106 (sermon) PPV 64 Marriage, story, St. Valentine OT 107 Memorial Day, story, “Old Mor- Marriage saints (sermon) . . . Sac 122 tality” (sermon) Mercy (sermon) OT TM 72 12 Marquette’s, Father, Chalice, story. Mercy of Christ PPV 71 Vessels Sactls 116 Mercy of God PPV 71 Mary Cr 19,28 Mercy-killing Com 61 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 16 Complete Topical Index Mercy, Mother of (sermon) . . FL 50 Mothers’ Day, story. Street-car , Mercy of Sisters of Mercy, story (sermon) OT 76 (sermon) PPV 70 Mother, story, I confess . . . TM 8 Mercy, works of WP 2, 78 Mother Seton, story, Obedience WP 45 Messina, Italy, story, Holy Name Com 24 Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Metropolitan Museum, story. (sermon) FL 46 Christ Cr 38 Mount Carmel Scapular . . . Sactls 105 Mexican, story, Holy Family . . Cr 18 Mt. Sinai, Commandments . . . Com 2 Michaelangele, story. Duties of Mourning*and Chinese boy, story Teachers Com 46 (sermon) PPV 66 Midas, King, story. Good Intention WP 21 Movies Ch 59,81 Middle Ages WP 32 Movies Com 101 Milan, story, Christ Cr 2 Mullins, Moon, story. Priest’s Minister, story. First Friday OT 40 Blessing Sactls 78 Minister, story, Remembrance of Munkacsy, story, Christ . . . Cr 38 Living TM 48 Murder Com 60 Minsk, story. Judgment . . Cr 36 Murray, Joe, story. Judge Me . . TM 6 Miracles Cr 20,75 Mustard seed (sermon) Miracles . Lent 21 Growth of Church .... WP 29 Miracles and Lourdes . . . FL 9 Mystical Body of Christ .... TM 64, 77 Miraculous Medal of Mary Mystic Candles, story. Candles . . Sactls 22 Immaculate (sermon) . . . FL 92 —N—Missal Com 31 Missal (sermon) Sactls 72 Naaman, story. Baptismal Promises Sac 26 Missal TM 5 Nagasaki, story. Immaculate Mission, Pope’s Blessing . . . Sactls 84 Conception Com 124 Mission Sunday, story (sermon) . OT 74 Nagata, Father, story. Washing Missionary, story. Hell .... Cr 116 Prayers TM 90 Missionary, story, Ite Missa Est . TM 98 Napoleon, story. Catechist . . . OT 28 Modesty of Mary FL 83 Napoleon, book on, Christ . . . Cr 12 Mohammed, story. Ceremonies WP 87 Napoleon, story, Easter .... WP 49 Mommensen, Theodore, story. Napoleon and the Pope, story . . PPV 4 History of Church .... Cr 82 National Organization of Decent Moorish king, story. Stealing . . Com 84 Literature Com 72 Moors, story. Saints Cr 102 Nativity, joy of FL 63 Moral Law and General Eisen- Nativity of Mary, book quoted FL 91 hower, story (sermon) . . . PPV 78 Nativity of Our Lady (sermon) . FL 69 More than Mother’s love . . . Lent 26 Nazareth Cr 18 Morning offering WP 21 Nazareth WP 19 Morrison, Kathleen, story, All Negro Missions OT 58 Saints Ch 122 Negro Slaves, story. Vestments . TM 108 Morse, story, After-Communion Newman Cr 5, 100 Prayer TM 96 Newman and Benediction . . . OT 6 Morse, Samuel, story. Creation . . Cr 8 Newman, Cardinal Lent 19 Moscow, story, Easter .... OT 32 Newman, Cardinal, Pentecost . . WP 17 65 Moses, story. Collect .... TM 18 Newman Club WP 17 Most precious fruit Lent 42 Newman Club, story, God . . . Cr 6, 95 Most Pure Heart of Mary (sermon) FL 38 Newman and Guardian Angels . . OT 49 Mother of Divine Grace (sermon) FL 40 Newman, “Idea of University’’ . Cr 73 Mother of Divine Providence Newspaper, influence .... WP 71 (sermon) FL 88 New Year (sermon) .... Com 14 Mother of Divine Shepherd New Year (sermon) .... Cr 14 (sermon) FL 66 New Year • • ^ Sac 15 Mother of God PPV 42 New Year, One at a time (sermon) Ch 14 Motherhood, Arithmetic of New Year, story, Marks on door (sermon) FL 25 (sermon) OT 78 Mother, Makrina, story. Judgment Cr 36 Niagara Falls, story, Grace . . . Nicodemus Sac Cr 4 25 Mother of Mercy (sermon) . . FL 50 No-man’s land, story. Communion Sac 48 Mother’s Day (sermon) . . . FL 24 Non-Catholic services .... Com 17 Mother’s Day (second sermon) FL 26 Noone, Father, story. Vestments . Sactls 118 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 17 North Dakota, story, Going Where? Ch 58 Our Lady, Immaculate Conception Notre Dame Ch 47 of (sermon) FL 94 Notre Dame, story, Infallibilism Cr 84 Our Lady of Lourdes (sermon) « FL 8 Now to Live Again, And, book. Our Lady, Maternity of (sermon) FL 78 New Year Cr 14 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Nun and Mass, story. Mass . . Sac 58 (sermon) FL 46 Nuptial Blessing Sac 120 Our Lady, Nativity of (sermon) FL 68 Our Lady, Patronage of (sermon) FL 86 —o — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oaths and Vows (sermon) . . . Com 22 (sermon) FL 42 Obedience Com 37 Our Lady, Presentation of Obedience (sermon) Ch 44 (sermon) FL 90 Obedience (sermon) WP 45 Our Lady of Prompt Succor Obedience, Christ, Model of (sermon) FL 2 (sermon) Com 48 Our Lady, Purity of (sermon) FL 82 Obedience, story. Penknife . . . OT 120 Our Lady of Ransom (sermon) FL 74 Oblation, Accept this (sermon) . TM 52 Our Lady of the Snow (sermon) FL 54 O'Brien, Pat, story. Marriage . Sac 108 Our Lady of Suffrage (sermon) . FL 84 Offering of Bread (sermon) . . TM 30 Our Lady’s Month WP 51 Offering of Wine (sermon) . . TM 32 Our Sunday Visitor Ch 27 Offertory Prayers (sermon) . . TM 34 Our Sunday Visitor WP 19, 24 O’Flynn, Father, story. Tabernacle Sactls 110 Outside the Bible Lent 54 Ohio Valley Flood, story, Candles . OT 12 Oil of Catechumens Sactls 15 —P — Old Couple, story. Purity . . . Com 116 Pacifico, Father, story. Hands of Old couple, story. Marriage . . Sac 118 Thy Angel TM 64 Old Lady, story. Holy Hour . . Com 20 Paderewski and Virtue .... PPV 45 Old Minister, story, Little Pagan Light, story, St. Patrick OT 104 Elevation TM 70 Pain Lent 15 “Old Mortality", story. Memorial Pain (sernoon) WP 113 Day OT 72 Pains of Body Lent 10 Old Testament Readings . . . TM 21 Pains of Soul Lent 10 Old Testament Vestments . . . TM 108 Painter, story. Satisfaction . . Sac 88 Open Your Eyes (sermon) . . . Ch 34 Palm Sunday TM 45 Orate Fratres (sermon) . . . TM 38 Palm Sunday WP 114 Orphanage, story. Duties to Palms (sermon) Sactls 74 Parents Com 36 Paper, Catholic WP 19 Orphan Collection, story, Mrs. Paralysis, spiritual Cr 15 McCool (sermon) OT 80 Parental blessing Sactls 79 Our Father Lent 36 Parents (sermon) Ch 106 Our Father Sactls 15 Ch 44 Our Father (sermon) .... TM 72 Parents, obedience to .... WP 45 Our Father, Protestant version . PPV 39 Parents and Our Lady of Good Our Father and Edwin Booth, Counsel FL 18 story (sermon) PPV 24 Parents, Spiritual duties to Our Lady of the Angels (sermon) FL 52 (sermon) Com 36 Our Lady, Assumption of (sermon) FL 58 Parents, teachers WP 84 Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament FL 28 Parents, Temporal duties to Our Lady of Consolation (sermon) FL 15 (sermon) Com 38 Our Lady of Consolation . . . Sactls 32 Parish dance, story. Annunciation FL 12 Our Lady, Espousals (sermon) . FL 4 Parish Mission, story, Eye- Our Lady, Expectation of (sermon) FL 102 Clinic (sermon) OT 82 Our Lady of Fair Love (sermon) . FL 76 Paris, Kentucky, story. Church Cr 74 Our Lady of Fatima (sermon) . . FL 80 Paris shrines, story. Refuge of Our Lady of Good Counsel Sinners FL 56 (sermon) FL 17 Paschal Candle WP 62 Our Lady of Guadalupe (sermon) FL 98 Paschal Candle (sermon) . . . Sactls 76 Our Lady, Help of Christians Passion of Christ (sermon) . . WP 35 (sermon) FL 30 Passion Play, story. Refuge of Our Lady of the Highway (sermon) FL 32 Sinners FL 56 Our Lady, Humility of (sermon) FL 48 Pastor Prays for Parish .... TM 48 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks-on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feas'ts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 18 Complete Topical Index Pastors, duties of (sermon) . . Com 54 Pius X, story, Eucharist . . . Sac 38 Patience PPV 59 Pius XI, story. Church .... Cr 21,96 Patience (sermon) Pers 36 Pius XII, story Ch 74,98 Patronage of Our Lad^ (sermon) FL 86 Pius XII, Infallibility .... Cr 84 Paulinus, Bishop, and Bells . . Sactls 16 Pius XII, story, Marriage . . . Sac 108 Paulists, story. Catholic Education OT 16 Play, teamwork Ch 41,65 Peace Com 11 Please Accept (sermon) . . . TM 62 Peace TM 75, 83 Poise (sermon) Pers 48 Peace and Fatima FL 81 Pompey, story, Palm Sunday . . WP 47 Peace, Kiss of (sermon) . . . TM 82 Poor Souls (sermon) .... Ch 114 Peace, The Lord’s (sermon) . . TM 78 Poor Souls (sermon) .... Cr 114 Peace, Mass for Sactls 47 Poor Souls TM 66 Peacemakers (sermon) .... WP 27 Poor Souls, story, Lights (sermon) OT 86 Peacemakers, Swedish historians. Poor in Spirit and burning money story (sermon) PPV 74 story (sermon) PPV 62 Peanut, story, Faith Ch 52 Pope Com 124 Penance Ch 115 Pope (sermon) Ch 44 Penance Sactls 10 Pope Benelict XV and Scapular of Penance, Advent WP 2,42 Carmel FL 47 Penance, decide your . . . ' . . Lent 4 Pope Benedict XIV and Guadalupe FL 99 Penance and Prayer FL 83 Pope Callistus III Cr 16 Penknife, story, Washington . . OT 120 Pope Leo XIII,, story. Social Justice WP 107 Penn, William, story. Deliver Pope Pius and Catechism . . . OT 28 from Evil TM 74 Pope Pius V, Feast of Rosary . . FL 96 Pentecost, sermon WP 65 Pope Pius VI, story. Ashes . . Sactls 10 Perfection and Hans Klatt, story PPV 68 Pope Pius VII, Help of Christians FL 31 Pericles, story. Immaculate Pope Pius IX, story. Confirmation Sactls 30 Conception Cr 124 Pope Pius X, story OT 84 Persecution TM 105 Pope Pius XII Com 19 Persecution and Irishman, story Pope Pius XII, story. Blessing . Sactls 84 (sermon) PPV 76 Pope Pius XII and Guadalupe . . FL 99 Persecution, mark of Church . . Cr 27 Pope Pius XII, linguist .... TM 40 Persecutors WP 12, 64 Pope Pius XII and Mass . . . TM 59 Perseverance PPV 59 Pope Pius XII and “Mediator Dei" TM 115 Perseverance (sermon) .... Pers 32 Pope Pius XII and Miraculous Persigny, story. Seif ontrol . . Pers 36 Medal FL 93 Persons, Blessing of (sermon) Sactls 78 Pope Pius XII and Relief . . . OT 11 Peter the Great, story, Christ, Pope Pius and Stalin (sermon) . OT 88 Worker Cr 30 Pope’s Blessing (sermon) . . - Sactls 84 Peterspence, story. Toy Horse Portiuncula Indulgence (sermon) . OT 90 (sermon) OT 84 Praising others (sermon) . . . Ch 102 Peter, story. Pictures .... Sactls 80 Prayer Cr 15 Petit, Father, and Fasting, story . PPV 111 Prayer Lent 5 Pet tiger, story, Purity . . . Com 78 Prayer PPV 110, Philippa, Queen, story. Mother of 118 Mercy FL 50 Prayer WP 41 Philippines, story. Sacraments Sac 2 Prayer (sermon) Ch 22 Philosophy Sac 102 Prayer, story PPV 111 Pythias, story. Property Rights Com 118 Prayer for children Com 41 Pick up the Broken Glass (sermon) WP 7 Prayer, family WP 20 Picture at Fano, story. Guardian Prayer and Fasting (sermon . . PPV 112 Angel OT 48 Prayer, How and When, story Picture of the Year, Oils . . . Sactls 52 (sermon) PPV 22 Pictures (sermon) Sactls 80 Prayer and Lincoln OT 68 Pietro, story. Purity Com 76 Prayers after Mass (sermon) . . TM 106 Pilate Cr 38 Prayer, meal (sermon) .... Ch 42.43 Pilgrimages (sermon) .... Sactls 82 Ch 65 Pilot, story. Our Father .... TM 72 “Pippa Passes", story, Seven Joys FL 62 Prayer. Meal (sermon) .... Sactls 68 Pity (sermon) Ch 78 Prayer, meal (sermon) .... WP 43 Pius IX, story. Passion . . . Cr 36, 124 WP 20 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers- -Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—TaJks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL— Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 19 Prayer, Meaning and Need, story (sermon) Prayer for others Prayer, Perfect “Prayer of Soldier in France” . . Prayer and George Washington, story Prayer-books Prayerbooks (sermon) . . . . Precious Blood, story. Transfusion (sermon) Preface (sermon) Presentation (sermon) . . . . Presentation, sorrow of ... . President Roosevelt, story, Marriage President Truman and Peace . . Presumption Prettiest hands, story (sermon) Charity Pride Pride and little boy, story (sermon) Priest's Blessing Priest on bus, story. Breviary . . Priests, their duties (sermon) . . Priest, Good Shepherd . . . . Priests, obedience to Priest in parlor car, story. Why Religion Priests, proud of Priests’ Saturday, story, Strike Settled (sermon) Priesthood Priesthood, Ceremonies of (sermon) Priesthood, Holy Orders . . . Priesthood, powers (sermon) . . Priesthood, training (sermon) Prince and daisy, story. Humility Prince George, story, Christ Unknown Prince Michael, story. Sponsors . Prince of Wales, story. Confession Princess di Conti, Mother of Divine Providence . . . . Printing Press, Blessing . . . Prisoner chained, story. Contrition Prisoner, story. Our Lady of Fatima Private Property, right to . . . Procession (sermon) . . . . Profanity Profession, Ring Promises, false Prompt Succor, Our Lady of (sermon) Prophecies Prophecy (sermon) . . * . . . Prophet Eliseus, story. Salt . . Prophets Prophets, false Protect, Unite, Govern (sermon) TM 46 PPV 20 Providence (sermon) .... WP 59 Cr 15 Providence of God (sermon) . . Ch 95 TM 73 Providence and Lincoln .... OT 69 Cr 42 Providence, Mother of Divine (sermon) FL 88 PPV 118 Protestant Minister, story. Duties WP 19 to Children Com 40 Sactls 86 Protestant minister, story. Eucharist Sac 40 OT 92 Protestant services Ch 81 TM 42 Protestant writer, story. Missal Sactls 72 FL 90 Prudence and brakeman, story FL 72 (sermon) PPV 52 "Pure of Heart, The” .... Cr 94 Sac 112 Purgatory (sermon) Cr 112 PPV 75 Purification (sermon) .... FL 6 Com 16 Purity FL 69 Purity (sermon) Ch 112 Ch 64 Purity in action (sermon) . . Com 76 WP 8 Purity of Heart, and St. Bernard, story (sermon) PPV 72 PPV 94 Purity, helps (sermon) .... Cam 78 Sactls 78 Purity of Our Lady (sermon) . • FL 82 Sactls 20 Purity in Speech (sermon) . . Com 74 Com 55 Purity in thought (sermon) . . Com 72 WP 53 Purpose of Amendment (sermon) Sac 80 WP 46 Pursuit pilot, story. Medals . . Sactls 70 Cr 70 —Q— Ch 99 Queen of All Saints (sermon) . FL 34 Queen of the Apostles (sermon) . FL 22 OT 94 Queen of the Order of Friars OT 35 Minor (sermon) FL 100 Question Box Cr 29 Sactls 88 Questioner, story. Confession . . Sac 64 Sac 100 Quiet Lent 6 Sac 104 Quirk, Josephine, story. Bene- Sac 102 diction Sactls 18 Ch 86 Quiz Kids (sermon) Ch 18 Quo Vadis, story. Purpose of Life WP 57 Ch 6 Sac 22 — Sac 60 Radio Replies Cr 29 Raimondo, story. Pilgrimage . . Sactls 82 FL 88 Rander, Abdrol, story. Lying . . Com 104 Sactls 60 Ransom, Our Lady of (sermon) . FL 74 Sac 78 Rash judgment (sermon) . . . Com 106 FL 80 Rastus, story. Holy Name . . . Com 25 Com 80 Reading (sermon) Ch 26 Ch 47 Reading, Catholic Cr 15 Com 24 Recamier, story. Rosary . . . Sactls 96 Sactls 93 Recreation (sermon) .... Ch 20 Ch 36 Refuge of Sinners (sermon) . . FL 56 Refugees FL 11 FL 2 Register, Denver WP 24 Lent 21 Reilly, Bill, story. Scapulars . . Sactls 104 WP 63 Relics (sermon) Sactls 90 Sactls 100 Relics and Images (sermon) . . Com 8 Cr 2 Relics and Images TM 5 WP 79 Religion, know your (sermon) Com 12 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Tailks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feas'ts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 20 Complete Topical Index Religion, living your (sermon) . Com 14 Religion, need (sermon) . . . Cr 70 Religion, selling (sermon) . . . WP 99 Religion, Virtue of, and Admiral Byrd, story (sermon) . . . PPV 108 Religious Ignorance Com 13 Report card, story. Thoughts . . Ch 26 Reputation Com 102 Restitution (sermon) .... Com 98 Retreat, Pope’s Blessing . . . Sactls 84 Return Gift (sermon) . . . . TM 54 Revelation (sermon) . . . . Cr 72 Reverence for God’s name (sermon) Com 20 Reverence for Holy things (sermon) Com 18 Reverence to parents .... Com 37 Religion, teaching Com 40 Remembering Christ (sermon) . Ch 72 Remembrance of Dead (serrhon) TM 66 Remembrance of Living (sermon) TM 48 Rerum Novarum WP 107 Respecting others (sermon) . . Ch 90 Resurrection TM 79 Resurrection, of body (sermon) . Cr lOS Resurrection, of Christ (sermon) Cr 50 Resurrection, fruits of (sermon) Cr 54 Resurrection, proof Cr 52, 56 Reward WP 23 Right to own (sermon) .... Com 80 Rings (sermon) Sactls 92 Ripley, story. Obedience . . . Com 48 Ritual (sermon) Sactls 94 Roach, Father Wm., story. Duties of Priest Com 54 Robbery Com 87 Rogation Days Sactls 6 Rogers, Will, Infallibility . . . Cr 21 Roman Emperor, story. Fear of the Lord WP 95 Rosary FL 80 Rosary (sermon) FL 76 Rosary (sermon) Sactls 96 Rosary WP 19 Rosary, Birthday gift . . . . FL 69 Rosary and Mass FL 77 Rosary, story, McGrady (sermon) OT 96 Rosary, sorrows Lent 59 Rothschild, story, Forty Hours . OT 42 Rule of Life and orphan boys, story (sermon) PPV 116 Russell, S. J ' Cr 125 Russell, Susan, story. Good Shepherd WP 53 Russia and Our Lady of the Snow FL 55 Ryan children, story, Deo Gratias TM 104 —St.— St. Anthony and Holy Name of Mary FL 71 St. Anthony Lilies Sactls 62 St. Anthony Messenger . . . . Ch 27 St. Anthony Messenger . . . . OT 14, 53,78 St. Anthony Messenger .... Sac 23, 25 St. Anthony Messenger, family magazine Com 13 St. Anthony Messenger, Family Magazine WP 19 St. Anthony Padua Com 8 St. Anthony of Padua .... Sactls 41 St. Athanasius, story. Lying . . Com 105 St. Athanasius and Meal Prayer . Sactls 68 St. Augustine Sac 3 St. Augustine and Mother of Mercy FL 51 St. Augustine, story. Purity . . Com 70 St. Augustine, story, Purity . . Com 101 St. Augustine and Sanctuary Lamp Sactls 103 St. Bernadette, story. Immaculate Conception Ch 124 St. Bernadette, story. Immaculate Conception WP 121 St. Bernadette, story, Lourdes . . FL 8 St. Bernard, story, Mother of Divine Grace FL 40 St. Bernard and Purity of Heart, story PPV 72 St. Bernardin explains justice . PPV 69 St. Bernardin of Siena, story. Fraud Com 88 St. Bernardin of Siena and Mother of Divine Grace FL 41 St. Bernardin of Siena, story Queen of Friars Minor . . . FL 100 St. Blaise Blessing, story, St. Francis (sermon) . . . OT 98 St. Bonaventure Sac 5 St. Bonaventure and Angelus . . Sactls 9 St. Bonaventure and Holy Name of Mary FL 71 St. Bridget and Mother of Mercy FL 51 St. Cecelia and song OT 18 St. Christopher (sermon) . . . Sactls 98 St. Clement Hofbauer and Meek- ness, story PPV 64 St. Dustan, story, Purification . FL 6 St. Elizabeth and the Expectation FL 102 St. Elizabeth of Hungary . . . Sac 122 St. Elizabeth Thuringia, story, habit Sactls 50 St. Eudoxia, story, Judgment . . Com 120 St Felicitas, story. Ascension . . Cr 60 St. Francis of Assisi Com 8 St. Francis of Assisi Cr 67 St. Francis of Assisi . . . . . Sac 8,82 St. Francis of Assisi Sactls 33,43 St. Francis of Assisi TM 97 St. Francis of Assisi, cord of . . WP 67 St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Name WP 15, 79 St. Francis of Assisi and Humility PPV 95 St. Francis of Assisi and Mary . FL 100 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 21 St. Francis of Assisi, peacemaker WP 27 St. Mary Major, story. Crib . . Sactls 34 St. Francis of Assisi, story. Prayer Ch 22 St. Mary Major and Our Lady of St. Francis of Assisi, prayer for the Snow FL 54 peace WP 28 St. Meinrad, story. Murder . . Com 60 St. Francis Cabrini, story. Gradual TM 22 St. Michael, prayer to ... . WP 38 St. Francis, cord of OT 24 St. Patrick, story. Pagan Light St. Francis and Crib Sactls 34 (sermon) OT 104 St. Francis, following .... Pers 1 St. Paul, conversion of ... . WP 116 St. Francis and Lenin (sermon) . OT 100 St. Peter WP 57, 73 St. Francis and Portiuncula, story OT 90 St. Peter, the martyr, story. Creed Cr 2 St. Francis and Religious Habit . Sactls 50 St. Peter, stories, Pity .... Ch 78 St. Francis Sales Cr 19 St. Peter, first Pope Cr 21 St. Francis’ Statue in Prot. Church Sactls 108 St. Remygius Sac 14 St. Genesius, story, Baptism . . Sac 28 St. Simeon and the Purification . FL 6 St. Germain, story, Model Superior Com 50 St. Simon Stock FL 46 St. Germanus and Mary, Mediatrix St. Stanislaus Kostka and of all Graces FL 21 Patronage of Our Lady . . . FL 87 St. Helena and Crib Sactls 34 St. Theresa of Avila, story. St Ignatius, Martyr, on Compas- Eternity Ch 120 sion of Mary FL 15 St. Therese, story, example . . Ch 38 St. Irenaeus, on Eve and Mary . FL 28 St. Thomas Ch 52 St. Joan of Arc, story. Espousals St. Thomas Aquinas and Mass . . TM 117 of Our Lady FL 4 St. Thomas, Cord of Sactls 33 St. Joan of Arc, story. Vocation . Ch 104 St. Thomas, doubter WP 52 St. John, Ambrose, story. Authority Cr 100 St. Thomas More Lent 15 St. John Bosco, story, Mercy . . TM 12 St. Thomas More, story. Com- St. John Capistran, story. Holy munion Sac 42 Name Cr 16 St. Thomas More, story. Eternity WP 55 St. John Crysostom and Sin, St. Thomas More, story. First story PPV 84 Commandment Com 16 St. John, story. Courage . . . WP 4 St. Valentine, story. Love notes St. John of Damascus, on Mary’s (sermon) OT 106 Hidlen Life FL 91 St. Vincent de Paul, story. Amend- St. John Eagle TM 103 ment Sac 80 St. John Vianney, story, Forty St. Vincent Ferrer, story. Devil . WP 37 Hours Sactls 46 St. John Vianney and Our Lady of —S— Good Counsel FL 18 Sabbath Com 28 St. John ’Vianney, story. True Sacramentals (sermon) .... Sac 8 Church Cr 90 Sacramentals, Kinds (sermon) Sactls 2 St. Joseph Cr 2, 18 Sacramentals and Sacraments . . Sactls 2 St. Joseph 41; Cord 33; statue . Sactls 108 Sacrament, meaning (sermon) Sac 2 St. Joseph, story, Dover, Ohio Sacraments WP 67 (sermon) OT 102 Sacraments, author (sermon) . . Sac 4 St. Joseph and the Espousals FL 5 Sacraments, effects (sermon) . . Sac 6 St. Joseph and the Expectation of Sac 31 Our Lady FL 103 Sacraments, Last Sactls 44 St. Joseph and the Humility of Sacred Heart, story, Evangeline Mary FL 49 (sermon) OT 108 St. Joseph, "Just Man’’ . . . PPV 68 Sacrifice FL 81 St. Justin, story. Epistle . . . TM 20 Sacrilege Com 17 St. Louis, story. Baptism . . . Sac 12 Sadness Lent 59 St. Louis of France and the Sailor, story, Prayerbook . . . Sactls 86 Patronage of Our Lady . . . FL 87 Sailor, story. Sign of Cross . . . Ch 68 St. Margaret, story. Appreciation Saints .... Ch 2G1, 57 of Christ Cr 56 Saints (sermon) Com 6 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and Saints and Commandments Com 122 First Friday OT 40 (sermon) St. Martin, story. Priesthood . . Sactls 88 Saints, Queen of All (sermon) FL 34 St. Martin of Tours, story. Salency, France, story. Queen of Ascension WP 61 All Saints FL 34 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feas'ts of Our Lady Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—Talks on the Sacramtntals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 22 Complete Topical Index Salt Sac 28 Shackleton, story. Advent . . . WP 1 Salt (sermon) Sactls 100 Shakespeare, quoted . . . . Com 102 Sactls 14 Shepherd, Mother of the Divine ‘Salutation of the Blessed Virgin” (sermon) FL 66 by St. Francis FL 101 Shepherds Cr 2 Sanctuary Lamp (sermon) . . . Sactls 102 Sheridan, Mrs., story. Crucifix . Sactls 33 Sanctus (sermon) TM 44 Ship-launching, story, Confirmation Sac 34 Satan (See also Devil) .... WP 38 Sick, Blessing of Sactls 79 Satisfaction, nature and need Sick, Health of (sermon) . . . FL 64 (sermon) Sac 88 Sick, visiting WP 14, 24 Satisfaction, sacramental and Sick wife and Holy Mary, story . PPV 42 Extrasacramental (sermon) . . Sac 90 Sienkiewicz, story. Our Lady of Satisfaction for sins of speech the Angels FL 52 (sermon) Com 114 Sign of Cross TM 55. 60 Saturdays, Five First .... FL 81 Sign of Cross, story (sermon) Savonarola, story. Christ the King OT 20 Sailor Ch 68 Scandal (sermon) Com 68 Silk, George, story. Consecration Scandal WP 19 of Host TM 56 Scapular, story. Courage . . . WP 3 Simeon WP 11 Scapulars (sermon) . . . 1 . Sactls 104 Simpson, Jessie, story. Poise . . Pers 48 Schmitt, Fr. Aloysius, story, Sin Lent 10. 12 Duties of Faithful Com 52 Sin WP 8, 12, 56 School boys, story. Church . . . Cr 78 Sin, Cooperation in, and explosion. School Opening, story, Emile Littre story (sermon) PPV 90 (sermon) OT 110 Sin, Mortal, and two men, story School and teamwork .... Ch 41,97 (sermon) PPV 86 Schulte, Bishop Paul C., pamphlet WP 110 Sin, mutiny of Lent 58 Schwab, Charles M., story. Sin, Nature and St. John Employer Com 92 Chrysostom, story (sermon) PPV 84 Scotus, John Duns Cr 124 Sin, original Lent 11 Scourging Cr 40 Sin, original WP 114 Scourging at the pillar .... Lent 60 Sin, Original, and small boy, story Scoutmaster, story. Priesthood Ch 54 (sermon) PPV 82 Scribes and Pharisees .... Lent 21 Sin, Venial, and bit of steel, story Secrets Com 112 (sermon) PPV 88 Secret Prayer (sermon) .... TM 40 Sin, world's idea Lent 12 Seeing Jesus after Resurrection, Sincerity (sermon) Pers 40 joy of FL 63 Singing OT 17 Seismograph, Blessing .... Sactls 61 Singing in choir WP 24 Self-Control (sermon) .... Pers 36 Singing, Value of TM 94 Seminole Indians, story. Mass . . Sac 56 Sinner, Repentant TM 8 Senator from Carolina, story. Sinners, Refuge of FL 56 Church Cr 86 Sins, Capital, and Seven Horsemen, Senator Vest, story. Poor Souls . Cr 112 story (sermon) PPV 92 Sense of Humor (sermon) . . . Pers 24 Sins, forgiven Lent 34 Sermon fruit (sermon) .... WP 33 Sister Elizabeth, story. Good Sermon on Mount PPV 62 Friday Ch 48 Sermon on Mount WP 119 Sisters of Blessed Sacrament . . FL 22 Sermons, hearing (sermon) . . Ch 32 Sisters of Mercy and Mercy, story PPV 70 Serra, Junipero (sermon) . . . OT 60 Sisters, teaching Ch 97 Servers (sermon) TM 112 Skippy, story (sermon) Thanks- Serving at altar WP 24 giving Ch 92 Sequence TM 22 Skylark and Gluttony .... PPV 102 Seven Dolors (sermon) .... FL 72 Slack, Marion, story, Rosary . . FL 76 Seven Horsemen and Capital Sins, Slander Com 108 story PPV 92 Slavery FL 75 Seven Joys (sermon) .... FL 62 Sloth and farmer, story (sermon) PPV 106 Seven Sorrows (sermon) . . . FL 14 Small boy and Original Sin, story PPV 82 Seven-year-old, story. Meal Prayer Sactls 69 Small boy, story. Our Lady of Sex stories WP 19 the Snow FL 54 Sexy stories Com 75 Smith, Father, Instructs Jackson . Com 13 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasfts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 23 Smith, Al, story, Confession . . Cr 105 Sunday work, story (sermon) . . Com 32 Smith, Al, story. Infallibility . . WP 73 Superior, Christ, Model (sermon) Com 50 Smith, Al, story, Servers . . . TM 112 Superiors Com 35 Smith, General, story, Trinity . . Cr 68 Superstition Com 17 Snite, Fred, story, Communion . Sac 44 Superstition, story .... Sactls 4 Snow, Our Lady of the (sermon) FL 54 Support of Parish Com 83,101 Sociability (sermon) .... WP 97 Supreme Being Cr 4 Social justice (sermon) .... WP 107 Swearing Ch 37 Socials WP 24 Swearing Com 26 Socrates, story, Secret Prayer . . TM 40 Swearing WP 19 Soldier, story, Extreme Unction . Sactls 44 Swearing Cr 17 Soldiers, story, Sign of Cross . . Sactls 36 Sweat of Blood Lent 60 Soldier and Temperance, story . PPV 56 Swedish Historians, Peacemakers, Solon, story. Our Lady of story PPV 74 Consolation FL 16 "Song of Bernadette", and Lourdes FL 8 —T— Sorrow PPV 57 Tabernacle (sermon) . . . . Sactls 110 Sorrowful Mother (sermon) . . FL 14 Tact (sermon) Pers 4 Sorrowful Mysteries Lent 59 Taking from Cross, sorrow of . . FL 72 Soul (sermon) WP 111 Tale-bearing and secrets (sermon) Com 112 Soul for Servant TM 89 Talents WP 82 Soviet, enemy FL 94 Talmud, story, Friends of Christ Cr 24 Speech of Lincoln, story . . . OT 68 Tax for Mass, story. Prayers after Spiritualism Com 17 Mass TM 106 Sponsors at Baptism (sermon) . Sac 22 Taxes Ch 96 Starting fire, story. Holy Ghost . Ch 66 Taylor, Bryan, story of Missions . OT 50 State of Life Lent 14 Teachers Ch 45 Statesmen and Our Lady of Good Teachers, duties of (sermon) . . Com 46 Counsel FL 18 Teacher, first Catholic . . . . Cr 76 Stations (sermon) Sactls 106 Teachers, duties to (sermon) . . Com 44 Statue, story. May Altar . . . OT 70 Teachers, false WP 37 Statue of Mary, story Teachers, godless Com 47 Mediatrix of All Graces . . . FL 20 Teachers and Our Lady of Good Statues . Com 19 Counsel FL 18 Statues (sermon) Sactls 108 Teaching, sublime yet simple . . Lent 21 Stealing Ch 108 Teamwork WP 46 Stevenson and Forgiveness, story PPV 34 Teamwork, story (sermon) Kite . Ch 40 Stick-to-it-iveness (sermon) . . Pers 32 Te Deum FL 3 Stone Lamb, story. Lamb of God TM 80 Teen-agers, story, Legion of Strauss, Richard, story. Confession Sac 66 Decency OT 64 Street of Love Lent 37 Telegraph, Blessing Sactls 60 Street-car, story. Mother’s Day . OT 76 Telegraph, story. Creation . . . Cr 8 Streit, Rev. Charles, story, Telcmachus, story. The Lord’s Catholicity of Church . . . Cr 96 Peace TM 78 Stuart, Mary, story. Priest’s Temperance (sermon) . . . . Com 66 Communion TM 86 Temperance and soldier, story Student at Harvard, story. Ail (sermon) PPV 56 Saints Com 122 Temptation Lent 7 Students and Our Lady of Good Temptation WP 16 Counsel FL 18 Temptation (sermon) . . . . Ch 24 Study Club Questions .... Pers 64 Temptation, story (sermon) . . PPV 36 Suarez, story. Our Lady of Good Tertullian Cr 82 Counsel FL 17 Tertullian and Meal Prayer . . Sactls 68 Suffering Lent 15 Thanks Be To God (sermon) . . TM 104 Suffering WP 60 Thanksgiving Day, story. Actress Suffrage, Our Lady of (sermon) . FL 84 (sermon) OT 112 Suicide Com 60 Theft (sermon) Com 86 Sultan, story. Sense of Humor . Pers 26 Theology Sac 52 Sunday Cr 98 There is one more here, story. Sunday Mass, story (sermon) . . Com 30 Eucharist Lent 42 Sunday Mass, story (sermon) . . PPV 6 Things, Blessing of all (sermon) Sactls 112 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts o/ Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Cb—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 24 Complete Topical Index Third Order Cr 95 Unity TM 83 Third Order of St. Francis . . . FL 80 Unity of Church Cr 92 Third Order of St. Francis and Unknown Soldiers (sermon) . . Cr 122 Columbus OT 25 Ursuline Sisters and Our Lady of Third Order of St. Francis, story, Prompt Succor FL 2 Dempsey (sermon) .... OT 114 Ushers WP 24. 98 Third Order Scapular .... Sactls 104 Usury Com 90 Thorm, Tom, story. Holy Things . Com 18 Three Days’ Loss, sorrow of . . FL 73 —V— Three Kings’ Blessing (sermon) . Sactls 114 Vacation Ch 73 Three Steps Lent 15 Valentine story. Marriage . . . Sactls 66 Three Young Men, story, Offertory Valentino, Rudolph, story. Prayer TM 34 Entrance Prayers TM 10 Through Hundred Gates, converts WP 17 Vatican, and refugees . . . . WP 92 Thy Kingdom Come, story Veit, Philip, story. Palms . . . Sactls 74 (sermon) PPV 28 Verdun, story. Altar TM 2 Thy will be done Lent 11 Vessels (sermon) Sactls 116 Thy Will Be Done, Father Damien, Vestments (sermon) Sactls 118 story (sermon) ..... PPV 30 Vestments of Mass (sermon) . . TM 108 Time ' . WP 82 Via Sacra WP 47 Tim, story, Easter Ch 50 Vicar General Cr 89 Tipping hat Ch 65 Victoria, Queen, story. Assumption Ch 126 Tolerance (sermon) .... Pers 52 Victoria, Queen, story. Churching Sactls 26 Tolerance, Religious Ch 90 Victoria, Queen, story. Miraculous Tolstoi and Avarice, story . . . PPV 96 Medal 92 Tom, story. Nativity of Our Lady FL 63 Victoria, Queen, and Prayer, story PPV 20 Torquato Tasso and Virtue, story PPV 45 Victorious, story. Gospel . . . TM 26 Tourist, story. Our Lady of Fair Victory of New Orleans, story Love FL 36 Our Lady of Prompt Succor . FL 2 Toy Horse, story, Peterspense . . OT 84 Vigil Lights (sermon) . . . . Sactls 120 Tract TM 22 Virgin Birth (sermon) . . . . Cr 28 Trains, late, story. Kiss of Peace TM 82 Virtue and Charles Ninth, story Transfiguration (sermon) . . . WP 39 (sermon) PPV 44 Transfiguration, story. Benediction OT 6 Virtues, Moral PPV 45 Translation of the Holy House of Virtues, Theological PPV 45 Loreto (sermon) FL 96 Visitation (sermon) FL 44 Traveler, story. Communion of Visitation, joy of FL 62 Faithful TM 88 Visits to Blessed Sacrament Tre Ore Cr 46 (sermon) Sac 52 Trials before Annas & Caiphas Vocation (sermon) Ch 104 (sermon) Cr 36 Vocation, story. All-out for God Trials before Pilate & Herod (sermon) OT 118 (sermon) Cr 38 Voices that guide (sermon) . . Ch 9 Trinity (sermon) WP 67 Vows Com 22 Trinity, Prayer to (sermon) . . TM 36 Vytantas Gorinas, story, Sanctus . TM 44 Truth Com 103 Truth (sermon) Ch 110 —W — Truck driver, story. Holy Name . OT 56 Wage, just Com 93 Tunney, Gene, story, Purity . . Ch 99, 112 Wages WP94, 107 Turks . . Cr 16 Washing (sermon) TM 36 Twenty-four Hours a Day, story. Washing Prayers (sermon) . . TM 90 Missions OT 74 Washington, story, penknife Two conditions, for forgiveness . Lent 35 (sermon) OT 120 Two merchants and Envy, story . PPV 104 Washington, George, story. Cross WP 41, 101 Typhoon, story, Columbus . . . OT 24 Washington, George, story. Offering of Wine TM 32—U — Washington, George, story. Uncle Bill, story. Ascension . . Ch 62 Respecting Parents .... Ch 106 Undset, Sigrid, story. Bad Example WP 79 Washington, George, stories. Work Ch 56 Undset, Sigrid, and Immaculate Washington, George, Ritual . . Sactls 94 Conception, story PPV 124 Waste (sermon) Ch 82 WP—With Parables Pers—Personality Plus OT—Occasional Talks Ch—Talks for Children Cr—Talks on the Creed TM—Talks on the Mass FL—Feas'ts of Our Lady Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—Tdiks on the Sacramentals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer. Precepts and Virtues Complete Topical Index 25 Waste (sermon) WP 81 Wise Men (sermon) WP 17 WP 94 "Within That City” Cr 72 Water-drop, story, Asperges . . Sactls 12 Within That City, Arnold Lunn . WP 28 Wax, story. Sincerity .... Pers 40 Wives WP 52 Way of cross Ch 49 Wolseley, Lord, story. Holy Name Com 26 Way of Cross (sermon) .... Cr 42 Women, story, Sacramentals . . Sactls 2 Way of Cross Sactls 106 Word of God WP 33 Way of Life PPV 3 Work and Study (sermon) . . Ch 56 War, when just Com 61 World calls this gloomy .... Lent 6 Wedding Ring Sactls 93 World, enemy of soul .... FL 30 Wedding ring, story. Marriage Sac 120 Worship (sermon) Com 4 Wedgwood, Josiah, story. Scandal Com 68 Worship PPV 108 Well, story. Sanctuary Lamp . . Sactls 102 Worship WP 109 What are some of Christ’s teachings? Lent 20 Whately, Archbishop, story, —Y— Christ, True Man Cr 12 Young boy, story. Litanies . . Sactls 64 Where are you going? (sermon) . Ch 58 Young Ladies, story. Bishop’s Relief OT 10 Where art thou going? (sermon) WP 57 Young lady, story. Holy Name of White, William Allen, corrected . WP 32 Mary FL 70 Who’s Who in Heaven (sermon) Young Man, story. Gambling . . Com 94 All Saints WP 119 Young nun, story, Lilies . . . Sactls 62 Why Christ comes to us (sermon) Sac 44 Young officer, story. Confession Sactls 28 Why Lent? Lent 2 Young soldier, story. Health of Why The "Plus”?, following Christ Pers 1 the sick FL 64 Widow, Murphy, story. Tact . . Pers 4 Young wife, story, Marriage . . Sac 116 William, Frederick, story. Heaven Cr 100 Williams, Ted, example .... Ch 56 Willie Wasp, story. Anger . . . Ch 76 —Z — Will Power (sermon) .... Pers 28 Zeal and Lowell Thomas, story Will to Work (sermon) .... Pers 28 (sermon) PPV 60 Wilson, Monsignor Stephen, story. Zeithen, story. Fourth Com- Remembrance of Living . . . TM 48 mandment Com 34 WP—With Parables Pers—Personality Plus OT—Occasional Talks Ch—Talks for Children Cr—Talks on the Creed TM—Talks on the Mass FL—Feasts of Our Lady Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—Ta2ks on the Sacramentals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues PART II Table of Contents of WITH PARABLES Page Sundays of Advent First HOW TO KEEP ADVENT 1 Second .... COURAGE 3 Third .... RECOGNIZING CHRIST 5 Fourth .... PICK UP THE BROKEN GLASS 7 Christmas . . . THE BABY ON THE BUS 9 Sunday after Christmas . . . FOR THE FALL AND RISE 11 New Year .... DEAR DIARY 13 Sunday after New Year . . . HOLY NAME SUNDAY 15 Epiphany Sundays after Epiphany 'First HOLY FAMILY Second .... THE GOLDEN TOUCH . . niird .... GIVE TO GET Fourth .... FOOLISH FEARS Fifth PEACEMAKERS Sixth .... GROWTH OF THE CHURCH Septuagesima CHRIST THE LABORER Sexagesima SERMON FRUIT Quinquagesima PASSION OP CHRIST Sundays in Lent First Second . . . . Third . . . . Fourth . . . . THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE HEAVEN MUST BE MINE CARRY THE CROSS . . MEAL PRAYER .... Passion Sunday . OBEDIENCE Palm Sunday . . OUR KING Easter Sunday . . BELLS OP VICTORY Sundays after Easter First LOCKED DOORS .... Second .... GOOD SHEPHERD .... Third .... A LITTLE WHILE .... Fourth .... WHERE ART THOU GOING? Fifth PROVIDENCE Ascension . . Sunday after Ascension . Pentecost . . ASCENSION OP OUR LORD PROPHECY LEAD KINDLY LIGHT . . Trinity Sunday THE SIGN OP THE CROSS Simdays after Pentecost Second . . Third . . Fourth . . Fifth . . . Sixth . . . Seventh Eighth . . Ninth . . Tenth . . Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth . Sixteenth . THE LORD’S SUPPER . . . TAKING GOOD EXAMPLE . INFALLIBILITY ANGER COMPASSION FIFTH COLUMNISTS . . . . WASTE CHRIST THE IDEAL TACHER HUMILITY CEREMONIES BRUISED HEARTS BOOST YOUR CHURCH . . . HONESTY PEAR OP THE LORD . . . . PARISH SOCIABILITY . . . 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 Table of Contents 27 Seventeenth . . SELLING YOUR RELIGION 99 Eighteenth . . JEALOUSY 101 Nineteenth . . JUST BEFORE MARRIAGE 103 Twentieth . . . EXTREME UNCTION 105 Twenty-first . . SOCIAL JUSTICE 107 Twenty-second . ATTENTION TO GOD 109 Twenty-third . THE IMMORTAL SOUL Ill Twenty-fourth . PROBLEM OP PAIN 113 Twenty-fifth . ACTUAL GRACE 115 Twenty-sixth . “THE LAST JUDGMENT’ 117 Feasts All Saints . . . WHO’S WHO IN HEAVEN 119 The Immaculate Conception . . “HAIL, FULL OF GRACE 121 Assumption 123 Topical Index 125 TaUe of Contents of TALKS ON THE CREED Sundays of Advent First FAITH 2 Second .... THERE IS A GOD 4 Third .... WHO IS GOD? 6 Fourth .... CREATION 8 Christmas . . . THIS CHILD IS GOD 10 Sunday after Christmas . . . CHRIST WAS TRUE MAN 12 New Year .... LIVING AGAIN SPIRITUALLY 14 Sunday after New Year . . . HOLY NAME OP JESUS 16 Sundays after Epiphany First THE HOLY FAMILY 18 Second .... THE PUBLIC LIFE OP CHRIST 20 Third .... CHRIST, OUR MODEL 22 Fourth .... THE FRIENDS OP CHRIST 24 Fifth .... THE ENEMIES OP CHRIST 26 Sixth THE VIRGIN BIRTH 28 Septuagesima . . CHRIST THE WORKER 30 Sexagesima . . . CHRIST TAUGHT DOGMAS 32 Quinquagesima . THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN 34 Sundays in Lent First TRIALS BEFORE ANNAS AND CAIPHAS 36 Second .... TRIALS BEFORE PILATE AND HEROD 38 'Third .... THE SCOURGING AND CROWNING 40 Fourth .... THE WAY OF THE CROSS 42 Passion Sunday . THE CRUCIFIXION 44 Palm Sunday . . HIS DYING WORDS 46 Good Friday . . . THE DEATH OF CHRIST 48 Easter Sunday . . HIS RESURRECTION 50 Sundays after Easter First DO MEN DIE FOR A LIE? 52 Second .... FRUITS OP THE RESURRECTION 54 Third .... THE APPEARANCES OF CHRIST 56 Fourth .... HIS DESCENT INTO HELL 58 Fifth LESSONS OP THE ASCENSION 60 Ascension .... HIS HEAVENLY THRONE 62 Sunday after Ascension . . . WHO IS THE HOLY GHOST 64 Pentecost .... THE GIFTS OP THE HOLY GHOST 66 Trinity Sunday . THE HOLY TRINITY 68 28 Table of Contents Sundays after Pentecost Second . . . . Third . . . . Fourth . . . . Fifth Sixth Seventh . . . Eighth . . . . Ninth . . . . Tenth . . . . Eleventh . . . Twelfth . . . Thirteenth . . Fourteenth . . Fifteenth . . . Sixteenth . . . Seventeenth . . Eighteenth . . Nineteenth . . Twentieth . . . Twenty-first . . Twenty-second . Twenty-third Twenty-fourth . Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh WHY RELIGION REVELATION CHRIST FOUNDED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH . . THE FIRST CATHOLIC TEACHER WHAT IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHRIST FOUNDED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH . . THE GLORIOUS HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH INFALLIBILITY THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH . THE MARKS OF THE TRUE CHURCH THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH HOLINESS OF THE CHURCH THE CATHOLICITY OF THE CHURCH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS APOSTOLIC . . . . THE AUTHORITY OP THE CATHOLIC CHURCH . THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS THE DANCE OF DEATH THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY HEAVEN PURGATORY HOW TO HELP THE POOR SOULS nEl «Ij THE PARTICULAR JUDGMENT THE LAST JUDGMENT Feasts All Saints . . . UNKNOWN SOLDIERS The Immaculate Conception . . THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Assumption . . THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN . . 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 Topical Index 128 Table of Contents of TALKS ON THE SACRAMENTS Simdays of Advent IFirst WHAT IS A SACRAMENT? 2 Second .... THE AUTHOR OP THE SACRAMENTS 4 Third .... THE EFFECTS OP THE SACRAMENTS 6 Fourth .... THE SACRAMENTALS 8 Christmas 10 Sunday after Christmas . . . THE MEANING OF BAPTISM 12 New Year .... THE DISPOSITIONS OP BAPTISM 14 Sunday after New Year . . . BAPTISM FORESHADOWED 16 Sundays after Epiphany First THE EFFECTS OP BAPTISM 18 Second .... THE MINISTER OP BAPTISM 20 Third .... THE SPONSORS OP BAPTISM 22 Fourth .... BAPTISMAL NAMES 24 Fifth THE BAPTISMAL PROMISES 26 Sixth .... THE CEREMONIES OP BAPTISM 28 Septuagesima . . NATURE AND EFFECTS OP CONFIRMATION . . 30 Sexagesima . . . THE GIVER AND RECEIVER OF CONFIRMATION . 32 Quinquagesima . THE CEREMONIES OF CONFIRMATION .... 34 Sundays in Lent First THE SACRAMENT OF EUCHARIST 36 Second .... PREPARATION AND PROMISE 38 Third .... THE PROMISE KEPT 40 Fourth .... WHY COMMUNION? 42 Table of Contents 29 Passion Sunday Palm Sunday . Good Friday . . Easter Sunday . WHY CHRIST COMES TO US EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS DISPOSITIONS FOR HOLY COMMUNION . . . . EUCHARISTIC VICTORY Sundays after Easter First VISITS, SPIRITUAL COMMUNION AND VIATICUM Second .... THE MEANING OF MASS Third .... HOW TO HEAR MASS Fourth .... CEREMONIES OF MASS Fifth THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION scension .... CONFESSION IS A KEY TO HEAVEN Sunday after Ascension . . . THE PRIEST FORGIVES SIN Pentecost THE HOLY GHOST AND CONFESSION Trinity Sunday . THE RECIPIENT OF CONFESSION Sundays after Pentecost Second Third Fourth Fifth . Sixth . Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth . . Fourteenth . . Fifteenth . . . Sixteenth . . . Seventeenth . . Eighteenth . . Nineteenth . . Twentieth . . . Twenty-first . . Twenty-second . Twenty-third Twenty-fourth . Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE MEANING AND KINDS OF CONTRITION . . . . VALUE AND NEED OF CONTRITION CONTRITION, INTERIOR AND SUPERNATURAL . CONTRITION, UNIVERSAL AND SUPREME . . . PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT THE TELLING OP OUR SINS FREQUENT CONFESSION the effects op confession NATURE AND NEED OF SATISFACTION . . . . SATISFACTION, SACRAMENTAL AND EXTRA- SACRAMENTAL CONFESSION MAKS A DIFFERENCE INDULGENCES EXTREME UNCTION THE EFFECT OP EXTREME UNCTION MEANING OP HOLY ORDERS THE TRAINING OP A PRIEST THE POWERS OP THE PRIEST MARRIAGE, A SACRAMENT MARRIAGE, ONE AND UNBREAKABLE DUTIES OP MARRIED LIFE SOME MARRIAGE LAWS MIXED MARRIAGES PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE YOUR FUTURE PARTNER THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY Feasts All Saints . . . MARRIED SAINTS The Immaculate Conception . . THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Assumption . . THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN . . 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 Topical Index 128 TaUe of Contents of TALKS FOR CHILDREN Sundays of Advent First LET’S PLAY (Advent) 2 Second .... A REALLY BRAVE BOY (Courage) 4 Third .... THE UNKNOWN PRINCE (Jesus is coming) .... 6 Fourth .... THE VOICE IN THE WOODS (The Herald) .... 8 Christmas ... A GRASSHOPPER AND A BABY 10 Sunday after Christmas . . . LIFT UP YOUR BROTHER 12 New Year .... ONE WORD AT A TIME 14 Holy Name Sunday SHE LOVED HIS HOLY NAME 16 30 Table op Contents Sundays after Epiphany First QUIZ KIDS (Learning Catechism) 18 Second .... PLAYING FOR GOD (Recreation) 20 Third .... LOOK AT THE PICTURE (Prayer) 22 Fourth .... PETE, THE CANARY (Avoiding temptation) ... 24 Fifth ..... FUT GOOD THINGS IN YOUR BASKET (Reading)) 26 Sixth .... A LITTLE GIRL LIGHTS A FIRE (Praying for conversions) 28 Septuagesima . . SKIATING ON ONE SKATE (Contentment) .... 30 Sexagedma . . . SHE FOUND HER LOVER (Hearing sermons) . . 32 Quinquagesima . BLIND BOYS AND GIRLS (Open your eyes) ... 34 Sundays in Lent First JESUS AND THE DEVIL 36 Second .... THE LITTLE FLOWER AND THE LINNET (Good Company) 38 Third .... WHO MAKES THE KITE FLY (Teamwork) .... 40 Fourth .... LITTLE CECILIA (Meal prayer) 42 Passion Sunday . HE PLAYED THE FLUTE (Obedience) 44 Palm Sunday . . HONORING THE KING (Processions of the Eucharist) 46 Good Friday ... HE DIED FOR US 48 Easter Sunday . . THE BEST PART OF THE STORY (He rose) ... 50 Sundays after Easter First JUST A PEANUT (Faith) 52 Second .... THE SCOUTMASTER’S WHISTLE (Good Shepherd) 54 Third .... THE LIGHT IN THE WINDOW (Work and Study) . 56 Fourth .... GOODBYE, GOD (Where are you going?) 58 Fifth LOVE HIM BACK (Love of God) 60 Ascension .... JESUS IS UPSTAIRS 62 Sunday after Ascension . . . THE PRETTIEST HANDS (Show our Lord) .... 64 Pentecost .... START A FIRE IN YOUR HEART (Holy Ghost) . . 66 Trinity Sunday . SAVED IN THE NICK OF TIME (Sign of the Cross) . 68 Sundays after Pentecost Second .... A BOY BRINGS HOLY COMMUNION Third . . . . Fourth . . . . Fifth Sixth Seventh . . . Eighth . . . . Ninth . . . . Tenth . . . . Eleventh . . . Twelfth . . . Thirteenth . . Fourteenth . . Fifteenth . . . Sixteenth . . . Seventeenth . . Eighteenth . . Nineteenth . . Twentieth . . . Twenty-first . . Twenty-second . Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh (Holy Commimion) 70 THE LITTLE LOST LAMB (Remembering Christ) . 72 HELLO, HOLY FATHER (Devotion to the Pope) . . 74 DONT BE A WASP (Anger) . 76 LET HIM IN, ST. PETER (Pity) 78 POOLERS (False Prophets) 80 THE GARBAGE TRUCK (Waste) 82 GOD’S HOUSE (Behavior in church) 84 THE PRINCE AND THE DAISY (Humility) ... 86 CUT OFF HIS EAR (Spiritual deafness) 88 DONT BE STUPID (Respecting others) 90 SKIPPY (Give credit to Jesus) 92 HE SAVED A ROBIN (Providence of God) .... 94 HOLD ON TIGHT (Catholic education) 96 HIS PROUDEST DAY (Just pride) 98 HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION (Courtesy) 100 PAT HIM ON THE BACK (Praising others) .... 102 GO TO THE HELP OF THE KING (Vocation) ... 104 PAY HIM BACK (Your parents) 106 'THIEF! THIEF! (Honesty) 108 HE’S SAFE (Tell the truth) 110 A REAL FIGHTER (Purity) 112 OUT OF PRISON (Poor souls) 114 GOD’S SECRET SERVICE MEN (Guardian angels) . 116 GOD’S MOVIES (Last Judgment) 118 FOREVER AND EVER (Heaven) 120 Table of Contents 31 Feasts All Saints . . . YOUR PAGE IN GOD’S BOOK 122 The Immaculate Conception . . THE LOVELIEST LADY 124 Assumption . . QUEEN OF QUEENS 126 Topical Index 128 Tabic of Contents of TALKS ON THE COMMANDMENTS Sundays in Advent First THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 2 Second .... THE WORSHIP OF GOD 4 Third .... ANGELS AND SAINTS 6 Fourth .... RELICS AND IMAGES 8 Christmas . . . GOD’S OWN SON 10 Sunday after Christmas . . . KNOW YOUR RELIGION 12 New Year .... LIVE YOUR RELIGION 14 Sunday after New Year . . .. SINS AGAINST FIRST COMMANDMENT 16 Sundays after Epiphany First REVERENCE FOR HOLY THINGS 18 Second .... REVERENCE FOR GOD'S NAME 20 Third .... OA'THS AND VOWS 22 Fourth .... SINS AGAINST SECOND COMMANDMENT .... 24 Fifth HELPS FOR THE SECOND COMMANDMENT ... 26 Sixth .... WHY THE THIRD COMMANDMENT 28 Septuagesima . . SUNDAY MASS 30 Sexagesima . . . SUNDAY WORK 32 Quinquagesima THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT 34 Sundays in Lent First SPIRITUAL DUTIES TO PARENTS 36 Second .... TEMPORAL DUTIES TO PARENTS 38 Third .... SPIRITUAL DUTIES TO CHILDREN 40 Fourth .... TEMPORAL DUTIES TO CHILDREN 42 Passion Sunday . DUTIES TO TEIACHERS 44 Palm Sunday . . DUTIES OF TEACHERS 46 Good Friday . . . CHRIST, MODEL OF OBEDIENCE 48 Easter Sunday . . CHRIST, MODEL SUPERIOR 50 Sundays after Easter First DUTIES OF THE FAI'THFUL 52 Second .... DUTIES OF PASTORS 54 'Third .... GOVERNMENT AND THE GOVERNED 56 Fourth .... HEALTH OF BODY 58 Fifth THOU SHALT NOT KILL 60 Ascension .... DIGNITY OP THE HUMAN BODY 62 Sunday after Ascension . . . ANGER, HATRED, FIGHTING 64 Pentecost .... TEMPERANCE 66 'Trinity Sunday . SCANDAL 68 Sundays alter Pentecost Second .... 'THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT 70 Third .... PURITY IN THOUGHT 72 Fourth .... PURITY IN SPEECH 74 Fifth PURITY IN ACTION 76 Sixth .... HELPS 'TO PURITY 78 Seventh . . . THE RIGHT TO OWN 80 Eighth .... WHAT THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT REQUIRES 82 Ninth .... WHAT 'THE SEVEN'TH COMMANDMENT FORBIDS 84 Tenth .... 'THEFT 86 32 Table op Contents Eleventh . . . FEtAUD 88 Twelfth . . . GRAFT, BRIBERY, USURY 90 Thirteenth . . EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE 92 Fourteenth . . GAMBLING 94 Fifteenth . . . PAY YOUR BILLS 96 Sixteenth . . . RESTITUTION 98 Seventeenth . . GREED AND EXTRAVAGANCE 100 Eighteenth . . GOOD NAME, TRUTH, LOVE 102 Nineteenth . . LYING 104 Twentieth . . RASH JUDGMENT 106 Twenty-first . DETRACTION, SLANDER, CALUMNY 108 Twenty-second . INSULT. FLATTERY, BOASTING 110 Twenty-third . TALE-BEARING AND SECRETS 112 Twenty-fourth . SATISFACTION FOR SINS OF SPEECH 114 Twenty-fifth . THE NINTH COMMANDMENT 116 Twenty-Sixth . THE TENTH COMMANDMENT 118 Twenty-seventh THE LAST JUDGMENT 120 Feasts All Saints 122 Immaculate Conception 124 Assumption 126 Topical Index 128 Table of Contents of PRAYER, PRECEPTS AND VIRTUES Sundays of Advent First THE CHRIST-LIKE CATHOLIC 2 Second .... THE CHURCH'S RIGHT TO MAKE LAWS .... 4 Third .... SUNDAY MASS 6 Fourth .... PAST AND ABS'ITNENCE 8 Christmas ... A LITTLE CHILD 10 Sunday after Christmas . . . ANNUAL CONFESSION 12 New Year .... YEARLY COMMUNION 14 Sunday after New Year . . . CHURCH SUPPORT 16 Sundays after Epiphany mrst .... MARRIAGE LAWS 18 Second .... MEANING AND NEED OP PRAYER 20 Third .... HOW AND WHEN TO PRAY 22 Fourth .... OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN 24 Fifth HALLOWED BE THY NAME 26 Sixth .... THY KINGDOM COME 28 Septuagesima . . THY WILL BE DONE 30 Sexagesima . . . OUR DAILY BREAD 32 Qulnquageslma . . FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES 34 Sundays in Lent First TEMPTATION 36 Second .... EVIL 38 Third .... HAIL, MARY! 40 Fourth .... HOLY MARY 42 Passion Sunday . VIRTUE IN GENERAL 44 Palm Sunday . . FAITH 46 Good Friday . . CHARITY 48 Easter HOPE 50 Sundays after Easter First PRUDENCE 52 Second .... JUSTICE 54 Third .... TEMPERANCE 56 Fourth .... FORTITUDE 58 Fifth ZEAL 60 Table op Contents 33 Ascension . . Sunday after Ascension . . Pentecost . . . Trinity Sunday THE POOR IN SPIRIT .... THE MEEK THEY WHO MOURN WHO HUNGER AFTER JUSTICE Sundays after Pentecost Second . . . Third . . . Fourth . . . Fifth . . . Sixth . . . Seventh . . Eighth . . . Ninth . . . Tenth . . . Eleventh . . Twelfth . . Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth . . Sixteenth . . Seventeenth . Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh THE MERCIFUL THE PURE OF HEART . . . THE PEACEMAKERS . . . . WHO SUPPER PERSECUTION THE MORAL LAW CONSCIENCE ORIGINAL SIN THE NATURE OP SIN . . . MORTAL SIN VENIAL SIN COOPERATION IN SIN . . . THE CAPITAL SINS . . . . PRIDE AVARICE LUST ANGER GLUTTONY ENVY SLOTH THE VIRTUE OP RELIGION . GOOD WORKS PRAYER AND PASTING . . ALMSDEEDS RULE OP LIFE DAILY LIFE CATHOLIC ACTION . . . . Feasts AU Saints . . . THEY LEAD THE WAY . The Immaculate Conception . . VIRTUE IN PERSON . . The Assumption THE LIGHT OP OUR LIFE Topical Index 62 64 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 Table of Contents of OCCASIONAL TALKS Chapter Subject Page 1. ALL SAINTS 2 2. ALTAR SOCIETY .... 4 3. BENEDICTION 6 4. BIBLE SUNDAY 8 5. BISHOP’S RELIEF .... 10 6. CANDLEMAS 12 7. CA’THOLIC PRESS .... 14 8. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY . 16 9. CHOIR 18 10. CHRIST, THE KING ... 20 11. CHRISTMAS 22 12. COLUMBUS DAY .... 24 13. CONFIRMATION .... 26 14. CONFRATERNITY SUNDAY 28 15. CORPUS CHISTI .... 30 16. EASTER 32 17. EMBER DAYS 34 18. FATHER’S DAY 36 19. FIRST COMMUNION ... 38 20. FIRST FRIDAY 40 21. FORTY HOURS 42 22. GOOD FRIDAY 44 Chapter Subject Page 23. GRADUATION, GRADE SCHOOL 46 24. GUARDIAN ANGELS ... 48 25. HOLY CHILDHOOD ... 50 26. HOLY FAMILY 52 27. HOLY HOUR 54 28. HOLY NAME 56 29. INDIAN AND NEGRO MISSIONS 58 30. JUNIPERO SERRA .... 60 31. LAY RETREAT 62 32. LEGION OF DECENCY . . 64 33. Um' 66 34. LINCOLN 68 35. MAY ALTAR 70 36. MEMORIAL DAY .... 72 37. MISSION SUNDAY .... 74 38. MOTHER’S DAY 76 39. NEW YEAR 78 40. ORPHAN COLLECTION . . 80 41. PARISH MISSION .... 82 42. PETER’S PENCE 84 34 Table of Contents Chapter Subject Page Chapter Subject Page 43. POOR SOULS 86 63. ST. VALENTINE 106 44. POPE PIUS XII 88 54. SACRED HEART .... 108 45. PORTIUNCULA 90 55. SCHOOL OPENING .... 110 46. PRECIOUS BLOOD .... 92 56. THANKSGIVING .... 112 47. PRIEST’S SATURDAY . . 94 57. THIRD ORDER OF ST. 48. ROSARY 96 FRANCIS 114 49. ST. BLAISE BLESSING . . 98 58. UNITY OCTAVE .... 116 50. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI . 100 59. VOCATIONS 118 61 . ST. JOSEPH 102 60. WASHINGTON 120 52. ST. PATRICK 104 Topical Index 122 Table of Contents of TALKS ON THE SACRAMENTALS 1. SACRAMIENTALS IN GEN- 30. INDUSTRY, SACRA- ERAL 2 MENTALS OP 60 2. AGNUS DEI 4 31. LILIES 62 3. AGRICULTURE, SACRA— 32. LITANIES 64 MENTALS OP . , . . . 6 33. MARRIAGE, CERE- 4. ANGELUS 8 MONIES OP 66 5. ASHES 10 34. MEAL PRAYER 68 6 . ASPERGES 12 35. MEDALS 70 7 . BAPTISM, CERE- 36. MISSAL 72 MONIES OP 14 37. PALMS 74 8. BELLS 16 38. PASCHAL CANDLE . . . 76 9. BENEDICTION 18 39. PERSONS. BLESSING OP . 78 10. BREVIARY 20 40. PICTURES 80 11. CANDLES 22 41. PILGRIMAGES 82 12. CEMETERY 24 42. POPE’S BLESSING .... 84 13. CHURCHING OP WOMEN . 26 43. PRAYERBOOKS 86 14. CONFESSION, CERE- 44. PRIESTHOOD, CERE- MONIES OP 28 MONIES OP 88 15. CONFIRMATION, CERE- 45. RELICS 90 MONIES OP 30 46 . RINGS 92 16 . CORDS. BLESSED .... 32 47. RITUAL 94 17. CRIB 34 48. ROSARY 96 18 . CROSS, SIGN OP .... 36 49. S'r. CHRISTOPHER . . . 98 19. CRUCIFIX 38 50. SALT 100 20. DEVOTIONS 40 51. SANCTUARY LAMP . . . 102 21. EUCHARIST, CERE- 52. SCAPULARS 104 MONIES OF 42 53. STATIONS 106 22 . EXTREME UNCTION, CERE- 54. STATUES 108 MONIES OF 44 55. TABERNACLE 110 23 . FORTY HOURS 46 56. THINGS, BLESSING OF . . 112 24 . FUNERAL SERVICE . . . 48 57. THREE KINGS’ BLESSING 114 25. HABIT, RELIGIOUS . . . 50 58. VESSELS 116 26 . 27 . HOLY OILS HOLY WATER 52 54 59. VESTMENTS 118 28 . HOME SACRAMENTALS 56 60. VIGIL LIGHTS 120 29 . INCENSE 58 Topical Index 122 Table of Contents of TALKS ON THE MASS 1. •THE ALTAR 2 13. GOSPEL 26 2. ALTAR DECORATIONS . . 4 14. CREED 28 3. JUDGE ME, O GOD . . . 6 15. OFFERING OP BREAD . . 30 4. I CONFESS 8 16. OFFERING OP WINE . . . 32 5. ENTRANCE PRAYERS . . 10 17. OFFERTORY PRAYERS . . 34 6. LORD, HAVE MERCY 18. INCENSING, WASHING, ON US 12 PRAYER TO TRINITY . 36 7. GLORY TO GOD .... 14 19. PRAY, BRETHREN .... 38 8. THE LORD BE WITH YOU 16 20. SECRET PRAYER .... 40 9. 10. COLLECT EPISTLE 18 20 21. PREFACE 42 11. GRADUAL 22 22. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY . . . 44 12. CHANGING 'THE BOOK . . 24 23. PROTECT, UNITE, GOVERN 46 Table of Contents 35 Chapter Subject Page Chapter Subject Page 24. REMEMBRANCE OP 42. PREPARATION FOR LIVING 48 COMMUNION .... 84 25. GOD’S HOUSEHOLD . . 50 43. PRIEST’S COMMUNION 86 26. ACCEPT THIS OBLATION 52 44. COMMUNION OF FAI'TH- 27. RETURN GIFT .... 54 FUL 88 28. CONSECRATION OF THE 45. WASHING PRAYERS . . 90 HOST 56 46. CONVERSION OF JEWS . 92 29. CONSECRATION OF 47. COMMUNION PRAYER . 94 PRECIOUS BLOOD 58 48. AFTER-COMMUNION 30. HOLY VICTIM .... 60 PRAYER 96 31. PLEASE ACCEPT . . . 62 49. THE DISMISSAL . . . 98 32. HANDS OF THY ANGEL 64 50. LAST BLESSING . . . 100 33. REMEMBRANCE OF THE 51. LAST GOSPEL .... 102 DEAD 66 52. THANKS BE TO GOD . . 104 34. SHARING HEAVEN . . 68 53. PRAYERS AFTER MASS 106 35. LITTLE ELEVATION . . 70 54. VESTMENTS OF MASS . 108 36. OUR FATHER 72 55. WHY LATIN? 110 37. DELIVER PRO]M ETVTL 74 56. SERVERS 112 38. BREAKING 'THE HOST . 76 57. BEST WAY TO ATTEND 39. THE LORD’S PEACE . . 78 MASS 114 40. LAMB OF GOD .... 80 58. BENEFITS OF MASS . . 116 41. KISS OP PEACE .... 82 Topical Index 118 Table of Contents of FEASTS OF OUR LADY Chapter Subject Page 1. Jan. 8—OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOUR 2 2. Jan. 23—ESPOUSALS OP OUR LADY 4 3. Feb. 2—PURIFICATION 6 4. Feb. 11-OUR LADY OF LOURDES 8 13. May—MOTHER’S DAY (first sermon) 26 5. Feb. 17—PLIGHT INTO EGYPT 10 6. March 25—ANNUNCIATION 12 7. April (Friday after Passion Sunday)—SEVEN DOLORS 14 8. April 16—OUR LADY OP CONSOLATION 16 9. April 26—OUR LADY OP GOOD COUNSEL 18 10. May 1—MAY CROWNING 20 11. May &—MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACES 22 12. May (Saturday after Ascension)—QUEEN OF APOSTLES 24 14. May—MOTHER’S DAY (second sermon) 28 15. May 13—OUR LADY OP THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ..... 30 16. May 24—HELP OF CHRISTIANS 32 17. May 24—OUR LADY OF THE WAYSIDE 34 18. May 31—QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS 36 19. May 31—OUR LADY OF FAIR LOVE 38 20. June (Saturday after Octave of Corpus Christ!) — MOST PURE HEART OP MARY 40 21. June 9—MOTHER OF DIVINE GRACE 42 22. June 27—OUR LADY OP PERPETUAL HELP 44 23. July 2—VISITATION 46 24. July 18—OUR LADY OP MOUNT CARMEL 48 25. July 17—HUMILITY OP OUR LADY 50 26. July (Saturday before 4th Sunday of July)—MOTHER OF MERCY . 52 27. Aug. 2—OUR LADY OP THE ANGELS 54 28. Aug. 5—OUR LADY OF THE SNOW 56 29. Aug. 13—REFUGE OP SINNERS 58 30. Aug. 15—ASSUMPTION 60 31. Aug. 22—IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 62 32. Aug. 27—SEVEN JOYS 64 33. Aug. (Saturday before last Sunday of August) — HEALTH OF THE SICK 66 34. Sept. 3—MOTHER OF THE DIVINE SHEPHERD 68 35. Sept. 8—NA'TIVITY OP OUR LADY 70 36. Sept. 12—HOLY NAME OP MARY 72 36 Table of Contents 37. Sept. 16-SEVEN DOLORS 74 38. Sept. 24—OUR LADY OP RANSOM 76 39. Oct. 7—HOLY ROSARY 78 40. Oct. 11—MATERNITY OP OUR LADY 80 41. Oct. 13—OUR LADY OP FATIMA 82 42. Oct. 16—PURITY OF OUR LADY 84 43. Nov. (week day in Octave of All Saints)—OUR LADY OP SUFFRAGE 86 44. Nov. 8—PATRONAGE OP OUR LADY 88 45. Nov. (Saturday before 3rd Sunday of November) — MOTHER OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE 90 46. Nov. 21—PRESENTATION 92 47. Nov. 27—MIRACULOUS MEDAL OF MARY IMMACULATE ... 94 48. Dec. 8—IMMACJULATE CONCEPTION 96 49. Dec. 10—TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY HOUSE OP LORETTO . . 98 50. Dec. 12—OUR LADY OP GUADALUPE 100 51. Dec. 15—QUEEN OF THE ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR 102 52. Dec. 18—EXPECTATION OP OUR LADY 104 Topical Index '. 106 Table of Contents of PERSONALITY PLUS Chapter Title Page 1. WHY THE “PLUS”? . . . 1 2. TACT 4 3. COURTESY . 8 4. GENEROSITY . 12 5. CONVERSATION .... . 16 6. APPEARANCE . 20 7. A SENSE OP HUMOR . . . 24 8. THE WILL TO WORK . . . 28 9. STICK-TO-IT-IVENESS . . 32 Chapter Title Page 10. SELF CONTROL 36 11. SINCERITY 40 12. KEEPING PROMISES ... 44 13. POISE 48 14. TOLERANCE 52 15. ABILITY TO TAKE THE OP- POSITE SEX CASUALLY . 56 16. THE MAGNETIC MASTER . 60 STUDY CLUB QUESTIONS . 64 Table of Contents of WITH CHRIST THROUGH LENT 1. THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST 2 2. THE WILL OP CHRIST . . 10 3. THE TEACHING OP CHRIST 18 4. THE LOVE OP CHRIST . . 26 5. THE FORGIVENESS OP CHRIST 6. THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST 42 7. THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST 50 8. GOOD FRIDAY 58 9. EASTER JOY—(first sermon) 66 10. HE REALLY ROSE— (second Easter Sermon) . . 7034 PART III SUBJECTS FOR THE VARIOUS SUNDAYS Subject Book Sundays in Advent First HOW TO KEEP ADVENT WP FAITH Cr WHAT IS A SACRAMENT? Sac ‘ LET’S PLAY Ch THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Com THE CHRIST-LIKE CATHOLIC .... PPV Second .... COURAGE WP THERE IS A GOD Cr AUTHOR OP THE SACRAMENTS .... Sac A BRAVE BOY Ch WORSHIP OP GOD Com CHURCH’S RIGHT TO MAKE LAWS . . PPV Third .... RECOGNIZING CHRIST WP WHO IS GOD? Cr EFFECTS OP 'THE SACRAMENTS . . . Sac THE UNKNOWN PRINCE Ch ANGELS AND SAINTS Com SUNDAY MASS PPV Fourth .... PICK UP THE BROKEN GLASS . . . . WP CREATION Cr THE SACRAMENTALS Sac VOICE IN THE WOODS Ch RELICS AND IMAGES Com PAST AND ABSTINENCE PPV Christmas . . . BABY ON 'THE BUS WP 'THIS CHILD IS GOD Or LIGHT IN DARBGJESS Sac GRASSHOPPER AND A BABY GOD’S OWN SON Com A LITTLE CHILD PPV GIVE IT TO THE BABY OT Sunday after Christmas FOR THE FALL AND RISE WP CHRIST WAS TRUE MAN Cr MEANING OP BAPTISM Sac LIFT UP YOUR BROTHER Ch KNOW YOUR RELIGION Com ANNUAL CONFESSION PPV New Year .... DEAR DIARY WP LIVING AGAIN SPIRITUALLY Cr DISPOSITIONS FOR BAPTISM Sac ONE WORD AT A TIME Ch LIVE YOUR RELIGION Com YEARLY COMMUNION PPV GROW TALLER OT Sunday after New Year WONDERFUL NAME WP HOLY NAME OF JESUS Cr BAPTISM FORESHADOWED Sac SHE LOVED HIS HOLY NAME Ch SINS AGAINST FIRST COMMANDMENT . Com CHURCH SUPPORT PPV ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES OT Page 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 « 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 22 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 78 15 16 16 16 16 16 56 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 38 Subjects for Various Sundays Sundays after Epiphany First HOLY FAMILY WP 19 HOLY FAMILY Cr 18 EFFECTS OF BAPTISM Sac 18 QUIZ KIDS Ch 18 REVERENCE FOR HOLY THINGS . . . Com 18 MARRIAGE LAWS PPV 18 HOLY FAMILY OT 52 Second .... THE GOLDEN TOUCH WP 21 THE PUBLIC LIFE OF CHRIST Cr 20 THE MINISTER OF BAPTISM Sac 20 PLAYING FOR GOD Ch 20 REVERENCE FOR GOD’S NAME .... Com 20 MEANING AND NEED OF PRAYER . . PPV 20 Third .... GIVE TO GET WP 23 CHRIST. OUR MODEL Cr 22 SPONSORS AT BAPTISMS Sac 22 LOOK AT THE PICTURE Ch 22 OA'THS AND VOWS Com 22 HOW AND WHEN TO PRAY PPV 22 Fourth .... FOOLISH FEARS WP 25 •THE FRIENDS OF CHRIST Cr 24 BAP'TISMAL NAMES Sac 24 PETE, THE CANARY Ch 24 SINS AGAINST SECOND COMMANDMENT Com 24 OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN PPV 24 Fifth .... PEACEMAKERS WP 27 ENEMIES OF CHRIST Cr 26 BAPTISMAL PROMISES Sac 26 PUT GOOD THINGS IN YOUR BASKET . Ch 26 HELPS FOR 'THE SECOND COMMAND- MENT Com 26 HALLOWED BE THY NAME PPV 26 Sixth .... GROWTH OF THE CHURCH WP 29 VIRGIN BIRTH Cr 28 CEREMONIES OF BAPTISM Sac 28 LI'TTLE GIRL LIGHTS A FIRE . . . . Ch 28 WHY THE THIRD COMMANDMENT . . Com 28 THY KINGDOM COME PPV 28 Septuagesima . . CHRIST, THE LABORER WP 31 CHRIST, THE WORKER Cr 30 NATURE AND EFFECTS OP CONFIRMA- 'TION Sac 30 SKATING ON ONE SKA'TE Ch 30 SUNDAY MASS Com 30 THY WILL BE DONE PPV 30 Sexageslma . . . SERMON FRUIT WP 33 CHRIST TAUGHT DOGMAS Cr 32 GIVER AND RECEIVER OF CONFIRMA- TION Sac 32 SHE FOUND HER LOVER Ch 32 SUNDAY WORK Com 32 OUR DAILY BREAD PPV 32 Quinquagesima . PASSION OF CHRIST WP 35 AGONY IN THE GARDEN Cr 34 CEREMONIES OF CONFIRMATION ... Sac 34 BLIND BOYS AND GIRLS Ch 34 FOURTH COMMANDMENT Com 34 FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES .... PPV 34 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feas'ts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac- Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Subjects for Various Sundays 39 Sundays in Lent First THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE WP 37 TRIALS BEFORE ANNAS AND CAIPHAS . Or 36 SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST ... Sac 36 JESUS AND THE DEVIL Ch 36 SPIRITUAL DUTIES TO PARENTS . . . Com 36 TEMPTATION PPV 36 Second .... HEAVEN MUST BE MINE WP 39 TRIALS BEFORE PILATE AND HEROD . Cr 38 PREPARATION AND- PROMISE OF EUCHARIST Sac 38 LITTLE FLOWER AND THE LINNET . . Ch 38 TEMPORAL DUTIES TO PARENTS . . . Com 38 EVIL PPV 38 Third .... CARRY THE CROSS WP 41 SCOURGING AND CROWNING Cr 40 THE PROMISE KEPT Sac 40 WHO MAKES THE KITE PLY Ch 40 SPIRITUAL DUTIES TO CHILDREN . . Com 40 HAIL, MARY PPV 40 Fourth .... MEAL PRAYER WP 43 WAY OP THE CROSS Cr 42 WHY COMMUNION? Sac 42 LITTLE CECILIA Ch 42 TEMPORAL DUTIES TO CHILDREN . . Com 42 HOLY MARY PPV 42 Passion Sunday . OBEDIENCE WP 45 THE CRICIPIXION Cr 44 WHY CHRIST COMES TO US Sac 44 HE PLAYED THE FLUTE Ch 44 DUTIES TO TEACHERS Com 44 VIRTUE IN GENERAL PPV 44 Palm Sunday . . OUR KING WP 47 HIS DYING WORDS Cr 46 EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS Sac 46 HONORING THE KING Ch 46 DUTIES OP TEACHERS Com 46 FAITH PPV 46 Good Friday . . THE DEATH OF CHRIST Cr 48 DISPOSITIONS FOR HOLY COMMUNION Sac 48 HE DIED FOR US Ch 48 CHRIST, MODEL OP OBEDIENCE . . . Com 48 CHARITY PPV 48 Easter BELLS OF VICTCMIY WP 49 HIS RESURRECTION Cr 50 EUCHARISTIC VICTORY Sac 50 THE BEST PART OF THE STORY . . . Ch 50 CHRIST, MODEL SUPERIOR Com 50 HOPE PPV 50 Sundays after Easter First LOCKED DOORS WP 51 DO MEN DIE FOR A LIE? Cr 52 VISITS AND VIATICUM Sac 52 JUST A PEANUT Ch 52 DUTIES OF THE FAITHFUL Com 52 PRUDENCE PPV 52 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks cm the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer. Precepts and Virtues 40 Subjects for Various Sundays Second .... GOOD SHEPHERD WP 53 FRUITS OF THE RESURRECTION . . . Cr 54 MEANING OF THE MASS Sac 54 THE SCOUTMASTER’S WHISTLE . . . . Ch 54 DUTIES OF PASTORS Com 54 JUSTICE PPV 54 Third .... A LITTLE WHILE WP 55 APPEARANCES OF CHRIST Cr 56 HOW TO HEAR MASS Sac 56 THE LIGHT IN THE WINDOW Ch 56 GOVERNMENT AND THE GOVERNED . Com 56 TEMPERANCE PPV 56 Fourth .... WHERE ART THOU GOING? WP 57 HIS DESCENT INTO HELL Cr 58 CEREMONIES OP THE MASS Sac 58 GOOD-BYE, GOD Ch 58 HEALTH OF BODY Com 58 FORlTITUDE PPV 58 Fifth .... PROVIDENCE WP 59 LESSONS OF THE ASCENSION Cr 60 SACRAMENT OP CONFESSION Sac 60 LOVE HIM BACK Ch 60 THOU SHALT NOT KILL Com 60 ZEAL PPV 60 Ascension .... ASCENSION OP OUR LORD WP 61 HIS HEAVENLY THRONE Cr 62 CONFESSION, A KEY TO HEAVEN ... Sac 62 JESUS IS UPSTAIRS Ch 62 DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN BODY . . . Com 62 THE POOR IN SPIRIT PPV 62 Sunday after Ascension PROPHECY WP 63 WHO IS THE HOLY GHOST Cr 64 THE PRIEST FORGIVES SIN Sac 64 THE PRETTIEST HANDS Ch 64 ANGER, HATRED, FIGHTING Com 64 THE MEEK PPV 64 Pentecost . . . LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT WP 65 GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST Cr 66 HOLY GHOST AND CONFESSION .... Sac 66 START A FIRE IN YOUR HEART . . . . Ch 66 TEMPERANCE Com 66 THEY WHO MOURN PPV 66 Trinity Sunday . THE SIGN OP THE CROSS WP 67 THE HOLY TRINITY Cr 68 RECIPIENT OF CONFESSION Sac 68 SAVED IN THE NICK OF TIME . . . . Ch 68 SCANDAL Com 68 WHO HUNGER AFTER JUSTICE .... PPV 68 Sundays After Pentecost Second .... THE LORD’S SUPPER WP 69 WHY RELIGION? Cr 70 EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE .... Sac 70 A BOY BRINGS COMMUNION Ch 70 THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT Com 70 THE MERCIFUL PPV 70 WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pcrs—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Taiks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Subjects for Various Sundays 41 Third Fourth . . . . Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth . . . . Ninth . . . . Tenth . . . . Eleventh . . . WP—With Parables Pers—Personality Plus OT—Occasional Talks Ch—Talks for Children PURITY IN THOUGHT THE PURE OF HEART INFALLIBILITY CHRIST FOUNDED CATHOLIC CHURCH VALUE AND NEED OF CONTRITION . THE PEACEMAKERS ANGER FIRST CATHOLIC TEACHER .... CONTRITION, INTERIOR AND SUPER- NATURAL COMPASSION WHAT IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? CHRIST FOUNDED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PURPOSE OP AMENDMENT . . . FOOLERS RIGHT TO OWN CONSCIENCE WASTE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT REQUIRES INFALLIBILITY FREQUENT CONFESSION GOD’S HOUSE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT FORBIDS NATURE OP SIN HUMILITY THEFT CEREMONIES . . GOVERNMENT OT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FRAUD WP 71 Cr 72 Sac 72 Ch 72 Com 72 PPV 72 WP 73 Cr 74 Sac 74 Ch 74 Com 74 PPV 74 WP 75 Cr 76 Sac 76 Ch 76 Com 76 PPV 76 WP 77 Cr 78 Sac 78 Ch 78 Com 78 PPV 78 WP 79 Cr 80 Sac 80 Ch 80 Com 80 PPV 80 WP 81 Cr 82 Sac 82 Ch 82 Com 82 PPV 82 WP 83 Cr 84 Sac 84 Ch 84 Com 84 PPV 84 WP 85 Cr 86 Sac 86 Ch 86 Com 86 PPV 86 WP 87 Cr 88 Sac 88 Ch 88 Com 88 PPV 88 Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals FL—Feasts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues 42 Subjects for Various Sundays Twelfth . . . Thirteenth Fourteenth . . Fifteenth . . . Sixteenth . . . Seventeenth . . Eighteenth . . Nineteenth . . Twentieth WP—With Parables Per*—Personality Plus OT—Occasional Talks Ch^Talks for Children BRUISED HEARTS MARKS OF THE CHURCH SATISFACTION FOR SIN DON’T BE STUPID GRAFT, BRIBERY. USURY COOPERATION IN SIN BOOST YOUR CHURCH UNITY OF THE CHURCH . CONFESSION MAKES DIFFERENCE . . SKIPPY EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE THE CAPITAL SINS HONESTY HOLINESS OF THE CHURCH INDULGENCES HE SAVED A ROBIN GAMBLING PRIDE PEAR OF THE LORD CATHOLICITY OP THE CHURCH . . . EXTREME UNCTION HOLD ON TIGHT PAY YOUR BILLS AVARICE PARISH SOCIABILITY CATHOLIC CHURCH IS APOSTOLIC . . EFFECTS OF EXTREME UNCTION . . . HIS PROUDEST DAY RESTITUTION LUST SELLING YOUR RELIGION AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH . . . . MEANING OP HOLY ORDERS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION GREED AND EXTRAVAGANCE . . . . ANGER JEALOUSY COMMUNION OP SAINTS TRAINING OP A PRIEST PAT HIM ON THE BACK GOOD NAME. TRUTH. LOVE GLUTTONY JUST BEFORE MARRIAGE FORGIVENESS OP SINS POWERS OF THE PRIEST GO HELP THE KING LYING ' ENVY EXTREME UNCTION DANCE OP DEATH MARRIAGE, A SACRAMENT PAY HIM BACK RASH JUDGMENT SLOTH WP 89 Cr 90 Sac 90 Ch 90 Com 90 PPV 90 91 Cr 92 Sac 92 Ch 92 Com 92 PPV 92 WP 93 Cr 94 Sac 94 Ch 94 Com 94 PPV 94 WP 95 Cr 96 Sac 96 Ch 96 Com 96 PPV 96 WP 97 Cr 98 Sac 98 Ch 98 Com 98 PPV 98 WP 99 Cr 100 Sac 100 Ch 100 Com 100 PPV 100 WP 101 Cr 102 Sac 102 Ch 102 Com 102 PPV 102 WP 103 Cr 104 Sac 104 Ch 104 Com 104 PPV 104 WP 105 Cr 106 Sac 106 Ch 106 Com 106 PPV 106 Cr—Talks on the Creed TM-^Talks on the Mass FL—Feasts of Our Lady Sac—Talks on the Sacraments Lent—With Christ Through Lent Sactls—TcUks on the Sacramentals Com—Talks on the Commandments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues Subjects for Various Sundays ^ Twenty-first . . SOCIAL JUSTICE WP 107 RESURRECTION OF THE BODY . . . . Cr 108 MARRIAGE, ONE AND UNBREAKABLE . Sac 108 THIEF, THIEF Ch 108 DETRACTION, SLANDER, CALUMNY . . Com 108 VIRTUE OF RELIGION PPV 108 Twenty-second . ATTENTION TO GOD WP 109 HEAVEN Cr 110 DUTIES OF MARRIED LIFE Sac 110 HE’S SAFE Ch 110 INSULT, FLATTERY, BOASTING .... Com 110 GOOD WORKS PPV 110 Twenty-third . THE IMMORTAL SOUL WP 111 PURGATORY Cr 112 SOME MARRIAGE LAWS Sac 112 A REAL FIGHTER Ch 112 TALE-BEARING AND SECRETS .... Com 112 PRAYER AND PASTING PPV 112 Twenty-fourth . PROBLEM OF PAIN .' WP 113 HOW TO HELP THE POOR SOULS . . . Cr 114 MIXED MARRIAGES Sac 114 OUT OF PRISON Ch 114 SATISFACTION FOR SINS OF SPEECH . Com 114 ALMSDEEDS PPV 114 Twenty-fifth . ACTUAL GRACE WP 115 HELL Cr 116 PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE .... Sac 116 GOD’S SBCRT SERVICE MEN Ch 116 NINTH COMMANDMENT Com 116 RULE OF LIFE PPV 116 Twenty-sixth . LAST JUDGMENT WP 117 PARTICULAR JUDGMENT Cr 118 YOUR FUTURE PARTNER Sac 118 GOD’S MOVIES Ch 118 TENTH COIVIMANDMENT Com 118 DAILY LIFE PPV 118 Twenty-seventh LAST JUDGMENT Cr 120 MARRIAGE CEREMONY Sac 120 FOREVER AND EVER Ch 120 LAST JUDGMENT Com 120 CATHOLIC ACTION PPV 120 AU Saints . . . WHO’S WHO IN HEAVEN WP 119 UNKNOWN SOLDIERS Cr 122 MARRIED SAINTS Sac 122 YOUR PAGE IN GOD’S BOOK Ch 122 ALL SAINTS Com 122 'THEY LEAD THE WAY PPV 122 Note: See IMMACULATE CONCEPTION and ASSUMPTION for sermons appropriate to those feasts. WP—With Parables Cr—Talks on the Creed Lent—With Christ Through Lent Pers—Personality Plus TM—Talks on the Mass Sactls—Talks on the Sacramentals OT—Occasional Talks FL—Feastts of Our Lady Com—Talks on the Commandments Ch—Talks for Children Sac—Talks on the Sacraments PPV—Prayer, Precepts and Virtues